Arizona Masonry

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Arizona Masonry Vol. 37, No 1

October/November 2012

Arizona Masonry Features & Articles October 2012 Editor in Chief Jeff Carlton, Grand Master Managing Editor David H. Luebke, PGM, Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (of about 350 to 800 words in length) that broadly relate to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are encouraged. Pieces submitted should be typed, double spaced and sent via e-mail to: arizonamasonry@

Grand Master’s Message .................................. Pg 3 Grand Editor’s Desk ............................................ Pg 4 Our Grand Organist – Brother Carlos Rausch MW Henry Wilson .................................................... Pg 6 To Learn To Subdue My Passions and Improve Myself in Masonry George E. Weil ........................................................ Pg 7 Central 14 Teams with Marines James Buehler ........................................................ Pg 9 Shrine Happenings ............................................ Pg 10 2012 - 2013 Grand Lodge ................................ Pg 11 The 2012 Oration Eugene C. Hutloff .................................................. Pg 12 The Holy Saints John Fred Tomlin ............................................................ Pg 14

Articles are subject to editing and become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photographs, or other materials submitted for publication. All photographs must be identified as to who took the photo and the names of all individuals who may appear in the photo. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publications. When reprinted, articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of Arizona Masonry in the jurisdiction of Arizona (month, year).” Please direct all articles and correspondence to: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 Deadline for submission of articles for the next edition is November 15, 2012

GROTTOES ACTIVE IN ARIZONA A.K.A. – Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm Rameses Grotto – Meets 1st Friday each month at 7:00 pm, at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43, 2531 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale. For info call Andrew Zerber (602) 796-2114 Altan Kol Grotto – Meets 2nd Thursday each month at 7:00 pm, at Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, For info call Tom Dingwall at (520) 458-6527. Abbid Grotto – Meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 6:00 pm, at Kingman Odd Fellows Building, 2495 Butler Ave., for info call Dan Cantwell at (928) 681-3166. “A Social Place for Master Masons.”

Grand Master’s Message Greetings my brothers, The winds of change are upon our jurisdiction. The lessons of the past several years’ of programs and feedback from the Craft are guiding Arizona Masonry to introducing several exciting new programs and cancellation of a few ineffective programs. My attention has been focused these past four months in preparing to provide outstanding leadership training to the Craft, making some major improvements in the administrative areas of the Grand Lodge, and listening to your ideas and concerns. LODGE OFFICERS’ RETREAT One of the most exciting opportunities coming up is the Lodge Officers’ Retreat. This new leadership training program is scheduled as a direct result of feedback from the Craft in the past year. This retreat is being designed to assist Lodge line officers in the execution of their duties and responsibilities within the Lodge. The Lodge Officers’ Retreat is scheduled for March 8th, 9th and 10th, 2013, for the Masters, Wardens and Deacons (please save the dates). Any other interested Lodge member who is interested will be welcomed, but the topics will be of particular interest to the Wardens and Deacons. The Long Range Planning Committee has established an outstanding curriculum. The Retreat will be held at the Wyndham Garden, in Prescott, Arizona. The turn key cost for the event will be $175.00 per attendee, to include all class room materials, meals and 2 nights room (double occupancy). There will also be a Ladies program available and wives are cordially invited to attend. Please plan on allocating these monies within your 2013 budget. More detailed information, curriculum and registration forms will be sent to your Lodge Secretary well in advance of the event. LEADERSHIP TRAINING The Masonic Family Leadership Conferences of the past few years have yielded to new concepts in leadership training. While the Family Leadership Conferences extended the opportunity for leadership training to the concordant bodies, we realized that the one-day class was too broad to be effective for our fraternity. In May of 2012 the District Deputy Grand Masters (DDGMs) were given a completed Lodge Leadership Program to be administered within their Districts. This series of classes was designed and written by the 2011-12 corps of DDGMs to assist Lodge officers in addressing those areas of responsibility

