L.Einsteins & B.Bears 2

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2-1A Listening



vocabulary | listening | grammar | speaking


2-1A Listening

Table of Contents 1. [ HICCUPS ] Berenstain Bears - The Hiccup Cure a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 3 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 18 2. [ HICCUPS ] Little Einsteins - Hungarian Hiccups a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 33 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 52 c. 1.3 ....................................................................................................... 61 d. Final Review .......................................................................................... 72 3. [ HELPING OTHERS ] Berenstain Bears - Think of Those in Need a. 1.1 ....................................................................................................... 78 b. 1.2 ....................................................................................................... 92 4. [ LOST ] Berenstain Bears - At the Giant Mall a. 1.1 - [V] Clothes + [G] Comparatives/Superlative............................... 3 - [The FuZees: Helmet] Discussing Rules and Giving Advice............ 21 b. 1.2 - [V] Place in Town + [G] Preposition of Place............................... 25 - [The FuZees: Family] Apologizing.................................................. 41 5. [ LOST ] Little Einsteins - Hello Cello a. 1.1 - [V] Instruments + [G] Can Modal Verb.......................................... 49 - [The FuZees: I Can Do It] Asking Modal Questions......................... 63 b. 1.2 - [V] Food + [G] Descriptive Adjectives.......................................... 67 - [The FuZees: I Miss You] Giving Suggestions................................... 84 c. 1.3 - [V] Emotions + [G] Be-verbs.......................................................... 88 - [The FuZees: Feelings] Talking about Your Feelings........................ 100 d. Final Review ........................................................................................... 104 6. [ HERO ] Berenstain Bears - The Giddy Grandma a. 1.1 - [V] Jobs + [G] Descriptive Verbs................................................... 112 - [The FuZees: Help] Asking for Help................................................. 123 b. 1.2 - [G] Simple Past Tense.................................................................... 128 - [The FuZees: Working Together] Working as a Group..................... 144


2-1A Listening




Name that Clothing!

DIRECTION From the word list below, label each piece of clothing with the appropriate name. hat


















bikini swim trunks










A ____________|_____________|____________|___________|_____________|___________




___________|____________|____________|_____________|____________|____________ D

___________|_____________|____________|____________|____________|____________ E



B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening




Words that Compare

There are many ways to compare things. Adjectives are used to describe nouns. A comparative adjective is used to compare TWO things. Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object). A superlative adjective is used when you compare THREE or more things. Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).

1-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative. To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


larger than

the largest


taller than

the tallest


kinder than

the kindest

If the adjective is spelled with consonant + short vowel + consonant, the final consonant must be doubled before adding the ending. slim

slimmer than

the slimmest


fatter than

the fattest


sadder than

the saddest

2-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative. To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


simpler than

the simplest

For adjectives ending in y, change the y to an i before adding the ending. happy

happier than

the happiest


busier than

the busiest

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES Change the whole form of the word To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


better than

the best


worse than

the worst


2-1A Listening




Comparatives & Superlatives

Part A: Underline the comparative adjectives. 1. A caterpillar is longer than an inch worm. 2. Is the eagle-shaped totem pole taller than the bear-shaped one? 3. The teacher ’s pencil is sharper than mine. 4. The chanting was louder than the drumming. 5. A carving of a swan might be prettier than a spider. 6. I am probably hungrier than you today. Part B: Fill in the blanks with a comparative adjective and a superlative adjective. 1. Brian is a tall man. a. The soccer player is ________________________ than Brian. b. The basketball player is the ________________________ man of the group. 2. Jon is slim. a. Michele is the ________________________ of all. b. Georgia is ________________________ than Jon. 3. A spider is creepy. a. A rat is ________________________ than a spider. b. A cockroach is the ________________________ of all insects. 4. A ghost is scary. a. A zombie is the ________________________ of all the make-believe characters. b. A monster is ________________________ than a ghost. 5. Bruno is tough. a.Frank is ________________________ than Bruno. b. Mike is the ________________________ one on the soccer team. 6. America is a large country. a. Canada is ________________________ than America. b. Russia is the ________________________ country in the world. 7.Patricia is busy. a. Julie is the ________________________ girl in the class. b. Joanne is ________________________ than Patricia.


2-1A Listening



Comparatives & Superlatives

PART I Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective in brackets. 1. An elephant is ____________________________ stronger than (strong) a kangaroo. 2. A school is ____________________________ (noisy) a hospital. 3. Jane’s hair is ____________________________ (long) yours. 4. John’s work is ____________________________ (bad) Mary’s. 5. Yesterday was ____________________________ (hot) today. PART II Complete the following sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives. 6. Mary is ________________________ the tallest (tall) of the group. 7. Michael Jordan is ________________________ (good) basketball player to have ever played. 8. February is ________________________ (short) month in the year. 9. The red apple is ________________________ (sweet) fruit in the bowl. PART III Circle the correct descriptive word. 10. The bad / worse / worst fruit in the area grew on a nearby tree. 11. Many people think Albert Einstein was the smart / smarter / smartest scientist in the world. 12. I am a good / better / best swimmer than my brother. 13. Mom is the busy / busier / busiest person in the family. 14. New York is rainy / rainier / rainiest than Los Angeles 15. MacIntosh apples are the good / better / best apples of all. 16. The apples on that tree tasted bad / worse / worst than old turnips. PART IV Find and correct the mistakes below. 17. Dante’s report was more better than Taylor’s. _____________________________________________________________________________ 18. The weather today was more bad than it was yesterday. _____________________________________________________________________________ 19. This is the most worst storm we have had in ten years. _____________________________________________________________________________


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening


Role Play "

[ SCENARIO A ] Going to the beach.

Buying Clothes

[ SCENARIO B ] Going skiing.

DIRECTION You and a classmate will role-play a scene to buy some clothing: 1. One student plays a shop assistant and another student plays a customer. 2. Depending on the scenario, the customer will select the pieces of clothing needed. 3. Replace the words that are underlined in the example with your own words.

[ SCENARIO C ] Going on a picnic. [ SCENARIO D ] Going to a wedding.


















bikini swim trunks










Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you? Customer:

Yes, please. I’m going hiking in the mountains next week and was looking for

several things. First, I need a _________________. Shop assistant: Follow me, please. What is your size? Customer:

I am a medium

Shop assistant: What color would you like? Customer:

I would like a light grey one.

Shop assistant: Here (while handing a piece of clothing). Customer:

Can I try this on?

petit small

medium large

extra large

white green purple pink

red black yellow gray

orange light green dark blue

small big/large

short long

tight loose

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The fitting rooms are here. Customer:

It's too small

Shop assistant: Oh, then let me get you a larger one. Customer:

It fits well.

Shop assistant: Do you need anything else? Customer:

Yes, I would like a ________________.

.............. more Q & A .............. Customer:

Okay, that’s all. How much is everything?

Shop assistant: $60.50. Customer:

Here you are. (while handing money or a credit card)

Shop assistant: Thank you. Here is your receipt. Have a nice day. Customer:

You too. Thank you. Bye.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

At the Giant Mall 1.1 [start 7:10]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. hardware

(n) things (such as tools or parts of machines) that are made of metal

☛ I wonder what he's doing at Mr. Grizzwall's hardware store? ✎ I bought some nails at the hardware store to build a dog house. 2. tool

(n) something (such as a hammer, saw, shovel, etc.) that you hold in your hand and use for a particular task

☛ Papa loves tools. ✎ I don't have the right tools to fix the bookshelf, so I have to borrow some from my neighbor. 3. carving

(v) cut (a hard material) in order to produce an attractive object or design

☛ I have two carving sets. ✎ The wood was carved with designs to make a candle holder. 4. mall

(n) a large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail stores and typically also restaurants.

☛ Over at the new Big Bear Mall. ✎ We met at the mall to eat lunch and watch a movie. 5. What do you say

(idiom) an old-fashioned way to ask someone what their answer or decision is

☛ What do you say, cubs? ✎ Cheese or mushroom pizza-- What do you say? 6. cub

(n) the young of a fox, bear, lion, or other meat-eating mammal.

☛ Same as #5 ✎ The mother bear attacked the hunter who got near her cubs. 7. blaze trails

(idiom) to be the first one to do something and to show others how to do it

☛ I’ve blazed trails through the deepest woods, and made my way through the snowiest wastes of the great north, and then back again.

✎ Apple blazed a trail with the first smart phones. 8. wastes

(n) a large area of barren, typically uninhabited land

☛ Same as #7 ✎ Penguins inhabit the icy wastes of the Antarctic. 8

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening 9. company

(n) the state or condition of being with another person

☛ You're forgetting you're in the company of Trailblazer Papa. ✎ I would love for you to come over. I could really use the company. 10. trailblazer

(n) a person who makes, does, or discovers something new and makes it acceptable or popular

☛ Same as #10 ✎ Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are technological trailblazers. 11. separated

(v) to cause (two or more people or things) to stop being together or connected

☛ No matter where you are, the first thing to do...is pick a spot to meet just in case we get separated. ✎ The gazelles got separated while running away from the lion. 12. food court

(n) an area, typically in a shopping mall, where fast-food outlets, tables, and chairs are located.

☛ Let's meet in the food court in one hour. ✎ There were so many things to choose from at the food court, so I couldn’t make a decision. 13. washroom

(n) a bathroom in a public building

☛ The shops and washrooms and escalators, and even where we're standing right now. ✎ I went to the washroom to use the toilet. 14. escalator

(n) a moving set of stairs that carries people up or down from one level of a building to another

☛ Same as #14 ✎ We cannot go up the escalator with the baby stroller, so we took the elevator.

WARM-UP QUESTION Write in complete sentences.

Have you ever gotten lost from your parents? What happened? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening



At the Giant Mall 1.1

Drive Scene, [ 2:20-4:10 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

MAMA: I ____________________ it's huge. KIDS: Really huge! MAMA: Well then, we have to be ____________________ to go over the rules. SISTER: What rules, Mama? MAMA: Rules like always stay close to me, and always hold my hand. We have rules so that no one gets ____________________. BROTHER: But, how are you going to hold three hands? Sister's, papa's, and mine? PAPA: (laughing) Oh, those ____________________ aren't for me! I've blazed trails through the deepest woods, and made my way through the snowiest wastes of the great north, and then back again. Papa Q. Bear ____________________ gets lost, so those rules aren't for me. No siree. (chuckling) There it is. Big Bear Mall. KIDS: It's ____________________! MAMA: Has anyone seen a parking ____________________ yet? PAPA: Well, if we keep going around and around like this, we'll run out of gas before we find a space. SISTER: Look, somebody's ____________________! SISTER: What if we can't find our car when we come back? PAPA: (laughing) You're forgetting you're in the ____________________ of Trailblazer Papa. I never get lost, and I never lose anything. MAMA: Still, a good rule to ____________________ is always mark your spot. Find something to help you remember it. SISTER: Look! There, Mama. BROTHER: That means our car's ____________________ in section 7, right? MAMA: Right. Now, we'll be able to find our way back to the car, even ___________________ Trailblazer Papa. KIDS: (laughing)



B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening


Meeting Spot Scene, [ 4:10 - 6:05 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

BROTHER: Cool! SISTER: Neat! MAMA:(clearing throat) What about ____________________ the rules? BROTHER: Stay close... SISTER: ...and always hold your hand. MAMA: Now, there are a few more ____________________ I'd like to talk about. PAPA: Well, since I never get lost, I don't need any rules. I'll go find that hardware store. MAMA: But what about the meeting ____________________ rule, Papa? BROTHER: Oh, we know about meeting places, Mama. SISTER: You told us ____________________. No matter where you are, the first thing to do... BROTHER: ...is pick a spot to meet just in case we get separated. MAMA:(chuckling) Very good. Now, what's our meeting spot going to be ________________? PAPA: Let's meet in the Food Court in one hour. Ooh, I'm in the mood for some honey noodles today. Mmmmmmm. SISTER: Do you know where the Food Court is, Mama? MAMA: No, but... we will in a ____________________. MAMA: This is a map of the whole mall. It shows where everything is located. The shops and washrooms and escalators, and even where we're ____________________ right now. There are maps like this all over the mall, so the rule is: if we get separated, you look at the ___________________. They'll show you where you are, and how to get to our meeting place. BROTHER: The Food Court. MAMA: Right. So let's find it on the map. There it is. Now, let's see what stores are between us here, and the food court there. BROTHER: A ____________________ store... SISTER: A book store... BROTHER: And a ____________________ store.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

At the Giant Mall 1.1 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. Where was Papa? a. His friend’s house b. Hardware store c. Furniture shop d. Hobby shop 2. Why did Papa need new tools? a. He is building a cabinet. b. He is building a shelf. c. He is building a table. d. He is building a shed. 3. What is true about Big Bear Mall? a. It’s big b. It’s far c. It’s new d. Both A & C e. All of the above 4. Why do the rules not apply for Papa? a. He’s adventurous and never gets lost b. He has been trained in adventure so has much knowledge c. He’s an adult d. He’s a dad 5. Who found the parking spot? a. Papa b. Mama c. Brother d. Sister 13

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

6. What is a rule about parking that Mama Bear tells the cubs? a. Always park as close to the shops as possible. b. Always mark your spot - find something to help you remember it, c. Always get the ticket and pay for the parking. d. Always mark your car with a sign, so you can recognize it. 7. Where did they park? a. It doesn’t tell you this information b. Section 6 c. Section 7 d. Section 8 8. What are the rules? a. Stay close b. Hold hands c. Have a meeting spot in case they get separated d. If you get separated, look for a map e. All of the above 9. Where is the meeting spot? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. What three shops did Mama Bear go with the cubs? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 11. What can you infer (guess) what Papa Bear’s problem is? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 14

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening



Comparatives & Superlatives

Let’s review the rules we’ve learned about comparatives & superlatives, and then learn one new rule. 1-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative. To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


larger than

the largest

If the adjective is spelled with consonant + short vowel + consonant, the final consonant must be doubled before adding the ending. sad

sadder than

the saddest

2-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative. To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


simpler than

the simplest

For adjectives ending in y, change the y to an i before adding the ending. happier than


the happiest

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES Change the whole form of the word To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


better than

the best


worse than

the worst

3-SYLLABLE ADJECTIVE Put more in front of the adjective, and the superlative by putting most in front. To Tell about One

To Compare Just Two

To Compare Three or More


more important than

the most important


more expensive than

the most expensive

DIRECTION Complete the table with the comparative and superlative forms. ADJECTIVE



funny light bad far intelligent exciting


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

DIRECTION Write the comparative form of each adjective to compare imaginary products A and B (+). Then write the negative form of the comparison (-). Adjective



more beautiful




When Comparing Two Objects

+ A is more beautiful than B - B isn’t as beautiful as A + A is easier than B - B isn’t as easy as A + _____________________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________


+ _____________________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________


+ _____________________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________


+ _____________________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________

DIRECTION Complete the following sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives, and then write the negative version. 12. "Fruit and " vegetables " /"healthy" / chips _________________________________________________ Fruits and vegetables are healthier than chips.

Chips are not as healthy as fruits and vegetables. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13. The countryside / quiet / cities _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Sports cars / fast / normal cars ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Thailand / hot / Sweden ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Elementary school / easy / university _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 16

2-1A Listening




Comparative & Superlative Q&A

DIRECTION Partner with a classmate and practice a dialogue asking WH-questions about each card. Shelly Tom Roberta

Oliver Phil Frank

slim - big - fat

A: Is Frank also the oldest? B: No, Phil is the oldest.

Sam Tom Max

Bowling ball Tennis ball Basketball

fast - slow - strong

A: Is he the tallest? B: No. Frank is the tallest.

old - young - tall

Leopard Turtle Rabbit

EXAMPLE A: Who is taller: Oliver or Phil? B: Oliver is taller.

heavy - popular Brian Andrew


strong - muscular

happy - excited BMW Ferarri Volkswagen Beetle

Bus Car Plane

expensive - powerful

spacious - comfortable

Justin Einstein Lance

Summer tree Fall tree Winter tree

colorful - lively - full



B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening



Which One Should I Buy?

DIRECTION Look at the advertisements below and make comparisons between the products: New Balance

Advantages of New Balance 1. New Balance is more famous than Toms. 2. New Balance is of a higher quality than Toms.

Advantages: Famous, high quality, sporty Price: $35.00

3. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Advantages of Toms 1. Toms is cheaper than New Balance. 2. Toms is more casual than New Balance.

Advantages: cheap, casual, lightweight, easy to wash Price: $25.00

3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________

Now, look at the conversation below. When you do the shopping role-play on the next page, use this conversation as a guide: Clerk: Welcome to Shoe World. We’re having a sale on casual shoes. Shopper: That’s great. I need some casual shoes. What do you have on sale? Clerk: Well, we have Toms and New Balance. Shopper: What do you recommend? Clerk: Well, New Balance are more fashionable and higher quality. Whereas, Toms are not as expensive and they’re more lightweight. Shopper: What’s the difference in price? Clerk: With tax, the New Balance comes to $59.00, and the Toms comes to $37.00. Shopper: So that’s about a $22.00 difference. Clerk: That’s right. Shopper: I’ll take the Toms. Clerk: Okay, that’s a good choice.


2-1A Listening DIRECTION Pick a product to compare. Write comparison notes on the lines below. Then pair up with a classmate. One student will be a shopper and the other will be a clerk, and you will switch roles after each conversation is completed. In your roles, you two will have a short dialogue (like the example from the previous page) about a product and the differences between them. Then try it again on the next page with new products.

Double Cheeseburger

Vegetarian Sandwich

Mr. Miyagi


Advantages: Delicious, filling Price: $4.00

Advantages: fresh, healthy Price: $7.00

Advantages: playful, cheap Price: $5.00

Advantages: cool, fashionable Price: $15.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Clerk: Welcome to

(SHOP NAME) . We’re having a sale on

Shopper: That’s great. I need Clerk: Well, we have






. What do you have on sale? (ITEM B)


Shopper: What do you recommend? Clerk: Well,


are __________________and __________________. Whereas,


are __________________ and they’re __________________. Shopper: What’s the difference in price? Clerk: With tax, the


costs _________ and the (ITEM B) costs ____________.

Shopper: So that’s about a __________ cost difference. Clerk: That’s right. Shopper: I’ll take the _______________. Clerk: Okay, that’s a good choice. 19

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

The Zoomer

The Hippy

Advantages: fast, strong, cool Price: $80,000.00

Advantages: cheap, spacious, large Price: $40,000.00

Power Puff Jackets

Cowboy Leather Jackets

Advantages: warm, light, easy to wash Price: $60.00

Advantages: thick, fashionable, long-lasting Price: $80.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Clerk: Welcome to

(SHOP NAME) . We’re having a sale on

Shopper: That’s great. I need Clerk: Well, we have






. What do you have on sale? (ITEM B)


Shopper: What do you recommend? Clerk: Well,


are __________________and __________________. Whereas,


are __________________ and they’re __________________. Shopper: What’s the difference in price? Clerk: With tax, the


costs _________ and the (ITEM B) costs ____________.

