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Pet industry showcase for Arden Grange



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an Dean & Charm

PMW AND PETS CORNER WORKING TOGETHER Back in the summer of 2014 Pets Corner contacted us to support them with a TV programme that was just about to be released – an episode of Undercover Boss. The owners, Dean and Charman, saw it as an excellent PR exercise and wanted some help in maximising the positive effect that they believed it would have. Having managed what then transpired to be more of a crisis than an opportunity we built a trusting relationship with the team there that, over the following four years, saw their brand awareness develop and grow into an incredibly positive force across mainstream, broadcast and social media. Since we started working with what is now referred to as the Pet Family Group, the organisation has grown significantly through the acquisition of PampurredPets, but also organically. We have been on that journey with them at all stages and they have now created an in-house team that manages their day-to-day marketing activity. We would love to use the combined experience of our team within the pet retail industry to support another pet retail organisation. We could certainly be hitting the ground running.







Although very strong, this toy is not indestructible. All dogs should be supervised during play and owners should discard of any toys as soon as they become unsuitable. This toy has been designed as a fetch toy and NOT a chew toy. Should your dog ingest any parts of this toy then please seek veterinary care immediately. The batteries in this toy are not replaceable. Please remove the batteries from this product before disposal and recycle them at your nearest recycling plant.

The tough & Durable toy that flashes


Pets Corner

Source: Wiltshire Tim Edition: es {Main} Country: UK Date: Friday 6, No vember 2015 Page: 40 Area: 45 sq. cm Circulation: ABC 9548 We ekly Ad data: page rate £6 48.50, scc rat Phone: e £6.51 01225 7772 92 Keyword:

PUBLIC RELATIONS home blackmorevale r 2015 Friday 2, Octobe

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ster Pets Corner Warmin of the Year By Blackmore Vale


Cars m Galleries Property t tC eo r m s Jobs s lt oh L g e s i H nn e e a s Bl ut si o ht ae fr Ba k r ic n de u um t i h n Ss n r s di Em D n Se t m u o r o c deN ne a Cew eomo u u t r h r Aa vl F o o Sn e n se g cy h uma B i W i Gn v i d e l l R i l re e ew sL a FaN o J r o e b sV e e l n o r o rb Pdo o de fi m ar nn W What's On



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Retail Chain shortlisted for Pet

October Magazine | Posted:

Top Stories

02, 2015


Blackmore Vale Magazine {Main} UK Friday 9, October 2015 90 49 sq. cm Pub Stmt 56982 Weekly page rate £749.00, scc rate £5.35 01963 365 100

Pets Corner

Source: Third Secto Edition: r {Event Gu ide} Country: UK Date: Frid ay 1, April Page: 2016 12, 13 Area: Circulation: 733 sq. cm ABC 6095 Monthly Ad data: page rate £3, Phone: 0208 267 500653.00, scc rate £39 .00 0 Keyword: Pe VOUCHER DEALS

ts Corner

latest... FREE trial of the rs Hearing Aid Supplie Print voucher

by the Pet Chain of the Year sted for Pet Retail nster has been shortli Awards 2015. Pets Corner Warmi Industry Federation

WINTER... BOOK US FOR A s Gardening Service Print voucher

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nster has been shortli Pets Corner Warmi Awards 2015. Industry Federation

by the Pet Chain of the Year sted for Pet Retail

be pet retailer, will family run, ethical that make up the staff training is one of 102 shops and satisfaction, The store, which s, customer service commercial succes s. judged on its overall the last 12 month to innovation over ution contrib and g pet industry of the UK’s thrivin s is a celebration retailers, Federation Award and national pet The Pet Industry of independent nce across a range recognising excelle suppli ers. manufacturers and ted to have been said: “We are deligh worked extremely Corner Warmi nster, Pets have at er nster Warmi Steve O’Neil, manag . All of the staff at Pets Corner is prestigious award satisfaction that shortli sted for this er service and sa winner in high levels of custom g the results of the hard to deliver the forward to hearin are very much looking renowned for. We November.”

