L.Einsteins & B.Bears 1

Page 1

2-1A Listening

quadrupled vocabulary | listening | grammar | speaking


2-1A Listening

Table of Contents 1. [ HICCUPS ] Berenstain Bears - The Hiccup Cure a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 3 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 18 2. [ HICCUPS ] Little Einsteins - Hungarian Hiccups a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 33 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 52 c. 1.3 ....................................................................................................... 61 d. Final Review .......................................................................................... 72 3. [ HELPING OTHERS ] Berenstain Bears - Think of Those in Need a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 78 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 92 4. [ LOST ] Berenstain Bears - At the Giant Mall a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 5. [ LOST ] Little Einsteins - Hello Cello a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... c. 1.3 ........................................................................................................ d. Final Review ........................................................................................... 6. [ HERO ] Berenstain Bears - The Giddy Grandma a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 7. [ EPISODE 5 ] Little Einsteins a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... c. 1.3 ........................................................................................................ d. Final Review ........................................................................................... 8. [ EPISODE 6 ] Berenstain Bears a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 9. [ EPISODE 6 ] Berenstain Bears a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 2

2-1A Listening


Lesson Preview "

DIRECTIONS Look over the activities we do everyday.

In the Morning

get up

take a shower

get dressed


Daily Routine

In the Afternoon

have lunch

brush your teeth

play with friends

do homework

make the bed have breakfast

use the computer wait for the bus

go to school

In the Evening

call friends

have tea


walk the dog


hang out with friends

At Night


take a bath

go to bed watch TV

play sports

have lessons

do chores

listen to music

ride a bike

put on your pajamas


have dinner


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Preview "

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement means using the correct subject and verb together. You might guess that stays and smells are plural verbs because they end in s. They aren’t. Both stays and smells are singular verbs. And both stay and smell are plural verbs. 1. With a singular noun or pronoun (she, he), add -s or -es to most present tense verbs. a. EX The tree bends in the wind. b. EX Mom wishes she had a maid. c. EX My cat plays with yarn. 2. With a plural noun or pronoun (we, they AND you, I), do NOT add -s or -es to most present tense verbs. (ex.) They play in the yard. The dogs bark loudly. Flowers smell sweet. singular S + singular V

A teacher helps.

A student asks.

A newspaper article informs.

plural S + plural V

Teachers help.

Students ask.

Newspaper articles inform.

TIP Prepositional phrases between the subject and verb usually do not affect agreement. The colors of the rainbow are beautiful. The fans in the stadium yell loudly. DIRECTION Circle the correct verb in each of the sentences below. The subject has been underlined. 1. My classmate (talk - talks) too much. 2. The man with the pizza (look - looks) like your brother. 3. The children in the pool (swim - swims) well. 4. Tom (drive - drives) a cab. 5. The football players (run - runs) five miles every day. 6. That young lady in the fur hat (live - lives) across the street. 7. Frank (cook - cooks) dinner for his family. 8. The boys (walk - walks) to school every day. 9. The swimmers at the swimming pool (appear - appears) to be very tired. 10. The players on the soccer team (run - runs) fast.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Subject-Verb Agreement

DIRECTION Write a sentence describing the picture, using the image to determine the subject.

In the Morning 1..

She gets up in the morning. ______________________________________________

get up

He brushes his teeth. ______________________________________________

2.. brush your teeth 3..


make the bed


4.. have breakfast 5..




wait for the bus


go to school


have lessons

In the Afternoon ______________________________________________

8.. have lunch 9..

______________________________________________ ride a bike

10. .

______________________________________________ do homework


______________________________________________ play at the park


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

12. . 13. . 14. .

______________________________________________ use the computer

walk the dog




In the Evening 15. . 16. . 17. .

18. .

______________________________________________ watch TV

______________________________________________ listen to music

______________________________________________ have dinner

______________________________________________ take a bath

At Night 19. . 20. . 21. . 22. . 23. .

______________________________________________ put on your pajamas

______________________________________________ read

______________________________________________ go to bed

______________________________________________ sleep

______________________________________________ take a bath


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

Morning Routine

DIRECTION Pair up with another student to practice the dialogues using some of the phrases we’ve practiced in the previous pages. Each of you will practice speaking each role. Discussing a Weekend Morning Routine Frank me how you spend your _______________________ Saturday A : Hey, ___________, tell mornings. up at around _____________, 10:00 change out of my pajamas, and then I B : Well, after I wake I __________________________ have breakfast brush my teeth ____________________ and _______________________. exercise on Saturdays A : I see... Do you _______________________? I have a dog, and I have to walk him every day. B : (No. I don’t / Yes I do because ____________________________________________________). __________________________? eat lunch A : Then, what time do you eat lunch at around 1:00 and I usually eat a sandwich and juice. B : I usually _________________ ______________________________________________. A: Wow! You must have busy weekend mornings. B : Yes. Well, it’s my daily routine. I am okay with it.

Making Weekend Afternoon Plans A : (ring ring) Hello?

Maria B : Hi, ______________! What are you doing today? have any plans. I just have to _________________________ water the garden A : I don’t at some point of the day. in the meantime, you want go to the park and do something fun B : Oh, then do to ____________________________________________? A : Oh, what were you thinking of?

ride our bikes at the park play tennis at the tennis court B : Perhaps __________________________________ or __________________________________? riding our bikes A: Oh, hmmm... ___________________________________ sounds like a good idea. B : Okay, then. When will you be ready?

shower real quick. How is ______________? 1:00 A : I just have to ____________________ that sounds meet at __________________________________. Rocket Ship Park B : Okay, good. Let’s 1:00 A: Okay, sounds good. See you at _____________. B : Okay, see you there!


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

The Hiccup Cure 1.1 [12:00-18:00]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. chew

(v) to use your teeth to cut food into small pieces before you swallow it

Vocabulary usage from the video ☛ When eating your food, remember to chew. Sample Sentence ✎ The dog loudly chewed his food before swallowing. 2. manners

(n) knowledge of how to behave politely while you are with other people

☛ It's not just good manners, it's healthy for you. ✎ He forgot his manners and burped loudly at the dinner table. 3. squire

(n) used to address a man whose name is unknown (in British)

☛ It's the squire. I can't believe it. ✎ “Where to, squire?” asked the taxi driver. 4. suits

(v) to be proper or suitable for (someone or something)

☛ Right now suits my schedule just fine. ✎ The formal furniture really suited the style of the hotel. 5. cruise

(n) a journey on a boat or ship to a number of places as a vacation

☛ Maybe he wants to take us for a cruise on his yacht. ✎ They went on a cruise to Antarctica for their honeymoon. 6. yacht

(n) a large boat that is used for racing or pleasure

☛ Same as #5 ✎ We traveled across the Greek Islands in a yacht. 7. indigestion

(n) an unpleasant feeling (such as pain or a burning sensation) in your stomach or chest that is caused by difficulty in digesting food

☛ You really shouldn't eat like that, dear. You will get indigestion. ✎ I like spicy foods, but they always give me indigestion. 8. skill

(n) the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice

☛ I'm going to need your skills. ✎ Chef work is difficult and requires a lot of skill. 8

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening 9. indeed

(adv) without any question — used to stress the truth of a statement

☛ I see you do very nice work. Very nice indeed. ✎ This is indeed a matter of great importance, so we should bring it up to everyone at the next meeting. 10. honor

(n) respect that is given to someone who is admired

☛ It will be an honor to build a chair for your wife's birthday. ✎ The team brought honor to the school when they won the national mathematics championships. 11. last minute

(n) the last possible time when something can be done

☛ As usual, I’ve left everything to the last minute. ✎ They were making changes to the project right up to the last minute. 12. guaranteed

(adj) certain to happen or to do something

☛ Uh, I'll have that chair ready for you tomorrow evening. Guaranteed. ✎ If we don't take an umbrella, it's guaranteed to rain. 13. look forward

(verb phrase) to expect (something) with pleasure

☛ I'm looking forward to seeing you there, papa bear. ✎ They're looking forward to their vacation. 14. drop by

(verb phrase) to make a brief social visit

☛ Thanks for dropping by. ✎ They dropped by for a chat while walking their dog through our neighborhood. 15. pull off

(verb phrase) to do (something difficult) successfully

☛ Well, there's still a lot to do, but I think I can pull it off. ✎ The team pulled off a win against the best team in the league. 17. come together

(verb phrase) to begin to work or proceed in the desired way

☛ Ahh, this chair is really starting to come together. ✎ The project started slowly, but everything is finally starting to come together now. 18. chisel

(n) a metal tool with a flat, sharp end that is used to cut and shape a solid material

☛ And now I can't hold my carving chisel steady. ✎ I used a chisel to carve letters into the wall. 19. steady

(n) not shaking or moving : held firmly in one place or position

✎ The tightrope walker was very steady on his feet as he walked across the rope 100 feet off of the ground.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening



The Hiccup Cure 1.1

Phone Call [ 12:03 - 13:43 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

MAMA: When eating your food, remember to _____________________. It's not just good manners, it's healthy for you. PAPA: Mm-mmm, that breakfast sure _____________________ good. I’ve been waiting all week for some of Mama's pancakes. MAMA: ...and _____________________ they are. PAPA: Ah, thanks, Mama. BROTHER: Yeah, thanks. SISTER: Thank you. MAMA: You're _____________________. PAPA: Mm-mmm, this is going to be good. [ phone ringing ] PAPA: Ahem, hello. Yes, this is Papa Bear. Oh, ha, ha, hello, Squire. It's the Squire. I can't believe it. BROTHER: The Squire. MAMA: Oh, my. PAPA: A ___________________? Here? With me? Oh, no, no, no, that's not a problem at all. Just pick a time. Right now? Oh...Um, sure. Right now suits my schedule just __________________. Okay, then. I'll see you soon.

♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ PAPA: Oh, ho, ho, I can't _____________________ it. The Squire is coming here. SISER: What does he want? PAPA: He didn't _____________________. BROTHER: Maybe he wants to take us for a cruise on his yacht. SISTER: Or fly us around the _____________________ in his jet. PAPA: [ munching and gulping ] MAMA: You really shouldn't _____________________ like that, dear. You will get indigestion. SISTER: Remember what you and Mama tell us. "When eating your food, remember to chew. It's not just good manners, it's healthy for you." PAPA: Mmm, yes. Those are _____________________ words to live by. But who has time for health and manners, when the Squire is on his way _____________________?

♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ 10

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Squire Visit, [ 14:45-16:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

SQUIRE: Papa Bear, how do you do? PAPA: Hello-- hic-- I mean, hello, Squire. So good to see you ____________. Please come in. SQUIRE: Thank you. Now, I understand that you are one of the best furniture builders in Bear Country. I'm going to need your skills. You see, I need a gift for my wife's birthday. I would like you to build her a very special _____________________. PAPA: [ hiccuping ] SQUIRE: I see you do very _____________________ work... very nice indeed. PAPA: [ hiccuping ] SQUIRE: I would like to have something like this for my wife. PAPA:[ hiccuping ] MAMA: Maybe this will _____________________. PAPA: Thanks--hic. Ahem, it will be an honor to build a chair for your wife's birthday. And, uh, when is the big day-- hic. SQUIRE: As usual, I've left everything to the last minute. Her _____________________ is tomorrow evening. PAPA: [ spitting and coughing ] SQUIRE: I hope that won't be a _____________________. PAPA: A problem? Oh, no, not at all. I can manage that. Uh, I'll have that chair ready for you tomorrow evening. Guaranteed. SQUIRE: Excellent. I knew I could count on you. And I would like both you and your wife to come to the party. I'm looking forward to _____________________ you there, Papa Bear. PAPA: Good bye, Squire. Thanks for _____________________ by. SSITER: Wow! You are building a chair for the Squire. MAMA: And we're going to the Squire's party. BROTHER: That's great, Papa. PAPA: [ mumbling ] It's great, except that I have only one day to build his chair and building a chair like that usually takes a _____________________. BROTHER: At least your hiccups are gone. PAPA: hmm...You're right. Ha, they say a good _____________________ will get rid of the hiccups. Ha, ha, and I've had a good scare. Now it's time to get to work.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What does Papa Bear love to eat? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. TRUE / FALSE The Squire often calls the Bear family. 3. Why did Papa Bear eat his breakfast so fast? a. He had to make a chair b. The Squire was coming over. c. He had to shower. d. He had to go to work. 4. Based on what Sister Bear and Brother Bear said about the Squire, one can conclude that he is a(n) ____________________ man. a. ordinary b. kind c. mean d. rich 5. What is Papa Bear known for? a. One of the best furniture builders in Bear Country. b. One of the fastest eaters in Bear Country. c. One of the best pancake makers in Bear Country. d. One of the most popular men in Bear Country. 6. Why did the Squire come to see Papa Bear? a. He wants to invite the Bear family to his wife's birthday. b. He wants Mama Bear to cook for his wife's birthday. c. He needs a gift for his wife's birthday. d. He needs ideas for his wife’s birthday gift. 7. Fill in the blanks: Papa Bear needs to build a(n) _____________ in _____________ day(s). 13

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

8. How long does Papa Bear normally need to make such a thing? a. one day b. one week c. one month d. The story doesn’t say. 9. What got rid of Papa Bear’s hiccups? a. Holding your breath. b. Fear c. Jumping up and down on one foot while holding your nose. d. Holding water in your mouth while putting your fingers in your ears. 10. Why does Papa Bear get hiccups? a. working too much b. working too fast c. eating too much d. eating too fast 11. How is his hiccups interfering with his work? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 12. Fill in the blanks: When eating your food, remember to chew. It's not just good manners, it's _________________ for you.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Lesson Review "


Daily Routine

DIRECTIONS Write the words from the box in empty spaces to complete the phrases. Use each word only as many times as it is in the box, make sure that all words are used:

go buy


go do

go listen

make read

take iron

have watch

have get

come get

a.____________ the laundry

g.____________ breakfast

m.____________ a newspaper

b.____________ up

h.____________ to work

n.____________ the clothes

c.____________ dinner

i.____________ a book

o.____________ dressed

d.____________ to bed

j.____________ to music

p.____________ lunch

e.____________ TV

k.____________ a shower

f.____________ home

l.____________ go shopping

DIRECTIONS Now match the phrases above with the pictures below, by writing the correct letter.

L 1.

















B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "

S-V Agreement

DIRECTIONS For each routine, write a sentence to describe it, including the subject, action, and the time or day. Then write a second sentence replacing the subject with “I” (and make sure to change the verb, so it agrees with the sentence!). Look at the examples below and then complete the remaining examples yourself.



He gets up at 7 o’clock. She irons the clothes on Tuesday. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ I get up at 7 o’clock. I iron the clothes on Tuesday.

______________________________________________ 1..


______________________________________________ 2..


______________________________________________ 3..


______________________________________________ 4..


______________________________________________ 5..



B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening

______________________________________________ 6..


______________________________________________ 7..


______________________________________________ 8..


______________________________________________ 9..



10. .


______________________________________________ 11..



12. .



13. .



14. .



B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

Discussing a School Day

DIRECTION Fill in the time table below describing the events of your typical school day. Then pair up with another student to practice the dialogues using some of the phrases we’ve practiced in the previous pages. Each of you will practice speaking each role. 7:00










12:00 PM






Use adverbs of frequency to describe you typical school day routine. ➝ A : What time do you usually get up?

get up at ___________ 7 B : I usually o’clock. A : What do you do when you get up?

: I always _______________________________________________. take a shower in the morning B A : And then what do you do?

: After I __________________, get dressed I usually go into the kitchen for breakfast B _______________________________________________. A : What do you eat for breakfast?

: I often eat ______________________________________. eggs and fruit B A : How do you get to school?

My mom always / usually takes me, but sometimes I ride my bike B : ___________ / sometimes __________________________________________. A : What is the first half of school like?

My first lesson is math, and then we have reading. Lastly, we learn science. B : ______________________________________________________________________________. A : When is recess? (let them answer) What do you do during recess?

Recess is at 1:00. ---- During recess I play basketball with my classmates. B : ______________________________________________________________________________. A : When does school end? (let them answer) What do you do after school?

3:00 I _______________________________. go to swimming practice Then I _______________________________. go home and do homework B : At ________. A : When do you eat dinner?

7 o/clock. dinner, _______________________________. I watch television / read books B : My family usually eats dinner at ____ After A : When do you go to bed?

: I usually go to bed at around 10 B _____ o’clock. 18

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.1

2-1A Listening


Lesson Preview "


Weekend Activities

DIRECTION Match the weekend activity with one shown in the picture. 1.







a) play sports

a) go to the pool

a) play the piano

a) write an essay

b) go shopping

b) go to the beach

b) play tennis

b) eat a hamburger

c) go to the doctors

c) go to the bathtub

c) play computer games

c) wash his face








a) visit Grandmother

a) go on a picnic

a) learn to drive

a) go rollerblading

b) have a baby

b) garden

b) take a trip

b) go skateboarding

c) play with dolls

c) plant flowers

c) buy a car

c) go sailing




a) go to the movies

a) cook dinner

b) eat popcorn

b) drive a bus

c) sit in a chair

c) go camping


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Simple Future Tense

going to Subject



am (not)


are (not)

future verb

is (not)


going to We You


future verb


will (not)

eat play read walk sing cook draw move

I He She

will verb

are (not)

eat play read walk sing cook draw move

You He She It We You

They They

Going to


future facts What are you going to do next year? He’s going to be 50 next spring

future facts He will be 50 next spring.

predictions We’re going to miss the bus

predictions We’ll miss the bus if we don’t hurry.

predictions when there is something in the present that indicates what will happen in the future Look at the sky. There’s going to be a storm. Look at all those cars. We are going to be late.

often used with the following words: probably, I think, I don’t think, I’m sure, maybe He’ll probably stay home tonight. I think I’ll go to bed early. I don’t think I’ll go to the movie. I’m sure I’ll like the new Pixar movie. Maybe I’ll take a trip.

preconceived plans, arrangements He needs some tools. He’s going to fix the car. We are out of milk. I am going to buy some at the market.

used when we decide to do something at the time of speaking Q: Would you like tea or coffee? A: I’ll have tea, please. used for offers, requests, promises I’ll help you carry those heavy bags. Will you please lock the door? I promise I’ll call when we get there. agreeing or refusing to do something I like Bob. I will help him. I’m mad at Bob. I won’t help him.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Exercise "


Simple Future Tense

DIRECTION Write each activity from above in present tense (A.) both future tense forms (B. & C.).

I play sports. I will play sports. A. ________________________ B. _______________________________


I am going to play sports. C. __________________________________________________________ !


A. ________________________ B. _______________________________ C. __________________________________________________________ A. __________________________________________________________


B. __________________________________________________________


C. __________________________________________________________ A. __________________________________________________________


B. __________________________________________________________


C. __________________________________________________________ A. __________________________________________________________ B. __________________________________________________________


C. __________________________________________________________ !


A. __________________________________________________________ B. __________________________________________________________ C. __________________________________________________________ A. __________________________________________________________


B. __________________________________________________________ C. __________________________________________________________

! 8..

A. __________________________________________________________ B. __________________________________________________________ C. __________________________________________________________


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Role Play "

Making Plans

DIRECTION Practice the following dialogues using the activities below or using your own ideas. Play video games

Play soccer / basketball / tennis

Go out to eat (at a restaurant)

Go bowling / movies / miniature golf

Go to the beach / park / lake

Go to a karate tournament

Go see a movie at the theater

Walk / play with my dog

Watch a basketball game

Dialogue #1 - impromptu meeting A: Hi, Manuel what’s up? B: Hey, it’s been a while. How have you been? A: Yeah, it has. I’m good, thanks. What are you doing tonight? You want to hang out? B: Sure. I think I’m going to _____________________________. Do you want to come?

go bowling

A: Yeah, cool. Call me later, and I’ll meet you there. B: Alright, I will. Dialogue #2 - Rescheduling

A: Do you want to ______________________________ on _______________________? B: Sorry, I’m busy.

walk our dogs


A: Oh, what are you up to? B: I’m going to ____________________________________________________________.

the library to rent books for my school project Sunday

A: How about _____________________? B: Sure. What time?

A: Are you free at _____________? B: Yeah.


A: Cool. I will call you then. Dialogue #3 - Making Plans A: Hey, what’s up? B: Not much. How’s it going? A: Pretty good. Good to see you. So, what are you going to do this weekend? B: Not much. I’m going to ____________________________________________ on Sunday. How about you?

visit my grandparents

A: No plans yet. We should do something. Are you free on Saturday? B: Yeah. What are you thinking? A: Do you want to _________________________________? I want to _________________________________.

go see a movie go with you to watch it

see the new Pixar movie

B: Sure. I will ______________________________________________________________________________. A: Cool. I will call you Saturday afternoon.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

The Hiccup Cure 1.2 [18:00-end] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. behind

(adv) used to describe something that is not happening or proceeding as quickly as it should

☛ I've got to find some way to get rid of them, or I'll get way behind the schedule. ✎ We're running about five minutes behind with tonight's schedule because we had to stop and get gas. 2. pesky

(adj) making someone annoyed or irritated

Vocabulary usage from the video ☛ I'll try anything to get rid of these pesky hiccups. Sample Sentence ✎ I've been trying to get rid of this pesky cold for weeks. 3. snack

(n) a small amount of food eaten between meals

☛ Time for bed and time for a bedtime snack. ✎ He had a snack of chips and dip after he got home from soccer practice. 4. diaphragm (n) a large flat muscle that separates the lungs from the stomach area and that is used in breathing

☛ There's a part inside your body that helps you breathe, and it's called the diaphragm. ✎ Our diaphragm gets smaller when we breathe in, and it gets larger when we breathe out. 5. irritated

(adj) of a bodily organ or part -- bothered repeatedly, resulting in discomfort, sensitivity, or trouble

☛ Now, when the diaphragm becomes irritated, it pushes up in a jerky manner, and that's what makes your breath come out in a funny way.

✎ I got a spider bite, and the area of skin is very irritated and sore 6. jerky

(adj) marked by quick rough motions or sudden starts and stops

☛ Same as #5 ✎ The roller coaster made jerky movements. 7. relax

(v) to stop feeling nervous or worried

☛ Relax, Papa, everyone's going to love your chair. ✎ Just relax, there's nothing to worry about. We will get to the airport on time. 8. throw

(v) to organize and hold (a party)

☛ The Squire sure knows how to throw a fancy party. ✎ Her friends are throwing her a baby shower because she will have a baby in three months. 9. appetizer

(n) a small dish of food served before the main part of a meal

☛ These appetizers are so good. ✎ We ordered a salad as an appetizer before our main meal of steak and potatoes. 23

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

! ✎


The Hiccup Cure 1.2

Surprise! [ 17:50-19:24 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

PAPA: Ha, ha, ha, no more hiccups. SISTER: I’ve discovered a ___________________! PAPA: [ hiccuping ] Oh, no. SISTER: Oops, I guess I didn't discover a cure. PAPA: I've got to-- hic, find some way to get ___________________ of them or I 'll get-- hic, way behind schedule. SISTER: Don't worry, Papa. We'll think of something else, right, brother? Brother? BROTHER: Boo! PAPA: [ hiccuping ] Not even a headless bear can scare these hiccups away. BROTHER: Aww...I thought that was going to ___________________ for sure. SISTER: Try standing on your head. That might work. PAPA: [ hiccuping ] Ohh, I'll try anything to get rid of these pesky hiccups. [ grunting ] [ hiccuping ] BROTHER: Don't ___________________, Papa, we've got you. MAMA: Ahem... I can see you're all very hard at work on the chair. BROTHER: We're trying to help Papa get rid of his hiccups. PAPA: I'm spending ___________________ time-- hic-- on hiccup cures than I am on getting that chair done-- hic. MAMA: Well, the Squire just called and said that the party is going to be in the ___________________ instead of the evening. PAPA: What? Whoa...Oof! Now I'm behind schedule by half a day. What about the paint? MAMA: Well, at least that news scared the hiccups out of you, Papa. PAPA: Huh? So it did. Ha, ha, ha...So why am I standing here ___________________? I've got a chair to finish!


