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Annual Report 2024

As a producer of Agri-Nutrients and chemical substances, GPIC fully supports Bahrain’s 2060 carbon neutrality pledge, and is reducing its reliance on fossil fuels, by investigating product diversification and transforming to a Sustainable Future.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa

King of the Kingdom of Bahrain

His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah

Amir of the State of Kuwait

The Chairman’s Message

I am pleased to present the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) Annual Report for 2024. Set against a challenging global economic backdrop, the report reflects the company’s journey of resilience and performance underpinned by our drive to achieve more value with less resources. GPIC’s commitment to sustainable development is unwavering with our keen focus on reducing carbon emissions as part of our effort to support the Kingdom of Bahrain’s ‘net zero’ pledge to the United Nations by 2060.

GPIC’s outstanding achievements during the year were accomplished because of robust operational performance, efficient plants’ production, and adherence to the highest international environmental, health, and safety standards. The trust and support of our shareholders has been pivotal to these accomplishments and maintaining a healthy balance sheet. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I congratulate the executive management team, the GPIC Labour Union, and all our dedicated employees for the company’s continued progress over the last twelve months.

GPIC is proud of its successes and achievements, and this would not have been possible without the outstanding support and guidance of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s wise leadership, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, may God protect him; and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and Prime Minister, may God protect him; and His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty’s Representative for Humanitarian Works and Youth Affairs, National Security Advisor and Commander of the Royal Guard, and Bapco Energies Chairman, whose progressive vision and policies have formed the bedrock upon which GPIC and other companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain have been able to thrive. We are all very grateful for this and proud to contribute to the nation’s success and prosperity.

Our deepest appreciation is also extended to all the government institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain and our honourable shareholders – Bapco Energies, SABIC Agri-Nutrients Investment Co of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of state of Kuwait for their continuous support and encouragement.

I would also like to acknowledge sincere appreciation to my fellow members of the Board of Directors for their wisdom, informed guidance, inspired opinions and high levels of professionalism that have had a significant impact on the company's success and prosperity.

Chief Executive Officer’s Message

In a time defined by geopolitical instability and conflict across the globe, GPIC has demonstrated exceptional resilience. The financial performance reflected in this Annual Report for 2024 was not without challenges, given the complicated market conditions. I am proud of the results accomplished by our dedicated team which have been supported by maintaining outstanding operational reliability and exceptional health and safety records. This is a testament to GPIC’s relentless ambition to succeed even during these tough and uncertain times. Through a steadfast focus on cost management, strategic enhancement of operational efficiencies, and targeting markets with optimum returns, we recorded a net profit of US$74 million in 2024

The emphasis on operational excellence has played a key role in our performance during a difficult year, with all three production plants outperforming the target budget by: urea plant (%3.81); ammonia plant (%1.21); and methanol plant (%0.82). The continuous efforts to optimize, upgrade, and improve plant equipment and systems have played a major role in achieving this. These efforts were further supplemented production enhancements that stemmed from innovative solutions implemented by our people. These have included the implementation of important value-creating initiatives in addition to a keen focus on maximizing output across our portfolio.

GPIC’s delivery of strong results over the few years reflects our deep commitment to persevere and drive the company towards new horizons. As part of this aspiration, we also continue to pursue GPIC’s new 2040 Strategy, which charts an ambitious growth path for the company’s future. We have spent the past 12 months investigating new business opportunities, both within Bahrain and overseas, while also exploring new technologies to reorient the business towards meeting higher growth targets and lowering the carbon footprint of our portfolio. This is an extension of a long-embedded company value that consistently aims to strengthen the resiliency of our operations; innovate for the future; and embed sustainability in all our decision-making and actions. I firmly believe that with the invaluable guidance and support of our shareholders and dedicated Board of Directors, and our company's one team spirit, GPIC's strategic ambitions will remain at the forefront of all our endeavors till it bears fruit. In doing so, the aim is to thrive in our industry by expanding our products, revenue streams, and markets whilst ensuring operational and cost efficiencies.

During the year, we earned significant achievements in the field of business excellence including numerous awards and certificates which are listed in the body of this report. This is a reassurance to our shareholders and stakeholders of GPIC’s firm commitment to continually enhance its internal processes and systems to global industry standards and even surpass them.

