Arizona Masonry

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Arizona Masonry Vol. 37, No 3

June / July 2013

Grand Lodge of Arizona New Administrative Offices

Arizona Masonry Features & Articles June 2013 Editor in Chief Jeff Carlton, Grand Master Managing Editor David H. Luebke, PGM, Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (of about 350 to 800 words in length) that broadly relate to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are encouraged. Pieces submitted should be typed, double spaced and sent via e-mail to: arizonamasonry@

Grand Master’s Message .................................. Pg 3 Grand Editor’s Desk ............................................ Pg 4 To Learn to Subdue My Passions and Improve Myself in Masonry Bob Bowersox .......................................................... Pg 5 What Have We Done To Our Craft? MW Henry Wilson .................................................... Pg 6 A Wise Man Will Hear, and Will Increase Learning George Weil, PM .................................................... Pg 12 Grand Oration Craig Gross .......................................................... Pg 14

Articles are subject to editing and become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photographs, or other materials submitted for publication. All photographs must be identified as to who took the photo and the names of all individuals who may appear in the photo. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publications. When reprinted, articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of Arizona Masonry in the jurisdiction of Arizona (month, year).” Please direct all articles and correspondence to: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 Deadline for submission of articles for the next edition is August 15, 2013

GROTTOES ACTIVE IN ARIZONA A.K.A. – Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm Rameses Grotto – Meets 1st Friday each month at 7:00 pm, at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43, 2531 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale. For info call Andrew Zerber (602) 796-2114 Altan Kol Grotto – Meets 2nd Thursday each month at 7:00 pm, at Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, For info call Tom Dingwall at (520) 458-6527. Abbid Grotto – Meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 6:00 pm, at Kingman Odd Fellows Building, 2495 Butler Ave., for info call Dan Cantwell at (928) 681-3166. “A Social Place for Master Masons.”

Grand Master’s Message Greetings Brothers; The Masonic symbol of the Point within a Circle is the culmination of what the Arizona Masonic Ritual teaches the Mason regarding his conduct, both within the Lodge and when abroad in the world. We are told the point in the center of the circle represents the individual Mason. The circle, constructed from this center point represents the boundary of a Mason’s conduct, beyond which he should never suffer his passions, his prejudices or interest to betray him. This point and the circle can only be physically constructed relative to each other by the use of the compasses, one of the Great Lights of Free Masonry. This great light, the Compasses, teaches us to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds toward all mankind, particularly our brethren in Freemasonry. Once this circle has been thus constructed, Masonry empowers the message of the Point within a Circle by having the Holy writings, the most important of the Great Lights of Freemasonry, which are dedicated to God, they being His inestimable gift to man as the rule and guide of his faith, rest upon the top of the circle, thereby making the Holy Writings, and all the light that they contain, a part of the symbol.

Each Mason must build his own circle of conduct. His circle should embody within it the three principle tenets of Masonry, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The lecture of the First Degree teaches us the meaning of, and gives the direction to, the implementation of these three tenets within a Mason’s life. Certainly the practice of the four cardinal principles of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice, which are also described and expounded in the lecture of the First Degree, must become a part of a Mason’s everyday circle of conduct. The Masonic symbol of the Point within a Circle is a reminder of that personal conduct by which Masons must guide their lives. All that it embodies will give strength in the face of duress, comfort in embracing change and direction in dealing with the trials of daily life. While the symbol is simple in appearance its meaning, connotations, and the direction it gives to us, is omni-encompassing in our growth as men and Masons.

If the fraternity of Freemasons is to grow and prosper for another three hundred years we must not lose sight of that which has not changed in the past three hundred years: the principles and tenets spelled out in the ritual of our beloved fraternity. We must work diligently to preserve the ancient landmarks of our brotherhood and practice all that is provided to us within our Ritual. We must continue to grow as Masons no matter how long our tenure, for Masonry is inWe continue to empower the Masonic message of this sym- deed a way of life, a way of life that may take a lifetime to bol by supporting the point, from which the circle emanates, prefect, as we endeavor to change from rough Ashlars into the circle and the Holy writings with two parallel lines on Perfect Ashlars. each side of the circle. These symbolic parallel lines represent Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, As we bring new men into our Lodges and aid them in startand the teaching of their gospels. The symbolic Parallel ing their Masonic journey, let us ensure their deep underlines may geometrically be constructed by use of the standing of the Point within a Circle symbol. Show them Square, the final Great light of Freemasonry, which teaches this symbol represents that which is the very foundation of us to always act upon the Square in all our dealings. Masonry, the Three Great Lights of Masonry, the Three Principle Tenets, and Four Cardinal Principles of the fraterIn contemplation of the tools necessary to construct this nity . To every Mason is given the charge to honor and resymbol, and those embodied within it, the Masonic symbol, spect his fellow man, particularly his brother Freemasons, denoted the Point within a Circle, should ever be a powerful to grow as a man and Mason, ever expanding and strengthguide for the Mason. It is little wonder that the Ritual of ening that circle which is the boundary of his conduct. our fraternity then states that “in traversing its circumference, we necessarily touch upon the parallel line and also Jeff Carlton, GM upon the Holy Writings, and while a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed, it is impossible that he can materially err.” June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Grand Editor’s Desk Welcome to Lake Havasu City, the 2013 Grand Lodge Session, and to the Last Issue of Arizona Masonry for this Masonic term. We have a great deal of work and some of the finest fellowship available before us. With the Great Architect’s blessing and the Wisdom of Solomon we will accomplish our work effeciently and set the stage for the future of Masonry

