2023-24 Gratitude Report
Graland Country Day School
At Graland Country Day School it is our mission to: Achieve intellectual excellence, build strong character, enrich learning through the arts and athletics, and prepare our students to be engaged citizens and thoughtful leaders.
Ascende Omnem Montem
Climb Every Mountain
The athletics program in Grades 6-8 allows students to develop skills while learning to value leadership, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. Multiple sports offerings are available, including soccer, basketball, lacrosse, field hockey, volleyball, baseball, cross country, golf, tennis, and more.

Board of Trustees
President Adam Farver '92
1st Vice President
Kate Gulick
2nd Vice President Yvette Frampton
Treasurer Jeff Susman '91
Secretary Sarah Martin '95 Stettner
Jon-Erik Borgen '92
Leah Ashley
Jill Barkin
Ellie Caulkins
Jason Cooper '84
Amy Corrigan
Lauren Davis
John Freyer '92
Alison Mikula
Ivo Jurek
John Kuntz
Mimi Saavedra
Susanna Shannon
Shalini Sharma
Graham Williams '92
Ex-Officio Members
Chaun Powell
School Climate Advisory Committee Chair
Karin Bisogno GPA President
Jaime Miller '97 Altman
Graland Alumni Board President
Josh Cobb Head of School
Juan Botello Director of Finance and Operations
Dear Graland Community,
Ever since we launched our most recent strategic plan, we have stressed how, within a culture of belonging, our families, educators, and students can come together to thrive. Last year we saw many indications of that thriving. After focusing on empowering educators for the past two years, we were pleased to see another year of low educator attrition and a record number of teachers successfully advancing in the sphere compensation system.

We also saw evidence of engaged families in our community survey results, as our net promoter score jumped 23.5 points from our 2019 results, and our overall satisfaction rate rose 11 points to 88%. In addition to those strong numbers, we also saw parents, caregivers, and educators support the “Together We Thrive” framework by fostering the character attributes through role modeling and thereby bolstering our entire community.

This year we are excited to add the intellectual attributes to those character traits, completing our attributes of a graduate and giving our educators a north star for inspiring students now and into the future. We look forward to continuing a tradition of inquiry while cultivating competencies based on our mission and guiding principles.
The generosity of our community also reflected these positive indicators of strategic progress. Most notably, family participation in the annual fund rose to historically high levels, 91%, nearing the 100% levels of the educators, the board, the GPA executive council and the Graland Alumni Board. These striking numbers demonstrate the commitment and enthusiasm of our community and give us much optimism as we look to the future.
The following gratitude report details the impressive engagement discussed above. We specifically want to acknowledge the extraordinary annual fund effort of Development Committee Chair Lauren Davis, Director of Development Jessica Goski, the development department, the development committee, and the team of parent Annual Fund grade representatives who not only achieved the impressive participation rates above but also exceeded their overall goal, giving us financial flexibility and strength throughout last school year.
This year, as we complete our Association of Colorado Independent Schools (ACIS) reaccreditation, we will affirm and refine our strategic vision, knowing that we are primed to continue Graland’s legacy of pursuing excellence through continuous improvement, all while achieving our mission to foster intellectual excellence and strong character so that our students become engaged citizens and thoughtful leaders.

President, Graland Board of Trustees

Josh Cobb Head of School

In a Grade 5 history lesson, students used flashlights to explore “cave paintings” hidden under their desks. With the lights out, they experienced the thrill of discovering ancient art, just like early explorers of the past.

Graland is grateful for its community’s gifts of TIME - TALENT - TREASURE
100% Board of Trustees GPA Council Alumni Board FROM 91% (WOW!) TIME, TALENT, & TREASURE BY THE NUMBERS of current parents made a gift to Graland
$1,831,821 in unrestricted funds raised for the Annual Fund 1942 2023 ALUMNI DONORS CLASS
Donors at the Head of School level and above contributed 80% of our Annual Fund total 167 gifts were
1,432 EVERY GIFT MATTERS 856 Gifts of $250 and less TOTALED $65,866
559 VOLUNTEERS (a 10% increase over last year!)
148 grandparents donated their time, talent and treasure
423 MEMBERS OF THE GRALAND LOYALTY SOCIETY (GLS) 83 GLS FAMILIES have been consecutively giving to Graland for 15 YEARS OR MORE
Learn more about the loyalty society on page 33. gifts made to Graland
(3 new members joined this year by informing Graland that the school is in their estate plans!)
Learn more about the montem society on page 33

The Annual Fund provided funds to offset transportation costs for increased Middle School Service opportunities.Learning

Annual Fund Family of Funds in Action
Launched in Fall 2018, the Graland Annual Fund Family of Funds was created to give donors the opportunity to support the yearly needs of the school while pursuing their personal philanthropic passion. As you read through the coming pages, see some new and notable initiatives from the 2023-24 school year of how Graland Annual Fund dollars were put to work to improve the student experience and provide an exceptional environment for learning.
Area of Greatest Need
Facilities and Campus Safety
Innovation and Technology
Funded the campus-wide upgrade to Graland's computer network and Innovation Specialists to attend the International Society for Technology in Education conference
A number of Graland educators, spanning all grades and departments, attended the World Leadership School K-12 purpose summit to collaborate and jump start new curriculum initiatives anchored in purpose learning for students

Bravo to our talented fifth graders who stole the show with their production of “Matilda.” Their incredible performances and hard work brought this beloved story to life on stage. A standing ovation for these young stars!
The Graland Loyalty Society was established to recognize donors who give to Graland for five or more consecutive years. Society members receive special recognition in our annual Gratitude Report and throughout the year. Membership is based on household giving each fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) and gifts of any amount count toward Graland Loyalty Society membership.
Graland is incredibly grateful for its most loyal donors who choose to give year after year. These donors are recognized for their long-standing commitment to the school.
Hayden '91 and Elana Hirschfeld
George and Beth Hower
Cyril Isaac
Laurence and Jennifer Kandel
Brent '98 and Kate Levy
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
Ellie Caulkins
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
Valerie Gates '69
Elizabeth Arkell '03
GR AL AND Loyalty Society 20
Robert Bruhn, Jr. '78 and Janelle Bruhn
Josh and Oakley Cobb
Larry '81 and Katie Cohen
Jason '84 and Sara Drucker '89 Cooper
Marian Dines '69
Andy and Meggan Dodge
John Freyer, Jr. '92 and Andi Freyer
Mark and Courtney Dorn '91 Hughes
Aleks '81 and Anita Humeyumptewa
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Michael and Christi James
Brian '93 and Meredith Mankwitz
Mitch Masters
Rich Nolan and Heather Falk '84 Nolan
Todd O'Malley and Lynn Turner
Dan O'Neill
Geoff Lord, Sr. and Marty Lord
Kent and Elizabeth Lund
Veronica McCaffrey and Barbara Frank
Betsy Metcalfe
J.J. Nora, Jr. '84
Brad and Nan Remington
Francois and Catherine Safieddine
Chris '87 and Christy Sanchez
Jim and Julie Stretz
Page '65 and Amy Wagner '66 Stull
Rob and Judy Tate
Darwin '75 and Susan Toll
Marty and Leslie Twarogowski
Joe and Kristin Eklund '88 Weber
Jessica Williams
Sarah Young
Bill and Andrean Andrus
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
David and Betty Arkell
Tony and Cindy Catanese
George Caulkins III '80 and Christina Caulkins
Max '87 and Ramey Caulkins
Eric and Carolyn Coble
Dick Hart '54
Phil Hickey H'81
Lanny and Sharon Martin
Cathy Naughton
Di Nestel
Marshall and Diane Gates '69 Wallach
Josh Patt '89
Bill and Dana Rankin
Graham and Sarah Buchanan '88 Rose
Alex and Lisa Ross
Pat Shafroth '80
Carrie VonderHaar
Parthenia Williams
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
Justin and Sarah Albert
Seth and Jaime Miller '97 Altman
Brad and Christy Anderson
Apex Dermatology Group
Juan and Sandra Aragon
Peter Arkell '07
David and Anna Asarch
Steve '77 and Lisa Bain
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
Caulkins Family Foundation
Alden Davis and Jacqueline Purdy-Davis
Kevin Isaac
Justin and Jennifer Miera
Stephen and Nanette Newman
Mark Ryan, Jr. and Ann Ladd '87 Ryan
Bob and Lisa Schreiner
Seth '83 and Jennifer Terry
Todd and Sarah Alijani
GR AL AND Loyalty Society 15
Jim Arneill IV '66 and Tudi Arneill
Adam '91 and Jill Barkin
Michael '93 Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Justin '91 and Tobey Borus
Juan and Cesilie Botello
Jorge Chavez
John and Bayard Cobb
Ann DeBoe
Ben Duke III '68 and Laurie Duke
Nancy Widmer '64 Freeman
Robert Fuller II and Virginia Fuller
John Gowen, Sr. and Susan Gowen
Grant and Justine Hall
Charles Henry and Cynthia Crews
Brian Heselton
Erin Autrey
George and Kalliope Balafas
Fred and Barb Baumann
Luke '86 and Susan Beatty
The Belcher Family
Chris and Reva Benson
The Blair Dvorak Family
John Blythe and Pamela Crouch Blythe
Jon-Erik '92 and Brooke Borgen
Borgen Family Foundation
Chase '95 and Amanda Boswell
Andrew Bourke '01
Stuart and Ingvild Brown
Bo and Lauren Brownstein
The Buettner Family Foundation
Megan Bee '86
Catherine Coleman '68
Peter and Amy Corrigan
Jill Cowperthwaite '69 and Chas Jones
David and Andrea Crane
Sam and Michelle Eidson
Peter '94 and Catherine Eklund
Spike and Nan Eklund
Jean-Philippe and Jennifer Failyau
Adam '92 and Melissa Farver
Pablo Fernandez and Shalini Sharma
Darren and Blake Fisk
Lisa Flannery
Chris and Yvette Frampton
John Freyer, Sr. '63 and Ginny Freyer
Kelly Gaudet
Paul Gillis
Chris '81 and Linda Godfrey
Ron Guillot, Jr. and Alexandra Theriault
Ryan and Kate Gulick
Cole '06 and Mary Helen Hamilton
Armand and Melissa Hatzidakis
Eric and Maren Hayes
Thomas Hey and Jennifer Grin Hey
A. Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
Josh '94 and Kerri Holman
Alex '96 and Margaret Hoover
David and Karyn Huberman
Charles and Holly Hudson
Matthew and Emily Martin '96 Jones
John Jordan, Jr. and Ann Jordan
Jason and Aleksandra Kaplan
Winston Lapham and Jennifer Marsico Lapham
John and Elizabeth Leddy
Andy and Robyn Levy
Rob Lohr and Laura Bonnett-Lohr
Geoff and Marty Lord Family Fund
Tim and Kimm Lucas
Daniel and Tera Malyszko
Lawrence Mandes and Kimberly Allen
Tom and Cydney Marsico
Ryan '95 and Emily McGee
Bo Maurer and Lisa Ahrendt
Ford and Christine Maurer
Courtney Menk
Alison Mikula
Rick and Mindy Miller
Matt and Katie Mimnall
Bianca Morris '23
Levi Morris '21
Paul and Robin Morris
Rosemarie Murane
Aaron and Vicki Murray
Jorge Negrete Guzman
Matt Neren
Brett and Julie O'Connor
Ryan '93 and Griffen O'Shaughnessy
Charlie '83 and Kristina Owen
PARISI pizzeria, trattoria e vino
Jennifer Pock
Israel Ramirez and Agnes Palej
Brandon and Deb Ridenour
Daniel and Jennifer Rohan
Flip '80 and Liz Rosenberry
Megan Schmid
Scott and Katie Schoelzel
Schoelzel Family Foundation
Michael Spann and Diana Quezada
Nikki Spiers
Amy St. John
Nancy Stamper
David and Michele Steed
Ashleigh Stepanian
Drew and Leanna Sultan
Jeff '91 and Ginger Susman
Rob '94 and Suzie Susman
Edward Sweeney '78
Jeter '95 and Meagan Thomas
Helen Valiant
Ezequiel Vazquez
Eric '89 and Kara Vinton
Doug and Kelly Viseur
Jeri Volpe
Barb Wagner
David '92 and Nadia Watts
Graham '92 and Caro Williams
Kieffer Williams
Mona Wineburg
Dan and Laura Wolf
Bob Young, Jr. and Chris Parisi
Patrick and Tricia Youssi
Paul and Anne Austin '95 Zeckser
Tom and Rocio Zeiler
Richard '85 and Ann Zimmerman
Chris and Bethany Chang
Brian and Jen Chen
Children's Dentistry of Cherry Creek
Doug and Jocelyn Childs
Ryan and Jolene Collier
Steve and Shannon Collins
The Colorado Health Foundation
Katy Cooper
Brad and Sara Corr
Denny and Liza Coughlin
Candace Cross
Jeff Cuneo and Carrie Meek
The Meek-Cuneo Family Fund
Rich and Emily Cunningham
Patrick and Janet Curran
Tom and Autumn Dadourian
D.A. Davidson & Co.
Dick and Kris Davidson
Christopher and Lauren Davis
Jean Davis
Brian Day and Marisa Day Echaniz
Tammielin Dean
Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc.
Dara Deshe
Abigail Digel
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
Don and Jodi Dolan
Hunter '97 and Alice Dorn
David and Angel Drucker
Zachary and Kelsey Dworkis
Alessandro and Taciane Eichstaedt
Christie Elsner
Anonymous (15)
GR AL AND Loyalty Society
Jennifer Adams
Adelante Capital Management LLC
Phil and Julie Allen
Anthony's Pizza and Pasta
Ryan Arney and Marisa Hudson-Arney
Ryan and Leah Ashley
Jimmy and Kostula Balafas
Had and Betsy Beatty
Benson Orthodontics
George Bishop III and Lynn Bishop
Ken and Keri Blair
Richard and Shirley Bolton
Bonfils-Stanton Foundation
Brewster Boyd, Sr. and Helen Boyd
David and Amy Brenner
Matt and Lauren Brown
Stephen and Laura Brown
Stuart and Ingvild Brown
Charitable Giving Fund
Darren and Molly Bruce
Thomas Buchanan III and Edith Buchanan
Martin and Debbie Buckley
Aaron '89 and Brooke Burgamy
Susan Burgamy
Daniel and Sarah Burgess
Erik Burrell
Chuck Cannon '65 and Laurie Baxter
Edwin and Catherine Carlson
Jim and Dora Cash
Center Copy Printing
The Challenge Foundation
Marti Champion
Marvin and Bonnie Champion
Fred Emich IV and Alexis Emich
Vicki Emery '66
Walter C. Emery Family Foundation Fund
Craig and Sarah Everson
Matt and Tira Feierstein
Josh and Beth Finke
Sara Flansburg
Nate Fotheringham
Stephanie Frankel '91 and Nicole Neuschler
John '97 and Casey Frey
Evan '07 and Stephanie Gart
David Gerhardt and Tatum McArthur
Brendan Gill and Meredith Berlin
George and Jenn Glyphis
The Glyphis Family Charitable Fund
Oscar Gonzalez and Kristy Vance
Ken and Jessica Goski
Liza Grant '79
Jason and Regan Graybill
John Gribbin and Paige Dorn '94
Dane '99 and Andrea Harbaugh
David Harbaugh IV '97
Todd Harrington and Rebecca Valdez '89
Tom and Alexis Hart
Sabrina Haug
David Heller '84
Kerri Heninger
David Hill
Timothy and Gail Hommertzheim
Adam and Stefanie Howarth
Ryan '86 and Gwin Howsam
Woody and Gayle Hunt
Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation
Tom and Alex Iseman
Hope Jaarsma
Sarah Jackson
Patrick '01 and Heather Jobin
Johns Manville
Skip Jones and Elizabeth Browning
Ivo and Heather Jurek
Don and Liza Kirkpatrick
Ryan '94 and Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Jeff and Marnie Klein
Fred and Greer Kneip
Fred Kneip, Sr. and Susan Kneip
Tara Kochevar
Kyle and Natalie Koontz
Julian '89 and Marguerite Hitchens '91 Korber
Gabe Koroluk and Amy Zupon
John and Joan Kuntz
Paul and Paige Kushner
Julie Lachance
Alan and Tara Lavizzo
John and Shannon Le Bel
Courtney Leigh
Ali Levy '00
Jessica Levy
Leslie Liedtke
Mimi Liedtke '02
Anthony and Christine Loeffler
Clif and Rosella Louis
Lowry Orthodontics
Ben Lusher '99 and Nicole Graham-Lusher
Akash and V Madiah
Ken Malo, Jr. and Kay Malo
Sam Marquis, Jr. '76 and Christine Bilello
J. Landis & Sharon Martin
Family Foundation
Michael and JJ Eklund '90 McGawn
David '94 and Allison McMurtry
Drew Meyers and Melissa Cheong
The Rick and Mindy Miller Family Fund
Tyler Miller and Amy Silver
Christina Montez
Claudia Morales
Omar Mubarak and Leslie Rose
J. K. Mullen Foundation
Ed '78 Murane
Lealy Murphy
William and Barbara Nash
Tara Neeley
Aaron and Kristin Newman
Juan Noguera and Mimi Saavedra
Haeman and Afsaneh Noori
David and Rosaleigh Olivas
Susan Osgood
Blake '98 and Emily O'Shaughnessy
Lee Osterman and Elissa Topol
Kelly Palma
Jack and Andrea Palmer
Matthew and Cynthia Palmer
Peak Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implant Center
Young scientists at work! Our third graders took charge by designing their own science experiments and proudly showcasing their discoveries at a mini science fair. Curiosity and creativity were on full display!

