Khaleejia 96 en

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Issue 96 - January 2018

H.E. Interior Minister visits GPIC stand at expo

GPIC holds 38th Annual Celebrations

You read in this issue ... GPIC exceeds Q4-2017 targets


Dr. Jawahery receives top award from Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa


H.H. Deputy PM visits GPIC stand at MEPEC


H.E. Interior Minister visits GPIC stand at expo


H.E. Oil Minister visits GPIC stand at GPCA Convention


GPIC wins Arab CSR Award


InjAz honours GPIC volunteers


GPIC participates in agriculture exhibition


Russian delegation visits GPIC


GPIC welcomes research delegation


Top IFFCO honour for Dr. Jawahery


GPIC Chairman congratulates Management on winning "Rospa Gold Award"


GPIC Receives the Saudi Arabia Environmental Management Award


SCW delegation visits GPIC


GPIC celebrates National Day


GPIC holds 38th Annual Celebrations


P.O.Box 26730 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: (+973)17731777, Fax: (+973)17731047 Web page: Email Address:

Award of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa for the empowerment of Bahraini women

Award of Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman AlKhalifa for Industrial Excellence

President’s Foreward Thanks to God Almighty, the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) successfully concluded 2017 with new optimism and now looks forward to continue with the achievements and maintain gains. The success in achieving its objectives during the year looks to be carried forward as the company is looking at further gains after recovering from some of the consequences of rising oil prices and the accompanying challenges. Those were undoubtedly difficult times, but thanks to plans and policies set up by the Board of Directors, the company was not only able to make new achievements and set records, but also received the Rospa Award for Safety in the Gold category, which reaffirmed its excellence in the field of safety. The challenges at no point constituted an obstacle to the company’s roles and responsibilities at all levels according to set plans and schedules. We continued to host major events, including the eighth GPCA Fertiliser Conference, which supports the fertiliser industry in the region, as well as the conference of the American Association of Occupational Safety Engineers, which was a great success.

We also won the 2017 Arab Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award, which was affirmation of our strong commitment to the community. In addition, we continue to nurture our human elements as one of our pillars. The company contributed to the celebrations of Bahraini Women's Day, which was this year observed on the theme of Bahrain women engineers, under the directives of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women. The celebration was a tribute to me and to the company I am honoured to lead, thanks to the Board of Directors, which is keen to support and empower Bahraini women. We celebrated a joyous occasion when we honoured distinguished employees and celebrated our achievements. I can only thank the wise leadership for all the support. I would also like to thank the Board of Directors who have spared no effort in caring for the company and its employees. We look forward to further cooperation to achieve our goals and aspirations. I wish you a fruitful time ahead.

Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery


GPIC exceeds Q4-2017 targets

GPIC was able to fulfil all its commitments, contracts and obligations in the last quarter of 2017, as a result of the vision of its Board of Directors and a professional team of workers, company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has said.

He said the GPIC is keen not only on achieving success but always strives to excel in every way to maintain the confidence of its customers on the one hand and win awards on the other.

as the core of its sustainable development. Dr. Jawahery revealed that GPIC exported 1.2 million tonnes of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol, an increase of 1 per cent than what had been planned for 2017. He said this also represented a 1.6 per cent increase over exports in 2016 when it was 1.18 million tonnes.

He said the company continues its march towards more achievements and build on the Dr. Jawahery said this was in gains to ensure it remains a leading spite of all the changes and company and maintains its position developments in the fertiliser regionally and globally. He said 73,495 metric tonnes of industry and the state of the Ammonia, 454,200 metric tonnes regional and international Dr. Jawahery praised the GPIC's of Methanol and 676,791 tonnes of markets. approach in the field of occupational Urea were sold during the period. safety, which it considers the This was shipped to the final He said during the last quarter, mainstay of its operations and destination on 71 vessels. there were several challenges, ensures its continued success, the most important being the along with a commitment towards In addition, 959 metric tonnes of continued instability in the supply the protection of the environment. Urea packed in bags were allocated and demand balance as well as to the local market to support the intense competition. Dr. Jawahery said he was very Bahrain’s agricultural sector. proud that the company had These challenges, he said, were achieved 7,639 working days, The President said Taiwan faced, thanks to the ambitious or 27 million hours, without accounted for the largest share (17 approach of the company’s Board any lost time accident. This per cent, or 204,370 metric tonnes) of Directors and commitment of was in addition to maintaining of the company's total exports. its staff. the integrity of its employees This market, he said, represents a


major strategic importance for all producers. Taiwan was followed by India (14 per cent) and the United States (12 per cent).

applauded the of the marketers – the Petrochemical Industries Corporation in Kuwait, which markets Ammonia and Urea – and the Saudi Basic Industries Dr. Jawahery pointed out that all Company, which markets challenges did not prove to be Methanol. an obstacle, and the company continued the production and He said the company worked export process to alternative hard to provide comprehensive markets. training programmes and worked to coordinate between the joint He stressed this indicated the stock companies to identify professional marketing plans training needs and finding the best and flexible strategies set up by ways to achieve them, with a focus the Board of Directors. He also on the quality of training.

Dr. Jawahery expressed his appreciation and thanked the company’s leadership for its continued support, which had enabled it to maintain its pace of growth and balance despite the challenges.

GPIC Total Exports First Half 2017

2% 2% 8%





India Tanzania

South Africa Uruguay


4% Brasil Turkey

Mozambique Argentina



Total sum = 1,204,485 metric tones Korea

He thanked the Board of Directors and said all these achievements would not have been possible without their support. He also thanked the executive management and its keen interest in placing the interest of the company above all.



6% 15%



3% 2% 2% 4%



GPIC applauds HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa on the Successful National Bahraini Women Conference GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has thanked HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), at the conclusion of the Third National Conference of Bahraini Women. The Conference, on the theme, “Women and the Law: the march and the completion - challenges and aspirations”, was held as a prelude to the Bahraini Women’s Day on December 1.The day, held every year under the patronage of Her Royal Highness, is been credited with empowering and encouraging Bahraini women with programmes and activities to help them access new opportunities in all areas of development and support. Dr. Jawahery said December 1 this year has been allocated to celebrate women working in the judicial and legal fields.


He congratulated Her Royal Highness for having selected the theme and said it was a great gesture appreciated by all those in charge of women’s affairs. He said the important role played by women in Bahrain is visible to everyone.

special place enjoyed by Bahraini women in the legal and judicial field and the great potential offered by the Bahrain Government to encourage Bahraini women to join and further develop the sector. Dr. Jawahery outlined the importance of the Supreme Council for Women as an advisory and reference body for all matters pertaining to Bahraini women. He said it was like a house of quality and knowledge that provides expertise and advice in the field of women’s progress, so that they could be a part of the development process. s.

The President also congratulated every woman working in the legal field and said they had proved their capability and leadership qualities and had progressed to occupy the most prestigious and highest positions. He spoke about their achievements at various levels and their efforts to bring about development in the legal and judicial spheres in the The President said he hoped Country. women would continue their role in nation-building and Dr. Jawahery spoke about the participate in Bahrain’s march success of the Conference and towards prosperity. He said praised the speech of Minister women in the business sector of Justice, Islamic Affairs and were already important partners Endowments His Excellency in the development process Sheikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa and deserved applause and during which he stressed the recognition.

Dr. Jawahery receives top award from Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has received an award from Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council of Women for his efforts in supporting the advancement of Bahraini women in the private sector.

He stressed that the company had always been keen to attract women and qualifying them to work in factories and its facilities. He said over the years, many women had reached supervisory and executive positions.

He said such appreciation reaffirms a continued commitment to empowering Bahraini women The award was presented by Her and encouraging them to play an Royal Highness during a ceremony important role in the country’s at the Supreme Council for development and growth. Women headquarters in Riffa and in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for the Bahraini Women's Day 2017 celebrations, H.E. Sheikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

He said GPIC is continuing its support to women and empowering them at all levels. He said the company is proud of the many awards it has earned in this field. Her Royal Highness applauded Dr. Jawahery for his efforts to support and encourage women through his leadership and his support for programmes implemented by the Supreme Council for Women.

Dr. Jawahery thanked Her Royal Highness for the special honour and said he had always been confident of the potential of Bahraini women.


H.H. Deputy PM visits GPIC stand at MEPEC

Deputy Prime Minister HH Sheikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, accompanied by the Minister of Oil, HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, visited the stand of the GPIC at the Middle East Process Engineering Exhibition, held in Bahrain from October 9 to 11. The event, held under the patronage His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman AlKhalifa, the Prime Minister was earlier inaugurated by HH Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa. HH and HE were received by the GPIC Board of Directors Chairman, Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan, its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and a number of senior Executives and officials. Dr. Jawahery briefed the guests on the high quality Ammonia, Methanol and Urea produced by the Company and show them the publications brought out by the Company several aspects related to the nature of its work, occupational health and safety and environmental care.


