Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Role of ICTs in Development .................................................................................... 4 1.2. Applications of ICTs by Women ............................................................................... 6 1.3. Role of ICTs in Promoting Women Entrepreneurship and Related Challenges ....... 7 1.4. Women and ICTs: Obstacles to Access .................................................................... 8 2. Women’s Empowerment: Study Context and Areas of Focus ...................................... 11 2.1. Understanding of the Concept of Empowerment ................................................. 11 2.2. Overview of the CD‐Rom “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” ..... 12 2. 3. Objectives of the Study ......................................................................................... 13 2.4. Research Questions ............................................................................................... 13 2.5. Conceptual Framework .......................................................................................... 14 3. Study Process and Methodology .................................................................................. 15 3.1. Document Review .................................................................................................. 15 3.2. Pre‐field Visits to Telecentres in Nabweru, Buwama and Nakaseke ..................... 15 3.3. Sampling of Respondents ...................................................................................... 15 3.4. Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 16 3.5. Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 18 3.6. Study Limitations ................................................................................................... 18 4. Study Findings ............................................................................................................... 19 4.1. Overview ................................................................................................................ 19 4.2. Women’s Access to the CD‐ROM: Ideas for Earning Money ................................. 19 4.3. Women’s Lives and Businesses before Accessing the CD‐ROM ............................ 20 4.4. Initial Impact of the CD‐ROM ................................................................................. 22 4.5. Factors that Facilitated Women’s Access to the CD‐ROM .................................... 23 4.6. CD‐ROM and its Relevance to Women’s Enterprises and Lives ............................ 30 5. Utilization and Uptake of Ideas on the CD‐ROM by Women Entrepreneurs: Impact on their Businesses ......................................................................................................................... 34 5.1. Overview ................................................................................................................ 34 5.2. Making a Decision to Start a Business ................................................................... 34 5.3. Expanding Business Options and Opportunities .................................................... 38 5.4. Savings and Investment Culture ............................................................................ 40 5.5. Group Formation ................................................................................................... 42 5.6. Improving Income Levels ....................................................................................... 44 5.7. Undertaking Market Research ............................................................................... 45 5.8. Network Building and Community Collective Action ............................................ 46 5.9. Quality of Service/Product ..................................................................................... 46 6. Impact on Women’s Lives and Policy Processes ........................................................... 48
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6.1. Impact on Women’s Lives: Understanding of Self Empowerment ........................ 48 6.2. Contribution to ICT Policy Processes in Uganda .................................................... 50 7. Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................. 51 References ........................................................................................................................ 53
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1. Introduction 1.1. Role of ICTs in Development Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are generating changes in markets, private and public sectors and economies all over the world. Although the degree of change varies from country to country, it is present and advancing in every area of economic, social and political activity (Spence 2003). Hence the remarkable investment in ICTs for development over past decades by multilateral and bilateral collaboration, NGOs and the private sector for projects promoting the use of ICTs in developing countries, including increasing poor people’s access to ICTs and improving ICT applications to support poverty eradication. Although there has been a lot of investment in the area of ICTs, distribution of these technologies within societies and across the world has been uneven. This has been termed as the digital divide, and it reflects a division between the information “haves” and “have‐nots” along many lines that often overlap within countries by race, ethnic group, class, age, region and gender; between countries; and globally, between those who have access to abundant information resources and those who do not. Women in developing countries are in the deepest part of the divide ‐ further removed from the information age than are the men whose poverty they share. The gender digital divide is of concern, since ICTs are further increasing the marginalization of women from the economic, social and political development of their countries and of the world. Although ICTs are regarded as gender‐neutral, this is not the case; gender influences factors such as income, time availability, literacy, education, language and cultural contexts that affect access to facilities, training, opportunities and employment in the information technology area. These impact on the way men and women access and use the new technologies. Similarly, in some instances ICTs are threatening the livelihoods of women by eliminating the jobs women perform or putting them in new jobs under harsh conditions with low pay, incentives and
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opportunities (United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), 2003). On the other hand, ICTs have the potential to bring the promise of new and better jobs and businesses, fuller participation in political processes, communication with worlds outside their home and community boundaries, easy access to information and resources that can change women’s lives, as well as the ability to acquire education and skills and transcend social restrictions. For women to take advantage of the opportunities provided and address the threats presented by ICTs, it is vital that a twin‐ pronged approach1 to development is emphasized. In responding to this challenge, different stakeholders; including governments, the private sector, NGOs and development partners have undertaken interventions focusing on the gender dimensions of ICTs and women’s empowerment. The aim is for ICTs to increasingly become tools for women’s empowerment and for promoting gender equality at all levels, in particular at grassroots. One such initiative in rural areas in Uganda is the CD‐ROM “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” developed by the International Women’s Tribune Centre (IWTC) in partnership with the International Development Research Centre/Eastern and Southern Africa Office (IDRC/ESAO), Nairobi and several NGOs in Uganda. This CD‐ROM offers direct access to information on ideas for earning money in rural areas for women who are among the most marginalized – poor women with little or no reading ability. It challenges women to take advantage of the community’s needs and to start income‐generating activities, and to mobilize into groups to support each other. The CD‐ROM found its way to rural women mainly through telecentres in Buwama, Nabweru and Nakaseke.
This twin pronged approach involves interventions that are aimed at mainstreaming gender in ICTs programmes as well as undertaking specific programmes for women especially where the gender gaps are wide.
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Applications of ICTs by Women
The application of new ICTs varies from place to place, and is partly determined by the extent to which women can access these technologies. While in developed countries women access and use ICTs at almost the same level as men, in most developing countries women are still underprivileged in terms of ICT access and application (Gurumurthy, 2004). In spite of the inequalities in access, ICTs have the potential to empower women as individuals and as organized groups (INSTRAW 2003). As individuals, ICTs empower the women in various ways, including increasing their access to information, motivating them to use ICTs, increasing their collaboration and networking opportunities and developing new forms of relevant ICTs. Through ICTs women have emerged with greater knowledge and enhanced self‐esteem, increased confidence and status in their communities. Martinez and Reilly (INSTRAW 2003) argue that access to public information through ICTs is a key ingredient for e‐democracy and women’s empowerment ‐ as long as women can influence the type of information, the way that information is presented and the means to access and use the information. In the process, women become organized political actors seeking to participate in policy and decision‐making processes. Women use ICTs at work as tools of production and for communication, creating and exchanging information. Several networks have been initiated and have been active in using ICTs to facilitate advocacy campaigns by collecting, synthesizing, disseminating and sharing information on issues of concern (INSTRAW 2003). ICTs have also contributed to widening women’s economic opportunities by providing new forms of employment opportunities. ICTs have enabled women to gain access to markets for their produce as well as access to distance education to expand employment prospects. ICTs have facilitated the sharing of information used to promote economic empowerment. Women are using electronic communication for networking to promote their business interests.
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Federations of business and professional women from remote areas like Mongolia and Senegal (Association of Progressive Communications (APC) 1996) have joined in business‐to‐business networks connecting with other businesses on other continents as partners, suppliers and advisors. Women entrepreneurs in small‐ and medium‐scale businesses are using ICTs in operations and management, although not at the same pace as men. 1.3. Role of ICTs in Promoting Women Entrepreneurship and Related Challenges Women in businesses are playing an increasing role; although most women start with minimal resources, they are able to diversify production and increase their income and wealth and to create employment opportunities for family members and others. In so doing women contribute to and facilitate economic growth and development in their communities and countries. Women’s emerging and increasing entrepreneurial efforts contribute to the beginning of valuing what has been traditionally unvalued and unpaid work. However, a lot more needs to be done in valuing women’s work. Women are also creating linkages with other women‐owned firms, both in rural and urban areas, contributing to promotion of a more equitable distribution of income and wealth (Snyder 2000). These spillover effects have a positive impact on empowerment, education, health, training levels of women and their acquisition of business‐related skills. Many women support themselves and their families through the income they receive from their entrepreneurial activities, making an important contribution to the economy and development (Snyder 2000). However, women entrepreneurs face numerous challenges at different levels; internal challenges both at a personal and business level as well as external constraints within the business environment (Snyder 2000). Among these challenges is the limited access to ICTs. Although in some cases women do gain access to useful information, they do not usually have the power to act on it without consulting spouses. They miss out on potential opportunities provided by ICTs because of their inability to pay for good information services.