October/November 2012

they will be faced with as Lodge leaders. Lodge officers should consider their attendance as MANDATORY at the District meeting where the several courses are taught. MASONIC EDUCATION The Arizona Masonic Education Academy started an outstanding tradition of promoting esoteric Masonic study among the Craft. But it has fulfilled its purpose, and Masonic education is now being carried out in Lodges throughout the state. The Academy attracted a long list of outstanding Masonic scholars from across the country, which brought a diverse collection of subject matter to the Masons of Arizona. However, in consideration of the limited attendance and the relatively high costs to the Craft associated with the Academy, the Arizona Masonic Education Academy will not be held this year. In mid-June the Academy was discussed with the Chairman who voiced his opinion that while … “the Academy became a staple of the Masonic culture in Arizona, but more importantly there was another development which directly resulted from the AMEA, … one that grew from the Academy. Our Lodges started doing their own education. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD The ideas expressed by the Craft have been utilized by the Long Range Planning Committee to drive the direction of the jurisdiction. An excellent venue for the exchange of ideas between the Craft and the Grand Line for the past two years were the Masonic Family Leadership Conferences. As a result of the cancellation of these conferences, the Long Range Planning Committee has established a series of Town Hall meetings. These meeting are for the purpose of continuing an informal “On the Level” venue at area Lodges for Grand Lodge Officers and individual Masons to discuss and exchange ideas, concerns and direction. I hope all Masons in Arizona will take advantage of these meetings and come out and meet the Grand Lodge Officers, and participate in driving this great fraternity forward. Please take note and save the date. The times and places for these meetings are: October 24, 2012 November 28, 2012 December 18, 2012 January 22, 2013 January 24, 2013 Feburary 27, 2013 March 20, 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine

7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM

Payson Tucson Mesa Florence Bisbee Sun City Kingman

Sy Harrison #70 Tucson #4 Oriental #20 Gila Valley #9 Perfect Ashlar #12 Sun City #72 Rough Ashlar #79

continued on pg. 5


Grand Editor’s Desk Brethren, I always find the first issue of Arizona Masonry In each Masonic Year a great challenge, I am pretty sure that each Trestleboard Editor knows what I mean. It seems that each term we must educate our contributors on what we need to be successful and then be somewhat aggressive on reminders about due dates. BUT we are there! Here is the 1st issue of the 2012/2013 Masonic year and I believe it is a really good issue. Before I go much further I also must inform you that because of budgetary constraints there will only be four issues this Masonic Year. Now to this issue of Arizona Masonry On the Cover After the turmoil we had last Masonic year and in line with the Grand Master’s Message in mind, this months cover reminds of us our Masonic responsibilities. For the actual cover design we are once again indebted to the digital pen of Worshipful Brother Stephen McKim. Grand Master’s Message In his message this issue, our new Grand Master brings us some exciting news about what will take place this year and offers great encouragement for the future of our Great Fraternity. Our Grand Organist Brother Carlos Rausch This is the first article submitted to us by Most Worshipful Brother Henry Wilson and we welcome him aboard. This is also the first article in a series on the biographies of our Grand Lodge Officers. To Learn to Subdue My Passions....... Yet another extremely thought provoking article from the byline of Worshipful Brother George Weil. In Our Community This is the first submission by Worshipful Brother James Buehler of Central Arizona Lodge. During his term in office he has started an excellent program to help our veterans. Check it out and maybe even use it for your Lodge Shrine Happenings Each of the organizations in our Masonic family are welcome to submit announcements of their upcoming activities and to submit articles about what they are doing or have done. As always pictures are encouraged.


2012/2013 Grand Lodge Who’s Who this year? This is a list of the Grand Lodge Officers, Trustees and Committee Chairmen. By the way, you Brothers on these lists are encouraged to submit the activities that you are involved in. The 2012 Oration One of the most powerful speakers in our Jurisdiction is Worshipful Brother Gene Hutloff. This article will certainly get you excited and set you in a reflective, educational mode. Wisdom The First submission by Worshipful Fred Tomlin addresses the Holy Saints John, who they were and their impact on our Fraternity. From the Insurance Committee This is the first in a series (I hope) of the activities of our various committees. Our Mail Bag There was very little in our Mail Bag for this issue; however let me remind you that all of our readers are encouraged to submit articles, questions and comments. If you agree or disagree with the opinions of our writers let us know. If you have a suggestion for improvement, let us know that too. Our address is: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 And Finally As promised following are the Advertising Rates for Arizona Masonry Full Page: $600.00 per issue 1/2 Page: $300.00 per issue 1/4 Page: $140.00 per issue 1/8 Page: $70.00 per issue Business Card: $60.00 per issue The above rates are for occasional advertisers. Discounts are available for those that commit to four (4) or more issues. Dave P.S. There are a few extra pictures this month as well.

