Pastor Clay’s Potter’s Wheel
september, 2013
Luke 14:12-14 12 [Jesus] said also to the one who had invited him, W " hen you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. 13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. 14 And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." What were you thinking? Knowing I’m a military Chaplain in addition to being a Pastor, why did you call me to serve at Grace Lutheran? Due to military service, I’ve been away a lot this year. Fellow Chaplains comment that it’s hard to receive a call from a church because we’re required to attend various military training events and maybe even be called up for a deployment. Granted, this has been an unusually “heavy” training year. But the fact remains, in upcoming years I’ll still be serving away from our parish at times. So, what were you thinking? The answer to that question is in the above Bible passage. Unfortunately, some churches are selfish with their pastors, demanding they stay close to home, and won’t extend a call to a Pastor/Chaplain who’ll be away serving in the military at times. Is this close-to-home model Jesus’ way of ministry? No. And you understand this! Jesus didn’t limit his ministry to a particular synagogue or home town, but rather traveled far and wide to share the Gospel in word and deed. This model can be inconvenient and costly! That goes for us too. This year I was at Fort McCoy during Vacation Bible School, on Jensine’s 12th birthday, and on my and Peg’s anniversary – again! My service with the Guard means my family and those in our congregation must work harder. This is a part of Jesus’ call for his disciples (that’s us!) to serve generously. We’re called to be a missionary, evangelical congregation, going out to the places where people live and work. When I’m at Guard armories and at Fort McCoy that’s what WE are doing. Yes, we. When I put on my Army uniform and travel to various military locations it’s not “I” but “we” who are serving the needs of soldiers. And why do we do this? Not because we expect lots of soldiers to join our congregation, to serve in Grace’s ministries, and to contribute to our finances. For “…they cannot repay you,…” Rather, we engage in military ministry because we understand Jesus’ call to serve those who need and appreciate compassionate listening, and actions of understanding, guidance, and care – reflections of Christ in our hearts. This is part of the “GO” in Grace’s mission statement. Global terrorism, wars, and the threat of wars are undoubtedly the result of humanity’s inherited sinful nature. That being the case, we need brave men and women to serve in our military to preserve or win the peace. This too is inconvenient and costly in multiple ways. As we continue to serve soldiers (50 formal Chaplain counseling sessions and 26 religious services, among other ministries at this summer’s Annual Training) we are faithfully following Christ’s call to serve those who are also experiencing inconvenience and costs in one or more ways in order to protect and serve us. Thank you for participating in this holy ministry and thinking with the mind of Christ! When I look at the office of a soldier, how he punishes the wicked, slays the unjust, and creates so much misery, he seems to be engaged in a very unchristian work and one entirely contrary to Christian love. But when I consider how he protects the good and keeps and preserves wife and child, house and home, property and honor and peace, then it appears how precious and godly this work is. – Martin Luther – In Christ,
Pastor Clay
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Church Council Minutes June 17, 2013 Present: Pastor Clay, Chris Mokler, Mira Stepleton, Herm Leitz, Jennifer Oppor, Amy Slark, Joan Wade, Paul Walheim, Rob Wittchow, Ken Worthing, Sue Mokler, Nate Zimdars Absent: Phil Karsnia 1. Call to Order: 6:10pm by Chris 2. Prayer Concerns/Celebrations: Marvin Mlodzik, Arnie Mahlzan, Marvin Vollbrecht, Joanna Salmela 3. Devotions by: Mira (Father’s Love Letter: a compilation of verses from the Bible) 4. Review and Adopt Agenda [M/S/A Herm/Amy] 5. Review and Approve May Minutes [M/S/A Herm/Nate] 6. Review and Approve Treasurer’s Report [M/S/A Herm/Nate] a. Good month ending in May b. Audit procedures, etc. being discussed by executive committee and will be covered at next meeting. 7. Property Committee Update a. Sunday school room flooring was laid and looks nice. b. Floor of corner room in chapel is being worked on. c. Hole in parking lot patched 8. Congregational Meeting Reviewed a. Sarah Madson and Nelson Hinz elected as new council members b. Questions were asked re: air conditioning. Overall feedback appears positive. 