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Gender‐specific barriers include traditional views on the roles of women. In most African societies women are entirely responsible for the reproductive and community roles, while also taking on many productive roles. This multiplicity of roles impacts heavily on their ability to spend time and attention on their businesses. The amount of responsibilities assigned is not matched with resources ‐ and there is a clear gender bias in access to resources including ICTs (Heeks 1999). Without equal access to ICTs, women entrepreneurs risk becoming marginalized in the new technology‐driven economy. Women’s ability to exercise their responsibilities, use their capacities, and realize their projects depends on efforts to reduce poverty and exclusion. In a world economy undergoing major transformation after experiencing a technological revolution, being able to take advantage of these opportunities is critical for their businesses to remain competitive. 1.4. Women and ICTs: Obstacles to Access Despite the opportunities provided by ICTs, there are many gender gaps in access and application of ICTs that negatively affect women’s participation in and benefit from ICTs for development. Key obstacles include low literacy rates and education, limited economic capacity to afford the services, time constraints and limited mobility due to multiple roles. Women need basic literacy and numeracy in order to read and compose simple messages, navigate the Internet and execute commands in most software applications. However, most are illiterate and lack the basic literacy and computer skills that would enable them take advantage of the new opportunities. The dominance of international languages on the Internet as well as computer hardware and software excludes access to most of the population, especially women with little or no formal schooling. According to the APC Women’s Networking Survey (1996), language was one of the top barriers to Internet use for women from Eastern Europe, Latin America and Francophone Africa.
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Private, home‐based use of computers and Internet are currently available only to the economically well‐off people in developing countries. Equipment, connection and maintenance costs are generally far beyond the reach of and an obstacle to economically disadvantaged people, especially women. Without PCs most women can hardly afford to access and use public access sites. The geographical location of public ICT centres or sites also affects women’s access to information technology in developing countries ‐ their access to public places constrained by their multiple roles and responsibilities, heavy workloads and all sorts of social customs. Hence, even when public ICT centres are established, their access and use is never granted. It is crucial that these challenges undermining women’s participation in the information economy are addressed. Women’s increased participation in the information economy would produce a range of benefits, including increased creativity, expertise and competitiveness in the technology sector of a country, and hence facilitation of the development of an information economy, increased productivity and economic growth. 1.5. Telecentres in Uganda: Conceptual Framework, Dynamics and the CD‐Rom The presence of telecentres in Uganda dates back to 1999, when they were established by the Acacia project, a collaborative effort of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Government of Uganda. Three telecentres were established in Nabweru, Buwama and Nakaseke to provide ICT services to the communities. According to the categorization of the telecentres (Heeks 2005), Nabweru telecentre could be called a medium telecentre e‐readiness location being peri‐urban, the community having better incomes and being relatively better off in terms of ICT infrastructure and skills. Buwama and Nakaseke would fall under the category of low telecentre e‐readiness since they are largely rural with limited ICT infrastructure. Telecentres are places offering the public connectivity with computers and networks, and providing a range of services including telephone, Internet, printing, photocopying and faxing.
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They enable the community to share such services and the costs involved – which makes the services affordable compared to the commercial service providers. Telecentres are very important in areas where ICT infrastructure is limited. In Uganda telecentres have also supported individuals by providing access to distance education, computer training, village hall facilities and local small enterprises by providing business information, office facilities and professional training among others. Telecentres have provided both physical and social space, since people use them as a location for direct interaction with peers. For women telecentres provide the much‐needed social space for connection to cyberspace (Heeks 2005). While telecentres are designed to be public ICT points open to everybody, women’s access to these centres has been observed to be very low (Etta 2003), due to some of the challenges discussed in section 1.4. There have been specifically designed programmes by development partners and local NGOs like the Council for the Economic Empowerment of Women of Africa ‐ Uganda Chapter (CEEWA‐U) to promote women’s access and use of telecentre facilities and services for their own benefit. The CD‐ROM “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” is one of the tools developed to motivate women in Uganda to access and use the services at telecentres.
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2. Women’s Empowerment: Study Context and Areas of Focus 2.1. Understanding of the Concept of Empowerment There are various definitions of the concept of empowerment. The World Bank (Source Book, 2002) defines empowerment as expansion of the assets and capabilities of poor people to participate in, negotiate with, influence, control and hold accountable institutions that affect their lives. Similarly, Rowlands (1995) defines empowerment as a process that is about opening up access to decision‐making, leading people to perceive themselves as able and entitled to occupy the decision‐making space, and improving their ability to challenge existing power structures which subordinate women. From women’s perspective empowerment refers to the process and outcome of the process whereby women gain greater control over material and intellectual resources, and challenge the ideology of patriarchy and gender‐based discrimination against women in all institutions and structures of society. The outcome of this empowerment is reflected through redistribution of power between individuals, genders, groups, classes, communities, etc. With empowerment, there is a transformation of structures of subordination and radical changes in laws and property rights, with women gaining control over their labour, bodies and institutions which reinforce and perpetuate male domination. Empowerment in the long‐run leads positive changes in attitudes and perceptions of both women and men to embrace gender equality and women’s empowerment. For purposes of this study, empowerment of women is conceptualized as a process through which women’s enterprises and their personal lives have progressed to higher and better levels of performance in terms of income, service/product lines, quality of service and products, size of the market, packaging and storage of products, size of working capital, level of understanding of the business and related business opportunities, business planning, and self‐ esteem and confidence. At the personal level, the study looks at women’s empowerment as a process through which they improve their decision‐making ability, how they perceive
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themselves in their own right, their relationships within their communities, their consciousness of their rights, self‐worth, dignity and respect, and their ability to collectively act on issues affecting their lives. The central question that the study is trying to answer is the role that ICTs, in particular the CD‐ROM, have played in supporting or facilitating this progress. 2.2. Overview of the CD‐Rom “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” The primary aim of this CD‐ROM2 was to motivate women to access and utilize the services offered by the telecentres. The CD‐ROM uses a simple browser navigating system with graphic interface and spoken text in the indigenous language Luganda,3 and requires minimal technical skills to operate. The CD‐ROM offers direct access to entrepreneurship‐related information for grassroots women, and was the result of a participatory process involving grassroots rural women, who contributed ideas regarding the content and provided feedback on the first draft of the CD‐ROM. The multimedia design of the CD‐ROM, combining audio and visual as well as local music interludes in the background, make it very interesting for the women to listen to and learn from. The CD‐ROM has been used widely by the telecentres, women NGOs (including CEEWA‐U), Media One, Uganda Development Services (UDS) and the Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (UNCST) as a training tool in their on‐going ICT projects. In the process women have been provided with ICT skills, entrepreneurship training and market‐related information. The voice/graphic interface applied in the CD‐ROM project and the use of a local language, Luganda, was all targeted at addressing the challenges to rural information access. Pioneered in 2001, the CD‐ROM project goals were:
To develop a package of learning materials using new ICTs focused on small business activities for rural women in Uganda.
A copy of the English and the Luganda versions of the CD-ROM are available online at http://www.wougnet.org/News/cdupdate.html 3 Luganda is the indigenous language for Buganda, the central region of Uganda.
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To increase women’s access to information utilizing ICTs.
To motivate women to use telecentres when looking for information.
To increase collaboration and networking opportunities among women and NGOs in Uganda.
After three years of using the CD‐ROM as a training tool, the key question that this study is trying to answer is the extent to which the targeted women beneficiaries have applied the information provided on the CD‐ROM in their enterprises/businesses and their lives, assessing the impact of this CD‐ROM on their enterprises and their lives in general. 2. 3. Objectives of the Study The overall objective of the study was to examine how the CD‐ROM “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” had been used by grassroots women entrepreneurs and its impact on their businesses and lives. Specific objectives of the study were to:
Explore the factors that facilitated uptake of the knowledge provided by the CD‐ROM by women entrepreneurs,
Generate ideas on other/new information requirements for rural women entrepreneurs, and
Generate ideas on how information should be appropriately packaged in order to improve its accessibility and application.
2.4. Research Questions The study sought to address the following specific questions:
What is the uptake and impact of the information/ideas provided on the CD‐ROM on rural women entrepreneurs in Uganda?
What information gaps still exist among the rural women in Uganda?
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How should future ICT materials and tools be packaged in order to be more accessible to rural women?
What forms of dissemination channels need to be used in promoting the application of ICTs among rural women in Uganda?
This report provides an in‐depth analysis of the uptake and utilization of the knowledge provided by the CD‐ROM by the grassroots women entrepreneurs, the existing information gaps, and recommendations on how information should be packaged in order to be more accessible to and applied by the rural women. 2.5. Conceptual Framework Data‐ CD‐ROM
Access to data by women entrepreneurs and factors facilitating access
Application of the information by women entrepreneurs to businesses and personal lives
Impact on women’s businesses and lives
As illustrated above, the study focused on three major aspects: how women access ICTs, including the factors that facilitate their access to ICTs; women’s application of ICTs; and the impact the CD‐ROM has had on women’s business and lives. The study also explores the impact of ICTs and how this can be accelerated for poverty alleviation. By documenting the uptake, utilization and impact of one of the ICT tools for rural women, this report tries to demonstrate the potential of ICTs for them. It also broadly identifies areas that further ICT development should target in order to empower rural women in Africa.
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Study Process and Methodology
This study adopted a participatory approach that involved a set of different but complementary research methods, outlined below. 3.1. Document Review The research team undertook extensive document review on gender and ICTs. Reference was specifically made to work on gender and ICTs, entrepreneurship and telecentres to identify existing gaps and the challenges women face as they engage with different forms of ICTs. Document review complemented information generated through other methods. 3.2. Pre‐field Visits to Telecentres in Nabweru, Buwama and Nakaseke Pre‐field visits were conducted in the study areas of Nabweru, Buwama and Nakaseke, intended to:
Introduce the study to different stakeholders of the telecentres, in particular the telecentre managers, telecentre management committees and local government leaders and to seek their support in carrying out interviews with the respondents,
Identify the women entrepreneurs who had benefited from ICT training and were accessing the CD‐ROM, and
Seek an audience with the women beneficiaries/entrepreneurs.