Our Mail Bag We have recently received several recommendations for the improvement of our magazine; several of which we have implemented with this issue and several will be implemented beginning in the next issue. Our address is: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370

Now to this issue of Arizona Masonry On the Cover and this issue The cover picture and many of the pictures included within this issue came from the dedication of our new offices. It was a great day for fellowship & celebrating. Grand Master’s Message For his final message, our Grand Master reminds us of the responsibilities we have as Masons and of the importance of remembering one of the greatest symbols of Masonry. That of the Point Within the Circle. What Have We Done to Our Craft This is the second part of Most Worshipful Brother Henry Wilson’s five part series expounding on his view of the Craft; who we are and how we got there. A Wise Man Will Hear and Will Increase Learning In this offering Worshipful Brother George Weil gives us some insight into his view of the hidden mysteries and value of membership in a Lodge. Mystery Pictures Elsewhere in this issue are a couple of “Pictures From Our Archives”. The Shriners are (from left) Roy Rogers, Harold Lloyd, Red Skelton and Dick Powell, all members of Al Malaikah Shrine in Los Angeles. Harold Lloyed was a Past Imperial Potentate AND the Stamp. 4

Advertising Following are the Advertising Rates for Arizona Masonry Full Page: $600.00 per issue 1/2 Page: $300.00 per issue 1/4 Page: $140.00 per issue 1/8 Page: $70.00 per issue Business Card: $60.00 per issue The above rates are for occasional advertisers. Discounts are available for those that commit to four (4) or more issues. Invoices will be sent out to current advertisers this month. Thank you I would like to take this opportunity to thank Grand Master Carlton for his faith in me by allowing me to be the Grand Editor. Over the past several years we have been able to change its design and content. A lot has been learned about the editing and publishing of this magazine; yet there is much more to do, hopefully I will have the opportunity to continue to implement the changes necessary to make Arizona Masonry a jewel in the crown of Masonry.


Arizona Masonry Magazine

June 2013

Philosophy TO LEARN TO SUBDUE MY PASSIONS AND IMPROVE MYSELF IN MASONRY By Bob Bowersox, P.M. Sherburn Lodge #95, Elk River, MN What a wonder it is to see the equality of Masonry in action. Individually, we are Teacher, Banker, Businessman, Tradesman, Farmer, or Laborer. Together, we are Brothers. From the most highly educated to the illiterate, from the highest economic reaches to the lowest, we come together to learn and improve ourselves.

the love, brotherhood, benevolence, and enthusiasm that we brought to Masonry. We treat with God for the wisdom to be the better enabled to understand the beauty of brotherly love, relief and truth to the honor of his Holy name. We ask for this boon to become better men. Better than we were before our entrance into the Craft. We must continually strive for this improvement. Our phrase”to learn to” carries “To learn to subdue my passions and improve myself in Ma- an implication for study. We search for knowledge which sonry.” This phrase from the opening of the First Degree we are all exhorted to pursue with vigor and zeal. gives cause to why we became Masons. “To learn to subdue my passions…” As an Entered Apprentice, I wondered We understand the importance to learn and to subdue, but on the meaning or intent of this phrase. To subdue: to re- how do we improve ourselves in Masonry? We must apply strain, to pacify, to subjugate our passions; our indifference, ourselves to, and embrace the lessons we have learned rage, anger, and fury, the passions of the darker side of our through our study and application of the subjugation of our nature. Those passions lead us into the realm of uncon- passions. We are not blind to the lack of control of passion. trolled and unbridled emotional response, which causes us We see everyday what unrestrained passion and unbridled to act in a manner opposite to our professed beliefs. zeal does in the world. We see in our newspapers what intolerance creates among the people of the world. Yet the There is no room within the Lodge of Brothers for uncon- world wrings its collective hands in a futile gesture of sortrolled emotions. We cannot exist as a Society of Friends row not knowing the answer to these intolerant actions. If and Brothers and remain united in our great and good work only the Principles of Freemasonry could be applied to the if uninhibited passion governs our actions. We must learn world, what a difference it would make. to subdue these passions which cause us to act in an uncaring and hot-blooded manner. We are taught with this This is how we, as Masons, can improve ourselves in Maphrase, to listen to our Brother and respect his views. There sonry. By the application of the lessons and practices inis no requirement for agreement, only acceptance of his culcated within our ritual. But sometimes we don’t pay right to hold his beliefs. There exists, however, a require- attention to the ritual. It has been recited and heard so often, ment that we accept his right to believe as equally as our the meanings of the words have been numbered in our own right, to accept his truths to be as real and right as our minds. Listen to the work. Listen to the ritual. The hidden own truths. This ability to subdue the passions allows us to Mysteries of Masonry are all contained within. There is all be Brothers under the same God that we may all worship nothing within our labor that can cause conflict with our and adore in our own fashion. This requirement, by its very god, our neighbor, our country, or ourselves, yet within the nature, must expand beyond the Lodge. Each Brother must work are the truths. We must all look within this ancient extend this same courtesy to everyone under the canopy of and time-honored ritual to discover its secrets. heaven. For all of mankind holds opinions, truths and beliefs and we as Masons are taught to and must give all peo- This one phrase, given in one of the degrees, is a powerful ples the right to hold their own special theologies and and meaningful phrase. Look upon it with a different eye than before. “To learn to subdue my passions and improve philosophies of life. myself in Masonry.” Apply this one lesson from this simple We are not asked to subdue the passions of the better angels yet powerful expression and you will have taken the first of our nature. In fact, we are expected to expand the joy, step to change the world. June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO OUR CRAFT? Part Two of a Five Part Series By Henry Wilson PGM LANDMARKS This is the second part of a five part series on “What have we done to our craft?” Part one addressed our history and various privileges and responsibilities we receive and take on as Masons. It addressed The Letter “G” and rules against solicitation. It spoke about why and how technology has brought about changes to our society and craft. Lastly it addressed the selective nature of masonry.

