June, 2013 Pastor Clay’s Potter’s Wheel As a society, we are becoming more and more Bible-illiterate. A friend shared with me an experience he had a while back which illustrates this point. My friend was having a conversation with another person and the weather had been rainy all day. The friend commented to the other person that if the rain continued, he wouldn’t be surprised to see Noah and his ark float by soon. The other person did not understand the reference to Noah’s Ark, one of the best known accounts in the Bible! Regularly reading the Bible is a lot like the game of basketball. A tenet of basketball says: Good things happen when you go to the net. Likewise, good things happen in our lives when we go to the Bible. And in both cases, the more often, the better! On the church calendar we’re now in the time after Pentecost, during which we celebrate God coming to (and in) Jesus’ first disciples. We too desire to see and experience God. One way God comes to us is in the Holy Scriptures – the Bible. Martin Luther understood this and said, “Whenever a man reads the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is speaking to him.” (I presume Luther understood the same holds true for women!) He also said, “Wherever the Word of God is, there the Holy Ghost, faith, and other gifts of the Spirit must necessarily be.” Regularly reading God’s Word in the Bible not only helps us to recognize and understand Biblical references in conversation, to understand the history of our nation and the world, to receive guidance and insight, but most importantly it helps us to open a holy door for receiving God’s gracious presence and the gift of saving faith into our lives. I’ve included a Daily Bible Reading Schedule in this Potter’s Wheel. It’s a great tool to guide and empower you to read the entire Bible in a year’s time. As you read through the Bible expect to be amazed and surprised and to have questions. This is good. If you fall behind schedule, don’t worry. You can check off the days as you make progress. But first, here’s a word-find puzzle my mom shared with me recently which will challenge your knowledge of the books of the Bible and your ability to find them. Of the 66 books in the Bible, she found all of the 30 Biblical books contained in this puzzle! See how many you can find and if you find all 30, bring your completed puzzle to the office to enter a drawing for a Christian music CD! The solution to the puzzle will be in July’s Grace Notes. God bless your time in Scripture and in the word-find puzzle! In Christ,
Pastor Clay
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There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? They are found horizontally, left to right. This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend from West Virginia worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend, was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. Truthfully, from answers I have received, I am forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books’ names in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha-Delta-Phi lemonade booth set a new record. The local newspaper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, “The books are all right there in plain view hidden from sight.” Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that the books of Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus. There really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found. God Bless!
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Church Council Minutes
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April 15, 2013 Present: Pastor Clay, Chris Mokler, Phil Karsnia, Mira Stepleton, Katie Baird, Herm Leitz, Jennifer Oppor, Amy Slark, Paul Walheim, Ken Worthing, Nate Zimdars Absent: Joan Wade, Rob Wittchow 1. Meeting called to order: 6:08pm by Chris 2. Prayer concerns and celebrations: Boston Marathon victims and their families/friends, Jim Beier 3. Devotions by: Pastor Clay (Ezekiel 11:1-25: God is our sanctuary) 4. Review/adopt agenda [M/S/A Herm/Ken] 5. Review/approve March minutes [M/S/A Herm/Phil] 6. Treasurer’s Report a. Approve/Audit [M/S/A Phil/Ken] 7. Pastor Clay’s deployment was cancelled. 8. Review and approve Confirmands pending completion of point requirements [M/S/A Herm/Nate] a. Interview on May 8th w/ Confirmation on May 19th 9. Youth and Family Minister Report a. April 25th- Will be attending the presentations at the school (2pm & 7pm) b. Passed out latest activity report for Council to view. 10. Update of Executive Committee action on investments a. Invested with Country Financial and with Mission Investment Fund 11. Discussion and reminder for review of “small” check books per Council decision a. Youth and Sunday school will need to provide reports for May Council Meeting 12. Update from Property Committee of quotes a. Still collecting quotes. Made contact and awaiting responses from various people. 