Assignment for my Master of Landscape. Bit of disappointment...Appeal now.

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15 8






9 50



30 20













80 20





12 0

25 50


This the residential development focus from the Norhern boundary extending to the southern boundary. Homezone concept is implemented. residents can enjoy the view of the harbor and the River Avon. private riverfront walk and green space.














Avon Walkway

Norway Maple

Templ eG a t e R oad

Start with a block of business center followed by the shopping arcade. A green space as the buffer zone for transition of land use from commercial to sport are and residential. A water sport training school is located next to it which is just next by the River Avon.


River Avon







Downy Birch

Street trees planting as Green infrastructure


Bris tol

Tem ple M ead s S tatio n Cattle Market Road


One of the public green space with rain garden as part of the SUDS





Landscape design at the Bristol Temple Mead's Station. Agate as surrounding with blue space at the center in linear pattern

75 6

Green Roof between steps on the roof top and restaurants on the ground floor


Kid museum and business area with the trading expo. An indoor green corridor to harmonize the environment 20 5

Recreational area with outdoor musical venuewhich fully utilizes the Floating harbor view





Road r e d Fee

Master of Landscape Architecture 2018-2020 with Converison Year Student Name: Chan Wing Lam, Grace Student Number: 1809365 Student Login: s1809365

A1Masterplan Scale 1:1250

Site:Bristol's town center Bristol Temple Meads, Bristol Quay

AD7602 Assignment one

BBC Natural Unit


River Avon

Floating harbour

Recreational area

Basketball court Water sport training school Temple Studio

Tennis court

Commercial buildings Residential units Kid museum and center Green space Light Industrial Landscape Existing buildings Car park Pedestrian path Cycling path Vehicular path



Gas L ane

Light industrial regeneration: Traditional and new industrial land use such as escape room

Bristol 's Town Center, Bristol Temple Meads and Bristol Temple Quay:

60 90

r o rb a H


0 10





g it n oa l F 11


30 5




AD 7602 Assignment One D&A Written report of the Bristol’s Town center, Bristol’s Temple and the Bristol Temple Quay Student name: Chan Wing Lam, Grace Student number: 1809365 Student login: s1809365 Master of Landscape Architecture with conversion year from 2018-2020

Index 1. The Process 1.1


P.3- P.6









P.7- P.12

2. Use

P. 13

3. Amount

P.13 – P.14

4. Layout

P. 15

5. Scale


6. Landscaping

P.17- P.18

7. Appearance

P.19 - P.20

8. Access

P. 21 - P. 22

9. Reference

P.23 - P. 24


1.0 The Process This D&A report will be written according to CABE standard and by site visit to the site for primary information and reviewing the Bristol Local Plan, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for analysis and implementing the needs in design’s concept. National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy have been reviewed for the design’s concept. 1.1 Assessment


Physical Content

The selected site is analysis for current land use and set the priority for land use development. The map is shown at Map1. After studying the current land use analysis, Map2 is produced for proposed land use and Measurement for development area. Below show the exiting land use of the selected site with different color as classification for region 1 to10. For the remaining region within the blue color line boundary will be reserved for future development. The selected site is located around the Bristol Temple Mead and the Bristol Quay which has good transport network and it is covered by the River Avon and Floating Harbor providing a great opportunities for transport link development such as water transport to reduce the pressure on vehicular flow. The center of the site is occupied by the abandoned building which is a waste of resources which should be at the first priority for development. The Eastern and part of the site is mainly occupied by the light industrial land use but most of them are deteriorating at appearance, regeneration project is required. Connection and accessibility of the site need to be improved for the selected site and its surrounding area. The rest of the site is mainly used as commercial land use as office with the Northern part presents a new and descent design with the use of landscape and bridge as pedestrian path.

Photo1: Southern Boundary of the site

Photo3: Eastern Boundary of the site Photo2: Bristol Temple Meads Station

Current Land Use Analysis:

Site analysis for proposed development and Priority 1.

Exiting Buildings – Highest priority. Action: Keep


Existing Buildings _ Medium Priority. Action: Can be

removed or renovated 3.

Abandoned or brownfield _ Action: First priority for development.


Historical Buildings _ Conservation and “New

landscape “To be introduced to new landscape design at the vacant space around or within the historical building site and fully utilized space. For vacant historical buildings _ Introduce renovation and shops For example: Hull (8 Mirror Pool, The minister) and Halifax (The Piece Hall). 5.

Green space, Green belt or AONB

Action: keep or otherwise other application need to be required. Avoid development on Green Belt and AONB 6.

Water feature/Blue space:

River Avon and Floating harbor _ Water transport Proposed land use shown as below:

introduced would be introduced



Current land use

Site 1

Proposed land use

Abandoned building (Royal mail)

Buildable area

- Kid museum and center

25,960.7 Square meters

Commercial/ business Site 2

Light industrial

- Move outward of light industrial

11,100.08 Square meters

Buildings. Business and public service Site 3

Abandoned land

- Business center. Residential

33,341.6 Square meters

Land use and Water training Academy Site 4

Light industrial

- Move outward of light industrial

24,085.0 Square meters

Buildings. Business and public service Site 5 and 6

Light Industrial

- Low density office buildings for light

42,520.0 Square meters

Industrial at zone 5. -Cyber business, University campus or accommodation and BBC Natural History Unit Site 7

Abandoned without building

- Outdoor Recreational area

5365.7 Square meters

Site 9

Bristol Temple Meads Station

- Keep existing Bristol Temple Meads Station but

Landscape design only but not for building construction

Change of surrounding landscape


Historical Content

Photo4: Historical Development at Bristol. Source: Magic map

High concentration of historical buildings are located at the NW of Bristol. There are 10 listed buildings located within the selected site such as the Grade I Listed building: The Bristol Temple Meads Station; Bristol Old Station; Bristol Exeter House; Warehouse, Farmer Former Premises of Mable Mosiac Company, Gasworks Perimeter Wall; St. Vincent’s work, gateway& Attached Wall to South West; St. Vincent Works and Attached Front Area Railings. “A building is listed when it’s of special architectural or historic interest and thought to be of national importance and worth protecting.” according the Bristol local council and the National Planning Policy Framework;”PPS184. Heritage assets range from sites and buildings of local historic value to those of the highest significance, such as World Heritage Sites which are internationally recognized to be of Outstanding Universal Value. These assets are an irreplaceable resources, and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance, so they can be enjoyed for the contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations.” “Buildings get listed by the Secretary of State for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport after recommendation by Historic England. We don’t have the power to add or remove buildings from the list. If you are proposing to carry out works to a listed building we strongly recommend that you consult the Conservation Advisory Panel (CAP) at the pre-application stage.” The location of the listed buildings at the selected site would be kept to maintain the heritage of Bristol. During planning and design phase, the building height of surrounding environment of the listed buildings need to be considered to avoid the obstruction to the view and damage of the historical buildings during construction phase.