of the order. What are the Landmarks of the Order? What are “those peculiar marks by which we are able to designate our masonic inheritance?”

In deciding what are and are not masonic landmarks, there has been much diversity of opinion and disagreement. Some Grand Lodges state they are the obligation, signs, In this Part of the series we look at our landmarks and what tokens and words, while others and some scholars include the ceremonies of Initiation, Passing and Raising along they have to do with Masonry today with the Ornaments, Furniture and Jewels of a lodge or “Masonic Landmarks are a set of principles that many their characteristic symbols. Twenty Grand Lodges think Masons claim to be “both ancient and unchangeable pre- that the order has no landmarks beyond its peculiar secrets. cepts of Masonry”. Because each Grand Lodge is self- But all of these are loose and unsatisfactory. governing, with no single body exercising authority over the whole of Freemasonry, the interpretations of these Perhaps the safest method is to restrict them to those anprinciples can and do vary, leading to controversies of cient and therefore universal customs of the order, which recognition. Different Masonic jurisdictions have different either gradually grew into operation as rules of action, or, have been enacted from a time so long ago that no account Landmarks”. (Wikipedia). of their origin exists. Approximately thirty Grand Lodges have adopted Landmarks to identify them and their ancient Craft. The re- The following are the prerequisite actions to constitute a mainder do not seem to have any specific approved or landmark according to the commonly accepted terms: adopted Landmarks. 1) It must have existed from a time when no one rePREFACE The term “Landmark” is found in Proverbs 22:28: “Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set.” In ancient times, it was customary to mark the boundaries of land by means of stone pillars. Removal of these would cause much confusion, men having no other guide than these pillars by which to distinguish the limits of their property. Therefore to remove them was considered a heinous crime. Jewish law says “Thou shalt not remove thy neighbors’ landmark, which they of old time have set in their inheritance.” (Percy Jantz, 2004 The Landmarks of Freemasonry)

members anything else. 2) Its antiquity. (If every one of the masonic scholars were to get together now and agree on a new regulation, it would not be a landmark because it would not satisfy the need for antiquity.) The landmarks are also by definition not able to be repealed. “The Landmarks are those essentials of Freemasonry without any one of which it would no longer be Freemasonry,” said MW Bro. Melvin M. Johnson, Past Grand Master of Massachusetts in 1923.

Each Grand Jurisdiction has its own definition of LandTherefore, landmarks are those marks (Rules and Regu- marks and I am not here to tell you which one is correct lations) by which we are able to designate our Masonic and why, nor which ones are not correct or why, but just inheritance. They define what is being passed on to us. In to enlighten you as to what Landmarks are and what safety continued on pg. 7 the case of Freemasonry, they are called the Landmarks 6

Arizona Masonry Magazine

June 2013

Philosophy net they offer to our Fraternity. THE FIRST TIME a Mason may become aware of the existence of Masonic landmarks is usually when he is newly raised. The Charge to the Master Mason may contain the words: “The ancient landmarks of Masonry are entrusted to your care; you are carefully to preserve, and never allow them to be infringed, or countenance a deviation from the established usages and customs of the Fraternity” (Michigan Ritual). During some Installation of Officers the Master will discover that before being placed in the oriental chair he must pledge that he will not, during his term of office nor at any other time that the Lodge shall be under his direction, permit or suffer any deviation from the established usages and customs of the Fraternity and strictly to enforce them within his own lodge. (Michigan Installation Ritual) In general, when Masonic laws conflict, their authority ranks in the following order: 1. Landmarks; 2. Constitution of Grand Lodge; 3. By-laws and Regulations of Grand Lodge; 4. Lodge By-laws; 5. The changeable part of the “unwritten laws”. By way of clarification, we read further: “The term ‘unwritten’ is applied to all laws known to have existed among Freemasons prior to A.D. 1717. Unwritten laws include both Changeable and Unchangeable laws. Laws which have originated either by enactment or usage since 1717 are called for convenience sake written laws and are Changeable. Of the division into Unchangeable and Changeable, it may be enough to say that there are certain laws, viz., the Ancient Landmarks, which it is not in the power of any man or body of men to change. On the other hand, all Masonic laws, except the Landmarks, whether written or unwritten, may be changed.”