3.3. Sampling of Respondents Selection of the respondents interviewed between September 2005 and February 2006 was by purposive and snowball sampling methods. Purposive sampling was used during the initial stages, selecting the lead women entrepreneurs who had been trained by CEEWA‐U and the telecentres. After identifying the lead women, snowball sampling was used to reach more women within the localities/communities.
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3.4. Data Collection The study adopted participatory methodologies of data collection, mainly qualitative in order to provide in‐depth dimensions of the subject. This involved face‐to‐face interviews, focus group discussions and observation. Face‐to‐face interviews were held with telecentre managers and trainers, telecentre management committees and women entrepreneurs in all three study locations using a semi‐ structured questionnaire. Discussions with telecentre management provided much insight into the operations of the telecentres and an understanding of the programmes that the telecentres were undertaking to promote ICTs within the communities. Discussions with the women entrepreneurs were intended to capture their perspectives of ICTs, factors that have facilitated their access, how they have applied ICTs in their businesses and their impact. The interviews were conducted using Luganda, the local language in the areas of study. Two Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted in each of the study areas, one for the women entrepreneurs and another with telecentre management committees in order to enrich and complement data and information generated through document review and interviews. Using an interview guide and checklists, discussions were held in relation to study objectives; factors facilitating women’s access to ICTS, new information requirements for rural women entrepreneurs, and how information should be appropriately packaged in order to improve its accessibility and application. The FGDs provided a unique opportunity for the research team to assess women’s perspectives and understanding of empowerment and how ICTs had facilitated this process.
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Members of the research team holding a Focus Group discussion with women entrepreneurs at Buwama Telecentre.
Key informant interviews were conducted with various people, including local leaders, Telecentre Management Committees, policy makers from the Ministry of Information and Communications and representatives of civil society organizations that are promoting the use of ICTs among women. These were purposively selected based on their involvement in ICT initiatives at grassroots level and the CD‐ROM in particular. They included the IWTC, CEEWA‐U, UDS, UNCST and UNESCO. Observation through on the spot visits to women entrepreneurs’ homes and business sites enabled the research team to observe women’s lives, their status in the community, performance of their businesses and overall level of empowerment. The research team collated their observations with the data and information given by the women and other stakeholders through the interviews and FGDs. Because of the on the spot visits, the research team was able to develop closer relationships with the women; this cultivated trust, and the women were able to open up as to the actual benefits and impact of ICTs in their businesses and lives.
The five women profiled in the life stories are grassroots women who have used ICTs in promoting their enterprises. While each started her business from “scratch”, after undergoing a challenging life experience and using ICTs differently, most witnessed growth and transitioned
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to a higher level with better incomes, better quality and expanded markets. They demonstrate that it is possible for women to use ICTs to promote their businesses despite major challenges and constraints. These women have been in a position to create businesses making valuable contributions to poverty eradication in their homes, including investing in their children’s education, health, feeding and overall development. While each woman has a unique story to tell, they all have a story in common – the use of ICTs in improving their businesses and lives. The CD‐ROM has been a guide in their businesses and lives. The research team also participated in several workshops. These included three Grace Workshops: the Grace Project Inception workshop in Johannesburg (April 2004), the Methodological Workshop in Durban (July 2005), and the Writing Workshop in Durban (August 2006). In addition, the research team also attended relevant workshops in Uganda, including the Kampala Women’s ICT‐based Enterprises Workshop in February 2006, and Gender and ICT Policy Public Forum in March 2006. 3.5. Data Analysis Using the NVivo computer‐aided qualitative data analysis package, data were coded and analyzed to tease out the factors that facilitate women’s access to, utilization of and the impact of information provided on the CD‐ROM, including how it relates to women’s livelihoods. 3.6. Study Limitations Peer influence among the women beneficiaries of the telecentres is strong, to an extent that one woman would want to link the research team to several other women. It was encouraging to note that the number of women accessing the telecentres was increasing, but the challenge with it was that a good number of these women had not accessed the CD‐ROM. So the research team ended up interacting with many women who were using ICTs but had not necessarily accessed the CD‐ROM, and therefore could not contribute much to the study. The research team had to identify those who had accessed and were applying the ideas provided on the CD‐ ROM, which was time‐ consuming.
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Study Findings
4.1. Overview Chapter Four presents the findings of this study focusing on women’s access to the CD‐ROM and the factors that facilitated this. It provides cases of women that have applied the business ideas shared on the CD‐ROM and the impact this has had on their lives and businesses. Most of these women have had challenges in their lives, and the ideas on the CD‐ROM provided insights on how they could address some of these. 4.2. Women’s Access to the CD‐ROM: Ideas for Earning Money Women entrepreneurs started accessing ICTs and this particular CD‐ROM “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” from 2002 through the training offered by telecentres and NGOs such as CEEWA‐U that were pioneering ICTs in Uganda. During this time NGOs were using the telecentres as entry points to promote the use of ICTs among women. CCEWA‐U had contact persons in Buwama and Nabweru to ensure that women entrepreneurs could access and apply ICTs in promoting the performance of their enterprises. Women were trained by CEEWA‐U on different aspects of entrepreneurship, farming practices and group formation, and CEEWA‐U would monitor their performance. The presence of CEEWA‐U in Buwama and Nabweru has ensured active participation of women at the telecentres and application of ICTs in their businesses, compared to those in Nakaseke where there was no NGO intervention. In Nakaseke the presence and active participation of Anastancia Namisango has been an inspiration to women in accessing ICTs, and they have organized themselves into groups. Through these groups, women are accessing government programmes, in particular the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS). Anastancia has taken the lead in training fellow women on ICTs and in particular on this CD‐ROM using the telecentre and mobile ICT training sessions. Based on the experiences of women in Buwama, Nabweru and Nakaseke it could be concluded that promoting the use and application of ICTs among women has to be a holistic approach that
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goes beyond providing ICT infrastructure and information. Such interventions have to include programmes aimed at mobilizing women, and organizing them into groups for collective action as well as helping them to draw strong linkages between ICTs and their day‐to‐day lives. In other words, promoting ICTs among women calls for a multidimensional approach and should include:
sensitization and training,
demonstrating ICT applications, and
close monitoring to ensure and capture progress.
More appreciation is also achieved when pioneers are drawn from the community. 4.3. Women’s Lives and Businesses before Accessing the CD‐ROM According to the CEEWA‐U baseline study (1999)4 and interactions with women during key informant interviews, most of the women in this study were living difficult lives characterized by high levels of poverty and marginalization: lack of income, unemployment, illiteracy, poor feeding and health problems. They had little or no understanding of the kind of business opportunities within their communities. The examples below illustrate some of the difficulties most women faced before they accessed the CD‐ROM. I had a family of four children, with no source of income, and when my husband decided to get another wife and start a new family, life was extremely difficult (Jane Najjuko, Buwama) “In 1996, my husband and I were retrenched from our jobs. We were working with the national textile industry. I was working as a nurse while my husband worked as a carpenter. After retrenchment, life became hard without an income; we had to devise ways to survive” Nabbanja Florence, Maganjo
Kibombo Richard etal (1999), ‘A Baseline Study on Economic Empowerment of Women through the Use of ICTs in Uganda’.
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“The idea of working in groups with other women to solve problems was never part of my method of work. As a prison warder, I had been trained to work within a specified territory and to ensure order. When I was retrenched, I found it difficult to relate with fellow women outside my profession. I wanted to start a business using my termination benefits but I did not know where and how to start.” Saidat Namulondo, Nabweru “I was a volunteer with World Vision. In 2002 World Vision phased out its programmes in Nakaseke. I lost my job and the only source of income that I had.” Ruth Nakanwagi, Nakaseke
Most of the women shared similar experiences of having roles and responsibilities but with no or limited means of survival. Rita Mijumbi, Executive Director of UDS and a Local Consultant on the CD‐ROM project, sums up the plight of the women before they accessed ICTs: “The women were poor in spite of the fact that they had land and could use their labour so as to earn an income. Women had access to land, where they could grow food and sell the surplus for an income, but this was not the case. The level of poverty was high; the women did not have ideas of how they could address their plight. They could not see the land and their labour as an opportunity for them to earn income. Many had resigned and given up to income poverty and poverty of the mind. What women needed more was inspiration as well as challenging them to think of alternatives based on the opportunities within their reach.” Although some of the women were by then running small businesses, especially shops, and operating in weekly mobile markets,5 they had little understanding of business and business management ‐ and hence no initiative was taken to expand, improve or venture into other income‐generating activities. Instead, they seemed ‘comfortable’ with their general condition of inertia and lack of ambition, as illustrated below. 5
These are markets that are held once in a week in an established location within the community. Mobile markets provide a range of products and have merchants from different places and trades selling to the community.
