Nelson Grapevine December 2011

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NELSON SCHOOL BOOK PAL PROGRAM ast year the Nelson School had its first Book Pal Program. This program is when people from our community volunteer to be a pen pal with a student at the Nelson School. The volunteers and students read a book and then discuss the book and other topics through letters. The Second Annual Book Pal Program will take place once again this year at Nelson School. This is very exciting news to those who took the opportunity to participate last year. If you missed out, be sure to let us know that you want to be a participant this year. We would love to have you sign up to be a book pal to one of our students. Last year we were treated to the classic The Secret Garden. It tied into our school theme of gardening. You may have noticed our beautiful flower beds in front of the school and bouquets of flowers distributed around town. (continued on page 8)


FRANK’S KITCHEN By Karen Tolman rank Upton’s gone now, along with his kitchen. But it wasn’t long ago that Barry often went down the road to Frank’s farmhouse to sit around his kitchen table. As Frank got older, Barry said that he was just checking up on the old man who then lived alone, but there was clearly something more. Something that not only enticed Barry, but enticed a host of friends and neighbors to gather around Frank’s scruffy old drop-leaf table. And, it certainly wasn’t the smell of the kerosene pot burner or yesterday’s fried liver (Frank liked it well done). Nor was it the stale and overflo w ing a s h t r a y hand-crafted by his good friend Boo Doore from Harrisville, or the sp are floatp lan e propeller propped up in the corner, or even the Remington pump-action deer rifle that hung in the spider webs over the kitchen window, under which a toaster fire had once charred its butt end. And it probably wasn’t the wind that howled off the lake through the north end of the house, often accompanied by mini-drifts of snow blowing into the kitchen.


“What it was,” Barry says, “was that the kitchen door was always open – that old door scratched by generations of dogs – it was always open and everybody was welcomed in by Frank. Mismatched mugs, chipped cups and tarnished spoons (even some sterling silver ones whose worn family monograms spoke of times past) were scattered among the paper clutter and the jar of instant coffee – perhaps a metaphor for the people often sitting around Frank’s kitchen table – some as mismatched and chipped as the mugs. That was the allure. You never knew who was going to be there. And there was always somebody there – an impressive c r o s s - s e c tio n o f humanity. Perhaps it was yesterd ay’s social media, but news got passed along around Frank’s table – the good with the bad. Stories that now make up a large part of our local lore were told (Frank was a master storyteller). People laughed and cried. This was a true gathering of community vitality where things were shared and ideas were born. Frank’s kitchen was a “happening” place, where a kind of grassroots democracy thrived. (continued on page 6)


N EW H AMPSHIRE P RIMA RY J AN UARY 10, 2012 Town Meeting Warrant Caucus February 7, 7:00 p.m. Nelson School District Meeting Friday, March 9 Nelson Town Meeting Tuesday, March 13

TOWN BUILDINGS COMMITTEE REPORT he Town Buildings Committee was re-started by the Selectmen over the summer. Lisa Sieverts is serving as Chair. Other members of the committee are Warren Hammack, Bud French, Tom Buttrick and Rob Germeroth. Progress has been slow this year but a few things have been accomplished:

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The Committee hosted several "walk-throughs" of the Town Hall, Old School House and Library for town residents in August. The point was to show the various challenges of these buildings as we seek creative solutions. Our Town Sexton completed basic structural maintenance under the Town Hall. The Committee developed a proposal, to be presented at Town Meeting on March 13, 2012, to spend a small sum next year to complete an architectural assessment, document space requirements, hold several public meetings to develop options, and receive a prioritized plan and budget. The Committee has submitted a grant application to the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance to pay for half ($3500) of that assessment. We'll know whether that grant will be received before Town Caucus on February 8th.

Contact Lisa Sieverts at 762-0235 or if you would like more information. Town Buildings Committee 2011-2012 Warren Hammock Bud French Rob Germeroth Tom Buttrick Lisa Sieverts



and Mount Monadnock to the south. From there it was a short bushwhack to the summit of Cobb Hill at 1868’. With leaves off the trees, there were views to the north and south through trees stunted by exposure to years of wind and cold. The group worked its way west and south over the high ground to return to the old road and return to the cars. There is plenty on Cobb to interest walkers: old roads, cellar holes, scenic views and numerous blueberry bushes that will make good snacking in season. The two committees will meet in January to figure out where any trails might be. Anyone wishing to join the fun should call Rick Church at 847-3206.

