Newspaper - 1. Issue - Nr. 01/2008 (ENGLISH)

Page 1

Umrechnungstabellen / Conversion Table


Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2


" Wörterbuch / Vocabulary

Basic Words = Grundlegende Wörter

Shopping/Dining = Einkaufen/Essen

Yes = Ja No = Nein Thank you = Danke Thank you very much = Vielen Dank You‘re welcome = Bitte schön Please = Bitte Excuse me = Entschuldigen Sie Hello = Guten Tag Goodbye = Auf Wiedersehen So long = Tschüß Good morning = Guten Morgen Good afternoon = Guten Tag Good evening = Guten Abend Good night = Gute Nacht

How much does this cost? = Wieviel kostet das? What is this? = Was ist das? I‘ll buy it. = Ich nehme es. I would like to buy ... = Ich möchte ... kaufen. Do you have ... = Haben Sie ... Do you accept credit cards? = Akzeptieren Sie Kreditkarten? Nehmen Sie Kreditkarten? Open = Auf, offen Closed = geschlossen Postcard = die Postkarte Stamps = die Briefmarke, Briefmarken A little = Wenig, ein bißchen A lot = Sehr viel All = Alles (6588 bytes)

I = Ich We = Wir You (singular, familiar) = Du You (singular, formal) = Sie You (plural) = ihr They = sie What is your name? = Wie heißen Sie? Nice to meet you. = Sehr erfreut. Freut mich (, Sie kennen zu lernen.) How are you? = Wie geht‘s? Good = Gut Bad = Schlecht So so = Es geht. Wife = die Frau Husband = der Mann Daughter = die Tochter Son = der Sohn Mother = die Mutter Father = der Vater Friend = Freund (m) Freundin (f) Where is the bathroom? / Where is the toilet? = Wo ist die Toilette? Numbers = Zahlen zero = Null one = Eins (ein,eine) two = Zwei three = Drei four = Vier five = Fünf six = Sechs seven = Sieben eight = Acht nine = Neun ten = Zehn eleven = Elf twelve = Zwölf thirteen = Dreizehn fourteen = Vierzehn fifteen = Fünfzehn sixteen = Sechzehn seventeen = Siebzehn eighteen = Achtzehn nineteen = Neunzehn twenty = Zwanzig twenty one = Einundzwanzig

Breakfast = das Frühstück Lunch = das Mittagessen Dinner = das Abendessen Vegetarian = vegetarisch Kosher = koscher Cheers! = Prost! Please bring the bill. = Die Rechnung, bitte. Zahlen, bitte. Bread = das Brot Beverage = das Getränk Coffee = der Kaffee Tea = der Tee Juice = der Saft Water = das Wasser Beer = das Bier Wine = der Wein Salt = das Salz Pepper = der Pfeffer Meat = das Fleisch Beef = das Rindfleisch Pork = das Schweinefleisch Fish = der Fisch Poultry = das Geflügel Vegetable = das Gemüse Fruit = die Frucht, das Obst Potato = die Kartoffel Salad = der Salat Dessert = der Nachtisch, das Dessert Ice cream = das Speiseeis, das Eis, die Glace

Time and Dates = Zeiten und Daten What time is it? = Wie spät ist es? 7:13, Seven thirteen = 7.13, dreizehn nach sieben 3:15, Three fifteen = 3.15, drei Uhr fünfzehn, fünfzehn nach drei 3:15, A quarter past three = 3.15, viertel nach drei, viertel vier (Southern Germany) 11:30, Eleven thirty = 11.30, elf Uhr dreißig, Dreißig nach elf 11:30, Half past eleven = 11.30, halb zwölf 1:45, One forty-five = 1.45, ein Uhr fünfundvierzig, fünfundvierzig nach eins 1:45, A quarter till two = 1.45, viertel vor zwei, dreiviertel zwei

Travel = Reise

Day = der Tag Week = die Woche Month = der Monat Year = das Jahr

Where is ...? = Wo ist ...? How much is the fare? = Wieviel kostet die Fahrkarte? Ticket = die Fahrkarte One ticket to ..., please. = Eine Fahrkarte nach ..., Where are you going? = Wohin gehen Sie? Where do you live? = Wo wohnen Sie?

Monday = Montag Tuesday = Dienstag Wednesday = Mittwoch Thursday = Donnerstag Friday = Freitag Saturday = Samstag Sunday = Sonntag

Train = die Bahn, der Zug Bus = der Bus Subway, Underground = die U-Bahn Airport = der Flughafen Train station = der Bahnhof Bus station = der Busbahnhof Subway station, Underground station = der U-Bahnhof Departure = die Abfahrt Arrival = die Ankunft Car rental agency = Autovermietung Parking = Parken

January = Januar February = Februar March = März April = April May = Mai June = Juni July = Juli August = August September = September October = Oktober November = November December = Dezember Spring = der Frühling Summer = der Sommer Fall, Autumn = der Herbst Winter = der Winter Today = heute Yesterday = gestern Tomorrow = morgen


Beauty Salon

2 94 8


Facials Relates to finger nail Chiropody Waxing Permanent Make-up Healthmassage Body Treatments Manicure

eRegional Gmbh cross-media

I do not understand = Ich verstehe nicht How do you say this in [English]? = Wie heißt das auf [Deutsch]? Do you speak ... = Sprechen Sie ... English = Englisch French = Französisch German = Deutsch Spanish = Spanisch Chinese = Chinesisch

Places = Orte Post office = die Post Museum = das Museum Bank = die Bank Police station = Polizeiwache, Polizeirevier Hospital = das Krankenhaus Pharmacy, Chemists = die Apotheke Store, Shop = das Geschäft Restaurant = Gaststätte, das Restaurant School = die Schule Church = die Kirche Restrooms = das WC, die Toilette Street = die Straße Square = der Platz Mountain = der Berg Hill = der Hügel Valley = das Tal Ocean = der Ozean Lake = der See River = der Fluß Swimming Pool = das Schwimmbad Tower = der Turm Bridge = die Brücke


Theodora´s Beauty Salon Pressather Straße 2 92655 Grafenwöhr Phone 0 96 41 / 92 94 89 opening hours Mo.-Fr. 9.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 18.00 hrs or by scheduled appointments


Zoll / Millimeter

Temperatur Bezeichnung der Einheit

USA USA Herren Damen

absoluter Nullpunkt

Gefrierpunkt des Wassers

Siedepunkt des Wassers

D / EU























1 inch (in.)

= 2,54 cm

1 cm

= 0,3937 in.





1 mil = 1/1000 in.

= 2,54*10-3 cm

1 mm

= 39,37 mil



1 foot (ft.) = 12 in.

= 30,48 cm

1 cm

= 0,0328 ft.





1 Yard = 3 ft.

= 91,44 cm


= 1,0936 yd.



1 rod (rd.) = 5,5 yd. = 5,0292 m


= 0,1988 rd.





1 mile (statute)

= 1,60934 km

1 km

= 0,6214 mile (st.)



1 mile (nautical)

= 1,853 km

1 km

= 0,54 mile (naut.)







10 ½





1 grain (gr.)

= 0,0648 g


= 15,432 gr.



11 ½

1 dram (dr.)

= 1,7718 g


= 0,56439 dr.





1 ounce (oz.)

= 28,35 g


= 0,0353 oz.



10 ½

12 ½

1 pound (lb).-mass

= 0,45359 kg

1 kg

= 2,205 lb.-mass





1 slug

= 14,594 kg

1 kg

= 0,0685 slug



11 ½

13 ½

1 ton (short)

= 907,185 kg

1 to

= 1,102 ton short





1 ton (long)

= 1,01605 to

1 to

= 0,984 ton long

Kelvin (abs. Temperatur)

















0,397 mm


0,794 mm


1,587 mm


3,175 mm


6,350 mm


9,525 mm


12,700 mm


15,875 mm


19,050 mm


22,225 mm


25,400 mm

1 1/4“

31,750 mm

1 1/2“

38,100 mm

1 3/4“

44,450 mm


50,800 mm

2 1/4“

57,150 mm

2 1/2“

63,500 mm

2 3/4“

69,850 mm


76,200 mm

3 1/4“

82,550 mm

3 1/2“

88,900 mm

3 3/4“

95,250 mm


101,60 mm

4 1/4“

107,95 mm

4 1/2“

114,30 mm

1 cm²

= 0,1550

4 3/4“

120,65 mm

1 sq.ft. = 144 in.²

= 0,0929 m²

1 m²

= 10,7639 sq.ft.


127,00 mm

1 sq.yd. = 9 ft.²

= 0,8361 m²

1 m²

= 1,19599 sq.yd.


152,40 mm

1 sq.rd.

= 25,293 m²

1 m²

= 0,0395 sq.rd.


177,80 mm

1 acre (A) = 4840 sq.yd.

= 0,404687 ha

1 a = 0,0247 acre

= 119,6 sq.yd.


203,20 mm

1 sq.mile

= 2,58999 km²

1 km²

= 0,387 sq.mile


228,60 mm

1 barn

= 1*10


254,00 mm



Deutsche Feiertage

Volumen 1 cubic in. (

= 16,387 cm³

1 cm³

= 0,061023

1 cu.ft. = 1728

= 0,02832 m³

1 m³

= 35,3156 cu.ft.

