Ambient Ljubljana 2015

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Pet najboljših -- Top 5 Razstava nagrajenih izdelkov, ki jih vsako leto med prijavljenimi razstavljavci izbere posebna mednarodna komisija in se lahko pohvalijo z izstopajočimi oblikovalskimi dosežki na področju funkcionalne, tehnološke ter likovne kakovosti.

Top ideje -- borza oblikovanja Razstava domiselnih, inovativnih in kreativnih oblikovalskih rešitev mladih, perspektivnih arhitektov in oblikovalcev; borza je torej razstava, ki je na ogled obiskovalcem, hkrati pa tudi poslovni javnosti, predstavnikom industrije, da se povežejo z njihovimi avtorji.

Zakaj razstavljati na sejmu? • • • • • • •

sejem je najboljša priložnost za neposredno promocijo je odličen prostor za navezovanje osebnih stikov ponuja možnost strokovnega svetovanja v okviru sejemske promocje GR se širi dober glas (tudi) o vas sejem spodbuja pomen oblikovanja prek sejemskih nagrad in priznanj izpostavlja najboljše in je ugledna referenca je eden najbolj obiskanih sejmov v Sloveniji

Na pohištvenem sejmu Ambient Ljubljana smo prisotni že od leta 1999. Kljub temu da več kot 90 odstotkov naših izdelkov izvozimo na trge Evropske unije, je pomembno, da tako tudi domači javnosti predstavimo novosti, s katerimi se predstavljamo na pohištvenih sejmih v Londonu, Milanu, Kölnu, Moskvi in drugod. Številne nagrade, ki smo jih v teh letih prejeli na sejmu Ambient, so potrditev dobrega razvoja in iskanja rešitev ter zagotavljajo prepoznavnost podjetja DONAR tako doma kot v tujini. Pred pohištveno industrijo je veliko izzivov, zato upam, da bo sejem, kot je Ambient, prepoznal to kot priložnost za predstavitev slovenske pohištvene industrije in še naprej združeval najboljše, kar ta trenutek domača industrija lahko ponudi slovenski javnosti. Matej Feguš, direktor Donar, d.o.o.

Na sejmu Ambient se vsako leto z veseljem predstavimo, saj si želimo kupcev, ki iščejo vrhunsko, posebno in kakovostno pohištvo, kot je naše. Teh obiskovalcev na sejmu ne manjka, saj po naši oceni obiskovalci sejma vedo, kaj hočejo, tu pa jim z veseljem tudi pomagamo. Obiskovalci so navdušeni nad italijanskim dizajnom, ki ga je bilo na zadnjem sejmu veliko, zato smo ponosni, da smo svoj del predstavili tudi mi. V prihodnje si želimo, da bi sejem postal še uspešnejši, saj menimo, da je sejem izjemen prispevek k slovenski pohištveni industriji, ki potrebuje čim večjo podporo, da bi lahko ponovno zaživela. Matjaž Šogorić, direktor Maros, d.o.o.

Top 5 An exhibition of awarded items, every year selected among registered exhibitors by a special international jury; the products are distinguished by outstanding designers’ achievements in functional, technological and visual quality.

Top Ideas -- the exchange of design An exhibition of ingenious, innovative and creative designers’solutions by young, perspective architects and designers; the exchange is an exhibition designed for visitors but also for business public, i.e. the representatives of industry, so that they can make connections with the authors of designers’ solutions.

Why exhibit at the fair? • • • • • • •

The fair is the best opportunity for immediate promotion. It is an excellent place for making connections. It offers a possibility of a professional consultation. Together with the promotion of the fair itslef, your reputation expands, too. The fair stimulates the awarness of good design through its awards and prizes It highlights the best and is a renowned reference. Ambient Ljubljana - the furniture fair is among the most attended in Slovenia.

We have been present at the Ambient Ljubljana - Furniture Fair since 1999. Even though we export more than 90% our products to EU markets, it is important to present Slovenian public with the novelties which we introduce at furniture fairs in London, Milan, Cologne, Moscow, and elsewhere. Numerous awards we have received in these years at the Ambient Furniture Fair affirm productive development and searching for solutions, and they guarantee the visibility of DONAR Company at home and abroad. Furniture industry faces many challenges and I hope that such an event as Ambient Furniture Fair will see this as an opportunity to present Slovenian furniture industry and continue to unite the best Slovenian industry has to offer to domestic public. Matej Feguš, Director Donar, d.o.o.

We are happy to introduce our programmes at the Ambient Ljubljana fair every year because we want customers who look for top-quality, special and quality furniture, and this is what our products are. There are many such visitors because, in our opinion, they know what they want, and we are happy to help them. They are exhilarated by Italian design, which was ample at the last year’s fair, and that’s why we are proud to introduce out share. In the future we want the fair to gain even more success: we think this event is an axtraordinary contribution to Slovenian furniture industry which needs every possible support for a fresh start. Matjaž Šogorić, Director Maros, d.o.o.

Največja razstava pohištva med Milanom in Dunajem. Od leta 1988 že tradicionalno vsako jesen v Ljubljani. TEMATSKE RAZSTAVE NAGRADE ZA OBLIKOVALSKE DOSEŽKE STROKOVNA SREČANJA IN OKROGLE MIZE

The biggest exhibition of furniture between Milan and Vienna. Since 1988 a traditional autumnal event in Ljubljana. THEMATIC EXHIBITIONS AWARDS FOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS AND ROUND TABLES

Stane Kavčič E T +386 1 300 26 13

Jani Rokavec E T +386 1 300 26 23

Alja Jakus E T +386 1 300 26 42

Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o., Dunajska cesta 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija T +386 1 300 26 00 | F +386 1 300 26 49 | E | W

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