ST5 Theme4 Vocab Test

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Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

Lesson 16: “The School Story” ▶ Spelling 1. ________________________

5. ________________________

2. ________________________

6. ________________________

3. ________________________

7. ________________________

4. ________________________

▶ Write the definitions for #6 and #7 below. 8. ____________________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________________ ▶ Use what you know about the Vocabulary Words to answer the questions. 10. What would a dog be tempted to do while your family is eating dinner? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What is an insight you could offer someone who is learning English for the first time? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What is the essence of a good friendship? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What is an indication that a dog feels fury? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What does a coach propose during a game? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. What is the instinct of most animals? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 16. If an alien came to earth, what would it be baffled about? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Grace’s Class 1!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

▶ Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. essence







17. Exercise and a healthy diet is the __________________ of sustaining good health. 18. When she was stricken with a headache, I ___________________ that she should restrain from watching TV, and go to bed instead. 19. When her phone fell in the pool, her _________________ was to desperately jump in to retrieve it. 20. While she recounted the story to the police, she gave her ________________* on who she thought was the criminal. 21. The scholar gave some __________________ on how we could convert the uninhabitable land into one that would be teeming with life. 22. The parched ground was a(n) _________________ of a drought. 23. Mary was _________________ to adjust her homework schedule so she could go to the birthday party. 24. I’m not absentminded, so I was _________________ when I opened by backpack to find all of my books had vanished. 25. I offered and ________________ her with my irresistible cookie until she grudgingly relented that I could borrow her toy. 26. My mom ______________ that we should replenish our water bottles at the stream before we continue on our escapades. 27. We were ___________________ because our plant had withered, even though we had been replenishing the pot with water everyday. 28. The scholar’s grim expression was a(n) _________________ that his experiement had been a flop. 29. The _________________ of a eminent leader is their ability to conduct a country to maintain economic power and social equality. 30. Her first ___________________ was to recoil at the sight of the pesky insect.

Grace’s Class 2!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

Lesson 17: “Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street” ▶ Spelling 1. ________________________

5. ________________________

2. ________________________

6. ________________________

3. ________________________

7. ________________________

4. ________________________

▶ Write the definitions for #6 and #7 below. 8. ____________________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ▶ Use what you know about the Vocabulary Words to answer the questions. 10. What is a gourmet meal a cat would enjoy but not you? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Where can you read about unimaginable things? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What would someone think about when they embark on a journey? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. When would a person be on hiatus from their job? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Where do you see a throng of babies? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Name a precarious place for babies, but not for you. Explain. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Describe an extravagant party. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Grace’s Class 3!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

▶ Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. gourmet







Professor Tirado yearned for a vacation, so she took a ___________________ from her monotonous job. She was tempted to use the time off to go on an escapade. She proposed an outlandish and ___________________ journey—in a hot-air balloon! She envisioned building one with a fancy, ___________________ design. A huge ___________________ of residents swarmed to see her off on her unfathomable journey. Someone passed out tasty ___________________ balloon-shaped cookies and music started playing, which was an indication that she was soon going to depart. Finally it was time. The rigid basket dramatically wobbled, but she maneuvered it skillfully, then it took off! It was a(n) ___________________ beginning, but she waved and assured the dismayed crowd that everything was fine. Professor Tirado had ___________________ on a spectacular trip of a lifetime.

Grace’s Class 4!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

Lesson 18: “Project Mulberry” ▶ Spelling 1. ________________________

4. ________________________

2. ________________________

5. ________________________

3. ________________________

6. ________________________

▶ Write the definitions for #5 and #6 below. 7. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ▶ Use what you know about the Vocabulary Words to answer the following questions. 9. What things might be found in the compartments of an artist’s backpack? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What would cause a tree to sway? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. If you have a phobia about dogs, would you be likely to own one? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What could you put on your diary to prevent an invasion of your privacy? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What kind of law would a president veto? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Why might a plant be called wispy? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Grace’s Class 5!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

▶ Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. veto






15. The essence of a successful _________________ is a good leader with insights on maneuvering his soldiers well. 16. The trees ________________* wildly in the air, indicating that a storm was moving in. 17. My parents _______________* the idea of playing in the precarious ocean full of jellyfish. 18. I have a(n) _______________ of heights when the kids were starting to climb trees, I vanished. 19. _______________ strands of flames flew into the air from our campfire, so I proposed moving the withered leaves away from the vicinity. 20. As the subway took off, I ________________* on my feet and urgently grabbed the handle. 21. I ______________* my sister’s unimaginable request of buying her an extravagant ring. 22. I proposed putting the ice cream on the top ___________________ in the freezer, so my brother won’t be tempted to take it out. 23. He had a(n) ________________ about being under water, so he never embarked in a journey to the beach. 24. The conceited parrot smirked at the pigeons as his _______________ feathers dramatically fluttered in the wind, looking like a rainbow. 25. There was a(n) ______________ of ants when I left the gourmet chocolate bar on my desk.

