Northumbria Students' Union Annual Report 2008

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‘It has been a very productive year for Northumbria’s Students’ Union. The University values its relationship with the Students’ Union and the professional and informed manner through which it represents the opinions of students.’ Professor Andrew Wathey Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive

Our mission To have a positive impact on the lives of all our students

Our vision Northumbria Students’ Union’s vision is to achieve excellence in meeting our members needs through student-led activities and services, to be recognised by students and the university as an essential focal point for community life as a student, and to become indispensable to the overall quality of the student experience at Northumbria University.

Our key aims 1. Stand up for student rights through excellent representation and campaigns. 2. Provide consistently good quality services, activities and facilities. 3. Maximise the use and involvement in the Students’ Union by the widest cross section of students possible.

Our core values We will ensure that we • Are a democratic organisation that is owned, run and focused entirely on our members’ needs. • Are accountable to our members through open decision-making that is underpinned by good ethical practice. • Defend our right to independently represent our members to the University to improve student rights locally and nationally. • Enhance university life through the provision of quality services and activities that wherever possible exceed our members’ expectations and are delivered in a way that minimises negative environmental impact. • Encourage the widest possible involvement of our members in all our activities. • Are the community heart of the University to provide a safe place for all our members to network, socialise and be supported and represented. • Make our activities fun and whenever possible involvement will contribute to the personal development of our members. • Develop teamwork between our officers, staff, volunteers and establish productive external partnerships. • Have equality of opportunity at the heart of everything we do.

by the Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive It has been a very productive year for Northumbria’s Students’ Union. The University values its relationship with the Students’ Union and the professional and informed manner through which it represents the opinions of Northumbria’s students.


President’s message Award Winning Union


Run by Students for Students


Guiding Light


Reaching Out


Fighting for Student Rights


Warm Welcome

The student representation system at Northumbria is supported by excellent training initiatives, including the Annual Course Representative Conference and the publication of a nationally recognised Course Representative Guide for academics. I should like to congratulate two of our students, Thomas Gyr and Timur Jan Pinar, who have each earned the prestigious title of National Union of Students Course Representative of the Year 2008. During the past year the Students’ Union’s engagement with the University’s Executive Team, its Schools and Service Departments, has been most constructive; advancing academic standards, increasing feedback, enhancing participation in the National Students’ Survey, facilitating retention and improving key aspects of the student experience. I was pleased to be involved with the opening of Habita Café Bar which, as part of the first phase of a three-year plan to transform the SU building to better meet the needs of today’s students, has greatly improved our city centre campus. I look forward to the completion of the second and third phases, which will include the refurbishment of the Venue and the development of facilities to support club and society activities, personal development, community action, charity fundraising, student representation and other volunteering initiatives. Through its many endeavours the Students’ Union is Northumbria’s principal non-academic conduit for life-changing opportunities for its students; creating communities of common interest, enabling students to learn from one another and to acquire skills which increase their employability. The University supports the Students’ Union’s mission - to have a positive impact on the lives of all students – and its commitment to increase the diversity of its offer and to appeal and to be relevant to the widest possible range of students.


Active Students


Putting Something Back


Developing Services & Entertainment

On behalf of Northumbria University, I should like to thank the Students’ Union for their hard work and I look forward to what I am sure will be a productive future relationship between the Students’ Union and the University.


People & Money

Professor Andrew Wathey Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive Northumbria University


Looking Ahead

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008 03

Contents & Foreword


Award Winning Union

President’s Message I am proud to reflect on another incredible year of success and achievement for Northumbria Students’ Union. The Union has again stretched itself, having a profound and positive impact on the lives of thousands of Northumbria Students. Record breaking levels of involvement, superb new social networking opportunities and services, and the student voice heard loud and clear across the University.

