IGNOU Management Aptitude Test - A Few Facts If you wish to pursue IGNOU post graduate diploma in business management you will first need to pass the OPENMAT exam to get admission. OPENMAT is like other management aptitude tests conducted by other universities and institutions. It is slightly better in the sense that there is no negative marking but you still need to score high to be considered for selection. This is but just one fact. There are other facts you might consider knowing.
Syllabus Like any other exam, OPENMAT or IGNOU management aptitude test follows a pattern of sub-topics. The precise syllabus may not be defined but the main sections are General awareness (30 marks), English language (50 marks), Quantitative Aptitude (50 marks) and Reasoning (70 marks). There are 200 questions in all to be completed in 3 hours which means you have less than a minute to pick the right answer for each question. It is better to get IGNOU MBA books 2018 and also previous years OPENMAT solved question papers to know the pattern and to prepare. Provided you pass the test you must know the study pattern. One thing students have to do is to submit hand written assignments on a regular basis. For this the best help is IGNOU MBA assignments from GPH Book. It is a shortcut to success.
OPENMAT is conducted twice a year You need not worry about exams. They are held twice a year so if you are not prepared right now, you can always get GPH Book IGNOU OPENMAT books and prepare for the aptitude test.
Which section to focus on?
Quantitative aptitude is mainly about maths so, if you are good at it, focus on this and solve previous year’s papers to be able to complete all questions in shortest time. If your forte is English then learn about grammar, improve vocabulary and composition and become good at this. In short, know what your strong points are and focus on them while working to address your weaker points. When you appear for the exams try the section which is the easiest and complete it fast so you have more time for more challenging sections and questions. You have to keep in mind that you must complete maximum questions and get answers right. Get GPH Book MBA entrance guidebook to help you be better prepared for IGNOU MBA entrance exam.
Also refer CAT and GMAT IGNOU MBA entrance exam follows almost the same style as CAT and GMAT so you can also work on these to be better prepared. If you have already passed these then you need not appear for IGNOU MBA entrance test. You may be given direct admission and you can get to studies by buying GPH Book MBA assignments and MBA books. You can get the application form directly from IGNOU Delhi or from their regional centers upon payment of fees. You must submit filled in application form well before the last date along with requisite entrance exam fees for IGNOU MBA. If you pass you are called for interview and group discussion. If you succeed here then you will be considered for admission. If you have completed IGNOU post graduate diploma in business management you may not need to appear for OPENMAT.