The Graduate Union November 2024 Newsletter

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Upcoming Events in November and December


5 Tuesday

Melbourne Cup Day, Graduate House Closed

6, 13, 20, 27 Wednesday

Bridge Night, 7:15pm – 9:30pm

All levels of bridge players welcome. Members $2, non-Members $5.

13 Wednesday

November Luncheon, 12:00noon – 2:00pm

With guest speaker Dr Barbara Murray.

08 Friday

Special Espresso Coffee for Residents, 7:30am – 8:30am

Complimentary breakfast beverage for residents at Graduate House.

20 Wednesday

Women’s Forum, 10:00am – 12:00pm

How do we handle the global refugee situation?

29 Friday

End of Year Celebration, 6:30pm – 9:00pm December

04, 11, 18 Wednesday

Bridge Night, 7:15pm – 9:30pm

13 Friday

Special Espresso Coffee for Residents, 7:30am – 8:30am

20 Friday

Last Day that Graduate House is open - excluding accommodationbefore reopening on Monday, 20th January 2025

13th November, Wednesday

Time: 12:00 pm for 12:30 pm start

Online login: 1:10 pm for 1:15 pm start


Dr. Barbara Murray’s journey began in biomedical science, working at the Red Cross Blood Bank and studying at RMIT. After earning a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology in the UK, she returned to Australia to teach Science at St Catherine’s School, where Dr Barbara discovered her dyslexia. She later obtained a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Eighteenth Century European Studies and a PhD from Monash University. Dr. Murray then worked in the Research Office at Monash, blending her interests in science, arts, and culture, while actively participating in theatre, particularly in directing and costuming. In her presentation, Dr. Murray will review the history of Graduate Women Victoria and its alliances, since its founding in 1920.

GRADUATE HOUSE @graduate_house

Prices: Dine in: Member $39, non-member $44

Virtual: Member $10, non-member $15

To Book: Call: 03 9347 3428


RSVP by: Wednesday, 6th November 2024

Guerin, Bella, first woman graduate in Australia UOM Media and publication services

Friday 29 November, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm 220 Leicester St, Carlton, 3053


Gather with fellow memb ers over canap es to celebrate your year with The Graduate Union at Graduate House, accompanied by enter tainment commencing at 8pm.

Dress Code: After five attire

RSVP by Monday, 25th November 2024

FREE for members. You may bring a plus-one for $30pp (payable at time of booking)

Call 03 9347 3428 or email to book

We thank the following organisations and members for booking at Graduate House this September

ASME Victorian Chapter


Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering ATSE

Carlton Rotary

CFMEU Manufacturing Divison

David Jensz

Department of Accounting

Department of Infrastructure Engineering

Faculty of Business and Economics

Faculty of Education

Faculty of MDHS

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

Goethe Institute

Graduate Student Association

Languages and Literacies Education Academic Group, MGSE

Melba Group

Melbourne Dental School

Melbourne Medical School

Melbourne School of Health Sciences

Melbourne School of Professional and Continuing Education

Mental Health First Aid Australia

Michael Quin

Office of the Provost

Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller Incorportated


Parkville Conference of St Vincent de Paul

Per Capita Inc.

Peter Doughty

Peter Mac

PRESTARSS Project Alive National Centre


Research Innovation & Commercialisation

Researcher Developer Unit

School of Agriculture, Food and Exosystem Sciences

Soroptimist International Melbourne Inc

Stroke Association of Victoria

The University of Melbourne

TreeAge Healthcare Training



“It was a fairly easy process to organise my function at Graduate House. Rosie is an absolute pleasure to deal with and kindly conducted a site/room visit to show me room configuration options.”

“Our function space was set up as a 50/50 theatre and cocktail style room, which suited our event perfectly.”

“Our guests throughly enjoyed the food provided and it was more than enough for the number of people in attendance.”

“The staff at Graduate House were very welcoming and helpful at all times, from arrival to departure from the venue.”

Steve Gauci, The University of Melbourne

Graduate Students Association Events

& Graduate House Mid-Year Residents Party

‘Grad Groups Expo’ held by University of Melbourne’s Graduate Students Association

During the month of July, student residents of Graduate House and members of the Graduate Students Association of Melbourne University, celebrated the arrival of the second semester with a banquet of orientation week festivities. Although this article will be published a few months after the fact and the semester is now drawing to a close, it would be remiss not to hallmark this important passage in the academic year.

The University of Melbourne Graduate Student Association (GSA) is the independent representative organisation for all graduate coursework and research students at the University of Melbourne. The association offers academic support and career development alongside being the home of 160 affiliated Grad Groups; each dedicated to various academic, social, cultural and political pursuits.

