Khaleejia 98 eng

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Issue 98 - May 2018

GPIC participates Bahrain International Garden Show

GPIC holds Annual General Meeting

You read in this issue ... GPIC holds Annual General Meeting


GPIC achieves record Q1 production


GPIC participates Bahrain International Garden Show


GPIC takes part in Firefighters’ Challenge


Dr. Jawahery appointed as GPCA Vice Chairman


GPIC issues Sustainability Report


GPIC delegation attends AFA meeting


GPIC delegation at GPCA Forum


GPIC hosts US delegation


GPIC engineer on NEBOSH review board


GPIC executes major Turnaround Activities in 2018


GPIC participates in PR Forum


GPIC employees attend Toastmasters Workshop


GPIC organizes beach clean-up


GPIC celebrates Bahrain Sports Day


GPIC has overcome major challenges in 2017: Dr. Jawahery


P.O.Box 26730 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: (+973)17731777, Fax: (+973)17731047 Web page: Email Address:

Award of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa for the empowerment of Bahraini women

Award of Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa for Industrial Excellence

President’s Foreword This latest issue of Khaleejieh is a tribute to the great success of the company’s recent comprehensive periodic maintenance and turnaround which was successfully carried out last month in a highly professional manner.

There is no doubt that the Turnaround this year also required the full attention of the company’s Board of Directors who followed up daily to ensure the smooth flow of work according to the set schedule.

The extensive turnaround of our plant operations was initiated to the highest standards of international occupational safety procedures which ensured our success without any obstacles or accidents throughout.

Every single employee, regardless of the department or section they worked in, played a critical and important role in this historic Turnaround and I am proud of the responsibility that each and every one showed for the importance of the task at hand and in maintaining continuity of operations, productivity and export and, maintaining our flawless track record.

I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to our employees and leaders for the extensive early preparations conducted and the intensive planning which took place over several months ensuring that all maintenance operations went ahead without any hindrance. Our GPIC team was responsible for making all arrangements and taking care of the incredible logistics that is required to deliver an operation of this magnitude. I also acknowledge the contribution of, and thank, all government and private organizations who assisted in the speedy completion of paperwork and supporting GPIC in obtaining the necessary licenses for participating teams and contractors from overseas.

This success will no doubt enhance the image of GPIC who have shown that such a huge volume of critical and challenging work can be carried out flawlessly and in a professional manner by qualified and competent staff. My thanks also is extended to those who planned and participated in the entire exercise and carried out all the tasks they were assigned and, I also extend my deep gratitude to our partners and our young employees who recently joined GPIC, for contributing to its success and excellence.

Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery


GPIC holds Annual General Meeting GPIC held its 39th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Bahrain on Thursday (March 22). Minister of Oil, H.E. Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, representing the Bahrain side, presided over the meeting. The Kuwaiti side was represented by Finance Manager at the Petrochemical Industries Company Mr. Talal Issa Al-Sultan, while the Saudi side was represented by Saudi Basic Industries Corporation Director,Venture Management, and Joint Ventures Affairs Mr. Ahmed Bin Saleh Al-Duraian. The General Assembly approved the Board of Directors' report on GPIC's work for 2017 and the report of the auditor. The shareholders expressed satisfaction and appreciation at the Company’s financial position and it achievements at the local, regional and global levels. The General Assembly thanked and expressed gratitude to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister and His Royal Highness


Prince Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, for their continued support and care for the Company's operations and community programmes.

Company of Kuwait. He said this had a major impact on the smooth flow of the Company’s exports.

He said in terms of production, the Company exceeded all its targets for the year, and even The General Assembly also achieved new records for the first commended the efforts of time. This included the highest the Board of Directors, the daily production of Urea (2,055 Executive Management and all metric tonnes) and a new record Company employees for their per month for Methanol (62,300 hard work in a one-family spirit, metric tonnes). demonstrating commitment to the success of the Company's This resulted in a total production operations. of Urea, Ammonia and Methanol reaching 1,604,725 metric tonnes, GPIC Board of Directors an increase of 1.4 per cent over the Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al previous year. He said 1,204,486 Sharyan said the Company million tonnes of the Company's continued its achievements in products were shipped on board the last year with the combined 71 vessels throughout the year efforts of all, which resulted and these fetched the best prices in reduced spending and from world markets. increased production, in spite of the challenges faced by the Company President Dr. Abdulpetrochemical industry. H.E. Dr. rahman Jawahery said the Al Sharyan praised the close Company achieved a new record cooperation and coordination of more than 27 million hours with the marketers of its without a lost time accident. products – the Saudi Basic Thus, he said, the Company had Industries Corporation and maintained a clean slate since May the Petrochemical Industries 2002.

GPIC achieves record Q1 production

GPIC has reported a record production of 391,343 metric tonnes of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol in the first quarter of the year without a lost time accident. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said GPIC is now accustomed such achievements and records and attributed it to the attention, care and continuous follow-up of the wise leadership, which sees it as one of the most important industrial entities leading the Kingdom of Bahrain’s national economy. He said this was also the result of GPIC’s approach towards continuing modernization and development of operations and plant equipment as well as its commitment to implementing maintenance procedures. He said the Company’s keenness to develop its human elements by making available for them the latest training programmes and involving them in courses, conferences, exhibitions and workshops to

develop their professionalism and its constructive cooperation was another reason for the with the Executive Management. success. He applauded the principles the Labour Union applies not only at Dr. Jawahery spoke about the the Company but also at the local, Company's abilities to keep pace regional and international levels. with ambitions and excellence in an industry that is full of Dr. Jawahery said all these challenges and competition at all elements had contributed to levels. He stressed such results GPIC achieving an average daily have been achieved as a result production in the first quarter of of the flexible strategy of the this year of 4,430 metric tonnes Board of Directors, which takes of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol. into account circumstances and He said the Company would rapid changes experienced by continue to achieve more records the industry. at all levels, while adhering to strict international standards in He noted that the professionalism occupational safety and health, of the Executive Management and and while taking care of the all employees of the Company, environment and its components. who work in a one family spirit was also responsible. He said Dr. Jawahery said GPIC had everyone had worked together exported 334,785 metric tonnes with competence and through of its products in the last three their years of experience to months, with Thailand amounting make sure GPIC exceeded its to 27 per cent and China set targets. importing 21 per cent. These, he said, were exported on board 19 Dr. Jawahery praised the role of vessels. the Company's Labour Union


Dr. Jawahery said that all of the Company’s products are subject to international regulations related to quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety as well as responsible care, and that the Company has received the highest honours and awards that indicate the excellence and quality of its products. He said GPIC trains its national cadres both within and outside Bahrain in order to achieve sustainability in its operations and services provided to the community. He said the Company also faces challenges head on and everyone makes twice the efforts in a one family spirit to achieve all success.

He said GPIC is very keen on the development of its Bahraini employees by providing them specialized courses and workshops at home and abroad on all aspects of the petrochemical industry.

He said GPIC offers all forms of support to and participates in various activities organized by civil society organizations, including associations, clubs and professional institutions, in accordance with a clear vision and to ensure a meaningful He said the Company is keen partnership. on everyone’s health, safety and occupational health as He said the Company is also well as the protection of making efforts in the field the environment and social of environmental care and responsibility. He said they conservation, and plays a major are keen to continue to role in the rationalization of promote this culture among energy and water to meet the all institutions and sectors. challenges ahead.

GPIC Total Exports First Half 2018 Australia












India Korea



13% 12%


GPIC participates Bahrain International Garden Show GPIC is taking part in the Bahrain International Garden Show 2018 as part of its policy of supporting the environment and encouraging steps that would increase the country’s green areas. The show, under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad, is being held at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre from February 22 to 25 on the theme, Food Safety and Human Health.

Her Royal Highness visited GPIC pavilion during the opening ceremony along with guests and dignitaries. HRH was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and the members of the Executive Management.

HRH Princess Sabeeka praised GPIC’s efforts to support the environment and the agricultural sector and its growing interest in the environment. She also spoke about the Company's The show is being held with the safety record and its efforts support of Her Royal Highness to encourage community Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim activities and events to promote Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty, environmental awareness. President of the Supreme Council for Women, Chairperson of Dr. Jawahery thanked Her the Consultative Council of the Royal Highness for the visit National Initiative for Development and said it was an opportunity for the Agricultural Sector and to inform her about the Honorary President of the Supreme Company’s initiatives in the Organizing Committee of the show. field of environmental care,

in particular her patronage of the National Initiative for the Development of the Agricultural Sector, which aims at spreading awareness of an agricultural culture, developing educational and training systems and supporting and rehabilitating farmers. Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC is proud of its cooperation with all of the green initiatives launched by Her Royal Highness and comes from its desire to develop green spaces and creating awareness of the importance of the agricultural sector in achieving sustainable development. He said the show is one of the most important events in the Company's calendar and asserted the Company is keen to provide sponsorship and set up a pavilion, where it displays the products it manufactures.


Bahrain and Thai Foreign Minister’s attend GPIC Stand at BIGS The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, accompanied by his counterpart from Thailand, H.E. Mr. Don Pramudwinai, visited GPIC pavilion at the Bahrain International Garden Show. Bahrain’s Ambassador to Thailand H.E. Mr. Ahmed Al Hajri was also present.

largest and most important joining forces to establish a culture international markets. of community environment and ensuring participation of society. H.E. The Thai Minister, who is on He said the Company encouraged an official visit to Bahrain, hailed aspects of the conservation of GPIC's environmental initiatives the environment and promotion within its complex and noted of sustainable development. the high level of the show and its impact on the environment and Dr. Jawahery referred to the agriculture. relations between Bahrain and Thailand which, he said, have been H.E. Shaikh Khalid applauded strengthened by His Majesty the The two Ministers, who were GPIC for its products and its King’s visits to Thailand. received by GPIC President, support for food cultivation Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and around the world. He also praised He added GPIC’s support of the members of the Company’s the show’s success, describing it show is evidence of the success Executive Management, as an outstanding environmental of its environmental policies. He expressed great admiration event. He also expressed pleasure renewed his call to take care of for its environmental initiatives at GPIC being one of the show’s Bahrain’s green cover and increase and green projects and praised sponsors and said the experience green spaces. He also praised the the Company’s support for of the organisers was evident in diversity of participation and the development of Bahrain’s the professional manner that the their presentations during the agricultural sector. show was held. show. The two guests viewed samples of the Company's chemical fertilizers, produced according to the best international standards, and exported to the


H.E. the minister spoke of GPIC’s progress and development and said it had now become one of the most important fertilizer producers in the region, while

Their Excellences’ the Ministers thanked Dr. Jawahery for the hospitality and praised the Company's pavilion and its highquality products

GPIC takes part in Firefighters’ Challenge GPIC took part in the Firefighter’s Challenge, organised by the Ministry of Interior as part of the World Civil Defence Day celebrations. Firefighters from Government and private institutions took part in the challenge, at the Water Garden in Manama. The day is being observed under the patronage of the Minister of Interior, H.E. Lt. Gen. Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa.

Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the close relationship with the General Directorate of Civil Defence and said GPIC has already supported and taken part in many activities and programmes it had implemented to raise awareness about the importance of complying with safety standards and in dealing with all circumstances and emergency events in accordance with the rules.

A team of employees of GPIC’s Safety, Security, Health and Environment, showed great skills and excellence during the competition.

Dr. Jawahery spoke of the great sacrifices of Civil Defence personnel to contain incidents and fight fires. He described them as professionals with the

highest levels of commitment, readiness and courage. He said their tasks and responsibilities are very challenging since they do not have a specific timing or place. Dr. Jawahery said the competition reflects a small part of the efforts of Civil Defence personnel to ensure safety and save lives and property. He thanked the Director General of the Civil Defence for inviting the company to take part. This year, the day is being observed on the theme, "Educational Institutions and Culture of Safety".


GPIC supports Bahrain’s Strongest Man competition GPIC announced its support for the Bahrain’s Strongest Man Championship, launched recently by His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Vice President of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports and Chairman of the Bahrain Athletics Federation.

care of patients as well as a call Dr. Jawahery said the company to maintain physical fitness and has committed itself to health. supporting various activities that serve the community. He He praised the humanitarian praised the continuous guidance approach represented by of the Board of Directors to the tournament, which was provide support for all activities organized for the first time and and programmes that serve is was supported and sponsored the company's goals of social by Sheikh Khalid. Dr. Jawahery responsibility. He said that Proceeds from the championship stressed that this contributed GPIC regards this as one of its were allocated to support cancer to ensuring its success and priorities and elements of its patients, a part of His Highness's attracting Bahraini youth. success, especially since it is initiatives in support of the today one of the best known in humanitarian and sports fields. Dr. Jawahery pointed out that the field of community support The event was held at the Bahrain the participation of His Highness and service. Bay from February 22 to 24. also added great impetus to the tournament, which is one Dr. Jawahery praised the Company President Dr. of the humanitarian initiatives attention given by His Highness Abdulrahman Jawahery that His Highness has used to the neediest sectors of society expressed his pride and to put forward, in his belief of and his keenness to link sports happiness at the company's the importance of dedicating and humanitarian work. He said participation in supporting the charitable and humanitarian the approach should be followed event, which was held to support work to promote solidarity by various bodies capable of and encourage concern for the and compassion among the providing care and assistance in noble humanitarian work and members of Bahrain’s society. the service of society.


Top environment officials visit GPIC pavilion Supreme Council of the Environment Vice President HH Sheikh Faisal bin Rashid bin Isa Al Khalifa and its Chief Executive Officer H.E. Dr. Mohamed Mubarak Bin Daina visited the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company pavilion at the recently concluded Bahrain International Garden Show. The show was held under the patronage of His Majesty the King with the support of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty, President of the Supreme Council for Women, Chairperson of the Consultative Council of the National Initiative for Development for the Agricultural Sector and Honorary President of its Supreme Organizing Committee. The theme of the event was “Food Safety and Human Health” in keeping with the great importance of the health of agricultural crops and various food products, and their impact on human health.

The visitors were welcomed by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management and senior officials. They went around the pavilion and looked at samples of the Company's high-quality products produced in state-of-theart factories and exported to the largest international markets. The President briefed the guests on GPIC’s environmental initiatives, a clear demonstration of the clean environment surrounding the plants. HH Sheikh Faisal expressed admiration at the pavilion and praised the Company's professionalism in manufacturing and producing international quality fertilizers as well as its efforts to take into consideration the environment and the setting up environmental projects and initiatives. H.E. Dr. Bin Daina said GPIC’s commitment in protecting the environment and preserving its renewable elements spoke highly

of its commitment to emphasize the harmony with the industry. The two thanked Dr. Jawahery and the company's team for their great efforts in the field of sustainable development and expressed the hope its business will continue to develop. Dr. Jawahery said he was pleased to welcome the guests and stressing the visit was an opportunity to inform them of the company's efforts in the field of environmental protection. He said the company's participation in the show informed visitors about its green initiatives and its support for events and activities organized by other environmental bodies. He said GPIC setting up environmental projects within its complex is an expression of its determination to protect the environment its efforts to spread social awareness about its importance. He said these projects encourage society and define how to deal with their surroundings.


GPIC attends Careers Day exhibition GPIC took part in the Careers Day exhibition held recently under the patronage of Education Minister Dr. Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi. The minister went around the exhibition after the opening ceremony along with officials of the Bahrain Training Institute. He also visited the GPIC pavilion, where he was briefed on the company, its activities and nature of its work. He was also told about training programmes offered to public and private schools and universities, as well as its role in serving society and fulfilling social responsibilities. The minister applauded the company's policies in employment and training as well as opportunities it offers to attract young Bahrainis who aspire to work at the company. The minister expressed admiration at the exhibition and thanked


the company's management for guides students in the best ways being its platinum sponsor. to succeed at the professional level by highlighting available The minister praised the employment opportunities. cooperation between GPIC and the ministry and said it He said the exhibition is an supports the ministry’s events important annual event, which and programmes. contributes to solidifying the labour market and helps students He also praised training oppor- choose areas they wish to join in tunities the company makes the future. available within its complex, including at its Leadership Academy He said the exhibition is a link and the eLearning Centre, between various companies, which provide the latest training institutions, university students programmes to benefit students and training institutes to identify from schools and universities. available career opportunities available to students who are GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman about to graduate and inform Jawahery said the company is them about market developments. keen to extend cooperation and communication with various The Careers Day, organized by universities, scientific institutions the Bahrain Training Institute, and schools, to contribute to is a valuable opportunity for the interests of students and to students to gain as much provide them with the required information as possible about skills in shaping the future of the labour market and to learn Bahrain. how to communicate with representatives of companies Dr. Jawahery said he was always in a manner that reflects their keen to support the event that interest in their future career.

Dr. Jawahery appointed as GPCA Vice Chairman GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has been appointed as Vice Chairman of GPCA.

presence the region and globally.

practices by organizing workshops, seminars and conferences, and Speaking about GPCA’s impor- communicating with its members tant role in supporting the that help it achieve its goals. During a recent Board meeting petrochemical and fertilizer in Dubai, it also approved the industry, Dr. Jawahery said it has Dr. Jawahery expressed his appointment of Chief Executive a great reputation and is viewed hope that the members of the Officer and Vice Chairman of with great confidence as one of the Union would be well-placed SABIC H.E. Mr.Yousef bin Abdullah region’s largest entities supporting and that God would help him Al-Benyan as its Chairman. the petrochemical and fertilizer to continue to promote the industry, especially in view of its presence of this great industrial Commenting on the development, continued growth. entity in order to achieve its Dr. Jawahery thanked and goals in sustainable and socially appreciated the Board members’ Dr. Jawahery praised the responsible growth. gesture and said he was humbled expansion of GPCA activities and at their confidence in his abilities. programmes and its achieving Dr. Jawahery is a prominent He pledged to work sincerely new dimensions, especially with and influential regional and and with dedication to fulfil their organizing the annual forum, one global petrochemical industry vision. of the most important activities leader. He holds a PhD from that connects petrochemical and London’s South Bank University He also expressed his gratitude chemical manufacturers from and a Master’s of Chemical for their decision to continue around the world. Engineering, also from London. his Chairmanship of the GPCA’s He is Chairman of the Arab Fertilizer Committee and said He also praised the important Fertilizer Association and the it showed their confidence in role played by the Fertilizer first Arab to have been named the Committee’s activities and Committee in promoting and Chairman of the International programmes, while enhancing its exchanging the industry’s best Fertilizer Industry Association.


GPCA committee meets in Muscat The Fertilizers Committee of the Gulf Petrochemical and Chemical Association (GPCA) held its periodic meeting under the chairmanship of GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery in Muscat, Oman, on January 24. During the meeting, the achievements of the committee in 2017 were highlighted. It also outlined the strategic plans that the committee intends to work on during 2018. Work plans and arrangements made for the annual fertilizer conference to be held in September this year were also discussed.

that would contribute to the development of performance at all levels and to benefit from successful international experiences. He noted the efforts of the members of the committee to develop mechanisms of action and enhance means of communication in the management and supervision of the Gulf fertilizer industry.

for cooperation with the European Union with regard to additional taxes imposed on exports of petrochemical products to European countries had been made. Speaking on the important role of the GPCA in supporting the fertilizer industry, Dr. Jawahery said it is one of the largest such entities in the region and is working to promote the exchange of best practices in the industry through workshops, seminars and conferences.

Dr. Jawahery spoke of the importance of cooperation among all countries to achieve the ultimate goal of ensuring food security as one of the most important challenges facing the Dr. Jawahery expressed the world. hope that the meeting would Dr. Jawahery congratulated the achieve all objectives and that Chairman of the GPCA Board He said despite the availability the committee would continue of Directors Yousef Bin Abdullah of natural and human resources to assist the GPCA achieve its Al-Bunyan for his support. He and the interest of political goals and aspirations. also appreciated the role of the leaders, agriculture in the region GPCA Secretary General Dr. and the Arab world had not yet Established in 2006, the GPCA Abdul Wahab Al-Saadoun and achieved the target production has as its members more than expressed the hope that the and meet increasing needs of 90 per cent of the region's organisation achieves all that it food. He said those concerned petrochemicals and chemicals aspires for. understand that the concept producers. It is the first of its of food security is based on its kind in the Middle East and aims He stressed that the Fertilizer quality and safety. to enhance the role of companies Committee would continue to to enable them to play a key role work to adopt the best strategies Dr. Jawahery said all arrangements in the global chemical industry.