fifty individual clauses. One may well wonder why there is such disparity in numbers and whether there are in fact any features common to all. This is a question which has generated considerable debate, often with more heat than light. One English historian, Robert Freke Gould, after searching in vain for a definitive list, concluded: “Nobody knows what they comprise or omit; they are of no earthly authority because everything is a landmark when an opponent desires to silence you, but nothing is a landmark that stands in his way”. Evidently the problem merits further study. Landmarks Before Freemasonry As previously stated, in the literal sense, the landmark was a boundary mark. It was a stone, or post, or marker of some kind that indicated where one piece of property, one town, one city, one state, or one nation ended and another began. The importance of such stones in ancient times is indicated by the Biblical injunction, ‘`Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28), and by the Mosaic denunciation, “Cursed be he that removeth his neighbor’s landmark” (Deuteronomy 27:17).

The Earliest Masonic uses of the Word The word “Land-Marks” occurs in print in its Masonic sense for the first time in Anderson’s first Book of Constitutions (1723) in the General Regulations which had actually been compiled in 1720 and approved by Grand Lodge at its Assembly in June, 1721. Regulation 39 stipulated that “Every Annual Grand Lodge has an inherent Power and Authority to make new Regulations, or to alter these, for the real Benefit of this ancient Fraternity: Provided always that the old LAND-MARKs be carefully preserv’d.... “ We note that the author of these words, What are these basic Landmarks which loom so large in George Payne, who was Grand Master in 1718 and again in 1720, already drew a distinction between the Regulathe Masonic jurisprudence of most Grand Lodges? tions, which could be amended, and Land-Marks, which 1) A belief in a Supreme Being were unalterable. 2) A belief in the immortality of the soul

In Anderson’s New Book of Constitutions (1738) the words “Land Marks” appear twice: once when restating 3) A Volume of the Sacred Law is an indispensable the “Old” Regulation 39 (quoted above), and again in the part of the furniture of every Lodge. final Regulation of the code which he called the “New” Many other Grand lodges in North America, with less Regulations. In the latter passage he summarizes the resopenness, have adopted specific codes of Landmarks. olutions of the Grand Lodge meetings of June 24, 1723, These are usually printed as preambles to their constitu- and November 25, 1723, where Payne’s statement about continued on pg. 8 tions in the form of lists containing anywhere from five to June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy continued from pg. 7

The minutes of December 29, 1810, reveal the ideas and work of the Lodge of Promulgation: “The R.W.M. then took a retrospective view of the proceedings of the Lodge in the three degrees of the Order . . . and proceeded to point out the material in and between the several degrees to which [their] attention would be requisite in preserving Ancient Land Marks of the Order, such as the form of the Lodge, the number and situation of the Officers, the different distinctions in the different Degrees, the restoration of the pass-words to each Degree, and the making of passwords between one Degree and another, instead of in the Degree”.

the Land Marks must have been reviewed. In neither of these resolutions are the words “Land Marks” actually used; the phrase “Ancient Rules of Masonry” seems to have sufficed for official needs. We might infer that the two terms were regarded as synonymous. In the last paragraph however Anderson adds his own explanation: “Accordingly, ALL the Alterations or NEW REGULATIONS above written are only for amending or explaining the OLD REGULATIONS for the Good of Masonry, without breaking in upon the ancient Rules of the Fraternity, still preserving the Old Land Marks....” Evidently Anderson himself had no doubt about the importance of the actual The Lodge of Promulgation met thirty times. In its report term “Land Mark” to the Grand Master the word “Landmark” is never used. It may be assumed however that in the judgment of the The Latter Part of the Eighteenth Century The minutes of the premier Grand Lodge, later to be Lodge the term “ancient practice” was synonymous with dubbed “Moderns”, through the whole period 1723-1758 “Landmarks”. The Lodge of Reconciliation (1813-1816) contain no mention of the word Landmarks. Nor is there left no records, and its views on “Landmarks” are unany reference in the records of the Grand Lodge (“An- known. cients”) other than one on the register of the Royal Arch After the work of the Lodge of Promulgation and shortly (“Ancients”), under the heading of Resolutions passed, before the actual union, formal expressions of approval November 5, 1783: “Resolved, . . . In order that the Anwere voted on December 1, 1813. The Duke of Sussex cient Landmarks may be faithfully preserved: and handed (“Moderns”) was thanked for “firmly and with brotherly down pure and undefiled to our posterity forever.” affection upholding and maintaining the ancient land Fifield D’Assigny in A Serious and Impartial Enquiry into marks”. The Duke of Kent (“Ancients”) was thanked for the Cause and Present Decay of Freemasonry in the King- the “firm and brotherly determination with which he asdom of Ireland (Dublin, 1744) used the word landmarks serted, maintained and secured the ancient landmarks”. three times. Laurence Dermott, Grand Secretary of the While each Grand Lodge claimed victory in the union, it Grand Lodge (“Antients”), in the 1756 edition of Ahiman appears that the two resolutions are contradictory. It is not Rezon, and also in later editions, made reference to land- possible that the two Grand Masters could both have sucmarks four times. Typical examples are: “No man who ceeded in upholding the true Landmarks, since the Grand rightly understands the Craft can be so blind as to trammel Lodges always maintained that their beliefs were in conover its ancient Landmarks”; and “. . . remove not the an- flict. Alternatively, if both had preserved the true Landcient Land Mark which thy Fathers have set....” Likewise marks, then the matters over which the Grand Lodges had William Preston in his Illustrations of Freemasonry (1772 differed for so long were not true Landmarks. and 1775 editions) refers to them six times, one of which In the third of the Articles of Union (1813) the reason for is the familiar precept, “Our ancient landmarks you are the union is given: “. . . so that but one pure unsullied syscarefully to preserve, and never to suffer an infringement tem, according to the genuine landmarks, laws and tradiof them.” tions of the Craft, shall be maintained, upheld and practiced, throughout the Masonic World. . . . “ The Period of the Union On October 26, 1809, the Grand Master of the “Moderns” Essential Features of Landmarks issued a warrant to form the Lodge of Promulgation “for The amount of ink spilled on the question of the Landthe purpose of promulgating the ancient Land Marks of marks of Masonry is immense. From 1723 right down to the Society and instructing the Craft in all such matters continued on pg. 9 and forms as may be necessary to be known by them.... “ 8