9. Discussion on Youth & Family Ministry Request a. 21st Century Faith Formation Training b. $580.00 from Youth and Family Ministry budget for Sue to attend with understanding that money will be replaced from the general budget as needed as the year progresses. [M/S/A Joan/Herm] c. Sue is tasked with coming back with a report for Council 10. Small Checkbook Review tabled until next meeting [M/S/A Herm/Nate] 11. Pastor’s Report a. Monthly Activity Report passed around for Council to review 1. Excellent Baccalaureate service and reception b. May Mission of the Month Update- $200.00 for Crop Walk c. Prospective member class to be held this Sunday d. Confirmation camp next week. e. Discussed inviting one of the 3 ECSW camp counselors from South Africa. f. July 7- Outdoor service and Pastor leaves for Ft. McCoy g. Discussed holding an outdoor Picnic Service with potluck @ Barlow Park on August 25 h. Casey Sweeney is wrapping up his time in Mexico and will be working as a short-term recruiter for ELCA Young Adults in Global Missions (the group through which he served in Mexico). i. October Council Retreat- October 19th j. God’s Work, Our Hands- Sept. 8, 2013 1. Nate volunteered to lead committee to organize service project(s) 2. Congregation is encouraged to do some type of service project for/within the community 12. Liaisons to Committee Reports a. VBS- Kids will be supporting Habitat for Humanity in Ripon for their mission project 13. July Meeting- Cancelled. Next meeting will be in August (Devotion for July: Ken; Devotions for August: Phil) 14. Meeting Adjourned w/ Lord’s Prayer: 7:08pm [M/S/A Herm/Nate] Respectfully submitted by Council Secretary, Mira Stepleton
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COUNCIL MEMBERS (2013—2014) Chris Mokler (2016 term) 4921 Song Bird Court Omro, WI 54963 920-279-6104
Philip Karsnia (2014 term) 662 S. Grove Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-3250 (home) 920-369-6270 (cell)
Mira Stepleton (2014) 514 Howard Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-312-2314
Nelson Hinz (2016 term) 328 Co. Road M Pickett, WI 54964 (920)589-3582
Sarah Madson (2016 term) 429 Sandmar Drive Ripon, WI 54971 920-602-6577
Jennifer Oppor (2014 term) 830 Thomas Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-2828
Amy Slark (2015 term) W840 North Ct. Green Lake, WI 54941 920-294-6810
Joan Wade (2015 term) 1023 Thomas Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-420-8822
Paul Walheim (2015 term) 815 Newbury Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-7023
Rob Wittchow (2015 term) 223 Union Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-979-2512
Kenneth Worthing (2015 term) 530 Van Dyke Ave. Ripon, WI 54971 920-745-2124
TO OUR OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS…. Herm leitz & Nathan zimdars. We appreciate your service! PRAISE TEAM REHEARSALS
Grace Lutheran’s Praise Team begins rehearsals Sunday, September 22nd at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary. We sing the first and second Sunday of the month at the 10:30 am services.
The new music season begins at Grace on Wednesday, September 4th!
Speak with Jane or any of the Praise Team members if you have questions. New members are always welcome!
Handbell Choir Rehearsal will be held in the chapel from 5:30-6:15 pm. Adult Choir Rehearsal will be held in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:15 pm. Whether you are a returning member or someone who would just like to “check us out”, we would love to have you join us. Any Questions? Please call Renee Schoff at 745-2386.
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Evangelism Committee for hosting the August Sharing Table meal—delicious! Jon & Dan Heatley for their electrical work which contributed to making us the “coolest church in town”! Chaplain Douglas Hedman for leading our worship service on August 11th. Toni Hollenback for making calls and filling our Coffee Hour schedule through the fall! Don Paulson for keeping the wasps away! Ripon College Back to School Picnic Volunteers—all the wonderful bakers and cooks who donated food items and all those who volunteered to help serve food, socialize, and help clean up after the picnic! Sarah Stansfield for leading our worship service on August 18th and for preparing an authentic South African meal for all to enjoy. ALL VBS Volunteers for your time and talent inspiring the youth of our community. Thanks to everyone who donated items for use at VBS also! Pam Werth for donating the money to have our church name printed on the back of the ELCA Gods Work Our Hands Sunday T-shirts and for leading our service on August 4th. Thank you also for helping with visitation while Pastor Clay was away in August—we sure kept you busy! Paul & Mickey Veleke, and Curt Belau for helping set up our altar and sound system for our Barlow Park worship service; Sue Mokler for providing the main dish; and all others who participated and contributed to making this a fun picnic service.
