Khaleejieh issue 71 English

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for Petrochemicals

On the occasion of Bahraini Women’s Day ... GPIC honours female staff

Under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa ... GPIC starts the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit

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Under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa ... GPIC starts the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit

On the occasion of Bahraini Women’s Day GPIC honours female staff

GPIC Managing Director attends Launching of a new Joint Operating Company

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GPIC takes part in the 4th Annual Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association Conference

GPIC takes part in the Inauguration of LLDPE Plant in Qatar

Grand Ceremony marks GPIC’s Glorious 30 years

GPIC celebrates the Bahrain National Day

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Under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa ... GPIC starts the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit Under the patronage of H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman, GPIC celebrated the opening of its environmm mentally friendly Carbon Diom oxide Recovery (CDR) Unit, located at GPIC’s headquartm ters in Sitra.

The event which took place on 24 December was attm tended by H.E. Mr. Anwm war Salama, GPIC Deputy Chairman, H.E. Mr. Yousef Al-Zamel, Managing Directm tor, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, Members of the Board of Dirm rectors and Executive Manam agement.

Representatives of the Japanm nese Mitsubishi Heavy Indm dustries Ltd. (MHI), Tecnimm mont of Italy, sub-contractor Mechanical Contracting and Services Company (MCSC) of Bahrain and other highranking guests, were present at the opening ceremony of the CDR Unit which is aimed at cutting down greenhouse

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gas emissions and improving overall efficiency. On the occasion, H.E. Shaikm kh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa praised this important projem ect stating that GPIC is the

first petrochemical company in the Middle East to have constructed a CDR Unit using such environmentallm ly friendly technology. The recovery unit can capture 450 metric tons of Carbon

Dioxide per day, which will be used as feedstock for the Urea and Methanol synthesis processes. The technology can recover approximately 90% of the

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Carbon Dioxide in flue gas. He added that this project confirms the company’s polim icy to preserve the environmm ment by reducing humancaused global warming and the severe increases in the earth’s temperatures, which lead to disastrous environmm mental consequences. In a speech on the occasion, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his overwhelming joy on the opening of the CDR Unit, which coincided with the country’s celebratm tions of the 10th anniversary of His Majesty the King’s accm cession to the throne and the 38th Bahrain National day. In his statement, Mr. Jawahm hery highlighted the significm cant importance of this projem

ect saying that GPIC is the first petrochemical company to use a special system desm signed in Japan for disposal of such waste. He stated that this new technology would reduce Carbon Dioxide emissm sions responsible for climate change and will contribute to the global co-operation aimed at protecting the envm vironment. The Carbon dioxide recovery plant is aligned with Bahrm rain’s Economic Vision 2030 and also coincides with GPIC being selected as the first officm cial partner for the ( UNEP )Climate Conference held recm cently in Copenhagen. In cooperation with Abu Dhabi Future Energy Compm pany (Masdar), GPIC is

planning to register the projem ect within the UN clean indm dustry programme In a speech on the occasion, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery extm tended his thanks and regards to H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman, who has been the catalyst behind this new technology from day one. He praised the wise vision of the Members of Board of Dirm rectors and their unwavering dedication and invaluable contribution to the global co-operation aimed at protm tecting the environment.

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CDR CDR GPIC Honours CDR Team In the presence of the visim

iting officials, Mr. Abdulrm rahman Jawahery voiced his appreciation to the project team who supervised and followed the construction of the Unit, which was compm pleted safely and successfully within schedule and budget. It is worth mentioning that the project, which was consm structed according to the most advanced technological systems, cost US dollars 55 million and was completed in a record period of time by employing the technolom ogy provided by Mitsubism shi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) and Tecnimont (ICB) of Italy. Mr. Jawahery concluded by saying that GPIC boasts having very qualified Bahraini manpower that have proven they can deal with any sort of expansion projects in the future in order to maintain and enhance the company’s progress and development.

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GPIC increases Methanol and Urea production The captured carbon dioxim

ide from the new CDR Unit will will be used as feedstock for Urea and Methanol and will increase the Methanol production up to 120 metric tons per day, while Urea prodm duction will be able to achieve a total production of 80 metrm ric tons per day. The project is aligned with the efforts exerted by the Nationam al Oil and Gas Authority to regulate uses of Natural Gas due to limited quantities of this significant feedstock. However, CDR plant will not only increase production, it will also help preserve the envm vironment and such balance will surely deliver additional economic value to Bahrain and will boost a civilized imam age of the country’s industrial entities. The project will help increase production without increasim ing the consumption of Naturm ral Gas.

Sustainable Human Development approach in GPIC’s Carbon Dioxide Recovery Plant Since utilisation of every courses and visited similar ounce of the raw materials is of fundamental importance to the company; the environmentally friendly CDR will help make optimum use of raw materials, and protect the environment at the same time. The CDR unit reflects the high profile that clean industry has reached in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Highlighting the significance of this mega petrochemical project, the GPIC official said that such plant delivers additional economic value to Bahrain, adding that the company has worked hard during the past two years to train Bahraini manpower and qualify them to run the facility.

plants in a number of developed countries such as United States, Japan, France and Italy. It is worth mentioning that suppliers and manufacturers in these countries have provided professional training sessions for all employees of the new plant in order to qualify them to operate it according to the latest techniques.Such training sessions and field visits have enriched the employees’ knowledge, experience and skills.

Trained Bahraini manpower played a very instrumental role in the construction of the CDR Unit and proven that major engagements can be handled very proficiently GPIC employees have by Bahraini nationals received intensive training

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Woman’s Day Day Woman’s

On the occasion of Bahraini Women’s Day

GPIC honours female staff In an effort to encourage the Al Khalifa, Executive Directm organised by the GPIC Ladies

Bahraini Women’s Day initiatm tive of H.R.H. Princess Sabm beeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifm fa, wife of H.M. the King and Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), a special function was held under the patronage of H.H. Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa

tor of inJAz Bahrain at the GPIC Club to mark this specm cial occasion. The Bahraini Women’s Day celebration is aimed at promoting and protm tecting equal rights and oppm portunities for women in all educational programmes and other activities. The event was

Working Committee in honom our of the company’s female employees. The gathering entitled “My Achievements”, was held on Sunday 6 December 2009 and was attended by the company’s General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery,

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Woman’s Day Woman’s Day

senior officials and female staff members. The day celebm brated the life of the Bahraini woman, who has been able through great strides and detm termination to achieve many milestones, including ministm terial posts. In addition to the reinforcemm ment of the team spirit among employees, the gatherim ing was designed to celebrate the outstanding achievements of all GPIC’s ladies. It also highlighted the confidence in Bahraini working women to contribute to national develom opment on an equal footing with men.