Doctor s Office [ 20:45 - 21:47 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene. 24

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

DR. GRIZZLY: There's a part inside your ___________________ that helps you breathe and it's called the diaphragm. It's here, at the bottom of your chest. Now, when the diaphragm becomes irritated, it pushes up in a jerky manner and that's what makes your breath come out in a

___________________ way. SISTER& BROTHER: Hiccups! DR. GRIZZLY: Exactly. PAPA: Mmm, but what causes my diaphragm to get irritated in the first ___________________? DR. GRIZZLY: Different things. Something could be bothering your throat or your stomach, or sometimes, you can get hiccups if you're ___________________ or excited. Eating too quickly will do it also. SISTER: "When eating your food, remember to ___________________. It's not just good manners, it's healthy for you." DR. GRIZZLY: Exactly right, Sister. It's healthier to eat slowly and chew your food well. PAPA: Yes, ha, ha, I suppose I have been ___________________ a little too fast lately. MAMA: Ha, ha, ha, a little too fast? Goodness, you've been eating like a vacuum cleaner. PAPA: Ha, ha, I do like to clean off my ___________________. [ laughing ]


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

The Hiccup Cure 1.2 Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 26

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. SOLUTION How did Papa Bear get rid of his hiccups? a. Scaring him as a headless bear b. Standing on his head c. Shocking news d. Holding his breath 2. What news did Mama Bear deliver to Papa Bear regarding the party? a. It will be in the morning. b. It will be in the afternoon. c. It will be moved to another day. d. It is canceled. 3. SEQUENCE Put in order how the following events happened: a. ______ Papa Bear eats an apple. b. ______ Mama Bear wakes up. c. ______ Papa Bear hiccups. d. ______ Papa Bear finishes painting the chair. 4. What does Mama Bear suggest for Papa Bear to do in the morning? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What the the diaphragm do? a. Helps you sleep. b. Helps you breathe. c. Helps you eat. d. Helps you drink. 6. NOTE DETAILS The diaphragm is on the ________________ of your chest. a. bottom b. middle c. top d. side 27

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening

7. When the diaphragm becomes __________________ , it pushes up in a jerky manner. a. calm b. steady c. bothered d. smooth 8. CAUSE & EFFECT What can make you hiccup? a. something could be bothering your throat b. something could be bothering your stomach c. eating too quickly d. if you're nervous or excited. e. Both A and C f. All of the Above 9. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Why did Mama Bear say to Papa Bear, “You've been eating like a vacuum cleaner.” a. Papa Bear is being compared to a(n) ________________________________________ b. What does this mean? i. Papa has been eating too much ii. Papa has been eating too little iii. Papa has been eating too fast iv.Papa has been eating too slow 10. How did Papa’s chair look? a. plain

b. simple

c. big

d. impressive

11. PREDICT What do you think will happen in the future? Check all that are true. a. ______ Papa will not be asked to make furniture anymore. b. ______ Papa will get more business making furniture. c. ______ Papa will eat more. d. ______ Papa will eat slower.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

Personal Information

DIRECTION Practice the dialogue for the following characters below, and take turns playing the person asking the questions (A) and after you are done, play the person answering the questions in complete sentences (B). Additionally, practice both dialogue structures, where in one instance, you are talking about someone else, and in the other, you are pretending that you are the character. A : What is her / his name? B : Her / his name is _________________.

Routine Get up: 8:30

A : How old is (name)?

Eat breakfast: 9:00

B : He/she is ______ years old.

Go to work: bike Eat lunch: 2:00

A : What does she / he do? B : She / he is a _____________________.

Eat dinner: 10:00 Leave work: 10:30 Name: Julie Age: 37 Job: Chef

A : When does she / he wake up?

Come home: 11:00

B : She / he wakes up at ___________.

Sleep: 11:15

A : How does she / he go to work? B : She / he goes to work ___________. A : When does she / he eat lunch?

Routine Get up: 7:00

B : She / he eats lunch at ___________.

Eat breakfast: 8:00

B : ....

A : ....

Go to work: bus Eat lunch: 12:30

▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ ▫▪ A : What is your name?

Leave work: 5:30 Come home: 6:30 Name: Mark Age: 32 Job: Teacher

B : My name is _________________.

Eat dinner: 7:00

A : How old are you?

Sleep: 10:00

B : I am ______ years old. A : What do you do? B : I am a _____________________.

Routine Get up: 6:30

A : When do you wake up? B : I wake up at ___________.

Eat breakfast: 7:00

A : How do you go to work?

Go to work: car Eat lunch: 1:00

B : I go to work ___________.

Leave work: 7:30 Come home: 8:00 Name: Maggie Age: 50 Job: Doctor

A : When do you eat lunch? B : I eat lunch at ___________.

Eat dinner: 8:15

A : ....

Sleep: 9:30

B : .... 29

B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Lesson Review "


Domino on Daily Routine

DIRECTIONS Cut out the dominos and put them in order, matching the pictures to the routine. After you are done and have gone over the whole sequence as a class, glue them on the blank white sheet.


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


They go to soccer practice at three-thirty.

I take a bath at fivethirty.


He goes to bed at ten-thirty.

He does homework at 6 o’clock.

They leave school at 3 o’clock

He gets up at seven o’clock.

They have dinner in the evening.

They have lunch at twelve-thirty.

They start classes in the morning.

I brush my teeth in the morning.

She reads a book at 9 o’clock

You go to school in the morning.

He walks his dog at eight-thirty


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


2-1A Listening


They play together after school at 4 o’clock.

George sleeps at ten o’clock.

She watches TV at 2 o’clock.

They study in the afternoon.

They watch a movie at ten o’clock.


He cleans his room at seven-thirty

I brush my hair in the morning

They have breakfast at seven-thirty.

She gets dressed at nine o’clock.

The family eats dinner at 8 o’clock

The kids take the bus to school.

We drink milk in the morning.

She goes grocery shopping in


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


B .B . The Hiccup Cure 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Modals of Necessity and Advice

Advice can be expressed in numerous ways and they vary in the sense of urgency or obligation.

strong MUST / HAVE TO You must / have to visit the doctor tomorrow! You must / have to study harder or you will fail that class. You must / have to go see this fantastic film. It is impressive. HAD BETTER You’ve had a temperature all week. You’d better call the doctor.

To say that something is necessity or obligation can be used when something is true. to say that you strongly recommend or advise something because it’s a good idea

Used to suggest that if this advice not be taken there may be negative consequences or potential problems.

This is thought to be the right/customary action to take.

SHOULD You haven’t been well lately. You should go to the doctor’s.

It is used to give advice in an affirmative way

You should tell John the truth. You really should tell him the truth.

Insistent advice. to offer advice or recommendation


It is customary thing to do.

You ought to go to the doctor’s. You ought to eat more vegetables. You ought to tell John the truth. He deserves to know.

It is the right thing to do, because it’s morally correct, polite, or someone’s duty. A highly recommended action.

IF I WERE YOU ... WOULD If I were you, I’d go to the doctor’s.

This would be the speaker’s action in this setting.

If I were you, I would tell him the truth.



L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

DIRECTION Imagine that you will go to a summer camp for two months in California. Write sentences with must / mustn’t or should / shouldn’t.

must/have to = no choice, an obliga6on, can’t NOT do.

should/shouldn’t = opinion or advice.

• You must wear your seatbelt when in a moving car.

• You should do your homework before bed.

• You mustn’t use your phone while you’re driving.

• He shouldn’t let his son eat so much candy.

• You have to walk your dog everyday. • You don’t have to eat breakfast if you are late for school.

1. write to my parents every week _______________________________________________________________ I should write to my parents every week. 2. lose my passport ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. look aFer my money ________________________________________________________________________ 4. go out alone when it is dark __________________________________________________________________ 5. drink a lot of water _________________________________________________________________________ 6. have a bath/shower every day ________________________________________________________________ 7. eat vegetables _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. go to a dangerous place ______________________________________________________________________ 9. swim far into the sea _______________________________________________________________________ 10. sleep early _______________________________________________________________________________ 11. call my parents if I am in trouble _____________________________________________________________ 12. take sunscreen ____________________________________________________________________________ 13. take anything valuable ______________________________________________________________________ 14. put too much into my bags __________________________________________________________________ 15. buy expensive souvenirs ____________________________________________________________________ 16. ask a policeman if I am lost __________________________________________________________________ 17. have a good 6me __________________________________________________________________________ 18. follow rules _______________________________________________________________________________ 37

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Exercise "

Giving Advice

DIRECTION Write should or shouldn’t to give appropriate advice, use the verb in parenthesis: 1. “I am on a diet.” ⇢ Advice: (eat / cake) _____________________________________________________

You shouldn’t eat that chocolate cake.

2. “I don’t know how to swim.” ⇢ Advice: (jump / pool) _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. “ I have a fever.” ⇢ Advice: (take / aspirins) _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. “I failed my last English test.” ⇢ Advice: (study / tutor) ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. “My health is geYng bad.” ⇢ Advice: (eat / fast food) _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. “I cut my finger and it’s bleeding.” ⇢ Advice: (put / bandaid) ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ DIRECTION Use the following modals of advice: had better, ought to, & would.

1. had be1er = strong advice or warning a. “My final exam is tomorrow.” ⇢ Advice: ____________________________________________________

You had better study for that test.

b. “Emma has got a terrible toothache.” ⇢ Advice: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ c. “A storm is coming this weekend.” ⇢ Advice: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ d. “I saw the student steal a classmate’s wallet.” ⇢ Advice: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ e. “My appointment is at 5:00 and it’s 4:50 right now.” ⇢ Advice: _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ f. “I dropped a big glass bowl.” ⇢ Advice: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ g. “Look! That house is on fire!” ⇢ Advice: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

2. ought to = shows what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave a. “I pulled my leg muscle while playing basketball.” (stretch / legs) ⇢ " " " " " " " " " Advice: _______________________ You ought to ______________________________________________________________________________________ stretch your legs before you play basketball. b. “I have a headache.” (take / medicine) ⇢ Advice: _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ c. “I am feeling sick today.” (visit / doctor) ⇢ Advice: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ d. “Somebody has stolen my wallet.” (call / police) ⇢ Advice: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ e. “I need to find some informa6on.” (surf / internet) ⇢ Advice: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ f. “The 6cket office is closed.” (make / online reserva5on) ⇢ Advice: _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ g. “He looks unhappy.” (cheer him up) ⇢ Advice: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. would = a way of giving an example of what decision YOU would do given the circumstances

" " " " " " " " " ⇢ Advice: _____________________ " If I were a. “I broke my neighbor’s window while playing baseball.” (tell/mom) you, I would tell your mom first and then the neighbor. ______________________________________________________________________________________ b. “I feel 6red.” (take/nap) ⇢ Advice: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ c. “We don’t like scary movies.” (watch/comedy) ⇢ Advice: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ d. “I don’t know this exercise.” (ask/teacher) ⇢ Advice: _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ e. “My phone is low on babery.” (charge/phone) ⇢ Advice: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ f. “I have a sore throat.” (drink/tea) ⇢ Advice: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ g. “My hair is too long.” (cut/hair) ⇢ Advice: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 39

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Role Play "

Asking for and Giving Advice

DIRECTION Go back on the previous page and do a short dialogue with each question and advice.

[ EXAMPLES FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ] 1. should / shouldn’t = is thought to be the right/customary ac4on to take. A : I am on a diet. B : You shouldn’t eat that chocolate cake. A : But it looks so delicious. I must have it. B : No, you want to reach your goal, so stick to your diet.

2. had be/er = strong advice or warning A : My final exam is tomorrow. B : You had better study for that test. A : But I wanted to play video games. B : If you get a bad score on that exam, your parents might never let you play video games again.

3. ought to = shows what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave A : I pulled my leg muscle while playing basketball. B : You ought to stretch your legs before you play basketball. A : But I don’t have enough time to stretch before practice. B : Even if you stretch for 5 minutes, you will have a much smaller chance of getting injured.

4. would = a way of giving an example of what decision YOU would do given the circumstances A : I broke my neighbor’s window while playing baseball. B : If I were you, I would tell your mom first and then the neighbor. A : But my mom will be so mad at me. B : Not as mad as if she discovered it on her own and realized you were trying to hide it from her!