Shopper: So that’s about a __________ cost difference. Clerk: That’s right. Shopper: I’ll take the _______________. Clerk: Okay, that’s a good choice. 20

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

! PART 1


☆ Discussing


Rules Dictation [ 2:22-4:10 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

MAMA: I ____________________ it's really huge. BROTHER & SISTER: Really huge! MAMA: We have to be sure to go ____________________ the rules. BROTHER & SISTER: What rules, Mama? MAMA: Rules like always stay ____________________ to me. And always hold my hand. We have rules so that no one gets lost.

BROTHER: But how are you going to hold ____________________ hands, Mama? Sister’s, Papa’s and mine. PAPA: Haha. Oh, those rules aren't for me! I've blazed trails through the deepest _________________, and made my way through the snowiest wastes of the great north, and then back again. Papa Q. Bear ______________________ gets lost, so those rules aren't for me. No siree. (chuckling) There it is. Big Bear Mall. MAMA: Has anyone seen a parking spot ______________________? PAPA: Well, if we keep going around and around like this, we'll run out of gas before we find a ______________________. SISTER: Look, somebody's leaving! SISTER: What if we can't find our car when we come ______________________? PAPA (laughing) You're forgetting you're in the company of Trailblazer Papa. I never get lost, and I never ______________________ anything. MAMA: Still, a good rule to remember is always ______________________ your spot. Find something to help you remember it. SISTER: Look! There, Mama. BROTHER: That means our car's parked in section 7, ______________________? MAMA: Right. Now, we'll be able to ______________________ our way back to the car, even without Trailblazer Papa. KIDS: (laughing)


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: The Helmet Song ]

You should remember

Put it on

when you go out

strap it in

to ride your bicycle

give a thumbs up you're ready to begin

You need your helmet so you are safe

I will remember

to ride your bicycle

when I go out to ride my bicycle

Put it on strap it in

I need my helmet

give a thumbs up

so I am safe

you're ready to begin

to ride my bicycle

Put it on

Put it on

strap it in

strap it in

give a thumbs up

give a thumbs up

you're ready to begin

you're ready to begin


Put it on

when they go out

strap it in

to put out all those fires

give a thumbs up you're ready to begin

They need their helmets so they are safe

I will remember

to put out all those fires

when I go out to ride my bicycle

Put it on strap it in

I need my helmet

give a thumbs up

so I am safe

you're ready to begin

to ride my bicycle 22

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: HELMETS ]

Dance Song

1. Who is going to go play? a. Jacob

Put your hands

b. Josh

up on your head

2. TRUE / FALSE Josh always knew he had to wear a helmet. 3. Who was Josh going to play imaginary firefighter games with? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

it’s where your helmet goes. Now nod your head and flap your arms and strike a pose.

4. What two things did Josh’s friend bring to play their game? Chop chop chop

a. ______ Matches

Shake shake shake

b. ______ Pretend fire

and touch your nose.

c. ______ Water d. ______ A firefighter’s uniform

Jump way high

5. What does a helmet protect when a person is riding a bike? ____________________________________________________

jump way low and move real slow

____________________________________________________ Step to the left

6. TRUE / FALSE Adults are old enough not to wear a helmet.

step to the right and reach up high to show

7. Who wears helmets? (Check all that are true) a. ______ firefighters

Your hands up in the sky so high

b. ______ swimmers

and wave it to and fro

c. ______ race car drivers d. ______ football players



B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Role Play [ Discussing Rules and Giving Advice ] DIRECTION There are several steps to this activity: 1. Look at the biking rules below, and discuss them together as a class. 2. Role play a scenario of giving safety rules to someone who will go biking. He/she will first reject your suggestion, so you have to insist and give him or her a reason why it is important to follow the rule. Don’t Get Distracted Don’t listen to

Protect Your Head Wear a helmet.

music or talk on the phone while riding. Ride in the Proper Form When riding,

Keep Your Hands Free Don’t hold

children should be facing forward and

anything with your hands while you

have both hands on the handlebars.

are riding your bike.

Stay Visible If drivers can see you, they

Obey all Traffic Laws & Lights Look

are less likely to hit you. Use lights when

at all the street signs as follow them

biking at night or in low-light conditions.

as a car would.

Be Heard A bicycle must have a bell,

Look Before Turning. When turning

horn or similar warning device and at

left or right, always look behind you

least one effective brake.

to check if it is safe to make a turn.

(name) A: Bye ________________! I’m going(rule) to go on a bike ride. B: Don’t forget that you must ________________________________________________________________. A: Oh, no, that’s not for me. I’m good at biking. (give more detail on why the rule is important to follow) B: No, it’s really important that you ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________. A: Really? Even though I am _____ years old, do you think I need to do that? B: Yes! Biking is a dangerous activity. Every year, over 700 people die from biking-related accidents and over 40,000 people are injured just in the United States alone.

(state the rule again)

A: Oh, wow! That’s scary! Thanks for telling me that it is important to ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. I will never forget it.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.1

2-1A Listening



Places in Town

DIRECTION Select the correct name that describes the businesses and organizations below. !

a. school b. bank c. church

a. hospital b. police sta2on c. fire sta2on

a. library b. church c. post office

a. office b. butcher shop c. doctor

a. fast food restaurant b. bakery c. bank

a. gas sta2on b. police sta2on c. train sta2on

a. library b. hotel c. cafe

a. gas sta2on b. parking lot c. cinema

a. cinema b. hotel c. theater

a. gas sta2on b. bus sta2on c. mechanic

a. supermarket b. café c. bakery

a. hospital b. police sta2on c. fire sta2on



a. hospital b. supermarket c. bookshop

a. salon b. church c. school

a. post office b. bus sta2on c. library

a. bar / pub b. shoe repair c. music shop

a. bank b. cafe c. hotel

a. school b. cinema c. swimming pool

a. shoe shop b. salon c. clothes shop

a. den2st b. doctor c. stadium

a. factory b. mechanic c. museum

a. hospital b. factory c. bank

a. cinema b. theater c. restaurant

a. post office b. school c. bank

a. supermarket b. restaurant c. factory

a. music shop b. clothes shop c. supermarket

a. restaurant b. theater c. salon

a. hospital b. pharmacy c. fire sta2on

a. library b. stadium c. museum

a. bookshop b. pet shop c. den2st


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Asking for Directions


turn left

turn right

go straight


go past


at the corner of


next to

on (a street)



opposite/across from/ zebra crosswalk

traffic light


in front of




ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Excuse me, Pardon me, I beg your pardon, Sorry to trouble you, but

How do I get to the __? Where is the __? Can you tell me where __ is?

Excuse me, how do I get to the __? Pardon me, where is the __? I beg your pardon, can you tell me where __ is? Sorry to trouble you, but where is the __?


You can go straight and turn left.

Of course,

The __ is next to the __.


__ is very near __.

Sure, you can go straight and turn le/. Of course, the ___ is next to the ___. Yes, why not? ___ is very near ___.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ A: Excuse me. We are a bit lost. Do you know if there is a pharmacy around here? B: Yes. Go straight along the road and turn right at the third street with the traffic light. Go past the big bank, and you will cross the zebra crosswalk to the opposite side. There you will see the pharmacy next to the pet store. A: Is it far from here? B: No. It’s near. It’ll take just a few minutes. A: Is there a landmark? B: Yes. The pharmacy is opposite a Mc Donald’s. A: Thank you. B: You’re welcome.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Testing Your Understanding

DIRECTION Based on the sample dialogue on the previous page, draw a map to match the description. You must include all of the information regarding points of interest, vocabulary, prepositions and verbs.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Identify the Preposition


DIRECTION Look at this map complete the three activities below.

ACTIVITY A Based on the map above, determine if the statements are true or false. 1. __________ The stadium is opposite the swimming-pool. 2. __________ The cinema is between the shoe shop and the florist. 3. __________ The tourist office is next to the hospital. 4. __________ The supermarket behind the shoe shop. 5. __________ The hospital is three blocks from the station. 6. __________ The florist is next to the bakery. 7. __________ There is a phone box at the corner of Marley Avenue and Queen Street. 8. __________ The city hall is beside the station.

ACTIVITY B Using the map above, write a response to the inquires. 1. A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is, please? (you are at the hospital) B: Sure. It is ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2


2-1A Listening

2. A: Excuse me, how can I get to the stadium? (you are at school) B: ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. A: Sorry to trouble you, but how do I get to the swimming-pool? (you are having lunch at the pizzeria) B: Of course. It is __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY C Imagine you are at the swimming pool. Write a complete dialogue between two people, one asking and the other giving directions to go to the gas station. A: ______________________________________________________________________________ B: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ A: ______________________________________________________________________________ B: ______________________________________________________________________________ 29

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

How do I get to...

DIRECTION Your teacher will cut out the pieces below, and you will randomly draw a card. Then the teacher will pick on two students to engage in a dialogue. Using page 29, STUDENT A will ask for directions, and the STUDENT B will give directions while using the prepositions, verbs, and vocabulary we’ve learned at the beginning of class. Here is a sample dialogue below: STUDENT A: Hi ---! Where are you? STUDENT B: Oh, I’m at (place). What about you? STUDENT A: I’m at (place). Do you want to come meet me? STUDENT B: Sure, how do I get there? STUDENT A: ___________________________________________________________________________. STUDENT B: Got it. I will be there soon. See you at (place).





parking lot


tourist office



video shop

police station


swimming pool




city hall

music shop

travel agency

gas station

post office


Chinese restaurant



B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

At the Giant Mall1.2 [7:10 12:00]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. security guard

(n) a person whose job is to guard a place (such as a store or museum) and make sure the people and things in it are not harmed

☛ Then that bear, or a uniformed mall security bear, will bring you here where I can find you. ✎ There are security guards at the soccer game because sometimes the fans get too rowdy. 2. keeping

(v) to cause or force (someone) to stay in a place

☛ What could be keeping Papa at that hardware store? ✎ The doctors want to keep me in the hospital for further tests to find what is causing me back pain. 3. overalls

(n) a pair of pants with an extra piece attached that covers the chest and has straps that go over the shoulders

☛ He's about this tall, has a brown hat and blue overalls. ✎ The farmers works in overalls, and he keeps different tools in the little pockets. 4. manage

(v) to succeed in doing (something)

☛ It looks like trailblazer Papa has managed to get himself lost. ✎ With his ankle broken, he could only manage taking a few steps at a time. 5. count on

(idiom) to trust (someone) : to rely or depend on (someone) to do something

☛ I knew I could count on you two! ✎ The team counted on the coach to help them improve in strategy and techniques. 6. obey

(v) to do what someone tells you to do or what a rule, law, etc., says you must do

☛ I should have listened and obeyed the rules. ✎ His dog has learned to obey many commands in order to become a guide dog for the blind. 7. clerk

(n) a person who works in a store

☛ I'll go into a store and ask a clerk for help. ✎ The sales clerk at a women's clothing store helped me find the dress I was looking for.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

! ✎


At the Giant Mall 1.2

Lost Cub Scene, [ 7:10-8:20 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

CHILD: (crying) LADY: Oh, don't _______________________. Your mama will be here soon. SISTER: What is this place, Mama? MAMA: The Lost Cub station. It's where cubs who get lost are taken to wait for their _______________________. Another rule is: if either one of you gets lost and can't find our meeting place, then you should go into any shop and ask somebody that works there for help. Then that bear, or a uniformed mall security bear, will bring you here ____________________ I can find you. CUSTOMER: Oh, there you are, sweetie! Thank you so much. I turned my back for just a _______________________, and she was gone. LADY: It happens so easily, especially in a mall this big. BROTHER: (stomach growling) SISTER: (laughing) That was your stomach, _______________________! BROTHER: (stomach growling) Heh, and that was your stomach! MAMA: (laughing) Sounds like it's time to meet Papa in the _______________________ court. Let's check that map over there and see which way we have to go. KIDS: That _______________________! MAMA: (laughing)


dictation continued...


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Lost and Found Scene, [ 9:10- 11:00 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

MAMA: The rule is, you really shouldn't _______________________ the meeting place in case the person you're supposed to meet comes by and you're not there. But I have a _______________________ I know what happened to Papa. SISTER: Here we are. The big red arrow shows us right by the food court. MAMA: Okay, the hardware store is... Number 42. BROTHER: 42... there, Mama. So, we go that way, and turn _______________________. MAMA: He's about this tall, has a brown hat and blue overalls. He was looking for a carving set. You're sure you haven't seen him? Well.. thank you anyway. BROTHER: But if Papa wasn't here, where did he go, Mama? MAMA: My guess is around in _______________________. SISTER: Huh? MAMA: It looks like Trailblazer Papa has managed to get himself lost. BROTHER: But how are we going to _______________________ him? MAMA: That might be easier than you think, Brother. Oh, dear! PAPA: (laughing) I know where I am most of the time, but I guess that's only when I'm in the deep woods or frozen _______________________. PAPA: All I've had for lunch is this lollipop. (sniffing) Honey noodles, mmm. SISTER: We _______________________ them for you. PAPA: I knew I could count on you two! MAMA: Well, thank you for taking care of our... lost one. LADY: (laughing) Well, that's why we're here. Big or ___________________, we help them all. MAMA:(gasping) Oh, wait, Papa. What about your carving set? PAPA: Oh, let's just forget it. I'll never find that hardware store. (chuckling) Well, doesn't that just beat all. I had to get lost to _______________________ what I was looking for. KIDS: (laughing)


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

At the Giant Mall1.2 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 34

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What is the Lost Cub Station? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What type of cub ends up at the Lost Cub Station? a. A lost cub b. A badly behaving cub c. A cub who can't find the meeting place d. Both A and C e. All of the above 3. Who ate at the food court? (Circle all that are true) a. Mama b. Papa c. Sister d. Brother 4. Who thinks Papa is lost? a. Mama b. Brother c. Sister d. All of the above 5. According to the map, where was the hardware shop? a. 40 b. 41 c. 42 d. 43 6. Where did they find Papa? a. At the food court b. The Lost Cub Station c. Hardware Shop d. Honey Noodle Shop 35

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

7. When they found Papa, he was feeling ___________________. a. sad b. scared c. hungry d. mad 8. Where was the Hardware Shop? a. Far from the Lost Cub Station b. Next to the Lost Cub Station c. Far from the food court d. Next to the food court 9. Papa had to get ___________________ to find what he was looking for. 10.Who knew where the car was parked? Why? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 11. Who didn’t follow the rule? a. Mama b. Papa c. Sister d. Brother 12. What lesson did Papa learn? (Check all that are true) a. Rules are for everyone. b. No matter how big or small, rules keep all of us safe. c. Hold hands to not get lost. d. Look at maps to see where you are. e. If you can’t find what you are looking for, ask a clerk for help. f. Both A and B g. All of the above


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "


Identify the Preposition

DIRECTION Fill in the blanks with the suitable preposition.



across from



turn right


next to


at the corner of

turn left

1. The pharmacy is ____________________ the post office and the movie theater. 2. The police station is ____________________ the bank. 3. The hospital is ______________________ from the library. 4. The train station is __________________ the school. 5. To go to the library from Central Avenue, ________________________ on First Street. 6. The bank is ________________ the police station, but the church is ________________. 7. The church is ____________________ the Second Street and Central Avenue. 8. The restaurant is __________________ the school. 9. The police station is ____________________ the bank and the store. 10. Go up Second Street and __________________ on Main Street, and you’ll see the store on the right side of the street. 11. The post office ______________________ First Street and Main Street.


2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "


Identify the preposition

DIRECTION For each image below, write the correct verbs and vocabulary to explain the direction.

1. ____________________________________________________________ Go straight past the traffic light and cross the intersection. 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ DIRECTION Use the map below to complete the sentences with the correct preposition.


City Hall


! 1. The hospital is ____________________________ the bookshop.

next to

2. The zoo is __________________________ South Street and East Street. 3. The bar is ________________________ the bank. 4. The bus station is _______________________ the school and the art gallery. 5. The city hall is ________________________ the library. DIRECTION Look at the map and answer the questions, using as detailed information as possible. 1. Where is the gallery? ______________________________________________________________

It is opposite the hospital and the zoo, next to the bus station,


and on the corner of South Street and East Street.

2. Where is the bus station? ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where is the library? _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where is the bookstore? ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Role Play "

Giving Directions

DIRECTION Use the map below to role play the dialogue below.

Sunset Boulevard

F a i r f a x Av e n u e

L a B r e a Av e n u e



Beverly Boulevard

Ring Ring A: Hello? B: Hi, ______(name A)___________. It’s _____(name B)__________. A: Hi, ______ (name B)_____. What’s up? B: Well, I was wondering if you’d like to __________(activity)_________. A: Sure. What did you have in mind? B: I

am in the mood for

need to

was thinking of

_____(activity)______ at _____(place)_____.

A: I wouldn’t mind doing that. How do I get there? B: Well, where are you? A: I’m at _________(place)_________. B: Okay. You need to _________(directions)_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. A: What time do you want to meet? B: Why don’t we meet at ________ o’clock? A: That time works for me. See you at ________(place)_________.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

How do I get to...

DIRECTION Your teacher will cut out the pieces below, and you will randomly draw a card. Then the teacher will pick on two students to engage in a dialogue, with STUDENT A asking for directions (“How do I get to where you are?”), and the STUDENT B giving directions. However, unlike the game from before, there is a new twist to the game. STUDENT B will not tell STUDENT A where he or she is. STUDENT B will give directions to guide STUDENT A to the secret location. Then at the end, STUDENT B will end up at a place, and it must match where STUDENT A is. Then you get a treat!



train station


barber/ hair salon

fire station

parking lot


post of fice






police station





clothing store



gas station


swimming pool





B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

! PART 1


Family Cares

Finding Papa Dictation [ 9:30-10:35 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

MAMA: He's about this _____________________, has a brown hat and blue overalls. He was looking for a carving set. You're sure you haven't _____________________ him? Well.. thank you anyway. BROTHER: But if Papa wasn't here, where did he go, Mama? MAMA: My _____________________ is around in circles. SISTER: Huh? MAMA: It looks like Trailblazer Papa has managed to get himself _____________________. BROTHER: But how are we going to _____________________ him? MAMA: That _____________________ be easier than you think, Brother. Oh, dear! PAPA: (laughing) I know where I am most of the time, but I guess that's only when I'm in the _____________________ woods or frozen north. PAPA: All I've had for _____________________ is this lollipop. (sniffing) Honey noodles, mmm. SISTER: We saved them for you. PAPA: I knew I could _____________________ on you two! MAMA: Well, thank you for taking _____________________ of our... lost one. LADY: (laughing) Well, that's why we're here. Big or small, we _____________________ them all.


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Family ]

Doesn't matter what you do

Your love is unconditional

Even if you mess up too

That means it never ends at all

We're your family, dude

We are family, pal

And we love you

And you love me

Our love is unconditional

But will we love you if you change?

That means it never ends at all


We're your family, pal

Or if you make a mistake

And we love you

YES! And if you forget the rules?

But will you love me if I change?



For ever, ever too?

Or if I make a mistake


YES! And if I forget the rules?

Doesn't matter what we do


Even if we mess up too

For ever, ever too?