The event began with a short speech delivered by Mrs. Hanam an Al Maskati, Chairwomen of the GPIC Ladies Working Committee, in which she welcm comed H.H. Sheikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al Khalifa and expressed sincere thanks and appreciation for her attendm dance and participation. On behalf of the lady empm ployees Mrs. Al Maskati also thanked and welcomed the GPIC General Manager, members of the executive management and the GPIC Trade Union members and expressed her pleasure at the company’s initiative to celem

ebrate the special day. Mrs. Al Maskati explained that GPIC was the first industrial companm ny to celebrate this occasion, which reflects the wise vism sion of the executive managemm ment and its commitment to promote the role of Bahraini women in the company’s devm velopment and present her with equal opportunities. This was followed by a speech from Mr. Jawahery who also welcomed H.H. Sheikha Hessm sa and expressed his sincere gratitude for her participation on such a happy occasion. He added that this special occasion highlights the huge

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potential of women and empm powers them to become leadem ers and decision makers at all levels. Mr. Jawahery conveyed the greetings and appreciation of the GPIC Board Chairman, H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa for the company’s femm male employees and their outsm standing services and commitmm ment to develop the company side-by-side with the male employees. He noted that working women have proved their abilities as equal partnm ners of men and added that when we see these female role

models who have committed themselves to the progress of their country, we remember the leading roles played by Bahraini women in the past when they first joined formal education in 1928. Women have engaged alongside men as effective and influential partners at every stage of the renaissance of Bahrain. Mr. Jawahery pointed out that the GPIC management will continue to provide the best training programmes for all its employees and will work to remove every obstacle that may hamper their way as they

are the company’s real wealth. He praised the lady employem ees in particular, admiring their commitment, high-perfm formance and active participm pation in spite of their family duties. Concluding, he thanked all female employees for their efforts and contribution towm wards the company’s success. He then presented the GPIC’s ladies with gifts, follm lowed by a luncheon held in their honour on this special occasion.

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Woman’s Day Woman’s Day

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Woman’s DayDay Woman’s

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Awards Awards GPIC wins the Outstanding Health and Occupational Safety prize

Gulf Petrochemical Industm has tries Company received the Excellence Award in Occupatm tional Health and Safety for the private sector during the 25th Excellence Recognition Ceremony for the private sectm tor employees, entrepreneurs and companies. The ceremony was held under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa at the Gulf Hotel’s Gulf Convention and Exhibition Centre. His Majesty deputised the Minister of Labour, Dr. Majeed Alalawi to host the ceremony, which was also attended by senior government officials and a number of guests. Over the years the company

contributed very effectively to promoting a safety culture in a number of related organisations, such as the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) and the Arab Fertilizers Association (AFA). GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his pleasure at this latest achievement, stressing that both global and local appreciation will encourage the company to further promote its efforts to adopt initiatives designed to enhance health and safety awareness, both in the workplace and throughout the local community. Also




company’s development of a system that conforms to both the industrial production requirements and protection of the environment. GPIC has sought to develop and improve its values through innovative projects such as the Fish Farm and Bird Sanctuary, as well as landscaping projects such as the Herbal Garden and the Shaikha Sabeeka Aromatic Garden. Mr. Jawahery concluded by thanking the Ministry of Labour for such honouring ceremonies, which will no doubt encourage all the establishments to continue their successful business performance.

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H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa receives the GPIC General Manager

H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al and companies. Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman received the GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery on Tuesday 19th January. 2010.

During the meeting, Mr. Jawahery presented a detm tailed report concerning the company’s operations, activitm ties and achievements, highlm lighting the company’s recent winning of two awards in the ceremony organised by the Ministry of Labour under the auspices of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the outstanding private sectm tor employees, entrepreneurs

Mr. Jawahery then introduced the GPIC Human Resources Manager Mr. Yusuf Ebrahim Fakhroo who won the Outsm standing Manager award in the private sector, Safety, Health and Environment Manager Yasser A.Rahim who won the outstanding Health and Occupational Safety award in the private sector and Senior Technician Mr. Ali Khalil Al-Sayyed who was awarded the Model Employee in the Oil and Gas sector. On this occasion, H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs

and GPIC Board Chairman expressed his sincere congratum ulations to the winning empm ployees for their professional skills which enabled them to win these significant awards. He added that such achievemm ment reflects the company’s keenness to develop the natm tional workforce and provide them with the opportunities to gain the experience and knowledge needed to boost the petrochemical industry in the Kingdom. The GPIC Board Chairman went on to say that training and development of Bahraini employees remains a top priom ority of the GPIC’s managemm ment.

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Awards Awards He then thanked the distingm guished winners for their unwm wavering dedication and exem emplary service, urging them to double their efforts and continue their successful businm ness performance. H.E Shaikh Isa extended his gratitude to the country’s wise leadership saying that with the major support and prudent directives of HM the King and his wise government led by HRH the Prime Minister, the Industrial sector and its trained manpower have garnm nered record achievements. He concluded his statement by expressing his thanks to the GPIC Board members and members of the Executive Management who worked very hard to improve employem ees’ performance. On this occasion, GPIC Genem eral Manager Mr. Abdulrahmm man Jawahery has expressed his pride at the employees’ latest achievement, stressing that such global and local appm preciation will encourage the company to further promote its efforts to adopt initiatives designed to train and develop its employees.

fecting the company’s prodm ductivity and high reputation” he elaborated. Mr. Jawahery praised the empm ployees’ experience gained during their long working years and their professional skills which enabled them to win these awards. On their side, the winning employees thanked H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa

for his major support and wise directives, adding that these awards now place even greater responsibility on each and every one of them towards exerting further efforts. “Winning such impressive awards gives us confidence that we have the fundamental and essential building blocks to achieve further accomplishments in the petrochemical industry” they added.

“Working together as one team has paved the way for significant achievements affm

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GPIC Human Resources Manager Wins the Outstanding Manager prize GPIC

Human Resources Manager, Mr. Yusuf Ebrahim Fakhroo has won the Outstanding Manager prize in the private sector during the 25th honouring ceremony for outstanding private sector employees, entrepreneurs and companies. The ceremony was held under His Majesty King Hamad’s patronage at the Gulf Hotel’s Gulf Convention and Exhibition Centre. His Majesty deputised Labour Minister, Dr. Majeed Alalawi to attend the ceremony, which was also attended by senior government officials and a number of guests.On this occasion, the GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his sincere congratulations to Mr. Fakhroo for wining such a prestigious award. “This is an award for the company, which was always keen to develop a national workforce and provide them with the opportunity to gain the experience and knowledge needed to boost the petrochemical industry” he added. Mr. Jawahery praised Mr. Fakhroo’s experience gained during his long working years and his professional skills which enabled him to win this award. Emphasising the importance of training, Mr Jawahery said that the company is always keen to train its staff to meet business needs and keep abreast of the latest technological developments in this sphere. He went on to say that training and development of Bahraini employees remains a top priority of the GPIC’s management. Highlighting the training provided by the company, he said that intensive and comprehensive training programmes are being offered by the company’s Training Centre, including report writing, effective communication, business and time management, principle and concept of total quality, community