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hungarian Hiccups 1.1

[start 8:25] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. nervous

(adj) having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen

☛ Don't be nervous, Rocket. ✎ He gave a nervous glance at the clock while waiting for his turn with the dentist. 2. fool around

(verb phrase) to use or do (something) in a way that is not very serious

☛ Stop fooling around, Rocket. ✎ We fooled around for a while, but when soccer practice started, we became focused and serious. 3. hiccup

(n) a sound in your throat that is caused by a sudden, uncontrolled movement of muscles in your chest after you have eaten or drunk too much or too quickly

☛ Rocket has the hiccups. ✎ I got the hiccups, so my mom told me to drink some water. 4. land

(v) to return to the ground or another surface after a flight

☛ Rocket, let's land. ✎ The plane landed on the runway. 5. sneak up

(verb phrase) to approach (someone) quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed

☛ We'll sneak up behind rocket and crash cymbals. ✎ My cat likes to sneak up on things, even if it’s just a toy. 6. cymbals

(n) a musical instrument in the form of a slightly curved thin metal plate that is played by hitting it with a drumstick or with another cymbal and that makes a very loud metallic sound

☛ Same as #4 ✎ The musician at the start of the marching orchestra had cymbals. 7. blast off

(verb phrase) to leave the ground and begin flight

☛ We're going to need a lot of power to blast off. ✎ The rocket will blast off tomorrow morning. 8. adore

(v) to love or admire (someone) very much

☛ Oh, I just adore orchestra ocean. ✎ He adores chocolate and began working for a chocolate factory when he grew up. 41

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening



Hungarian Hiccups 1.1

Hiccup Scene, [ 3:10-5:15 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ALL: Huh? [ Plays choppy notes ] ANNIE: Rocket, what are you doing? QUINCY: Stop _________________ around, Rocket. You've got to get ready for The Great Sky Race. [ Plays choppy notes ] JUNE: Wait a ________________. Rocket has the hiccups. Oh, no! LEO: Have you ever had the hiccups? Rocket's never had the hiccups before. Rocket, let's ________________. [ Plays choppy notes ] QUINCY: Every time Rocket hiccups, he goes ________________. ANNIE: But the race is going to start soon. JUNE: Rocket can't be in The Great Sky Race with Rocket hiccups. [ Plays choppy notes ] ANNIE: But how do you ________________ Rocket hiccups? QUINCY: Stopping Rocket hiccups must be sort of like stopping kid hiccups. ANNIE: When I get the hiccups, Leo ________________ up behind me " that surprises my hiccups away. LEO: That's a great idea, Annie. We've got a mission. We're going to surprise the hiccups out of Rocket so he can win the ________________. ALL: Yay! [ Plays choppy notes ] JUNE: Hmm. How should we ________________ Rocket? QUINCY: I've got an idea. We'll sneak up behind Rocket and crash cymbals. That's sure to surprise him. LEO: Good ________________, Quincy. But where can we find cymbals? JUNE: Let's go to Orchestra Ocean. There are all kinds of instruments in Orchestra Ocean. LEO: That's ________________. To Rocket!


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What special event is Rocket a part of today? a. The Great Birthday Party b. The Great Sky Race c. A Little Einstein’s Race 2. Who or what else are taking place in the event? Check all that are true. a. _____ planes b. _____ jets c. _____ motorcycles d. _____ cars e. _____ helicopters 3. What can Rocket do? a. sing b. eat c. move really fast d. Both A and C e. All of the above 4. What made Rocket stop singing? a. A larger jet came and started doing tricks b. The kids told him to slow down c. He was low on gas d. He was feeling sick 5. What is making Rocket fly strangely? a. He is hungry b. He is tired c. He has the hiccups d. He is scared 43

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

6. How often does Rocket get the hiccups? a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. never 7. What happens when he hiccups? a. He jumps forwards b. He jumps backwards c. He stops 8. Why is this a big problem? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. How do they think they can help Rocket get rid of his hiccups? a. give him water b. tell him to hold his breath c. surprise him d. have him lie upside down 10. What do the children have to do for Rocket to blast off? Put the choices in order by using first, next, and lastly. a. ___________ they have to pat their laps, b. ___________ they have to raise their hands. c. ___________ they have to put on their seatbelt. 11. Where will the children go? a. orchestra shop b. orchestra ocean c. orchestra concert hall 12. How did they get the cymbals? 44

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

a. They jump out of Rocket and get it themselves. b. They use a rope to get it. c. With the help of the clapper catcher. 13. What do you think they will do next? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

[ Fiction Reading ] Daisy has the Hiccups DIRECTION There will be five readers: the narrator, Dad, Mum, Daisy and Danny.


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Daisy has the Hiccups â?– Comprehension Questions 1. What time of the day is it? a. morning b. afternoon c. evening How do you know? ________________________________________________________________ 2. NOTE DETAILS What were the different methods they tried to help Daisy get rid of the hiccups? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. DISCUSSION What have you tried before to stop hiccups? Which methods were successful? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. NOTE DETAILS Were the family members giving Daisy advice or giving her direction and commands? Explain your reasoning. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 49

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "

Giving Advice

DIRECTION Fill in the blanks with an advice using the appropriate modal of necessity and advice:

1. must (mustn’t) / have to = to say that something is necessity or obliga6on 2. had be1er (had be1er not) = strong advice or warning 3. should (shouldn’t) = shows that this is the right/customary ac6on to take. 4. ought to = shows what is the right or sensible thing to do, or the right way to behave 5. would (would not)= giving an example of what decision YOU would do given the circumstances 1. “I feel so sleepy, but I have to drive home from my friend’s house.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. “I gained a lot of weight in last few years. I want to lose at least 10kg.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. “I found a wallet which had $2,000 in it.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. “I feel lonely since I moved to this new school.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. “I am always late for my appointments.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. “My dog ran away last week and we still haven’t found him.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. “I keep losing my house key.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Jane is going to walk to her friend’s house. The weather is cold. ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. “My sister’s birthday is on Saturday.” ________________________________________________________________________________ 10. “My train leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning.” ________________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

Board game Q&A

DIRECTIONS You will play this game either in pairs or collectively as a class.

Giving Advice You have to / must You’d better... You should… You ought to… If I were you, I would...




Accepting the advice completely That’s true. I hadn’t thought about that. Okay. I can do that. Yes, you’re right. I’ll do that. Of course! I should’ve thought about that.


I’m thirsty.


I lost my friend’s book she lent me.


I have no friends.



I’m hungry.




I’d like to save some money.

I have a bad cold.


You may be right, but the thing is… Well, you see… I’m not sure. Maybe I could… I’m not sure if this is the best thing to do now.

! I’d

like to lose some ! I’m always late for weight. school.

! !


A dog’s bitten me.


I’d like to live healthily.

I have a terrible headache.


I want to improve my English.


The homework is too hard

I failed my test



I’m bullied at school

I’m the worst player on my basketball team

My bike was stolen


I don’t know what to buy for my mom’s birthday



L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "


Present Tense Yes/No Questions

Ye s / N o Q U E S T I O N S w i t h " d o / d o e s " SUBJECT




simple VERB

Ye s / N o A N S W E R S w i t h " d o / d o e s "


simple VERB



to come














to come








Yes -------No






do (not)



does (not)

DIRECTIONS First complete the questions with the correct question words (do, does). Then write the answers in complete sentences for #7~15.

1. __________ you like popcorn? No, I _____________.



2. _____________ your brother play soccer? Yes, he ____________, and so __________ I. 3. _____________ we need an umbrella? Yes, we _____________. 4. _____________ Julie like soda? Yes, she _____________. 5. _____________ you take the bus to school? No, I ___________, but my sister ______________. 6. Where _____________ you live? _____________ you live in the city? 7. _________ whales like being in water?


Yes, they do like being in water. _________________________________________ " _________________________________________ " _________________________________________

8. _________ you like eating raw onions? " " 9. _________ a baby like milk? "



10._________ Santa like reindeers? " " _________________________________________ 11._________ we like English class? _________________________________________ 12. _________ sailors like the ocean? " _________________________________________ 13. _________ an author have a computer? " _________________________________________ 14. _________ we have a class on Sunday? " _________________________________________ 15. _________ most children like to do homework? _________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hungarian Hiccups 1.2

[8:25 14:45] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. jungle

(n) a tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thickly

☛ We have got to go to the jungle. ✎ You have to be careful in the jungle because there are dangerous animals with sharp teeth. 2. starting line

(n) a line that marks the beginning of a race

☛ Look, it's The Great Sky Race starting line. ✎ The race cars were all at the starting line getting ready to drive as soon as the gun signaled the start. 3. roar

(v) to make the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)

☛ But I'll bet he has a nice big roar. ✎ The lion roared at the intruding male lion and scared him away. 4. creep

(v) to crawl; to move slowly with the body close to the ground

☛ Creep with us. ✎ A spider was creeping along the bathroom floor. 5. ritardando

(adj) with a gradual slackening in tempo —used as a direction in music

☛ Ritardando, like the music. ✎ The exciting song came to a ritardando end. 6. geyser

(n) a hole in the ground that shoots out hot water and steam

☛ A geyser will be the biggest surprise ever. ✎ The geyser started bubbling and steaming before it shot out water into the sky. 7. shoot

(v) to go, move, or pass quickly and suddenly in a particular direction or to a particular place

☛ It's a hole in the earth that shoots out water high into the sky. ✎ Sparks from the campfire were shooting all over. 8. line up

(verb phrase) to form a line

☛ The other planes and jets are lining up at the starting line. ✎ People lined up at the theater waiting to buy tickets.


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Hungarian Hiccups 1.2

Jungle Scene, [ 10:15-13:25 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

JUNE: Don't worry, Rocket. We'll find a _____________________ for you to fly in The Great Sky Race. ANNIE: What do we do? Hmm. LEO: We need to find an even bigger surprise. QUINCY: Yeah, a bigger surprise should stop Rocket's hiccups. ANNIE: I have an idea! A big _____________________, like a tiger. That will surprise Rocket. JUNE: That's a fantastic idea, Annie. LEO: We have got to go to the _____________________. QUINCY: Let's go. To Rocket! ALL: Blast-off! LEO: Look, it's The Great Sky Race starting _____________________. JUNE: It's almost time for the race. QUINCY: Uh-Oh. Look who's getting _____________________, guys. It's Big Jet. ANNIE: We have to hurry. LEO: Let's _______________ , Rocket.


dictation continued...


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

QUICY: Wow, this jungle is _____________________. JUNE: How are we going to find a tiger? LEO: Do you see a tiger? Yeah, there it is. ANNIE: That sure is a big _____________________. LEO: He's a friendly tiger. QUINCY: But I'll bet he has a nice ____________________ roar. [ Roars ] I was right. JUNE: Will you help us surprise our friend, Rocket? LEO: Let's help the tiger surprise rocket. Shhhhh! We have to _____________________ up behind Rocket, so we can roar and surprise the hiccups away. JUNE: Let's creep like _____________________. Creep with us. Pretend your hands are tiger paws like this. We have to move slower and slower. Ritardando, like the _________________. ALL: Creep, creep. Ritardando. Creep, creep. Ritardando. JUNE: Slower, slower. Ritardando. ALL: Creep, creep. Ritardando. JUNE: Now _____________________ real loud. [ All roar ] [ laughter ] [ plays notes ] LEO: Rocket loved that surprise. JUNE: That was some sneaky creeping. ANNIE: That was a _____________________ roar. QUINCY: It must've stopped Rocket's hiccups. ANNIE: Let’s listen!


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. How did you help the children surprise Rocket? a. by singing b. by clapping c. by yelling d. by dancing 2. TRUE / FALSE Their first idea was a success. 3. What’s their second plan? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where are they going? a. To the zoo b. To the forest c. To the jungle 5. Why do they have to hurry? a. Rocket is hiccuping more. b. The race is about to start. c. The children are getting airsick because of Rocket’s constant hiccuping. 6. What were the characteristics of the tiger? (Circle all that are true) a. _____ small b. _____ huge c. _____ friendly d. _____ scary 7. TRUE / FALSE Their second idea was a success. 8. At the end of the clip, what are the children looking for? a. a rock b. an ocean c. a mountain d. a geyser 57

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Explaining Activity "


Odd One Out

DIRECTION Look at the pictures and decide which picture is different, and then explain why.