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“I was keeping poultry on a small scale, of only 20 layers. I had a feeling that big businesses are for the rich. By then, there was an increase in the number of people undertaking poultry, which increased competition. Eventually I lost some of my customers I had to the new suppliers. My income further reduced and life became more miserable, almost giving up. But yet I did not know what to do for my survival. My income was low as well as the quality of products that I was offering to the market. I could not invest the little income that I earned from the products back into the business to ensure its continuity and profitability.” Jolly Nsubuga, Nabweru “ I could not respect the working capital, I could spend out of the business without due consideration of the working capital. This affected the sustainability of the business.” Lydia, Nabweru
Anne Walker, an IWTC lead consultant on the CD‐ROM project, recalls that women entrepreneurs in Nakaseke were struggling to expand their businesses and to increase their earnings. Most were confined to their own homes and farms as the main providers for their children and elders. Although most of the men worked in Kampala, and probably earned better incomes than their wives, they were rarely at home. From her personal observation, Nakaseke was a poor, undeveloped village with little in the way of community facilities. The women worked hard, with long hours in the fields, but seemed to have little to show for their efforts. Walker adds that, all in all, the situation of the women at the beginning of the project was characterized by poverty and they were eager for information that would help them expand their businesses, and eager for ways to diversify and expand the products they already grew and marketed, mainly from small roadside stands. 4.4. Initial Impact of the CD‐ROM The introduction of the CD‐ROM generated a lot of inspiration and excitement among the women. According to Ms Rita Mijumbi, the content of the CD‐ROM gave women hope and
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provided alternatives they could exploit in order to make changes in their lives. Women realized that there were opportunities within their localities that they could respond to in order to earn an income regardless of their age and education status. For instance, Anastancia Namisango, who is in her 80s, became the pioneer ICT trainer in Nakaseke and is now one of the radio presenters on the Nakaseke community radio. Her position as an ICT trainer and radio presenter is a source of inspiration to the old and young women in her community. Anastancia undertakes mobile ICT classes, teaching women how to use a computer. She uses the CD‐ROM “Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money” as a teaching aid. This has inspired many people in the community, both men and women, young and old, to access and use ICTs in their day‐to‐day lives. Subsequently many have learnt how to use a computer. The idea that computers are made for the young and educated was demystified. At organizational level, the participatory approach adopted during development of this CD‐ ROM has inspired other NGOs working in the area of ICTs to think about the development of local, appropriate content for the women. For instance, CEEWA‐U has developed other CD‐ ROMs on business‐related issues that complement the initial CD‐ROM. The Community Organization for Empowerment of Young People in Uganda (COFEY) has also adopted a similar approach and documented local content, capturing and documenting indigenous knowledge on good practices in agriculture, social behaviour and health. Thus, the CD‐ROM has had a ‘multiplier’ effect on the generation and documentation of local content. 4.5. Factors that Facilitated Women’s Access to the CD‐ROM While it may be thought that it was obvious that women had accessed this CD‐ROM, especially since it was developed for them, this was not the case. Women accessed this CD‐ROM differently, with different objectives and under differing circumstances. Those who accessed it and applied the knowledge defined various factors that enabled them to access and apply the ideas shared on the CD‐ROM, which are described below.
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4.5.1. The Need to Communicate Effectively in the Community With the advent of the National Resistance Movement government,6 women’s participation in management of society became highly recognized. An affirmative action policy was instituted to allow women to participate in the political process at different levels of governance. The number of women holding political and other leadership positions in Uganda has been increasing over time. However, most are new entrants into politics and lack the skills needed to execute their duties effectively. The presence of telecentres with free training in computer skills provided an opportunity to women leaders in these communities to enhance their leadership skills; especially effective communication. Florence Nabbanja is one of the women who have used ICTs to improve her communication and leadership skills. “As a local leader, I needed to communicate effectively with the people, inviting them for meetings, informing and mobilizing them to participate in government programmes. When I accessed ICTs, I was more interested in learning typing. However, in the process of learning how to type letters and sending messages to my friends and fellow leaders, I also accessed the CD‐ROM. The CD‐ROM was one of the training tools that were used at the telecentre. Before then, I used to think that computers could only be used by the educated. But now I always look forward to going to the telecentre so that I use the computer for communication purposes.” Florence Nabbanja, Local Leader in Maganjo While Florence uses the Internet to communicate, most women are using mobile phones which has greatly improved their ability to communicate more effectively and efficiently. 4.5.2 Peer Influence Many women accessed the CD‐ROM and other ICTs as a result of peer influence. Friends played a big role in attracting fellow women to attend computer lessons at the telecentres. It was found that most women were encouraged to join computer classes after noticing the change in the businesses of their colleagues that were undertaking the training lessons. The information 6
The National Resistance Movement (NRM) government ascended to power in 1986 and was the first government to formally recognize the need for women empowerment in all spheres of life, including politics.
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on the CD‐ROM encouraged creativity and innovations in business in order to make more money. This is one of the areas that grabbed the attention of other women who had not joined the programme. “I noticed that my friends that were attending computer classes by CEEWA‐U at the telecentre had become more creative and innovative in the way they were doing their businesses; some had managed to start up other businesses and were earning more incomes. I also decided to join them since it would help with business ideas.” Florence Awoko, fisherwoman, Buwama Telecentre The use of ICTs was associated with status in the communities. Some women were attracted to the telecentre because it was “modern” for them to learn how to use computers and since influential women in their community were also attending computer classes. This boosted their confidence in the programme, especially since the classes were free in Buwama and Nabweru where CEEWA‐U was operating. “One of my friends who was undergoing computer lessons encouraged me to join. She insisted that the trainings were free yet the programmes were also held during the time when I was not busy [in the afternoon]. I picked up interest and decided to join”. Lydia, Nabaggala In Nakaseke, Anastancia Namisango took it upon herself to recruit and train women using the CD‐ROM. Her contribution has been acknowledged as one of the facilitating factors enabling women in Nakaseke to access and use ICTs. Her age, status and achievements have inspired women to understand that they too can benefit from ICTs.
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“When Jaaja Anastancia travelled to Washington to attend an international conference on ICTs for development, I realized that it is possible for anyone to learn how to use a computer. I realized that, if Jaaja7 Anastancia, at her age and low education, could learn and teach others on ICTs, I could do better since I was still young and more educated. I joined her classes and she started by teaching us how to move the mouse, key parts of the computer and took us through this particular CD‐ROM.” Ruth Nakanwagi, Nakaseke
Jaaja Anastancia (sitted with spects), Ruth Nakanwagi and Telecentre Manager of Nakaseke in studio broadcasting a programme using the CD‐ROM.
It can be seen that peer influence played a significant role in facilitating women’s access to ICTs. 4.5.3 Need for New Ideas on Earning an Income and Improving Business Women were continuously seeking ideas on how to earn an income and survive, mainly because they found themselves in difficult circumstances, such as when a husband died, unemployment, increasing family demands as children grew up, among others. They were
‘Jaaja’ is a local translation for grandparent or any old person. The term is also commonly used to refer to respectable elderly persons in the community.
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challenged to seek alternatives to earn an income and therefore found the ideas shared by the CD‐ROM of the utmost importance. “I was an employee of World Vision. When World Vision phased out its programmes in Nakaseke Sub‐county, I found myself without a source of income. I was desperately seeking for ideas on how I could earn a living. When I learned that Anastancia was training women in business ideas using a computer, I was encouraged to come and attend her classes, mainly to learn how I could be helped in generating business ideas. Today I am one of the ICT trainers at the telecentre. I have also started bee‐keeping and cattle‐keeping on a small scale.” Jane Nakanwagi, Nakaseke Since the information on the CD‐ROM was business‐related, women were able to access information that helped them to improve their business enterprises as well as to identify other business opportunities. “Since I was already running my small business, I got attracted to attending the training on CD‐ ROM because it was educating us ideas on how to improve our businesses.” Lovinsa Nabbanja, Buwama Cases similar to those of Jane and Lovinsa are many. 4.5.4. Design and Packaging of the CD‐ROM was Exciting for the Women The CD‐ROM was packaged in an interesting manner combining different multimedia, i.e., visual and audio, a playback function and guiding questions that stimulated discussion among the women on business ideas and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, being in the local language, Luganda, made the CD‐ROM a good training tool for the different categories of women, especially those who could not read or write. The fact that even those that had low formal education like Anastancia Namisango could use the CD‐ROM to train other women was interesting and a source of inspiration for many rural women.
