Braving the Way: 2023 Impact Report

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Braving the Way 2 0 2 3 I M PAC T R E P O R T


Laura Barnes James Brenneman, President, Berkeley School of Theology Josefina Card La Mikia Castillo Linda Dakin-Grimm Marianne Farina, Interim President, Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Stephen Fowl, President and Dean, Church Divinity School of the Pacific William D. Glenn, Board Chair Heidi Hadsell Paul Johnson Yoel Kahn Uriah Y. Kim, President, Graduate Theological Union John Klentos, Faculty Representative Angela Lintz Small, Student Representative

David Matsumoto, President, Institute of Buddhist Studies Adrienne McCormick, Provost, Chief Academic Officer, University of Redlands Tony Millette Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, Dean, Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University Julie Petrini, Board Treasurer Raymond Pickett, Rector, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University Mary Jo Potter, Board Vice Chair LaRae Quy, Board Secretary Katie Rosson Ismael Ruiz Rita Semel, Trustee Emerita Moina Shaiq David Vásquez-Levy, President, Pacific School of Religion

Inside this Report


Brave the Way and Others will Join Many of the world’s religious teachings center around acts of bravery. Across myriad traditions, sacred texts regale us with stories of visionaries who bravely leave the safety and familiarity of their homes and communities to face new challenges, experience eyeopening discoveries, and blaze new trails for others to follow. For more than 60 years, the GTU has carried on those brave traditions venturing into unknown territory to bring forth new, fruitful opportunities for growth—intellectually, spiritually, and through practical action. At the GTU, supporters like you are the ones who drive our courage and desire to take brave risks. The invested GTU community empowers us in undertaking the groundbreaking conversations and innovative initiatives that are occurring in the classroom, at our flagship campus on Holy Hill, and out in the wider world. This impact report highlights some of the many ways that the GTU is venturing into new and unexplored territory, such as: • Transforming our physical spaces to meet the needs of today’s scholars by reimagining our beloved Hewlett Building to optimally serve students and community members • Training the next generation of scholar-leaders, as evidenced by the paradigm-shifting work of our Presidential Scholars, our 2023 Haas Student Grant Recipients, our Interreligious Chaplaincy Program Fellows, and the work of our alums • Committing to investing in bold, innovative endeavors by continuing to grow our rapidly expanding GTUx platform, forging meaningful partnerships with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth Coalition and many others, and offering virtual and onsite forums featuring scholars and luminaries from a wide array of backgrounds, disciplines, and institutions The outcome of all this courageous work is a foundation from which the GTU can continue taking necessary risks in a rapidly changing world with ever-changing religious and spiritual needs. Without supporters like you none of this would happen—infrastructurally, academically, or financially. For your partnership in these brave endeavors, we thank you, and we share these stories of the groundbreaking work made possible through your support.

Uriah Y Kim, PhD President Professor of Biblical Studies PhD, GTU ’04 2 0 2 3 I M PA C T R E P O R T | 1

Creating Spaces for the Needs of Future Scholars SINCE ITS INCEPTION by renowned architect Louis I. Kahn in 1972, the Hewlett Library Building has served as the heart of the GTU, symbolically, intellectually, and physically. The building and its services are central to preparing GTU students to create a transformative impact felt around the world by creating a space in which brave conversations can take place. Thanks to the support of the GTU community, the Hewlett Building has been reimagined as GTU’s centralized hub of creativity, collaboration, and learning, newly transformed to meet the needs of today’s students and operations, while remaining true to Louis Kahn’s original vision for the building.

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WATCH Explore the reimagined Hewlett Building through drone footage captured by the project’s general contractor

LEARN MORE about the newly reimagined Hewlett Building, take a tour, or learn how you can help us sustain this Berkeley landmark for generations to come, please reach out to Hannah Wolf, Manager of Donor Relations, at

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Floor One

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IMPROVED ACCESS TO R A R E B O O KS A N D A R C H I VA L C O L L E C T I O N • The oculus seating area, surrounded by custombuilt, curved library stacks, offers a communal gathering space for discussion, social time, and a feeling of being in the center of it all, while appreciating Stephen De Staebler’s “Winged Figure” statue • New study spaces have been created throughout the floor, such as a set of large 8-seat oak tables that have been moved into the sun and have already become popular for studying and group discussion • The Rare Book and Archives Reading Room offers a secure space for researchers who visit from all over the world to utilize the GTU’s unparalleled rare book and archival collections