Arizona Masonry Magazine

October/November 2012

of dues. A study of the last ten years shows that Arizona continued from pg. 3 Lodges are working hard, and making Masons every year. IMPROVEMENT IN BUSINESS PRACTICES The Grand Trustees - in and through the Finance Committee, However these same Lodges are losing as many brothers out Investment Committee, Insurance Committee and Grand the back door, due to non-payment of dues, as they are makLodge Legal Council - are dealing with some tough issues ing a year. Retention is governed by the simple statement … . concerning how the Grand Lodge does busiWe are preparing ness. YOU MUST SATISFY THE NEEDS AND outstanding EXPECTATIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL The Grand Trustees are in the process of releadership BROTHER. ceiving and reviewing reports from the Fitraining nance, Investment and Insurance Committees. While this is easy to say, it touches upon a vast The Finance Committee has reiterated its renumber topics and causes particular to our fraternity, all of quirement of review regarding the expenditure of any Grand which are based on how well we know and interact with our Lodge funds. With the dissolution of the Grand Stewards brothers. Recognizing who we are, and what a brother’s inLodge at the 131st Grand Communication in Sedona, they terests are, will help each Lodge to identify who is in danger have re-established a contractual review procedure for any of slipping through the cracks. We are all responsible for our pending or future Grand Lodge events requiring contracts brothers; don’t wait for someone else to reach out to that new with outside vendors. The Grand Trustees are provided with Mason. You lead the way. A new recruitment program is this review and subsequent recommendation, and must vote being put together by the Long Range Planning Committee for approval prior to any contractual signing. with hopes for distribution in May if all goes well. The Investment Committee is reviewing the current Grand SOCIAL MEDIA Lodge investment policy and will be henceforth updating the The Social Media Committee is currently gathering policies same on an annual basis. A review of the 2011-2012 Grand and guide lines utilized in other Masonic jurisdictions. This Lodge dividend and interest income is being conducted. A committee has been charged with establishing a recommenRequest for Proposals will be issued to several investment dation for the potential development of a Social Media Policy firms to insure the Grand Lodge is receiving the best and within our jurisdiction. most cost efficient financial guidance. MASONIC TRIAL PROCEUDRES The Grand Lodge Legal Council is reviewing the status of The Masonic Trial Procedure Committee is reviewing all asall of the Grand Lodge established funds. It is his charge to pects of the Arizona Masonic Code appertaining to Masonic ascertain if any of the funds have been indeed restricted by Trials to insure that any accused or accuser is afforded a fair their endowers, and to what extent and in what context they and unbiased Masonic trial. It is the charge of this committee may invested and utilized. to report its findings and make any recommendations or proThe Grand Lodge Insurance Committee and Grand Lodge vide proposed legislation to achieve this end. Legal Council began a review of the Grand Lodge insurance That’s what has been going on in my world so far this year. program during the 2011–2012 Masonic year. The commitIf you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call. I will tee has finished its review and is examining the possibility of do my best to see that peace and harmony prevail in your individual Lodge policies versus a group policy. The Insurworld as well as the Grand Jurisdiction of Arizona. ance Committee will be sending all Lodges the criteria for both insurance policy parameters and property evaluation. Let us all join together in Building the Boundary of Masonic Please see the article in this issue of Arizona Masonry regard- Conduct. ing Lodge Insurance for more information on the topic.


MEMBERSHIP AND RETENTION Membership and retention is being closely examined by the Long Range Planning Committee. A sub-committee is examining and will recommend actions that can be taken by the brethren of the Lodges which will first and most importantly negate the suspension of Lodge members for non- payment

October/November 2012


Jeff Carlton, GM The Military Degree Team now has a web site Check it out at

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Our Grand Organist – Brother Carlos Rausch By MW Henry Wilson What’s in a Song, better yet, what behind the Song, still better, why do they call him MAESTRO? He is your Grand Organist and we are here to talk about him. The reason we will talk about him, is because, he will not talk about himself. The picture below present the MAESTRO in his artistic pose in his Colonial garb on Colonial Night at Scottsdale Lodge #43, but none the less a talented composure who has been either teaching, composing or playing recitals for the last 80 years since he was 8 years old. History of our Grand Organist. Carlos was born in 1924 in 1924 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied harmony and counterpoint with Cayetano Marcolli and composition with Juan Carlos Paz, the leading avant-garde composer in Latin America. Carlos joined the Agrupacion Nueva Musica as a composer. In 1958 he moved to the United States doing studies in orchestra conducting with Mtro. Pierre Monteux and electric music with Bulent Arel and Mario Davidovsky. Carlos had a previous introduction of electronic music with composer Franiciso Kropfl in Buenos Aires. Carlos holds a Masters of Arts degree from State University of New York at Stonybrook and a Doctor of Music Arts degree from Columbia University, NYC. Dr. Rausch wrote more than 40 compositions but made most of his career in the world of ballet and modern dance. Dr. Rausch retired in 1998 and now lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife, Ann, a former violinist with the Vancouver Symphony. Carlos Masonic History; Carlos Masonic career has been as bright as his professional career as a musician/composer and professor. Carlos became a Master Mason on October 25th, 1988, in Manhattan, New York at Arcana Lodge #246. He became Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1993. Brother Carlos upon his retirement and moving with his wife, Ann, to Scottsdale, Arizona in 1999, he has been the Lodge Organist since then. Starting in 2004 Carlos was recognized by the Grand Lodge of Arizona for his talents and was appointed Grand Organist. He has retained that title, duty and responsibility every year since with the exception of 2008/2009. Since his retirement Carlos has, since his retirement, been very active in Scottsdale