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’’The CD‐ROM was easy to grasp and the initiative created an opportunity for the women to come and the community to use the services of the telecentre. Using Anastancia as a champion, the CD‐ROM proved that all people of her age, the young and those who are not educated, could use the services of the telecentre and ICTs.” Rita Mijumbi, UDS It can be concluded that the manner in which ICTs are designed and packaged has a lot of influence on accessibility and application, especially among the poor and those with low education. 4.5.5. Curiosity Some women were attracted to the telecentre out of curiosity. They just wanted to find out what their friends were doing with the computer! Being a multimedia system that used audiovisual techniques, some wanted to see the computer ‘that speaks’. “I had also heard about the CD‐ROM, which gives advice on business. So I wanted to know what it had to say”, was a common remark. In the process, women were able to learn more from the interactions with technology and related information. 4.5.6. The Need to Learn How to Use a Computer Computers have been and are still largely inaccessible to most people in sub‐Saharan Africa, including Uganda. To most people, computers are seen as tools used by the rich and educated. As such, learning how to use a computer is still an opportunity that is regarded with pride. Equipping the telecentre with computers and providing free access and learning to rural and low‐income urban women presented a long‐awaited opportunity for the women to explore the tool. To some, having a chance to touch the computer was a dream come true. “I wanted to touch the computer and also learn how to use it.” Zula, Nabweru telecentre “Previously I knew that computers were for the highly educated and those working in formal offices. I wanted to prove that I could use the computer even if am not highly educated. Today ICTs have been demystified and I am using them in business.” Jane Najjuko, Buwama
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Women entrepreneurs attending a computer class at Buwama Telecentre.
The fact that rural women accessed and subsequently acquired ICT skills was very important and carried along with it the promise of being modern and moving with the times. 4.5.7 Relationship between Access and Location The above sections show that women had different reasons for accessing the CD‐ROM; while for some peer influence was a strong driving factor, others were looking for ideas to better their enterprises and lives. However, there was a strong relationship between the facilitating factors and the location of the women, as the section below highlights. Key factors that influenced access to the CD‐ROM at each of the three telecentres are outlined below. a) Nabweru The most influencing factor in Nabweru was peer influence ‐ through friends who had already joined the CEEWA‐U ICT training programmes at the telecentre. As women went to the telecentre to learn how to use a computer, the CD‐ROM happened to be one of the tools that they accessed in the process. A few women attended the lessons at the telecentre to acquire new business ideas (which was secondary to peer influence).
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b) Buwama In Buwama the driving factor was to learn how to use a computer. Women wanted to prove that they too could operate a computer. Using ICTs for business‐related purposes was secondary. c) Nakaseke In Nakaseke the most stimulating factor for the women to go to the telecentre and gain access to the CD‐ROM was the influence of Anastancia Namisango, an old, uneducated woman who showed that due to her ability to use ICTs as an ICT trainer, she was able to participate in important conferences at national and international level, including the ICT for Development Conference in New York in 2001. The case of Anastancia clearly proved the potential of ICTs in transforming women’s lives. She became a role model to many women and men in the society and attracted many to access ICTs and the CD‐ROM. This clearly proves that in rural areas the use of role models still has a lot of relevance in development programmes and projects. 4.5.8. Conclusion Considering the factors that facilitated access from the perspective of location, it is observed that for the poor to access ICTs, they have to be stimulated by other people in the same environment. Therefore, the need to use role models in society to demonstrate the importance of ICT skills to improve one’s livelihood should be further explored. As noted above, most women were attracted to the telecentre because they saw women of reputation in the community doing so. Similarly, Anastancia’s active participation at international and national conferences made her a “star” and a role model for others, showing that ICTs can enhance one’s status in the community. It can therefore be concluded that one’s operating environment is a major influencing factor in ICT access. The operating environment needs to be supportive and attractive for women to access and utilize ICTs. 4.6. CD‐ROM and its Relevance to Women’s Enterprises and Lives According to the World Bank, information that is relevant and presented in forms that can be understood enables people to take effective action. Similarly, the women entrepreneurs found
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the information on the CD‐ROM very relevant to their businesses and lives. As a result, they have been able to transform this information into knowledge in their businesses and lives. The CD‐ROM covered a number of areas, such as starting a business with what one has at one’s disposal, making money from a product or service, and expanding opportunities among others. Women found these ideas very relevant, from identifying opportunities with what one has and starting a business, to working in groups and partnerships, saving and investing into the business, and customer care, pricing, marketing and diversification of businesses. 4.6.1. Identifying Business Opportunities and Starting with Resources at their Disposal According to women, starting a business with resources at one’s disposal was one of the most important lessons from the CD‐ROM. Most of the women were poor and disadvantaged ‐ not lazy (women are the most hardworking in most African settings). They had not been informed of the opportunities at their disposal, and tended to under‐rate their potential. The section on ‘Starting with what you have’ enabled women to understand and identify income‐generating opportunities within their localities and to realize their potential. Women became conscious of opportunities and potential, and all of those featured in this study now have a source of income, such as selling fresh vegetables to the market, operating a shop, and commercializing work that women previously performed on a voluntary basis. The need to earn an income is gaining prominence among women ‐ who can start with what they have in order to make a change in their lives. 4.6.2. Working in Groups and Building Partnerships Because the CD‐ROM emphasized the importance of women working together in groups and the potential for greater benefits, it stimulated and encouraged the women to form and work in groups. The CD‐ROM provided a common incentive for the women to come together, learn new ideas and interact with the services and facilities at the telecentres. This has been further strengthened by the concept of “NNIGINA”,8 which has created space and time for women.
The concept of Nnigina literally means to enjoy, value yourself in public and before the people who matter in your life. It also gives an opportunity for those who love and value someone to express it in public through giving gifts both in kind and cash, expressing their happiness and celebrating what ever achievements one is proud off. The idea is to celebrate and value the women’s lives and contribution that is hardly valued and celebrated.
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Through meetings organized under Nnigina, women are able to discuss their challenges, analyze their environment and situation, recognize their strengths and appreciate themselves. Through gifts and holding rotational celebrations in their homes, women are altering their self‐ image of marginalisation, poverty and powerlessness to that characterized by power, potential and with ability to influence their destiny. Through Nnigina, women have accessed new resources and skills and take greater control over lives. 4.6.3. Diversification of Business and Expansion of Product Line Diversifying of businesses is among the key aspects that the women entrepreneurs have taken seriously. Those who previously operated one business venture are now running two or more new businesses or expanding the product line within the same business. The new trend in diversification of business is a transformation of women’s roles and work that was previously unpaid into paid work. For instance, Mrs. Jolly Nsubuga has been a long‐time poultry farmer, but in 2003 she started offering outside catering and decoration for functions such as traditional marriage ceremonies and graduation parties on a commercial basis. She also transformed her “Senga”9 services to young girls intending to get married into a service at a fee. It was noted that women’s work of cooking at events and senga or marriage counselling are some of the roles women have performed as volunteers, which became some of the lucrative businesses for women. There were a number of cases that were similar to those of Mrs Nsubuga which clearly show that the ideas shared through the CD‐ROM was taken seriously by the women. Women entrepreneurs interviewed emphasized that business diversification increases their capacity to earn more income. However, the drive to diversify their businesses denies women the opportunity to concentrate on one major business.
‘Senga’ refers to paternal auntie. Traditionally, paternal aunties play the role of preparing young girls/ladies for marriage. They offer advice and counseling on how to behave in marriage, for instance how to take care of your husband and how to satisfy him sexually. With the advance of modernization, many social networks have been broken with few girls growing up with their paternal aunties. The senga role has been commercialized whereby some women have taken the opportunity to provide the senga services to those that need it at a fee.
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4.6.4. Pricing, Marketing and Doing Market Research Proper pricing, including costing one’s labour, and separating family expenses from the business is another area that most women entrepreneurs appreciated. Most women would not cost their labour and time devoted to the business. They would use the income from the business on family expenses and eventually would end up encroaching on the working capital. Most acknowledged proper pricing as a good practice. Ideas shared by the CD‐ROM on this topic were found to be enriching. 4.6.5. Savings and Investing into the Business Due to multiple roles and responsibilities, most of the women entrepreneurs found it extremely difficult to save. Even when they managed to save, the savings were never invested back into the business, but rather got spent on day‐to‐day household requirements. This largely explains why most women’s businesses hardly survive the first year, and if they do, the possibilities of expanding are quite limited. The CD‐ROM’s ideas on savings and investing back into the business were found to be very relevant. Women living near towns and trading centres have managed to open bank accounts for the purpose of saving. Those who could not access the financial institutions acquired the small boxes popularly known as the TEEFEE10 bank where they could put their savings. As a result of an emerging culture of saving and investment among the women in the study, their businesses are starting to expand.
Teefee literally translated means cannot disappear or die.
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5. Utilization and Uptake of Ideas on the CD‐ROM by Women Entrepreneurs: Impact on their Businesses 5.1. Overview The aim of this chapter is to address the question of how women entrepreneurs utilized the ideas and information provided on the CD‐ROM, and the impact this interaction or exchange has had on their businesses. While access to ICTs is a key element, the most important part of the information chain is its application in order to contribute to development. It is shown that the CD‐ROM had an impact on the women’s businesses ‐including making the decision to start a business, increasing income, improving the quality and quantity of services or products, growing a savings and investment culture, and undertaking market research and innovativeness. At a higher level the impact has been reflected in collective action in pushing for women’s issues of concern through groups and networking. This section highlights the changes in the businesses of six women entrepreneurs: Lydia Nabagala, Jane Najjuko, Lovinsa Nabbanja, Jolly Nsubuga, Florence Bakka Bamwete and Juliet Nakabugo. It illustrates how the business ideas shared on the CD‐ROM were utilized and the impact they had. 5.2.