He also briefed them on the latest developments at the Company's plants, modern facilities and its future plans to double production. They were told about the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Award (Rospa Gold Award), which the Company received in recognition of its outstanding achievements in the field of safety.

exhibition and said it enriched its activities because of GPIC’s experience in the field of process engineering.

Dr. Jawahery thanked HH Sheikh Ali for his visit and expressed appreciation for his praise for the Company and the industrial community. He said such appreciation encourages all those HH the Deputy Prime Minister t the company to perform even expressed his admiration at the better. exhibition and said GPIC is now a growing industrial entity with a The Middle East Process strong base, which is a boon not Engineering Conference and only for Bahrain but also for all Exhibition (MEPEC) 2017 was Gulf countries. held under the theme "Sustainable Growth through Innovation He also expressed admiration and Integration in Refining and at the Company's policy and Petrochemicals Operations". approach in creating jobs for Bahrainis and stressed on the More than 350 national and Company's success in complying international companies, from with the international standards the fields of oil, gas, refining and of occupational health and petrochemicals, took part. safety. He said the Rospa Award complimented its winning its The event was held with the safety award for 25 consecutive support of the American Institute years. of Chemical Engineers and in cooperation with the National Oil HH Shaikh Ali praised the and Gas Authority. Company's participation in the

GPIC women engineer honoured Ms. Al Masqati expressed appreciation at the honour and thanked Her Royal Highness for enabling them to celebrate and celebrate their achievement

Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Bahrain Women's Day 2017, H.E. Sheikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, has honoured GPIC retired Engineer Hanan Al Masqati. This came on behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, the wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women on the occasion of

Bahraini Women’s Day 2017, appreciates its older employees which is dedicated to women in for their efforts and sacrifices to the field of engineering. setting up the Company. He said GPIC had now become a major The ceremony was attended industrial facility and a symbol by Council of Representatives of co-operation between GCC Speaker H.E. Mr. Ahmed bin countries. Ibrahim Al Mulla, Shura Council Chairman H.E. Mr. Ali bin Saleh Dr. Jawahery congratulated Ms. Al Saleh, senior officials and Al Masqati, who has been with guests. the Company since its inception. He said all women engineers GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman have been provided an ideal Jawahery said the Company environment for training, work is proud of its workers and and creativity.

Dr. Jawahery congratulated Ms. Al Bastaki for the recognition, which comes as part of Her Royal Highness's appreciation to the women cadres in rare and new specialties.

Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Supervisory Committee for Bahrain Women's Day 2017, H.E. Sheikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, has honoured GPIC Environmental Engineer Ms. Reem Al Bastaki. This came on behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, the wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for

Women on the occasion of food for the growing population Bahraini Women’s Day 2017, as well as housing. which is dedicated to women in the field of engineering. He said areas that that need management to avoid pollution GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman or environmental damage is Jawahery spoke about the increasing as a result of the importance of environmental emergence of new pollutants engineering said it contributes and the consequences of directly to saving water. He climate change. All these issues said the future will witness a would require more specialized lot of technical development environmental engineers to help coinciding with the growth of deal with potential problems. population and will require more


H.E. Interior Minister visits GPIC stand at expo The Minister of Interior, Lt. General. H.E. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, visited the pavilion of GPIC at the exhibition held on the sidelines of the 12th conference of the American Association of Occupational Safety Professionals (Middle East). He was received by Minister of Oil, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Company’s Executive Management. Dr. Jawahery thanked Lt. Ge. H.E. Shaikh Rashid for the visit and briefed him on the Company's work, achievements and awards in the field of security and safety, which the Company is keen to commit to and promote in the community. H.E. the Minister of Interior said


he admired the advanced level achieved by the Company and expressed appreciation for its outstanding contributions in the field of occupational safety and community development through various awareness programmes.

companies operating in the oil industry and hailed, in particular, GPIC’s achievements and its high quality products. He also appreciated GPIC’s role in supporting conferences and specialized events and expressed admiration for the good He also appreciated the Company’s reputation the Company has efforts in promoting a culture made for itself in the field. of public safety and contributing to improving performance, Lt. Ge. H.E. Shaikh Rashid spoke providing occupational health and about the importance of such preserving the environment. conferences and exhibitions in Bahrain and said it were a H.E the Minister of Interior good opportunity to exchange spoke of the importance of experiences and information GPIC's participation, not only with safety experts and to because it is one of the most enhance the use of public safety important industrial companies mechanisms. in Bahrain but also since it is a model for strict application of Dr. Jawahery said that the visit occupational health and safety came in recognition of GPIC's standards. efforts in the field of occupational safety and its excellent record in H.E. the Minister praised the achieving record working hours capabilities of the Bahrain without a lost time accident.

H.E. the Minister of Oil visits GPIC stand Minister of Oil H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa visited the GPIC stand at the exhibition held on the sidelines of the 12th Professional Conference of the American Association of Occupational Safety Engineers (Middle East). The event was held under the patronage of His Excellency Lt. Gen. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Minister of Interior. Dr. Jawahery welcomed H.E. Shaikh Mohammed and thanked him for the visit and take a look at how the Company promotes safety and the environment. He was also briefed on the involvement of the community in applying these safety principles for their own benefit. H.E. the Minister stressed on

the importance of taking part in such events to highlight the Company’s development in all areas, including in the field of public safety. He praised GPIC’s care for safety by strictly applying international principles and standards.

the Company is proud today of its pioneering experience in implementing unique safety standards. He added GPIC has not spared any effort since its establishment to invest in its Bahraini cadres and to provide all training, care and opportunities for them to learn at home and abroad and to instil a culture of safety at work. He said GPIC has achieved the highest safety and health standards in all stages of manufacturing and production.

H.E. the Minister thanked GPIC Management, led by Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, for its efforts to develop the Company's business and contribute to the development of the society as well as make it aware through educational campaigns. He pointed out the Company’s More than 600 people, imprint is felt in all forums and representing distinguished this in itself is a source of pride. groups of managers, engineers and scientists specialized in the Dr. Jawahery thanked H.E. the field of safety, environment and Minister for his interest and occupational health, attended follow-up of the Company’s the conference and exhibition, programmes and activities, which included more than 30 adding that it is showing great specialized sessions and 15 interest in safety issues. He said workshops.


H.E. Oil Minister visits GPIC stand at GPCA Convention Minister of Oil H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa visited the GPIC stand at the Bahrain pavilion during the opening of the two-day 8th GPCA Conference and Exhibition.

With the help of images and illustrations, the minister was briefed on GPIC’s development of its factories and facilities. He was told of the Company’s achievements and the several awards it had won in the areas H.E the Minister was accompanied of quality, production, safety, by GPIC Chairman, H.E. Dr. and occupational health and the Ahmed Al Sharyan, its President, environment. Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and a number of members of the Among these are the Corporate Executive Management. Social Responsibility Award for 2017, which was given during the H.E. the Minister was briefed on annual celebration organized by the Company's operations and the Arab Network for Corporate high quality products. He also Social Responsibility in Dubai. reviewed GPIC’s achievements, including its contribution to The Minister expressed community service, health, admiration at GPIC’s advanced environment and safety. level in terms of its infrastructure and products as well as its H.E. the Minister also learnt about attention to human resources. several awareness publications on H.E. the Minister praised the the safety and the environment Company's participation in the and how the Company is keen to conference and expressed his promote those concepts within admiration for efforts exerted by the community. its managers in preparing for event.


He said GPIC’s presence at the event enriched the deliberations. H.E. the Minister also praised GPIC’s achievements in the last few years and the high quality of its products. He spoke about the Company’s contributions and its role in supporting specialized conferences and events and said it had gained a reputation as a distinctive industrial enterprise in the region. H.E. the Minister stressed the importance of attracting such regional and international exhibitions and conferences to Bahrain and said it highlighted the progress made by the country’s petrochemical and fertilizer industry. He thanked the Chairman, the Board of Directors, the President and the executive management for their efforts to develop the Company's business, which was a source of pride.

GPIC Chairman applauds company efforts

GPIC Chairman NOGA Secretary General Dr. Ahmed Al Sharayan has applauded the company’s dedication in preparing for the upcoming GPCA Eighth Annual Conference in Bahrain. The event is being held under the patronage of Oil Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, in cooperation with the GPIC and NOGA. Dr. Al Sharayan noted the professionalism of the company management and its working team in taking care of all logistics to ensure the success of the event, which attracts top personalities from the region and around the world.

Dr. Al Sharayan praised the Oil Minister’s interest and followup to details of preparations and ensure the event’s success.

The Chairman said the petrochemical industry, especially the fertiliser industry, took off in the region in the mid-60s. “The $7 billion regional production accounts for about a quarter of the world’s total production and sales of more than 38 million tons annually.”