We are family, dude


And we love you

Doesn't matter what I do

Our love is unconditional

Even if I mess up too

That means it never ends at all

We are family, dude

We are family, pal

And you love me

And we love me


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Family ]

1. Who caused the juice to spill? a. Jacob b. Josh

Dance Song

2. TRUE / FALSE Josh spilled paint on Jacob’s favorite shirt. Put your hands your chest 3. What did Josh do after he made a mistake?

Near your big, big heart,

a. He started crying

Put your hands your chest

b. He tried to hide it.

Near your big, big heart

c. He tried to say sorry. 4. Why was Josh afraid to tell Josh what had happened? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Put your arms out wide Like a hug would start, Put your arms out wide Like a hug would start

5. What can make family stop loving each other? a. Anger c. Mistakes b. Nothing d. Breaking things

Bring them in Bring them out

6. Put the events of Mary’s story in order: a. ______ Mary finished making her airplane.

Like you hug your family,

b. ______ Mary runs away to go hide.

Bring them in

c. ______ Mary and her sister were making paper airplanes.

Bring them out

d. ______ Mary sat on her sister’s airplane

Like you hug your family

7. If you make a mistake, what should you do to make it better? a. Move to Australia to live with kangaroos.

And scream who you love

b. Move to Antarctica to live with penguins.

on one, two, three,

c. Say sorry.

I love my mom, dad, my

d. Run way and hide.

brothers and sisters.

8. What did Jacob do to fix his mistake? (Check all that are true) a. ______ Tell Josh he was sorry


b. ______ Buy Josh a new shirt c. ______ Bring Josh a new cup of juice d. ______ Hug Josh


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Dialogue [ Apologizing ] DIRECTION In this activity, you will practice complaining, apologizing, and making requests. 1. Look at the cards below and the example dialogue. You are going to make complaints (C) and requests (R) using the words and pictures on the cards as prompts. 2. You will take turns making a complaint while your There is partner a fly in apologizes my soup. and after that a request should be made.

me a new bowl A: Excuse me!bring ____________________________. C: fly in soup R: new bowl

(complaint) B: I'm very sorry about that. (apology) A: Could you ____________________________? (request) B: Certainly. One moment please.

C: Music too loud

C: Wait a long time

C: Drive too fast

R: Turn it down

R: Hurry up

R: Slow down

C: Late for class

C: Too hot

R: Arrive on time

R: Turn on air conditioner

C: Ordered fish, not steak R: Give steak


B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

C: Too dark

C: Fart is too smelly

R: Turn on the light

R: Open the window

C: Use something without asking R: Give it back

PART 5 Role Play [ Apologizing ] DIRECTION Look at the list of scenarios below, and engage in a dialogue: 1. Apologize for the scenario and offer the solution for each scenario. 2. Role play a scenario of giving safety rules to a person who will ride a bike. The person will first reject your suggestion, so you have to insist and give him or her a reason why it is important to follow the rule. Apologizing I’m (really/so) sorry for... I (would like to) apologize for... Please accept my apologies for... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to...

Accep+ng an Apology That’s okay That’s all right No problem I accept your apology(apologies) That’s quite all right Don’t worry

Reasons to apologize I forgot my friend’s birthday I’m really sorry for being late I broke my friend’s toy. I walked past the teacher’s desk and accidentally knocked a stack of papers off. are you so late I borrowed my brother’s shirt and got a stain on it. got stuck in a traffic jam. I borrowed a friend’s book, and now I can’t find it. I was thinking of something else and didn’t listen to the teacher’s direcMons. I overslept, and I was late for my best friend’s birthday party. I was really trapped in the traffic jam. I was angry and called my brother/sister/cousin/friend a mean name. I accidentally dropped my tray, and my food got on a classmate’s shoes. come earlier. A: __________________________________

I accept your apology B: Why ________________________________________________________________. A: I am very sorry, but I ________________________________________________________________ 45

B .B . At the Giant Mall 1.2

2-1A Listening

B: Really? This isn’t the first time this has happened. A: _________________________________________________. I do sincerely apologize. B: Next time, please ________________________________________________________________________. A: Okay, I promise! B: Okay then ______________________________________________________________________________.


2-1A Listening

B e r e n s t a i n B e a r s : A t t h e G i a n t M a l l

Lights, Camera, Action! Pick a character to play, and highlight your lines. We will practice the roles in class, but you must also practice your lines at home to act it out together in class. CHARACTERS Papa Bear Mama Bear Sister Bear Brother Bear

(Setting: Inside a tool shop) PAPA: I need to buy some tools. Cubs, do you want to see how huge the new Big Bear Mall is? BROTHER & SISTER: Yeah, can we? PAPA: You’d better tell Mama! She's not going to want to miss out on this. BROTHER & SISTER: Yeah! (Driving in a car to the Big Bear Mall). MAMA: I hear it's really huge. We have to be sure to go over the rules. BROTHER & SISTER: What rules, Mama? MAMA: Rules like always stay close to me and always hold my hand. We have rules so that no one gets lost.

BROTHER: But how are you going to hold three hands, Mama? PAPA: Haha, oh, those rules aren't for me! I never get lost! (Park the car in the mall. Walk from the parking lot into Big Bear Mall) (Inside the mall. The whole family looks around in amazement.) PAPA: Whoa! BROTHER: Cool! SISTER: Neat! MAMA: (Cough) What about remembering the rules?


B .B . At the Giant Mall

2-1A Listening

BROTHER: Stay close. SISTER: Always hold your hand! MAMA: Now, there are a few more rules I'd like to talk about. PAPA: Well, since I never get lost, I don't need any rules. I'll go find that hardware store. MAMA: But what about the meeting spot rule, Papa? BROTHER: Oh, we know about meeting places, Mama. SISTER: You told us before. No matter where you are, the first thing to do... BROTHER: ...Is pick a spot to meet, just in case we get separated. MAMA: Very good. Now, what's our meeting spot going to be today? PAPA: Let's meet in the food court in one hour. I'm in the mood for some honey noodles today. (Walks away) SISTER: Ummmmm, do you know where the food court is, Mama? MAMA: No, but we will in a minute... (They all walk over to a mall directory of the mall. They all study it together as Mama points at places and explains.) This is a map of the whole mall. It shows where everything is located: the shops, the washrooms, escalators, and even where we're standing right now. There are maps like this all over the mall. So the rule is, if we get separated, you look at the maps. They'll show you where you are and how to get to our meeting place. BROTHER: The food court! MAMA: Right, so let's find it on a map. There it is. Now, let's see what stores are between us here, and the food court there. BROTHER: A music store... SISTER: A bookstore... BROTHER: And a pet store! (Mama, Sister, and Brother are having a good time at the mall visiting a bookstore, a pet shop, and a music store. However, Papa looks confused because he is lost in the mall) (Mama, Sister, and Brother walk past a shop and see a mall employee comforting a crying child) CHILD: (crying) LADY: Oh, don't worry. Your mama will be here soon.


B .B . At the Giant Mall

2-1A Listening

SISTER: What is this place, Mama? MAMA: The Lost Cub Station. It's where cubs who get lost are taken to wait for their parents. Another rule is: if either one of you gets lost and can't find our meeting place, then you should go into any shop and ask somebody that works there for help. Then, that bear, or a uniformed mall security bear, will bring you here where I can find you. BROTHER: (stomach growling) SISTER: (laughing) That was your stomach, Brother! BROTHER: (stomach growling) Heh, and that was your stomach! MAMA: (laughing) Sounds like it's time to meet Papa in the food court. Let's check that map over there and see which way we have to go. (They walk over to a map and study it). KIDS: That way! MAMA: (laughing) (Mama, Sister, and Brother eat at the food court, and Papa is lost in the mall.) MAMA: What could be keeping Papa in that hardware store? BROTHER & SISTER: Papa loves tools! MAMA: Maybe he just got himself lost. BROTHER: Not Papa. SISTER: But not Papa. He never gets lost. (Papa is clearly lost) PAPA: Oh, where am I? Oh, no. Back where I started. (Mama, Sister, and Brother look at a map trying to figure out where the hardware store is to find Papa). ..... (While looking for Papa, they walk past the Lost Cub Station,and Mama sees Papa sitting inside). MAMA: That might be easier than you think, Brother. Oh, dear! PAPA: (laughing) I know where I am most of the time. I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused today. I should’ve listened and obeyed the rules, so I wouldn’t get lost. Well, I’ve learned my lesson. Rules are for everyone. No matter how big or small, rules keep all of us safe. Next time, I will hold your hands, so I won’t get lost. I will look at the maps. And need be, I will go into a store and ask a clerk for help. I promise. 49

B .B . At the Giant Mall

2-1A Listening

♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ [0:00] THEME SONG ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins Climb aboard, get ready to explore There's so much to find, Little Einsteins We're going on a mission, start the countdown five, four, three, two, one Everyone to Rocket, rev it up now RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins climb aboard, get ready to explore There's so much to find, Little Einsteins Come On - Let's Go - Little Einsteins We need you, Little Einsteins - Yeah ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ [19:30] SUPER FAST! ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪

To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio. Pat the beat on your lap slowly. Moderato. Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster. Allegro! Now pat the beat on your shoulders, even faster! Presto! Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body!


L.E. Hello Cello

2-1A Listening

Naming Instruments DIRECTION Through knowledge and process of elimination, write the correct names under each instrument.



































acoustic guitar


french horn












electric guitar



L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Informational Non-fiction Reading "


The Cello

DIRECTION Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension. The cello is a stringed instrument and is the second largest string instrument, next to the double bass. A cellist plays the cello by standing it on the floor and leaning over it, one hand on the neck and the other playing a bow across the strings. The cello is beloved in classical music because many people believe that the sounds it makes are the closest to a human voice than an instrument can get. 1. What kind of instrument is the cello? a. String b. Woodwind c. Brass 2. Where does a cello stand? a. On the floor b. On a table c. On a chair 3. What kind of sound does a cello have? a. Loud b. Brassy c. Human


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Can and Can’t Warm Up

Can is a modal verb that is used to express ability or to say that something is possible. 1. After the modal verb "can," the main verb is in the base form. "

Paula can + paint very well."


We can + go to the movies. "


He can + swim in the deep end of the pool.


They can + drive motorcycles.

2. To form the negative, we add "not" after can to form cannot or can’t. "

Paula can’t paint very well."


We can’t go to the movies. "


He can’t swim.


They can’t drive motorcycles.

3. To form the question, we change the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb. "

Paula can paint very well. ⇢ Can Paula paint well?


We can go to the movies. ⇢ Can we go to the movies?


He can swim in the deep end of the pool. ⇢ Can he swim in the deep end?


They can drive motorcycles."⇢ Can they drive motorcycles?


2-1A Listening


Grammar Warm Up "

Can and Can’t

PART I Fill in the blanks with can or can’t depending on what you know and based on the picture. 1. An elephant _____________ be in a circus, but it ____________ be in a kitchen.


2. Flowers ____________ grow with water, but they ____________ grow without sun. 3. A sailor ____________ work on a ship, but he ____________ work on an airplane. !

4. In the winter, we ____________ build a snowman, but we ___________ do it in the summer. !

5. I ___________ ride a horse, and I ___________ wear a cowboy hat. 6. A fish ____________ swim in water, but it ____________ walk on land.


7. The juggler ____________ juggle cars, but he ____________ juggle bowling pins. !

8. Astronauts ___________ travel on rockets, but they ___________ visit other planets yet. 9. Dogs ____________ fetch balls, and they _____________ run fast. PART II Say what you can do or can’t do. Choose can or can’t according to your abilities.

10. I _________________ climb a tree. 11. I _________________ sing very well. 12. I _________________ run 5 kilometers. 13. I _________________ do a cartwheel. 14. I _________________ fly a kite. 15. I _________________ jump rope. 16. I _________________ understand my English teacher. 17. I _________________ cook a fried egg. 18. I _________________ kill a spider.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "

Can and Can’t Drills

DIRECTION Choose can or can’t according to the situation:

Example: She can’t answer the phone now because she is taking a shower. 1. I know the answer; I ________________ answer the question now.


2. I am very sick, so I _______________ study for my test.


3. She has learned the piano for 20 years, so she ____________ become a piano teacher. 4. Maria can speak English, but she _______________ speak French. 5. The basketball player is very tall, so he _______________ dunk the ball in the hoop, 6. You _______________ sleep today because you are very tired. 7. Juan _______________ play tennis very well, and he has won many awards. 8. I _______________ wake up on time, so I'm always late. 9. The second grader ______________ ride a bike, but she _______________ drive a car. 10.I _______________ speak Spanish, so I can talk with people in Mexico and Argentina. 11. I'm sorry. I _______________ help you today because I'm very busy. 12. Tom _______________ lift the table because it’s too heavy, and he’s not strong enough. 13. A: _______________ you buy some milk on your way home? B: I _______________ leave the house because I'm sick. 13. A: ____________ I go to the bathroom, please? B: Yes, of course you ____________.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hello Cello 1.1

[start 8:40] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. symphony

(n) a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra

Vocabulary usage from the video ☛ Symphony Number 8, unfinished, written by Franz Schubert. Sample Sentence ✎ Beethoven was almost completely deaf when he composed his ninth symphony. 2. cello

(n) a four-stringed musical instrument that is like a violin, but is larger in size and lower in tone

☛ Did all the baby cellos hatch out of their cases? ✎ A cello and a violin look alike but are held and used very differently. 3. hatch

(v) of a bird, insect, fish, etc. to come out of an egg : to be born by coming out of an egg

☛ Same as #2 ✎ The hen watched the chicks hatch. 4. case

(n) a box or container to hold something

☛ Same as #2 ✎ I have my pencil, pens, and eraser in my pencil case. 5. float

(v) to rest on top of a liquid

☛ And now, he's floating far, far away from his mommy. ✎ The glacier ice was floating down the river. 6. rescue

(v) to save (someone or something) from danger or harm

☛ The Little Einsteins will rescue your baby, I promise. ✎ A fireman rescued three children from the burning building. 7. mission

(n) a task or job that someone is given to do

☛ We've got a mission! ✎ The police’s mission was to find the thieves who robbed the bank. 8. seatbelt

(n) a strap on a vehicle's seat that holds a person in the seat if there is an accident

☛ Buckle your seatbelts! ✎ It is the law to put on your seatbelt while seating in a moving car. 56

L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening 9. wiggle

(v) to move up and down or from side to side with short quick motions

☛ His case is wiggling! ✎ The puppy wiggled with excitement when I held the ball in front of him. 10. giraffe

(n) a very tall African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs

☛ That giraffe does have a long neck, but she's not your mommy. ✎ The giraffe eats leaves off of the tall trees in the African savanna. 11. direction

(n) the course or path on which something is moving or pointing

☛ Leo, her music is coming from this direction. ✎ Down the road, he could see a bus coming from the opposite direction.

WARM-UP QUESTION Write in complete sentences.

What are some things a baby needs to survive? Give reasons for your answers. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Hello Cello 1.1

Rescue Scene [ 5:25 7:50 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ANNIE: Look, look, look! His case is wiggling! LEO: He's getting _______________________ to hatch! ANNIE: Aw! he's so cute! QUINCY: Poor little Baby Cello. He wants to know where his mommy is. Hey there, little guy. JUNE: Listen! He's asking Quincy if he's his mommy. QUINCY: No, silly Baby Cello! I'm not your mommy, I'm a kid. Your mommy is a cello, and she has a long ____________________, just like you. (music playing) QUINCY: That's right. Cellos have long necks. (music playing) ANNIE: Whoa! Where's he going? JUNE: He's going to ____________________ for his mommy. LEO: Come on, team! We've got to help Baby Cello find his way back to his mommy! ANNIE: Wait for us, Baby Cello! JUNE: Uh-oh. I _______________________ which way we go now. (music playing) QUINCY: Listen, Baby Cello is trying to call to his mommy. ANNIE: Baby Cello, I can help you _______________________ to her. ♪♪ I am a cello, and I am looking for my mommy ♪♪ (music playing) ANNIE: Mommy Cello _______________________ us. JUNE: Leo, her music is coming from this direction. LEO: Come on, team, we need to ___________________ the road that goes through the zoo! (Cello playing) (elephant trumpeting) ANNIE: Baby Cello is so excited! LEO: He thinks he _______________________ his mommy in the zoo. QUINCY: Oh, yeah. Baby Cello is looking for a mommy with a long neck.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 59

L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer based on the events from this section (you may refer back to your notes).

1. What country are they in? a. France b. Italy c. America d. Spain 2. How many baby cellos were expected? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 3. What happened to the last baby cello? a. It didn’t wiggle. b. It didn’t hatch. c. It fell into the Po River. d. It ran away. 4. What is the mission of the LIttle Einsteins? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Before the cello hatches, what happens to the case? a. it spins b. it wiggles c. it jumps d. it dances 6. What kind of necks do cellos have? (Circle all the characteristics that are true) a. long b. short c. thin d. fat


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

7. How did Baby Cello communicate with its mom? a. singing b. talking c. playing music d. writing an email 8. TRUE / FALSE Mommy Cello didn’t hear Baby Cello calling for her. 9. Who did Baby Cello mistake as its mom? a. a flamingo b. a giraffe c. an elephant d. a snake 10.What is the conflict that the children face? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 11. Where has Baby Cello been so far? Number them in order from 1 (first) to 4(last). a. _______ river b. _______ zoo c. _______ town d. _______ grassy field


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Review "

Can and Can’t Drills

1. DIRECTION Write the following words in order. TIP: Pay attention to the ending punctuation.

a. milk - can - please - I - the – have - ? ______________________________________________________________________ Can I have the milk, please? b. school - can’t - to - she - go - . ______________________________________________________________________ She can’t go to school c. languages - can – other - speak - she - ? ______________________________________________________________________ d. can’t - he - letter - a - write - . ______________________________________________________________________ e. you - under - can’t - water – the - run - . ______________________________________________________________________ f. vegetarian – she - because - meat - eat - she’s - can’t - a - . ______________________________________________________________________ g. come - on – Sunday - they - can - . ______________________________________________________________________ h. call - we - taxi - a – can - ? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. DIRECTION Using the information on the chart below, answer the questions in complete

sentences. Then ask each other about Julie, Carl, and Ann’s skills.

play chess

play tennis

make a cake

ride a horse
















a. Can Carl ride a horse ? ___________________________________________________ Yes, Carl can ride a horse. b. Can Ann play tennis? _____________________________________________________ c. Can Julie make a cake? ___________________________________________________ d. Can Carl play tennis? _____________________________________________________ e. Can Ann play chess? ____________________________________________________ f. Can Julie play chess? ____________________________________________________ 62

L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

Can You Prove It?

DIRECTION Student A will ask Student B a question below, and Student B will answer it in a complete sentence (“I can ....” or “I can’t ...”), and if it’s something Student B can do, Student B will “prove” it to the class by acting out what the question says. Then Student B will ask Student C, and this will start all over again with Student D, Student E, Student F, etc., until all of the questions are done.

Can you wink?

Can you cross your eyes?

Can you name all 12 months?

Can you roll your tongue?

Can you spell your name backwards?

Can you hold your breath for 20 seconds?

Can you wink with your left or right eye?