GPIC issues Sustainability Report 2017 Sustain ability Report

GPIC has launched its Sustainability Report 2017. The biennial report highlights the 17 United Nations goals for sustainable development (SDGs) and follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and principles while listing the Company’s progress in the last two years as well as the objectives of sustainability.

Gulf Petrochem ical Industries Company Kingdom of Bahra in

commitment to sustainable development practices that have become an integral part of their philosophy and strategy. full disclosure covering the entire scope of the Company's Dr. Jawahery said he is proud operations. of Bahrainis’ competence that contributed to the preparation He said in line with its best of the report, which is of great practices, the Company importance to the Company. highlighted performance indicHe said it contributes greatly ators of the oil and gas sector, to enhancing GPIC's ability to adding that sustainability is a key The launch came in line with the measure economic performance factor in GPIC's success over the principles of the United Nations indicators, environment and years. “This is a journey that the Global Compact (UNGC), the social responsibility according to Company has embarked upon for Principles on the Empowerment GRI guidelines. more than three decades and today of Women and the Principles it is a strong lifestyle for all of us.” of the Food and Agriculture "We are UNGC members and Trade (FAB), under the slogan this report reflects our progress Dr. Jawahery said the management "Together we do better". in terms of the commitment and has shown a great commitment implementation of internationally to the care of the environment, Company President Dr. agreed Global Compact prin- in addition to its keenness for Abdulrahman Jawahery ciples.” the safety of its employees and its presented the report to the community.He spoke about the new Board of Directors during a He stressed the report has methods adopted by the Company recent meeting. GPIC Chairman been reviewed to verify that to deal with global climate change H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan said it has achieved the "A" level in while driving the scope of work he was very satisfied with the its application, which requires from a relatively limited approach to report and its timely submission. the institution's authentication a broader strategy that includes the He noted the Company's keen to ensure that it achieves economy, society, the environment interest on the issue and its transparency, reliability and and governance.


Dr. Jawahery attends AFA Board meeting GPIC President and member of the Arab Fertiliser Union (AFA) Board of Directors Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery attended its regular Board meeting on the sidelines of the 24th Fertilizer Forum in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Discussions during the meeting focussed on adopting a Plan of Action for the year and taking measures to implement it.

it showed their commitment to move forward on the path of development at the regional and international level.

raw material at reasonable prices. It also helps in exchanging the latest information, data, technical and economic statistics of Arab and international chemical fertiliser manufacturers, while taking stock of developments and fluctuations in the international market.

The Board also discussed working Committees’ reports and took stock of what had been implemented while discussing future implementation of projects.

Dr. Jawahery stressed on GPIC’s continued support of AFA activities and said the Company had representatives in all of its Committees, including those on the Technical and Economic Committee and the Committee on Safety, Health and the Environment. He said the Committees work to raise awareness among member companies and others involved in the vital industry.

Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) is a non-governmental Arab International Organization established in 1975. AFA is operating under the umbrella of the Council of Arab Economic Unity and exercising the status of observer at the Economic and Social Council affiliated to the Arab League.

In his comments, Dr. Jawahery said he was satisfied at the outcome and the positive results which, he said, would enhance performance and continue the Board of Directors’ momentum. He said it would also support production and manufacturing companies while preserving the top quality of their products. He spoke of the Board’s keenness to attend the meeting and said

The AFA seeks to coordinate and develop trade, administrative and technical relations in the field of fertiliser industry as well as the use of fertilizers, while not concentrating on business development of profits. It assists members in addressing production problems by exchanging information and experiences and helps them overcome difficulties in securing

AFA comprises Arab institutions and companies working in the fields of fertilizers manufacturing and trading, in addition to other related fields. It further includes 177 Arab and foreign company members from twenty nine countries AFA aims, generally, at coordinating and developing technical relations between member companies, together with tackling all issues related to the fertilizer industry.


GPIC delegation attends AFA meeting A delegation of GPIC, led by its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, took part in the 24th meeting of AFA in Cairo, Egypt. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said the participation came as part of the Company’s desire to be present in the various AFA activities and gatherings and take part in discussions on important topics that support the Arab fertiliser industry. He said the participation was an important step towards the industry’s development since the meeting was one of the largest and most important events attended by heads of major industrial companies along with experts from around the world. The event this year was held on the theme, Struggle for sustainable agriculture and environmental protection in the Arab world. Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of providing all support to the AFA’s role since

it seeks to achieve the industry’s Dr. Jawahery said that the most important goals and assists fertiliser industry in the Arab in its development. world today is considered the most important and a strategic He said he is proud of GPIC’s pillar in the economies of many contributions to the AFA and countries. He said the region continues to provide training contributes 64 per cent of programmes to members. This, phosphate rock, 30 per cent of he said, contribute to raising the sulphur, 38 per cent of urea, 49 companies’ performance. per cent of TSP, four per cent of potash and 51 per cent DAP to Dr. Jawahery spoke of the large the global markets. attendance at the event and the accompanying exhibition and He said the AFA serves to identify said some of the largest Arab production problems and other and international companies bottlenecks, which lead to reduced specialized in the fertiliser capacity. This, he added, would industries and equipment were in lead to an increase in qualitative attendance. He said the activities consumption of raw materials, were also supported by raw reduce waste and prevent losses. material manufacturers. TheAFA,he said,seeks to establish He praised the AFA General communication between Arab Secretariat in organising the fertiliser companies through event and said participants were direct contact and by organizing very satisfied at the programmes technical workshops, conferences and activities. He also applauded and forums that develop the positive response of the solutions to problems by taking participants, who were keen into account their knowledge, to display the latest and most vision and experiences. advanced industry equipment.


GPIC delegation at GPCA Forum A delegation from GPIC took part in the Fifth Forum for Research and Innovation organised by GPCA in Dubai, from March 11 to 13. The delegation was led by Company President and GPCA Vice Chairman Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. Speaking on the occasion, he stressed the importance of participating in such specialized forums as an important platform for networking and exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences among Gulf companies to enhance their growth and prosperity. Dr. Jawahery was accompanied by GPIC Information Technology and Knowledge and member of the GPCA’s Research and Innovation Committee Adnan Al Mahmoud and Company officials. Dr. Jawahery spoke about the importance of the research and


development sector, stressing its importance to promote the Petrochemicals and Chemicals Industry in the Gulf region and highlighting issues of strategic importance. He also emphasized the Company's keenness to encourage a group of university students from Bahrain to take part in the second day of the forum as part of the "Leaders of Tomorrow" initiative aimed at empowering local human resources and bridging the gap between the sector and the academic community.

and obstacles that can prevent commercial impact and maximize future growth. GPCA Research and Innovation Committee Chairman Dr. Muayad Al-Qurtas delivered the opening speech. Keynote speakers included experts and specialists in research and innovation from around the region.

More than 150 participants from around the world attended the forum, held on the theme: "Dependence on Innovation: An Imperative". It addressed issues from the GPCA Secretary General Dr. perspective of processes and Abdulwahab Al Saadoun the the environment. industry’s progress can only be achieved through effective The forum focussed on innovations derived from opportunities for emerging understanding the unique companies and technology needs of the region. He said development centres, as well on the GCC chemical industry specific successes in innovation should strive to maintain an in the petrochemical and active and sustainable life cycle chemical industries in the Gulf to overcome any challenges region.

GPIC support for Bahraini farmers GPIC has provided 50 tonnes of Urea to support Bahraini farmers. This is in line with the directives of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King, Chairperson of the Consultative Council of the National Initiative for the Development of the Agricultural Sector and Honorary President of the Supreme Organizing Committee of the Bahrain International Garden Show.

bin Isa Al Khalifa, praised the Company’s annual initiative and said Bahraini farmers would benefit from the high quality product.

The support is being given through the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.

GPIC President Dr.Abdulrahman Jawahery said the Company is keen to support the annual initiative which coincides with the Bahrain International Garden Show. The initiative, he said, also supports the National Initiative for the Development of the

Agriculture and Marine Resources Undersecretary at the Ministry, H.E. Sheikh Khalifa

He also praised the Company’s Management and its continuous interest in supporting the agricultural sector and expressed admiration for its pioneering environmental that contribute to the service of the Bahraini community.

Agricultural Sector, patronized by Her Royal Highness. He said Bahrain is dedicated to developing the agricultural sector and improving production, making it a professional choice for the future workforce. He said the initiative will contribute to promoting a green culture and bring out the importance of the agricultural sector in achieving sustainable development. Dr. Jawahery praised the Ministry’s role in spreading awareness of the agricultural culture and supporting farmers and their rehabilitation. He stressed GPIC would continue to cooperate with the ministry to support the agricultural sector and its development.


GPIC appoints new finance manager

Mr. Jehad Khalfan will take over as the new Finance Manager at GPIC succeeding Mr. Adel Abdulmalik, who retires at the end of next month. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery congratulated Mr. Khalfan on this appointment and expressed confidence in his management capabilities, which would enable him to efficiently manage financial affairs. Dr. Jawahery noted the healthy relations between the Company and its partners, the Saudi Basic Industries Company and the Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait and stressed GPIC continued to develop its comprehensive management systems aimed at improving its human resources so that it could attain the top industrial position. He said the Management relies on a wellthought-out strategy to bring in qualified employees with work experience and knowledge


and equip them with the qualifications that enable them to manage and lead the Company’s successful training and development programme. This, he said, makes it possible for the youth to assume leadership positions Dr. Jawahery said the Company is not only seeking profits but also investing in human resources as a guarantee for its success and excellence, in addition to other factors. He added that training and rehabilitation of human resources meets the needs of the Company’s present and future, which is fraught with risks and challenges. He said qualified and experienced employees now come at a premium because of competition between companies and institutions. He said GPIC looks at its employees from an integrated perspective, especially in light of its Bahraini manpower.

