L.Einsteins & B.Bears 3

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LE & BB 3

vocabulary | listening 1 | grammar | speaking

LE & BB 3


LE & BB 3

Table of Contents 1. [ THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM ] Berenstain Bears - Week at Grandma's a. 1.1 - [G] Transitions .................................................................................... 3 - [The FuZees: I’m Me] Asking Questions ............................................... 18 b. 1.2 - [G] Used to ........................................................................................ 22 - [The FuZees: Hands Are for Helping] Present Continuous Tense........... 36 2. [ LOST ] Little Einsteins - The Good Knight and the Bad Knight a. 1.1 - [V] Medieval Castle + [G] Homophones, Homonyms, Homograph..... 46 - [The FuZees: Making Friends] Introductions......................................... 62 b. 1.2 - [G] Imperatives................................................................................... 67 - [The FuZees: It’s Bedtime] Expressing Your Opinions............................ 83 c. 1.3 - [V] Instruments + [G] Present Tense Yes/No Questions........................ 88 - [The FuZees: Try Again ] Present Continuous & Simple Present Tense... 104 d. Final Review ................................................................................................. 108 - [The FuZees: Making Mistakes] Apologizing........................................ 117 3. [ HEALTH ] Berenstain Bears - Too Much Junkfood a. 1.1 - [V] Sports + [G] Do, Go, Play Verbs..................................................... 122 - [The FuZees: Brush Your Teeth] The Body............................................. 139 b. 1.2 - [V] Food + [G] Articles........................................................................ 142 - [The FuZees: Eating Healthy] Food Descriptions .................................. 165


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☆ Introducing

a Process

Here are examples of sentence patterns which are useful in writing topic sentences for a process. After each style, there is a short activity where you will write a topic sentence based on the topic. • material

1. It is • easy

• simple • not difficult

to ________________ if you have the right • equipments . • tools • ingredients

✎ It is easy to inflate a flat bicycle tire if you have the right tools.

Topic: How to build a tree house. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: How to make a pizza. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ • these directions

2. _________________ is easy when you follow • these instruction . • this procedure • these steps

✎ Making a delicious omelet is easy when you follow these steps.

Topic: How to make a beautiful flower arrangement. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: How to make a sandwich. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. There are

• (a number) • a few steps • several • many

involved in _________________.

✎ There are three steps involved in studying for an exam.

Topic: How to teach your dog to fetch. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: The best way to lose weight. Topic statement: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4

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Transition words are used in order to connect and relate ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. They assist in the logical flow of ideas as they signal the relationship between sentences and paragraphs. Sequence Transitional Words • • • •

One reason First To begin (with) To start (with)

• Second • Another reason • Also • In addition ......................................... • then • next • after that

• • • • • •

Third Another reason Also As well as Too Additionally

• • • • • • • • •

Lastly Finally In conclusion In summary In short To sum up To conclude Therefore Thus

DIRECTION Circle the transitions in the paragraph. Saturday was a great day! First, I met my friends at the park to play tennis. Then, we had lunch at Brick Oven Pizzeria where we ordered two pizzas. Additionally, we ordered a massive banana split sundae to share. Next, we went to a museum and saw some amazing dinosaurs. Finally, we went to a movie theater to watch an exciting science fiction film. DIRECTION Read each sentence and circle the transition word.

1. Finally, the pain in my knee subsided. 2. Lastly, the teacher told me where I needed to sit. 3. We played together as a team. Thus, we came in first place. 4. After that, I walked home with my head held high. 5. Therefore, we need to finish our homework on time. 6. To conclude, we looked off into the beautiful sunset. 7. Next, we will need to paint the inside of the house. 8. Yet, I believe I won first place. 9. I cleaned my room. Therefore, my mom let me go out and play. 10. I love to go shopping. But, I don’t have a lot of money right now. 11. Lastly, we went to the mall to go shopping. 12. He did not finish his work. Yet, his parents still let him go out and play. 13. To sum up, the characters were very intriguing. 14. In conclusion, I appreciate your hard work.


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Describing a Process

Process paragraph describes how to do the things step-by-step. First, you write a topic sentence that states what the process is. Then you explain each step clearly. Use time order words. They usually come at the beginning of a sentence and are followed by a comma. Do not use a comma after “then”. DIRECTION Complete the text with suitable transitions from the box. For the second paragraph on proper teeth-brushing techniques, the teacher will give you props (tooth brush, floss) and you will go to the front of the class and demonstrate this as if you were a dentist giving a lesson. then





to begin

I make lemonade at home even though it is easy to buy it at the store. _____________________, I get six lemons and wash them. _______________________ I cut the lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. _____________________ I pour the juice through a strainer to take out the seeds. ______________________,I add about a half cup of sugar to a cup of hot water to dissolve the sugar. ______________________, I mix the lemon juice, sugar, water, and several more cups of water in a pitcher. I add lots of ice to make it cold. It is delicious, and it is my favorite summer drink. then


the first step


after that


Teeth can be brushed twice daily with a small, soft bristled brush and a fluoride containing toothpaste. There are five steps to brush your teeth correctly. ______________________ is to put a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. _____________________ use a gentle circular motion to brush the outer part of the tooth, repeating for each tooth. _______________________ brush the inside of each tooth using the same wiggling technique as in Step 1. ________________________ brush the chewing surfaces of the teeth using a light back and forth motion. ________________________ gently brush the tongue and gum line. _______________________ open your mouth wide and use a waxed floss to floss between all teeth that are touching.


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Week at Grandma's 1.1 ✎

[12:30 17:55] VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. retreat

(n) a place of privacy or peace

☛ When Mama and Papa had a week-long retreat... ✎ I went on a retreat in India where we practiced yoga all day. ❖ How does a person feel after a retreat? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. reservations

(n) an arrangement to have a room, table, or seat held for your use at a later time

☛ So our reservations for Grizzly Mountain Lodge are all set? ✎ We made a dinner reservation at the restaurant for 6 o'clock. ❖ What has your family made a reservation for? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. lodge

(n) a house or hotel in nature for people who are doing some outdoor activity

☛ Same as #2 ✎ We rented the ski lodge for a week. ❖ How is a lodge similar with a home? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. all set

(idiom) Prepared, ready, or primed to begin or complete a task at hand

☛ Same as #2 ✎ Once I iron my shirt, I'll be all set for the date tonight. ❖ What do you need to be all set for a soccer game? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. honeymoon

(n) a trip or vacation taken by a newly married couple

☛ Actually, it's a second honeymoon. ✎ The couple went to Hawaii for a week for their honeymoon. ❖ Who in your family has been on a honeymoon? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7

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(n) an extended period of time

☛ I haven't seen these in ages. ✎ I went skiing ages ago, but I haven’t been because I’ve been so busy with work. ❖ Who have you not seen in ages? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. serve

(n) the act of throwing a ball into the air and hitting it over a net to start a game

☛ I wonder if my serve is still...Aah! ✎ The volleyball player started the game with a powerful serve. ❖ What do you need to serve? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. tradition

(n) a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time

☛ After they get married -- it's an old tradition. ✎ It is American tradition to eat a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. ❖ What is a tradition that your family practices? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9. amusement park

(n) a place that has many games and rides (such as roller coasters) for entertainment

☛ Is it Honeycomb Amusement Park? ✎ Disneyland is one of the most famous amusement parks in the world. ❖ Name three things you see in an amusement park. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. that should do it (idiom) used to say that one has finished doing something or is about to finish doing it

☛ That should do it. Board games, books, yo-yo... ✎ I just have one more letter to sign and that should do it. ❖ When would a hairstylist say, “That should do it”? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


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(n) a short period of sleep especially during the day

☛ Maybe they'll want to take naps all day. ✎ She awoke from her nap rested and refreshed. ❖ How do you feel after a nap? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. automated

(adj) run or operated by using machines, computers

☛ Welcome to Grizzly Mountain Lodge, the automated theme resort. ✎ The automated machine at Mc Donald’s allows us to order food into the computer. ❖ Name something you have seen that is automated. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. resort

(n) a place where people go for vacations

☛ Same as #12 ✎ We went to a beach resort in Hawaii and went swimming everyday. ❖ What time of the year would a resort be most crowded? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. senior

(n) a person who is at least a certain age (such as 55)

☛ I build them for the seniors charity auction. They're always a big seller. ✎ Seniors qualify for a discount at the movie theater. ❖ What is the opposite of a senior? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. charity

(n) an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc.

☛ Same as #14 ✎ She runs a local charity that gives books to children. ❖ Name a charity that you know of. What is their goal? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9

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(n) a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most

☛ Same as #14 ✎ She bought the desk at an auction by offering the highest amount of money. ❖ What would you need to go to an auction? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 17. anchors aweigh

(v) means to bring the anchors are clear of the sea bottom and aboard a vessel in preparation for departure

☛ Just flatten the sails down,gently slide it in and... Pop! Anchors aweigh. ✎ The ship is ready to sail when the anchor was aweigh. ❖ Where would you hear someone say, “Anchors aweigh”? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 18. harmonica

(n) a small musical instrument that is played with your mouth

☛ Well, you might want to ask Gran for some harmonica lessons first. ✎ The wanderer played his harmonica while walking down the road. ❖ Name three things that are smaller than a harmonica. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19. whiz

(n) someone who is very good at something

☛ She's a harmonica whiz. ✎ He's a whiz at math. ❖ What are you a whiz at? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


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! ✎


Week at Grandma's 1.1

Drive Scene, [ 12:40 - 15:10 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

SISTER: Suitcases? MAMA: So our reservations for Grizzly Mountain Lodge are all set? Thank you ______ ____________. See you soon. BROTHER: Reservations? BROTHER & SISTER: We're going on vacation. MAMA: Actually, it's a __________________ honeymoon. BROTHER: Still sounds like fun. SISTER: Mmm...Ha, ha, especially the honey part. PAPA: I haven't seen these in ages. I ______________________ if my serve is still...Aah! BROTHER: Papa! Are you okay? SISTER: Maybe you should just let brother and me play tennis on the honeymoon. BROTHER: You and mama can ____________________ score. MAMA: Sorry, sweeties, but honeymoons aren't for cubs.

MAMA: Honeymoons are _______________________ trips that couples go on after they get married -it's an old tradition. PAPA: Grizzly Mountain Lodge is where Mama and I went on our first honeymoon. BROTHER: But... What ____________________ us? MAMA: Well, you're going on a special trip of your own. BROTHER: Huh! Is it Grizzly ________________________? SISTER: Is it Honeycomb Amusement Park? MAMA: You're going to Grandma's. BROTHER & SISTER: Gran's?

BROTHER: That should do it. Board ____________________, books, yo-yo... I wonder if I should bring my chemistry set. SISTER: I'm bringing _______________________, coloring books, and teddy. 11

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PAPA: Beep-beep. Coming through. Hey, what's all this doing out here? BROTHER: Well, we are going to Gran's for a whole week. We need to ___________________ busy. MAMA: Oh, ho, ho! Come on, now. You always have fun at Gran's house without all this stuff. BROTHER: When we go for one ________________________, maybe and Gran and Gramps are...well, old. SISTER: Maybe they'll want to take ____________________ all day.

PAPA: [ Grunting ] SISTER: Papa, what about our toys? PAPA: You won't __________________ all those. You're going to have too much fun with Gran and Gramps. I wonder if the lodge still has canoe rides on the lake. MAMA: And live music in the _____________________ hall. BROTHER: Mama and Papa are going to have all the fun. SISTER: And we're going to have ___________________.


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Week at Grandma's 1.1 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


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✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. Where are Mama and Papa going? a. Honeycomb Amusement Park b. Grizzly Mountain Lodge c. Grizzly World d. Gran and Gramp’s home 2. Why are they going there? a. To celebrate something b. For a birthday c. For fun d. To go fishing 3. Where are Brother and Sister going? a. Honeycomb Amusement Park b. Grizzly Mountain Lodge c. Grizzly World d. Gran and Gramp’s home 4. Why are Brother and Sister taking a lot of things? a. They need to do a lot homework. b. They think their week will be boring. c. They like to travel with a lot of things. d. They have many hobbies. 5. How do Brother and Sister feel? a. excited b. mad c. positive d. negative 14

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6. What is the first thing that impresses Brother and Sister? a. the honey buns b. the treasure chest c. a ship in a bottle d. magic 7. What does Sister want to learn to do? a. do tricks with the yo-yo b. play the harmonica c. put a sailboat in a bottle d. do magic 8. What can both Gramps and Brother do well? a. do tricks with the yo-yo b. play the harmonica c. put a sailboat in a bottle d. do magic


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DIRECTION Use a transition word to combine the ideas. Sequence Transitional Words • • • •

One reason First To begin (with) To start (with)

• Second • Another reason • Also • In addition ......................................... • then • next • after that

• • • • • •

Third Another reason Also As well as Too Additionally

• • • • • • • • •

Lastly Finally In conclusion In summary In short To sum up To conclude Therefore Thus

1. The family went to the restaurant. The family went to watch a movie together. The family went to the restaurant. Additionally, they went to watch a movie together. ✓ __________________________________________________________________________________ First, the family went to the restaurant. Then they went to watch a movie together. ✓ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Susan played basketball at the park. She walked home. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. John and David went to the movies. They went to get ice cream. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Michael got in line for the movie. He walked inside to buy popcorn. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

5. My mom told me about the great news. She told everyone else. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

6. You must sweep the floor. You can vacuum. You can mop the floor. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

7. My brother couldn’t finish his test on time. He got a low grade. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 16

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8. I went to the carnival because I love the games. I like roller coasters. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

9. David and Michael went to a party. They went home. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

10. I was late for the movie. I missed the first 30 minutes. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

11. I sang my crying brother a song. I tried to give him milk. I gave him his favorite toy. I tried many things. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

DIRECTION Complete the text with suitable transitions from the box.






Yesterday, it was my birthday, and it didn’t start well. I went to the park to meet my friends, but they weren’t there. I decided to look for them. ________________________, I went to the shopping center opposite the park, but they weren’t there. _______________________, I looked for them at the library, but they weren’t there. ________________________, I tried the sports center, to no avail. __________________________, I checked and the restaurant nearby, but my friends were nowhere to be seen. ________________________, I went home, and my friends were there... with a birthday cake, ice cream, music, and games. It was a surprise party for me! In the end, I had a great birthday.


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Speaking and Role-Play Activity "

Explaining a Sequence

DIRECTION Carefully read over the instructions of how to hard boil eggs. Then the teacher will give you props (a pan, “eggs,” a bottle of water) and you will go to the front of the class and demonstrate how to hard boil eggs to your class as if you were the host of a cooking show. Sequence Transitional Words • • • •

One reason First To begin (with) To start (with)

• Second • Another reason • Also • In addition ......................................... • then • next • after that

• • • • • •

Third Another reason Also As well as Too Additionally

• • • • • • • • •

Lastly Finally In conclusion In summary In short To sum up To conclude Therefore Thus

1. Place the eggs into a saucepan. 2. Pour enough cold tap water over the eggs by an inch. 3. Partially cover the eggs with a lid. 4. Turn on the stove to medium-high heat and bring to a boil and let it boil for exactly 30 seconds. 5. Immediately remove the pan from the stove and cover completely with a lid, and leave it for 12-15 minutes. 6. Remove the cover, place a few ice cubes in the pan with the eggs, and run cold water over eggs to cool completely. 7. Tap each egg gently against the pan to crack. 8. Peel the hard-boiled eggs under cold, running water.


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! PART 1


☆ My

Unique Talent

What I Can Do Dictation [ 16:10-18:15 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

BROTHER: Wow, look at this! GRAMPS: I ___________________ them for the seniors charity auction. They're always a big seller. SISTER: But how do you get the ship inside through the little hole? GRAMPS: Magic. BROTHER & SISTER: Real ______________________? GRAMPS: Well, a real neat trick, anyway. Come on, I'll show you. Just flatten the sails down,gently ___________________ it in and... Pop! Anchors aweigh. BROTHER: Neat! Can we build one, Gramps? GRAMPS: Absolutely. We have a whole week. You can do whatever you like. SISTER: Gramps, is this a treasure ___________________? GRAMPS: Well, it is to me. Open it up. BROTHER & SISTER: Wow! SISTER: Hey, we can be a _______________________. GRAMPS: Ha ha ha! Well, you might want to ask Gran for some harmonica lessons first. She's a harmonica _____________________. BROTHER & SISTER: Gran? GRAMPS: You bet. My specialty has always been... the yo-yo. Ready, ______________ , yo! BROTHER: Yeah! GRAN: Who's ready for lunch? I've made pretzels and honey buns. BROTHER: Oh, boy! SISTER: I am! Mmm...And homemade _____________________. Gran, can you teach me how to play the "Harmoniker"? GRAN: That's "Harmonica," sweetie. I most certainly can, it's ___________________. GRAMPS: Let's see if you know this one. BROTHER: Heh, "__________________ the dog"! GRAMPS: Remember how much fun we had playing tennis on our first honeymoon? GRAN: I remember winning every ____________________. GRAMPS: I was just letting my new bride win. But not this time. I've been practicing my lightning ___________________. 19

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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: I m Me ]

I'm me (you're you)

Your favorite color?

I'm me (that's true)

I know! It's blue

And I am unique

Your favorite brother? You!

I'm me (you're you)

Your favorite shirt?

I'm me (woohoo)

I have no clue!

And I am unique

Let's see what we can do?

We all have things that make us, us

I'm me (you're you)

And things that make you, you

I'm me (that's true)

We all have our own favorite things

And I am unique

And things that we're into I'm me (you're you) I'm me (you're you)

I'm me (woohoo)

I'm me (that's true)

And I am unique

And I am unique I'm me (you're you) I'm me (woohoo) And I am unique


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Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: I m Me ]

Dance Song

1. Who once forgot who he was? a. Jacob

If you have two eyes

b. Josh

Jump up and down,

2. What helped this character solve this problem?

If you have two hands

a. a riddle

Spin around,

b. a game

If you have a dog, that makes

c. a song

that sound The one that goes, Woof!

3. What is Josh’s favorite shirt? Describe it. _________________________________________________________ 4. Who can help people put on make up?

(and now do a thing that makes you you, or do what we can do)

a. Jacob If you can clap, clap twice

b. Josh

If you can snap, snap twice

c. Jen

I can flap my arms 5. What is Jen’s problem?

like I can fly,

a. She can’t decide which poster to buy.

I can raise my hand super high

b. She can’t decide which poster to hang on her wall.

I can roar real loud like dinos

c. She can’t decide which poster to give as a present.


6. What three posters did Jen have? Who took the following posters? a. ______ basketball ___________________________ b. ______ dinosaurs ___________________________ c. ______ dogs ___________________________ d. ______ cats ___________________________ 7. What do they all like? a. Dinosaurs b. Ice cream with pickles c. Posters 21


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PART 4 Speaking Activity [ Asking Questions ] DIRECTION At the end of the video, Josh and Jacob describe things about themselves that make them unique. Try to find out unique things about your classmates by asking them questions to find out who would meet the listed statements below.

Find Someone Who A: Have you traveled on a plane?

1. ________________________ is new to the academy.

B: No, I have not been in a plane.

2. ________________________ has never traveled in an airplane.


3. ________________________ has traveled the farthest this summer.

B: Yes, I have flown in a plane.

4. ________________________ has the most letters in their name. 5. ________________________ likes math the most. 6. ________________________ has lived in another city. 7. ________________________ has watched a movie this month. A: Do you like to eat sushi?

8. ________________________ likes to eat vegetables.

B: No, I do not like to eat sushi.

9. ________________________ doesn’t like to eat sushi.


10. ________________________ has a younger sibling.

B: Yes, I like to eat sushi.

11. ________________________ has an older sibling. 12. ________________________ is an only child. 13. ________________________ wears glasses. 14. ________________________ can swim. 15. ________________________ has the same birthday as you. 16. ________________________ has a pet at home. 17. ________________________ plays on a sports team. 18. ________________________ is scared of insects.

A: Are you afraid of insects? B: No, I am not afraid of insects. OR

19. ________________________ likes the color yellow. 20. ________________________ has been to another country.


B: Yes, I am afraid of insects.

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Grammar Lesson & Warm Up "

Used to

"Used to" expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past. It indicates that something was often repeated in the past, but it is not usually done now. [used to + INFINITIVE] SUBJECT I You She He It We They


used to ................... didn't use to

Affirmative I used to jog everyday. I used to eat loads of junk food.

eat a lot of sweets. ride my bike to school. live in the city. have long hair.

Negative I didn't use to do any exercise. I didn't use to swim very well.

Used to in Affirmative A. To talk about repeated events, actions, or habits in the past, usually things that happened a long time ago and are now finished. ✓ We ___________________________ (go out) a lot in the summer. ✓ My dog used to bark at cats. (But doesn’t bark at cats anymore)

DIRECTION Fill in the blanks to complete the affirmative statements. 1. I _______________________________ (smoke) cigarettes, but I stopped two years ago. 2. We ___________________________ (drink) coffee every morning, but now I drink tea. 3. Ben _________________________ (travel) a lot in his job, but now, since his promotion, he doesn't. 4. I _______________________________ (drive) to work, but now I take the bus. 5. When we were kids, we ___________________________ (invent) amazing games. 6. We __________________________ (go) to the seaside every summer when I was a kid. 7. Karen ____________________________ (play) with dolls. 8. Herbert ___________________________ (play) basketball after school.