Our Successes in 2008 Students’ Union Winners of: • • • • •

The National Union of Students Course Reps of the year TimeBank Most Innovative Volunteering Project Newcastle Best Bar None Gold Club Award NUS Services Limited Silver Sound Impact Award NUS Services Limited Best Bar None Award

Perhaps our greatest achievements, growth and positive impact have been in our nationally acclaimed systems and support for student representation. The “Northumbria Way” is a benchmark and used as model of best practice by NUS. The quality of our work was marked by the award of ‘NUS Course Representatives of the Year for 2 of our Reps’. The Students’ Union has more active societies and student groups than at any time in its history. They provide countless opportunities to create social communities and networks whilst rapidly developing the skills and employability of all the participants. Northumbria Student Community Action (NSCA) enhances the reputation of Northumbria University helping to dispel negative connotations associated with student life. Again our work is nationally recognised with our ground breaking ‘Speed Dating for people with learning disabilities’ event which received the TimeBank award for the ‘Most Innovative New Community Project 2008’. Our sincere thanks and gratitude go to the University for the investment in our stunning new café bar, Habita. Students and staff use these facilities knowing that our management and operational practices are of the highest order. Winning the ‘Newcastle City Council Best Bar None Club Gold Award,’ confirms our pre-eminence in the way we care for the safety and well being of our customers. In addition for the second year running, the ‘Silver Sound Impact Award’ from NUS Services Ltd., proves our commitment to sound environmental and ethical practices. Whilst it is good to celebrate our many awards, what is most important is that we continue to have a positive impact on student lives at all levels. I am very grateful for the continuing hard work of our countless volunteers, fellow officers, Student Councilors, Trustees and our staff team who make this aim a reality, daily. Northumbria can rightly claim to be a national leader amongst Students’ Unions. With the continued support of the University, I am confident; it will soon become recognised as best in the country. That is our ambition and our promise to you.

Dave Wright President Northumbria Students’ Union


northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Key Achievements

2008 was an important year for the long-term governance of the Students’ Union. Following approval of a new governing document in 2007, significant changes in the organisation have successfully been implemented, including the election / recruitment of 12 out of 13 trustees and over 30 Student Councillors elected / recruited, with a full compliment of quorate meetings held.

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Governance Reforms successfully implemented 2466 votes in the Sabbatical Elections Increase of 480% in all Union democracy since 2004 Third successive quorate AGM held in October 2008 27% increase in Big Ballot turnout 2008 total E-Voter turnout in 3500

Elections are always a key measure of a healthy Students’ Union and 2008 saw the continuation of recent positive trends within the sabbatical officer elections. 2466 students voted for their elected representatives. A new record for the Students’ Union and a 27% increase on the 2007 turnout.

Big Ballot

For the second year running, the Students’ Union gave students the opportunity to vote in an e-Referenda to decide what their number one campaign should be. 647 students (a 27% increase on the 2007 turnout) voted overwhelmingly that ‘Keep Wednesday Afternoons Free’ should be the priority campaign for 2008/2009. The Students’ Union has already begun the planning process of this campaign and began discussions with the University to assess the current Wednesday afternoon timetabling demands.

Elections 2008

2500 2466 Number of Votes


A new format for Student Council has been successfully introduced with most (over 30) positions on Council being filled within one month. Student Council has seen a number of motions and policies submitted by members, ensuring that students are at the heart of decision-making in their Union.

1935 1500

1672 1288


Student Council

500 460 0






Growth in elections since 2004

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008 05

Run by Students for Students

A New Constitution

Guiding Light


The Advice & Representation Centre

This year witnessed further impressive growth of the advice and representation services of the Students’ Union. Northumbria is rapidly building a national profile for the quality of its student representation, recognised by NUS as sector leaders; the Advice and Representation Centre is continuously gaining credibility within the University for the quality of its support for students.

Course Reps

And the Winner is… Northumbria Students’ Union Reps Tom Gyr and TJ Pinar won the Award for Course Reps of the Year 2008 at the inaugural NUS Annual Awards. This achievement reflects the quality of Northumbria’s students and Reps as well as the system in place to support them.

This year has seen unprecedented innovation within student representative systems at Northumbria that the Students’ Union is confident are unique within the Student Movement. These include: •

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Developing a Programme Leader Survey to identify future improvements in the Course Rep system and provide a dataset to benchmark future improvements against. Producing and distributing a ‘Course Rep: Best Practice Guide’, with funding from Student Affairs Committee, as a tool for staff in recruiting and supporting their reps. Delivering N-tale sessions for academic staff in ‘how to get the most out of your reps’. Developing an online Course Rep training module, with support from L-Tech.

October saw the second annual Course Rep Conference at St James Park. 155 students attended this popular and successful event, which included a presentation from Deputy Vice-Chancellor Craig Mahoney and sessions led by Student Services, Library and Learning Services, Academic Registry and IT Services.