service, care of the environment and emotional intelligence. The GPIC official explained that focusing on training and excellence has led to the company winning a number of prestigious awards among the companies operating in the petrochemical industry. With the major support and prudent directives of H.M. the King and his wise government led by H.R.H. the Prime Minister, the industrial sector and its trained manpower have garnered record achievements and many successes which have enabled them to further boost this important sector, which is considered to be a reliable contributor to the economic prosperity of the kingdom.On his part, the GPIC Human Resources Manager extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to the GPIC Board Chairman, H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, the Board of Directors, members of the executive management and employees. He thanked them for their warm congratulations. He also thanked the General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery who has worked very hard to improve the performance of employees. Joining the GPIC on January 1981 as trainee Chemical Engineer, Mr. Fakhroo became the Marketing Manager in 1986, later Manager of Human Resources Department in 2007. He also the heads Housing Loans Committee, Performance Evaluation Committee and Training and Development Committee. In addition to his membership in the High Council for Vocational Training, Mr. Fakhroo is also an effective member in the GPCA Human Resources Committee. He has also participated effectively in a number of local and regional conferences as well as several training courses inside Bahrain and abroad.

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Tatweer Tatweer GPIC Managing Director attends Launching of a new Joint Operating Company

At the invitation of the Minim sion, the GPIC Managing under the country’s 2030 ister of Oil and Gas Affairs and National Oil and Gas Authorim ity (Noga) Chairman, H.E. Dr Abdul Hussain Mirza, H.E. Mr. Yousef A. Al Zamel the GPIC Managing Director attended the official launch of the landmark Tatweer Petrolm leum company. H.R.H. Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Chairman of the Bahrain Economic Developmm ment Board (EDB), made an official announcement at a commemorative flag raising ceremony on Wednesday 20 January. In a statement on the occasm

Director congratulated H.M. the King and his wise govem ernment led by H.R.H. the Prime Minister on this new venture, which will fuel econm nomic growth and improve living standards for Bahrainis. The new venture will utilise the latest technologies to incm crease production and deliver additional economic value to Bahrain.

Economic Vision.

Tatweer Petroleum is a joint venture operating company between the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA), Occm cidental Petroleum Corporatm tion and Mubadala Developmm ment Company (Mubadala), which will double Bahrain’s historic First Oil Well output and raise its gas potential.

Mr. Al Zamel also expressed his appreciation to the Oil and Gas Affairs Minister, Dr Abdul Hussain Mirza for his exceptional efforts in developim ing the Bahrain oil field and modernising the economy

The company will operate under the Development and Production Sharing Agreemm ment signed in April 2009 by all three partners and ratified by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

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GPCA GPCA GPIC takes part in the 4th Annual Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association Conference

A delegation from GPIC The conference focused on crisis and we have to work

headed by the General Manam ager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahm hery and a number of senior officials participated in the 4th Annual Gulf Petrochemicm cals and Chemicals Associatm tion (GPCA) Forum, held from 8 to 10 December at the Inter Continental Dubai Festival City on the historic Dubai Creek.

initiatives taken by the petrm rochemical and chemical indm dustry, which have embraced sustainability as integral to long-term growth strategy. A number of speakers and valuam able sessions were scheduled, highlighting the various aspm pects of sustainability and its relevance in the growth of the petrochemicals industry in the region and internationally.

Delegates totalling 1,000 plus from across the globe participm pated in the conference, as well as CEO’s and other senm nior leaders from the petrocm chemicals and chemicals sectm tor, private equity executives, financiers and consultants.

In a statement on the occm casion, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that following a period of economic boom a global financial bubble has now burst. GPIC is not insulm lated from this international

hard to adopt standard measm sures of performance to help tackle financial instability. He called for rationalising expm penditure and reducing costs without compromising safety or security.

Regarding the future of the petrochemical and chemicm cal industry in the Gulf regm gion, Mr. Jawahery was very optimistic due to the latest technological developments enjoyed by this industry and integrated infrastructure, devm veloped telecommunications, trained manpower as well as the availability of natural gas resources in large quantities in

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GPCA GPCA the Gulf region. GPIC’s participation in such conferences reflects the compm pany’s keenness to develop a national workforce and provide them with the oppm portunity to gain the experiem ence and knowledge needed to boost the industry, which is considered to be a reliable contributor to the economic prosperity of the kingdom. A session on Human Resource Development was held on the sidelines of the conference. The session enjoyed high-levem el attendance and focused on one of the most important indm dustry concerns today: skilled human resources. It is worth mentioning that the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) is the voice of the regional industry. The Annual Forum is the flagship event of the Association held in Dubai every December, which has grown over the first three years to become a truly internationam al event, attracting delegates from the world over. Despite the global recession, this year’s Forum was the largest in terms of delegate attendance.

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GPCA Chairman hails GPIC’s participation in the GPCA 4th Annual Forum During the 4th Annual dignitaries and other participm man Jawahery and discussed Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association Form rum which was held during December in Dubai, GPIC took part in the exhibition which was held on the sidelm lines of the gathering. The company’s stand has enjoyed a large number of visitors including senior officials,


Mr. Mohamed H. Al-Mady GPCA Chairman, Vice Chairman and CEO of Saudm di Basic Industries Corporatm tion (SABIC) also paid a visit to the GPIC stand where he was received by GPIC’s Genem eral Manager, Mr. Abdulrahmm

with him number of issues of mutual interest.

Mr. Al-Mady stated that such gatherings reflect the close cohesion and cooperatm tion among chemical industm try organisations, praising GPIC as model of successful Gulf co-operation since the

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shareholders in the company include Saudi Basic Industm tries Corporation (SABIC) and Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of Kuwait. Affirming his absolute suppm port to the GCC industries, Mr. Al-Mady highlighted the significant role played by GPCA in providing the most up-to-date knowledge and eliminating obstacles faced by petrochemical and chemical industries both regm gionally and globally. He explained that GPCA now has five committees to deal with issues and challm lenges facing the industry, the Human Resources, Suppm ply Chain, Plastics, Responsm sible Care, Advocacy and the Fertilizer Committees.

ted to the support of the petrochemical and chemical sector in the region, noting that a number of initiatives will be adopted during the next coming months. He added that Gulf Arab States tend to orient their investment towards new sectm tors such as chemicals and petrochemicals, which will entitle the region to play a more effective role in the global chemical and petrocm chemical markets. He went on to say that the world’s major industrial power has now been shifted from west to east, noting in this regard the growing role played by the G20 against the previous G8.

“The G8 had Japan as the The Association is committm only Asian member in the

group, while the G20 now includes China, Japan, India, South Korea, Indonesia and Australia� he elaborated. GPCA was originally concm ceived in 2004 by its foundim ing members with a view to forming a dedicated and non-profit association servim ing all of its members with a variety of data, technical assistance and resources reqm quired by the petrochemicm cals and chemicals industry. Its mission is to advance the petrochemical and chemical industry in the Gulf through fostering open exchange among members and with stakeholders, developing a relevant knowledge base and supporting the industry in meeting its sustainable devm velopment objectives.

