Expanding Skilled Trades in Nor thern Alber ta

Northwestern Polytechnic is eager to support a thriving region with:
• Responsive training programs and targeted skills enhancement pathways for in-demand skilled trades professionals
• Immersive and industry-replicated teaching environments that facilitate real-world scenarios for exposure, practice, learning, and assessment.
• Contemporary learning labs and specialized workshops featuring the latest tool and technology advancements
• Increased capacity to nurture and develop local talent including the ability to train an additional 800 students each year.
• Development of knowledgeable and highly-skilled graduates who will positively impact the depth of talent and number of applicants for in-demand roles
Northwestern Polytechnic is the largest postsecondary institution situated within Alberta’s abundant northern natural resource corridor
This globally recognized region is heavily relied on to generate the most significant proportion of Alberta’s GDP through mining, quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and oil and gas activity.
With various geographic advantages and a promising economic environment, northern communities have become a location of choice for domestic and international
Outside of Edmonton and Calgary, Grande Prairie is projected to have the fastest growth in the province with surrounding regional communities also gearing up for unprecedented expansion.
Northwestern Polytechnic is a key regional asset with its steady talent pipeline of motivated, knowledgeable, and skilled graduates
Nor thwestern Polytechnic recognizes the impor tance of carving out new spaces for hands-on training and world-class skill development. Our goal is to design and deliver two new net zero buildings, totalling over 100,000 square feet, by 2028.
The new 40,000 sq f t facility will support enhanced training across disciplines, as well as evolving industry-specific needs within Continuing Education. This development will build on current Electrician, Millwright and Instrumentation program enhancements, while optimizing our Grande Prairie campus footprint and increasing access for more than 400 additional students annually.
• Dedicated Refrigeration training space that expands capacity for up to 80 additional pre-employment and refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic apprenticeship students With the benefit of a contemporary and customized training environment, students will master residential, commercial and industrial cooling and heating systems
• Highly specialized Construction hub that will empower advanced skill development. Be it for residential dwellings or developing community infrastructure, students will hone their craf tsmanship skills in a safe, supportive, and hands-on workshop. This buzzing training facility will provide added space for up to 212 apprenticeship, diploma, and microcredential students
• Purpose-built 16 booth Welding lab will come complete with metal grinding areas, plasma cutting and work benches for table-top related training. Delivering the latest equipment and technology advances in a safe, well-ventilated environment, this space will accommodate pre-employment students and up to 80 apprenticeship learners each year.
Capitalizing on the latest training technology opportunities and maximizing will transform our Fairview campus. The addition of over 60,000 sq ft of lab and workshop space will facilitate expanded programming while unlocking operational for aspiring industry professionals. With the benefits of a new development and the existing strengths of a vibrant Fairview campus, Northwestern Polytechnic will realize significant savings in deferred and in-ground service maintenance costs The campus environment will also be improved significantly by reducing hazardous material liabilities and enhancing studentfocused learning and common areas
• Purpose-built 36 booth Welding lab will boost training capacity for 180 apprenticeship students each year.
• Versatile Autobody Mechanic space servicing up to 60 apprenticeship students each year as they develop the necessary skills for repairing and restoring vehicles.
• Fully interconnected three-bay Motorcycle workshop that will accommodate up to 88 students who want to rev up their repair and maintenance skills
• New Agricultural Technician lab that will support upwards of 300 additional apprenticeship or 75 diploma students annually. In time this flexible space will also be home to a new Heavy Equipment Operator program expansion.
• Leading-edge Animal Health training area will serve 70 diploma students annually. This facility will feature state-of-the-art microbiology, dental surgery, and operating labs as well as a large animal and diagnostic training spaces.
Northwestern Polytechnic is focused on delivering a timely skilled trades solution for students, communities, and industries.
Prospective learners are unaware and have limited exposure to all skilled trades opportunities in Northern Alberta. With a growing workforce gap across North America, and a challenging labour market outlook within Northern Alberta’s signature industries, Northwestern Polytechnic is taking action.
Together with our local partners and industry champions, we have collaboratively identified emerging needs and formulated a strategic approach that will help address the persistent talent shortages that
Northwestern Polytechnic is seeking a $157M investment from the Government of Alberta to support high-priority infrastructure development across our Fairview and Grande Prairie campuses
This tactical financial outlay will supercharge NWP’s capacity to train the workforce of the future, and deliver valuable returns within Alberta for years to come
Northwestern Polytechnic’s new Skilled Trades Centres will contribute to enhanced:
• Skilled trades awareness and exploration
• Regional competitiveness
• Economic growth and long-term sustainability
• Employability and labour productivity
• Industry innovation and advancement
Working with our local industries, surrounding communities, and government partners, we are committed to attracting, training, and retaining the next generation of skilled trade professionals in Northern Alberta.
Please reach out to President@nwpolytech.ca for more information about this essential investment in our collective future