Gaby Jaquez Perez
Pranav and Kavitha Periyalwar
Jake and Trisha Perlman
Peggy Rawlinson '66
Bekah Raymor-Stewart
Nathan and Alison Reed
Tom Reed
Joe and Danielle Remington
Rhoda Resnick
Terry Richmond, Jr. '58
Tom and Kathy Riley
Daniel and Jennifer Rohan Charitable Fund
Dan and Kelly Rosenberg
Steven and Cordelia Rosenberg
Ben and Katherine Rubin
Jerry and Terry Rubin
Oswald and Lillian Saavedra
Kevin Schoelzel '07
Jenny Scholes '95
Timothy Schuetz and Anna Phelan
Daniel Schrader and Megan Meyers
Annie Scott '06
Marc and Megan Scremin
Zachary Segal
Rordan and Amanda Shane
Alex Shapiro and Michelle Kuba
Jordy Shaw '88
Patty Kern '64 Shelton and David Shelton
Roie Shields
Bill '95 and Josephine Sinclair
Steve and Myra Skinner
Amy Slothower
Lori Smith
Laurence and Joan Sorkin
Erik and Krista Speicher
Sean and Sarah Spiegel
Ben F. Stapleton IV and Stephanie Malliaris Stapleton
Paul and Laura Steinwald
Andrew and Sarah Martin '95 Stettner
Gary and Sophie Steuer
Craig and Mary Stromberg
William Sweet III '52
Jay and Lauren Tankersley
Kohl Terry '14
Sackett Terry '13
Stuart Terry '18
Wyatt Terry '16
James Thom and Judy Zhu
Keith and Margaux Trammell
Chris and Ashley Tulp
Mathew Van Alstyne and Catherine Grimes
Richard and Diana Vigil Charitable Trust
Jake Walker and Sara Barton
Rick and Christina Freyer '97 Walker
Aaron and Lisa Walters
Keith and Margie Weber Family Foundation
Kyle and Emily Weber
Margie Weber
Rick Wedgle
Gordie and Alexis Wilson '96 Weightman
Bob and Audrey Williams
T.H. Williams and Rochelle Maki-Williams
Court and Cullen Wold
Matthew and Katie Wold
Tony Yao and Deborah Yim
Mark and Becky Yoder
Tricia and Patrick Youssi Fund at the Denver Foundation
The Tsai-Bassaly Family

After graduating from Law School at Cleveland State University, Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly moved to Washington, D.C., for their careers. Ten years later, Stephen was offered a new job opportunity in Denver, and the Tsai-Bassaly family decided it was time to adventure out West. At the time, Riley, now a fourth grader at Graland, was two, and Callia, a Kindergartener this year, was yet to be born. When Stephen and Sonya arrived in Denver, they began searching for schools for Riley to attend when family friends suggested Graland. "We looked at quite a few private schools, and we knew some families who had children at Graland and really liked it. It also had a great reputation in the area, so of course, we wanted to learn more. When we toured the school, we immediately loved the warmth and kindness we received from staff and the students," Sonya said. Following this experience, Stephen and Sonya knew Graland was where they wanted Riley (and eventually Callia) to be.
Despite Riley starting at Graland shortly after the pandemic, the TsaiBassalys never stopped looking for ways to get involved and support their school community. Stephen, has
participated in various fundraising aspects of the school, such as supporting the Annual Fund and Eagle Invitational, and also works as a carline volunteer. Sonya has enjoyed serving as an Annual Fund grade representative and on the development committee, providing tours at open houses as a parent volunteer, serving as a room parent, helping in the lunchroom, library, and at carline, and supporting school events such as Grandparents Day and the Eagle Invitational. When it comes to why they love being part of the Graland community, Stephen said, "The administration, faculty, and parent community at Graland have been a terrific fit for our family. I've made multiple friends at the school, and I know our kids have loved their time at Graland." Sonya added, "It has been a great way to meet some really lovely people in Denver, especially since neither of us is originally from here. It has been an extra bonus to know that our kids love it here and continue to make good friends. As I mentioned before, the warmth and kindness that we received when we first stepped foot on campus has been contagious, and I'm so appreciative of this community."
While Stephen and Sonya have always
supported Graland's Annual Fund, they felt motivated this year to increase their level of support. When asked what inspired them, Stephen said, "The school does so much for our children that goes above and beyond the cost of tuition. We believe that, to the extent that we are able to, supporting the Annual Fund is part of our obligation as members of the Graland community." In addition, Sonya shared, "I've learned a lot about the school helping out as a grade reprentative on the Annual Fund committee and on the development committee, which certainly has inspired me even more to support the Annual Fund, knowing that a little can go a long way for the community. We feel fortunate to be able to increase our support this past year, and it's a way to show our gratitude for everything the school has provided and offered our family since we became a part of this community."
In terms of the years to come at Graland, Stephen and Sonya shared that they are excited to remain involved in the community, watch their children experience all the fun traditions that every grade offers, and continue to support the "special place" known as Graland Country Day School.
2023-24 DONOR LIST
Graland is grateful for each and every donor who contributed during the 2023-24 school year. The strength of the Graland community is evident through the broad-based participation seen throughout these pages.
On behalf of every student, teacher and program at Graland, thank you for your donation last year.
Please note that the following lists represent any outright gift of cash or securities to the Graland Annual Fund, Inspire Campaign, Graland Parent Association or other funds for the endowment, school programs, facilities, or other ongoing projects made between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Giving levels are determined by both personal donations and corporate and foundation matching funds.
Graland apologizes to any donor whose name may have inadvertently been omitted. Please call 303-336-3705 to report any errors or omissions.
Jon-Erik '92 and Brooke Borgen
Borgen Family Foundation
Peter and Amy Corrigan
Jeff Cuneo and Carrie Meek
Adam '92 and Melissa Farver
The Adam & Melissa Farver
Charitable Gift Fund
John Freyer, Jr. '92 and Andi Freyer
The Blair Dvorak Family
$25,000 & above
John Freyer, Sr. '63 and Ginny Freyer
Erik and Mollie Helen
Richard and Catherine Jenkins
George and Susu Johnson
Tom and Cydney Marsico
Bo Maurer and Lisa Ahrendt
Ford and Christine Maurer
Mary Ford Maurer Donor Advisory Fund
Miami #1 Fund at Bessemer Giving Fund
Mike and Mary Sue Shannon
Tim and Susanna Shannon
Nancy Stamper
Stephen and Lisa Storey
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
Chris and Ashley Tulp
Matthew and Amanda Witheiler
Paul Zofnass and Renee Ring
Zofnass/Ring Family Fund
Christopher and Lauren Davis
George and Jenn Glyphis
Alex and Jennifer Hardie
Rich and Emily Cunningham
John and Debbie Edwards
The Glyphis Family Charitable Fund
Anonymous (2)
Chris and Erica Achatz
David and Anna Asarch
The Belcher Family
The Besk Charitable Fund
Jen and Alex Hardie Fund held at the Parasol Tahoe Community
Woody and Gayle Hunt
Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation
Gabe Koroluk and Amy Zupon
Crawford '75 and Sue Hamilton
The Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
Winston Lapham and Jennifer Marsico Lapham
Chuck Cannon ’65 and Laurie Baxter
Ellie Caulkins
Brad and Sara Corr
Denny and Liza Coughlin
Dara Deshe and Sharyar Aziz, Jr.
Peter '94 and Catherine Eklund
Josh and Beth Finke
Chris and Yvette Frampton
Mike and Rebecca Freed
Michael and Michelle Fries
Chad and Liz Gardner
Gates Family Foundation
Andrew and Maggie Jarrett
Nate and Caitilin Kvamme
LLB Corporation
Clif and Rosella Louis
Julie Martin and Donald Westfall
The Westfall-Martin Family
Donor Advised Fund
Madison and Suzanne Murphy
Matt and Cat Murphy
The Murphy Foundation
Andrew and Elaine Oliver
Matthew and Cynthia Palmer
Nicholas Reagles and Kieran Casey
Koroluk-Zupon Family Fund
Lanny and Sharon Martin
The Meek-Cuneo Family Fund
Bruce '72 and Kirsten Rifkin
Chris and Erin Smith
Richard and Diana Vigil Charitable Trust
Brandon and Deb Ridenour
The Rifkin Foundation
Ron and Julie Sachs
Marc and Megan Scremin
Scott and Page Sepic
Andrew and Sarah Martin '95 Stettner
Jeff '91 and Ginger Susman
Jeffrey & Ginger Susman
Charitable Giving Fund
Elizabeth Joyce Toohey Fund at
The Denver Foundation
Mathew Van Alstyne and Catherine Grimes
Matthew and Katie Wold
Wold Foundation
Anonymous (4)
Kirk and Christina Adamson
Jeff Allen and Libby Anschutz '89
The Anschutz Foundation
Ryan and Leah Ashley
Colin and Jessica Barclay
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin Charitable Fund
Grant and Allyson Boies
Boswell Investments, LLC
The Brass Bed, Fine Linens & Furnishings
The Buettner Family Foundation for Leigh and Al Buettner
Edwin and Catherine Carlson
Jeff and Katie Carnes
Cementers Well Service
David and Molly Coors
Molly & David Coors Foundation
Matthew and Diana Davidow
Nancy Deifik
Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc.
Eagle Fund at The Denver Foundation
Patrick and Pauline Edelmann
Fred Emich IV and Alexis Emich
Craig and Sarah Everson
Eddie and Rhiannon Fisher
Darren and Blake Fisk
Michael Guillemette and Melinda Pasquini
Dane '99 and Andrea Harbaugh
Doug and Jan Hazlett
Adam and Stefanie Howarth
Adam and Stefanie Howarth Family Foundation at Schwab Charitable
Alan and Jennifer Jacobs
Brigette James
Patrick '01 and Heather Jobin
Patrick & Heather Jobin Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Sean and McKenzie Jordan
Malik Kahook and Nida Awadallah
Bob and Wendy Wolf '71 Kaufman
Jim Kelley and Amie Knox
Ryan and Blythe Kingsbury
Thomas and Rebecca Love '67 Kourlis
Martin and Jessica Kristiseter
Anthony and Christine Loeffler
Geoff Lord, Sr. and Marty Lord
Geoff and Marty Lord Family Fund
Daniel '00 and Olivia Louis
Ben Lusher '99 and Nicole Graham-Lusher
Peter and Mari Marsico
J. Landis & Sharon Martin Family Foundation
Veronica McCaffrey and Barbara Frank
Drew Meyers and Melissa Cheong
Hans Miller and Heather French
Mike and Sarah Mohapp
Kier and Molly Louis '03 Myers
Benjamin and Dana Nightingale
Nightingale Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Andrew and Elaine Oliver Charitable Fund
Ryan '93 and Griffen O'Shaughnessy
The Ryan and Griffen O'Shaughnessy Family Fund
Jack and Andrea Palmer
Robbie and Kerry Pearson
Pella Corporation
Chaun and Erin O'Shaughnessy '96 Powell
Arlan Preblud and Leigh Sinclair
Richard Robinson and Nina Saks
Daniel and Jennifer Rohan
Daniel and Jennifer Rohan Charitable Fund
Flip '80 and Liz Rosenberry
David Sadoff and Zak Vasquez
SC Johnson Giving, Inc.
Scott and Katie Schoelzel
Michael Segler and Jill Carnahan
Nick and Kerry O'Shaughnessy '00 Sheedy
Andy '98 and Kellie Shopneck
Shopneck Family Foundation
Andrea Sodano '65 and Charles Norton III
Tom Suehr and Sam Martin
Brian and Natasha Taylor
The Ashley and Christopher Tulp Family Fund
Bonnie Vistica
Bonnie Grayce Vistica Family Fund
Rick and Christina Freyer '97 Walker
Margie Weber
Keith and Margie Weber Family Foundation
Cody and Jacqueline Weitzel
Graham '92 and Caro Williams
T.H. Williams and Rochelle Maki-Williams
Court and Cullen Wold
Ben and Blair Wullschlager
Patrick and Tricia Youssi
Tricia and Patrick Youssi Fund at the Denver Foundation