13. Pastor’s Report a. Monthly Activity Report- passed around for Council to review b. March Mission of the Month Update c. Discussion on future missions of the month d. National Day of Prayer- May 2nd (Thursday) e. Kiwanis Early Bird- raffle tickets are available for sale f. Guideline for Habitat House passed around for Council to view 14. Liaisons to Committee Reports a. Worship committee bought new fridge for altar guild room ($72.00) [M/S/A Phil/Paul] b. New website up and running c. Sharing Table Report requested 15. Next Meeting: May 20th, 2013 @ 6pm; Devotions - Amy (Mira in June) 16. Adjournment with Lord’s Prayer: 7:33pm [M/S/A Paul/Phil] Respectfully submitted by Council Secretary, Mira Stepleton
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COUNCIL MEMBERS (2012—2013) Chris Mokler, President (2013 term) 4921 Song Bird Court Omro, WI 54963 920-279-6104 cmokler@gmail.com
Philip Karsnia, VP (2014 term) 662 S. Grove Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-3250 (home) 920-369-6270 (cell) PKarsnia@gmail.com
Mira Stepleton, Secretary (2014) 514 Howard Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-312-2314 mirastepleton@gmail.com
Herm Leitz (2013 term) W12717 Olden Road Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-9655 (home) 920-748-5031 (work) hleitz@amfam.com
Jennifer Oppor (2014 term) 830 Thomas Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-2828 14opporj@ripon.k12.wi.us
Amy Slark (2015 term) W840 North Ct. Green Lake, WI 54941 920-294-6810 amyslark@yahoo.com
Joan Wade (2015 term) 1023 Thomas Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-420-8822 jwade@cesa6.k12.wi.us joanw@charter.net
Paul Walheim (2015 term) 815 Newbury Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-748-7023 walheim@charter.net
Rob Wittchow (2015 term) 223 Union Street Ripon, WI 54971 920-979-2512 flippinrob@yahoo.com
Kenneth Worthing (2015 term) 530 Van Dyke Ave. Ripon, WI 54971 920-745-2124 kworthing7415@charter.net
Nathan Zimdars (2013 term) W13404 Carter Road Ripon, WI 54971 920-896-2511 nzimdars@gmail.com
Thank You...
Good News
Your thoughtfulness means a lot to me more than I can say, and my warm appreciation comes with this thank you note today. ~ Ruby Vollbrecht
For those who haven’t heard… Due to the cancellation of the 1-105 Cavalry Squadron’s deployment to Jordan, Pastor Clay will not be mobilized for deployment.
(For your cards & prayers upon the death of her sisters, Edythe Schattsneider & Vera Wepner.)
Social Concerns Committee’s Annual Grocery Bag Collection The committee will be collecting food for 3 area Food Pantries on Sunday, June 23rd. They will not be handing out grocery bags this year—please bring your own. Let’s help stock the pantries!
Thrivent Replacements for Congregational Advocates Needed Our congregation needs to replace one or two of our retiring Thrivent Congregational Advocates. Are you someone who is passionate about our congregation and its mission, wants to make a difference in the lives of those in our church and is a Thrivent Financial for Lutherans member? Please let the office know if you would consider the call to serve and more information will be shared with you.
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Aaron Becker for providing beautiful music for our April 21st worship services Joel Brockman for the new Christian Flag Phil Karsnia for exorcising the demons out of the office computer! Everyone who brought glory to God by participating on Saturday, May 18th to clean up and beautify our church building and grounds Confirmation Guides, Lisa Wiese and Kristi Luker; to the Breakout Session Leaders, Sue Mokler and JoAnne Stibb, to Jolene Meyer for Faith Statement instruction, and to all parents who have helped with our confirmation program. Thank you also to Tricia Walheim for coordinating the Wednesday night meals, Toni Hollenback, Mary Karsnia, Kristi Luker, Sue Mokler, 8th grade confirmand students, and everyone else who helped with the Coffee Hour Reception in honor of the confirmands. Special thanks to Thrivent Financial for the beautiful crosses they gave to the confirmation students. Everyone who had a part in planning and participating in the Ripon High School Baccalaureate which was held at Grace on May 22nd.