The tiger, shark and, lion are big and dangerous because they can attack humans. The


raccoon is the odd one out because it’s small, harmless, and it is a herbivore.

A. .

.................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

B. .

.................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

C. .

.................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

D. . .................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

E. .

.................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Persuasion Activity "


What to Pack for Survival

DIRECTION Look over the supplies below and (1) as a class, read and pronounce all the words. Then together, (2) discuss all possible uses for each item and its advantages and disadvantages. Next (3) pick 10 items you think are the most important to have on this trip. Finally, (4) agree as a class on same 10 items by sharing your opinions.

Canned food

Insect repellent

a sewing needle

Torch / Flashlight


Mosquito net


Medication (altitude sickness, colds, fever, bites)

Water purification gear or Iodine tablets

50 meters nylon rope

Thick clothes


Rain jacket/poncho


Cellular phone



6 gallons of water





L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "


Present Tense Yes/No Questions

DIRECTIONS First complete the questions with the correct question words (do, does). Next, after the teacher has gone over the answers with the class, interview a classmate using the questions and record his/her responses. Lastly, tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

1. _____________ your family have a pet?


2. _____________ your grandma give you gifts? 3. _____________ you play sports? 4. _____________ your father have a car? 5. _____________ you have any brothers or sisters? 6. _____________ your mom work? 7. _____________ you have a bicycle? 8. _____________ we have a lot of homework? 9. _____________ your dad have a hobby? 10._____________ you have any pets? 11. _____________ the classmates have pens? 12. _____________ you like spiders? 13. _____________ the sun shine at night? 14. _____________ your mother have long hair? 15. _____________ you play instruments?


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "






⇢ That's Nancy.


Who's that?


Where do you live?


Why do you sleep early?


When do you go to work? ⇢ At 7:00.



How do you go to school?


object, idea or action

What do you do?



Which one do you prefer?



Whose is this book?

how many

quantity (countable)

How many students are there?

how much

amount, price (uncountable)

How much time have we got?

how long

duration, length

How long did you stay in California?

how often


How often do you go to the gym?

how come


How come I didn't see you at the party?

where why when

WH Questions with "be"

⇢ Because I have early classes. ⇢ By car.

⇢ I am an engineer. ⇢ The red one.

⇢ It's Alan's. ⇢ There are twenty.

⇢ Ten minutes. ⇢ For two weeks.

⇢ Twice a week.

WH Questions with "do"







that man

over there (p)





from (p)




crying (v)


⇢ In Boston.















wake up








DIRECTION: Write a WH-question for the answers below. 1. Jenny has ballet lessons twice a week. ⇢ _____________________________________________

How often does Jenny have ballet lessons?

2. Mrs. Hutchins works in a pet shop. ⇢ _________________________________________________ 3. I’ve bought green gloves. ⇢ ________________________________________________________ 4. My sister played tennis with Megan yesterday. ⇢ ________________________________________ 5. We’re going to Egypt to see the Pyramids. ⇢ ___________________________________________ 6. This schoolbag is Mike’s. ⇢ ________________________________________________________ 7. I have lived in Tokyo for ten years now. ⇢ _____________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar & Speaking Exercise "



DIRECTION Complete the questions with the correct question words. Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers. Lastly, tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.

1. _________________ do you live? a. who

b. when


d. how come

2. _______________ have you lived in that home? a. why

b. when

c. where

d. how long

c. where

d. how long

3. ______________ do you live with? a. who

b. when

4. __________________ people are there in your family? a. how much

b. how many

c. which

d. how often

5. __________________ does your family go out to a restaurant for dinner? a. how much

b. how many

c. how often

d. how long

c. how often

d. where

6. _______________ do you get to school? a. how

b. who

7. __________________ do you live from here? a. how much

b. how close

c. how far

d. how long

8. __________________ is your mother’s name? a. who

b. when

c. what

d. why

c. where

d. how

9. __________________ is your birthday? a. who

b. when

10. ____________________ were you born? (pick two answers) a. who

b. when

c. where

d. what

11. __________________ do you do on your birthday? 62

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

a. who


c. where

d. what

c. why

d. how many

12. __________________ is your hobby? a. what

b. when

13. __________________ have you been doing this hobby? a. how many

b. what

c. when

d. how long

c. where

d. how many

c. why

d. how

14. __________________ do you admire? a. who

b. what

15. __________________ tall are you? a. how many

b. how come

16. __________________ do you go to the cinema? a. what

b. how many

c. where

d. how often

17. __________________ do you usually do on Sundays? a. who

b. what

c. when

d. how long

18. __________________ color do you like more? Red or green? a. why

b. where

c. which

d. how many

19. __________________ grade are you in? a. who

b. what

c. when

d. how long

20. __________________ cousins do you have? a. how many

b. how long

c. how much


d. how come

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hungarian Hiccups 1.3

[14:45 end] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. zoom

(v) to move quickly

☛ Rocket is zooming across the globe. ✎ Cars were zooming down the highway. 2. the globe

(n) the earth

☛ Same as #1 ✎ The Beatles’ fame has spread around the globe. 3. behind

(adv) in a losing position in a race or competition

☛ He's behind, but he's catching up fast. ✎ We were ahead in the first half of the basketball game, but now we're behind by 10 points. 4. catch up

(verb phrase) to move fast enough to join someone or something that is in front of you

☛ Same as #3 ✎ She ran as fast as she could, but she couldn't catch up with her brother. 5. left and right

(idiom) everywhere, without any plan or pattern

☛ Rocket is passing airplanes left and right. ✎ People are complaining left and right about the traffic during road construction in the town center. 6. head for

(verb phrase) to be going or directed somewhere

☛ Now we're heading for the pyramids in Egypt. Go, Rocket! ✎ The ship was leaving Florida and headed for Jamaica. 7. lead

(n) a position that is ahead of others in a race or competition

☛ Rocket is in the lead. ✎ A runner from Kenya has been in the lead for the last kilometer. 8. magnificent

(adj) very beautiful or impressive : very great

☛ Magnificent! ✎ The orchestra gave a magnificent performance, and the audience gave a standing ovation at the end. 64

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Hungarian Hiccups 1.3

Geyser Scene, [ 15:30-18:20 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ANNIE: It worked! Water came splashing out! LEO: Now, let's surprise Rocket. JUNE: Oh, Rocket. Come _______________ over here. Yep, right there, Rocket. That's good. LEO: Okay. Get ready to splash. When the music stops, say splash! [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ] [ music stops ] ALL: Splash! QUINCY: Awesome! ANNIE: Yay! LEO: Whoo-hoo! [ Xylophone plays notes ] LEO: Rocket likes riding on the _________________. [ Laughter ] But does he still have the hiccups? Let's listen. [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ] [ xylophone plays choppy notes ] LEO: Does he still have the hiccups? Yes, they're __________________ there! ANNIE: What do we do now, Leo? JUNE: It looks like _________________ can surprise those hiccups away. [ Plays choppy notes ] QUINCY: We've got to stop these hiccups soon. The race is going to start. LEO: Don't worry, Rocket. We'll think of _________________. [ Plays notes ] ANNIE: Hey there, little mouse. QUINCY: Whoa! _________________ did Rocket go? JUNE: Rocket, come back. [ Plays notes ] It was just a mouse. LEO: Rocket, that little, _________________ mouse surprised you? [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ] ANNIE: Rocket sounds _________________. LEO: Let's listen. [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ]


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

LEO: Does Rocket still have the hiccups? No! The little mouse surprised the hiccups right out of Rocket. ALL: Yay! QUINCY: Come on! We've got to get to that _________________. ANNIE: Thank you, little mouse.


Race Scene, [ 18:35-21:00 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

JUNE: The race is starting. ANNIE: We have to _________________ up. LEO: Go, Rocket, go! [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ] LEO: We need your help to help Rocket go faster. Pat your ________________ to the beat of the music. [ Brahms' "Hungarian Dance Number Five" plays ] QUINCY: Rocket is zooming across the globe. He's _____________, but he's catching up fast. LEO: Rocket has to go around the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Do you see the Eiffel Tower? Yeah, there it is. Go, Rocket! Now we're ________________ for the pyramids in Egypt. ALL: Go, Rocket! ANNIE: Hooray! JUNE: You're almost there! QUINCY: Whoa! Rocket is passing airplanes left and _________________. Keep going! It's the Colosseum in Rome. Look, there's another plane. ANNIE: Whoo-hoo! Rocket passed a plane. We're catching up. JUNE: Wow! The Grand Canyon is so _________________! QUINCY: Go, Rocket! I know you can pass that plane. ALL: Hooray! QUINCY: Rocket is passing everyone ... except ... Big Jet! LEO: Rocket, you can pass him. QUINCY: Rocket is in the _________________. LEO: Big Jet is in the lead. QUINCY: No, wait. Rocket is in the lead. The finish line is getting _________________. 66

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. What does the geyser do? a. It sucks in water. b. It splashes out water. c. It makes water colder. d. It makes water hotter. 2. How are you supposed to help them on their plan? a. When the music gets louder, say, “Push!” b. When the music stops, say, “Push!” c. When the music gets louder, say, “Splash!” d. When the music stops, say, “Splash!” 3. Rocket likes to ____________ on the geyser spray. a. ride b. sleep c. rest d. play 4. TRUE / FALSE Their geyser idea was a success. 5. What got rid of Rocket’s hiccups? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. When did the children get to the race? a. While all the racers were warming up b. Before it started c. After it started d. When it ended


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

7. How did you help Rocket go faster? a. Pat your lap b. Pat your stomach c. Jump on your feet d. Clap your hands 8. What did you pass with Rocket? Number them in order from 1 (first) to 4 (last). a. ______ The Grand Canyon in Arizona, United States b. ______ Pyramids in Egypt c. ______ Eiffel Tower in Paris d. ______ The Colosseum in Rome 9. Who won the race? _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Who came in second place? _________________________________________________________________________ 11. What did the children do after the race ended? a. Drink soda b. Hug Rocket c. Sang the Rocket Race Song d. Dance to the Rocket Race Song 12. What did the children and you clap for? a. "Tiger in a Tropical Storm" by Henri Rousseau. b. "Hungarian Dance Number Five" by Johannes Brahms c. You d. Both A and B e. All of the above


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "


DIRECTION Choose and underline the correct question word: 1. ( When - What - Which ) do you go to school? 2. ( Why - What - How ) is the color of your backpack? 3. ( When - How - Why ) old are you? 4. ( When - Which - How much ) did you come home? 5. ( Where - How many - What ) is your favorite sport? 6. ( When - Where - Whose ) do you live? 7. ( What - How come - When ) were you absent yesterday? 8. ( What - Which - How ) is your friend’s name? 9. ( Where - Which - What ) did you see my brother? 10. ( What - Where - Why ) did you buy yesterday? DIRECTION Fill in the correct question word. Some of the words will not be used. who




how much

how often

how come





how many

how long


1. __________________ are you smiling? ⇢ Because I’m happy. 2. __________________ is your home address? ⇢ My address is 4214 Mesa Street. 3. __________________ will you be back? ⇢ I will return at 5 o’clock. 4. __________________ would you like to have for breakfast? ⇢ I would like orange juice and eggs. 5. __________________ can help me? ⇢ Sebastien can help you. 6. __________________ does this book cost? ⇢ It cost $4.00 7. __________________ do you go to school? ⇢ I get to school by bus. 8.__________________ is your favorite sport? ⇢ My favorite sport is basketball. 9. __________________ did it take you to get to school this morning? ⇢ It took me 5 minutes 10. __________________ is the weather like? ⇢ It is sunny and beautiful. 11. __________________ you are late? ⇢ There was terrible traffic on the freeway. 12. __________________ are you from? ⇢ I’m from California. 13. __________________ people live in your home? ⇢ There are four people living in my home. 14. __________________ phone is it? ⇢ It is Olivia’s.