Tom Gyr and TJ Pinar accepting NUS Course Reps of the Year Award

PGR Reps Training Event 2008


northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

• • • • • • • •

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Northumbria Students’ Union has introduced a system for tracking School Rep meeting attendance in 2008. The commitment of these Reps across the University is excellent with 89% of meetings having a Rep in attendance and just 5% of Reps missing a meeting without sending apologies.

Advice and Casework

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Introduction of cash points at Coach Lane and City Campus East. Setting up ‘feedback wall’ where Reps post updates on issues raised anonymously by students. Agreeing universal standards across one School for level of detail in module guides. Establishing Women in the Built Environment Group. Preventing clashes between final degree shows and the School graduation ceremony in Design. Presentation to whole School staff team on importance of “the student experience”. NBS: securing fortnightly meetings with their School management. Making dissertation supervision sessions more accessible and fair. Drawing up guidelines on disruptive behaviour in the classroom. Campaigning for student representation at Collaborative Ventures. Lobbied successfully to tighten regulations surrounding PhD viva regulations.

Winner of NUS Course Reps of the Year 2008 Award Conducted first ever research survey of Programme Leaders to identify improvements to Course Rep system Launched a ‘Course Reps: Best Practice Guide’ to support University staff Over 1000 elected Course Reps Over 30% of registered Course Reps trained Launched a new attendance tracking system for School Reps 89% of School Meetings attended by a School Rep 1150 hours advice hours provided to students

enent trere


The achievements of School and Post Graduate Research Reps were many in 2008. Here are just some of the positive changes at Northumbria that the Students’ Union and its Reps have helped to bring about this year:

Key Achievements

C ee an n C an d R d R epresentaattiioon epresent


The Advice and Representation Centre is independent and exists to help students with any on-course issue; we offer advice on academic procedures, support student representatives to represent the student ‘voice’ at Northumbria and run schemes such as the Learning and Teaching Awards, which give every student a say in their education. WE HAVE THREE MEMBERS OF STAFF: • The Representation and Democracy Coordinator • The Education Caseworker • The part-time Student Assistant


CITY CAMPUS The Advice and Representation Centre is on the first floor of the Students’ union. Visit: We are open 10-4 during term time Telephone: 0191 243 7684 Email: COACH LANE The SU Office is on your left as you enter the building from the quad. Visit: 10.30-4 Monday & Wednesday, 10-1 Tuesday and 2-4 Thursday Telephone: 0191 215 6872 Email: Or, find us on the e-learning portal! Search Education Advice or Course Representatives

Between us we support the whole range of activities the centre provides; supporting individual students through crises and developing representation to improve the whole student experience. The Advice and Representation Centre is based at City Campus but we spend 3 days a week at Coach Lane as well.

The professional casework service offered by the Students’ Union has continued to grow in popularity since its launch in 2007. The Union provided advice and advocacy for 232 students in 2008 and many more benefited from the range of information literature developed on topics such as ‘appeals’, ‘complaints’ and ‘academic misconduct’.

Coach Lane

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008


Branching out cross campus the Students’ Union launched the advice service at Coach Lane tailored to meet the specific needs of the Coach Lane students, offering support and guidance at designated surgery times, with the total advice time for Coach Lane in 2008 amounting to 300 hours.

H C A O C 07

Guiding Light

School Reps and Post Graduate Research Reps

Key Achievements

The Students’ Union undertook a new partnership in 2008 by collaborating with IT Services to redevelop and re-launch The new website has a brand new look, it is more visually appealing, more accessible, structured and contains features such as online sales and ‘What’s On’ to ensure it is a valuable tool for students.

• • • • • • •

Launched brand new website Tailored and personalised websites to user needs through use of new technology Elected officers directly engaged with 500 students through GOAL Launched a brand new magazine as the voice for students 40 active Media Volunteers Increased readership of student publication by 50% Organised two Diversity Weeks’ with 2000 students participating

Diversity Weeks’ The Students’ Union ran not one, but two Diversity Weeks during 2008, having delivered the first ever Northumbria Diversity Week in February 08, the second was organised and delivered during December 2008. Both weeks were hugely popular:

My Northumbria

• •

Over 40 sessions were ran across the two weeks High-profile visitors included renowned Islamic speakers Khalid Yasin and Abu Imran

Partnership with IT Services was also crucial to the Union contributing two applications to MyNorthumbria. The personalised site for students contains a MyInterests feature allowing students to receive targeted information about the topics they are interested in and the MyReps application allows every student to check who their School and Course Reps are at the click of a button.