Free Storage Boxes Archive Storage Print voucher

Free quotations Boilers Servicing and


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No fee... 10% discount and

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yourca ber 2015 Friday 20, Novem

Pets Corner

Dentist s Print voucher

t owner. No further or other copyrigh t owner. All FT ial Times/f from the copyrigh ines), FT (Financ pers), CLA (magaz d except under licence the NLA (newspa of the cutting is permitte 2 under licence from ction/forwarding Article Page 1 of Reproduced by Gorkana of digital cuttings ), digital reprodu g printing copying (includin l Times Ltd. Financia The t content is copyrigh - A23570 - 4 336208793 - PETJON

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g top industry aw celebrates winnin Warminster store


353536097 - SARTA

Written by Hannah

ber Vickers on 20 Novem

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ration Awards, s Pet Industry Fede Year at this year’ Retail Chain of the awarded the Pet Pets Corner was mber 17. on Tuesday Nove place took which Blessed. d by actor Brian ed ceremony hoste glittering 60s them announced in a The winners were award shortlisted for an s that had been esse busin other gst 45 Reproduced Pets Corner Warminster were amon award home. by Gorkana g the takin and post the und copying (inc pipping them to er licence from on its luding printing the NLA (ne family-run, ethical pet retailer, was judged ation of digital cut shops that make owner. All FT up thewspapers), contribution to innov CLAng(m and content is, which traini aga is one of 102 tings), digital rep zines), FT (Fi satisfaction, staff The store copyright The nancial mer service and roduction/forwardin Financ ss, custo 339745251 succe l ial No further g ercia owner. Tim ht of comm es Ltd. the cutting other copyrig - MOHH overall ht owner. All FT Times/f or

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Winning – or even simply being nominated for an industry award – can be hugely beneficial for a company in terms of raising awareness, driving business and securing positive PR. It adds kudos to your organisations, while giving clients a strong sense of trust that they are dealing with an impressive outfit. Our experienced copywriting team will research, write and submit awards on your behalf ensuring that all required entry criteria is covered. We are happy to research and recommend relevant awards for your company. com) or other copyright owner. No further ers), CLA (magazines), FT (Financial Times/ft.

the NLA (newspap Reproduced by Gorkana under licence from is permitted except under licence from the copyright digital reproduction/forwarding of the cutting copying (including printing of digital cuttings), Article Page 1 of 1 Times Ltd. Financial The owner. All FT content is copyright

Here are two examples of awards we have previously worked on in your industry: 337175873 - MOHISL - A23570-4

The Pet Federation Awards – Retailer of the Year: Winning entry – Pets Corner Cheltenham 2014 Winning entry – Pets Corner Warminster 2015 Winning entry – Pets Corner Hednesford 2016 The Lloyds Bank Business Awards – The Positive Social Impact Award: Highly commended

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Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone: Keyword:

UK Tuesday 5, April 2016 12 131 sq. cm ABC 97250 Daily scc rate £33.00 page rate £8,000.00,


Pets Corner

Edition: Pets Corner Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone:


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on al ta

up E Pet s Cor ner snapsival r PRE-FURRED CHOIC cr eat e Pet s At Home PamPur r ed Pet s to



UK Saturday 9, April 2016 8 61 sq. cm Pub Stmt 30672 Weekly page rate £1,415.00, scc rate £0.00 01293 613 400

Pets Corner

The Sunday Times {Business} UK Sunday 3, April 2016 2 50 sq. cm ABC 770370 Weekly page rate £60,690.00, scc rate £144.00 020 7782 5000

Pets Corner



We have extensive experience communicating business related news to the media including sales, acquisitions, and new store openings. .uk Monday 18, April 2016

Pets Corner

for £6m. ess PamPurred Pets r, has bought rival businmaking the UK’s second e, the high street retaile

to its pet empir PETS CORNER, Pets add another 51 stores d its larger listed rival Pets at Home. er will buys acquisition The Corn entire ers behin shar e capital of PamPurr by shop numb biggest pet retailer edPets

Written by Hannah Vickers

on 18 April 2016 .

Business digest

ght owner. No further / or other copyri ght , FT (Financial Times licence from the copyri ), CLA (magazines) ted except under the NLA (newspapers of the cutting is permit Article Page 1 of 1 na under licence from uction/forwarding reprod digital Reproduced by Gorka s), printing of digital cutting ial Times Ltd. copying (including Financ The ght t is copyri owner. All FT conten -4 - 111265300

S - A23570 353478351 - DELDE

Ethical pet retailer, and home of natural pet food, Pets Corner have competitor business bought the entire shareho PamPurredPets for lding of £6 million as they seek stores across the country to continue to expand . their number of Over the past year Pets Corner have consolid ated their market leading new stores in 2015, position by successfully with more planned for opening 14 2016. The acquisition another 51 stores to of the shares of PamPu their holding compan rredPets will add y’s existing UK portfolio biggest pet chain in of 110 shops and create the UK by store number the second s and EBITDA (earnin and amortisation). gs before interest, taxes, depreciation

Pets Corner’s acquisition of Pampurred Pets We handled all media communications including liaising with journalists, providing relevant comment and organising interviews on the company’s behalf.

