gabriel puerto
thesis project 2010 research presentation 9.21.10
area of interest :
primary education children 6-12
Defining: topic opportunity needs users
Issues to problem(s)
Evidence of Problems, insights, and ideas
grades kindergarden to 5th grade
primary education children 6-12
topic what about primary education ?
Improving the primary education / elementary school experience for teachers, parent, & students.
primary education children 6-12
opportunity Why primary education?
needs What?
Primary education has much to improve in terms of how our schools are run, structured, and taught. Our education is at, and at some cases below that of other equally developed countries.
Improvement and enhancement of educational experience Improvement of the understanding of language Improvement of communication between parent, teacher, student, peers.
The audience being affected will be students ages 6-12, parents, and teachers. The primary consumers will potentially be schools, teachers, & parents
Source: “Effective Parent-Teacher Communication” Center for Effective Parenting 2000 Mark C. Edwards, Ph.D.
primary education children 6-12
needs What?
Improvement and enhancement of educational experience Improvement of the understanding of language Improvement of communication between parent, teacher, student, peers.
Improvement of educational experience
comprehension interaction “fun factor” communication
Improvement of the understanding of language
Improvement of communication between parent, teacher, student, & peers
methods of teaching curriculum
“Language is both the content & medium of primary education” - Desheriev
Fitting in
Common ediquite
proper values
Making friends
High expectations put on girls to be good at everything
parents approach school with a defensive or angry attitude
Failure to communicate regularly
intimidation & shyness
( home )
parent-student parent-teacher
( school ) student-student student-teacher
Teachers have different thought process / method than parent Parents feel uncomfortable talking with teacher
Failure to follow-thru on actions
race & gender differences/ impact effectiveness of instructing student teacher ratio lack of interest
Not communication / talking early enough Failure to make the first move language / cultural barriers
Sources : “Key Issues for Primary Schools� by Michael Farrell Interview with Adina Davidson, Phd. on 9.14. 2010
( relating to student experience )
children don’t always have the best social experience in school -schools do not accommodate for different childrens learning needs -students feel alot of anxiety due to high expectations -children encounter bullying
gender differences impact social and academic achievement -boys don’t achieve as well as girls because of lack of hands-on, faster paced learning -girls feel alot of anxiety due to high expectations to be good at everything
Lack of confidence, self-awareness of progress, understanding, and interaction between students.
Lack of differentiation of teaching styles for girls and boys, as well as communication of expectations.
issue(s) ( relating to parent-teacher communication)
parents and teachers don’t always communicate regularly with teacher - parents and teachers fail to make first move - parents feel uncomfortable talking with teacher - teacher and parent do not communicate early enough - school is often not a welcoming environment for parents, it can be alienating and punitive
clear communication does not always happen successfully - teachers have different teaching - methods and strategies than parent. - failure to communicate regularly - language and cultural barriers parents have trouble effectively helping their child with homework - students have a lack of motivation and drive to learn - teacher explains curriculum and knowledge in different ways than the parents know the material - requirements are not effectively communicated
Lack of the promotion and understanding of assembling, scheduling, planning parentteacher interaction, such as event, visits, and conversations, in a timely manner.
Lack of communication about teaching methods, strategies, and cultural context, as well as the communication of child progress and assignments on a regular basis
Lack of effective communication of teaching methods, strategies, requirement, and relevance to both the student and parent.
Lack of confidence, self-awareness of progress, understanding, and interaction between students.
Lack of differentiation of teaching styles for girls and boys, as well as communication of expectations.
“... One of the main psychological issues or need in children is the balance of “ I can” and “I can’t yet. One of the major social issues encountered is peer to peer bullying... Social needs for boys at this age is to fit in with groups of friends. In order for girls to fit in, the usually have a best friend. Girls tend to have a high level of anxiety due to the expectation they feel to be good at everything, while boys feel the opposite. There has been a growing achievement gap between boys & girls, due to a difference in needs. Boys require more hands-on, experiential, faster-paced environment- (perhaps caused by video games?)...” -Interview with Adina Davidson, PhD. family therapist on Sept. 14th, 2010
Lack of communication about teaching methods, strategies, and cultural context, as well as the communication of child progress and assignments on a regular basis
“One of the points at which education (teaching, learning assessment) commonly fails, is when correct assumptions are made about shared knowledge, meanings, and interpretations. Teachers assume that if conditions are right, learning will occur without having metalevel discussion.” -Edwards, D., & Mercer, N. (1987) The Development of Understanding in the Classroom. New York: Methuen
Lack of effective communication of teaching methods, strategies, requirement, and relevance to both the student and parent.
Lack of the promotion of assembling, scheduling, planning parent-teacher interaction, such as event, visits, and discussions.
“An average, only 1 % of classroom time is dedicated to talking with the teacher one on one. On average, students only have 1.2 opportunities to receive teacher feedback on an individual basis daily.” -Shumaker, J., Shelton-Widgen, J., & Sherman, J.A. (1980) An Observational Study of the Academic & Social Behaviors of Learning Disabled Adolescents in the Regular Classroom. Research Report No.22: Lawrence: University of Kansas Institute of Researching in Learning Disabilities
“ Open House and events like it are effective and great, yet those parents who did not do well at school as kids tend to not show up, in contrast with those parents who did..” -Interview with Adina Davidson, PhD. family therapist on Sept. 14th, 2010
several key insights were discovered, that can lead me to further refine guidelines and direction.
Kids who’s parents talk to the teacher more, do better at school. Teachers are like second parents to child. Parents should approach teachers cooperatively.
Parent-school relationships: Expectations of both parties should be communicated Mutual communications of responsibilities School’s involvement in the community is very important
Tackle problems early! It is beneficial for the parent to be friends or in good standing with the teacher. Good student-teacher relationship= good parent-teacher relationship.
Parents should approach school and teacher(s) with the questions “ Whats the plan? What can I do at home?”
Sources: “Effective Parent-Teacher Communication” - Center for Effective Parenting 2000 Mark C. Edwards, Ph.D. Interview with Adina Davidson, phD. on September 14th, 2010
Why elementary school?
The consumers represented are children ages 6-12, as well as the older generation of parents and teachers.
Elementary school and primary school is when the most opportunity for instilling habits and laying a foundation for the rest of a childs life occurs.
Ultimately, because of the potential impact, this will affect everyone from elementary students to parents and teachers.
students 6-12
teenage / young adult
parent / guardian teacher
effect (immediate) affect (long-term)
What attributes are important in considering when ideating? From deducting research and key insights thus far, and looking at the range of users, it is important to incorporate a sense of playfulness and simplicity. The reason being that the user, young and old, will require improved motivation and understanding of the importance and impact of the potential solution.
method playful
educational target area
problem(s) ( social and psychological )
Lack of confidence, self-awareness of progress, understanding, and interaction between students.
solved through...
a product or system that... addresses social needs: safety, comfort, happiness & information needs: data exchange/sharing, organization through looking at... trend products: Trapperkeepers, silly bands, Tama Gachi’s, yo-yos, video games, cellphones, handheld electronics
a product or system that... Lack of differentiation of teaching styles for girls and boys, as well as communication of expectations.
solved through...
addresses psychological needs: acceptance, comfort, confidence & information needs: offers a supplemental, or alternative to what is being taught, while factoring in girls & guys differences. through looking at... education & personization products: Leapfrog, trapperkeepers, myPal, child laptops, Nintendo DS
questions ?
thank you.