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

Describing Landmarks

DIRECTION Look at the conversation below and use it as a guide: One student will be a someone who has just returned from vacation, and the other will be a person who will travel soon. In your roles, you two will have a short dialogue over famous landmarks around the world by using the guideline below. Then you will switch roles after each conversation is completed. Friend : Hi there! How was your vacation to Egypt? Vacationer: It was wonderful! We saw so many cool sights!

a. The Great Pyramid b. Cairo c. Egypt d. Built: 2560 BC e. It is made of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons

Friend: Oh, really? What was your favorite? Vacationer: The Great Pyramid in Cairo was my favorite. Friend: Oh, really? Why? Vacationer: Because it was so impressive! Friend: It’s old, isn’t it? When was it built? Vacationer: It was built in 2560 BC. Friend: Wow, that is old. How big is it?

Vacationer: Yea. It is made of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each. Friend: Wow, that is so amazing. Now I really want to go visit Egypt. Vacationer: Yea, you definitely should! a. Eiffel Tower b. Paris c. France d. Height: 300 m e. Used as antenna

a. Big Ben b. London c. UK (England) d. Built: 1858 e. The bell weighs 13.5 tons-weight of a small elephant.

a. Statue of Liberty b. New York c. USA d. Size: 93 meters e. Gift from France in 1886.

a. Colosseum b. Rome c. Italy d. Built: 82 AD e. Can hold 50,000 spectators

a. Opera House b. Sydney c. Australia d. Built: 1959-1973 e. It hosts 3,000 events per year

a. White House b. Washington DC c. USA d. Built: 1792 e. Has 132 rooms

a. Petronas Towers b. Kuala Lumpur c. Malaysia d. Height: 452 m e. It has a total of 40 elevators

a. Great Wall of China b. Northeastern China c. China d. Length: 8851 km e. Longest man-made structure in the world

a. Burj Khalifa b. Dubai c. United Arab Emirates d. Height: 828 m e. World’s tallest building


Topic Discussion " 70

Adjectives Symbolic Budget Breath-taking Coastal Ancient Modern Historic Impressive Recognizable Massive Towering Luxurious Mountainous Peaceful Picturesque Remote Scenic Traditional

Travel Tic-Tac-Toe L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

DIRECTION Look at the questions below. If you answer a question correctly, it will be stamped by the teacher. Whoever has FOUR (up and down, left to right, or diagonal) in a row will win Tic-Tac-Toe! Your response must be in a complete sentence, and be as descriptive as you can!

Have you ever been abroad? Where did you go? (abroad = to another country)

How do you usually travel? (e.g. by plane, car, bus)

Which do you prefer? Why?

Do you prefer going to the beach or the mountain? Why?

Do you ever go camping? What do you like about it?

How many countries have you visited? Talk about them.

Where do you usually go on holidays? What do you like about it?

When you are traveling, do you try to learn some words in the local language? What are they? Why?

Have you ever travelled by plane? How did you feel?

What is your favorite holiday destination? Why?

Where do you want to go for your next holiday? Talk about it.

What’s you favorite country? Why?

What’s your favorite city? Why? What can you do there?

Have you and your family ever taken a package tour? Talk about it.

Where did you spend your last holiday? Talk about it.

Do you prefer to travel in a tour group or independently? Why?

Where do you usually stay when you are on vacation? (e.g. hotel, resort, camping, family)


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hungarian Hiccups FINAL

ACTIVITY 1: Pick your favorite dialogue from one of the Hungarian Hiccups episodes (1.1 ~ 1.3). Then reenact the parts in class with your classmates.

ACTIVITY 2: Grammar Review: WH-Questions ACTIVITY 3: Board Game: Animal Descriptions ACTIVITY 4: Travel Role-Play A (Hotel Room) & B (Flight Tickets) ACTIVITY 5: Classmate Interview and Presentation 72

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "


DIRECTION Choose and underline the correct question word: 1. ( Why - When - What ) will Liz arrive in Italy? 2. ( Who - Which - How much ) will help you move the boxes? 3. ( How - How much - How many ) do the shoes cost? 4. ( How - When - How many ) books have you got? 5. ( Where - What - What ) were you born? 6. ( When - Why - What ) is she doing? 7. ( Where - Why - When ) do you wake up? 8. ( Who - Which - What ) likes to eat apples? 9. ( Which - Where - Whose ) iPhone is it? 10. ( Where - What - How ) will you go to Paris? 11. ( Why - How many - How ) people are on the bus? 12. ( Who - Where - Whose ) backpack is it? 13. ( Where - What - When ) is your car?

DIRECTION Fill in the correct question word. who




how much

how often





how many

how long

how come

1. _________________ did you invite to your party? ⇢ I invited my friends. 2. _________________ you are hungry? We ate an hour ago. ⇢ I didn’t eat much for dinner. 3. _________________ book is yours? ⇢ The red one is mine. 4. _________________ old is your father? ⇢ He’s 45 years old. 5. _________________ will you go to London? ⇢ Next month. 6. _________________ is your brother’s job? ⇢ He is a dentist. 7. _________________ do you go to the park? ⇢ I go everyday to walk my dog. 8. _________________ were you born? ⇢ I was born in Mexico. 9. _________________ is your favorite subject? ⇢ Math is my favorite subject. 10._________________ did you return from Paris? ⇢ I cam back yesterday. 11. _________________ do you like to wear? ⇢ I like to wear jeans. 12. _________________ was your jacket? ⇢ It cost $95. 13. _________________ does Maria study at? ⇢ She studies at the University of Southern California. 14. _________________ does it take you to get home? ⇢ It takes me 10 minutes.


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

Animal Descriptions

DIRECTIONS Each student will take turns describing each animal with three pieces of information, like: ✓ The names or noises of the animals. ✓ Animal characteristics e.g. It’s (color/size/other). It’s got (a tail/long legs). ✓ Animal abilities e.g. It can (run/swim/jump)/can’t (fly/climb). ✓ Animal habitats and diet. ANIMALS polar bear














sea turtle














Grasslands African savannah Tropical forest Temperate forest Desert Mountains Polar Regions Wetlands Freshwater Ocean Coral Reefs

Mammal Amphibian Reptile




................................................. Cold-blooded Warm-blooded ................................................. Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Travel Role-Play Activity "

Booking a Flight

DIRECTIONS One student will be the ticketing agent (asking WH-questions) and the other will be a customer. Play out your roles by following the directions assigned to each character.

Ticketing Agent Welcome the customer and offer help.


Thanks him/her and say you need a ticket to Rome.

⇣ Say you have three flights to Italy weekly: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Ask if they are direct or have stopovers.

⇣ 1) Say Monday and Friday flights are direct, but Wednesday flight has a stopover in Spain. 2) Ask when he/she was thinking of flying to Rome.

Say you would prefer on Wednesday.

⇣ Ask if it will be a one way or a round trip

Tell it will be a round trip returning the following Monday.

⇣ Ask if he/she would like to fly in Economy, Business or First class.

Say you’d like to fly in Business.

⇣ Ask if anyone will travel with him/her.

Say you’re going to travel alone

⇣ 1) Say there are two seats available. 2) The flight departs at 11:20 AM and arrives in Rome at 6:40 PM local time.

Say okay and ask for the price

⇣ 1) The price is $877.00. 2) Ask if he/she wants to book it.

Agree. Give your name, address, phone number, ID, and passport.


1) Ask payment method (cash or credit card). 2) Give a ticket. 3) Say thanks and goodbye.

Travel Role-Play Activity " 75

Say you’ll pay by credit card. Take the ticket. Say thanks and goodbye.

Booking a Hotel Room L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

DIRECTIONS One student will be the ticketing agent (asking WH-questions) and the other will be a customer. Play out your roles by following the directions assigned to each character.

Hotel Receptionist Welcome the customer and offer help.


⇣ Ask if he/she wants a single or double room.

⇣ Ask if he/she wants twin beds or a double bed.

➛ ➛ ➛

Spell it.

⇣ Ask number of nights he/she is going to stay in.

Tell your name and first surname.

⇣ Ask if anyone is going to stay in with him/her.

Say you would prefer a room with two double beds.

⇣ Ask if he/she can spell it.

Say you want a double room.

⇣ Ask for his/her name.

Thanks him/her and say you’d like a room.

Say you’re going to stay with your family.

Say you’re going to stay two nights.

Ask payment method and if he/she would like a wakeup call.

1) You’ll pay by credit card. 2) You’d like a wakeup call at 7:45. 3) Ask time and place where breakfast is served. 4) Ask if there is a pool and a gym.

⇣ 1) Say breakfast is served on the hotel dining room on the ground floor from 7:45 to 9:15. 2) The pool is on the third floor. 3) Give the key of room 457 on the fifth floor.


Speaking Activity "

➛ ☆ 76

Say thanks and go to your room.

Interview & Presentation L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening

DIRECTIONS Interview a friend with the following information and you will present it to the class afterwards. 1. Have you ever visited another country? If so, which one(s)? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which three cities do you like most? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which country would you like to visit? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which country would you NOT like to visit? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. When do you usually go on holiday? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. How long do you usually go on holiday? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you try the local food when you travel? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the hardest thing about traveling to a foreign country? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What is the best thing about traveling to a foreign country? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hungarian Hiccups

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "


Hobbies and Activities

DIRECTION Choose the right activity based on the picture shown, and write it on the lines.









dancing running singing playing instruments gymnastics


---------------------- ---------------------- -----------------------------------------! !




------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------! ! !




----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------! ! ! !


------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------! ! ! !


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! !


gardening camping cooking acting dancing knitting swimming fishing camping rowing bird watching hiking hunting reading surfing skating writing fishing fishing camping hiking drawing painting horse riding walking skiing ice skating shopping knitting recycling

---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- --------------------


Dialogue Practice "



Talking About Hobbies

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

DIRECTION Practice reading the following three dialogues with a classmate. Then pick one dialogue and with your classmate, write your own details together and create your own dialogue. You will present your new dialogue in front of your class.

[ DIALOGUE I ] Asking about Someone’s Hobby A: [Ring ring] Hello? B: Hi, John! What are you doing now? A: Nothing special, I want to relax after basketball practice. B: How will you do it? A: I might read a book or watch TV. B: Do you have any hobbies, like gardening, jogging, or bird watching? A: Yes, gardening is my hobby. I enjoy planting seeds of flowers and vegetables. B: Do you work in your garden every day? A: No, I work in there every other day. OR Yes, of course. B: Can I help you to work in the garden? A: Maybe you can help me pull out the weeds, and then you can help me pick up some carrots. B: Wow, that sounds fun. When may I come? A: How about Saturday afternoon? B: Yes, that works for me. A: Great! I will see you then.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

[ DIALOGUE II ] Changing the Dialogue A: Hey, Joe. Do you like music? B: Yes, I do. I love music. A: I like music too. B: Do you like pop, Tom? A: No, I don’t like it very much. Do you? B: Well, yes, I do. I’m a real fan of Bruno Mars. A: Oh, does he play the piano? B: Yes, he does and he also plays the guitar and drums. A: Is he a famous musician? B: He sure is. He has won four Grammy Awards, he’s performed at the Super Bowl and he has already released three albums. A: Well, I prefer classical music. B: I’m not so familiar with classical music. A: It’s okay. Many people aren’t. If you want to try listening to it, there are many free concerts they play at the art center in town. Maybe we go to the concert of classical music sometime? B: Sure, that will be nice! And do you want to come over to my house and I will play you some of Bruno Mars’albums. A: Okay, sounds like a good plan. 80

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

[ DIALOGUE III ] Hobby Details A: Do you have a hobby? B: Yes, I do. I like knitting and tae-kwon-do. A: Tae-kwon-do? Isn't that a kind of martial art? B: Yeah, yeah, it is a type of martial art. A: But knitting and tae-kwon-do are absolutely different things! Knitting is a peaceful and calming activity. But tae-kwon-do! That is so different from knitting! When did you start doing tae-kwon-do? B: 10 years ago. I started doing tae-kwon-do when I was five years old. That's why the kids in my kindergarten class were always afraid of me. A: I see. And when did you start knitting? B: Knitting is a very relaxing activity. My grandma taught me. Besides, it's a way to save money. I knit fashionable scarves, caps, and sweaters for myself. Look, I have knitted this sweater myself. Do you like it? A: It's very original. B: It’s fine, even if you don't like it, you can tell the truth, I won't hurt you!