Mission of the month—
Sharing Table
Tri-County Animal Shelter By contributing to the June Mission of the Month you will be helping our local Tri-County animal Shelter. Please make checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church with Tri-County Animal Shelter written in the memo line.
Join us for a meal here at Grace Lutheran on Tuesday, June 11th. Meal is served from 5:00—6:30 p.m. All are welcome at the table
SCRIP Order Deadline: Sunday, June 2nd The Best Dads Deserve the Best Gifts! Order yours today! Father’s Day is right around the corner! This June 16th, show Dad how much you care. He deserves the best, so give it to him with gift cards! Browse scrip brands for home improvement, electronics, and other top retailers to find that perfect gift. Ace, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Cabela’s, Home Depot, Kmart, Menards, Nike, and many more!
Thank a Dedicated Teacher! Celebrate the end of the school year with SCRIP! Get your kids’ teachers a gift card guaranteed to please while earning rebates for Grace Lutheran Church!
Feeding the Flock—Food from Grace We have the opportunity to order a reprint of Grace’s cookbook, Feeding the Flock-Food from Grace. However, the minimum order is 100 and we are seeking your input to determine interest. These cookbooks make great gifts for any occasion! If you are interested in purchasing at $9 each, please write your name, phone #, and number of cookbooks on the order form on the board outside the office or call the church office. DEADLINE to sign up is Friday, June 7th.
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All are welcome to join us at Terry & Norine Zimdars’ home (W13404 Carter Road, Ripon) on Saturday, June 15th at 5:30 pm for our “Kickoff to Summer” themed potluck. We will be firing up the grill… Meat will be provided by Sue Mokler and Zimdars’. Bring your favorite “picnic” foods, but leave the ants at home! Paper products will also be provided. A food sign-up sheet will be posted in the entryway.
NEW DEVOTIONALS You may pick up a copy of the July, August, September Christ in Our Home Devotional in the narthex or the church office. Large print devotionals are also available. Summer is arriving at Crossways and there is something for everyone! In addition to the traditional youth camp programs, don’t forget their Specialty Camps that focus on fishing, service, adventure, music, and youth enrichment for both middle and high school youth. Also, summer camp is not just for kids! Crossways offers Family Camp Weeks and Weekends, GrandparentKIDS, Preschool Parent & Me camp and MORE!
Keeping “Faith Alive” through the Faith 5 The 2013 Summer Bible Study theme, Faith Alive, focuses on five faith practices we use as Christians to keep our faith in God active and alive in our lives. Each night before bed, campers will explore the themes and concepts of the day through doing devotions as a cabin group using a method called the Faith 5. This concept comes from Faith Inkubators and is a method we encourage you to use at home with your families both leading up to camp and in the weeks after camp. The Faith 5 is an acronym for faith acts in the home. There are 5 simple steps to doing the Faith 5: 1. SHARE highs & lows of the day. Sharing in joys and struggles together plays a key role in any relationship. 2. READ some scripture. At camp, campers and staff will find scripture readings to read together in the evening. 3. TALK about how the scripture reading relates to your life today. Does it relate to your highs and lows? 4. PRAY together about the joys and struggles you are facing individually and separately. 5. BLESS each other, marking them with the sign of the cross. For more information on the Faith 5 visit www.Faithink.com The excitement of the upcoming summer at Crossways is heating up! Don’t be left out! Join the faith and the fun that comes with a Crossways Summer Camp experience.