The Chairman said the event is of great importance to the fertiliser industry since heads of the region’s largest companies and government representatives would meet to exchange information and discuss issues He said the industry is related to global food security. considered the basis for sustainable development "There is no doubt that this and support to the national event would enhance Bahrain’s economy in GCC countries. reputation and excellence in hosting large forums and The Chairman thanked the conferences,” he said. “The event GPIC for its efforts and would prove once again that professionalism and said it Bahrain is well-experienced in proved its leadership was a hosting major conferences.” success at all levels.


Bahrain students to attend GPCA Conference

A group of Bahrain’s university students will take part in the Eighth Annual Conference of the GPCA to be held in Bahrain from September 26 to 28. The conference, on the theme, New Beginnings, is organised by the GPCA’s Fertilizer Committee and held under the patronage of Oil Minister H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa.

conference is in line with the direction of the Company and GPCA has taken in serving Gulf communities and caring for the youth and to provide them with career opportunities. The conference, a major regional event, and will be attended by industry leaders and heads of companies. “Our students should be acquainted with such activities, which will allow them to identify a group of specialists and learn about their experiences and benefit from their experiences,” said Dr. Jawahery.

The students' participation comes in line with organizer’s plan to ensure they derive the maximum benefit from the specialized gathering. Key figures from the global and Arab fertilizer industry and government representatives Dr. Jawahery said higher education are expected to attend. institutions in Bahrain enjoy a respectable position, particularly GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman in light of the huge growth in Jawahery said the organisers the number of graduates with looked at expanding participation university degrees in many to include university students. disciplines. “Their participation “The conference will enrich in this important forum will be a their studies and give them valuable experience for them and the opportunity to learn about their colleges and tell them what the latest developments in this the industrial institutions require strategic industry.” in terms of high quality human skills, abilities and competencies.” He said the invitation to the students to take part in the Dr. Jawahery conveyed his


greetings and appreciation to GPCA for its initiative to exempt participating students from the registration fee. He said the event would feature extensive discussions on many topics related directly to the fertiliser industry, the most important of which are the potential impact of changes in the fertiliser trade and the key factors behind future growth. “A stable environment, the recreation of global distribution channels, and the linking of business to innovation are key,” he added. “The conference is expected to witness the latest technological developments in the region and the world.” Established in 2006, GPCA has as its members 90 per cent of the petrochemical and chemical producers in the region. It is the first of its kind in the Middle East and aims to enhance the role of companies and enable them to play a key role in the global chemical industry to ensure a sustainable industrial growth that would bring prosperity and security to the people.”

GPCA’s role in focus

GPCA continues with its role in providing a forum for its members to meet, communicate and exchange knowledge and ideas.

The first such association of its kind in the Middle East, the GPCA aims to enhance the role of companies and enables them to play a key role in global chemical industries to ensure a sustainable industrial renaissance that brings prosperity and security to the people of the region. The association has focussed on building a database of members and partner organizations and creating a special identity.

The GPCA is considered one of the most important specialized organizations in the region, which plays a key role in formulating international and regional policies and taking care of the interests of Gulf petrochemical companies in supporting and achieving their aspirations. GPCA Secretary General H.E. Dr. Abdulwahab Al Saadoun said The GPCA also provides the industry is moving steadily its members with various towards achieving important platforms and channels to meet targets in the promotion of and communicate to share sustainability. He stressed the knowledge, ideas and experiences GCC countries’ keenness to that enhance its ability to grow abide by sustainability standards, and prosper. which promote economic feasibility, as part of which Since its establishment in March most of the petrochemicals 2006, the GPCA has earned and fertilizer producers in the a reputation as leader in the region ambitiously develop their regional fertilizer, petrochemicals operations to include the society, and chemicals industry that the environment and all physical enhances fruitful cooperation aspects. and raises standards of member companies. Ninety per cent of The GPCA launched its first the petrochemical and chemical sustainability report during the producers in the GCC region are sustainability conference held its members. in Dubai recently. The report

was prepared by a management consulting firm and contains several performance indicators that help companies move forward towards sustainability and encourages producers through a set of specific objectives. Over 70 per cent of the region’s fertilizer producers follow a formal policy of sustainability, with 60 per cent having their own objectives within the business strategy. Petrochemical and fertilizer companies in the GCC also play a leading role in social sustainability. These follow global health and safety standards and are committed to developing ambitious talent and launching social initiatives. Many industry leaders from the Gulf region have expressed great admiration for the influential role of GPCA, especially since the petrochemical and chemical fertilizers sector is an important sector for the region's wealth and one of the largest employers.


SABIC Chairman visits GPIC pavilion at GPCA Forum SABIC Chairman H.E. Dr. Abdulaziz Al Jarboo visited the pavilion of GPIC during the Eleventh Forum of GPCA in Dubai. The event, from November 27 to 29, was attended by delegations from the world's largest petrochemicals and chemicals producers. Dr. Al Jarboo was received by GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery, senior executives and officials, who briefed the high profile visitor on the Company’s high quality chemicals and fertilizers, produced in state of the art plants. Dr. Al Jarboo expressed his admiration at GPIC’s excellence and its contributions in the industrial and community development fields through its various awareness programmes.


He praised the Company’s inception to guide the chemical achievements over the past many and petrochemical industries in years. the Gulf States towards a new era of fruitful cooperation. A high-powered GPIC delegation, headed by its Chairman, H.E. Dr. It has created a platform for Ahmed Al Sharyan, attended discussion through which the forum, the most important petrochemical and chemical event for the petrochemicals manufacturers are able to share and chemicals industry in the their concepts and ideas. GCC region. The GPCA aims to strengthen The event provides an the role of the countries of opportunity for networking and the region in dialogue aimed building relationships through at formulating policies and activities on its sidelines. regulations regarding the chemicals and petrochemicals Since it first met in 2006, the sector to ensure its sustainable forum has seen steady annual and socially responsible growth. and gained a reputation in the global chemical industry. Last It provides opportunities year's event attracted more for member companies to than 2,000 executives from 52 communicate and exchange countries. information and expertise to ensure the sectors development The GPCA has also witnessed and prosperity. steady expansion since its

GPIC wins Arab CSR Award GPIC has won the 2017 Arab Network for Corporate Social Responsibility Award for Partnerships and Cooperation. The Award was announced in the presence of Ras Al Khaimah Civil Aviation Department Head H.E. Sheikh Salem Bin Sultan Bin Saqr Al Qassimi during its annual celebrations. GPIC General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari received the Award on behalf of the Company to the applause of heads of companies and institutions working in the field of social responsibility, who were present during the event, held in Dubai.

GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery said in a statement the Company's success is due to its outstanding efforts in social, environmental and sustainable development. He said GPIC pays great deal of attention to its social role and responsibilities towards others and strives to adopt initiatives that reduce environmental damage resulting from operations as part of its pursuit of a clean industry. "We are very pleased that we continue to win Awards in all fields, including in the field of social responsibility,” he said. “The Company sees this as one of the pillars of its success.”

Dr. Jawahery also praised the continuous efforts of Company employees, members of the Executive Management as well as the President and members of the employees’ Labour Union who, he said, showed great dedication. He said this latest Award confirms the Company’s success and achievements on the integrity of its approach and the accuracy of its strategic vision in the field of community service. He said the Company encourages its members to participate in activities that support all sectors of society in conjunction with its success on the economic front.


GPIC women engineers honoured GPIC Board of Directors Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan has congratulated Company's women engineers who received awards of excellence in performance at the Women's Leadership Forum, held during the recently concluded Middle East Process Engineering Conference (MEPC) 2017.

He said women in the Company have demonstrated their ability not only in leadership but also in discharging their responsibilities and tasks efficiently and professionally.

to perform various tasks assigned to them. Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked the Chairman for congratulating the women engineers and said the Management, under the guidance of the Board of Directors, would continue its policies to support them to excel and attain top positions in the Company.

While Ms. Haya Al Jassim received the ‘Rising Star’ Award, Ms. Fatima Sharif received the Award of Excellence. Ms. Najat Sherif, The Chairman said he was was awarded the Woman of proud of the engineers who have Achievement Award. Dr. Jawahery praised the efforts contributed to the Company’s of the women in all departments development. He praised all of the The winners thanked the and said they had proved their employees for doing everything Chairman and the Board of competence and ability to deal to make the Company proud. Directors and expressed with the nature of work, despite gratitude for their praise. They complex processes and high He said the Board of Directors said their success was due to the technical and professional skills. would not hesitate to develop attention and encouragement of more programmes and courses the Board of Directors and the The fourth edition of the MEPC that would help develop and Management. was held under the theme improve the talent of women "Sustainable growth through engineers in line with the They said they have always innovation and integration in directives and visions of Her been provided an ideal work refining and petrochemical Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka environment and given equal operations". It was organised bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, the wife opportunities with their male with the support of the American of His Majesty the King and colleagues. This has helped them Institute of Chemical Engineers, in Chairperson of the Supreme prove their competence in all cooperation with the National Oil Council for Women. tasks and demonstrate an ability and Gas Authority.