Making a Decision to Start a Business
The CD‐ROM inspired many women to make a decision to start a business using the little resources that they had at their disposal. The research shows that a range of businesses emerged as a result of interaction with ICTs/the CD‐ROM, including the growing of high‐yielding crops with a short gestation period; undertaking poultry farming and rearing domestic animals for sale; opening a retail shop; starting small restaurants in markets and trading centres; operating an evening bar and snacks place; events decoration and management; and outside catering. In some cases the services were already being offered on a voluntary basis as one of other community services; subsequently women had decided to charge for these services as a business.
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Florence Bakka Bamwete, Owner and Managing Director of Buwama Business Systems and Information Point Florence Bakka Bamwete is married and is 35 years old. She is the owner and Managing Director of Buwama Business Systems. She is a former employee of Buwama telecentre, and started her business in 2003 when her contract with the telecentre ended. Florence’s decision to start the business came after listening to the CD‐ROM and interacting with the community. She realized that the demand for services was far beyond what the telecentre could provide, so when her contract there ended she was encouraged to start an ICT and stationery point offering similar services to those at the telecentre. Florence started with one‐second hand computer, one printer and an old photocopying machine. She has managed to acquire and expand her business over time to nine more computers, two more printers, a new photocopying machine and a dial‐up connection for emails, and she has stocked the stationery shop. She rents her office space and her business is steady. Her business offers services such as computer training for the community and children in the neighbouring schools, typing, photocopying, scanning, binding and Internet access (dial‐ up). Florence is happy that she has managed to build a business from a very humble beginning. “I am now self‐employed and applying the ideas that are shared on the CD‐ROM. I use simplified computer language during my computer classes with the community. I have continued to link up with women who I trained when I was working with the telecentre. I have continued to offer ICT‐related services to them. I started with one computer, one photocopier. I have been able to expand to 10 computers, two printers, two photocopying machines and stationery shop. My challenge is lack of Internet connectivity. In 2005 I installed dial‐up Internet services but it very expensive for the community to afford and use the service. My business has the potential to compete with Buwama Telecentre that has benefited from donor and government support. My dream is to have a fully‐fledged information centre with full‐time Internet services.”
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Florence is among the many women operating ICT enterprises in Uganda. Her performance and business growth clearly show that ICTs can empower women and provide sustainable livelihoods. Lydia Nabagala, Poultry Farmer Lydia is in her 30s, a widow with two daughters; she used to be a housewife who depended on her husband as sole provider. When her husband died in 2002, Lydia continued to depend on her family members (mother, father and siblings) for survival, had no hope for the future and thought she would die soon. One day, one of her sisters made a comment that became a turning‐point in Lydia’s life. In the middle of a conversation she said, ”Lydia, we are looking after you and your children as long as you are alive, when you die, we will not continue doing the same ….” Lydia narrates that this comment caused her a lot of pain but she is grateful that it made her think critically about herself and the plight of her children, which she referrers to as an ‘awakening’ call. Through interactions with other women and discussing business ideas as shared on the CD‐ ROM, Lydia made a decision to utilize space at home for poultry keeping. “With the help of other women, I accessed information on business ideas; I started thinking of making use of what I had to improve my condition. I realized that I could do something for myself and recognized the available business opportunities. Among these was the ready market for eggs and chicken as well as the space at home. My friends were also keeping poultry, so I was able to learn a lot from their rich experience. I decided to use the garage to rear chickens as well as to sell water to earn an income. Because many people within the community lack piped water, I realized installing running piped water was a need and could help me earn an income. So with the profits I got from the sale of chickens, I installed piped water and started selling water to my neighbours who did not have
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the facility. A 20 litre jerry can would go for 50 Uganda shillings. I am able to pay for the water and use the profits generated for domestic requirements like buying food, paying school fees and transport for my children. I also realized that I could put up some rental houses since my plot of land was big. The money I get from chickens is what is enabling me to buy the construction requirements for the rental house, which is still under construction.” Lydia is making investments that are enabling her to improve her income. Today Lydia has bought another small plot of land which she intends to develop in future. She now keeps between 200‐400 birds and her attitude towards her customers has changed. Lydia has learnt to keep proper documentation of her businesses in order to know her performance. Jane Najjuko, Owner and Managing Director, Tambula N’omulembe, Buwama Jane is 43 years old, married and a mother of four, two sons and two daughters. Jane’s interaction with the ICTs was in 2002 when CEEWA‐U was training women in ICTs. This particular CD‐ROM was used as one of the training tools. During the training Jane became excited about the idea of identifying business opportunities starting with what one may have. “What I found interesting was how to start a business, marketing and expanding business. This was mainly because I was involved in delivering services to the community and to my friends. To me this was an important lesson. After the training I realized that what I was doing as a volunteer could be turned into a business that could earn me an income. However, I did not start straight away charging for the services. Instead, I started giving genuine reasons why those who approached me needed to pay for services. “These reasons included a small payment for buying soap to wash the tablecloths, transporting the materials, paying for someone to assist in cleaning the clothes, among others that were genuine to them. I did this for some time as I prepared myself, including buying better materials and marketing the services. Today my services are fully paid for and it is a lucrative business venture. I charge 100 000 Uganda shillings for decorating a party, 150 000 for the bridal gowns and 50,000 for a bridal cake. The clients/customers also contribute towards transport.”
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Jane Najjuko (in middle) demonstrating to the research team how she processes one of the juice products.
Jane Najjuko is among the women entrepreneurs in Buwama whose businesses are doing well. She has also influenced her children regardless of sex to become interested into her business. In this case the business is being passed on to the next generation. 5.3.
Expanding Business Options and Opportunities
The CD‐ROM emphasizes the need to think about new business opportunities within the same field of operation, given the prevailing circumstances different women may be facing. Women have been able to do this, as is the case of Lovinsa Nabbanja. Lovinsa Nabbanja, food industry Lovinsa Nabbanja is in her early 50s and is based in Nabweru trading centre. She is single and a mother of four who are old enough to look after themselves. Lovinsa owns and manages a small restaurant that prepares traditional meals for the community.
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“Being involved in the same business for a number of years, I realized that competition was increasing in the food industry as more people joined the business. After being exposed to the CD‐ROM that was teaching us how to improve our businesses, I had to think of other ways of making my business better than those of my competitors in order to maintain my customers. One day, I attended an introduction ceremony (Okwanjula) and I realized that one could make money by preparing food for the guests at such functions. There are usually many guests at such functions, at least 40 and above. “After that particular function, I seriously thought about the idea. I also started saving money and I would use the savings to buy nice and presentable materials and facilities that I needed to serve at such functions, such as big saucepans, plates, cutlery, and tablecloths, among others. My initial customers were mainly friends and church members who would invite me to cater at their functions. I also produced simple business cards that I gave out as a marketing strategy. With time, I started getting contacts outside the friends, relatives and church member circles. “Today my outside catering services have expanded and I run this alongside my daily restaurant services. My best period is at the end of year during the festive season and when there are graduations at higher institutions of learning. During these times, I make more money. The biggest party I have so far served was of with 600 guests. Otherwise on a daily basis I serve about 30 customers on average in my restaurant. By expanding business options, this has helped me to increase my chances of making money. I no longer rely on one source of income.” Lovinsa’s case clearly proves that with ideas and innovations women have the potential to expand their incomes and live better lives. However, the research has also shown that as women expanded into new areas or ventures, many have ended up with too many small businesses and in the process are failing to have adequate time and resources to focus on and grow the businesses. Most of those with a number of small enterprises have stagnated in terms of incomes and size, and no growth is registered. Hence their understanding of empowerment becomes an issue of one becoming too busy and more exposed, but overloaded with work with
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no equivalent returns. It was noted that to most women the concept of empowerment is understood as moving from the private to the public arena and engaging in income‐generating activities. However, the issue of efficiency and effectiveness in business for better returns is yet to be conceptualized, as in the case of Jolly Nsubuga of Buwama. “Today I have expanded the house where layers are kept. It can accommodate 250 birds. I have also ventured into new business areas like baking cakes, decorating at events and outside catering. I have also paid for running water where I hope to earn an income. I have acquired a plot of land where I want to construct a 4‐roomed commercial house for rent. In the family small plot I have made bricks with the help of my children, where I would like to construct a house that will accommodate a clinic where I will be operating from as a traditional birth attendant and a shop”. The case of above shows a multiplicity of businesses, with constraints of the resources necessary for all of them to take off. 5.4.
Savings and Investment Culture
The emerging culture of savings and investment was cited as one of the practices adopted by women. While women over time are known to be “good savers”, their savings would not contribute to their well‐being. This is mainly because women would not participate directly in investing; rather, they would give their savings to their sons or husbands to invest on their behalf. In the process, most of the women would be cheated and/or unnecessarily exploited. Others would spend their hard‐earned money on clothing, better feeding, and perming their hair, among others, which do not necessarily contribute to the performance of their businesses. The culture of women investing their savings back into businesses has enabled them to expand their income‐ generating opportunities and improve their well‐being and that of their children. The case of Juliet Nakabugo illustrates the point.