On a rainy day on the 25th of July, Graduate House was invited to host a marquee at the Grad Groups Expo and gave us the opportunity to meet and talk to students gathered on the lawns of the University of Melbourne 1888 Building on Grattan Street to have any questions answered about our offerings.

For those reading and interested in renting in Melbourne, it may be of interest to peruse the Rental Housing Toolkit developed by GSA, in collaboration with the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Healthy Housing. At the toolkit’s launching night, housing experts gave presentations and heard from a rental rights lawyer from Tenants Victoria.

A digital version of the toolkit is now available on the GSA website. This resource is designed to assist those seeking accommodation in Victoria or managing their current rentals, covering a wide range of common questions that students pose, making it a valuable resource for all current and soon-to-be residents of Graduate House. Not to be forgotten is our equally helpful resource, The Graduate Union Booklet, containing helpful information on Graduate union membership, accommodation and Graduate House services. Read a digital copy here or pick up a paper copy at the Graduate House lobby located before the reception desk.

Graduate Students Association Club Feature: World of Mahjong

Strolling the lawn whereupon the expo was taking place, I was attracted to a stall, brightly bannered with the words, ‘World of Mahjong’. I spoke to the founding members and was delighted to find that the club’s president, Miyuki, is a Graduate House resident.

WoM was founded by four graduate students who met in the ‘Let’s Talk Conversation Club: Jordan, Vaibhav, Farwa and Miyuki. After finding a single mahjong set during a club event, Miyuki and Jordan taught the game to Farwa and Vaibhav. They were so taken by the experience that they decided to start a club dedicated to the game.

Being from different countries and cultures – Farwa from Pakistan and Vaibhav from India – mahjong was new to them as the game is not widely known in South Asia. However, they were interested in how mahjong brings different people together. Moreover, they saw it as a game of sequences and patterns so the game could improve basic analytical skills, making it a diversely beneficial leisure activity. Farwa drafted the constitution and passed it to the rest of the group, which surprised them that their lighthearted fun was being developed into a formal enterprise of sorts. They started publicising the club’s formation with their friends; it was a topic of interest as it was uncommon for non-Chinese people from India and Pakistan to promote Mahjong.

After an organic growth period, prejudices were observed: that it was a game played in the spirit of gambling and that it was strictly played among Chinese people. When the group interacted with more people, they came to know that many people around the world have known this game. One of Farwa’s classmates, who is from New Zealand and belongs to the Maori New Zealand graduate group, shared with the group that her grandmother has a vintage mahjong set made of bones.

Graduate Student Association’s International Fiesta

On the evening of Friday July 26, GSA hosted a vibrant festival showcasing the broad spectrum of cultural attractions that are close to the hearts of many graduate students in Melbourne. Everyone dressed warmly for the weather, with the majority of attendants in head-totoe traditional dress of their culture. Dotted among the

There was a rich array of classical musical, dance and theatre acts featuring folk songs, native instruments, Chinese Opera, Iranian dance and Bharatanatyam.

Furthermore, mahjong is played in different styles across Asia, like Japanese mahjong, Hong Kong mahjong and Singapore mahjong.

In less than a year and purely through word of mouth, WoM is the fastest-growing club of GSA with more than 800 members from all over the world, especially from across Asia. As many international Asian students miss their homes and families, mahjong is an opportunity to rekindle those memories of playing mahjong with their first community. The majority of members come from China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, and Japan.

Upholding ethics of diversity and inclusion has involved collaborations with different cultural and special interests clubs at the University of Melbourne, such as the Japanese Society, Tamil Society, CAFE Club, and Let’s’ Talk Club. In future, the club would like to collaborate in a games event with the African Student Outreach Program (ASOP), to go beyond Asia. These collaborations help in cultural exchange, students can learn about more cultures and make friends outside their communities. Graduate House congratulates Miyuki as a Graduate House resident with a mind for community building and we wish her and the executive committee of the World of Mahjong every success.

Graduate House Mid-Year Residents Party

On the same night as the International Fiesta, Graduate House hosted the mid-year residents party, to inaugurate the new semester with a dinner party before a DJ began drawing residents and guests to the dancefloor, taking song requests and initiating dance circles, accompanied to the classic songs of choreographed sequences such as Nutbush City Limits, Macarena and The Ketchup Song. Next to the dancers, guests captured themselves, costumed, on camera at the photobooth.