Mr. Khalfan thanked Company Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan, the Board of Directors and Dr. Jawahery for their trust. He stressed on the importance of the responsibility entrusted to him and spoke of his keenness to preserve the Company's achievements and successes while working with the members of the executive management and all the employees to strengthen its position. Mr. Khalfan holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Saint Edward in the United States, in addition to being a Certified Management Accountant from the American Institute of Management Accountants. He joined the Company in 2005 and has held several supervisory positions. He has also attended several advanced courses in management and leadership in Bahrain and abroad.

GPIC hosts US delegation

GPIC hosted a delegation from the United States’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources on March 8. The visitors were received by General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari, members of the Executive Management, Labour Union Chairman and officials. Mr. Al Ansari conveyed to them the greetings of GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and expressed a desire to enhance cooperation in the fields of environmental conservation and working towards achieving United Nations sustainable environmental objectives. Mr. Al Ansari explained to the guests the Company’s strategy support towards achieving 17 United Nations environmental

goals. He spoke about the Company’s achievements in the area and the local, regional and global awards it had won. GPIC Information, Technology and Knowledge Manager Mr. Adnan Al Mahmood, reviewed the Company's most important achievements in the fields of safety, quality and environmental protection. He particularly spoke of the carbon dioxide recovery plant, which contributes significantly to reduce harmful emissions resulting from factory operations. The delegation also learnt about training programmes at the Learning and Leadership Academy and the e-learning center. They also took a tour of the complex, where they inspected the manufacturing

and environmental projects that reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment. They visited the HRH Princess Sabeeka Aromatic Plants Garden and the Medicinal Plants and Herbs Garden, which preserves and grows rare medicinal herbs used since ancient times for therapeutic purposes. They went to the charity fish farm and the bird sanctuary before being treated to a luncheon in their honour. The visitors expressed admiration at GPIC’s success,as an example of GCC cooperation, and described the visit as an opportunity to become acquainted with Bahraini companies committed to preserving the environment. This, they said, confirms Bahrain’s leadership and commitment to a clean industry.


GPIC Management, Union officials meeting A joint Committee of GPIC Executive Management and its Labour Union held its first meeting of the year, presided over by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery. Labour Union Chairman Mr. Yaqoob Yousef was also present. Congratulating the participants on the New Year, Dr. Jawahery expressed the hope 2018 would be a year of prosperity for the Company and its employees. He also thanked the members of the Executive Management, the Labour Union and all employees for their dedication and commitment to the onefamily spirit, which, he said, had a significant impact on its achievements and profits, in addition to it winning local, regional and global awards. Dr. Jawahery said the Company’s achievements in 2017 were due to the combined efforts of all and resulted in a significant reduction in spending and


an increase in production, despite the challenges of the global petrochemical industry. He said during the same period, GPIC was also able to exceed all production targets, when the total combined production of Urea, Methanol and Ammonia reached 1,604,725 metric tons. Dr. Jawahery said the Company winning the awards was also the result of all employees working together, which resulted in it winning the Queen Elizabeth II Safety Award for the Gold category, instituted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). The Company also won the Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World in the private sector as well as the Arab Social Responsibility Award in the best companies of the Arab world category.

Dr. Jawahery applauded the management of the Labour Union and said it was working for the good of the Company and displaying a high level of unity and energy in facing the challenges and difficulties. He said the work of the Labour Union ensures the compatibility between various sections to improve performance and productivity. Union officials thanked the Chairman and the Board of Directors for all the privileges it gives to employees. They thanked Dr. Jawahery for his for all the Union’s activities and for his balanced leadership, which contributed to a comfortable working environment for all workers. The Union pledged to continue working in the same way in 2018 and called upon all employees to continue with their cooperation and understanding with the Executive Management.

GPIC engineer on NEBOSH review board

GPIC Director of Safety, Security, Health and the Environment Jassim Darwish has been selected to be one of the representatives to review development of the scientific qualifications of the British National Occupational Safety and Health Examination Council (NEBOSH). The appointment, the first time someone from the Middle East has been selected, comes within the framework of strategic cooperation between GPIC and NEBOSH. Speaking on the occasion, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the importance of close strategic cooperation between the company and NEBOSH, adding that GPIC has a long-term relationship to ensure a strong partnership

between the two sides, given the global standing of the Council on specialized testing to promote a culture of safety in the workplace.

He added that the company and the council have a shared interest in the training and development of cadres working in institutions and companies.

He said it is well known that NEBOSH attracts a large number of candidates annually in 90 countries where it conducts tests. He said NEBOSH certificates are recognized in all relevant bodies.

He said training has become one of the main pillars of various entities, which are seeking to be honoured as ambassadors to this specialized council.

He said this has been directly reflected in the stability of GPIC’s operations and Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC productivity, which have earned is proud of its distinguished it many prestigious awards. reputation locally, regionally and internationally in terms of He said that GPIC is increasingly maintaining safety, in following interested in occupational international standards in all safety and health issues and is its operations and establishing one of the most distinguished safety principles and practices companies committed to the among the company's emp- global principles in this field. loyees.


GPIC executes major Turnaround Activities in 2018


GPIC holds meeting on upcoming Turnaround GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery held an extensive meeting with the Company staff to discuss measures taken to implement a comprehensive periodic maintenance at the plant next month (April).

operations by the best technicians and skilled workers not only from GPIC but also from within and outside Bahrain.

a road map for the work have been held regularly to ensure all measures are taken for its smooth completion.

General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari presented a detailed description of the During the meeting, officials maintenance operations and discussed the work programme the stages to be followed and a plan, with emphasis on in accordance with the plan the necessity of committing to and approved budget. Other complete the operations in time, members of the team gave put in place. presentations according to their specialization. The maintenance Technical arrangements made by will be held from April 1 to 23. the Company in preparation for this comprehensive task were Dr. Jawahery and other officials also discussed.These ranged from had started preparations for developing plans and bringing the the period exercise after the latest equipment from different last on three years ago. Several parts of the world, execution of periodic meetings to prepare

Dr. Jawahery thanked H.E. the Chairman and the Board of Directors for their continuous support for all of the Company's projects and programmes. He said the Executive Management and the staff have worked very hard to prepare for the maintenance while ensuring safety and efficiency throughout the complex, with particular emphasis on the safety and efficiency of plant operations. He thanked all employees for their attention, commitment and seriousness.


GPIC Medical team ready for Turnaround The medical Clinic and all its team members at GPIC has completed all preparations for the plant’s turnaround, to be held next month (April). A wide range of modern medical equipment, including a state-ofthe-art ambulance, equipped with special tools to deal with severe injuries, an advanced cardiac recovery device and another device for measuring vital parameters are all at the ready. The Clinic has also increased its medicine stock to accommodate the expected increase in the number of patients during the exercise.The clinic now provides round the


clock medical and therapeutic services as well as primary health care to all employees.

He said the Management is keen to provide all health services and equipment, adding that the staff had now become familiar It also daily inspects the with what was needed. Company's restaurant to ensure the safety of food provided Dr. Jawahery thanked the to the employees and checks Company’s Chairman and Board the premises to ensure health of Directors who closely follow requirements are followed. preparations for maintenance operations, as well as their Company President Dr. keenness to ensure its success. Abdulrahman Jawahery, accompanied by members of He said preparations include the Executive Management and a large number of speciallyofficials, visited the Medical recruited experts, and added Clinic to see for themselves its he hoped the Company would readiness and preparedness. be able to carry out the task at hand safely and without Dr. Jawahery said he was very incident. satisfied with preparations to deal with any emergency.


GPIC President inspects turnaround preparations GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Executive Management toured the Company’s facilities on the eve of the comprehensive periodic maintenance of its plants.

to complete the maintenance operations in the best possible manner. The engineers and said they were delighted at what they had seen and applauded the Company's commitment to sustainable development.

an increase in the reliability of equipment and the safety of plants.

The President said the Company achieved records in the continuous and safe operations, which resulted in it winning many Dr. Jawahery inspected Dr. Jawahery said GPIC annually prestigious awards in operation, preparations for the exercise and invests about $10 million in maintenance, safety and the gave instructions to GPIC staff routine maintenance and about environment. He said this was and others involved. He praised $ 22 million in the overall the result of long-term planning their performance and efforts maintenance of its plants, carried and attention to detail. in carrying out the maintenance out once every two and a half work professionally and efficiently years. Dr. Jawahery said preparations and applauded their team spirit for the maintenance began and determination in achieving a He said such investment is based immediately after the completion common goal of completing the on the Management’s keenness of the previous comprehensive process efficiently and within a to select the best offers available maintenance work. An integrated set time frame. in this field, during which the team took part in collecting latest technology in the field and screening information and Dr. Jawahery also met engineers of maintenance is employed to consulting with the manufacturers and technicians from abroad, who ensure the safety of employees and those who issue licences. thanked the Company for the on the one hand and to comply He said the team then began welcome and the hospitality.They with safety and environmental to develop strategies, plans and praised the employees’ readiness, legislation on the other. He specifications and following up professionalism and cooperation said the investment represents on their implementation.


Dr. Jawahery said the Company attaches great importance to equipment and devices used in the manufacturing process to ensure its quality before it is installed. He expressed pride of all Company employees for their commitment to the highest quality standards and to ensure strict application of safety and security standards while preserving the environment. He stressed on the importance of maintaining a real partnership with suppliers and maintenance contractors since they are key to the success of any project.

He said the Company hands over projects to contractors only after a large group of administrators, engineers and technicians have followed up and studied its details. He said this has been Company policy since its inception and has already proved its usefulness in terms of quality and accumulated experience of the workers. This, he added, has led to the involvement of qualified staff that is able to operate and maintain the latest equipment.

Dr. Jawahery praised the role of the Chairman and the Board of Directors for their support and follow-up, their continued encouragement of employees for their efforts and their commitment. The President thanked all Ministries, agencies and state institutions for their facilities and services which contributed to facilitating the import of equipment and the recruitment of the specialised manpower required to carry out the comprehensive maintenance.