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Juliet Nakabugo, Whole and Retail Businesswoman and Farmer in Jalamba Trading Centre, Buwama Juliet Nakabugo is 40 years old, a mother of five and a widow. She has been in the retail business for eight years, operating a shop in Jalamba Trading Centre. She is a dairy farmer who currently owns eight head of cattle, seven local breeds and one Friesian. She also operates a piggery project. Juliet lost her husband in 2000. He left her with five young kids, a piece of land, a small retail shop and an incomplete residential house. Like any other woman, the death of her husband after a long time of sickness left Juliet in one of the most challenging economic situations. By the time Juliet accessed ICTs she was already engaged in business and doing relatively well, as she could manage to cater for the needs of her family. However, ICTs and in particular the CD‐ROM improved her understanding of business and led her to aspire for greater investment opportunities. “The use of local ordinary women as is the case in the CD‐ROM, was very encouraging for me and I learnt a lot from this particular CD‐ROM. I learnt how to identify business opportunities, good customer care and about being cautious in my spending. Today I respect the working capital and have invested the profits generated wisely. I managed to buy two plots of land, one in Jalamba Trading Centre, where I have constructed a 4‐ roomed rental house, and another in Kampala which I am planning to develop in future especially for my kids now that they are growing up. Even the shop has expanded ‐ I am now a wholesaler and retailer. I acquired a boda boda (motorcycle for commercial purposes) that has greatly reduced my transport costs and generates an additional income. I have also rented space in Kampala where my son at the university is operating. He is selling shoes during his free time and helping me contribute towards his university fees. He is a private student.’’
Juliet’s case illustrates that women are investing their profits and savings into business‐ related ventures as well as assisting their children go into business when they are still young. Building
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houses for rental purposes is an area that many women are taking seriously. This is breaking down the widely held belief that owning property like houses is a man’s entitlement. However, it is important to note that women’s emerging culture of saving and investment is not entirely a result of access to ICTs, but a combination of other factors like their increasing responsibilities and the high level of decision‐making that comes with the death of their husbands, and the presence of micro‐finance institutions where among others savings are made compulsory those who want to access credit. Another aspect that has enabled savings is the fact that the use of ICTs reduces the cost of doing business, leaving a better profit margin that can be put aside as a saving. For instance, it is cheaper in terms of time and money to order commodities, send reminders for payments, research market prices, and make all sorts of contacts by phone rather than physically transacting business. Like other women Juliet believes this is a form of saving that has facilitated further gainful investment. 5.5.
Group Formation
The CD‐ROM put a lot of emphasis on the need for rural women to work in groups in order to support and guide each other. Women have taken this advice seriously, to the extent that most of those interviewed have associated themselves with one or more groups, depending on their needs or interests. Groups are formed with different objectives, including raising working capital through revolving funds (cash rounds); advisory services like zero grazing, tie and dye and poultry; creating time and space for women to promote their self‐worth and esteem, as is the case with the ‘Nnigina’; and as a business venture, as in the case of producing and packaging indigenous medicine in Nakaseke telecentre. In Nabweru the system and practice of “cash rounds” has helped members to raise relatively larger working and start‐up capital that is not necessarily from their personal savings.
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In Nabweru women associated under Twekembe Women’s Group have accessed government programmes like NAADS, the National Sanitation and Immunization programme, and the National Programme on HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Typhoid, which have benefitted them. In Nakaseke women who accessed the CD‐ROM and other telecentre services formed the Nakaseke Women Development Association (NAWODA), an association aimed at empowering women to integrate ICT skills into their day‐to‐day income‐generating activities for development. Although most of these organisations and groups experience various challenges, the women’s decision to organize themselves into these groups has given them a voice and a better understanding of the challenges that they have to deal with as a group, instead of dealing with the same challenges on an individual basis. Through these groups women have also acquired new skills and experiences that they need in the outside world. It was also noted that some women acquired leadership skills, which enabled them to compete in elections and win leadership positions in their communities, as in the case of Lydia Nabbagala in Nabweru and Florence Nabbanja in Maganjo. “Through the group I became confident and learnt how to talk in public meetings. Because of this, I was elected District Coordinator of the Nabweru Orphan Support Project under the CHAI program. Because of the acquired skills in bookkeeping, I am also the Treasurer of the same project” ‐ Lydia Nabaggala ‘’… I am no longer timid, I can speak very well in public. Because of this, I was elected as the Chairperson of the Sub‐County Women Council – a post I have held for the past 5 years. I have also spearheaded the formation of two women’s groups that I am chairing right now. We have used these organisations to access the NAADS programme.11 We do a lot of things as a group, including Nnigina and encouraging savings through cash rounds” ‐ Florence Nabbanja, Maganjo
NAADS is a national programme that is promoting farmer’s access to agricultural advisory services and promoting farming as a business.
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The groups have also acted as entry‐points for individual members to other developmental programmes and projects, as in the case of Hajat Sayidat Namulondo of Nabweru. Being in an organized group helped Hajat Namulondo to be identified by Plan International for the support of her children and for further training in tailoring by Action Aid International. “It is through Twekembe Women’s Group that I was identified by Action Aid International for a tailoring course. I have now learnt tailoring and designing and together with my friends we produce and sell in bulk. I’m now earning a better income than previously when I was selling charcoal along the road. I therefore stopped the charcoal business in order to concentrate on tailoring. I have decided to rent the place where I used to operate the charcoal business to another woman.”
5.6. Improving Income Levels As women entered businesses and diversified investments, their incomes have also improved and they are able to take on more responsibilities with their homes and communities. For instance, the income of Jane Najjuko has been increasing over time: “My incomes have been increasing, my annual profits were 160 000 Uganda shillings in 2004, 220 000 Uganda shillings in 2005 and by October 2006 340 000 Uganda shillings. I have started saving and I keep records for purposes of understanding my performance.” Although most women reported an increase in their income since utilizing the information on the CD‐ROM, they also had to spend a lot on family needs such as food, medical bills and school fees. Similarly, poverty levels within the communities affect their progress in business, since there are challenges of customers buying on credit and eventually fail to pay, as in the case of Florence Nabbanja of Maganjo.
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“Yes, my income could have increased more, but due to poverty in my community, most customers ask for drugs and commodities on credit. Sometimes, they do not pay. Those that pay wait until they fall sick and come back to buy more drugs. And this could take two or more months. After paying the previous credit, they will demand for another service on credit and the cycle continues.” It should be noted that most respondents found the question on their incomes rather sensitive in that although they confessed having increasing incomes, they were not comfortable giving the actual figures. The best they could say was that they are better off than before. Some would measure the increase in the income judging by their ability to take care of their families’ needs and interests and the number of business they are operating. “I have a monthly consistent income that enables me to cater for my needs and responsibilities. I can afford good nutrition for my family. I am saving and investing my savings in order to expand and improve my business.” Juliet Nakabugo, Buwama 5.7.
Undertaking Market Research
For any business to thrive, knowledge of the markets and the market prices for products is important. This is possible through market research which enables one to set realistic prices to earn him/her a profit. The information on the CD‐ROM encourages women to do market research through organisations and local networks. Women have used their networks to access market‐related information, including market prices of their products in other areas. The telephone was found handy in this process. There is also what was termed ‘market intelligence’ ‐ when a woman sends out people (especially children) to find out the prices set by her competitors, and then charges accordingly.
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Network Building and Community Collective Action
Most women had been accustomed to the domestic arena where interaction with other members of the community was limited. Even those previously in formal employment had less time to interact with fellow employees due to the nature of their jobs. Hence, by joining the telecentre and later various women’s groups, some women managed to establish and build networks that have had a positive impact on their lives. They are using these networks to inform themselves of government programmes and to voice their views on these, including contacting relevant offices on issues pertinent to them. 5.9.
Quality of Service/Product
Improvement in quality of services and products was noted as important in attracting customers, and was mostly cited by women keeping poultry and pigs. Creating more space for the chickens and animals was cited as one of the efforts made to ensure cleanness of chicken houses and piggery structures. Proper hygiene and packaging in clean containers were cited as other issues that resulted into increased sales. Hajat Zam Nakawooya of Nansana is a poultry farmer and has been in the business since 2000. She emphasizes that the information shared on poultry keeping at the telecenter was relevant to her business and the ideas enabled her to improve the quality of her products. ‘’… There is a section on the CD‐ROM that talks about chicken rearing. Since I was doing the same business, this part attracted my attention most. I got ideas on how to improve poultry keeping and the stages one should go through in order to get good results from my business. “I learned how to keep the poultry house clean and the space required for a given number of chickens. I therefore used the space available, constructed a bigger poultry house and moved the chickens from the main house, where they were congested, to the house that was appropriate and bigger. I started with 70 chickens and the number has gradually increased up to 500 birds. My income and profits therefore increased and hence the standard of living
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improved. I have even become more active in the women’s group after knowing that these groups offer new ideas. “I learnt how to collaborate with other people in the same business and the quality of my chickens and eggs greatly improved. My chickens now lay bigger and healthier eggs. I do not need to look for markets, all my eggs and off layers are always booked in advance. “I hope to increase the number of birds to over 1000. With the profits from my business I plan to buy a small pick‐up vehicle to help me in delivering the eggs and chickens to my customers.’’ This case illustrates positive changes in both the quality and quantity of products and services that women are keen on.