Rotary Club of Carlton Changeover Meeting

The 39th Carlton Rotary Changeover meeting was held on 16 July 2024. Members, dignitaries, partners and friends joined in celebrating the Presidency of Professor Milé Terziovski and welcomed new President Áron Perényi. In an idyllic Graduate House dinner scene set to a jazz band comprised of Melbourne University Engineering students, guests reflected on the past Rotary year. The Immediate Past President, Professor Milé Terziovski, provided a report on the 2023/24 year and thanked his board and club members for their service. District Governor Ron Payne inducted new President Dr Áron Perényi who then provided an update of his plans for the upcoming year and introduced his board members. Of course it wouldn’t be a Rotary event without generous fundraising, so club members donated plentifully to the raffle of the night.

Outgoing president, Professor Milé Terziovski was inspired by District Governor Ron Payne to take on the President role when the club dearly needed someone to volunteer as President of the Rotary Club of Carlton.

“Together, we have achieved remarkable results, such as welcoming new members from our new Rotaract Club at the University of Melbourne, who bring fresh energy and ideas, to successfully executing special projects such as the Afghan Project that have left a lasting impact,” Prof Terziovski said.

Briefly, the objective of the Afghan project was to renew dreams for Afghan women and girls through online education in their homes. A group of Afghan schoolgirls in Melbourne, led by Lina, daughter of Carlton Rotary International Portfolio Chair Dr Noor Shah Kamawal, volunteered to establish the Project website where learning materials are now available and being accessed by Afghan students.

The club received a District 9800 Recognition Award for 2024 under the category of International Service for ‘Education for Afghan Girls & Women via an online portal’.

Inevitably, to achieve broad social impact across varied initiatives for the past year and all previous, required resourcing. The club had several sources of revenue: membership fees, BBQs and raffles. However, the club’s “lifeblood” was their book shop at Docklands, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Albert Park.

The Board accepted the Albert Park offer to receive 40% of the net returns from the bookshop. Milé reported that total revenue from the Bookshop up to 22 June was $27,466.

“The credit for this outstanding result is mainly due to the total commitment from Janet Ferguson with support from Past President Ian Ada and other Club volunteers. Janet continues to do an excellent job with book sales. We recently diversified to online book sales with the establishment of our AbeBooks account, thanks to Parisa and husband Mohammad Afshar, supported by Past President Ian Ada and Janet Ferguson.”

The Carlton Rotary Club was also successful with the sponsorship of a new Rotaract Club at the University of Melbourne, inaugurated by traditional Rotaract Charter Lunch Ceremony on Sunday 23 June, also held at Graduate House.

Among several notable achievements, a Rotary Foundation scholarship grant for years 11 and 12 students at Princess Hill Secondary College was secured, to cover the final two years of their secondary education in 2024 and 2025.

“As my term comes to an end, I am filled with optimism for the future of our club. I have no doubt that under the leadership of our incoming President Dr Áron Perényi, the Rotary Club of Carlton will continue to thrive, innovate, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.”

President Áron Perényi’s motto as president is ‘Leading by Service’ and his presidential theme is ‘The Magic of Rotary’.

“I would like to accomplish three things: support, continue and grow our existing projects, such as the book shop with Albert Park Rotary, the Afghani girls’ education project, the emerging mental health and resilience project and Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network, Ronald McDonald House, Probus and many other wonderful initiatives we participate in.”

He will reinforce the efficiency and success of these programs by introducing a new, three tier volunteer to membership transformation model, undertaking a community needs assessment supported by students of Swinburne University and by organising joint networking activities with members of the Rotary Community Group.

September Luncheon with Christopher Lamb

Myanmar, Part Two

For Part One, see the October Newsletter

Politics after 2015

The National League for Democracy became Myanmar’s ruling party after a landslide victory in the 2015 general election. Immediately following their triumph, the NLD and its allies sought to build an atmosphere which would oblige the Tatmadaw to agree to amending the constitution, at least allowing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (cofounder of the NLD) to seek election to the presidency but also to remove entrenched provisions ensuring Tatmadaw’s parliamentary and executive control roles. On March 15, 2016, legislative members elected Htin Kyaw to serve as the country’s new president and he was inaugurated two weeks later. Suu Kyi initially held several ministerial posts in the new government but within a week gave most of them up; she was then named state counselor, a post similar to that of prime minister. In the lead up to the November 2020 elections there was a widespread understanding, despite no reliable polls, that the NLD would lose some seats in ethnic areas and that the NLD would have a reduced majority in the next parliament – but this was not the case.