Socio and Economic Content Economic: The Student numbers at the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England have increased by 18% since 2006/07 with current numbers totaling some 41,000. Hence there would be need to increase job opportunities for the university students and for future development. It is important to increase the business status of Bristol and to attract more companies to set up offices. According to the research and local plan, there is a persistent and multiple socio-economic deprivation is found in parts of the city, especially in relation to worklessness and low skills which would be caused by the large dependence of industrial development and the neglect of a diverse economic development. The Bristol city center is occupied by the abandoned buildings for development and the northern side of the site is mainly occupied by the light industrial land use. An improvement of employment structure is required for high skillful and higher educational qualification jobs are required so as to cope with the changing economy structure and the university’s graduates. The economic status of Bristol need to be improved by the proposed spatial strategy and land use planning in the future development. Social: Inadequate housing with increasing demand and future development according the Bristol local plan review. New types of housings with affordable housing need to be considered in the development plan. Besides, student accommodation is predicted to have increasing demand in the coming future due to increasing university’s student number. Bristol offers a wide varies of infrastructure to support current development including art and museum, sport and swimming pool open space based on the information provided from the Bristol Local Council. From Google map search, there are primary schools and high schools located evenly among Bristol. The future development should have the proper ratio of infrastructure to the population at Bristol.


Planning Content Planning policy from the Bristol Local Plan Review has been studied to assess the needs for future development in town and to fulfill the planning application. Draft Policy IDC1: Development contributions and CIL -Future development in Bristol will be supported by new and improved infrastructure such as schools, parks, transport facilities and health facilities. Infrastructure, facilities and services required to support growth, which will be secured through a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bristol. Draft Policy UL1: Effective and efficient use of land


-The local plan as a focus on ensuring the delivery of new homes. It promotes urban living and seeks to secure and exceed the level of homes set out in the West of England Joint Spatial Plan. Key to this will be the efficient use of land by all land uses. -Urban living optimizes densities, balancing the efficient and effective use of land with aspirations for making quality places to live, successful placemaking, and a positive response to context. “Making efficient use of land” defined by the policy text: New development will be expected to reflect Bristol’s urban character by maximizing opportunities to re-use previously developed land and delivering high quality well designed environment at higher densities. Development proposals should develop land to its optimum density. This may include introducing new types of design, scale and form into its location and the development of mixed used within buildings as well as development sites. Draft Policy UL2: Residential densities Residential densities sets out minimum densities that will be sought in different locations across the city. For residential development in Bristol, a minimum net density of 50 dwellings per hectare will be expected. For Bristol City Center, the suggested minimum density (dph) is 200 dph. Draft Policy H1: Delivery of new homes The development strategy has a focus on ensuring the delivery of new homes. This policy sets out a minimum target from delivery and a clear aspiration to exceed that amount where this can be achieve. A minimum of 33,500 homes will be delivered by 2036. The aspiration is that this figure will be exceeded where this is supported by service and infrastructure capacity. Draft Policy H4: Housing type and mix -A city with a mix of housing types and sizes is better able to meet the changing needs and aspirations of its residents and to adapt to future changes in household size and form. Delivering greater choice can contribute to housing mobility. A range of smaller homes can provide for smaller households to grow or people wishing to downsize. A range of larger homes can enable households to grow or families to start and allow for flexibility over time. Delivering greater choice also increase opportunities for households to remain within their communities when circumstances change. -This policy will ensure that new residential development provides for arrange of housing types and sizes with a focus on the provision of home intended for permanent occupation within Use Class C3. Draft Policy H7: Managing the development of purpose-built student accommodation -Bristol’s high education establishments have seen significant growth in recent years. Student numbers at the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England have increased by 18% since 2006/07 with current numbers totaling some 41,000. The University of Bristol have projected further growth in student numbers over the next 10 years including a major physical expansion of the university with the delivery of a new Enterprise Campus at Temple Quarter by 2022. This growth will create an additional need for some 6,400 bed spaces city-wide by 2028. -The amount and location of purpose-built student accommodation will be carefully managed to ensure that there are no adverse impacts on existing residential areas; proposals are consistent with other planning polices, including the delivery of new homes and workspace; and appropriate growth in student accommodation is matched by the provision of purpose-built accommodation. Draft Policy E1: Inclusive economic development -Bristol is one of the most successful cities in the UK, with a higher employment rate than other large cities. However, persistent and multiple socio-economic deprivation is found in parts of the city, especially in relation to worklessness and low skills. This policy aims to support economic growth which is inclusive and offers opportunities to all. Development proposals should contributed to enabling access to employment and removing barriers to employment for local residents, facilitating skills development and supporting employment initiatives where new homes are developed on sites previously used for business development; or new workspace and other commercial development is created. Draft Policy E2: Employment land strategy -As the region’s office capital Bristol is a nationally important location for banking, insurance and professional services with a particular concentration in the city center. The growing creative industries, media and environment services sectors are well represented and growing. Beyond the city center, Bristol has significant clusters of offices, industry and distribution. Development of workspace at the following key locations will ensure the continued economic growth of Bristol: Bristol City center (Draft Policy DS1’ Bristol City center”); Bristol Temple Quarter and St. Philip’s Marsh (Draft Policies DS2 ‘Bristol Temple /quarter’ and DS3 ‘St. Philip’s Marsh’) Draft Policy E3: Location of office development -Bristol is the core commercial center in the south west region. The majority of Bristol’s office stock is located in the city center with major focusses at Bristol Temple Quarter, Harborside and Redcliffe with smaller cluster across the city center. -Office development will be appropriate in principle at Bristol City Center, including Bristol Temple Quarter (Draft Policy DS2 ‘Bristol Temple Quarter’) and at appropriate locations in St. Philip’s Marsh (Draft Policy DS3 ’St. Philip’s Marsh’) -Town and district centers and on the edge of these centers (Retained Policy BCS7 ‘Centers and Retailing’) Draft Policy E4: Industry and Distribution Areas -In addition to Avonmouth and Bristol Port (Draft Policy E5’ Avonmouth Industrial area and Bristol Port’), there are a number of core areas of industrial land which continue to provide for the needs of industrial and distribution firms and similar uses. The majority of these are located in South Bristol with a further concentration in east Bristol. These areas have been identified as Industry and Distribution Area. -Most of these areas are of strategic scale and cater for the requirement of all sizes of business. In order to maintain opportunities for small and medium sized industrial and distribution businesses, a number of small industrial estates with smaller scale units have also been identified. -Industrial and Distribution Areas as shown in Appendix A in the Bristol Local Plan review and listed the area are reserved for the continued use, development of or redevelopment for industrial and distribution premise (Use classes B1b, B1C, B2 and B8 and sui generis users of a similar nature).

The design concept will be based on the site analysis and data collection including the planning policy requirement. According to the planning policy’s hierarchy, the local planning policy needs to comply with the National Planning Policy Framework. There are a few major planning polices stated at the “National Planning Policy Framework” to be addressed; PPS91: Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe place which: a)

Promote social interaction, including opportunities for meetings between people who might not otherwise come into contact with each other-for example through mixed-use developments, strong neighborhood centers, street layouts that allows for easy pedestrian and cycle connections within and between neighborhoods and active street Frontage;


Are safe and accessible, so that crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion-for example through the use of clear and legible


pedestrian routes, and high quality public space, which encourage the active and continual use of public areas; and c)

Enable and support healthy lifestyles, especially where this would address identified local health and well-being needs-for example through the provision of safe and accessible green infrastructure, green infrastructure, sports facilities, local shops, access to healthier food, allotments and layouts that encourage walking and cycling.