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B. It can also be used to talk about past facts (states or situations) that were true but no longer are.

✓ We used to live in Paris, but now we live in Tokyo. ✓ Oranges used to be cheap, but now they are quite expensive. DIRECTION Fill in the blanks to complete the affirmative statements. 9. There _______________________________ (be) a cinema in the town, but now there isn't. 10. She _______________________________ (have) really long hair, but she's had it all cut off. 11. That house over there ___________________________ (belong) to my family. 12. He __________________________ (play) football, but he had to quit because of an injury. 13. Irene __________________________ (be) a piano player, and now she is a lawyer. 14. They ___________________________ (live) in England. 15. I _______________________________ (like) Paul, but now I am not friends with him. 16. George ___________________________ (be) the best student in class, but now Lena is the best.


Used to in Negative To talk about things which we didn't do in the past but do now, we use didn't use to. Watch out! With the negative and the question, you must use use and not used, or that will be a double negative. If we want to make a negative sentence, the didn’t part shows that we are talking about the past tense, so used becomes use. I used to like meat, but now I hate it. I didn’t used to hate meat but now I hate it. I didn’t use to hate meat, but now I hate it. DIRECTION Fill in the blanks to complete the negative statements. 1. We __________________________________________ (argue) so often. 2. We __________________________________________ (go out) much during winter. 3. I __________________________________________ (play) with my dolls. 4. They __________________________________________ (sing) so well, but now they are excellent. 5. She __________________________________________ (swim) everyday, but now she swims daily. 6. I _________________________________________ (like) coffee, but I love it now. 24

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Asking Questions [ A. YES OR NO QUESTIONS ] When asking a closed, yes or no question, you put did/didn't in front of the subject followed by use to. ✓ Did you use to go out with my sister? DIRECTION Fill in the blanks to complete the interrogation statements. 1. ________________________________________ (they / own) the company? 2. __________________________________________ (we / go) to the same school? 3. __________________________________________ (you / work) with my dad? 4. __________________________________________ (she / have) four dogs? 5. _________________________________________(he / work) with my dad? [ B. OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS ] When asking an open question, you put an WH-word before the did/didn't then the subject and use to. ✓ What did you use to like when you were young? DIRECTION Fill in the blanks to complete the interrogation statements. Then write in any answer. 1. Q: When ________________________________________ (they / own) the company? A: __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Q: Where __________________________________________ (we / meet) for lunch? A: __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Q: How __________________________________________ (you / make) the cake? A: __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Q: Who _________________________________________ (she / love) when she was young? A: __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Q: What _________________________________________ (he / prepare) for breakfast? A: __________________________________________________________________________


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Dialogue Practice "

People Used to...

DIRECTION In this activity, you will talk about how things used to be and how things are now. You will use the phrases “used to” and “didn’t use to” to talk about the following topics. First, you can fill in the blanks. Then the teacher will pick two students to engage in a dialogue. STUDENT A will ask questions, and the STUDENT B will give proper responses. Here is a sample dialogue below: STUDENT A: What did people use to do before the lightbulb was invented? STUDENT B: People used to use candles to see at night. STUDENT A: Interesting. What else? STUDENT B: They used to wake up early with the sunrise and go to sleep early with the sunset. STUDENT A: What didn’t people use to do? STUDENT B: People didn’t use to read at night after the sun had set.

Before the invention of the lightbulb,

Before the invention of the fridge,

people used to _______________________

people used to _______________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________

people didn’t use to ___________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Before the invention of the television,

Before the invention of the Internet,

people used to _______________________

people used to _______________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________

people didn’t use to ___________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________


LE & BB 3

Before the invention of the airplane,

Before the invention of the wheel,

people used to _______________________

people used to _______________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________

people didn’t use to ___________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Before the invention of the printing press,

Before the invention of the car,

people used to _______________________

people used to _______________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________

people didn’t use to ___________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Before the invention of the mobile phone,

people used to _______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Before the invention of the e-mail,

people used to _______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ people didn’t use to ___________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________


LE & BB 3

Week at Grandma's 1.2 [17:55 24:00]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. dessert

(n) sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal

☛ Now, for my favorite part of lunch: dessert. ✎ We had ice cream and apple pie for dessert. ❖ What is your favorite dessert? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. sting

(v) of an insect, plant, or animal: to hurt (someone) by piercing the skin with a sharp, pointed part that usually contains poison

☛ Watch it, Gramps. They'll sting you! ✎ The bees will sting you if you bother them. ❖ How do you feel when you get stung by a bee? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. smoke

(v) to stupefy (as bees) by smoke

☛ First, you smoke the bees out to calm them down. ✎ When harvesting honey, a beehive is smoked to interfere with the bees’ lines of communication. ❖ What happens to a bee’s movement when they are smoked? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. pry

(v) to raise, move, or open (something) with a tool

☛ Then you gently pry the hive open ✎ I asked my mom to pry off a tight lid off of the jam jar. ❖ Give an example of something you would pry? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3 5. honeycomb

(n) a structure of hexagonal cells of wax, made by bees to store honey and eggs.

☛ ...and pull out the honeycomb. ✎ Some ice cream shops put a honeycomb on vanilla ice cream as a natural sweetener. ❖ Who might like to eat a honeycomb? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. stuffed

(adj) filled with food : not hungry any more

☛ I'm stuffed. ✎ I was so stuffed from my birthday meal that I couldn’t even eat dessert afterwards. ❖ When are you stuffed? _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. appetite

(n) a physical desire for food

☛ At least, we'll have a good appetite for dinner. ✎ Delicious smells from the kitchen stirred our appetites. ❖ Who has a big appetite? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8. recall

(v) to remember (something) from the past

☛ Because, as I recall, the portions here were huge. ✎ I don't recall what time they said they would be here. ❖ What is hard to recall? ________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 9. portion

(n) the amount of food that is served to a person at one time

☛ Same as #6 ✎ We served ourselves huge portions from the buffet tables because we were so hungry. ❖ Who gets small portions? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Just as well

(idiom) a good or fortunate thing, or to be a lucky thing to happen or be done

☛ Just as well. We shouldn't eat too much if we want to go dancing later. ✎ We cancelled the trip because I was sick, which was just as well, because it rained the entire weekend. ❖ Complete the sentence: It's just as well that we brought our umbrellas because ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 29

LE & BB 3 11. marvelous

(adj) extremely good or enjoyable

☛ Oh, we've had a marvelous week. ✎ The students had a marvelous time at the Halloween party. ❖ What would a marvelous day be like? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12. wear (s/o) out

(verb phrase) exhaust or tire someone or something.

☛ The cubs haven't worn you out? ✎ Keeping up with twin toddlers wears the young mother out. ❖ What would wear you out? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 13. manage

(v) to keep (something) under your control

☛ Oh, I think we're managing. ✎ Some health illnesses can be managed by a healthy diet. ❖ What might be hard for even adults to manage? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 14. anxious

(adj) wanting or eager to do or have something very much especially because of fear or nervousness

☛ Let's just say we're anxious to get back home. ✎ It was snowing hard, and the hikers were anxious to get to the camp. ❖ What makes you feel anxious? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 15. scale

(n) a series of musical notes that go up or down in pitch

☛ Listen, I can play a scale! ✎ During the scary part of the movie, the music was played with low scales. ❖ What do scales create? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3



Week at Grandma's 1.2

Getting Honey, [ 18:24-19:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

BROTHER: Now for my _______________________ part of lunch; dessert. SISTER: Oh, no! Gran forgot the honey for the honey buns. GRAN: No, she didn't. Gran makes the buns and I make the ___________________. With some help, of course. BROTHER: __________________ ________, Gramps. They'll sting you! GRAMPS: I do this all the time. First, you __________________the bees out to calm them down. Then you gently pry the hive open, loosen up a __________________and...pull out the honeycomb. SISTER: Mmm...Delicious! BROTHER: So _________________... SISTER: Yum! BROTHER: I'm stuffed. GRAMPS: Feeling ____________________, are we? SISTER: Ahh...No. But if you and Gran want to take a nap... GRAN: Actually, I was hoping to take you to my favorite _____________________ hole. GRAMPS: If you catch anything, we can ___________________ ___________ the barbecue tonight and eat out. SISTER: Oh boy, it'll be just like _____________________!


Then and Now, [ 20:32- 21:07 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

MAMA: Oh, it's just like I _____________________ it. PAPA: And my old jacket still _________________ me. But... maybe I'll loosen the button. Because, as I ________________, the portions here were huge. MAMA: Luckily, some things don't __________________. PAPA: Thank _____________________, because I'm...starving. MAMA: Just as well. We shouldn't eat too much if we want to go __________________ later.


LE & BB 3

Week at Grandma's 1.2 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3

✎ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Choose the best answer. 1. Who was better at tennis long ago? a. Mama b. Papa 2. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Gran forgot the honey for the honey buns. 3. SEQUENCE Put the steps in order of how to extract honey from the beehive. pull out the honeycomb

you smoke the bees out to calm them down

you gently pry the hive open

loosen up a frame

First, ______________________________________. Then _______________________ _______________________________________. Third, _____________________________ ____________________. Lastly, _______________________________________________. 4. After lunch, what did Gran want to do? a. Go camping b. Go fishing c. Take a nap d. Fire up the barbecue grill 5. What happened to Mama and Papa’s lunch? a. They ate it on a picnic. b. Mama knocked it over into the lake. c. Papa knocked it over into the lake. d. An insect knocked it over into the lake. 6. [ TRUE | FALSE ] The cubs successfully caught fish. 7. Fill in the blanks with the proper adjective: small ▪ medium ▪ large Long ago, the Grizzly Mountain Lodge served _____________________ food portions. However, now, the portions are ______________________.


LE & BB 3

8. Who enjoyed the music and dancing? a. Mama and Papa b. Brother and Sister 9. What two things did Brother learn to do during his week with Gran and Gramps? a. Swing dancing b. “Walk the dog” on the yoyo c. Play a scale on the harmonica. d. Play the guitar 10. What two things did Sister learn to do during his week with Gran and Gramps? a. Swing dancing b. “Walk the dog” on the yoyo c. Play a scale on the harmonica. d. Play the guitar 11. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Mama and Papa enjoyed their honeymoon as much as they expected they would. 12. If Brother and Sister had to pick between Grizzly World or Gran and Gramp’s house, where would they choose to go? Explain your reason. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3


Grammar Review "


Used to

DIRECTION Make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences for each using the used to form.

1. We go to the beach every summer. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________ 2. She / love eating chocolate. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I / play tennis when I was at school. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________ 4. They / be able to speak Spanish. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________ 5. He / play baseball every weekend. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________ 6. We both / have short hair. A: _________________________________________________________________________ N: _________________________________________________________________________ I: _________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3


Speaking Game "

Used to / but now...

DIRECTION Pretend you are 80 years old and discussing your life in the past as a child (using the “simple past” and “used to” form). Remember to be crea>ve when you use your imagina>on to make up the “but now” answers. 1. Everyone will take tuns throwing the dice and moving their marker along the board according to the number on the dice. 2. When you land on a square, the student to your right will ask you that ques>on, and you will answer like:

drink soda! ! ! ! drink soda drink fresh juice a. Q: “Did you use to ___________?” A: “Yes, I used (No, I didn’t use) to __________, but now I ___________________. ride ! ride cars ! ride flying cars b. Q: “What did you use to ________?” A: “I used to _____________, but now I _______________________.


Where did you use to live when you were a child?

What used to be your favorite toy?

What did you use to do on your school holidays?

Go Back 2 Spaces

Who did you use to play with the most?

Did you use to have a pet? If not, did you want one? What used to be your favorite hobby?

What did you use to complain about?

Move Ahead 3 Spaces

Who used to be your best friend?

Did you use to be a good student?

Who did you use to argue with the most?

How did you use to get to school?

Miss a Turn

Go Back 2 Spaces

What did you use to hate doing in your free time?

Who used to be your favorite relative?

What TV programs did you use to watch?

Miss a Turn

What did you use to do on the weekend?

What games did you use to play? What did you use to love doing in your free time?

What used to be your favorite film? What used to be your biggest dream?

What used to be your biggest problem?

What used to What used to be your least be your favorite favorite school school subject? subject?

Move Ahead a Space

Who used to be your favorite singer?

Who used to be your idol or hero?

How did your city use to look?

Who did you use to look like?


Oh no! Go Back to Start What used to be your biggest fear?

What did people use to do for fun?

Where did you use to go for vacation?

Oh no! Go Back a Space


LE & BB 3

! PART 1


Busy Day

Activities Dictation [ 18:23-19:40 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

BROTHER: Now for my _________________________ part of lunch: dessert. SISTER: Oh, no! Gran _________________________ the honey for the honey buns. GRAN: No, she didn't. Gran makes the buns, and I make the honey. With some help, of course. BROTHER: _________________________ it, Gramps. They'll sting you! GRAMPS: I do this all the time. First, you smoke the bees out to _____________________ them down. Then you gently pry the hive ________________________, loosen up a frame, and pull out the honeycomb. SISTER: Mmm...Delicious! BROTHER: So _________________________... SISTER: Yum! BROTHER: I'm _________________________. GRAMPS: Feeling sleepy, are we? SISTER: Ahh...No. But if you and Gran want to take a _________________________... GRAN: Actually, I was hoping to take you to my favorite fishing hole. GRAMPS: If you ______________________ anything, we can fire up the barbecue tonight and eat out. SISTER: Oh boy, it'll be just like _________________________!


LE & BB 3


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Hands Are for Helping ]

We all get angry sometimes

Hands are for helping

and that is okay

there's a lot you can do

but just remember

You can paint a picture

use your hands the right way

or tie your shoes

Hands are for helping

You can give a hug

there's a lot you can do

or help pick up your toys

You can paint a picture or tie your shoes

We all get angry sometimes

You can give a hug

and that is okay

or help pick up your toys

but I won't hit with my hands

your hands can do a lot

that's not the right way

and it's up to you!

Hands are for helping there's a lot you can do

We all get angry sometimes

You can paint a picture

so what can we do

or tie your shoes

we can stomp our feet, shake it out

You can give a hug

or talk it out too

or help pick up your toys your hands can do a lot and it's up to you!


LE & BB 3


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Hands Are for Helping ]

1. Circle the right answer: a. [ Jacob | Josh ] took the yo-yo away from his brother. b. [ Jacob | Josh ] got mad. c. [ Jacob | Josh ] hit his brother.

Dance Song Shake your hands outside,

d. [ Jacob | Josh ] was hurt.

Shake your hands up high,

e. [ Jacob | Josh ] said he was sorry.

Bring your hands close,

2. What can you do with your hands? (Check all that are true)

And wave bye, bye, bye.

a. ______ brush your teeth b. ______ play tag

Put your hands on your head,

c. ______ hit someone

Put your hands on your eyes,

d. ______ hug e. ______ hold someone’s hand while crossing the street

Put your hands on your ears, Then fly, fly, fly.

3. Put the events of Kurt’s story in order: a. ______ Kurt hit his friend. b. ______ He was playing hopscotch with his friends. c. ______ Kurt got angry, but his friend didn’t think it was a big deal. d. ______ The friend spilled apple sauce on the board game.

Use your hands to high five, Use your hands to say why, Use your hands to clap, then pretend to eat pie.

4. TRUE / FALSE Kurt and Jacob are meeting for the first time. 5. What does Kurt mean by, “Kapow!”?

Use your hands to do the robot,

_____________________________________________________________ 6. What can you do when you are angry? (Check all that are true)

Use your hands to do the wave, Use your hands to do the monkey,

a. ______ shake the person who did something wrong.

1. (Them use your hand to hit)

b. ______ stomp your feet

2. (And do it all again)

c. ______ talk it out

3. (Your hands can do a lot!)

d. ______ throw spaghetti


e. ______ punch a sock pillow f. ______ draw a picture about it g. ______ punch the person who did something wrong 7. What will Kurt do next? _____________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3

PART 4 Dialogue: When you feel --- [ Present Continuous Tense ] DIRECTION Talk about what you do or don’t do when you feel a certain way.

feel mad A: When you _____________________________, what do you do? mad take a long walk to cool down B: When I’m _______________________, I ____________________________________________, I listen to music very loudly I talk to the person who made me mad, so I ___________________________________, or ___________________________________________ can resolve the problem. _________________________________________________________________________________ A: That’s interesting. What do you not do?

at the person hit them! B: I don’t yell _________________________, nor do I ______________________________________. A: That makes perfect sense. (be) separated from adults ☛ look for a police officer, yell out for my parents, ask a woman with children for

feel lonely ☛ play with my dog, call a

(be) home alone ☛ watch TV, read a book,

friend, or read a comic book.

eat ice cream

✘ watch sad movies, smile

✘ open the door to strangers, cook on the stove

help ✘ Follow strangers, leave the area that I am in

feel tired

have a big test

feel sad

☛ _____________________

☛ _____________________

☛ _____________________







✘ ______________________

✘ ______________________

✘ ______________________






on a diet

(be) hungry

(be) sick

☛ _____________________

☛ _____________________

☛ _____________________







✘ ______________________

✘ ______________________

✘ ______________________









B e r e n s t a i n B e a r s : We e k a t G r a n d m a ' s

LE & BB 3

Lights, Camera, Action!

Pick a character to play, and highlight your lines. We will practice the roles in class, but you must also practice your lines at home to act it out together in class. CHARACTERS Papa Bear

Sister Bear


Mama Bear

Brother Bear


(Setting: Inside the Treehouse) BROTHER: When Mama and Papa had a week-long retreat... SISTER: ...the cubs went to Gran's and were in for a treat. SISTER: Suitcases? MAMA: So our reservations for Grizzly Mountain Lodge are all set? Thank you so much. See you soon. BROTHER: Reservations? BROTHER & SISTER: We're going on vacation. MAMA: Actually, it's a second honeymoon. BROTHER: Still sounds like fun. SISTER: Mmm...Ha, ha, especially the honey part. PAPA: I haven't seen these in ages. I wonder if my serve is still...Aah! BROTHER: Papa! Are you ok? SISTER: Maybe you should just let brother and me play tennis on the honeymoon. BROTHER: You and Mama can keep score. MAMA: Sorry, sweeties, but honeymoons aren't for cubs.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ MAMA: Honeymoons are special trips that couples go on after they get married -- it's an old tradition. PAPA: Grizzly Mountain Lodge is where Mama and I went on our first honeymoon. BROTHER: But... What about us? MAMA: Well, you're going on a special trip of your own. BROTHER: Huh! Is it Grizzly World? SISTER: Is it Honeycomb Amusement Park? MAMA: You're going to Grandma's. BROTHER & SISTER: Gran's?

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ 41

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BROTHER: That should do it. Board games, books, yo-yo... I wonder if I should bring my chemistry set. SISTER: I'll bring puzzles, coloring books, and teddy. PAPA: Beep-beep. Coming through. Hey, what's all this doing out here? BROTHER: Well, we are going to Gran's for a whole week. We need to keep busy. MAMA: Oh, ho, ho! Come on, now. You always have fun at Gran's house without all this stuff. BROTHER: When we go for one afternoon maybe, and Gran and Gramps are...well, old. SISTER: Maybe they'll want to take naps all day.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ PAPA: [ Grunting ] SISTER: Papa, what about our toys? PAPA: You won't need all those. You're going to have too much fun with Gran and Gramps. I wonder if the lodge still has canoe rides on the lake. MAMA: And live music in the dance hall. BROTHER: Mama and Papa are going to have all the fun. SISTER: And we're going to have none.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ GRAN: See you next week. Drive safely! MAMA: Bye. PAPA: Have fun. GRAN: Come on, cubs. SPEAKER: Welcome to Grizzly Mountain Lodge, the automated theme resort. Please insert coin into the automated parking gate. Then collect your hotel pass from the automatic reservation desk. Thank you, and have a nice stay. PAPA: I guess the place has changed a little over the years. MAMA: That's ok, so have we.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ BROTHER: Wow, look at this! GRAMPS: I build them for the seniors charity auction. They're always a big seller. SISTER: But how do you get the ship inside through the little hole? GRAMPS: Magic. BROTHER & SISTER: Real magic? GRAMPS: Well, a real neat trick, anyway. Come on, I'll show you. Just flatten the sails down,gently slide it in and... Pop! Anchors aweigh. 42

LE & BB 3

BROTHER: Neat! Can we build one, Gramps? GRAMPS: Absolutely. We have a whole week. You can do whatever you like. SISTER: Gramps, is this a treasure chest? GRAMPS: Well, it is to me. Open it up. BROTHER & SISTER: Wow! SISTER: Hey, we can be a band. GRAMPS: Ha ha ha! Well, you might want to ask Gran for some harmonica lessons first. She's a harmonica whiz. BROTHER & SISTER: Gran? GRAMPS: You bet. My specialty has always been... the yo-yo. Ready, set, yo! BROTHER: Yeah! GRAN: Who's ready for lunch? I've made pretzels and honey buns. BROTHER: Oh, boy! SISTER: I am! Mmm...And homemade jams. Gran, can you teach me how to play the "Harmoniker"? GRAN: That's "Harmonica," sweetie. I most certainly can, it's easy. GRAMPS: Let's see if you know this one. BROTHER: Heh, "Walk the dog"! GRAMPS: Remember how much fun we had playing tennis on our first honeymoon? GRAN: I remember winning every game. GRAMPS: I was just letting my new bride win. But not this time. I've been practicing my lightning serve. [ barking ] GRAMPS: Huh? Hey, come back here!

