3 minute read
Make Mary Your Muse
Since March is Women’s History Month, in addition to celebrating the accolades and achievements of other women, celebrate yourself! Make your mark on other women by using the gifts God blessed you with to be a blessing to others and make your Master proud. Make Mary, the Master’s mother, your muse! Make the mother of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, your inspiration and reminder that you are blessed and highly favored (Luke 1:28). When the angel, Gabriel, visited Mary to share the plans God had for her life, Mary, although she had questions, was willing to immediately obey God and was open to being used by Him. God knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Use Mary as your muse and say to the Lord, “May everything
you said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38)
Make Mary your muse and inspiration and listen to God. Mary listened to the message Gabriel delivered and didn’t seem to think twice about it. Even with her inquiries, she wanted to please God and was willing to obey His plan. Like Mary, God has a plan for your life and will provide all the provisions necessary for your plans to manifest. Mary didn’t know what the future would hold but she knew her life was in the hands of God and knew that He would perfect all the things that concerned her (Psalm 138:8).
Make Mary your muse and have a heart like hers and bury God’s promises and His word deep down in your heart so you will not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11). When the shepherds came to see baby Jesus, they were excited and shared the news with everyone they encountered. All who heard their story was astonished but Mary kept this wonderful event in her heart and thought about it often (Luke 2:17-19). While watching Jesus grow and mature Mary kept all the events and experiences with Jesus deep down in her heart (Luke 2:51). Have a heart like hers and keep all of God’s promises for your life near and dear to your heart and praise Him when they manifest.
Like Mary, link up with likeminded ladies. Mary made it a point to link up with her cousin, Elizabeth. The angel, Gabriel, gave her the good news that she was pregnant (Luke 1:36). She knew she would be able to share her experiences with Elizabeth and praise God along with her because both women were blessed and knew that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). She also knew that Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, were righteous in God’s eyes and obeyed all His commandments and regulations (Luke 1:6-7). Make Mary your muse and let her life inspire you with the fact that no good thing will God withhold from you when you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11). Look for like-minded ladies (or gentlemen) to link up with who share common goals and together build and break barriers.
When you make Mary your muse and inspiration, you can rest assured that all things are working out for your good (Romans 8:28). Think of everything Mary had to endure before giving birth to Jesus. She was young, trying to process what just happened, not sure if her fiancé would believe her, leave her, or even expose her. Then imagine witnessing your child being beaten and killed. But thanks be to God the story didn’t end there. Imagine the joy in her heart to see her son, the Savior of the world, be resurrected and become Jesus Christ, Master overall.
Make Mary your muse, and like her, never leave Jesus’s side. Mary was beside Jesus and witnessed Him go from being her son to the Savior of the World. Jesus promises to never leave or forsake you (Matthew 28:20) but you must stay by His side like Mary, His mother. Like Mary, make a melody to your Master (Luke 1:46-55). Sing songs of Zion to Him and make a joyful noise to let God know how much you worship and adore Him.
Make Mary your muse and inspire others to listen to Jesus. When Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding, Mary told the servants, “Do whatever He tells you to do.” (John 2:1-11). Be a witness of His Word and inspire others to do whatever His word tells you to do, and you can guarantee that God will manifest His promises. Make Mary your muse and your declaration will be like Mary’s, “He has done great things for me.” (Luke 1:49)
Elder Tracey Nicole George