Can you crack your knuckles?

Can you talk about your family for 1 minute?

Can you whistle the “Happy Birthday” song?

Can you say “thank you” in 4 languages?

Can you count backwards from 20?

Can you wiggle your ears?

Can you flip a coin?

Can you dance?

Can you do 10 push-ups?

Can you draw a puppy?

Can you juggle?

Can you sing in English?

Can you bark like a dog?

Can you stand on 1 foot for one minute?

Can you raise one of your eyebrows?

Can you say “I love you” in 3 languages?

Can you say “Hello” in 4 languages?

Can you name 10 animals in English?

Can you name the 12 months in English?

Can you name the days of the week in English?

Can you name five insects?

Can you jump higher than one foot?

Can you hiccup for 15 seconds?

Can you act like a cat for 15 seconds?

Can you act like a frog for 15 seconds?


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

! PART 1


I Can Do It

Find Mommy Dictation [ 5:25

7:03 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

ANNIE: Look, look, look! His _____________________ is wiggling! LEO: He's getting ready to hatch! ANNIE: Aw! he's so _____________________! QUINCY: Poor little Baby Cello. He _____________________ to know where his mommy is. Hey there, little guy. JUNE: _____________________! He's asking Quincy if he's his mommy. QUINCY: No, silly Baby Cello! I'm not your mommy, I'm a kid. Your mommy is a _____________________, and she has a long neck, just like you. (music playing) QUINCY: That's _____________________. Cellos have long necks. (music playing) ANNIE: Whoa! Where's he _____________________? JUNE: He's going to look for his mommy. LEO: Come on, team! We've got to help _____________________ cello find his way back to his mommy! ANNIE: ______________________ for us, Baby Cello! JUNE: Uh-oh. I wonder _____________________ way we go now. (music playing) QUINCY: Listen, Baby Cello is trying to call to his mommy. ANNIE: Baby Cello, I _____________________ help you call to her. ♪♪ I am a cello, and I am looking for my _______________________ ♪♪ (music playing)


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: I Can Do It ]

There are things that you can do. There are things I can do too. Let's work together and learn what we can do

Can you turn into a cat or a moose? No, I can't, you silly goose! Now everyone at home, what can you do?

Can you brush your teeth to make them shine? I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it!

That's super cool! What else, what else, what else can you do? Wow! You can too? Can you brush your teeth to make them shine?

Can you jump in the air, way up high? I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it!

I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it! Can you jump in the air, way up high?

Can you draw a picture of a nose, ears, and eyes? I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it!

I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it! Can you draw a picture of a nose, ears, and eyes?

Can you get in bed when you need to at night? I can do it! But.. can I hold my teddy tight? Yea! YAY!

I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it! Can you get in bed and hold your teddy tight?

There are things that you can do. There are things I can do too. Let's work together and learn what we can do

I can do it! I can do it! You can do it? I can do it!

How about do you know how to tie your shoes?

There are things that you can do.

Not yet, I can't! That's okay, you'll learn soon!

There are things I can do too. Let's work together and learn what we can do.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: I Can Do It ]

1. Fill in the charts with what each brother can do: make friends

play a ukelele

dribble a basketball


brush teeth

roar like a dinosaur

spread jam on a toast




Dance Song There are tons of things that we can do, so show us what you can do. I can put my hands wide out I can too, I can too. I can clap my hands

2. TRUE / FALSE Josh has always been good at combing his hair.

real loud

3. What did Josh need self conďŹ dence to do?

I can too, I can too.

_____________________________________________________________ I can dance like this

4.What can Horbie and Tay do? Write H for Horbee, T for Tay and B for Both.

shake, shake, shake, I can too, I can too.

a. ______ Snore really loud. b. ______ Brush my teeth. c. ______ Play chess.

And I can wave,

d.______ Wave and Smile.

wave, wave, wave

e.______ Spell my name.

I can too, I can too.

f. ______ Tie my shoes.

Great Job! Now do

g.______ Wash my hands.

something you can do!

h.______ Make a siren sound. i. ______ Visit Josh and Jacob again real soon.

REPEAT x2 (faster)

5. TRUE / FALSE Josh and Jacob can do many things by themselves.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Speaking Game [ Can You? ] DIRECTION Student A will ask Student B a question below, and Student B will answer it in a complete sentence (“I can ....” or “I can’t ...”), and if it’s something Student B can do, Student B will “prove” it to the class by acting out what the question says. Then Student B will ask Student C, and this will start all over again with Student D, Student E, Student F, etc., until all of the questions are done.

Can you act like a rabbit for 15 seconds?

Can you act like a bird for 15 seconds?

Can you act like a dog for 15 seconds?

Can you act like a fish for 15 seconds?

Can you name all seven days of the week?

Can you snap your fingers?

Can you make a funny face?

Can you name five vegetables?

Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

Can you act like a monkey for 15 seconds?

Can you snore for 30 seconds?

Can you name and point to 10 parts of the body?

Can you name five rooms of a house?

Can you say the names of all your classmates?

Can you hug one of your classmates?

Can you say fast “very well” for 10 times?

Can you moo like a cow?

Can you jump 15 times?

Can you meow like a cat?

Can you name 10 jobs?

Can you name five animals that live in the ocean?

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you stand on your head?

Can you baa like a sheep?

Can you turn around 5 times then walk in a straight line?

Can you say 5 words in English that rhyme with the word pop?

If you are right-handed, can you write a word neatly with your left hand? (and vice versa)

Can you say fast “she sells sea shells on the sea shore”?

Can you hum your favorite song?

Can you name the capital cities of 5 countries?

Can you giggle for 20 seconds?

Can you say very fast “red car yellow bus” 5 times?

Can you say fast “ I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream” ?

Can you say fast “two tiny tigers took a taxi to town” for 3 times?

Can you say fast “can you can a can as a canner can can a can?”

Can you say fast “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” ?


L.E. Hello Cello 1.1


2-1A Listening

Vocabulary Lesson "



The Five Food Groups

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Lesson "

Describing Food

DIRECTION For each adjective, list a few examples. You can use the food listed on the previous page.

How does it TASTE? SWEET





Taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty or bitter.

Having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar.

Food tasting of, containing, or preserved with salt.

Having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.

"Tasteless” because it is unseasoned.

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ SPICY




Full of flavors such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger

Plenty of chilli, or a lot of pepper.

Food that is fresh, cold, and usually uncooked

Full of strong and heavy flavor, usually sweet or buttery.

SHARP Sour, tangy, acid

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

How is it COOKED FRY













______________ ______________


______________ ______________







How is the TEXTURE? 69

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening



Dense foods that take a while to digest

Food that is ready to eat.



Food that makes a grinding noise when bitten or crushed

Firm, brittle, and usually fried, especially in a way considered pleasing









MOIST Food a little wet

STALE Food that is no longer fresh

GREASY / OILY Food that has been fried in oil

BRITTLE Hard but breaks easily

MUSHY Food that is very soft

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ TOUGH You have to bite quite hard into it

TENDER Easy to chew

JUICY Food that contains a lot of juice

CHEWY Food that you have to chew a lot before swallowing it









NEGATIVE BLAND, tasteless, unflavored, unseasoned HEAVY, overpowering DISGUSTING, yucky

POSITIVE DELICIOUS,tasty, appetizing,yummy, delectable SUCCULENT, juicy, moist, SUPERB, amazing, excellent, fantastic, exquisite, scrumptious ENJOYABLE, attractive, delightful MOUTHWATERING, finger licking, enticing, lip smacking.


2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Practice "


Describe Me!

DIRECTION For each image below, identify the food item (A.) and describe it as best as you can (B.).




















































finger licking




lip smacking




2. " "



3. "




lemon A._______________




sour B._______________




fresh _________________ juicy _________________







ripe _________________








7. "



6. " "






























L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "

Ordering Food in a Restaurant

DIRECTION Role play with a classmate using the dialogue below, taking turns playing each role.

Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Customer: Yes, I would like to have some lunch.


Waiter: What can I get for you? " " " roast turkey Customer: I have a question about the _________________. Can you describe it and tell me how it is? a juicy turkey breast served with moist bread stuffing and creamy Waiter: Yes, it is ______________________________________________________________________

gravy. It’s served with steamed carrots on the side and a buttery biscuit. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

Customer: - Oh, that sounds good. I will take that. is too much food, and I’m not very hungry. " - Oh, maybe that’s not for me because it __________________________________________. pepperoni pizza I would like to have a(n) _________________________, instead. Waiter: Would you like to have a side with that? Customer: -No, thank you.

a side of today’s vegetables -Yes, I would like to have ______________________________________________________.

Waiter: Would you something to drink? a glass of orange juice Customer: Yes, I'd like _______________________________. Waiter: Okay, I’ll be back with your drink in a minute. Customer: Thank you. 72

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hello Cello 1.2

[8:40 16:30] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. conduct

(v) to direct the performance of (musicians or singers)

☛ If I conduct a crescendo, that will make the ladder grow louder and bigger! ✎ He was conducting the music of Mozart the choir with great skill and emotion. 2. crescendo

(n) a gradual increase in the loudness of a sound or section of music; the highest or loudest point of something that increases gradually

☛ Same as #1 ✎ When the opera singer reached the crescendo of her solo performance, the audience cheered. 3. baton

(n) a thin stick that is used by a music conductor to lead a band or orchestra

☛ Get your baton ready. ✎ The conductor wildly waved his baton as he directed the orchestra through a powerful symphony. 4. low

(adj) not located far above the ground or another surface

☛ Now put your hands down really low and slowly raise them up higher to tell the music to get louder. ✎ During sunset, the sun was low in the horizon, painting the western sky orange, yellow, and red. 5. raise

(v) to lift or move (something or someone) to a higher position

☛ Same as #4 ✎ The teacher told the students to raise their hand if they know the answer. 6. stringy

(adj) containing long, thin pieces that are like string

☛ Which one of these foods is long and stringy? ✎ I took a slice of the hot pizza, and the edges were gooey and stringy. 7. berserk

(adj) (of a person or animal) out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied (of a device, system, or activity) operating in a wild or erratic way; fluctuating wildly

☛ It's going berserk. ✎ The computer went berserk before shutting down. 8. That was close

(idiom) used when something bad almost happened, but you managed to avoid it

☛ That was close. ✎ When we came out of the tent in the morning, I saw bear tracks and said, "That was a close one!" 73

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening 9. stuck

(v) difficult or impossible to move from a position

☛ I think one of our friends got stuck in the spaghetti! ✎ This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open? 10. untangled

(v) to separate (things that are twisted together)

☛ We can pull the spaghetti to get Rocket untangled. ✎ The sailor untangled the ropes. 11. smoothly

(adv) in a way having an even, uninterrupted movement or flow

☛ But we need to pull smoothly-- legato-- so the spaghetti doesn't break. ✎ I used the brush to smoothly comb through my dog’s fur. 12. legato

(adv & adj) musical notes played in a smooth, flowing manner, without breaks

☛ Same as #11 ✎ The orchestra was playing a legato symphony in perfect coordination. 13. steady

(adj) not changing as time passes: such as not increasing or decreasing

☛ Let's do a smooth and steady spaghetti dance. ✎ The lion had a steady heart rate until it started running. (n) a device that supports the strings on a stringed musical instrument and 14. wooden bridge transmits the vibration of those strings to some other structural component of the instrument which transfers the sound to the surrounding air.

☛ Cellos have a wooden bridge. ✎ The violinist tuned the stings of his violin after he put the wooden bridge in place. 15. drawbridge

(n) a bridge that can be raised up so that people cannot cross it or so that boats can pass under it

☛ It's a drawbridge! ✎ The bridge operator had to raise and lower the drawbridge when the steamboat passed. 16. watch out

(verb phrase) to be vigilant or alert : be on the lookout

☛ Baby Cello, watch out! ✎ I saw the baseball flying towards us, so I yelled, “Watch out!” to my friends. 17. be (of) no use

(verb phrase) to not be useful, helpful, or possible

☛ It's no use. ✎ We should throw away the phone because it’s no use paying $100 to fix this old thing.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


WARM-UP QUESTION Write in complete sentences.

Do you play an instrument? If so, which instrument is it and do you enjoy it? Why or why not? If you don’t play an instrument, tell which you would like to play and explain why. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Hello Cello 1.2

Conducting Scene [ 8:40-10:45 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

LEO: Listen. This is a ____________________ ladder! If I conduct a crescendo, that will make the ladder grow louder and bigger! JUNE: Great ____________________, Leo. LEO: But I'm going to need your help. Will you ____________________ with me? Great! Get your baton ready. Now, put your hands down really low and slowly raise them up higher to tell the music to get louder. A ____________________ louder. JUNE: It's working! The ladder's music is getting louder! QUICKY: But the ladder still isn't tall ____________________ to reach the key. LEO: Conduct the music to get even louder. Stand up and reach your hands as high as you can. Crescendo! [Music playing faster and louder] All right! Baby Cello can ____________________ the key. ANNIE: ____________________!


Tangled Scene [ 12:50-14:30 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

QUINCY: Come on, Baby Cello. This ___________________. ANNIE: Uh-oh. That spaghetti machine can't stop making spaghetti! JUNE: It's going berserk. QUINCY: Whew! That was ____________________. LEO: Uh-oh, I think one of our friends got stuck in the spaghetti! Who got stuck in the spaghetti? ALL: Rocket! ANNIE: Rocket, are you okay? LEO: He's okay, but he's ____________________ in all that spaghetti. He can't get out. QUINCY: Great idea, Baby Cello. We can pull the spaghetti to get Rocket untangled. JUNE: But we need to pull smoothly-- legato-- so the spaghetti doesn't __________________ . Let's do a smooth and steady spaghetti ____________________. Do it with me. Put your arms out in front of you and smoothly pull the spaghetti with one hand and then the other hand. That's it! One hand, then the other hand. ____________________ legato so the spaghetti doesn't break. Legato. Legato! We did it! Great ____________________! 76

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 77

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer based on the events from this section (you may refer back to your notes).

1. Where was the key? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What was their first problem? a. The fence was too high, so the kids couldn’t reach the giraffe. b. The giraffe was too tall, so the kids couldn’t reach it. c. The giraffe was too energetic, so the kids couldn’t get it. d. The giraffe was angry when the kids got near it. 3. What was special about the ladder? Fill in the blanks to explain the answer. It was a ______________________ ladder, so when a ______________________ is played, the ladder ______________________. 4. What did you help Leo with? Write the order in the blanks to explain. a. ______ Slowly raise them higher to tell the music to get louder b. ______ Get your baton ready c. ______ Conduct the music to get even louder by raising your hands as high as you can d. ______ Put your hands down really low 5. Who got the key? a. Leo b. Quincy c. Baby Cello d. Annie 6. How did Mommy Cello sound when she responded to Baby Cello? a. louder than she did before b. quieter than she did before c. same as she did before d. The video didn’t tell this information


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

7. What are three characteristics of a cello? a. long neck b. fat neck c. strings d. a wooden bridge 8. Where did Baby Cello go in after the zoo? Why did he go there? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Which food item would Baby Cello have mistaken as his mommy?

10. What trouble happened there? What was the consequence? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

11. How did the children help Rocket? a. They pulled the spaghetti noodle hard over and over again b. They pulled the spaghetti noodle lightly and smoothly c. They pulled the spaghetti noodle lightly at first, then they pulled hard d. They pulled the spaghetti noodle strongly at first, then they pulled lightly 12. Where did Baby Cello go after the restaurant? Why did he go there? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 13. What trouble happened there? a. It was weak b. It was a drawbridge c. It broke d. There was traffic 14. What was the consequence of #13 (what happened to Baby Cello)? a. Baby Cello got hit by a car b. Baby Cello got hurt c. Baby Cello fell onto a boat that was headed for sea d. Baby Cello jumped onto a boat thinking his mommy was there


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Review "


The Five Food Groups

DIRECTION Look at the food and drinks below. Then classify them by their food groups into the chart below.




tomatoes Fruit




peanut butter








bell peppers








ice cream




L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Game "


Odd Food Out

DIRECTION You see four words in each line. One word doesn’t go with the rest for some reason. You have to spot the odd one and highlight. There can be different reasons.

1. ________________________________________





2. ________________________________________





3. ________________________________________





4. ________________________________________





5. ________________________________________





6. ________________________________________





7. ________________________________________





8. ________________________________________





9. ________________________________________





10. _______________________________________





11. ________________________________________


French fries


baked potato

12. _____________________________________


ice cream



13. _____________________________________





14. _____________________________________




peanut butter


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Review "


Describe Me!

DIRECTION For each image below, describe it using as many descriptive adjectives as you can while identifying the ingredients you see. Then the class will vote on which meal was described as the best.




















































finger licking




lip smacking




L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Speaking Game "

Food Expert

DIRECTION Do you know the names of these foods? Can you answer these quesMons about food? Play the game below to see if you are a food expert.


Name 3 breakfast foods.

Name 2 things you eat on your birthday.

Name 3 kinds of red fruit.

What food group does cheese belong to?

What do you dip in ketchup?

Name 3 green vegetables.

Where do apples grow?

Name a hot drink for the winter.

What can you eat at the movies?

What do we eat with chicken?

What do people drink in the morning? What are French fries made from?

What does watermelon taste like?

What is yogurt made of?

What’s in a hamburger?

I can be red or green. I am sweet and round.

What do you eat on Valentine’s Day?

Name 3 red fruit.

Name 3 things that is inside a salad.



L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

! PART 1


☆ Missing


Spaghetti Dictation [ 10:58 12:55 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

ANNIE: Come on, Baby Cello! Let's __________________ to your mommy. ♪♪ I am a cello and I am looking for my __________________ ♪♪ [Symphony Number 8 playing] [Mommy Cello plays] JUNE: Mommy Cello __________________ even louder than before. QUINCY: We're getting __________________ to your mommy, Baby Cello. Just remember, your mommy is a cello. She has a long neck and she has __________________ just like you. LEO: [Plucking strings] Come on, Little Einsteins, this __________________! JUNE: Hey, wait. Baby Cello is going __________________ that pasta restaurant. ANNIE: He thinks he found his mommy! LEO: I don't __________________ Baby Cello anywhere. QUINCY: I know. He must be looking for a mommy that has __________________ strings. Which one of these foods is long and stringy? LEO: The spaghetti noodles! Yes! [Playing] Ha ha ha! Baby Cello __________________ his mommy is spaghetti! QUINCY: Is spaghetti Baby Cello's mommy? No. Silly Baby Cello. Spaghetti is long and stringy, but spaghetti __________________ your mommy. [Plays sad note] Come on, Baby Cello. This way.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: I Miss You ]

I miss you

I hope you'll

and I wish that you were here

come back to me real soon

Next to me

Cause I miss you

not somewhere out there

This is my miss you tune

I hope you'll

I love it when you play with me

come back to me real soon

And teach me brand new games

Cause I miss you

Playing hide and seek, or on the swings

This is my miss you tune

Or using silly names

I love it when you play with me

If I ever fall or take a spill

And teach me brand new games

You're there to pick me up

Playing hide and seek, or on the swings

If I ever cry or shed a tear

Or using silly names

You're there when I look up

If I ever fall or take a spill

And you hug me when I need it

You're there to pick me up

And you tuck me in at night

If I ever cry or shed a tear

And your love is all I'm needing

You're there when I look up

And you hold me close and tight

And you hug me when I need it

I miss you, I miss you

And you tuck me in at night

I miss you, I miss you

And your love is all I'm needing And you hold me close and tight

I miss you

I miss you, I miss you

and I wish that you were here

I miss you, I miss you

Next to me not somewhere out there

I miss you and I wish that you were here Next to me not somewhere out there 86

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: I Miss You ]

1. Why do Jacob and Josh miss Cindy?

Dance Song

a. She moved to another country.