Grade 7 and Grade 8 students who were part of the Eagle Fund class built a vibrant music wall for the Therapeutic Garden Initiative at Denver Urban Gardens, using their creativity to give back. Inspired by Graland Alumni, the Eagle Fund course allows students to learn about philanthropy through service and awarding grants to deserving non-profit organizations.
Anonymous (5)
Harvey and Sue Allon
Brad and Christy Anderson
George and Kalliope Balafas
Jimmy and Kostula Balafas
Adam '91 and Jill Barkin
Seth and Cody Belzley
The Belzley Family Foundation Fund
Justin '91 and Tobey Borus
Chase '95 and Amanda Boswell
Robert and Rhonda Boswell
Jonathan and Aubrey Chambers
Chris and Bethany Chang
The Colorado Health Foundation
Duke and Heidi Cooley
Tom and Autumn Dadourian
Forest and Robin Dorn
Forest Dorn Family Fund
Dario Druker and Mara Castro
Alessandro and Taciane Eichstaedt
Matt and Tira Feierstein
Pablo Fernandez and Shalini Sharma
Thomas and Jamie Fitzgerald
Jared and Sarah Foran
Stephanie Frankel '91 and Nicole Neuschler
John '97 and Casey Frey
Blake '97 and Melanie Fulenwider
GEM Family Law, LLC
Barry and Julia Gewolb
Jason and Regan Graybill
John Gribbin and Paige Dorn '94
Todd Harrington and Rebecca Valdez '89
Tom and Alexis Hart
Matthew and Jen Haynes
Patrick Hill and Stefanie Walker
A. Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
Josh '94 and Kerri Holman
Doug and Isabel Whitcomb '01 Howard
Isabel and Doug Howard Family Charitable Fund
Matthew and Emily Martin '96 Jones
John Jordan, Jr. and Ann Jordan
Jeremy Kimball and Danijela Gazibara
Fred and Greer Kneip
William and Jacalyn Kroupa
Paul and Paige Kushner
Land Title Guarantee Company
Wilson Leonard and Johanna Hermes
Jordan Letschert and Robby Price
Kristian '95 and Blair Lichtenfels
Nikos Monoyios and Valerie Brackett
The Valerie Brackett and Nikolaos Monoyios
Charitable Fund
Dan and Denise Murray
Juan Noguera and Mimi Saavedra
Blake '98 and Emily O'Shaughnessy
SCHOLARS CIRCLE $1,000-$3,499
Anonymous (12)
Adelante Capital Management LLC
Justin and Sarah Albert
Jim Alexee and Leticia Martinez
Phil and Julie Allen
Jaime Miller '97 Altman and Seth Altman
The Jaime and Seth Altman Family Fund
Anthony's Pizza and Pasta
Guy and Liz Arnold
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
Scott and Cherie Axelrod
Peter '97 and Natalia Baer
Baird Foundation, Inc.
BDT and MSD Giving Fund at Fidelity
Had and Betsy Beatty
Karl and Gail Becker
Gail and Karl Becker Charitable Foundation
Ken and Keri Blair
Linda Boden
Bonnie Brae Liquor
Juan and Cesilie Botello
Chris and Kara Boulanger
Aaron and Jennifer Bowlds
Brian Brady
David and Amy Brenner
Stephen and Laura Brown
Bo and Lauren Brownstein
Norm and Sunny Brownstein
Susan Burgamy
Nick and Debbie Caes
George Caulkins III '80 and Christina Caulkins
Lee Osterman and Elissa Topol
The Pendery Family
Trey and Maureen Pendery
Pranav and Kavitha Periyalwar
Jake and Trisha Perlman
Theodore and Eleanore Pitney
Josh '03 and Sarah Reichert
Chase and Serena Robinson
Ben and Katherine Rubin
Karam and Tonya Saab
Francois and Catherine Safieddine
Matthew and Kristina Sanger
Alan Schindler and Nicole Lonsway
Amy and Lauren Schwartzreich
Bill '95 and Josephine Sinclair
James and Alexis Sutton
James Thom and Judy Zhu
Jay and Melissa Thomas
Mike and Linda Toohey
Steven & Erika Visioli
Jake Walker and Sara Barton
Aaron and Lisa Walters
Gordie and Alexis Wilson '96 Weightman
Kenneth Wimer and Heidi Hendrix
Phil Winslow, Jr. and Anya Winslow
Phil Winslow, Sr. and Ann Winslow
Daniel and Jennifer Zank
Caulkins Family Foundation
Charles Cavness, Jr. and Leslie Cavness
The Center for Cosmetic Surgery
Edward '60 and Beverly Chew
Seth and Lucy Chused
David and Dee Claassen
Richard and Hilary Clark
John and Bayard Cobb
Josh and Oakley Cobb
Shawn Corey and Heidi Chial
Jason '84 and Sara Drucker '89 Cooper
Jim and Jana Cuneo
Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc.
Patrick and Janet Curran
Barry and Gay Curtiss-Lusher
Dick and Kris Davidson
Brian Day and Marisa Day Echaniz
Jason and Jessica Day
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Don and Jodi Dolan
Estate of Mancourt Downing '37 and Sybil Smith '42 Downing
Ben Duke III '68 and Laurie Duke
Ben and Laurie Duke Family
Charitable Fund
John Eisinger, Jr. and Kelly Eisinger
Spike and Nan Eklund
Vicki Emery '66
Walter C. Emery Family Foundation Fund
Fred Emich III and Carol Emich
Big steps ahead! Our Pre-Kindergarten students celebrate continuation each year before they move up to Kindergarten.

Emich Automotive
Stephen '63 and Lana Fitzpatrick
Stephen and Lana Fitzpatrick Charitable Fund
David and Jami Forschner
Foxhole Group
Nancy Widmer '64 Freeman
David and Stephanie Gannaway
Gartner, Inc.
Valerie Gates '69
David Gerhardt and Tatum McArthur
Paul Gillis
Susan Givens '92 and Christopher Lally
The Go Kart Fund at Vanguard Charitable
Chris '81 and Linda Godfrey
Goodheart Animal Health Center
John Gowen, Sr. and Susan Gowen
Liza Grant '79
Ryan and Kate Gulick
Holly Hart
Armand and Melissa Hatzidakis
Brian Heselton
Robert and Diane Hochstadt
Aaron and Jennifer Hodges
Bob and Becky Holman
George and Beth Hower HP, Inc.
The Hummingbird Fund
Rick and Lisa Hurst
Tom and Alex Iseman
Michael and Christi James
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Ivo and Heather Jurek
Keepers Heart Whiskey
Dudley and Virginia Kimball
Joan King
Alexander and Amanda Kinsey
Ryan '94 and Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Lally Givens Family Fund
Dick and Shauna Landon
Richard and Shauna Landon Fund at Schwab Charitable
Chris and Samantha Larkins
John and Shannon Le Bel
Leslie Liedtke
LightBay Foundation
Jon and Cori Lin
Loeffler Family Fund at Renaissance Charitable
Jed and Lara MacKenzie
Akash and V Madiah
Brian '93 and Meredith Mankwitz
Mankwitz Family Foundation
Scott and Kelley Manley
Market Once Holdings
Sam Marquis, Jr. '76 and Christine Bilello
Lee Mayer
Julian and Brooke McClean
Dirk and Carol McDermott
Ward and Jeannie McNeilly
Bill and Suzanne Meek
METALMARK Fine Jewelry
Kindergartners embraced their inner artists by sculpting vibrant clay corals, which united to form a dazzling reef display at the annual spring Art Show. These young talents truly made a splash with their imaginative creations!