Masonic Lodge and the Grand Lodge. He has traveled to various states and countries conducting his music before large audiences. Carlos practices three hours a day along with Ann (Who plays the violin). Carlos has earned the respect of the Scottsdale membership both as a musician and a Brother. One of the Brothers requested a special song to be played between the degree and the lecture and he obliged the Brother. The Lodge received a $25.00 donation for the song. Since then Carlos has obliged other Brothers requests and the donations keep coming. Carlos’s Music Carlos is a native of Buenos Aires, he studies conducting under Pierre Monteux. Monteux led the Boston Symphony Orchestra (1919–24), Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra (1924–34), Orchestre Symphonique de Paris (1929–38) and San Francisco Symphony (1936–52). In the 1950s he free-lanced, guest conducting in America and Europe. In 1961, aged 86, he accepted the chief conductorship of the London Symphony Orchestra, which he held until his death. Carlos became the Music Director of the Canadian Royal Winnipeg Ballet and maintained that position for several years. Carlos has composed over 40 pieces, comprised of a variety of classical, ballet and modern music along with vocal pieces. A portion are listed below: • Cancion De Cuna • Danza • El Tango • La Milonga • Manos Amigas • Musica Para Diez Instrumentos • Ojos Nunca Tan Amados • Seven Pieces For Modern Boy • Sonorities • Variation On The Folk Song Of Ukrainian Hero Sava Chalji So the next time you see Carlos say “MAESTRO Rausch”, Thank you for your music!

Submitted by MW Henry Wilson past Grand Master of Michigan and a member of Scottsdale Lodge #43

Arizona Masonry Magazine

October/November 2012


Masonic worth and value is not obtained solely through one quick reading or by observing one ritual. Nor, is it The growing public interest in the Dan Brown books, experienced only through barbeques, raffles or other sothe mysteries of Egypt, secret societies, and the Knights cial events. While these elements of social interaction Templar, has pulled Freemasonry into the mix, feeding within our Fraternity are wonderful and create an atmosromantic notions of Masonic significance. This in turn phere of cohesion and companionship it is not the “be has caused a new generation of men to come knocking all, end all” to Masonry nor the sum of its worth. at Freemasonry’s door, perhaps, curious to see whether Rather, its benefits are derived from the function of conit might be worth their time and interest. tinuous review and investigation, through intellect and How does one define what’s worthy or worth our time? reason, through the investment of time in its study both The real worth of a Mason can never be measured in the in a personal setting and through discussion with other like-minded men. All of human life; the mysopinion of his fellows or in the MaHow does one teries of Nature and Science, the Liberal Arts; sonic honors he has attained. The standefine what’s even death itself is worthy of our contempladard by which a Mason must be judged is by his own evaluation of his worthy of our tion. conduct and by the principles, which The Mason has sworn that every day he will time? he knows to be the unerring and unextract from life its message for him and build changing ones. it into his temple. He seeks to learn the things which



The Masonic culture that we have immersed ourselves reflects philosophical ideals that we strive to abide by and teach throughout our lifetime in this material world. Each brother of a Masonic Lodge is a living essay to the various aspects of the Masonic fabric that we weave.

will make him of greater service in the Divine Plan, a better instrument in the hands of the Great Architect. The true brother of the Craft knows and applies one great paradox. He must search for the high things in lowly places and find the lowly things in high places.

The Craft is a culture housed in the Temple of the Mysteries. The true Masonic Lodge is a Mystery School, a place where initiates are taken out of the mundane world and given instruction in the mysteries of life. Three steps or degrees lead up to the temple doors, and all who wish to enter, must climb them to reach a certain level of knowledge. Every Mason must guard these gates from the profane and ignorant. It is our responsibility that this knowledge, this philosophy, this culture be not given to selfish people unprepared for their responsibility. In order to protect this ancient and honorable fraternity, obstacles have been placed in the way of its attainment which only the sincere and honorable are strong enough to recognize and overcome.