GPIC woman engineer bags top excellence award A woman engineer at GPIC engineering from the University has received the Excellence of Bahrain. in Leadership Among Women Award. She continued to develop her leadership skills during her work The award was presented to in various departments, which Ms.Fatima Sharif at the Diplomat prompted her to take part in Radisson Blu Hotel to coincide intensive training programmes. with the Middle East Process Engineering Conference (MEPC) She has also been active in 2017. various projects and strategic committees within the company. The event was held in Bahrain Ms. Sharif was able to accomplish from October 9 to 11 under the all requirements of factorypatronage of His Royal Highness related work with understanding Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al and gained the ability to refine Khalifa, the Prime Minister. her original skills in electrical engineering. Minister of Oil H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed She has been able to build a Al Khalifa and GPIC Board of solid foundation and gain a more Directors Chairman Dr.Ahmed Al comprehensive knowledge of Sharyan were among the guests the requirements of factory present at the event. operations. Ms. Sharif was given the award for her exceptional performance and passion for leadership. She joined the company in 2003 after earning a bachelor's degree in electrical

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed pride in Ms. Sharif’s achievement and said she proved her exceptional ability to lead in the work environment

and was able to draw attention to her professionalism and efficiency. He congratulated her on the achievement, which, he said, comes as a result of her dedication. He said the company always encouraged women in the industrial work place and asserted the award presentation is a moment of pride. He said the company is proud of women leaders in the industrial complex and added the GPIC had taken great interest in empowering Bahraini women through a set of practical measures and strategies. Ms. Sharif thanked the management for its support of working women and noted Dr. Jawahery’s in supporting her and providing all opportunities for her to continue to achieve excellence. Around 350 companies from the oil and gas and petrochemicals sectors from around the world took part.

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InjAz honours GPIC volunteers GPIC has honoured Company volunteers who participated in and helped implement community initiatives of InjAz Bahrain.

and knowledge to serve the organisation's goals and vision. She praised their perseverance, devotion and responsibility towards the tasks entrusted to The ceremony was attended, them. among others, by InjAz Bahrain Chief Executive Officer HH "You have demonstrated to Sheikha Hessa bint Khalifa all your ability to assume Al Khalifa and was held in responsibilities with great keeping with Company policy to efficiency,” she said.“Today we see advance Bahraini society and the the fruits of cooperation between community. InjAz Bahrain, GPIC and other supporting companies for the GPIC attaches great importance benefit of Bahrain and its people. not only social responsibility I urge you to continue these but also to volunteering as an efforts and contribute to these important principle through programmes.” which one is able to pay back to his country and society. HH called on the volunteers to work without hesitation and GPIC volunteers have so far supporting the organisation in a contributed around 4,000 hours spirit of giving for it to achieve its since InjAz was established in goals. She said in the youngsters 2005. of Bahrain, was the future of the homeland. “This also gives Speaking on the occasion, HH the volunteers the experience Shaikha Hessa thanked the and knowledge and prepares volunteers for the initiative them to give even more to their and to devote their time, effort nation.”


GPIC President and InjAz Bahrain Chairman Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his pride and admiration for the volunteers and motivated them to continue doing so in the coming years. He said this positive spirit is not strange to GPIC employees,who have contributed, and continue to contribute, towards raising the level of Bahraini society and help its children achieve a bright and stable future. He said GPIC would always remain at the forefront of its support to the organisation. Dr. Jawahery paid tribute to HH Sheikha Hessa for her efforts in setting up InjAz Bahrain as a voluntary institution that aimed to raise the level of society. He said it continued its efforts in developing its plans and programmes with the assistance and support of the Board of Directors and volunteers.


Two GPIC workers honoured at ceremony The Labour and Social Development Ministry organised a ceremony to honour distinguished workers of the private sector on Wednesday (December 13). The event, under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad, was attended, among others, by Labour and Social Development Minister H.E. Mr. Jamil bin Mohammed Humaidan.

and applauded their efforts to deserve the honour. He said the annual ceremony recognises the Bahraini workforce in carrying out their duties with professionalism, sincerity and excellence.

Janahi was also recognized for having proven his ability to successfully carry out his responsibilities. In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked and appreciated H.E. the Minister for his efforts in organisning the ceremony and said it is recognition of the important role of private sector workers in nation building.

Among those honoured was Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) Safety, Security, Health and Environment Manager Mr. Jassim Darwish, who received the accolade for his outstanding Speaking on the occasion, H.E. the performance. Dr. Jawahery said the GPIC is keen Minister conveyed the greetings to take part in the event, during and appreciation of His Majesty Senior analyst in the Technical which its outstanding employees the King to all those honoured Services Department Mr. Khalid are honoured.


GPIC participates in agriculture exhibition GPIC took part in the Second Agricultural Education Exhibition organized by the Bahrain Training Institute and held under the patronage of the Minister of Education H.E. Dr. Majid Bin Ali Al Nuaimi. The participation, for the second year in succession, was in keeping with the recommendations of the company’s Board of Directors and in support the environment, as well as to take care of the elements of sustainability. The exhibition, from December 5 to 7, was held under the theme, “Sustainability of Agriculture, Protecting the Earth and Protecting Life". Representatives of several educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Education took part.

During the exhibition, GPIC distributed educational brochures that detailed the best ways to use urea and presented the successful experience of its Agri-Nutrients Committee related to the Green Wave project.

produced agricultural products and share their experiences on plants, crops and fertilisers as well as ways of nutrient management, innovations, agricultural commodities, and projects. Representatives of several public and private sector companies connected to the agricultural sector, as well as amateurs and lovers of agriculture also attended.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said such events promote the importance of preserving the environment and the agricultural sector, to which he pledged his support it in various ways and means. GPIC was represented its AgriNutrients Committee, the He said the National Initiative Leadership and Learning Academy for the Development of the and a number of Company Agricultural Sector is consistent officials. with the highest goals of the company that it seeks to achieve Several competitions involving as a priority. visitors were organised and the winners were honoured. Lectures The exhibition provided an and seminars by experts in the opportunity for participants and agricultural sector were also part farmers to showcase their locally of the deliberations.


Russian delegation visits GPIC

A high-level delegation from the Russia State Duma, headed by its Chairman, H.E. Mr. Rasul Borisovitch Butachev, visited GPIC. Parliament First Deputy Speaker H.E. Mr. Ali Abdullah AlAradi accompanied the delegation that was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management, Deputy Chairman of Company Labour Union and senior officials. Dr. Jawahery praised the Duma’s role and appreciated its representation of the people as well as its contribution to solving their problems and taking care of their needs. He praised the strong bilateral relations between Bahrain and Russia in all fields and spoke about GPIC’s association with Russian companies and various educational


institutions. Dr. Jawahery said he The delegation was also briefed welcomed more such visits, which on the Company’s production and would benefit both sides. export activities, which included a review of its key achievements Dr. Jawahery thanked H.E. Mr. in the fields of safety, quality and Butachev and the accompanying environmental protection. They delegation for their association were also told about the carbon with the Company, which, he said, dioxide extraction plant and the would give them an opportunity E-learning center. to learn about a successful Gulf project and co-operation among The delegation toured the its companies. Company's complex and saw the manufacturing facilities and The President gave a brief the environmental projects that description of GPIC’s business reflect the harmony between the philosophy, strategy and how its industry and the environment. operations are managed and told the visitors about its modern H.E. Mr. Butachev expressed administrative systems that gave pleasure and gratitude at the employees equal opportunities welcome and the hospitality for in training and push them to the generosity and hospitality make maximum efforts for the and said GPIC was an example betterment of their organization. of co-operation among Gulf He explained GPIC’s role in the Cooperation Council countries. local community and voluntary efforts at local institutions.

GPIC welcomes research delegation

Researcher at the Institute for International and Strategic Research, Paris, France, Mr. Kader Abdelrahim, visited GPIC. Mr. Abdelrahim, who was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of GPIC Labour Union and Company officials. He was accompanied by Royal Court Special Envoy H.E. Ms. Samira Ibrahim Bin Rajab, Shura Council member H.E. Ms. Nancy Khadouri and Institute of Public Administration Director General Mr. Raed Shams.

Dr. Jawahery briefed the guests on the Company's operations and corporate philosophy, which enabled it to win several international awards. He also explained to them the company’s achievements in production, safety, marketing and environmental conservation. The guests then toured the complex, inspecting the Ammonia, Methanol and Urea plants and reviewing regulations in the fields of safety, environment and occupational health. They visited the environmental and charity projects such as the Charity Fish Farm, HRH Princess Sabeeka

Garden for Aromatic Plants and the Bird Sanctuary, where they also planted a palm tree to commemorate their visit.