PPS96: Access to a network of high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and physical activity is important for the health and well-being of communities. Planning policies should be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the need for open space, sport and recreation facilities (including quantitative or qualities deficits or surplus) and opportunities provision is needed, which plans should then seek to accommodate.

PPS97: Exiting open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless: a.)

An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or


The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or


The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the benefits of which clearly outweigh the loss of the current or former use.

1.2 Involvement There is no statement stated of the stakeholder and client information in the assignment’s brief.

1.3 Evaluation From the data collection of the physical content of the selected site, the water features, Floating harbor and River Avon, bring a great potential for its tourism and Residential developments by the beautiful scenic view. The development along the water features also becomes its own architecture and landscape character. Entertainment and water transport could be developed along the floating harbor and River Avon. The concept of water transport is also to offset the constraint Brought by the water feature which is currently act as an accessibility barrier at the site.

Bristol is located between Somerset and Gloucester with the selected site is located within the boundary of the Bristol Temple Meads Station. The high accessibility And connectivity with the surrounding towns create a potential for its economic and tourism development. The co-operation of spatial strategy of Bristol and its Surrounding towns becomes its strength in future development with each town has its own character and special status. In the housing scheme proposed by the Bristol’s Local Plan review stated that affordable housing need to be considered. However, due to the proposed land use at the town center where is more suitable For private housing arena development. Besides, the water features among the site creates a relaxing environment for residents to live.

In order to enhance the job opportunities, an increase of business office at town is required. With the advantage of location at the Bristol’ Temple Meads, business center will be located near by the station connected by vehicular and pedestrian path. Employment structure is another concern, with not only the business center but also the cyber business office introduction which enhance the business status of Bristol and also offers great job opportunities, especially to the university graduates. It in terms improves the local economy and living standard. With increasing demand for industrial land use, the present industrial land use will be kept for the market needs. However, the current appearance of the industrial site is deteriorating and regeneration project need to be done.

The Bristol’s Temple Meads is a listed building connecting the area around the Temple Gate Road with the Floating Harbor next to it. The convenient location and landscape feature creates a potential for recreational development. To conclude, the site has the potential to be a self-contained economy and a living place with high quality of life for people to live, stay and meet

The spatial strategy is made based on the data collection of the site and analysis with the consideration of planning policy from section 1.1.1 to 1.1.4. It shows the land use and relationship for the decision making of the spatial strategy.


1.4 Design The Bristol Council announced the Bristol Local Plan covering the period until 2026 and has been reviewed to cover the period until 2036 which aims to increase 33,500 residential units and 17,000 job opportunities. With the SUMPS (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) which also share the same aim with a larger focus on reducing vehicular flow by15% by 2037 with the introduction of Green Transport Plan. To cope with the needs and future forecast raised by the Bristol Council, my design concept put the emphasis on sustainable city development and promoting not just the higher living quality but also a healthier lifestyle. Nowadays, the use of green space and green transportation scheme are the popular way to achieve sustainable development and also to promote a green and healthy lifestyle. Part of the land use will be reserved for the sport facilities and outdoor activities in order to encourage people to do exercise and to build up a healthy lifestyle.

-Improved living quality by a wide variety of infrastructure and landscape design. -To achieve a sense if being home, sense of safety and harmony at town. -To enhance social cohesion

-To increase employment opportunities and employment

-To reduce carbon footprint and


improve air pollution -To reduce chance of flooding

- Prepare foundation for future

-To enhance the amenity value of Bristol

economic development -Widen the chances for economic development -Tourism

Photo5: Vienne diagram of Sustainable Development

The framework for the design’s concept: To achieve Economic Sustainability: -

The new landscape character of Bristol will be appeared with a higher business status and the classy business center will be located next to the Bristol Temple Meads Station, the concept from the Canary Wharf, London to attract high class business to set up office at Bristol. A trading expo venue and exhibition center are proposed which help to draw the attention from companies to set up office and join the trading show at Bristol. Regeneration of light industrial areas and cyber business will be introduced to set foundation for future economic development. Site analysis has been done there is no cyber business center near Bristol; however, technology is gaining its influence and importance and set up the cyber business does not only increase job opportunities but also the status of the town.


Tourism development by the proposed water transport development which can also be a tourism attraction such as cruise along the canal.

To achieve Social Sustainability -

Increase low density residential units with good living environment and sense of being home. Low density residential building blocks (4-5 stories) along the River Avon and Floating Harbor allow residents to enjoy the beautiful scenery, harmonious environment, having a relaxing walk along the River Avon walkaway. There is private walkway and green space at each private residential area.


To develop a sustainable lifestyle by a healthy and positive living environment, not just by green space but also the sport venue including tennis court, basketball court and the water sport training school.


Supportive infrastructure will be included, Kid museum and kid center located next to the Bristol Temple Meads, as a supportive measure to the working parents to reduce their pressure to rush from work and take care of the kids. Kids can stay at the museum for rest and continue learning or join the extra-curriculum activities after school with transfer service organized between kindergarten and primary schools to the kid center.

To achieve Environmental Sustainability -

To reduce carbon footprint and improve air pollution will be implemented by green infrastructure such as planting street trees along the main road. It is also a means of SUDs to increase percolation rate and reduce flooding hazard in order to create a safe and decent living environment.


SUDs is a complementary measures according to NPPF. The implementation of rain garden as one of the SUDs measures along the private and public area to maximize the use of space which does not offer amenity value but also reduce flooding chance and underground water cleansing function.


To reduce the dependency on vehicular transport, Water transport is introduced along the Feeder canal and River Avon which need to be connected at the conjunction area of feeder road. A bridge will be constructed to connect both parts of the site to allow vehicular and pedestrian can go through both parts of the selected site. More stops can be introduced along the river so as to increase internal accessibility. The proposed idea of electrical bus for water transport, water bus or ocean bus, to reduce carbon dioxide emission and water pollution


The use of sustainable material for construction, green building material such as aluminum.


Encourage walking and cycling by extension of walking and cycling path and the introduction of “home zones� which allow only pedestrian and cycling to access around the residential area.



Main components of the Design concept 1.4.1

Mixed land use next to the Bristol Temple Meads Station with business centre and the Kid museum and centre the residential land use and sport area


Business building, shopping arcade, residential units and sport area


River side residential Area


New landmark in front of the Bristol Temple Meads station and its surrounding


Light Industrial Regeneration project, Cyber business office and educational campus


Proposed land use for surrounding area: Light industrial offices, Outdoor activities center, research center and reserved education area are proposed for the development at surrounding area outside the boundary


Proposed Water transport development to enhance internal accessibility and reduce pressure on vehicular traffic