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Executive ExecutiveManagement Management Executive Management meets Heads of Departments

Within the efforts to develom man, and members of the and the elements which may

op work plans and strategies, GPIC’s executive managemm ment held a strategic meeting on Saturday 9 January to revm view the company’s achievemm ments in 2009. The meeting was attended by heads of departments and plans for the current year 2010 and long-term strategies aimed at increasing productm tivity and continuing the succm cessful business performance were discussed. At the beginning of the meetim ing GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery conveyed the greetings of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to H.R.H. the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairmm

Board of Directors. He also conveyed their appreciation to the GPIC staff members for their positive attitude, unique team spirit and professionalim ism shown during 2009, addim ing that working together as one team had paved the way for significant achievements, which confirmed the companm ny’s excellent reputation and increased productivity. The General Manager then reviewed the main plans and tasks for the current year, which require further coopem eration and effective applicatm tion of the company’s policies. Highlighting the company’s vision and mission, he stressed the importance of reviewing GPIC’s policies to keep pace with global developments

hinder the process of developmm ment of this vital industry. The department heads then reviewed plans and strategm gies for 2009 and the results achieved. They also discussed the difficulties faced during the implementation of these plans as well as future solutm tions. The GPIC officials then reviewed the record achievemm ments and successes accompm plished during 2009. The GPIC officials concludem ed the meeting by expressing their commitment to suppm port the development policy aimed at improving productm tivity and enhancing the skills of employees to demonstrate what the petrochemical indm dustry has to offer in the regm gion in the years to come.

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Qatofin Qatofin

GPIC takes part in the Inauguration of LLDPE Plant in Qatar

His Highness the Amir of 2009. Qatar, Shaikh Hamad b i n Khalifa Al-Thani inaugurated the Qatofin Linear Low Density Po l y e t h y l e n e Resins (LLDPE) Plant in the Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC) in Qatar in November

Present at the ceremony were Qatari ministers, CEOs, high ranking dignitaries as well as senior executives of industrial companies. The Opening Ceremony was also attended by GPIC General

Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery who was invited by the General Manager of Qatofin, Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Al Mulla. The ceremony included a presentation demonstrating the importance of

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Qatofin Qatofin petrochemical products in our day to day lives and highlighted the responsibility which the petrochemical industry has to the environment. Commenting on the occasion, GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery hailed the Qatari LLDPE Plant describing it as a new milestone in the development of the petrochemical sector in the whole of the Gulf region. He highlighted the significance of this mega petrochemical project and Qatar’s comprehensive industrial prosperity in the oil and gas sector, under the wise leadership of H.H. Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Regarding joint Gulf projects, H . E . D r. M o h a m m e d Saleh Al-Sada, Qatari State Minister for Energy and Industry Affairs welcomed the future establishment of a joint venture shared by Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) and Qatar. He expressed his hope to see this dream soon

turn into reality adding that such a joint venture would no doubt boost the growing industrial relations between the two countries. During a meeting with H.E. Dr. Mohammed AlSada, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery presented him with a commemorative gift. The GPIC official was accompanied by General Manager of Qatofin, Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Al Mulla. On his part, Dr. Al-Mulla welcomed the establishment of joint projects to serve the GCC citizens and to achieve further prosperity in the region. He praised GPIC as a great example of fruitful Gulf cooperation. Qatofin is a joint venture between Qatar Petrochemical Company (Qapco) (63%), Total Petrochemicals of France (36%) and Qatar Petroleum (1%) and its project involves the construction of a Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) unit to produce 450,000 metric tons per

year at facilities adjacent to Qapco’s plant at MIC. The feedstock ethylene required for the LLDPE unit will be supplied from the world’s largest single Ethylene Cracker in Ras Laffan Industrial City, which is one of Qatar’s mega projects. The cracker is owned by Ras Laffan Olefins Company (RLOC), a joint venture between Qatofin 45.7%, QChem (II) 53.3% and QP 1%. The produced ethylene will be sent through a pipeline from RLOC to Qatofin. All precautions have been taken during implementation of the LLDPE plant to ensure its manufacturing process does not have any adverse impact on the environment. The product LLDPE has an immense demand throughout the world. Besides contributing to the State of Qatar’s economy in terms of profitability, the project will provide many employment opportunities to Qatari nationals.

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Visits Visits

H.E. the Ambassador of Japan visits GPIC The Ambassador of Japan velop a closer economic relatm est technology for the recently

to Bahrain, H.E. Hideo Sato paid a visit to the Gulf Petrm rochemical Industries Compm pany where he was received by GPIC’s General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the executive management. Mr. Jawahery welcomed the Japanese Ambassador and conveyed to him the greetings of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to H.R.H. the Prime Minister for Industm trial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman. He expressed the willingness of GPIC to devm

tionship between Bahrain and Japan on the basis of mutual cooperation.

Mr. Jawahery added that accm cording to the strategy of the Bahrain National Oil and Gas Authority, GPIC has always worked to build constructm tive cooperation with various foreign companies, includim ing Japanese, commending the great trade relations betm tween the company and Japanm nese suppliers. In this regard he praised Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) of Japm pan, which provided the latem

started GPIC Carbon Dioxide Recovery Unit. The Japanese Ambassador was briefed on the company’s various activities including production, export, training programmes etc. This was followed by a tour of the complex and environmental projects. The Ambassador also visited the Shaikha Sabeeka Aromatic Garden, which was inaugurated recently by H.R.H. Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of H.R.M. the King and Chairwoman of the Supreme

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Visits Visits

Council for Women. The next stage of the tour took him to the Herbal Garden where the Ambassador planted a tree and then to the Fish Farm and Bird Sanctuary.

At the end of the day’s events, Ambassador Hideo Sato expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation and expressed his admiration for the overall accomplishments

of GPIC. The Ambassador also praised the flourishing ties between Bahrain and Japan, expecting them to flourish into the future.

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3/28/10 8:34:36 AM

KFH Managing Director Visits GPIC Within the framework of meltdown on the markets for Industrial and Oil Affairs cooperation and boosting closer relations between GPIC and Kuwait Finance House-Bahrain (KFHBahrain), GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received a highrank delegation from KFHBahrain headed by the Bank’s managing director and chief executive officer Abdulhakeem Al-Khayyat. The meeting discussed the impact of global economic

and banks. The two sides also discussed ways of enhancing the mutual relationship between GPIC and KFH on the basis of mutual benefit. Mr. Jawahery welcomed the visiting delegation, praising the Bank’s financial results achieved during 2009.

Mr. Jawahery conveyed the visiting delegation the greetings of H.E Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister

and GPIC Board Chairman. Through the use of a scale model of plants, the prominent guests were briefed on the GPIC’s achievements in the fields of production, safety, marketing and maintaining the environment. They were also briefed on the intensive and comprehensive training programmes offered by the

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Visits Visits Training Centre and the E. Learning Centre, which was recently inaugurated by H.E Dr. Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Oil, Gas Affairs and Chairman of the National Oil and Gas Authority. This was followed by a tour to the company’s factories and environmental projects. The prominent guests visited the site of the Princess Sabeeka Aromatic Garden which was recently inaugurated by HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of HM the King and Chairwoman of the Supreme Council for Women. The next stage of the tour took them to the Herbal

Garden where Mr. Khayyat planted a and then inspected Charity Fish Farm and Sanctuary.

Altree the Bird

At the end of the day’s events, Mr. Al-Khayyat expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the GPIC’s

Board Chairman, General Manager and members of the Executive Management for their unwavering dedication and invaluable contribution to the global co-operation aimed at protecting the environment. He wished the company continued success in the years ahead.

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3/28/10 8:35:04 AM

PIC PIC A delegation from PIC of Kuwait visits GPIC

On the occasion of their visit from the plants to the final departments in both companm to Bahrain the GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received a delegation from the Petrochemical Indm dustries Company (PIC) of Kuwait, the authorised markm keters of GPIC’s Ammonia and Urea products.

Mr. Jawahery welcomed the visiting delegation and praised the level of cooperation and coordination achieved by the two companies. He stressed the need to continue such meetings to further enhance the joint cooperation between the two sides. The meeting reviewed ways of ensuring the flow of Ammm monia and Urea products

destination. The means of improving performance, incm creasing productivity and devm veloping work plans were also discussed during the meeting as well as issues of mutual intm terest. The visiting Kuwaiti delegatm tion praised the distinguished ties and cooperation between the two Gulf companies and expressed their pleasure to be visiting the GPIC complex. They cited the efforts exerted by GPIC’s executive managemm ment and their unwavering support which has helped to eliminate the obstacles faced by this vital sector. Praisim ing the current cooperation and coordination between the Marketing and Finance

nies, they wished GPIC and its staff further success.

The visiting delegation incm cluded Director of Fertilizers Marketing Mr. Jamal Aduljm jalil, Financial Director Mr. Talal Al-Sultan and Senior Marketing Analyst Mr. Tariq Al-Obaidli. During their visit they took part in a GPIC cerem emony to honour outstandim ing employees. At the end of the visit, Mr. Jawahery presented a commm memorative shield to the PIC delegation in recognition of their efforts in marketing GPIC Ammonia and Urea products and achieving the best possible sales returns.

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3/28/10 8:35:17 AM

GPICGPIC in local presspress in local

On the GPIC’s 30th Anniversary GPIC Launches “GPIC in the Local Press Book” Celebrating its 30th anniversm sary, the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company hosted a luncheon event in honour of local newspaper editors-inchief. “GPIC in the Local Press” was launched during the event which was attended by GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrm rahman Jawahery, members of the executive management team and a number of guests. The book documents news, events and activities which

were carried out by the compm pany and were published in the local press. The luncheon comes in apprecm ciation of the local newspapers for their professional coverage of the company’s various actm tivities and programmes. In a speech delivered on the occasm sion, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to the countm try’s local media for their signm nificant support saying that

the Bahraini press truly instills a sense of pride in the nation. Mr. Jawahery expressed satim isfaction over the quality of press coverage during the year, which unveils the professm sionalism of the employees as well as their ability to operate and manage a major industm trial body such as GPIC. He said that the company’s manam agement values the local news media and journalists for their high standards of accurm racy, sourcing and objectivity and that journalism is distingm

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guished because of its contribm bution to society, providing people with information they need. He added that journalim ists are a very important part of society. The GPIC General Manager expressed his gratitude to the company’s employees for their loyalty, dedication, team work and diligence. “I would like to thank them for their positive

attitude and high spirits,” he Mr. Jawahery hoped that this exceptional book would be a added. useful reference for researchem He also commended the effm ers and those interested in forts exerted by the GPIC the petrochemical industry. Board Chairman H.E. Shaikh He concluded by expressing Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, adding his hope that the journalists that due to his directives the would continue to support company has succeeded in the company and highlight surpassing its own past superb its achievements in a way that performance and that of its reflects their professional standm dards of high quality. counterparts worldwide.

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3/28/10 8:35:44 AM

Appreciation Appreciation GPIC honours the Internal Auditors

A ceremony to honour the system based on a number of affirmed the importance of company’s Internal Audm ditors was organised by GPIC, under the auspices of the General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahm hery and in the presence of Dr. Christine Stephen, representative of the British Standards Institute (BSI), UK. With the assistance of its highly qualified Internal Auditors, GPIC was able to build a strong management

BSI certificates (including ISO 9001, ISO 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001).

Addressing the ceremony, Mr. Jawahery praised the company’s efforts to impm prove its systems, noting in this regard the significant role played by GPIC’s Internm nal Auditors in performing the internal auditing activitm ties and measuring compm pliance with international policies and procedures. He

the comprehensive auditim ing process, which covers a broad range of business areas including quality, envm vironmental management, occupational health and safety and integrated manam agement system. In conclusion, the GPIC General Manager repeated his appreciation for the company’s Internal Auditm tors who undertakes signifim icant responsibilities, urgim

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ing them to maximise their efforts in order to achieve further success. Commenting on the BSI Standards, Mr. Jawahery attm tributed the close working relationship between GPIC and the British accreditatm tion body, praising its role in assessing a wide range of manufacturing and service companies of all sizes and sectors both throughout the UK and across many parts of the world. He also thanked Dr. Stephen for taking part in the GPIC auditing procm cess and sharing her experm rience by monitoring audit work schedules and evaluatim ing operating systems and controls. This honouring ceremony highlights the Executive Management’s appreciation of every Auditor’s efforts, no matter where they are on the ladder. It also shows that what they are doing is highly appreciated by the company which takes pride in them and their efforts. “Having a motivated staff will prodm duce innumerable benefits, including increased productm tivity and the resultant incm crease in profitability” Mr. Jawahery commented.

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Coinciding with the National Day’s celebrations the GPIC Urea plant hit a new target quantity Coinciding with the celem while the equipment was suppm The Bahraini workforce has

ebration of the 10th anniversm sary of His Majesty’s accession to the throne and the country’s 38th National day, the GPIC Urea plant was able to achieve a total production of 628,350 metric tons on 17 December. This was the planned productm tion target for this year and the highest amount since the inauguration of the plant by H.R.H. the Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa in March 1998. In a statement on the occasm sion, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the plant was consm structed by the Japanese Mitsm subishi Heavy Industries Ltd.,

plied by Snamprogetti of Italy, which also provided the high tech production system that combines quality with envirm ronmental standards. Praising the company’s natm tional workforce, Mr. Jawahm hery said that since the begm ginning Bahraini employees have played a vital role in the operation of the complex; highlighting that since the Urea plant started its operatm tions, half of the employees have been Bahraini nationals. He recalled that since inceptm tion the company was keen to train Bahraini employees and prepare them to assume leadim ing positions in the future.

now reached 87% of the total manpower, which proves the success of strategies adopted by the company. Over the past years, GPIC has produced and exported 7 millm lion metric tons of Urea and the current production has reached 1700 metric tons per day. The company has always been committed to exporting the best quality Urea produm ucts which has led to great satisfaction by the company’s customers. Hi Fert, a leading Australian fertilizer company has previously announced that the Urea produced in Bahrain is the best quality they have recm ceived over the past ten years.

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3/28/10 8:36:32 AM

Crown Prince Crown PrinceScholarship Scholarship programme programme GPIC honours the CPISP Outstanding Student


its effort to support the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP), GPIC has selected Marwa Al-Eskafi as the outstanding student of the program. This came during GPIC’s annual ceremony held at the Bahrain Ritz Carlton hotel. GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery commended the program saying that the CPISP has helped to develop Bahrain’s most precious commodity who were provided with the opportunity to study at top

international universities, based on their academic merit. Mr. Jawahery added that Miss Marwa is a great example of the Bahraini women and their contribution to national development on an equal footing with men, noting in this regard Marwa’s high academic achievements in her prestigious American university. GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery concluded his statement by wishing Marwa further success and encouraging the

GPIC employee’s children to follow in her foot steps. Meanwhile, Marwa Al-Eskafi is currently working on her graduation project dealing with the role of positive work environment in boosting a company’s success. She has chosen the GPIC as a model for her study. It is worth mentioning that H.E. Mr. Yusuf AL Zamil the GPIC Managing Director participated in the honoring ceremony which was also attended also by members of GPIC’s executive management.

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3/28/10 8:36:44 AM

Learning & Development Learning & Development GPIC supports QAAET A team from the Gulf Petrocm

chemical Industries Companm ny has joined the Vocational Review Unit (VRU) of the Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training (QAAET). The GPIC team will provide technical consultm tation to the units evaluating the country’s institutes and training centres. Commenting on the matter, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the efforts exerted by the QAAET in ensuring that the quality of vocational provm vision is at a level required by employers and that it provides the range and level of skills required by the country’s dynamic economy. He welcm comed the joint cooperation between GPIC and QAAET adding that such cooperation comes in line with the compm pany’s commitment towards society, recalling GPIC’s three strong pillars: profitability, concern for the environment and social responsibility. He praised the methods and professional standards adoptem ed by the QAAET, as well as the teams that carry out the reviews, describing them as vocationally-competent and highly trained professionals.

They come from varied backgm grounds – some have worked in industry, others in govem ernment departments or for training providers. They undm dergo a rigorous recruitment process and, once selected, are thoroughly trained and mentm tored. He also highlighted the collm laborative efforts that have been put into this entity, which truly instills a sense of confidence in all Bahraini natm tionals. “Monitoring and repm porting on the quality of vocatm tional education and training provisions in Bahrain, identm tifying strengths and areas for improvement, and focusim ing on the experience of the learner will have an influential impact on reaching the true performance level of training

institutions in Bahrain and will benefit the country and future generation” Mr. Jawahm hery elaborated. He went on to say that copies of the reports issued by all the QAAET units are made availam able online, which reflects the commitment to transparem ency applied by the authority and facilitates access to these reports by all concerned partm ties. However, improvement plans will ensure performance efficm ciency and will undoubtedly push progress and developmm ment of the Kingdom forward and hone people’s skills and capabilities. Concluding, he voiced his appm preciation to H.R.H. Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalim ifa, the Crown Prince and

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Deputy Supreme Commandem er for his contribution to the establishment of QAAET, which was formally establm lished in 2008. He added that the QAAET reviews will show where the institutions need to focus to improve things for the future. The independent national body will not only oversee the coming plans of these institutions as they try to improve quality, but it will also offer them support where needed. He extended his thanks to QAAET’s Chief Executive, Dr Jawaher Al Mudhahki, wishing her and her member staff every success. Its worth mentioning that GPIC is committed to suppm porting the country’s educm cational and training institm tutions and programmes, including the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP). GPIC has also launched the first ever programme to support and sponsor scientific research in the field of the environment. The Education and GPIC Environment Award was launched by GPIC in coordm dination with the Education Ministry to encourage school boys and girls in Bahrain to develop an interest in scientm tific research, especially in the

environment related topics. GPIC has set aside a fixed budget for financing 20 envm vironment related researches and projects to be selected by the programme secretariat composing of the Education Ministry and experts in the environment. GPIC also pays special attentm tion to needy students and distributes a large number of school bags to children in public schools every academic

school year. These donations are a token of support that gives a sense that, no matter the circumstance, education must continue to thrive. In an effective partnership aimed at enhancing the capm pabilities of the younger generation to face future challenges, GPIC also suppm ports the programmes of inJm JAz Bahrain headed by H.H. Shaikha Hessa bint Khalifa AlKhalifa.

Thanks from children of Paradis d’Enfants Lebanese non-profit primary School for underprivileged families for GPIC support

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3/28/10 8:37:11 AM

Employee of the Month Employee of the Month

Abdullah Lahdan AlDosari

In the presence of an official group from Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) from Kuwait and a number of executive management team members in GPIC, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager, presented a merit certificate and award to Mr. Abdullah Lahdan AlDosari from the Plants Operation Department who won the title Employee of the Month for September 2009.Mr. Abdullah joined the company in 1989. He is currently a Urea Operator in the Plants Operation Department. During the period of his employment in the company he has proved his loyalty and sincerity in carrying out his duties. The purpose of this recognition is to encourage the company’s employees to develop and improve their performance.

Ebrahim Mohammed Hassan AlAli

In the presence of official group from Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) from Kuwait and number of executive management team in GPIC, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, GPIC General Manager, presented a merit certificate and award to Mr. Ebrahim Mohammed Hassan AlAli from the Public Relations Department who won the title Employee of the Month for October 2009.Mr. Ebrahim joined the company in 2006. He is currently Assistant Officer in the Public Relations Department. During the period of his employment in the company he has proved his loyalty and sincerity in carrying out his duties. The purpose of this recognition is to encourage the company’s employees to develop and improve their performance.

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Bashar Mohsen Al-Aradi

H.E. Mr. Yousef Al Zamel Managing Director of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) accompanied by Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, General Manager, presented a merit certificate and award to Mr. Bashar Mohsen Al-Aradi from the Technical Services Department who won the title Employee of the Month for November 2009.Mr. Bashar joined the company in 2000 and attended several courses in the Kingdom and overseas organised by the company’s Training Centre. He is currently a Process Engineer in the Technical Services Department. During the period of his employment in the company, he has proved his loyalty and sincerity in carrying out his duties. The purpose of this recognition is to encourage the company’s employees to develop and improve their performance.

Mona Rashid Al Mehri

H.E. Mr. Yousef Al Zamel Vice President for Chemicals of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and Managing Director of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) accompanied by Mr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, General Manager, presented a merit certificate and award to Mrs. Mona Rashid Al Mehri from the Human Resources Department who won the title Employee of the Month for December 2009.\ Mona joined the company in 1991. She is currently a Senior Officer Administrator in the Human Recourse Department. During the period of her employment in the company she has proved her loyalty and sincerity in carrying out her duties. The purpose of this recognition is to encourage the company’s employees to develop and improve their performance.

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3/28/10 8:37:38 AM

Donation Donation GPIC supports Bahrain Table Tennis Association

H . E . S h a i k h A h m e d Mr. Jawahery also presentem so they will perform at their bin Hamad Al Khalifa, President of the Bahrain Table Tennis Association received the GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery at the association’s headquarters.

ed a financial donation as a contribution from the compm pany to the 4th International Youth Championship due to be organised by Bahrain durim ing the period 1 - 5 February 2010.

During the meeting which took place on Sunday 17 January, Mr. Jawahery conveyed the greetings of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to HRH the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Chairman.

Mr. Jawahery met with the players during their routine training; he praised their commitment and highlighted their sporting skills. He urged them to continue their hard work and called upon the trainers to exert every effort to keep the players motivated

best to achieve great results for the Kingdom of Bahrain. H.E. Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Head of the Bahrain Table Tennis Association expressed his utmost appreciation and gratitude to H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa for the generous contribution, pointing out the company’s constant support to Bahraini society through donations and contributions to local, charitable and professional societies and clubs.

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3/28/10 8:37:52 AM

GPIC donates Books to Salmaniya Medical Centre Gulf Petrochemical Industm

tries Company has donatem ed a collection of medical and reference books to the Salmaniya Medical Centre for the third time. Former Member of Parliamm ment, Mr. Mohamed Hussm sein Al-Khayyat visited GPIC and received the book collection on behalf of the Medical Centre. The vast collection included books on Child Tumors, Blood Diseases, Physiotherapy and Pathology. GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that such medical books and resources offer valuable and intellectually stimulating infm formation on various aspects of medicine. The books were carefully selected to cover various medical aspects, which will hopefully enrich the library collection at the Salmaniya Medical Centre. Mr. Al-Khayyat offered his sincere thanks and

appreciation to GPIC and praised the company’s generous support, which is extended to various societies and organisations. “We do appreciate and value

this kind of gesture” the former MP said, hoping that other organisations would follow GPIC’s example of assuming social responsibilities.

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3/28/10 8:38:06 AM

Safety Safety BEWARE STATIC ELECTRICITY CAN BE FATAL ! What is Static Electricity? Static Electricity is generated when two materials come into contact with each other. The friction disturbs the equilibrium of electrons and protons making one material positively charged and the other negatively charged.

How dangerous is static electricity? Voltages more than 15,000 volts have been recorded. It is quite common to experience 5000 volts. Many people do not feel a shock from static electricity discharge less than 2,000 – 4,000 volts. Whilst static electricity does not normally cause direct death, injuries can occur due to uncontrolled movement after a shock.


Sparks produced due to static electricity in hazardous areas (flammable atmospheres) can lead to serious consequences.

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3/28/10 8:38:18 AM

Toastmasters Toastmasters Moment with GPIC “Moment with GPIC” is the latest addition in the Toastmasters Club meetings, during which one of the company’s officials will address the meeting with a topic of his choice. The topic must be related to work aspects and it will be widely discussed afterwards by the attending club members. During the last meeting of the GPIC Toastmastm ter Club, Yasser A.Rahim Safety, Health and Environmm ment Manager discussed the Company’s plans and stratem egies in the fields of Safety, Health and Environment, urging the public to considem er safety as a life priority. The guests were very impressed with the important points raised during the discussion. In addition, GPIC Toastmaster Club has held during the recent months a

number of meetings in Arabic and English that have shown many talents. Two English competitions were also held at the company Club in which the contestants have participated in several phases. Meanwhile, the selection panel was impartial and professional in selecting winners, without prejudice

and purely based on sound and clear performance criteria. They commended the contestants’ capabilities and skills. The event enjoyed a large audience which shows the company’s interest in developing communication and leadership skills of its staff.

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Annual Annualday Day

Grand Ceremony marks GPIC’s Glorious 30 years C e l e b r a t i n g G P I C ’s welcomed the prominent GPIC’s 30th anniversary, 30th anniversary, a grand ceremony was held under the patronage of H.E. Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, Advisor to H.R.M. the Prime Minister for Industrial and Oil Affairs and GPIC Board Chairman.

In his opening speech at the ceremony the General Manager, Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery

guests and conveyed to them the greetings of the Board Chairman. He then reviewed the company’s achievements saying that due to its sound operation, excellent performance and marketing policies, GPIC was able to be a role model of joint cooperation between the GCC countries. He expressed his overwhelming joy on

which coincided with the Bahrain’s celebrations of the 10th anniversary of His Majesty’s accession to the throne and the 38th National day. He took the opportunity to express his sincere good wishes to H.M. the King and the people of Bahrain on this auspicious occasion. Highlighting the country’s

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achievements in all walks of life, Mr Jawahery expressed his admiration for the Kingdom’s Economic Vision 2030 coined by H.M. the King. He described the Vision 2030 as a wise step that highlights, among other things, the leading roles played by Bahraini women who were able to assume the highest positions, noting in this regard that the H.M. the King has tabled the idea of dedicating the 1st of December as the Bahraini Women’s Day in a gesture to help empowering women in all domains and carving their way to becoming major decision makers. Mr. Jawahery expressed his appreciation to all the employees, no matter where they are on the “ladder”, who undertake significant responsibilities on behalf of the company. He stated that without their loyalty and hard work the company would not have been able to attain the various prestigious awards it has. Reviewing the company’s impressive achievements, Mr. Jawahery highlighted the Carbon Dioxide Recovery

Unit as one of the most promising new technologies for reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. He hoped that this project will pave the way for more carbon dioxide reduction initiatives in the future. He noted that GPIC is the first petrochemical company in the Middle East to use a special system designed in Japan for disposal of such waste. Over the past 30 years the company has achieved many milestones and won many awards in various fields incm cluding operational excellm lence, safety, environmental management, sustainable development, financial profitability and others. The company was also selected as the first official partner for the UNEP at the Climate Conference, an important international gathering recently held in Copenhagen. This was a great honour not only for the Kingdom of Bahrain but also for the country’s industrial sector. Mr. Jawahery added that such achievements place an

even greater responsibility on each and every one at GPIC towards making further efforts, in order to maintain the success of the company and to overcome the global economic crisis which is currently threatening major organisations and countries worldwide. During the ceremony long serving staff raging from 5 to 25 years at GPIC were recognised and presented with certificates and a gift. Mr. Jawahery took the opportunity to send his best wishes to all GPIC staff members hoping that the New Year would bring more opportunities, prosperity and an end to the recession. He also expressed his gratitude to the employees who had completed long years of continuous service, thanking them for their tremendous efforts to maintain the company’s achievements. Concluding his statement, Mr. Jawahery expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Board of Directors for their support which has led to such remarkable achievements.

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3/28/10 8:39:00 AM

Annual Annualday Day

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Annual Annualday Day

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3/28/10 8:40:13 AM

GPIC Camp GPIC Camp GPIC inaugurates its annual Desert Camp in Sakhir

As part of its policy to enhm fiqi, Public Relations Manam tivities Committee and all hance the one family spirit among employees, GPIC launched its Desert Camp at Sakhair on Friday 1st Januam ary 2010.

ager and chairman of the Social Activities Committm tee extended his thanks and regards to the GPIC Genem eral Manager for supporting this annual event and to the company’s various departmm ments which took part in the arrangements. He urged the employees to actively participm pate in the various camp actm tivities during the season.

The annual social gathering was attended by the GPIC General Manager, Mr. Abdulrm rahman Jawahery, members of the executive management team and staff members, who all gathered for a wonderful evening dominated by an atmm Mr. Jawahery delivered a speech in which he praised mosphere of fun. the well organised camp, undm In a speech delivered on the derlining the efforts exerted occasion, Mr. Zuhair Tawfm by the company’s Social Actm

the employees who did a fantastic job and made this year’s camp an awesome expm perience. “Pretty amazing that an activity involving so many people comes off so seamlessly and perfectly” Mr. Jawahery noted. It is a good opportunity that allows staff to meet each other in a very enjoyable environment. GPIC launches its Desert Camp every year in the Sakhim ir area where guests enjoy lively evenings of local music and competitions with valuam able prizes.

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3/28/10 8:40:28 AM

GPIC Camp Safety GPIC Camp Safety Safety, Health and Environment while camping Camping is a great leisure time activity that is

enjoyed by millions of people around the world. However, campers in each part of the world face different sets of variables and issues that may impact their own safety or health or adversely impact the environment. We in Bahrain also like to camp in the desert and as a company, GPIC was one of the first organisations that established a desert camp in the early nineties so that employees can enjoy a relaxing evening beyond the boundaries of work. Furthermore, as individuals we also camp either with our families or friends. In this article, we would like to share with the reader a number of simple hints and ideas that can help in ensuring that we all enjoy our camping season. Camping is an activity that requires planning and efforts before proceeding to the desert. To start with desert camps are the norm in Bahrain and usually during the cooler time of year between November and March. The Southern Governorate specifies the camping season period and locations. Due to the fact that most of the camping area is in very close proximity to oil and gas facilities, a number of hazards do exists. Therefore, please visit the camping area well in advance and before actually camping. Select a location that is a safe distance from industrial installations which will save you and your family from the risk of accidental fire or chemical releases that are beyond your control. When traveling in the desert, your safety depends greatly on your vehicle been in good serviceable condition. To ensure that your vehicle is ready for camping in the desert check the following: Tyre pressures are correct, there is adequate tread

and are in general in good condition, including the spare. Make sure that a suitable jack and all other tools required to change a tyre are present and functioning correctly. Most importantly, familiarise yourself and family on how to change the tyre. Brake pads, discs and drums are in good condition. Lubrication of the chassis, universal joint, front and rear differentials, and transfer case as per manufacturer’s instructions. Air filter; if it’s not clean, replace it. Does the oil and oil filter need changing? All hoses and belts for correct positioning and good condition. There should be no cracks. Make sure that hoses are flexible. Ensure that belts are tight and cannot slip. All fluid levels. The battery acid level. The radiator when the engine is cool by looking inside with a flashlight. All the gauges to make sure they indicate correctly. Make sure all manual functions work correctly. Use a four-wheel-drive vehicle if you intend to travel off-road. Review off-road driving techniques, and ensure proper tire pressure before leaving the road. Never drive off-road at night or during a sandstorm. Camping is also an event that involves a lot of supplies and equipments. Such supplies depend on the length, remoteness and the nature of the camping trip. For your safety we suggest the

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following minimal and basic required supplies: Adequate amount of fuel for your vehicle especially in areas where there is no access to a petrol station. Drinking water. Fresh water to be used as a backup for the vehicle’s cooling system. Shovel, tow cable, traction pads, hydraulic jack and winch. First Aid kit. Fire extinguishers if you intend to camp for an extended duration. If you are camping with children, then constant supervision is crucial. Parents should: Never let young children out of sight. Older children should check in with parents at agreed times. Do not allow children to wander off alone especially after dark. Older children can be given mobile phones or whistles to stay in touch regularly. Explain to them how to use such equipment in case of an emergency or if they get lost. Be aware of how long your older children have been out of your sight, that way you’ll know when they’ve been away longer than agreed. Never leave children unattended in the car, especially not when near pipelines or oil installations Children are naturally curious and love to explore new places. Therefore, remind them to:

Stay away from pipelines, oil and industrial installations and equipment. Never taste or eat any kind of leaves or flowers of desert plants, as there are many poisonous plants in the desert. Not to touch any kind of desert insect, as they might sting or cause allergic reactions. Never climb a hill alone. Never peek inside holes in the ground. Do not climb trees without adult supervision. Never play games that may make you lose track of each other, such as hide-and-seek. Do not throw garbage in the desert; dispose of garbage in garbage bags. Campers need to be aware that the desert is a natural habitat to thousands of creatures, plants, and insects. It is our responsibility as campers to protect the desert and its creatures and ensure that our leisure time does not cause harm to them or to the plants on which they survive. As campers we must not: Cut down trees or rip out plants. Interfere with desert creatures and their nests. Remind our children to follow the same advice. Throw garbage in the desert and littering is bad for the environment as well as the desert creatures. Leave behind the refuse and food leftovers created during our picnic or camping trip. Bring chemicals and paints to camping areas and dump them in the desert.

Stay close to the car or camping area.

Collect all the garbage in large plastic bags and taking them to a proper disposal area is the correct approach.

Stay close to parents or older members of the group, and never wander off alone.

We wish you a safe and enjoyable camping season!

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National Day Day National

GPIC celebrates the Bahrain National Day A family gathering was company’s General Manager been accomplished over the organised by GPIC’s Social Activities Committee marking the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of His Majesty, the King’s accession to the throne and the country’s 38th National Day.

Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. Sharing the day held at the Club, the ‘Productive Families’ of the Social Development Ministry presented their home made crafts and artistic products. Food and beverages were served during the function.

The event was attended by employees and their families who enjoyed their time listening to the “Laywa” traditional music and taking part in the funfilled games and contests specially arranged for the occasion. Also attending the celebration were senior GPIC officials headed by the

On this occasion, GPIC General Manager Mr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that this celebration comes within the company’s strategy to affirm the true spirit of citizenship adding that the company and its employees take pride in the achievements which have

last ten years pledging further efforts by the private sector for an even brighter future. Mr. Jawahery valued the efforts of the event organisers and all employees who share Bahrain’s joy out of love and loyalty. On their part, employees and their families expressed their pleasure in participating in such a wonderful day. They thanked the organisers for their tremendous efforts in providing the best entertainment programmes and also thanked the GPIC executive management team for their contribution to the success of the occasion.

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