1 cu.yd.

= 0,76456 m³

1 m³

= 1,3079 cu.yd

1 register ton

= 2,8317 m³

1 m³

= 0,3531 reg.ton

31. Oktober Reformationstag Reformation Day 1. November Allerheiligen All Saints

Amerikanische Feiertage

Fuss / sec

Meilen / h

km / h

Zoll / min

cm / min


Meter / sec







Fuss / sec







Meilen / h







km / h







+++ Call: 0171 999 05 11 +++

Zoll / min







cm / min







Seemeilen / h






3090 - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!


= 6,4516 cm²

m / sec

Office hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. / Sat 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

mm - Metrisch

1 square in. (

Umrechnungstabelle Geschwindigkeit


Zweiter Montag im Oktober Columbus Day 11. November Veterans Day Veteranentag Vierter Donnerstag im November Thanksgiving Day Erntedankfest


Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2


Upcoming Events 12:30 - 17:30 hrs: Open stores on Sunday in 92339 Beilngries, city center.

(no time specified) Oktoberfest in 80336 München. It‘s time again for the most famous Volksfest in the world! Of course they have an English homepage too ;-D

13:00 - 18:00 hrs: Wedding Fair in 91257 Pegnitz, Christian-Sammet-Halle 13:00 - 18:00 hrs: Open Stores on Sunday in 90762 Fürth, city center.

Fri. - Sun., 03 - 05 October: 08:00 - 20:00 hrs: Philatelists Day 2008 in 92637 Weiden, at the Max-Reger-Halle / city center / dispatch center (Versandzentrum) of the German Post Philatelie in Brandweiher (subdivision of Weiden, along B470). Various activities are planned: Covering the historic city hall in stamps, rides in historic post vehicles, and open doors at the dispatch center.

11 + 12 October: 10:00 hrs: Pottery Market (“Töpfermarkt“) in 90403 Nürnberger, Jakobsplatz. Artisans will offer beautiful handmade pottery and other necessities at this lovely market. 11 - 25 October:

10:00 - 16:00 hrs: Experience Your Senses in 91275 Auerbach, at the „Sinnespark“ behind the Stadtweiher (city pond). Here you have the great opportunity to sense, feel, smell, experience natural surfaces again. More such events, organized by the Federal „BayernTour Natur“, on their German Homepage (no time specified) Fresh fish market in 91541 Rothenburg, at the Schrannenplatz.

(no time specified) Herbst-Markt (Street Market) in 96047 Bamberg, at the Maximiliansplatz Sun., 12 October: 13:00 - 18:00 hrs: Open Stores on Sunday in 90762 Fürth, city center.

03 - 15 October:

18:00 hrs: Candle and Torchlight Procession in 92345 Dietfurt. This candle and torchlight procession will go from the Stadtpfarrkirche (church) to the „Mariengrotte“ cave on the Kreuzberg hill, and return to the church after a small sermon. More infos at ph 08464-226.

Michaelis-Kirchweih (Religious Fest) in 90762 Fürth, city center. Highlight is the Franconian „Erntedank“ (Thanksgiving) parade on Sun., 12 Oct (no time or location specified). Sat., 04 October:

17 - 26 October:

19:00 hrs: A Night at the Residence in 97070 Würzburg. Concerts, dance performances, guided tours of the Residence (link in EN), and a delicious buffet make a great evening in the splendid place. Information: Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung, Residenzplatz 2, ph 0931-355-170.

(no time specified) „Fisch-Tage“ in 90402 Nürnberg, at the Jakobsplatz / Insel Schütt It‘s almost as if you‘re at the coast during these „fish days“: fresh water and salt water fish are for sale, local restaurants offer delicious fish menus, you can enjoy lots of musical entertainment, and of course the famous „Marktschreier“ (market criers) will be there too! The market criers are a travelling guild, selling the freshest of fish and produce by trying to „out-cry“ their fellow vendors to attract more customers - all in good fun, of course!

Sun., 05 October: „Erntedank“ Fest (Thanksgiving) in 92363 Breitenbrunn. Program: 09:45 hrs: Parade from the Marktplatz to the church 10:00 hrs: Festive church service at the „Pfarrkirche“ 13:00 hrs: Parade through the town center

Sun., 19 October:

10:30 - 18:00 hrs: Michaeli-Markt (Street Market) in 92637 Weiden, historic city center.

13:00 - 17:00 hrs: Open Stores on Sunday in 92334 Berching, town center.

12:00 - 17:00 hrs: Open stores on Sunday in 92224 Amberg, historic city center.

13:00 - 18:00 hrs: „Erlanger Herbst“ - street market and open stores on Sunday in 91054 Erlangen, city


Flea Markets

Always held at the weekends unless otherwise listed. Zip codes are included to make easier the use of an online routing planner.

Sat., 04 October: 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 92637 Weiden, Volksfestplatz, Leuchtenberger Straße.

11 + 12 October:

07:00 - 16:00 hrs: Franconia‘s oldest antiques and flea market in 91054 Erlangen, at the Bohlenplatz. More details online in German or ph 091959222-572. The Bohlenplatz is a small park in Erlangen‘s city center and can easily be accessed via Obere and Untere Karlstraße.

in 92655 Grafenwöhr. in 97340 Marktbreit. Start point is the “Lagerhaus” (warehouse) 25 + 26 October: in 92286 Rieden.

center. Local stores will present the latest fashion trends and offer special sales, while the local gastronomy will offer many culinary delights. (no time specified) Apple Market in 90762 Fürth, Stadtpark. Local farmers, tradesmen and societies have their stalls aligned to the left and right along the way between the fountains and the former gardener‘s shed. You will find delicious fresh apples on sale and plenty of interesting information concerning these fruits. (no time specified) Environmental Day and Fresh Fruit Market in 92345 Dietfurt, city center. (no time specified) “Herbstmarkt“ (Autumn Market) and Open-Air Concert in 97332 Volkach. Parade through the town with a large number of bands, the Volkach town councillors, and 2 Wine Princesses. Open stores on Sunday and flea market at the Weinfestplatz. (no time specified) Open Stores on Sunday in 97318 Kitzingen. After the traditional “Kirchweih” parade, the local shops in Kitzingen invite for a nice shopping stroll. 22 - 26 October: (no time specified) Herbst-Markt (Street Market) in 97421 Schweinfurt, Roßbrunnstraße, Messeplatz at the Theater. The vendors will offer a large variety of household wares, kitchen utensils, clothes, knickknacks, - and good food, of course! Sat., 25 October: 09:00 hrs: Fresh fish sales in 92256 Hahnbach, at the „Fischerhütte“ (angler‘s hut) 14:30 hrs: Halloween Party in 92249 Vilseck, at the „FV Sportheim“, organized by the Pferdefreunde Vilseck. 16:00 hrs: Visit to the Schnaps Distillery in Elbart (part of 92271 Freihung), Im Dorf 15 Visit the Schnaps distillery Preuß and find out about the history and the distilling of Schnaps made from locally grown fruits. With sampling after the tour. Participants should speak German and need to register with the AOVE, ph 09664-952-467, Fee: 3 Euros pp

Sun., 05 October: 13:00 - 17:00 hrs: in Raigering just outside of 92224 Amberg, car park at the “Sterk” brewery Sat. 11 October: 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung („Am Langen Steg“ subdivision, near hospital) 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 95643 Tirschenreuth, Festplatz 09:00 - 14:00 hrs: in Raigering just outside of 92224 Amberg, car park at the “Sterk” brewery

08:00 hrs: in 91054 Erlangen, large “Innenstadt“ car park, Parkplatzstraße 12 + 26 October: 08:00 - 16:00 hrs: in 92339 Beilngries. Info available at ph 09181-45243. Sat., 18 October: 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 92637 Weiden, at the Spielvereinigung („Am Langen Steg“ subdivision, near hospital) 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 92224 Amberg, Dultplatz, Bruno-Hofer-Straße. Sun., 19 October: 12:00 - 18:00 hrs: Franconia‘s oldest antiques and flea market in 91054 Erlangen, at the Bohlenplatz. More details online in German or ph 09195-9222-572. The Bohlenplatz is a small park in Erlangen‘s city center and can easily be accessed via Obere and Untere Karlstraße. Thu., 23 October:

Autohaus Pressath

09:00 - 15:00 hrs: in 91052 Erlangen, Rathausplatz, HeinrichLades-Halle. Admission: 1 Euro, children under 14 are free. Sat., 25 October: 06:00 - 14:00 hrs: in 92637 Weiden, Volksfestplatz, Leuchtenberger Straße.