2020 results

Far from improving its position, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (the ultranationalist, pro-military political party) lost four seats in parliament, the NLD gained four seats and most of the small ethnic parties lost any representation in the Pyitthu Hluttaw (lower house). The Tatmadaw asserted that the election results were fraudulent and that as many as 10.5 million votes were illegitimate. This paralleled similar statements made about the US elections in November 2020 by the unsuccessful candidate, Donald Trump. The Union Elections Commission (UEC) rejected the Tatmadaw’s position. It was in these conditions that the military junta formed in 2021 and asserted its right to set aside the 2020 election results and initiate a new political and electoral process.

Coup D’état

And so the coup d’état in Myanmar began on the morning of 1 February 2021, just before the Parliament of Myanmar was to swear in the members elected in the 2020 election, thereby preventing this from occurring. President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi were detained, along with ministers, their deputies and members of parliament. Acting President of Myanmar Myint Swe proclaimed a year-long state of emergency and declared power had been transferred to Tatmadaw Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Emergency powers

Myanmar is now managed by the State Administrative Council (SAC) and a Cabinet, formed by the Tatmadaw after the takeover. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing as Chair of the SAC as well as Prime Minister and State President can enact as he pleases by using the constitutional escape routes built in by Than Shwe in 2008. Min Aung Hlaing has been unable to create peaceful conditions and his expectation that the public would happily take part in controlled elections in 2023 has not been met. The plan now is that the elections will be held in late 2025 but nobody sees this as likely.

A Failed State

The appearance of the country now is one in which Myanmar is according to most criteria a failed state, and one which the military can control only through sheer force of arms. This is a control which does not extend to anything like the whole country, and even in major cities, acts of insurrection are common. Human rights campaigners, and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, estimate:

• Over 20,000 political prisoners

• Several executions (in a country where the death penalty has hardly ever been carried through)

• Extrajudicial killings by the army and the police are common

• Air force strikes have destroyed villages and their people, including hospitals, schools, markets and homes

• Around 2.6 million people are displaced from their homes by conflict or violence

• 1.4 million refugees in other countries

• 634,000 stateless persons in Myanmar (mainly Rohingya in Rakhine State)

As of 31 July 2024, refugees and asylum seekers have arrived in: Bangladesh (990,000), Malaysia (168,000), India (93,000), Thailand (91,000) and Indonesia (2,900).

A Failed Economy

• GDP has fallen by 20% since the 2021 coup

• Inflation now stands at 30% (Inflation Rate in Australia now stands at 3.80%)

• The Kyat has fallen to 7700 per USD, down from 1350 at the time of the coup

• Maximum daily bank withdrawals permitted are now K.200,000 ($US406)

• Key foreign investors from energy, telecoms, product manufacturing, are pulling out; recently H&M has stopped production, leaving 42,000 workers, mainly women, without their jobs in the garment industry.

Most of this is caused by the inability of the military to govern production or to function in international markets because of a combination of sanctions, incompetence, corruption and a general lack of motivation from the population. The situation will worsen, especially as more countries now realise that sanctions against the military and its cronies are the main strategic option available to other countries.

Eyes on the future

But what of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD? 79 year old beacon of democracy Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been convicted in secret SAC-controlled secret trials of a host of offences and sentenced to a cumulative total of 33 years in prison. It is unlikely that she will be able to return to a strong leadership role, even in the best of circumstances. Besides, the NLD has been officially deregistered by the SAC after refusing to accept the new election rules. Despite this, it remains a political force in the minds of people throughout Myanmar.


Members of the Parliament elected in 2020 have formed the Committee Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) to carry on the functions of a legitimate government. A National Unity Government (NUG) has been formed by CRPH. which functions as a shadow government, with operatives throughout the country and an association with a large group of insurgent entities styled as the People’s Defence Force (PDF).

The NUG has offices in various countries around the world, one being in Canberra. The best known internationally is at the UN in New York where the Ambassador first appointed by Aung San Suu Kyi is recognised by the UN as the Permanent Representative of Myanmar.

NUG and Civil Society

NUG’s ‘shadow’ character makes it difficult for it to have an easy relationship with Myanmar civil society, but through its representation in a number of relevant countries, including Australia, it has many links which will develop into a functioning relationship in the future. The representation with the UN in New York also facilitates links with civil society, either directly or through action with UN offices, specialised agencies and regional organisations.


Numbers are difficult, but the best estimates now available suggest that the various PDF entities, including Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs) have about 65,000 troops, 20% of whom have military-grade weapons. NUG, working with EAOs and their political leaders, are engaged in training and recruitment programs aimed at building a coherent military force capable of negating the power of the established Tatmadaw.