By Rick Church | elson and Harrisville Trails Committees and friends at the David Marshal home site. The Nelson Trails Committee is exploring Cobb Hill on the line between Nelson and Harrisville with the hope of laying out a network of trails. Several ancient roads and a Harris Center trail provide a good starting point. There are a number of early cellar holes in what was originally the southeast corner of Nelson. There should be circular walking routes available from both towns. The Harrisville and Nelson Trails Committees are working jointly on the project. The committees have walked the territory on two separate hikes covering about five miles in the process. Sunday, December 4th saw thirteen committee members and friends from both towns assemble at the end of Nelson’s Nubanusit Road for an afternoon’s exploration of Cobb Hill. The temperatures were in the forties; there was a brisk, cold wind on the high ridge and a skim of ice on some of the puddles in the road. Dressed in bright colors for the last day of deer season, the group followed old roads past the site of David Marshall’s home (1776) to a Harris Center trail up the side of Cobb Hill and a lookout with views of Lake Skatutake


Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ~Pietro Aretino




lease note these dates related to the upcoming Town Meeting in March 2012:

Candidate Filing: • Start date - January 25, 2012 • Close date - February 3, 2012 • There are two positions open for Selectmen Town Warrant Caucus: • Closing for warrant articles February 7, 2012 • Caucus meeting - Wednesday, February 8, 2012 School District Meeting: • Friday, March 9, 2012 Nelson Town Meeting: • Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Please note the change in hours for the Town Clerk. Town Clerk/Tax Collector 603-847-9043 • Tuesday ~ 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. • Thursday ~ 9:00 – 12:00


FROM MY ROCK by Don Bennett y rock sits about centered on a cleared path approximately fifty yards wide that runs through the towns of Sullivan, Nelson and Stoddard and myriad others either side of those towns, carrying electric power. The rock is about ten feet across in both directions and approximately four feet above the ground. There is a convenient step on the side and the rock is topped with a natural seat designed for my sitter. The terrain here is hilly and my rock sits on a high spot slightly lower than the next hill to the west but with a low draw between; a marshy area and small stream slowly meandering through. From this vantage point the view extends about a half mile westward to the top of the next hill with the marsh in between. This vista includes soft and hard woods - both thinned over most of the area from recent lumbering operations. There is ground and cover to satisfy the needs of any wild creature, winged or not, two or four footed of any size. Beech, oak and pine trees offer mast to satisfy squirrels, turkeys, deer, bears and others. New growth saplings and ground cover are abundant for browsers. Blackberries, blueberries and others are abundant for summer feed for two and four legged creatures of all sizes, with and without wings. Insects have their season also - in spring, about Mothers Day, the delicate, little black flies appear with a vengeance and can, for a time , make being outside less attractive. Their season lasts until about Fathers Day when the mosquitoes move in to keep us company. They seem to fade away to a minimum by mid summer to make room for the deer flies who offer a nasty bite. Fortunately the insect populations seem to be diminishing in recent seasons. But also unfortunately so does the


population of many of our birds who depend on abundant insect populations for survival. It is said by pessimists that New Hampshire has but two seasons - 4th of July and winter. That is an obvious misnomer, however, since there is also Memorial Day and Labor Day as well. But, I digress. The time at this special place has offered a variety of interesting experiences for me in all seasons and I would like to share some of them. Mostly time at my rock is early morning - sometimes before the sun is

fully up. Armed with at least my binoculars and, weather permitting, my camera, my path to my rock takes me around the millpond at the outlet of Granite Lake, along the west shore and up the Aten road. Sights and scenes abound both of flora and fauna - but tales of some of these at a later time.

There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmastime. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them. ~P.J. O'Rourke




Peep wedding at the Game of Village

GAME OF VILLAGE by Margaret Iselin

invite you all individually so that we could have seen even more of your faces and so that more of you could share in the fantastic fun. It was such a marvelous success and I was pleased to see such a big turnout. Each guest at the Mini-Fair is encouraged to create an insta-peep which is basically a clothespin dressed up to be a miniature person. I met up with my sister, Kerri, who eagerly exchanged American currency for “snips” and “snaps” (this summer's mini-money) while our daughters, Peri and Amelie, made peeps together at the peep table. We then experienced one form of miniature entertainment after another. Peri's peep took a ride on a miniature horse, Amelie's peep bought one. There was a mini-boxing ring where a commissioner’s peep, Mr. Peep T, was stationed to fight. Weighted mini-boxing gloves were offered to the opponent to make a fair fight. There was a waterslide, a t reb uch e t, ring toss, carousel sw in gs, a zipline, and my favorite: the rocket. The rocket was a 2-liter soda bottle Mini-fair peep pony rides.