Mission of the month— Andrew Wallace foundation The Brockmans’ started this fund in Andrew’s name because of his passion for teaching. They hope that through this scholarship, Andrew’s spirit will live on in the hearts and souls of many, including the donors to the fund, as well as the recipients. The Brockmans’ hope is to support and encourage the teachers of our future to influence young people, just as Andrew lived his life. The Brockmans’ also have a Please make checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church with Wallace Foundation written in the memo line. If your name or envelope # is on the envelope you will get credit for your donation on your annual Grace Contribution Report. * This scholarship is through the Oshkosh Community Foundation.
Sharing Table Meal Ministry Join us for a meal here at Grace on Tuesday, September 10th. The meal is served from 5:00—6:30 p.m. All are welcome at the table
SCRIP Order Deadline: Sunday, September 1st It’s BACK TO SCHOOL — send your kids off right with a few gas and restaurant cards! They’ll think you are the greatest! Remember, when you purchase SCRIP you are purchasing prepaid cards that are used just like cash. With every purchase on the monthly order form, you earn revenue for Grace that you can claim as a contribution to Grace for tax purposes!
God's Work—Our Hands Sunday
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Celebrate the 25th anniversary of our church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, by participating in a community service event after service on Sunday, September 8, 2013. We are planning several events so no matter your age or interests, you may select the one you will enjoy most. The projects are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Help construct a path at Murray Park near the baseball diamonds Help supervise children so their parents can assist with a project Visit the homebound at Fountain View and other area facilities Set-up for 1:00 meal at Grace for all workers. Clean-up after the meal.
PROJECT SIGN-UP SHEETS POSTED IN THE ENTRYWAY. Call the office for more information! September Schedule of Events: 8:00 Service 9:15 Rally Sunday 10:15 Service Events 1:00 Lunch & Celebration at Grace 8th
Grace Readers - Upcoming Fall Discussions September Book Discussion – Thursday, September 26th at 6pm Need you Now – by Beth Wiseman Married life hasn't always been bliss for Brad and Darlene, but their strong faith has carried them through the difficult times. When Darlene takes a job outside the home for the first time in their marriage, the domestic tension rises. While working with special needs children at her new job, Darlene meets a little boy who steals her heart. His widowed father is paying more attention to her than is probably appropriate. Problem is, she feels like someone is listening for the first time in a long time. Where to find a copy: Ripon Library has several copies available – also in LARGE PRINT, book on CD and e -Book. Christian Book sells paperback, LARGE pint and e-Book. Amazon sells both the paperback & Kindle editions. October Book Discussion – Thursday, October 24th at 6pm Tattered Quilt:The Return of the Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club-by Wanda E Brunstetter Amish quilting teacher Emma Miller's students need mending just like their hand-sewn creations. Selma is a busybody. Roofer Terry wants a date with a classmate. Blaine is forced to join the class after losing a bet. Carmen harbors bitterness, and Cheryl has a broken heart. Will this patchwork group find friendship, faith, and healing? Where to find a copy: Ripon Library has a couple paperback copies on order. Christian Book will release in paperback & audio CD on 8/15, and e-Book will be released 8/1. Amazon will release both the paper book & e-book in early August – now taking pre-orders. ALL READERS ARE WELCOME – We enjoy wonderful discussions, Christian fellowship and great books - COME CHECK US OUT!