Floor Two BR I NGIN G THE GTU COMM U N IT Y UNDER O N E ROOF • The oculus table and seating area mirrors the experience of the first floor, offering communal gathering space at the heart of the Hewlett Building • A large multi-use room with a capacity of 50 has been added to the second floor, introducing a greatly needed flexible space for classes, academic events, and social gatherings • The Doug Adams Gallery has found its new home on the second floor

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Floor Three SH A R ED A ND CO LLA B O RATI V E SPAC E S • In addition to the Richard S. Dinner Board Room, a new dedicated conference and meeting space is adding additional capability for classrooms, meetings, and small events • The third floor is home to efficiently laid-out office space, currently being utilized by the UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy

Leading Brave Conversations Across Differences THANKS TO THE WALTER & ELISE HAAS FUND—

MADRASA-MIDRASHA PROGRAM The Madrasa-Midrasha Program is a collaborative interreligious effort of the Center for Islamic Studies and the Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies. Learn more about a few of the creative and informative Madrasa-Midrasha offerings that are currently available on the GTUx platform: CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP By Carol Bier, Arash Shirinbab, and Peretz Wolf-Prusan Offering Summary: Two calligraphy artists demonstrate the similarities and differences between Hebrew and Persian calligraphy in a program presented by the GTU’s Madrasa-Midrasha program. MYSTICAL READING IN ISLAMIC AND JEWISH TRADITIONS By Fateme Montazeri, Sam Shonkoff

Haas Student Grants offered in 2022-2023. Madrasa-Midrasha public programs offered in 2022-2023.

Offering Summary: Dr. Fateme Montazeri and Dr. Sam Shonkoff discuss the intensity and intimacy of mystical reading in Islamic and Jewish traditions.

MEET THE 2023 HAAS STUDENT GRANT RECIPIENTS The Haas Student Research Grants are grants for GTU students working on interreligious projects related to Judaism and/or Islam. These research projects have been made possible as part of a multi-faceted grant to the GTU, thanks to the Walter & Elise Haas Fund. The 2023-2024 recipients are: AMY SHOEMAKER The Tales We Tell: What Islamic and Jewish Stories Reveal about Our Religions and Ourselves JIBREEL DELGADO Anxieties of Authenticity, Resurgence/Re-Existence, Border Thinking, and Muslim-Jewish Conditions of Modernity KATY DICKINSON The Same and Different: Supporting Muslim and Jewish Inmates

OMAR NAISAN The Anointed One: A Comparative Textual Inquiry of Messianism in the Hebrew Bible and Qur’an ZEINAB VESSAL The Symbolism of Khamsa in Shi’i Tradition MOREY LIPSETT Khamsa and Hamsa: An Inter-Religious Object in Islamic and Jewish Societies CAREY AVERBOOK Menstruation in Judaism and Islam: Feminist and Queer Approaches

Faith traditions have been deliberating and enacting visions of the common good for millennia and continue to hold great cultural and institutional power in the world. Earning my PhD at GTU presents a unique opportunity to leverage religions’ wisdom and influence to help create sustainable societies… –PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLAR WOLF CLIFTON


Wolf Clifton Theology and Ethics


Deborah Jungmi Kang Religion and Practice

Thanks to the support of generous donors, each year the GTU’s Presidential Scholarship Program provides four doctoral students, one from each department, with full tuition for five years. This prestigious scholarship is awarded based on merit by the GTU’s doctoral admissions committee.