Check out Summer Camp opportunities at CrosswaysCamps.org
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Grace Sunday School - Info and Updates - Summer 2013
****YOUTH RECONITION SUNDAY**** Sunday, June 2nd – at 9am Church Service Please join us for this youth centered service at which time we will recognize: Sunday School Students Milestone Events & Attendance Our Sunday School teachers, helpers & substitutes We will also honor our High School graduates
****SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSIONS**** The offering envelopes students brought to Sunday School each week supported several worthy causes throughout the year. Totals collected Fall 2012 – Spring 2013: Green Lake Animal Shelter (2yr old – 2nd grade classes) $410.00 Local Food Pantries (3rd – 6th grades) $410.00 Child Sponsorship through Compassion International (7th – 9th grades) $457.00 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
KINGDOM ROCK—Where Kids Stand Strong for God The fun will take place with the same great team at the air-conditioned Hillside Assembly of God, 656 W. Oshkosh Street, Ripon. Sunday, August 4th—Thursday, August 8th, 2013 5:15 pm—8:15 pm; light dinner is included Registration forms available in church office and in the entryway!
We recognize the following individuals from Grace who are graduating from area High Schools this spring: Stephanie Bradshaw Alyssa Lind Charlotte Marquart Ethan Murphy Bryce Pischke Nash Reininger
Jonathan Salmela Corey Schoff Lydia Schwertfeger Ambrosia Stanberry Mason Stangl Colin Weber
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Grace Readers—May Book Discussion Thursday May 30 at 6pm A Perfect Day by Richard Paul Evans Robert Harlan has three loves in his life: his wife, Allyson, his daughter, Carson, and his writing. As a sales rep for a small radio station, he has hopes of one day leaving it all behind for a successful writing career. When he is unexpectedly laid off from his job, Allyson encourages him to pursue his dream of writing. He writes a novel entitled “A Perfect Day”, based on the last few months Allyson and her father spent together as he died of cancer. The story becomes a huge success and Robert finds himself swept into a new world far from his wife and home. In time Robert loses track of the things he loves most until he meets a stranger who begins telling him intimate details about his past, his present and, most important, the brevity of his future. Thinking that he has just weeks to live, Robert begins to discover the truth about himself; who he has become, what he has lost and what it will take to find love again. ENJOY READING SOME WONDERFUL BOOKS OVER THE SUMMER
Lutheran Campus Ministry: Do you know a student in higher education? Lutheran Campus Ministry is on campus to help your young adults as they attend colleges, trade schools and universities. Please share their name, contact information and which institution they will be attending with your pastor or send it to the campus ministry at UW-Madison (www.lccmadison.org). The Lutheran Campus Ministry will distribute the names to the appropriate Wisconsin campus ministry. Email them to lccoffice@tds.net or mail to 325 N. Mills, Madison, WI 53715. It is so hard to believe we are coming to the end of another fun year at Grace!! This month has been fun, exciting and busy. The three year old class learned about the colors black and white, the number 10, pond life and they reviewed all the shapes they learned this year. Some favorite projects were butterflies, frogs eating 10 flies, turtles, and making our Mother’s Day gifts. The four year old class learned about letters, M, F, Y and Z. We enjoyed planting flowers for our Moms! We also enjoyed making and playing musical instruments, making microphones, farm puppets, yellow yaks and zebra masks. We were excited to take a field trip to a local farm during our farm unit. The children enjoyed this very much!! Four Year Old Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We would like to thank the church for providing each graduating child with a Bible. What a great gift and wonderful support of this ministry!! Thank you!! Once again, thank you for supporting us in another preschool year! It was a great year and we look forward to a new class this fall. We are still accepting registrations for the 3 and 4 year old class. Please contact the preschool for more information. 748-5465 Wishing you a fun-filled summer!! God Bless!!