Mr. Abdelrahim and the others said they were impressed by GPIC’s development and the Company emerging as a successful symbol of GCC cooperation in the petrochemical industry. They said they were happy to get an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Company's operations and its professional, environmental and community achievements.


GPIC delegation at IFA forum A delegation of GPIC, led by its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, took part in the Fourth Strategic Forum of the International Fertiliser Industry Association (IFA) in Zurich, Switzerland, from November 13 to 15. Specialists in the field from several countries who attended, discussed issues related to production safety and leadership in the fertiliser industry as well as those related to the use of advanced technology in this the industry.The forum also discussed strategies and plans to increase demand on fertilizers. Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of holding such specialized international gatherings to harness the fertiliser industry to serve humanity as a committed and responsible entity for food security. He said the event was an occasion to allow participants to discuss the industry, including market trends, which directly or indirectly affect global food security. He pointed out the


Company is always keen to be present at conferences and events related to the nature of its work. He stressed the importance of event which, he said, was held at a time when the he world is experiencing an economic crisis. This, he added, made it imperative for industrialized countries to find appropriate solutions to overcome its negative effects as well as identify trends for the future. Dr. Jawahery said the forum reviewed activities adopted by the IFA, often referred to as the Fertilizer Industry Strategy 2030. The forum also held a highlevel meeting of special product working groups to help determine the course of the IFA's future work programme. Dr. Jawahery said the event was also a good opportunity to discuss challenges faced by the global fertiliser industry and the need to draw up effective plans to maintain a competitive advantage in international markets.

He said the IFA would continue its approach to creating young leaders interested in the industry through participation and transfer of experiences and knowledge. Dr. Jawahery noted the important role of GPIC as an active member of the IFA and as a leading producer of ammonia and urea in the GCC region. The Norman Borlaug Award, which was received this year by Mr. Dobermann from the United Kingdom and Mr. Mclaughlin from Australia and Mr. Cakmak from Turkey was also presented during the event. The IFA is one of the largest such unions globally and has as its members manufacturers in the field of nitrogen and phosphorous industrial fertilisers. The IFA is headquartered in the French capital, Paris and regularly hosts meetings and events in several countries.

Top IFFCO honour for Dr. Jawahery Fertiliser giant Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO) has honoured GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery in recognition of his role in the development of the fertilizer industry at the regional and global level. The honour, which came at IFFCO’s 50th anniversary celebrations in New Delhi, also recognised Dr. Jawahery’s efforts to enhance communication between fertiliser companies and named him as a pioneer in the field. IFFCO Managing Director Mr. Rakesh Kapur, Senior Company Officials and representatives of global fertiliser companies were present on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Kapur said the Company has recognised the efforts of fertiliser industry leaders around the world who have enriched the sector while working tirelessly to enhance communication between companies.

He said Dr. Jawahary has been recognised for his leadership of GPIC, the Arab Fertiliser Association (AFA) and the International Fertiliser Industry Association (IFA).

Dr. Jawahery said he was pleased to meet IFFCO officials, CEOs, senior industry Executives and Government Officials. Dr. Jawahery holds a PhD from London’s South Bank University and a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, also from London. He is a prominent and influential figure in the Petrochemical Industry regionally and globally.

He said Dr. Jawahery is one of the most important regional figures who have contributed to the development of the petrochemical and fertilizer industry with his leadership skills as well as his role in the field of During Dr. Jawahery’s tenure sustainable development and as head of the AFA and the IFA, environmental protection. the two organisations have been credited with a number of Dr. Jawahery thanked IFFCO achievements while GPIC has for the honour and praised the become one of the most wellwelcome and the hospitality known companies globally with he received. He also applauded its products being exported to the grand 50th anniversary the world’s markets. celebrations and IFFCO’s important role in providing Dr. Jawahery also holds senior fertilizers and nutrients to and important positions in many Indian farmers. He said the local, regional and international Company has had a great impact institutions and organizations. on the sustainability of the He has served as a member of Indian economy and added its Bahrain’s Shura Council for two achievements over the years terms and is a board member of have all been aimed at improving the United States National Safety the world situation. Council.


GPIC Chairman congratulates Management on winning "Rospa Gold Award" GPIC Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan has congratulated the Management and employees on the Company winning the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Award (Rospa Gold Award), in recognition of its outstanding achievements in the field of safety.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, who presented the Award to the Chairman during the recently concluded Middle East Process Engineering Conference, 2017, said this was in appreciation of the Board’s balanced policies and its keenness to follow up on the implementation of principles of safety and in maintaining its He said the Award comes as a achievements. result of the Company's approach to ensuring the highest standards The President said he is proud of safety in its operations and in of the approach of the Board reaffirming a high level of safety of Directors, especially with awareness. regard to the investment in human resources. He said He said that the Board of Company employees have Directors would continue to received high quality training on provide all support to maintain the implementation of safety the achievements and excellence standards and maintaining the in the field of occupational health safety of all facilities so that it and safety, which today is one of conducts operations smoothly. He the most important elements of said the priority at all times was the success of any business. towards the safety of individuals rather than on profits. He reiterated they would remain committed to applying strict He said the Company's winning international standards and the Award is culmination of many continue to win the safety Awards years of excellence in safety. He by implementing high standards. added this was also evident since


the Company has been winning for the last 25 years the Rospa Award for safety at the workplace. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the Company's determination to continue its plans to raise the level of performance in the field of safety, health, environment and accident prevention, which it considers as a pillar of management and on which all decisions are based. He said the frequent Awards and competition to major international companies over the past years is the best evidence of GPIC's ongoing efforts in the field of safety, health and the environment. Dr. Jawahery had earlier received the Award during an event in London, to coincide with the 100th anniversary celebrations of Rospa. The event was attended by the Rospa president and his deputy, along with a number of dignitaries concerned with occupational safety issues and representatives of industrial companies around the world.

Dr. Jawahery receives top PR award

The Bahrain Public Relations Association has awarded GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery the Outstanding Achievement Award for 2017. The honour was bestowed on Dr. Jawahery for being one of the most prominent and influential figures in the global petrochemical industry and in recognition of the great impact he has had in advancing the industry while promoting Bahrain. The award ceremony was held under the patronage of Advisor to His Majesty the King for Media Affairs Nabil bin Yaqoub AlHamer, who is also the Honorary President of the Bahrain Public Relations Association. RCO Secretary General Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed and a number

of members of the Shura Council "I would like to congratulate Dr. along with its President, Dr. Fahad Jawahery and wish to tell him Al Shihabi, were present. that he has been able to reach the highest levels through his The event featured a film that efforts, dedication and love. This included snippets of Dr. Jawahery's honour is only a fraction of what long career and his achievements he deserves.� in promoting Bahrain as a distinct industrial state globally. Dr. Jawahery thanked the society and its officials and praised Speaking on the occasion, the important and influential Dr. Al Shihabi said that the role it plays in developing the unanimous selection of Dr. practice, activities and functions Jawahery comes in recognition of the public relations sector in of his achievements in the Bahrain. field of industrial development, especially the petrochemical He also thanked Mr. Al-Hamer industry. He said Dr. Jawahery and said the moment he received is one of the most important the award would remain with figures at the local, regional him as a great source of pride. and global level and heads He said he would not have the International Fertiliser received the honour had he Industry Association, which is a not been able to work with a huge achievement considering professional team. Bahrain’s size.


GPIC Receives the Saudi Arabia Environmental Management Award

GPIC has been awarded the Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the private sector by the Rabat, Moroccobased Agricultural Management Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). Company General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari received the Award on behalf of its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, during the opening session of a meeting of Islamic Countries’ Environment Ministers. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said the achievement reaffirms the sound strategies of the Company's Board of Directors and their care for the environment.

jury consisting of arbitrators from the Islamic world, took its decision after due process of screening and evaluation, characterized by transparency and justice. He said the Award has been instituted by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to serve the environment and to support, promote and encourage individuals, government and private institutions and civil societies in the Islamic world to improve efficiency of environmental work. Dr. Jawahery exhorted all employees to double efforts and build on achievements with their professional skills and continue to support GPIC's vision and mission. He praised employees’ efforts and their commitment to the environment and for striving to establish a culture of environmental care among the community.

He said the Company's environmental systems are showcased through projects within the complex as well as by support to programmes and its activities for institutions and The ceremony was attended by associations. Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasna, the sister of the Dr. Jawahery said the Award’s Moroccan monarch, and the Supreme Committee,a 13-member head of the Mohammed VI


Foundation for the Protection of the Environment. Ambassadors of Islamic countries in Morocco were also present. The Award is a grant from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to develop Islamic env-ironmental work. It is supervised by the General Authority for Meteorology and the Environmental Protection in Saudi Arabia, while ISESCO administers the work of its general secretariat. The Award aims at establishing and embracing a broad concept of environmental management in the Islamic world and consolidating sound environmental management principles and practices. It also aims at motivating Islamic countries to take care of the concept of sustainable development, encourage scientific research and direct it to take care of environmental management and its applications, as well as mobilize efforts to find innovative scientific and practical solutions to current and future environmental problems, besides contributing efforts to improve people’s lives.

