How to Prepare Your NIOS D.El.Ed. Assignment Answers (2018)

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How to Prepare your NIOS D.El.Ed. Assignment Answers (2018) Format of DELED Assignment 2017-18 Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS’ D.El.Ed. Assignment (2018)

If you wish to succeed in NIOS D.El.Ed exams then you must religiously prepare and submit assignments in time. These assignments carry weight age in counting of the final marks as you will learn so just preparing for exams is not enough. You also need to study, prepare and submit NIOS D.El.ED assignments in time.

Details of NIOS D.El.ED Assignments  You must know details of the DELED assignments that are 27 in number split further.  You will need to finish and submit three course based assignment, two theory based assignments and one practical assignment that carry 30 percent marks for each course.  Practical based DELED assignments carry 10 per cent weightage while theory based assignments have 20 per cent weightage towards the final marks.

 There are no options. You must complete assignment as assignment and submit it to the chosen study centre nearest to you on or before the specified date in the specified format.

Submission dates The last date for submission of assignments is 31st July 2018 for those appearing for NIOS D.El.ED exams October/November 2018.

Tips to Prepare and Write NIOS D.El.ED. Assignments for Success

Read each question with care Read each question and understand it thoroughly before writing the NIOS D.El.ED assignment answers. Refer to study materials You can download free NIOS D.El.ED. Assignment but it may be of limited help to just show you how to answer assignments. It is a good idea to get GPH solved assignment books for NIOS D.El.Ed. on various topics that will give you an even better idea and the knowledge to answer questions just right. Easily Understandable Short and Simple Answer Write using short sentences when you sit down to write NIOS D.El.ED assignment answers. Do not be verbose or try to show off your language

skills. The answer should be pointed and be on topic. Paragraph should not be too long and each Para should dwell on one single idea. Follow a logical line of through and lead to a good conclusion. Include examples if possible. Stick to word limit Do not think that long answers will get you more marks. Examiners have to go through hundreds of papers and if they see an answer that exceeds prescribed word limit they may react negatively. Always stay within the word limit with concise and to the point answers. However, keep in mind that all details should be included in the answer. Also, pay attention to grammar and spelling. You can information about word limits from GPH assignment writing books for NIOS DELED. Opt for typed copies IGNOU, for instance, insists that students submit handwritten assignments. However, NIOS may not be that strict. If your handwriting is not that legible you can type out your assignment in a word processor, format it properly with double spacing and one to 1.5 inch margins and bind it. This way you do not have to worry that illegible handwriting could result in lower marks. You need to print your name, address, enrolment number and data on top right hand corner of first page and the cause title and assignment code in the centre of the page. Print on good quality paper. If you choose to write by hand then choose foolscap ruled paper.

Do not forget to get GPH NIOS D.El.ED solved assignments in Hindi or English to help you succeed!

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