Source: The Times Edition: {Main} Country: UK Date: We dnesday 22, Page: June 2016 3 Area: Circulation 80 sq. cm : ABC 438 159 Daily Ad data: pag e rate Phone: £16 020 7782 500 ,645.00, scc rate £75 .00 0 Keyword:

Store refits and new store openings Communicating to the relevant regional and pet consumer media when new stores open or undergo refurbishment.

Pet shop boy collars £6m rival Pets Corne


Two independent pet retailers have climbed into the same basket. Pets Corner, which has 110 stores, has bought Pets Corner will continu e running PamPurredPet PamPurredPets, giving it a further 51 shops. The £6m purchase s as a separate entity which are located across but plan to rebrand southern England and the stores, Wales, over under Gorkana veterinary concessions Reproduced by the next few licence for PamPurredPets’ founder, Steve Fowler, a windfall years and from brings NLA to seven of the location add the (newspap Pet ers), Practice CLA (magazin s. PamPurredPets’ staff es), FT (Financial Times/ or other copying Pets Corner classro will be printing introduc of om based training(including copyrightwith digital outlet one cuttings), ed owner. to the No further digital renown 59, started the business reproduct ed ion/forwar his me. and ding of family. the cuttingFowler, owner. Allprogram is permitted except under licence from FT content is copyright The Financial Times Ltd. the copyright director in 1981. Pets Corner managing Dorset, Ferndown, in 353815497 - BRAPHI - A23570-4 more Article Page 1 of 1 Dean Richmond said the move would help it to reach customers in southern England and Wales.

Source: People's Frien Edition: d {Main} Country: UK Date: Saturday 4, Page: June 2016 77 Area: 498 sq. cm Circulation: ABC 21104 8 Weekly Ad data: page rate £4,39 Phone: 01382 22313 0.00, scc rate £0.00 1 Keyword:

Reproduced by Gorkana under licence from the NLA (newspape copying (including printing rs), CLA (magazines of digital cuttings), ), FT (Financial Times/ digital reproduction/forwardin content is copyright m) or other copyright The Financial Times g of the cutting is permitted owner. No further Ltd. except under licence 354774936 - DANAGY from the copyright owner. - A23570 - 4 All FT

Pets Corner

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The Sun


Source: Edition: 2016 UK ay 22, June Country: Wednesd Date: 24 Page: 176 sq. cm 8 Daily 3.00 rate £23 171676 Area: .00, scc on: ABC £55,454 Circulati page rate 4000 2 Ad data: 778 020 Phone: ner Pets Cor : Keyword

Bunnies bew are: carrots ar e bad

CLA (magazines), FT (Financial Times/ or other copyright owner. No further Reproduced by Gorkana under licence from the NLA (newspapers), David Sander son of the cutting is permitted except under licence from the copyright copying (including printing of digital cuttings), digital reproduction/forwarding Colin Grant, Now we kno 38, from St w what was owner. All FT content is copyright The Financial Times Ltd. whose Bug 353917770 - AIDFIN - A23570-4


rabbit, Fluffy, s Bunny: Albans, bugging died aged that he gnawed wer the carrots he incessant e ly banned had no idea lettuce ten, said Animal exprotting his insides. was on a list. “I wonde spent red many foods erts have warned that hav most of the day sleepinwhy Fluffy associated including e bee g. wit He mu n out h rab car RSPCA res of it most of the time.”st actually ver rots and lettuce, bits, earchers hav y bad for the are the hig e found m. Unbeknow h sug tooth decay ar content in carrots cauthat leaves containn to pet owners, lett and ses Other “banne digestive problems. as a danger what has been describuce carium, a milous “rabbit opium”. Lac ed avocados, garlic,d bunny foods” includ concentratedky fluid that is particu tu- chillies, accord coconut, onions ande ing to the new give a mild in the iceberg variety, larly published as par gui dan ce sen may Rab smoked by sation of euphoria wh bit Awarenes t of the 10th annual s Week. Ms Ross said threatening humans but can be en life for rabbits in tha Lucy Ros high doses. - bit’s diet should be t the bulk of a rabfresh grass with vegeta Pets Corners, head of training at or hay ble lettuces wer chain of stores, said the cent. “Curly kals forming just 10 per, never be fed e “dangerous and shothat bles that rabbitse is among theCHR DOULOU veg ISTO eta - not uld basis,” to rabbits”. can enj By HOL oy LYon asho she add daiuld ly e d som for a once-a ed. “AnRA BBITS e let e becaus , pak tuccho -week treabe istoned t.” fed m copyright or other