Details for each main components will be elaborated in the following part: 1.4.1 Mixed land use next to the Bristol Temple Meads Station with business center and the Kid museum and center the residential land use and sport area The area available for development is 25,960.9 square meters with source quoted from Magic map. The concept of the design is to enhance the status of the site with sustainable development. There is a convenient location with good transport link provided by the Bristol Temple Meads, so this part is mainly for business use. The proposed land use gradually change to lower density development with sport facilities and three residential blocks which can enjoy the view of Redcliff and the floating harbor. The design concept comes from the Canary Wharf, London” with a classy business center and shopping arcade with a gradual change of land use to the residential land use along the river side. The difference is the proposed plan would include more sport facilities, water sport training school and kid museum and center to enhance the living environment and the health attitude towards life by mixing the business and residential land use. Two blocks of business buildings with 25 storied height and a business trading expo and venue to attract business to set up offices at Bristol in order to increases job opportunities. Besides, the central location as business center enables to stand out the character of the site which is now abandoned land use and draw people from surrounding area to come to work. A kid museum and center is located at the northern boundary of the site which aims to release the pressure of working parents. Sustainable development with sustainable lifestyle: Work life balance with time concern. Infrastructure to care about the need of family is important but not just consider the need of individual. For example: The kid museum “Eureka” at Halifax. An extension of educational service by not just kid museum but also kid center providing a large variety of after school playgroups, class for kids at the “kids center”. Parents working nearby can pick the kids up after work. Co-operation between kindergarten and the kid center for transportation service. More facilities will be provided at the kid center including video, audio, books, etc. Parents can spend time with kids after work at the “kid museum” part. This part of the site is served by the Cattle Market road which is extended to be both way vehicular flows and extending all the way to join the Temple Gate road. Amendment of the Temple Gate road will be made to be both way transport. Consultation for highway engineer is required. There is underground car park for each commercial building in order to maximize usage of space. There will be one car ground next to the kid center as it would be more convenient for the kids to get on and off from the transport. There will be bridge to be connected from the platforms of the Bristol Temple Meads station to the kid museum and the business building to allow direct pedestrian access from the station to the site. Estimated floorspace occupied by each building: Kid museum and center: 2570sq meter with 300 square meter as green space at the entrance Car park Business buildings with 3600 square meter and 3048 square meter Business trading expo with 4620 square meter and 180 square meter as green corridor inside the business trading expo

Photo6: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map

The triangular building is the Kid museum and center. Two Business offices in front of the kid center and the trading expo next to it. There is a buffer zone by green space between two different land use.

The site is linked by the extension of the Avon walkway with the new built vehicular path in the middle of both Avon walkway.

The Google map on the right-hand side shows the location of primary schools in Bristol. There are around five primary schools around the selected site and more at the northern boundary of the selected site. It means that there should be a potential market for the usage of the Kid Museum and Kid center.

Photo7: Primary school location. Source: Google Map



Business building, shopping arcade, residential units and sport area

The Southern part of the selected site is for mixed land use with business center, shopping arcade, sport facilities and a water sport training school which aim to fulfill a high living environment with sustainable development. Residence working nearby can enjoy the nice working environment and can access to purchase the daily needs and sport facilities by walking distance. There is a dining area outside the shopping arcade for people working in the office and residence. For sport facilities, there are four tennis court and one basketball court which are available for the public. All the way to the Southern part is a private residential area with three residential blocks surrounding a steep green space with steps walking to the pedestrian path next to the River Avon.

Photo8: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map

Residence can enjoy the green space and the view of River Avon with high accessibility to sport facilities, to the shopping arcade and to the office center. Street trees are planted along the main road as green infrastructure as well as SUDs to reduce the chance of flooding.

It shows the visualization of the shopping arcade with the commercial building behind. In

A landscape design for buffer area between the business building and the shopping arcade and

front of the shopping arcade is the dining area. Opposite to it is the sport area with tennis

green space to serve as a buffer area for the transfer from the public space to the private

court and basketball court.

residential area

There is a screen (shown by the black color box) which is for advertisement and show such as fashion show shown by the shopping center.

There is a gradual change of building height from the main business area with 25 stories height to the lower density area with shopping arcade and to the residential area in order to avoid negative impact to the harmony to the environment. Besides, landscape design plays an important role in 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. The steps and stairs with green space around serve as a buffer zone or a transfer of land use.

1.4.3 River Side Residential area The concept of the residential blocks along the floating harbor is to create the living environment with a sense of relaxation with a convenient location and high accessibility to the railway station and near the busy business center. The residential plan here is to promote a high living standard and also acts as a supporting land use for the commercial land use for the business center within the selected site. The concept of “home zone� is implemented with green space around and with the pedestrian and cycling path to access along the residential area, there is one entrance to the underground car park with entry and exit to the main road. To access around the residential area, walking and cycling are encouraged. There are private walking path for the residence to use with the green path with tress planting along as the buffer zone to separate the private and public areas for privacy and sense of safety. To cope with the high density development of the business center, the proposed residential area at this part would has a higher density than the southern side with 18 stories height. There would be 4 blocks of residential buildings and a health center. Moving to the right hand side is residential development phase II with lower density housing scheme and box house design.

Photo9: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map


The second part of the residential area is located at the southern boundary of the site along the Avon Street with 24,230.2 square feet for development. The proposed land use on the eastern side is less dense than main business area but also represents a mixed land use character including business center and shopping arcade. The site is connected by the Avon Walkway to the opposite side of the site and to the main business center. This part is served by the Albert road and the Feeder Road which is extended to join the new built vehicular path over the floating harbor and joining the Cattle Market Road. There is a underground car park for residential use with the entrance and exit at the Feeder Road. The aim is to provide low density and high-quality residential blocks, there is around 5 meters as buffer zone for each residential buildings with green area where has the rain garden as part the SUDs under the NPPF. The concept of box houses is implemented in order to create a vibrant and creative design concept to cope with the surrounding environment with blue space and sport facility and training school. It would help to attract the younger generation to move in.

Photo10: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map

Green space and trees are planted around the residential area. There is a private river walk for the residents to use to increase privacy. Next to it is a series of street trees planted to improve air quality and amenity value as well as to increase percolation to reduce flooding chance, It also serves as another function which is to distinguish the private and public a buffer zone. There is public river walk and cycling path for public use.

1.4.4 New landmark in front of the Bristol Temple Meads station and its surrounding area: The Bristol Temple Meads station is the Grade I Listed building in Gothic style as an important landmark at Bristol. There is another listed building on the right hand-side of the Bristol Temple Meads Station. Both need to be kept under the Historical building policy in Bristol Borough Council. New development around should not obstruct the view to this historical buildings. Below is the photo cap from the Google map. The grand entrance of the station impressed lot of people. However, the car park affect the amenity value of the entrance which would be replaced by a landscape design as a focal point. Car park space will be located on the side to cope with the public’s needs. There will be a stair shown by the arrow to connect the station to another listed building for pedestrian flow. The existing Bristol Studio will be relocated inward in order to have more space for widening of the Cattle Market Road to be both way vehicular path while keeping the existing pedestrian and cycling path. Hence, the selected site is well connected inward and outward.

Photo11: Bristol Temple Meads Station. Source: Google map

Photo12: Bristol Temple Meads Station. Source: Google map


Proposed recreational area

It is an abandoned land now where is near to the Bristol Temple Meads Station with commercial buildings around. The proposed idea is to have a recreational area with outdoor musical venue. There is a series of restaurants with green roof and steps to allow people to walk up from the ground to the circular green space to enjoy the view to the floating harbor.

Photo13: Temple Gate Area. Source: Google map

Outdoor musical venue is popular worldwide, there is an example from US which is located at the wild and natural environment to create and enhance the atmosphere brought to the audience. Alongside the river Avon, water feature can be implemented with lighting to make a difference of the daytime ad nighttime view.

