2 minute read
Harvest Time
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." – Matthew 9:37-38
Now more than ever we are in a race to the finish line with the enemy to see who will have more souls at the finish. I don’t know if you have noticed, but it appears that the enemy is laps ahead of us. Do you feel the sense of urgency in the atmosphere? We have become desensitized to the cries of our lost sisters and brothers. This is not an indictment but what happened to our witness? Somewhere along the line we have forgotten our first love (Jesus Christ), or we are so busy we just don’t think about it. Let’s reflect. Think back to when we first believed and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior. We were so excited, we felt brand new and we wanted everyone to know that we were saved. We couldn’t wait to get to church, and we invited everyone to go with us. We were on fire for the Lord. We purchased a Bible (you know the one with Jesus’ words in red), and some of us even went shopping for new ‘church’ clothes, because after all we had to be equipped and we wanted everyone to see the change in our lives. You remember don’t you? But then, something happened, the thrill of our salvation was wearing off. We got comfortable. We programmed ourselves. Church became a part of our busy schedules. We got caught up with the ministry, but not with kingdom building.
Don’t get me wrong after all, we have been loyal. We never miss a service, we attend Bible study, we tithe, we give our offerings, and we support and work in our ministries. Please don’t misunderstand; we should be good stewards. But in our efforts to be good stewards, we somehow forgot that once we were saved, there was more that was required of us, God’s great commission to evangelize. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) You remember don’t you? And yet, we still aren’t reaching the masses. The question is, “How do we reach the masses?”
In today’s society we have a lot of resources to help spread the Gospel. Technology is by far one of the greatest resources we can use that is always at our fingertips (hint). Here’s a thought, how about the next time you stop to post something on Facebook or send a tweet, why not just ask a very simple question, “Are you saved?” Wonder what kind of responses you would get; maybe it would get shared or retweeted. Of course there is the possibility for debate, but that can happen in any arena, don’t let that hold you back. God’s got your back in this one; all He needs you to do is plant the seed.
We should remind ourselves of our salvation and where God