Women’s delegation visits GPIC Bahrain Society for Women Development President H.E. Shaikha Lubna bint Abdullah Al Khalifa headed a society delegation to a visit to GPIC. GPIC Human Resources Manager Ms. Najat Sharif, who is also Chairperson of the Company’s Working Ladies Committee, and a number of other officials, received the visitors and conveyed to them the greetings of Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery.

and exports to the largest and most important international markets. They also visited the environmental projects that reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment. These include the Charity Fish Farm, the Bird Sanctuary and the HRH Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic Plants. The visitors were taken to the Company's club where they were told about the facilities, including the well-equipped gymnasiums. The delegation heard about the sports, cultural and entertainment programmes offered by the club to Company employees and their families. They were treated to a luncheon hosted by the Company in their honour.

The guests were briefed on the Company's business philosophy, strategy and operations as well as on its management, production and exports. The main achievements of GPIC in the areas of safety, quality, environmental conservation and the community contributions In a statement on the occasion, were also reviewed. Dr. Jawahery said the visit was an opportunity to inform The delegation toured the society members of Bahrain’s Company's complex and development in the field of witnessed the production of petrochemicals and fertilisers high-quality petrochemicals and what made GPIC a model

for this sector in Bahrain with its modern facilities and qualified national workforce. Dr. Jawahery praised the contributions of the society towards women's affairs on offering programmes and projects for their welfare. H.E. Sheikha Lubna thanked GPIC officials for the hospitality and the reception and expressed admiration for what she and the delegation witnessed during the visit. She said GPIC’s activities and programmes outside the scope of industrial work, as part of its social responsibility towards the community, leaves a positive and influential impression on the community. H.E. Shaikha Lubna said the delegation will convey their views to colleagues and their families. They will also speak about Bahrain’s potential in the rapidly growing industrial sector and how GPIC is a successful example of joint Gulf projects.


BCCI Officials visit GPIC Several officials of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), led by the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Khalid AlRawaihi, visited GPIC on Sunday October 29 2017. The delegation was received by GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery, the Executive Management, the Deputy Chairman of GPIC Labour Union and senior officials. Dr. Jawahery assured the delegation the visit was a good opportunity for communication and exchange of views on issues of industrial investment in Bahrain. He briefed the members on the Company's progress in its operations and productivity, emerging issues related to the Petrochemical industry and the challenges the sector was facing. Dr. Jawahery expressed appreciation at the BCCI’s efforts to lead and serve Bahrain’s private sector and to enhance its capabilities to meet all challenges, changes


and developments as required by the reform project of His Majesty the King and efforts to reform and develop the national economy.

The guests toured GPIC Complex, during which they visited the Learning and Leadership Academy and the eLearning Centre. They also saw the plants and GPIC’s Dr. Jawahery praised the keen environmental projects, which desire of the BCCI Board to reflect the harmony between the take steps in line with the future industry and the environment. of Bahrain’s economy and to adopt a vital and effective role They went to the Charity Fish in dealing with the aspirations of Farm and Bird Sanctuary as well, the trade, industry, business and after which they were treated to investment sectors. a luncheon. The two sides also reviewed the developments at GPIC and its soon to be implemented projects, which are expected to benefit the Company and its Shareholders. The delegation was briefed on the Company’s programmes and achievements related to production, safety, marketing, environmental conservation and community responsibility. The visitors were also told about the international awards won by GPIC and its good reputation among the regional and international markets.

Dr. Al-Ruwaihi thanked the Executive Management for inviting the BCCI Officials to visit the Company and look at the progress the Company has made over the years, in the process becoming a source of pride for the nation. He said GPIC stands as a symbol and a model of GCC cooperation and is a great success in the economic sphere, besides having an impact on strengthening relations between the Gulf countries. He said Bahrain is proud to be chosen as the Headquarters of the successful venture.

GPIC women Engineers at top conference

Women Engineers of GPIC took part in the Bahrain Women and Engineering Conference during November 2017.

role of Her Royal Highness to empower women and speaking about their ability to serve the country, whether through their academic specialization or their The event, Sustainability of family and social role. Achievements on National Basis ... Towards International He said this shows the Competitiveness, was held leadership's appreciation of under the patronage of Her the role of women Engineers. Royal Highness Princess Dr. Jawahery said since its Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, inception, GPIC has been keen Supreme Council for Women to attract Bahraini specialized Chairperson and wife of His Engineers and have given Majesty King Hamad at the Isa them the confidence that they Cultural Centre. deserved. The participation came as part of GPIC Management’s keenness to provide opportunities for Bahraini Engineers to benefit from the event, organized by the Bahrain Society of Engineers.

Dr. Jawahery also praised the policies of the Board of Directors, which give great importance to supporting women Engineers and giving them opportunities to gain experience either by attending such specialized conferences or taking part in training courses and workshops that contribute to their professional development.

The event aimed at giving momentum and support to the events organised as part of the "Women in the Engineering Sector" theme for Bahraini Women's Day celebrations this year. He also spoke about the Company’s approach in In a statement, Company empowering women and President Dr. Abdulrahman preparing them to assume tasks Jawahery praised the important and responsibilities of industrial

and engineering work at the Company. Dr. Jawahery applauded Company employees’ efforts and said they had proved their competence and ability to deal with all kind of work despite its complexities and high technical characteristics. He said he is proud of the women who had demonstrated unparalleled efficiency in the Company's plants and facilities. He said the Engineers and all the employees of the Company have attended specialized courses and have taken part in many workshops within and outside Bahrain. He added the Company spared no effort in providing its employees with all the skills and information required. He said the Company Management is keen to support both men and women as its real wealth and added they are working to develop and improve employees’ performance by providing opportunities for gaining expertise, education and training.


GPIC welcomes DERASAT delegation Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (Derasat) Chairman H.E. Dr. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, its Board of Trustees and other officials visited GPIC. The visiting delegation was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of its Labour Union and senior officials. Dr. Jawahery, who is also a Board of Trustees member of the centre, stressed the visit was an opportunity for the visitors to learn about the developments within the Company and its global image of excellence. He said it also served at boosting communication between government and private institutions and exchanging of ideas on regional development


along with a brief on GPIC’s The delegation was briefed on strategic plan. the Company’s achievements related to production, safety and Dr. Jawahery appreciated the marketing. They also learnt about Board’s cooperation in raising GPIC's efforts in the field of awareness on current and environmental conservation and emerging international issues and community initiatives. contributing to world peace. He spoke about efforts to build bridges They were briefed about the between different perspectives Company winning international and adopt appropriate strategies and its good reputation in regional to promote understanding and and international markets. The independent thinking that could Company’s training programmes, provide innovative solutions to offered by the Leadership and future peace, security and stability. Learning Academy and the e-learning center were also Dr. Jawahery spoke about the discussed. Company's expansion plans and operational developments and said The delegation then toured they were seeking to implement the complex and visited the a series projects expected to environmental projects that contribute to doubling production reflect the harmony between the and increasing profits while industry and the environment. enhancing its position as one of The Chairman also planted a palm the leading industrial companies in tree to mark his visit. the region and the Arab world.

GPIC President honours star employee GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has honoured Executive Office Administrator Ms. Qoot Abdulla for her selfless dedication to work. Dr. Jawahery conveyed to Ms. Abdulla the appreciation of the Company Chairman and Board of Directors for her efforts and the recognition.

Dr. Jawahery thanked her for her professionalism in fulfilling responsibilities and tasks efficiently, which helped the Executive Management function smoothly. He said Ms. Abdulla is an example and a model for employees who are keen to fulfill their duties with a high degree of efficiency and performance. He said this also encouraged them to fulfill

their tasks and responsibilities professionally and taking active part in voluntary and charitable programmes and activities in various fields, including sports, first aid and public speaking. Dr. Jawahery praised Ms. Abdulla’s contributions in volunteering, especially in the activities of INJAZ Bahrain.

GPIC names Embloyee of the Month GPIC President Dr. Abdul-rahman Jawahery along with members of the Executive Management and Vice President of the Workers Union, presented a certificate and the appreciation award to Payroll Officer at the HR Department Mt. Hood Al-Kuwari received the Employee of the Month Award for the

Hood Al-Kuwari

Abdulaziz Abdul Latif

month of August, HR Department employee Mr. Kamalasekar Kumaresan for September, Maintenance Department technician Mr. Abdulaziz Abdul Latif for October, Finance Department Project Accountant Ms. Sarah Tawfiq Salehi for November 2017.