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NY N U B S G U DLettRuce ‘like opium warning

We have years of knowledge writing to rabbits’ for the pet industry. Our highly owner. No further FT (Financial Times/ Reproduced by Gorkana under licence from the NLA (newspapers), CLA (magazines), from the copyright cuttings), digital reproduction/forwarding of the cutting is permitted except under licence of digital (including printing experienced copying copywriters can create BITS D EVEN RAB Ltd. Times ..ANArticle Financial The copyright is TRIPPY 1 of 1 content FT G Page owner. All ARE GETTIN well written,353315561 informative articles that - CRAWRI - A23570-4 - 111197296 will raise awareness of important pet-related topics to position you as the experts in your field. the it gets warn. g s has lon a expertsala d green be

to The thought of the pets.ce, been e food ins said lettu as favourit

Here’s one example of how we put that into practice for Pets Corner.

ny boff unsafe m” But bun iceberg, is bit opiu arly particultains a “rab is it con lactucarium. which called milky fluid, has stems, The give the by the secreted elements that . high sedative a euphoric has a mild animals rium also humans but ed Lactuca effect in consum ng painkilli need to be ialit would al spec doses. in large Ross, an anim : “Lettuce said Lucy Corner,staple among e it ist at Pets popular often mak is a that can . and humans pet food pile us into the it is dangero rabbits.” fed to “But Rabbit never be used e should also underlin k to too Experts ss Wee be fed Awarene should not its naturall the petscarrrots ots as their teeth. hot many tent rots garlic, and sugar cono, coconut, toes Avocad chillies, pota avoided. , peppers should also be ead eat a inst onions , cabshould hay, kalefood. Rabbits diet of pellet regular ley and the-sun. bage, parsristodoulou@

Reproduced by Gorkan a under licen copying (inc ce from the luding prin NLA (newspa ting of digital owner. All FT content pers), CLA is copyright cuttings), digital repr (magazines oduction/fo The Financia ), FT (Financ 360642510 rwarding of l Times Ltd. ial Times/ - CRAWRI the cutting - A23570-4 m) or other is permitted - 11405673 copyrig 4 except und er licence from ht owner. No further the copyrig ht

Lettuce is dangerous for rabbits: bunny foods to feed and avoid.

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further owner. No copyright or other copyright s/ from the 1 of 1 ncial Time r licence Article Page s), FT (Fina itted except unde (magazine perm ers), CLA cutting is (newspap orwarding of the the NLA duction/f ce from under licen digital repro ana gs), l cuttin by Gork Artic ed Times Ltd. le Paginge of1 digita Reproduc of 1The Financial ding print copy right (inclu copying FT content is 4 owner. All 5471

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1 - CRAW


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WORLD FIRSTS Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone: Keyword:

Manchester Evening News


Weekly News, The

(England) {Main}

UK Saturday 23, April 2016 14 118 sq. cm ABC 19857 Week ly page rate ÂŁ5,232.00, scc rate ÂŁ22.60 01382 223 131

Pets Corner

UK Tuesday 2, February 2016 25 135 sq. cm Pub Stmt 54680 Daily scc rate ÂŁ29.40 page rate ÂŁ10,434.60, 0161 829 3300

The media loves original ideas and world firsts. When Pets Corner decided to train all its staff in human and animal first aid - the first ever combined course of its kind - it was the ideal opportunity to communicate this to the media and position the business as a pioneer in animal and customer safety.

Pets Corner

e kiss Pet shop sta learn how to givcou rse of life to dogs in new ďŹ rst aid half focuses specifically is g Stockport. Half a day on injured and sufferin PET shop workers are devoted to human first animals. learning how to give aid, while the second a dogs the ‘kiss of life’ in first aid course. Staff from Pets Corner for are being taught CPR cats and canines, along with how to save choking and poisoned animals and those injured in accidents and fights. The day-long session is the first ever ‘pet and human first aid training , course’ in the country the company said. It is being given to 600 UK employees across the g includin month, this in giving CPR to pets Workers will be trained the branch in Marple,

Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: Ad data: Phone: Keyword:

Lucy Ross, head of training at Pets Corner, to said: “It’s our mission provide all of our staff with the tools and to knowledge they need feel confident in helping both pets and people to and for our customers hands always be in safe when they visit any of our shops.� The company, which has over 100 stores nationwide, teamed up with First Aid Support Training and The Canine First Aid Company to develop the speciallytailored course.