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(no time specified) Jazz Festival in 97080 Würzburg, Petrinistraße, Felix-Fechenbach-Haus (community house in the Grombühl subdivision). Since 1984, the Jazzinitiative Würzburg holds a yearly jazz festival in the autumn, presenting contemporary jazz from local musicians and internation artists alike. Click here for the program as PDF. Tickets are on sale starting the end of September with the Tourist-Information Würzburg, ph 0931-372-398, and at the book shop „Neuer Weg“, Sanderstraße 23-25. 25 – 27 October: (no time specified) Kirwa (Traditional Religious Fest) in 92249 Vilseck, at the Burg Dagestein (fortress). Saturday: Erecting the Kirchweih Tree (pole). Dance at the Kirwa-Stodl at 20:00 hrs. Sunday: Dancing around the Kirchweih Pole in the afternoon. Dance at the Kirwa-Stodl at 20:00 hrs. Monday: Dance at the Kirwa-Stodl at 20:00 hrs. 25 Oct. - 02 November: 09:00 - 18:00 hrs: „Consumenta“ Consumer Fair in 90471 Nürnberg, Messehallen. The popular consumer fair (link in German) will offer again the latest tools, gadgets, and necessities that make our lives easier. Alongside, the exhibition Faszination Pferd (from 30 Oct. - 04 Nov.) will delight the hearts of all horse lovers. Admission: Euro 10.- per adult. Reduced (for pensioners, handicapped): Euro 8.-. Students 15 and older: Euro 8.-. Chhildren 6-14 years: Euro 6.50. Family ticket: Euro 22.- (2 adults and max. 3 kids unter 16) 25 Oct. – 09 November: (no time specified) „Allerheiligenmesse“ (Street Market) in 97070 Würzburg, at the market square (Marktplatz). The traditional autumnal vendors market in Würzburg. Sun., 26 October: 10:00 - 18:00 hrs: Herbst-Markt (Street Market) and Open Stores on Sunday in 91257 Pegnitz, town center. 13:00 - 18:00 hrs: Open Stores on Sunday („Mantelsonntag“) in 97421 Schweinfurt, all over the city center and the Hafen. Over 200 shops will participa-

Sun., 26 October:

Sat., 08 November: 07:00 - 16:00 hrs: Franconia‘s oldest antiques and flea market in 91054 Erlangen, at the Bohlenplatz. More details online in German or ph 09195-9222-572. The Bohlenplatz is a small park in Erlangen‘s city center and can easily be accessed via Obere and Untere Karlstraße.

Daily at 13:00 hrs: Walking Tours of Nürnberg in EnglishNuremberg was once an imperial residence, powerful free imperial city and international trading center. The prosperous city provided the ideal basis for an active cultural and intellectual life and the arts: Even today numerous buildings, monuments and artworks still reflect its former importance. The guided tour through the Old Town offers information and insights on the castle, the fountains and wells, churches and art as well as the city itself past and present. Meeting point: Tourist Office at the Main Market Square (Hauptmarkt). Duration: approx. 2 ½ hrs. Price: Euro 9.per person, plus price of admission to castle (Euro 2.- pp). Children under 14 free in the company of their parents. Daily at 14:00 hrs: Guided Tour of 91541 Rothenburg in English, of the most important sights in the historical district Meeting point: Market Square. Duration: ca. 90 minutes. Fee: 6.- Euro per person, payable cash to the tour guide Daily until 15 Oct.: Balloon Ride in 91541 Rothenburg - Detwang, Tauberwiesen. The balloons start daily at 07:30 (end: 18:00 hrs) when the weather is good. Daily at 17:00 hrs: Ghost Tour of 91541 Rothenburg, in English with the „executioner“ Not for children under 12. Meeting point is at the Market Square, fees are 5.- Euro per person. Duration: ca. 45 minutes. Every Wed. and Sat. 13:30 hrs: Guided Tour of Regensburg, „Experience a Historic City“ In the course of this individually accented tour you get to know the Old City, with its patrician towered houses, the cathedral, the Old City Hall (all from the outside), the Stone Bridge and the Porta Praetoria. Our well-versed guides will be glad to answer any special questions you have, based on your own personal interests. Fees: Adults Euro 8.- , Reduced Euro 5.- , Families Euro 12.- . Duration: 1.5 hours. Meeting point: Tourist-Information - Altes Rathaus, Rathausplatz, 93047 Regensburg, ph. 0941-507-4410 Every Friday 19:00 hrs: The Nuremberg Nightwatch Tour - in English! - with the nightwatchwoman. Re-live history through original, funny and exciting stories with the historian Dr. Ute Jaeger aka the nightwatchwoman. Discover the traditional parts of Nürnberg and enjoy its most beautiful sights! Meeting Point is the fountain „Schöner Brunnen“, Am Hauptmarkt, 90403 Nürnberg (in the pedestrian zone). Fees are 9 Euro pp. Every Saturday, 14:00 hrs:

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te, presenting the latest fall and winter fashion, Christmas decorations, or giving you ideas for the best Christmas present! There will be plenty of entertainment as well, and you‘ll always find a good lunch in one of the participating restaurants. As a special service, parking at the five municipal park garages (Brückenstraße, Graben, Marienbach, Postplatz and Hadergasse) is free, as is the park garage at Galeria Kaufhof. (no time specified) Open Stores on Sunday („Mantelsonntag“) in 97318 Kitzingen, city center Wed., 29 October: 19:00 hrs: A „Behind the Scenes“ Tour of the Court House („Landgericht“) in 92637 Weiden, Landgerichtsstrasse (opposite the school „AugustinusGymnasium“, next to the hospital), entrance hall. A really interesting look behind the scenes if you speak German. Josef Weidensteiner, judge at the court, informs about staffing, duties, special rooms and the judicial structures. Of course he will answer questions as well. No admission fees! Thu., 30 October: 07:00 - 17:00 hrs: Allerheiligen-Markt (Street Market) in 92637 Weiden, historic city center. This market focuses on flowers and plants for the upcoming All Saints Day (Allerheiligen) where locals pay special hommage to their deceased loved ones, and decorate their graves with extra love and care.

Webtip This Eventcalendar is just a extraction of the full Version. You‘ll find all Events on our Website at:

You can download the calendar with additional events like christmas markets, etc.

Recurring and Long-Lasting Events

Sun., 12 October:

Your BMW and Mini Expert Center

25 + 26 October:

Guided Tour in English of Albrecht Dürer‘s House in Nürnberg’s historic city center, Albrecht-Dürer-Str. 39 (in the pedestrian zone). Admission is 5Euro (normal), 2.50Euro (reduced) Famous painter Albrecht Dürer lived in Nürnberg (1471 – 1528) – you might know him best for his “Praying Hands” –, and his original residence in Nürnberg’s pretty city center has been converted to a museum. Every Saturday, an actress in historic gowns offers guided tours of the house in English, telling its history from the viewpoint of Dürer‘s wife Agnes. Every second Saturday of each month: 30+ Party at the

Josefshaus, Adolf-Kolping-Platz 2, 92637 Weiden. This is a disco where you can dance to some really great music from a few years back. Best be there around 21:00 hrs as it will get very crowded very soon thereafter! Every first Friday of each month: Meeting of the International Friendship Club (IFC). The IFC‘s goal is to improve the understanding between American guests and the host nation, to work on each other‘s language skills, to sample plenty of foods, and above all to just have lots of fun! Call Carl „mit C“ Childs for further info at DSN 475-7637, or personal cell 0175-489-2669. Every first Sunday of the month, 14:00 - 18:00 hrs: „Experience Your Senses“ in 92318 Neumarkt, Grünbaumwirtsgasse 14 (formerly known as „G6“). „The visitor gets to know how the eye sees, how the ear hears, the nose smells, the skin feels, the fingers touch, the feet balance, the brain thinks, the lungs breathe, the blood pulsates, the body swings“ - this description describes very well what you can expect. With the help of sand, pebbles, rocks, water, wood and fire the visitors are invited to consciously experience how to feel and touch. A great afternoon for the whole family, especially interesting for kids! No admission fees, no prior registration required. 12 Sep. - 14 December: Fossil Exhibition at the „Kultur-Schloss“ (mansion), 92245 Kümmersbruck-Theuern Stone treasures from the Jurassic are on display, many of the exhibits are shown publically for the first time. A „must“ for all fossil lovers! Ongoing until 05 October: (no time specified) Dahlia Madness on the Isle of Mainau (78465) in Bodensee (Lake Constance) The sight of 12,000 (!) dahlias in over 250 different pecies will leave you in awe! You have a chance to select your favourite species too! Find more info on their Homepage and in their archive as a PDF. And although the Bodensee is a bit far from Northern Bavaria (i.e., on the Swiss border), it‘s most certainly worth the trip. Ongoing until 31 October: Scarecrow Display in 91717 Wassertrüdingen, at the Hesselberg. Start at the Lindenallee in 91740 Röckingen (at the Hesselberg) and walk along the circular track with 25 different stops and 41 scarecrows. There were a lot of scarecrows on the fields in the past as a more or less effective means to scare away birds, and this display details the different types and styles of scarecrows that were used in Franconia. Ongoing until 02 November: Exhibition of Famous Painters Carl Spitzweg and Wilhelm Busch in 97421 Schweinfurt, at the Museum Georg Schäfer. Famous painter Carl Spitzweg would have turned 200 this year, and Wilhelm Busch died a century ago. Schweinfurt took this coincidence as a reason to put together an art show by both artists. Ongoing until 31 December: Exhibition: The Prehistoric Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate), in 93047 Regensburg, Historisches Museum, Dachauplatz 2-4. This exhibition shows the prehistoric development in what is now the Oberpfalz (~ north of Tirschenreuth to south of Regensburg), from paleolithic times to the end of the Celtic civilzation. The many exhibits explain in detail the character and peculiarities of the different prehistoric eras and cultural groups.