Grace’s Class 6!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

Lesson 19: “Inventing the Future” ▶ Spelling 1. ________________________

4. ________________________

2. ________________________

5. ________________________

3. ________________________

6. ________________________

▶ Write the definitions for #5 and #6 below. 7. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ▶ Use what you know about the Vocabulary Words to answer the following questions. 9. Would it be appropriate to have an irrepressible urge to laugh during a lecture? Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What is an athletic feat that you would like to be able to achieve? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What is an industry a creative person might work in? Explain. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 12. If your dog had a tendency to steal your socks, what would you do? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. What device can be used to warm up food? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Which is more prestigious—a national award or a school award? Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Grace’s Class 7!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

▶ Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. tendency






15. For students, there is a(n) _______________ to groan when there is a test. 16. German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg invented the moveable type and it was a considerable _______________ of engineering at the time. 17. The soldiers planned an invasion to overthrow the king and take over his __________________ reign. 18. The rowdy crowd had the _________________ urge to “BOO!” every time the other team exhibited aggressive play. 19. He was appointed the _________________ academic post of being the associate dean of the engineering department at MIT, since the current dean was on hiatus. 20. Since he has a phobia of heights, he has the _____________ to sway when he is high up. 21. A ruler is a measuring __________________ used by all students. 22. Korea is one of the leaders in the electronic goods _________________, as throngs of people buy them. 23. Sally had the _______________ desire to buy extravagant jewelry, but she had no money. 24. There are many culinary _____________* that he used to cook a gourmet meal like a pan and blender. 25. When Neil Armstrong embarked into space, it was an indication that America’s space _________________ was more advanced than Russia. 26. He proposed the ________________ of turning the uninhabitable land into a fertile farm.

Grace’s Class 8!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

Lesson 20: “The Invention Convention” ▶ Spelling 1. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 6. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 7. ______________________ 9. _____________________ 4. ______________________ 8. ______________________ 10. _____________________ ▶ Write the definitions for #9 and #10 below. 11. _________________________________________________________________________ 12. _________________________________________________________________________ ▶ Use what you know about the Vocabulary Words to answer the following questions. 13. Why might you scour a house? _________________________________________________________________________ 14. What is an appropriate place for shouting and running? _________________________________________________________________________ 15. What is a practical solution for someone who forgot his umbrella and phone on a rainy day? _________________________________________________________________________ 16. Name something you own that is portable. _________________________________________________________________________ 17. Why might a teacher circulate around a classroom? _________________________________________________________________________ 18. What protrudes from a car? _________________________________________________________________________ 19. Where and when might you observe boisterous behavior? _________________________________________________________________________ 20. If you saw a chewed-up toy and muddy paw prints, what deduction might you make? _________________________________________________________________________ 21. What is something a fickle friend might do? _________________________________________________________________________ 22. What is an example of a measly serving? _________________________________________________________________________

Grace’s Class 9!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

Theme 4: Dare to be Great !





Name: _______________________

▶ Complete the paragraph with the correct words from the box. appropriate










Manuel’s invention studio was full of blinking lights and strange noises. In the middle sat a fretting Manuel and his friend Eliza, baffled over deciding on an ___________________ entry for the eminent National Invention Festival. “How many ideas do we have?” Manuel asked, who had the tendency of tapping his fingers when he was nervous. Eliza looked at their list teeming with ideas. “Too many,” she said. “We need to stop being ___________________ and choose our best one.” “I agree,” Manuel said. “A committee has the reputation for being thorough and they ___________________ the country for the most prestigious inventions. If we want to win, ours needs to be an irresistible creation.” “How about the ___________________ microwave oven so we can heat up our lunches at school?” Eliza suggested. “I veto it because it’s too extravagant and unimaginable to build by Friday,” said Manuel. “The essence of an invention needs to be more ___________________.” Just then, Manuel’s ___________________ dog barged into the garage like it was an invasion. His mom called, “Please walk the dog! When you come back, take out the accumulated trash.” Manuel looked disgruntled at hearing about his pesky chores. “I’ve got it!” Eliza proposed. “Let’s make a robot that will ___________________ about the house and specializes on doing your monotonous chores.” “That’s brilliant,” Manuel said. For the next several days, they undertook the endeavor of feverishly researching articles about robots and looking at pictures on the Internet to get more insights for their intricate invention. Manuel made an important ___________________. “We can’t let the control panel ___________________ from the robot’s back,” he said. “It may seem like a ___________________ detail, but judges look closely at the invention’s appearance, so let’s adjust the design with compartments inside.” “Good point,” Eliza said, as she envisioned the crucial changes. “Now let’s design our spectacular robot!”

Grace’s Class 10!

Storytown Vocabulary Test

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