Put your arms out wide

b. She is on a family vacation.

From side to side x2

c. She is sick and can’t play. 2. TRUE / FALSE Cindy likes it when her parents work, so she can play a lot.

Now wrap them around And hold them tight x2

3. Who does Arika miss? a. Her mom

Jump up and down

b. Her sister

and left and right x2

c. Her dad And chomp like a gator

d. Her brother 4.TRUE / FALSE The brothers liked Arika’s singing. 5.Write what each character drew: family or dinosaurs?

bite, bite, bite x2 REPEAT x2 (faster)

a. _______________________ Cindy b. _______________________ Josh c. _______________________ Jacob d. _______________________ Arika 6.Who shared the following stories? a. ___________________ The brother ate a fruit without looking and made a funny face because he had accidentally eaten a sour grapefruit. b. ___________________ The dad was taking a picture of the family, and he backed up too much and fell into the pool. 7. What are the ideas that they come up with to do when you miss someone? a. ______ tell a story b. ______ call them or send an SMS c. ______ draw a picture d. ______ write a card e. ______ sing a song 87

L.E. Hello Cello 1.2

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Dialogue Practice [ Giving Suggestions ] DIRECTION Look at each part that makes up the structure in giving suggestions. Then you will pair up, and follow the sample dialogue below. Asking for Advice •

Can you give me some advice (about this)?

What do you think I should do (about this)?

What should I do (about this)? • What would you do (about this? •

Making a Sugges3on •

Let’s + V

I suggest you/we + V

Why don’t you/we + V

How about + V-ing

(about this)?

What about + V-ing • Maybe you/we could •

What do you suggest I do

+ V •

Rejec3ng a Sugges3on That sounds like a good


idea, but I don’t think

that would work. •

I can see one or two

problems with that idea. • Do you think so? •

If I were you, I would

Accep3ng a

you mean. • •

I’m not really sure about that, to be honest.

+ V

Right, I see what Okay, let’s do that. Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

Yes, that would be worth trying.

A: I can’t seem to save money. What should I do about about


A: Problem. Asking for Advice? B: Making a Suggestion idea.

B: Maybe you could stop buying snacks.

A: Rejecting a Suggestion.

A: That sounds like a good idea, but I don’t think that would work. B: How about putting your money in a locked piggy bank. A: Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

99 PROBLEMS My friend is mad at me because I lost her book. I have problems falling asleep at night. I never finish my homework on time. I want to exercise, but I don't have enough time. I want to stop eating junk food. I don't have many friends. I want to learn how to play soccer. I want to improve my English skills. I forgot my best friend's birthday. I'm always late for school. I have gained a lot of weight. I want a pet, but my parents won’t let me. I’ve failed my math test. 88

B: Making a Suggestion idea. A: Accepting a Suggestion.

2-1A Listening

I waste too much time watching TV. I feel so tired during the day.


2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "



DIRECTION Emotions (feelings) are what you feel on the inside when things happen. First, read about the following emotions. Second, write a time when you would feel that emotion. Lastly, you will take turns going up to the front of the class and acting out any emotion you wish to choose. The student who guesses it correctly will then go up and act out an emotion of their choice, and this will repeat until most have been acted out.

afraid: feeling fear and worry _________________________________________________________________________________________ annoyed: feeling bothered or angry by someone’s actions _________________________________________________________________________________________ ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong _________________________________________________________________________________________ confident: feeling able to do something _________________________________________________________________________________________ confused: feeling unsure or unable to think clear _________________________________________________________________________________________ depressed: feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy _________________________________________________________________________________________ excited: feeling happy and aroused _________________________________________________________________________________________ exhausted: feeling very, very tired _________________________________________________________________________________________ furious: extremely angry _________________________________________________________________________________________ jealous: feeling upset when someone has something or gets to do something you wanted _________________________________________________________________________________________ motivated: feeling good and wanting to do something _________________________________________________________________________________________ overwhelmed: feeling worried and unhappy because you have too much to do and not enough time _________________________________________________________________________________________ proud: feeling pleased for doing well _________________________________________________________________________________________ relaxed: feeling at ease and without worry, calm _________________________________________________________________________________________ stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed _________________________________________________________________________________________ 90

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "

Feelings & Circumstances

DIRECTION Match the feeling with the correct picture, and write the emotion on the line. 1. Mary is / feels HAPPY when she rides her bike. is and feels are both acceptable verbs to describe feelings 2. Kim is / feels DEPRESSED because her dog has died. 3. June is / feels CONFUSED over what she should write about for her school project. 4. Tim is / feels ASHAMED because he got an F on his test. 5. Mark is / feels WORRIED because he thinks Mary is mad at him. 6. Sebastien is / feels MOTIVATED as he studies for his test. 7. Bill is / feels EXHAUSTED because he has worked all night! 8. Frank is / feels PROUD because he won. 9. She is in LOVE. She can´t stop thinking about her boyfriend. 10. Sam is / feels so FURIOUS because his computer stopped working. 11. Paula is / feels JEALOUS because her classmate got a much better test score than her. 12. Peter is / feels SURPRISED to get a present even though it’s not his birthday. 13. Fred is / feels OVERWHELMED by all the work he has to do. 14. Lance is / feels NERVOUS just before he gives his speech. 15. Mark is / feels ANNOYED as he waits for his late friend.

















L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Grammar & Speaking Activity "

Simple Present Be-Verb

DIRECTION For each picture, circle the emotion that the group is feeling. Then you will take turns describing each picture in (1) present, (2) negative, and (3) interrogative statements in both a PLURAL and SINGULAR subject. Present



I am

I am not

Am I ..... ?

1. They are focused.

He is

He is not (isn't)

Is he ..... ?

2. They are not bored

She is

She is not (isn't)

Is she ..... ?

nor shocked.

It is

It is not (isn't)

Isn't it ..... ?

We are

We are not (aren't)

Are we ..... ?

﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ 1. She is focused.

You are

You are not (aren't)

Are you ..... ?

2. She is not bored

They are

They are not (aren't)

Are they ..... ?

a) hungry b) stressed c) exhausted

a) happy b) embarrassed c) angry

a) lonely b) confused c) cold

a) hungry b) excited c) frightened

a) shocked b) exhausted c) surprised

a) surprised b) lonely c) bossy



3. Are they focused?

nor shocked. 3. Is she focused?

a) glad b) furious c) satisfied

a) focused b) bored c) shocked

a) in love b) proud c) disgusted

a) scared b) cheerful c) bored

a) shocked b) brave c) merry

a) disgusted b) bored c) frightened

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hello Cello 1.3

[16:30 end] ✎

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. horn

(n) a device that makes a loud noise

☛ Maybe the boat will hear me if I play my violin just like the boat's horn. ✎ The driver in the car behind me honked his horn. 2. Sforzando

(n) used in musical notation as an instruction to play a note with sudden, strong emphasis

☛ Loud and strong! Sforzando! ✎Ic 3. piazza

(n) an open public area in a town or city (especially in Italy) that is usually surrounded by buildings

☛ All of the musical instruments are at the piazza! ✎ There are many restaurants and shops around the piazza, so it is a main meeting point for inhabitants. 4. adagio

(adj) in a slow manner — an Italian musical term used chiefly as a direction

☛ To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio. ✎ The orchestra began playing the music at adagio following the conductor’s signals. 5. beat

(n) a musical sound produced by hitting repeatedly

☛ Pat the beat on your lap slowly. ✎ They danced to the beat of the drums. 6. moderato

(adv/adj) moderate tempo — an Italian musical term used chiefly as a direction

☛ Moderato. Now, pat the beat on your tummy a little faster. ✎ In the movie, when the scary scene came on, the music became moderato. 7. allegro

(adv/adj) quick and lively tempo — an Italian musical term used chiefly as a direction

☛ Allegro! Now, pat the beat on your shoulders, even faster! ✎ The scary movie about vampires began with a movement of an allegro. 8. presto

(adv/adj) very fast tempo — an Italian musical term used chiefly as a direction

☛ Presto! Now, reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body! ✎ The conductor waved his arms wildly as he led the orchestra in a presto movement. 93

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening 9. completion

(n) the act or process of completing or finishing something

☛ Mission completion! ✎ Paul’s dog got a degree upon the completion of his training at doggy school. 10. curtain call

(n) the time when a performer returns to the stage at the end of a performance in response to the cheer of the audience

☛ Now, it's time for... the curtain call! ✎ The singer came back for one more curtain call because the fans were cheering so loudly. 11. give a hand

(idiom) to express approval, especially by clapping the hands

☛ Let's give a hand, and hear it for the team ✎ The crowd gave a hand as the runner crossed the finish line. 12. hear it for the team (idiom) please cheer and applaud the winning team

☛ Same as #11. ✎ The coach said to the audience, “Let’s hear it for the team!” after the basketball game ended. 13. bow

(v) the act of bending forward at the neck or waist in order to greet someone or show respect

☛ Come on, take a bow. ✎ In some cultures, it is polite to greet people with a bow while in others, a handshake is preferred. 14. composer

(n) a person who writes music

☛ The composer of the beautiful music we played? See you on the next mission! ✎ She moved to Russia and became a composer of operas. 15. mission

(n) a task or job that someone is given to do

☛ See you on the next mission! ✎ Christopher Columbus was on a mission to find an ocean route from Europe to India.

WARM-UP QUESTION Write in complete sentences.

How do you think Mommy Cello felt when she was reunited with Baby Cello? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 94

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

! ✎


Hello Cello 1.3

Rocket Scene [ 18:20 20:25 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ANNIE: You guys! Rocket ____________________ something. LEO: [Instruments playing] Whoa, look! All of the musical instruments are at the piazza! ANNIE: And they're ____________________ for Baby Cello. QUINCY: Baby Cello, your mommy ____________________ be at the piazza, too. She's a musical instrument. BABY CELLO: [Plays ascending notes] QUINCY: That's ____________________. Your mommy has a long neck and strings and a wooden bridge. And she's a musical instrument. Just like ____________________! BABY CELLO: [Plays] QUINCY: Don't ____________________, Baby Cello. Rocket can get you to the piazza super fast! LEO: Come on, team! We're going to have to fly Rocket as fast as he can go! Super fast! Will you help me ____________________ Rocket super fast? Great! Super fast! ALL: Super fast! LEO: To get to super fast, we have to ____________________ at adagio. Pat the beat on your lap slowly. Moderato. Now, pat the beat on your tummy a little ____________________. Allegro! Now, pat the beat on your shoulders, even faster! Presto! Now, reach your ____________________ to the sky and shake your whole body! ALL: We did it! We're flying super fast!

♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ 95

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Curtain Call Scene [ 22:00-23:20 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

LEO: (speaking) Now, it's time for... the curtain call! LEO: (singing) Let's give a ____________________, and hear it for the team ALL: And rah-rah-rah for ____________________. QUINCY: Come on, take a bow. JUNE: It's your turn now! ANNIE: Let's hear a big ____________________ for you! LEO: Now... pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap! JUNE: Let's give a big ____________________ for the artist of the day! LEO: Vincent van Gogh ALL: Vincent van Gogh QUINCY: The composer of the ____________________ music we played? LEO: Franz Schubert ALL: Franz Schubert! Hurray! Yay, Schubert! ANNIE: Now, here comes the music of the ____________________! Listen. LEO: See you on the next ____________________!


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 97

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. What did Quincy do to help him? a. He played his cello loudly to copy the boat's horn. b. He played his violin loudly to copy the boat's horn. c. He started yelling to copy the boat's horn. d. He called the captain and told him to come back. 2. What do you need to help Quincy? a. A piano b. A cello c. A violin d. A horn 3. Why were all of the musical instruments at the piazza? a. They were looking for Baby Cello b. They were getting ready for a concert c. They were having a party d. They were having a dress rehearsal (practice) 4. TRUE / FALSE Baby Cello is a musical instrument. 5. How did they get to the piazza super fast? a. They ran b. They rode a boat c. They rode Rocket d. They rode bicycles 6. Match the following words with the task: Adagio ◆ Moderato ◆ Allegro ◆ Presto a. _________________ Pat the beat on your shoulder even faster. b. _________________ Par the beat on your lap slowly. c. _________________ Reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body! d. _________________ Pat the beat on your tummy a little faster. 7. How did the children know which one was Baby Cello’s mommy? Give four reasons. 98

L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

a. ______________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________ d. ______________________________________________________________________ 8. What did Baby Cello do when he saw his mommy? a. He started dancing b. He kissed her c. He cried d. He played music with her 9. Who was the artist of the day? a. Henri Matisse b. Claude Monet c. Vincent van Gogh d. Paul Cézanne 10. Who was the composer of the day? a. Johannes Brahms b. Franz Schubert c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Frédéric Chopin 11. How many times did the children ask you for your help? a. Once b. Twice c. Three times d. Four times


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary, Grammar & Speaking "

Feelings & Emotions

DIRECTION For each facial expression, write the emotion that the character(s) is feeling. Then, you will take turns describing the picture, the emotion and the activity. Present



I am

I am not

Am I ..... ?

A: Is he sad?

He is

He is not (isn't)

Is he ..... ?

B: No, he isn’t.

She is

She is not (isn't)

Is she ..... ?

A: How does he

It is

It is not (isn't)

Isn't it ..... ?

We are

We are not (aren't)

Are we ..... ?

You are

You are not (aren't)

Are you ..... ?

They are

They are not (aren't)

Are they ..... ?

▪ afraid ▪ amazed ▪ annoyed ▪ ashamed ▪ confident


feel? B: He feels happy

because he got a robot for his birthday

















▪ confused ▪ cheerful ▪ depressed ▪ excited ▪ exhausted

▪ furious ▪ sad ▪ hungry ▪ jealous ▪ motivated ▪ overwhelmed ▪ proud ▪ relaxed ▪ happy ▪ shy ▪ stressed ▪ worried


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "


Analyze the Photo

DIRECTION Look at the pictures below. For each photo, first, describe what you see-- people, things, object, and setting. Next, describe the feelings of the different people in the picture.


2-1A Listening

! PART 1



Rescue Dictation [ 18:00 19:23 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

LEO: Yay, Baby Cello! ANNIE: You're ______________________! QUINCY: I'm glad you're ok, Baby Cello. BABY CELLO: [Playing] ANNIE: Aww. ______________________ Baby Cello. He really wishes he could find his mommy. [Chimes] You guys! Rocket ______________________ something. LEO: [Instruments playing] Whoa, look! All of the musical instruments are at the piazza! ANNIE: And they're ______________________ for Baby Cello. QUINCY: Baby Cello, your mommy must be at the piazza, too. She's a musical instrument. BABY CELLO: [Plays ascending notes] QUINCY: That's right. Your mommy has a ______________________ neck and strings and a wooden bridge. And she's a musical instrument. Just ______________________ you! BABY CELLO: [Plays] QUINCY: Don't ______________________, Baby Cello. Rocket can get you to the piazza super fast! LEO: Come on, ______________________! We're going to have to fly Rocket as fast as he can go! Super fast! Will you help me fly Rocket super fast? ______________________! Super fast!


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Feelings ]

Sometimes you feel sad,

When I'm feeling sad

Sometimes you feel happy,

I can paint all blue

Sometimes you feel bad,

When I'm feeling angry

Sometimes you feel cheery

I might stomp my shoes

We feel different feelings everyday

When I'm feeling scared

Different feelings are okay

I can show it too Or when I'm feeling happy

I do feel different things everyday

I might hug you

All those feelings are okay? They're really okay?

Sweet, I think I get it!



Oh.. okay. Cool! Sometimes you feel sad, Sometimes you feel sad,

Sometimes you feel happy,

Sometimes you feel happy,

Sometimes you feel bad,

Sometimes you feel bad,

Sometimes you feel cheery

Sometimes you feel cheery

We feel different feelings everyday

We feel different feelings everyday

Different feelings are okay

Different feelings are okay And with your feelings there's a lot you can do You can dance your feelings You can paint them too You can move your body if that will help you You can sing what you feel With a ooo ooo ooooo


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Feelings ]

1. Jacob thought Josh’s guitar playing sounded very ________________.

Dance Song

a. silly b. happy

Jump and down

c. sad

when you’re excited

2. TRUE / FALSE Josh has always been good at sharing his feelings. 3. What are some ways to share your feelings? (Check all that are true) a. ______ Dance b. ______ Yelling

Clap clap clap when you’re happy Stomp your feet

c. ______ Talking

when you’re mad

d.______ Sing e.______ Paint

When you’re silly

4.What was Dtrix doing that showed his feelings? (Check all that are true)

shake like crazy

a. ______ Moving fast b. ______ Jumping up and down

How do you express yourself?

c. ______ Frowning

Let’s freestyle.

d.______ Looking sad

REPEAT x2 (faster)

e.______ Shaking f. ______ Hopping around 5. TRUE / FALSE Hyper is a person who has a lot of energy. 6.When Dtrix saw the brothers, what was first in his mind? a. ______ want to play a game b. ______ need to use the bathroom c. ______ feel excited to see Josh and Jacob d. ______ feel nervous about something 7. _________________________ makes Dtrix happy.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Dialogue Practice [ Talking about Your Feelings ] DIRECTION First, match each situation with a feeling. Then, with a partner, practice the dialogue using the feelings and situations from the first exercise. shy














1. ____________________ ➞ You bought a new phone, and you dropped it in the toilet the next day. 2. ____________________ ➞ Nobody remembered your birthday. 3. ____________________ ➞ You studied all night for an important test. 4. ____________________ ➞ You stepped on dog poop while wearing a new pair of shoes. 5. ____________________ ➞ You joined an orchestra, and you don’t know anyone in the group. 6. ____________________ ➞ You ate eight slices of pizza. 7. ____________________ ➞ You have just run 10 kilometers. 8. ____________________ ➞ Someone stole your wallet. 9. ____________________ ➞ You have an important test tomorrow. 10. ___________________ ➞ Your dog is missing. 11. ___________________ ➞ You have tried to housetrain your dog, but he still pees in the house. 12. ___________________ ➞ You got lost in a city while visiting another country with your family. 13. ___________________ ➞ You can’t find your homework even though you put it in your folder. ❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ A: Hi, ___________ how are you today? B: I am feeling _________________________. A: Why are you _____________________? B: I am __________________ because _________________________________________________. A: ________________________________ (Example Oh, that is nice / wonderful / great. OR Oh, that is too bad / I’m sorry to hear.) B: I wonder what will make me feel better. A: Maybe you could _________________________________________________________________. B: ________________________________ (accept or reject suggestion.) A: Oh, no! Look at the time. Please excuse me, but I have to go now. It was so nice to see you. Take care, and I’ll see you later. B: Okay, see you later.