Arizona Masonry Magazine

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piled Laws):

the present day Masons all over the world have persisted in trying to read more into the words than was intended when they were added, almost as an afterthought, at the end of the General Regulations. Serious debate began in 1858 when Albert G. Mackey wrote an article in the second volume of the American Quarterly Review of Freemasonry. In the hundreds of discussions which have ensued since that date, two essential points recur again and again in definitions. (1) A Landmark must have existed from “time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary”. (2) A Landmark is an element in the form or essence of the society of such importance that Freemasonry would not be Freemasonry if it were removed. One or both of these features has been adduced by such well known and highly respected Masons as Mackey himself, probably one of the ablest authorities of American Freemasonry, Dean Roscoe Pound, the noted American jurist and Masonic scholar, and Dr. Chetwode Crawley, the eminent Irish Masonic writer. There seems to be a consensus that these are the two necessary and sufficient qualifications by which to identify a Masonic Landmark. If they are applied strictly to test for Landmarks, it will be found that there are in fact very few items that will pass this rigid examination. Many of the so-called “Landmarks” that occur in the longer lists are actually regulations, customs, or principles which are either of recent origin or unessential to Freemasonry. Landmarks which do meet the twofold requirement are as follows: (1) that a Mason professes a belief in God; (2) that the Volume of the Sacred Law is an essential and indispensable part of the Lodge, to be open when the brethren are at labor; (3) that a Mason must be male, free-born, and of mature age; (4) that a Mason, by his tenure, owes allegiance to the Sovereign and to the Craft; (5) that a Mason believes in the immortality of the soul. The first four of these are derived directly from the earliest documents belonging to the Craft, the Old Charges which begin about 1390. The fifth is implicit in the religious beliefs of that period. This brief list is in close conformity with the code adopted by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, the senior grand lodge on this continent. In the above connection, it may be of interest to note the Principles of Recognition required by my own Grand Lodge Michigan, (page B –1 of our Blue Book of ComJune 2013

“Fraternal recognition may be extended to another Grand Lodge upon recommendation of the Committee on Fraternal Relations, when it appears to the satisfaction of Grand Lodge: 1) That such Grand Lodge shall have been established lawfully by a duly recognized Grand Lodge or by three or more regularly constituted Lodges. 2) That a belief in the Grand Architect of the Universe and His revealed will shall be an essential qualification for membership. 3) That all Initiates shall take their obligation on or in full view of the Open Volume of the Sacred Law, by which is meant the revelation from above which is binding on the conscience of the particular individual who is being initiated. 4) That the membership of the Grand Lodge and individual Lodges shall be composed exclusively of men; and that each Grand Lodge shall have no intercourse of any kind with mixed Lodges or Lodges which admit women to membership. 5) That the Grand Lodge shall have sovereign jurisdiction over the Lodges under its control, i.e., that it shall be a responsible, independent, self-governing organization, with sole and undisputed authority over the Craft or Symbolic Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) within its jurisdiction; and shall not in any way be subject to or divide such authority with any other Power claiming any control or supervision over those degrees. 6) That the Great Lights of Freemasonry (namely the Volume of the Sacred Law; the Square, and the Compasses) shall always be exhibited when the Grand Lodge or its subordinate Lodges are at work, the chief of these being the Volume of the Sacred Law. 7) That the discussion of religion and politics within the Lodge shall be strictly prohibited. 8) That the principles of the Ancient landmarks, customs and usages of the Craft shall be strictly observed.”

Arizona Masonry Magazine

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Philosophy continued from pg. 9

Appendix: Aims and Relationships of the Craft In 1920 the Grand Lodge of England broke its traditional silence. It referred to the Landmarks, and itemized a number of them (possibly all of them) in a statement entitled “Aims and Relationships of the Craft”. In August, 1938, the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, and Scotland each agreed upon and issued a statement identical in terms except that the name of the issuing Grand Lodge appeared throughout. This statement was reaffirmed by the United Grand Lodge of England on September 7, 1949. It has never been adopted by the Grand Lodge of Michigan in terms that would make it expressly appropriate to this jurisdiction. However, because it is such a concise, accurate, and comprehensive statement of the aims and relationships of regular Masonry, it was reprinted in its original form and widely distributed. The statement is in the following terms: 1) From time to time the United Grand Lodge of England has deemed it desirable to set forth in precise form the aims of Freemasonry as consistently practiced under its Jurisdiction since it came into being as an organized body in 1717, and also to define the principles governing its relations with those other Grand Lodges with which it is in fraternal accord. 2) In view of representations which have been received, and of statements recently issued which have distorted or obscured the true objects of Freemasonry, it is once again considered necessary to emphasize certain fundamental principles of the Order. 3) The first condition of admission into and membership of, the Order is a belief in the Supreme Being. This is essential and admits of no compromise. 4) The Bible, referred to by Freemasons as the Volume of the Sacred Law, is always open in the Lodges. Every candidate is required to take his obligation on that book or on the Volume which is held by his particular creed to impart sanctity to an oath or promise taken upon it. 5) Everyone who enters Freemasonry is, at the outset, strictly forbidden to countenance any act which may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; he must pay due obedience to the law of 10

any State in which he resides or which may afford him protection, and he must never be remiss in the allegiance due to the Sovereign of his native land. 6) While English Freemasonry thus inculcates in each of its members the duties of loyalty and citizenship, it reserves to the individual the right to hold his own opinion with regard to public affairs. But neither in any lodge, nor at any time in his capacity as a Freemason, is he permitted to discuss or to advance his views on theological or political questions. 7) The Grand Lodge has always consistently refused to express any opinion on questions of foreign or domestic state policy either at home or abroad, and it will not allow its name to be associated with any action, however humanitarian it may appear to be, which infringes its unalterable policy of standing aloof from every question affecting the relations between one government and another, or between political parties, or questions as to rival theories of government. 8) The Grand Lodge is aware that there do exist Bodies, styling themselves Freemasons, which do not adhere to these principles, and while that attitude exists the Grand Lodge of England refuses absolutely to have any relations with such Bodies, or to regard them as Freemasons. 9) The Grand Lodge of England is a Sovereign and independent Body practicing Freemasonry only within the three Degrees and only within the limits defined in its Constitution as “pure Antient Masonry”. It does not recognize or admit the existence of any superior Masonic authority, however styled. 10) On more than one occasion the Grand Lodge has refused, and will continue to refuse, to participate in Conferences with so called International Associations claiming to represent Freemasonry, which admit to membership Bodies failing to conform strictly to the principles upon which the Grand Lodge of England is founded. The Grand Lodge does not admit any such claim, nor can its views be represented by any such Association. There is no secret with regard to any of the basic principles of Freemasonry, some of which have been stated above.

Arizona Masonry Magazine

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June 2013

Philosophy time to memorize all that stuff. “

continued from pg. 10

The Grand Lodge will always consider the recognition of those Grand Lodges which profess, and practice, and can show that they have consistently professed, and practiced those established and unaltered principles, but in no circumstances will it enter into discussion with a view to any new or varied interpretation of them. They must be accepted and practiced wholeheartedly and in their entirety by those who desire to be recognized as Freemasons by the United Grand Lodge of England. In Summary Once Landmarks have been established and then we begin to chisel away at them, we must remember that we are taking away from our Great Fraternity, Our Heritage and a little bit of ourselves and what we stand for … Think Well my Brothers.

Maybe it’s a combination of all the above or maybe it’s the fault of the craft (Membership) itself! We will look not only at our Fraternity, but also at other Fraternal Orders and the American Church during the same period and there explanation to the problem. Whatever the reason you conclude, it is still only one factor and it may just be coincidence! Submitted by MW Henry Wilson past Grand Master of Michigan and a member of Scottsdale Lodge #43

Selected References Darrah, Delmar D., The Evolution of Freemasonry, The Masonic Publishing Co., Bloomington, IL 1920, pp. 301-312. Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry, As Adopted, Followed or Undecided by the Fifty Grand Lodges of the United States, a publication of the Masonic Service Association, 8120 Fenton Street, Silver Spring, MD 209104785 Bernard E. Jones, Freemasons’ Guide and Compendium, New and Revised Edition, George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd., London 1957, pp. 332-337.

FROM OUR ARCHIVES In cleaning out our archives, we came upon these pictures. Are you old enough to remember these Shriners or the purpsoe of the stamp? The answer may be found elsewhere in this issue...

The next article (Part Three) is on our Growth/Decline. The Masonic Order has witness extreme growth and decline since its birth. Many Masons have professed the reasons behind our most recent decline? Some have stated it’s the” television” or people are “to busy”,” I don’t have

June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Philosophy A WISE MAN WILL HEAR, AND WILL INCREASE LEARNING (Proverbs 1:5) By George Weil, PM My Honored Brethren,

then burn out at the sudden infusion of a powerful current. So, yes, a fundamental transformation has taken Is Freemasonry a spiritual transformer? I believe that place, but not the positive one that had been envisioned. the Blue Lodge degrees are a practical guide for transforming chaos and fragmentation into unity and com- We individually cannot expect to achieve a full transpletion. It further empowers us to disconnect from the formation and a clear understanding of the richness of pervasive static of the profane world, the negative en- our Order quickly. It must be achieved by the unity of ergy that blocks our ability to achieve fulfillment and men of like mind and hearts that transmit the Light to completion in out innermost hearts and to hopefully find the whole chain and not to just one link. The desire and clear direction in our everyday lives. How does Freema- intention in this transformational journey must be one sonry accomplish this? of sharing and not one of self-serving. The ceremonies and rituals that are accomplished can be considered a lightning rod. It draws the light of the Great Architect to us and reveals more light in ourselves. In so doing, it eliminates the inner darkness, for darkness cannot coexist with light. Nor can chaos, whose essence is disconnection, remain in force when a genuine connection with the light of the Blue Lodge has been achieved.

Before we ever became Masons, it may have seemed that we were born into this world with no apparent set of instructions, no maps or equations, nothing but our own instincts, intuitions, and reasoning abilities to tell us where we came from, why we are here, and what we are supposed to do. The different degrees in our Order are guideposts to help us navigate those waters. The degrees, ceremonies and symbology are privileged gifts offered to each Mason and it is his responsibility to inFor the Mason, the degrees, rituals and symbols are terpret the manifold of discoveries revealed to him. nothing less than a time machine and a teleportation device all in one; by replacing darkness with light, it erases What every candidate hopefully will possess after a pethe limits that the profane world places on us. Through riod of maturation in the different degrees, ritual and this teleportation and through the degrees we see where ceremonies is the sincere desire and passion to seek we are, where we have been, and maybe where we are more education for the life story to go on. We as senior going. leaders must keep turning the pages. Presently, more than at any other time in history, further light demands to be revealed. As we proceed through the gates of the Freemasonry only a few will be called towards a higher awareness. Simply putting ourselves in the presence of degrees is not enough to foster clarity and understanding. The evolution of our souls and the advancement towards the Light demands much more from each of us. Each candidate achieves transformation, but because they have not matured in the understanding of the degree, they are overwhelmed by the moment in the same way that a weak electrical circuit will flash brightly and 12

As we learn to live Freemasonry and not just “understand� it, the mysteries of the Order open themselves to us, as do the mysteries of life itself.

Worshipful Brother, Weil is a Past Master Of Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4 and is the current Worshipful Master of Aztlan Lodge #1

Arizona Masonry Magazine

June 2013

The 1946 Victory Stamp issued by the British government to commemorate Victory in WW2. His Royal Highness King George VI was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland before the War. Note the Masonic symbols, particularly the depiction of the square & compasses with one point exposed, which is the custom of that particular Grand Jurisdiction. In his victory speech, the King stressed the value of Freemasonry in post War reconstruction, with these words. “The world today does require spiritual and moral regeneration. I have no doubt, after many years as a member of our Order, that Freemasonry can play a most important part of this vital need.”

CHANDLER THUNDERBIRD LODGE #15 Is offering Masonic Veterans Pins to our Brothers at a price that is just slightly above our cost. All profits from the sale of these pins will be donated to our three Arizona Masonic Youth Groups WE HAVE CURRENTLY DONATED OVER $1,500 TO OUR ARIZONA MASONIC YOUTH

If you would like one, or more, pins just send ** $2.00 for each pin to: Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15 c/o George Stablein P.O. Box 6794 Chandler, AZ 85246 (This address is for pin orders only!) Please make your checks payable to Chandler Thunderbird Lodge #15



June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Grand Oration GRAND ORATION PRESENTED AT THE DEDICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE ADMINSTRATIVE OFFICES By Craig Gross - Grand Orator Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Distinguished and Honored Guests, Ladies, Friends and Brothers, I am thrilled to be allowed to speak today at the dedication of this beautiful facility. It is the new home of the Grand Lodge of Arizona. It is a place that we can all be proud of; where we can meet as brothers and friends to conduct the business of the Grand Lodge, and where we can gather together to conduct the important function of advancing and promoting Freemasonry. But more than that, this beautiful building is a sign; a sign that Freemasonry is alive and well in Arizona, that brethren can indeed work together for a common good, and that we can be willing to change. Change is a wonderful thing, a frightening thing, a thing of beauty in the proper hands or a thing of disaster in the wrong hands, and change is what I want to talk about today.

whirlwind not only through British Freemasonry but, was exported to Europe and the New World. It was such a Masonic thought that led, in the face of grievances, to the solemn American Declaration that: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” What a wonderful concept and what a change!