'm remembering a summer day of play and a walk through the loveliest of woods. It was this past August 4 th. I had ridden my bicycle with my 2 ½-year-old daughter in the bike cart down to Village Field Farm to attend the first Nelson mini-fair since I was a kid. Having been up in Maine for the summer, I had not yet seen the miniature v illa g e c r e a t e d b y t h is year’s homesteaders, peeps, and commissioners and my excitement grew as we walked up the driveway at Kip and Sandy Mackenzies and were welcomed by a sign to Petiteborough (such a clever town name)! The Mini-Fair was w h ich was held at the back of a capped with a small field and was such c o m p a r t m e n t fun that I almost didn't f o r t h e make it to see the mini customer peep village itself which was to ride in. The through the woods a bit ho m esteader and down along the r u n n in g t h e brook. ride put water In the March 2011 into the bottle, issue of the Grapevine, set it on the we were lucky enough to launching pad, slide in an article which then pumped outlined the Game of on a bicycle Village kids sum mer Mini-fair peep refreshments. pump until the camp. The Mini-Fair bottle and its happens at the end of each Village camp session and is a celebration, an event for passenger(s) shot at an impressive speed the children (homesteaders) to work and a lovely trajectory 30+ feet (that's towards, and an opportunity for them to 720 mini-feet!) toward the sky. Amelie's peep rode over and over again. show off their achievements. And we must not forget to mention You were all invited by various the mini-snacks that were available for public postings, I wish the entire town of purchase and skillfully served by a few of Nelson would come – I wish we could




the homesteaders and their peeps. Imagine a most delightful selection of baked goods and the tastiest home-made lemonade and then add the delight of the tiny-ness of everything (including the loyally tended little booths where the peeps stand). Just as the poor hard-working staff

Peep house interior. was trying to wrap up their long day, I realized that I could have happily explored and played for another handful of hours down on the acre selected for the town of Petiteborough. I did get a nice little visit, though, and I'm so glad I did! A dreamier plot of land could not have been imagined. The care put into making a pathway that was both inviting to the visitors and unimposing to the visited was touching. The properties and homes created were as varied as the campers that played homesteader in that shady glade. So, with help from several local donors, Petiteborough relaunched the Village game successfully in Nelson this summer with several kids making use of our campership program. Next summer, we are glad to announce, we will be playing Village again at Village Field Farm! The camp dates are roughly set for July 2 – August 3 with the Mini-Fair scheduled for August 2nd. If anyone reading this has in m in d lik ely can did ates fo r homesteaders or commissioners for summer 2012 please call Kerri Terk at (415) 663-6042 or email


TOWN ARCHIVES TO BE PRESERVED By Susan Hansel he Town of Nelson Archives has recently received notice from the State Librarian, Michael York that a FY 2012 Conservation License Plate Grant in the amount of $5,322 has been awarded to the town for its proposed project “Nelson Town Records.” This grant will conserve, microfilm and digitize five books containing town records from 1802 to 1885. These books are in the original bindings, some pages are loose and the paper is discolored and crumbling. The contents include tax records and receipts, agreements and expense records for maintaining the town poor and a list of articles furnished by the committee for the poor farm. There is a list of jurors (1845-1875) and records




of School District No. 5 (1820-1856), data that can be found nowhere else. The digitized copies will be on the town website, available to all. These volumes contain important records of the small rural town we call Nelson, originally Packersfield, from the 19th century, revealing how the schools, poor farm, roads and tax records were part of the social fabric of the community. They list who lived in the town and who the officials were over a period of several decades. Thaddeus Barker, John Breed, Josiah Robbins, Nathaniel Griffin, and George Tolman, to name a few who were tax collectors, selectmen, and just ordinary citizens who paid taxes. The reports show what was needed to run a rural school, such as lots of cord wood purchased from several different in dividu a ls . T h e records tell us the amount of salary and board money paid to single female teachers in 12 week increments and where they roomed. The school meeting reports were signed by Joel Bancroft, John Yardley, Horatio O sgood, Lyman Stone, and Milan Harris, to name a few. There is a detailed list of items purchased for the Poor Farm giving us clear insight into what it took to maintain that facility even for a few years. In 1853,

the Overseer of the Poor Farm, Upton Burnap, bought 2 large rocking chairs, 2 clothes lines, 3 dozen clothes pins, 1 ox yoke and bows, 1 iron shod bed and 1 pail. The complete list of items purchased the year before takes several pages in the record book. The reports also give a detailed account of payments to Gad Newell, the first minister of Nelson, over the many years he was pastor. They give a list of the poor (before the farm was established), who took them in, and what the town paid for room and board. There are many entries listed to Dr. Nehemiah Rand, the town physician. Most importantly, these carefully written accounts indicate a commitment by the town to maintain these facilities, taking care of the poor and educating the children. Thanks to the many people who b uy the Mo o se Conservation License Plates that fund this grant for the protection and p r e s e r v a t io n o f materials that are important to the history of N ew Hampshire and to our beloved town of Nelson. Susan Hansel is the Assistant Archivist for theTown of Nelson.