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Bibles, Lunch and Togetherness—BLT BLT will again meet on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month for one hour, beginning at noon. Our first meeting will be on Monday, September 16th. Bring your Bible, a lunch if you wish, and curiosity for an enjoyable time of fellowship and learning how God is active in our world and in our lives yet today. Pastor Clay will prepare a Bible study for this first meeting and then we will decide as a group which book of the Bible or what topic we wish to explore during future times together. No matter what your background in Bible study (from none to scholar) all are welcome and there are no requirements or expectations other than a desire to learn and to have fun. Join us for CHRISTMAS STARS on Saturday, December 7th at 7:00 pm at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre in Appleton. This is a fellowship event for members and friends of Grace Lutheran. Feel free to invite your family and friends. Sign-up sheet is posted in the entryway—please add your name to the list with the number of tickets needed. There are only 8 tickets left—only $15 each. Checks can be payable to Grace Lutheran Church with Christmas Stars noted in the memo. MANY THANKS to all who brought comfort to our family at Marvin's funeral, especially Pastor Clay, Curt Belau, Jane Redman, the women who served the lunch and all who attended the Service. We have missed Grace Lutheran and it's members, however because of Marvin's failing health it seemed best to move to Tamarack Assisted Living and be closer to family. Calls and visits are welcome. Thank you for the many memorial donations. Shirley Vollbrecht & family Phone number: 414-530-3725. Address: N84W17147 Menomonee Ave. Apt. SW101 Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Property Committee Report—August Board members present: Jon Heatley, Fred Boese, Keith Walker, Don Paulson, and Nelson Hinz. Old Business: Air Conditioning is complete. Was installed by Condon’s, and wiring by Heatley Electric. Parking lot has been seal coated and parking lines painted by Fahrner. Floor in ladies choir dressing room has been leveled by Raise Right. Heating valve and thermostat in ladies choir dressing room is to be replaced and new flooring to be installed after. Coffee bar wiring and plumbing is to be installed when equipment arrives. New Business: Pulpit spot light and one light over pews was replaced. Next meeting is Sept. 10, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. Submitted by Nelson Hinz
If you are heading off to college or if you know of someone that is away at college and would like to be on our mailing list, please send their college address to Norine in the church office. We will make sure they hear from their “church family” while they are away! If your college address is different this year, please contact us.
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NEW DEVOTIONALS You may pick up a copy of the October, November, December Christ in Our Home Devotional in the narthex or the church office. Large print devotionals are also available.
Quarterback Sneak - Church members quietly leaving during the invitation. Draw Play - What many children do with the bulletin during worship. Halftime - The period between Sunday School and worship when many choose to leave. Benchwarmer - Those who do not sing, pray, work, or apparently do anything but sit. Backfield-in-Motion - Making a trip to the back (restroom or water fountain) during the service. Staying in the Pocket - What happens to a lot of money that should be given to the Lord's work. Two-minute Warning - The point at which you realize the sermon is almost over and begin to gather up your children and belongings. Instant Replay - The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week's illustrations. Sudden Death - What happens to the attention span of the congregation if the preacher goes "overtime". Trap - You're called on to pray and are asleep. End Run - Getting out of church quickly, without speaking to any guest or fellow member. Flex Defense - The ability to allow absolutely nothing said during the sermon to affect your life. Halfback Option - The decision of 50% of the congregation not to return for the evening service. Blitz - The rush for the restaurants following the closing prayer.
