2nd Summative-Rachel

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Saskia, Camilla and Ariana’s Adventure Around the World By: Alpha-Adventurer 20

I’m learning about waste management strategies... How exciting!

Name: Ariana Vega Age: 8 Fav. Color: Pink Description: Cheerful and Helpful

Finding more about waste management strategies...

Name: Camilla Vega Age: 12 Fav. Color: Green Description: Adventurous and smart Teaching my sisters about waste management strategies, hope they learn a lot!

Name: Saskia Vega Age: 16 Fav. Color: Dark Purple Description: Caring and perfect at everything

An adventure that includes incinerators, recycling, reducing and reusing, dumping, landfills and composting.

“Go to bed girls, it’s a late Friday night.” Mrs. Vega tells her 16 year old daughter Saskia, her 12

year old daughter Camilla and 8 year old daughter Ariana.

“Alright Mom!” The 3 girls yell at the same time. The 3 sisters live in a very nice and luxurious house in L.A. They all share a room, and they each have individual beds, Camilla’s bed is green, Ariana’s is pink, and Saskia’s is purple. Those are their favorite colors. “Where are we?” Ariana asks her older sisters.

Later on, they all go to bed peacefully.

“I think we are in Japan, Ariana.” Camilla answers her. “The people here are wearing the Japanese Kimonos.”

“Look! Over there, a high-technology incinerator! Can you tell me more about it Saskia?” Ariana asks.

“Sure.” Saskia answers. “It effects the communities in a good way, and also in a bad way. The hightechnology incinerator reduces the waste going to the landfill, and the heat that it produces can help us warm our houses in the winter or warms up swimming pools. With the high-technology

incinerator, you can put more trash in it, so it can be burned. It also can reduce the need for landfills, because now, the landfills are filling up. High-technology incinerators can be very clean, by that, it

means that it won’t produce dioxin in the air, that will make birds have a better life, and not have

pollution. Which is a good thing, because dioxin can get into our body and make us and the animals sick. The bad things about it is that it can harm people, it can sometimes cause air pollution and

odor going to the air. It will also take 6 years to build, then it will be very noisy and destructive. It can also cause a lot of smoke, and the smoke can harm the communities living nearby, and the

environment, which is the animals. They already have to cut off a lot of trees, so why do they have to cut more trees just to build the incinerator? Many people want the incinerator to be build, and some of them don’t.

“Wow! I learned so much about incineration, this is very interesting.” Ariana says happily.

“I learn’t some of this in grade 5, but not so much, you still remember a lot from your years in grade 5, Saskia.” Camilla says to her sister proudly. place.

Then there was a peaceful blow from the wind, the sisters found themselves in a different

“Is this the Netherlands?” Ariana asks her sisters.

“I’m pretty sure it is, with the windmills, tulips and houses.” Camilla answers.

“Do you know anything about a waste management strategy here?” Ariana asks. “I kind of forgot about this place, but maybe Camilla knows.” Saskia says.

“Sure, I’ll tell you.” Camilla tells both of her sisters. “In the Netherlands, they recycle a lot, especially

glass. The effect on the communities about recycling are it reduces pollution. If one person recycles, then they might influence other people to recycle too. It also reduces fossil fuels. We also can use fewer amount of landfills, it also reduces global warming. That’s good for the environment and

communities. Recycling also saves habitats and trees for being destroyed. People who recycle can get

money by the weight of the things they recycle. It prevents pollution to the environment, and also to

communities, so they don’t get sick. Some people like plastic recycling entrepreneurs make money out of recycling plastic. The bad effects to the community and the environment are if we don’t recycle,

then some bad things might happen, like the air will be too polluted, and all the landfills will get filled.”

“Wow, again, I sure learn’t a lot from you Camilla, about recycling.” Ariana tells Camilla. With another peaceful blow of the wind, they end up in a different country.

“I think this is Canada, with all the maple leafs growing on the trees.” Camilla tells her sisters.