It rests with ourselves whether Freemasonry remains for us what upon its outward and superficial side appears to be merely a series of symbolic rites, or whether we allow those symbols to pass into our lives and become realities within. The greatest of all ritualists, might have been W. Bro. William Preston. He believed Freemasonry should not only be a progressive moral science, but that it should have an educational value in giving its members more knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences. The seven liberal arts and sciences constitute the traditional foundations of our educational systems. Freemasonry is a system designed to continue our education, refining and polishing us until we are rendered fit as perfect ashlars for the “the Celestial Lodge above.” continued on pg. 8

October/November 2012

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy continued from pg. 7

Freemasonry does not suit all men or people nor does it need to. However, it does need to be recognized as a real force for good in this increasingly materialistic and confused modern world. It provides a bedrock, a foundation on which we may build the structure of our future selves. Many of us who have arrived at the portals of Freemasonry have been attracted to the vision of a humanity ennobled by Freemasonry’s profound teachings of morality, wisdom, honor and virtue. The very fact that we find this vision attractive is a direct result of the education we received which taught us to prize these ideals above material rank and fortune. Educational and spiritual growth should be one of the aims of a new Mason throughout his life’s journey. He should be encouraged to engrave the stones of his Lodge building with his ideas, participation and illumination in the Craft. As Freemasons, we work for the promotion of values that are beyond price and that are truly timeless and eternal. How do we know the value of Freemasonry? By its atmosphere, its spirit, its resonance within our deepest selves and by the honor that shines from each member who cherishes the core values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Get Your Own Arizona Masonic Code Want your own copy of the newly updated 2012 Arizona Masonic Code? It’s available FREE as an email attachment. Email your order to Deputy Grand Secretary Jim May (email address and your AMC will be sent by return email. It’s in Microsoft Word, file size less than 600kb. It includes both the Constitution and the Statutes. The 2012 AMC is also available as a printed document in a 3-ring binder. Place your order with your Lodge secretary. You can also buy an AMC in person at the Grand Lodge Office. Price is $15.00, cash or check for over-the-counter sales only .

CHANDLER THUNDERBIRD LODGE #15 Is offering Masonic Veterans Pins to our Brothers at a price that is just slightly above our cost. All profits from the sale of these pins will be donated to our three Arizona Masonic Youth Groups WE HAVE CURRENTLY DONATED OVER $1,500 TO OUR ARIZONA MASONIC YOUTH

Worshipful Brother, Weil is a Past Master Of Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4 and is the current Worshipful Master of Aztlan Lodge #1

If you would like one, or more, pins just send ** $2.00 for each pin to:


Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15 c/o George Stablein P.O. Box 6794 Chandler, AZ 85246

Specializing in:

Annuities Medicare Supplements Long Term Nursing Plans

(This address is for pin orders only!) Please make your checks payable to Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15

2509 N. Campbell Avenue — Tucson, AZ 85719 520-887-5566




Arizona Masonry Magazine


October/November 2012

In Our Community Central 14 Teams with Marines By James Buehler In May, Central 14 teamed up with the local chapter of The Marine Corp League to raise funds for the construction of a rehabilitation, sports facility at the Prescott Veterans Hospital. A city-wide Yard Sale was proposed, wherein the call went out for the Sedona/Cottonwood folks to donate “good stuff” for a Yard Sale. There were two drop off locations, and the Marines offered a pick up service for those who could not make the Saturday event. The donations were overwhelming in their type and value. We did not accept clothing or anything ONE person could not handle. The wives pitched in, priced the goods over a 3 day period. The following Saturday between 9am and 2pm, the Lodge was swarmed. Many men who did not know of Masonry, and many who did not know of the Lodge and its location were introduced. It was a great opportunity to raise our profile, while raising money. By the time the lodge was cleaned out, (we used EVERY table, and then some) and the money accounted for, we had raised over $3,000.00, which we presented to the Marine Corp League Commandant, Mr. Lloyd Dellacourt at our Stated Meeting in June. The Military Order of Devil Dogs, an armed forces honorary support group, accepted the donation, and at their convention late June, will be encouraging their member groups to contact their local Masonic Lodge to explore like ventures. Once the Prescott Facility is complete, Tucson and Phoenix will be addressed. We have so many young men and women returning from the middle east. Whose lives are changed forever after serving their country. A list of Arizona Lodges was provided to the Marines, so if your lodge should get a call, we challenge you to match or exceed our efforts. Remember, “To relieve the distressed is a duty incumbent upon all men, but particularly on Masons”…. Worshipful Brother Buehler is currently serving his 2nd term as Master of Central Arizona #14 and served the Grand Lodge as its Grand Standard Bearer

October/November 2012

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Shrine Happenings Lake Havasu City Ceremonial October 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2012 LIMITED TIME OFFER – RESERVE YOUR SPOT!