Secret Keeper Girl “Crazy Hair Tour” is coming to town! 91.9/91.5 The Family is pleased to invite all moms and 'tween' girls to a full night of crazy fun, fashion and friends, games and entertainment. The night starts with a live concert and worship led by 1GN (1 Girl Nation, an all-female dance/pop quintet) and moves on to sound Biblical teaching on true beauty, modesty and friendship. There’ll be confetti canons, a fashion show, crazy game show, and mom and daughter time. A Secret Keeper Girl values modesty, surrounds herself with wise friends, and embraces Godly beauty. She keeps the deepest secrets of her beauty for just one man. And she knows that she can share all of her heart secrets with her mom at any time. The Secret Keeper Girl night is for all 8-12 year old girls and their moms, Friday, Sept.20th at Pathways Church in Appleton. Tickets $12 at area Christian bookstores or on line
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Preparations are underway at Grace Pre-School for yet another fun and exciting school year! We are continuing to accept registrations in both our 3year-old and 4-year-old classes for the 2013-2014 school year. We would love to have more children join us! Please contact Grace Pre-School @ 748-5465 for more information. We look forward to two events before the start of school: Park Day (Aug. 26, 10am-11am at Barlow Park). Preschoolers will have an opportunity to meet and play with their classmates. Parents are invited to bring preschoolers and their siblings for this hour of fun! Child Visit Day (Aug. 29, 10am-Noon & 4pm-6pm at Grace Pre-School). Preschoolers will have an opportunity to meet with teachers and explore their classroom. This is a great way to familiarize themselves with their school before it starts in September. Our annual Fall Candy Bar Sale is underway. Preschool families are selling Vande Walle’s Candy Bars for $1.00 per bar. Stop by the church office or Grace Pre-School for your chocolate fix! Or purchase candy bars directly from a Grace Pre-School family and help them win the prize for selling the most candy bars! And finally, Grace Pre-School welcomes Mira Stepleton to the staff as our classroom and office aide. Mira served for four years on the board of directors and coordinated our Scholastic Book Club program and book fairs. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Anthropology with a Minor in Religion from Ripon College. She completed coursework in early childhood education from institutions in Wisconsin and Virginia. Mira was a preschool teacher at a Nationally Accredited Child Care Center for 3 years before providing individualized care and early education to children for the past 10 years. Her area of special interest is children’s literature and literacy advocacy. Please join us in welcoming her to our staff!
RALLY SUNDAY—LET’S CELEBRATE! Sunday, September 8th, 9:15 am—Fellowship Hall EVERYONE is invited to celebrate!
Continental Breakfast will be served Sunday School Registration Introduction of Sunday School Teachers 2013/14 Sunday School Calendar Sunday School Missions Parents need to attend Rally Sunday with their children
***Sunday School Teachers Fall Planning Meeting*** Wednesday, Sept. 4th 5pm – ALL Sunday School teachers should join the Fall Planning Meeting. Materials will be handed out, the 2013-14 calendar will be reviewed and class preparation will be gone over. ***FIRST Day of Sunday School*** Sunday, Sept. 15th 9:15am – FIRST day of Sunday School, Confirmation Breakout and Adult Forum Classes Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Record Number of Kids attend VBS!
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The Ripon area Vacation Bible School is a joint effort of six area churches working together for children’s ministry. This year’s VBS program, running every evening August 4 - 8 had a record number of attendance when 202 children attended Kingdom Rock at the Assembly of God Church. The children brought donations in to support Habitat for Humanity home after listening to Laura Wagner and her children Logan and Cassie. Laura and her family were the recipients of a home in Princeton and was our main speaker at the opening ceremony. After listening to their inspiring story, children attending our program brought in over $450 to go towards the purchase of items that the children moving into the Ripon home will need. It was a wonderful mission for them to support. Thank you goes out to more then 150 volunteers from each of the six churches to support the ministry of teaching children to Stand Strong for God! Children came from 27 different churches with 45 children that did not have a home church. We would like to thank the United Way and the Webster Foundation for their generous financial support. Thank you also to the following businesses and community groups for sharing their resources and donations: Ripon A&W; Memory Photography; Ripon Rotary Club; Todd & Tamera Goheen; First English Church, Oshkosh; Baird GM; Burger King in Oshkosh, Fond du Lac and Appleton; Diverse Options; Ripon Foods & Ripon Drug Store. The planning team would also like to thank the following six churches for supporting this mission with their finances and their volunteer hours: First Congregational UCC; Grace Evangelical Lutheran; Hillside Assembly of God; Immanuel United Methodist; Our Saviours UCC; and St. Peters Episcopal. On behalf of the entire planning team from each of these six churches we thank you all!
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WOMEN OF GRACE Kit Shower Thank you Barb Becker for planning the August 1st Kit Shower. Everyone who came said they enjoyed it. Thanks to all who donated.—we received many things for the KITS. You can still donate by placing your items in the bins located in the coat room. The kits are sent off the beginning of October. We are looking for mens large T-shirts. Please leave them in the sewing room.
Quilting starts on the second Tuesday, September 9th. We get together the second and fourth Tuesday of each month through the fall, winter and spring.
LWR Work Day September has a fifth Monday this year so everyone is welcome to come help with quilt and kit work. (Monday, September 30th) Hope to see many there.