Kamalasekar Kumaresan

Sarah Tawfiq


SCW delegation visits GPIC A delegation of the Social Activities Committee of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) visited GPIC to take a look at the plant and its activities.

community service were also contributions of Bahraini women reviewed. in all fields and activities and their active participation in building the The delegation then toured the nation-building process. Company's compound, visited the plants and facilities, and took a Dr. Jawahery said GPIC is look at the manufacturing process committed to real and effective of high-quality petrochemicals partnership with the Supreme that are exported to the world’s Council for Women. He said largest and most important the Company is always keen to markets. They visited the several be one of the first supporters environmental projects, which of all initiatives launched by the reflect the harmony between the visionary Her Royal Highness industry and the environment. Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al These include the Charity Fish Khalifa, President of the Supreme Farm, the Bird Sanctuary and Council for Women, especially the Princess Sabeeka Garden for on issues that support women Aromatic Plants. empowerment.

Human Resources Manager and Chairperson of GPIC Working Ladies Committee Ms. Najat Sharif received the delegation. She conveyed to the visitors the greetings of Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and said the visit would give them an opportunity to learn more about developments at GPIC and take a look at the work of Bahraini women engineers working in its various departments with exemplary professionalism and In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said competence. that the Company was pleased to host a delegation and make them The guests were briefed on the aware of its operations, which are Company's business philosophy considered a model for Bahrain’s and. They were told about industrial sector. the Company’s management methodology, its operations, He said the Company is proud production and export. GPIC’s of all its human elements and most important achievements specialized teams, especially in the fields of safety, quality, women, who have worked environmental conservation and on its success. He praised the


The visitors praised GPIC’s progress and its contribution towards the protection of the environment, which reflects the management's keenness to nurture sustainability. The delegation also praised the Company's significant contribution towards the community and corporate social responsibility.

Parents Club members visit GPIC Members of the Abdulrahman bin Jassim Kanoo Parents Club, headed by Chairman Mr. Yousef Al Mahmeed, visited GPIC. They were accompanied by a member of the Board of Directors, Sheikh Mohammed Khalid. The visit was part of the Company’s keenness to strengthen social ties with all clubs as well as professional, civil and charitable institutions and to showcase its state-of-the-art facilities and environmental projects. The visitors were received by Corporate Communications Manager Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Human

Resources Manager Ms. Najat Sharif and Chairperson of the Working Ladies Committee, among other officials.

The delegation had a tour of the Company and had breakfast at one of its several environmental facilities. They went around the other similar facilities that Mr. Tawfiqi conveyed to them the reflect the beautiful harmony greetings of Company President between the industry and the Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, who environment. is on a visit abroad. They were briefed on the Company's business In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said philosophy and strategy as well as that GPIC was pleased to host given a detailed explanation on the delegation and stressed the the management methodology visit was an opportunity to inform for operations, production Bahraini society of Bahrain’s and exports. GPIC’s main development in the field of achievements in safety, quality, petrochemicals and fertilizers in environmental conservation and which GPIC is considered a role community contributions were model in Bahrain and around the also reviewed. region.


GPIC Media Analyst Supervisor attended Management Leadership training camp in the UK GPIC Media Analyst Supervisor Ms. Raeda Saif Alshemeri has attended a Management Leadership training camp in the United Kingdom.

In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said he was proud at the potential and capabilities of GPIC’s female employees in the technical and administrative fields and added The attendance at such events, they had the full confidence of as part of the directives of Her the management and the Board Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka of Directors. bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Supreme Council for Women Chairperson Dr. Jawahery said he did not and wife of His Majesty King hesitate even once when Hamad help develop Bahraini nominating one of the female women cadres and activate their employees to attend the role in serving the company. specialised camp since it was the

first of its kind and helped in the employee gain a lot of life skills. Dr. Jawahery said GPIC has always taken the initiative to take part in this annual event but it was the first time a female employee had been nominated to show the company’s stress on empowerment of women. He said such a camp proves the worth of female employees since they negotiate it with great skill and professionalism.

GPIC Engineer attended Management Leadership training camp in the UK GPIC women Engineers, Reem Ahmed Al Otaibi, has attended a management leadership training camp organised by the UK Leadership Trust.

In a statement, GPIC President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the Company is keen to support its female employees at all of the Company's facilities and factories by engaging them Ms. Reem’s participation was in various training courses that in line with GPIC’s orientation enhance their professionalism. to empower women, enhance their training and develop He said this reflects a clear them, while giving them the image that Bahraini women opportunity to receive the best are capable of performing well training courses available at in any job. He said this also home and abroad. translates into the commitment


of Bahraini women to assume all responsibilities, whatever they are working. Dr. Jawahery said the Company is keen to provide all possible support its women employees and is working hard to them to rise to the highest executive positions. He said Bahraini women have the right to be proud of their leadership's support and the empowerment and encouragement of Her Royal Highness

Dr. Mohammed Bu Hiji presents Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery's latest publications in the Engineering of Inspiration Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, President of the company, received Dr. Mohammed Buhiji, founder of the Institute and the concept of Inspiration Economy, accompanied by Dr. Donia Ahmed, in the presence of a number of members of the executive management and senior officials of the company.

which he co-authored with Dr. Donia Ahmed (Introduction to Inspiration Engineering), which summarizes many of the necessary meanings to change the perception of challenges and problems facing both communities and institutions.

At the beginning of the visit, Dr. Jawahery welcomed Dr. During the interview, Dr. Buhiji Mohammed Buhiji and Dr. Donia presented his latest publications, congradulating them on their

valuable contribution, through which Dr. Buhiji seeks the ability to make a real leap through the call for development and change, and expressed his deep thanks and appreciation for his diligence to communicate with the company, expressing the company's willingness to cooperate with him in the dissemination of such valuable publications that enrich the intellectual movement in the local society.

Dr. Jawahery receives Bahraini Writer GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery received well-known Bahraini writer Mr. Khalifa Ahmed Sulaibeekh and received a copy of his latest book, "These are Them – Bahraini Personalities".

Bahraini personalities included in his book. Personalities from various areas, including medicine, science, industry, politics and community service are among those who feature in the publication. They have been chosen for having made a mark Dr. Jawahery welcomed Mr. in their respective disciplines Sulaibeekh and thanked him for and have left an imprint in the choosing him among prominent field.

Dr. Jawahery said he is proud of serving Bahrain and said words in his praise gave him the strength to serve the Company. He said service of the homeland is the duty of all citizens, wherever they might be. He said they contribute every day towards nation building and raising its prestige all over the world.


‫جيبك تشارك في النسخة الثانية‬ ‫عشر من منتدى جيبكا بإمارة دبي‬

GPIC hosts US teachers’ ‫المنتدى‬ ‫رئيس الشركة يشيد بنجاح‬ delegation

‫ويصفه باألبرز على أجندة قطاع‬ ‫البتروكيماويات اإلقليمي‬

GPIC hosted a group of teachers from the United States as part of its cultural exchange commitment with international educational institutions and to encourage cooperation.

and export. The delegation also went around the environmental projects were briefed on GPIC’s commitment to the environment, its social and educational activities. The delegation was later treated to a lunch in their honour at the The 10 teachers from educational GPIC Club. institutes in several states across the country were accompanied by The visitors thanked the officials from the American-Arab Company officials for the Chamber of Commerce. welcome and the hospitality and expressed their admiration at the The visiting delegation was received advanced operations and facilities by GPIC’s General Manager as well as GPIC’s activities and Manufacturing upon arrival at the programmes outside the scope of Company's complex Mr. Fadhel industrial work as part of its social Al-Ansari and members of the responsibility towards the local Executive Management, who briefed community.The visitors were also them on the Company's operations, impressed at Bahrain’s potential in business philosophy and strategy. the industrial sector. They were also told about GPIC’s educational initiatives when its senior officials answered questions related to leadership and management. This was followed by a visit to the factories and facilities, where they were told about the stages of manufacturing


In a statement on the occasion, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the Company was pleased to host the delegation and stressed the visit was an opportunity to inform the visitors about the progress of Bahrain’s industrial sector.

He said the Company always welcomed such visits by teachers, intellectuals and students from Bahrain and outside, because it presented an opportunity to inform them of the high level of Bahrain’s industrial companies. He said GPIC had been working with the Arab American Chamber of Commerce for seven years and contributing to the setting up of this programme, which aims to educate American teachers and employees of the Department of Education about Bahrain’s culture, history and achievements in the field of industry and education. Dr. Jawahery said the initiative seeks to strengthen cooperation with educational institutions and looks to introduce to educational cadres to the advanced level of Bahrain’s industrial sector and inform them about the capabilities and knowledge of Bahrainis.