Alison Mikula
Rick and Mindy Miller
The Rick and Mindy Miller Family Fund
Stephen and Jennifer Moss
Dan and Caitlin Murray
Daniel and Ellie Nartey
Jonathan '89 and Amy Nash
Nexus Energy Partners
Haeman and Afsaneh Noori
Obermeyer Wood Investment Counsel
Warwick and Mia Wiessner '99 Olney
Todd O'Malley and Lynn Turner
Mike and Barbara O'Shaughnessy
Peter Paland and Nina Hendricks '97
Jonathan Palmer and Dominic Vaiana
PARISI pizzeria, trattoria e vino
Peak Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implant Center
Pierson Fund
Cintra Pollack '92
Presqu’ile Winery
Andrew and Emily Prouse
Nathan and Alison Reed
Tom Reed
Bob and Ellie Reiter
Joe and Danielle Remington
Jane Risley
Chris and Carol Roberts
Cliff and Bon Roemer
Bon and Cliff Roemer Charitable Fund
Steven and Cordelia Rosenberg
Erik and Lauren Ruben
Mary Schaefer Giving Account at Fidelity Charitable
David and Wilma Schopp
The David and Wilma Schopp Charitable Fund at Schwab Charita
Mark and Sloan Emery '69 Schwindt
The Elizabeth B. Searle Fund at Vanguard Charitable
Zachary Segal
Alex Shapiro and Michelle Kuba
Tyler and Nicole Sherman
Steve and Myra Skinner
Myra Skinner, Realtor with milehimodern
Amy Slothower
Clint Smullyan and Katie Kinsey
Sparks Charitable Giving Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Erik and Krista Speicher
Edward Staas and Elizabeth Dennig
Ben F. Stapleton IV and Stephanie Malliaris Stapleton
Matt Statman and Taylor Woodard
Paul and Laura Steinwald
Gary and Sophie Steuer
Avi Stopper and Kalliopi Monoyios
Page '65 and Amy Wagner '66 Stull
Suburban Toppers, Inc.
Adrian Sullestra and Amanda Murphy
Bill Sun and Deb DeGrazia
Rob '94 and Suzie Susman
Jay and Lauren Tankersley
Dan and Kate Taylor
Daniel J Taylor Family Charitable Foundation
David Thomas '74 and Kathryn Lester
Jeter '95 and Meagan Thomas
Keith and Margaux Trammell
Paul and Margaret Troia
Joe and Merry Tyburczy
UnitedHealthcare (UHG)
Abe Wagner and Susan Friedman
Marshall and Diane Gates '69 Wallach
Jay and Monique Walters
Kyle and Emily Weber
Ted and Mary Wendell
Whitney Evans Ltd.
David and Katherine Williams
Dan and Laura Wolf
Julie Wolfe
Bryan and Elizabeth Wright
Dan Yamagishi and Sharol Preisser
Tony Yao and Deborah Yim
Mark and Becky Yoder
Bob Young, Jr. and Chris Parisi
Anonymous (9)
Apex Dermatology Group
Jim Arneill IV '66 and Tudi Arneill
Ryan Arney and Marisa Hudson-Arney
David Auchterlonie and Barbara Keller
Erin Autrey
Adam '88 and Robyn Averbach
David and Liz Barclay
Michael Barkin '93
Michael Barkin Fund at Schwab Charitable
Fred and Barb Baumann
Nathan and Carla Beal
Megan Bee '86
Benson Orthodontics
John and Dorrie Bitzer
Fin Bivens '21
Richard and Shirley Bolton
Darren and Molly Bruce
Barry Bruner
Thomas Buchanan III and Edith Buchanan
Martin and Debbie Buckley
Ryan and Sara Bunn
Aaron '89 and Brooke Burgamy
Paul Camillo and Megan Wesley
Dan and Christina Cantor
Max '87 and Ramey Caulkins
Center Copy Printing
Children's Dentistry of Cherry Creek
Clark Family Charitable Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Hilary Wickersham Clark
Donor Advised Fund
Richard Coffin '04
Colorado Gives Foundation
D.A. Davidson & Co.
Jean Davis
Jim and Cari Dawson
Jefferson and Aina Deming
Dennig Marketing Group (DMG)
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
Marian Dines '69
David and Angel Drucker
Zachary and Kelsey Dworkis
Edward Jones
Sam and Michelle Eidson
Bassil and Elizabeth El-Khatib
The Essin Family
Kyle and Ashley Ewing
Jean-Philippe and Jennifer Failyau
Cory Freyer '67
Robert Fuller II and Virginia Fuller
Ezzard and Ana Gadson
Evan '07 and Stephanie Gart
Liam and Madeline Gill
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Ken and Jessica Goski
Ron Guillot, Jr. and Alexandra Theriault
Jonathan Haff and Amy Nemeth
Richard and Barbara Hamman
Scott '96 and Brooke Hamman
David Harbaugh IV '97
Michael and Amy Harper
Kevin and Megan Hays
The HCA Foundation
David Heller '84
Kevin and Katie Henderson
Michael '72 and Debbie Henderson
Charles Henry and Cynthia Crews
Thomas Hey and Jennifer Grin Hey
Phil Hickey H'81
Margaret Hoover '93
David and Karyn Huberman
Iris Building Group
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Bob and Carol Jancar
The Janus Henderson Foundation
Jason and Aleksandra Kaplan
Nancy Kearney
Kevin and Margaret King
Dave '86 and Mary Jane Kirkpatrick
Larry and Amy Kirshenbaum
During the Grade 2 Biography unit of learning, students conduct research on a changemaker in society. On Bio Expo Day, second graders present their research and showcase a handmade poster, an informational writing piece, and an invention they created to the Graland community.
Jeff and Marnie Klein
Bob Knickerbocker
Kyle and Natalie Koontz
Bill and Alicia Kroupa
John and Joan Kuntz
Andy and Robyn Levy
Lowry Orthodontics
Tim and Kimm Lucas
Kent and Elizabeth Lund
Ken Malo, Jr. and Kay Malo
Brad and Cory Marzullo
Frederick Mayer '75 and Melanie Barocas '75 Mayer
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
Taylor and Colleen McIlvennan
Kevin and Jillian McNeilly
Herbert and Jennifer Merrill
Christopher and Alexis Miller
Jesus Molina and Amanda Delgado
Christina Montez
JB and Carlene Moore
Omar Mubarak and Leslie Rose
Tonny and Erina Mukasa
Matt Neren
Pierre and Jane Olney
Anthony and Agnes Pagano
John and Camille Palmeri
Juan Pelayo and Hope Anastasakis
Kevin and Jeni Planegger
Joyce Raynor
Nipun and Neha Reddy
Brad and Nan Remington
Jonathan '93 and Jess Right
Kevin Schoelzel '07
Jenny Scholes '95
Scholes Insurance
Charles Schwab Corp. Foundation
Howie and Marilyn Selinger
Jordy Shaw '88
Justin and Katie Singleton
Steve and Ginger Stookesberry

Tim Sweeney '72
William Sweet III '52
Don and Marcia Thomas
Coble Thurman and Julia Dobbins '87
Carl and Cindy Troia
Sean True '69
Marshall and Ann Turner
Jordan Vanderpol and Sarah Cooper
Patrick Watriss
David '92 and Nadia Watts
Lon and Laurie Werner
Todd West and India Champion
Western Union Foundation
Darius and Marsa White
Andrew and Joanne Wichern
Christopher Wiedenmayer, Jr. and Rosie Wiedenmayer
Bob and Audrey Williams
Jason and Annie Wissner
Paul and Anne Austin '95 Zeckser
Kathy Zimmerman '88
Richard '85 and Ann Zimmerman
(H) honorary classmate
Anonymous (41)
Hussein Abdi and Fatuma Yusuf
Abdul Abdullahi and Inttisar Mume
Kevin Achatz
DeAnn Acosta
Jennifer Adams
Robert and Megan Adams
Steve and Jen Adams
Richard Adelt and Mary Lawlor
George and Dee Alexee
Becky Alexis '86
Todd and Sarah Alijani
Adonis Ameen-Moore and Kaylan Celestin
Victor Anaya-Baez and Lorraine Alicea-Gonzalez
Bill and Andrean Andrus
Lee and Alice Anneberg
Andrew and Lauren Miller '03 Apple
Juan and Sandra Aragon
David and Betty Arkell
Elizabeth Arkell '03
Peter Arkell '07
Bob and Linda Averbach
Megan Axelrod '09
Sara Axelrod '04 and Colin Walsh
Steve '77 and Lisa Bain
Robert Baraff
Lisa Barone
Kyle Barrett
Jeremy Barron '93
Barron Sato Family Fund
Stefan and Rupal Beck
Elle Becker
Jack Bell
Lindsey Bemis
Chris and Reva Benson
Paul and Jane Bierman-Lytle
George Bishop III and Lynn Bishop
Steven Blatt and Rebecca Van Buren
John Blythe and Pamela Crouch Blythe
Alyssa Bock
Jennifer Booker
Andrew Bourke '01
Brewster Boyd, Sr. and Helen Boyd
Sean Brandt and Heather Tallmadge
Steven and Nicole Brandwayn
Rhemy Brezin
Hopie Brown '18
Matt and Lauren Brown
Stuart and Ingvild Brown
Stuart and Ingvild Brown
Charitable Giving Fund
Trevor and Margaret Brown
Robert Bruhn, Jr. '78 and Janelle Bruhn
Kyle Brunger and Jessica Perrill '93
Mikelle Bryant-Mataya
TaNayiah Bryels
Daniel and Sarah Burgess
Hilary Burrall
Erik Burrell
Colin and Laurie Callahan
Jim and Dora Cash
Tony and Cindy Catanese
Oliver Cervantes
The Challenge Foundation
Marti Champion
Marvin and Bonnie Champion
Jorge Chavez
Brian and Jen Chen
Matt Cheroutes '91 and Lindsey Holben
Doug and Jocelyn Childs
Childs Gamble Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Charles and Sarah Clark
Eric and Carolyn Coble
Sean Cochran and Sarah Baldwin
Larry '81 and Katie Cohen
Tyler Cohen
Catherine Coleman '68
Ryan and Jolene Collier
Courtney Collins
Steve and Shannon Collins
Stacy Wagener '90 Colodny and David Colodny
Hope Connors '78
Katy Cooper
Patrick and Jamie Cowan
Jill Cowperthwaite '69 and Chas Jones
Dan and Jess Craig
David and Andrea Crane
Candace Cross
Alexandra Crowley
Caleb Cunningham '07
Daffy Charitable Fund
Thomas and Linda Hagaman '54 Daugherty
Alden Davis and Jacqueline Purdy-Davis
Scott and Nima Davis
DaVita, Inc.
Bicky Day
Elise de Geus
Tammielin Dean
J. Holly DeBlois
Ann DeBoe
Wes and Ruth Hall '01 Dial
Abigail Digel
Andy and Meggan Dodge
John and Sarah Donaldson
Hunter '97 and Alice Dorn
Elizabeth Duncan
Hilary Eaton
Libby Bourke '96 Eberhardt
Christie Elsner
EOG Resources
Brian and Morgan Eutermoser
Kacie Ewing
Mary Ewing
Laura Fast and Trela Phelps
Carter Grey '03 Feldhoff
Lisa Flannery
Sara Flansburg
Robert and Roxanne Fleming
Nate Fotheringham
Stuart and Karen Frankel
Marnie Coleman '70 Frankian and Charles Frankian
John '87 and Nicole Frazier
Linda Freed
FTI Consulting
William and Kelly Garehime
Alexander and Emily Garnett
Christopher and Deborah Gathagan
Kelly Gaudet
Brendan Gill and Meredith Berlin
Give Lively Foundation Inc.
Sophia Glyphis
Cole Goldberg-Richmeier '11
Oscar Gonzalez and Kristy Vance
Mallory Gordon
Robert Grawemeyer '19
William Grawemeyer '17
Jim and Elaine Hackett
Jeff and Sue Hadden
Patty Haenny
Hagaman-Daugherty Foundation
Grant and Justine Hall
Cole '06 and Mary Helen Hamilton
David Hamrick and Jen Mele
Dick Hart '54
Charlene Haskett
For more than 20 years, the Gates Invention & Innovation Expo has served as an opportunity for Graland Middle School students to display and demonstrate unique inventions that seek to not only solve a problem, but improve the world around them. Through this process, students are not only given the opportunity to be creative, but also learn important life skills such as empathy, collaboration, and perseverance.