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ BROTHER: Now for my favorite part of lunch: dessert. SISTER: Oh, no! Gran forgot the honey for the honey buns. GRAN: No, she didn't. Gran makes the buns, and I make the honey. With some help, of course. BROTHER: Watch it, Gramps. They'll sting you! GRAMPS: I do this all the time. First, you smoke the bees out to calm them down. Then you gently pry the hive open, loosen up a frame, and pull out the honeycomb. SISTER: Mmm...Delicious! BROTHER: So good... SISTER: Yum! BROTHER: I'm stuffed. GRAMPS: Feeling sleepy, are we? SISTER: Ahh...No. But if you and Gran want to take a nap... 43

LE & BB 3

GRAN: Actually, I was hoping to take you to my favorite fishing hole. GRAMPS: If you catch anything, we can fire up the barbecue tonight and eat out. SISTER: Oh boy, it'll be just like camping!

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ MAMA: Oh, it's just as beautiful as I remember it on our first honeymoon. PAPA: I just love the sounds of nature. [ buzzing ] PAPA: Ow! [ gasp ] Uh-oh. MAMA: At least, we'll have a good appetite for dinner... BROTHER: This is the best fishing spot, Gran. Thanks for bringing us here. GRAN: You're welcome, cubs. SISTER: A fish. Gran, a fish! BROTHER: Hey, I got one, too! SISTER: Papa loves fish, but I bet even he couldn't eat all this. MAMA: Oh, it's just like I remember it. PAPA: And my old jacket still fits me. But... maybe I'll loosen the button. Because, as I recall, the portions here were huge. MAMA: Luckily, some things don't change. PAPA: Thank goodness, because I'm...starving. MAMA: Just as well. We shouldn't eat too much if we want to go dancing later.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ GRAN: Your turn, Cubs. Show them what we taught you. ♪ Grab your cub and swing her round. Give her a twirl and dance around. Hee haw! ♪

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ PAPA: If it's too loud for you, we can go. MAMA: Oh, I 'm fine, if you are. [ feedback ] [ music stopping ]

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ [ phone ringing ] GRAN: Hello? 44

LE & BB 3

MAMA: Hi, Gran. Just calling to see if everything's ok. GRAN: Oh, we've had a marvelous week. MAMA: The cubs haven't worn you out?

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ GRAMPS: And Papa Bear said, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed." Then Mama Bear said, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed." Then Baby Bear said, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, and look, she's still there!" GRAN: Oh, I think we're managing. How about you and Papa? Did you have fun? MAMA: Let's just say we're anxious to get back home. We'll see you tomorrow. GRAN: Ok. Bye, dear.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ BROTHER: Look, I can do it! "Walk the dog." SISTER: Listen, I can play a scale!

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ [ honking ] MAMA: Hey! PAPA: Hey! BROTHER & SISTER: Mama! Papa! ALL: Bye...Goodbye...Bye-bye! MAMA: So, how was your week with Grandma? BROTHER: I can't believe a whole week is over. We had so much fun. SISTER: When are you and Papa going to go on another honeymoon, mama? MAMA: Hmm... Well, we were thinking our next trip should be a family vacation. How about Grizzly World? BROTHER & SISTER: Yeah...Grizzly World...Yes... All right...Here we come! SISTER: But...When can we spend another week at Grandma's? BROTHER: You know, we were wrong about Gramps and Gran.


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♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ [0:00] THEME SONG ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins Climb aboard, get ready to explore There's so much to find, Little Einsteins We're going on a mission, start the countdown five, four, three, two, one Everyone to Rocket, rev it up now RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins climb aboard, get ready to explore There's so much to find, Little Einsteins Come On - Let's Go - Little Einsteins We need you, Little Einsteins - Yeah ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪ [19:30] SUPER FAST! ♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪—♪

To get to super fast, we have to start at adagio. Pat the beat on your lap slowly. Moderato. Now pat the beat on your tummy a little faster. Allegro! Now pat the beat on your shoulders, even faster! Presto! Now reach your arms to the sky and shake your whole body!


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Vocabulary Preview "

The Parts of a Medieval Castle

DIRECTION A Medieval castle was a very complex structure and there are lots of things about them that you will recognize. But maybe you don't really know their names! Read the names and definitions below. Then label the parts of a Medieval Castle on the drawing below. • Arrow Loops - These were slots in the walls and structures that were used to shoot arrows through. They are found in many different styles on the curtain wall and towers of the castle. • Battlements - A protective, tooth shaped parapet on the top edges of the castle walls. The defenders could fire missiles through gaps (crenels) between the raised sections between (merlons). • (Inner and Outer) Bailey - The enclosed area between the inside of the wall and the keep. • Curtain Wall - The strong stone walls around a castle. • Corner Tower - Circular tower built into a wall allowing surveillance and defense in all directions. • Drawbridge - A movable bridge that was lowered and raised across the moat to give access to the castle. • Flanking Tower - Defense tower built as part of the curtain wall making it possible to fire a shot parallel to the curtain wall. • Keep - The tallest and strongest tower, situated at the heart of the fortifications • Moat - A deep trench usually filled with water surrounding the outer wall of a castle. • Parapet - A protective wall at the top of a fortification, around the outer side of the wall-walk • Tower - A tall, narrow structure that forms the highest part of a building

keep outer bailey inner bailey moat curtain wall drawbridge arrow loop corner tower flanking tower battlements


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Grammar Lesson "

The Three Homs

The word homophone broken down into Greek roots are: homo means “same” while phone means “sound.” So homophones are two words that have the same sound. For example:

I wish the bee would be quiet.


The hare has white hair.

If you hear them out loud without seeing them written down, you don’t know if you are talking about a hare (rabbit), or a hair (growing on your head). Context helps you know which meaning is meant. Part A: Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the choices given. 1. bean - been a. Eat the last ___________________ on the plate. b. Where have you ___________________? 2. blue - blew a. The shirt is ___________________. b. The wind ___________________. 3. eight - ate a. I ___________________ a chocolate bar for lunch. b. There are ___________________ player on the team. 4. allowed - aloud a. I am not ___________________ to drink soda. b. They could not speak ___________________ in the library. 5. sent - scent - cent a. It costs a ___________________ to buy the gum ball from the candy dispenser. b. The ___________________ was very strong. c. He ___________________ the package yesterday. 6. Their / there / they’re a. ___________________ you are! b. ___________________ dog is barking so loudly that it is bothering the neighbors. c. ___________________ all hungry after baseball practice. 7. brake - break a. I need a ___________________ from my homework. b. I think my ___________________ is jammed.


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The word homonym broken down into Greek roots are: homo means “same” while nym means “word.” So homonyms are two words that have the same pronunciation and are spelled the same. BUT they mean different things. For example:

The children row the boat on the lake.


The children stood in a row.

Part B: Choose the sentence where the word means the same as the sample one. 1. She took a trip to Grand Canyon. a. Be careful, or you’ll trip over those rocks. b. They planned a trip to the mountains together. c. I trip over things very often. 2. I turned on the light, so I could see better. a. The feather is very light, but the rock is not. b. They wore light colors on the hot day. c. There is only one light in the living room, so it is kind of dark. 3. I have to use the computer to check my email. a. My mom wrote out a check to buy the computer. b. I can’t find my cat, so I will check if he is under the bed. c. The teacher drew a check with the red marker on the incorrect test answers. 4. Will you show me your art project? a. I went to the comedy show last night. b. My favorite show is Little Einsteins. c. Could you show me how to do this math problem? 5. Has he written his last will? a. My grandfather’s will stated that each of his children will get an equal split of the land. b. Have you seen Will? I have to return his book back to him. c. Will you go with me to the zoo? 6. The ship lay at the bank of the river. a. I’ve put my money into a bank account. b. The water has come over the bank because of the heavy rain. c. My mom works at a bank. 49

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7. I like to play with dolls. a. Who wrote the play, “Romeo and Juliette”? b. The basketball play was so incredible that they replayed it two times. c. I like to play checkers. 8. I opened the can to take out the tuna. a. I can do it myself. b. I bought a can of peanuts. c. Can you help me do the dishes? The word homograph broken down into Greek roots are: homo means “same” while graph means “writing.” So homographs are words with different pronunciation and meanings, but are written the same-- by its spelling. For example: The wind is blowing hard. ⇢ moving air (rhymes with pinned)

I have to wind my clock. ⇢ turn the stem (rhymes with find) Context helps you know which meaning is being used.

Part C: Which meaning is correct? Write a or b in the blank to identify the correct meaning. 1. The singer made a low bow ___ to the crowd. Maria placed a red bow ___ on the birthday gift. a. decorative ribbon (rhymes with so) b. bend at the waist (rhymes with how) 2. Please close ___ the door. The boy sat close ___ to his uncle. a. near (rhymes with dose) b. shut (rhymes with toes) 3. The ribbon was wound ___ around the gift. The soldier received a wound ___ in the battle. a. tied around (rhymes with pound) b. an injury (rhymes with moon) 4. I don’t know if I will live ___ or die. Last night I saw the band play live ___ in concert. a. to have life (rhymes with give) b. in real time performance (rhymes with hive) 50

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Grammar Warm Up "


DIRECTION Use the correct homophone to fill in the blanks below.

Knight - Night

Ate - Eight

Knew - New

Road - Rode

The _________________

I ________ my breakfast

I ____________ they had

She ________ her horse

arrived at ____________.

at ________ o’clock.

bought a ________ boat.

along the dirt _________.

Male - Mail

There - Their


Blew - Blue

Wood - Would

Her ______________ balloon almost

In those ___________s,

The ____________ was

____________ away

you ____________ see

delivered by a ________

from the strong wind.

many animals to hunt.


Its - It’s

___________ a dog sleeping in _______ bed.

Son - Sun

Read - Red

Made - Maid

He can ____________ a

__________ mom is over __________, in the yard.

Hear - Here

He can’t __________ you

book with a ___________

The ___________ hasn’t

because there’s a lot of


_________ the beds yet.

noise ___________.

Be - Bee

Meat - Meet

Scene - Seen

shines, my __________

The _______ must _____

When they ___________,

This is the best ________

plays in the garden.

very tired.

they eat ___________.

I have ever __________.

When the ___________


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Speaking Game "

Guess the Homonym

DIRECTION Your teacher is going to have you draw a card like the ones below. Then you will say a sentence using that word, and your classmates have to identify which homonym is being used.

bored The boy was bored.

one I drank one can of coke.

board I built a doghouse out of boards.

America won the most gold medals.

My eye hurt because dust flew in.

I will do my homework before dinner.

aunt My aunt and cousin will come over.


grown The plant has grown with proper care.

flu I took medicine for my flu.

write I write with a pencil.

waste I threw the waste in the trashcan.

The ant was crawling on the food.

I groaned when I saw my bad test score. The bird flew over the tree.

waist The belt goes around my waist.



whole I ate a whole pizza by myself.

Paul and Meg will marry at the beach.


hole The dog dug a hole to bury the bone.



dear I began the letter: Dear Mom,

Everyone at the party felt merry.


deer The deer ran in the forest.


I will leave in one hour.

right II wrote the right answer on the test.



our Our dog always barks at strangers.

LE & BB 3

Little Einsteins

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.1 [ start

7:30 ]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. knight

(n) a soldier in the past who had a high social rank and who fought while riding a horse and usually wearing armor

☛ I'm Leo, but today you can call me Knight Leo. ✎ The knights fought to protect the king from the invaders. 2. protect

(v) to keep (someone or something) from being harmed, lost, etc.

☛ We’re brave knights who protect kings and queens and castles! ✎ He had no raincoat to protect himself from the rain. 3. hark

(v) listen — usually used as a command

☛ Hark! I hear music! ✎ “Hark! I hear a rustling of the leaves.” H. D. Thoreau, Walden (1854) 4. kingdom

(n) a country whose ruler is a king or queen

☛ The Good Knight was strong and brave and helped everyone in the kingdom. ✎ After Queen Mary I died, her half sister Elizabeth ruled the kingdom. 5. tower

(n) a tall, narrow building or structure that may stand apart from or be attached to another building or structure

☛ He locked the Good Knight in the tallest tower of the castle! ✎ The bell rings from the church tower every hour. 6. rescue

(v) to save (someone or something) from danger or harm

☛ We need to find the tower key and rescue the Good Knight. ✎ The people from the sinking ship were rescued by the Coast Guard. 7. buckle

(v) to fasten (something, such as a belt) with a buckle

☛ Buckle your seatbelts. ✎ She buckled the package onto the back of the motorcycle and then drove off.


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The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.1 ✎

Knights Scene, [ 0:34 - 3:28 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

LEO: Hi! I'm Leo, but today ___________ _____________ __________ ________ Knight Leo. My friends and I are playing knights! ANNIE: La la la la~ I'm Knight Annie. JUNE: I'm Knight June. QUINCY: And I'm Knight Quincy. ALL: [Laughter] LEO: We’re brave knights who __________________ kings and queens and castles! [ trumpet playing ] ANNIE: Hark! I ______________ music! [ trumpet playing ] JUNE: It sounds _______________ a trumpet QUINCY: Do you see the trumpet? LEO: Oh yea! Here is the trumpet! QUINCY: It's a knight’s trumpet! ANNIE: _____________ ________ you can play it, Quincy. [ trumpet playing ] JUNE: Incredible! Look at this! QUINCY: Yeah look at all these ____________________! LEO: The trumpet has a story to tell. _________ ________ ____________ ________ hear the story? QUINCY: [nods] LEO: Great! It says ____________ _____________ ______ __________, there was a good knight. QUINCY: Ooooooo... Cool! LEO: The Good Knight was strong and brave and ______________ everyone in the kingdom. 54

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ANNIE: Awww the Good Knight helped that cat. He’s nice! QUINCY: Hahaha, and he’s funny too. ______________! ALL: [Laughter] JUNE: But one day, a bad knight ___________ _______________. ANNIE: Uh oh! He locked the Good Knight in __________ _________________ tower of the castle! QUINCY: And the ___________ ___________ to open the tower is with the musical tower key. But the Bad Knight threw the tower key away, so the Good Knight would be locked inside forever! ANNIE: Oh no! JUNE: The Good Knight ______________ help. QUINCY: He's locked in that tower! LEO: We’ve got a _________________! We need to find the tower key and rescue the Good Knight.


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The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.1 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


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✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. What are the children doing? a. Practicing for a play. b. Playing a game. c. Solving a crime. d. Saving the world. 2. NOTE DETAILS Who played the trumpet? a. Annie b. Leo c. June d. Quincy 3. CAUSE & EFFECT After the trumpet was played, what happened? a. A knight appeared. b. A horse appeared. c. The trumpet told a story. d. The kids disappeared. 4. CHARACTER TRAITS What is true about the Good Knight? a. strong b. brave c. helpful d. funny e. Both A & B f. All of the above. 5. [ TRUE | FALSE ] The Good Knight rescued a dog. 6. CONFLICT & RESOLUTION What problem did the Good Knight face? a. He lost the key to the tallest tower of the castle. b. He was locked in the tallest tower of the castle. c. He couldn’t rescue the dog who was stuck in the tallest tower of the castle. d. He had the wrong key for the tower. 57

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7. CONFLICT & RESOLUTION What can resolve the Good Knight’s problem? a. By saying sorry to the Bad Knight. b. By climbing down the tower with a long rope. c. By finding the secret exit. d. By using the musical tower key 8. SEQUENCE What is the first thing the kids did when they got inside Rocket? a. Pat their laps. b. Say, “Blast off!” c. Buckle their seatbelt. d. Turn on the navigation system. 9. CAUSE & EFFECT How did they find the Good Knight? a. They heard him playing music. b. They heard him crying. c. They heard him yelling. d. They saw him. 10. NOTE DETAILS Where is the tower key? a. The Bad Knight has it. b. At the Royal Fair. c. Thrown away in the forest. d. No one knows 11. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE When Leo says, “Rocket! We need you to ride fast. Like a horse.” What is he comparing between Rocket and the horse? a. Their legs b. Speed c. Their looks d. Theie tail 12. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Rocket is traveling much faster than the Bad Knight.


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Homophones & Homonyms

PART I Remember that homophones are two words that have the same sound DIRECTION Which word is correct to use? Choose the correct homophone for the blanks below. 1. Would you like a ____________________ (peace/piece) of chocolate cake? 2. Our whole family packed our beach clothes and took a trip to the ____________(see/sea). 3. Jimmy’s mom let him _________________________(great/grate) the cheese for the pizza. 4. I often wished for a ________________________(maid/made) to clean my house for me. 5. Melissa has been a _____________________(dear/deer) friend of mine for many years. 6. The _________________(sent/cent/scent) of pancakes filled the air as we made breakfast. 7. Grandma put some __________________(flower/flour) into the bowl to make some dough. 8. Many of the children were wearing _______________(knew/new) shoes for school. 9. After many hours on the computer, I had to take a _____________________(break/brake). 10. The princess and the ______________________(prints/prince) are children of the king. 11. They had to stay in bed for two days when they got the ________________(flu/flew). 12. When the janitor mops the floor, he uses a _______________(pail/pale) to rinse the mop. 13. The butcher chopped up the _________________________(meet/meat) for his client. 14. Sylvia _____________________(ate/eight) the last of the cereal for breakfast. 15. If you are going to the mall, I would like to go, __________________(to/too/two). 16. ______________________(Their/They’re/There) planning to go to a movie later today. 17. The cat screeched loudly when her ___________________(tale/tail) got caught in the door. 18. Our school ___________________(principle/principal) is taking us on a field trip. 19. There is no running ______________________(allowed/aloud) in the school hallways. 20. The man and his _______________(son/sun) went to the lake to go fishing. 21. Eric could hardly believe it when he _______________(one/won) the race. 22. ____________________ (poor/pour) the milk carefully. 23. I like ___________________ (plain/plane) yogurt, but my sister likes strawberry yogurt. 24. The ____________________ (bare/bear) growled at us and then ran away into the woods. 25. The ____________________ (male/mail) is delivered everyday at 4 p.m.


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PART II Remember that homonyms are words that have the same spelling and same pronunciation, but different meanings. DIRECTION Which meaning is correct? Write (a) or (b) in the blank to identify the correct meaning of the homonym. 1. ____ A sentence always begins with a capital letter. ____ Will you post this letter for me? a. a written/printed message you send to somebody. b. a written/printed sign representing a sound in a language. 2. ____ When the man bumped into the table, all the glasses fell and broke on the floor. ____ She has been wearing glasses since childhood. a. spectacles to see clearer. b. drinking containers made out of a fragile material. 3. ____ Let’s go and see that new play everybody is talking about. ____ Shall we play cards or chess? a. participate in a sport or game. b. a theater show with live acting. 4. ____ She left without saying goodbye. ____ Standing to my left is my brother Jim. a. past tense of “leave.” b. on the side of your body where your heart is.


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The Parts of a Medieval Castle

DIRECTION Label the parts of the castle with the vocabulary words below.

arrow loops


inner bailey

outer bailey

curtain wall

corner tower


flanking tower




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Speaking Game "

Guess the Homonym

DIRECTION Your teacher is going to have you draw a card like the ones below. Then you will say a sentence using that word, and your classmates have to identify which homonym is being used.


stairs Use the stairs to go up and down.

Which way should I go?

weigh I weigh the apples at the market.

The cat stares at the mouse.

hare The sun shined brightly.

The soldiers forth towards the enemy.


hear I hear with my ears.



mail Mail is delivered Monday thru Friday.

night The moon comes out at night.

...six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

I ate a pizza for lunch.

The fourth math problem was hard.

The knight rode a horse.



feet You walk on your feet.

Flour is used to bake cake and cookies.


feat A heroic act is called a feat.


son The father helped the son to read.

The hare ran away from the fox.

The flower smells great.


hair I dry my hair with a towel.


male My dad is male, and my mom is female.


here The ball is over here.

sew I got a needle and a thread to sew.

so I was so tired that I didn’t finish my work.

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! PART 1


☆ The

Good Knight

The Good Knight Dictation [ 4:20-6:35 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

QUINCY: Great flying, Rocket! Now let's go _________________ the Good Knight! [ trumpet playing ] ANNIE: I hear _________________. I hear the Good Knight. ALL: Whoa! QUINCY: Do you see the Good Knight? LEO: Yea! _________________ he is! QUINCY: Hello, Good Knight! JUNE: Look! He _________________ us. He’s waving. LEO: Come on. Let’s wave _________________. Wave to the Good Knight! QUINCY: Don’t worry, Good Knight! We’re here to rescue you. ANNIE: But we can’t rescue him yet. _________________? JUNE: Annie’s right! The Bad Knight _________________ the tower key and threw it away. QUINCY: How are we going to find it? [ trumpet playing ] QUINCY: Look! The Good Knight _____________ _________________ to tell us something. LEO: He’s telling us to listen, so we can find the tower key! QUINCY: Remember, the Tower Key Song _________________ like this: [ music playing ] Let’s listen for it. [ trumpet playing ] _________________ that sound like the Tower Key Song? Yes, I can hear it! The tower key is at the Royal Fair. Good listening! LEO: Go Rocket, go. Let's get that key, so we can _________________ the Good Knight.