Become a Noble of El Zaribah and Shriner’s International and receive all this:

2 Night’s Stay at a Premier Lake Havasu Hotel (Oct. 26th and 27th) Initiation Fees, Fez, Potentate’s Bolo, Potentate’s Lady’s Pin, AND 2013 DUES! Your Package also includes; Noble’s Luncheon and Lady’s Luncheon on Saturday 2 tickets to the GRAND BANQUET on Saturday Night And unlimited access to the Hospitality Room for the ENTIRE WEEKEND THE VALUE OF THIS PACKAGE EXCEEDS $700.00, but, for a limited time, YOU can reserve your spot.

For only $359.00

Please fill out the application on the reverse side of this form and mail to 552 N. 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008 or FAX to (602)231-8737

2012 - 2013 Grand Lodge Grand Lodge Officers Grand Master Deputy Grand Master Senior Grand Warden Junior Grand Warden Grand Treasurer Deputy grand Treasurer Grand Secretary Deputy Grand Secretary Grand Secretary Emeritus Grand Lecturer Grand Chaplain Grand Oragor Grand Marshal Grand Standard Bearer Grand Sword Bearer Grand Bible Bearer Senior Grand Deacon Junior Grand Deacon Senior Grand Steward Grand Pursuivant Grand Organist Grand Editor Grand Tyler

Grand Trustees Jeffrey Carlton Robert Wainwright Wilbur Robertson D. Brook Cunningham James Rowan Michael Bishop David Luebke Robert Hannon (Emeritus)

October/November 2012

Commitee Chairmen Jeffrey Carlton William Garrard Michael Manning J. Michael Atchley Robert Wainwright Michael McGee Wilbur Robertson James May George Stablein Kelly Rowden Andrew Anderson Craig Gross Donald Galyon James Buehler William Herzig Charles Phemister Robert Bradfield John Engstrom Scott Thomas Stephen England Carlos Rausch David Luebke Daniel Genchi

Arizona Masonry Dave Luebke Awards Jay St. John Mason of the Year Thomas Jones Builder/Architect Jay St. John Trestleboard Phillip Shulsky Web Page Matthew Smith Charters & Bylaws Jim Baker Credentials Robert Crawford Distribution Bryan Cooper-Keeble District Deputy Grand Masters Jeff Carlton Finance James Rowan Fraternal Correspondence Scott Donham Foreign Relations Jean-Claude Malterre Fraternal Relations (Masonic Family) James Sebastian General Arangements Jeff Carlton General Policy William Jeffers George Washington Monument Brook Cunningham Grievances & Appeals Robert Berry Insurance Dave Luebke Investment Rex Hutchins Juresprudence Earl Wunder Lodge Property North Tom Brooker Lodge Property South Jim Sebastian Long Range Planning Bill Garrard Masonic Ladies/Widows Peter Stronge Public Schools Craig Gross Returns Bill Robertson Ritual Review Kelly Rowden Scholarship Bob Richards AZ Masonic College Richard McNeill Secretarial Modernization David Luebke Trial Masters George Stablein Website Matt Smith Wills & Bequests Bob Hannon

Arizona Masonry Magazine


The 2012 Oration: Oration Delivered to the 130


Annual Grand

Lodge Communication, Sedona Arizona By Eugene C. Hutloff, P.M., Grand Orator Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful and Worshipful Officers of the Grand Lodge of Arizona, Lodge Officers and Past Masters, Honored Visitors, and Brethren all: Greetings. Masonic writers have made much of Antiquity as a credential for establishing the noblest of origins for the Craft. It has become a virtual article of faith that the true meanings of our rites and symbols are to be discovered in the remnants and artifacts of the Ancient Mysteries. Whether it be the authentic school of Quatuor Coronati research lodge, the romantic speculations of Albert Pike, or the biblical pieties of George Oliver, there constantly looms before the earnest inquirer the over-arching myth of a golden age of Masonry during which the grandest structures ever known were erected as reminders of the greatness of the architects who conceived them and the profound depths of the wisdom imparted within the sanctuaries of those Temples. In contemplating those monumental glories of our Masonic past, real or imagined, we are tempted to ascribe to our ancient Brethren powers far beyond our feeble grasp to replicate. Measuring present-day wisdom by the standard of the ancient wisdom of the sanctuary can be even more daunting than comparing our modern day achievements with the monuments of old. Euclid and, by extension, Pythagoras and Plato, provide us with an admirable though sometimes puzzling illustration of knowledge which, while consistent and logical in itself, leaves the Masonic inquirer with unanswered questions about Geometry and its mysteries, perhaps veiled under the cloak of initiation. Especially is this so when one attempts to make sense of the oft-repeated claim that Geometry possesses a moral content, and that by discovering the secrets of the circle, square, and triangle one will somehow emerge a better man. Sadly, many seekers after the wisdom of the ancients become frustrated, and either give up the quest altogether or fall prey to superstitious interpretations rooted in the fevered speculations of the not-so-ancient Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. As for the moral superiority of those heroes of the past — pioneers of enlightenment who seem to our modern view to have been the very embodiment of John Bunyan’s Mr. Valiant for Truth — consider the apparent gulf between our own vacillating present generation and the rare integrity and fortitude most rare of those who were willing to lay down their lives