The murderous tactics of the Tatamadaw, especially through air strikes such as the one at Pazigyi Village in Sagaing Region (death toll now likely to exceed 170) have made it less and less likely that the military control can continue without a degree of force which would make the country governable for long.

Civil War

The pace of civil war changed dramatically on October 10, 2023 when the Three Brotherhood Alliance (composed of ethnic armies in Rakhine and Shan States) joined to form a coordinated armed group opposed to the Tatmadaw.

This has led to the collapse of Tatmadaw positions in many parts of the Rakhine, Kachin, Chin and Shan States and weakened the Tatmadaw hold on many other parts of the country. This has also led to reappraisals of the junta’s ability to hold power by significant neighbours, including China, India and Thailand. Many observers now say that Min Aung Hlaing’s days are numbered.

Humanitarian Diplomacy

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies defines humanitarian diplomacy as “persuading decision makers and opinion leaders to act, at all times, in the interests of vulnerable people, and with full respect for fundamental humanitarian principles.” It provides a platform and a voice for all stakeholders, including the most vulnerable. This makes it possible for the Myanmar population, and the diasporas around the world, to put their positions forward to politicians, governments, international organisations and all relevant decision-makers. The tools used for humanitarian diplomacy have enabled Myanmar’s people, against significant competition, to keep the issue alive in the minds of governments to the point that a sanctions régime is in place and Myanmar is a key agenda item in the UN.


• Governments deploying sanctions, including Australia, will do their best to levy them on individuals connected to the coup, maintaining support for the poorest and the most vulnerable and such sectors as health and education.

• Civil Society will grow in strength, everywhere in Myanmar but the scale of civil war makes this a very difficult business – with no alternative.

• Internet usage and variants on AI will help the population maintain good communication and coordination.

Australian sanctions

Australia’s sanctions are autonomous:

• Restrictions on supplying arms or related matériel,

• Restrictions on the provision of certain services,

• Restrictions on providing assets to designated persons or entities,

• Restrictions on dealing with the assets of those persons or entities,

• Travel bans on designated persons.

Ne Win

It’s appropriate to recall at this stage Ne Win’s words in his resignation announcement in 1988, in many respects the beginning of this saga. They contain a wisdom which Min Aung Hlaing has clearly rejected: “some people don’t like the government and the party that led the government”. And he stepped down.

Ways we can help

At the conclusion of the September Luncheon, Peggy Wynn, initiated a conversation with me about her involvement in Myanmar aid projects. She lead the musical fundraising event, ‘Bandaid for Myanmar’ in collaboration with the Karenni Federation of Australia, over two sessions in March and April, with all proceeds going to support victims of the Humanitarian crisis in Myanmar where just under $8000 was donated.

Peggy visited Mae Hong Son and met the young men pictured who lost their limbs during landmine clearance in Karenni. They managed to help two young men, purchasing them an artificial limb each.

An Invitation

Peggy welcomes all friends of Graduate House to take part in the Karenni Federation of Australia’s film fundraising event, ‘Lose and Hope’.

A documentary produced by the brave young revolutionaries of Karenni Art Creation (KAC), this film is a testament to their unwavering struggle against the oppressive Burma (Myanmar) Military dictatorship. Location: Monash University, Building 21, Students Theatre, Willington Rd, Clayton Campus

Date: 17 Nov 2024 (1:00PM start)

Tickets now selling: $30 per person. To book, contact: May Sie (0422 360 825), Beh Kaw (0481 791 944), Richard (0402 850 973)

Genre: MA13+

Duration: 2 hours

Battling Barnacles, Biofouling & Biosecurity

About John A. Lewis, BSc (Hons), MSc, CMarSci, FIMarEST

John grew up in Ballarat and frequented Point Lonsdale on summer camping holidays. Later, as a marine botany undergraduate student, he would go to Point Lonsdale for field trips guided by his lecturer. He completed an Honours and Masters in Marine Botany with a thesis on a Williamstown marine algae initially thought to be a native species but eventually also found in Plymouth. Genetic studies revealed it was a Japanese algae, introduced into Sydney Harbour, first recorded in 1900. In his Master’s degree John studied biofouling – the accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae, or small animals on surfaces such as ship and submarine hulls, devices such as water inlets, pipework and grates.