Photo14: Outdoor lighting

Source: online

Photo15: Outdoor musical venue Source: online

1.4.5 Light Industrial Regeneration project, cyber Business and Educational campus The current site is for light industrial land use, however, the site is deteriorating. The concept of light industrial park is implemented. Industrial land use including manufacturing of goods, warehouses and storage, assembly of repair workstation. According to the “Big Shed Briefing”, increasing importance of industrial land use, 4.1millions of square feet in Yorkshire, 55% above the long-term average. Industrial land use classification B1 and B2. Example in Leeds, Climbing Lab on Kirkstall Industrial Park in Leeds. Compared with traditional industrial land use (canning and brewing facilities), entertaining land use /business is entering the light industrial land use which bring a potential for its higher RV by higher demand for it and change in its status. Another kind of light industrial land use (New): Warehouse for providers of climbing halls, gyms, escape room, cross fit and ski simulators. The eastern part of the exiting site is now occupied by light industrial offices; however, the streetscape is deteriorating. A regeneration project of the light industrial land use to be introduced as “Bristol Industrial Park” by decent design, new scale ranging from small to big warehouse to welcome start up business and mature business for continuing grown up. Modern industrial business would be attracted by the industrial park which helps to enhance the status of the industrial park and it rent. Current rents for industrial land use in Leeds is GBP5-7 per square feet, GBP30 per square feet for office space/ traditional retail and leisure park. From the statistic shows that there is great demand for light industrial land use, there is a need to maintain the current light industrial land use at the site but with regeneration project introduced. Regeneration project of the light industrial area does not only improve the appearance of Bristol but also increases the land value of the selected site. Opposite to the Silverthorne Lane, two blocks of cyber business offices would be introduced. One block of BBC Natural unit and three blocks of educational campus will be constructed opposite to the cyber business offices. The total floor space for development at this part is 42,152.0 square meters. The green wall design is used for the BBC Natural Unit which is located along the Floating harbor to create a mixture of green and blue space.

Photo16: Area measurement Source:


Photo15: Area for development. Source: Magic map There are four blocks of residential units along the floating harbor as an extension of box house design of the residential units on the other side. Two blocks of cyber business offices would be constructed behind it. Crossing the Silverthorne Lane behind would be the light industrial area. There is low density development of the light industrial area.

1.4.6 Proposed land use for surrounding area: Light industrial offices, Outdoor activities center, research reserved education area are proposed for the development at surrounding area outside the boundary






Photo17: Bristol. Source: Google map

Photo18: Bristol Conservation Area. Source: Bristol Council

There is a brief proposed idea for the land use planning of the surrounding site around. Part one is proposed as Research center for academic research and technological research as a support to the surrounding business development and also as a support for the university and the proposed four blocks of educational campus located next to the Silverthorne Lane. With the Barton Hill Trading Estate, Barton Hill will be maintained for industrial use according to the Bristol Local Plan Review P.81. Part Two and three are proposed for the extension of light industrial and cyber business use (mainly for commercial land use) and new residential dwellings. Part four will be reserved for educational land use and an outdoor activities area. There is an outdoor activities park called “Lets Loose at Hull” which does not only provide entertainment to the public but also a healthier lifestyle. The location of part four is near to one of the conservation area at Bristol. Low density development is suitable in order to violate the height requirement of the surrounding development around the conservation area.

1.4.7 Proposed water transport to ease pressure on vehicular transport “Water transport” is proposed in Bristol. Ocean bus is an idea launched in Sweden in 2014 which helps to ease the pressure on vehicular transport. Besides, water transport offers another route different from vehicular and highway design so as to access different parts of the town. With more stops designated along the River Avon and the Floating harbor, inner accessibility along Bristol can be enhanced. A better connection among the town is also a mean to improve social sustainability development. There is inner tidal of mud along the River Avon with depth of the river is -3.78meter (sourced from Edina map) A large boat design may require a deep water level and a more complex construction. However, the concept of water bus and ocean bus requires shallower water level which allows easier construction.

Photo19: Ocean bus, Sweden. Source: Online

Photo20: Ocean Bus, Sweden. Source: Online

Venice is another good example of successful water transport. Below shows the photo from Vaporetto, Venice. Water transport in Venice helps to connects different around such as Burano. It does not only serve as Local water transport mean but also attract lot of tourist worldwide. Flooding can bring serious emergency effect on water transport. SUDS is important such as Dam, reservoir should be consider. Green infrastructure along the main road and the rain garden at the public and private residential area also helps to increase percolation rate and reduce surface runoff to the river and floating harbor to reduce flood. Source control is important. Runoff rate should be controlled at upstream.

Photo21: Water transport, Vaporetto, Venice. Source: Online

Photo22: Water transport, Burano, Venice. Source: Online


2. Use The redevelopment project of Bristol aims to increase job opportunities and residential units in order to improve the living standard of Bristol. There are different target group of people for using the area and with the spatial strategy to increase the accessibility of Bristol in order to allow different groups of people move along the town with ease. Details of different target groups have been stated as below: 1.) Business center: over half for mature business to set up office in order ensure job opportunities to Bristol. Medium to start up business to offer different variety of job opportunities to Bristol. Aim to enhance the employment opportunities and structure. It aims to attract a wide varieties of professionals from different industries such as business and IT professional. 2.) Cyber business: IT is the worldwide trend nowadays and it offers lot of professional and high educational level required job opportunities. It helps to enhance quality of life by high paid job and encourage the purse of high educational need for the new generation. Cyber business also helps to enhance the status of Bristol. According to the local plan from surrounding towns, there is no cyber business center around but it is definitely an important trend. It is good for Bristol to build up the foundation now and for future development for its important town center’s status. 3.) Light industrial office to be regenerated to be light industrial business park to enhance land rent and better working environment. There are traditional industries such as food manufacturing, motor manufacturing and ship manufacturing industries along the River Avon which should be kept as it contributes important usage to the industrial market especially there is increasing demand for land for industrial development. More lands will be reserved northward as light industrial park which is outside the boundary of the selected site for future development. After the regeneration with better building material which aims to not only attract the traditional industries but also the new kinds of light industrial business to set up office such as the escape rooms as entertainment. It helps to attract new generation to set up business at the traditional industrial area. When entertainment becomes part of the usage of the area, the environment would be improved as to cope with customers need. 4.) Residential:

There are a wide varieties of size of residential units to be offered to attract single to family with kids. With the infrastructure nearby including sport venue, water sport training

center, shopping arcade and kid museum to cope with the needs of different target groups and to ensure their quality of life. 5.) Tourist: With the concept of water transport which would attract more tourists to come. There are successful examples worldwide such as Venice and Stockholm. It is also for local residents to use as another means of transport. The landscape design to replace the existing car parking at the Bristol Temple Meads Station which provides a good impression to the public when they arrived at Bristol. As the Bristol Temple Meads Station is a Grade I listed building and it is an important transport link connecting with other parts of UK which would attract visitors to come and visit. The vision of this project is to build up a better town for people to work, live and meet up with friends for now and in the future. Apart from the main land use, there are designated detail designed landscape and green space in both the private and public residential area for people to relax and spend their leisure time.