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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Making Friends ]

If you wanna make a friend.

If you want to make a friend

Run away?

Say Hi?

If you want to meet someone new.

If you want to meet someone new.

Should I stay?

Just smile?

It's okay if you happen to be shy,

Yea! It's okay if you feel shy.

as long as you are you!

Cause sometimes I'm shy too!

How do I make a friend?

I'm gonna make a friend.

Say Hi!


How do I meet someone new?

I'm gonna meet someone new?

Just smile.

He smiled!

But what if I am just too shy..?

Hello, I'm Josh. It's nice to meet you!

It's okay! Here's what you can do.

Do you want to play? I do!

Wave to somebody Have a smile on your face

Wave to somebody

Say hello

Have a smile on your face

And maybe ask them to play

Say hello

Find something in common

And maybe ask them to play

Maybe what you like to do

Find something in common

I really like basketball

Maybe what you like to do

Maybe he will too!

That's how you make a friend You can do it too! (x2)


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Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Making Friends ]

1. When Josh saw the other kid at the park, why did he run away? a. The other kid was going to hit him.

Dance Song

b. The other kid waved at him.

Wave your hand,

c. The other kid told him to leave.

Wave your hand (x2) Smile real big

2. Why did Josh do this? a. He was excited.

and make a silly sound

b. He was scared.

(wee!) (x2)

c. He was shy.

Spin around

3. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Josh wants to make new friends. 4. How can you make new friends? (Check all that are true)

and dive real down (x2) Not reach for the sky and wave real high (x2)

a. ______ Say, ”Hi.” b. ______ Smile


c. ______ Run away d. ______ Ask them to play e. ______ Find something you have in common 5. [ TRUE | FALSE ] If you want to make new friends, you can’t be shy. 6. Who was the new friend that Josh met at the park? a. Bill b. Chris c. Pogo 7. What did Bill and Chris do when they first met? a. Play basketball. b. Play on the swings. c. Dance together. 8. Why was Bill afraid of Pogo? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 65

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Speaking Activity [ Introductions ]

DIRECTION Below is a sample dialogue between two people meeting for the first time. Practice it with a partner, and then do the activity on the next page. A: Hi! My name is ___

• Hello, I'm ___ • Hi! I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ___ B: Nice to meet you; I'm ___

• Pleased to meet you; I'm ___ A: Nice to meet you, too. How’s it going?

• Pleased to meet you. How are you? B: Fine (thanks), and you?

• Okay (thanks), and yourself? A: I’m good (thanks). How old are you?

• Fine (thanks). • Okay (thanks)

B: I am _________________. What about you? A: I am __________________. Do you like to ___________________? B: Yes, I like to _________________ OR No, I don’t like to ____________________. A: Me too OR Oh really? I like it. Do you like to ___________________? B: Yes, I like to _________________ OR No, I don’t like to ____________________. A: Me too OR Oh really? I like it. Do you want to __________________ sometimes? B: Sure. Here is my phone number. Call me when you want to ______________________. A: Great, I will. It is nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too.


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DIRECTION Practice introducing yourself as if you were one of the characters in the card below mentioning all of the activities shown.

Amy, 10

Julie, 9

Lance, 11

Jane, 10

Richard, 10

Louis, 11

Ryan, 10

Ashley, 9


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An imperative sentence is a command or a request. We use imperatives to tell someone to do something or to give instructions, orders, warnings, directions, etc. The imperative does not usually have a subject, and the subject is understood as “you.” Therefore, the subject does not have to be stated, and the imperative sentence usually starts with a verb. However, we can use a noun or pronoun to make it clear who we are speaking to. For example: • Brian, come here. • Somebody turn down the music.

• Nobody move. • Be quiet, everybody.

DIRECTION First, look over the different type of imperative sentences and then circle the verb in each sentence. Afterwards, write your own example.

I. We can use the imperative to give a direct order. 1.

Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.


Stand up straight.


Put away your phone.



II. We can use the imperative to give instructions. 1.

Open your book.


Take two pills every evening.


Take a left and then a right.



III. We can use the imperative to make an invitation. 1.

Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.


Please start without me. I'll be there shortly.


Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.



IV. We can use the imperative on signs and notices. 1.



Do not use.


Insert one dollar.



V. We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice. 1.

Let the dog smell your hand before you pet him. This will make him more relaxed.


Tell her what is bothering you.


Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.


____________________________________________________________________________ 68

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Affirmative & Negative Imperatives

Imperatives are divided into two groups: I. Affirmative Imperatives - use the base form of the verb. a. Eat your vegetables. b. Walk faster. II. Negative Imperatives - Do not + the base form of the verb a. Don’t eat your vegetables. b. Don’t walk fast. Par t I: Look at each picture. Give the command that resulted in the action shown. _________________________



















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Par t II: Look at each picture. Label each sign with a negative imperative of “Do not...”.


























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Reported Speech

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Go away

She told him TO GO AWAY

Don’t worry

The doctor told me NOT TO WORRY

Can you help me

I asked the man TO HELP ME.

To report imperatives or requests use TOLD or ASKED + PERSON + (NOT) TO + INFINITIVE VERB DIRECTION Write the reported speech next to the direct speech. Get in a straight line.

___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Could you give me a glass of juice?

___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Sleep eight hours a day.

___________________________________________________ Don’t run because the road is icy.


___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Can you help me carry these boxes?

___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Don’t eat your lunch so fast.

___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________


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Giving Commands As a Teacher

DIRECTION Pretend you are the teacher in the images below, then give commands. Some of them may not seem so clear, so use your imagination to use affirmative and negative imperative sentences!


LE & BB 3


Imperative Board Game "

Just Do It

DIRECTION Whenever you complete a command, the teacher will put a sticker on the it.


Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet.

Snap your fingers.

Shrug your shoulders.

Wink at a classmate. Say a positive imperative.

Say all 12 months of the year.

Dance for 5 seconds.

Walk around the table.

Sing‘Happy Birthday.’

Whistle the song‘Happy Birthday.’

Count from 10 to 1 backwards.

Shake hands with two people.

Fold your arms and cross your legs.

High-five with two friends.

Do a double high-five with someone.

Touch your toes while standing.

Jump up and down for 10 seconds. Count from 20 to 10 backwards.

Stand up and turn around. Point to the smartest student.





Say a negative imperative.

Describe your favorite food until someone guesses it correctly.

Give three reasons to explain your favorite season.

Pretend to cry.

Mimic someone in class until someone guesses who it is.

Rub your head with one hand while rubbing your belly with the other.

Describe your Raise your favorite drink right eyebrow until someone and then your guesses it left eyebrow. correctly.



Stand and squat ten times.

Arm wrestle a classmate.





LE & BB 3

Little Einsteins

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.2 [ 7:30

14:00 ]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. haystack

(n) a large pile of dried grass (that will be fed to farm animals)

☛ He's going to hit that haystack! ✎ The cows went to the haystack and started munching on their lunch. 2. murky

(adj) of a liquid : not clear

☛ He fell into the murky, mucky moat water! ✎ The lake's murky water made it difficult for the bear to spot fish. 3. mucky

(adj) covered with or consisting of dirt or filth

☛ Same as #2 ✎ The farmer had mucky shoes after working in the field all day. 4. stretch

(v) to put your arms, legs, etc., in positions that make the muscles long and tight

☛ When I say, "open," I need you to stretch your fingers really wide, like this. ✎ She woke up and stretched her arms above her head. 5. wide

(adj) extending a great distance from one side to the other

☛ Same as #4 ✎ I stretched my arms wide to hug my grandmother. 6. depend

(v) to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc.

☛ He's depending on us. ✎ After graduating from university, he no longer depends on his parents for money. 7. palatial

(adj) very large and impressive : like a palace

☛ It's palatial. ✎ The movie star lives in a palatial home. 8. booby trap

(v) a hidden trap that goes off when the object connected to it is touched, moved, etc.

☛ A: There's something strange about this floor. B: Booby-trapped. ✎ We set a booby trap by balancing a bucket of water on top of the door, so that it would fall on him when he came in. 74

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The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.2 ✎

Castle Scene, [ 8:52-10:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

QUINCY: Uh-oh. Listen to that, guys. The Bad Knight still ____________________ that tower key. Here he comes! LEO: Well, we can't let him get it. We need it to ____________________ the Good Knight. Buckle your seat belts. ALL: Seat belts buckled! LEO: We're going to need a lot of power to blast off. Put your ____________________ on you lap and pat with us to the ____________________. Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat. Now raise both arms and say, "Blast-off!” ALL: Blast-off! ANNIE: See you ____________________, Bad Knight! QUINCY: There's the castle and the Good Knight. JUNE: We're _____________________, Good Knight. LEO: We've got the tower key! QUINCY: We have to find a way ____________________ the castle, so we can rescue the Good Knight. JUNE: But there's a moat that goes all the way around the ____________________. ANNIE: And it's filled with murky, mucky moat water. LEO: Ew! JUNE: We need a ____________________ to get inside. QUINCY: Hey, there's a drawbridge. That must be the way into the castle. LEO: Uh-oh. ____________________ do we do now?



LE & BB 3

Annie s Song Scene, [ 11:00 - 12:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

ANNIE: Sure, I can. But I'm going to _______________ your help. When I say, "Open," I need you to stretch your fingers really wide, __________________ __________________. Great! ♪ Drawbridge, please open ♪ ♪ Yes, drawbridge, please open ♪ ♪ Yes, drawbridge, please open, so we can ____________________ in ♪ It's working! Keep opening your ____________________. ♪ Drawbridge, please open ♪ ♪ Yes, drawbridge, please open ♪ ♪ Yes, drawbridge, please open ♪ ♪ So we can come in ♪ QUINCY: Hooray! JUNE: Terrific ____________________, Annie! QUINCY: We knew you ____________________ do it! LEO: Uh-oh. Who does that sound like? You're right. It's the Bad Knight, and he ____________________ the tower key! ANNIE: Quick, let's make up a song to close the drawbridge, so that Bad Knight can't follow us. When I say, "Close," shut your fingers ____________________, like this. Ready? ♪ Drawbridge, please close ♪ ♪ Oh, yes, drawbridge, please close ♪ ♪ Oh, yes, drawbridge, please close ♪ ♪ So bad knight ____________________ come in ♪ Hooray!


LE & BB 3

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.2 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


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✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. PLOT & CONFLICT Why did the Little Einsteins have to rush? a. It was going to be night soon. b. The tower key was going to disappear. c. Someone else wanted to get the tower key before they did. d. The Good Knight was sick, and he needed medicine. 2. CAUSE & EFFECT How could Rocket ride faster? a. With your help. b. With extra gas. c. With extra wind. d. Annie had to sing. 3. Who won? a. The Bad Knight b. Rocket c. It was a tie. 4. CAUSE & EFFECT The Bad Knight crashed into ______________ because of ________________. a. the castle

e. the sun

b. a haystack

f. the fog

c. Rocket

g. the wind

d. the tower

h. his speed

5. NOTE DETAILS After getting what they need, where are the Little Einsteins going? a. To singing class. b. To go sightseeing in a castle. c. To fight the Bad Knight. d. To rescue the Good Knight. 6. SEQUENCE Put the following events in order. a. ______ Pat with us to the beat. b. ______ Buckle your seat belts. c. ______ Raise both arms and say, "Blast-off!” d. ______ Put your hands on you lap. 78

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7. Why can’t the Little Einsteins get into the castle? a. There are guards protecting it. b. There is a moat. c. The drawbridge is broken. d. The Bad Knight is blocking the way. 8. [ TRUE | FALSE ] The Bad Knight told them how to get into the castle. 9. CAUSE & EFFECT How can the drawbridge open and close? a. With the tower key. b. By playing an instrument. c. By singing a song. d. By turning the “open” switch. 10. [ TRUE | FALSE ] The moat has dirty water. 11. CHARACTER TRAITS Who gets the drawbridge to open? a. Annie b. June c. Leo d. Quincy 12. [ TRUE | FALSE ] The Bad Knight gets into the castle. 13. What could be palatial? a. A church. b. A classroom. c. A coffee shop. d. A pet store. 14. CONFLICT & RESOLUTION Leo notices a problem. What is it? a. The room is booby trapped. b. The floor is booby trapped. c. The tower is booby trapped. d. The Good Knight is booby trapped.


LE & BB 3


Grammar Review "


Remember we learned the forms and the types of imperative sentences in the preview. Affirmative


Base infinitive Make your bed!

Don’t + base infinitive Don’t make so much noise!






Come here immediately, Mary!

First, peel the apples. Then, slice them.

Do not go out in the woods alone at night.

Eat a piece of the cake. It’s delicious!

Please let me borrow a pen.

DIRECTION Using the clues in the parenthesis, complete the imperatives below. Then, in the oval before each number, write O (order), IS (instruction), A (advice), IV (invitation), or R (request) to identify what type of imperative sentence each one is. 1. ____________________ me the salt, please. (to pass) 2. ____________________ upstairs. (to go) 3. ____________________ in this part of the ocean because there are jellyfish. (not/to swim) 4. ____________________ the carrots for just five minutes. (to boil) 5. ____________________ your homework. (to do) 6. ____________________ your teeth. (to brush) 7. ____________________ during the lesson. (not/to talk) 8. ____________________ the animals in the zoo. (not/to feed) 9. ____________________ over this weekend, and we can go swimming. (to come) 10. _______________ straight ahead, and then, _______________ the first right turn. (to go/to take) 11. ____________________ late for school. (not/to be) 12. Please, ____________________ aside. I can’t see through you! (to step) 13. ____________________ yourself to a drink! The glasses are over there. (to help) 14. ____________________! I’m trying to concentrate! (to go away) 15. ____________________ your mobile phones. (to switch off) 16. ____________________ to take your umbrella. It’s raining! (not to forget) 17. First, _____________ the butter in a saucepan, and then, ______________ garlic. (to melt/to add)


LE & BB 3


Speaking Practice "


Giving Instructions

Look at the sample cooking instructions below to make chocolate covered frozen P&B bananas:

Slice a bunch of bananas. Spread peanut butter on Top with the remaining half of the slices. slices and put them in the freezer for an hour.

Dip the banana/peanut butter sandwiches in melted chocolate.

Put them back in the freezer for at least three hours.

DIRECTIONS Now it’s your turn. Look at each step of making a tomato cheese sandwich, and then write the directions to instruct someone how to do this.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________________


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Giving Commands As a Chef

DIRECTION Pretend that you are a chef. You are going to teach a few cooks how to make a few dishes. Use the images below to give instructions on how to make the food items below.

How to Make a Pepperoni Pizza flour, water, dry yeast, salt

mozzarella cheese#






tomato sauce


How to Make Smørrebrød romaine lettuce mayonnaise

cooked shrimp

cherry tomatoes

How to Make a Nutella Pancake


hard boiled eggs


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Giving Requests & Directions

DIRECTION Look at the map below. You will practice two dialogues like the samples below.



[ Dialogue A ] Give directions to someone who is lost A: Excuse me. I am lost, can you help me get to the ______________________? B: Sure. First, go _________________________. Next, make a ___________________________. Keep walking down the street. You will see the __________________ on your right. A: Thank you very much.

[ Dialogue B ] Ask a classmate to run three errands for you A: Hi ______________. Can you run a few errands for me? B: Sure. A: Thanks. First, go to the _______________ and _______________. Next, go to the _____________ and _________________. Lastly, go to the _________________ and ___________________. B: Okay. When should I do it by? A: Can you finish everything by 4:00? B: Sure. A: Thank you. See you later.


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! PART 1


Good Knight

Tower Key Dictation [ 0:00-0:00 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

QUINCY: Look! The Good Knight is _____________________ to tell us something. LEO: He’s telling us to _____________________, so we can find the tower key! QUINCY: Remember, the Tower Key Song sounds like this: [ music playing ] Let’s listen for it. [ trumpet playing ] Does that _____________________ like the Tower Key Song? Yes, I can hear it! The tower key is at the Royal Fair. Good listening! LEO: Go, Rocket, go. Let's get that key, so we can ____________________ the Good Knight. ANNIE: I can hear it. We're getting _____________________. JUNE: Can you find the tower key? ANNIE: Oh, yea! There it is. QUINCY: Hurry, Rocket. We _____________________ to get that tower key. ANNIE: Uh oh. I think someone doesn't want us to get the key. It’s... ALL: ...the Bad _____________________! QUINCY: I cannot believe it. He’s trying to get the tower key before we do. JUNE: It’s a race! LEO: Rocket! We need you to ride fast, _____________________ a horse! QUINCY: We have to get the tower key _____________________ the Bad Knight. But the Bad Knight is still too fast. JUNE: I know how we can help Rocket ride faster. We can pat the _____________________ like this. Can you pat the beat like me? Yeah! Keep patting. We're _____________________ up. Pat louder! Louder! We're getting closer to the tower key! QUINCY: Bad Knight is winning. Rocket is winning! Bad Knight is winning. Who's going to get there _____________________? It’s.. ALL: Rocket! QUINCY: Hooray! We _____________________ the key! LEO: Whoo-hoo! JUNE: Yay! QUINCY: I cannot believe it! JUNE: That was _____________________ patting.


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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: It s Bedtime ]

Every day there comes a time

It's bedtime! (Bedtime!)

When we all go to bed

Bedtime for me!

It's time to wash up, brush our teeth

I brushed my teeth and I'm ready!

A story could be read... It's bedtime! (Bedtime!) It's bedtime! (Bedtime)

Bedtime yippee!

Bedtime now!

Let's read a story and I'll get cozy!

A time to sleep and rest, don't frown. Every day there comes a time It's bedtime! (Bedtime)

When we all go to bed

Bedtime yippee!

Cuz sleep is good for you and me

Now get cozy with your blankey.

It's bed time now for real

At bedtime! (Bedtime) We can read a story that you can pick. At bedtime! (Bedtime) Bedtime tonight Let your dreams take o and y


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Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: It s Bedtime ]

Dance Song

1. Who doesn’t like bedtime? a. Jacob

It’s important to breathe,

b. Josh

so breathe in and out.

2. Why is bedtime important?

And take deep breaths

a. We can read a story.

breathe in and out.

b. It helps us get big and strong. c. It gives us the energy that we need.

Take your breaths real show

d. Both B & C

breathe in and out.

e. All of the above.

And one more time

3. What should you do before sleeping? (Check all that are true) a. ______ Brush your teeth

breathe in and out. Bring your arms around you

b. ______ Scream like, “Ahhhh!!”

and breathe in and out.

c. ______ Wash up

Stretch your arms way out

d. ______ Cozy up with a blanket or teddy

and breathe in and out.

4. What story did they read before bedtime?

Reach down to your toes

a. Dump Truck saves the day

and breathe in and out.

b. The fairy who rescues her friends

and put your hands to the sky

c. None. They made up a story.

and breathe in and out.

5. In the bedtime story, match the character with a fact. a. ______ Zees 1. Used a toothbrush to clean away the slime. b. ______ Pillow mignions 2. He used a magical blanket to land safely. c. ______ Knight 3. Laughter lit up the dark path. d. ______ Dump truck 4. Chased friends away e. ______ Fairy 5. Tired and grumpy so didn’t want to play 6. What kind of dance song did they sing? a. to help them get relaxed and calm. b. to help them get excited for tomorrow. 86

REPEAT last two paragraphs x3

LE & BB 3

PART 4 Speaking Activity [ Expressing Your Opinion ] There are several ways to ask for and express your opinions, and to agree or disagree with an opinion.


Answer I prefer...

Do you prefer __________ or ___________?

I (don’t) think that...

Which do you like better: ______ or ______?

I (don’t) like...

How do you feel about ________ and ________?

I feel that...

Agreeing with an opinion

Partial agreement

I agree with this opinion.

I agree with this point of view,

I completely agree with this view.


This is absolutely right.

This idea is right, but...

I couldn't / can't agree more.

I agree with you, but...

Disagreeing with an opinion I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I disagree with you. I don't agree with you. I'm not sure I agree with you. I think you're wrong.

EXAMPLE DIALOGUE A : Do you prefer cats or dogs? B : I prefer dogs because they are easy to train, they like to interact with their owners, and

they can protect me. A : I agree with this point of view, but cats are also easy to train because they teach

themselves. In addition, they like to interact with their owners even though they don’t seem as friendly as dogs. B : That’s true, but I still prefer dogs.


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DIRECTION Look at the pictures below. Think of which one you prefer and using the phrases from the previous page, be ready to give reasons to support your opinion.


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Musical Instruments

DIRECTION Practice reading the names and discuss how the instruments are played. ! !!!!Bass drum Marching drum


!!!!!!Lyre! Clarinet !

Electric guitar













! Bongos Trumpet




! Mandolin Tuba







Horn French Horn




! Classical guitar



Mouth organ Harmonica

Pipa Cymbals







Bowed psaltery !Triangle !




!!! !!!!! Maracas !


! African drum Drum kit

!! Xylophone


89 !!!!!!!!!




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DIRECTION From the word list below, label each instrument that is being played. clarinet


marching drum

drum kit


electric guitar



















__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ !




! !



__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ !








__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ !








__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ 90

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Present Tense Yes/No Questions

There are two ways to ask Yes or No questions.