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20 Sep. – 05 October: - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!



Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2

Holidays in Austria Amberg You would like to spend your holiday surrounded by wonderful nature? You like mountains and hiking? Or you just want to relax in a comfortable atmosphere? Then you should definitely visit the Stubaital in Austria! Source:

FROM Ulrike Schmidt

For your holidays the fantastic apartment “Jagahäusl” is perfect!

History of Amberg

You have extremely much space, because the complete first floor belongs to you. There you will find two comfortable bedrooms for up to six persons, a separate crib is included. If you are more, it is also possible to sleep on air mattresses in the large winter garden.

Furthermore you are guaranteed a gigantic view over the mountains from your bedrooms and the kitchen. Over outside stairs you have a separate entrance into the apartment. And you can also bring your dogs! But for real convenience, of course, you cannot miss a satellite television, a washing machine, as well as a bath room including a bath tub and a shower. To enjoy the sunny days a barbecue area allows you to sit outside for barbecuing. A garden pond completes the atmosphere. The absolutely nice hosts provide you every morning with fresh rolls or bread for breakfast. While the hostess is stewardess and therefore speaks fluently English, her husband is an original. He has been a host for many, many years.

There are many possibilities for your daily activities. In winter there are several different skiing areas, partly with snowboard parks. One of them is in a wonderful glacier region. Many skiing schools teach your children the funny winter sport, food included in the Micky Maus Clubs. Throughout the whole year you can do heavenly up-hill climbs or go hiking. You will find many original shacks where you can eat and drink. On your way you are likely to see many breath taking waterfalls.

Auerbach in der Oberpfalz

The town was first mentioned in 1034, at that time under the name Ammenberg. It became an important trading centre in the Middle Ages, exporting mainly iron ore and iron products. In 1269, together with Bamberg, the town became subordinate to the Wittelsbach dynasty that ruled Bavaria. For beginners and advanced persons alike Austria’s biggest and most modern high rope course is a good address for climbing. You can enjoy 70 different practices with 3 different levels, from easy to difficult. Children from six years on are welcome! If you do not like walking or climbing take a bike and go mountain biking along different routes. Everything from easy to difficult can be found (signposted). Or do you like to be carried?! Then try horse riding. In the valley you can find a riding school. They also offer coach tours and sleigh rides.

Of course you can also enjoy your holiday in silence. This is possible at Austria’s “Adriatic Sea”, which is a river delta with its own lawn for sunbathing. Do not be afraid if the weather is not suitable for sunbathing. You still can go swimming in an indoor or a little outdoor swimming pool. Because of the many sports facilities you will find many different sports shops everywhere. You can also make different trips, for instance to the Schwarzer silver mine or the Swarovski crystal worlds in Watten. They are always worth a visit! Moreover there is a changing cultural program in the village itself.

For the smaller children there is a petting zoo with goats and cows in summer. They are free-ranging animals.

Last but not least you are very fast in Italy to eat an original Italian pizza or to go shopping, for example in several outlets.

Furthermore you can also enjoy the sledge track, which is 2,8 km long and with 640 metres in height one of Europe’s steepest sledge tracks.

If you are interested visit the webpage Then click on “Jagahäusl”. The page is available in German and English. There you can also look at wonderful panorama pictures!

White water rafting is possible, too. Just drive to Haiming! For all the brave ones paragliding is offered. In the Stubaital you will find a certified paragliding school.


Travel to Austria and enjoy your holidays in Stubai! You won’t be sorry! You are always welcome!!!!


In 1329 the town and the entire Upper Palatinate fell to a branch line of the Wittelsbach family and was no longer part of the duchy of Bavaria. Although in geographic terms it was regarded as Bavarian and the region was part of the Bavarian circle in the organisation of the Imperial Circles. The rulers of Upper Palatinate were openminded towards Protestantism. In the 16th century the town turned to Lutheranism, but attempts of the ruling family to introduce the more radical Calvinism failed due to the reluctance of its citizens.


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50 Years Elvis in the Oberpfalz




Now and forever Elvis is unforgotten, he´s the „King of Rock´n Roll“! Even today, 31 years after his death he is still very alive in the world of music. 50 years ago the superstar was stationed in Germany. Military training and maneuver also took him to the city and training area Grafenwoehr. The Culture and Military Museum offers a special jubilee event: From Sept. 12, 2008, to Jan. 18, 2009, a great exhibition will tell you everything about „50 Years Elvis in Grafenwoehr – The Story of Elvis Presley on Maneuver in Grafenwoehr.“ More Information about Elvis at:


CAR-SADDLERYUPHOLSTERERCAPTIONAWNINGSEAT-REPAIR - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!



Upper Palatinate


Urban district

Lord Mayor

Wolfgang Dandorfer (CSU)

Basic Statistics Area

50.04 km² (19.3 sq mi)


374 m (1227 ft)


44,456 (30/09/2006)

Other Information Licenceplate


Postal codes Area codes

95401–95448 92224



The only Sand-Ski Mountain in the world with a stationary Ski-Lift - AlpineCoaster from the Top of Monte Kaolino - Family friendly prices - Heated Dune-Outdoor-Pool with sunbathing area and sand beach - Water-

Auerbach in der Oberpfalz is a town in the Amberg-Sulzbach district, Bavaria, Germany. It is located 45 km NE of Nuremberg. In Michelfeld there was a Benedictine monastery which is now a nursing home.


After the Second World War, after which Bavaria fell into the American Sector, Amberg was home to Pond Barracks, a United States Army base. The base was finally closed in 1992 and turned over to the local community for housing, most of it social housing.

The New Palace (Germ. Neues Schloß), the former residence of the counts of the Rhennish Palatinate, built at the beginning of the 15th century and renovated in 1603.

The legal process is barred. The raffle end at 2008 October 15.


Amberg was the regional capital of Upper Palatinate until 1810 when power was transferred to the larger city of Regensburg.

Other tourist attractions in Amberg include: Market Square (Germ. Marktplatz), which contains the Gothic town hall (built in 1358) and the late-Gothic Parish Church of St. Martin.

CLICK (Category „Raffle“)

Administration Country

In 1628 Amberg and Upper Palatinate became part of the electorate of Bavaria. The inhabitants were given the choice: return to Catholicism or leave the town forever. Many families left the town and fled to the Free Imperial Cities of Regensburg and Nuremberg.

A defining feature of the town is the Stadtbrille - a bridge, originally a part of the town fortifications, whose arches reflected on the river waters resemble a pair of glasses.




You will experience the original flair of the Alps with partly hand-carved furniture by the owner, like an old wooden bench. If you are interested you are also able to take part in a carving course.

Amberg is a town in Bavaria, Germany. It is located in the Upper Palatinate (Germany, Oberpfalz), roughly halfway between Regensburg and Bayreuth. Population: 44,456 (2006).


A well-preserved section of the medieval city walls and gates. The baroque Franciscan monastery on the Hill of Our Lady Help of Christians (Germ. Mariahilfberg) above the city. This hill was given its name during the bubonic plague in the Thirty Years‘ War in 1633/4 when the locals beseeched the Virgin Mary to rid them of the plague.


Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2

2SCR spouses earn their spurs

The tricky thing with the parking disk

Article and photos by Alice Adler

From Viktoria Harrer It is noticeable that many people who came to us from other countries do not know the German parking disk (German: Parkscheibe), as well as the corresponding traffic signs. So it often happens that drivers leave their cars without noticing the lack of the parking disk. Because of the new license plate numbers our policemen are not able to distinguish between German inhabitants and newcomers. So everybody gets a parking ticket and has to pay a lot of money which can be easily avoided. That is why we thought to explain the German parking disk system to all who do not know about it or have forgotten the most important facts. In the center of nearly all our cities (Grafenwöhr, Eschenbach, etc.) one needs a parking disk. Otherwise you are likely to get a parking ticket. In Germany parking disks look the following: blue with a white big “P” written on it and a turntable with which you can regulate the parking time (see picture). Normally one is allowed to park for two hours when you see a traffic sign with the parking disk on it, saying “parking only with disk” (German: Parken nur mit Parkscheibe). This is for instance the case in the center of Eschenbach or Grafenwöhr. You turn the turntable to the time you arrive, always to the next half hour. Then you have two hours time before


leaving the parking place. For example: You arrive at 10.18 am. So you turn the parking disk to 10.30 am and you can leave your car in this place until 12.30, if you have 2 hours` time. Here the signs which mark the places where you need a parking disk: This one normally means that it is not allowed to park the car, but with the one showing the parking disk under it, you are allowed to park for the time it says on the sign. This combination shows the parking sign with a parking disk under it. Again you are able to park the given time. And the last one is the sign for parking on the sidewalk. Once more it is possible to see it in combination with a parking disk.