3. Amount of the proposed land use for later use: 3.4.1

Estimated floor space occupied by each building: Kid museum and center: 2570sq meter with 300 square meter as green space at the entrance Car park Business buildings with 3600 square meter and 3048 square meter Business trading expo with 4620 square meter and 180 square meter as green corridor inside the business trading expo Amount: The Kid museum will be 2 stories height with 1285 square meter as kid museum. 1285 square meter will be reserved for kid center which is for taking care of kids after school. There will be three resting rooms, two playgroup rooms, three creative activity rooms with 100 square meters each will be located at the ground floor. And a 200 square meters public area will be located at the center of ground floors for waiting. Two reading rooms with 50sq meters for each and three rooms for interest classes with 100 square meters each will be located at the second floor. A 200 square meters dining area and 428 square meters indoor playground would be located at the second floor also. 20% of the area is reserved for utilities such as washroom and emergency exit for planning purpose. Business buildings: Below is the data shown by the for the average size of an office space floor in central London (UK) I 2018 by submarkets. The floor space for the two business buildings is 6648 meter square (71532.48 square feet) and a business trading expo with a floor space of 3826 square meter (41167.76) as a supporting service. There will be 25 stories in height for both Tower I and Tower II with total of 150 business units will be provide. 20% of floor space of each business building is reserved for public and emergency use such as lift, emergency exit and corridor to fulfill planning application. For Tower I, there is three types of office space for lease, 1300 square meters, 1000square meter and 580 square meters with 75 office units to be offered. For Tower II, there is another three choice of office space to choose from which are 1200 square meters, 688 square meters and 550 square meters with total of 75 offices to be offered so as to cope with middle size and mature companies and set up office here. For start-up business, joint rental of office space can be considered. The total business office to offered from Tower I and II are 150 office units. Business trading expo will be a two stories height building would be divided into two sections which are trading exhibition center and the meeting rooms as facilities.

Photo24: Area Measurement

Photo23: Average size of office space floor in Central London. Source: Statista

. Source: Magic map

3.4.2 Mixed land use_ Business_ Shopping Arcade_ Sport and Residential

Photo25: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map The development area for this part is 33,341.6 square meters. The floor space for the business building is 80m x80m =6400 square meter with 20% reserved for emergency exit, public area such as lift and corridor, the total floor space for business office development is 5120 square meter. There are 22 stories height of the building. Four types of office size to be offered with six offices at each floor: Two 1500 square meters office, One 1000 square meter office one 800 square meter offices and two 400 square meter offices. Total of 132 business unites to be offered for leasing. It welcomes business ranging from large scale to medium to small business to set up office. Join rental for different companies to share office use can be considered from rental contract in order to welcome more energetic new business to set up at Bristol and bring in more potential for future economic development instead of solely depends on mature business growth and its contribution to employment sector. There are three blocks of residential units locating the after the business office, shopping arcade and the three blocks of residential buildings offering total of 420 residential units with 6 different size of residential units ranging from 40 square meters, 50 square meters, 60 square meters, 72 square meters, 80 square meters and 100 square meters. The floor space for the residential development is 6040 square meters out of 33,321.6 square meters. The first block occupies 1000 square meters as ground floor space with 12 stories height offering 156 residential units with sizes


ranging from 40 square meters x4, 50 square meters x3, 60 square metersx2, 80 square metersx4, 100 square meters x1. The second block occupies 700 square meters as the floor space for the floor space with 12 stories heights offering 132 residential units. It offers three types of size ranging from 50 square meters x 2 units, 60 square meters x 2 units and 72 square meters x 4 units on each floor. The third block occupies 800 square meters with 12 stories height offering 132 residential units ranging from three sizes,50 square meters x5 units, 60 square meters x4 units and two 72 square meters x2 units residential units on each floor. Total residential units offered are 420 units. There is a central lawn surrounded by three blocks of residential units with 45x25 square meters = 1125 square meters. 3.4.3 Residential Scale and amount calculation: The development area for phase one residential area is 11,100.08 square meters and there are 8 blocks of residential units with 12 stories height. The first four residential blocks (two in the front and two at the back) occupied 3600 square meters as floorspace, offering 6 types of residential units ranging from 40 square meters, 50 square meters, 60 square meters, 72 square meters, 80 square meters and 100 square meters, offering a total of 528 residential units. There are three others residential blocks occupied 2500 square meters floorspace. Offering 6 different size of residential units which are 40 square meters, 50 square meters, 60 square meters, 72 square meters, 80 square meters, 100 square meters and a total of 348 residential units.

Photo26: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map

Photo27: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map

Phase Two residential area: The development area for phase two residential area is 24,085 square meters. There are three category of sizes of residential units to be offered which are 55 square meter, 72 square meter and 110 square meter. 42 blocks of residential units with 55 square meters (5mx11m) with a 9 stories height and 31 blocks of residential units with 72 square meters (6m x11m) with the box house design. The main color is blue to match with the surrounding water feature and the opposite water training school. There are 12 blocks of rectangular box house design with 110 square meters located at the center of the residential site, with 9 stories height. The main material is wood in order match with the surrounding green space within the residential area to create a harmonious environment. There will be total of 765 units of residential united to be provided. The total development area for this part is 35085.08 square meters and offering a total of 1113 residential units. The dwellings per hectare is 318 (dph) which is higher than the required minimum dwelling per hectare by the Bristol Local Plan review (200 dph for Bristol Central). 3.4.5 Light industrial, cyber business opposite with the BBC Natural Unit and three university campus buildings

Photo28: Area Measurement. Source: Magic map Total floor space for development is 42,520 square meters. There are four storage area for light industrial use with two stories height each, there are four types of storage sizes which are 100 square meters, 1200 square meters, 4500 square meters and 6000 square meters with a car park for industrial use, 2362.5 square meters. Opposite to the Silverthrone Lane is the Cyber business area and the residential area facing the floating harbor. There are four blocks of cyber business office with total floor space 2800 square meters with each (20m x 75m) with 15 stories height. Total of 60 business units to be offered with two types of size which are 500 square meters and 700 square meters. Opposite to the Cyber business buildings, there is a block of BBC Natural unit with 12 stories heights occupying (20x 35 m) = 70 square meters as floorspace. Two blocks of university campus or used as student accommodation with floor space 140 square meters for each block with 9 stories height reserved for university use as either campus or student accommodation unit.


4. Layout

Cyber Business Area Commercial Building BBC Natural Unit

University Campus/ Light Industrial Regeneration Area

Student Accommodation

Residential area with Health center in between both residential area Residential land use Kid museum and kid center

Recreational Area Shopping mall, tennis court and basketball court

The above 3D modelling shows the layout of the design for the selected site. Commercial land use has the Highest building height to represent the business status of Bristol. It shows the change of building height of different land use and the gradual change of building height to Create the harmony atmosphere. The design of the change of land use from commercial land use to shopping arcade then to sport venue and residential area which avoids the conflict of land use planning.

The building height is lower along the Floating harbor and River Avon occupied but mostly the residential area To create a high quality of life and relaxing living environment at the Bristol’s town center while the dph fulfill The minimum requirement for dwellings per hectare stated in previous part of the report.

The BBC Natural unit is located at the junction of the Floating Harbor and the River Avon in which the location Is matched with the function of the building. It creates a mixture of green function at the blue space Environment.