I. [ Do and does ] Yes / No Question used with simple present tense verbs and in this format: Ye s / N o Q U E S T I O N S w i t h " d o / d o e s " SUBJECT


simple VERB

Ye s / N o A N S W E R S w i t h " d o / d o e s "



I Do





to come









to come









simple VERB


Yes -------No

we they he she


do (not)

does (not)



DIRECTIONS Fill in the blanks with “do” or “does”

Do and does are used during these instances:

so that the question is grammatically correct.

USE 1 Repeated Actions to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something

1. ________ you want some ice cream?

that often happens.

2. ________ I have to finish my vegetables?

• Does he play tennis?

3. ________ your father drive a red car?

• Do the buses leave every morning at 8 a.m.?

4. ________ we have a test tomorrow?

• Does the Earth circle the Sun every twelve months?

5. ________ Olivia have a cat named Garfield?

USE 2 Facts or Generalizations Used to indicate the

6. ________ Andrew and Brian ride their bikes to

speaker believes that a fact was true. • Do pigs like milk?


USE 3 Scheduled Events in the Near Future It’s

7. ________ Sandy's dog sleep in a doghouse?

related to scheduled events in the near future.

8. ________ the cats like dogs?

• Do we board the plane now?

9. ________ your dad work in front of the

• Does class begin tomorrow?


USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs) Used to express the idea that an action is happening now.

10. ________ we have to bring a towel to the pool?

• Do you have your passport with you?

11. ________ you play the drums?

• Does he want apples?

12. ________ she like spicy food.


LE & BB 3

II. [ Am, Is and Are ] Yes / No Question used with simple present tense verbs, but more often with simple progressive verbs, and in this format: Ye s / N o Q U E S T I O N S w i t h " a m / i s / a r e " SUBJECT Am





I he


progressive VERB

Ye s / N o A N S W E R S w i t h " a m / i s / a r e "

I eating

progressive VERB







the house


am (not)









------- or -------


the house



Yes -------No

she it you we


is (not)

are (not)



Am, Is and Are are used during these instances: USE 1 Facts or Generalizations Used to indicate the

DIRECTIONS Fill in the blanks with a be-verb so that the question is grammatically correct.

speaker believes that a fact was true. • Is California in America?

1. ________ Ann and Julie sisters?

USE 2 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs) Used to express the idea that an action is happening now.

2. ________ this your dog? 3. ________ I in your way?

• Are you here?

4. ________ she John's sister?

• Is he sick? USE 3 Now Used to express the idea that something is

5. ________ you ten years old?

happening now, at this very moment.

6. ________ this your new bicycle?

• Are you sleeping (v)? OR Are you mad (adj)?

7. ________ your parents from America?

• Am I driving or are you driving?

8. ________ the dog in the garden?

• Is he swimming?

9. ________ we students? USE 4 Near Future Used to indicate that something will

10. ________ your school bag heavy?

or will not happen in the near future. • Am I meeting you tomorrow?

11. ________ I your friend?

• Is he visiting his parents next weekend?

12. ________ you from Korea?

• Are they coming with us tonight?


LE & BB 3




am, is, are OR do, does

DIRECTIONS Fill in the blanks with [do or does] or [am, is, or are], so that the question is grammatically correct. 1. __________ you hungry? 2. __________ you have a pet? 3. __________ I baking the cake for the party? 4. __________ your shoes new? 5. __________ you learning English at an academy? 6. __________ you from Belgium? 7. __________ they get up at 7 o´clock? 8. __________ they running away from the bear? 9. __________ they play hockey? 10. __________ I have more pencils than you? 11. __________ you walking the dog tonight? 12. __________ your brother like scary movies? 13. __________ your mom picking us up from the movies today? 14. __________ you play basketball? 15. __________ you eat meat? 16. __________ your house have a garage? 17. __________ I hard to understand? 18. __________ your birthday on Christmas? 19. __________ your classmate noisy? 20. __________ you play tennis? 21. __________ you sleeping? 22. __________ you buying pizza for dinner?


LE & BB 3


Dialogue Activity "

Analyze the Picture

DIRECTION Look at the pictures below. Then partner up with a classmate and engage in a dialogue asking each other Yes or No Questions about what exists or what is happening in the picture.

[ Dialogue A ] Be-Verb Question SAMPLE A: Is Clare throwing something away in the trashcan?

A: Are there people swimming in the pool?

B: No, Clare isn’t throwing something away in the

B: Yes, there are people swimming in the pool.

trashcan. She is littering on the ground.

[ Dialogue B ] Do/Does Question SAMPLE A: Does Dmitri have black hair?

A: Does City News sell fruit?

B: No, Dimitri doesn’t have black hair. He has

B: No, City News doesn’t sell fruit. It sells newspapers

blond hair.

and magazines.


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LE & BB 3

Little Einsteins

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.3 [ 14:00

end ]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. make it

(idiom) to be successful; to achieve one's goals

☛ We made it! ✎ Many young boys hope to make it as a professional soccer player one day. 2. tricky

(adj) requiring skill or caution : difficult to do or deal with

☛ That was a tricky one. ✎ Learning how to tie your shoes can be tricky for a three-year-old child. 3. land

(v) to return to the ground or another surface after a flight

☛ He landed in the murky, mucky moat again! ✎ The bird landed in a tree. 4. charge

(v) to rush toward (a person, place, etc.)

☛ Charge! ✎ The rhinoceros charged towards the hunter. 5. soft

(adj) having a low, gentle sound

☛ Someone is making the key's music softer -- diminuendo. ✎ The piano teacher speaks with a soft voice. 6. diminuendo

(adj) (especially as a direction) with a decrease in loudness.

☛ Same as #6 ✎ The singers performed a diminuendo chorus signaling that the song was almost finished. 7. conduct

(v) to direct the performance of (musicians or singers)

☛ Do you see who's conducting the diminuendo? ✎ He conducts the orchestra with great skill and emotion. 9. spell

(n) magic that is performed by saying a group of secret words

☛ We broke the spell! ✎ In the story, the witch casts a spell over Snow White. 96

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The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.3 ✎

Safe Squares Scene, [ 13:45-16:40 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

JUNE: But we don't know which _________________ are safe and which ones aren't. ANNIE: Look, look, look! It's the Good Knight! [ Violin plays ] QUINCY: And he's playing the violin. I know. He's _________________ us to walk on the squares that sound like a violin. JUNE: Yes! LEO: Good _________________, Quincy. QUINCY: Let's listen to this square. [ Violin plays notes ] _________________ that sound like a violin? Yeah, it does. We found a violin square on our first try! So that _________________ this square's safe. Phew! Let's listen to find another violin square. ______________ ______________ that square. [ Flute plays notes ] Does that sound like a violin? No, that's not a violin. That sounds like a flute. Well, what about that square? [ Violin plays notes ] Does that sound like a _________________? Yeah, it does... Safe! ANNIE: Yay, Quincy! JUNE: Way to go! ANNIE: Yes! QUINCY: We're _________________ to the other side of the room. Let's keep listening. [ Trombone plays notes ] Does that sound like a violin? No, that's a trombone. How about that _________________? [ Cello plays notes ] Does that sound like a violin? Nope, it's a cello. That was a _________________ one. How about that square? [ Violin plays notes ] Does that sound like a violin?Yes, that sounds like a violin. We _________________ it! LEO: All right! JUNE: Yes, Quincy! ANNIE: That was _________________! QUINCY: Come on, guys. _________________ on the violin squares. ANNIE: Yay! LEO: We _________________ it. 97

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The Good Knight and the Bad Knight 1.3 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


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✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. CONFLICT & RESOLUTION What was their first problem? a. They didn’t know which square was safe to walk on. b. They didn’t know where the Good Knight was. c. They lost the key. d. The Bad Knight was blocking their way. 2. What did Quincy need to know to safely cross the room? a. The name of instruments. b. The shape of instruments. c. The sound of instruments. d. The material of instruments. 3. NOTE DETAILS What sounds like a violin? a. flute b. trombone c. cello d. piano 4. What happened to the Bad Knight for the second time? a. The drawbridge closed again. b. He fell into the murky, mucky moat. c. He lost the key. d. He crashed into the haystack. 5. NOTE DETAILS What sound is more powerful? a. crescendo b. diminuendo 6. CAUSE & EFFECT Why didn’t the key fit in the lock anymore? a. The key had been changed. b. The music was changing the size of the key. c. They had the wrong key. d. They were in the wrong place. 99

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7. CONFLICT & RESOLUTION What could solve their problem? a. Make the music slower. b. Make the music faster. c. Make the music quieter. d. Make the music louder. 8. After the Good Knight was freed, what happened to the Bad Knight? a. He was taken to jail. b. He was put into the tower and locked in there. c. He became a good knight. d. He fell into the murky, mucky moat. 9. MAKE JUDGEMENTS Who do you think played the most important role in helping to complete this mission? Give reasons to support your choice. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


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am, is, are OR do, does

DIRECTIONS Fill in the blanks with [do or does] or [am, is, or are], so that the question is grammatically correct. 1. __________ there many dangerous animals in the Amazon? 2. __________ I giving the speech today or tomorrow? 3. __________ the bus come every 30 minutes? 4. __________ lizards reptiles? 5. __________ an elephant have a long nose? 6. __________ your friends have mobile phone? 7. __________ that dog barking at me? 8. __________ you afraid of spiders? 9. __________ koalas eat meat? 10. __________ I cleaning the house? 11.__________ he lying about what happened? 12.__________ I meeting you tomorrow? 13.__________ there a zoo in the city where you live? 14. __________ they coming over for dinner tonight? 15. __________ bears hibernate in the winter? 16. __________ bacon come from cows? 17. __________ you a vegetarian? 18. __________ blue whales have teeth? 19. __________ she go to your school? 20. __________ you scared of snakes? 21. __________ your house have a swimming pool? 22. __________ your country have many forests?


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Dialogue Activity "

Analyze the Picture

DIRECTION Look at the pictures below. Then partner up with a classmate and engage in a dialogue asking each other Yes or No Questions about what exists or what is happening in the picture.


Meg Pau l Joe Richard

Ju lie

Kenn eth 1. Sausage Sandwich 2. Sausage & Cheese Sandwich 3. Hotdog 4. Fish Burger

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Chicken Burger Fried Chicken French Fries Nachos Taco

10. Kebab 11. Pizza 12. Chilli 13. Salad 14. Ice Cream


15. Frozen Yogurt 16. Milkshake 17. Soda 18. Lids 19. Cups

20. Straws 21. Napkin 22. Utensils 23. Ketchup 24. Mustard

25. Salt 26. Sugar 27. Cream

[ Dialogue A ] Be-Verb Question SAMPLE A: Is Julie sitting in a chair?

A: Are there people working in the fast food restaurant?

B: No, Julie isn’t sitting in a chair. She is putting a straw in her drink.

B: Yes, there are three people working right now.

[ Dialogue B ] Do/Does Question SAMPLE A: Does Paul have long hair?

A: Do the customers look happy?

B: No, Paul doesn’t have long hair. He has short hair.

B: Yes, the customers do look happy.


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Board game "


Q & A about Music

DIRECTION Place your marker on the START box and roll the dice. Play until you reach the END.


What do you think is the hardest instrument to play?

Do you think all children should learn to play an instrument?

How popular is hip hop in your country?

Go Back 2 Spaces

What kind of music does your grandparent listen to?

Name a musician who is no longer alive.

Do you like singing karaoke? If you started a band, what type of music would you play?

Move Ahead 3 Spaces

How does listening to music make you feel?

How often do you listen to music?

Do you sing while taking a bath?

Do you listen to music while doing your homework?

Miss a Turn

How can music help someone feeling sad?

What is your favorite karaoke song to sing?

What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up?

Miss a Turn

What kind of music do your parents listen to?

Is there any kind of music that you hate? What are traditional musical instruments in your country?

Go Back 2 Spaces

What was the last CD you bought?

What instrument do you play?

Have you been to a live concert? Who did you see?

Who is the Do you think most famous music can heal musician from sick people? your country?

Move Ahead a Space

How does music affect different people?

What kind of music do you like?

Is there any kind of music that you can't stand?

Why do you think music is important?

Oh no! Go Back to Start

Which musician would you like to meet?

What do you think is the biggest stress for a musician?

Are you a good singer?

Oh no! Go Back a Space



LE & BB 3

! PART 1


☆ The


The Key Dictation [ 0:00-0:00 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

LEO: Come on! Now's our ______________________. Let's hurry and rescue the Good Knight from the ______________________. ANNIE: Yeah! JUNE: Definitely. QUINCY: ______________________! ANNIE: Look, look, look! I see the tower. QUINCY: And there's the Good Knight! [ Trumpet plays notes ] We're ______________________, Good Knight! LEO: Oh, no! The key doesn't fit in the lock ______________________. Someone is making the key's music softer -- diminuendo. Do you see who's ______________________ the diminuendo? You're right. It's the Bad Knight. JUNE: Uh-oh! QUINCY: What are we ______________________ to do? LEO: I know what to do. I can conduct to make the music ______________________ again. Crescendo! ANNIE: Hooray! QUINCY: Yay, Leo! JUNE: You can ____________ __________! LEO: I'm going to need your help. Will you conduct the music to crescendo with me? Great! Put your ______________________ out and lift them slowly. Now say, "Crescendo!” Crescendo! It's working! But the Bad Knight is still conducting a diminuendo. We need to lift our hands even ______________________, and say, "Crescendo!” Crescendo! We can't let him get the key. Say Crescendo. Crescendo! QUINCY: Yay, Leo! JUNE: You ____________ __________!


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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Try Again ]

If you don't get it at first

That's right, and try again

Don't get down on yourself

When you try and you might not get it right

Pick right up and try again

Try again Try again

You might surprise yourself

That's right, and try again

Think back to what you know

Sometimes, there are things

All the things that you can do

That are hard for me and you

Was it always easy the first time through

And when those times come You know what we can do?

So what do you do when you don't get it at first?


Try again, Try again That's right, and try again

We can ask for help!

When you try and you might not get it right

Really, that's okay?

Try again Try again

We can ask for help!

That's right, and try again

Anytime? Anyday? You can ask for help

If you don't get it at first

When it's hard for me and you

Don't get down on yourself

If you still can't do it

Pick right up and try again

You know just what to do

You might surprise yourself Think back to what you know

So what do you do when you don't get it at first?

All the things that you can do

Try again Try again

Was it always easy the first time through

That's right, and try again When you try and you might not get it right

So what do you do when you don't get it at first?

Try again Try again

Try again Try again

That's right, and try again


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Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Try Again ]

Dance Song

1. What was Josh trying to count? a. How many Fuzees family there are.

Put your hands in the air,

b. How to count to 200. c. How many sandwiches they would need for the party. 2. Who was good at making sandwiches?

Put your hands down low, Put your hands straight out, and wave ‘em like a crow

a. Josh b. Jacob

Now clap with me,

c. Bill

Shake like me,

3. What should you do when you can’t do something well at first?

Spin like me, Count one, two, three!

a. _____ Get down on yourself. b. _____ Try again


c. _____ Just give up d. _____ Ask for help 4. Why did Mari come over? a. She wanted to eat some sandwiches. b. She was having trouble learning the D chord on the ukelele. c. She wanted to perform a concert for her friends. 5. Who helped Mari? a. Josh b. Jacob c. Bill 6. What three posters did Jen have? Who took the following posters? a. ______ Billy 1. Make a sandwich b. ______ Mari 2. Shake like Pogo c. ______ Jacob 3. Play the D-chord on the Ukelele


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PART 4 Role Play [ Present Continuous & Simple Present Tense ] Present continuous tense shows an action happening right now. subject



am (not)

He/She It

is (not)

You We They

are (not)



running playing cooking

to school soccer dinner

DIRECTIONS Look at the example dialogue below. Engage in dialogues using this as a model.

What are you doing

1: knit scarf

A: Hi (name)! ____________________________? knitting a scarf

2: use the

B: I'm __________________________________. A: Can we do can it together? (You) use the

needles and make one too

B: Sure. ___________________________________________________.

1: Make a sandwich 2: Put mayonnaise on the bread

1: Play music in your band

1: Garden

2: Play the tambourine

2: Pull out the weeds

1: Plant a tree

2: Scrub the windows

1: Do the laundry 2: Fold the clothes

1: Make dinner

1: Cleaning the house

2: Chop the vegetables

2: Vacuum the living room

1: Build a bird house 2: Hammer down the nail

1: Bounce the ball

1: Write a story 2: Get a paper and a pencil.

1: Bake a cake 2: Make the frosting

1: Wash my car

2: Bounce it to each other


2: Help me dig the hole

LE & BB 3

Little Einsteins

The Good Knight and the Bad Knight FINAL

ACTIVITY 1: As a class, vote on your favorite dialogue from one of the Hello Cello episodes (1.1 ~ 1.3). The teacher will show you the video again, and read along with the script. Then practice the parts and reenact the scene with your classmates. ACTIVITY 2: Grammar Review with homophones ACTIVITY 3: Speaking Game - Homophone Pairs ACTIVITY 4: Dialogue Activity - Imperatives of Giving Instructions ACTIVITY 5: Dialogue Activity - Imperatives of Giving Advice ACTIVITY 6: Dialogue Activity - Yes or No Questions


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Grammar Review "

PART I Match the homophone with the picture shown.





















seller cellar

PART II Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentence and write it in the blank. Fix the subject-verb agreement of the verb whenever necessary. 1. [ break - brake ] If a student ___________ the classroom rules, they will miss ___________ time. 2. [ towed - toad ] The little green ________________ caught the fly with his tongue. 3. [ chews - choose ] Which one of your shirts will you __________________ to wear today? 4. [ Here - Hear ] _____________ is today's newspaper. 5. [ no - know ] How do you ____________ that school has been cancelled this morning? 6. [ sole - soul ] The _____________ of my shoe leaves a footprint in the sand. 7. [ tease - tees - teas ] My mom gets mad at me when I ________________ my younger brother. 8. [ write - right ] I think I am _____________, and you are wrong. 9. [ role - roll ] The cinnamon ____________ was delicious for breakfast! 10. [ their - there ] They are waiting for _____________ parents to pick them up over _____________. 11. [ clothes - close ] Frank didn’t properly ___________ the refrigerator door, so his dog ate all the hotdogs inside. 12. [ ate - eight ] There were ______________ students who ______________ the pizza for lunch.


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Speaking Game "

Homophone Pairs

DIRECTION Look at the pairs of homophones below and use them in a sentence. For example:

✎ Made/maid The maid made up the bed.

✎ Eight/ate Jennifer ate eight slices of pizza!

Aloud ▫ Allowed The students are ______ to read _______ in class.

Bear ▫ bare Ad ▫ add

Be ▫ bee

The _____ will ______ his teeth when he is mad.

Board ▫ bored Blew ▫ blue

Days ▫ daze

Break ▫ brake

Dear ▫ deer

I’m _________ of playing _________ games.

By ▫ buy ▫ bye

Die ▫ dye

Eye ▫ I

You can ________ if you drink that toxic _______.

_________ have perfect vision in one _________.

Hay ▫ hey

Here ▫ hear

Gate ▫ gait Flea ▫ flee

Her _____ slowed as she approached the _______.

Knew ▫ new

Hole ▫ whole I dug a _________ and planted a ________ tree.

Hour ▫ our

I _____ the _______ student who is my cousin.

Know ▫ no

One ▫ won

Passed ▫ past

Poor ▫ pour

Right ▫ write

Meet ▫ meat Male ▫ mail

Peer ▫ pier My _____ and I went to the ______ to go fishing.

When we _____ for dinner, let’s eat _______.

Piece ▫ peace

I gave a ______ of candy to my brother to get _______ from his crying.

Threw ▫ through Rose ▫ rows

See ▫ sea

Sun ▫ son

Your ▫ you’re

To ▫ too ▫ two It is ______ late _______ watch ________ movies.

She ______ the ball ____ the basketball hoop.

Wait ▫ weight

Would ▫ wood

! 111

_________ not doing __________ homework.

LE & BB 3

Dialogue Activity "

Imperatives of Giving Instructions

An imperative sentence is a command or a request. We use imperatives to tell someone to do something or to give instructions. Instructions tell us how to do or make something, and they are given to someone who needs to know how to do or make something. You often see the imperative form in instruction manuals or when someone tells you how to do something. There are often "sequencing" words to show the steps in the process. For example, "firstly", "secondly" and "finally". You can also say "after that" instead of "then," or "second" instead of "secondly." Look at the simple instructions to replace a light bulb: Firstly, turn off the electricity. Secondly, remove the light bulb. Then, screw in the new light bulb. Finally, turn the electricity on and switch on the light. When you give instructions, you can help the other person with extra information and advice. • Remember: turn off the electricity before touching any cables. • Be careful not to … (touch any live wires) • Try to … (see if the lightbulb is broken or just loose) • Try not to … (touch the lightbulb with your hands) • You need to … (check the wattage of the lightbulb first) • It's important to … (make sure the electricity is off) • It helps to … (wait for the lightbulb to cool down before you remove it) • Be sure to … (turn off the electricity before you touch the lightbulb) • Always … (wear gloves when you touch a lightbulb) • Never … (touch a socket with wet hands) On the following pages are instructions on how to plant a tree. Read over the instructions, then you will go to the front of the class and give instructions on how to do it. There are cards you can cut out and use a props when giving instructions.