‫جيبك تشارك في النسخة الثانية‬ ‫عشر من منتدى جيبكا بإمارة دبي‬

Egyptian youth ‫المنتدى‬ ‫ بنجاح‬visits ‫الشركة يشيد‬ delegation GPIC ‫رئيس‬

‫ويصفه باألبرز على أجندة قطاع‬ ‫البتروكيماويات اإلقليمي‬

A delegation from the Arab Republic of Egypt, headed by Director General of Youth the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Dr. Mona Mohamed Abdul Khaleq, visited GPIC.

Later, the visitors were taken around the Company complex, during which they visited the factories and the several environmental projects. They learnt about the attention the Company gives to the The visit, as part of its environment as well as its social commitment to the exchange and educational activities. of cultures and the transfer of experiences, came at the The delegation then visited the invitation of Bahrain’s Ministry Company’s Club, where they of Youth and Sports Affairs and were treated to a luncheon. They to activate a memorandum of thanked GPIC officials for the understanding between the two welcome and the hospitality and countries. expressed their admiration at the Company’s advanced operations. The 25-member delegation was received by GPIC Corporate They also expressed their Communications Manager Mr. happiness at GPIC’s activities and Zuhair Tawfiqi and other officials, programmes outside the scope who briefed them on the of industrial work as part of its Company's business philosophy, social responsibility towards the strategy and operations. local community. They said they would convey what they saw GPIC Youth Committee of Bahrain’s rapid development Chairperson Ms. Ruqayah to their colleagues and fellow Ishaq gave a presentation students. They added they on the Company’s activities would also seek to identify with and its projects, as well as Bahrain’s enormous potential in an introduction about the the industrial sector. Youth Committee and its role. Discussions between the two In a statement, GPIC President Dr. sides focussed on a question and Abdulrahman Jawahery said that answer session. the Company was pleased to host

the youth delegation and stressed the visit was an opportunity to inform its members about Bahrain and its industrial sector. He said such visits allow the Company to share with them the high level of industrial companies in Bahrain, its modern facilities and its qualified national forces. Dr. Jawahery said the initiative also seeks to strengthen cooperation with youth groups from both countries and inform the guests about the capabilities of Bahrainis, their knowledge, education and efficiency. He stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and knowledge among the future generations. He also thanked the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs for its active role in the continuous communication between the two countries and to get to know each other better. Dr. Abdul Khalek expressed her admiration for the progress made by Bahrain’s industry and thanked her hosts on behalf of the delegation for the welcome and the hospitality.



The Medical Centre of the GPIC organized a blood donation camp in cooperation with the Salmaniya Medical Complex Blood Bank at the at the Company's headquarters. Eighty two Company employees donated blood during the campaign. In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the medical Centre provides all services and creates a comprehensive health culture for the employees, which reflects


positively on their performance within the company and their daily life. He said since donating blood contributes to saving lives, this gesture stems from the Company’s culture of thinking about saving the lives of others. GPIC organizes such campaigns every year to create a spirit of cooperation and partnership and contribute to the service of Bahraini society.

GPIC begins Green Wave Campaign

GPIC has started the third part of its green drive in support of the Green Wave initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme. The project, which runs in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, takes place as student agricultural campaigns in Bahrain’s public schools. During the campaign, the company supplies schools with tree saplings to

be planted in the school yard, as its contribution towards supporting the development of the environment and increasing the green area in all facilities and institutions. GPIC’s Agri-Nutrients Committee has been visiting the schools and planting fruit trees in cooperation with the students. The Committee members also train the students on the correct

steps and supervise the greening of the school gardens. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the project promotes a culture of biodiversity and awareness of the importance of agriculture and afforestation, especially among young people. He said GPIC has always supported this annual event in cooperation with the Ministry of Education.

GPIC Ladies Committee distributes school bags

Members of the Working Ladies Committee of GPIC distributed school bags to children of Bahrain’s Public Schools as part of the Company’s policy to serve the community.

for the humanitarian initiative, which, he said, underlines the close close cooperation between the Company and educational institutions as well as charity societies.

and charitable activities and stressed the Company's keenness to build bridges of cooperation and communication as well as provide necessary support to all groups.

Dr. Jawahery said the Company GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman He praised the important role Management, all support for any Jawahery thanked the Chairperson played by the members of the charity project that serves the and members of the Committee Committee in their their social community.


EID AL ADHA CELEBRATION The social activities committee organized a family celebration for the employees of the company and their families on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, on the fourth day of the festival at the company's club, where the ceremony witnessed many fun activities and competitions that were filled with fun and happiness on this happy occasion.

atmosphere between employees and their children, in recognition of the family spirit of the company.

Dr. Jawahery also praised the wonderful arrangements for the ceremony, which he considered a qualitative leap in the organization, noting the efforts of the Committee of Social Activities and all those who contributed to organizing this celebration, which Dr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery, President of the would bring joy and pleasure to the children of company said that organizing such an event is part of workers on this happy occasion. the company's keenness to provide a pleasant family


GPIC organizes a fun day for Bahrain Deaf Society Children GPIC Youth Committee organised a fun day for hearing impaired children on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, in cooperation with the Bahraini Deaf Society.

organizing such events is part of the company's keenness to play its responsible and clear role towards Bahraini society and to activate the concept of social responsibility, in addition to the Members of the committee importance of participation in all distributed gifts and made the of the society’s celebrations. children feel a sense of being an integral part of society. Dr. Jawahery praised the arrangements made by the Company President Dr. Abdul- committee to prepare for the rahman Jawahery said that event, in line with the GPIC’s

high profile at events organised on various occasions throughout the year. He pointed to the directives of the board members to ensure the participation of the community in national and social events. Dr. Jawahery thanked the committee chairman and all those who contributed to the event, which brought joy and pleasure to the participants.


GPIC celebrates National Day

GPIC organised a celebration to mark Bahrain’s National Day and the 18th anniversary of His Majesty the King's Accession Day. Several members of the Company’s Executive Management and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Labour Union, along with a number of employees, were present on the occasion. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said organising such an event is part of the Company's participation in the celebrations and renews its allegiance and loyalty to the Country’s wise Leadership. He said the National Day celebrations always have a special character and is of great importance since it is closely related to patriotism. He said it is also an occasion to express a sense of belonging and loyalty to the nation and its leadership.


Dr. Jawahery said that the Company Management is keen to provide all facilities to mark the national occasion. He praised the outstanding efforts of the Chairperson and members of the Youth Committee in making arrangements and preparing for the celebration. Dr. Jawahery congratulated His Majesty the King and pledged gratitude and loyalty on the national occasion. He said the national holiday should be an occasion to redouble efforts to build a more developed future and added national achievements should be protected as a duty. He said this was also a time for everyone to pledge loyalty to His Majesty and the homeland and to support the wise leadership to complete the tasks that would take the nation on the path of progress and development.

GPIC holds 38th Annual Celebrations

GPIC organised a ceremony to celebrate its 38th anniversary.The event, at the Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel and Spa, was held under the patronage of National Oil and Gas Authority Secretary General and Company Chairman, H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan.

The Company's achievements during 2017 and the awards it received, thanks of the professionalism and dedication of the employees in implementing the strategies and policies of the Board of Directors, were reviewed during the event.

Members of the Board of Directors, the Management, led by its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, representatives of the Company’s Labour Union, employees and retirees were present during the ceremony.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Jawahery pledged to continue working according to the directives of the Board of Directors and in helping maintain the Company as a model of successful GCC co-operation.

Dr. Jawahery expressed his great appreciation for H.E. the Chairman and the Board Members for their attendance and in honouring the Company's distinguished and long service employees, while thanking them for their efforts. He said he was happy the celebrations coincided with those marking the National Day celebrations as well as the anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad’s accession to the throne. He congratulated the wise leadership for providing a safe


and stimulating environment that allowed the Company’s workers to continue to perform and preserve its gains. Dr. Jawahery commended the sound approach and strategic planning of the Board of Directors, the commitment of the Executive Management and the professionalism and one family spirit of the of the employees as the reasons behind GPIC’s success. He also praised the cooperation of the Company’s shareholders and partners and the wisdom of the leadership in ensuring a safe investment climate. Dr. Jawahery




trained and skilled professionals at the Company who, he said, had ensured GPIC had become one of the leading companies in the region. He said they had been recognized for their professionalism, excellence, know-how and knowledge of the latest technologies related to the vital industry. He also listed the Company’s achievements during this year and reviewed the local, regional and international awards and certificates it had won.

GPIC becoming an example of successful GCC cooperation. H.E. the Chairman and Members of the Board later honoured distinguished employees who showed great dedication during the year, as well as employees who had completed long years of continuous service.

GPIC was established on December 5, 1979 as a joint venture between three GCC countries.The project is equally owned by the Government of Bahrain, the Saudi Basic He thanked the leaders of Industries Corporation (SABIC) the Gulf countries for their and the Petrochemical Industries contributions and said they had Company of Kuwait (PIC). the given all support in ensuring




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