Meg Mercury Historical and Cultural Studies of Religion Yusuf Mullick Sacred Texts and Their Interpretation

I had an upbringing in Hindu culture on the bank of the river Godavari. Being a Sai student at Puttaparthi, I practiced the human values ‘help ever, hurt never,’ and that ‘service is the highest spiritual discipline one can partake in.’ I am thankful to accept the MJF fellowship. With a recognized degree from GTU, I would like to offer

MJF Hindu Chaplaincy Fellows in 2022-2023

spiritual care globally. – D R . M A D H U R I V E L A G A L A T H A N KS TO T H E M O T WA N I J A D E J A F O U N D AT I O N —

M E E T T H E 2 0 2 2 -2 3 H I N D U C H A P L A I N C Y F E L LO W S The first of its kind, the GTU’s Interreligious Chaplaincy Program (ICP) equips leaders to practice spiritual care for and with diverse populations, with emphasis on underrepresented communities among institutional chaplains. The ICP is made possible by the Hellman Foundation’s and Taube Family Foundation’s generous support and partnership with the GTU. In 2022 the GTU announced a partnership with the Hindu Spiritual Care Institute to offer student fellowships, thanks to a grant from the Motwani Jadeja Foundation.

The 2022-23 recipients are:

Sanmay Mukhopadhyay

Varsha Kaushal, PhD

Nisha Singh, PhD

Bindu Gupta

Ridhi Khurana

Sudha Ramakrishnan

Madhuri Velagala, PhD

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Courageous Leadership in Action Dr. Lansdowne offers a vision of leadership that envisions creation care and human dignity working hand-in-hand. – U R I A H Y. K I M , G T U P R E S I D E N T

MEET TH E GTU 2 02 3 ALUM O F TH E Y EA R : CARMEN LA NSDOW NE The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne (PhD, 2016) has been selected as GTU’s 2023 Alum of the Year. At the GTU, Rev. Dr. Lansdowne’s scholarly work centered on indigenous epistemologies, delving into Christian missiology. Born in Alert Bay, British Columbia, and a proud member of the Heiltsuk First Nation, Dr. Lansdowne’s journey in theological scholarship has been imbued with a deep commitment to an Indigenous way of being in the world. She recently made history as the United Church of Canada’s 44th Moderator, becoming the first Indigenous woman to hold this position. READ

more about Rev. Dr. Lansdowne’s work, and the GTU’s lasting influence on her career here.

I feel very humbled to be recognized by the GTU in this way. I think my global ecumenical experience and even the experience of having lived, studied, and worked in multiple contexts throughout the US and Canada have all impacted me and guided me to where I am today. I am and will always be concerned with social justice issues. For the past 5 years or so, my work has been around housing justice, including writing on liberation theology, the housing affordability crisis, and releasing my dissertation in book form in the fall of 2024 with Canadian Mennonite University Press. – R E V. D R . C A R M E N L A N S D O W N E

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G T U A L U M B I L L Z A N G E N E H - L E S T E R S P E A K S AT U S D E PA R T M E N T O F E D U C AT I O N C O N F E R E N C E Dr. Bill Zangeneh-Lester (PhD, GTU ’21) recently participated as a featured speaker at a conference hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP), titled “Free to Learn: Inclusion & Accommodations for Students of All Faiths & None.” This first-of-its kind conference, which was hosted by the Department of Education, brought together educators, inclusion professionals, and community stakeholders committed to fostering inclusive learning environments for students of diverse religious and nonreligious backgrounds, from pre-kindergarten through college. During his time at the GTU, Dr. Zangeneh-Lester’s research focused on what this interfaith movement, borne out of community college campuses might look like, culminating in his dissertation entitled, “Strength Overlooked: Toward Anti-Hegemonic Pluralism and a Community College Interfaith Movement.” Dr. Zangeneh-Lester’s work for the last 14 years has focused on teaching community college students—the most diverse higher education institutions in California—educating them about American religious diversity and providing them with opportunities for constructive civic engagement. Currently, he is Professor and Chair of the Department of Humanities and Religious Studies, at American River College (ARC), where he has worked for eight years. READ

My hope is that this movement bridges community college campuses and the diverse communities they serve by creating new opportunities for civic engagement that work toward a more inclusive, more informed, and more just society. If that vision sounds familiar to you, it is because I encountered it at the GTU. –DR. BILL ZANGENEH-LESTER

more about Dr. Zangeneh-Lester’s work here.