GPIC receives the first and largest equipment GPIC has received the first and the largest equipment for use during the periodic maintenance of its plants from April 1 to 23.The equipment, for the Urea Formaldehyde Project Absorber Column, has been designed and manufactured in Bahrain at Ramses Engineering Company.

to the highest standards in and about $22 million in the accordance with the Company's comprehensive maintenance of regulations. plants every three years. He said such investment is based on the Dr. Jawahery said that the keenness of the Management Absorber Column, made of to select the best offers, using stainless steel, is 31 meters the latest global technology in long and weighs more than 58 the field of maintenance. This tonnes. He said it took about ensures the safety of workers eight months to manufacture. on the one hand and the It was transferred as one piece environment legislation on the Company President Dr. on April 2. The transfer was other. Abdulrahman Jawahery carried out smoothly, taking full expressed pride at the ability account of all safety procedures. Dr. Jawahery said that the of Bahrain’s manufacturers, Company achieved a world who have a good reputation Dr. Jawahery said work on the record in the continuous in craftsmanship and reliability. Urea Formaldehyde Project is and safe operation, which He said the Company has been on schedule and is expected resulted in it winning several keen to use a national Company to be completed soon. The unit prestigious awards in operation, to manufacture this equipment will be ready for production and maintenance, safety and the to encourage the use of locally- by the third quarter of the year. environment. made products. He said the Absorber Column is a very important part of the During the maintenance He said GPIC is working to Urea Formaldehyde Project. operations, the Company replace all equipment needed imports trained manpower, and used in the past with Dr. Jawahery said the Company who are experts and skilled locally-made products, which annually invests about US $10 workers, and who come from are manufactured according million in routine maintenance the Gulf countries and beyond.


Dr. Jawahery meets GE Project Operations Manager GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery visited the Company’s maintenance team to ensure smooth progress of the comprehensive turnaround periodic maintenance work that is being implemented this month. During his visit, Dr. Jawahery met Bahrain Project Operations Manager at General Electric (GE) Oil & Gas Eng. Fatima Al Turabi and took part in maintenance operations. This is one of the largest and most comprehensive turnaround operations in the Company’s history. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery praised the operations and spoke about GE’s regional and international standing as one of the world's largest and most important companies. He stressed the importance of the strong partnership between GPIC and GE, which, he said, enhances the efficiency of the plants and contributes to maintaining the growth of manufacturing industries, while supporting the Kingdom of Bahrain’s national economy.


Dr. Jawahery praised Ms. Al Turabi’s competence and said her professional potential is already an example for ambitious young Bahraini women.

at the University of Bahrain, after which she joined the University as a Lecturer in 2004 for a year. She joined GE as a project engineer more than 13 years ago.

Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of developing talents of young Bahrainis by providing them with opportunities to refine their knowledge and. He said it is in everybody’s interest they raise the level of their professional skills by taking part in training courses and educational programmes which raise their professional competence.

She has since taken up several many leadership positions and acquired field and practical experience, rising to became in charge of the Middle East, Pakistan and Turkey regions.

GE Oil and Gas is working to provide a wide range of advanced equipment to the Company's shareholders, including turbines. The Company gives the highest Dr. Jawahery invited all priority to safety, quality and stakeholders in different operational excellence to achieve institutions and companies higher levels of productivity. to pay more attention to the training of Bahraini youth, the GE supports Bahrain in the future and its rich cadres and field of oil and gas projects and the strategic objective of future has enjoyed a strong presence human development to help in the region for more than them enrich their knowledge and eight decades. It has been able experiences to be able to face all to increase its investments in challenges and difficulties in their Bahrain in cooperation with local careers. centres of excellence in addition to its investing in the training of Ms. Al Turabi graduated from the Bahraini citizens. College of Electronic Engineering

Students involved in GPIC Turnaround As part of its comprehensive regular maintenance work carried out this month, GPIC involved students now under training at the Company to review all steps and procedures and the requirements of the operations.

the Urea reactor and its highpressure tubes. This was also an opportunity to train and enrich trainees about maintenance work in general and the methods of examination in particular.

This was done so that the students could take advantage of the Company’s experience in the field of comprehensive maintenance of the Company's facilities and plants.

It also served to enhance their basic competencies and complement what they had learnt at the Academy of Leadership and Learning.

GPIC attracts many skilled and experienced manpower in this field and brings in all necessary mechanisms and spare parts, a task that can be completed with the help of large and specialized companies.

Officials in charge of the training identified procedures and trained the students on how to benefit from the maintenance operations. The students also participated in studying the details of the work procedures and their follow up.

As part of the process, a series of sensitive tests, including testing the Ammonia and Methanol reactors are carried out, in addition to the refurbishment of

They took part in meetings related to the steps and procedures of the maintenance process and identified the importance of these operations both in terms of

strengthening the work in plants and maintenance of existing equipment, as well as in terms of monitoring the procedures of security and safety and the protection of the environment. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the participation of the University students was a good opportunity for practical training and for them to get acquainted with the details of these huge operations. He said it gave them the opportunity to acquire the necessary information, skills and expertise that would enable them to perform their work in the future and would enrich information and develop their abilities. He added the trainees would get to know the important aspects of teamwork, which increases efficiency and productivity.


GPIC concludes Turnaround

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has announced the completion of the Company’s comprehensive periodic maintenance for the year. He said the exercise, which will maintain the continuity of the Company's operations throughout the next operation period with high efficiency and regular productivity, was completed on yesterday (April 23). Dr. Jawahery thanked the Government, Company officials and employees, all Ministries, Agencies and State Institutions who contributed to the successful conclusion of the exercise and in facilitating access, loading and transfer of equipment. He said such coordination and


cooperation is a national effort since it would ultimately be in the interest of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s industrial sector in supporting the national economy.

of the employees’, who worked hard and long to coordinate and prepare with various Government and Private Agencies to facilitate and secure access and transfer of equipment. He said 53 pieces of equipment He thanked in particular the of various sizes and dimensions, Ministry of Interior (represented including those manufactured in by Customs Affairs), the Ministry giant workshops within Bahrain, of Communications, the Ministry and from Italy, Germany, Spain, of Works, Municipal Affairs and the Netherlands, Japan, Singapore Urban Planning and the Khalifa and Austria were used. bin Salman Port. Other equipment, besides being locally procured, was also imported from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Dr. Jawahery praised the support of the Company Chairman and the Board of Directors, their followup of the overall maintenance work and their encouragement

He said the port is one of the most important economic and commercial monuments in the region and works to standards and specifications comparable to the largest and most modern ports. This, he said, greatly facilitated the process of loading and delivering large equipment smoothly to the Company's site.

Dr. Jawahery receives scholar GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received the State Affairs Department Advisor Dr. Faten Mohammed Kamal and congratulated her on receiving her PhD degree. Dr. Faten also presented Dr. Jawahery a copy of her research which she submitted for the degree. Dr. Jawahery applauded her efforts during the preparation and research process, which is about the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in the Kingdom of Bahrain according to the 1973 Constitution and its amendments. She said her research would be a good source of knowledge for all interested in Bahrain’s constitutional experience, keeping in mind the momentum of events and major developments, including the National Action Charter. Dr. Jawahery thanked Dr. Faten for gifting her research to the library, saying it would

be valuable addition to its library. He expressed his best wishes for her success and the resultant responsibilities. He said the company offers a lot of support to Bahrainis interested in the field of research and studies in various subjects and encourages young people to continue their education to obtain the highest academic degrees. Dr. Faten thanked Dr. Jawahery for the warm hospitality and stressed her appreciation for opportunity to present to him a copy of her research. She said Dr. Jawahery is a distinguished Bahraini figure not only in the field of industry but also in parliamentary experience, having been a member of the Shura Council from 2002 to 2014. She expressed great admiration for the important and outstanding role played by GPIC in promoting scientific research and a desire to benefit from its achievements. She said the

Company had set up a unique Management style that combines the highest professional and technical standards on the one hand and humanitarian aspects on the other. She said her visit had allowed her to provide a brief explanation of her book, which sheds light on Bahrain's constitutional experience. It is worth mentioning that the research presented by Dr. Faten Kamal monitors key stages traversed Bahrain, leading to the establishment of a prominent constitutional monarchy, simulates the system of government, including guaranteed rights and freedoms, the oldest constitutional monarchies in the world, with a focus on the transformation of constitutional monarchy has been the culmination of approval The National Action Charter, whose provisions have radically changed the shape of the State and restructured the existing constitutional order as a whole.


GPIC launches Young Novelists Award GPIC has launched an initiative to present the Arabian Gulf Award for Young Novelists. This comes as part of the company’s corporate mission to support society, especially the youth, and its belief that it is important to work on developing talent and encouraging the youth. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the company’s Board of Directors believes in supporting culture and youth and gives these sectors a lot of importance. He said the launch of the award highlights the importance of enhancing literary and cultural aspects of youth. He also stressed the importance of paying attention to and caring for the literary talents of young


people interested in literature and writing. Dr. Jawahery said the company is keen to adopt various talents, including writing, as well as the arts. He said the award is the first initiative in the Middle East and would challenge the youngsters’ ability to write a novel within 24 hours. The President thanked the award organisers and the jury and spoke of his belief that the initiative will have good and positive results while impacting young people. Editor-in-Chief of Al Watan and award secretary Yousuf AlBankheel thanked GPIC and praised the company’s support for the youth and to enrich the literary movement. He said

the company stood by Bahraini youth and is keen nurture their talents. He stressed on the importance of the community partnership, which brings the company close to private and public sector institutions. He said all of these efforts are in the interest of the Bahraini society. The GPIC’s Board of Directors largely believes in integrating this concept as an integral part of the company's overall strategy. The company is constantly developing and improving its social responsibility programmes, though which it hopes to encourage others to help and contribute towards the development of society through innovative means and practices.