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

Think of Those in Need 1.1 [0:00 6:07]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. donated

(v) to give (money, food, clothes, etc.) in order to help a person or organization

☛ When the cubs each donated some old odds and ends, they didn't expect they'd be meeting new friends. ✎ We donated our old clothes to charity. 2. odds and ends

(n) different kinds of things that are usually small and unimportant

☛ Same as #1 ✎ There are still a few odds and ends that need to be done before the party tomorrow. 3. origami

(n) the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes that look like birds, animals, etc.

☛ But I'm busy doing origami. ✎ We used colorful origami sheets of paper to fold them into animals. 4. in the middle of

(prepositional phrase) while (something) is happening or being done

☛ And I'm right in the middle of finding out who stole all the jewels. ✎ He woke up in the middle of the night because his dog started barking. 5. I'm afraid

(adj phrase) as a polite way of showing that you are sorry about a disappointing, negative, or critical statement

☛ I'm afraid not. It's too messy. ✎ I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to come to your birthday party. 6. ceiling

(n) the inside surface at the top of a room

☛ We could hang a tire swing from the ceiling. ✎ The child let go of his balloon and it floated up to the ceiling. 7. attic

(n) a room or space that is just below the roof of a building and that is often used to store things

☛ Maybe we should put all the things we don't need in the attic. ✎ We kept all our old toys up in the attic. 8. bin

(n) a box that is used for storing things

☛ If we don't need it, why don't we take it to the Bears Who Care Bin at the mall? ✎ Put the old newspapers in the recycling bin. 9. the needy

(n) poor people 82

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

☛ We'll give it to the needy. ✎ Our church collected food for the needy. 10. round up

(verb phrase) to find and gather together (people, animals, or things)

☛ You round up some boxes. ✎ She rounded up some school friends to play basketball. 11. load

(n) something that is lifted and carried

☛ That's quite a load you've got there. ✎ The donkeys were carrying large loads up the mountain. 11. retirement home (n) a place where older people can live and sometimes be taken care of

☛ The Bears' retirement home? ✎ There are nurses at the retirement home to take care of the sick residents. 12. thoughtful

(adj) considerate; showing concern for the needs or feelings of other people

☛ It was so thoughtful of you two. ✎ That's very thoughtful of you to help my move the boxes into the other building. 13. that was close

(idiom) used to say that something bad almost happened

☛ Whoa, that was close. ✎ That was close! We almost missed our plane. 14. doodles

(v) to draw something without thinking about what you are doing

☛ Thanks for showing me how to play dictionary doodles. ✎ She doodled in her notebook instead of taking notes during the meeting. 15. room to spare

(idiom) there is some space or time left

☛ With room to spare. ✎ The child sat on the seat with room to spare, so she called her dog to sit with her.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Think of Those in Need 1.1

Messy Room [ 1:25-3:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

SISTER: There, _____________________. Ta-da! BROTHER: Hey, great-looking fish. SISTER: Do you want to try? There are instructions on how to make a dinosaur. BROTHER: Maybe later. I'm right at the _____________________ where Detective Bearlock Holmes is about to solve the mystery. MAMA: The two of you are supposed to be cleaning your room, remember? SISTER: [ sighing ] But I'm _____________________ doing origami. BROTHER: And I'm right in the middle of finding out who stole all the jewels. Can't we clean our room tomorrow? MAMA: I'm afraid not. It's too _____________________. PAPA: Haha, messy's not the word. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were raising a family of monkeys in there. BROTHER: A family of monkeys. That would be _____________________. SISTER: Uh-huh -- not a big family, just five or six. BROTHER: We could hang a tire _____________________ from the ceiling. MAMA: Ahem... BROTHER: Okay...Cleaning.[ sighing ] Come on, Sis, we better get started. [ straining ] [ squeaking ] SISTER: We need more places to put _____________________. BROTHER: Ohh... Or maybe what we really need... Is less stuff. I don't read these Hardy Bear books anymore. SISTER: And we never play with those games and puzzles anymore. BROTHER: I don't think we _____________________ two checker boards. SISTER: You're right. Remember the last time we put this puzzle together?


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

BROTHER: Aww, don't __________________ me. The summer we went camping and it rained for days. SISTER: Do you think you'll ever want to put this together __________________? BROTHER: No, thanks. Too many sky pieces and way too many ocean pieces. SISTER: You said it. BROTHER: _____________________ we should put all the things we don't need in the attic. SISTER: If we don't need it, why don't we take it to the Bears Who Care Bin at the mall? BROTHER: Good idea, sis. We'll give it to the needy. I'll get the _____________________. You round up some boxes.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

Think of Those in Need 1.1 Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 86

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What were Brother and Sister supposed to be doing in the house? a. cleaning the living room b. cleaning their room c. reading d. doing their homework 2. What were they doing instead? (Check all that are true) a. ______ folding origami b. ______ playing with monkeys c. ______ reading a book d. ______ sleeping e. ______ organizing things to donate 3. Why did Papa say that they were “were raising a family of monkeys in there”? a. Because they were monkeying around. b. Because their room was so messy. c. Because they were eating bananas. d. Because they were climbing the furniture in their room. 4. Name three things the Cubs don’t need anymore. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. For all the extra things they don’t need, Brother suggests that they (i) _________________, and sister suggests they (ii) ______________. But eventually, they (iii) ________________. a. take it to the Bears Who Care Bin at the mall b. put it all in the closet c. put it in the attic d. donate it to the the retirement home e. have a yard sale to sell everything 6. What was Sis doing at the retirement home? 87

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

a. Showing Mrs. McElder how to doodle b. Showing Mrs. McElder how to fold origami c. Doodling with Mrs. McElder d. Talking with the manager 7. Why did the Cubs need to hurry back home? a. To clean up their room. b. To eat dinner. c. To find more things to donate. d. To finish their homework. 8. What did Brother realize when they were back home? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Why does Sister go with him back to the retirement home? a. To help Brother find the book. b. To show Mrs. McElder how to make more origami. c. To show Mrs. McElder how to doodle. d. Because Brother asked her to come.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Review "


Hobbies and Activities

DIRECTION Choose the right activity based on the picture shown, and circle the answer choice.


! a)!going!to!concerts! b)!bird!watching! c)!dress!making!

! a)!bungee!jumping! b)!dancing! c)!cooking!

! a)!playing!!cards! b)!playing!an!instrument! c)!listening!to!music!

a)!scuba!diving! b)!climbing! c)!camping!

! a)!going!to!a!disco! b)!going!to!the!theatre! c)!going!to!the!cinema!

! a)!sewing! b)!playing!sports! c)!watching!matches!

! a)!going!to!the!cinema! b)!going!to!the!museum! c)!going!to!parties!

! a)!running! b)!jogging! c)!hiking!

! a)!going!shopping! b)!going!swimming! c)!walking!in!family!


a)!bowling! b)!sewing! c)!knitting!

! a)!mowing!the!lawn! b)!gardening! c)!doing!yoga!


! a)!going!to!the!beach!! b)!sunbathing! !!!!!!!!!!c)!relaxing!

a)!speaking! b)!reading! c)!riding!

! a)!taking!photos! b)!jumping!a!rope! c)!looking!at!things!

! a)!!going!to!parties! b)!going!to!concerts! c)!going!to!the!park!

! a)!cooking! b)!making!cakes! c)!doing!pottery!

! a)!playing!monopoly! b)!playing!cards!or!dice! c)!playing!chess! !


a)!painting! b)!drawing! c)!singing!


a)!writing!stories! b)!collecting!stamps! c)!scrap!booking!


a)!rowing! b)!canoeing! c)!fishing!



! a)!listening!to!music! b)!singing! c)!dancing!



a)!walking!the!dog! b)!doing!athletics!! c)!running!

a)!playing!board!games! b)!playing!video!games! c)!playing!chess!

! a)!watching!television! b)!listening!to!music! c)!going!to!the!cinema!

! a)!playing!cards! b)!playing!board!games! c)!playing!chess!

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening


Interview "

Talking About Hobbies

DIRECTION Pair up with a classmate and interview him/her with the questions below. All of the answers must be given in complete sentences. After you are done, you two will switch roles, and that student will interview you. Then each student will present their findings about their classmate in front of the class.

[ SAMPLE SPEECH ] Olivia currently has two hobbies. They are collec6ng coins and skateboarding. Collec6ng coins is her indoor hobby while skateboarding is her outdoor hobby. She thinks that they provide a nice balance of going out and staying in during her free 6me. She began collec6ng coins two years ago. This hobby started because of her dad who is an airline pilot. He would bring home his unused coins from his trips around the world, and Olivia thought some of them looked unique and interes6ng. As a result, she immediately and began collec6ng them. Now, whenever her father goes on his trips, she asks him to bring back as many different coins as he can. Today, she has over two hundred coins from twenty-four different countries. Olivia’s interest in skateboarding, however, grew differently. Three years ago, a classmate of hers introduced skateboarding to her. At first, she struggled to learn it, but aFer two weeks of prac6cing every aFernoon, she began to love the thrill of zooming through the air. Her favorite skateboarding area is the park near her home. Olivia’s two hobbies are important to her because they help her relax from studying too much. However, she makes sure that she does her homework before she does her hobbies. ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ ■□ 1. Do you have a hobby/hobbies? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did you start your hobby? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. How long have you had your hobby? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening

5. Does your hobby interfere with your study? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Is your hobby safe or dangerous? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Does your hobby influence your choice of friends? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Is your hobby difficult? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Is your hobby expensive? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Is your hobby useful? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Does your hobby help you anyway? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Is your hobby relaxing? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Can you make money from your hobby? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Do your friends like your hobby? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.1

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "


The Home

DIRECTION Match the sentences with the objects in the picture. a. This is a bathtub.

h. This is a lamp.

o. This is a mirror.

b. This is a bed.

i. This is a toilet.

p. This is a bookshelf.

c. This is a stove.

j. This is a chimney.

q. This is a vase.

d. This is a cabinet.

k. This is a sink.

r. This is a counter.

e. This is a fridge.

l. This is an armchair.

s. This is a drawer.

f. This is a table.

m. This is a sofa.

t. This is an oven.

g. This is a picture.

n. This is a shower.

u. This is a nightstand.

! 92

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of place give you the ability to tell others where something is located. Preposition



• is in an enclosed space (surround or


closed off on all sides). Basically, when something is inside something.

• I watch TV in the living-room • I live in New York • Look at the picture in the book • She is in the car. • Look at the girl in the picture. • This is the best team in the world.


• used to show an exact position or place

• I met her at the entrance, at the bus stop.

• events

• She sat at the table.

• place where you are to do something

• at a concert, at the party

typical (watch a film, study, work)


by, next to, beside, near between behind in front of under below


above across through to

• at the movies, at university, at work

• attached to OR above something else

• Look at the picture on the wall.

and touching it. • left, right • a floor in a house • used for showing methods of traveling • television, radio

• The book is on the desk.

• not far away in distance

• Matt is by / next to / beside the house.

• in or into the space which separates two

• The town lies halfway between Rome and

places, people or objects

• The shop is on the left. • My apartment is on the first floor. • I traveled on trains /on the bus / on a plane. • My favorite program on TV, on the radio.


• at the back (of)

• I hung my coat behind the door.

• further forward than someone or

• She started talking to the man in front of

something else


• lower than or covered by something

• The cat is under the chair.

else • lower than something else.

• The plane is just below the the cloud

• above or higher than something else,

• She held the umbrella over both of us.

and can cover the other. • across from one side to the other. • overcoming an obstacle

• Most of the carpets are over $100.

• higher than something else, but not

• a path above the lake

• I walked over the bridge • She jumped over the gate

directly over it • from one side to the other of something

• She walked across the field/road.

• getting to the other side

• He sailed across the Atlantic

• from one end or side of something to

• They walked slowly through the woods.

the other • in the direction of

• We went to Prague last year.