nlike public radio and television fund-raisers, we don’t have a toll-free number for you to call or a nifty premium to offer, nor do we have corporate sponsorship; but we do need your financial support. The Grapevine- 2 is supported solely by donations from you, our readers. Our only costs are paper, printing, labels, and postage. Of course there’s also a lot of elbow grease involved! If you enjoy receiving the Grapevine, please use the enclosed envelope to send a contribution to:



Grapevine- 2 830 Nelson Road Nelson, NH 03457

ometimes holidays and vacations are not as peaceful as you had hoped. If your family spends these times fighting instead of enjoying each other, mediation may be helpful to you. Cheshire Mediation in Keene provides free parent/youth mediation services to all families in Cheshire County. Call Kate Kerman at 357-9673 for more information, or visit us online at


Many Thanks for Your Generous Donations!




FRANK’S KITCHEN (continued from page 1) Ray Oldenburg, author of The Great Good Place, would have called Frank’s kitchen a “third place”, where people gather and interact beyond the realms of home (1st place) and work (2nd place). This 20 year-old book spoke of the growing loss of such informal gathering spaces and the community disconnect that has resulted. In fact, folks at the Nelson Community Forum, held in September 2010, understood Oldenburg’s concerns, and shared some of the following thoughts: “There’s no place to talk about day-to-day happenings” “We need a place to ‘hang out’” “There’s little communication around what already exists” “We need a common place where we can ‘bump into’ others” This th em e repeated itself throughout the Community Forum weekend. The town is crying out for “third places”. While many wonderful “events” exist in Nelson that bring us together – first Tuesday teas, first Thursday potlucks, NELS luncheons, ice cream There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmastime. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them. ~P.J. O'Rourke


socials, etc., – many still seem to hunger for spontaneous gathering places in neutral spaces. Some of us may seek that place in our amazing library, while others may seek that place in one of the general stores in our neighboring towns, where people gather to sit for a cup of coffee, so m e frien dly conversation and community. Folks at this end of town often seek the community of The Harrisville Store, where we not only ‘bump into’ our Nelson neighbors, but also have a chance to swap news an d ideas w ith o ur Harrisville neighbors. The Store is a gem among general stores, and in its own special way, it answers the call of Frank’s kitchen. When the chairs around Frank’s kitchen table would break down, they were relegated to his no-longer-used front parlor to gather dust. However, a replacement would

somehow emerge (sometimes even an antique Chippendale) from that same abandoned parlor – perhaps another metaphor for the allure of Frank’s kitchen. It was a social equalizer, not only for his chairs, but also for the people who sat in them. Even though I know that most of Frank’s chairs burned up in his house fire, every time I go to The Harrisville Store, I like to imagine that a few of them were rescued from the charred remains, fixed up and passed along to the Store, where they live on in the spirit of Frank’s kitchen. PS: Where is your third place? (Copies of the Forum Final Report are available for download at

MONADNOCK FOLKLORE SOCIETY CONTRA DANCES he Monadnock Folklore Society Second Saturday Dances in the Nelson Town Hall will be continuing throughout the winter. The hall opens at 7:30 p.m. with a workshop for newcomers to learn some basic steps or a refresher for folks who might not have danced for a while. The main dance starts at 8:00 p.m. and goes until 11:00 p.m. Admission is $8 for adults and $6 for senior citizens and students. Questions about the dance? Call Lisa Sieverts at 762-0235.


Upcoming Schedule Date



Dec. 10

Mary Wesley

Carey Bluhm, Gordon Peery, Max

Jan. 14

Lisa Sieverts

Roger Treat, Gordon Peery

Feb. 11

Adina Gordon

Trip to Nelson

Mar. 10

Luke Donforth


Check out the MFS web site for calendar information for many folk music and dance events in the greater Monadnock Region (not just Nelson activities). The site is regularly updated with new articles, local lore, profiles of musicians, and recordings.



NELLS LUNCHEONS he NELLs (NElson Ladies Luncheon) meet for lunch during the fall and winter just to socialize, exhange news and ideas and enjoy a get-together at a different restaurant each month. (No casserole required!) It is an opportunity for women in Nelson to join those who work in Keene during the post barbeque, icecream social, and picnic season when we tend to see each other less often. There is no membership, everyone is welcome. All you need is a reservation so we can be sure there is a place for you. The December date was this past Wednesday, but look for the next NELLS Luncheon in January. It is usually on the first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome and we hope you will join us---with reservations---by return email or call Bert at 847-9945 or Priscilla at 847-3264.