GPIC participates in PR Forum GPIC took part in the 11th GCC Public Relations Forum held under the patronage of Advisor to His Majesty the King for Media Affairs and Honorary President of the Bahrain Public Relations Society H.E. Mr. Nabil bin Yaqoub Al Hamar. The event, at The Grove Conference Hotel in Amwaj, was held on April 4 and 5 and organised by the Bahrain Public Relations Association in collaboration with Act Smart for Public Relations Consultancy. GPIC was represented by its Corporate Communications Manager Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, who presented a paper on measuring the output of professional and effective Public Relations and how to reach professionalism in Arab countries, using GPIC as a case study. The subject elicited a lot of discussions and received great interest and attention from

participants because of the rich and unique experience of the Company’s Corporate Communications Department, characterized by intense activity and active participation in many programmes and events.

the successful event. He praised the important and influential role played by the association in developing the practice, its activities and tasks.

He also praised the wide participation in the event, The Forum addressed several which consisted of experts and important topics related to specialists in the field of Public the Public Relations Sector, Relations from all Gulf countries. including discussing the future of the Public Relations profession. Company President Dr. Participants discussed the reality Abdulrahman Jawahery had of the Public Relations Industry received an Award of distinction and the challenges it faces as well for 2017 from the association in as discussed opportunities for recognition of his outstanding Public Relations practitioners. achievements and for being one of the most prominent The first day of the Forum and influential figures in the included three sessions - global petrochemical industry, Public Relations Industry, while making a great impact in challenges facing the profession promoting the sector in Bahrain. and opportunities for Public Relations practitioners. The Association is an active professional body, responsible Mr. Tawfiqi thanked the for framing and developing the organisers and association Public Relations profession as Chairman Dr. Fahad Al Shehabi well as the media in Bahrain. as well as all those responsible


GPIC team attends SABIC workshop The Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) hosted a joint meeting between senior officials of its Compliance and Cyber Security Departments and senior officials of GPIC. GPIC General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari led the GPIC delegation, which also consisted of Chief Internal Auditor Mr. Omar Al Bastaki; Technical Support Supervisor Mr. Reza Ammari; Instrumentation and Control Controller Mr. Abdulaziz Al Mahmoud and Technical Support Specialist Mr. Khalid Jamsheer. The GPIC team was briefed on the latest regulations and effectiveness of the information systems. Participants were also informed about the best possible means to keep pace with security and technical operations to tackle risks that could compromise corporate information. Commenting on the occasion, GPIC President praised GPIC's


kee-nness to take advantage of the most advanced means available in the information security systems. He said it were necessary to keep abreast of all the latest and advanced methods of security to protect information. He thanked and appreciated SABIC for its continued cooperation and coordination, as well as its interest in offering their expertise and experience. SABIC today is one of the world's largest petrochemical companies and the largest nonoil industrial company on the regional map. Dr. Jawahery stressed that GPIC would continue to adopt the best management systems and strategies to develop performance at all levels and would ensure its employees’ commitment to develop their information, abilities and skills to prepare them to meet their job requirements.

He said GPIC would also continue to strive to achieve its stated objectives along with its commitment to continuous improvement and development through to achieve excellence in all business operations, especially with regard to management systems. He explained the company has enhanced its sustainable development objectives and key performance indicators and said measurement through management standards is one of the most effective tools to continue to improve. He said GPIC has received the ISO 27001 Quality Management System certification and, in recent years, has witnessed growth in production, which has resulted in record rates not only in terms of production, operation and export, but also in the field of maintenance and occupational safety, making it an example of clean and successful industry in the region.

GPIC Bahraini employees promoted

Mohamed Al Issa

Mohamed Al Masqati

Hassan Ali

Majeed Al A'li

Ali Al Rayes

Mohamed Sanad

Several employees at GPIC have been promoted as part of the Company’s policy. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has issued a decree to the effect. The promotions are part of an ambitious plan to prepare the work force to assume leadership and supervisory positions. The following are the new promotions: Mr. Mohamed Al Issa has been promoted to Fire and Safety Superintendent (Designate); Mr. Mohamed Al Masqati to Senior Turnaround Planning Engineer (Acting); Mr. Hassan Ali Ibrahim to Senior Warehouse Supervisor (Acting); Mr. Majeed Al A'li to Senior Shift Supervisor; Mr. Ali Al Rayes to Fire and Safety Supervisor and Mr. Mohamed

Sanad Mohamed to Utilities Shift Supervisor. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery expressed pride at the newlypromoted staff and reiterated his confidence in Bahrainis working at the Company. He stressed they are appreciated and the Management are proud of their achievements. He said the Company is keen to take care of all its employees and provide all means for their development and promotion. He said the Company will not stop providing specialized training programmes for local staff in addition to providing programmes that develop its personal skills and leadership and which prepares them for further promotions to assume administrative and leadership positions.

Dr. Jawahery said the Company believes that the development of human resources is an essential element and that it is the best investment that they can have. He said this will, in turn, reflect positively on the Company's performance in all aspects and fields, in addition to its continuity in success and development. "There will be permanent challenges, and the best way to overcome them depends on the efficiency of the manpower we train and develop," he said. He added the Company is committed to an ambitious programme in the field of training and development, through which it aims to train and develop the competencies of employees by providing them the best training programmes.


GPIC employee honoured for receiving degree

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery honoured Company employee Mr. Khalifa Yousif Saad from the Logistics Services Section of the Human Resources Department, after he received a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Management from AMA International University. Dr. Jawahery congratulated Mr. Khalifa and praised his diligence and determination study for a university degree. He said the Executive Management was proud of not only his degree but also for the excellence he had shown during his achievement. Dr. Jawahery said the Company supports its employees and encourages them to continue their education. Their children are also provided scholarships. He said GPIC takes great interest in human resources development as an important factor in building the Country’s future.

seeing to acquire the skills and knowledge that would support and assist in carrying out their assigned tasks efficiently. He said this would also contribute to the development of methods, bases and skills of administrative leadership and create a positive attitude, while updating them in accordance with different variables. He said the Company is also working to provide comprehensive training programmes and co-ordinating with other companies to identify training needs and find the best ways to achieve quality. Dr. Jawahery stressed the Company's commitment to the strategy of developing and training all employees and giving them the opportunity to reach top positions. He noted the support of the Board of Directors as well.

Mr. Khalifa thanked the Management for the honour, Dr. Jawahery stressed the especially Dr. Jawahery who he importance of employees described as a keen supporter


of education and development in the Company, and one who encouraged everyone. He called on his colleagues to work hard and to never stop learning. He said scientific developments are accelerating and no one should set a limit on age or circumstances. He said one must be kept informed about all the latest developments. He said he hoped to have the opportunity to apply everything he learned during his study in the Company that gave it his best. GPIC shows great interest in the development of its human cadres, which it regards as an important criterion for success. The Company is keen to provide technical staff with high efficiency professional specifications, which is a catalyst for its success. This helps in GPIC achieving its objectives of sustainability in line with its strategies.

GPIC organises first aid and CPR course GPIC organised a specialised course in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for its employees. The course was conducted to enable employees to face any emergency situation in daily work or public life. During the course, which was attended by employees from different departments,

the importance of CPR was recognized as an important emergency measure. In his comments, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the Management is keen to continue to hold such courses in all fields related to the nature of the Company's work. He said

these would enhance skills and abilities team members need to achieve the required efficiency. He added the Company pays great attention in providing all employees with sufficient knowledge about basic aspects that workers in the industrial sector should be aware of to stay safe at work or at home.

GPIC names Employee of the Month GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery along with members of the Executive Management, presented a certificate and the appreciation award to Technical Services Department Inas Bahlool received the Employee of the Month Award for the month of December, Safety & Security Department employee Mariam Shabib for January, Technical Services Department Sam Mathew for February 2018.

Mariam Shabib

Inas Bahlool

Sam Mathew


GPIC attends human rights forum

GPIC took part in the International Business and Human Rights Forum, hosted recently in Bahrain as part of its contributions to events and programmes that support the objectives of society. In his comments, Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery stressed the importance of involving the Company's employees in targeted activities of community organizations to gain wider knowledge of the requirements of the society. He said the standards and principles that the company believes in and seeks to secure and implement are very high.

believing in the importance of topics that discussed, which raise the awareness of the principles of human rights in Bahrain. He said the forum discussed issues on human rights and business management, which were linked to the United Nations 17 sustainable development goals, to be achieved by 2030. He said the company is making efforts to implement these goals. The GPIC delegation included the Legal Advisor Ms. Noora Al Sharyan, Recruitment and Selection Supervisor Ms. Mariam Al-Moussawi, Internal Auditor Ms. Noor Al-Sayed, Marketing Superintendent for Ammonia and Urea Ms. Munther Bucheeri and Senior Training Supervisor Mr. Mohammed Faqihi.

Dr. Jawahery, who was earlier a member of the Board of Directors of the National Institute for Human Rights, spoke of its important role in dealing with issues related to human rights. He praised its The forum was held in the efforts to promote and develop presence of and under the human rights in Bahrain. patronage of its Secretary General, H.E. Dr. Khalifa AlDr. Jawahery said the Company Fadhel, on the theme, "Business is keen to provide support Administration and Human and sponsorship for the event, Rights."


It was attended by representatives of civil society and human rights defenders, in addition to those interested in human rights issues. Representatives of the academic, advisory, legal, corporate, commercial and private sector also attended. The forum addressed the most important challenges and obstacles in business administration and human rights, especially after the openness witnessed by countries of the world, globalization and the emergence of multinational companies and practices. Issues concerning intellectual property rights and creativity were also discussed. National Institution for Human Rights President H.E. Ms. Maria Khouri spoke about the responsibility of commercial institutions to respect the principles of human rights through their compliance with the international and local norms and laws, especially laws on labour, health, safety and pollution.

GPIC women employees honoured

Four women employees of GPIC have been honoured by the Bahrain Society for Training and Human Resources Development.

Bahrain National Day and the Bahraini Women’s Day.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery congratulated the employees and said this The recognition for Training honour was appreciation for all Officer Ms. Lulwa Al Muaili, the employees of the company. Executive Office Administrator Ms. Qoot Abdullah, Senior Dr. Jawahery thanked all Office Administrator Ms. Nada employees who regularly receive Mohammed and Ms. Noora awards of excellence from Al Meer came in recognition organisations within and outside of their excellence and Bahrain and said this confirms professionalism in the private the Company’s approach under sector for 2017. the guidance of its Board of Directors in qualifying and Society Honorary President developing its human elements H.E. Dr. Ibrahim Khalifa Al and equipping them with the Dossari presented certificates skills and knowledge necessary of excellence to the four women to help them perform their tasks during a ceremony to mark the efficiently.