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WOMEN OF GRACE KITS… KITS… KITS... In 2012 LWR sent $14.9 million worth of QUILTS and KITS to more than 720,000 people in 23 different countries. When you go to yard sales or are out shopping, look for KIT items. There are bins in the coatroom for these items. Any and all help is appreciated. These KITS are packed and sent in the fall. SCHOOL KITS 70 sheet spiral notebooks (wide or college ruled—8" x 10 & 1/2") rulers with centimeter markings pencil sharpeners blunt scissors #2 pencils with erasers blue or black ballpoint pens (no gel) 16 or 24 count box of crayons 2 &1/2" eraser BABY CARE KITS cotton T-shirts gowns or sleepers cloth diapers small socks dark colored hand towels soap in original wrapping diaper pins or large safety pins
ITEMS NEEDED... PERSONAL CARE KITS dark towels (20" x 40" to 27" x 52") soap in original wrapping adult size toothbrush in packaging combs metal nail clippers
LWR Work Day: Thank you to the ladies who participated in our “LWR Work Day” on April 29th! High School Scholarships: Congratulations to the following individuals receiving college scholarships from the Women of Grace: Stephanie Bradshaw, Jonathan Salmela, Cory Schoff, and Lydia Schwertfeger. Stephanie will be attending Carthage College in Kenosha, Jonathan will be attending UW-Oshkosh, Cory will head to UW-Stout, and Lydia will be studying at UW-Green Bay. We thank them for their hard work in high school and for their effort and participation at Grace. Oshkosh Conference: On Saturday, April 20, 2013 four women from our congregation-Judy DeWar, Marge Guldan, Ann Schultz and Pam Werth attended the Synod 51 Oshkosh Conference of the Women of the ELCA East Central Wisconsin in Fond du Lac, WI. The day began with a coffee hour, church service with communion, presentation of a couple’s trip to the Holy Land, followed by lunch and a meeting. During the morning break there was an opportunity to look over the Just Fare, a fair trade market’s, items. They are located at N7645 Peebles Lane, Suite 2, Fond du Lac, WI and have a great selection of things. This conference was made possible by the Women of Grace budget for conferences and education. There will be a short meeting of all Women of Grace on Sunday morning, June 9, at 10:15 a.m. Please join us to help make decisions. We will meet at the back tables in the Fellowship Hall.
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From our youth & family minister... Planning ahead… Youth activities for the summer are taking shape…several things you need to know: We are participating in the City Wide Youth Group planning. We are waiting for information on a trip with other youth in Ripon... we are starting with the same churches that are together for VBS and planning a fellowship event for summer and a service event for fall. Stay tuned and watch for more details.
Grace Youth Grace Youth will also be meeting this summer… June 30 – Paintball/Laser tag in Fond du Lac July 11 – 14 - Lifest…be sure to be in contact with me as to your preference of days August 18 – “Last Hurrah of Summer” Trip to Wisconsin Dells – leaving right after church and spending the day at one of the water parks. Please make sure I have your preferred email address - please send it to samokler49@gmail.com so that you will receive all the information for these great events. During Confirmation classes, we continually reminded the students that Faith Formation is a lifelong process and that we always need to keep learning. To that end goal, the Christian Education Team has purchased on online subscription for all congregation members to use. We are encouraging everyone to search out the website and all of its features.
www.vibrantfaithathome.org We will be placing a link to Vibrant Faith @ Home on our new Grace website as well as providing information in Grace Notes and bulletin inserts. The online subscription includes faith forming activities for ALL ages and stages. You will find categories of Adult Couple, Young Adult, Young Family, Teen Family, and Just for Kids. Each category contains information on the Four Keys of Faith Formation: Caring Conversations, Ritual and Tradition, Serving Others, and Devotion and Prayer. In order to sign in to the Vibrant Faith website…you may create your own account…it’s free….or you may sign in to the church subscription for additional features. To reach the church’s subscription, please select the VibrantFaith@Home PLUS tab and then the email to use to sign in is: graceripon@gmail.com and the password is grace430. If you encounter any difficulty, please see me and I’ll assist you. Please spend some time exploring the website and use the information and activities. Look at some of the other categories…you might find a gem you can modify even if it’s listed in another age grouping.