2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

In general, we use: •

at for a POINT (inside or outside of a building in general)


on for a SURFACE at - POINT



at the corner

in the garden

on the wall/floor/ceiling

at the bus stop

in town/London/France

on the table

at the door

in the elevator

on the door

at the top of the page

in a box

on the cover/page

at the end of the road

in my pocket

on the (first/second/top) floor

at the entrance

in my wallet

on the carpet

at the airport

in a building

on the menu

at the front desk

in a car/boat/helicopter

on the left/right

at work

in the lounge

on a bus/train/ship/plane

DIRECTION: Fill in the blanks with the prepositions of time, at, in or on. 1. Mark is waiting for you _________ the bus stop. 2. Jupiter is __________ the Solar System. 3. The author's name is __________ the cover of the book. 4. The shop is __________ the end of the street. 5. My plane arrived __________ Paris two hours late. 6. You are standing __________ my foot. 7. Do you work __________ that tall building? 8. You will find the page number __________ the bottom of the page. 9. Do you live __________ Japan? 10. There are no prices __________ this menu. 11. Let’s meet __________ the office for our meeting. 12. There was a "no smoking" sign __________ the wall. 13. I am __________ the 4th floor __________ the Hyatt Hotel __________ Paris.


2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Prepositions of Place

DIRECTION Look at the images corresponding to each description below. Then fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of place.


J !






in front of


A. The dog is ____________________ the chair. B. The table is ____________________ the cat. C. The cat is ____________________ the computer. D. The dog is ____________________ the wardrobe while the cat is ____________________ it. E. The dog is ____________________ the bed, and the cat is ____________________ the bed. F. The dog is ____________________ the picture. G. The cat is ____________________ the cupboard. H. The cat is ____________________ the TV, and the dog is ____________________ it. However, the TV is ____________________ the cat and the dog. I. The dog is __________________ the chest of drawers, and the cat is __________________ it. J. The bookcase is ____________________ the two cats. K. The dog is ____________________ the CD system.


2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

Prepositions of Place

DIRECTION Tina isn’t very neat. First, help her find the things she’s looking for in her bedroom. Then practice with a partner asking where something is, and the other partner telling where it is.


coat hanger dresser drawer arm chair shelf door knob ....................... binder stereo laptop poster photo frame table lamp straw 1. Where are my jeans? ⇢ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Where’s my blue Teddy bear? ⇢ ___________________________________________________________ 3. Where are my tennis shoes? ⇢ ____________________________________________________________ 4. Where are the potato chips? ⇢ ____________________________________________________________ 5. Where is my pink binder? ⇢ _______________________________________________________________ 6. Where is my yellow coat? ⇢ ______________________________________________________________ 7. Where is my green binder? ⇢ _____________________________________________________________ 8. Where are my CD’s? ⇢ ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Where’s my green sweater? ⇢ ____________________________________________________________ 10. Where’s my juice? ⇢ ____________________________________________________________________ 11. Where’s my red T-shirt? ⇢ _______________________________________________________________

☛Now it’s your turn! Try a Q&A dialogue with your classmate!


2-1A Listening

Think of Those in Need 1.2 [6:07 12:04]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. jigsaw puzzle

(n) a puzzle made of many small differen shapes and can fit together to form a picture

☛ This jigsaw puzzle has too many sky pieces and too many ocean pieces. ✎ We spent the whole rainy night working on a jigsaw puzzle of Mount Everest. 2. say

(interjection) used to attract the attention of someone

☛ Say there, you don't have a moment or two, do you? ✎ Say, do you want to see a movie tonight? 3. a hand

(n) assistance in doing something

☛ Do you suppose you could give me a hand putting the rest of it together? ✎ Do you need a hand carrying the books? 4. lounge

(n) a room with comfortable furniture for relaxing

☛ Just go and look in the lounge. ✎ The patients waited in the lounge for their turn to meet the dentist. 5. wrapped up in

(verb phrase) fully involved or interested in it.

☛ Oh, hello, there. I was so wrapped up in my work I didn't hear you come in. ✎ I was completely wrapped up in the movie, so I didn't hear you come in. 6. mind

(v) to be bothered by (something) : to object to or dislike (something)

☛ Would you mind if I took that book? ✎ It was snowing but the kids didn’t mind because they could go out and build snowmen. 7. repair

(v) fix or mend (a thing suffering from damage or a fault).

☛ “The Complete Book of Clock Repair”? This isn't my book. ✎ I took my iPhone to an Apple store to see if I could get it repaired. 8. mystery

(n) a book, play, or movie that describes a crime and the process of solving it

☛ Hmm, Bearlock Holmes, you say. You know, Mrs. Perkins likes a good mystery. ✎ Arthur Conan Doyle has written many mysteries about the detective Sherlock Holmes. 9. needle

(n) a small, very thin object that is used in sewing and that has a sharp point at one end and a hole for thread 97

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

☛ They make needles with such small eyes these days. ✎ I need a needle and thread to sew the button on your shirt. 10. eye

(n) the hole through the top of a needle

☛ Same as #9. ✎ I put the thread in the the eye of a needle. 11. veranda

(n) a long, open structure on the outside of a building that has a roof

☛ I must have left it out on the veranda when I was having my morning tea. ✎ We went out on the veranda to check the weather. 12. culprit

(n) a person who has committed a crime or done something wrong

☛ It's a fine book. Had me guessing who the real culprit was right up until the end. ✎ The police eventually located the culprits by using all the clues they had found. 13. foggy

(adj) having or filled with fog (many small drops of water floating in the air above the ground, the sea, etc.)

☛ It was a foggy evening, as I approached the residence of Bearlock Holmes. ✎ It was difficult to drive on this gray, foggy morning. 14. approach

(v) to move or become near or nearer to something or someone

☛ Same as #14 ✎ The boat is approaching the island. 15. residence

(n) the place where someone lives

☛ Same as #14 ✎ His main residence is in the city, but he has a vacation home in the countryside. 16. uncanny

(adj) strange or unusual in a way that is surprising or difficult to understand

☛ A bear of uncanny perception, Mr. Holmes likely heard the tap of my umbrella tip on the cobblestones... ✎ My teacher has the uncanny ability to know when a student is lying. 17. perception

(n) the way you think about or understand someone or something

☛ Same as #17 ✎ People's perceptions of this town have changed ever since a child was kidnapped.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Think of Those in Need 1.2

Surprise! [ 6:15-7:20 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ELDERLY MAN: [ grumbling ] Say there, you don't have a ______________________ or two, do you?

BROTHER: Sure. SISTER: I guess so. ELDERLY MAN: This jigsaw puzzle has too many sky pieces and too many ocean pieces. Do you suppose you could give me a ______________________ putting the rest of it together? SISTER: Ta-da! ELDERLY MAN: Ha ha ha, thank you.

BROTHER: You're welcome. ELDERLY MAN: It's much ______________________ enjoyable when there's extra hands helping. SISTER: It sure is. ELDERLY MAN: If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.

BROTHER: Well, actually, I'm______________________ for something that I donated by mistake. ELDERLY MAN: Oh?

BROTHER: It's a Bearlock Holmes book...About this big. It has a ______________________ cover. Have you seen it anywhere? ELDERLY MAN: You know, I did see that book. It was in the box with this ______________________.

BROTHER: Great. ELDERLY MAN: Just go and look in the lounge. I'm sure it's still there.

BROTHER: Thanks. ______________________ on, Sis.


dictation continued... 99

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

Veranda [ 9:40-11:30 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

BROTHER: Hmm... GRIZZLY WILSON: Hello there.

BROTHER: Hi. GRIZZLY WILSON: ______________________ day, isn't it?

BROTHER: Uh-huh, really nice. GRIZZLY WILSON: Uh, you looking for something?

BROTHER: A book. A Bearlock Holmes mystery. I'm not having very much ______________________ finding it. GRIZZLY WILSON: Bearlock Holmes? Why, that's right here.

BROTHER: Gee, thanks! GRIZZLY WILSON: It's a ______________________ book. Had me guessing who the real culprit was right up until the end.

BROTHER: You've finished reading it already? GRIZZLY WILSON: Oh, ho, no, no, no, I read it ______________________ ago -- more than once. I wouldn't mind reading it again, but the print's too small for me now. My eyesight isn't what it used to be.

BROTHER: Well, I can ______________________ it to you, if you want. GRIZZLY WILSON: That would be great. Have a seat, there. Oh, I don't believe I _________________ your name.

BROTHER: I'm Brother Bear. GRIZZLY WILSON: ______________________ to meet you, brother. I'm Grizzly Wilson.

BROTHER: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wilson. GRIZZLY WILSON: Oh, ho ho, call me Grizz. That’s what my friends ______________________ me.

BROTHER: Okay Grizz. Ahem. “It was a foggy evening, as I approached the residence of Bearlock Holmes. I had not yet lifted the door knocker when his ______________________ called from inside, "Come in, Doctor Watson. The door's unlocked." GRIZZLY WILSON: Ho, ho, how does old Bearlock do it, eh? BROTHER: Yup, he's a smart one, all right. [ clearing throat ] "A bear of uncanny perception, Mr. Holmes likely ______________________ the tap of my umbrella tip on the cobblestones. Likely knew what I had eaten for dinner that night and the sum of the ______________________ in my pocket."


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

Think of Those in Need 1.2 Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 101

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What did Brother do to help people in the retirement home? Put the places in order from the first to the last thing he did to help the residents. a. _____ Put the thread in the eye of a needle. b. _____ Read a book for someone with bad eyesight. c. _____ Put together a jigsaw puzzle. 2. Where did Brother go to to look for his book? Put the places in order from the first to the last place he went to find it. a. _____ On the veranda. b. _____ In the lounge of the retirement home. c. _____ In Mrs. Perkins’ room. d. _____ In the room of a man who was fixing a clock. 3. How did brother know that the first book was the wrong one? a. Because it wasn’t green. b. Because he read the title. c. Because the man told him it’s not a mystery book. d. Because Sister told him it’s a book on clock repair. 4. What was Sister doing at the retirement home? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Who had his book? a. Mr. Grizzly b. Mrs. McElder c. Mrs. Perkins d. The man fixing his clock 6. TRUE / FALSE Mr. Grizzly has never read the Bearlock Holmes book. 7. Why did Brother read the book for Mr. Grizzly? 102

B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening

a. Mr. Grizzly forgot how to read. b. Mr. Grizzly’s hearing is bad. c. Mr. Grizzly’s eyes are bad. d. Mr. Grizzly is lonely. 8. What will the Cubs do tomorrow? Explain in detail. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. The Cubs learned that ____________________________________ is a great thing to do. a. Giving someone your extra things. b. Giving someone your extra time. c. Teaching someone how to do things. d. Meeting new people.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Prepositions of Place

1. The fridge is between / under the door and the DIRECTION Choose the right preposition to

describe the kitchen.

cupboard. 2. The door is next to / under the shelf. 3. The clock is in / on the wall. 4. The chairs are under / next to the table 5. The table is under / opposite the stove. 6. The microwave is between / in front of the window and the eggs. 7. The bin is under / in front of the drawers. 8. The salad is on / in the the bowl. 9. The sink is above / under the window.

DIRECTION Write true or false to judge if the

10.__________ The chair is next to the desk.

preposition was used correctly to describe the bedroom.

11.__________ The trash can is between the bed and the desk. 12.__________ The computer is under the desk. 13.__________ The bookcase is on the wall. 14. __________ A bed is in front of another bed. 15.__________ The lamp is on the desk. 16.__________ The poster is above the shelf. 17.__________ The windows are above the beds. 18.__________ The clock is on the bed.


B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "


Prepositions of Place

DIRECTION Partner up with a classmate and practice a dialogue asking WH-Questions about the pictures below. Each dialogue must have at least four questions. Take turns being A (the one who asks the question) and B (the one who answers the question).



A: Where is the toilet?

A: Where is the computer?

B: The toilet is next to the sink.

B: The computer is on the table.

A: What color is the toilet?

A: What does it look like?

B: The toilet is orange and white.

B: It looks like a hard box with a glass

A: When do you use it?

screen. A: When do you use it?

B: I use it after I have drank a lot of water.

B: I use it when I have to do homework or

A: How often do you use it?

when I play computer games.

B: I use it around 10 times a day.

A: How does it work? B: You turn on the computer and you can get information through the Internet.



B .B . Think of Those In Need 1.2

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