Tied in Faith. Sent in Hope. Wrapped in Love.
What is the 2013 LWR Quilt Campaign?
In 2013, LWR is challenging Lutherans across the U.S. to donate 500,000 Quilts to send around the world to people in need. When you make and send a Quilt, you are not only comforting someone you have never met, but providing an object that is useful in ways you probably never imagined. In addition to being a cozy, clean new bed cover, it can be: a baby carrier, tied around a mother’s back; a market display, spread on the ground and piled with vegetables; a sack for transporting those goods to market; a sunshade; a shawl; and most importantly a constant reminder that someone, far away, cares a lot.
PLEASE HELP OUR COLLECTION EFFORTS! SCHOOL KITS 70 sheet spiral notebooks (wide or college ruled—8" x 10 & 1/2") rulers with centimeter markings pencil sharpeners blunt scissors #2 pencils with erasers blue or black ballpoint pens (no gel) 16 or 24 count box of crayons 2 &1/2" eraser
BABY CARE KITS cotton T-shirts gowns or sleepers cloth diapers small socks dark colored hand towels soap in original wrapping diaper pins or large safety pins
PERSONAL CARE KITS dark towels (20" x 40" to 27" x 52”) soap in original wrapping adult size toothbrush in packaging combs metal nail clippers
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From our youth & family minister... From Vibrant Faith @ Home: Can it be that time already? Shifting our household routines from summer days to schools days can be a challenge for children, teens, and parents alike. We can help. First a bit of inspiration: read about the first day of Kindergarten by Brian Norsman in From Hotspot to Holyspot. Now, do one of these activities as a family: Starting Something New (Just For Kids) - Advice from God on handling a new thing in your life. Starting School (Young Family) - Create a visual reminder of Jesus' great love for your child. Dig Deeper Drive (Young Family) - Spend a portion of your commute time in prayer. Collect School Supplies (Teen Family) - Reach out and help by donating school supplies. Creating a Homework Routine (Teen Family) - Ideas to work together to make this happen. Finally, take a look at Lee Yate's new blog post School? Already? You should be able to click on the underlined links and go directly to that activity, but if not, visit and search out the specific age group or specific activity.
New Sunday School Class: Debuting Sept 15th at 9:15 a.m. is a new class for confirmed High School Students and adults on Christian and World Religions. We’ll study a specific denomination….and then go visit the nearest congregation/service. Register on Rally Sunday or indicate interest by emailing Feel free to bring a laptop or iPad!
Youth Activities! HS Group The High School Youth Group will meet on Sunday, Sept. 15, 4-6 p.m. at church for a movie and popcorn and for planning a great year. Feel free to bring a friend! MS Group The Middle School Youth Group will meet on Sunday, Sept. 22, 4-6 p.m. at church for fun games and for planning a great year. Feel free to bring a friend!
Each month, this section of Grace Notes will feature information and updates for parents and students in the 2013-14 Confirmation Class. CONFIRMATION CORNER:
(a) Sept. 4 – All Confirmation students and parents are invited and encouraged to attend the Confirmation Year Opening Meeting at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll present information on all of this year’s activities and on the new program. (b) Sept. 8 – Rally Sunday and God’s Work, Our Hands Service project. Register for Sunday School class (required part of the Confirmation program) and then participate in one of the church-wide service projects! (c) Sept. 11 – First regular lessons at Confirmation. Supper 5:45 p.m. Class 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (d) Sept. 15 – First Confirmation Sunday Class, 9:15 a.m. NEW “Echo” curriculum!
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Unscramble the letters to find the words in our
“ABOUT THE BIBLE” ANAGRAM SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD A group of students studied the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. At the end of that section, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Suez Canal Dneproges Dam on the Dnepr River (USSR) Atomic Energy Research Establishment, England Alaska (ALCAN) Highway Golden Gate Bridge Eiffel Tower Empire State Building
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, a quiet girl, hadn’t turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, “Yes, a little. I couldn’t quite make up my mind because there were so many!” The teacher said, “Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl hesitated, then read, “I think the Seven Wonders of the World are: 1. to touch 2. to taste, 3. to see 4. to hear.” She hesitated a little, “and then 5. to run 6. to laugh, and 7. to love.” It is far too easy for us to look at the exploits of man and refer to them as “wonders” while we overlook all God has done, regarding them as merely “ordinary.”