We are always delighted to share acknowledgements and celebrations of our alums’ transformative work in the world. If you are an alum and would like to provide updates, please email us at


We know that people are seeking a spiritual connection with others who share their vision for a better world, and the GTU is uniquely poised to offer a pathway for these seekers. – D R . J E N N I F E R W. D AV I D S O N , D E A N A N D V I C E P R E S I D E N T F O R A C A D E M I C A F FA I R S AT T H E G T U




In response to the rapid adoption of new remote learning modalities across the higher education landscape, the GTU is excited to introduce a 100% online Master of Arts degree designed to prepare students to engage the world’s great religions and wisdom traditions in contemporary contexts. This program offers students access to the resources of the GTU without relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area.

In the summer of 2023, GTUx surpassed the 10,000-user threshold and is continuing its rapid pace of growth with new users coming to the platform daily. Introduced in March 2022, GTUx extends GTU’s campus and furthers its mission by serving as a locus of dynamic and digital interreligious learning. Through GTUx, global users can engage with questions of spirituality and religion that are at the nexus of some of the most critical issues of our time.

The tremendous global growth of GTUx in its first year makes it clear that there is a deep desire for the type of exploration of spirituality and religion that the GTU is uniquely positioned to offer. - U R I A H Y. K I M , G T U P R E S I D E N T



Recent highlights include a Certificate of Completion in Ecospirituality with Drs. Rita Sherma and Devin Zuber, the GTUx Original Women’s Bodies and the Sacred, produced in conjunction with the GTU’s Women’s Studies in Religion Program and featuring scholarship from participants such as Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala, Dr. Paula Nesbitt, and PhD candidate Leslie Bowling-Dyer; a lecture series produced in partnership with the Madrasa-Midrasha program, featuring Drs. Fateme Montazeri and Sam Shonkoff; as well as additional content featuring the voices of a wide array of luminaries, including experts from the GTU’s neighboring UC Berkeley, such as Michael Pollan and David Presti.






The platform has published more than 100 offerings, including close collaborations with many GTU faculty, alums, and other community members, as well as partnerships with organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme’s Faith for Earth Coalition, The Nearness, GOOD DOCS, and more.

In 2023, GTUx was named a recipient of the Moving Forward in Mission grant as part of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) Organizational and Educational Models Project. The $25,000 grant, entitled “Designing Your Spiritual Life—A New Program to Engage Today’s Spiritual Seekers,” will support the development of a first-of-its-kind, multi-modal educational experience. Each module will feature a mix of experiential, didactic, reflective, and community-based exercises for scholars to engage.

“I am proud to be an early investor in the future of GTUx, and, by extension, the future trajectory of the GTU. Roger and I are excited to watch the platform continue to grow and reach new audiences around the globe.” –LaRae Quy, Secretary to the GTU Board of Trustees and Chair of the Advancement Committee

Women’s Bodies and the Sacred

Taube Family Series on Jewish Life & Culture, developed in conjunction with the Richard S. Dinner Center


Faith and Sustainable Lifestyles - Part 1


Certificate of Completion in Ecospirituality

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Join Us In Braving The Way G T U ’ S O P E R AT I N G R E V E N U E & E X P E N S E S ( F Y 2 0 2 2 – 2 0 2 3 ) Like many higher education institutions, the GTU is experiencing significant transformations that present both challenges and opportunities. Gifts to the GTU’s Annual Fund and Student Scholarship Fund enable us to continue supporting students, faculty, and other community members in taking forward critical work to build a more just, compassionate, and sustainable future. Take a closer look at our financial landscape:

O P E R AT I N G R E V E N U E F Y 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 REVENUE


Endowment Impact


Consortial Participation


Gifts & Grants










O P E R AT I N G E X P E N S E S F Y 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 EXPENDITURES


General Operations









Scholarships & Financial Aid


Student Services



Institutional Advancement & Community Outreach 8%

80% donor-funded scholarships

Academic Support

20% GTU-funded tuition assistance




In the next three years, our goal is to reduce reliance on endowment spending by 50%, ensuring a secure financial future for the GTU. Help us meet that goal by making a gift to the GTU’s Annual Fund or Scholarship Fund today.

Thank You for Supporting the GTU’s Brave Future 6 0 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y F U N D G I V I N G C I R C L E S The Graduate Theological Union gratefully acknowledges the support and leadership of trustees and friends over the course of our history who have made significant contributions to GTU in honor of our 60th Anniversary.