GOALs Elected Officers of the Students’ Union continue to prioritise the importance of engaging and listening to students. Go Out And Listen is the Students’ Union’s scheme for ensuring that it is constantly in touch with the issues that affect Northumbria students. This information is used to inform Officers’ contribution at University meetings, ensuring that the Union is delivering evidence-based representation.

nu:life Magazine

nu:life Isuue No.1 November 2008

Following Governance reform the Students’ Union has brought the student publication in house and re-launched and rebranded what was the student newspaper. The election of a Communications Officer has meant that more students have been involved with writing articles and making the student magazine the true voice of Northumbria Students. NU:Life is a contemporary guide to campus life and in partnership with Team Northumbria gives balanced updates with social, political and sporting news.



The official voice of Northumbria Students’ Union

Reaching Out

A Brand New Website

In this edition...



We’ve got something for you


Diversity Week


northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

COULDN’T GIVE A TICK? You can now! It’s back again. An independent national survey, for most final year undergraduates

One of the Students’ Union’s biggest and most noted achievements in 2008 was supporting the University in increasing its National Student Survey response rate to 71%.

Committee Key Achievements • • • •

Helping the University to achieve a 71% NSS response rate 9% increase in satisfaction with assessment feedback Over 800 hours spent representing students in University committees Successful campaigning led to 24 Hour Library Opening during term time

The Union developed the notanothertickingsurvey campaign theme which captured students’ imagination, whilst working behind the scenes with the University to ensure that improvements were made and that the results reflected improved satisfaction.

Complete it online and get a free cup of coffee from your Students’ Union

You could win £1000 Quick and easy to complete

Your voice – make a difference

Assessment Feedback The big campaigning success story for the Students’ Union in 2008 took the form of its campaign for improved assessment feedback. Voted as the Union’s number one campaign in the Big Ballot 2007, elected officers worked tirelessly with the University to install timely, good quality feedback as a main priority. Working closely with Academic Registry to promote the ‘feedback feed-forward’ campaign, highlighting how effective feedback could be used to improve results. Students were involved, with School Reps surveying their peers on expectations of assessment feedback and presenting the findings to School Learning and Teaching Committees, and driving the debate on what makes good feedback through student-led forums. The campaign result was a staggering 9% rise in satisfaction, placing Northumbria in the top quartile in this category and with individual subject areas jumping by as much as 30%.

Representation The elected officers of the Students’ Union continue to work very hard at ensuring that students have an input into decision-making within the University Committee structures. In 2008 it is estimated they spent over 800-hours involved in almost 60 committees, boards and working parties.

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

24 - hour Library Opeinng

24-hour Library Opening Over a year on from the Students’ Union’s 24-hour library campaign and students are still reaping the benefits. 2008 saw the further extension of the library to become a full 24-hour service during term time.

Fools Rush In The Students’ Union has continued to build its links with University Accommodation Services, gaining an increased presence in the University’s housing publication to promote its ‘Fools Rush In’ campaign. This campaign tackles the Christmas accommodation rush and promotes the fact that it is a tenants market and that there is plenty of housing available. 09

Fighting for Student Rights

Not Another Ticking Survey

Warm Welcome

Key Achievements • • • •

E t t i


Welcome Week

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Organised specific Coach Lane and International student Welcome programmes Recruited, trained and developed 200 Welcome Helpers Targeted direct mailings to all first year students Over 15,000 attendees at Welcome Week Entertainment Events 300 students participated in Welcome Activities Hosted one of the biggest Welcome Weeks in the country Footfall of 12,000 at the Welcome Fairs 10% Increase in advertising sales Elected Officers provided inductions to 6500 students - an increase of 4%

Welcome Week 2008 was a ground breaking year for the Students’ Union, selling out of Welcome Passes before the start of the week shows our strength in delivering a fantastic induction to student life and an invaluable element to the overall student experience.

• • •

A key aim for the Students’ Union is providing a warm welcome to all new students arriving on campus. Over 200 current students volunteered as Welcome Team Helpers to move students into halls and provide advice and guidance to newcomers. For the first time, the Students’ Union recruited a dedicated Welcome Team for Coach Lane Campus.

