BOOK ArtGR570/ Project1/ Wei-en Yang
Search for collection/ Organize the data/
Database Narrative/
Database: Braid x 3
What potential visual qualities does this database have? (Materials, colors, etc) What are the potential expressive qualities of the database? (Think of emotive qualities)
Who makes it, how does it operate?
There are three period in my life when I decided to grow very long hair, cut it down, and save it. And the easiest way to save long hair is to make it into braid.
What is the context of this database? What are its potential cultural, personal, political, or historical narratives?
What potential associations are there? Metaphors, simile, analogy?
What similar databases are there?
Are there potentially contrasting databases?
What potential associations are there if these databases are combined?
What are its potential organizational structures?
They are all my hair and being tied into braid shape. To have them is because I want to get rid of long hair but feel pity to throw away. They are my history of body and deserve to be remain.
They are all my hairs, black color, tied in braid shape, and are long.
Two of them from childhood, natural, tied by cute hair ring; one is from recent time, had been perm before, tied by rubber band.
Because they are actually same kind of thing, so it will be very easy to combine. Hair, black, long, braided are all good topic for them to associated together.
From my head
Hair, black, long, braid
My childhood+ recently
Body collection
Longer and longer
Database Narrative/ What potential visual qualities does this database have? (Materials, colors, etc) What are the potential expressive qualities of the database? (Think of emotive qualities)
Who makes it, how does it operate?
Database: Letter x Many
They are all letters mail from same person. The material is obviously paper. Though the words, the envelop, the package style are not the same, but each one of them is a standard letter.
The letters are from my panpel. I was not mailing them for collection, just because we feel happy to continue mailing to each other so the amount get higher. Those letters is for our connection not for the collecting.
I and my pen ral start mailing in letter since we met online because we were interesting to each other’s drawing. We use mail to exchange and share our drawing.
What is the context of this database? What are its potential cultural, personal, political, or historical narratives?
What potential associations are there? Metaphors, simile, analogy?
What similar databases are there?
Those letter are not just collection, they are the history of our relationship. The letters contain our works, passion, life, story which are all be turn into words and drawing for sharing with each others.
They are all papers of letters mail from the same person.
Are there potentially contrasting databases?
What potential associations are there if these databases are combined?
What are its potential organizational structures?
With all paper mail, it’ll be easy to combine them together. Paper, letter, wrote from same person, with drawing are all good topic for them to associated together.
Been delivered between
Paper, letter, contain drawing
From about 2005 to now
Time line
Database Narrative/ What potential visual qualities does this database have? (Materials, colors, etc)
Inside the box are: wood board, post card, card, candy box, candy paper, old toy, toy car, stickers, news paper, photo, DM, and so on. The size of the box which for collecting those thing is about 20x30x7 cm. Not big, hand made.
What are the potential expressive qualities of the database? (Think of emotive qualities)
Who makes it, how does it operate?
I made a box to save all little things which I think is precious.
What is the context of this database? What are its potential cultural, personal, political, or historical narratives?
What potential associations are there? Metaphors, simile, analogy?
What similar databases are there?
Are there potentially contrasting databases?
What potential associations are there if these databases are combined?
What are its potential organizational structures?
They are all something that I what to keep. Something which I feel happy and inspire after seeing it.
Some of them mean a lot to me, but some are just pretty things. Their texture and material are also not the same.
Their association is that they are things I will be happy to look at. They are things which have beautiful image, word, or memorable feature.
Come from many place
Beautiful, image, design, memorable
through my life
paper, wood, plastic
Just for fun, memorable
Search for collection/ Two draft datas for final decision/
*My Manga Collection/
*My Clothes Pattern/
1.Manga Types: Boy Girl Detective Terror Daily Funny Farm
1.Pattern Types: Paisley Plant Animal Chinese Middle East Line Snow
2.Content Types: Normal Four-frame Integration
2.Color Types: Black White Gray Brown Red Blue Orange Green Others
3.Book Types: Story Formula Sketch 4.Completeness: Continue End Only 5.Amount: 1 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 >Search: my collecting purpose Authors background connected work style for each period consumer types purpose popularity
3.Clothes Types: Coat Sleeve Garment Skirt Shirt Cheongsam Scarf Leggings Bloomers Culottes Dress >Search: my clothing history purpose period pattern country designer purpose period consumer original
Draft research for Manga Collection (Abandoned)
MANGA x 61 Title
Research for Pattern Wearing (Used)
Sketch for final Pattern puzzle up: analyze, arrange with different images and styles Type: Animal, Plants, Paisley, Geometry, Lines, Plald Style: Relistic, Painting, Complex, Sihlouette, Simple, Modern
Final_Illustration+puzzle making Process: Illustration > analyze paper form > print, cut, paste > organize the patterns
Organize all types of puzzle into basic form and random form. From left to right will be the transform for all six styles. Create a image process to show how they affect and change into one another. Hexagonal: Animal, Plants, Paisley Organize: Relistic> Painting> Complex> Silhouette> Simple>Modern.