CLE $10,00 2 CIR 0+







2062 CIRCLE $100,000+


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RCLE $25 ILL C I ,00 YH 0+ L EAL CIRCLE HO S & $6 R 0 NE LE $75, C R I 0 C 0 0

$1 0 ,0 0

Anonymous William D. Glenn and Prescott W. Hafner Harold T. Leach, Jr., and Judy Leach LaRae and Roger Quy Dale R. Walker (Deceased) HOLY HILL CIRCLE Linda Dakin-Grimm and Gary Grimm David and Mary O’Neill Katie Rosson 1962 CIRCLE Adele K. Corvin J.J. Card FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Yoel Kahn Julie Wilson Petrini

SKYLIGHT SOCIETY MEMBERS The GTU’s Skylight Society honors donors who have made a future commitment to us through a bequest or other planned gift. We are deeply grateful to these donors whose legacy will help ensure our mission continues—today and into the future. Membership in the Skylight Society is open to anyone who has or will be providing a planned gift of any amount or type. LEARN MORE Anonymous (6) Dr. Judith A. Berling Mr. Tom Bertelsen Ms. Mary R. Bischoff Ms. Carla De Sola Mrs. Joan Withers Dinner Mr. Lanier Graham and Ms. Gloria K. Smith Mr. Jerry P. Haas Ms. Sheila A. Hard Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Holcomb The Rev. Dr. Alan D. and Mrs. Susan E. Kelchner Mrs. Alison Kling

Mr. Harold T. Leach, Jr. and Mrs. Judy Leach Dr. Karen Lebacqz Drs. Alda M. and Donn F. Morgan Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce The Rev. Dr. Riess Potterveld and Tara Potterveld Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Richards Ms. Penelope T. Schoyer Ms. Rita R. Semel Mr. Dennis P. Stradford Mr. and Mrs. Tad Taube Dr. Terrence W. Tilley Ms. Marisha E. Zeffer

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G I F T S M A D E J U LY 1 , 2 0 2 2 - J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 The work of the Graduate Theological Union’s unique community of scholars, faith leaders, and educators is sustained by the generosity of donors like you. Your gifts make a critical difference, and we are profoundly grateful for your support. THANK YOU!


Dr. Janet K. Ruffing, R.S.M.

Rev. Luke Ssemakula, Ph.D.

The Swig Foundation

Hellman Foundation

Dr. Robert J. and Rev. Charlotte A. Russell

Dr. Harlan D. Stelmach

Dr. and Mrs. Francisco A. Tizon

Stockdale Family Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Loren L. Townsend

Dr. Terrence W. Tilley

Mr. Dale Thomas

UBS Matching Gift Program

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Thornton

The Rev. David Vásquez‑Levy and Karla Suomala

John Templeton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger Quy Taube Philanthropies Mrs. Camilla Miner Smith

GTU would like to express its profound gratitude for the ongoing support from the Hellman Foundation and Taube Philanthropies.

$1,000–$4,999 Anonymous (2) Dr. Elizabeth E. Carr Mr. John B. Casterline La Mikia Castillo Jan Clanton Collins

Dr. Raymond P. Wallace and Ms. Gee Y. Tsou Rachel Wheeler Mrs. Marion D. Wiens The Rev. Robert Wilkins

Mr. Marc Andrew Wallman

$250–$499 Anonymous Ms. Carol Bier

Dr. Jennifer Davidson and Mr. Doug Davidson

Ms. Marisha E. Zeffer


Mr. John R. Camden

Rev. Michael Patrick Ellard

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bertelsen, Jr.

Sephora Markson

Dr. Benina Gould

Dr. Nancy M. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gray

Barbara B. Creed and Christopher D. Creed

Dr. Heidi Hadsell

Mrs. Evelyn Crichton

Ms. Annelie Moxter‑Collie


Ms. Susan Cook Hoganson and Mr. John A. Hoganson

Patricia Deepak

Dr. Paula Nesbitt

Javed Iqbal

Dr. James A. Donahue and Jane Purinton

Sammy A. Rahmatti

Mrs. Adele K. Corvin William D. Glenn and Prescott W. Hafner

Mrs. Elizabeth Janopaul

Dr. Joseph D. Driskill and Dr. Leslie J. Bryant

Rev. Richard L. Smith

Uberoi Foundation for Religious Studies

Rabbi Doug Kahn and Mrs. Ellen Kahn

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Gagos

Mr. Dale Walker

Rabbi Yoel Kahn, Ph.D.