“Saskia, can you tell me what waste management strategy is used here?” Ariana asks curiously.

“Well, Camilla and I don’t know much, but maybe we can get a few facts down.” Saskia tells her little sister. “In Canada, they reduce and reuse. Some schools use computers more than paper because

they are reducing the use of paper, they also reuse paper if only one side has been used. Schools

also use more white boards, because white boards can’t go away that easily. You can always erase

the words on the board, unless you use permanent marker on the board. If you don’t use so much paper, then you are reducing the trees being cut down. It’s a good thing because animals that are living on the trees won’t have their habitats cut down and broken, and the communities that are living near by don’t have to hear the noise of the trees being cut down.”

“You guys know so much about waste management strategies, maybe I can skip grade 5 because I know these things.” Ariana jokes. again.

The peaceful wind blows again, and Saskia, Camilla and Ariana end up in a different country

“This is Hong Kong, I see tall skyscrapers and a lot of apartments.” Ariana says cheerfully. “Indeed you are right Ariana.” Saskia tells her.

“Can I tell Ariana about the waste management strategy in Hong Kong?” Camilla asks.

“Sure, why not, you can show how much you understood in grade 5 last year.” Saskia explains.

Camilla explains to her little sister Ariana “The most important waste management strategy in Hong Kong is the landfill. In Hong Kong, there are 16 landfills, but 13 of them are filled up, the good thing about that is it can be turned into a park, playground, golf course etc. That makes people and

animals happier. Hong Kong only has 3 landfills in use now, and they will be filled up in the mid 2010s. People in Hong Kong want to extend the landfill, because they can have more space to put trash.

Some people don’t want the landfill to extend because it causes to many sicknesses, more trucks will be added and people living nearby will have to hear more of the noise that the trucks are producing. You may lose your appetite of eating if you live near the landfill. It also harms the

environment, even though it’s better than ocean dumping, dumping is also very bad, it can cause

floods because of the garbage filling up the clogs and it’s smelly, it’s not a good idea to dump. As I was saying, it’s still not necessary to extend the landfill.”

Another peaceful wind blows, and the girls find themselves in Seattle, USA.

“I know what Seattle does.” Ariana says. “They compost.”

“Excellent job Ariana, let me tell you more about it.” Saskia says. “Composting is popular in the U.S. Composting doesn’t harm the environment, instead, it helps plants grow, because it makes a great fertilizer for the environment. It also doesn’t have so many chemicals, and it’s natural. If you

compost, you don’t have to pay, you can also reduce the use of toxin and greenhouse gas. I don’t think composting is that bad, maybe we can compost more at home.”

“You guys sure know a lot about the waste management strategies all around the world, I learn’t a lot from you guys.” Ariana tells Saskia and Camilla.

The last peaceful wind blows, and the 3 sisters find themselves in their beds on a Saturday

morning, just being woken up by their Mom, Mrs. Vega. “Did you have a nice sleep girls?” Mrs. Abbott asks her daughters. “We sure did, Mom.” Saskia, Camilla and Ariana tells Mrs. Vega. “That’s nice girls, I’ll go make breakfast for all of you.” Mrs. Vega tells her 3 daughters as she closes the door of their room.

“I had the weirdest, but nicest dream ever. I went to different places like Japan, the Netherlands,

Canada, Hong Kong and Seattle. I also learn’t the different waste management strategies in each place, and you guys were there too telling me about them.” Ariana says excitedly. “I had the same dream too.” Saskia and Camilla said together.

“Wow, I guess we all have exciting and weird dreams.” Ariana tells her older sisters. “We sure do, Ariana.” Saskia tells her little sister.

“Race you guys to breakfast!” Ariana shouts happily. “Lets tell Mom all about our dream!” Camilla says.

So in the end, the 3 sisters went to breakfast, and told their Mom about the whole thing.

I learn’t a lot about waste management strategies, hope you enjoyed! Hope you enjoyed the story! I loved the dream

That was a awesome dream, maybe we can have the dream again about something else.

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