6 minute read
Spoštovani obiskovalci in razstavljavci sejma Dom,
60 jih ima letos naš sejem Dom; ima tradicijo in izkušnje, kljub temu pa je še vedno mladostno zagnan. Tako je tudi Gospodarsko razstavišče, ki razveseljuje razstavljavce in obiskovalce že 68 let.
Mladostna zagnanost je ob izzivih, ki jih ni malo, še vedno potrebna. Epidemija nam lani ni pustila odpreti vrat, letos se panoga sooča z vprašanji dostopnosti materialov, pomanjkanjem kadrov in visokimi cenami energentov. Brutalna agresija je pregnala milijone ljudi iz njihovih domov.
Ob vsem dogajanju smo vložili veliko energije in tako največji mednarodni sejem graditeljstva v regiji odpira svoja vrata, letos zaradi epidemije, mesec dni kasneje kot običajno.
Ob tem naj se posebej zahvalimo vsem razstavljavcem, ki so po dveh sušnih letih ponovno z nami in z vami. Izgradnja in prenova lastnega doma je za ljudi pomembna. Pomembna enako, kot za vsa živa bitja, kot je na primer gnezdenje pomembno za ptice.
Pri gradnji ptičjega gnezda se vsaka vrsta strogo drži rodovnih pravil in ravna natanko po instinktu ter si tako poišče ustrezno lokacijo, način izdelave in stke posebno obliko svojega gnezda. Načeli izgradnje ptičjih gnezd sta funkcionalnost in varnost. In ti načeli si ljudje pri gradnji svojega doma še vedno delimo s pticami. Seveda pa nas pri tem ne vodi več instinkt, saj smo ga zamenjali z znanjem (od tehnologij do ekonomike), estetiko in nenazadnje z zavedanjem, da naši domovi ne smejo uničevati naravnega okolja.
Po tem pomladnem uvodu, pa k vsebinam letošnjega jubilejnega sejma Dom. Pomembno vsebino predstavljajo sistemi klimatizacije prostorov, materiali za gradnjo, stavbno pohištvo, od materialov pa seveda les. Sejem je pregled novosti, inovacij in najbolj dovršenih proizvodov in storitev, ki spremljajo gradnjo oziroma prenovo doma. V fokusu so tudi svetovanja ZRMK in svetovanja Ensvet.
Če se ukvarjate profesionalno z gradnjo oziroma ali če zidate ali prenavljate svoj dom, oglejte si sejem in izkoristite možnosti mreženja v živo, prisluhnite nasvetom, od blizu poglejte eksponate, primerjajte raznovrstno ponudbo in uresničite svoje sanje o gnezdu, ki bo vaš dom.
Naš nekajletni slogan “Gradimo skupaj” je plod 60-letnih izkušenj, je plod znanja in sodelovanja razstavljavcev, obiskovalcev in zaposlenih na Gospodarskem razstavišču. In nenazadnje, poleg ogleda sejma si vzemite še malce časa za ogled Ljubljane, zelene, prijazne, čiste in varne prestolnice.
Ekipa sejma Dom
Dear visitors and exhibitors of the Dom Fair,
Our Dom Fair is 60 years old this year; it stands for tradition and experience, yet it is still youthfully driven. This is also the case with the GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, which has been delighting exhibitors and visitors for 68 years.
Youthful enthusiasm is still needed when facing numerous challenges. The epidemic did not let us open the door last year, this year the industry has been struggling with issues of materials availability, lack of staff and high energy prices. Brutal aggression has driven millions of people from their homes.
We have invested a lot of energy in all this, and so the largest international construction fair in the region is opening its doors, this year due to the epidemic, a month later than usual.
We would like to especially thank all the exhibitors who, after the two-year drought, are now with us and with you again.
Building and renovating your own home is important to people. Important the same for all living things, such as nesting is important for birds.
When building a bird's nest, each species strictly adheres to pedigree rules and acts exactly on instinct, thus finding the right location, the method of construction and the weaving a special shape of its nest. The principles of building bird nests are functionality and safety. And people still share these principles with birds when building their homes. Of course, instinct no longer guides us, as we have replaced it with knowledge (from technology to economics), aesthetics and, finally, the awareness that our homes must not destroy the natural environment.
After this spring introduction, let us browse the contents of this year's jubilee Dom Fair. An important content represent air conditioning systems, building materials, joinery, and of course wood. The fair is an overview of novelties, innovations and the most sophisticated products and services that accompany the construction or renovation of a home. The focus is also on the ZRMK's and Ensvet's advice.
If you are a professional builder or build or renovate your home, visit the fair and take advantage of live networking opportunities, listen to advice, take a close look at the exhibits, compare diverse offers, and realize your dream of a nest that will be your home.
Our several-year slogan »Let's build together« is the result of 60 years of experience, knowledge and cooperation of exhibitors, visitors, and employees of the GR - Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention centre.
And last but not least, in addition to visiting the fair, while in town, take some time to visit Ljubljana, the green, friendly, clean and safe capital.
The Dom Fair Team
Sejem Dom / Home Fair
60. mednarodni sejem ponudbe za dom: gradbeništvo in stavbno pohištvo ogrevalna in hladilna tehnika, notranja oprema, varovanje ter urejanje okolice 6. – 10. april 2022 60th international fair of offers for the home: building trade, doors and windows heating and cooling engineering, interior fittings, security and landscaping 6 – 10 April 2022
www.sejemdom.si / www.home-fair.si
Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o. 1000 Ljubljana, Dunajska cesta 18, Slovenija 1001 Ljubljana, p.p. 3517, Slovenija T: +386 1 300 26 00 F: +386 1 300 26 49 info@gr-sejem.si www.gr-sejem.si www.ljubljanafair.com
Recepcija in tehnični servis v času sejmov / Reception and technical service in time of fairs: 01 300 26 14
Izdajatelj in organizator sejma / Publisher & Fair Organiser: Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o.
Vodja sejma / Project manager: Stane Kavčič
Uredili / Editing: Milena Pelipenko, Mojca Frank, Urban Stres
Oblikovanje in prelom / Desktop publishing: Zvone Kukec Tisk: / Printed by: Tontina
Cena vstopnic • Odrasli 9 EUR • Otroci 7 – 16 let, dijaki, študenti, upokojenci 7 EUR • Otroci do 17. leta starosti v spremstvu strašev, brezplačen vstop Entrance fees • Adults 9 EUR • Children 7 – 16 years, school children, students, seniors 7 EUR • Children to 17 years accompanied by parents / free of charge
Odpiralni čas / Open for public: 6. – 9. 4. 2022 10:00 – 19:00 10. 4. 2022 10:00 – 18:00
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