Of course everybody has to be careful, because the allowed parking time can vary. Take a look, for instance, on Eschenbach. On the small parking band at the side of the road you are only allowed to park for half an hour! But the system is the same. There the sign says: “Kurzzeitparken”, which means short time parking only. You can get parking disks in every Lotto and stationary shop for little money. Sometimes it is even possible to get it for free as a giveaway. Have a good and save trip through Germany!

In the early morning hours of September 5th and 6th the spouses of 2SCR gathered at Rose Barracks in Vilseck to start the allday trial known as the spouse spur ride. They split into groups and spent the day marching and running from one station to another all over Rose Barracks in their quest to earn their spurs. Many of them wore their spouses’ ACUs as they sought to prove to themselves that they could compete in the grueling all-day event. The spouses were given a modified PT test and taught to fire weapons in the weapons simulator. They learned some combat first aid and were put through their paces wearing MOPP (mission-oriented protective posture) gear. Another station had them racing to change a tire on a Humvee and then the participants learned how to escape one in the event of a roll over. At the end of the day the exhausted but happy participants accepted the spur charms that they will wear with pride. Earning spurs in a series of tests known as a “Spur Ride” is a rite of passage for cavalry soldiers dating back to the days of horses. A soldier who has earned their spurs gets to wear the distinctive accessory for life. Over 120 spouses participated in the Spouse Spur Ride over the two days. Cpt. Meghan Underwood and Sgt. First Class Noah McConnell put together the event with help from the rear detachment teams from all the squadrons in the Regiment. “It’s something the soldiers go through as part of a Cav unit,” stated Underwood, “We wanted to give spouses a chance to earn their spurs as well.” The spouses were a motivated bunch, wanting to show their deployed soldiers what they can do. “My husband has been in the military for 7 years,” said Andrea Nelson, “I’ve wanted to experience what he goes through every day.” Rebecca Kramer agreed. “My husband got his spurs and I wanted to see what he went through.”

The spouses were excited to tell their soldiers about their ordeal, “I wanted to make my husband proud,” said Cecille Newbury. “I want him to know that we can do it too,” added Angela Carrasco. The weapons’ training was a popular station for the spouses. “I’ve always wanted to shoot a gun,” said Sharnay Jones, “I got to shoot a weapon that my husband uses.” The spouses also enjoyed learning to change a massive Humvee tire. “I liked changing the tire, you had to use more teamwork,” said Berni Harris. The soldiers running the events were pleased to see so many spouses out giving their all. Sgt. First Class Alexis Santiago was impressed with the motivation and teamwork of the participants. “One woman was out here pregnant. Her team was pushing her in a cart. That’s pretty Hooah!” He also noted that the participants were eager to impress their spouses. “They’re doing it for their husbands, it’s not about them” “They’re doing good,” noted Staff Sgt. G E.E. McCray as he put a few volunteers through some extra PT. “It’s about who wants to go that extra mile.” Staff Sgt. Audwin Wright was also impressed, “It’s good times and a lot of motivation,” he said. The groups were lead by volunteer spouses who had earned their spurs previously. “I wanted to see the ladies do it,” said Sandra Brown, “I amp them up, help them to stay safe and encourage them. They are doing fabulous!” At the end of the day a ceremony was held to present the spouses with their spurs. Event organizers recognized individual and group achievement in several of the stations. “We found that the spouses were particularly proud of their group times on the Humvee tire change” noted Underwood.

Changing a tire on a Humvee was one of the challenges during the spouses spur ride. Source: Quelle: US Army

The event was timed to be held in the last months of the regiment’s deployment to Iraq. “We wanted them to share information and help them keep their spirits up during these last months,” said rear detachment commander Lt. Col. Thomas Rickard. The teams were composed of spouses from all the different squadrons of the regiment, helping them to meet and work with people they may not have met before. “The great success of the spur ride was the spouses taking care of each other, just as they have throughout the deployment. It’s all about the teamwork. It’s the teamwork that gets you through the tough times,” said Rickard. “It’s been harder than I thought,” concluded Harris. “It’s all day long and it’s wearing me out!” Misty Bowles agreed, “We’re getting smoked at every station.”

AMP Faber Group Volvo · Jaguar · Land Rover Military Sales

2SCR spouses team up to accomplish the task of changing a tire on a Humvee.

Beim Flugplatz 6 92655 Grafenwoehr Tel.: 09641 - 92 58 25 · Fax: 09641 - 92 58 24 In Industrial park across from gate 6

Source: US Army

“It was spectacular,” said Underwood, “The spouses had a really good time. They were all very proud of themselves, and tired and sore.” Rickard noted, “It was a great event and very well attended both days. That’s the best part for us.” At the end of the day not only had the spouses proved themselves, they had a new appreciation for the job their soldiers do every day. ”It’s a great opportunity to walk in their shoes,” said Brown, indicating the combat boots she was wearing, “It’s hot in this uniform! I really appreciate my husband even more. When he gets home I’m going to massage his feet!”

Grand Opening AMP Military Sales On 12-14 September AMP Military Car Sales celebrated their Grafenwöhr grand opening in the industrial park across from Gate 6 complete with a bouncy castle, barbecue, and some wonderful new Volvo, Jaguar, and Land Rover cars. AMP Military Sales serves the American Military, Diplomatic, and Expatriate Communities in Grafenwöhr, Ansbach, Bamberg, Schweinfurt, and Garmisch with the Volvo, Jaguar, and Land Rover new car brands. They have customers worldwide… in fact almost anyone stationed outside the United Sates either permanently or temporarily to include US tourists. Customer service and satisfaction are AMP Military Sales number one goals. With their factory direct ordering system customers have the opportunity to plan the build of their individual cars. They also have many cars in stock for those

Opening Hours The Grafenwöhr AMP Military Sales agency opening hours are: Monday – Friday: 09.30 – 19.00 Saturday: 10.00 – 15.00

Foto: Gerhard Pfennig

who need a car immediately. For those needing to use a trade in program, they have one available.

tes. The Volvo support structure even includes a free three year emergency roadside assistance and service program.

Cars ordered through this special program have an exceptional support program consisting of a four year/50,000 mile warranty program and shipment of the car back to the United Sta-

They have an excellent relationship with the local dealerships in the Grafenwöhr area and are served by their own Faber Group dealerships in Bamberg, Schweinfurt, and Würzburg.


09641 - 92 58 25



Beim Flugplatz 6 (in the industrial park across from Gate 6) 92655 Grafenwöhr

The AMP team members are: Ray, Heidi, and Dave. They look forward to serving you and the Grafenwöhr Military Community! - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!


Finance & Money

Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2

How to survive the exchange rate by Christie Vanover, USAG Benelux Public Affairs

According to figures from the U.S. Department of Treasury, during the second quarter of 2002, $1 equaled 1.02 euro. The euro was introduced as physical currency in the year 2002.

During the second quarter of 2008, one dollar equaled. Fotos: Courtesy graphics 64 euro cents, according to figures from the U.S. Department of Treasury.

CHIÈVRES, Belgium. For many Americans living in Europe, a night out on the town, a quick trip to Paris or a shopping spree at the mall became a thing of the past when the dollar lost its buying edge against the euro. But it wasn’t always like that.

Although rates vary throughout Europe, the average daily exchange rate can be found at AFN-Europe’s Web site – www. – by clicking on “Exchange Rates.”

Kat Albrecht, a U.S. contractor in Belgium, lived in Germany when the euro was first introduced. “It was great when the

Sgt. Jason Pettegrow, a chaplain’s assistant with the U.S. Army NATO SHAPE Battalion, has been stationed at SHAPE for only seven months, and he is already feeling the effects of the dollar. “I’ve noticed an eight to nine cent drop,” he said. Last month, however, the dollar saw a spike and started to return to rates seen in early 2008. Still, even the improved exchange rate makes many people shake their heads.

Making the Exchange For most, when payday rolls around, it’s time to make exchange transactions. And there are many options for Americans living in Europe, with each person having his own strategy. Pettegrow said he usually exchanges money on post or withdraws euros from his stateside bank account at a local ATM. “The exchange rate doesn’t hit me as hard at the ATM. Plus I like that the machines are available 24-hours,” he said.

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Albrecht also uses the ATM machine when she needs euros. Ann Newton, an Army civilian with the 650th Military Intelligence Group, uses the Benelux Finance Office to cash checks and or a nearby bank to buy euros. Newton has been in the Benelux for more than a year, and she has developed a strategy that works for her. “It seems like the euro shoots up around the first of the month, so I try to buy my euros prior to or after that, usually around the last two to three weeks of the month.”

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15 1free

euro first took over,” she said. “At first the dollar was up and then it declined, but we were still even.” But as the dollar started to slip, Albrecht admitted that paying rent became difficult. “My rent was 400 euros,” she recalls. “When the dollar was even, it was no problem, but when the dollar dropped, my rent and utilities were about $600. As a contractor, I didn’t get (a cost of living allowance), and I couldn’t afford it any more and had to move.”

