MONTHLY LUNCHEON Graduate House An address to be delivered by
The Hon Dr Kay Patterson Wednesday, 6 April 2011 Noon for 12.30pm 220 Leicester Street Carlton
TOPIC: REPAIRING BODIES. REBUILDING LIVES Dr Patterson was elected to the Australian Senate in 1987. Prior to entering the Senate, she managed a small business before attending university and attaining a PhD in Psychology. She has taught at Sydney and Monash Universities and held senior academic positions including Chairman of the School of Behavioural Sciences at the Lincoln Institute (now at Latrobe University). She was elected to the Senate in 1987 and in Government held a number of executive positions including Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and the Minister for Foreign Affairs. In 2001, she was appointed to Cabinet as Minister for Health and Ageing, and then in October 2003 Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues. She retired from the Cabinet in 2006 and from the Senate in June 2008. She was a member of Monash University Council for twenty years and has been a member of Guides Australia since she was 10. In 2002 she was honoured to be appointed an Honorary Life Member of Guides Victoria. She is Director and Vice-President of Interplast Australia New Zealand, Director of the Brockhoff Foundation and Vice-Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow at Monash University. Admission (pre-paid only): Members $30; Guests $37.50. RSVP Mon 4 April Bookings Essential. For enquiries and to book Telephone Graduate House 03 9347-3428