CHRISTMAS BAZAAR M u n s o n v ille La d ie s Gro u p An n u a l C o u n try C h ris tm a s B a za a r he Munsonville Ladies Group will hold its annual Country Christmas Bazaar, Saturday, December 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Chapel by the Lake, 529 Granite Lake Road(Old Route 9). We will have the usual Knit & Crochet, Sewing, Christmas, Miscellaneous, Bake Sale & Jam & Jelly Tables, and the Cookie Walk. New this year will be a silent auction of 5 items: a wood-framed 15x24 water color of a hump back whale; a 4' diameter wreath in purple hues; a 54x29 double layered, fringed, fleece throw; hand embroidered



CLAUDIA SCHMIDT & SALLY ROGERS IN CONCERT Nelson Town Hall Friday, January 13, 8:00 PM Admission $15 in advance (online), $18 at the door ($15 for seniors, students) more info and tickets: ally and Claudia met in the fabulous Folkie 80s for the first time, and immediately developed a deep friendship and musical collaboration. This led to lots of joint touring as well as 2 CDs together before Sally left the road to raise a family. Throughout, they have maintained the friendship and the musical connection, albeit restricted to a couple concerts a year, when Claudia’s out East or Sally’s back in the Midwest for a family reunion. Last year they had such a good time with their New


pillow and pillow cases; and a rose leaded crystal vase with an overlay of silver dragon flies. Also new this year, a raffle of themed Christmas gift baskets. A light soup and sandwich lunch featuring chili, vegetable soup, corn chowder, and clam chowder will be available from 11:00 AM. The Tea & Dessert Table will be open at 9:00 AM. This is the one fund raiser of the year which we do to finance our community projects. Proceeds will be used to help local families in times of crisis, purchase clothing for needy children, help fund educational trips for Munsonville and Stoddard school children, support mission trips, and help the Chapel buy heating oil. For more information call Charlotte, 847-3212.

England concert that they decided right then and there to record a new CD including songs they’ve been adding to their repertoire over the decades (2, to be exact, since their last release!)as well as some brand new ones just for this project. They continue to have an amazing ease onstage together (as well as a lot of double dulcimer!) and an exquisite blend when they put their harmonic wits together. Come and get a sneak preview of what they have up their musical sleeves.

COMMUNITY HOLIDAY SING ALONG ome join us at the Community Holiday Sing-Along at the Nelson Elementary School on Monday, December 19th, from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. in the school’s Multi-Purpose Room.


NELSON TOWN BAND CONCERT here will a concert at the Nelson Town Hall on Sunday, December 18, at 4:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to hear this wonderful holiday gift to Nelson.



Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there. - Mickey Friedman



ecember 9, 2011: (7:30 pm) Union Congregational Church 33 Concord Street, Peterborough

December 10, 2011: (7:30 pm) First Baptist Church 105 Maple Avenue, Keene P AGE 7

Christ in their own ways. If you would like to attend worship we encourage you to share this holy day with a neighboring congregation. C h a p e l-b y - th e - La ke

CHURCH NEWS N e ls o n C o n g re g a tio n a l C h u rc h n Sunday, December 11, New Members will be welcomed into our church fam ily during worship. Following worship the Church council will be meeting. Rehearsals are on in earnest for this year’s Christmas Pageant under the direction Becky Snow and Jane Beauregard. The pageant will be presented during worship on Sunday, December 18th. Each year we have a “Giving Tree” in the narthex upon which are tags with suggestions for gifts for a needy child in ours or a nearby community. Gifts are to be dropped off at the church by Sunday December 18, wrapped and in a bag with the tag attached to the bag. This year our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be officiated by Rev. Bill Beardslee as Dawn and her family will be spending Christmas with her mother in Berkino Faso, Africa. Please come and join us for this traditional and festive service at 7 PM Saturday, December 24. On Christmas Day there will be no worship service to allow families to recognize and celebrate the birth of


I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. ~Charles Dickens


Saturday, December 10 at 9:00 am come and do your Christmas shopping at the Munsonville Ladies Annual Country Christmas Bazaar. There will be a Silent Auction for a watercolor, a fleece blanket, an indoor/outdoor Christmas Wreath and a crystal vase. There will be tables of Christmas Ornaments, knitted items, hand crafts, and miscellaneous items. There will also be a lunch from 11am – 1pm. Come and share Christmas Eve with us at 6:30p.m. Visit our website at:

SCHOOL BOOK PALS (continued from page 1) This year our theme is “making the world a better place”. The book selected is the ever popular children’s classic, Anne of Green Gables. Part of our school curriculum is learning about our community. We believe that our children should have an awareness of their town and the people who are their neighbors. Wonderful stories were exchanged between book pals last year. Students have much to gain from you, and you from the children. Our Book Pal project will begin the first week of January. Community book pals will have the opportunity to exchange several letters about the book before meeting their student pals at our culminating celebration which will be held during the week of February 6-10. Last year was such a success! We will need twenty-five adult volunteers. If we have more names than we need, we will pull from a hat. Make a difference in the life of a Nelson School student and join us in this program. Please respond by December 16th to Kim Keating at or Nelson School at 847-3408.