From civilian banks to the Benelux Finance Office on SHAPE, each facility has a competing rate and some charge additional fees. The Department of Defense takes those fees into consideration when determining COLA and the overseas housing allowance through a computation called the community bank accommodation rate. “The rate provides for the cost of the foreign currency and for the bank’s operating costs,” said Steve Burghardt, a spokesman with Defense, Finance and Accounting Service. Both the overseas COLA and OHA include increases equal to the amounts a person would spend using a DoD Community Bank’s foreign currency sales. “There may, at times, be better deals off base,” said Burghardt. “In those cases, it’s up to individuals to decide which is better for them – to purchase on base or at an off-base location.”

Getting the Most From Your Dollar Oftentimes, the best buy for U.S. servicemembers is the Post Exchange and Commissary. According to the Defense Commissary Agency’s Web site, shoppers save an average of 30 percent compared to commercial prices. AAFES boasts a 20 percent savings and reports giving back nearly two-thirds of its earnings to Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs. But what about shopping on the economy? That’s part of the European experience, after all. From superstores to little mom-and-pop shops, the variety is endless. However, this is where the exchange rate and high taxes start to pull on the purse strings. “We used to go to [a Belgian home improvement store] all the time,” said Albrecht, “but now we plan trips to Germany to get items like lawn care and paint. And it’s a lot cheaper at the bases.” She also has tips for dining on the economy: “We go to our favorite restaurants during lunch because it’s less expensive.” And she’s trying to break her husband of the habit of tipping like he’s at an American restaurant, versus one in Belgium. “[The waiter and waitresses’] pay is included in the bill, so I usually just round up the change,” she said. Pettegrow has a tip for eating dinner at home and still be able to experience life in Belgium. He gets fresh meat delivered to his house from a man he calls “The Butcher.” “We’re able to experience the culture. He comes out, drops the meat off and doesn’t pick up the money until the following week.” Pettegrow said when it comes to shopping, he finds his best deals when traveling. “We like to experience what Europeans handcraft – not what’s factorymade – so we plan our shopping around our trips.” So what’s the secret to reasonable traveling? Albrecht, who works for SHAPE Trips and Tours, recommends taking advantage of that office’s activities, which she said are often discounted for children. As an alternative, Albrecht recommends becoming involved in a Soldier Family Readiness Group. She is the SFRG leader for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, USANATO SHAPE Battalion, and she works with the command to plan discounted trips. “Taking such trips is a huge money saver,” she said. “The SFRG sponsors trips at cost because we can use an approved government vehicle.” Her group is planning a day-trip to Versailles, France, this month for only $5 per person.

Money-Saving Tips Food and Dining Out - Eat out for lunch instead of dinner. - Tipping is not always required. - Buy fruit and vegetables at local markets an hour before they close for the best prices. Travel - Take advantage of trips sponsored by Soldier and Family Readiness Groups. - Don’t assume hotels are the only places to stay in Europe. - Carpool or use public transportation. - Buy train tickets in advance for lower fares. - Don’t assume you have to leave your host country to see the best sites. There are plenty of things to see and do within every European country. - Even the smallest towns often have tourist information in English. Shopping - Don’t wait too long to shop for Christmas. Unlike in the States, stores here tend to mark up prices closer to the holiday. - Take advantage of the Exchange and Commissary. - Learning some basics of the language in your host country can help when it comes to bargaining. - Shop with a host nation colleague to learn about the culture and special deals. - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!

Lastly, she recommends people return to carpooling and using public transportation for travel around Europe and across base. And for additional tips on finding the best deals, turn to local nationals like coworkers or neighbors.

Adjusting Cost of Living Allowance While getting the best exchange rate and shopping wisely can stretch the dollar, people shouldn’t give up shopping off-post all together, especially when you consider how overseas COLA is calculated. According to the Department of Defense Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee, “COLA is adjusted only for the portion of income that the typical member spends on the local economy in foreign currency.” A Living Pattern Survey is conducted once every three years to determine where servicemembers, civilian employees and family members shop.If the survey shows, for example, that those in the Benelux spend 50 percent of their income on the local economy and 50 percent in dollars, then currency fluctuations will only affect 50 percent of COLA. For instance, if the value of the dollar drops 10 percent against the euro and those within the Benelux spend 50 percent of their income on the economy, the COLA would only increase 5 percent not the full 10 percent. In October, the U.S. Army Garrison Benelux will conduct its Living Pattern Survey. “Universal participation is important,” said Lt. Col. Daniel Fitzgerald, special projects officer, USAG Benelux. “There is a threshold requirement of 67 percent participation in certain target populations for the survey to be accepted.” The survey asks simple questions about where people buy basic items like milk or clothing. Once the data are collected, Fitzgerald and his team will conduct a Retail Price Survey to determine how much those in the Benelux spend on average for necessities. That information will then be reported to higher command, which will use it to determine if an adjustment to overseas allowances is in order.

Getting Financial help From learning a new language to managing rent and utilities, there are so many challenges on top of figuring out how to survive with the current exchange rate. That’s why the Army offers Financial Readiness and Army Emergency Relief to Soldiers and Families in need through Benelux Army Community Service programs and elsewhere throughout the Army in Europe.

The euro became the official currency of the European Union in 2002. That year, the dollar and the euro were nearly even as one greenback could buy you an average of euro 1.09. However, over the past six years, the value of the dollar has declined, and the impact is being felt by U.S. servicemembers, civilian employees and family members stationed throughout the continent.

According to figures from the U.S. Treasury, in April, May and June, Americans experienced the worst exchange rate on record with one dollar equaling an average of 66 euro cents, a 49 euro cents decline from the same quarter in 2002. While July’s official figures have not been released by the Treasury, that month the dollar slipped even further, hovering around 63 euro cents, according to various published rates.

0 96 41 / 32 11 Salon Barbara Neue Amberger Straße 18 92655 Grafenwöhr

“Financial Readiness provides services that educate and counsel servicemembers and families on financial self-sufficiency,” said Bonnie Thomas, Benelux Financial Readiness manager. She added that the price of gas, currency fluctuations and the fact that rent and utilities can cost more than 2,000 euros monthly, can make managing personal finances difficult. Thomas offers one-on-one counseling for those who find themselves faced with such callenges. He also warns Soldiers to be cautious of using their COLA to purchase large items, such as vehicles. “Once they return to the states, the COLA is gone, but the large purchase payments continue.” Emergency relief is also available. Army Emergency, Air Force Aid and Navy Marine Corps Relief Societies assist with preventing hardships, providing emergency travel and helping ease “bumps in the road”. “Servicemembers are encouraged to call and discuss their defined emergency with a caseworker to see what kind of assistance may be provided,” said Thomas. “The benefit of seeking assistance from the relief societies versus another type of lender is that loans are interest free and if a grant is approved, there is no payback required.” “Each case is evaluated and assistance provided that best fits the servicemembers financial situation,” she added. For those who prefer to find help online, visit and click on the money link. Along with one-on-one counselors and discussion boards, the site offers a variety of information about exclusive military benefits and advice on budgeting, paying for child care, renting a house and even travel abroad.


Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2


Hello to all of our friends in Grafenwoehr! I am Christopher Meyering. Those of you from the US may remember me as a physician and the Medical Director for the Grafenwoehr health clinic from 2004 to 2006. My wife Michelle and I helped coach one of the CYS soccer teams and I coached the ODP Europe U13 girls team. Those of you from the town of Grafenwoehr may remember me as one of the second team defenders (Verteidigung) for the SV Grafenwoehr soccer club. Both of my daughers, Mikaela and Gabriella, also played for the D Jugend and E Jugend teams. We first got invovled with the soccer club through our girls. They had excellent coaches working with them. They had some difficulty though because they spoke very little German, but they still had a great experience and enjoy telling their friends here in the US about their Germany soccer team. I had the chance to help out with their teams as referee for some of the home games. I became involved with playing when I asked my daughter‘s coach, Herr Weiss, about a men‘s team, and he told me I could just show up for training. I also had a difficult time at first because I spoke very little German, but I was willing to try. Fortunately there were several players who spoke English so I wasn‘t completely lost. The Germans definitely take soccer seriously so it was fun being involved with the team. Especially since we won our group division

Chris Meyering with his family: His wife Michelle and his doughters Mikaela and Gabriella Source: Chris Meyering

and were able to advance to the next level. I made some good friends on the team, and I still have contact with one of my teammates, David Jelen, today after two years.

Collesio (at the sports platz) and the Hotel ( I don‘t remember the name- the German one). Walking to the ice cream shoppe and Bakeri was a treat for the girls.

We had a great time going to all of the fests that the Germans have in the villages. It was an excellent way to discover more about the German culture. Plus the food (and beer) was always great. We frequented many of the restaurants in the town of Grafenwoerhr and had the opportunity to get to know the owners and managers. Some of our favorites were La Strada‘s Pizzeria, La

I hope that all of you are taking advantage of the fantastic opportunity you have living in Europe. If you are interested in playing soccer you can join in the training sessions, then talk with the team to see about how to join the club. Try to learn at least some German because it definitely helps when you‘re out on the field. Take care, Chris Meyering

Preparation sugar, cinnamon, raisins and bread crumbs. Rum is sometimes used to add flavour. Other ingredients include pine nuts, walnuts, or slivered almonds. The art of preparation is in making the pastry very thin and elastic; it is said that a single layer should be so thin that one could read a newspaper through it.