The university campus and student accommodation will be located next to the BBC Natural Units. According To the LPF of Bristol, the location of student hall next to residential units should be avoided to prevent Disturbance and conflicts to the local residence. Cyber business area is located opposite to the BBC Natural unit and the university area with higher building height to stand out its business function. Light industrial regeneration area is located behind the cyber business area with low density development.

Recreational area is located along the Floating harbor and next to the Bristol ‘s Temple Meads Station mainly with outdoor recreational venue and one-story height restaurant alongside the area.


5. Scale The main functions of the selected site are business and residential land use. As to meet the sustainable development of a local economy and the vision of the Bristol’s Local Plan review, it aims to increase job opportunities and residential units in town. The ratio of total floor space of business land use to the total floor space of residential land use is 21,046 square meters: 41370.28 square meters. The minimum dwellings per hectare requirement according to the Bristol’s Local Plan is 200 dph at Bristol’ town center. There are three residential development area with the dph levels are 253.68dph (6040 floor space with 420 residential units offered) at the area (Area referred at 3.4.1, the residential area within the shopping arcade and sport venue). The Phase1 residential area has 222 dph (11,100.08 square meter with 348 residential units to be offered) while the Phase II residential area has 315.7217027 dph (24,230.2 square meter with 765 residential units to be offered). Total residential units to be offered at the selected site is 1533 dwellings. To support the predicted increasing population in Bristol, new infrastructure would been developed, including a shopping mall and dining area with 8400 square meters as floor space which is located as a transitional zone of business land sue and residential land use for people to buy daily necessities at grocery and shopping for international brand products. Apart from shopping, an outdoor recreational are with 5365.1 square meter floorspace and a water sport training school will be constructed at the site as part of the infrastructure for the public. There would be three areas with green space as buffer zones with occupied area 828.75 square meters, 1350 square meters and 702 square meters separately. Street trees is one of the public realms in order ensure the public can access the greenery by walking distance. Private lawn is designed at each residential area. Raingarden will be designed at these three green space as part of the SUDS measures apart from urban drainage system. The definition of close distance is “5minutes” by walk. The design of the pedestrian path extends to the internal part of each site from the Feeder Road and Cattle Market Road. Public transport such as bus service could set up stop along the new proposed vehicular path.


6. Landscape The streetscape of the site mostly still in good conditions with some parts having descent design. For the deteriorated parts, change of paving material is required and use of sustainable paving material is recommended. Slippery material for public paving is avoided especially for disabled. Detailed landscape design would be implemented in the site in order to have the “Enhancement� to the character of the landscape.

Linear paving material and pattern surrounding the circular landscape center using steps to show the level change. Photo28: Temple Gate Area Source: Google map

To enhance the connection and social cohesion of the site by using landscape design including extension of vehicular path, pedestrian walkway and cycling path to allow the site to be fully connected. By using landscape design as a solution, steps, ramp and central’s square are introduced at the site not just to increase the connectivity of the site but also to increase the aesthetic value. Green space and street trees as a soft landscape with the hard landscape design to enhance the aesthetic value of the site. There are four focal point of landscape design at the site located at the Bristol Temple Meads Station and the proposed business office and shopping arcade.

Photo29: Agate


Rough textured aggregate

Photo31: Sandstone

Source: Online

-The central square is composed with steps connecting on both sides with sandstone paving slab as the main material. There are five rectangular water features with the main one at the center surrounded by agate to represent a sense of elegant and to match with the surrounding classic architecture design and stone wall. Rough textured aggregate seats is part of the design to allow people to sit for waiting, relax and take a break. Pebble Mosaic steps

-The design of steps is used to connect the Bristol Temple Meads Station and the listed building XXX to allow pedestrian flow throughout the site. The material used is the River pebble stone (Pebble Mosaic steps)

The use of river pebble stone gives a sense of nature and good to represent area around water feature. It is as the steps to connect the green roof and the circular green space to create a natural environment next to the River Avon. Photo32: River Pebble stone Green roof on top connecting the steps to the circular green space and the ground-floor restaurants.

Source: Online

There is a reverted V-shaped steps on both sides with a square at the center at lower level height to emphasis the vision effect. The main material is Granite paving slab with contemporary pattern to represent the modern design of the business office and the shopping arcade which shows the difference of the original classic design from the Bristol Temple Photo33: Granite Source: online

Meads Station.

Public realm and green infrastructure are also included in landscape design. The latest and classy street furniture would be used in the site such as streetlight, wooden seat. Below show some examples.

Tensile design of street lighting at Adelaide

The public realm, stone and wooden seating with streetlight installed underneath at Halifax at a linear pattern.


Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SUDS): The river Avon is in the center of the city and providing a tidal by-pass for the river. The property loss caused by flooding for Bristol is >1000 properties at risk.

SUDS is compulsory measure according to the national Planning Policy Framework. There are three major SUDS measures implemented at the site would like to be highlighted with the SUDS thinking – Collect, Clean, Hold and Release.

1.) Water collection point at the street trees planting area along the vehicular path. Drainage area is set within the turf for water collection and to be diverted for water cleansing process. It helps to save the places and reduce flooding chance at the built area with low percolation rate.

2.) Rain garden There are three green space with total area occupied is 2880.75 square area in which rain garden will be implemented. The root of plants help for water cleansing process and the clean water outflow from the drainage pipes. Vegetation cover increases the infiltration rate in order to prevent flooding chance

3.) Dam Construction across the river Dam and reservoir to be constructed as water retention function. It should be constructed at the upper stream of River Avon to prevent rapid surface runoff at the intensive rainfall event and causing flooding at the Bristol’s town. According to the “Bristol Avon Catchment Flood Management Area”, widening and deepening of river and minimize silting, reservoir need to be constructed. The flood storage reservoir at Iron Acton reduces flood risk downstream on the Bristol from through Frampton Cotterell to Eastville. Other reservoirs at Wootton Bassett and Emerson’s Green have similar impacts on the Hancock’s Water and Folly Brook respectively.”


7. Appearance In this part, the shape and materials and color to be used for construction will be proposed. 7.1 Business office, trading expo and kid center:


On the right hand side of the kid center is the trading expo with an indoor green corridor. With the main material is glass and stainless steel which allows sunlight to penetrate inside and allow people looking outside to slow down their step at this focal point.

The triangular-shaped building is the Kid center: Yellow and blue colored glass with stainless steel as the structure. Wooden box on the ceiling in irregular structure. Photo frame and painting frame hanging on the outer boundary of the wall.

The main material for the two business towers will be titanium for its structure and glass as window. One is blue titanium and the other one is green titanium.

7.2 Business office, Shopping arcade and the residential blocks

There is another business office located crossing the Cattle Market Road. The main material of this

The building height change gradually from high density to the lower density and from commercial

building is stainless steel with irregular forms of window glass. There are two big window glasses to

land use to sport and residential land use in order to present the relaxing environment,

allow sunlight to penetrate into the building with the others are triangular forms of window glass to have a 3D dimension for vision.


There is blue and green tinted glass material as outer wall of the shopping arcade with a curve shape front entrance. There is a glass wall to separate the dining area and the arcade to create a corridor to the main entrance.