NELSON EVENTS December 10, 2011: • Annual Country Christmas Bazaar (9:00 am) • Contra Dance | Mary Wesley ~ caller | Music by Carey Bluhm, Max Nunnemaker, Gordon Peery (8:00 pm) December 13, 2011: • Library Trustees Meeting (7:00 pm) December 17, 2011: • Nelson Solstice Party (7:00 pm) December 18, 2011 • Nelson Town Band, (4:00 pm) December 19, 2011: • Library Book Group ~ The Floor of Heaven: A True Tale of the Last Frontier and the Yukon Gold Rush (10:30 am) • Nelson School | Community Holiday Sing Along (1:30 pm) December 31, 2011: • Pancake Breakfast at the School (8:00 am) January 9, 2012: • Nelson PTO Meeting (6:45 pm) January 10, 2012: • Library Trustees Meeting (7:00 pm) January 13, 2012: • Concert with Sally Rogers and Claudia Schmidt | Town Hall (8:00 pm) February 6, 2012: • Nelson PTO Meeting (6:45 pm) February 11, 2012: • Contra Dance | Adina Gordon ~ Caller | Music by Trip to Nelson (8:00 pm) February 14, 2012: • Library Trustees Meeting (7:00 pm) February 17, 2012: • Children 's Stage A dventures Performance (5:00 pm) March 5, 2012: • Nelson PTO Meeting (6:45 pm) March 10, 2012: • Contra Dance | Luke Donev ~ Caller | Music by Celticladda (8:00 pm) For more information on all of these events check the Town Of Nelson Website at


placed on the following items: • Reference materials • Non-circulating materials • Materials marked "Lib Use Only" at other libraries

COMPUTER ACCESS TO LIBRARY books and Audiobooks through NH Downloadable Books on O v e rd riv e ( are now available to check out for all patrons of the Olivia Rodham Memorial Library who have a home computer with internet access and library card. When you click onto the link in the upper right hand corner you will be taken to the O v e rd riv e page, where it is suggested that you take a tour or go to the help button before your first download. In order to access ebooks and audiobooks it is VERY IMPORTANT that the additional software be downloaded onto your com puter through the Overdrive site. You will need to create an account using your library card number. For quick reference, you can access the How-To Guide. When you are ready to download a b o o k c a l l o r e m a i l ( the library for your library number. For anyone who is hesitant about accessing overdrive, or is having any issues or problems, feel free to contact Kris at the library who will try to walk you through the process.


R e s e rv in g Lib ra ry M a te ria l lacing a request via computer for an item in the library is a handy option that Nelson residents have. When you place a request on a book, video or other library material, your name is put on a list of people waiting for the item. When the item becomes available, you will be contacted by phone or mail. Please note that requests cannot be



You may reserve materials in several ways: • by accessing the library catalog from your home computer • by using the online catalog within the library • by filling out a request form at the service desks while at the library • by calling on the phone (847-3214 ) To Reserve Library Materials Online: • Search the catalog for the item you are interested in on the home page • ( c/signin?libraryname=nelson) • Click on "Request Hold”on the right hand side of the page. • Enter your information Reserve Pickup: The Olivia Rodham Memorial Library protects your privacy and any book that is being held for you will only be given to you. However, if someone presents your card, the library will assume that you have consented to the transaction and we will release the item to another person. N e w B o o ks e always have new items available to read. Some recent items are: Adult Fiction: Beachcombers, by Nancy Thayer Don't Blink, by James Patterson Duma Key, by Stephen King Magician King and The Magicians, by Lev Grossman My Name is Mary Sutter, by Robin Oliviera Ghost Lights, by Lydia Millet The Woodcutter, by Reginald Hill The Dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman Adult Non Fiction: This Life is in Your Hands, by Melissa Coleman Naturally Curious: a Photographic Field Guide and month-by-month journey through the fields, woods, and marshes of New England, by Mary Holland ; original artwork by Chiho Kaneko. If you ask me ( and of course you won't), by Betty White



Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, by Nina Sakovitch Orchard: a Memior, by Theresa Weir Rin Tin Tin: the Life and Legend, by Susan Orlean King Arthur Whole Grain Baking Kids Books: Inheritance, by Christopher Paolini Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale, by Carmen Deedy I Want My Hat Back ,by Jon Klassen How To Save A Life, by Sara Zarr ….....and even more, so come to the library!