David Miller Kristin Boe JoAnne Stibb Jordyn Ziesmer Haley Martinez Joshua Preissner Norman Rasske Samuel Schwertfeger Rayna Trochinski Colin Rieder Donna Broder Ryan Forslund Marie Veleke Lesley Ernst MacKenzie Gabrielski Roger Liptow Brent Ziesmer Ruth Gransee Ashley Bradley Jennifer Huseboe Sherry Huseboe Marianne Reininger
06/02 06/05 06/05 06/05 06/06 06/06 06/07 06/08 06/09 06/10 06/11 06/11 06/11 06/12 06/12 06/12 06/12 06/13 06/14 06/14 06/15 06/15
Chris Mokler 06/16 Robert Spinks 06/16 Nita Weinkauf 06/16 Rob Wittchow 06/17 Amanda Preissner 06/18 Luke Bradley 06/20 Anna Bradley 06/20 Myrna Walker 06/20 Everdeen Bice 06/21 Arlene Thiem 06/21 Carolee Floyd 06/22 Cathy Jess 06/22 Samantha Rivers 06/22 Ian Stepleton 06/22 Sandra Kutschenreuter 06/23 Jessica Busse 06/24 Daniel Schatzke 06/25 Tyler Bradley 06/26 Hunter Garcia 06/26 Dylan Martinez 06/26 Lydia Schwertfeger 06/26 David Rivers 06/27 Libby Borgardt 06/28 Malachi Mokler 06/28 Marge Guldan 06/29 Timothy Burns 06/30 Penny Gillespie 06/30 Keith Schultz 06/30
Florian Laper Barrett House: Kelly Kutzleb, Duane & Eugene Wittchow Fountain View: Evelyn Kohnke Lake View Estates: (Fond du Lac) Don Lueck Maple Crest:Vi Fude, Joan Kedrowski, Alton Meyer Markesan Residence : Jane Cumblad, Orin Galow Michalene’s: Tom Kohl, Elmer Kuhs, Phyllis Suksi Prairie Place: Naomi Kelm Carley, Marlene Gibbons, Alice Jorgensen, Mary Alice Linde, Mel Sorensen, Shirley Stewart Russell Manor: Gail Albright, Marion Boire, Ruth Gransee Willowbrook: Irmgard Timm
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Conrad & Ruth Langenhorst 6/01/57 Jason Kimpel & Samantha Rivers 6/04/10 Dave & Nita Weinkauf 6/04/82 Jeff & Kelly Langeberg 6/06/92 Matt & Rachel Metoxen 6/06/09 Brad & Lori Sall 6/06/09 Nathan & Mqary Johnston 6/08/85 Lyndon & Dolores Luker 6/08/63 Leland & Ruth Cornwell 6/09/56 Jamie & Janie Koentopp 6/09/12 David & Mary Jane Schanke 6/09/45 Pastor Bruce & Marlene Buslaff 6/11/60 Ryan & RaeAnnon Sasada 6/11/05 Jim & Jennifer Borell 6/12/79 John & Sandra Steinbring 6/14/58 Richard & Kristin Boe 6/15/02 Paul & Tricia Walheim 6/15/96 Paul & Mickey Veleke 6/16/62 Lee & Katie Baird 6/17/67 Ray & Kay Kelch 6/17/67 Lyle & Phyllis Lindeman 6/17/56 Todd & Sheri Bradshaw 6/18/88 Tom & Julie Carr 6/19/04 Bob & Penny Gillespie 6/19/82 Paul & Judith Gustafson 6/21/59 Dave & Melanie Oppor 6/21/86 Ian & Mira Stepleton 6/22/02 Harry & Lyn Gryske 6/24/69 Aaron & Jessica Johnson 6/24/06 Tyler & Tonya Dibelius 6/25/05 Joe & Jody Borgardt 6/27/92 Don & Laurie Paulson 6/28/53 Bob & Judy DeWar 6/29/96 Keith & Myrna Walker 6/29/57
Altar Flowers for 2013 The 2013Altar Flowers sign-up calendar is posted on the wall next to the church office door in the entryway. You may designate Altar Flowers in honor or memory of loved ones or a special occasion. The cost for Altar Flowers is $15.00. For more information, contact the church office.