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How to Plant a Tree


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Dialogue Activity "

Imperatives of Giving Advice

We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice to someone who is having a problem. You can give direct advice (“Exercise in the morning before school.”) or you can start your advice with a more formal structure of: • You should • You could try • You must • If I were you, I would

my dog A: I have a problem with ____________________________________________________ . B: What is it? Maybe I can help.

My dog always wakes me up early in the morning by jumping on my bed A: ______________________________________________________________________________ .

You should close your bedroom door when you go to sleep, so he can’t come in while you are sleeping. _______________________________________________________________________________

B: _______________________________________________________________________________ A: Hmmmm, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks! B: Any time!

DIRECTION Below are some problems. Read them and think about some solutions as a class. Then pair up with a classmate, and engage in a conversation about a problem where one student asks for advice, and the other one gives advice.

PROBLEMS 1. I love chocolate! I eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. I love TV! I can’t stop watching it. Yesterday I watched TV for 12 hours! ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. I’m so bad at saving money. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I’m addicted to computer games. I play all day and can’t stop. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 114

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5. I never finish my homework on time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. I want to give my mom a birthday gift, but I have no money. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. I want to improve my English skills. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. I forgot my best friend’s birthday yesterday. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. I got an F on my math test, and my parents are going to be so mad at me. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. I am the worst basketball player on my team. I want to be better. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. I want a new toy, but I don’t have enough money. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. I really want to go out with my friends to the park, but my parents won’t let me. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13. My friend has told lies about me, and I’m angry. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. A big and scary bully at school took my snack and money. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 115

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Dialogue Activity "

Yes or No Questions

DIRECTION Look at the scenarios below. Then partner up with a classmate and engage in a dialogue asking each other Yes or No Questions about what exists or what is happening in the picture. For each picture, ask a be-verb question and a do/does question. You can make up fake names for the characters in the picture.

[ Dialogue A ] Be-Verb Question SAMPLE A: Is Martha getting her hair washing? B: No, Martha isn’t getting her hair washed. She is getting her hair cut.

A: Are there many customers in the hardware shop? B: No, there aren’t many people in the hardware shop. There is only one customer and one worker.

[ Dialogue B ] Do/Does Question SAMPLE A: Does Martha look tired?

A: Does the hardware shop have many tools?

B: No, Martha doesn’t look tired. She B: Yes, the hardware shop does have many looks happy and excited. 116tools, such as hammers and saws.

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LE & BB 3

! PART 1


Give a Hand

Curtain Call Dictation [ 0:00-0:0 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

LEO: It’s time for the curtain call! Let's clap for our ______________________! Clap with us! Let's clap for Annie, Quincy, June! ANNIE, JUNE, QUINCY: Leo! ALL: ______________________! JUNE: [ Xylophone plays notes ] Let's clap for the art. Clap for "Chessboard with ______________________ Border" by Giovanni Battista. ANNIE: And the Bayeaux Tapestry. LEO: And now, the ______________________ you've all been waiting for -- let's clap really, really hard for the special ______________________. "Peer Gynt Suite Number One," by Edvard Grieg. ALL: Yay, Grieg! JUNE: You ______________________ a lot today. QUINCY: Give yourself a hand. Go on, clap for ______________________. JUNE: Bravo! Bravo! QUINCY: ________________ ______________! ANNIE: Yay for you! LEO: See you on the next ______________________!


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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Making Mistakes ]

When you've made a mistake

When you've made a mistake

or hurt a friend

or hurt a friend

did something wrong

Did something wrong

and want to pretend

And you want to pretend

That everything's okay

That everything's okay

So you can play

So you can play

But that's not always enough

But that's not always enough

Slow down when it gets rough

Slow down when it gets rough

You have to

You have to

Show you care!

Show you care!

With a question or two.

With a question or two.

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

What can I do?

What can I do?

To help you feel better

To help you feel better

To help you fix it too

To help you fix it too

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

I care I do

I care I do

I see...

You have to

Yea, you're right man! We need to slow down

Show you care!

and show we care.

With a question or two.

YUP! You got it!

Are you okay? What can I do? To help you feel better To help you fix it too I'm so sorry I care I do


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Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Making Mistakes ]

Dance Song

1. Put the events in order of how they happened. a. ______ Josh went to go get the paper airplane. b. ______ Josh says that he is sorry.

Cut the cake, Cut the cake x2

c. ______ Jacob made a paper airplane.

Do the shake, Do the shake x2

d. ______ Josh tripped and fell on Jacob.

Now Birdie dance, Birdie dance x2

2. Who was not good at saying sorry? (check all that are true) a. Josh

Now Twist, twist, twist x2 Do the monkey, Do the monkey x2

b. Double

Bob your head, Bob your head x2

c. Nikki

Do the wave, Do the wave x2

3. Who ruined Jacob’s picture?

And wiggle, wiggle, wiggle x2

a. Double


b. Josh c. Nikki

4. Why should you say, “Are you okay?” or “What can I do?” after you say sorry? a. So they won’t tell your parents that you made a mistake. b. So they don’t yell at you. c. To show that you care. 5. Why did they stop playing the CopyCat Dance game? a. Nikki made a mistake in the game. b. Double got hurt c. The game was too difficult. 6. How do you play the CopyCat Dance? Put the parts in order. a. ______ Everyone says the name of the dance. b. ______ You name a dance. c. ______ Everyone copies the dance. d. ______ Show everyone how to do it.


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PART 4 Speaking Activity [ Apologizing ] To apologize is to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused him inconvenience or unhappiness.


Accepting an Apology

• I’m sorry. • I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.

• That’s okay. • That’s all right.

• I’m sorry about the _________. • I’m sorry for –ing ________. • I apologize for –ing ________. • Please accept my apologies for ________. • Please forgive me. I feel really bad.

• No problem. • No worries. • I understand. • It doesn’t matter. • I accept your apology.

• I owe you an apology. • That was my fault.

• That’s quite all right. • Don’t worry about it.

DIRECTION Circle the best response in each statement. 1. Sorry, I ate the last chocolate.

4. I feel really bad that I hit your car.

a. That’s okay.

a. I’m sorry about that.

b. Oh, great!

b. I accept your apology.

c. That was my fault.

c. Feel better soon.

2. You didn’t call me this morning.

5. Oh no, I didn’t mean to knock your cup over!

a. I accept your apology.

a. Don’t worry about it.

b. I will call you.

b. I owe you an apology.

c. Sorry, I forgot.

c. Are you okay?

3. I apologize for my mistake.

6. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

a. That’s okay. We all make mistakes.

a. I’m okay with her.

b. Please forgive me. I feel really bad..

b. I didn’t mean that.

c. That is going to be a problem.

c. No worries. I’m fine now.


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Look at the sample dialogues (on the left side) and practice reading it with a classmate. Then try the second one (on the right side) while filling in the blanks with appropriate statements.

A: Sorry, I didn't call last night.

A: Why didn't you call last night?

B: That's okay.

B: _____________________________. I forgot.

A: I got busy cleaning the house.

A: Forgot! I waited all night for your call.

B: That's understandable. You had a busy week.

B: I ____________________. Please forgive me.

A: Yes. Thanks for understanding.

A: Okay, but please don't forget again.

B: I went to sleep early anyway.

B: I won't. I promise. I'm so ________________.

A: I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday.

A: I'm so sorry I ____________________.

B: You always forget my birthday.

B: You always ____________________.

A: I know. I apologize. How can I make it up to you?

A: I know. I apologize. How can I make it up to you?

B: Play basketball with me after school.

B: ___________________________________.

A: I'm sorry, I can’t. I have to go to swim class.

A: I'm sorry, I can’t. __________________________.

B: No problem. Let’s play some other time.

B: No problem. Let’s ____________ some other time.

DIRECTION Make conversations based on the situations below: 1. You spilled your drink on your friend’s homework. 2. You had an appointment to meet your friend, but you were late because of the traffic jam. 3. You borrowed your friend’s bike and got a flat tire. 4. You borrowed your friend’s bike, and it has been stolen. 5. You were playing baseball, and you hit your friend with the ball really hard. 6. You have let your friend copy your answers to the homework, but all the answers were wrong. 7. You borrowed a book from a friend a few days ago. You promised to give it back today, but you forgot to bring it. Your friend really needs the book because he is going to have a test tomorrow. Apologize him and offer the solution.


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Vocabulary Preview "


Sports & Games

DIRECTION Choose the right activity based on the picture shown, and write it on the lines. A





CHOICES basketball football rugby



___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

handball golf running


climbing frisbee

___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

hiking volleyball tennis


ping pong polo

___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

badminton cricket darts


baseball billiards

___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

archery wrestling judo


boxing tae kwon do

___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________

fencing bobsled swimming


ice skating skiing

___________ ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ 123


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Go - Play - Do

PLAY is used with ball sports and competitive games where you play against another person. It means to take part in a game which is played with rules. It always precedes a noun. ✓

I often play tennis. TENNIS is a ball sport.

I don't like playing computer games. COMPUTER GAMES are competitive. You play to win.

1. I will ________________ badminton on the front lawn with my brother. 2. I don’t like to _____________ tennis, but I like to watch tennis. 3. The kids ______________ basketball at the park. 4. You have to use strategy when you _______________ chess. 5. Many people in India ______________ cricket. 6. The kids are too young to _____________ board games. 7. We need two sticks and nine balls to ________________ pool (billiards). 8. He took his bat outside to ______________ baseball with his neighbor.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ DO is used for recreational activities and a non team sport. You don't use a ball. They are all martial arts. They are also sports you can do in groups. ✓

Peter does karate every day.

KARATE is a non-team activity.

I do a crossword puzzle in my free time. CROSSWORD PUZZLES are not competitive.

9. My father loves to ___________ exercise. He says it keeps him healthy. 10. I ______________ sit-ups, so my stomach muscles are strong. 11. I joined a yoga class. Now I ____________ yoga almost every day. 12. People who ___________ gymnastics have strong legs. 13. Many people in Korea __________ archery. 14. You have to maintain low body fat if you want to ___________ ballet. 15. You need speed to ___________ tae kwon do. 16. Marty will ___________ judo. 17. You can hit and kick when you _________ karate.

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ 124

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GO is often used with activities that end in -ing. You go somewhere to do something. It is an activity that can be done alone. ✓

I am going fishing tomorrow.

Do you go skiing?

✓ She said she was going swimming.

Here is a list of sports and activities that collocate with these verbs: 18. We like to ______________ bowling every Saturday. 19. Let’s ______________ cycling in the park tomorrow. 20. Susan and I want to ______________ swimming at the beach. 21. Mr. Brown can’t ______________ jogging because he hurt his foot. 22. I have a tent, so let’s ______________ camping. 23. Would you like to ______________ fishing with us next week? 24. Does he like to _____________ hiking in the mountains? 25. I need to find my ice skates, so I can _____________ skating.

Some exceptions to the rules: • You use do with three activities that end in -ing: do boxing, do body-building and do weight-lifting because they don't imply moving along as the other activities ending in -ing. • Golf: if there is an idea of competition, you use the verb play. However, you can say go golfing if you do it for pleasure: Tiger Woods plays golf. We'll go golfing at the weekend.


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Go - Play - Do

PART I Fill in the blanks with the right verbs. !



1._______ yoga.

2._________ sailing.

6. _______ aerobics.

3. _______ cycling.




16. ________ cards.

12. ____ gymnastics.


17. ______ karate.

5. ______ volleyball.


8. _____ diving.


9 ._______ athletics.



11. _______ chess.


4. ______ basketball.


7.________ jogging.



13. ___ rock climbing. !


14. ______ judo. !

18.______ rugby.

PART II Underline the correct verb: 21. Have you ever [ done / played / gone ] football? 22. Have you ever [ gone / done / played ] surfing? 23. I have [ played / done / gone ] swimming. 24. I have never [ played / gone / done ] rugby. 25. Do you like [ playing / going / doing ] cycling? 26. Does he like [ playing / going / doing ] badminton? 27. My sister likes [ playing / going / doing ] archery. 28. My father likes [ doing / playing / going ] karate. 29. I like [ going / doing / playing ] table tennis. 30. I don’t like [ doing / playing / going ] bowling!


10. _____ tennis.

19.____ parachuting.

15______ ice skating. !

20. ______ exercise.

LE & BB 3


Dialogue "

Talking about Sports

DIRECTION Read the sketch and practice reading it with a classmate. Next, you will prepare your own sketch. Change everything that was underlined (the names, sports, and general responses). EXAMPLE DIALOGUE Student A meets Student B who is on his way to play volleyball with his friends on the beach. A: Hi, Martha? How are you doing? B: Hi, Joe! I’m fine, thanks. I’m sorry, I don’t have time to talk. I’m going to play volleyball with my friends on the beach. A: Oh, I love volleyball. B: Oh, yeah? Do you want to play volleyball with me? A: Sure! B: Ok, let’s go! Are you a good volleyball player? A: Yes, I’m pretty good, and you? B: I’m pretty good, too. What other sports do you like? A: I like hockey. And you? B: I like to play hockey, but I prefer to go skiing. A: I like skiing too, but I’m not very good at it. B: How often do you go skiing? A: Not very often. Just once a month. B: That’s not enough practice to be good at it. Do you want to go skiing more regularly with me? A: Sure. I’d like that. B: Okay! Great! I’m looking forward to it. A: Hi __________________! How are you doing? B: Hi __________________! I’m fine, thanks. I’m sorry, I don’t have time to talk. I’m going to (play / go / do) _____________with my friends (at / on) ________________. A: Oh, I love ___________________. B: Oh, yeah? Do you want to (play / go / do) _______________with me? A: Sure! B: Ok, let’s go! Are you (a good ________________ player / good at ________________)? A: ________, ______________________, and you? B: ______________________. What other sports do you like? A: I like _______________. And you? B: I like to (play / go / do) ______________, but I prefer to (play / go / do) _______________. A: I like ________________ too, but I’m not very good at it. B: How often do you (play / go / do) ___________? A: Not very often. Just _________________________. B: That’s not enough practice to be good at it. Do you want to (play / go / do) ______________ more regularly with me? A: Sure. I’d like that. B: Okay! Great! I’m looking forward to it. 127

LE & BB 3


Speaking "


Sports Board Game

DIRECTION Together as a class you will play the board game below by answering the questions, and for the illustrations, making a sentence using go, do or play.


What sport does FIFA oversee?

Name two sports played in water.

In what sport will you see an umpire?

What sport has no equipment?

Name a sport that doesn’t use a ball.

What can you do with a ball? (name at least 3 things)

What sport can be played in a court?

What do you call when a game ends 2-2?

Name two winter sports.

How often does the Olympics happen?


What do you call a person who is in charge of a team?

Name a sport that uses a net.

In what ways can a Name two individual soccer player cheat? sports.

Name two team sports.


How often does the World Cup happen?

LE & BB 3

Too Much Junkfood 1.1 ✎

[start 6:38] VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. fleet-footed

(adj) nimble and fast on one's feet

☛ Papa was one fleet-footed bear. ✎ The fleet-footed sprinter captured his third gold medal. 2. dash

(v) to run or move quickly or suddenly

☛ Ha, well, I have seen you dash to the refrigerator and be back before the commercial ends. ✎ She dashed down the hallway to the bathroom. 3. entry form

(n) an application form for a competition

☛ I'm going to take this entry form straight down to the community center [...]. ✎ The entry forms were due by Friday, and if you are late, you can’t participate in the Spelling Bee. 4. sore

(adj) feeling or affected by pain

☛ Ah, I'm just a little sore, that's all. ✎ After I moved heavy boxes all day, I was sore all over. 5. in shape

(noun phrase) in good physical condition

☛ We'll help you get in shape. ✎ Most people get in shape by exercising and eating healthy foods. 6. piece of cake

(idiom) something easily achieved; something very easy to do.

☛ Ok. It'll be a piece of cake. ✎ The school assignment was a piece of cake, so I was able to play video games after I finished the work. 7. fit for a king

(idiom) very nice; luxurious

☛ Now, there is a meal fit for a fit king. ✎ Our room at the hotel was fit for a king. 8. fit

(adj) physically healthy and strong

☛ Same as #7

✎ He felt overmatched against fitter, stronger players. 9. leftovers

(n) food that has not been finished at a meal and that is often served at another meal

☛ Looks like you're having leftovers tomorrow. ✎ I was lazy to cook, so I ate leftovers from last night’s dinner at the pizzeria. 129

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Too Much Junkfood 1.1

Papa the Runner Scene, [ 1:15-2:35 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

PAPA: Mm, I see the __________________ Country Run is coming up again. MAMA: Pardon, dear? PAPA: I said, the Bear Country Run is coming up _______________! I used to run in that race. MAMA: That's the race you used to run in. PAPA: That's what I ________________! BROTHER: You were a runner? PAPA: Why, sure. ________________ _________ _________________ for yourself. BROTHER: Look at that trophy. MAMA: Yes. Papa was one fleet-footed bear. PAPA: Was? ______ ______________ ___________. MAMA: Ha, well, I have seen you dash to the refrigerator and be _________________ before the commercial ends. BROTHER & SISTER: [ laughing ] PAPA: I __________________ I like my snacks. But all kidding aside, I bet I can still keep up with bears half my age. BROTHER: Why don't you ___________________ the race, Papa? SISTER: Wouldn't it be great if you won? PAPA: You know ________________? I am going to enter that race. BROTHER & SISTER: Yay! PAPA: And do you know what ______________? I'm going to take this entry form straight down to the community center and be back before supper is on the table... ____________________ taking the car. SISTER: Yay, Papa. BROTHER: Go, Papa!


Making a Team Scene, [ 3:40 - 4:37 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene. 130

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PAPA: Ohh, oooh, aahh-ah-ah, oh-ohhhh. SISTER: Papa, you're back _____________________? MAMA: What's the matter? PAPA: [ groaning ] BROTHER: You don't _____________ ________ _________________, Papa. PAPA: Ah, I'm just a little sore, that's all. I've decided not to run in the race ______________ ________. Maybe next year.[ groaning ] Or the year after. SISTER: That's no way to ________________, Papa. BROTHER: There's still lots of time to ___________________ for the race. SISTER: That's right. We'll help you get in __________________. BROTHER: And we'll even enter the race with you. MAMA: What a wonderful idea -- how can you _______________ _______________ an offer like that? BROTHER: We can do it, Papa. SISTER: We're a _______________. PAPA: Hmm, all right. I'll, I'll do it. BROTHER & SISTER: Yay! PAPA: Oh, it's _______________ to get myself in shape for the race. Ohhhh! Starting tomorrow, of _________________.


LE & BB 3

Too Much Junkfood - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


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✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. Who has run Bear Country Run before? a. Mama b. Papa c. Sister d. Brother 2. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Papa drove to the community center to submit the entry form. 3. Who did Papa see on his way to the community center? a. A taxi driver b. An ice cream truck c. Dr. Grizzly d. Mama 4. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Papa submitted the entry form before supper. 5. Who offered to help Papa prepare for the race? a. Mama b. Brother c. Sister d. Both B & C e. All of the Above 6. On the first day of training, who was in shape? a. Papa b. Brother c. Sister d. None of the above 7. How was their first day of training? 133

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a. successful b. a failure 8. What did Mama do while the rest of the family was training? a. She was cleaning the house b. She was their coach c. She was preparing supper d. She was exercising on her own 9. What did Papa, Brother, and Sister eat? (check all that are true) a. _____ ice cream b. _____ a healthy meal of baked turkey c. _____ soda d. _____ a salad 10. How do you think Mama felt after Papa, Sister, and Brother came home from their training? a. Proud b. Disappointed c. Happy d. Excited


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DIRECTION Label each image with the sport it represents.










! ________________
























! ________________









! ________________









tae kwon do













scuba diving

wind surfing



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Odd Sport Out

DIRECTION Each row will have four words. One word doesn’t go with the rest for some reason. You have to spot the odd one and draw an X on it. There can be different reasons. For example, from [ Tooth - finger - foot - face ], tooth is the odd one out because the three other words begin with an F!

















mountain biking

ice skating









ping pong















LE & BB 3



Do - Go - Play

DIRECTION Fill in the blanks with do, go or play to complete the sentences. 1. I joined a baseball team last month, so now I __________ baseball every Saturday. 2. Do you want to stay strong and healthy? You should __________ exercise! 3. Jim really likes to __________ fishing at the lake in summer. 4. My sister often __________ tennis with her friends on the weekends. 5. I’m not very good at sports, but I like to __________ cycling in my free time. 6. Hey, the weather is really nice. Would you like to __________ golfing? 7. In winter, lots of people like to __________ hockey. 8. My brother really loves to __________ basketball. 9. Are you in good shape? How many sit-ups can you __________? 10. Sometimes , I __________ jogging in the morning before work. 11. I want to __________ yoga, but first I need to find a good yoga teacher. 12. My friend is amazing! He can __________ 500 push-ups! 13. We only need to find two more people before we can __________ volleyball. 14. Do you know how to __________ ping pong? There’s a ping pong table in the gym. 15. I don’t like to __________ swimming at the beach. I’m afraid of sharks. 16. My family and I __________ camping in the mountains almost every August.


LE & BB 3


Critical Thinking "



DIRECTION Write three sports based on each category.