MEALS ON WHEELS IN NELSON dedicated group of volunteers takes healthy hot meals out to elders in our community who might otherwise not have a well balanced meal each day. Volunteers pick up the Meals on Wheels at the Sullivan Store and distribute them to six different people in town. This service is available to those who are over 65 who might have difficulty preparing meals of their own. Hot meals are delivered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. An extra frozen meal is also distributed on Monday and Wednesday to be heated by the recipient on Tuesday and Thursday. Not only does this provide nutritious food for those who might otherwise not make a balanced meal for themselves, but it builds relationships within town as the volunteers take a few moments to check in with and chat with those who receive the meals. This service is provided by Home Health Care and Community Service and by volunteers from the Nelson community. A donation of $2 per meal is accepted if people are able, but no fee is charged for this service. Candyce Fulford is our coordinator making sure that volunteers are signed up for each delivery. If you know of anyone who would like to receive Meals on Wheels please call 352-2253 to sign up for the program. We hope that more people will be interested in receiving Meals on Wheels so please spread the word!



LOCAL SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS For Sale C u s to m Wo o d e n Jig s a w P u zzle s From your artwork, photos, prints, etc. Call David Beffa-Negrini at Fool's G old®, 827-9825 o r em ail: Gra n ite La ke M a p le P ro d u c ts - Pure NH Maple syrup by Nick Barrett, 66 Old Towne Road, Nelson, NH, 03457. 603-847-3457. Email: granitelakemapleproducts@ N e ls o n g ro w n y a rn , fle e c e and roving from our flock of Romney sheep. Also available are knitting kits and finished products: scarves, hats, mittens, blankets, etc. Call Susan Weaver 847-9763 H id d e n B irc h Fa rm - Chevon (Goat Meat) raised on our farm, choice of cuts; meat chickens & Thanksgiving Turkeys. Farm fresh eggs; Livestock Fence installation - 96 Nubanusit Rd - Tiger & G igi Batch elder 827-2950; Personal Services Sh ia ts u I s B a c k! Compassionate, excellent body work. Healing for all ages. 30+ years experience. Carol Raynsford 847-3443. T a le n te d y o u n g w o m a n will help you with your childcare needs, office needs, clerical needs, housecleaning needs, or other miscellaneous projects. Call Gwyneth Tolman 827-4194 Other H a rris v ille C h i l d re n ' s C e n t e r year-round programs for children 6 weeks to 6 years old. 827-3905. Writin g Le s s o n s -Will teach you, child or adult, to write better than you do now. Ph.D. Tufts, taught writing at Tufts and Harvard Extension. Elizabeth Chapman Hewitt. 847-3118 or 401-2666

Fo r R e n t – Seasonal Cottage right on Granite Lake Call 603-847-3277 or 304-594-3539

Ga rd e n in g , cleaning, animal care. Organic vegetables in season and cut flowers - Barbara Fraser, 847-9555.

Art Le s s o n s - for children and adults. Watercolor, oil, composition, and drawing. Summer/Fall. Beginner thru advanced instruction. Marylise Reilly Fajal, 847-3382 or 355-7337.

Ga rd e n in g , pretty, manicured lawns, spring and fall clean-up, brush & chainsaw work Owen Iselin- 933-0680.

N e w En g la n d Artis a n s St u d io - Visit our online studio where crafts people and artisans throughout New England have the opportunity to present their creations: Building, etc. Eth a n T o lm a n - Excavating, bulldozer, truck, loader/tractor work. Field, driveways, building, moving. Years of experience. 827-3414 N e w h o m e s , decks, kitchens, and baths - Remodeling our specialty. Nubanusit Building and Remodeling. Ron Trudelle, 827-3251. Exc a v a tio n - Septic Systems, Driveways, Site work, and Foundations, Trucking, Plowing and Sanding: Phil Hamilton 847-3288 Ad d itio n s , renovations, remodeling, barns, - Steven Reilly. 847-3382 or 3557337. R e s id e n tia l P a in te rs - Interior, exterior. Experienced, reasonable, reliable. Heidi Tompkins and Tal Gregory. 847-0000

Home Services

Music M u s ic f o r w e d d in g s and other occasions - New England country dance music, folk, blues, jazz. Nat Hewitt 847-3067. M u n s o n v ille Au d io Location & Studio Recording / Sound Reinforcement. Pro-grade mixing, high resolution digital recording, microphones & signal processing coupled to custom monitor mixes and an extremely powerful yet well mannered FOH sound system. High quality recordings expertly mixed, mastered & made ready for distribution. D em o recordings a specialty. 603 499-2904 Web: www.MunsonvilleAudio.Com EMail: CJLeake@MunsonvilleAudio.Com M u s ic Le s s o n s - Banjo, Bass, Electric Guitar and Acoustic Guitar. Rock and Roll, Bluegrass, Country Western, Folk. All levels. Ages 12 to 112. Teaching music for 20+ years. Jonathan Smith 827-3036

R u b b is h re m o v a l Granite Lake Services, Ed Schillemat, 847-3290. R e c y c lin g - I can take #1 & #2 plastic (no tops), glass, tin, aluminum; all commingled. Don’t put recyclables in the trash. Let me take them away. Trevor King 313-6446

***Note: Grapevine ads are free to local residents. P le a s e in f o rm u s if y o u n e e d to c h a n g e o r d e le te a n a d . Thanks.