May you be reminded today of those things which are truly wondrous. -Author Unknown
hrttu bbeil eiorsst eimporss aceghint aeemnssttt eerssv obkos ahorstu acehprst
______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Betty Ott Gavin Slark Suzanne Wallace Chase Harmsen Paul Schwertfeger Lee Baird Luanne McConnell Jeffrey Paulson Diane Zacharias Joe Borgardt Katie Baird Marvin Mlodzik Theresa Mokler Susanne Nickolai-Mays Aidan Schoff Barb Wiesmueller Gerald Lind Joslyn Anderson Allison Ott Donald Paulson Danforth Pinnow
9/01 9/02 9/02 9/03 9/03 9/06 9/09 9/09 9/10 9/12 9/13 9/14 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/17 9/18 9/18 9/18 9/18
Rachel Bradshaw Ethan Dibelius Loki Larson Paula Paulson Ray Davis Kent Huseboe Donna Rudolph Jennifer Oppor Linda Pischke Kira Schoff Jessica Stollfuss Emily Voight Alyssa Serio Katelyn Ziesmer Fred Boese Ron Liptow Drew Stepleton Wayne Albright Marion Boire Kyler Rieder Lyle Lindeman Carla Searl Hayden Sall
9/19 9/19 9/19 9/19 9/20 9/20 9/20 9/21 9/21 9/21 9/21 9/21 9/23 9/23 9/26 9/26 9/27 9/28 9/28 9/28 9/29 9/29 9/30
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Joel & Janie Brockman Tom & Melanie Simpkins Timothy & Nancy Burns Chris & Theresa Mokler Mark & Linda Preissner Glenn & Marilyn Schimmel Arden & Mary Weich Edward & Elaine White George & Jessica Busse Aaron & Terri Otto Norm & Nola Rasske Otto & Margaret Jeske Richard/Ardell Schoephoester Curt & Lisa Belau Craig & Sarah Madson Duane & Kristi Luker Frank & Leesa McShane
9/01/1989 9/01/1984 9/02/1967 9/04/1993 9/06/1980 9/10/1949 9/10/1966 9/15/1956 9/17/2005 9/17/2005 9/17/1950 9/19/1964 9/19/1959 9/20/2008 9/22/2012 9/23/1989 9/24/1988
With Sympathy We extend our sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Marvin Vollbrecht, age 93, who passed away on August 15th.
Sponsor a Bulletin Florian Laper Barrett House: Kelly Kutzleb, Duane & Eugene Wittchow Lake View Estates: (Fond du Lac) Don Lueck Maple Crest:Vi Fude, Joan Kedrowski, Alton Meyer Markesan Residence : Jane Cumblad, Orin Galow Michalene’s: Tom Kohl, Elmer Kuhs, Phyllis Suksi Prairie Place: Naomi Kelm Carley, Marlene Gibbons, Alice Jorgensen, Mary Alice Linde, Mel Sorensen, Shirley Stewart Russell Manor: Gail Albright, Marion Boire, Ruth Gransee Willowbrook: Irmgard Timm
If you would like to sponsor a Sunday worship bulletin, please indicate on the calendar the Sunday you wish to sponsor and the event it commemorates (if there is one). The cost of a weekly sponsorship is $25 and can be paid to Norine in the church office.
Altar Flowers for 2013 The 2013Altar Flowers sign-up calendar is posted on the wall next to the church office door in the entryway. You may designate Altar Flowers in honor or memory of loved ones or a special occasion. The cost for Altar Flowers is $15.00. For more information, contact the church office.