Independent i {Main} UK 2015 Thursday 7, May 41 768 sq. cm ABC 273853 Daily .00, scc rate ÂŁ44.00 page rate ÂŁ10,472 020 7005 2000

Dog {Main}

Your Source: Edition: UK Country: y 2016 Friday 1, Januar Date: 8 Page: 173 sq. cm Area: 26009 Monthly owner. No further Circulation: ABC rate ÂŁ28.00 om) or other copyright ÂŁ1,357.00, scces), rate page FT (Financial Times/ft.c the copyright Ad data: ers), CLA (magazin NLA (newspap except under licence from 01780 754900 under licence from the Phone: of the cutting is permitted ion/forwarding Article Page 1 of 1 Reproduced by Gorkana digital reproduct r of digital cuttings),Keywor d: Ltd.Pets Corne Reproduced by Gorka copying (including printing Times na under licence is copyright The Financial owner. All FT content from copyin

Pets Corner

347807301 - CHRGID

the NLA (newspaper g (including printin s), CLA (magazines) g of digital cutting owner. All FT conten s), digital reprod , FT (Financial Times t is copyright The uction/forwarding / or other Financial Times of the cutting is permi copyright owner. Ltd. tted except under No further licence from the AY - A23570-4 copyright

- A23570-4 - 108981395

354976146 - TWAM

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The 10 Best...

Dog beds willing canines)

Lesley Jones (and some practical places ďŹ nd comfortable andheads for pets to rest their

{1} MIKKI REVERSIBLE MAGIC PET BED for small This is a great idea cords to dogs – just pull the s into a bed turn a at mattres of cosy, with sides. It’s made it is a good plush material so . One choice for colder months terrier, re Yorkshi a i tester, at mat liked using it as a  as a on the sofa and then ay. hideaw e converted bedtim £15.39,

{2} GREAT & SMALL DUVET BED g blue This lovely duck-eg practical may not be the most but the colour for a dog bed, machine cover comes off for mattress washing. Its inner - our able is extra-comfort fought three cockapoo testers for space on it. From ÂŁ39.99, petscor

From ÂŁ230,

S GREEN {5} WAINWRIGHT’ BED CHECK SQUARE DOG number is This green squishy l. The inner extremely practica is made pad is removable and Best of all, of soft, furry eece. le – if it’s all machine washab your keep you can manage to enough. dog out of it for long From £28, {6} PLANTABOX PERSONALISED PET BED CRATE dogs, Suitable for smaller made Plantabox’s beds are can and from apple crates

T {3} KUBU DOG BASKE the If you like a twist on shabbythis traditional basket, whatsits. chic sofa is the dog’s r testers One of our younge arms the found may have padded seat very tasty but the with all of proved a favourite the dogs in our panel. From £99.99, gardenfurniturecentre {4} CECIL DOG BED the If you’re going to splashgood for a cash on Fido, do it available in cause. The Cecil is but a huge choice of fabrics, style choose a Fenella Smithnd, dachshu (in a cute pug, pattern) pheasant or spaniel get 10 per and Dog’s Trust will n. donatio cent of its cost as a

on the fron bone-shaped label but pa is attached with Velcro make an extra £19 and they’ll name. it up with your dog’s om From £79, amara.c S {9} MUTTS AND HOUNDBED SLATE TWEED DONUT woven Made from tweed l in Yorkshire, this tastefua to be proved bed donut choice. comfortable, classic is It comes in three sizes, keeps and le washab machine its shape nicely, too. From £98, johnlew

your be personalised with pine pet’s name. The painted inside box has a padded bed proved and the lipped front sting a favourite head-re g Rover place for our snoozin researcher. plantab £39.95, {7} PET TEEPEE BED their have Dogs often like to bit of peac own little den for a lly if you and quiet, especia at home. have rowdy children out than Where better to hide ble this teepee with remova be don’t inner cushion? Just want to kids the if ed surpris squash in, too £95,

{10} CHARLEY CHAU ESS DOG CRATE MATTR R SET AND BED BUMPE your dog If you have trained you’ll know to sleep in a crate, it its own the beneďŹ ts of giving relaxing some take space to make it time out. Why not this set? more hospitable with and covers le With washab roof liner, an optional waterp life a lot it will make a dog’s more comfortable. ehighstr notonth ÂŁ102,