rather than betray their trust. Socrates was given the hemlock to drink; fair Hypatia of Alexandria was torn limb from limb by a fanatical mob of black-robed monks; Jacques DeMolay and Giordano Bruno were burned at the stake; and Francis Bacon was consigned to the Tower of London — all for speaking truth to authority. Each was given the opportunity to recant, to deny the truth which they knew and to affirm the lie which they knew to be false. And yet, they chose to pay the supreme price rather than forfeit their witness. Today, many of us might be tempted to recoil in the face of such harsh consequences. And yet, are we, as Masons and as men, justified in finding ourselves to be so incompetent in the arts, so foolish in our judgment, and so defective in our character as to pale by comparison with our glorious past? No, we are not so justified! A fair assessment of the state of mankind, in the light of our Masonic teachings, suggests that, as a human race and as a fraternity, we actually have much about which to be optimistic. There are of course individual cases fully deserving the opprobrium of a morally outraged humanity. Acts of terrorism, cruelty, deprivation, and neglect continue to abound in ever more horrifying ways; but so they did in the years and days leading up to the formation of the Premier Grand Lodge of England in London of 1717. In 1666 the Great Fire of London destroyed vast portions of the old and central city, leaving tens of thousands homeless. Under the direction of Sir Christopher Wren, the Masons performed a major role in rebuilding the burned-out structures. When they had finished, the city had been restored, but the inhabitants were in a state of moral and social ruin. Reports of that era describe a state of total dissolution of civic, social, economic, and moral life. Disease and contagion was wide spread; murders and robberies were rampant and mostly went unpunished; the leading classes remained drunk most of the time and were callously indifferent to the plight of the poor; the blight of sexual immorality was ubiquitous, it being reported in a census of the time that the prostitutes of London outnumbered the decent women by more than two to one. No woman was safe from abduction. It was into this slough of corruption, fifty-one years later, that the newly constituted Grand Lodge of England bravely waded, and until the publication of Anderson’s Constitutions in 1723 no written records emerged. They worked quietly and without

Arizona Masonry Magazine

continued on pg. 13

October/November 2012

continued from pg. 12 fanfare to create the ritual and infrastructure of Masonic charity which was to be a template for the growth of Freemasonry throughout the world. The Masonic Board of benevolence thus created reached out to every sector of English society, extending its relief to those with Masonic connections and those without. Ironically, it was Anthony Sayer, first elected Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge, who was to be the first to apply for relief from the Board of Benevolence. From that great turning point in human history, the idea of Freemasonry went viral — first to the European continent, thence to North America and to the establishment of what has been referred to as The First Masonic Republic — the United States of America. How to account for this phenomenon? And, what hope does it hold for the future of the Craft and for the world? What has been missing from our calculation thus far is the concept of the Soul — not the wispy spook of some sectarian dogma which would have us waiting to die before we could really begin to live, but a robust vital entity which, though invisible, is the common property of the whole human race. A Soul which is susceptible to being moved to acts of courage and compassion based on love for one’s fellow man. Most of all, a Soul which, inspired by the universal ideas of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, is possessed of sufficient Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty to become the engine and vehicle of human progress — not mere material progress, but spiritual progress as well. It was such Soul which called forth the transformation of our operative Craft to a speculative initiative in 1717, and it is such a Soul which calls the Masonry of today to awaken from its slumber and confront the challenges of our own time. Perhaps it was the evil effects of the Great Fire of London which moved our operative brethren to forsake their bygone dream of cathedral building, and to take up their tools on behalf of their suffering fellow citizens, to rebuild their burned-out city. Perhaps it is now the evil effects which the fall of great ideals to be replaced by trivial notions and superficial imitations of true education which may move us speculative Masons to take up our tools and rebuild our public and private spaces. Brother R.J. Mclaughlin captured this challenge in his Masonic poem, “The Square.”

THE SQUARE by R.J. McLaughlin The elders of our ancient art Built Temples, high and fair, And never stone was laid in place And never column rose in grace, Untested by the Square. Our elders left a heritage, Upreared in wood and stone, That we, who follow, might behold The craft of these, the men of old, Thus, through their works, made known. Oh, let us do our work as well, Though never dome we raise, With brain untutored, hand unskilled, A square-set Temple may we build, Of simple nights and days. The Square of Virtue for our acts Wherewith to set them true, Can make a building, standing quite As worthy in our children’s sight, And in the Master’s, too. Thus may we, too, great builders be As any ancient race; Our Temple is the square-set mind, Wherein the Master’s Self may find A fitting dwelling place.

