Ingrid Beazley - Graffiti Sessions - Day 2

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Dulwich Outdoor Gallery free Art for everyone

Dulwich Picture Gallery £10 Art for some people

Dulwich Picture Gallery Open Tue-­‐Fri 10am-­‐5pm Sat/Sun 11am-­‐5pm Dulwich Outdoor Gallery Open 24/7

Prepara@on Â

“One of the driving factors in our property company is how to make the areas in which we work beIer, believing that regenera@on is more about communi@es and people than just shiny new buildings.”

“We felt incredibly proud to be part of a cultural event that saw so many people geOng involved.” Lightbox London

System interpreted Girl at a Window by Rembrandt 1645

David Shillinglaw Samson and Delilah by Van Dyck 1620

“We felt very lucky to be involved in this project, by providing a suitable space where the art could be presented to cause such interest, debate and enjoyment. “The high standard of the art has sparked a new interest and understanding about street art amongst the local communi@es and beyond.” Phil Su9on, manager of The Florence pub, Herne Hill


An Unknown Couple in a Landscape by Thomas Gainsborough 1753

Short by ‘Shoot and Edit >’

Conor Harrington

Spurling Road, SE22

Fight Club, Dulwich >

East Dulwich Forum “I absolutely love it. Expect a lot of sightseers to Spurling Road. I’m going to sell teas and coffees!!!’ “It will be graffi@ed over in 5 minutes.” “They wouldn’t get very far without a cherry picker”

“I am soooooo impressed. The mural is absolutely wonderful. Do go and see it if you haven’t already. Conor Harrington is an amazing ar@st, beIer than Banksy. We are so lucky in East Dulwich to have this piece of art work.” “Waste of paint.” “I live near the duelling men and saw it going up. Love looking at the gigan@cness of it every day.”

“The Dulwich wall will be the first in a series of murals depicGng this struggle.”

The fight con@nues in Rochester, New York and Puerto Rico


Mrs Moody with her sons Samuel and Thomas by Thomas Gainsborough c. 1772

The art market Defaced, ‘restored’ then stolen

Judith and Holofernes by Allori interpreted by Dscreet -­‐ rejected Too violent for Dulwich

St. SebasGan by Guido Reni interpreted by Michael Beerens

We prefer a gay stag

Three Boys by Murillo 1660s in Court Lane

Ben Wilson, Chewing Gum Man

Ben Wilson, Chewing Gum Man

Judgement of Paris by van der Werff 1716

St. Catherine of Siena, Ben Wilson 2013, Carlo Dolci, 1665-­‐70

The Old Nun’s Head

Pure Evil, Inkie, APHQ > Carlo Dolci 1665-­‐70

The Old Nun’s Head based on St Catherine of Sienna by Carlo Dolci 1665

Community Input ‘There is a taIy and tagged big wall on Goodrich Road near to Barry Road. It's a state and really needs improving. Have you an 'in' with the wall's owner? Could you persuade them it would be a fine use of his/her space if it were to be painted over nicely with a lovely new mural?’ Nigello

Ar@st’s sensi@vity ‘The wall worked well in Dulwich I think. It was my pleasure. Far be9er than the one we first wanted to do.’ Phlegm

“Phelgm’s mural, and all the others I have seen so far are just great. My son Kaius loved giving him a hand, and I am so grateful to him for leTng him have an input...he feels proud to of been a part of it, and now feels very protecGve towards the wall!..” CharloIe, Kaius’ mum


Triumph of David by Poussin c. 1630 detail

Phlegm at the Royal Opera House


Triumph of David by Poussin (detail)

What is it about Poussin’s trumpeter?

What is it about Reni’s Europa (and the Bull)?

Guido Reni 1640

REKA 2013 Faith47 2014

Victoria Pub, Bellenden Road, SE22

ROA’s interpreta@on of the dog from Pynacker’s ‘Landscape with Sportsmen and Game’ 1665

ElmGrove The rat on the side of The Victoria Inn on Bellenden Road is rather grotesque to me. mancity68 I thought it was a weasel Andybol I think its a dog rather than a rat – northlondoner Yes it's a scrawny dog dimples A scrawny dog trying to have a poo mmmmm lovely ! neilson99 It's art innit. Suspect they are here to stay. Nothing a gallon of Dulux won`t solve..... Romnarz I like it -­‐ got to be beIer than a brick wall vandam The dog/rat is kinda weird but allright as well. More power to this street art. Not quite Shoreditch but preIy cool... Abby Taubin You may not like it. You may not even think it is art. But the fact is, the same has been said about almost every new art movement before it becomes more generally accepted. I love the crapping dog. What does that say about me! ConversaGon on East Dulwich Forum >

ROA on the Hayward Gallery

Pablo Delgado

Nurture of Jupiter, Poussin 1637 Princess Victoria aged 4, Stephen Denning 1823

The council painted over Pablo Delgado’s paste-­‐ups. A member of the public put back a smaller version of some of the composi@on. ‘Oh that's sad -­‐ I used to love that li9le piece.’ ‘I loved it, as did my children. I wish it had been stuck on my wall!’

April 2014

Pablo Delgado May 2013

?? July 2014

Nagel’s mushrooms in the grounds of the large independent school, Dulwich College.

S@k in the park

Thierry Noir

pain@ng in Dulwich Park with Sam the local maths teacher

Thierry Noir

Tiepolo – Joseph receiving Pharaoh’s Ring 1755


Hidden walls

MadC >

Flowers in a Terraco9a Vase by Jan van Huysum 1732

2013 MadC / Van Huysum details 1732

2013 1732

East Dulwich Forum IngridB it's great to see this art in our neighbourhood, thanks for the variety, for geOng people talking and opening my kids eyes to ar@sts I see everyday in town. Ellen Brilliant, all of it, lots of boring walls and buildings brightened up! Vik


Guardian Angel by Franceschini 1716


“The street art tour certainly opened up my mind and provided a real insight and a deeper apprecia@on of modern art.

“One child commented ‘I thought it was going to be boring, but it was really cool’” Deputy Head, Dog Kennel Hill Primary School.

Street art walks for schools

“Working outside with a street arGst was a new and exciGng adventure for all of us and such fun. It was inspiraGonal for the children to see art happening before their eyes and to feel a part of it themselves. An experience they'll remember and be proud of for a long Gme I'm sure.” Cathy Skelton, 3S class teacher, Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

Spray paint workshops Thank you The Patch for your wall

Spot the inspira@on for the street ar@sts Make your own interpreta@ons

Regenerate/revitalise  Â


Walk for ‘The Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery’


Walk for ‘The Japanese Women Friendship Society’

(Re)socialise/revitalise  Â

Inspiring City blog

‘I have to say its really quite inspiring i n terms of puTng a modern interpretaGon on the old masters. I had never really heard of Dulwich Picture Gallery before, but have since been and taken a Gallery tour...loved it ’


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