Leviticus: the 5 Offerings

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Some sections of Scripture you may wish to speed read, others you wish to linger in their light. It is an exciting journey, but Leviticus may prove hard work for you, toilsome perhaps? Let me remind you that Leviticus is unique because God directly spoke the contents of the book from the Holy of Holies where He had come to dwell, and it took a month to deliver the entire book so I think in the light of that we may need to alter our attitude towards it and spend more time meditating on it. God is not speaking from Eden or from Sinai but from the inside of the Holy of Holies and in Leviticus we meet constantly the phrase, “before the LORD,” He watches over every minute detail as each sacrifice is offered.

The 5 Levitical Offerings, (Lev ch.1-7) These were the main sacrifices used in the tabernacle – it was through sacrifice that the Israelites were to maintain their relationship with the LORD. How different it is for Christians today who believe that the sacrifice of Jesus provides salvation for their sin! The Bible makes this clear, For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. (Hebrews 10:4) These sacrifices are symbolic of the real sacrifice of Jesus and each were uniquely fulfilled in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us. The only way to understand their true meaning is to see them as types which have their full meaning in the antitype who is Christ, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn.1:29). New Life Radio – Talk No 18

6 Derrick Harrison


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