1. need a net

__________________ __________________ __________________

2. need a ball

__________________ __________________ __________________

3. are in water

__________________ __________________ __________________

4. are played in a team

__________________ __________________ __________________

5. are played on your own

__________________ __________________ __________________

6. are played in winter

__________________ __________________ __________________

7. requires no ball

__________________ __________________ __________________

8. begin with a B

__________________ __________________ __________________

9. use hands to play

__________________ __________________ __________________

10. begin with an S

__________________ __________________ __________________


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Tic-Tac-Toe Sports

DIRECTION Every time you properly answer the question or name the sport shown in the images (in a sentence using go, do or play), the teacher will stamp your sheet. The first one to get a tic-tac-toe (four stamps in a row) wins!

Which sports have you played? Which one did you enjoy most?

How many hours of sports do you have in school? Is this enough?

Is there a sports stadium near your home? How often do you go there?

Which sports do you think are dangerous? What can happen?

Which sports are popular in your country? Talk about them.

Do you prefer playing or watching sports? Explain.

Do you prefer playing sports or computer games? Why?

Have you ever won an award or medal in a sports competition? Talk about it.

Name 3 sports played with a ball. Explain the rules for one.

Have you ever been to a sports match? Talk about it.

What’s your favorite sport? How often do you play it?

Which sport would you like to try? Explain why.




Do you prefer individual or team sports? Explain why.

Who’s your favorite athlete? Why?

Do you think famous sports players are overpaid? Explain.

Which sports is your country good at? Name the most famous players.

Name 3 winter sports. Have you tried any?



Name 3 team sports and 3 individual sports. Explain the rules for one.

LE & BB 3




Berenstain Bears

Junk food Dictation [ 5:33

6:37 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

(ice cream truck bell ringing) SISTER: Good bye! BROTHER: See you _______________! SISTER: Thanks for the ice cream, Papa. BROTHER: Mmm, _____________________! PAPA: You're welcome. I think we did ___________________ well for our first time out. BROTHER: Uh-huh. SISTER: ___________ ______________. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ MAMA: Now, there is a ________________ fit for a fit king. Welcome back! I have a surprise for my three-- huh? Sweetsie-Cola? SISTER: The ice cream made us _____________________. MAMA: Ice cream? Ohh... I suppose you're too full to enjoy this __________________ meal I've made. PAPA: Well, you know how a ____________________ of raspberry ripple can fill you up. SISTER: That's three scoops, Papa. BROTHER: And don't ___________________ they were chocolate-dipped with cookie crumbs, too. PAPA: [ laughing awkwardly ] I held off on the ______________________ sprinkles. MAMA: Looks like you're having leftovers tomorrow.


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Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Brush Your Teeth ]

It's time to brush brush brush brush your teeth

It's time to brush brush brush brush our teeth

My teeth?

We need to brush brush brush brush our teeth

You need to brush brush brush brush your teeth

If we want to make sure Our teeth are healthy


We need to brush brush brush brush our teeth

If you want to make sure, Your teeth are healthy I do!

You want to brush twice a day!

Brush brush brush brush your teeth

Two minutes at a time

I see...

Brush it really good Brush away all the grime

It's time to brush brush brush brush my teeth

And don't forget to floss

Your teeth!

It's important too

I need to brush brush brush brush your teeth

You don't want a cavity


On your toooooth.

If I want to make sure My teeth are healthy You do!

It's time to brush brush brush brush our teeth

Brush brush brush brush my teeth

We need to brush brush brush brush our teeth If we want to make sure Our teeth are healthy

You want to brush twice a day!

We need to brush brush brush brush our teeth

Two minutes at a time Brush it really good Brush away all the grime And don't forget to floss It's important too You don't want a cavity On your toooooth.


LE & BB 3


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Brush Your Teeth ]

Dance Song

1. What was Jacob bothered by? a. Josh was being too loud.

Jump in the air,

b. Josh’s breath smelled.

it’s time to brush,

c. Josh’s teeth wasn’t healthy.

And shake shake shake

2. TRUE / FALSE Cavities are bad.

That’s not right,

3. What should you remember to do? (Check all that are true) a. ________ Brush twice a day.

(Let’s do it together,

b. ________ Brush three times a day.

Let us all brush)

c. ________ Brush for two minutes at a time.

------------------------------------Start with your teeth

d. ________ Brush for three minutes at a time

in the back,

e. ________ You don't need to floss.

Little circles

f. ________ Flossing is important too.

just like that,

g. ________ Brushing gets rid of bad breath too. Then move

4. Where is Austin coming from? a. the dentist

back and forth

b. playing outside

That’s how you

c. home

brush your teeth

5. TRUE / FALSE Austin brushes his teeth everyday.

And on each tooth

6. How often should you visit the dentist?

top, front, and back

a. Once a week

Little circles

b. Once a month

just like that

c. Once an year And spit out toothpaste

7. How can you fight off germs and cavities? a. With the dentist’s help

when you’re done,

b. With toothbrushes

that’s how you

c. With superheroes

brush your teeth.


REPEAT x3 (faster)

LE & BB 3

PART 4 Vocabulary Preview - Body Parts DIRECTION Label the human body diagram using the word list below.




















LE & BB 3

PART 4 Vocabulary Review - Body Functions DIRECTION Circle the correct human body part that can be used as a tool for the example. 1. If I don’t have scissors, I can use my ( fingers / feet ) to cut my paper. 2. I have to bend my ( thighs / elbows ) to climb a mountain. 3. If I don’t have a car to get to the store, I can use my ( legs / hands ) to run there. 4. I wear a backpack by putting it on my ( shoulder / chest ). 5. I can use my ( hands / neck ) to drink water when I don’t have a cup. 6. I nodded my ( head / neck ) to say yes to my sister. 7. I can pick up small pieces of blueberries on the floor by using my ( fingers / toes ). 8. I nudged my brother with my ( ankle / elbow ) to move over, so my mom could sit too. 9. If I want to grab an apple from the table, I can use my ( feet / hands ) just like a claw. 10. I ate so much pizza my ( tummy / thigh ) hurt. 11. If my soup is hot, I can use my ( mouth / elbow ) to blow air just like a fan. DIRECTION Fill in the blank with the appropriate body part to complete the stated task. ankle


















1. I use my __________________ to pick up trash. 2. I can see who is behind me by turning my ____________ and looking with my ____________*. 3. My ____________________ gets bigger when I eat too much. 4. I use my __________________ to pick my nose. 5. I can look taller when I stand on my __________________. 6. When I breathe in deeply, my ___________________ gets bigger. 7. I use my __________________ to signal someone to stop. 8. I use my ________________ and _____________________ to breathe in and out. 9. I put a hat on my ___________________ when I go skiing. 10. I can crawl on my _____________________* and _____________________*. 11. I waved my _____________________* in the air to get Paul’s attention, who was far away. 12. I can tell someone “I don’t know” by moving my _______________________* up and down. 13.I sprained by ___________________ while I was playing basketball, so I need to wear a brace around it and use crutches for a month. 14. I wear a helmet on my ____________________ and pads on my _________________* and ______________________* to protect myself while I’m bicycling. 15. My ________________ protects my heart. 144

LE & BB 3

PART 4 Speaking Activity [ My ------ Hurts ] DIRECTION One student will be a patient and another will be a doctor, and you will switch roles after each conversation is completed. In your roles, you two will have a short dialogue about an ailment and the treatment for it. For example: PATIENT Ailment: You have a rash on your arms and legs. Duration: You have had it for about four days. Previous Medication: You have put a cream on it.

DOCTOR Ailment: rash Prescribe: an ointment. Apply four times a day. Extra Advice: (a) Avoid scratching your skin. (b) Use as little soap as possible.

DOCTOR: Hi, come on in and have a seat. Now, what seems to be the problem?

a rash on my arm PATIENT: I have _________________________________________________. rash DOCTOR: How long have you had the _____________________________? PATIENT: It’s been about ____________________________________. a week DOCTOR: Are you _____________________________________________________________? taking any medicine for it OR treating it PATIENT: I _____________________________________________, put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem to be helping. DOCTOR: I see. Are you allergic to any medications? PATIENT: Not that I know of.

ointment DOCTOR: I’m going to give you a prescription for some ___________________________________. I apply it three want you to ______________________________________ times a day. You should also avoid scratching your skin __________________________________________________. And it’s important to __________________________________________________________. use as little soap as possible Make an appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better over the next few days.



Ailment: You have indigestion.

Ailment: indigestion

Duration: You have had it for three weeks.

Prescribe: antacid - take after meals. Extra Advice: (a) Avoid spicy food.

Previous Medication: You have been taking some antacid, but it hasn’t helped.


(b) Eat and drink less.

LE & BB 3

PART 4 Role Play Activity [ Patient and Doctor ] DIRECTION One student will be a patient and the other will be a doctor, and you will switch roles after each conversation is completed. Using the dialogue on the previous page, you two will have a short dialogue about an ailment and the treatment for it. PATIENT


Ailment: sprained ankle Ailment: You sprained your ankle.

Prescribe: some painkillers

Duration: You sprained this morning.

Take whenever you have pain. (maximum five times daily)

Previous Medication: You took a painkiller.

Extra Advice: (a) Keep your foot elevated.

Ailment: You have a sore throat Duration: You have had it for two days. Previous Medication: You have been taking some throat lozenges (throat candies). Ailment: You have the flu. Duration: Two days. Previous Medication: You took some aspirin.

(b) Keep ice on it for 24 hours. Ailment: sore throat Prescribe: some medication - take every four hours. Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of liquids. (b) Drink warm tea with honey. Ailment: flu Prescribe: antiviral medication. Take three times daily after meals. Extra Advice: (a) Get lots of rest. (b) Drink plenty of fluids Ailment: cuts

Ailment: You have a bad cut.

Prescribe: an antibacterial ointment. Apply three times daily.

Duration: You cut yourself this morning.

Extra Advice: (a) Wash carefully with mild soap.

Previous Medication: None.

Ailment: You have diarrhea. Duration: You have had it for three days. Previous Medication: You have taken some pills that you bought at the pharmacy, but they didn’t help.

(b) Keep dirt out of it. Ailment: diarrhea Prescribe: some medicine - take twice daily. Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of fluids. (b) Avoid foods containing milk.


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DIRECTION Look over the vocabulary words below. Fruit






















What are your five favorite fruit? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________















spring onion








What are your five favorite vegetables? ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3

Breakfast Food









fried eggs



boiled egg



Protein meat ("red meat")

poultry ("white meat")












salt / fresh water fish

LE & BB 3



Describing Food

DIRECTION Look over the vocabulary words below. Then write a sentence using the vocabulary word.

PART A How food is cooked 1. boiled – cooked in boiling water ________________________________________________________________________ 2. steamed – cooked over a saucepan of boiling water ________________________________________________________________________ 3. fried / sautéed – cooked in oil in a frying pan ________________________________________________________________________ 4. stir-fried – fried fast in hot oil ________________________________________________________________________ 5. pan-fried – fried in a frying pan ________________________________________________________________________ 6. roasted – cooked in oil in the oven ________________________________________________________________________ 7. grilled – cooked under a grill or on a ridged pan ________________________________________________________________________ 8. baked – cooked in the oven ________________________________________________________________________ 9. stewed – cooked for a long time on a low heat ________________________________________________________________________ 10. braised – cooked slowly in juices ________________________________________________________________________

PART B Restaurant menus subtitles 1. starter / hors d'oeuvre / appetizer = the first thing you eat before the main meal ________________________________________________________________________ 2. main course = often a meat, fish, or vegetarian dish ________________________________________________________________________ 3. dessert = a sweet course, cheese, or fruit at the end of the meal. ________________________________________________________________________


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Count and Noncount Nouns

Food items can be both countable and uncountable. The main difference between count and noncount nouns is whether you can count them. A count noun is something we can count. They refer to things that exist as separate and distinct individual units. It has a singular form and a plural form. The article a or an refers to only a single item and some can refer to the plural form of that item. ex: one cucumber = three cucumbers a cookie = some cookies an apple = six apples Noncount nouns refer to things that can't be counted because they are thought of as wholes. You can use some to refer to an undetermined amount of a noncount noun. We use quantifiers (which we will learn about later) before non-count nouns: ex: fruit = some fruit bread = a slice of bread milk; a lot of milk jam, a little jam

Countable Nouns There is a(n) ... There isn’t a(n)... e, most other endings


(x, s, ss, sh, ch, z, o)


consonant + y


Uncountable Nouns

There are few/ no ... There aren’t many... cookie apple pear

cookies apples pears

lemon orange

lemons oranges

dish sandwich tomato

dishes sandwiches tomatoes

peach mango

peaches mangoes

cherry strawberry french fry

cherries strawberries french fries

There is little / no ... There isn’t much... Liquids & creamy substances

juice water milk

sauce honey jam

ice cream butter cream

wine yogurt ketchup

alcohol coffee

soup tea



Substances (smaller than a bean)

rice flour

salt pepper

sugar wheat


What you cut or measure

bread chocolate cheese

pizza pasta meat

chicken salad popcorn

pastry spaghetti

Words used with both countable and uncountable nouns positive some, more, a lot of (=lots of), plenty of, enough - negative any


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Count and Noncount Food

Part A Which nouns are count nouns and which nouns are non-count? Put the following words in the correct column. soup









ice cream

















Part B: Fill in the blanks with a, an, or some 1. I’d like ________________ hamburger without cheese, please. 2. They will drink ________________ coffee. 3. We would like to eat ________________ rice. 4. He will buy ________________ bacon. 5. I will eat ________________ donut for breakfast. 6. We’d like to buy ________________ tomatoes. 7. I will pour you ________________ juice. 8. Can you give me ________________ cucumber? 9. I’m going to make ________________ spaghetti. 10.She’s going to cut ________________ fruit. 11. She will bake ________________ cake for her sister ’s birthday. 12. Can I have ________________ butter to put on my bread?


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Food Partitives

So then how do we count noncount food nouns? The quantity and countability of noncount nouns can be implied by using partitives (a kind of, a piece of, a bit of, etc.) before the noun. Some determiners (much, little, the, etc.) and demonstratives (this, that) can also be used before noncount nouns, but indefinite articles (a/an) cannot be used in front of them. You can also count them by a measurable unit, such as the examples below.

a jug of

a carton of

a can of

a cup of

a glass of

a bottle of

a cube of

a jar of

a box of

a packet of

a bag of

a tin of

a bunch of

a head of

a pint of

a scoop of

a bar of

a kilo of

a piece of

a slice of

a loaf of

a bowl of

a teaspoon of

a dash of

When we want to count the uncountable nouns, you have to put a phrase in front of the word to count it. • a bar of chocolate = I ate two bars of chocolate. • a glass of juice

= Paul drank three glasses of juice.

• a bottle of water

= The soccer player drank two bottles of water.

• a jar of jam

= My mom bought two jars of jam.

• a spoonful sugar = I added three spoonfuls of sugar to the lemonade. • a carton of milk

= The farmer packed five cartons of milk.

• a bowl of ice

= The chef prepared two bowls of rice.


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Defining Noncount Food

DIRECTION Fill in the blanks with a quantifier.

a ________________ of salt

a __________________ of bread

a __________________ of steak

a __________________ of milk

a __________________ of tea

a __________________ of juice

a __________________ of cereal

five __________________ of sugar

two __________________ of soup

four _________________ of soda

four _________________ of pizza

a ________________ of asparagus

a _________________ of pepper

three _________________ of beer

four _______________ of mashed potatoes


LE & BB 3


Role Play "

Shopping at the Market

DIRECTION Practice the dialogue with a partner with each student taking turns playing both roles of customer and shop assistant. Then using the shopping lists below, play out a dialogue on your own as a customer and shop assistant. Customer: Good morning! Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you? Customer: Yes, please. Do you have ______________________? Shop assistant: Sorry! I don’t have any _______________. But I have a / some nice _____________. Customer: Yes, please! Shop assistant: Here you are! Do you need anything else?

Shopping list example

strawberry jam

Customer: I’d like _____________________, please. Shop assistant: How many ___________________ would you like? Customer: I would like ____________________ please.

8 tomatoes a packet of spaghetti a bottle of milk

Shop assistant: Sure. Will that be all for you?

a packet of sugar 3 pounds of apples

Customer: No, I also need ____________________.

2 cans of Cola-Cola

Shop assistant: Here you are.


Customer: Thank you. Shop assistant: Do you want anything else?

Customer: Yes. I’d like ___________________, ____________________, _____________________, and __________________________. How much is all that? Shop assistant: $______________ please. Customer: Here’s $20.00. Shop assistant: That’s $____________ change. Thank you very much and come again.

Shopping list 1

Shopping list 2

Shopping list 3

Shopping list 4

6 blueberry muffins

A loaf of bread

4 croissants

A chocolate cake

500g of ground beef

300g of chicken wings

5 pork chops

4 pears

A bag of rice


A pineapple

Rotisserie chicken

3 lemons

3 steak filets

A pack of strawberries

5 peaches

1 kg of broccoli

4 apples

A carton of yogurt

A bunch of grapes

4 apples

A carton of orange juice

A bottle of cream

A dozen eggs

A carton of milk

A carton of ice cream

A packet of coffee

A bag of chips






LE & BB 3

Too Much Junkfood 1.2 [6:38 12:30]

VOCABULARY Preview the words to help follow the episode better.

1. special

(n) an event or occasion during which a business sells goods or services at prices that are lower than usual

☛ There's a special on Sweetsie-Cola in aisle seven. ✎ They were having a special on vitamins, so I bought extra bottles of it. 2. aisle

(n) a passage where people walk through a store, market, etc.

☛ Same as #1 ✎ I went to the cereal aisle to buy breakfast granola bars. 3. coming along

(noun phrase) to make progress : to get better or to proceed in a desired way

☛ So, how is your training for the big race coming along? ✎ The construction started slowly, but now the work is coming along. 4. winded

(adj) unable to breathe easily or normally because you have been very active

☛ Then we're too winded to keep running. ✎ We were winded after the long climb up the mountain. 5. run out of steam

(idiom) to lose the energy

☛ I think I have a pretty good idea why you're running out of steam. ✎ Toward the end of the lecture, the professor seemed to run out of steam. 6. professional

(adj) relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill

☛ Maybe all of you should stop by my clinic for a little professional advice. ✎ His professional experience makes him confident to open a restaurant. 7. get hopes up

(idiom) to make someone think that what they want is going to happen

☛ You shouldn't get your hopes up for a fancy solution to your problem. ✎ I don't want to get your hopes up, but I think you will win the speech contest. 8. engine

(n) a machine that changes energy (such as burning fuel) into mechanical motion

☛ Your body is like a train engine. ✎ The big rig truck’s engine is strong enough to pull large containers. 155

LE & BB 3 9. fuel

(n) a material (such as coal, oil, or gas) that is burned to produce heat or power

☛ It needs the right kind of fuel to run properly. ✎ I went to the gas station to fill my gas tank with fuel. 9b. fuel

(n) used figuratively - food, drink, or drugs as a source of energy

✎ Breakfast is my fuel to get through the morning. 10. run

(v) to function or operate

☛ Same as #9 ✎ The computer technician had the broken computer up and running in no time. 11. various

(adj) used to refer to several different or many different things, people, etc.

☛ [...] our bodies are made up of various systems that all work together. ✎ The car is available in various colors. 12. system

(n) a group of organs that work together to perform an important function of the body

☛ Same as #11 ✎ The respiratory system controls our breathing and is made up of our mouth, throat, windpipe, and lungs. 13. nerve

(n) one of the many thin parts that control movement and feeling by carrying messages between the brain and other parts of the body

☛ We have a system of nerves that lets us feel and think. ✎ The optic nerve in the eye allows you to see. 14. flow

(v) to move in a steady and continuous way

☛ [...] a system that keeps the blood flowing throughout the body [...] ✎ The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. 15. muscle

(n) a body tissue that can contract and produce movement

☛ [...] a system of muscles that lets us move and gives us strength [...] ✎ The swimmer has stomach, arm, shoulder, and leg muscles. 16. digestion

(n) the process by which food is changed to a simpler form after it is eaten

☛ [...] and a system for food digestion that lets us take in nourishment to give us energy and keep all the other systems healthy.

✎ Most people have poor digestion if they swim after eating. 17. nourishment

(n) food and other things that are needed for health, growth, etc.

☛ Same as #16 ✎ Soil provides nourishment to plants. 156

LE & BB 3 18. occasionally

(adv) sometimes but not often

☛ Having treats occasionally is fine. ✎ Cook the spaghetti sauce on medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about two hours. 19. help

(v) to give (yourself or another person) food or drink

☛ Help yourself. ✎ There's plenty of food, so help yourself. 20. on track

(n) to follow a course that will lead to success

☛ Well, Cubs, it's time for us to get our trains back on the track. ✎ We're behind schedule on this project, so we need to get back on track right after the weekend. 21. on board

(n) in or on a train, boat, etc.

☛ Ha-ha, get on board, son. ✎ We're behind schedule on this project, so we need to get back on track right after the weekend. 21b. on board

(n) included among the group of people who support a particular goal, project, etc.

✎ We're behind schedule on this project, so we need to get back on track right after the weekend. 22. keep up with

(n) to stay level or equal with someone or something; to be just as productive as someone or something

☛ Ohh, it wasn't easy keeping up with the Cubs. ✎ The little boy tried very hard to keep up with his older brother's accomplishments.


