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Each player takes a race card (containing useful information on how much it costs to move forward) and chooses a playing-piece. This piece is placed on the board in the “start” position just behind the first square (“Start” flag). Lettuce and Carrot cards are then dealt to each player as follows: • if 3 or 4 play: 3 lettuce cards and 68 carrots (three “1 carrot” cards, two “5”s, one “10”, one “15”, one “30”) • if 5 or 6 play: 3 lettuce cards and 98 carrots (as above but with another “30”) • if 2 play: 3 lettuce cards and 98 carrots (as above), but each takes two playing pieces and the winner is the first to get both home.

MOVES IN BRIEF HARE (Take immediate action) Players must “Jug the Hare” i.e., throw the dice and follow the instructions on the Race card. TORTOISE (Take immediate action) A player may only move BACKWARDS to this square and it costs NOTHING. In fact players gain carrots, ten times the number of spaces moved eg. 3 spaces gains 30 carrots. CARROT (Action next move) On the following turn a player may: 1) Gain 10 carrots from the Carrot Patch, or; 2) Give 10 carrots back to the Carrot Patch, or; 3) Do nothing – simply move on as normal. If option 1 or 2 is taken that is the end of the player`s turn and he must wait until his turn to move off the carrot square as long as he chooses gaining or losing carrots. LETTUCE (Action next move) On his following turn a player must do two things: 1) Throw a Lettuce Card into the Carrot Patch; 2) Gain Carrots according to his position in the Race e.g., if he is 2nd he gains 20 Carrots etc. You cannot land on a Lettuce if you have no Lettuce card. The player’s turn then ceases and he must wait for his next turn before he may move off the lettuce square. NUMBERS (Action next move) On the following move, if the player’s position in the race corresponds to the number on the space he occupies, he gains ten times that number of carrots. If he is 1st in the race and occupies the number 1 square he gain 10 carrots , 2nd – 20 Carrots , 3rd – 30 Carrots , 4th – 40 Carrots. A player may then immediately move off this sqaure. If the number and the player’s position in the race do not correspond then no Carrots are gained and the player makes a move as normal

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