2 minute read
Min. Carenda
Stay Motivated…
Your Springboard Awaits
Happy March! As many of you know this is the last month of the first quarter of 2022. Can you believe it? As a matter of fact, the seasons will officially change on March 20th, and we will welcome Spring! Take a moment to reflect on your successes and challenges this first quarter of 2022. Are you still motivated about your destiny in Christ? I want you to imagine me looking at you face to face, eyeball to eyeball and saying to you in my most authoritative voice, “STAY MOTIVATED!" I believe that God has prepared a spiritual springboard for you! However, you must stay motivated. If you have never used a springboard or unfamiliar with what it is, google defines it as a strong flexible board from which someone can jump in order to gain added impetus when performing a dive or a gymnastic movement.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I am not a gymnast. I do good to work out three days a week. Therefore, I have no clue on utilizing a springboard in that regard. In addition, I don’t know how to swim or float for that matter, so I truly have no experience on using a springboard to take a dive. However, I do know that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I do know that God is taking us higher in our calling and destiny! I trust that He has placed a spiritual springboard for you and me to go higher in what he has already called us to do! I pray that March be our month that we springboard to higher heights in Christ Jesus!
Are you ready to go higher? Are you ready to soar above your equals? Are you ready to let go and let God? Your springboard is waiting. Do not grow weary. God has created a tailored made springboard just for you. Therefore, no matter what season you are in; motivation must be a part of your lifestyle. You must hear it, speak it and surround yourself by it. If you are finding yourself in a place of discouragement or unbelief, I am so glad God has purposed me to motivate you. I am here to tell you; your springboard is waiting on you. It is built by the best. It will not give way. It will not fail you. Trust me! It is imperative you utilize it this month!
Wherever this message finds you, just remember, God is adding momentum to the good works he has already prepared for you. If you are taking baby steps, STAY MOTIVATED! If you are experiencing challenges, STAY MOTIVATED! If you are dealing with disappointment, STAY MOTIVATED! Get on your springboard and jump in Christ Jesus. Gleam on things that will inspire you. Reflect on things that will encourage you, and breathe in things that will invigorate you! Let Isaiah 43:19 settle the matter. The word of the Lord says, “See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Stay motivated…your springboard awaits!
Live life on the promise of IMPACT!
Min Carenda Deonne www.carendadeonne.com