GRACE Research Network what it means to me?
Arwa Oweis, RN, DNSc Vice Dean and Associate Professor Faculty of Nursing Jordan University of Science and Technology WW 2011
Who am I • I am a woman; I am a researcher; a gender researcher into ICT; and I am an educator, and I am a nurse • I have responsibility toward my area of research and toward my students, my community and the women I serve
How I became part of GRACE? • 2008 was a turning point in my life • I met Dr. Buskins at a women’s conference in Jordan. • She introduced (GRACE Africa research network) and told us about the success of the experience and recruited researchers from the middle east to form GRACE MENA research network • The idea appealed to me
Why the idea appealed to me? • I have always strived to learn more about women and empowerment • I wanted to understand more about women and I always wanted to change their status and contribute to their empowerment • I am witnessing disempowerment of women at the personal level and in the eyes of all women I am working with, be it a student, a colleague or a patient
What happened next?
• I was invited to the first workshop which was regarding proposal development • With the guidance of Ineke our Project leader and the help of the graciousness I developed the proposal and it got accepted…. • This was not an easy task for me….the challenges were enormous….but I liked them…..this could be the road for excellence…I thought to myself….
The field work • Through working with women in this research I came to the conclusion that I and my research are two sides of the same coin….. • Good research with women is meaningful and emancipating and requires not only patience, ….consciousness, true collaboration and reflection…. but also the ability to deal with and report truthful data….and maintain ones integrity and personal balance….
The field work • I learned that sharing our realities and reflecting on it through the use ICTs among other resources allows women to develop self awareness and knowledge…. • And these are some baby steps toward self empowerment and they are the nucleus for changing women’s status….
Reflecting on the Network • I am especially touched with the enthusiasm evident in the network leader and us, the members; we leave our work environment and focus our attention on issues and principles fundamental to developing our understanding of how women can use ICTs for empowerment.
Reflecting on the Network • we can do it, I know you can, you are genius, reflect, contemplate this, read this and that‌.are prevalent thoughts, ideas and feelings dominating our work , these reflects the amazing space of expansion of our thinking as graciousness; and is giving more meaning to our life and our work.
Reflecting on the Network • the network and the communication between and among all of us through our annual training workshops and the steady flow of virtual communication and discussion helped us to gain understanding about our realities and the realities of other women and the meaning we all give to these realities.
Reflecting on the Network • Networks cannot be created and maintained without building and maintaining trust among and between the members: – We in GRACE share common goals and meaning, – we in grace are allowed engagement and establishing social grace at all times, – and at the same time each team is allowed to maintain its own identity and autonomy.
Reflecting on the Network • The other important aspects of maintaining the livelihood of our network include, – The opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences during the annual meetings and workshops where we present where are we in our projects, and discuss what went well, what did not, and what we did or doing or could do to improve our work creates a learning experience between teams and within each team regardless of the project objective;
Reflecting on the Network – The continuous feedback, reports and evaluations we have done and continue to do on the different experiences, aspects and workshops is keeping all of us engaged in our research. – And the support of the funding agency of course the (IDRC) can not be denied….
Striving for Excellence in Research • The network is helping all of us not only in conducting fulfilling and engaging research projects; but also in maintaining a network of colleagues who share passion for research, women and empowerment‌.
Striving for Excellence in Research • The network is allowing invaluable learning and sharing of a wide spectrum of information about our increasingly complex world especially for women; arguing about our research, enjoying debating scientific methods and interpretations of our findings, the power of truth in reporting our findings, as well as the policy implications of our findings.
Striving for Excellence in Research • We are consuming a vast amount of literature, information and data, and we are realizing that we need to work with it, internalize it and hear other people's perspectives; and this is what is actually happening through our network activities.
How being part of GRACE changed me • GRACE has shaped my professional career as both a researcher and educator; my experience with GRACE is a personal and a professional endeavor. • Personal because being part of the network I receive specific attention at all times, and professional because my involvement in the network touched every aspect of my academic and professional engagements as well as the discipline of ICTs.
How being part of GRACE changed me • At the professional level: – I was introduced to a new and interesting bodies of literature that I did not look at in the past including qualitative methods, the different interviewing techniques and data collection tools, ICT4D, empowerment, and feminism.
How being part of GRACE changed me – I am becoming a better educator…..and trainer because I am discovering the concept of knowledge in action – Which is to me integrating and transferring the tools and the skills I attained to every training, advising or teaching I am involved with… – Cultivating my academic activities with reflection and criticism…with the power of the mind…librating and emancipating myself and realizing how my identity…is actually driving me for real excellence….
At the professional level: – Contributing to the larger community through participating responsibly in all activities and consultations I am involved with, be it…the family planning strategies and policy briefs…the national nursing strategies….e-learning strategies and activities…among other consultations which in my opinion is promoting policy dialogues within my scope of community involvement.
At the professional level:
• I am introducing new research methods and tools with my new master and doctoral students at each stage of their thesis which will have eventually the potential to influence policy in their own area of research and practice.
Thank you!!!! Questions????