WIN BED GREAT & SMALL DUVET input and TO ENTER: Visit indepen S CODE: THEI DOG code. TODAY’ today’s

at 23:59 pm tonight. Promotion closes e. There is no cash alternativ independ For full terms visit

LOUNGE {8} FATBOY DOGGIE STONE-WASHED classic This update on the bed is in nylon Doggielounge fabric a soft, stone-washed . The colours – choose from 10

further copyright owner. No Times/ or other the copyright es), FT (Financial under licence from pers), CLA (magazin is permitted except the NLA (newspa Article Page 1 of 3 under licence from arding of the cutting Reproduced by Gorkana , digital reproduction/forw printing of digital cuttings) l Times Ltd. copying (including t The Financia copyrigh is owner. All FT content 321440730 - ANDLIN

Source: Independent i {Main} Edition: Country: UK Date: Monday 6, February 2017 Page: 35 Area: 353 sq. cm Circulation: ABC 264067 Daily Ad data: page rate ÂŁ10,472.00, scc rate ÂŁ44.00 Phone: 020 7005 2000 Keyword: Pets Corner

- A23570-4 - 99119808

PRODUCT PLACEMENT We work with the media to ensure your products are seen in all the right places and are considered for review for relevant features.


! +-*. - % . 2 * + ! % ! " .* " 0 + "! - + t owner. No further "* .com) or other copyrigh - $ / ! (Financial Times/ft the copyright (magazines), FT ! "$ ! under licence from pers), CLA " permitted except 1

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Here are a few examples of where products have been placed for Pets Corner.

Christmas Magazine, The {Main} Friday 25, December 2015 135 509 sq. cm Pub Stmt 113442 Annual page rate ÂŁ0.00, scc rate ÂŁ16.00 01428 601020

Pets Corner

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Paisley Daily Express


UK 2015 Thursday 5, November 6 102 sq. cm ABC 5387 Daily rate ÂŁ9.24 scc page rate ÂŁ2,827.44, 0141 887 7911

Pets Corner

Source: Faversham Times {Ma in} Edition: Country: UK Date: Wednesday 4, Novemb er 2015 Page: 16 Area: 44 sq. cm Circulation: ABC 1589 Weekly Ad data: page rate ÂŁ1,224.00, scc rate ÂŁ4.50 Phone: 01843 578158 Keyword: Pets Corner

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Cossy coats for dogs


asking Paisley is askin The Pets Corner store in winter coats for people to donate cosy dogs. a Christmas The shop has launched Give a Dog charity with along gn campai people to hand in a Coat, to encourage peop dogs before the winter warm outfits for do bites. set Dog a Coat charity was The Give a Do she was shocked after Evans Lara up byy homeless dogs on the f at seeing freezing London. streets of Londo needed to do something lt she nee ffelt She fe g plight so began knittin about their pli canines. outerwear for ca director Dean Richmond,manaagingthat there fact at Pets Corner, said: “The


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new dog coat to any Drop off a pre-loved or brand a Dog a Coat� Pets Corner store for �Give

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## ) ) 4!0 -! IN ALL SIZES IS WELCOME. ANY STYLE OF DOG COAT 1 ! ! For more details please visit

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Give a Dog a Coat was a nationwide charity campaign to help keep homeless dogs warm during the colder months. This campaign was rolled out across the full network of Pets Corner’s 140 stores and ran from November to February. Customers were asked to drop off preloved or handmade coats to one of Pets Corner’s stores. Alternatively, customers could buy a coat from the range available in-store to donate instead. All coats which were collected by Pets Corner were then distributed to homeless dogs across the UK. As well as handling all internal and external communications for this campaign, we also organised for the coats to be collected and delivered to the charity and assisted them with researching homeless shelters across the country where the coats could eventually be sent.

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SOCIAL MEDIA As mentioned earlier in this case study, our work with Pets Corner from a social perspective began with Undercover Boss. On the day of the first broadcast, social was managed by a team member within one of their stores. Thirty minutes into the programme, PMW was asked to take over Facebook and Twitter as there was a tidal wave of negativity, trolling and general nastiness targeted at the company. We created a strategic response, working with our PR team, and dealt with the multitude of situations that occurred. The following day Pets Corner engaged PMW to work on their social media, which we did for the next four years. Here are some examples of our work, along with some of the stats!
















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