Congratulations Grand Master Jeff & 1st Lady Moira

WB Gene Hutloff is a Past Master of El Quixote Lodge #83

October/November 2012

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Wisdom The Holy Saints John By Fred Tomlin, SW – Sun City Lodge #72 Many people do not know much about the Holy Saints John or why we have these days on our Masonic calendar. No two greater teachers, preachers, wise men, or saints, could have been found who better showed in their lives and works the doctrines and teachings of Freemasonry. St. John the Baptist was born six months prior to the birth of Jesus to Mary’s cousin Elizabeth. John’s birth was predicted by the angels to his father Eli who was high priest in the temple. . John was set aside from the beginning to be a “desert dweller”, living for the gains of others and not for his personal gains. As the predecessor of Christ by 6 months, he spent his life preparing the way for the one who was greater than himself, Christ, thus the humility he modeled for us. It takes humility to recognize our limitations as well as our abilities. This, John the Baptist had. He could see another perform things that he could never attempt to do and rejoice in it. The lodge cannot exist without the real workers in the quarries. Our Fraternity is much more important than whether your leadership was greater than someone else’s or whether one seems to receive more praise than we do. This is hard to accept in any phase of life, but the real Mason knows the humility that is exemplified by John the Baptist. We all learn humility through the ritual of our lodge. It is within the walls of our lodge that we become the better men promised out of the Masonic tradition. St. John the Baptist is our patron saint of humility, and one to whom we can look for exemplification of that trait. St John the Evangelist is the better known of the Saints John. He was one of the twelve disciples of Christ, the son of Zebedee and made his living as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. John became a member of the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples, often being designated “the disciple whom Jesus loved. St John was described as gentle, mild-mannered, and quite. 14

This beloved disciple of Christ also made major contributions to our Masonic Order. First among these is the building of our spiritual temple. We call ourselves Speculative Masons – not building in wood and stone, but in the hearts of men. We are not building another Temple of Solomon, but a Spiritual Temple. The construction of our spiritual temple is a deeply personal and most difficult type of building. We must learn what is best for our building, and we must be constantly developing our Spiritual Temple. We move towards our inner selves, the unseen, the basic principles of our lives and eternity. It is our spiritual temple that governs our words which in turn govern our actions. I have an eternal soul and so do you and it is in the realm of this soul or spirit that we construct our Spiritual Temple. Construct it carefully through study, good ritual and adherence to our Masonic principles. It seems like this Spiritual Temple would be the greatest contribution to Masonry from John the Evangelist, but he has another and possibly greater contribution, Love. In John15:13 we read, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. “ When I was Master of my lodge in California, I had the pleasure of serving with a master musician, Eugene Wilson. The lodge room filled early because of Eugene and his love of his music and our lodge. His music enhanced the solemnity and joy of every brother’s experience in our lodge. One evening, Eugene and I were talking. I remember telling him at the time, “Eugene, I would give

Arizona Masonry Magazine

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October/November 2012

Wisdom continued from pg. 14

anything to be able to play the piano like you do.” His response to me was, “Fred, I’d give anything to be able to deliver a lecture like you do.” We were not just in the process of patting each other on the back. This was a simplified statement of the deep love we felt for each other and our individual contributions to the workings of our beloved lodge. Eugene was my brother in love and we were not ashamed to share it with each other. This, my friends, is the love that St. John the Evangelist was talking about in laying down our lives for our friends. These two lessons my brothers, I have learned since joining the Masonic Lodge, humility and love. I hope you have the opportunity to fill your life with these two great virtues of our fraternity exemplified by the lives of the Holy Saints John. Lodges were anciently dedicated to King Solomon, as it is said he was out first Most Excellent Grand Master. Lodges at the present time are dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, who were two eminent patrons of Masonry; and since their time, there is or should be represented in every well-furnished Lodge a certain point within a circle, the point representing an individual brother and the circle, the boundary line of his conduct beyond which he should never suffer his passions, his prejudices, or his interests to betray him. This circle is supported by two perpendicular parallel lines representing Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, and on its top rests the Holy Writings. In traversing its circumference, we necessarily touch upon the parallel lines and also upon the Holy Bible, and while a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed, it is impossible that he can materially err.


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Worshipful Brother Tomlin is a Past Master of his Lodge in California and is currently serving as Senior Warden of Sun City Lodge #72

October/November 2012

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