Mykayla Spillner Curt Belau Sandra Steinbring
Andrew & Shannon Gryske Donna Broder, Marion Wittchow Jean Kafer, Jean Zeto
June 16—9:00 am
June 23—9:00 am
June 30—9:00 am
Team 3 Sunday, June 30 Sunday, August 4
Team 2 Sunday, June 23 Sunday, July 28
Team 1
Sunday June 16 Sunday, July 21 Sunday, August 25
Team 4
Assisting Minister
Sunday, June 2 Sunday July 7 (outdoor) Sunday, August 11
Sue Mokler Joan Wade
Scott & Phyllis Baldwin Arnold & Betty Malzhan
June 2—9:00 am June 9—9:00 am
Usher Teams
Sunday, June 9 Sunday, July 14 Sunday, August 18
Team 5
Lynn & Terry Mathias
Communion Assistants N/A Luther Olsen & Joan Wade
Worship Assistants The sign-up board will be left open until our newsletter, Grace Notes, will be published (about the 22nd of the month). At that time, the Worship Committee will assign the open slots with the names of those who indicated on their Time and Talent Sheets that they’d like to participate. Please do not change the board without notifying the office. Thank you for your help with our worship services.
17 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Council Meeting 24
16 Happy Father’s Day 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Coffee Hour
23 9:00 am Worship 10:00 AM Coffee Hour
30 9:00 am Worship w/ Communion 10:00 AM Coffee Hour Youth—Paintball/Laser Tag—FDL
9 SCRIP CARD PICK-UP 900 AM Worship with Communion 10:00 AM Coffee Hour 10:00 AM Women of Grace Mtg. .
3 1:30 PM Staff Meeting
2 SCRIP DEADLINE 9:00 AM Worship - Recognition Sunday 10:00 AM Coffee Hour 10:15 AM Worship Comm. Mtg.
11 1:30 PM Rebekah 5:00 PM Sharing Table 6:30 PM Property Comm. Meeting
4 11:30 AM RAMA Meeting
9:30 AM Dorcas Circle @ restaurant
21 Grace Notes Deadline –NOON PC— Nat’l Guard Wedding Rehearsal
20 Pastor Clay— Nursing Home Services
Ed Mtg.
5 6 1:30 PM Anna Circle 6:00 PM Chris.
22 Courtney Martinez & Adam Respalje Wedding (off site)
15 11—3 Hall Use 5:30 PM Dinner Group @ Zimdars’-Kickoff to Summer Picnic
Grace Lutheran Church 430 W. Griswold Street Ripon, WI 54971
Inside This Issue: Pastor Clay’s Potter’s Wheel Council Minutes
1-4 5
Council Members, Special Thank You, Good News, Grocery Bag Collection, Thrivent, A Word of Thanks, Mission of the Month, Sharing Table, SCRIP, Grace Cookbook
Dinner Group Invite, Devotionals, Crossways, Sunday School Info & Updates, VBS, Seniors
Book Club, Lutheran Campus Ministry, PreSchool News, Women of Grace
Youth & Family Ministry, June Birthdays and Anniversaries, Homebound Members, Altar Flowers
Worship Assistants for June, Usher Schedule, June Calendar of Events
May 30 June 2 June 11 June 15 June 17 June 23 June 23-28 June 30
Book Club Recognition Sunday Sharing Table Dinner Group @ Zimdars’ Church Council Meeting Grocery Bag Collection Confirmation Camp Youth Paintball/Laser Tag in FDL
Grace’s Email: gracelc@centurytel.net Check out the NEW website: Website: www.gracelutheranripon.com