Biofouling through time

“The marine world of 10,000 years ago was not characterised by ships, barges, docks, floats, and pilings… Most of the invertebrate species typical of the fouling community are never found elsewhere. Most exist only on substrata where tidal exposure does not occur… In the premaritime-human environment, this habitat must have been restricted to natural floating materials, mainly the drift logs, most abundant in bays and estuaries…”

MG Hadfield, Univ. Hawaii, 1999

Early observations about the effects of biofouling on careening vessels

“…it was usual to scrape the weeds, ooze, and filth from the ships’ sides to make them go more easily through the water.” – Plutarch, 1st century AD

Charles Darwin’s 1854 monograph on the Sub-Class Cirripedia (barnacles)… Darwin was so involved with this monograph that it actually slowed his publication of The Origin of Species. After completing four Beagle-related publications, Darwin dissected, classified, and wrote about barnacles on a daily basis from 1846 to 1854, providing a thorough taxonomic study that has remained a standard work in cirripede morphology and systematics. For Darwin personally, the barnacle work perfected his understanding of scientific nomenclature, comprising both theoretical principles and technical facility with the methods of comparative anatomy. It also provided him with an empirical means of testing his views on the species question (Crisp, D.J. 1983.)

The Origin of Invasive Species Management

When the first concerns with invasive species in Australia were made, it was to do with micro algal blooms after a mass death of fish on fish farms, poisoned by a substance produced by a phytoplankton which cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. The phytoplankton promoted the reproduction of the phytoplankton, and the mussels arrived in Australia by ballast water that picked up water in Japan or Asia, brought it to Australian shores and dumped it here where it took off. And this was the birth of invasive species management in Australia. In Port Phillip Bay in the late 1990’s there was a great invasion of the Pacific Sea Star and Japanese Kelp – both making front page headlines in newspapers. At that time, the CSIRO set up the Institute for Introduced Marine Pests in Tasmania and large government committees dedicated to finding best management practices. They did a survey off Port Phillip Bay on how many non-indigenous species were around and found 165. Then they studied how they got here and it was found that biofouling was the primary cause, followed by ballast water, then aquaculture, then intentional introduction, then semi-dry and dry ballast water.

Ballast management

Australia started with requiring ballast water to be exchanged mid ocean which lead to the International Maritime Organisation publishing their own convention. They had two requirements – ships have to undergo offshore exchange and ships must have an offshore treatment system to sterilise the water before it is stored in the ballast of the ship. These systems solve the problem ‘on paper’ but are virtually unreliable because they mechanically break down and the crew aren’t managing them properly – some studies even showing widespread breaches.

To clarify about invasive species… Non-indigenous species are foreign species, while invasive species are non-indigenous and impact the environment negatively. Most non-indigenous species are benign.

Introduced pest animals in Australia

27 Mammals

16 Birds

9 Freshwater Fish

3 Reptiles

1 Amphibian

Majority of invasive species and pests in each country are an outcome of mankind’s actions, such as the introduction of rabbits to Australia thanks to the First Fleet or camels imported from India in the 1840s. Here are the ways in which marine life forms are placed around the world:

Shipping Canals: creating inorganic one track pathways which take species to new oceans

Mariculture Trade: responsible for propagating the Pacific Oyster into British Columbia waters around 1912 from Miyagi Prefecture in Japan. Now, oysters have spread right across Europe to the point where beaches in Norway are covered in their shells. Also, due to being packed in seaweed to keep the oysters moist, means that seaweed can be found all over Europe, too. Oysters may not be invasive or pests yet, but they can carry pathogens.

Aquarium trade: an example being the voluntary implantation of an algae from an Australian’s fish tank into West Lakes, a man made tidal lake, in South Australia – obstructing the water way and increasing its salinity dramatically.

Ships: biofouling, ballast and dry ballast have introduced animals that were not here previously, some like the Pacific Sea Star and the Asian Shore Crab.

But the negative impact of the introduction of species, basically via human activity in commerce, also has its counterpoints in popular discussion. Namely:

• Only a minority of introduced species succeed

• Only a minority of species that succeed go on to cause trouble in their ecosystem

• Are the estimated costs of invasive species trustworthy?

• Are the intellectual sources of our ideals about the balance of nature outdated?

• Are our fears getting in the way of conserving biodiversity and responding to climate change?

• Is the case for keeping out alien species, flawed? These points were raised in the books, ‘Where do camels belong?’ By Ken Thompson and the book ‘The New Wild’ by Fred Pearce.

Congratulations, Graduates

Jihan Salsabila Ubaid

This September, Jihan Salsabila Ubaid, beloved member of Guest Services at Graduate House, graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor of Accounting and Finance. We wish her the very best as she embarks on her Masters Degree in IT with a Major in Cybersecurity.