F o r R e n t – Granite Lake summer cottage. Call Mable Bergeron, (603) 363-8086.


SP C o m m Sta rp o w e r - Home TV and Satellite Systems, High Speed Internet access, 2-w ay R adio , So un d R e in f o r c e m e n t , H o m e T h e a t r e w w w .ST A R P O W E R o r



You will find hours for offices, calendar items, link to the Nelson School website, and other appropriate links. he next issue of the Grapevine-2 will Visit today! You will be back again be published at the end of February when you see the quantity and quality of before Nelson Town Meeting. If the information. you have submissions for this issue, please have them to Beth Williams by February 17. You m ay em ail submissions (preferred) to or mail them to 75 Log Cabin Road, Nelson, NH, 03457. If you have questions you may call 847-9064. And remember.... you may view the Grapevine in color on the Town of elson residents should know that N e l s o n w e b s i t e a t there is a low-cost legal clinic open in Keene now. It is run by the non-profit organization, Community Legal Services. Appointments are scheduled for Fridays only. You can get help with a case or with paperwork, make a will or deed, a n d m o r e . S e e m o re in fo a t : or call our ave you visited the Town of friendly staff at 1-888-696-3393 Nelson website lately or at all? This site has all the latest news and stories of Nelson as they happen. Our webmaster, Gordon Peery and Candyce Fulford of Moving In Step keep the information flowing and up-todate.


A Nelson Directory


Emergency (Mutual Aid) . . . . . . . . . . 911 All fire, illness, and accident calls Selectmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-0047 Old Brick Schoolhouse; Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon Wednesday, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Meeting Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon Bud French, Margaret Schillemat, Warren Hammack Town Clerk/Tax Collector . . . . 847-9043 Old Brick Schoolhouse, Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 noon, Tuesday, 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon Teri Upton - Town Clerk(Notary Public) Edith Notman - Deputy Town Clerk Town Administrative Asst. . . . . 847-0047 Joan Bosely Planning Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-9082 Old Brick Schoolhouse 2 nd Thursday, 7 p.m. David Voymas, Chair Zoning Board-Adjustment . . . . 847-3403 Old Brick Schoolhouse 1 st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Richard Popovic Chair Highway Department . . . . . . . . 847-9705 Mike Tarr, at Town Barn Fire Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-9045 Rick Lothrop Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352-1291 Richard Pratt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief Building Sexton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933-0680 Owen Iselin State Representatives, District 24: Anne S. Cartwright Tara A. Sad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lucy Weber State Senator, District 7 & 8: Andy Sanborn Supervisors of the Checklist . . . 847-3206 Betsey Church, Chair, Susan Peery, Carol Newcombe Olivia Rodham Memorial Library . . . . . . . . . . 847-3214 Kris Finnegan, Librarian HOURS Monday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tues, Wed, Thurs 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Nelson School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-3408 School Board - 3 rd Thursday, 4 p.m. at Nelson School Kelly French, Mike Cornog, Betsy Street Conservation Commission . . . . 847-9995 Bud French, Chair Youth Groups: Cub Scouts Boy Scouts, Rich Crow . . . . . . . 827-3521





M u s ic Le s s o n s Allison Aldrich & Hunt Smith. Voice, Fiddle, Guitar, Ukulele, 5 String Banjo, Mandolin, Recorder, Beginning Piano, Accordion, Concertina, Flute A relaxed, friendly atmosphere where you can learn to sing or play the instrument you have always wanted to master. Call: 603-209-3304 Email: Nelson, NH


G RA PEVINE -2 Grapevine-2 is a quarterly newsletter serving the Nelson/Munsonville community and is sponsored by the Nelson Congregational Church. It is made possible mostly by voluntary donations from readers, with some supplementary assistance from the church. Should donations exceed costs, the surplus goes to the church. Contributions of articles, ideas, photos, or art are always welcome. To contact the Grapevine-2, call Elizabeth Williams (Beth) at 847-9064, or email to:, or snailmail to: Grapevine-2 75 Log Cabin Road Nelson, NH 03457 Grapevine-2 Committee& Friends: Hope Lothrop Kelly French Bert Wingerson Beth Williams Susan Hansel


The Grapevine- 2 is printed by our friends at Red Ball Press at Keene State College, Keene, NH

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