Mr. Jerry P. Haas

Mr. Junghyung Kim, Ph.D.

Ms. Shawna M. Hamilton

The Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes

Dr. Uriah Kim and Ms. Crystal Kim

Jewish Community Relations Council

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Ms. Louise A. LaMothe

Dr. Mark K. Juergensmeyer

Dr. Josefina J. and Mr. Stuart K. Card

Mr. Harold T. Leach, Jr., and Mrs. Judy Leach

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kopf

Mr. R. David Coolidge

Dr. John Lindner

Dr. Henry S. Kuo

Ms. Linda Dakin‑Grimm and Mr. Gary E. Grimm

Ms. Tania J. Lowenthal and Ms. Shelley J. Friedman

Mr. Jeffrey S. Mayer and Ms. Elizabeth Tacy Witter

Mr. Dale Lum

Mr. Joseph Molhoek

Tony Millette

Mr. David D. and Mrs. Mary V. O’Neill

Mrs. Jean Mudge

Drs. Alda M. and Donn F. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peck

Theresa Nelson and Barney Smits

Dr. David J. Ourisman Julie Wilson Petrini

The Rev. Dr. Riess Potterveld and Tara Potterveld

Paul & Grace Patrick Memorial Fund

Ms. Mary Jo Potter

Mr. Tobey H. Roland

Mrs. Miriam J Roland

Paul and Jan Chaffee

Katie Rosson

Dr. and Ms. Charles W. Scriven

Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Sunshine

Mr. Virstan Choy and Ms. Marina Lew

$50,000–$99,999 Motwani Jadeja Foundation Walter & Elise Haas Fund


Timothy Jones

Mr. Erich Gruen

Dr. Ruth E. Krall

Mike and Tina Cairns

Dr. Valerie Miles‑Tribble

Ms. Dianne Shiner Raheem W. Suluki Dr. Timothy H. Wadkins

UP TO $249 Anonymous (3) Mr. Mussa Al‑Bulushi Dr. Dilip Amin Dr. Douglas Firth Anderson Mr. Robert B. Anderson Wilfredo Benitez Dr. Judith A. Berling Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Bingaman Betsy Brenneman The Rev. Dr. James Brenneman Rev. James T. Bretzke, SJ Yvonne S. Byron Ms. Joan Carter

Mr. Blaise Cirelli Dr. Linda L. Clader and Mr. Robert N. Ristad

Mr. Kurt A. Kirchoff and Mrs. Helen K. Swearingen

Drs. Judith B. and Jay T. Rock

Sabrina Klein

Dr. Holmes Rolston, III

Ms. Patricia A. Cosgrove

Mrs. Diane D. Kortan

Rev. Dr. K. Mooney Cox and Capt. John Cox

Dr. Virginia W. Landgraf

Dr. and Mrs. James D. Daugherty

Dr. William R. Large and Ms. Susan R. Newell

Carla De Sola

Dr. Karen Lebacqz

Ravi Deepak

Dr. Bruce H. Lescher and Ms.

Dr. Laura M. Dunn

Clare Ronzani

Dr. Mark Duntley and Rev. Melinda Smith

Diane and Ray Lewis

The Rev. Gary E. E Berg

Mrs. Mary‑Carlton Lull

Dr. and Mrs. Eldon G. Ernst

Rev. John H. Martin, O.P.

Sr. Marianne Farina, CSC

Dr. Marilyn L. Matevia

Dr. Kathleen R. Fischer and Dr.

Dr. Mary E. McGann, RSCJ

Thomas N. Hart

Dr. Margaret R. McLean

Mr. Mark D. Fischer

Marilyn McNaughton

Mr. Wilmer Fong

Mark Menegatti

Júlia Fontanilla

Rev. Eric Metoyer

Rev. Dr. Charles S. Foss

Rev. Dr. Michael J. Miller

Dr. Nancy Frankenberry

Dr. Cynthia Moe‑Lobeda

Mr. and Mrs. Ben M. Fujita

Ms. Sarah H. Mohr

Ms. Filomena S. Giese

Maria Mortati

Ms. Elizabeth S. Gordon

The Rev. Joe G. Mueller, S.J.