Nada Mohammed

Qoot Abdulla

He said this also contributes to the development of leadership and administrative skills and creates a positive attitude among employees, while updating them on the developments within the industry. Dr. Jawahery praised the employees’ continuous efforts through their management skills and professionalism in accomplishing their tasks quickly and skilfully. He said he hoped they would continue to win accolades and awards that would once again confirm the company's excellence in terms of the quality of its products and the professionalism of its staff.

Noora Al Meer 43

GPIC employees attend Toastmasters Workshop

Two members of GPIC Toastmaster’s Club - Vice President for Education Mr. Bader Yahya Ibrahim and Vice President for Membership Dr. Bangari Naidu – took part in a workshop at the University of Bahrain (UoB). The event was organised by Injaz Bahrain in cooperation with GPIC and in partnership with the UoB, on the topic, Art of Public Speaking and Presentation. The two Club members focussed on important elements that should be included in a speech and reinforced their presentations by several examples. About 45 students from the faculty of applied education, who are in the last year of their diploma in business administration course, attended the workshop, which aimed to train them on public speaking and presentation skills in preparation for an annual competition organized by Injaz Bahrain. The workshop was also an opportunity to train students on how to enhance their communication, presentation,


communication and presentation skills, which are key in the business world and how they should use these to convince arbitrators during the final presentation as part of the competition. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the Club’s important role in shaping and honing public speaking and communication skills not only among employees but also among others who are interested in community affairs. He also thanked the president and members of the Club for their efforts to develop Toastmasters programmes in the best possible way. Dr. Jawahery praised the workshop organisers who, he said, were able to efficiently convey detailed information in a manner that achieved its best possible use, while enhancing and developing communication and leadership abilities. The participants and those attending, including teachers and students, appreciated the workshop and later took part in a question and answer session.

UoB Dean of the Faculty of Applied Education Dr. Sadiq Mahdi Al-Alawi honoured the sponsors and organizers. GPIC is greatly interested in the development of Bahraini human resources and provides specialized courses at home and abroad, organises workshops on professional and personal aspects and engages its employees in forums and gatherings. The Company Management is always working to support its employees as its real wealth and seeks to develop their skills by providing opportunities for expertise, education and training to qualify them to achieve and gain more. The training offered by the Company also provides employees with the opportunity to change for the better and enables them to develop their knowledge, abilities and skills to meet their job requirements and develop their technical and intellectual skills to meet the Company’s future needs.

Anti-Dumping laws lecture at GPIC SABIC International Trade Legal Affairs Director Mr. Walid Al Ghosoon delivered a lecture on anti-dumping laws in accordance with the requirements of the World Trade Organization, at GPIC.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the cooperation between SABIC and GPIC, especially in the exchange of experiences and information. He said the Company’s Board of Directors is keen to take advantage of SABIC’s experience as one of The lecture was part of the the world’s largest companies and Company’s efforts to raise its competencies in industrial and awareness of the requirements administrative work. of the global market and its laws and challenges. Dr. Jawahery also spoke of Bahrain and the GCC anti-dumping Mr. Al-Ghosoon spoke on anti- policies and their concern in dumping law mechanisms and protecting local traders and requirements and explained the markets. He said foreign traders measure to be adopted to avoid tend to reduce prices of their violations. He also gave examples products in a non-economical of some recent cases. manner, which results in the removal of the local trader from The lecture highlighted global the labour market because of laws of protecting competition his inability to match prices and and its requirements. It spoke of quality of foreign products. the importance of companies' compliance to ensure fair He said the World Trade competition and avoiding legal Organization is one of the consequences. most important economic

developments in the modern world and a unique event of the 21st century due to its economic and social effects, the liberalization of international trade and its contribution in raising the standard of living of member states’ populations. He said this leads to creation of new jobs and a reduction in unemployment, which justifies the efforts of various countries, especially the developing countries, to join the WTO and to secure a growing share of world trade. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) countries are signatories to the Anti-Dumping Agreement, which became effective at the beginning of theWTO in 1995. The agreement includes three parts and annexes, the most important of which is the definition of dumping, the necessity of complying with rules, and clarifying how to initiate and investigate dumping cases.


Bahrain Society of Engineers delegation visit GPIC A delegation from the Bahrain Society of Engineers, led by its Board of Directors Chairman H.E. Mr. Masoud Al-Hermi visited GPIC. Company Plants Operations Manager Mr. Yasser Al Abassi welcomed the guests and conveyed to them the greetings of its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery.

strategy and spoke about the production and exports. He also reviewed with them the Company’s most important achievements and awards it has won for its high-quality petrochemicals and fertilizers, manufactured with the application of the best and latest international standards in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Mr. Al-Abbasi gave the visitors The guests were also briefed on the an overview of the nature of the carbon dioxide extraction plant, Company's work and its operational the first in the Middle East, and


which contributes to significantly reducing harmful emissions from factory operations. The visiting delegation was made familiar with training programmes and activities of the Learning and Leadership Academy and the e-learning centre and their contribution to educating the Company's employees. They praised the modern technologies and advanced education and training facilities at the academy

and said such infrastructure confirms GPIC’s interest in training staff and providing them with all opportunities.

thanked the society for the visit and said it was an opportunity to inform them of the development of the training academy and its advanced curricula. He also noted The visitors then went to the HRH the continuous cooperation Princess Sabeeka Garden and the and coordination between the Herbs and Medicinal Plants Garden, Company and the society. set up to preserve rare medicinal herbs used for therapeutic H.E. Mr. Al-Hermi praised the visit purposes. They visited the Charity and thanked GPIC Management Fish Farm and the Bird Sanctuary. for the hospitality. He said their pioneering role had catapulted the In his comments, Dr. Jawahery Company to the ranks of influential


local, regional and global companies. He appreciated the Company for its generous and unlimited support to the society’s various programmes and activities. He appreciated the role of Bahraini engineers in the Company’s achievements and applauded GPIC’s embrace of these national capacities and competencies to fulfil the aspirations of the wise leadership.


Bahrain Society of Engineers delegation visit GPIC GPIC hosted a joint meeting between the Corporate Communications teams from the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) and Saudi Arabian Fertilizer Company (SAFCO), and the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company.

along with several members of the Executive Management and staff of the Company's Corporate Communications Department were also present.

Issues of mutual interest and means of increasing cooperation and coordination between all The meeting was attended, parties were discussed along with among others, by NOGA Head of relationship between industrial Promotions and Conferences Dr. companies. Hassan Al-Fardan, its Promotion and Conference Specialist Mr. Mr. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Al Haddad and Sheikh Jawahery welcomed the guests Abdul Aziz Bin Salman Al Khalifa. and stressed the importance Public Relations Supervisor Mr. of holding such consultative Waleed Al Hussein of SAFCO meetings that enhance the mutual


relations and communication between all parties working in the same field. He said such meetings are an opportunity to exchange views and perceptions on common issues, especially those relating to public relations and information. Dr. Jawahery said besides this meeting, several others involving technicians or administrators, are also held on a regular basis. He said the changes currently taking place all over the world necessitate that everyone coordinates efforts to achieve the success of the regional petrochemical sector.

The President spoke of the keenness of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company to support NOGA’s measures and plans, under the leadership of H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Minister of Oil, to ensure continuity of the work in factories and support Bahrain’s economic development. During the visit, the delegation toured the Leadership and Learning Academy, the manufacturing facilities and the several environmental projects within the complex.

The Company Corporate Communications Manager, Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, gave a presentation on the activities of the Corporate Communications Department and highlighted its achievements at all levels. The two sides reviewed ways to cooperate to improve their work and also agreed to exchange future visits. The visitors were also taken to GPIC Club, where they learnt about its activities, the sports equipment, facilities for employees and their families. This was followed by a luncheon in their honour.

Dr. Al-Fardan and Mr. Al Hussein thanked GPIC officials for the welcome and the hospitality and applauded the activities of the Company’s Corporate Communications in supporting other departments in organising various activities. They said GPIC is an example of joint Gulf projects and fruitful cooperation. They added the Company had earned a reputation for itself an impeccable reputation not only at the local level, but also at the regional and global level.


Parental Club delegation visits GPIC A delegation of the Abdullah bin Yousuf Fakhro Parents' Club, led by its President, Mr. Khalid Al-Qattan, visited GPIC as part of the Company’s keenness to strengthen social ties with all professional, civil and charitable associations and institutions. The delegation was received by the Company’s Corporate Communications Manager Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, a number of Company officials and members of its Working Ladies and Youth Committees. Mr. Tawfiqi conveyed to the visitors the greetings of GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery.

Company's business philosophy and its operational strategy.They were told about the Company’s Management, its production and export as well as its main achievements in safety, quality, environmental conservation and the community.

The delegation toured the Company’s complex and inspected the factories and facilities. They saw the manufacturing process of high quality products, which are exported to the world’s most important markets. They visited the environmental projects that reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment, The guests were briefed on the such as the charity fish farm, the


bird sanctuary and the Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic Plants. In a statement on the occasion, Dr. Jawahery said that the Company was pleased to host the delegation and stressed it were an opportunity to inform members of Bahraini society of the development of Bahrain and its petrochemical and fertilisers industry. Dr. Jawahery praised the club’s contributions to parents and the elderly and its various programmes and activities to provide health, social and psychological care as well as awareness and family guidance.