L.E. Hello Cello 1.3

2-1A Listening

Little Einsteins

Hello Cello FINAL

ACTIVITY 1: As a class, vote on your favorite dialogue from one of the Hello Cello episodes (1.1 ~ 1.3). The teacher will show you the video again, and read along with the script. Then practice the parts and reenact the scene with your classmates. ACTIVITY 2: Vocabulary Review & Speaking Game - Where Can I...? ACTIVITY 3: Speaking Activity - Can You...? ACTIVITY 4: Speaking Activity - I Like / Don’t Like Comparative & Superlative ACTIVITY 5: Vocabulary & Speaking - Comparative & Superlative ACTIVITY 6: Speaking Activity - Asking & Giving Suggestions ACTIVITY 7: Vocabulary & Improvisation - Emotions ACTIVITY 8: Identifying Emotions 106

L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Speaking Game "

Where Can I...?

DIRECTION Take turns asking another student about where you can do these activities. GET

A: Excuse me! Do you know where I can ____________________________?

get a health check up

B: Yes, you can _________________________ at the ___________________.

get a health check up

a. den2st b. hospital c. salon

A: Thank you very much!


B: You’re welcome.







a. school b. bank c. church

a. cinema b. theater c. restaurant

a. library b. church c. post office

a. gas sta2on b. bus sta2on c. mechanic

a. post office b. bus sta2on c. train sta2on

a. library b. stadium c. museum







a. post office b. school c. bank

a. hospital b. pharmacy c. fire sta2on

a. hospital b. park c. parking lot

a. factory b. mechanic c. museum

a. fast food restaurant

b. bakery c. bank

a. shoe shop b. salon c. clothes shop







a. bookshop b. pet shop c. den2st

a. supermarket b. café c. bakery

a. factory b. mechanic c. museum

a. music shop b. clothes shop c. supermarket

a. bar / pub b. bakery c. supermarket

a. supermarket b. café c. restaurant







a. supermarket b. café c. bakery

a. school b. cinema c. swimming pool

a. gas sta2on b. parking lot c. cinema

a. library b. hotel c. cafe

a. den2st b. doctor c. grocer

a. bakery b. butcher shop c. salon


L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Speaking Game "

☆ Can You...?

DIRECTION Using the prompts below, ask questions to the class, and keep track of how many students can do these things.

A: Yes, I can ______________.

Q: Can you ___________________?

A: No, I can’t ______________. play



national anthem How many can:

How many can:

in the deep end

How many can:



How many can:

How many can:


alone (without being accompanied by an adult) How many can:

How many can:

How many can:


How many can:



30 times in a row How many can:


How many can:


How many can:

How many can:


How many can:

How many can:



5:00 a.m. How many can:

How many can:

How many can:


How many can:

How many can:

L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

I Like / Don’t Like

DIRECTION Describe each character based on what you see in their box below. For example: “Grace is 15 years old, and she is a student from California. She likes to play soccer during her free time. She likes to eat sushi, seafood, and chocolate, and her favorite is sushi. However, she doesn’t like to eat steak, oranges, or cereal.” PracMce saying the introducMon for all of the characters because the teacher will select you randomly! Frank (14)

Young (10)



Harry and Joe (6, 7)

Ann and Karl (10,15)



Pauline (12)

Keiko (11)




L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary & Dialogue "

Comparative & Superlative

DIRECTION Partner with a classmate and practice a dialogue asking WH-questions about each card.

rice ● fried rice

croissant ● toast ● saltine crackers

bland - greasy - spicy

bland - moist - crispy

EXAMPLE A: Which is blander, the croissant or the toast? B: The toast is blander than the croissant or the saltine crackers. A: Which is the moistest? B: The croissant is the moistest. A: Which is the crispiest? B: The saltine crackers are the crispiest.

cream pasta ● jambalaya pasta

cereal ● oatmeal

spicy - rich - creamy - bland

creamy - brittle - crunchy - mushy

baked potato ● potato chips

T-Bone steak ● salmon

chewy - tough - juicy - greasy

crispy - creamy - brittle - mushy orange ● lemon

apple pie ● apple

sweet - sour - juicy - delicious

sweet - crunchy - fresh

salad ● potato salad

bacon ● scrambled eggs

bland - salty - crispy - mushy

creamy - fresh - crispy - tasty


L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening



☆ Asking & Giving Suggestions

DIRECTION Work in pairs. Read each statement. Then look at each picture and complete the suggestion. Making a Sugges3on

Accep3ng a Sugges3on

A: It’s raining, and I’m

Let’s + V

Right, I see what you mean.

Why don’t you/we + V

Okay, let’s do that.

How about + V-ing

What about + V-ing


B: Making a

B: Why don’t you wear

Yes, I think that would be a

A: Problem.

a scarf and mittens.

Suggestion idea.

A: Yes, I think that would be A: Accepting a

good idea.

a good idea.



L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary & Improvisation "



DIRECTION You and a classmate will draw a slip at random. Then you and another classmate will act out the emotion written on the slip that you have drawn. Each of you will speak and act out the emotion in an improvised conversation until students guess the emotion correctly. afraid: feeling fear and worry amazed: feeling or showing great surprise annoyed: feeling bothered or angry by someone’s actions ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong confident: feeling able to do something confused: feeling unsure or unable to think clear cheerful: feeling happy and being in a good mood depressed: feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy excited: feeling happy and aroused exhausted: feeling very, very tired furious: extremely angry happy: feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, or an event. hungry: having an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach because you need food jealous: feeling upset when someone has something or gets to do something you wanted motivated: feeling good and wanting to do something overwhelmed: feeling worried and unhappy because you have too much to do proud: feeling pleased for doing well relaxed: feeling at ease and without worry, calm sad: feeling or showing grief or unhappiness shy: feeling nervous and uncomfortable about meeting and talking to people stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed worried: feeling fear and worry because you think that something bad has happened or could happen


L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

Identifying Emotions

DIRECTION Describe each picture with proper adjectives to describe how the person is feeling. Then, engage in a dialogue with a partner and give a reason why the character is feeling that way.

A: How does he feel?

A: How does he feel?

B: He feels amazed and curious.

B: He feels frustrated and angry.

A: Why?

A: How come?

B: Because his friend showed him a magic trick and made a pencil disappear.

B: Because his dog chewed up his brand new sneakers.

❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ﹣❖ ▪ afraid ▪ amazed ▪ annoyed ▪ ashamed ▪ confident ▪ confused ▪ cheerful ▪ depressed ▪ ▪ excited ▪ exhausted ▪ furious ▪ happy ▪ hungry ▪ jealous ▪ mad ▪ motivated ▪ overwhelmed ▪ ▪ proud ▪ relaxed ▪ sad ▪ shy ▪ stressed ▪ worried ▪

















_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

____________ ____________ 113

_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________

L.E. Hello Cello FINAL

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "


DIRECTION Match the images with the job title.

Jobs & Responsibilities






police officer












__________ __________





__________ __________



__________ __________


DIRECTION Match the jobs with their responsibility. 1. A __________________________ works in a restaurant. 2. A __________________________ investigates problems and finds solutions. 3. A __________________________ takes care of animals. 4. A __________________________ repairs cars that have problems. 5. A __________________________ cuts our hair. 6. A __________________________ takes care of our teeth. 7. A __________________________ puts out the fire. 8. A __________________________ sends letters and answers the telephone. 9. A __________________________ keeps offices clean. 10. A __________________________ catches thieves and other criminals. 11. A __________________________ helps the doctors at the hospital. 12. A __________________________ helps sick people get healthy. 13. A __________________________ teaches you new things. 14. A __________________________ delivers letters and packages. 15. A __________________________ cooks delicious meals.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary Preview "

Jobs Riddle

DIRECTION Based on the clues below, identify which job is being described. chef


flight attendant



police officer




soccer player







construction worker

bus driver


taxi driver


I wear a uniform. I often have a gun. I help coordinate traffic. I catch thieves.

I work in the sky. I’m often a woman. I serve food and drinks. I have to stand a lot.

I work outdoors. I work with cement. I wear a hard hat. I build houses.

I work with scissors. I work in a salon. I wash, dry, and brush. I cut hair.

I like the ocean. I have nets. I work on a boat. I catch fish.

I wear a uniform. I often wear green. I have a gun or rifle. I protect my country.

I wear a uniform. I drive a vehicle. I pick up people. I drive a bus.

I wear a uniform. I travel a lot. I am called captain. I fly planes.

I don’t get paid. I stay at home. I am a woman. I take care of my family.

I work at or near home. I drive a tractor. I grow vegetables. I have animals in the field.

I put things in mailboxes. I organize envelopes. I wear a bag. I deliver things to people.

I wear a uniform. I work in a surgery. I work in a hospital. I make sick people better.

I work in an office. I make phone calls. I send emails. I make appointments.

I move people around. I drive a car. I charge a fare. I drive a taxi.

I’m a sports star. I make a lot of money. I use my feet to move a ball across grass.

I work on weekdays. I often work on weekends. I have a cash register. I sell things people want.

I use markers or chalk. I work in a school. I have students. I give homework.

I wear a uniform. I work in shifts. I am called to help others. I put out fires.

I wear a white hat. I feed people. I work in a kitchen. I cook.

I wear a uniform. I am often a woman. I work in a hospital. I help a doctor.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "


Simple Present S-V Agreement

DIRECTION Look at the descriptions below, and match them to Christine, Phillip, or Justin. Then write another sentence starting the sentence with the subject he or she. Lastly, add your own sentence (one with the subject I and the other with a pronoun) about anything having to do with the person’s hobby. I work with animals.

I have been to many countries.

I work outside.

I live in the countryside.

I work in a hospital.

I give advice to people.

I wear a uniform.

I have a secretary.

I wake up at dawn.

I have a lot of diplomas.

I help people be healthy.

I stay in a lot of hotels.


________________________________________________________ I wear a uniform. She wears a uniform. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Age: 27 Occupation: Flight attendant

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Hobbies: Photography ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Phillip


Age: 47


Occupation: farmer


Hobbies: horse race

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________



Age: 50


Occupation: doctor


Hobbies: painting

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

The Giddy Grandma1.1 [12:00 17:40]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. admire

(v) to feel respect or approval for (someone or something)

☛ Can anyone tell me what it means to admire someone? ✎ We all admire the fire fighter’s courage 2. ordinary

(adj) normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special

☛ Hmm, yes, but more of an ordinary hero. ✎ Today was not another ordinary day because it is my birthday. 3. hero

(n) a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities

☛ Same as #2 ✎ After fighting in World War II, the soldiers returned to America as national heroes. 4. x-ray vision

(noun phrase) someone who has x-ray vision can see inside things using only their own eyes

☛ A real hero. One that doesn't fly or have x-ray vision. ✎ Superman used his x-ray vision to figure out that Joker was hiding behind the car. 5. pilot

(n) a person who flies an airplane, helicopter, etc.

☛ She was a pilot, silly billy. ✎ The airplane pilot has a co-pilot who will help in case of an emergency. 6. hockey

(n) a game played on an ice rink in which two teams of six players on skates use curved sticks to try to shoot a puck into the opponent's goal

☛ He's the greatest hockey all-star there ever was. ✎ The hockey players put on their ice skates to get ready for the game. 7. magician

(n) a performer who does tricks that seem to be impossible

☛ I'm a magician, so that's why I admire him. ✎ The magician pulled a rabbit out of a hat. 8. mayor

(n) an official who is elected to be the head of the government of a city or town

☛ They admire Mayor Honeypot for the good work he does around town. ✎ The mayor of New York decided to hire more police after crimes began increasing in the city.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening 9. borrow

(v) to take and use (something that belongs to someone else) for a period of time before returning it

☛ Your mama called to tell me you need to borrow "The 100 Greatest Bears in History". ✎ I'm borrowing a friend's bike for the weekend. 10. basement

(n) the part of a building that is entirely or partly below the ground

☛ Gramps packed it away with a lot of other things in the basement. ✎ The family converted the basement into an extra bedroom. 11. expedition

(n) a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose (such as to explore a distant place or to do research)

☛ It looks like we're going on a book-finding expedition. ✎ The researchers went on a scientific expedition to Antarctica to study global warming. 12. snowshoe

(n) a light, wide frame that is attached to your shoe to make it easier to walk on soft snow without sinking

☛ What's this, Gran? An old snowshoe. ✎ We put on snowshoes to hike through the snowy mountain. 13. toss (something) out OR toss out (something)

(v) to throw (something) out

☛ Your grandfather doesn't like tossing anything out. ✎ We went through all my baby clothes and donated them to an orphange instead of tossing them out. 14. antique

(n) art, furniture, jewelry, etc., that was made at an earlier time and is often valuable

☛ Everything's an antique if you keep it long enough. ✎ That car is an antique, but the engine is a new, modern one, so it runs well. 15. auction

(n) a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most

☛ He found this one on one of those Internet auctions. ✎ She bought the painting at an auction. 16. label

(v) to put a word or name on something to describe or identify it

☛ Well, it looks like Gramps forgot to label them. ✎ He labels his photographs with the date and place they were taken.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening



The Giddy Grandma 1.1

Heroes Scene, [ 13:15-14:50 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

LIZZY: Okay, I picked who I admire ___________________. STACY: Already? Who? LIZZY: Amelia Bearheart, because she was the first female bear to fly across the ocean. BILLY: (snickering) Boy, I bet her arms were ___________________. KIDS: (laughing) LIZZY: She was a pilot, silly Billy. She flew the ___________________ all by herself. She was very brave. BILLY: Well, I admire Wayne Grizzly the most because he's the ___________________ hockey all-star there ever was. STACY: Well, Beary Houdini is the greatest magician there ever was, and I'm a magician, so that's why I ___________________ him. LIZZY & SISTER: Uh-oh, here come the cards. STACY: Pick a card, any card! LIZZY: You ___________________ get this, Stacy. STACY: So Sister, who do you admire most? SISTER: I don't know yet, Stacy. I can't think of one ___________________ I admire more than any other. LIZZY: You better ___________________. You have to pick someone before tomorrow, Sister. STACY: Umm... your card is: the two of clubs! SISTER: No. (honking) STACY: Jack of spades? SISTER: Unh-unh. STACY: Queen of diamonds? LIZZY: Heh, not ___________________ close, Stacy. (giggling) STACY: Three of hearts? Five of anything? It's red, right? No, ________________. Is it black?


Gran s House, [ 15:54 - 17:45 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene. 119

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

(bicycle bell ringing) SISTER: Hi, Gran! GRANDMA: Hello, ________________. Oooh, careful now. Your mama called to tell me you need to borrow "The 100 Greatest Bears in History". SISTER: Yep! GRANDMA: Only thing is, Gramps packed it away with a lot of other ________________ in the basement. So, it looks like we're going on a book-finding expedition. (door opening) (light switch clicking) SISTER: Look at all this neat ________________. What's this, Gran? GRANDMA: An old snowshoe. Not much good without the other one, which we don't have. Your grandfather doesn't like _______________________ anything out. According to Gramps, everything's an antique if you keep it long enough. He found this one on one of those Internet auctions. Every time he goes on the Internet to try to ___________________ some of this stuff, he ends up buying something else. (laughing) (giggling) GRANDMA: Oh, dear. SISTER: Is something ________________ with the boxes, Gran? GRANDMA: Well, it looks like Gramps forgot to label them. The ________________ we're looking for could be in any one of these boxes. Well, let's start looking. GRANDMA: Hmm, no books in this one. SISTER: Look, I found the other snowshoe. GRANDMA: Oh, that's a ________________ racket, dear. SISTER: Wow, it must be really old. Is it an antique, Gran? Did Gramps get this on the Internet? GRANDMA: Well, actually, it's my old tennis racket from when I was a ________________.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. What talent does Billy have? a. wiggling his nose b. singing without moving his lips c. wiggling his ears d. playing hockey 2. According to the teacher, why do we admire someone? (Circle all that are true) a. ______ They can do things we'd like to do. b. ______ They fly. c. ______ They're talented. d. ______ They do things that help make the world a better place. e. ______ They have x-ray vision. 3. What is the homework? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Pair the person with their accomplishments: a. ______ Amelia Bearheart

1. The greatest hockey all-star there ever was

b. ______ Wayne Grizzly

2. The greatest magician there ever was

c. ______ Beary Houdini

3. The first female bear to fly across the ocean

5. TRUE / FALSE Stacy is good at doing card magic tricks. 6. What was Mama doing? a. Gardening b. Washing quilts c. Moving the lawn d. Resting


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

7. Who does Mama admire? (Check all that are true) a. ______ The mayor b. ______ The president c. ______ A neighbor who is a talented gardener d. ______ A neighbor who is a talented painter 8. What is Sister’s problem? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. What was Mama’s solution for Sister? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. Why are Grandma and Sister going on a book-finding expedition? a. They want to go on an adventure. b. The book is put away with a lot of other things in the basement. c. They want to clean the basement. d. They are trying to tell Grandpa that he needs to be better organized. 11. What is true about Grandpa? a. He doesn't like tossing anything out. b. He thinks that everything's an antique if you keep it long enough. c. Every time he goes on the Internet to try to sell some of this stuff, he ends up buying something else. d. All of the above 12. TRUE / FALSE Gramps labeled the boxes, so the book is going to be easy to find. 13. What did Sister mistaken for a snow shoe? a. baseball b. hockey stick c. tennis racket d. a badminton racket 122

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Vocabulary & Grammar Review "

Jobs Duties

DIRECTION Choose the suitable verb and complete the sentences with the present simple verb. sell






















1. A secretary ___________________ letters

12. A journalist _________________ people.

and ____________________ phone calls. 2. A teacher ______________________ a

13. A director ____________________ films.

subject to students. 3. A mailman ___________________ letters.

14. A dressmaker _______________ clothes.

4. An optician ________________ your eyes.

15. A farmer ___________________ crops.

5. A mechanic _________________ your car.

16. A novelist __________________ novels.

6. A cook _______________________ meals.

17. A photographer ______________ photos.

7. A hairdresser _______________ your hair.

18. A butcher ___________________ meat.

8. A waiter ____________________ you at a

19. An actor ______________ a part in a film.

restaurant. 9. A surgeon ______________________

20. A conductor ____________________ the

operations at a hospital.

performance of an orchestra.

10. A nurse ___________________ ill people.

21. A chauffeur _____________ a private car.

11. An architect _______________ buildings.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Dialogue Practice "


My Future Plans

DIRECTION Look at the sample dialogue below. Now use that as a guide to have a dialogue with your classmates, playing one role, and then switching roles.

A: Scott, when you were younger, what did you want to be? B: When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be a police officer. A: Why did you want to be a police officer? B: Well, police officers help people, and I like helping others in need.

EX: help people make cool things make lots of money creating new things

A: Well, so do you still want to do that, or do you have another dream for your future? B: No, I have changed my mind. Now I want to be a professor at a university. A: Why do you want to be a professor? B: I want to teach history because it is my favorite subject.