Jian arrived in Melbourne in 2018 after completing a bachelor of Biomedical Science and a Master of Biomedicine in Malaysia. He returned to Malaysia in 2020, and after a short break, resumed his studies online from Malaysia due to the stringent travel restrictions at the height of the pandemic. He returned to Melbourne in late 2021, under the Victoria’s International Student Arrival program where the government made the flight arrangements.

He checked in to Graduate House which became his “home” away from home for the next two years, while enrolled in PhD studies in Medicine and Health Science at The University of Melbourne.

Jian led a very active lifestyle while living at Graduate House, made many friends and enjoyed the company of the Graduate House residents. This was the period where many places including international borders were starting to re-open and it was an exciting time seeing the vibrancy of Graduate House returning to normal after covid.

Jian became a Duty Resident as well as a member of the committee of The Graduate House Student Group (GHSG) where he was elected as the Sports Coordinator. He organised many activities, among them, Inhouse table tennis competition, movie nights, games night and a bowling session. He also worked casually as a guest services staff for the Meeting events at Graduate House. After completing his studies, he was offered a job in research in Wagga-Wagga and in early 2024, moved to Canberra when another good job opportunity came along.

Jian was in Melbourne in August 2024 to attend his Graduation ceremony. He visited Graduate House along with many family members from Malaysia who also flew into Melbourne to join in his graduation celebrations. Seen here in this photo is Jian and his family enjoying lunch in the Johnston library, hosted by Vicechair of Council, Martin Comte OAM.

Jian said he is very grateful to Martin who has been instrumental in guiding and offering him mentorship throughout his studies.

Tze Jian Chin (Jian)

New initiatives for advancement, philanthropy and bequests

The Graduate Union has enjoyed a long history of philanthropy where many generous bequests have contributed to the improvement and refurbishment of facilities at Graduate House. Some notable bequests include:

• Stella Langford (1970)

• Ian Potter Foundation (1988)

• William Berry and Barabara Funder fund (2010)

• Philip Law (2012)

• T.R.A. Davey (2013) Recent examples include:

• Purchase of the grand piano in 2022

• Pin Design Competition 2024

• Bequest in 2024 from McCredie family in memory of David and Yvonne McCredie for an Australian Indigenous resident scholarship. (The Chairperson of the GU Council is currently working with the McCredie family and the University of Melbourne on how best to implement this bequest.)

A new direction for 2025: Eminent Visiting Scholar Residencies

In 2025, the Graduate Union intends to expand its scholarship program to align closely with the goals of the new Graduate Union Strategic Plan 2024-2026. One of its key goals is advancing the profile of the Graduate Union in the wider university community, enhancing the engagement of our membership and helping to recruit new members to our collegial community. This vision embraces current and future members of the Graduate Union, including current resident members, and is in line with our mission “to support Graduates with a commitment to lifelong education and a passion for the exchange of ideas” as a collegiate environment and community for all post-graduate students. To give effect to this new direction, a principal commitment for 2025 will be the endowment, in conjunction with The University of Melbourne, of one or more Eminent Visiting Scholar Residencies each for a period of approximately one month. The residency will cover accommodation and meals at Graduate House, which after discussion with the chairperson of the Finance and Audit Committee and the General Manager, are estimated at $5000. Individual donations to support these residencies may be spread over a longer period within one year or be repeated across several years.

It is expected that Visiting Scholars will enhance the profile of The Graduate Union, enrich College life, and establish stronger links with The Graduate Union’s broad membership base and the university community. We see this initiative as an important indication of our commitment to advancing scholarly research, enriching the life of the college and reaching out to our members. Nomination of Eminent Visiting Scholars will be decided in discussion with The University of Melbourne which will be the primary sponsor of visiting scholars, thus minimising the administrative load for Graduate House. It is expected that the areas of expertise of visiting scholars will be diverse.

Accordingly, Eminent Visiting Scholars will be invited to meet with donors and hold informal discussions with current residents and members of The Graduate Union. They will be invited to submit an article to a Graduate Union publication. It is important that they present at a function for current and prospective members of The Graduate Union, as well as invited guests.

The Eminent Visiting Scholar program will be the responsibility of The Graduate Union’s Advancement committee, supported by the administration of Graduate House. Procedural arrangements for implementing the Eminent Visiting Scholar Residencies will be ready for 2025.

December 2024 fund raising

The Graduate Union December Appeal in 2024 will have the Visiting Scholar program as one of the key objectives, aiming to kick start the program in 2025 and to ensure that it continues in coming years.