Worship Assistants
September 1—9:00 am September 22—10:30 am
September 22—8:00 am October 6—10:30 am
September 8—8:00 am September 29—8:00 am
Team 3
September 15—8:00 am September 29—10:30 am
Team 4
September 15—10:30 am October 6—8:00 am
Team 5
Joel & Janie Brockman Lynn & Terry Mathias
- Muhammad Ali
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Team 2
Curt Belau Nate Zimdars
Joel & Janie Brockman Lynn & Terry Mathias
September 29—8:00 am September 29—10:30 am
Team 1
Lisa Belau Jennifer Oppor John Steinbring Melanie Oppor
Steve & Toni Hollenback Norm & Nola Rasske Paul & Judy Gustafson Bea Denzin, Lois Weiske
Usher Teams
Joanna & Peg Salmela
Sue Mokler
Mykayla Spillner
Nelson & Shirley Hinz
September 1—9:00 am September 8—8:00 am 1 service only September 15—8:00 am September 15—10:30 am September 22—8:00 am September 22—10:30 am
Assisting Minister
The sign-up board will be left open until our newsletter, Grace Notes, will be published (about the 22nd of the month). At that time, the Worship Committee will assign the open slots with the names of those who indicated on their Time and Talent Sheets that they’d like to participate. Please do not change the board without notifying the office. Thank you for your help with our worship services. IF YOU CANNOT HELP on the date(s) assigned, please find someone to take your place. Please notify the office of the change.
9 1:00 PM Quilting 3:15 PM Staff Meeting
16 Noon BLT 6:00 PM Council Meeting
8 ONE SERVICE ONLY TODAY 8:00 AM Worship with Communion 9:00 AM Rally Sunday SS Regis. & Continental Breakfast 10:15 AM ELCA Work Day 1:00 PM Meal @ Grace for Workers 2:00 PM Pastor ClayCommittal Service
15 TWO SERVICES BEGIN 800 AM Worship 9:00 AM Coffee Hour 9:15 AM Sunday School Classes Begin
23 1:00 PM Quilting 3:15 PM Staff Meeting Grace Notes Deadline –NOON 30 9:30 AM LWR Work Day
22 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Coffee Hour 9:15 AM SS/Confirmation/Adult Forum 10:30 AM
29 8:00 AM Worship with Communion 9:00 AM Coffee Hour 9:15 AM SS/Confirmation/Adult Forum 10:30 AM Worship with Communion
10:30 AM
2 Labor Day— Office Closed
1 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Coffee Hour
Norine—Workers in Paradise Seminar
10 5:00 PM Sharing Table 6:30 PM Property Comm. Meeting
25 5:30 PM Handbells 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation
18 5:30 PM Handbells 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation
11 9:30 AM Dorcas Circle 5:30 PM Handbells 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation
4 11:30 AM RAMA 1:30PM Anna Circle 5:00 PM SS Teacher Fall Planning Mtg. 5:30 PM Handbells 6:30 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Confirmation Parent/Student Mtg.
6:00 PM Book Club
19 10:00 AM Social Concerns Committee Meeting
12 6:00 PM Christian Ed. Team Meeting
5 PC Nursing Home Services 6:00 PM Christian Education Team Mtg.
PC—Nat’l Guard Duty
14 9-11 AM Hall Use
9-10:30 AM Rally Sunday Set-up
PC—Nat’l Guard Duty
Grace Lutheran Church 430 W. Griswold Street Ripon, WI 54971
Inside This Issue: Pastor Clay’s Potter’s Wheel
Council Minutes and Members, Praise Team, Choir and Handbells
TY, MOM, Sharing Table, Scrip, Gods Work Our Hands Sunday, Grace Readers
BLT, Christmas Stars, Many Thanks, Property Committee Report, College Addresses, Devotionals, Church Football, Secret Keeper Girl “Crazy Hair Tour”
Pre-School, Rally Sunday, Sunday School, VBS
Women of Grace, Youth & Family Ministry, 7 Wonders of the World, Bible Anagram, Holy Humor, September Birthdays/Anniversaries, With Sympathy, Homebound Members, Bulletins, Altar Flowers
Worship Assistants for September, Usher Schedule, September Calendar
Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30
Labor Day—Office Closed Confirmation Orientation Rally Sunday ELCA Work Day Quilting Resumes Sharing Table Meal @ Grace 1st day of Sunday School BLT Resumes Grace Notes Deadline LWR Work Day
Grace’s Email: Check out the NEW website: Website: