Arizona Masonry

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Arizona Masonry Vol. 37, No 2

April / May 2013

Grand Lodge of Arizona New Administrative Offices

Arizona Masonry Features & Articles April 2013 Editor in Chief Jeff Carlton, Grand Master Managing Editor David H. Luebke, PGM, Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (of about 350 to 800 words in length) that broadly relate to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are encouraged. Pieces submitted should be typed, double spaced and sent via e-mail to: arizonamasonry@

Grand Master’s Message .................................. Pg 3 Grand Editor’s Desk ............................................ Pg 4 What Have We Done To Our Craft? MW Henry Wilson .................................................... Pg 6 Tales from the Quarry George E. Weil ...................................................... Pg 10 The 2013 Legislation .......................................... Pg 11 What Does Arizona Masonry Have To Do With the State of Connecticut? Jerry Badinger ...................................................... Pg 14 The Square & The Compass Children’s Clinic ................................................ Pg 15

Articles are subject to editing and become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photographs, or other materials submitted for publication. All photographs must be identified as to who took the photo and the names of all individuals who may appear in the photo. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publications. When reprinted, articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of Arizona Masonry in the jurisdiction of Arizona (month, year).” Please direct all articles and correspondence to: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 Deadline for submission of articles for the next edition is May 10, 2013

GROTTOES ACTIVE IN ARIZONA A.K.A. – Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm Rameses Grotto – Meets 1st Friday each month at 7:00 pm, at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43, 2531 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale. For info call Andrew Zerber (602) 796-2114 Altan Kol Grotto – Meets 2nd Thursday each month at 7:00 pm, at Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, For info call Tom Dingwall at (520) 458-6527. Abbid Grotto – Meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 6:00 pm, at Kingman Odd Fellows Building, 2495 Butler Ave., for info call Dan Cantwell at (928) 681-3166. “A Social Place for Master Masons.”

Grand Master’s Message Greetings Brothers,

ognize that they have not gotten everything they were looking for, and they ask where is the “Light”? Our craft In each of the three degrees, after the is full of disillusioned and confused new Masons. Many obligation, the Master queries the can- of them will leave, and have left, the fraternity because didate with the words, “being in a con- they never were given an opportunity to receive that dition of darkness, what do you most which they sought: Light. desire?” The candidate’s response is, “Light”. At this point the candidate Today men are knocking on the door of Masonry for surely cannot have the slightest idea exactly what this many reasons. We must be prepared to receive, educate, light is to be or what his answer alludes to; he can only guide them, and most importantly, satisfy their needs and hope for future enlightenment. expectations. Almost all have sought out, or had exposure to, some form of media view of, or position on In the First Degree following the Master’s query and his Freemasonry. Yet they are unaware that many of their requested desire for Light, the candidate is introduced to preconceived notions of the Fraternity have little basis, the three Great Lights of the Entered Apprentice as well or that most of the perspectives they have formed from as the three Lesser Lights and an explanation is given for their exploration of social media sources are truly not releach of these lights. evant. In the Second Degree after the candidate has again re- While these men may indeed have been able to establish sponded “Light” to the Master’s query, he is shown the a somewhat accurate sense of the history surrounding the Three Great Lights of the Fellow Craft, and told that fraternity, and therefore understand that it is a fraternity “Freemasonry is a progressive, moral science, taught by of men that has withstood the test of 300 years without degrees only” and that he is still “one material point in materially changing. The man who knocks on the door the dark regarding its (Masonry’s) mysteries”. of Freemasonry needs to know that Freemasonry, in all In the Third Degree after the candidate has again responded “Light” to the Master’s query, he is shown the Three Great Lights of the Master Mason, and told that he is “about to receive all the Light that can be conferred” upon him. In addition the Light we imparted in each of the degrees can be summarized as follows: The candidate is given an obligation, the several signs, tokens, and words of the degrees are demonstrated, he is shown how to wear his apron, how to enter and retire from a Lodge room, how to address the Master in each of the degrees, given a lecture regarding the degree he just received, and told what his charge is for the degree. The sign and word of the degrees is often reiterated so the candidate can function within the Lodge. Unfortunately that roughly sums up all the Light that many brothers ever receive. Many remember only a small portion, if any, of the Light which was given to them during the actual conferral of their degree. Some are never even offered the benefit of the required candidate education program.

of history, has at its very roots a platform for individual conduct and improvement based upon the principles, tenets and landmarks held within the ritual of our fraternity, from which they must build their own path. To the newly raised Master Mason, beginning his Masonic life can be daunting. It is the responsibility of his brothers to take him by the hand and show him that the Masonic Ritual that the officers of the Lodge propounded to him during his degrees, and the lessons contained therein, are the base building block upon which his Masonic life can be built. The new Mason needs mentors. Consider that the first task a new Mason is faced with is to form his own concepts of the parameters of the Masonic ritual and how they may apply to him. It would seem reasonable that by developing a sense of his personal path of improvement he will be able to decide what his weakness and faults are. Then he can use the ritual, examining the principals and tenets within it, to improve and strengthen his character. This investigation should inspire the Mason to look for the origins of the symbols,

It doesn’t take long for new Master Masons today to recApril 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine

continued on pg. 5


Grand Editor’s Desk Brethren, At long last! Another issue of Arizona Masonry! Before I go much further I also must inform you that because of budgetary constraints there will only be three issues this Masonic Year. The final issue for the 2012/2013 Masonic Year will be available at Grand Lodge in June. Now to this issue of Arizona Masonry On the Cover This month the cover reveals a picture of the new Grand Lodge of Arizona Administrative offices. The move to the new offices was completed in March and are located at 2723 W. Northern Ave. in Phoenix. The offices are very convenient, being located a few short blocks from I17. An interesting sideline here is that to the best of this Editor’s knowledge this is the first time that the Grand Lodge of Arizona has had its own building. Grand Master’s Message In this issue, our Grand Master provides his view of the responsibilities that the Master Mason has towards newly obligated Brothers. What Have We Done to Our Craft This is the second offering from Most Worshipful Brother Henry Wilson and the first in a five part series in which he will be expounding on his view of the Craft; who we are and how we got there. Tales From the Quarry In this offering Worshipful Brother George Weil gives us some insight into his view of the hidden mysteries and value of membership in a Lodge. The Square and Compass Children’s Clinic This article provides insight into one of our lessor known charitable endeavors. The 2013 Legislation With our Grand Communication just weeks away, each Arizona Mason should have an understanding of what we are about to vote on. Listed here are the items that were submitted by the February deadline. The actual legislation has been delivered to the Secretary of your Lodge in hard 4

copy and a soft copy is available to your Secretary through the Secretaries User Group. 2012/2013 Grand Lodge Session Here you will find Registration forms for both the Grand Lodge Session and the Ladies rogram. Our Mail Bag There was very little in our Mail Bag for this issue; however let me remind you that all of our readers are encouraged to submit articles, questions and comments. If you agree or disagree with the opinions of our writers let us know. If you have a suggestion for improvement, let us know that too. Our address is: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 And Finally As promised following are the Advertising Rates for Arizona Masonry Full Page: $600.00 per issue 1/2 Page: $300.00 per issue 1/4 Page: $140.00 per issue 1/8 Page: $70.00 per issue Business Card: $60.00 per issue The above rates are for occasional advertisers. Discounts are available for those that commit to four (4) or more issues. Invoices will be sent out to current advertisers this month.

Dave Late Addition Brethren, don’t miss the dedication of our new Grand Lodge Administrative Offices. Here are the specifics: Location: 2723 W. Northern Ave, Phoenix, AZ Date: Sunday, May 5th Time: 10:00AM Refreshments to follow

Arizona Masonry Magazine

April 2013

continued from pg. 3

principals and tenets contained within the ritual. The new Mason needs help in recognizing and achieving these goals. He needs a mentor in his quest for Light.

As mentors let us reiterate that Masonry is a way of life; that Masonic labor is to learn and teach others; that Masonry makes good men better men; that no Mason should be left behind; that Masonry is building tomorrow’s leaders today; and that Freemasonry is a lifelong commitment wherein a man can build a boundary of conduct for himself beyond which he will not let his passions prejudices or interests betray him.

Mentors should offer to the newly raised brothers that we are fraternity of charitable men, not a charitable fraternity. We are consciously seeking to establish a way of life that promotes brotherly love and truth. The fraternity binds like-minded men together regardless of religious, Jeff Carlton, GM ethnic, cultural, social and educational backgrounds. Masonry makes good men better men by providing men DANIEL BURTNETT the opportunity and tools to use in improving themselves as an individual, thereby becoming a better husband, faSpecializing in: ther, neighbor, friend, leader of men and to find a way Annuities for service to their deity, community and country. While many Masons today seek further light in Masonry by expounding upon the ritual of the Fraternity (the corner stone of Freemasonry) through research of the vast library of Masonic writings available, one should be ever cautious to recognize that every author wrote his work to express his opinion upon the subject at hand. The mentor should point out that it is the author’s intent to convince the reader that his book is, in the end, the final determination on the subject. Indeed these authors may in turn have researched their work by digesting the opinions of a few or many authors before they formed their own strategy. The Researcher should realize that all other written works are an attempt by the author to explain the minutest details of the ritual, the ritual in part, or as a whole. Factual research should be based on their true origins and meanings, not on loosely held opinions. A noted Masonic author recently shared with me that perhaps the Masonic researcher should take heed of the words of Plato when he wrote “opinion is the lowest form of knowledge.” As mentors guiding the new Mason in his quest for light, we must show the new Mason that we indeed meet up on the level, act by the plumb and always deal upon the square. A Mason should be assured his questions are welcome, his concerns safe in the depository of a faithful breast. We have to show him that he has joined a fraternity of men who are lifetime mentors to each other. April 2013

Medicare Supplements Long Term Nursing Plans 2509 N. Campbell Avenue — Tucson, AZ 85719 520-887-5566

CHANDLER THUNDERBIRD LODGE #15 Is offering Masonic Veterans Pins to our Brothers at a price that is just slightly above our cost. All profits from the sale of these pins will be donated to our three Arizona Masonic Youth Groups WE HAVE CURRENTLY DONATED OVER $1,500 TO OUR ARIZONA MASONIC YOUTH

If you would like one, or more, pins just send ** $2.00 for each pin to: Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15 c/o George Stablein P.O. Box 6794 Chandler, AZ 85246 (This address is for pin orders only!) Please make your checks payable to Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15



Arizona Masonry Magazine



Philosophy WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO OUR CRAFT? The First Part of a Five Part Series By Henry Wilson PGM PREFACE What have we done to our Craft? That question is one which runs in the minds of all Master Masons who have been raised in the craft for at least 10 years or longer. We have seen many changes in the Masonic order since the 70’s. It always start with little things, then larger ones and then we notice that the craft has changed and can’t understand “How did this happen?” We are now past the first decade of the twenty-first century. You may be asking yourself “are we going to survive” the order is different, I guess the Brothers who profess that we need to change to draw new people into the order are right … no need for the catechism, “no time”; one day classes, “again no time to repeatedly come back”! What’s next?” Let me join like they do at the luncheon club, give me a membership card and I’ll come when I can”! What have we done to our Craft? What are our traditions and landmarks that we have honored and followed and has held us together for 280 plus years and are now being changed in the name of “Political Correctness” or “Changing Times”. In these articles I have attempted to show what has happened to our Great Fraternity and what we must do to reverse the decreasing membership by “Quality Control” and not “Quantity Control”.

sion that the following have helped to decrease the membership in our order:

After many years of studying membership decline, I have come to the conclusion that maybe it isn’t just one factor that has led to our decline but several. I have looked at correlations between major changes or events in the United States and Masonry. I have studied statistical data of other organizations; religious membership, the Boy Scouts; Fraternal Orders etc. and have drawn the conclu-

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution to these article from the various writer referenced in the various sections as applicable, but also to Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Richard H Sands of Michigan (1985 – 1986) who‘s work “Beyond the Northeast Corner gave me the inspiration to write these articles

• Our Society is changing from “stay at home mothers” to both parents working. • Our Society is becoming a one parent society with no true male role model. • The child or young adult requires more attention than when we were a “kid”. • Our Society is a “me” society caring more about self Than the next person. • With the caring of self comes many faults; no respect for others; self-indulgence; greed and the attitude that “everything is owed to me”. • But the greatest reason for the decline is OURSELF we have allowed our membership to be changed and governed by those who do not understand about our heritage or feeling for the craft (Masonry) or the membership as a whole.

This article is one of five parts and is intended to reflect on our History. The remaining parts will address our Almost every Most Worshipful Grand Master feels, prior Landmarks; our Growth/Decline; Our Predicament; and to getting into the Office, that he has the answer to dwin- our Survival/Obligations as Masons. This particular artidling membership. Society is changing and we have to cle covers our History (Summary). change with it; we need younger people in our fraternity; This article and its parts are the opinion of Past Grand It is television that is ruining our membership no it’s the Master Wilson and it is not intended to reflect the opinion changing society. Is it really these reasons … or is it US! of any Grand Master or Grand Jurisdiction.

continued on pg. 7


Arizona Masonry Magazine

April 2013

Philosophy I Would also like to thank the Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. the Craft in the establishment of our Constitution and the M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario for allowing us Bill of Rights. to use much of the material contained in their own similar PRIVLEDGES AND RESPONSIBILITIES book entitled, “Beyond the Pillars.” Mature men who have been received into the Masonic fraternity have been admitted to a privileged group. The THE HISTORY Freemasonry followed the colonists to America and new Mason must be aware of the responsibilities that are played a most important role in the establishment of the associated with the privilege of becoming a member of a thirteen colonies and in the formation of this country. The Masonic lodge. The person seeking membership, the peGrand Lodge of England formally recognized Freema- titioner, probably knows that he must ask a Mason to supsonry in America for the first time with the appointment port his application. Each petitioner has different reasons of a Provincial Grand Master for New York, New Jersey, for wanting to join. His interest may be traced to some and Pennsylvania in 1730. It was not until 1731 that the relative or friend who belongs to a lodge, or he may have first American Grand Lodge was established in the Com- followed with interest, the activities of a neighbor or monwealth of Pennsylvania. Prior to that time, all lodges someone in his community whom he knows to be a Mason. Whatever the circumstances, his interest has been in America were under some foreign jurisdiction. aroused. He wants to know more about Masonry. Most The story of the part played by Freemasons in the forma- likely he has done research on the Order and has read tion of our country is little known outside of Masonic cir- more than we have about it (Book smart) He now wants cles. Freemasonry and Masonic thinking played a very to become a Mason. large part in the founding of this Republic and its laws. Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Most people are acquainted with the emblem of the as well as the drafters of the Constitution, were members Square and Compasses but not with its significance. It of the Fraternity. George Washington was a staunch may be used to mark the meeting place of men who beFreemason. He was the first of fourteen Masonic Presi- long to a Masonic lodge. It may be used on jewelry to indents and the only one to serve as Worshipful Master of dicate that the wearer is a member of a Masonic lodge. It a Lodge and President at one and the same time. Presi- may be used on books and stationery. But wherever it is dents who were Freemasons after Washington were Mon- found over the face of the earth—and it is found in counroe, Andrew Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, tries on each of the continents—its meaning remains the Garfield, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin De- same. It indicates that in some way there is a relationship lano Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Truman, and Ford. Truman between the place, article, or person and Freemasonry. and Andrew Jackson served also as Most Worshipful Some may think that the most significant aspect of the Square and Compasses is the element of secrecy associGrand Masters in their lifetimes. ated with them. This is not so. To be sure, a Mason does Many well-known patriots, such as Ethan Allen, Ben- have certain commitments that are communicated only jamin Franklin, Nathaniel Greene, John Hancock, John verbally or by example. These are secrets in the sense that Paul Jones, Marquis de Lafayette, Israel Putnam, Paul Re- they are not published but are passed from individual to vere, Baron von Steuben, Joseph Warren and, of course, individual. But the basic concerns of Masonry are not seGeorge Washington were members of the Craft. Freema- cret. They are the consideration of others, the provision sonry greatly influenced much of their thinking and opin- of assistance for them, and the exercise of a high sincerity ions. In addition, the Fraternity provided an important of purpose for the betterment of mankind. avenue for Benjamin Franklin to obtain a hearing in the Courts of France at a crucial time to win the support of Wherever the Square and Compasses appear as the desthat Country in helping to finance the Revolution. As ignation of the meeting place for a Masonic lodge, they Americans, we also owe a great debt to the teachings of tell a story. No matter whether the meeting place is locontinued on pg. 8

April 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy lodges followed the lines of communication, particularly the railroad system. A number of lodges were grouped together to form a Masonic district. The network of transportation influenced, indeed dictated, the district boundaries. As one examines these early boundaries, particularly in the rural areas, it becomes obvious that the location of the railroad was a dominant factor in grouping lodges to form a district.

continued from pg. 7

cated in the far north or in the tropics, those who meet there have a common purpose. Men who have been accepted into a Masonic lodge are gathered in one place to work and study together for the improvement of mankind. Their work will be centered on the teachings and principles of Masonry, which are universal in application. The men who meet there are committed to live up to its standards and ideals. The emblem of the Square and ComLater the train declined as a means of transportation. The passes identifies Masons who have a responsibility to automobile, improved highways and air travel have share the principles of Masonry with others. changed old patterns and habits. Our Masonic districts were changed to match county lines. This evolution in THE LETTER “G” Here in the United States, the emblem of the Masonic transportation may serve as an example of technological Fraternity is the Square and Compasses enclosing the let- change. Technology, which in simple terms is the appliter “G”. The letter “G”, whether in the East or enclosed cation of discovery or invention to practical use, is conin the square and compasses, stands for both “God” and tinually changing our patterns of living. Technological “Geometry.” The reason for the latter is that Geometry change in communications, in industrial development, in was once synonymous with Freemasonry because of the food production systems, to name but a few examples, place that architecture has within the operative craft. Also, has altered the environment in which people live. It has it is very appropriate that “God” should be at the center not altered the responsibility of Masons. It has however of the emblem because He is at the center of Freema- presented Masons with a very real challenge, and that is to determine how they can most effectively discharge sonry. their responsibilities in a twenty-first century environRules Against Solicitation ment. Because a candidate for Masonry must declare that he seeks admission of his own free will and accord, it is un- Technology has and is influencing Freemasonry in many Masonic to urge or solicit a person not a Mason to be- ways: Initially, the lessons of Freemasonry were commucome such; however, it is lawful to furnish a non-Mason nicated by word of mouth and hand-drawn or woven picwith information about Freemasonry including the pro- tures only. Now we have the printed word and video tape cedures to become a Mason and to offer assistance should to aid in the dissemination. Before radio and television, it was necessary for men to gather in a central location to he declare his desire to join. hear the news as well as to share their interpretations of TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES our Masonic symbols and allegories. We used to depend In a most interesting way the establishment of Masonic on district meetings to discuss upcoming legislation. Now lodges runs parallel to the early growth and development with e-mail and the internet, we can converse with wellof most Territories and/or States. The pioneer settlers took informed brethren on a variety of topics including Mafull advantage of the lakes and rivers in choosing sites on sonic events statewide. We learn early about upcoming which to establish homes. So also with the lodges; the age legislation and can ask questions of our Grand Lodge ofof a Masonic lodge is indicated by its number on the Reg- ficers and share our opinions as to the desirability of the ister of Grand Lodge; a low number signifies that the legislation. We learn quickly about the needs for local lodge was established very early in our history, while a charity or disaster relief and can organize appropriate high number means that it is of later foundation. help. Then, as the State gradually was opened up, systems of transport were developed, and roads and railroads were threaded across the State. Meeting places for Masonic 8

Arizona Masonry Magazine

continued on pg. 9

April 2013

Philosophy continued from pg. 8

dicated his intent, his sponsor must be certain and satisfied that, if he is admitted, he will fully meet the requireTHE SELECTIVE NATURE OF MASONRY Candidates for Masonry should be carefully investigated ments for membership. The Committee of Investigation before they are accepted for membership. Few organiza- appointed by the Master of the lodge will seek information about the applicant, such as who he is and with whom tions are more selective as you can read below: he associates, where he lives, when he became interested • In the first instance, one half of the population is in Masonry, what his reasons are for submitting an appliineligible because it is of the female sex. cation and how he intends to serve Freemasonry. • Another large segment is disqualified because of age. • By long-standing tradition, members of certain religious bodies do not choose to join, although the Craft makes no impediment to their actions. • Others are actively barred because they have no religious convictions at all.

As a Mason ponders how best to discharge his Masonic responsibilities, the following quotation might well serve as a guideline. I shall pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now, let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. Ascribed to Etienne de Grellet 1773-1855

• Convicted Felons represent about five to seven percent of the total population.

These lines impart a message as important and as relevant today as it was when they were penned over a century • In fact at any given time only a small proportion ago. Their meaning is particularly applicable to any of the total population qualifies for membership. Mason and might be paraphrased, “Use your time to good advantage; act now”. Interpret the meaning of Masonry’s Clearly then those who do qualify and are accepted are a teachings and philosophy, incorporate them into your privileged few. The Mason should ask himself, “What are daily activities and, by example, influence those with my responsibilities in return for the privilege that has been whom you associate. To be continued … extended to me?” The responsibilities are great because the number accepted is small. The next article will deal with the Landmarks of Masonry which were interpreted to comprise 26 rules written and Because a Mason is one of those few, he must not become unwritten as explained (Interpreted) by Albert G. Mackey introverted and assume that Masonry is only for his perMD; The Principles of Masonic Law, 1856 with addisonal use, his own self-satisfaction. This would be selfish. tional notes. “Masonic Landmarks are a set of principles On the contrary it is his duty and responsibility to share that many Masons claim to be “both ancient and unthe teachings and philosophy of Masonry with those changeable precepts of Masonry”. Because each Grand whom he meets. A practicing Mason has a day-to-day Lodge is self-governing, with no single body exercising duty to be an effective promoter of the Art. It would be authority over the whole of unfortunate if he took the view that he could discharge Freemasonry, the interpretahis responsibilities simply by attending regular and emertions of these principles can gent meetings of his lodge. This is but one type of activity and do vary, leading to controexpected of him. He will endeavor to make a daily adversies of recognition. Differvancement in his own understanding of Masonry and will ent Masonic jurisdictions have apply and extend his influence for the betterment of different Landmarks”. mankind in whatever environment he finds himself. (Wikipedia) Therefore, one of a Mason’s prime responsibilities lies in Submitted by MW Henry Wilson past Grand Master of Michigan and a helping to recommend and sponsor worthy candidates for member of Scottsdale Lodge #43 membership. After an aspirant has stated his wish and inApril 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy TALES FROM THE QUARRY By George Weil, PM My Honored Brethren,

the riddle and know the meaning of these secrets, only select individuals reach that state of being where knowlEach candidate is exposed to certain arts, parts, and edge is revealed and fully understood. points within each degree that are on the surface somewhat dense and impenetrable. But, Is the candidate What is the prize of a Mason? It is his membership in hopefully, each man going through some Lodge of the sacred Mysteries. A Lodge which duly and truly prepared? Is he the degrees will have selected key worthy devotes itself with reverent enthusiasm to the hidden and well Does he ritual elements and has drawn out work which should be the principal qualified? understand the the essential oils of wisdom and poactivity of this noble Order. commitment and etry they contain. duties of a It is time to review the value of our Freemason? It is through the candidate’s own understanding of these Order and to promote it as not anthree degrees and the composition of the interlinked el- other degree in a long string of degrees but, as a serious ements revealed to him that he considers the nature of advancement and attainment or goal of Freemasonry receiving further light in Freemasonry. As his Masonic that every Mason is not able to reach and is not autoinsight develops and matures, order and purpose emerge matically given a pass. It becomes self-evident that if from it. His dissection of the early works will probably an organization raises its standards in respect to the determine whether he explores further the spiritual fruits membership acceptance and the quality it desires then, being offered. the candidates who knock on these doors will probably be of a higher character, spiritual nature and seriousness. The true lessons of Freemasonry, as of all spiritual teachings are open to all. What we have promised to The ceremonies of our degrees are only the beginning keep secret are the things peculiar to Freemasonry that of instruction to the candidates who participate in them. are designed, not to exclude outsiders, but as a gift and We extend congratulations to those who have been aca privilege to those who choose to commit themselves cepted as candidates at all levels of Masonic degrees to this path of life. but, should also make clear that the journey to enlightenment will be their responsibility and that they bear It is impossible to understand or self-accountability on their actions or inactions. They Does he appreciate any work of art without have started a journey that will reunderstand the an understanding of its context. We he honor quire the burning of the spiritual journey he is this fraternity The context in this case, is the traabout to take? light latent within them. We have set ditional story of a Master Builder by his actions? the stage for their journey, and as the and the mosaic pieces that are revealed as his story un- rough ashlar can only be folds. squared and perfected by As we have mentioned in previous articles, the evolution chipping and polishing, so of man in achieving a Masonic understanding or reach- can he also be made perfect ing a high intellectual competence of what has been set only by toil and self-improvebefore him cannot be grasped through one meeting or ment. degree ceremony. Each ritual is transformative in nature not only to the candidate but to the members of the Worshipful Brother, Weil is a Past Master Lodge participating in it. Of Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4








Even among those few Masons who are able to unravel 10


and is the current Worshipful Master of Aztlan Lodge #1

Arizona Masonry Magazine

April 2013

The 2013 Legislation 2012-08: 2013-01: 2013-02: 2013-03: 2013-04: 2013-05: 2013-06: 2013-07: 2013-08: 2013-09: 2013-10: 2013-11: 2013-12: 2013-13: 2013-14: 2013-15: 2013-16: 2013-17: 2013-18: 2013-19: 2013-20: 2013-21: 2013-22: 2013-23: 2013-24: 2013-25: 2013-26: 2013-27: 2013-28: 2013-29: April 2013

2/3 Majority for Constitution Changes Requires a Penalty with guilty Verdict Eliminates Hearsay evidence Requires GM Review of “Frivolous” charge Removes example of charge Requires return receipt when filing charges Corrects grammatical error Clarifies date of Trial Master authority Assigns Trial Secretary Clarifies Non-Arizona Penal Jurisdiction Clarifies Lodge Member summoning Eliminates Perpetual Member Per Capita Gives Perpetual Membership gains to GL Allows Typewritten “Release from Dues” form Allows Typewritten Pettions & Applications Allows Lodge to refuse or Accept Perpetual Membership transfer Eliminates Perpetual Membership Changes Insurance requirement Adds Approved forms Requires Grand Lodge Session on arresting of Charter Requires announcement of Ballot results Eliminates the power of GM to suspend Requires Nomination for Grand Master Provides for election of Grand Deacons Clarifies role of Finance Committee Corrects Finance mis-understanding Requires Lodge Books Auditing Changes Perpetual Membership factor Changes Memorial Perpetual Membership Factor Corrects Grand Lodge Funds Description Arizona Masonry Magazine


Grand Lodge of Arizona 131th Annual Communication The Nautical Beachfront Resort, 1000 McCullouch Blvd. N, Lake Havasu City, Arizona June 6 through June 8, 2013 Registration Form (Please Type or Print Legibly) Last Name____________________________________

First Name________________________________

Address__________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________State__________________________Zip_________________________ E-mail_______________________________________