LE & BB 3



Too Much Junkfood 1.2

Doctor Scene, [ 8:37-10:53 ] Fill in the blanks for the following scene.

DR. GRIZZLY: Your body is like a _____________ engine. It needs the right kind of fuel to run properly. If you feed your body the wrong type of fuel, it won't run properly -- let me show you. PAPA: A movie, great! Good thing I brought some __________________. DR. GRIZZLY: This is what your body looks like from the outside. And this is what it looks like on the _________________. BROTHER: Wow, it's a horror show. DR. GRIZZLY: __________ _________________, Brother -- you see, our bodies are made up of various systems that all work together. We have a system of nerves that lets us feel and think; a system that keeps the __________________ flowing throughout the body; a system of muscles that lets us move and gives us strength; and a system for food digestion that lets us take in nourishment to give us _________________ and keep all the other systems healthy. SISTER: Is that the system we need to give our bodies fuel? DR. GRIZZLY: Exactly -- now, here are the four main food groups that help fuel your body. BROTHER: Dr. Grizzly, what about sugar-balls? SISTER: And Choco-Chums? PAPA: And Sweetsie-Cola? DR. GRIZZLY: ______________ and goodies don't give you the kind of nourishment your body needs. SISTER: Are they _____________ for us? DR. GRIZZLY: Having treats occasionally is fine. If you have too much, they fill you up, and you're not hungry for the healthy foods your body really _______________. BROTHER: If we're going to get in _________________ for the race, we have to start feeding our bodies the right fuel. SISTER: You said it, right, Papa? PAPA: Ahem, oh...Yes, uh... Yes, absolutely. Thanks for your ________________, Dr. Grizzly. DR. GRIZZLY: You're most welcome. PAPA: Help yourself. DR. GRIZZLY: [ chuckling ] PAPA: Well, Cubs, it's time for us to get our trains back on the _______________. SISTER: You're right, Papa. Choo-choo! Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga.Choo-choo! PAPA: Woo-woo! Ha-ha, get on _________________, son. Woo-woo! BROTHER: Uh, ha, I think I'll walk. I need the exercise. Thanks, Dr. Grizzly. See you ______________. DR. GRIZZLY: Goodbye, Brother. 158

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Too Much Junkfood 1.2 - Video Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3

✎ EPISODE COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Choose the best answer. 1. Where does the setting for “Too Much Junkfood 1.2” take place? a. grocery story b. the Treehouse c. the doctor’s office d. restaurant 2. What were the Cubs and Papa buying? a. vegetables b. fruits c. sugary snacks d. healthy snacks 3. Papa wants to buy Sweetsie-Cola because a. It’s his favorite drink. b. It’s on sale. c. The Cubs asked him to buy it. d. Dr. Grizzly told him it is healthy. 4. Who did the bear family run into at the market? _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How have Papa and the Cubs’ training been so far? a. successful b. tough c. easy d. boring 6. What embarrassing thing happened to Papa at the market? a. He kept dropping food. b. His shirt button popped out. c. Dr. Grizzly made fun of him. d. His pants ripped. 160

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7. Why does Dr. Grizzly want Papa and the Cubs to come to her clinic for a visit? a. To give a little professional advice. b. To give them a high-speed jogging suit to them. c. To give them turbo-powered running shoes. d. To give them a fancy solution to stop running out of steam. 8. What does Dr. Grizzly compare the bear’s body to? a. Food b. Fuel c. A train engine d. A sports car 9. What does Dr. Grizzly compare food to? ________________________________________________________________________________ 10. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Your body is made up of one very big system. 11. According to Dr. Grizzly, which of the following systems do our bodies have? (Check all that are true) a. ______ A system of nerves that lets us feel and think. b. ______ A system that keeps the blood flowing throughout the body. c. ______ A system of muscles that lets us move and gives us strength. d. ______ A system for food digestion that lets us take in nourishment to give us energy. 12. According to Dr. Grizzly, how many food groups are there? a. two b. three c. four d. five 13. [ TRUE | FALSE ] Sweets and goodies don't give you the kind of nourishment your body needs. 14. [ TRUE | FALSE ] You should never eat sweets and goodies.


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15. Who helped the Cubs and Papa the most in changing their eating habits? ________________________________________________________________________________ 16. What happened at the race? a. Papa was too winded to finish it. b. Papa could not keep up with the Cubs. c. Papa and the Cubs all finished the race. d. The family will celebrate by eating ice cream. 17. Who was it the hardest to give up junk food? a. Mama b. Papa c. Sister d. Brother 18. Do you think Papa and the Cubs will join the Bear Country Run next year? Explain. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


LE & BB 3


Vocabulary & Grammar Review "


Food Partitives

PART A Fill in the blanks with the units of measurement in the boxes below. head







1. A ______________________ of bread.

5. A ______________________ of corn.

2. A ______________________ of turkey breast.

6. A ______________________ of pepper.

3. A ______________________ of broccoli.

7. A ______________________ of garlic.

4. A ______________________ of butter.

8. A ______________________ of milk.










9. A ______________________ of honey.

13. A ______________________ of rice.

10. A ______________________ of coffee.

14. A ______________________ of salt.

11. A ______________________ of mustard.

15. A ______________________ of spaghetti.

12. A ______________________ of peanut butter.

16. A ______________________ of ice.

PART B Label each food item with its name and food partitives.






















LE & BB 3


Vocabulary & Grammar Review "


Food Partitives

DIRECTIONS First, fill in the blanks below to complete each sentence with a food partitive in the word box below. Next, match the bolded word with an image from the box at the bottom of the page and write the letter on the blank space next to the number. carton














1. _____ Please don't forget to buy a ____________________ of bread when you go shopping. 2. _____ A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I’d like a ____________________ of carrot soup, please. 3. _____ Did you remember to put the ____________________ of milk in the refrigerator? 4. _____ That pizza looks delicious! Can I have a ____________________? 5. _____ You look thirsty! Would you like a ____________________ of water with some ice? 6. _____ How much does a ____________________ eggs cost at the supermarket? 7. _____ I'm tired! I think I need a ____________________ of coffee to help wake me up. 8. _____ Some friends are coming to visit. Let's make a ____________________ of tea. 9. _____ Can you pass me that ____________________ of ketchup to me? 10. _____ Why did you bring a ____________________ of bananas to the zoo? 11. _____ We need to buy a ____________________ of lettuce to make a salad. 12. _____ Are you going shopping? We need another ____________________ of cereal. 13. _____ My friend would like a hot dog, and I'll just have a ____________________ of soda. 14. _____ How much does a ____________________ of strawberry jam cost?
















LE & BB 3


Dialogue Practice "

Where is the ---?

DIRECTION Partner with a classmate and practice a dialogue asking WH-questions about the location of the items in the picture. For every item you mention, you must use food partitives.

A: Hey ________________. Do you know where the ___________________________ is? B: Yea, it’s (in / on) the ________________________, (next to / between / above / below) the ______________________________________________. A: Is it (next to / between / above / below) the ______________________________________________? B: Yes, you can’t miss it. a jug of

a carton of

a can of

a cup of

a glass of

a bottle of

a cube of

a jar of

a box of

a packet of

a bag of

a tin of

a bunch of

a head of

a pint of

a scoop of

a bar of

a kilo of

a piece of

a slice of

a loaf of

a bowl of

a teaspoon of

a dash of


LE & BB 3




Berenstain Bears

Supermarket Dictation [ 6:40 7:43 ] Listen and fill in the blanks.

PAPA: Nibbly-Bits. BROTHER: Choco-Chums. SISTER: Mmm, these Sugar-Balls look _______________________. BROTHER: I think we ________________________ the fudge. SISTER: And the Creamy-Crunchies. MAMA: Now, what's all ______________________? PAPA: Oh, I just remembered! There's a _______________________ on Sweetsie-Cola in aisle seven. Only while _______________________ last. MAMA: Don't you think we have enough? PAPA: You can ______________________ have enough Sweetsie-Cola. (bumps into Dr. Grizzly’s shopping cart) Dr. Grizzly, I'm so ________________________. I, I didn't see you there. DR. GRIZZLY: Don't worry. No harm done. So, how is your training for the big race coming along? PAPA: You know what? The Cubs have joined me. We're ______________________ like the wind. MAMA: Now, Papa, that's not what the __________________ have been saying. PAPA: All right... For about two blocks we're running like the wind. Then we're too ______________________ to keep running. DR. GRIZZLY: Oh? PAPA: I can't figure it out. We should be able to go farther. We've been practicing for nearly _______________ ____________________.


LE & BB 3


Song Sing Along [ The FuZees: Eating Healthy Blues ]

When deciding what to eat you have to think it

Sing the healthy eating blues


Sing the healthy eating blues

you might want some candy but consider what is

We want to do our bodies good

good for you

Eat all those growing foods

Cookies, and candy, and sweets are okay

We need different foods to help us grow big and

but too much and you will be sick all day

strong This is the growing food eating song!

You want foods that will help you grow big and strong

Sometimes we'll want a treat. A sweet and yummy

We'll sing about them in this song

treat Eat Ice cream, eat cookies, or eat cotton candy a

Sing the healthy eating blues

little will be okay

Sing the healthy eating blues

I want food that helps me grow big and strong

We want to do our bodies good

I'll sing about them in this song

Eat all those growing foods We need different foods to help us grow big and

Sing the healthy eating blues


Sing the healthy eating blues

This is the growing food eating song!

We want to do our bodies good Eat all those growing foods

A good meal is healthy with nutrition all the way

We need different foods to help us grow big and

some examples of good foods are veggies and fruits


You want foods that will help you grow big and

This is the growing food eating song!

strong We'll sing about them in this song


LE & BB 3


Listening Comprehension [ The FuZees: Eating Healthy ]

1. Why did Josh’s tummy hurt?

Dance Song

a. He ate too much for lunch b. He had exercised too much

Jump in the air, one time (one) and step to the side two times, (one two) wave your arms three times, (one two three) and dance to the beat (weeee)

c. He ate too much junk food 2. TRUE / FALSE Sweets are never good to eat. 3. What did Josh eat? a. ______ candy b. ______ veggies

Clap your hands one time, (one) Flap your arms two times, (one two) Shake your body three times, (one two three) and dance to this beat (weeee)

c. ______ fruit d. ______ ice cream e.______ cookies f. ______ cotton candy g. ______ brownie 4. What was Cassie’s problem?

REPEAT x2 (faster)

_________________________________________________________ 5. Where did Cassie get her veggies from? a. The market b. Her garden c. Josh’s refrigerator 6. Put a check on who liked which vegetables. Brussels Sprouts


Josh Jacob Cassie



LE & BB 3

PART 4 Speaking Activity [ Food Descriptions ] DIRECTION As a class, you will play a speaking game where you will take turns describing your picture without saying the name of the food. Each student will have five minutes to prepare. For example: Flat and square shaped, warm to the touch, crispy texture but softer in the middle, easy to make, often eaten for breakfast, available in brown or white, etc. = a slice of toast ☛ You cannot use the name of the food item.

Talk for as long as possible. When the speaker has finished, other students can reveal their ‘guesses’. The speaker will lastly reveal the food item in their picture.

Describe me without saying my name! • What do I look like? • What do I feel like? • What do I smell like? • What do I taste like? • How do I make you feel? Describe me without saying my name! • What do I look like? • What do I feel like? • What do I smell like? • What do I taste like? • How do I make you feel? Describe me without saying my name! • What do I look like? • What do I feel like? • What do I smell like? • What do I taste like? • How do I make you feel? Describe me without saying my name! • What do I look like? • What do I feel like? • What do I smell like? • What do I taste like? • How do I make you feel? Describe me without saying my name! • What do I look like? • What do I feel like? • What do I smell like? • What do I taste like? • How do I make you feel?


LE & BB 3

PART 4 Yes / No Question Activity [ Guess the Food ] DIRECTION Your teacher will have these cards cut into individual pieces and faced down on the table. One player will pick a card and the rest of the group will take turns asking Yes/No questions one by one to find out which food item it is. The one to guess the word (make sure to use food partitives when needed) gets the card. The one who gets the most cards at the end will win!


LE & BB 3

B e r e n s t a i n B e a r s : To o M u c h J u n k f o o d

Lights, Camera, Action! Pick a character to play and highlight your lines. We will practice the roles in class, but you must also practice your lines at home to act it out together in class. CHARACTERS Papa Bear


Mama Bear


Sister Bear


Brother Bear


Dr. Grizzly

⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ (SETTING - Inside the Treehouse) MAMA: Healthy food is good for Brother, Sis, and Dad. How can Mama make them stop eating food that is bad? [ munching and chewing ] PAPA: Mm, I see the Bear Country Run is coming up again. MAMA: Pardon, dear? PAPA: I said, the Bear Country Run is coming up again! I used to run in that race. MAMA: That's the race you used to run in. PAPA: That's what I said! BROTHER: You were a runner? PAPA: Why, sure. Take a look for yourself. BROTHER: Look at that trophy. MAMA: Yes. Papa was one fleet-footed bear. PAPA: Was? I still am. MAMA: Ha, well, I have seen you dash to the refrigerator and be back before the commercial ends. BROTHER & SISTER: [ laughing ] PAPA: I admit I like my snacks. But all kidding aside, I bet I can still keep up with bears half my age. BROTHER: Why don't you enter the race, Papa? SISTER: Wouldn't it be great if you won? PAPA: You know what? I am going to enter that race. BROTHER & SISTER: Yay! PAPA: And do you know what else? I'm going to take this entry form straight down to the community center and be back before supper is on the table... without taking the car. SISTER: Yay, Papa. BROTHER: Go, Papa! ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ [ panting ] 171

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DR. GRIZZLY: Papa Bear, are you all right? PAPA: Oh, ah, fine...Fine. Just a... little out of breath is all, Dr. Grizzly. DR. GRIZZLY: Did your car break down? PAPA: Oh, no...No, I was...I was just jogging to the community center...to enter this year's Bear Country Run. DR. GRIZZLY: That's great! Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. PAPA: I agree...100%! DR. GRIZZLY: Well, enjoy your run. PAPA: Oh, I will. [ panting ] Mind over muscle, that's... all it is. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ PAPA: [ groaning ] Oh, maybe entering this race isn't such a good idea after all. Ahh, best quit while I'm ahead. Where's a taxi when you need one? ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ PAPA: Ohh, oooh, aahh-ah-ah, oh-ohhhh. SISTER: Papa, you're back already? MAMA: What's the matter? PAPA: [ groaning ] BROTHER: You don't look so good, Papa. PAPA: Ah, I'm just a little sore, that's all. I've decided not to run in the race after all. Maybe next year.[ groaning ] Or the year after. SISTER: That's no way to talk, Papa. BROTHER: There's still lots of time to prepare for the race. SISTER: That's right. We'll help you get in shape. BROTHER: And we'll even enter the race with you. MAMA: What a wonderful idea -- how can you turn down an offer like that? BROTHER: We can do it, Papa. SISTER: We're a team. PAPA: Hmm, all right. I'll, I'll do it. BROTHER & SISTER: Yay! PAPA: Oh, it's time to get myself in shape for the race. Ohhhh! Starting tomorrow, of course. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ BROTHER: We'll be in shape for that race in no time. SISTER: Where are we going to do our practice run? PAPA: How about we run to that big tree on Hemlock Hill? BROTHER: Sure. SISTER: Ok. It'll be a piece of cake. PAPA: We're off! 172

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⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ SISTER: [ panting ] Are we almost there? BROTHER: [ panting ] Not even close. PAPA: [ panting ] Ok, I-I-I, I think we've run far enough for...One day. ALL: [ panting ] SISTER: Gee, I don't get this tired when I'm playing baseball. BROTHER: Ha, well...You're running a lot farther than second base, Sis. ALL: [ panting ] (ice cream truck bell ringing) ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ SISTER: Good bye! BROTHER: See you later! SISTER: Thanks for the ice cream, Papa. BROTHER: Mmm, thanks! PAPA: You're welcome. I think we did pretty well for our first time out. BROTHER: Uh-huh. SISTER: Me too. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ MAMA: Now, there is a meal fit for a fit king. Welcome back! I have a surprise for my three-- huh? SweetsieCola? SISTER: The ice cream made us thirsty. MAMA: Ice cream? Ohh... I suppose you're too full to enjoy this healthy meal I've made. PAPA: Well, you know how a scoop of raspberry ripple can fill you up. SISTER: That's three scoops, Papa. BROTHER: And don't forget they were chocolate-dipped with cookie crumbs, too. PAPA: [ laughing awkwardly ] I held off on the rainbow sprinkles. MAMA: Looks like you're having leftovers tomorrow. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ (in the supermarket) PAPA: Nibbly-Bits. BROTHER: Choco-Chums. SISTER: Mmm, these Sugar-Balls look good. BROTHER: I think we forgot the fudge. SISTER: And the Creamy-Crunchies. MAMA: Now, what's all this? PAPA: Oh, I just remembered! There's a special on Sweetsie-Cola in aisle seven. Only while supplies last. 173

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MAMA: Don't you think we have enough? PAPA: You can never have enough Sweetsie-Cola. (bumps into Dr. Grizzly’s shopping cart) Dr. Grizzly, I'm so sorry. I, I didn't see you there. DR. GRIZZLY: Don't worry. No harm done. So, how is your training for the big race coming along? PAPA: You know what? The Cubs have joined me. We're running like the wind. MAMA: Now, Papa, that's not what the Cubs have been saying. PAPA: All right... For about two blocks we're running like the wind. Then we're too winded to keep running. DR. GRIZZLY: Oh? PAPA: I can't figure it out. We should be able to go farther. We've been practicing for nearly two weeks. BROTHER: Hello, Dr. Grizzly. SISTER: Hi, Dr. Grizzly. DR. GRIZZLY: Hello, Brother and Sister. (something falls out of the shopping cart) PAPA: I'll get that. (pants rips) Oops! BROTHER & SISTER: [ laughing ] DR. GRIZZLY: I think I have a pretty good idea why you're running out of steam. Maybe all of you should stop by my clinic for a little professional advice. PAPA: Sure thing, Dr. Grizzly, uh, ha...We'll be there tomorrow afternoon. DR. GRIZZLY: Tomorrow afternoon will be fine. See you then. BROTHER: Maybe she has some kind of high-speed jogging suit for us. SISTER: Or maybe some turbo-powered running shoes. MAMA: You shouldn't get your hopes up for a fancy solution to your problem. PAPA: Come on, Cubs -- we have to get to aisle seven for the Sweetsie-Cola. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ DR. GRIZZLY: Your body is like a train engine. It needs the right kind of fuel to run properly. If you feed your body the wrong type of fuel, it won't run properly -- let me show you. PAPA: A movie, great! Good thing I brought some popcorn. DR. GRIZZLY: This is what your body looks like from the outside, and this is what it looks like on the inside. BROTHER: Wow, it's a horror show. DR. GRIZZLY: Not quite, Brother -- you see, our bodies are made up of various systems that all work together. We have a system of nerves that lets us feel and think; a system that keeps the blood flowing throughout the body; a system of muscles that lets us move and gives us strength; and a system for food digestion that lets us take in nourishment to give us energy and keep all the other systems healthy. SISTER: Is that the system we need to give our bodies fuel? DR. GRIZZLY: Exactly -- now, here are the four main food groups that help fuel your body. BROTHER: Dr. Grizzly, what about sugar-balls? 174

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SISTER: And Choco-Chums? PAPA: And Sweetsie-Cola? DR. GRIZZLY: Sweets and goodies don't give you the kind of nourishment your body needs. SISTER: Are they bad for us? DR. GRIZZLY: Having treats occasionally is fine. If you have too much, they fill you up, and you're not hungry for the healthy foods your body really needs. BROTHER: If we're going to get in shape for the race, we have to start feeding our bodies the right fuel. SISTER: You said it, right, Papa? PAPA: Ahem, oh...Yes, uh... Yes, absolutely. Thanks for your help, Dr. Grizzly. DR. GRIZZLY: You're most welcome. PAPA: Help yourself. DR. GRIZZLY: [ chuckling ] PAPA: Well, Cubs, it's time for us to get our trains back on the track. SISTER: You're right, Papa. Choo-choo! Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga.Choo-choo! PAPA: Woo-woo! Ha-ha, get on board, son. Woo-woo! BROTHER: Uh, ha, I think I'll walk. I need the exercise. Thanks, Dr. Grizzly. See you later. DR. GRIZZLY: Goodbye, Brother. ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ MAMA: [ gasping ] PAPA: Huh? ⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢⟢ MAMA: Yay, you did it! PAPA: Whew! Ohh, it wasn't easy keeping up with the Cubs. [ panting ] BROTHER: You did great, Papa. SISTER: You're as fast as bears half your age. PAPA: Oh, now, I wouldn't say that. But, if I stay in shape and keep exercising, I might be by next year. MAMA: Well, I'm proud of all of you. PAPA: Ah, I have an idea -- let's go home and celebrate by opening up the freezer and-MAMA: Uh-uh-uh, it's far too easy to fall back into the junk food habit. BROTHER: We'll celebrate with carrot sticks. SISTER: And some nuts and raisins. PAPA: Yes. Yes...That's what I was going to say. SISTER: Oh, Papa. ALL: [ laughing ]


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