Welcome Fairs

Before students arrived they received a personalized mailing introducing them to the Students’ Union and the activities, services and entertainments on offer. Specific mailings were posted and events and activities were organised for International and Coach Lane students, reaffirming the Students’ Union’s commitment to increasing diversity. Following market research in 2007 the Union reviewed and amended the activity and entertainment programme in line with student needs. This year we really did offer something for everyone, with top name Radio One DJ’s, a formal Ball, Roller and Silent Disco to tours of the city, trips to Ikea and a family fun day at Coach Lane, whatever the taste, we catered. Greater attendances, participation and turnover provided evidence that the Students’ Union is in tune with the membership.

This year the Union organised 3 days of hugely successful Welcome Fairs with a footfall of over 12,000 attendees, it’s no wonder the Students’ Union is nationally recognised as hosting one of the biggest and best Fairs in the country. The Fairs, give students the opportunity to sign up for doctors, dentists, find out more about local businesses and charities or sign up for one of the many activities or volunteering opportunities on offer. This year saw much greater collaboration between Team Northumbria and the Students’ Union, running a Sports and Societies Fair across both venues.

Welcome Fairs

A Personal Touch

Welcome Team helping students move in


An integral part of induction for new students is the introduction of the Students’ Union from the elected officers. Offering students the opportunity to get involved, be active or just find our more about how we can help and support them during their time at University. In September 2008 the Sabbatical team spoke over 6500 students at City Hall and in other induction sessions, a 4% increase from 2007 and 13% on 2006.

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Key Achievements • • • • •

Drop in and equiries increased at the Student Activity Centre by 10% Number of societies soared to over 80 2500 society members an increase of 15 % Over 1000 International One Planet attendees 200 students registered for Northumbria Plus Award = 6000 hours of volunteering time 30% greater attendance at the Annual Awards

The Student Activities Centre has continued to go from strength to strength and is now established as THE one stop shop for students to get involved in extra-curricular activities.


Northumbria Plus

Students’ Union societies continued to show a significant amount of growth in 2008 with over 80 active societies ranging from the rock-climbing and breakdancing societies to the popular Maylasian and Taiwanese societies. Over 2500 students were members of societies during 2008 and the Students’ Union was represented for the first time at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2008 by our Musical Theatre Society.

The Students’ Union continues to contribute large numbers of volunteers to the University’s Northumbria Plus scheme, with over 60% of recipients in 2008 participating in Union schemes. Over 200 students have registered for the award in this academic year, all of which have volunteered at least 30 hours of their own time.

One Planet

Annual Awards

The Students’ Union and Student Services joint One Planet programme continues to be hugely popular with international students. In 2008, over 1000 students attended One Planet activities and the Autumn/Winter programme set a new record by selling out 10 trips within a day.

The fifth Students’ Union Annual Awards Evening was held in May 2008. The event was a huge success and continues to provide a great opportunity for the Students’ Union to celebrate the huge contribution made to University life by the large number of students that engage in volunteering and other activities.



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northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Students’ Union 2008 Annual Awards 11

Active Students

Student Activities Centre

Putting Something Back

Northumbria Student Community Action (NSCA) and Junction 49 2008 has been a boom year for community volunteering in the Students’ Union. This scheme supports students in setting up their own community volunteering projects. There are over 400 active community volunteers with 2100 students registered on the volunteer mailing list. 32 Projects have been set up and ran by NSCA volunteers including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Speed Dating Disco Tea Dance Swap Shop Speed Dating for those with learning disabilities Beach Clean and Survey Adopt a River Time Lapse Photography Adopt a River Willow Weave Ouseburn Farm Clean Up School For Fools Community Theatre Performance Carol Singing Tea Party for United Beneficaries Society Giving Tree Shoebox Appeal Krocodile Krew Big Snapper BBC Children in Need Short Film Children’s Christmas Party for Barnardos Christmas Lunch for Homeless People

These projects continue to have a big impact on the local community and a big impact on the University’s local image.

Key Achievements • • • • •

Won a national award for ‘Most Innovative Project 07-08’ 404 active NSCA volunteers 2100 students registered on the volunteer mailing list 32 community projects and 12 new project leaders £30000 raised for charities through Raise & Give

National Recognition As if the warm glow of altruism wasn’t enough, Northumbria Students’ Union has again been recognised nationally, this time for its volunteering projects. The Students’ Union won the TimeBank ‘Most Innovative Project 07-08’ for its Speed Dating for People with Learning Disabilities events. The Students’ Union works with TimeBank to deliver the national ‘Junction 49’ project whereby community projects can bid for and receive funding to support their activities.