To kick off their unit on Life Zones, Grade 3 students embark on the Chief Mountain Hike at the start of every school year. Before the trip, students learn about the six Life Zones of Colorado and discuss hiking etiquette. Afterward, third graders research a particular Life Zone, create a Google Slide Show presentation, and make a diorama with plants, animals, and scenery from their life zone.
Sabrina Haug
Eric and Maren Hayes
Kerri Heninger
Tim and Sue Hennessy
Erin Hepp
David Hill
Paul Hirokawa and Donna Woodside
Marilynn Hitchens
Cathy Hodges
Ryan Holt
Polly Holyoke '74 and Joe Champ
Timothy and Gail Hommertzheim
Alex '96 and Margaret Hoover
Dina Horsch
Ryan '86 and Gwin Howsam
Charles and Holly Hudson
Brian and Grace Scott '04 Huefner
Mark and Courtney Dorn '91 Hughes
Aleks '81 and Anita Humeyumptewa
Tony Ianni
Cyril Isaac
Kevin Isaac
Hope Jaarsma
James and Sarah Jackson
Jacobs Engineering Group
Andrew and Daniela Jaworski
Claire Jensen
Johns Manville
Molly Johnson
Monica Johnson
Carly Jones '02
Laurence and Jennifer Kandel
Richard and Audrey Kang
Sean Keefe
Brice Keefer
Kristie Kelsey
Steve Kent '63 and Nancy Sullivan
Austin '99 and Sarah Kiessig
Don and Liza Kirkpatrick
Katie Kirkpatrick '97
Justin Kloc and Alexis Michalos
Matthew Kluemper
Fred Kneip, Sr. and Susan Kneip
The Knotty Kids Salon
Dale and Tara Kochevar
Julian '89 and Marguerite Hitchens '91 Korber
Christopher and Annie Korenjak
Herb and Darlene Kress
Julie Lachance
Karen Langsley '72
Tara Lavizzo
John and Elizabeth Leddy
Courtney Leigh
Grant and Vikie Lejonvarn
Paul and Annica Lester
Brent '98 and Kate Levy
Jessica Levy
Mark and Patty Levy
Becca Lewis '99
Nicholas Liebman
Mimi Liedtke '02
Stuart Linas
Manuel and Jatziri Lopez
Philip Lucks and Kimberly Ann Wagner
Brooke Bansbach '87 Maloy and Chas Maloy IV
Daniel and Tera Malyszko
Lawrence Mandes and Kimberly Allen
Terry Martin and Amy Kuessner
Mitch Masters
Abby Mayo '10
Joel and Bambi Mayo
Brendan McCormick and Kathryn Lucks
Heather McCormick
Michael and JJ Eklund '90 McGawn
Ryan '95 and Emily McGee
Zac and Mary McGrath
Molly McHard
Paky McKinstry
David '94 and Allison McMurtry
Courtney Menk
Betsy Metcalfe
Larry Meyer and Linda Meyer
LG and LE Meyer Charitable Fdn Inc
Justin and Jennifer Miera
H. Michael and Bobbi Lou Miller
Tyler Miller and Amy Silver
Matt and Katie Mimnall
Rod and Marilyn Mitchell
Gregory Montoya
Nathaniel and Rene Moore
Claudia Morales
Sarah Jacobs '04 Morin
Tracey Morrell
Bianca Morris '23
Levi Morris '21
Paul and Robin Morris
David Mueller '67
Angelina Murane '17
Ed Murane '78
Olivia Murane '18
Rosemarie Murane
Lealy Murphy
Aaron and Vicki Murray
William and Barbara Nash
Cathy Naughton H'97
Tara Neeley
Jorge Negrete Guzman
Di Nestel
Aaron and Kristin Newman
Stephen and Nanette Newman
Nancy Newton
Diane Claassen '70 Nichols
Heather Falk '84 Nolan and Rich Nolan
J.J. Nora, Jr. '84
Katey Nyquist
Brett and Julie O'Connor
Sean Offner '09 and Ellie Knott
Julia O'Flaherty
David and Rosaleigh Olivas
Dan O'Neill
Lauren O'Neill
Ari and Harley Opsahl
Susan Osgood
Otten Johnson Robinson Neff & Ragonetti PC
Charlie '83 and Kristina Owen
Charlie and Kris Owen Family
Charitable Fund
Kelly Palma Deceased
Drew and Lisa Palmer
Nicholas Palmeri and Emily Dawson
Josh Patt '89
Patt Charitable Gift Fund
Gaby Jaquez Perez
Judith Perrill
Pete Perry and Maeve McGrath
Alan and Martha Petrush
Sage Phelps-Fast '17
D. and Sue Priest '69 Pierce
Jennifer Pock '94
Howard and Lisa Pollack
Micky Prelogar
Nancy Priest
Matt and Anne Quallick Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Jessica Quansah
Diana Quezada
Israel Ramirez and Agnes Palej
Danyelle Randolph
Bill and Dana Rankin
Peggy Rawlinson '66
Greg and Patti Rees
Reinsurance Group of America
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc
Vanessa Renner
Rhoda Resnick
Terry Richmond, Jr. '58
Nat '00 and Sarah Ridder
Abby Rifkin '12
Lacey Rifkin '12
Madi Rifkin '12
Richard and Michele Right
Tom and Kathy Riley
Trini Rodriguez '89 and Sarah Winbourn
William Rohan '23
Graham and Sarah Buchanan '88 Rose
Dan and Kelly Rosenberg
Alex and Lisa Ross
Kerstin Rowe
Jerry and Terry Rubin
Drew and Ashley Johnson '88 Rust
Celsa Rutan
Matt and JJ Rutherford
Mark Ryan, Jr. and Ann Ladd '87 Ryan
Oswald and Lillian Saavedra
Asheki and Safiya Said
Lorenzo Salas
Chris '87 and Christy Sanchez
Fernando Sanchez and Margaret Young-Sanchez
Philip '78 and Gloria Sanchez
Mike Saslow '99
Willam Sauer and Marybeth Allian-Sauer
Marcia Toll '42 Saunders
Anna-Natassja Scheitler '13
Megan Schmid
Darell and Re Schmidt
Daren Schmidt and Susan Bain-Schmidt
Hilly Schoelzel '04
Daniel Schrader and Megan Meyers
Bob and Lisa Schreiner
Timothy Schuetz and Anna Phelan
Barbara Schultze
Neal Schultze
Amy Averbach '94 Schwager
Annie Scott '06
Gil '95 and Lauren Selinger
Amy Sevier
Pat Shafroth '80
Patty Kern '64 Shelton and David Shelton
Roie Shields
Sarah Shutts
Evan Silverman '90
Ben Simmons
Andrew and Kristina Simpson
Steve '93 and Jen Singer
Elvin and Irmi Smith
Tyler and Lori Smith
Laurence and Joan Sorkin
Nikki Spiers
Amy St. John
CJ Steffen
Jill Stein '94
Clare Steninger '04
Ashleigh Stepanian
EJ and Mona Strassburger
Jim and Julie Stretz
Marcia Strickland
Craig and Mary Stromberg
Drew and Leanna Sultan
Alex Sun and Liz Robinson '98
Edward Sweeney '78
Jemal Takele and Kamila Nuru
G. Jack Tankersley and Jennifer Evans
Rob and Judy Tate
Seth '83 and Jennifer Terry
Tesfalidet Tewolde and Tsigie Gebreyesus
Tom Thomas
The Timken Company Charitable and Educational Fund
Chris '78 and Jane Toll
Darwin '75 and Susan Toll
Melonie Treantos
Georgia Grey '05 Troy
Daisy Tulp '30
Knox C. Tulp '32
Ben and Shaylisa Turner
Brian and Amy Turner
Marty and Leslie Twarogowski
John Tyler
Charis Uhlson
Daniel and Helen Valiant
Ezequiel Vazquez
Eric '89 and Kara Vinton
Doug and Kelly Viseur
Jeri Volpe
Carrie VonderHaar
Barb Wagner
Megan Wagner '99
Joe and Kristin Eklund '88 Weber
Rick Wedgle
Jessica Braiman '00 and Eric Weisenstein
Holly Welles '75 and Rob Thomas
Lindsey Wenzelman
Jerome and Mariah Wheaton
Matthew and Tanja Wheeler
Peter Whitcomb '99
Jessica Williams
Kieffer Williams
Parthenia Williams
Mike and Kim Willis
Alison Wilson
Soe Win and Tin Tin Aye
Mona Wineburg
Adam and Cari Wolff
Jeff Wolkoff
Cort Woodruff '06
Woodruff Family Fund
Beth Wright
Xcel Energy Foundation
Jesse Xiao
Mike Yang and Sarah Nagle-Yang
Robert and Bridget Young
Sarah Young
Tyanna Zabel
Sharalyn Zampert
Tom and Rocio Zeiler
Brad Zigler and Lauren Ramsay
Dominic Ziolek

Rocking into the day! Our Middle School Rock Band Club kicks off the mornings with high-energy rehearsals before school. These talented musicians are honing their skills, having fun, and sharing their love of music!
Graland is grateful to donors who have established special, designated funds for the school over time. These funds further the school’s mission through a variety of ways in concert with the donors’ intention and purpose. These funds are active in their support of Graland; contributions may be made to all of the below funds at any time.
Nancy Nye Priest Memorial Fund
Donations to the Nancy Nye Priest Memorial Fund are designated for financial assistance to deserving students whose families cannot afford full tuition.
Hopie Brown '18
Thomas and Linda Hagaman '54 Daugherty
Phil Hickey H'81
Frederick Mayer '75 and Melanie Barocas '75 Mayer
D. and Sue Priest '69 Pierce
Steve '93 and Jen Singer
Graland’s Archives & Heritage Project
Graland’s Archives and Heritage Project has allowed the school to digitize many historic photos, documents, and yearbooks. Carefully culled memorabilia and themed images from the Archives are displayed in the Corkins Center in an effort to connect the school’s history to current students’ learning and enjoyment. Funds are needed to assure all archival materials can be properly preserved, stored, and shared with the broad school community.
Jim Arneill IV '66 and Tudi Arneill
Phil Hickey H'81
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Angelina Murane '17
Ed Murane '78
Olivia Murane '18
Virginia Addison Sodano Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1999 by Andrea Sodano '65 and named in memory of her mother. The scholarship funds are designated for a Graland student in a singleparent household.
Andrea Sodano '65 and Charles Norton
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity Fund
Established in 2018 by Drs. Roger and Suzanne Barkin, the fund is designated to advance strategic diversity, equity, and inclusivity initiatives at the school including, but not limited to: professional development, faculty and staff recruitment, and the creation and execution of Community Day.
Adam '91 and Jill Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Erik Burrell
Oscar Gonzalez and Kristy Vance
Phil Hickey H'81
Sean Keefe
Jessica Levy
John and Vera Pardee
Judith Perrill
Alex and Lisa Ross
Celsa Rutan
Tyler and Lori Smith
Brian and Natasha Taylor
Robert S. Romero, Sr. Scholarship Fund
The Robert S. Romero, Sr. Scholarship Fund was introduced in 2016 to recognize and honor Coach Romero upon his retirement after 39 years of teaching and coaching at Graland. This endowed fund will offer financial assistance in perpetuity to deserving students whose families cannot afford full tuition. Graland continues to strive to reach its goal to formally establish this fund within the school’s endowment and to officially name it in Coach Romero’s honor.
Richard Coffin '04
Marnie Coleman '70 Frankian and Charles Frankian
Evan '07 and Stephanie Gart
Golman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
David Heller '84
Phil Hickey H'81
Nat '00 and Sarah Ridder
Kevin Schoelzel '07
Russ '81 and Sarah Werkman
Samantha Loewi Scholarship Fund
Begun in 2012, the Sam Loewi Fund was initiated to enhance training for students, teachers and parents with regard to diversity and inclusivity efforts, and to assist students with diverse needs. Over time, the Fund has evolved, robustly furthering Graland’s commitment to inclusivity. Currently, it provides funds to assure that all students and faculty have the intellectual, physical and social-emotional tools and access necessary for them to pursue excellence.
Andy and Meggan Dodge
Nate Fotheringham
Cole '06 and Mary Helen Hamilton
Phil Hickey H'81
George and Beth Hower
Cyril Isaac
Kevin Isaac
Ali Levy '00
Tim and Kimm Lucas
Di Nestel
Megan Schmid
Nikki Spiers
Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund
Established in 1992 by Don and Marcia Thomas, the Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund was created as a tribute to their late son, Brad '72. Donations to the fund help offset the cost of drug and alcohol prevention education provided annually to middle school students.
Kevin Isaac
Betsy Metcalfe
David Thomas '74 and Kathryn Lester
Don and Marcia Thomas
If you are interested in contributing to one of these special funds, or establishing your own, contact Jessica Goski, Director of Development at jgoski@graland.org or 303-336-3705.
(H) honorary classmate

Graland Country Day School is proud to join Horizons National as an affiliate of Horizons Colorado. Launched in summer 2024, Horizons Colorado at Graland provides students with academic skill building, enrichment activities, swimming lessons, and field trips. This year, the program served students and families in the Aurora Public School District in partnership with Metro Migrant Education Program. The Horizons Graland program also partnered with the Jewish Community Center (JCC) for additional enrichment and swimming opportunities.