Al Hekma Society for Retirees visit GPIC A delegation of the Al Hekma Retirees Society, led by its Deputy Chairman, Dr. Saeed Al Sammak, visited GPIC. The visit was part of the Company’s keenness to strengthen social ties with professional, civil and charitable associations and institutions and to showcase its advanced factories and environmental projects. GPIC Corporate Communications Manager Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi and Human Resources Manager Ms. Najat Sharif, who is also the Chairperson of the Ladies Working Committee, along with other officials, received the guests. Mr. Tawfiqi conveyed to the visitors the greetings of Company

President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and briefed them on its business philosophy and operational strategy, management, production and exports. GPIC’s main achievements in safety, quality, environmental conservation and community contributions were also reviewed. The delegation toured the complex, during which they saw the plants and facilities as well as the process to exports its products to the world’s largest and most important international markets. They also visited the several environmental projects that reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment. These include the Charity Fish

Farm, the Bird Sanctuary and the Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic Plants. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said that the Company was pleased to host the delegation and added the visit was an opportunity to inform them about Bahrain’s development in the field of petrochemicals and fertilizers and how the Company is considered a role model in the sector. The President praised the society’s contributions and the experience and skills of its members with their years of work in serving the community and through various programmes and projects the society provides to its members.


GPIC organizes beach clean-up GPIC organized a campaign to clean the beach next to the Bahrain Fort as part of its mission to protect and preserve the environment.

Dr. Jawahery said the campaign is not aimed at a certain segment, but would benefit all in society, from beach visitors and tourists. He also praised the organisers and their efforts to raise awareness on the importance of environmental care as a community necessity. He said the Company's Management made sure during the campaign to provide qualified medical staff to take care of any emergency.

The campaign, in cooperation with the Manama Municipality comes in response to the Company’s annual initiative to raise environmental awareness within the community and highlight the importance of recycling. The campaign is being held for the fourth consecutive Dr. Jawahery spoke of the year in conjunction with other importance of providing clean Gulf cities. beaches for the protection of marine organisms that are GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman endangered by dumping in Jawahery thanked GPCA Sec- coastal areas. retary General Dr. Abdulwahab Al Sadoun, for introducing an He urged people not to dump initiative that has a direct impact waste that may cause the marine on Gulf communities. He said environment to lose its natural the industry provides services components. He said such waste and makes efforts in the field of poses danger to both citizens environmental care, in addition and residents. to encouraging voluntary work, which provides opportunities to Dr. Jawahery thanked Manama GPIC employees to serve the Municipality Director General community. H.E. Engineer Sheikh Mohammed


bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, for his guidance in making the campaign a success. He also thanked the Chairman and members of the Company’s Social Activities Committee for its efforts to organise the annual event. H.E. Engineer Sheikh Mohammed stressed the importance of the private sector’s participation in Government efforts to preserve the environment, including cleaning Bahrain’s beaches and bays as an environmental and national mission. He also praised the outstanding volunteer efforts of GPIC employees, who are known for their social and humanitarian initiatives. He added that campaigns are consistent with the official directions to protect the marine environment and clean the beaches. He said intensive awareness campaigns are carried out by the Ministry of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning to restore the beaches to their former splendour and protect marine areas.


GPIC celebrates Bahrain Sports Day GPIC employees took part in the National Sports Day at the Company complex. The participation came as a result of the initiative of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister and the directives of His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Personal Representative of His Majesty the King for Charity and Youth Affairs and to emphasize the importance of practicing sports in general and walking in particular. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery initiative, which, he said, reaffirms the wise Leadership’s unlimited support


of sport and their keenness to make it a lifestyle for all members of the society. He also stressed on the importance of exercise and its relevance to promoting public health. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the importance of the role of sport in people’s lives and its impact on the development of society. He said all the nations had devised their own plans, programmes and strategies to celebrate sports. He said the Company marked the day with programmes and activities, which aimed to achieve the objectives of this initiative. He said Bahrain had proved beyond

any doubt that it is moving forward in achieving the goals of sustainable human development and building Bahraini citizens physically and mentally. All of the Kingdom’s Ministries and private institutions have organised programmes and buses to mark the occasion. These include competitions, recreational programmes and educational seminars. His Royal Highness the Prime Minister had last year designated the second Tuesday of February every year to be the Bahrain Sports Day.

GPIC has overcome major challenges in 2017: Dr. Jawahery GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has said the last year (2017) posed major challenges in achieving sustainability however, at the same time, there were many important developments in the field. In an interview, he said the Company’s contributions to the implementation of the 17 United Nations sustainability goals related primarily to the future of global development and covered a wide range of issues, including eradicating hunger, spreading education, improving health and making cities more sustainable.

goals seek to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.”

sustainable development goals, we are also working to update our initiatives in sustainability.”

He said the Company's approach is fully compatible with these goals.“We are a strong supporter of these global goals, especially since we have contributed to all stages, from the development of indicators and sharing best practices through the UN Global Compact programme.”

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC was set up as a joint venture equally owned by the Government of Bahrain, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation and Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait.

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC is keen to identify its performance by publishing its sustainability reports every two years. “These reports show how we have "In September 2015, the United made progress to achieve longNations General Assembly term sustainability objectives approved the implementation and encourage others to do so. of 17 global sustainable development goals by 2030," “As we continue to strengthen said Dr. Jawahery. "Overall, these our approach and work to meet

“The Company used natural gas as a feedstock to manufacture Ammonia, Urea and Methanol at its complex, built on an area of​​ 60 hectares of reclaimed land. “It includes, in addition to plants, facilities and laboratories, several parks and environmental projects. Over the years, we have entrenched the principles of sustainability in the institutional culture of the Company and translated it as daily behaviour.”


Speaking about steps to contribute to the goals of sustainable development, Dr. Jawahery said that the Company’s foundations are based on the three pillars of sustainable development, on which it works to balance and continuously improve. “These are human care, conservation of the planet and profit.”

Dr. Jawahery stressed the Company has worked to spread and promote awareness of the objectives of sustainable development within the organisation. “A special Committee, which carries out awareness presentations for employees, was set up to follow up the its sustainability.

He said GPIC has entered a new era in which it shares more with a leading global sustainability initiative such as the UN Global Compact. “The Company's Management focuses more on leadership, cooperation, innovation and youth empowerment so that it can better serve the local community and the world.

“We evaluated our current business practices to see if they were consistent with the objectives sustainable development goals and found the results to be very encouraging.”

“Our employees, participated in a United Nations global survey of sustainable development goals in 2013 and received more than 7 million votes from around the world.” He said 75 per cent of the participants were under 30 years old.


is working with both the Arab Fertiliser Association (AFA) and the International Fertiliser Industry Association (IFA) to promote training in the use of fertilisers and to increase food production. The Company has also issued a booklet on the use of urea for Bahraini farmers. “We have produced more than 11.5 million tons of granular Urea since 1998 and a total of more than 37 million tons of Ammonia, Methanol and granular Urea since 1985. “The latest initiative in this context is the partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme, which has established the concept of good nutrition among students and educated them on how to benefit from stopping waste of healthy food.”

With regard to the Company's contribution to all of the UN's human development goals, Dr. Jawahery said that for the objective of poverty eradication, the Company contributes strongly to economic growth, works hard to create jobs and increases the income of farmers around the world. On the issue of good health and well-being, Dr. Jawahery With regard to the goal of explained that GPIC provides full eliminating hunger, the Company health insurance for employees,

their families and contractors, and carries out health campaigns, lectures and health training. “This includes first aid training for employees, their families and the community at large.”

Speaking about the goals of clean water and sanitation, Dr. Jawahery said that the Company's longterm sustainability objectives are water conservation and energy efficiency. “GPIC is launching campaigns to reduce water use and in response to the goal of sustainable clean energy, we are continuously implementing projects and campaigns to save energy including, but not limited to, the installation of energysaving lamps.”

On the issue of quality education, Dr. Jawahery said that the Company provides training opportunities for employees and industrial trainees. “We also support the programmes of INJAZ Bahrain and the Ministry of Education by providing scholarships and honouring He said with regard to the highly qualified students.” objectives of economic growth, the Company is keen He said there is complete gender to provide jobs, contribute equality at the Company and to the Bahraini economy and men and women are given equal support local contractors in pay. “The Company has adhered addition to sponsoring events to the principles of women's in the community to promote empowerment in the UN Global economic growth. “We have so Compact in 2014. The initiatives far pumped in $4.498 billion into for 2017 include support for the national economy.” the Government's initiative to proclaim 2017 as the year for He said on industry, innovation Bahraini women working in the and infrastructure, the Company engineering field.” supports the community through the university research and He said to contribute to this innovation achievement camp. initiative, the Company has included a number of engineers “In recognition of its support at all stages of a new project. for innovation, the Company

won the Mohammed Bin Rashid Innovation Award for Business 2017.” He said in order to reduce inequality, the Company’s responsible care initiative ensures the safety of all those involved in work. “Sharing experiences in all aspects of the industry with equal attention to job opportunities and working with all schools to develop skills and knowledge is one of the priorities.” He said GPIC’s long-term sustainability objectives are in line with Bahrain Vision 2030. “The Company contributes to the community and its various activities such as exhibitions, the farmers' market, and others.” In terms of responsible consumption and production, Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC is keen on resource efficiency, energy conservation and air and water quality. “Recycling operations continue all the time. For example, we recycle cardboard, reduce waste and implement sustainable resource efficiency improvement projects.”


On climate measures, he said, the Company participates in carbon dioxide reduction initiatives at the national level and works with the National Oil and Gas Authority to measure and manage these emissions. In terms of marine life, he said, GPIC monitors estuaries for its protection and takes care of the fish farm it has established for fish farming and marine life development. He said the Company has cooperated with the Supreme Council for Environment to develop Bahrain's biodiversity strategy. “We have made significant contributions to the implementation of projects related to biodiversity within the


boundaries of the Company such as setting up a bird sanctuary, a fish farm, olive groves and palm trees.” Dr. Jawahery said in order to serve the cause of justice, peace and strong institutions, the Company is working hard to build strong partnerships with the United Nations Environment Programme, the Ministry of Education, INJAZ Bahrain and universities, along with the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA). “We also work with the National Institute for Human Rights, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the AFA and the IFA and encourage other companies to follow suit.”

Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC would continue to contribute in one way or the other to achieving sustainable development goals. It is worth mentioning that in September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan at a historic UN Summit, with the implementation of sustainable development goals officially launched in January 2016. It is hoped that in the next 15 years, countries will mobilize efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms to combat inequality and to address climate change while ensuring that all are included in these efforts.

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