2013 july grace notes

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JuLY, 2013 Pastor Clay’s Potter’s Wheel The anniversary of our nation’s founding, the 4th of July, is almost here and our thoughts turn to summer activities, patriotism, and celebrating our country’s 237th birthday. We know the bald eagle is a symbol of our country, and recently I learned some interesting facts about the bald eagle which can apply to our faith life. You’ll see why the eagle is referred to in the Scriptures. The bald eagle can have a life span of up to 70 years, but to make it to that age, each eagle must make some hard choices. In its 40s the eagle’s talons have a harder and harder time grasping its prey which serves as food. Its once long and sharp beak becomes bent and doesn’t perform its job well. The eagle’s feathers become old, thick, and make it more and more difficult to fly. At this point, the eagle is left with a choice: die or go through a painful process of change which lasts about 150 days. If it chooses the latter, the eagle will knock its beak against a rock until it breaks away. After waiting for a new beak to grow, the eagle will pull out its old talons. After the new talons grow in, the eagle will pluck out its old, unserviceable feathers and wait for new ones to grow back. After this 150 days process, the eagle takes to its majestic flight, renewed to live another 30 years. A couple other interesting tidbits: Most birds head for shelter when rain comes, but bald eagles fly above the clouds to escape the storm. Also, eagles can spot their prey from almost a mile away! Isaiah 40:31 …those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Whether considering our personal lives, marriages, other relationships, business, politics, or the life of the church, the bald eagle offers us a pertinent example. God’s love, compassion, grace, and justice never change, but the Scriptures offer us accounts in which God has changed God’s mind and in which God’s ways apply differently in various situations. Therefore, we do well to keep an eagle-eye on our situations and environments so like the wise and Godly people of Biblical times, we too can spot the opportunities – even when they’re still far away - to take advantage of them and/or see dark clouds coming so we can fly above the storms. I’m happy to say, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we do a pretty good job of doing these things here at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church. Along with many other churches, we open our eyes and strive for an eagle’s view, we see the need for new ideas, and we try new things to remain faithful to God, to share the Good News, and to renew our individual and our church’s service to God. As we celebrate and commemorate our past this 4th of July, we also look forward to a new and bright future as we travel our faith journey on Christ’s path. God bless your 4th of July and your summer months!

Pastor Clay

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