GPIC also remains a strong partner and contributor to the community at large. We have sponsored various events and awards as well as significant awareness programmes to the education sector to raise awareness of our leaders of tomorrow. In recent years, there has also been a growing emphasis on the importance of environmental conservation and carbon reduction as part of this outreach. Indeed, our unwavering commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability underpinned our progress in the mangrove trees program. In 2024, we have planted over 100,000 mangrove trees. This will support our efforts to work towards our decarbonization efforts and support in the Kingdom of Bahrain’s strategic conservational goals and net zero targets.

We must not forget the vital role of our employees, both genders, in achieving these accomplishments. Our focus has always been and will continue to be on training them, enhancing their skills, and ensuring their well-being in order to sustain their dedication and success in the future.

We ask Almighty God to guide us towards the organization’s continued growth, prosperity and progress. Additionally, we wish to express our profound gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain and its wise Leadership, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, may God protect him; and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and Prime Minister, may God protect him and His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty’s Representative for Humanitarian Works and Youth Affairs, National Security Advisor and Commander of the Royal Guard, Bapco energies Chairman under which GPIC has flourished, hoping for greater success lying ahead.

Board of Directors and Executive Management

Board of Directors

Eng. Ahmed Alrashdan Board Member
Mr. Ahmed M. Alumar Board Member
Mr. Khalid AlAjmi Board Member
Eng. Fahad M. Al-Battar Board Member
H.E. Shaikh Fahad Bin Salman Al Khalifa Board Member
Mr. Ali Moosa Shafiee Board Member
Eng. Abdulrahman A. Shamsaddin Deputy Chairman
Eng. Kamal Bin Ahmed Mohammed Chairman
Eng. Hamad Dekheel Alsubaie Board Member

Executive Management

Communications Manager Manager

Environment Manager Manager

Yasser A.Rahim Alabbasi Chief Executive Officer

Adnan A.Razaq ALMahmood Deputy Chief Executive Officer - Support

Dr. Omar Naser Al Bastaki Finance & Marketing Manager & Secretary to the Board

Tariq Ismaeel Albastaki Information Technology Manager

Bader Mohammed Almansoori Manager
Abdulmunem Hubail Alnajar Procurement & Warehousing
Jassim Ahmed Darwish Advisor
Fadhel Malalla Alansari

Vision, Mission, and Corporate Values


To become a leader in chemicals and agri-nutrients that pursues excellence and sustainability


Manufacture and deliver sustainable chemicals and agri-nutrients and continuously pursue profitable growth

Our Products



Ammonia is one of the most important basic chemicals, and it is the chemical compound from, which nitrogen fertilizers are made throughout the world. It is used in many other industries, including medicines, refrigeration, water treatment, leather manufacturing, papers, rubber, detergents, and livestock feed.


Methanol is also called methyl alcohol, wood spirit, and is an organic chemical compound and the simplest aliphatic alcohol. This compound and its derivatives are used in many industries, including the automobile industry, medical equipment, plastics, paints, cosmetics, and fuel.

The process of producing urea is achieved by mixing liquid ammonia with carbon dioxide, this produces solid round granules that are easy to export in large quantities via sea shipping containers or packaged appropriately in polyethylene bags. Urea is used in fertilizers, livestock feed and melamine. Its derivatives include urea formaldehyde, plastic, cellulose, and cellophane.

Performance Indicators

Achieving 48.8 million metric tonnes of total production of ammonia, methanol and urea since 1985

48,271 students from 662 schools have benefited from Environmental Awareness Lectures delivered by GPIC employees since 2001

US$2.7 Billion has been paid to shareholders as dividends

US$ 6.4 Billion has been injected into the Bahraini economy since its establishment

More than a million fish have been released into the territorial waters of the Kingdom of Bahrain from GPIC’s fish farm that began in 1996

2,722 loaded cargo ships have been exported to countries around the world since 1985

Solar Energy Project is part of the company’s wider strategy to reduce its carbon footprint and is in support of the Kingdom’s carbon neutrality aspirations. Annual energy production will reach a total of 1,072 megawatt-hours per year

41.7 million working hours without lost-time accidents up to 31 December 2024

The Bahrainisation rate stands at an impressive 95 %. Moreover, the company proudly maintains a 100 % Bahrainisation rate for the first grade of managers and the second grade of sections heads

110,000 mangrove trees have been planted inside the company’s complex

Awards and Certificates

Arabia CSR and Sustainability Award

Large Business Category

Arabia CSR and Sustainability Award

Partnership and Collaborations Category

The PowerList Middle East Awards

Training Excellence Award

GCC GOV HR Summit Award - Innovation

Excellence in Employee ExperiencePrivate Sector

BSCM Excellence Award

Workplace Wellness and Well-being

Corporate Governance


Principles and Compliance

Board of Directors


At Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC), our corporate governance framework is rooted in three core components: Principles, Code of Ethics, and Policies. Guided by our shareholders' aspirations, we strive to operate within internationally and locally recognized guidelines and standards to safeguard the interests of our shareholders and other stakeholders.

Principles and Compliance

Our governance principles are derived from the GPIC Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Bahrain Commercial Companies Law, and Bahrain’s Corporate Governance Code. These principles provide a structured approach to goal-setting, effective decision-making, and ethical conduct. In 2023, we revisited our Corporate Governance Policy to reflect updates in our founding documents and the latest version of Bahrain’s Corporate Governance Code. Additionally, an updated Code of Ethics Handbook was released, reinforcing our commitment to integrity and setting clear behavioural standards for those who represent or work for GPIC.

Each year, we issue a compliance report which is discussed at our Annual General Meeting and submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to affirm our adherence to these governance standards.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, composed of nine members, acts in the best interest of shareholders to ensure the enduring success of GPIC. Board members are nominated by our three shareholders: Bapco Energies, SABIC Agri-Nutrients Investments Company, and Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC). In 2024, the Board convened five times, demonstrating proactive governance and oversight.

Board Committees

Internal Audit

External Auditors

Board Committees

The company’s Corporate Governance Policy and the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Corporate Governance Code resulted in the formation of three high level committees to assist the Board of Directors in the effective performance of their responsibilities.

Audit, Finance & Risk Committee:

Comprising three Board members, this committee oversees financial integrity, risk management, and compliance. It convened four times in 2024 to review internal and external audit findings and the effectiveness of financial and risk management strategies.

Remuneration, Nomination, and Governance Committee:

Also consisting of three Board members, and chaired by an independent member, this committee is responsible for overseeing the overall remuneration and nomination process and ensuring robust governance and compliance with local regulations. It met four times in 2024

Strategic Growth Committee:

Including members from the Board and GPIC’s CEO, this committee focuses on shaping growth strategies aligned with market dynamics, and presenting suitable recommendations to the Board of Directors. The strategy aims to enable the company to sustain its competitiveness and maintain its position as an important economic asset. It met three times in 2024

Internal Audit

Our Internal Audit function provides objective assurance and consulting to improve our operations and achieve our objectives. Reporting directly to the Audit, Finance, and Risk Committee, and to the CEO for administrative matters, the internal audit team plays a crucial role in maintaining effective control environments across GPIC.

The Internal audit team completed 13 internal audit assignments during 2024, as per the plan approved by the Audit, Finance & Risk Committee. The assignments included internal audits on key high-risk areas, co-sourced audits in the area of IT and cyber security, and an independent quality assurance review of the internal audit function.

External Auditors

An independent external auditor, appointed annually by the shareholders, audits our financial statements in accordance with local and international standards. This independent

Safety, Security, Health and Environment


Total safe man-hours (employee + contractor)

Safety, Security, Health and Environment Performance


Completion rate for all the observation highlighted during SHE inspections. 91.5 %


Shift talks were conducted, and total of 96 tool box sessions have been conducted.

BBS survey conducted by the Safety Team, with 59,433 observations reported covering 3,214 workers. The overall BBS rate is 99 % at safe with 1 % at risk.


Scheduled mock drills have been conducted that included Response & Rescue in Process Areas, Environmental Mock Drills and additional Building Evacuations.

Environmental performance

Minimization of hazardous waste to landfill

Environmental inspection carried out in Process and non-Process areas.

MWH/Y reduction of electrical energy in lighting system by installing of LED lights.

Total waste output (non-hazardous waste) 1859 Tonnes

Human Resources and Development

GPIC is dedicated to cultivating a highly skilled and motivated Bahraini workforce. The company's strategic training and development policy is designed to empower employees at all levels, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive innovation and achieve organizational excellence.

By prioritizing employee development, GPIC aims to:



Enhance Performance:

Upgrading employees' skills and competencies to optimize their performance and productivity.

Foster a Culture of Learning:

Creating a dynamic learning environment that encourages continuous improvement and knowledge sharing.



Retain Top Talent:

Attracting and retaining top talent by offering opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

Build Future Leaders:

Identifying and nurturing high-potential employees to develop the next generation of leaders.

The above is achieved through a comprehensive range of training programmes, including in-house workshops, external seminars, and international conferences, GPIC empowers its employees to reach their full potential. By investing in its people, GPIC is investing in its future.

The Academy of Leadership and Learning plays a crucial role in supporting employee development. By offering a variety of in-house, local, and international training programs, the Academy ensures that employees have the skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

GPIC employs a Competency-Based Training (CBT) approach to tailor training programmes to individual needs. This method helps identify and address skill gaps, enhancing employee performance and overall organizational effectiveness.

GPIC’s dedication to employee development has been recognized both locally and internationally. The company’s training programmes, which include traditional courses and participation in industry conferences and workshops, contribute to its sustainable growth and success.


Training programmes vided in various fields

Plants Operation

We’ve had another prosperous year, with all plants running safely, reliably, and efficiently, while upholding the required quality standards for every product.

Table of products showing variance, saleable, and total production figures (MT)

Onstream Factor

Utilization Factor

Capacity Utilization

Technical Services

Engineering Services

All approved Capex projects and modifications were in progress, with procurement activities initiated for all long-lead items to ensure alignment with the target date for the next scheduled Turnaround.

Critical Capex Projects that were under detailed engineering study:

Procurement of Operator Training Simulator (OTS) for Ammonia, Methanol, Urea & Utilities plants

Replacement of the obsolete Honeywell DCS Controllers network components, Urea ESD System and console for Ammonia, Methanol and Utilities Plants

Replacement of obsolete 3.3kV Switchboard at Substation#5 for Urea Plant along with extension of substation building

Upgrade existing obsolete electronic governors in Synthesis Gas Compressors in Ammonia and Methanol Plants

12 Capital Projects were approved that shall be implemented during the coming years.

Commissioning of the Solar System at car park shed exceeding 600 kw

Study of 83 major modifications were also completed. All the modifications undergo a rigorous Process Hazards Assessment before being put into operation to ensure the safety and reliability of the plants.


Replacement of two Process Gas Coolers (PGC’s) (E-0301 & E-1201)

Procurement of New Urea High Pressure Stripper (E-8201)

Replacement of obsolete Fans for the Fin Fan Coolers

Replacement of Granulation Section Heat Exchangers


Continued achieving reliability excellence; by developing and improving the reliability of equipment, it also considered the latest requirements of codes and standards of the latest revisions, legislations and industry best practices.

Enhanced by implementing the RBI studies and the PSM programme which contribute to bettering the inspection outcomes and improving the equipment reliability.

Successfully passed the external audit of ISO 17020 certification and was awarded the quality certificate from the accreditation body.

Completed successfully the inspection of a total of 167 items, 54 of them were subject to statutory inspection.

The inspection team continued the source quality programmes and collaboration with reputable international inspection agencies for projects quality assurance around the world.

Implementing the latest inspection techniques was achieved by using LRUT inspection technique for underground piping inspection and SRUT for inspection of Soil to Air interface areas.

The Inspection team acquire fire professional certifications from API and TWI.


Our laboratory is an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory with the best quality management system. To fulfill the requirement of ISO 17025 Standard, the laboratory participated in number of “Proficiency Tests” conducted by world renowned agencies i.e. M/s Laboratory Quality System International-USA (LQSi) for Urea and M/s Institute for Inter-laboratory Studies, Netherland (IIS) for Methanol during the year. The laboratory performed very well in all the tests conducted by the above-mentioned agencies.

Collected approximately 50617 routine samples from various plants in the complex and analyzed for 164594 parameters.

Approximately 2148 special/request samples were also analyzed for 8224 parameters.

The quality of all the final products were checked before being shipped/loaded in the trucks/tankers.

Fulfilling the total analytical requirement of the plant.

226 Quality Certificates related to three products were issued by the laboratory before expoet.


The maintenance team demonstrated exceptional commitment to advancing safety, reliability, and operational excellence across the entire complex. The team's focus extended across all processes and plant facilities, ensuring that every aspect of the operation met the highest standards of efficiency and safety. Throughout the year, special emphasis was placed on refining preventive measures and optimizing maintenance strategies to enhance the longevity and reliability of critical assets.

Process performance effectiveness

of preventive maintenance work orders completed

95 % response rate for all emergency and urgent work orders achieved

Major Jobs

100 %


priority 1 and priority 2 work orders were raised

Installation of new maintenance workshop air compressor

Online process migration & upgrade of plant DCS

Maintenance of Desalination I & II trains

Preventive maintenance works as per the winter schedule

Power Brushing & Painting of transfer towers. Export conveyors & Ship-loader

R-1103 Catalyst replacement

Commissioning of Replica DCS at Cyber Security Lab

Benfield Gearbox and Motor Replacement

Replacement of the Urea Belt Number L-7607

Substation #5 extension project

L7603LP & LP7604LP Panel replacement at TT#7 & TT# 8

Completion of Nitrogen Unit maintenance

Procurement & Warehousing

1,399 Purchase Orders

Issued materials, equipment, services, and maintenance activities to ensure plant reliability.

Inventory Optimization (Lean Inventory Management)

Minimizing waste and avoiding over-stocking to optimize inventory costs.

Stock-out rate achievement (reduced to 0.8 %):

Ensured zero interruptions in the maintenance program due to material unavailability.

99 %+ Service Level (Service Level & Material Availability)

Ensured material availability as needed throughout the year, maintaining strict adherence to inventory policies.

Vendor Collaboration (Global & Local Vendor Coordination)

Effective communication with vendors to expedite procurement amidst global challenges GPIC established strategic relationship with more than 35 local and foreign suppliers.

Commercial Negotiations

Leveraged market intelligence and negotiation skills to secure best value and strengthen supplier relationships.

Saving by negotiation archived (%)

Purchase Requests raised

Enterprise Risk Management & Business Excellence

In response to global challenges and evolving market conditions, Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) focuses on the continuous improvement of management systems to reinforce resilience and sustainability. GPIC’s executive management regularly reviews integrated systems (PAS 99), which include ISO standards for quality, health and safety, environmental management, responsible care, information security, business continuity, and energy management. In line with ISO 31000 risk assessment guideline, the company prioritizes risk assessment to ensure alignment with its strategic vision.

GPIC is accredited to ISO 17020 for inspection and ISO 17025 for testing and calibration, demonstrating its commitment to quality.

The Resilience Committee plays a key role in assessing risks and global impacts on operations, enhancing GPIC’s responsiveness.

This year, GPIC successfully renewed certifications in business continuity and energy management and transitioned smoothly to the latest responsible care, and information security management systems versions, reflecting its dedication to international standards, operational efficiency, and adaptability—securing its leadership in the petrochemical industry.

Transitioned to S/4 HANA and integrated SaaS solutions (SuccessFactors, ARIBA, SAP Analytics Cloud).

Cyber security

Conducted extensive cybersecurity audits and assessments of IT and OT environments.

Transitioned to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard for Information Security Management.

Technical Infrastructure

Upgraded to a cutting-edge backup solution, reducing Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and improving data recovery speed.

Upgraded wireless networking technology at GPIC for secure and reliable connectivity.

Business Applications

Implemented SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) for real-time dashboards and data-driven decision-making across departments.

Transformed procurement processes with cloud-based SaaS, improving spending tracking and supplier relationship management

Optimized business processes and enhanced overall efficiency, advancing towards operational excellence.

Implemented security awareness initiatives, including training, e-courses, and phishing exercises.

Adopted Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for continuous monitoring and rapid incident response.

Relocated Disaster Recovery site to a TIER 3 Data Center for enhanced operational resilience.

Optimized HR practices using SaaS solutions to manage employee lifecycle events.

Enhanced financial planning and analysis with tools for treasury and cash management, improving cash flow and financial control.

These efforts reflect GPIC's commitment to leveraging innovative technologies for operational excellence, security, and future growth.

Sales & Exports

Exports 2024

International Markets

Ammonia Market:

The ammonia market started the year 2024 with a lack in demand in most regions, driven by subdued activity in some downstream markets. Such a sentiment continued throughout the second quarter of the year represented in low buying interest globally. Ammonia price picked up substantially from USD 320 to USD 353 per metric ton in the third quarter affected by the shutdown of Ma’aden Ammonia Plant in Saudi Arabia amid an increase in the Indian demand, and tight availability in Europe. The price continued to increase throughout the fourth quarter to reach USD 435 per metric ton.

Urea Market:

The urea market started the year 2024 with a soft sentiment due to uncertainty about market direction. Shortly, prices tarted to recover unexpectedly end of January to reach USD 345 per metric ton FOB driven by increase in the Egyptian price to cover shortages in Europe, and tight supply in southeast Asia amid strong demand in Australia. Market activity reduced in the second quarter as off-season period started in the absence of India, and low buying interest dominated the market condition which pushed the price to drop to USD 316 per metric ton. With the issue of an Indian tender end of the third quarter, the market sentiment improved significantly by end of the third quarter with upward price reached to USD 343 per metric ton and continued throughout the fourth quarter.