Attending as: GM___ PGM____WM____SW____JW____PM____ MM____ Other___________________ Grand Jurisdiction ________________________________________________________________________ Primary Lodge and number_________________________________________________________________ Staying at hotel: Yes____ No____ My lady will accompany me: Yes____ No____ Her name is _______________________________________ Thursday Evening (Arizona Tuxedo)

Chicken Cordon Bleu Prime Rib

$45.00 $45.00

No. ____ $__________ No. ____ $__________

Friday Evening (Business casual)

Italian Buffet Dinner


No. ____


Ladies Program (see reverse side)



Conference Fee:



131st Grand Communication Proceedings Book






Make checks payable to: 131st Grand Lodge Communication P. O. BOX 25649 , Tempe, Ariz. 85285-5649

Hotel Reservations: Nautical Beachfront Resort – Phone Reservations – 1-928-855-2141 Room Rate $100.00 plus Tax – Refer to Grand Lodge of Arizona Group Code 245416 CUT OFF DATE FOR HOTEL, MEALS AND LADIES PROGRAM IS May 1, 2012 (Arizona Tuxedo) Levi’s, Collared Shirt, Sports Coat. Ladies dress to compliment same . All Breakfast and Lunches are on your own at area restaurants(See area map in registration packet).


Arizona Masonry Magazine

April 2013

2013 GRAND LODGE LADIES’ ACTIVITIES Thursday, June 6, 2013 Ladies’ Welcome Table

9:00 am until 4:00 pm, near the Men’s Registration

Friday, June 7, 2013 Golf available

Sign up for a tee time at the Welcome Table

Ladies’ Welcome Table

8:00 am until 11:30 am, near the Men’s Registration

Hospitality Room

9:00 am until noon, Commodore Suite

Whether you have been coming to Grand Lodge for years, or this is your first experience, ladies will find a warm welcome at the 131st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Arizona. The Hospitality Room will be open as a gathering place during the men’s sessions. Ladies’ Tea Party Luncheon

12:30 pm until ?


Ladies, please join us for lunch and friendship at Shugrue’s Restaurant in the shadow of the historic London Bridge. Enjoy a variety of finger sandwiches and savory delights, fresh baked scones with clotted cream and jam, an assortment of cakes and pastries, and a variety of teas. Following lunch we will hear about the history of London Bridge, and how it was transported to Arizona and rebuilt. Transfer $40.00 cost of Ladies’ Luncheon to Men’s Registration form.

Saturday, June 8, 2013 Golf available

Sign up for a tee time at the Welcome Table

Continental Breakfast

9:00 to 10:30, Hospitality Room


Ferry Boat to Havasu Landing Casino

6:45 am to midnight


Take a ½ hour boat ride across beautiful Lake Havasu just for fun, for breakfast or lunch, or try your luck in the casino. The ferry leaves Arizona hourly on the half hour, and returns from California on the hour. Specific information will be in the registration information. Hospitality Room

1:00 to closing of Grand Lodge – about 4:30 pm

Come and visit, play games or bring your project to work on while the men are in meetings.

April 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Update WHAT DOES ARIZONA MASONRY HAVE TO DO WITH THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT? By Jerry Badinger, President Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children What does Arizona Masonry have to do with the State of Connecticut, you ask? Plenty my Brothers! Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at Columbine High School, Jared Loughner here at a Safeway supermarket in Tucson Arizona, Thomas “T.J.” Lane at Chardon High School in Ohio and now the Connecticut version - Adam Lanza’s deadly rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School with the lives of 6 adults and 20 innocent children awaiting the soon to come Santa Clause visit, Snuffed Out! In each of these cases Red Flags were everywhere. If schools each attended had instituted a Student Assistance Program, where the school staff is trained to identify and assess warning flags like these, it’s likely that the word ‘Columbine’ and ‘Sandy Hook’ today would not be associated with ‘tragedy’. Our children are hurting!!! Without INTERVENTION by us adults, that will not change. As you already know, the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children (AMFC) is intervening with its Children at Risk Program by working directly with educators (the administrators, teachers, nurses, counselors, and other school staff members) who see our children every day, to create a Student Assistance Program within their individual schools. This intense, professional three day training/workshop shows them how to identify students in their schools who may be at risk and then how to create and intervene with an action plan so the children receive the help they desperately need, before it’s too late. During tough economic times children become more involved in high risk behavior but, with your financial help, your Foundation has continued to do trainings to help prevent this major upswing. “This was a great learning experience,” said one teacher at the end of the training. “Why doesn’t all the staff go to the training? It would make all of our jobs a lot easier and more meaningful for kids,” said another. Teachers left the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children’s MMSAP training at Tucson #4 Lodge in October 2012 energized with ideas and laden with lists they could put into action at their school the next day in their classrooms. The teachers feel they have the tools necessary to become positive and active