EX: I like it I can help people I will make lots of money It is a fun job I will be famous

✄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: ______________, when you were younger, what did you want to be? B: When I was in kindergarten, I wanted to be _________________________. A: Why did you want to be _________________________? B: Well, ____________________________, and ____________________________________. A: Well, so do you still want to do that, or do you have another dream for your future? B: No, I have changed my mind. Now I want to be a ___________________________. A: Why do you want to be a _______________________? B: I ___________________________________________________________________________.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

! PART 1


Great Idea

Hero Dictation [ 14:50 15:55 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

SISTER: Mama, I'm ______________________! MAMA: I'm in the backyard! SISTER: Hi, Mama. ______________________ quilts? MAMA: Uh-huh. Hi, sweetie. ______________________ was school today? SISTER: Okay. Mama, tomorrow I have to tell the ______________________ about a bear that I admire. Do you admire anyone? MAMA: Well, I admire lots of different bears for lots of different ______________________. SISTER: Lots? MAMA: I think every bear has something about them we can ______________________. Bears from all around admire Ms. Grizzle's beautiful garden. And they admire Mayor Honeypot for the good work he does around ______________________. SISTER: But I want to tell the class about someone really ______________________. Someone who I think is a real hero. MAMA: Hmm. You know, I think Grizzly Gran has a book called "The 100 Greatest Bears in History." You might find some ______________________ heroes there. SISTER: That's a great idea, Mama! I'm going over to Gran's right now. Bye! MAMA: I'll call and let her know you're ______________________!


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Help ]

Everyone needs help sometimes

And sometimes when we need help

And anyone can be a helper

We want to ask a friend

Ask for help, help out a friend

But there are things that only grown

Helping makes things better

ups can do So ask for help from someone older

You might need help if you fall and scrape your knee

Everyone needs help sometimes

Be sure to ask for help!

And anyone can be a helper

Get a bandage for your owie

Ask for help, help out a friend Helping makes things better

Everyone needs help sometimes And anyone can be a helper

And of course we can help

Ask for help, help out a friend

When someone needs a hand

Helping makes things better

Be a helper when you can as well And you will feel so much better!

Play a game and can't it get right Ask for from someone who can

Everyone needs help sometimes

Or sometimes you need help when you

And anyone can be a helper

clean your room

Ask for help, help out a friend

Ask for help! You could ask a friend

Helping makes things better

Everyone needs help sometimes And anyone can be a helper Ask for help, help out a friend Helping makes things better


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Help ]

1. Who needed help carrying the boxes?

Dance Song

a. Jacob b. Josh

Raise your right hand in the sky

2. TRUE / FALSE The brothers always knew how to ask for help. 3. What does Jacob like to snack on? (Check all the correct answers)

Wave it from left to right. Touch your head, Close your eyes Let’s try it from the other side.

a. ______ Cookies b. ______ Donuts c. ______ Ice cream

Raise your left hand in the sky

d. ______ Brownies

Wave it from left to right. Touch your head,

4.What did Josh help Jacob do? (Check all the correct answers) a. ______ Become a rock star.

Close your eyes Let’s try both hands, side by side.

b. ______ Come up with a new song about helping. c. ______ Learn a new guitar song.

Raise your hands up in the sky.

d. ______ Think of a new chord.

Wave it from left to right.

5.Why does JD want to clean up the house? ____________________________________________________

Touch your head, Close your eyes It’s time to try one more time.

____________________________________________________ Great job!

6. TRUE / FALSE Bucky loves carrots.

Now do it wavy hand, freestyle

7. What are the ideas that JD write on his notepad? a. ______ to clean up toys after playing with them

REPEAT + (It’s time to say

b. ______ to dry the dishes


c. ______ to move the dirty laundry into the laundry d. ______ to set the dinner table e. ______ to put groceries away


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

8. Who is the adult in the group? a. ______ Jacob b. ______ Josh c. ______ Bucky d. ______ JD 9. What do the kids learn this day? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What can an adult help children do? (Check all the correct answers) a. ______ Reaching for something high b. ______ Playing with their friends c. ______ Using the stove in the kitchen d. ______ Putting medicine on a booboo e. ______ Blowing up a balloon 11. TRUE / FALSE Josh thinks JD dances well. 12. What time of the day is it? a. Morning b. Afternoon c. Evening


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Dialogue Practice [ Asking for Help ] DIRECTION Look at each part that makes up the structure in asking for help. Then look at the conflict cards below and pretend you were a person asking for help, and your teacher or classmate will be the other dialogue partner. Get A9en3on


Ask the Favor


Excuse me, …

Sure, what is it?

Pardon me,

Okay, no problem.

Can you … (for me) ?

Sorry to bother you, but …

Sure, I'd be glad to.

Will you please … ?

Sorry, I'm (kind of) busy

Would you please … ?

Ask General Ques3on • •

Do you have a minute? Can you spare a few

minutes? •

Could you do me a favor?

Could I ask you a favor?

[ most formal ]

now. I'm sorry. I don't have Mme right now.

Could you … (for me) ?

Would you mind V+ing …?

Thanks for your help

Thank you so much.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

[ least formal ]

A: Excuse me, could you do me a favor?

A: Get A9en3on, Ask General Ques3on?

B: Okay, what is it?

B: Response?

A: Could you help me move these chairs?

A: Ask the Favor ______________?

B: Sure, I'd be glad to.

B: Response.

A: Thanks a lot.

A: Follow-up.

help me carry

help me clean...

help me get

help me study for

get me water

help me find

turn down the

let me borrow

help me finish

give me medicine


help me fix

give me some

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.1

2-1A Listening


Grammar Lesson "

Simple Past Tense

English uses verbs in the simple past tense to refer to acMons, situaMons, or events that are finished and that happened before now. There are three ways to use simple past tense: (I) be-verb, (II) regular past tense, (III) irregular tense. The rules will be explained first, and the examples will be given in red. I. BE-VERBS The verb "be" has two forms in the past tense. ✓ In a singular (The child was sick last night.) or plural (The children were sick last night.) form. ✓ In a posi=ve (My dog was sick last night.) or nega=ve (Clara was not at school yesterday.) form. SUBJECT



I Singular



...happy was (not)



...a nurse


...at school



were (not)



A. The Halloween party (be) ________________ fun last weekend. B. We (be) _______________ sad yesterday because our picnic was canceled. C. Jesse (be) ________________ Mred, so he went to sleep. D. My friends and I (be) ________________ playing soccer last night. E. It (be) _______________ too cold yesterday, so we canceled our soccer game. F. The movie (be) ___________________ really boring. It (be, not) ___________________ entertaining, so we turned it off. G. I (be, not) __________________ eaMng a sandwich when you called. I (be) ________________ eaMng a salad. H. Fred and Mary (be) ________________ watching a movie when I called. They (be, not) ________________ watching TV. I. When she was a limle girl, Priscilla (be) ________________ very good at tennis, and she pracMced every day. J. Olivia (be) _________________ in my art class. We (be) ________________ good friends before she moved away. K. Aner playing outside, my dog (be) ________________ very dirty. She came into the house and ran into my room. It (be) ________________ such a mess! L. The students (be, not) ________________ happy to end recess because they wanted to play more.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

II. REGULAR VERBS A. RULE ONE Regular verbs make their past tense by adding -d, -ed. ☛ It snow snowed last night. ✓ Add only -d if a regular verb ends in one or more vowels, a single consonant (except x), and e. For example: baked, eased, filed, greased, hated, liked, raced, seized, smiled, typed, whined 1. I (clean) _____________________ my car on Monday. 2. You (push) ___________________ the chair too hard and it fell over. 3. Frank (walk) ____________________ three miles to the beach. 4. The librarian (pile) _____________________ the books on the table. 5. We (cook) _____________________ a special lunch for Christmas. 6. The Mre on Toni’s bike was flat, so she (change) ____________________ it. 7. The veterinarian (care) __________________ for the sick animals. 8. The manager (open) _____________________ the store early this past Christmas. 9. The scienMst (discover) _____________________ a new star with his telescope.

B. RULE TWO When a regular verb ends in a consonant+“y”, the “y” is changed to “ied” to form the simple past tense. ☛ We try tried to buy Mckets to the concert. | We hurry hurried to the airport. 1. The soccer players (cry) ________________ when their team lost the championship game. 2. You (worry) ________________ about the last test, but you sMll got 100%. 3. We (copy) ________________ the way the dance teacher moved. 4. The dog (bury) ________________ the bone in the backyard. 5. Using the hairdryer, I (dry) ____________________ my hair aner my shower. 6. My friend (reply) __________________ to my quesMon by nodding his head un and down. 7. I (apply) ______________________ sunscreen on my face before going to the beach.

C. RULE THREE When a regular verb ends in a vowel and y, do not change the y to i and then add -ed ☛ I play played with my dog at the park. 1. The students (annoy) ____________________ the teacher by talking during class. 2. The rats (dismay) ____________________ the diners in the restaurant. 3. We (enjoy) ___________________ the new game so much, we played it everyday. 4. Paul (obey) ________________ his older brother even though he didn’t want to listen to him. 5. The vacaMoners (stay) ___________________ in the hotel because it was raining so much. 131

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

D. RULE FOUR When a regular verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, the final consonant is doubled before adding –ed. ☛ She chop chopped the wood. | I zip zipped my jacket. 1. I (trap) ________________ the mouse on Monday. 2. You (jog) ________________ yesterday morning. 3. He (slam) ________________ the door shut. 4. We (flip) ________________ the pancakes at breakfast. 5. They (chop) ________________ firewood last winter. 6. The boy (trip) _______________ over the rock while running across the field. 7. I (dot) ________________ all of the i’s with limle hearts on the ValenMne’s Day card. E. RULE FIVE When a regular verb ends in 'w' or 'x', add only - ed. ☛ I wax waxed the car. 1. He (mix) ________________ the chemicals together in the lab. 2. The government (tax) ___________________ the ciMzens to help develop the country. 3. The dressmaker (sew) __________________ the bumons on to the dress. 4. The shop (box) ____________ all of the spring clothes to make room for the summer clothes.

F. LAST RULES 1. If a regular verb has two or more syllables, if the verb ends in l or r, and if the last syllable is stressed, double the l or r before you add -ed: compél / compelled; confér / conferred; contról / controlled; defér / deferred; fulfíl / fulfilled; prefér / preferred; propél / propelled

2. If a regular verb has two or more syllables, if the verb ends in l or r, and if the last syllable is not stressed, do not double the l or r, before you add -ed: cáncel / canceled; hónor / honored; súffer / suffered; trável / traveled 132

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

III. IRREGULAR VERBS A. RULE ONE Irregular verbs have unexpected spelling changes in various tenses, including the simple past tense. ☛ They bring brought a gin to the wedding. A. I (be) __________________ busy painMng last night.

a. beed ▪ was

B. The boy (grow) __________________ two cenMmeters last year.

b. grew ▪ growed

C. You (make) ____________________ a good cake for his birthday.

c. maked ▪ made

D. We (choose) ____________________ to ride the train yesterday.

d. chose ▪ choosed

E. They (fall) ____________________ while skaMng together.

e. fell ▪ falled

F. He (keep) ____________________ the profits for himself.

f. kept ▪ keeped

G. The swimmers all (dive) ____________________ into the pool at once.

g. dived ▪ dove

H. She (meet) ____________________ her new coach on Monday.

h. met ▪ meted

I. Frank (ring) ____________________ the bell on the birdhouse two Mmes.

i. ringed ▪ rang

J. I (buy) ____________________ a new car yesterday.

j. bought ▪ buyed

K. They (know) ____________________ each other years ago.

k. knew ▪ knowed

L. Jake (teach) ____________________ the class last week.

l. taught ▪ teached

M.The box (stand) ____________________ in the same place for a month.

m. standed ▪ stood

N. RULE TWO Some irregular verbs do not change their spelling in the simple past tense. ☛ The rock fit fit in my pocket. ◆ I read read the book last year. ◆ I lit lit the candle an hour ago. A. I (cut) ____________________ the watermelon yesterday. B. You (shut) __________________ the door before it rained. C. We (quit) ___________________ watching the movie last night. D. They (hurt) ___________________ their knees on the rocks. E. He (put) ___________________ the book back on Wednesday. F. She (hit) ___________________ the target when she played darts. G. It (cost) ___________________ five hundred dollars in 1980.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "

What Did They Do Yesterday?

DIRECTION Look at the picture. For each character, ask a WH-quesMon about what they did yesterday. Then a classmate will answer using the verbs in the past simple tense.

! 1. Will ➞ eat a cake and throw the wrapper in the bin EXAMPLE

2. Suzanne ➞ swim in the outdoor pool 3. Sarah ➞ stay home and watch TV

A: What did Will do?

4. Adela ➞ sit on a bench and play her guitar

B: He ate cake, and then he threw the

5. Ann do ➞ ride her bike

wrapper in the trash.

6. The lady in pink ➞ walk her dog 7. Ms. Kean ➞ take the tram 8. Adam ➞ swim in the outdoor pool 9. Paul ➞ buy a newspaper 10. Dmitri ➞ call his friend and ask him to come and pick him up 11. Kevin ➞ go skateboarding 12. John ➞ listen to music 13. Mr. Cardoso ➞ take the tram 14. The old lady in pink standing on the balcony ➞ stand on her balcony and watch people.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

The Giddy Grandma 1.2 [17:40-end]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. serve

(n) the act or action of throwing a ball into the air and hitting it over a net to start play in tennis, volleyball, etc.

☛ My serve was my specialty. ✎ She started the game with a powerful serve. 2. specialty

(n) something that a person or place is known for making or producing very well

☛ Same as #1 ✎ Sushi is a Japanese specialty. 3. junior

(adj) a student in the third of four years in a high school or college

☛ It was my junior year. ✎ He is a junior in high school, so next year he will have to decide which university he wants to go to. 4. paid off

(idiom) to have a good or helpful result : to be worth the expense or effort to do something

☛ I guess it paid off. ✎ The work seems too tough right now, but it will pay off in the long run. 5. getup

(n) an unusual outfit or costume

☛ Oh, part of the craziest getup you'll ever see. Land sakes! ✎ He came onstage in a cowboy getup. 6. land sakes

(idiom) an expression of surprise to say “my goodness!”

☛ Same as #5 ✎ When I came home after playing a soccer game with my friends, my mom exclaimed, “Lands sakes! Why are you covered in mud?” 7. peek

(v) to look at someone or something secretly especially from a hidden place

☛ Turn around. And no peeking. ✎ Mary peeked around the corner during the game of hide-and-seek to see if anyone was coming to find her. 8. hit

(n) something that is very successful

☛ I was a pretty big hit in the Bear Country Outdoor Summer Theater. ✎ The new musical was a big hit. 135

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening 9. off-season

(n) a period of time when an activity is less popular

☛ And in the off-season, I’d visit hospitals and retirement homes, bringing them a little cheer. ✎ I bought the jacket for 50% off during the off-season sale. 10. retirement home

(n) a place where retired people (a person who has stopped a job or career because of old age) can live and sometimes be taken care of

☛ Same as #9 ✎ The elderly couple moved to a retirement home in Florida because they liked the warm weather. 11. (someone) has still got it

(idiom) you had the ability to do it in the past, and you've retained (kept) the ability to still do it

☛ Oh-ho, I can't believe I've still got it! ✎ I haven’t spoken Spanish in five years, but when I went to Spain for vacation, I realized that I’ve still got it. 12. applause

(n) approval or praise at a play, speech, sporting event, etc. expressed by clapping

☛ That was better than any applause. ✎ The fans burst into applause when the singer got on stage. 13. fortunately

(adv) used to say that something good or lucky has happened

☛ Fortunately, we made enough noise to convince the right people, including the mayor, that it wasn't such a good idea.

✎ Fortunately no one was injured in the car accident. 14. convince

(v) to cause (someone) to believe that something is true

☛ Same as # 13 ✎ He convinced the police that the story was true. 15. brash

(adj) confident and aggressive in usually a rude or unpleasant way

☛ Oh, I was so brash back then. ✎ The brash young executive intimidated all of her workers. 16. stood up

(verb phrase) to defend (someone or something) against attack or criticism

☛ I said what I thought and stood up for what I believed was important. ✎ He stood up for his friend when the other kids made fun of his glasses and braces. 17. crossing guard

(n) a person whose job is to help pedestrians, especially schoolchildren, to cross intersections safely

☛ It was because of you that we got another crossing guard near the school. ✎ The crossing guard held up the flag as the children crossed the street. 136

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening 18. lifeguard

(n) a person whose job is to protect swimmers from drowning

☛ And a lifeguard at the swimming hole, too. ✎ The lifeguard jumped in the pool to pull out the child who was struggling to swim across the deep end. 19. eureka

(interjection) used to express excitement when a discovery has been made

☛ Eureka! Here it is! ✎ He held up the gold and shouted “Eureka! I have found it!” 20. bound

(adj) very likely or certain to do or to be something

☛ There's bound to be a bear or two in here that deserve your admiration. ✎ It's bound to rain soon, so we must take our umbrellas with us. 21. admiration

(n) a feeling of great respect and approval

☛ Same as #21 ✎ We were filled with admiration for him, so we voted for her as class president. 22. impress

(v) to cause (someone) to feel admiration or interest

☛ See anything that impresses you? ✎ What really impressed me was their effort even though they were losing the game by 20 points. 23. skedaddle

(v) to leave a place very quickly

☛ Now, you'd better skedaddle off home to get started on your project. ✎ I've got to skedaddle, or I'll be late.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening



The Giddy Grandma 1.2

Talented Grandma, [ 17:40-19:50 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

GRANDMA: Well, actually, it's my old ________________ racket from when I was a teenager. SISTER: You played tennis? GRANDMA: I was a Bear Country High School champ, ____________________ years in a row. My serve was my specialty. It was my junior ____________________. I'd spent the whole ____________________ practicing every day. (chuckling) I guess it paid off. SISTER: Neat! GRANDMA: I forgot I even had this old thing. Oh, it didn't seem so ____________________ way back then. SISTER: If I had a trophy that big, it would ____________________ get packed away. I'd keep it in my room and shine it up every day. What's all this ____________________, Gran? GRANDMA: Oh, part of the craziest getup you'll ____________________ see. Land sakes! And now here's the rest of it. SISTER: What kind of getup, Gran? GRANDMA: Oh, all right. Turn ____________________, and no peeking. Okey-dokey. You can turn around ____________________. Ta-da! SISTER: (gasping) Gran! GRANDMA: Introducing Wanda, the One Bear Band. ____________________ more years than I care to count, I was a pretty ____________________ hit in the Bear Country Outdoor Summer Theater. And in the off-season, I'd visit hospitals and retirement ____________________, bringing them a little cheer. Oh-ho, I can't believe I've ____________________ got it! SISTER: That's so cool! I mean, the skates, and the ____________________, and umm... you're amazing, Gran! GRANDMA: Well, the ____________________ part about it was seeing the smiles on the faces in the hospital. That was ____________________ than any applause. Well, enough about me. We have to ____________________ you that book.