Methanol Market:

The methanol market started the year 2024 with a weak sentiment globally due to low buying interest in Asia, stable demand in Americas and well-supplied European markets. Throughout the year, the volatility in the Asian markets, mainly China mainland, played the major role having a fluctuated price trend depending on demand level of traditional downstream methanol derivatives, like Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO), whereas the methanol supply in Europe remained steady with strong demand into fuels application. In Americas, the supply remained healthy with a stable demand until the fourth quarter when the market sentiment turned bullish due to the sudden shutdown of Natgasoline plant in the US when there was an outage of methanol plant in Venezuela, which drove the sport price upwards from USD 323 to USD 365 per metric ton globally.


GPIC’s ESG Goals

In our journey so far, we've diligently set and achieved goals aimed at enhancing our environmental, health, safety, economic, and social performance, along with governance standards. However, we're now turning our gaze towards the horizon, aiming to incorporate more ambitious long-term objectives.

These ESG goals are not only about sustainability but also about earning recognition for our organization and stakeholders. They involve scaling up our efforts to adhere to the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and aligning our impact with the strategic vision outlined in Bahrain's Economic Vision. Furthermore, we're committed to demonstrating our alignment with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we continue to evolve and make a positive impact on a global scale.

Invest in carbon capture utilization and storage projects with parent company.

Invest in blue ammonia technology to reduce energy & emissions.

Carbon Neutral by 2060 (with high quality carbon offsets aligned with value chain impacts).

Implementation of projects related to reduction of consumption of natural gas and energy.

Installation of 3MW of new solar on site, 0.6MW as stage 1 by 2024.

Plant 250,000 mangroves and other species on site to improve biodiversity and sequester CO2.

Key Environmental and Social Best Practices

Inauguration of Solar Energy Project

In alignment with our commitment to sustainability, His Excellency Engineer Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, Chairman of GPIC’s Board of Directors, inaugurated our Solar Energy project. This initiative, which installs solar panels on the roof of the employee car park, marks a significant step towards reducing our carbon footprint and supporting the Kingdom’s carbon neutrality goals. The project harnesses renewable solar energy, taking advantage of Bahrain's favourable weather conditions .

the vital role they play in preserving the environment, both now and in the future.

th Edition of the GPIC Award for Environmental Research

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, the GPIC Award for Environmental Research encourages students to develop innovative solutions to environmental challenges. Since its inception in stewardship.

Green Wave Initiative

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, GPIC supports the Green Wave Campaign, an international initiative by the United Nations Environment Programme that promotes biodiversity and encourages youth involvement in agriculture and forestry. The campaign has resulted in the distribution of over 3,600 seedlings to 90 schools, helping to expand green spaces across Bahrain.


GPIC prioritizes the health of its employees and their families, offering comprehensive health insurance and regular medical check-ups. We also organize health awareness campaigns and lectures on topics such as nutrition, chronic disease management, and early disease screening. The company works closely with the Ministry of Health to monitor and support employee health, while also organizing blood donation and diabetes testing campaigns.

Support for National Tree Planting Campaign "Forever Green"

In support of building a greener community, GPIC employees participated in the "Forever Green" tree-planting campaign during Tree Week in the Northern Governorate. Over 323 fruit trees were planted in collaboration with the National Initiative for Agricultural Development, contributing to the enhancement of green spaces in the region.

Youth Development

GPIC is deeply committed to empowering the youth, recognizing their importance in shaping a sustainable future. We actively engage young employees in decision-making processes, and our efforts were recognized in 2018 when we received the King Hamad Youth Empowerment Award for the Private Sector. We continuously seek to increase the involvement of younger employees in projects and initiatives, fostering future leaders who will contribute to our sustainable growth.

Encouraging Physical Exercise

GPIC recognizes the importance of physical health in its employees' well-being. Since 2017, the company has organized various sports activities and competitions that promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic diseases. Our social club offers employees and their families access to diverse sports facilities, and our teams participate in both internal and external tournaments.

Employees' Children and Families

We value the well-being of our employees' families, organizing a summer camp for children during the school holidays. This initiative fosters a sense of community, providing a fun and educational experience while helping children relax and enjoy

National Day Celebrations and the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty the King

As part of Bahrain's National Day celebrations and the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty the King's reign, the company organized a special family event for its employees and their families. This initiative reflects the company's strong commitment to the well-being of its staff and their families, fostering a sense of belonging while honoring the core values of unity, spirituality, and national pride.

Sustainability and Growth

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