Horizons Colorado at Graland: A Partnership to Support Educational Equity

Graland is thrilled to partner with Horizons National, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing educational equity through engaging summer programing. For over 25 years, Horizons has supported K-12 students with classroom instruction combined with enriching activities in science, art, field trips, and swim instruction, so children can experience success in an encouraging, inspirational environment.
Led by Executive Director Christi James, and supported by Program Manager Elise de Geus, 25 students took part in Horizons Colorado at Graland’s inaugural summer. "My experience this summer was more than I could have imagined," shared Ms. James, "I am humbled by the Horizon Graland students' willingness to take risks and their eagerness to learn."
Horizons advances educational equity by building longterm partnerships with students, families, communities, and schools to create experiences outside of school that inspire the joy of learning.
More than a Summer Program
Horizons Graland is dedicated to creating a lasting impact that extend far beyond the summer months, providing a nurturing environment for students to thrive. One of the many benefits of the Horizon’s model is its long-term commitment to partner with the same families year-over-year to foster growth and community. In addition, programming is offered throughout the school year, to maintain connections with students and families by offering Saturday activities, special events, and community reunions.
Funding Horizons Colorado at Graland Graland’s intention is to fundraise separately and specifically for Horizons Graland in order to meet its budgetary needs outside of the school’s existing budget. To contribute, contact Jessica Goski, director of development at jgoski@graland.org or 303-336-3705.
To learn more about Horizons Colorado at Graland please visit horizonsgraland.org or reach out to Executive Director Christi James at cjames@horizonsgraland.org.
Thank you to the Horizons Graland Inagural Donors
Kirk and Christina Adamson
Harvey and Sue Allon
Seth and Cody Belzley
Jon-Erik '92 and Brooke Borgen
Peter and Amy Corrigan
Denny and Liza Coughlin
Christopher and Lauren Davis
Dara Deshe and Sharyar Aziz, Jr.
Zachary and Kelsey Dworkis
George and Jenn Glyphis
John Gowen, Sr. and Susan Gowen
Phil Hickey H'81
Richard and Catherine Jenkins
Jeff and Marnie Klein
Gabe Koroluk and Amy Zupon
Winston Lapham and Jennifer Marsico Lapham
Julie Martin and Donald Westfall
Tim and Susanna Shannon
Amy Slothower
Chris and Erin Smith
Nancy Stamper
Stephen and Lisa Storey
Chris and Ashley Tulp
Matthew and Amanda Witheiler
Paul Zofnass and Renee Ring
Join us in supporting this transformative program as we make a difference in the lives of students most impacted by educational inequities.
Graland is grateful to have received so many special tribute gifts from the following lists of donors. Honorary and memorial gifts are personal and meaningful forms of expression - a way to formalize the impact an individual or teacher has had on one’s life.These kind gestures make a lasting impression on our students and teachers.
In Honor of Claire Achatz '32
Kevin Achatz
In Honor of Lauren Achatz '34
Kevin Achatz
In Honor of Esteban Anaya-Aliceea '30
Victor Anaya-Baez and Lorraine Alicea-Gonzalez
In Honor of Madeline Anderson '29
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of Pfeiffer Anderson '32
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of Nathan Auchterlonie '26
David Auchterlonie and Barbara Keller
In Honor of Liam Averbach '25
Bob and Linda Averbach
In Honor of Adam Barkin '91
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin Charitable Fund
In Honor of Eli Barkin '26
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin Charitable Fund
EJ and Mona Strassburger
In Honor of Jacob Barkin '24
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin Charitable Fund
EJ and Mona Strassburger
In Honor of Jill Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin
Drs. Suzanne and Roger Barkin Charitable Fund
In Honor of Lisa Barone
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Cash Beatty '24
Jim and Dora Cash
In Honor of Gus Beatty '25
Jim and Dora Cash
In Honor of Theodore Boies '32
Bonnie Vistica
Bonnie Grayce Vistica Family Fund
In Honor of Desi Bolton '26
Richard and Shirley Bolton
In Honor of Quinn Bolton '30
Richard and Shirley Bolton
In Honor of Ella Burgamy '25
Susan Burgamy
In Honor of Chris Chang
LightBay Foundation at Fidelity Charitable
In Honor of the Class of 1966
Jim Arneill IV '66 and Tudi Arneill
In Honor of the Class of 1984's 40th Reunion
Phil Hickey H'81
In Honor of the Class of 1994's 30th Reunion
Phil Hickey H'81
In Honor of the Class of 1999's 25th Reunion
Phil Hickey H'81
In Honor of Josh Cobb
Roie Shields
In Honor of Jason Cooper '84
Phil Hickey H'81
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
In Honor of Charlie Cuneo '24
Bill and Suzanne Meek
In Honor of Haddie Cuneo '27
Bill and Suzanne Meek
In Honor of Anna Cunningham '26
Martin and Debbie Buckley
In Honor of John Cunningham '24
Martin and Debbie Buckley
In Honor of Mae Cunningham '31
Martin and Debbie Buckley
In Honor of Veronica da Silva '26
Mikelle Bryant-Mataya
In Honor of Wendy Demartini
Phil Hickey H'81
Jason Hicks and Ann Harrison '81 Hicks
David and Karyn Huberman
In Honor of Larry Dougherty
George and Beth Hower
In Honor of Jake Dresden
Caleb Cunningham '07
In Honor of Christie Elsner
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Lively Emich '27
Lee Osterman and Elissa Topol
In Honor of Pace Emich '27
Lee Osterman and Elissa Topol
In Honor of Quinn Emich '31
Lee Osterman and Elissa Topol
In Honor of Sara Flansberg
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Serena Frankel-Neuschler '27
Stuart and Karen Frankel
In Honor of Katie Grace Freed '29
Linda Freed
In Honor of Libby Freed '27
Linda Freed
In Honor of Kyla Friedman '34
Abe Wagner and Susan Friedman
In Honor Of August Ganzenmuller III
Ed Murane '78
In Honor of the Gardner Family
Mike and Linda Toohey
In Honor of Ben Glyphis '26
Sophia Glyphis
In Honor of Gabriella Glyphis '24
Sophia Glyphis
In Honor of the Graland Faculty and Staff Andy and Robyn Levy
In Honor of Ashby Hadden '31
Jeff and Sue Hadden
In Honor of Elsa Hadden '28
Jeff and Sue Hadden
In Honor of Phil Hickey (H)'81
Liza Grant '79
In Honor of Horizons at Graland
Zachary and Kelsey Dworkis
In Honor of Hunter Hurley '30
Dan and Kate Taylor
Daniel J Taylor Family Charitable Foundation
In Honor of Cyril Isaac
Ed Murane '78
In Honor of Ginna Jacoby '21
Robert Fuller II and Virginia Fuller
In Honor of Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Robert Fuller II and Virginia Fuller
In Honor of Rob Jacoby '19
Robert Fuller II and Virginia Fuller
In Honor of Frank Jarrett ' 33
Gary and M.L. Hill
In Honor of George Jarrett '31
Gary and M.L. Hill
In Honor of Ruth Jarrett '30
Gary and M.L. Hill
In Honor of Isabelle Jenkins '31
Barbara Schultze
In Honor of Brice Keefer
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
(H) honorary classmate
In Honor of Sally Kennedy
Bob and Rhonda Boswell
Chase '95 and Amanda Boswell
In Honor of Delphine Kimball '32
Dudley and Virginia Kimball
In Honor of Petra Kimball '29
Dudley and Virginia Kimball
In Honor of Mackenzie King '31
Joan King
In Honor of Adelaide Kinsey '32
Clint Smullyan and Katie Kinsey
In Honor of Conor Kinsey '30
Clint Smullyan and Katie Kinsey
In Honor of Caroline Kirkpatrick '29
Don and Liza Kirkpatrick
Larry Meyer and Linda Meyer
LG and LE Meyer Charitable Fdn Inc
In Honor of Lila Kirkpatrick '27
Don and Liza Kirkpatrick
Larry and Linda Meyer
LG and LE Meyer Charitable Fdn Inc
In Honor of Buddy Klein '27
H. Michael and Bobbi Lou Miller
In Honor of Graham Kneip '29
Bicky Day
Fred and Greer Kneip
In Honor of Rylan Kneip '24
Bicky Day
Fred and Greer Kneip
In Honor of Reid Korber '28
Marilynn Hitchens
In Honor of William Korber '30
Marilynn Hitchens
In Honor of Alden Leppitsch '28
Karl and Gail Becker
Gail and Karl Becker Charitable Foundation
In Honor of Johann Leppitsch '30
Karl and Gail Becker
Gail and Karl Becker Charitable Foundation
In Honor of Annica Lester
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Isabel Lucas '27
The Buettner Family Foundation
The Buettner Family Foundation for Leigh and Al Buettner
In Honor of Kimm Lucas
The Buettner Family Foundation
The Buettner Family Foundation for Leigh and Al Buettner
In Honor of Irene May
Ted and Mary Wendell
In Honor of Betsy Metcalfe
Lil Metcalfe
In Honor of Carrington Metcalfe '28
Lil Metcalfe
In Honor of Tess Metcalfe '32
Lil Metcalfe
In Honor of Katie Mimnall
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Tracey Morrell
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
As a culmination of their learning, Grade 8 students select one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals to guide their yearlong Capstone Project. Students develop a service project and create a TED Talk-style presentation to raise awareness and drive positive change in their chosen areas.

In Honor of Ed Murane
Angelina Murane '17
In Honor of Kate Murphy '29
Madison and Suzanne Murphy
Matt and Cat Murphy
The Murphy Foundation
In Honor of Lealy Murphy
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Katey Nyquist
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of Bowen Palmeri '31
John and Camille Palmeri
In Honor of Ivy Palmeri '33
John and Camille Palmeri
In Honor of Andrew Petrush '25
Alan and Martha Petrush
In Honor of Ryan Petrush '25
Alan and Martha Petrush
In Honor of Thomas Pitney '30
Brigette James
In Honor of Emmie Reiter '29
Ted and Mary Wendell
In Honor of Jaime Renner and Irene May
Carlos Mercado and Vanessa Renner
In Honor of Anders Robb '33
In Honor of Adam Roberts '28
Joel and Brenda Rosenthal
In Honor of Trini Rodriguez '89
Phil Hickey H'81
In Honor of Anna Rosenberg '28
Steven and Cordelia Rosenberg
In Honor of Molly Rosenberg '24
Steven and Cordelia Rosenberg
In Honor of Beker Rubin '29
Jerry and Terry Rubin
In Honor of Kara Rubin '33
Jerry and Terry Rubin
In Honor of Kristin Ryder
Olivia Murane '18
In Honor of Seeley Schmidt
Darell and Re Schmidt
In Honor of Lisa Schreiner
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
In Honor of the Scremin Family
Mike and Linda Toohey
In Honor of Lochlan Sherman '32
Robert Baraff
Christopher and Deborah Gathagan
In Honor of Rahm Stopper '25
Nikos Monoyios and Valerie Brackett
The Valerie Brackett and Nikolaos Monoyios Charitable Fund
In Honor of Henry Sun '33
Rick Robinson and Nina Saks
In Honor of Maddie Sun '30
Richard Robinson and Nina Saks
In Honor of Benjamin Susman '30
Laurence and Joan Sorkin
In Honor of Graham "Gray" Susman '27
Laurence and Joan Sorkin
In Honor of Michael Teitelman
George and Beth Hower
In Honor of Callia Tsai '33
Jim and Elaine Hackett
In Honor of Riley Tsai '29
Jim and Elaine Hackett
In Honor of Daisy Tulp '30
Phil and Julie Allen
In Honor of Davis Tulp '28
Phil and Julie Allen
In Honor of Knox Tulp '32
Phil and Julie Allen
In Honor of Tate Tulp '26
Phil and Julie Allen
In Honor of Lauren Turner '26
Ben and Shaylisa Turner
In Honor of William Turner '24
Ben and Shaylisa Turner
In Honor of Gray Unthank '25
Michael and Toni Unthank
In Honor of Lou Unthank '27
Michael and Toni Unthank
In Honor of Tamara Walker '93
Phil Hickey H'81
In Honor of Aiden Walters '28
Jay and Monique Walters
In Honor of In Honor Blake Werner '31
Lon and Laurie Werner
In Memory of Connie Ankelein
Ali Levy '00
Jennifer Pock '94
In Memory of Lynn Barnes
Jay and Melissa Thomas
In Memory of Elizabeth "Lizzi" Battle '01
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Janice Baucum
Aaron '89 and Brooke Burgamy
Bob and Becky Holman
In Memory of J. Russ Bissell
Marnie Coleman '70 Frankian and Charles Frankian
In Memory of Ashley Boothby '00
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Ryan Chacra '09
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Carol Jean Claassen
David and Dee Claassen
In Memory of John Comfort
Marnie Coleman '70 Frankian and Charles Frankian
George and Beth Hower
In Memory of Felix Demartini
Phil Hickey H'81
Jill Stein '94
In Memory of Peter Duke '70
Ben Duke III '68 and Laurie Duke
Ben and Laurie Duke Family Charitable Fund
In Memory of Thomas Hughes
Katie Kirkpatrick '97
Ali Levy '00
Brent '98 and Kate Levy
In Memory of R.E. Johnson
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Irving Katz '78
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Luayne Lambert
Phil Hickey H'81
Ali Levy '00
In Memory of Sam Loewi '05
Nate Fotheringham
In Honor of In Honor of Mia Werner '28
Lon and Laurie Werner
In Honor of Athena Winslow '32
Phil and Ann Winslow
In Honor of Zaria Winslow '30
Phil and Ann Winslow
In Honor of Madeline Witheiler '31
Nancy Deifik
In Honor of In Honor of Annie Wold '30
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of In Honor of Ellie Wold '28
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of In Honor of Freddie Wold '28
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of In Honor of Jack Wold '26
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of In Honor of Marilyn Wold '30
Katherine '67 Dines and David Miller
In Honor of Zeke Wolff '24
Jay and Marcia Levine
In Honor of Alexa Youssi '25
Margie Weber
Keith and Margie Weber Family Foundation
In Honor of Rocio Zeiler
Ryan Arney and Marisa Hudson-Arney
In Memory of Andrew Loizeaux
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of J. Landis Martin
John Freyer, Sr. '63 and Ginny Freyer
Phil Hickey H'81
Mark and Patty Levy
In Memory of James McKeown
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Carl Pigford
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Nathan Pollack
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Susan Precourt
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Chester Preisser
Ben Duke III '68 and Laurie Duke
Ben and Laurie Duke Family Charitable Fund
In Memory of Nancy Nye Priest
D. and Sue Priest '69 Pierce
In Memory of Christina Reed
Tom Reed
In Memory of Kristin Robbins
Phil Hickey H'81
A. Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Stuart Linas
Sharon Martin
In Memory of Walter Rosenberry
Flip '80 and Liz Rosenberry
In Memory of Lynn Salturelli
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Abby Shafroth
Nancy Newton
In Memory of George Shaw
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Katherine Stapleton
Ben Stapleton IV and Stephanie Malliaris Stapleton
In Memory of Bradley Thomas '72
David Thomas '74 and Kathryn Lester
Don and Marcia Thomas
In Memory of John Threlkeld
Tony and Cindy Catanese
Stacy Wagener '90 Colodny and David Colodny
Ali Levy '00
In Memory of Karen Van De Water
Phil Hickey H'81
In Memory of Virginia Wiebenson
Tim Sweeney '72
In Memory of John Wilkinson
A. Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
In Memory of Former Graland Music Teacher
Daniel Hazlett
Gifts were directed to the Dan Hazlett Memorial Fund for the Performing Arts.

Richard Adelt and Mary Lawlor
Juan and Cesilie Botello
Marvin and Bonnie Champion
Edward '60 and Beverly Chew
Jean Davis
Doug and Jan Hazlett
Phil Hickey H'81
Paul Hirokawa and Donna Woodside
Chris and Kim Fuller '86 Jacoby
Nicholas Liebman
Aaron and Vicki Murray
Nancy Priest
Joe and Merry Tyburczy
Charis Uhlson
Jason and Annie Wissner
Graland is grateful to the donors who made gifts to the school’s endowment last year. Endowment giving is incredibly powerful as gifts to the endowment today provide funding for Graland in perpetuity.
Endowment Designations
Faculty Compensation Fund (Inspire Campaign)
Programs and Operations
General Endowment
The McCaffrey Early Childhood Learning Center
Financial Aid
Faculty Support
Professional Development
Campus Preservation
Did You Know?
The school endowment includes 63 named funds.
Grade 4 scientists explored animal senses through a sheep’s eye dissection. From identifying the pupil, iris, and tapetum lucidum to discovering how a sheep’s rectangular pupil enhances peripheral vision, students gained hands-on insight into how animals survive in the wild.