7.3 Residential area The density of the residential development also gradually changes from the high density to lower density by building height. The design and appearance change from tall building structure to box house concept, a more flexible and creative design to cope with surrounding relaxing environment.

Brick with light grey tinted glass are the main materials for the residential The main material for the box house design is mosaic tile, broad wood and glass.

7.4 Water sport training school

The material used for the water sport training school is aluminum. There is a strong shinning effect at day time with great amenity value but also an environmental-friendly material. Aluminum is the world’s second most used material and it is green building material to reduce carbon footprint.

7.5 Outdoor Musical Venue

Outdoor musical venue is popular around the world even at the wild environment such as mountain to enjoy the atmosphere. The floating harbor is a potential for having the idea of outdoor musical venue to be set nearby. Stone or concrete with plaint with wooden seat, the V-shape design of the stage and seats design allow audience to enjoy the show with seating hierarchy. The big screen allows audience sitting at the back to fully enjoy the show,


8. Access: Current access analysis: The current accessibility of the selected site is restricted by the current design. Zone 1 and 2 are not connected and there is no direct access for crossing the floating harbor. The accessibility is limited both horizontally and vertically in both vehicular and pedestrian path. The Feeder Road and the Cattle Market Road only offers one way direction to the Temple Gate Road but no access for entry to the zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Vehicular which need to access the area at the zone7 surrounded by the Temple Quay and the Temple Gate need to drive from the Portwall Lane then to the roundabout at the Temple Gate Gyratory. There is currently no direct vehicular access from the Bristol town center (Zone1 to4) to the zone7. There is label for zone 1 to zone 10 for elaborate the access design of the site.



Gas Lane

7 5 2






Feeder Road


8.1 8.3

Temple Gate Road


Cattle Market Road




Digital Masterplan for Access Design. There are six major changes of the access design of the selected site which are listed and explained in detail below: Changes of Vehicular path: 8.1: The Feeder road joining Castle Market Road between zone 1 and zone 3. Castle Market Road connecting to the Bristol Temple Road which involve the change of one way direction of the Southern part of the vehicular path to be both way vehicular path in order to connect with the Temple Gate Road. Currently, the Temple Gate road has three single way vehicular paths to the Southern path of the site. Vehicular going in to the Temple gate road need to come from Portwall Lane to the Temple gate without access to the Castle Market Road and the Feeder Road where is the town center and the focus of business and residential land use with a great mixture of land use function. After these two changes, there will be a both way direction access between the Bristol Town center and the Bristol Temple Meads station in order to enhance the accessibility and connectivity of the site by the Feeder road, Castle Market road, Temple gate road, Temple gate Gyratory then to the Temple way.

8.2: Apart from the change of vehicular path at the outer boundary, the internal vehicular path is amended as follow. Feeder road to the zone one with vehicular path access to the underground car park to each commercial building and the pickup and drop-off area next to the kid museum.

8.3: The zone 1 and zone 3 are connected by the vehicular path, extension of the Feeder road, by “proposed bridge” connecting with the Feeder Road crossing the Floating harbor in order to access the zone 3 where is the extension of the business land use function at zone one to a gradual change to the shopping arcade, sport venue and residential units in zone 3. Alongside to the extension part of the Feeder road, the “ Riverfront Walkway” are set on both sides of the Floating Harbor from zone one to the proposed “Bridge” then to the vehicular path at zone2. The selection site is well connected by the extension of the Feeder Road and Castle Market Road.

8.4: To access the Light industrial regeneration area, the Gas Lane will be connected with this part with a vehicular path built in to the site connecting storage area and light industrial office area. A small car park can be accessed by the vehicular path for delivery.

After the changes made on the vehicular design of 8.1-8.4, the selected site is well connected by vehicular path by the Feeder road and Castle Market road to from Bristol town center to the Bristol Temple Meads station then to the proposed recreational area (Outdoor musical venue) along the Temple Gate. While the proposed residential land use at zone 2 and zone 4 are served by the existing Avon street and Albert road.

Changes of Pedestrian and Cycling Path: 8.5: There is change for pedestrian and cycling path also. The proposed “Riverfront walkway” alongside the Floating harbor at zone one connect the new pedestrian path along the site which allow people to walk from


the river side to the workplace area. There is a pedestrian bridge crossing the floating harbor connecting the zone 3, residential area, to the business area at zone one to allow residents to have a direct access from home place to work place. The “Riverfront walkway” would connect zone one and two by the design in a continuous form, along the Floating harbor then alongside to the extension of the vehicular path at zone. People can access both sites and its content (buildings) by walk. The width of the path design is 5meters with 2.5meters as pedestrian path and 2.5 meters as cycling path all the way connected to the southern part of the site with the residential development. The “home zone” concept is implemented and make it feasible by the design of the pedestrian and cycling path for access to the residential area. The existing Avon Walkway will be kept which will be connected to the “Riverfront walkway” on both sides of the Floating Harbor which does not only allow people to access the buildings by walkway but also connecting the zone 4 with residential development to the zone 3 mixed land use. The Riverfront walkway will be junction point for pedestrian flow which does not only connecting the Avon walkway but also the existing pedestrian path to the Bristol Temple Meads station with the cycling path design next to it. After all the changes, the selected site is well-connected by the vehicular path, pedestrian path and cycling path. The green transport plan is feasible under this design as the site is fully covered by the pedestrian and cycling access. The main road is the green structure with street tress planting alongside with not just provides positive benefit to the environment but also amenity value to the town center. People can enjoy the green view while walking or cycling around the pedestrian and cycling paths are designed along with the vehicular path.

8.6: The Bristol Temple Meads as a Listed building and it gives an important impression to the local residence and to the visitors. There is a new pedestrian steps connecting the station to the site with the Bristol & Exeter House as to represent a connectivity of the site.

8.7: Increased accessibility and connectivity of the Bristol Temple Meads to the zone 1, the Kid center and the business office, by the escalator design as a connection. There would be two escalator with one to connect the station to the kid center while the other one to connect the station to the business office in order to avoid heavy pedestrian flow during the peak hours and causing accidents to happen especially the kids have a slower pace than the adult.

8.8: Proposed Water transport link with three main stops along the selected site at the “Proposed recreation area” near the Temple Way, the second stop at the Floating harbor in between zone 1 and 2. The third stop at the along the Feeder Road to access zone 6. Intersection point of the Floating Harbor and the River Avon would be constructed for water transport routing in order to increase the connectivity and accessibility of the site by it. The intersection point is proposed at the area with the Feeder Road joining the Cattle Market Road where is the point the Floating harbor joining the River Avon for water transport route extension. The fourth stop will be along the River Avon in between zone 2 and 4.


Reference for AD7602 Conservation Area: (Area Measurement of the site) Photo: Sweden Ocean bus Venice Yellow glass Blue glass Stainless steel Cool blue stained glass Aluminum wood finish Wood Blue Titanium Green Titanium Green corridor Glass as building construction as outer wall Stainless steel Tinted clear glass Tinted clear glass2 colorful tinted glass Light grey tinted glass

23 Coastal mosaic tile Brick for building construction Aluminium for building construction Outdoor musical venue Rough texture aggregate Pebble mosaic Fernlea sandstone Public realm Street light (Water feature) Halifax SUDS (Raingarden) (Raingarden) (Dam) Photo used for Digital Masterplan:


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