Apfelstrudel („Apple strudel“) is a traditional pastry of Austria and a popular dish in many countries that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian empire. It is the most widely known kind of strudel.

The filled Apfelstrudel is baked in an oven and traditionally is served warm, usually sprinkled with powdered sugar. Toppings of vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or vanilla sauce are also popular in other countries (although the latter is strongly opposed by the Viennese).

Apfelstrudel consists of an oblong strudel pastry jacket with a filling of chopped apples,

A juicy Apfelstrudel should be baked with good cooking apples that are tart, crisp, and aromatic.

Peel the apples and cut them thinly. Roast the breadcrumbs in butter. Spread the very thin dough on a tablecloth, Brush some melted butter on it. Cover half of the dough with the apple slices, add breadcrumbs, sugar, raisins and sprinkle cinnamon. Roll the strudel very carefully. Put it into a baking pan. Grease the surface with melted butter. Bake in preheated oven at 200°C for 30 minutes.

Ingredients, serves 4

Both pictures by „Grandmum“

1 packet of readymade dough (very thin layers) 1/2 kg apples 50 g butter 50 g breadcrumbs 100 g sugar raisins, sprinkle cinnamon

Grape varieties


Wine is usually made from one or more varieties of the European species Vitis vinifera, such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, or Merlot. When one of these varieties is used as the predominant grape (usually defined by law as a minimum of 75% or 85%), the result is a varietal, as opposed to a blended, wine. Blended wines are not considered inferior to varietal wines; in fact, some of the world's most valued and expensive wines, from regions like Bordeaux and the Rhone Valley, are blended from different grape varieties of the same vintage. Wine can also be made from other species of grape or from hybrids, created by the genetic crossing of two species. Vitis labrusca (of which the Concord grape is a cultivar), Vitis aestivalis, Vitis rupestris, Vitis rotundifolia and Vitis riparia are native North American grapes usually grown for consumption as fruit or for the production of grape juice, jam, or jelly, but sometimes made into wine. Hybridization is not to be confused with the practice of grafting. Most of the world's vineyards are planted with European V. vinifera vines that have been grafted onto North American species rootstock. This is common practice because North American grape species are resistant to phylloxera, a root louse that eventually kills the vine. In the late 19th century, Europe's vineyards were devastated by the bug, leading to massive vine deaths and eventual replanting. Grafting is done in every wine-producing country of the world except for the Canary Islands, Chile and Argentina, which are the only ones that have not yet been exposed to the insect.

In the context of wine production, terroir is a concept that encompasses the varieties of grapes used, elevation and shape of the vineyard, type and chemistry of soil, climate and seasonal conditions, and the local yeast cultures. The range of possibilities here can result in great differences between wines, influencing the fermentation, finishing, and aging processes as well. Many wineries use growing and production methods that preserve or accentuate the aroma and taste influences of their unique terroir. However, flavor differences are not desirable for producers of mass-market table wine or other cheaper wines, where consistency is more important. Such producers will try to minimize differences in sources of grapes by using production techniques such as micro-oxygenation, tannin filtration, cross-flow filtration, thin film evaporation, and spinning cones.

Europe classification France has an appellation system based on the concept of terroir, with classifications which range from Vin de Table ("table wine") at the bottom, through Vin de Pays and Vin Délimité de Qualité Supérieure (VDQS) up to Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC). Portugal has something similar and, in fact, pioneered this technique back in 1756 with a royal charter which created the "Demarcated Douro Region" and regulated wine production and trade. Germany did likewise in 2002, although their system has not yet achieved the authority of those of the other countries'. Spain and Italy have classifications which are based on a dual system of region of origin and quality of product. - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!

Garrison Grafenwöhr


Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2

Green Beret stands out at Grafenwöhr New commander’s Special Forces background shapes garrison task

Article by Seth Robson Used with permission from Stars and Stripes. © 2008 Stars and Stripes.

GRAFENWÖHR Germany — When he was fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan or battling al-Qaida in Iraq, Col. Nils „Chris“ Sorenson grew a long beard and dressed like a native to blend in. These days he’s clean-shaven, but the Green Beret perched atop his 6-foot-4-inch frame sticks out like a sore thumb in his new job as commander of what soon will be the U.S. Army’s largest overseas facility — U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwöhr. Sorenson is one of four former Special Forces soldiers in command of U.S. Army garrisons in Europe. The others are at Hohenfels (a sub-garrison of Grafenwöhr), Bamberg and in Belgium. The Army attempts to place soldiers with combat arms experience at certain garrisons, said Ken White, spokesman for Installation Management Command-Europe. „Grafenwöhr is the biggest training facility in Europe, so the garrison commander will always be a combat arms officer,“ he said. Grafenwöhr is home to the Iraq-bound 172nd Infantry Brigade and encompasses Vilseck, which welcomes home the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment from Iraq next month. „Combat veterans certainly bring unique insights and benefits to the Army and the installation management business just as they would any organization,“ White said. Sorenson, a 24-year Army veteran with two schoolage children, served with Special Forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq. He took command at Grafenwöhr last month. He prefers to emphasize his diplomatic skills ahead of his toughness, but his work downrange must carry a lot of weight with the combat troops assigned to his garrison.

When he talks about caring for soldiers headed to Iraq and Afghanistan, it is from hard-earned experience. He was involved in some of the first operations in Afghanistan, before the U.S. invasion in 2001. „During the initial ground operations, what we were doing was on the extreme,“ he said. „We did not have a lot of U.S. forces for backup. We had to go far and deep into enemy territory with very limited combat power backup.” „There were a lot of unknowns. We didn’t know what the terrain was like. We were doing it from bases maybe 600 miles away from the target areas. It is called deep strike operations. „With no one else around, there were no bases and no one to call for help,“ said Sorenson, who followed up Afghanistan with Special Forces operations in Iraq.


U.S. Army Photo

Skills needed to work and survive in those places are ideal preparation for garrison command, he said. On his first day at Grafenwöhr, Sorenson made a short speech in German, putting to use skills he gained during Special Forces language training.

„As a garrison commander, you have to work out of your comfort zone,“ he said. „It is complex. It is not a clear-cut military kind of command. „There is a diverse work force with German nationals, U.S. civilians and a military command. It is Leadership 101,“ he said.

TRICARE Beneficiaries Can „Stay Alert“ Medical Command Web site for Europe changes address, look, scope Through New Electronic Delivery Service Europe Regional Medical Command news release Heidelberg. The Europe Regional Medical Command has a new Web site at a new address, with new features to help Soldiers and their Families get answers to their medical questions. The new address is: “This new site brings all of our clinics into a centralized site that, hopefully, offers more to everyone,” said Phil Tegtmeier, ERMC Web site manager. “It has a professional look and is easier to navigate.” Tegtmeier said the new site is user-friendly and offers more information for Soldiers, Families, clinicians and visitors than the old site. The site offers health tips, information and links to tools for Army-wide and Europe-specific medical programs, along with information about the Europe Regional Medical Command. The site still has links to some of the old pages, however, while some remaining clinic Web pages are being migrated from the old site. Tegtmeier said the consolidation of clinic-specific pages will continue for a while. “We began with Bavaria and Heidelberg, where the im-

To keep Army healthcare beneficiaries informed about access to healthcare, continuity of care, preventive measures and other healthcare information, Brig. Gen. Keith W. Gallagher - the ERMC commanding general and also the U.S. Army Europe and 7th Army Command Surgeon - will host his own blog site. An “Ask the Doc” Web feature has also been added to the home page so visitors can pose E-mail questions, which will be answered and posted. “If someone has a specific question about their personal health care, they should ask their primary care manager,” said Col. Richard Jordan. He is the ERMC deputy commander as well as being the “Ask the Doc” doctor. “On the web, we’ll take questions that will help the person asking the questions that will apply to others in the same situation.” A comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions page is also being developed. Tegtmeier encouraged viewers to send their comments on the new site to the ERMC Web manager button available from virtually every page.

Need the latest TRICARE benefit news and don‘t want to hunt for it? Get it electronically - straight from TRICARE. From the latest beneficiary newsletters and changes in coverage, to pharmacy updates and news releases, all 9.2 million TRICARE beneficiaries now have an easy way to stay informed by e-mail. A new electronic delivery system is up and running and subscribing is fast and secure by clicking on the „little red envelope“ at „We‘re excited to offer beneficiaries a chance to sign up for the TRICARE benefit news they want and need,“ said Army Maj. Gen. Elder Granger, deputy director of TRICARE Management Activity. „We have offered some limited e-mail delivery options in the past, but this new subscription service enables anyone interested in TRICARE news to sign up for a wide range of topics. It‘s one-stop shopping.“ Subscribers can choose alerts by topics or beneficiary category and delivery is safe and secure - an e-mail address is the only information collected.