The Graland Country Day School Foundation, a separate entity created by the school’s Board of Trustees to oversee and steward the school endowment, was established in 1993. Est. 1993
Supporting Student Wellness at Graland: The Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund
Graland is grateful for community members, past and present, who wish to make a philanthropic impact at the school. At times, these meaningful donors include Graland in their estate plans, creating a legacy that reaches beyond their lifetime. These gifts can also be unrestricted, allowing the school to direct their funds to the greatest priorities and needs, or designated for specific purposes.
At this time, we’d like to recognize the 50+ individuals who are members of Graland’s Montem Society—those who have included Graland in their estate plans. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge the Thomas Family, whose existing and perpetual fund supports student wellness at Graland.
Student Wellness at Graland
Student wellness is incorporated throughout Graland’s curriculum. As early as Preschool and PreKindergarten, students develop socialemotional skills such as how to label and express feelings, resolve conflicts, how to be a good friend, and how to show compassion. In Lower School, morning meeting integrates Responsive Classroom methods and the Lower School counselor collaborates with the teachers to introduce topics to students such as understanding feelings and emotions, how to embrace similarities and differences, and mindfulness.
Middle School students start each day in advisory, a small group of peers, where they have a place to make connections and build relationships. Additionally, Grades 5-8 attend wellness class, one time a rotation, that covers a range of coming-of-age topics, relating to the physical and emotional development of young teens. Students learn good decision-making skills and develop attitudes and beliefs towards a healthy lifestyle.
As part of the Middle School wellness curriculum, a significant focus for

students in Grades 6-8 each spring is the topic of substance abuse. Graland partners with Prevention Solutions (formerly FCD Prevention Works), an affiliate of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. Prevention Solutions is the leading international non-profit provider of K-12 onsite drug education and substance abuse prevention services for schools across the United States and around the world. Since its founding, prevention specialists from this program have worked with hundreds of schools around the U.S. and in over 60 countries, serving more than two million students.
Graland invites Prevention Solutions speakers—typically former addicts— to present to students in sixth through eighth grade about their personal journeys and the dangers of substance abuse at all levels. The speakers focus their messaging on the idea of social norms and students’ ability to make healthy decisions. In addition to the school-day programming, an evening event is included for eighth grade students and their parents, making family education a key component of the learning process.

The Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund
The Thomas family established the Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund in the 1990s, following the passing of Bradley Thomas ’72. Bradley was a creative thinker, an excellent student, a fantastic athlete, and leader. Bradley also suffered from substance abuse and ultimately his life was cut short by the devastating effects of addiction. Bradley’s parents, Don and Marcia Thomas, were adamant to find ways that their son’s death could be of value to others. Because the beginnings of addiction can happen
Thomas Family
at a young age, the family believed that educational support, and the recognition of the danger of substance abuse, can be instrumental in saving lives.They graciously chose to make an impactful leadership gift to Graland to help fund substance abuse prevention education for current and future students. This gift now supports the Prevention Solutions program for Middle School students at Graland.
Recently, the family reached out to Graland to express their goal of ensuring the Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund and the critical education it helps provide remain in place in perpetuity. To achieve this goal, they shared that Graland is included in their will and the school would one day receive a charitable bequest.
The Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund is one of Graland’s several special funds that welcomes community support, as the purpose of this fund may especially resonate with donors beyond the Thomas Family. “We understand giving is a very personal choice,” Bradley’s brother, David Thomas ’74, said. “Our family’s intent is to bring awareness to the fund and the reason it exists. Many families have been affected in some way by this debilitating disease, and we believe visibility will be a benefit to Graland, to its students, and to the families that choose to share their support.”
Graland is sincerely grateful to the Thomas Family, and all the Montem Society members, who have included Graland in their estate plans and whose gifts impact students today and in perpetuity. For more information about how you can create a legacy at Graland through planned giving, contact Jessica Goski at 303-336-3705 or jgoski@ graland.org.
To make a current-year gift to the Bradley Thomas Memorial Fund, please visit graland.org/specialfunds.
Montem Society GRALAND
Graland is grateful for its Montem Society members, including three new members who joined during the 2023-24 school year. The Montem Society recognizes individuals who have named Graland as a beneficiary of a bequest or planned gift.
Betsy Anderson '77
Estate of Catherine Anderson
Estate of Velma Andrews '36
Jim Arneill IV '66 and Tudi Arneill
Shawn and Jennifer Person '94 Barker
Estate of Emmy Baum
Estate of Pamela Bent
Estate of Edwin Bigelow
David Butler
Ellie Caulkins
Estate of Mimi Chenoweth
David Claassen
Philip Corsello
Estate of Leroy and Alice Craven
Estate of Madeline McWhinney '34 Dale
Estate of Mancourt Downing '37 and Sybil Smith '42 Downing
David Dudley
Ben Duke '68
Barbara Frank
Nancy Widmer '64 Freeman
Jeane Garrison
Jan Goldberg
Lezlie Goldberg
Colette Guiberteau
Sara Gutterman '88
Estate of Hugh S Hatcher
Estate of Robert Hawley '33
For more information about how you can create a legacy at Graland through planned giving, contact Jessica Goski at 303-336-3705 or jgoski@graland.org.
George and Beth Hower
Estate of Genevieve Jones
Estate of Elizabeth T. Kirkpatrick
Roy and Debbie Widmer '61 Lewicki
Veronica McCaffrey
Christina Montez
Rosemarie Murane
Estate of Georgia Nelson
Estate of Whitney "Chip" Newton Jr. '69
Diane Claassen '70 Nichols
Susan Osgood
Estate of Allan and Clara Phipps
Kevin Preblud '78
Mike and Frances Raudenbush
David Robbins and Kristin Robbins
Amy Kirkpatrick Rosenberg
Estate of Abby Shafroth
Andrea Sodano '65 and Charles Norton III
Estate of Virginia Sodano
Marcia Strickland
Estate of Helen Susman
David Thomas '74
Marshall and Diane Gates '69 Wallach
Estate of Ruth Waring
Edward White III '73 and Nancy White
Estate of Virginia Wiebenson
Bruce and Shelly Wilhelm
Estate of Herbert Wittow
Graland is grateful for the sponsors and in-kind donors who supported the Graland Parent Association’s activities and events during the unique 2023-24 school year.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the Graland Parent Association (GPA), as stated in its bylaws, is to support Graland Country Day School in achieving its mission, to work in partnership with the school to foster community, to promote volunteerism and to raise funds for the benefit of the school community.
The following families and businesses supported the GPA as sponsors.
Anthony's Pizza and Pasta
Apex Dermatology Group
David and Anna Asarch
Ryan and Leah Ashley
Peter '97 and Natalia Baer
Benson Orthodontics
The Blair Dvorak Family
Bonnie Brae Liquor
Jon-Erik '92 and Brooke Borgen
Chase '95 and Amanda Boswell
Brian Brady
The Brass Bed, Fine Linens & Furnishings
Darren and Molly Bruce
Barry Bruner
Cementers Well Service
The Center for Cosmetic Surgery
Children's Dentistry of Cherry Creek
Jason '84 and Sara Drucker '89 Cooper
Peter and Amy Corrigan
Christopher and Lauren Davis
Dennig Marketing Group (DMG)
Fred Emich IV and Alexis Emich
Emich Automotive
Adam '92 and Melissa Farver
Josh and Beth Finke
Foxhole Group
John Freyer, Sr. '63 and Ginny Freyer
David and Stephanie Gannaway
Chad and Liz Gardner
GEM Family Law, LLC
George and Jenn Glyphis
Chris '81 and Linda Godfrey
Goodheart Animal Health Center
Ron Guillot, Jr. and Alexandra Theriault
Dane '99 and Andrea Harbaugh
Tom and Alexis Hart
Tim and Bailey Hurley
Iris Building Group
Keepers Heart Whiskey
Fred and Greer Kneip
The Knotty Kids Salon
Nate and Caitilin Kvamme
Land Title Guarantee Company
Chris and Samantha Larkins
John and Shannon Le Bel
Kristian '95 and Blair Lichtenfels
Anthony and Christine Loeffler
Loeffler Family Fund at Renaissance Charitable
Daniel '00 and Olivia Louis
Lowry Orthodontics
Ben Lusher '99 and Nicole Graham-Lusher
Scott and Kelley Manley
Market Once Holdings
Lee Mayer
METALMARK Fine Jewelry
Mike and Sarah Mohapp
Matt and Cat Murphy
Dan and Caitlin Murray
Kier and Molly Louis '03 Myers
Nexus Energy Partners
Haeman and Afsaneh Noori
Obermeyer Wood Investment Counsel
Andrew and Elaine Oliver
Mike and Barbara O'Shaughnessy
PARISI pizzeria, trattoria e vino
Peak Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
& Dental Implant Center
Pella Corporation
Robbie and Kerry Pearson
Jimmy and Libby Perkins
Presqu’ile Winery
Matt and Anne Quallick
Nathan and Alison Reed
Alexander Robb and Jenna Tjossem-Robb
Kyle and Nicole Schneider
Jenny Scholes '95
Scholes Insurance
Marc and Megan Scremin
Zachary Segal
Scott and Page Sepic
Tim and Susanna Shannon
Steve and Myra Skinner
Myra Skinner, Realtor with milehimodern
Chris and Erin Smith
Erik and Krista Speicher
Eddie Staas and Elizabeth Dennig
Paul and Laura Steinwald
Suburban Toppers, Inc.
Alex Sun and Liz Robinson '98
Brian and Natasha Taylor
James Thom and Judy Zhu
Paul and Margaret Troia
Stephen Tsai and Sonya Bassaly
Mathew Van Alstyne and Catherine Grimes
Steven and Erika Visioli
Rick and Christina Freyer '97 Walker
Matthew and Tanja Wheeler
Whitney Evans Ltd.
Phil and Anya Winslow
Matthew and Amanda Witheiler
Court and Cullen Wold
Robert and Bridget Young
Bob Young, Jr. and Chris Parisi
Sharalyn Zampert
The following families and businesses supported the GPA with in-kind donations
A Line Boutique
Amy Elaine Skin Care
Andrisen Morton
Anthony's Pizza and Pasta
Arta Teqilla
Barry's Denver
The Brass Bed, Fine Linens & Furnishings
CatBird Hotel
The Center for Cosmetic Surgery
CommonGround Golf Course
David and Molly Coors
Denny and Liza Coughlin
Thomas and Suzanne Coxhead
EB Lewis Professional Organizing
Jean-Philippe and Jennifer Failyau
Fierce45 Hilltop
Gastamo Group
Hai Hospitality for Uchi Japanese
Jason and Aleksandra Kaplan
Martin and Jessica Kristiseter
Lagree Lux
John and Shannon Le Bel
Anthony and Christine Loeffler
Daniel '00 and Olivia Louis
Brian '93 and Meredith Mankwitz
Matsuhisa Denver
Michelle Wilhite Handbags
Moore for Life
Kier and Molly Louis '03 Myers
Ari and Harley Opsahl
Outlaw Beer
Hosted by the Graland Parent Association, the Graland Gallop is a fundraiser and all-school family tradition that helps mark the beginning of the school year. The Gallop is held at Washington Park and includes a 1K and 5K. The event focuses on being active, getting outside, having a good time, and building community.
PARISI pizzeria, trattoria e vino
Park Burger
Perch Denver
Peter Millar
RIKI Spirits
The Ritz-Carlton, Bachelor Gulch
Rordan and Amanda Shane
Shane Co.
Paul and Laura Steinwald
Timbuk Toys - University Hills Plaza
Waterworks Carwash
Todd West and India Champion
Phil and Anya Winslow
Wish Gifts
Dan and Laura Wolf
Bob Young, Jr. and Chris Parisi

Volunteer Spotlight: Amanda Boswell
When it came time for Chase and Amanda Boswell to select a school for their children Court '28 and Maribelle '31 to attend, they knew that Graland was where they wanted them to be. Chase, a proud graduate of the Class of 1995, is still friends with many of his Graland classmates to this day and it didn’t take Amanda, this year’s volunteer spotlight feature, to find both big and little ways to get involved.
From crafting costumes for the Grade 4 musical to volunteering in the classroom, library, and lunchroom and serving as the VP of Community Outreach for the Graland Parent Association (GPA), Amanda is always seeking new ways to contribute. When asked about the importance of being an engaged member of the school community, Amanda said, "My involvement on campus demonstrates to my kids how much I value our time at Graland. I'm fortunate to volunteer on campus and cherish the small connections I make with my children, their friends, educators, and fellow parents."
Growing up in Newton, Iowa, Amanda was inspired by her parents' dedication to volunteering from a young age. "Newton is a small town and in order for our community to thrive everyone has to volunteer. My parents were very involved from coaching our sports teams to local government roles," she said. Throughout her life, Amanda has continuously found joy in fostering connections within her communities – whether in a new city like Denver or at Graland. For her, volunteering at school serves as a means to strengthen bonds between parents, teachers, students, and faculty members. "Graland excels at cultivating an engaging learning environment for students," Amanda said. "The Graland Parent Association and its volunteers create opportunities for families and educators to come together, fostering lasting relationships and a stronger community. Without volunteering, I wouldn't have developed such deep connections to the school and the network of friends that I have made along the way."
Reflecting on what she loves most about being part of the Graland community, Amanda said, "I deeply respect the families that make up our community. Whenever I