Ongoing philanthropy and bequests

We have a long history of generous and inspiring individuals and families who make significant donations and to The Graduate Union, with some making bequests in their wills. The Graduate Union always respects the wishes of its donors. Sometimes prospective donors may wish to discuss opportunities with the Chair of Council and/or the General Manager about how their donations or bequests can be best targeted to serve the future needs of the Graduate Union. Members are always welcome to speak about these matters to our Chair, Natalie Gray ( or our General Manager, Daniel Clark (

Next year, the Advancement Committee of Council plans to sponsor a meeting with interested members on the topic of bequests and endowments.

A policy framework relating to naming rights and appropriate stewardship of donations and bequests will be undertaken by the Advancement Committee (Chaired by Max Stephens and Martin Comte) in conjunction with the soon to be appointed Advancement Officer.

Cr Max Stephens, Co-Chair of Advancement Committee

Thanks to Rhys Watson, past Chair of the Graduate Council at Graduate House (2014 - 2018) for bringing this story of interest to light:

“A sense of pride in our tradition for many at the Graduate Union during the Grand Final to see the Brisbane Lions (formerly Fitzroy Lions) win the AFL premiership.

Fitzroy was a favourite Club of our foundation Warden Bill Berry in our early years.

Bill Berry and MV Anderson both barracked for Fitzroy Lions and often went to a game together on Saturday afternoon.

The Fitzroy Football Club links to the Melbourne University Reds continues a proud sporting tradition.”

Mr William (Bill) Berry (12/5/1920-2/9/1999), was Secretary of The Graduate Union from 1948 to 1984. One of Bill’s early and prime goals in this position was to form a college where post-graduate scholars could live permanently and close to their university.

Magnus Victor Anderson was a significant and prominent contributor to The Graduate Union. Elected President of the Graduates Section of The University of Melbourne Union, he became thence a founding member of The Graduate Union in 1953.

If you have any stories or would like to respond to anything written in Graduate House publications, please email

Gas Streetlights in Melbourne

In the early days of Melbourne, streets were dark and dangerous. The only lights that enabled you to see your way along the street were the oil lights that publicans were obliged to have outside their hotels.

But in 1857 a major improvement occurred when gaslights were introduced. This transformed town life by making the streets safer to traverse at night.

The gas was produced by burning coal, initially at a gas works on Batman’s Hill in West Melbourne, now Docklands. This was then piped to the light poles in the streets of the town. These new lights were very popular and demand for them increased rapidly.

By 1870 there were 414 gas lights illuminating the streets of Melbourne and what are now its inner suburbs, and three companies supplying gas for street lighting.

By 1900 there were 50 gasworks in Victoria, including 16 in the greater Melbourne area.

One drawback of these gas streetlights was that every one of them had to be lit of an evening by a lamp-lighter, and turned off again the next morning. The city lamplighter often had trouble keeping all the lamps lit because of the unreliable technology and the unpredictable weather.

By the 1880s, however, gas lighting was being out-shone by a new technology – electric street lighting.

In 1883, experimental electric lighting was installed in the Public Library in Melbourne, and in 1888 the Melbourne City Council replaced two gas lamps at a city intersection with electric lights.

From the 1890s onwards, electric street lighting gradually replaced gas, and lamplighters became redundant. In 1912, the Metropolitan Gas Company had employed 132 lamplighters, but by 1933 there was only one left.

As the gas streetlights were replaced by the new electric lights, the old light poles were removed. However, the lower half of the poles were often left in place as they were heavy pieces of cast iron embedded in the asphalt of the footpaths.

Many of these old gaslight bases can still be seen around the streets of Melbourne’s inner suburbs, often mistaken for hitching posts for horses or sewerage vent pipes.

What Graduates were reading in May, 1951

2024 Mid Year Fundraising Appeal

The 2024 Mid-year appeal‘s focus is towards Advancement Support such as:

• Mentoring Program

• Membership Pin Design

• Doctoral Research Series

• Semester 2 Writing Program

• New Flags for the front of Graduate House.

You are also invited to contribute to our ongoing

To donate, please turn this page >>>

• Building Fund (to upkeep Graduate House as we continue to provide high quality affordable college accommodation for graduate students and visiting academics from all over the world).

• 60th Jubilee Appeal (celebrating the opening of Graduate House to provide graduate accommodation).

• 110th Anniversary Appeal (celebrating the founding of our organisation in 1911).

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of The University of Melbourne Inc.

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Telephone: +61 (0)3 9347 3428

Australian Business Number: 55 610 664 963

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