facilitators of solutions. The first goal is to impact the individual students, and the second is to enhance the school climate and culture. In addition to the local area schools of Tucson, this MMSAP training also had two exchange teachers from Brazil in attendance and 2 Masons from the Grand Lodge of Washington in attendance to observe for use in their attempts at incorporating the program in their jurisdiction. This class was the second since the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD), the largest district in the Tucson area, had declared that every school in the district would have a team in their school trained by our MSAP workshop. In the past 2 classes TUSD had sent 10 teams per class, and subsequently has provided a $11,000 purchase order to help us in servicing this request at the soonest. In the Past 6 Years nationally accepted statistics tell us we can show here in Arizona approximately 9900 at risk children being affected by positive change at a Cost per Class of $10-14K per class. This cost is necessary in order for us to bring in the true experts. However, the Cost/Child is around $20 when we factor in the number of children affected by attendees. We also, are so pleased to report an increase in support from our Sisters and Brothers in the AZ Order of Eastern Star whose Grand Chapter has already donated over $6000 to our foundation this past year and the current Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron has instituted a Chocolate for Children program whereby chocolate bars are being sold with the proceeds going to AMFC, and several Chapters have conducted fund raiser on our behalf. GO OES!! This year we are again asking for your financial support to continue your great work in helping making our schools safer and aiding the school staff in identifying at risk students and intervening early. Remember AMFC is a 501.c.3 organization and your donation is tax deductable. Look to our annual letter which you should have received by now and if it is in your heart make your

Arizona Masonry Magazine

continued on pg. 15

April 2013

Update continued from pg. 14 check payable to Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children or AMFC and Mail to P.O. Box 32605 Tucson, Arizona 85751-2605. You may also at our website use Pay Pal if you desire.

We also need your time and resources. If addressing the serious needs to intervene in the life of a child that is at risk, and who will remain at risk without intervention is something that touches your heart, please step forward and contact us at or at 520-749-4307 (Jerry Badinger). We have much work to be done at the foundation and need you to increase the effectiveness and impact of this most important program. We extend a very grateful thank you to all who have supported us over the past 16 years. We now have continued supporters who send us a donation each month. Every donation adds up and moves forward our “at risk intervention program”. As one teacher said “It is remarkable how the Masons have seen the problems we are facing in our schools and have stepped forward and presented this outstanding program to us. Your Masonic Model Students Assistance Program has provided us a major step forward in enabling us to provide a safe education for the students.” The Need Is Great, The Cost To Help Is Steep, We Need Your Help! The Cost Of Doing Nothing Is Unacceptable And Unimaginable!

THE SQUARE & THE COMPASS CHILDREN’S CLINIC In 1947, a pediatric polio clinic was founded by Square & Compass, a nonprofit, tax exempt organization in Tucson. This organization is presently governed and operated by a voluntary Board of Directors. The clinic became the Square & Compass Crippled Children’s Clinic serving disabled and chronically ill children through association with the State of Arizona Crippled Children’s Services. In 1991, the Children’s Clinics was formed as a non-profit corporation by the Tucson Medical Center (TMC) and the University Medical Center (UMC). Square & Compass and the pediatric medical community of Tucson have joined with TMC and UMC to provide services to the disabled and chronically ill children of Southern Arizona who are medically eligible. Square & Compass owns the building which houses the Children’s Clinics and also spends thousands of dollars annually on medical services, hospitalization, supplies and equipment for children who do not have other resources to provide the services. In many cases, when a child may need surgery and then braces or appliances afterwards, the Clinic will provide the surgery and Square and Compass will provide the appliances and follow-up care through the Medical Centers. When the Children’s Clinics was formed, the Tucson Medical Center agreed to lease the land that the building is situated on to Square and Compass for $1.00 per year. The day the corporation papers were signed Square and Compass handed TMC a check for $100.00.

The Conference of Grand Masters was held February 16 through 21, 2013, in Kansas City, MO. The Arizona delegation included (from L to R) Maggie Manning; Brook Cunningham, PGM; Bill Jeffers, PGM; April Garrard; Mike Manning, Senior Grand Warden; Bill Garrard, Deputy Grand Master; Moira Carlton; Mike Atchley, Junior Grand Warden; Jeff Carlton, Grand Master. Also attending were PGM and SGIG Bob and Marion Hannon,Bill Robertson, Grand Secretary; and Peggy Atchley. Bill Jeffers stepped down from serving on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Foundation for Children after 12 years. Jeff Carlton was elected as his replacement. Brook Cunningham is serving on the Board of Directors of the George Washington National Memorial. Bill Garrard was selected to serve on the planning committee of the 2014 Conference of Grand Masters.

April 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Arizona Masonry

Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323

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