Subscribers also have a unique page they can manage 24/7 and they can choose to be notified as soon as news or benefit changes are posted, or select daily, weekly or monthly updates. „One of our highest priorities is communicating with our beneficiaries and providers,“ said Granger. „E-mail is now the method most people use to receive news and that will only continue to increase. This new service helps us take advantage of the technology.“ The new subscription service also links users up to similar alerts available on other Military Health System Web sites including, which features MHS news, debates, videos and blogs; as well as Force Health Protection and Readiness and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Partnership subscription options with other health-related federal Web sites currently include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and TRICARE‘s e-alerts are sent through GovDelivery, which also provides services to dozens of other Department of Defense and federal agencies including the FBI, the United States departments of Health and Human Services, the CDC and the United States Food and Drug Administration.

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pact of the USAREUR and ERMC medical transformation has changed some of our services,” Tegtmeier said.



Gift certificates available! - Die kostenlose Zeitung für Grafenwöhr und Umgebung!



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Oktober 2008 | Nr. 2


U.S. Army Culinary Arts Team trains in Y Y Grafenwöhr for 2008 Cooking Olympics

al OInrteirgnain tional


BigCohf oice

Cocktails internat




Yanni‘s Latino Bar

Yanni's Latino Bar Markplatz 33 92655 Grafenwöhr near the city hall opening hours: Mo. 17.00- 1.00 Tu.-Th. 10.00- 1.00 Fr.-Su. 10.00-3.00

Grafenwoehr. If someone mentions the word „military,“ the first things that come to mind are military operations, guns, tanks and other heavy duty equipment. Nobody thinks about cooking spoons and the preparation of meals by gourmet chefs like Germans Alfons Schuhbeck, or Johann Lafer. That is a mistake because the U.S. Army also trains cooks who prepare meals in Army field kitchens to serve to deployed or training Soldiers. But that’s not all they do. The teachers at the U.S .Army cooking school in Fort Lee, Va., regularly put together a team of the U.S .Army’s best cooks known as the U.S. Army Culinary Arts Team which participates in cooking contests around the world.

After participating in the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg in 2006, where the team won two gold medals, they will now enter the Cooking Olympics which take place in Erfurt, Germany from Oct. 18-23. On Sep. 15, the team arrived at Grafenwoehr Training Area to spend four weeks preparing for the competition. Headquarters Company of the German Army’s Panzerbrigade 12 from Amberg is providing the U.S. cooks with an Army field kitchen since the competition requires that the military teams cook their hot meals in a field kitchen and not in a regular restaurant kitchen. The competition is made up of two categories. The first category called “Cooking Art” requires the teams to create seven th-

ree-course meals for one person that can be served during one week in the field. Two of the meals consist of soup, main course and desert while the remaining five meals feature an appetizer, a main course and a desert. All meals are then glazed and presented cold. In the second category known as the “Restaurant of Nations,“ the ten participating military teams must cook a three-course meal in a field kitchen which is then served to the restaurant guests. Simultaneously, the jury tastes and judges it. Every team is free to select its very own meal and motto. The U.S. team’s motto is “Native-American Food.“ That is also reflected in the team’s center piece which

The Dessert (top) and the Main Dish (right) of the Menue 2008 All pictures of this article from US Army

features an Indian on a horse killing a buffalo with a spear. It is made out of wax and white chocolate. Completing the table’s decoration will be four additional spears, several cow skulls and Indian corn, which unlike regular yellow corn, is made up of multi-colored kernels.

country sausage, jus lie, sweet potatoes with candied walnuts and pears, green beans wrapped in ham, caramelized pearl onions and cranberry johnny cake followed by a desert of chocolate mousse crunch cake with a meringue cookie, apricots, and macerated cherries with cherry and apricot sauce.

The hot meal of the second category consists of an appetizer of seared tuna, smoked stuffed trout, poached salmon, peppered greens, lemon asparagus, seaweed salad, apple horseradish relish and spiced glazed pecans; a main course featuring herbed infused mushroom, stuffed turkey breast,

The Army’s gourmet chefs do not mind sharing their skills. During a cooking class in Weiden on Oct. 2, they showed the excited participants how to cook New England Clam Chowder Soup, one of America’s East Coast specialities.

Eat out in Weiden and get the 2nd main dish for free There are a lot of good restaurants around the training area worth a visit. But where to go? The easiest way to discover your favourite Bavarian, Italian, Greek or Chinese restaurant is to buy the newly released Bonusbook “Schlemmerreise mit”. The book contains 38 good restaurants in Weiden and the surroundings, offering dining coupons for the second main dish for free. The Bonusbook “Schlemmerreise mit Gutscheinbuch. de” is published for 8 years now all over Germany. It is available for almost every city and region in more than 200 different editions. In the Grafenwöhr and Weiden bookshops you can purchase the book for Weiden and its surroundings including an English translation. And it saves a lot of money to everyone using it, whether you go out with your family or your friend.


The coupons are very easy to cash. Two persons go to the selected restaurant and choose from the menu what they prefer. When ordering, one just has to show the Bonusbook to the waiter. On the bill later on only one main dish instead of two has to be paid. And the coupon for the restaurant is torn out from the waiter. If you want to go out for dinner with friends, you can use more books at the table, but only one dish out of two is for free.

Business Survey: Tell Us What You Want Participate in the business survey on and tell the City of Grafenwoehr which businesses you are misssing and would like to have in Grafenwoehr.

Recently the city has received numerous requests from investors who want to establish new businesses here. The city has formed a working group and decided to ask U.S. residents directly which businesses and leisure activities they would like to see in Grafenwoehr. Don’t miss the chance to help the city council make a decision and cast your vote on: to help shape the city you live in!

In the book all restaurants and cafes are described with pictures and one will find also information about the menu, opening hours and the address and telephone. You’ll find a wide range of different tastes, from traditional Bavarian cuisine to almost every kitchen. Additionally the book contains 13 extra coupons for wellness, shopping, bowling, children’s theme parks, most of them 2 for 1.

Where to get the Bonusbook? With an English translation the Bonusbook “Schlemmerreise mit„ is available at:

Grafenwöhr bookshops: Buchhandlung im Bücherturm, Marienplatz 1 Bernhard Lotto & Zeitschriften, Neue Amberger Str. 42

In Weiden bookshops: Buchhandlung Stangl& Taubald, Wörthstr. 14 Buchhandlung Rupprecht, Dr. Pflegerstr. 6



Poll from the Garrison Grafenwöhr (ICOMM EUROPE) at




-- hotel (U.S. hotel chain (First Class) with approx. 100-150 rooms) -- shopping mall -- rollerskate disco -- usual disco -- bar with live music -- cocktail bar -- sports bar -- entertainment arcade with bars -- rodeo-western arena -- used car sales -- new car sales -- storage facilty (U.S. style) -- car wash -- baptist church -- airport shuttle service -- taxi company



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Volume 1 - Nr. 02/2008

October 2008

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The free Newspaper for Grafenwöhr and it‘s surrounding area! Wenden sie die Zeitung Für Deutschen Inhalt

Green Beret stands Holidays in out at Grafenwöhr Austria New commander’s Special Forces background shapes garrison task

GRAFENWÖHR — When he was fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan or battling al-Qaida in Iraq, Col. Nils „Chris“ Sorenson grew a long beard and dressed like a native to blend in. These days he’s clean-shaven, but the Green Beret perched atop his 6-foot-4-inch frame sticks out like a sore thumb in his new job as commander of what soon will be the U.S. Army’s largest overseas facility — U.S. Army Garrison Grafenwöhr. Sorenson is one of four former Special Forces soldiers in command of U.S. Army garrisons in Europe. The others are at Hohen-

Introduction of Germany‘s neighboring country

fels (a sub-garrison of Grafenwöhr), Bamberg and in Belgium. The Army attempts to place soldiers with combat arms experience at certain garrisons, said Ken White, spokesman for Installation Management Command-Europe. „Grafenwöhr is the biggest training facility in Europe, so the garrison commander will always be a combat arms officer,“ he said. Grafenwöhr is home to the Iraq-bound 172nd Infantry Brigade and encompasses Vilseck, which welcomes home the 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment from Iraq next month.

You have extremely much space, because the complete first floor belongs to you. There you will find two comfortable bedrooms for up to six persons, a separate crib is included. If you are more, it is also possible to sleep on air mattresses in the large winter garden.

Furthermore you are guaranteed a gigantic view over the mountains from your bedrooms and the kitchen. Over outside stairs you have a separate entrance into the apartment. And you can also bring your dogs!

You will experience the original flair of the Alps with partly hand-carved furniture by the owner, like an old wooden bench. If you are interested you are also able to take part in a carving course.

But for real convenience, of course, you cannot miss a satellite television, a washing machine, as well as a bath room including a bath tub and a shower. To enjoy the sunny days a barbecue area allows you to sit outside for barbecuing.

} ... read more on page 2

Introduction of Amberg The town was first mentioned in 1034, at that time under the name Ammenberg. It became an important trading centre in the Middle Ages, exporting mainly iron ore and


Garrison Grafenwöhr Miscellaneous Finance and Money Misc Region News Conversion Tables Eventcalendar

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German Content Comic Imprint Riddles and Jokes Sport Culture Music Health Vilseck Pressath / Eschenbach Grafenwöhr US Garrison Mayor Report

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we care about you Finance: 3-Month-Charts

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