meet a new family or learn more about an educator, I always leave inspired. We have a unique community that brings so many different backgrounds together, and I genuinely enjoy getting to know everyone."
When asked what advice she has for new families at Graland, Amanda shared, “There will always be opportunities to volunteer that fit different lifestyles. Take your time, enjoy all the moments you can with your kids, and get involved when it feels right."
To explore new ways to volunteer at Graland alongside Amanda and other dedicated volunteers, visit graland.org/givingandgetting.
Graland is grateful for all the parent, grandparent and alumni volunteers who shared their time and talent with the school during the 2023-24 year. Graland would not be the same without these community members who directly impact the school, who model service and who strengthen the Graland community partnership for our students.Thank you!
Volunteers directly enhance the relationship between the school, home, and community. Parent volunteers strengthen their ties with their children’s school. Volunteers also have a tremendous impact on the overall success of the educational system. Each moment spent with a student contributes to their overall success in life.
Graland has increased its effort to recognize volunteers. The school apologizes to any volunteer whose name may have been inadvertently omitted. Please contact Jeri Volpe at 303-399-8370 or jvolpe@graland.org to report any errors or omissions.
Erica Achatz
Megan Adams
Robert Adams
Christina Adamson
Lisa Ahrendt
Sarah Albert
Sara Ali
Lorraine Alicea-Gonzalez
Jaime Miller '97 Altman
Kaylan Ameen-Moore
Hope Anastasakis
Christy Anderson
Holly Anderson
Andew Apple
Lauren Apple '03
Anna Asarch
Leah Ashley
Bryan Auchterlonie
Sarah Auchterlonie
Stephanie Ault
Robyn Averbach
Natalia Baer
Peter Baer '97
Susan Bain-Schmidt
Liza Baker
George Balafas
Kalliope Balafas
Kostula Balafas
Nancy Ballatore
Colin Barclay
Jessica Barclay
Liz Barclay*
Jill Barkin
Roger Barkin
Suky Barkin
Sara Barton
Sonya Bassaly
Susan Beatty
Rupal Beck
Stefan Beck
Pattie Lee Becker
Megan Bee '86
Kinley Belcher
Shannon Bell
Cody Belzley
Nicole Berg
Meredith Berlin
Karin Bisogno
Ken Blair
Keri Blair
Allyson Boies
Grant Boies
Jennifer Bolton
Brooke Borgen
Jon-Erik Borgen '92
Amanda Boswell
Chase Boswell '95
Juan Botello
Kara Boulanger
Jen Bowlds
Amy Brenner
David Brenner
Laura Brown
Lauren Brown
Matt Brown
Elizabeth Browning
Lauren Brownstein
Molly Bruce
Erin Bruno
Jim Bruno
Maura Buck
Philip Buck
Sara Bunn
Katherine Buranapiyawong
Brooke Burgamy
Sarah Burgess
Kamea Caes '32
Nick Caes
Laurie Callahan
Windy Camidge
Christina Cantor
Dan Cantor
Jill Carnahan
Jeff Carnes
Katie Carnes
Kieran Casey
Mara Castro
Ellie Caulkins
Aubrey Chambers
India Champion
Bethany Chang
Jorge Chavez
Heidi Chial
Charlie Chrisman
Lucy Chused
Jenny Cline Brodie Cobb
Josh Cobb
Jolene Collier
Katherine Colvin
Duke Cooley
Heidi Cooley
Jason Cooper '84
Sara Drucker '89 Cooper
Molly Coors
Brad Corr
Sara Corr
Amy Corrigan
Denny Coughlin
Liza Coughlin
Jamie Cowan
Patrick Cowan
Jess Craig
David Crawford
Emily Cunningham
Rich Cunningham
Autumn Dadourian
Diana Davidow
Matthew Davidow
Christopher Davis
Lauren Davis
Nima Davis
Emily Dawson
Jessica Day
Betsy Dennig
Dara Deshe
Alice Dorn
Hunter Dorn '97
Dario Druker
Kelsey Dworkis
Zachary Dworkis
Marisa Day Echaniz
Polly Edelmann
Catherine Eklund
Mary Eldridge
Bassil El-Khatib
Elizabeth El-Khatib
Alexis Emich
Elizabeth ErkenBrack
Rebecca Essin
Will Essin
Sarah Everson
Ashley Ewing
Kacie Ewing
Adam Farver '92
Melissa Farver
Matt Feierstein
Tira Feierstein
Pablo Fernandez
Beth Finke
Josh Finke
Eddie Fisher
Rhiannon Fisher
Blake Fisk
Jamie Fitzgerald
Tom Fitzgerald
Sarah Foran
Jami Forschner
Yvette Frampton
Kathleen Fraser
Cristina Fresquez-Pizarro
Casey Frey
John Frey '97
Andi Freyer
John Freyer, Jr. '92
Mana Friedman
Blake Fulenwider '97
Melanie Fulenwider
Ana Gadson
Ez Gadson
David Gannaway
Stephanie Gannaway
Jill Garber
Chad Gardner
Liz Gardner
Alec Garnett
Emily Garnett
Danijela Gazibara
Chris Gebhardt
Amy Craig '02 Gentile
Barry Gewolb
Julia Gewolb
Armando Gil
Safiya Gisho
George Glyphis
Jenn Glyphis
Oscar Gonzalez
Jessica Goski
Kelly Grable
Nicole Graham-Lusher
Jason Graybill
Regan Graybill
Catherine Grimes
Stephanie Groves
MC Guillemette
Kate Gulick
Luke Hadden
Jonathan Haff
Brooke Hamman
Scott Hamman '96
David Hamrick
Andrea Harbaugh
Dane Harbaugh '99
Alex Hardie
Jen Hardie
Amy Harper
Alexis Hart
Armand Hatzidakis
Melissa Hatzidakis
Matthew Haynes
Kevin Hays
Megan Hays
Mollie Helen
Katie Henderson
Kevin Henderson
Nina Hendricks '97
Heidi Hendrix
Kerri Heninger
Johanna Hermes
Amilcar Herrera Hermoza
Patrick Hill
Elana Hirschfeld
Jenn Hodges
Josh Holman '94
Kerri Holman
Alex Hoover '96
Margaret Hoover
Isabel Whitcomb '01
Adam Howarth
Stefanie Howarth
Ryan Howsam '86
Karyn Huberman
Maria Huerta
Vanessa Humes '97
Bailey Hurley
Tim Hurley
Courtney Hutchison
Daren Hutchison
Anthony Ianni
Tom Iseman
Alan Jacobs
Jennifer Jacobs
Gaby Jaquez Perez
Andrew Jarrett
Maggie Jarrett
Andrew Jaworski
Daniela Jaworski
Katie Jenkins
Richard Jenkins
Dara "Mo" Johnson '93
Ann Jordan
McKenzie Jordan
Rhonda Judge
Ivo Jurek
Garnet Kanouse
Lauren Kanouse
Crilly Kearney
Alexis Kearns
Sean Kearns
Tommy Kiler
Amber Kilker
Audrey Kim
Jeremy Kimball
Maggie King
Amanda Kinsey
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick
Amy Kirshenbaum
Marnie Klein
Greer Kneip
Tara Kochevar
Natalie Koontz
Julian Korber '89
Marguerite Hitchens '91 Korber
Annie Korenjak
Christopher Korenjak
Gabe Koroluk
Catherine Kraft
Jessica Kristiseter
Martin Kristiseter
Jacalyn Kroupa
Michelle Kuba
Amy Kuessner
John Kuntz
Paige Kushner
Caitilin Kvamme
Jennifer Marsico Lapham
Samantha Larkins
Tara Lavizzo
John Le Bel
Shannon Le Bel
Elizabeth Leddy
Vikie Lejonvarn
Nela Lewis
Blair Lichtenfels
Kristian Lichtenfels '95
Cori Lin
Jon Lin
Anthony Loeffler
Christine Loeffler
Nicole Lonsway
Olivia Louis
Kimm Lucas
Phil Lucks
Debbie Luksacheer
Lara MacKenzie
Akash Madiah
V Madiah
Rochelle Maki-Williams
Stephanie Malliaris
Tera Malyszko
Meredith Mankwitz
Kelley Manley
Scott Manley
Mari Marsico
Jennifer Marsico Lapham
Sam Martin
Leticia Martinez
Cory Marzullo
Bo Maurer
Brooke McClean
Emily McGee
Mary McGrath
Zac McGrath
Molly McHard
Tracy McIlroy
Charlie McIlroy Hellwig
Colleen McIlvennan
Taylor McIlvennan
Patrick McKinstry
Jillian McNeilly
Carrie Meek
Jen Mele
Herbert Merrill
Betsy Metcalfe
Megan Meyers
Alison Mikula
Hans Miller
Carol Minderhout
Mike Mohapp
Sarah Mohapp
Christina Montez
Carlene Moore
JB Moore
Amanda Murphy
Brian Murray
Caitlin Murray
Dan Murray
Laura Murray
Molly Louis '03 Myers
Sarah Nagle-Yang
Ellie Nartey
Tara Neeley
Matt Neren
Nicole Neuschler
Kathy Neustadt
Marti Neveln
Rebecca Nicole
Dana Nightingale
Afsaneh Noori
Haeman Noori
Tanja Nuhsbaum
Elizabeth Ohm
David Olivas
Rosaleigh Olivas
Andrew Oliver
Elaine Oliver
Mia Wiessner '99 Olney
Emily O'Shaughnessy
Griffen O'Shaughnessy
Ryan O'Shaughnessy '93
Matthew Osterman
Stephanie Osterman
Peter Paland
Agnes Palej-Ramirez
Cynde Palmer
Jonathan Palmer
Matthew Palmer
Nick Palmeri
Karine Pantazopoulos
Chris Parisi
Melinda Pasquini
Kerry Pearson
Juan Pelayo
Maureen Pendery
Kavitha Periyalwar
Pranav Periyalwar
Libby Perkins
Trisha Perlman
Jessica Perrill '93
Dan Petrush
Erin Petrush
Jeni Planegger
Kevin Planegger
Chaun Powell
Erin O'Shaughnessy '96
Sharol Preisser
Robby Price
Emily Prouse
Anne Quallick
Matt Quallick
Israel Ramirez
Joyce Raynor
Neha Reddy
Alison Reed
Nathan Reed
Ellie Reiter
Danielle Remington
Nan Remington
Deb Ridenour
Madison Riggins
Kathy Riley
Alex Robb
Carol Roberts
Chase Robinson
Liz Robinson '98
Serena Robinson
Lisa Miller '99 Rogoff
Jennifer Rohan
Leslie Rose
Lisa Ross
Kerstin Rowe
Ben Rubin
Katherine Rubin
Ashley Johnson '88 Rust
Karam Saab
Tonya Saab
Mimi Saavedra
Catherine Safieddine
Kristina Sanger
Matthew Sanger
Alan Schindler
Kyle Schneider
Nicole Schneider
Jenny Scholes '95
Amy Schwartzreich
Lauren Schwartzreich
Marc Scremin
Megan Scremin
Zachary Segal
Michael Segler
Lauren Selinger
Page Sepic
Amanda Shane
Susanna Shannon
Tim Shannon
Shalini Sharma
Kerry O'Shaughnessy '00
Nick Sheedy
Nicole Sherman
Jung Ki Shin
Kellie Shopneck
Amy Silver
Andy Simpson
Kristina Simpson
Josephine Sinclair
Myra Skinner
Steve Skinner
Amy Slothower
Chris Smith
Erin Smith
Erik Speicher
Krista Speicher
Sarah Spiegel
Sean Spiegel
Julia Stanley
Matt Statman
Michele Steed
CJ Steffen
PJ Steffen
Jill Stein '94
Laura Steinwald
Andrew Stettner
Sarah Martin '95 Stettner
Gary Steuer
Lisa Storey
Tom Suehr
Adrian Sullesta
Leanna Sultan
Abby Summers
Alex Sun
Jeff Susman '91
Rob Susmann '94
Suzie Susman
Alexis Sutton
James Sutton
Paulina Szafranski
Heather Tallmadge
Lauren Tankersley
Brian Taylor
Natasha Taylor
Sarah Taylor
Meagan Thomas
Jenna Tjossem-Robb
Margaux Trammell
Margaret Troia
Paul Troia
Georgia Grey '05 Troy
Ashley Tulp
Amy Turner
Shaylisa Turner
Drew Unthank
Kristy Unthank
Dominic Vaiana
Dan Valiant
Helen Valiant
Mathew Van Alstyne
Kristy Vance
Zak Vasquez
Eric Vinton '89
Kara Vinton
Erika Visioli
Steven Visioli
Jeri Volpe
Christina Freyer '97
Stefanie Walker
Aaron Walters
Lisa Walters
Jennifer Watts '87
Emily Weber
Jackie Weitzel
Megan Wesley
Audrey Williams
Caro Williams
David Williams
Graham Williams '92
Jessica Williams
Katherine Williams
Kieffer Williams
Ken Wimer
Kristen Winkel
Ann Winslow
Anya Winslow
Phil Winslow
Jason Wissner
Amanda Witheiler
Matthew Witheiler
Cullen Wold
Katie Wold
Laura Wolf
Julie Wolfe
Cari Wolff
Taylor Woodard
Kelly Wright
Blair Wullschlager
Mike Yang
Deborah Yim
Mark Yoder
Dan Zank
Jenny Zank
Anne Austin '95 Zeckser
Judy Zhu
Kathy Zimmerman '88
Amy Zupon
Ari Opsahl
Ben Lusher '99
Harley Opsahl
Scheitler '13
Linda Toohey
Mike Toohey
Graland is grateful for all of the following volunteers who dedicate their time to help the school reach its dollar and participation goals each year. Our 2023-24 fundraising success and financial strength would not be possible without you.
Development Committee
Lauren Davis, Chair
Christy Anderson
Sonya Bassaly
Chase Boswell '95
Amy Corrigan
Alexis Emich
Adam Farver '92
Beth Finke
Annual Fund Committee
Anthony Loeffler, Co-Chair
Christina Montez, Co-Chair
Jaime Miller '97 Altman
Kaylan Ameen-Moore
Kalliope Balafas
Jennifer Bolton
Lucy Chused Heidi Cooley
Coors Autumn Dadourian
Sarah Everson
Frey '97
Kristian Lichtenfels '95
Graland Alumni Board Fundraising Committee
Georgia Grey '05 Troy, Chair
Michael Henderson '72
Erin Smith
Sarah Martin '95 Stettner
Ashley Tulp
Deborah Yim
Judy Zhu
Michael Segler
Amy Slothower
Krista Speicher
Margaux Trammell
Anya Winslow
Matthew Witheiler
Cullen Wold