Eureka! [ 19:50 - 22:23 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene. 138

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

SISTER: Maybe it's in ____________________. (grunting) Whoa! Look, Gran! This must be the biggest ____________________ ever. GRANDMA: Second biggest fish to ever come out of Big Bear Lake. SISTER: ____________________ biggest? GRANDMA: I ____________________ the bigger one back. SISTER: You caught this? And a bigger one, too? And I thought Papa was the best fisher bear around. GRANDMA: He is, these days, but who do you think taught him ____________________ he knows about fishing? SISTER: I thought it was Gramps. GRANDMA: Nope. But we'll keep that our little ____________________. SISTER: Why is this T-shirt in with the fish? GRANDMA: Oh, dear me. ____________________ at that. There was a time, years ago, when it looked like it was the end for Big Bear Lake. But we put a ____________________ to that. Some people from the city wanted to fill in Big Bear Lake and build factories right on top of it. Fortunately, we made enough ____________________ to convince the right people, including the mayor, that it wasn't such a good ____________________. Oh, I was so brash back then. I said what I thought and stood up for what I believed was ____________________. SISTER: And you still do, Gran. It was because of you that we got another crossing guard near the school. And a lifeguard at the ____________________ hole, too. GRANDMA: (chuckling) You're right. I guess I still do. (chuckling) Well, enough about all that. We still haven't ____________________ that-- eureka! Here it is! "The 100 Greatest Bears in History." There's bound to be a ____________________ or two in here that deserve your admiration. SISTER: Are you in here, Gran? GRANDMA: Me? Oh, no. I'm____________________ an ordinary bear. SISTER: But you've done some really great things, Gran. You're ____________________. GRANDMA: Oh, I'm not saying ordinary bears don't do some amazing things. What I mean is, if you take the ____________________ to find out about them, you'll see that ____________________ is special in some way. See anything that impresses you? SISTER: I sure do, Gran.

GRANDMA: ____________________


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 140

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. Grandma was a bear country high school champ ___________ years in a row. a. two b. three c. four d. five 2. How do you know that Grandma was a good tennis player? a. She had a gold medal b. She was in the newspaper c. She won a trophy d. She had an award 3. Why did Grandma want Sister to turn around? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did Grandma do as “Wanda, the One Bear Band”? Check all that are true. a. ______ Perform in the Bear Country Musical Theater. b. ______ Perform in the Bear Country Outdoor Summer Theater. c. ______ In the off-season, she'd visit kindergartens and teach children how to sing. d. ______ In the off-season, she'd visit hospitals and retirement homes, bringing them a little cheer. 5. What did Grandma enjoy the most as “Wanda, the One Bear Band”? Check all that are true. a. ______ Seeing the smiles on the faces in the hospital. b. ______ Seeing the people dance to her music. c. ______ Applause. d. ______ All the fame and money she gained from her musical acts. 141

B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

6. How do you know that Grandma was a good fisher? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Who taught Papa how to fish? a. Grandpa b. Grandma c. He taught himself d. His friends 8. What did Grandma fight for? a. To build more hotels around Big Bear Lake b. To stop workers from destroying buildings at Big Bear Lake c. To stop factories from being built on Big Bear Lake d. To stop people from throwing garbage into Big Bear Lake 9. How did she do it? Put the steps in sequence order: a. _______ They convinced people, including the mayor b. _______ The project was canceled c. _______ They protested that it wasn't a good idea 10. When else did Grandma stand up for what she believed was important? Check all that are true. a. _______ A police officer was put near the school b. _______ Another crossing guard was put near the school c. _______ A lifeguard was assigned to the swimming hole d. _______ A swim teacher was assigned to the swimming pool 11. Who found the "The 100 Greatest Bears in History"? ______________________________


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

12. TRUE / FALSE Grandma thinks ordinary bears don't do amazing things. 13. If you take the time to find out about others, you'll see that everyone is _______________ in some way. a. special b. talented c. caring d. dangerous 14. Who was Sister’s hero? Explain why. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 15. According to Grandma, what is true about heroes? a. _______ Heroes are just in books. b. _______ It’s hard to become a hero. c. _______ You can be a hero when you are older. d. _______ Heroes are everywhere.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening


Grammar Practice "

Simple Present to Past Tense

DIRECTION First write the past tense of the underlined verb in the space provided, as shown in the example. Then match each picture with the correct sentence. 1. The doctor examines his patients.


2. The pilot often travels to Miami, Florida.


3. The lifeguard rescues drowning people.


4. The detective investigates the crime.



5. The mailman delivers the mail to our home. _____________________ 6. The usher seats guests at the theater.


7. She constructs a new wall with bricks.


8. The students listen quietly to the story.


9. The carpenter saws wood for a doghouse.


10. Dr. Kim practices dentistry in Seoul.


11. Maggie surfs the Internet to find answers.


12. Tom pounds loudly on his new drum set.


13. Marco’s pizza tastes delicious!

_____________________ !

14. The actor stars in a movie.


15. Clowns attend many birthday parties.


16. The painter paints the fence red.


17. The cheerleaders shout, ”Go Team!”


18. Jan pours herbal tea into the fine china.


19. The astronaut explores outer space.


20. The chef cooks eggs for breakfast.


21. The cleaner vacuums on Wednesdays.


22. In spring, the farmer plants corn.


23. The artist’s work shows his creativity.


24. The mechanic repairs cars for a living.



B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening


Speaking Activity "


How Did They Do This?

DIRECTION Look at the acMviMes below. Then describe them as if you had done it yesterday. Morning Routine

Kindergarten Morning Routine

use the bathroom

take off my pajamas

put on my clothes

eat breakfast

brush my teeth

comb my hair

get on the bus

Solving a Problem

Making a Sandwich

Washing Your Hands

latter the soap

rinse your hands


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening





Saving Big Bear Lake

Eureka Dictation [ 20:30 21:50 ] Listen and ďŹ ll in the blanks.

SISTER: Why is this T-shirt in with the ______________________? GRAN: Oh, dear me. Look at that. There was a ______________________, years ago, when it looked like it was the end for Big Bear Lake. But we put a ______________________ to that. Some people from the city wanted to fill in Big Bear Lake and build factories right on top of it. Fortunately, we made enough ______________________ to convince the right people, including the mayor that it wasn't such a good idea. Oh, I was so ______________________ back then. I said what I thought and ______________________ up for what I believed was important. SISTER: And you still do, Gran. It was because of you that we got another crossing ______________________ near the school. And a lifeguard at the swimming hole, too. GRAN: You're right. I guess I still do. Well, ______________________ about all that. We still haven't found that -- eureka! Here it is! "The 100 Greatest Bears in History." There's ______________________ to be a bear or two in here that deserve your admiration.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Working Together ]

Working together

Working together

can really help

can really help

making it easier

making it easier

than working by yourself

than working by yourself

No matter what you want to complete

No matter what you want to complete

work with a team and you will agree

work with a team and you will agree

I want to build the coolest tower of all

Working together

Working together you're sure to build it tall!

can really help

I want to paint a mural the size of my wall

making it easier

Working together it will be so beautiful

than working by yourself No matter what you want to complete

Working together

work with a team and you will agree

can really help making it easier than working by yourself No matter what you want to complete work with a team and you will agree I want to SING LOUDER THAN I BEGAN WORKING TOGETHER YOU'LL SING LOUDER THAN YOU PLANNED I want to clean up my room as fast I can Working together you'll be so fast, man


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Working Together ]

1. What was Josh’s problem?

Dance Song

a. Getting help b. Cleaning his room

Bop up and down,

c. Working together

and patty cake x2

2. TRUE / FALSE Josh’s solution was to work together to get the job done. Give a hug,

3. What was Jacob planning to do after he cleaned the room?

and run in place x2

a. shower b. find his cat

Pat a back,

c. play

high five right now x2

4. What was Linda’s problem? _________________________________________________________

Clean like a cat, and take a bow x2

5.Who will help Linda with the following things? a. __________________ Ask other friends to help

Now freestyle!

b. __________________ Print out flyers to put up c. __________________ Practice meowing to speak cat language

REPEAT x2 (faster)

6. Where was Mika? _________________________________________________________ 7. TRUE / FALSE Josh will probably build his pillow fort alone. 8. Why didn’t Jacob, Josh, and Linda understand Winston? a. He was talking too fast b. He was talking like a cat c. He was talking like a pig


B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

PART 4 Speaking Activity [ Working as a Group ] DIRECTION Together as a class, discuss and decide how you can make these events happen. Think of things such as (1) the location where the event will take place, (2) the supplies & food you will need, (3) who you will invite, (4) the day and time, and (5) the activities that will take place. Then divide up the responsibility within the class.

Going to the beach OR Going on a picnic __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________




B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

Preparing for a talent show OR Preparing a birthday party __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ NAME



B .B . The Giddy Grandma 1.2

2-1A Listening

B e r e n s t a i n B e a r s : t h e G i d d y G r a n d m a

Lights, Camera, Action! Pick a character to play, and highlight your lines. We will practice the roles in class, but you must also practice your lines at home to act it out together in class. CHARACTERS Grizzly Gran (Grandma) Sister Bear Mama Bear Lizzy Stacy Billy Teacher Jane

(SETTING - Inside Sister’s class) SISTER: Great bears aren't always found in a book. Heroes are everywhere when we take time to look. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ TEACHER JANE: All right, class. Can anyone tell me what it means to admire someone? (students murmuring) (Lizzy raises her hand) TEACHER JANE: Yes, Lizzy? LIZZY: You admire someone who's done really cool things. BILLY: I can wiggle my ears, and that's really cool. Do you admire me, Lizzy? (He wiggles his ears) TEACHER JANE: No, Billy. I don't think that's exactly what Lizzy meant. We admire someone because they can do things we'd like to do. They're talented, or they do things that help make the world a better place. BILLY: Like a superhero? TEACHER JANE: Hmm, yes, but more of an ordinary hero. A real hero. One that doesn't fly or have x-ray vision. (school bell ringing) (children get up to go home) TEACHER JANE: So for tomorrow, I 'd like each of you to choose a bear that you admire more than any other, and everyone will get a chance to come and talk about their choice. All right then? Have a good evening, everyone. (children leave the classroom) 151

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2-1A Listening

⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ (SETTING - Bus station) LIZZY: Okay, I picked who I admire most. STACY: Already? Who? LIZZY: Amelia Bearheart because she was the first female bear to fly across the ocean. BILLY: (snickering) Boy, I bet her arms were tired. (he is running around with a hockey stick and puck) KIDS: (laughing) LIZZY: She was a pilot, silly Billy. (she crosses her arms) She flew the airplane all by herself. She was very brave. BILLY: Well, I admire Wayne Grizzly the most because he's the greatest hockey all-star there ever was. (he plays with his hockey puck and stick) STACY: Well, Beary Houdini is the greatest magician there ever was, and I'm a magician, so that's why I admire him. (she takes out a stack of cards) LIZZY & SISTER: Uh-oh, here come the cards. STACY: (she fans out her cards) Pick a card, any card! LIZZY: You never get this, Stacy. (Stacy fans the cards out towards Sister, and she picks a card). STACY: So, Sister, who do you admire most? SISTER: I don't know yet, Stacy. I can't think of one bear I admire more than any other. LIZZY: You’d better hurry. You have to pick someone before tomorrow, Sister. STACY: Umm... (She closes her eyes as if she is predicting) ...your card is... the two of clubs! SISTER: No. (honking... bus arrives and children get on) STACY: Jack of spades? SISTER: Unh-unh. STACY: Queen of diamonds? LIZZY: Heh, not even close, Stacy. (giggling) STACY: Three of hearts? Five of anything? It's red, right? No, black. Is it black? ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ 152

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2-1A Listening

(SETTING - The Berenstain’s home) SISTER: Mama, I'm home! (Sister comes in the house) MAMA: I'm in the backyard! SISTER: Hi, Mama. Washing quilts? (she goes outside to the backyard) MAMA: Uh-huh. (she is hanging up quilts) Hi, sweetie. How was school today? SISTER: Okay. Mama, tomorrow I have to tell the class about a bear that I admire. Do you admire anyone? MAMA: Well, I admire lots of different bears for lots of different reasons. SISTER: Lots? (helps Mama hang blankets) MAMA: I think every bear has something about them we can admire. Bears from all around admire Ms. Grizzle's beautiful garden. And they admire Mayor Honeypot for the good work he does around town. SISTER: But I want to tell the class about someone really special. Someone who I think is a real hero. MAMA: Hmm. You know, I think Grizzly Gran has a book called "The 100 Greatest Bears in History". You might find some real heroes there. SISTER: That's a great idea, Mama! (she runs away to leave to granny’s house) I'm going over to Gran's right now. Bye! MAMA: I'll call and let her know you're coming! ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ (SETTING: Gran’s house) (bicycle bell ringing) (Gran is gardening) SISTER: Hi, Gran! (Sister hugs Gran) GRAN: Hello, Sister. Oooh, careful now. Your mama called to tell me you need to borrow "The 100 Greatest Bears in History". SISTER: Yep! GRAN: Only thing is, Gramps packed it away with a lot of other things in the basement. So, it looks like we're going on a book-finding expedition. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢


B .B . The Giddy Grandma

2-1A Listening

(SETTING - basement)(basement door opens) (Gran and Sister go into the basement) SISTER: Look at all this neat stuff. What's this, Gran? (Sister takes a snow shoe out of a box and looks at it) GRAN: An old snowshoe. Not much good without the other one, which we don't have. Your grandfather doesn't like tossing anything out. According to Gramps, everything's an antique if you keep it long enough. (She walks to another part of the room and picks up a lamp) He found this one on one of those Internet auctions. Every time he goes on the Internet to try to sell some of this stuff, he ends up buying something else. (laughing) SISTER: (giggling) GRAN: Oh, dear. (she looks around the room at a lot of unlabeled boxes) SISTER: Is something wrong with the boxes, Gran? GRAN: Well, it looks like Gramps forgot to label them. The book we're looking for could be in any one of these boxes. Well, let's start looking. GRAN: Hmm, no books in this one. SISTER: Look, I found the other snowshoe. (she pulls out a tennis racket from a box) GRAN: Oh, that's a tennis racket, dear. SISTER: Wow, it must be really old. Is it an antique, Gran? Did Gramps get this on the Internet? GRAN: Well, actually, it's my old tennis racket from when I was a teenager. SISTER: You played tennis? GRAN: I was a Bear Country High School champ, three years in a row. My serve was my specialty. (FLASHBACK: Gran is a teenager, and she is in a tennis match) It was my junior year. I'd spent the whole summer practicing every day. (chuckling) I guess it paid off. (FLASHBACK: Teen Gran finishes the game as the winner. Teen Gran holds the racket up in the air and is awarded a trophy. The audience claps and cameras flash) SISTER: (Sister gives Gran her trophy) Neat! GRAN: (puts in away in a box) I forgot I even had this old thing. Oh, it didn't seem so heavy way back then. SISTER: If I had a trophy that big, it would never get packed away. I'd keep it in my room and shine it up every day. (Gran is looking through boxes) SISTER: What's all this stuff, Gran? (she holds up a red cloth and a pair of roller skates)


B .B . The Giddy Grandma

2-1A Listening

GRAN: Oh, part of the craziest getup you'll ever see. Land sakes! And now here's the rest of it. (she finds the rest of the costume in the box she was rummaging through) SISTER: What kind of getup, Gran? GRAN: Oh, all right. Turn around, and no peeking. (Sister covers her eyes and slightly peeks as Gran puts on her costume) Okey-dokey. You can turn around now. (Gran rolls out in a red costume with drums, saxophone, and horn) Ta-da! SISTER: (gasping) Gran! (Gran rolls around in her costume while lightly striking the drums) GRAN: Introducing Wanda, the One Bear Band. That’s more years than I care to count, I was a pretty hit in the Bear Country Outdoor Summer Theater. (FLASHBACK: Gran is in a hospital playing for patients) And in the off-season, I'd visit hospitals and retirement, bringing them a little cheer. Oh-ho, I can't believe I've still got it! SISTER: That's so cool! I mean, the skates, and the drums, and umm... you're amazing, Gran! GRAN: Well, the best part about it was seeing the smiles on the faces in the hospital. That was better than any applause. (chuckling) Well, enough about me. We have to find you that book. (Gran goes back to searching through things and Sister walks to another side of the room to rummage) SISTER: Maybe it's in here. (grunting while picking up something heavy, and a big mounted fish falls out) Whoa! Look, Gran! This must be the biggest fish ever. GRAN: Second biggest fish to ever come out of Big Bear Lake. SISTER: Second biggest? GRAN: I threw the bigger one back. SISTER: You caught this? And a bigger one, too? And I thought Papa was the best fisher bear around. GRAN: He is, these days, but who do you think taught him everything he knows about fishing? (Gran puts the mounted fish back into the box) SISTER: I thought it was Gramps. GRAN: Nope. But we'll keep that our little secret. (winks) SISTER: (she sees a green T-shirt in the box) Why is this T-shirt in with the fish? (looks confused) GRAN: Oh, dear me. Look at that. (she holds the green T-shirt in her hand) There was a time, years ago, when it looked like it was the end for Big Bear Lake. (her face becomes serious) But we put a stop to that. (FLASHBACK: young gran and others are picketing and protesting next to the construction site with bulldozers working next to Big Bear Lake) Some people from the city wanted to fill in Big Bear Lake and build factories right on top of it. Fortunately, we made enough noise to convince the right people, including the mayor, that it wasn't such a good idea. (FLASHBACK: the mayor comes in front of a bulldozer and holds a paper 155

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forcing the end of the project, and then the bulldozers backed away). Oh, I was so brash back then. I said what I thought and stood up for what I believed was important. SISTER: And you still do, Gran. (Sister looks happy and sure of herself) It was because of you that we got another crossing guard near the school. And a lifeguard at the swimming hole, too. GRAN: (chuckling and recalling back to the thought) You're right. I guess I still do. (chuckling) Well, enough about all that. We still haven't found that (looks inside a box) -- eureka! Here it is! "The 100 Greatest Bears in History." There's bound to be a bear or two in here that deserve your admiration. SISTER: Are you in here, Gran? GRAN: Me? Oh, no. (shakes her head and smiles shyly) I'm just an ordinary bear. SISTER: But you've done some really great things, Gran. You're special. GRAN: Oh, I'm not saying ordinary bears don't do some amazing things. What I mean is, if you take the time to find out about them, you'll see that everyone is special in some way. (Sister smiles and looks in the book) GRAN: See anything that impresses you? SISTER: I sure do, Gran. GRAN: Good. Now, you'd better skedaddle off home to get started on your project. Keep the book for as long as you need it. SISTER: Thanks, but I already know who I 'm doing my project on. GRAN: That's wonderful, Sister. Who is... Oh! (Sister is gone, and she has left the book behind on a stool) Hmm. (Gran looks confused) ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ (SETTING - Classroom) (Sister is standing in front of the class about to give her presentation) SISTER: Today, I 'd like to tell you about the person I really and truly admire the most. My gran. (she holds up a picture) And I admire her because she's an ordinary hero. Heroes aren't just in books. They're everywhere when we take the time to find out about them.


B .B . The Giddy Grandma

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