Raise & Give (RAG) 2008 was another excellent year for Northumbria RAG. Over 300 volunteers were involved in RAG during 2008 and numerous events throughout the year and raised over £30,000 for a number of charities. In September 2008, the Students’ Union launched a yearround RAG project which is well on its way to raising the biggest RAG total ever. 10 new events have taken place between September and December, a new RAG calendar has been produced and the number of students from Coach Lane participating in RAG has increased dramatically.

“I really can’t thank the students who collected for their hard work, contributions and commitment to Whizz-Kidz. On behalf of all the children and


families we work with - Thank you, your support is appreciated and invaluable to us.”

“I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for organising and helping out at the Pyramid Christmas party. It was a fantastic afternoon which I know

Kay Aslett Regional Fundraiser & Volunteer Manager

all of the children really enjoyed, and it really was a testament to your hard work and commitment. We were all really impressed by the effort, skill and imagination you’d put in”

Tracy Bell Pyramid Coordinator


northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Key Achievements •

The Students’ Union runs a variety of commercial services; cafes, bars and nightclubs generating an annual turnover of almost £2 million. 2008 was an exciting time with huge transformations within the building and the services in which we deliver. We became an award winning Union for our operational and ethical practices, ensuring Northumbria is a bench mark for other Students’ Unions and licensed trade operations locally and nationally.

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The most notable development last year was the £2 million refurbishment of the old Bar One, financially supported by the University. The business rational was rewritten in line with market trends, a review of product range; coffee and food offering alongside high quality service have resulted in the old style outlet evolving into a stylish and contemporary café and bar. The grand opening by the Vice - Chancellor kicked the year off to a tremendous start and Habita has proven to be the social heart of campus with students and staff packing it out, morning, noon and night! Sales have exceeded expectations and are up by 232% on turnover, which proves we really can deliver services that students want!

In Habita we really do offer something for everybody. Whether it be winning hundreds of pounds at our mammoth sized quiz nights, watching your team on the big screen, chilled house beats, or you just want to warm up before heading elsewhere, we are open late every night of the week!

Refurbished and rebranded a stylish contemporary café bar Increased sales in Habita by 232% Increased coffee sales by 53% 500, 000 people attended Union events Hosted some of the biggest acts in the industry Winners of Best Bar None Gold Club Award in Newcastle City Awarded NUSSL Best Bar None Won Silver Sound Impact Award

Award Winning Our commitment to running excellent, ethical operations was recognised at a number of prestigious ceremonies in 2008. We came top at the Newcastle Best Bar None Awards and won Gold Club Award, highlighting our excellence of running bars within the City. In addition, we gained a Best Bar None NUS Services Limited Award. The Awards didn’t stop there and our dedication to ethical and environmental issues was rewarded when we won the Silver Sound Impact Award, ranking the sixth best Student Union in the country, doing our bit for the environment.

Grab yourself one of our scrumptious fruitastic cocktails, lush crisp beer or a Starbucks coffee, kick back and relax in our cosy warm atmosphere, or get up and groove to our DJ led beats!

Open Hours Monday - Friday 8.30pm until late Saturday & Sunday 12pm until late






S tudent S


2 Sandyford Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8SB

NUSSL Silver Sound Impact Award

Entertainments Our strength in delivering top quality entertainment is evident in the big names we have hosted and the number of people that attended our events in 2008. We offered a more diverse entertainment package from Salsa, to comedy nights and not forgetting the unforgettable end of term parties! During the course of the year we have had approximately 500, 000 though our event doors and headlining acts included; Ting Tings, The Futureheads, Feeder, as well as countless top named DJ’s and TV Stars, ensuring that students at Northumbria will have a truly outstanding student experience.

Best Bar None Gold Club Award

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008 13

Developing Services & Entertainment

Developing Services and Entertainments

People and Money


Key Achievements

This year the Students’ Union has ensured a big focus on building a motivated and engaged team of staff. A ‘Rewards and Engagement Strategy’ was launched to extend and provide clarity on the wide range of staff benefits. A staff survey carried out with a response rate of 77% in November shows significant improvements in satisfaction and overall Northumbria Students’ Union staff are proud to work for the organisation, with an overall satisfaction rating of 83%.