Dr. Yudit K. Greenberg Victor Haburchak, MDiv, PhD

Rev. Viji Nakka‑Cammauf and Mr. Scott Cammauf

Dr. Iftekhar Hai

Brian Nowell

Michael Hallé

Dr. Linda E. Olds

Debra Harlich

Ms. Yeara V. Park

Estie and Mark Hudes

Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce

Dr. Mary Hunt

Mr. Howie Pearson

The Rev. Dr. Thomas J Lindell

and Rev. Dr. Diann Neu

Bobby and Diane Pena

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Isaacson

Dr. Elizabeth S. Peña

Mr. Wilson Jackson

Mrs. Elaine Perkins

Mr. Keith Johnston

Susan S. Phillips

Dr. Kristin J. Johnston Largen and

The Rev. Raymond Pickett

Mr. John Largen

The Rev. Nathaniel W. Pierce

Dr. Robert V. Jones

Peggy Pizzo

Mr. Frederick J. Josties

Rev. Damon Anthony Powell

Ms. Sally J. Juarez

Ms. Hanitra N. Ralaiarisedy

Dr. and Mrs. Everett R. Kalin

Ms. Hope Raymond

Dr. Judith W. Kay

Fr. Christopher D. Renz, O.P.

The Rev. Dr. Alan D. and Mrs. Susan E. Kelchner

The Very Rev. Mark Richardson and Brenda Richardson

Julius M. Rogina Ph.D Polly Rosenthal Bishop Roy I. Sano Dr. Carroll Saussy and Mr. Frank Molony Mr. Jack Sawyer Dr. Schmalenberger Loren Scribner Dr. Naomi S. Seidman Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Sharp Christine C. Smith State Street Bank and Trust Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Sullivan Dr. Sandra Jeanne Sullivan‑Dunbar Richard J. Sweeney, Ph.D. Daniel Taylor Mr. Homer Teng Naomi Teplow Dr. Thomas Turley Matt Vieyra Dr. and Mrs. Herman C. Waetjen Dr. Randi J. and Mr. Jerry Walker Dr. Margo Elizabeth Wesley Dr. David L. Wheeler Dr. Nancy S. Wiens Ms. Ann Willard and Mr. Bruce Willard Cynthia Winton‑Henry Nancy Woo Mr. Gerald Yanowitz

TRIBUTE GIFTS In Honor Of Justice and Legacy Castillo La Mikia Castillo William Glenn Mrs. Adele K. Corvin Patricia Christen Munir Jiwa Ms. Carol Bier Bruce Jones (PhD, ’72) Timothy Jones Uriah Kim Rabbi Stephen S. Pearce Luba and Arie Kornberg Dr. Yudit K. Greenberg Sara D. Lipscomb Ms. Louise A LaMothe Braden Molhoek Mr. Joseph Molhoek Robert Russell Ms. Susan Cook Hoganson and Mr. John A Hoganson Mrs. Carolyn Houghton

In Memory Of James Chrichton Mrs. Evelyn Crichton Robert Collie (ThD., ’70) Ms. Annelie Moxter-Collie Timothy F. Lull Mrs. Mary-Carlton Lull Betty Over; Fr. Michael J. Buckley, S.J.; and Judge John T. Noonan Dr. Elizabeth E. Carr Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Schmalenberger Dr. Schmalenberger

Dr. Jane M. Yett Thomas Yount Devin P. Zuber Ph.D.

Visit today to show your support.

ABOUT THE GTU Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) is a world leader in the study of religion and theology, as well as a vibrant home for spiritual exploration through online learning opportunities with global reach. Through rigorous academic research and active interreligious dialogue, the GTU’s centers of study and wider consortium offer programs that lead to groundbreaking scholarship, with alums who become thought leaders in their fields. The GTU offers innovative approaches to advanced study, driven by our core commitment to furthering the causes of ethical leadership, social justice, sustainability, and spiritual care to create more just and peaceful communities worldwide.

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