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6. Impact on Women’s Lives and Policy Processes 6.1. Impact on Women’s Lives: Understanding of Self Empowerment Women have come to understand and conceptualize what empowerment means in their own context. For most women empowerment means being able to make money and contribute to the welfare of the family. In this way they felt a sense of pride, self‐worth and respect when their efforts contribute to the welfare of the family. As such they are seen as capable mothers, wives and members of the community. So they are happy when most of the proceeds/profits made from their enterprises are spent on the welfare of the family. “My husband has been unemployed since November last year (2005). I feel happy that I have been able to provide for the family. I buy food, pay house rent and school fees for the children … I will continue doing this until my husband gets a job again” ‐ Harriet Sebunya, Nabweru Cases similar to that of Harriet are many. Women’s empowerment is coming along with new challenges for women as there was a noted change in gender roles. Women are taking up roles previously performed by men, such as paying children’s school fees and house rent. This is further burdening women who already have multiple roles, while increasingly men are being “freed” of their traditional responsibilities. Men are increasingly becoming dependent on their spouses, yet they are not willing to take on roles and work performed by women. Although to a certain extent this has enhanced women’s status in the family, women are not able to make big savings to invest in capital assets. On the other hand, some women have been able to make big investments in their business. “My life has changed for the better; I have identified other income‐generating opportunities and I have invested my savings wisely in immovable property. I have been able to cater for the requirements of my family including paying school fees for the children. I have a son at the university” ‐ Nakabugo Juliet
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“I have acquired property, three heads of cattle, and two acres of land. I present programmes on the community radio. I can now cater for the immediate needs of my family. I earn 30,000 per week from tie and dye. I am now training others in tie and dye” ‐ Ruth Nakanwagi, Nakaseke “I am now a role model to other women. Women have started inviting me to their homes so that I can advise them in decorating. My desire to learn from others has increased. I even go to Sheraton so that I can observe how they decorate parties and weddings. I consider invitations to parties or functions as an opportunity to learn” ‐ Jane Najjuko “They have become greatly empowered in the one year since the first field test of the programmes in February 2001, and now are outspoken in their support for the project, for the information given, and for future possibilities. There is no comparison between the quiet, timid, almost apologetic group of women who first sat down to discuss the possibility of a programs that would allow them to use the computers at the telecentre for the first time ... and the group of women today, who are lining up at the computers for a chance to use the programs, or to show someone else how to use it. The pride on their faces that they have had a part to play in this is infectious. And to see a mother showing her school‐age child how to use the computer is wonderful to watch. These were women who were accustomed to being laughed at just one year ago when they even approached a computer, much less touched it" ‐ Anne Walker, Key Informant “Women have a more enterprising attitude, for instance, women roast chicken during evenings, especially targeting the unmarried/single men in the area” ‐ FGD, Nakaseke The above cases clearly show how the women have made significant improvements in their lives and understand how empowered they are.
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Women have been greatly inspired by the ideas on the CD‐ROM to the extent that they have developed longer‐term life ambitions. Women have big dreams, and the role of ICTs is important here. The dreams ranged from bigger businesses plans, venturing into new areas and using the Internet to do business (e‐commerce) among others ‐ unlike the poor, resigned and miserable women that the initiators of the CD‐ROM project interacted with four years back. 6.2. Contribution to ICT Policy Processes in Uganda This particular CD‐ROM made it possible for the stakeholders to reflect on gender issues that are surrounding ICTs, and the need for specific efforts or programmes to ensure that women access and utilize ICTs. This experience motivated individual women who were at the forefront of the CD‐ROM initiative to form the Uganda Women’s Caucus on ICTs (UWCI). The mission of UWCI is to lobby and advocate for gender‐responsive ICT policy processes. Through the UWCI, space for participation of women and gender activists has been created and there are ongoing efforts and negotiations with the policy makers to ensure that gender is addressed in ICT policy and related processes. Through the UWCI policy makers have been sensitized to gender and ICT and are becoming more aware of the need to integrate gender in ICT policy processes. UWCI members have participated in and made their input to the proposed ICT implementation e‐strategies. Although the impact of the UWCI is still limited in terms of policy input, there is strong commitment towards promoting gender‐responsive ICT policy. UWCI is coordinated by the Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) and has managed to get seed funding from the APC for gender and ICT policy advocacy.
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7. Conclusions and Recommendations
Overall, the CD‐ROM project has had an impact on the lives of grassroots women and their businesses; however, this impact varies from one woman to another. Where there has been the input of an NGO (in most cases CEEWA‐U) women have tended to perform relatively better than where there is no NGO intervention. Uptake and utilization was better in Buwama and Nabweru compared to Nakaseke. For women to access and actually be empowered by the ICTs there is a need to have specialized interventions targeting them. Thus it is vital to have special and customised programmes for women in order for them to benefit from ICT interventions. The participatory process that was undertaken during the preparation of this particular CD‐ROM improved the relevance of the CD‐ROM to the needs of women. This approach should be emulated in future ICT development (content) processes. The design of such programmes should be more holistic – putting focus on the development of content, its dissemination and initiatives that can promote the application of the information as proposed by the Richard Heeks in the information chain theory. This will ensure that the initiatives have more impact on the lives of the intended beneficiaries. In this case the continued dissemination of the information on the CD‐ROM is still relevant, given the fact that poverty levels are increasing in Uganda, particularly among women.
Women are increasingly getting their traditional roles ‐ that were previously carried out in the household (privately) and not paid for ‐ into the public and paid for. There is a shift in getting some aspects of the care economy into the public domain and charging for them. However, in households the same is not yet being paid for. Women’s small‐scale enterprises still rotate around their traditional roles in the household but have shifted to the public domain. The ‘senga’ institution is gaining prominence in terms of value and being paid for, not only at grassroots level but also among the highly educated, and is now one of the income‐generating activities for elderly women in the community.
Those women who are doing well experience a lot of influence from groups ‐ the ‘Circles’, ‘Nnigina’ aspects or associations; the CD‐ROM emphasized working in groups to build support and strength. Women who have been active at the telecentres have acquired new skills, such as making and
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presenting radio programmes. In Kampala this opened up new opportunities for earning an income, since the women can also present on other radio programmes where their services are paid for. In the light of the above, the study recommends the following:
More content development on women and entrepreneurship, women and trade and women and investments in other indigenous languages.
A more specialized support programme (similar to what Enterprise Uganda is offering) that will take the women to a higher level in business development. Enterprise Uganda undertakes entrepreneurship development training, business counselling, development of business plans, access to credit and other business specialized services.
Government should undertake programmes to improve access to ICTs in all areas, particularly in rural areas where it is still limited.
Government needs to work with ICT service providers to reduce the costs associated with utilization of ICTs.
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References Gurumurthy, A. Challenging Gender Inequalities in Information Society, Bridge Issue 15, 2004. Asia‐Pacific Regional Workshop on equal Access of Women in ICT. Report by Sun Yang. Moser, C. (1994), Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training. London: Routledge. Snyder, M. (2000), Women in African Economies: From Burning Sun to Boardroom. Fountain Publishers. Hafkins, N. & Hambly Odame, H. Gender, ICTs and Agriculture: A Situation Analysis for the 5th Consultative Expert Meeting of CTA. Roman, R. & Colie, R. (2002), Development Informatics: working paper series no. 10: Themes and Issues in Telecentre Sustainability. Thioune, R.M. (2003), Information, Communication and Technologies for Development in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Development. CODESRIA/IDRC. Heeks, R. (1999), Information and Communication Technologies, Poverty and Development. Heeks, R. (2005), Reframing the Role of Telecentres in Development: eDevelopment Briefing No.2. Spence, R. (2003) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Poverty Reduction: When, Where and How?
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Huyer, S. & Sikoska, T. (2003), Overcoming the Gender Digital Divide: Understanding ICTs and their Potential for the Empowerment of Women. Huyer, S. (2003) Overcoming the Gender Digital Divide: Understanding ICTs and their Potential for the Empowerment of Women. UNDP, UNIFEM. (2003) Bridging the Gender Digital Divide through Strategic Partnerships: Africa Launch of the Digital Diaspora Initiative and Global Advisory Committee in Uganda, Conference Report, CD‐ROM for Rural Women in Africa: Ideas for Earning Money by Anne Walker http://www.ceewawires.org http://www.wougnet.org http://www.ucc.co.ug http://www.acacia.org.2a/telecentres‐ etta.htm. http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev‐283//‐201‐1‐DO‐TOPIC.HTML
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