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Financial Wellbeing The Students’ Union continues to face financial challenges. Competition for the student pound in Newcastle is at an all time a high with many bars and clubs heavily discounting on price. The consolidated statement of financial activities for the Students’ Union and its subsidiary company Naturally Northumbria for the year ended 31st July 2008 showed an overall deficit of £97,206. Exceptional items include a balance sheet write off of £67,958 relating to the transfer of city site Catering and Retail service to Northumbria University from the 1st September 2008. These services are now run in partnership with Northumbria University through a Joint Management Agreement. The Students’ Union continues to rebuild its financial solvency with net current assets of £3,873 compared to negative liabilities of £82,422 the previous year and down from its peak of £493,007 in 2003. The University’s continuing confidence in the Students’ Union’s ability to manage its affairs in a prudent manner was rewarded with an increase in Block Grant funding of 8.5% and total funding of 9% in the financial year 2007-2008. This increase has allowed the Students’ Union

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Launching the MAP Management Development Programme for managers and supervisors Introducing a set of management competences so that all staff know what they can expect from their manager Organising first ever programme of social events for staff including a start of term bowling trip with over 80 attendees Staff Survey response rate of 77% Positive net current assets achieved for the first time in five years Block Grant funding increased by 8.5% Total University funding increased by 9% Positive cash at bank achieved over full year

to maintain the quality of its representation services and the breadth of student activity and personal development opportunities for our members. However, further expansion in the scope of these services and activities particularly at the Coach Lane campus is dependent on new funding being secured. Finances are student led, with the input of professional staff and are approved by the Board of Trustees. The Students’ Union complies with the Education and Charity Acts’ requirements on financial record keeping, systems and reporting.


Saleries & Wages


Costs of Sales


Building Costs


PRS, PPL, Insurance, £151,950 Legal, Audit, Bank & Payroll Charges & other professional fess


Loss of Asset




Training, Development & Conferences


University Block Grant




NUS Affiliation



£16,171 £13,543















Entertainment & Concerts


Marketing & Membership Services


Coach Lane






Machines & Vending


Naturally Northumbria


northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Northumbria has a very diverse student population. The Students’ Union recognises this by continually striving to improve its services and activities to add value to the Northumbria students’ university experience. 2009 sees a major review of our Strategic Plan. The outcomes will be underpinned by rigorous market research of our members’ needs and priorities. We will also pay particular attention to Coach Lane where specific strategies and plans are in place to develop our presence and have as positive an impact on their lives. The Students’ Union wholeheartedly supports the achievement of the University’s vision and goals. We are fully committed to working closely with our new Vice Chancellor, Professor Andrew Wathey and his team to maximise its potential to be a truly great University and one we can all be proud of. We will develop new and innovative partnerships at all levels of the University. And when necessary, we will also act as a critical friend. We are the authentic voice of students. It is our primary role to ensure that they are heard, particularly the case with our Student Written Submission to the upcoming QAA Institutional Audit. Phase One of the physical transformation of the city site Students’ Union into a building which is “fit for purpose” was completed in 2008. Phase Two follows in 2009 with the redevelopment of the Venue as a complimentary facility for the new and co-joined Sports Centre due to open in June 2010. However we need to secure the University’s firm commitment to Phase Three and the creation of sector leading Membership Services facilities to support the future growth of our representation, volunteering and social-networking activities. Bringing together of all our core services at ground floor level will be the final and essential piece of the jigsaw of building work thus creating a fitting showcase and “shop window to support and involvement” for these award winning services.

northumbria students’ union annual report 2008

Key Priorities for 2009 • • • • • •

Identify member needs and priorities through market research Devise a new Strategic Plan Develop new and innovative partnerships with the University Ensure the student voice is heard in the QAA Submission Create a contemporary multi functional venue of excellence Gain a commitment for the development of a Membership Service Hub

We are well on our journey to create a Students’ Union of national standing. With its continued support and ambition, Northumbria University can help us become an essential, fun and vibrant community focal point that achieves our mission to have “a positive impact on the lives of all our students”. 15

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

A positive impact on the lives of all our students

Trustees who served in 2008 Melis Besen

William Ralston

Ivan Blackwell

Steve Ross

Rachael Brannan

Yetunde Saliu

Lisa Burton

Katie Scott

Sarah Edmunds

Lewis Still

Martin Farr

Simon Sundberg

Dave Foster

Vijay Varghese

Debbie Hunt

Dave Wright

Karen Ingram

Jen Wynd

Tim Mallender

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