A famous French philosopher, Alphonse Karr, once told us, “The more things change the more they remain the same.” In contrast, in closing one of his famous religious services, Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, the renowned theologist, prayed: “God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” Between these two thoughts, one of the cynic and the other of the Christian realist, lies a vast chasm of thought on changes in our lives, thought that characterizes our conduct and immobilizes our thought process.

This change led to the creation of the longest-lived Republic and freest nation on the face of the earth. And it will ever be a glory for the cause of Freemasonry that thoughts of liberty here and elsewhere grew from Masonic philosophy and Masonic practices. It is a small wonder that Masonic lodges and Freemasons contributed so much to our American Revolution, as well as to the more violent upheaval in France which likewise secured the blessings of liberty to that country. Indeed, it was such thoughts, brought back by young Russian officers from the Masonic lodges of Western Europe that animated the Decembrist patriots in the first serious attempt to overthrow the Czar and bring parliamentary government to Russia. Surely, these Masons did not fear change. They knew, as did Sir Francis Bacon, that: “He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator; and if time alters things to the worse, and wisdom and good counsel cannot alter them to the better, what shall be the end?”

The English revolution of 1688 changed the world and established forever the concept of parliamentary government in the Englishspeaking world. Some thirty-odd years later, the Grand Lodge of England brought together our ancestral lodges and, from the old charges, introduced to British social life a monumental change that promoted the revolutionary idea that respectable men from all walks of life could lay aside the differences of caste and degree and meet upon the level. Thus was propounded for the first time outside the operative Craft the concept that: “Although a Crown may adorn the head and a Scepter the hand, yet the blood that flows in his veins is no better that that of the humblest citizen.”

Repeatedly, I have heard a Past Master declare that we face many problems today; of membership, attendance, finances, proficiency in the Masonic art, and with the standards of the craft. He went on to declare that he had no solutions to these problems, but that he did not want Masonry to change. He wanted it to be the same as when he was initiated forty plus years ago. And then he went outside, climbed into his airconditioned, computer controlled automobile, with its automatic features, went back to his air-conditioned apartment, took off his miracle-fabric suit, watched

What liberal ideas! What rebels these Masons were! What the latest up-to-the-minute news on his new LCD television, jotted a change! Rational and democratic thought swept like a continued on pg. 15


Arizona Masonry Magazine

June 2013

Grand Oration down a few notes on his laptop computer, and then used his cell phone to place an instantaneously connected call to his family in another State. But Freemasonry should not change!

This man would never dream of farming again with horses; keeping his finances without Quickbooks; or not urging the progressive education of his grandchildren. And yet he remembers the days when annual returns were done by hand and the long hours of labor which he gave unstintingly to his lodge to see that those reports were so tediously completed. And he marvels today that the computer spews out the same list in a few minutes and he need only correct it and return it, for the task to be done. Why then is he, and so many like him, from the brethren on the sidelines to the Past Master, so fearful of change of any kind? We must remember that we are not speaking of changing the basic principles of Freemasonry or doing away with those hallowed moral principals which it has embraced for these many years. We are simply talking about slight alterations in methodology, communications, removing the secrecy which so often cloaks ignorance, letting our light shine from the mountain top, and eliminating some of the narrow, hypocritical beliefs that have gained the erroneous status of custom, because they represent the oft-bigoted views of some individual leader. What I would like to see is for us to embrace change, to require Masons to be Masons, to recognize their charitable duty to do good unto all, to bring more youth into the guidance of Masonic sponsorship, to proudly approach worthy individuals that they may learn of its availability to them; and, above all, to restore to the office of Master the luster with which it once was adorned by requiring future leaders to be true Masons, to know the ritual, to know the Masonic Code, and to lead their lodge. These are hardly revolutionary thoughts and ideas, but it will require change!

In the end, it comes down to saying the same old thing in other ways, “It’s never been done before! We can’t do that! That’s not Masonry!” But what they are really saying is “I am afraid of change.”

In reality, at whatever level, it is ignorance and apathy that governs the day. Masonic knowledge ends for most with the catechisms; change might require them to do or to learn more. We are all familiar with the man who will serve as Master, but really seeks only to be a Past Master. His only service is to himself. I recently heard a Grand Lodge Officer declare that there is not “one really strong lodge” in this jurisdiction. Then he went on to point out that: “In the past we were blessed with great leaders in our lodges, as well as in our Grand Lodge, men who were devoted to the principles in which we believe.” OK, but they weren’t necessarily any smarter than the leaders we have today, MAYBE THEY JUST WORKED HARDER AND EMBRACED CHANGE! But to get back to that today will require that we change! Perhaps that could be the greatest change of all Masonic leaders at all levels. To work harder; to set the craft to work and give it the PROPER instruction; to cease wanting to be a Past Master and prepare to be Master; to act like a Mason should act; and to support and embrace change. As for myself, I will continue to repeat Dr. Neibuhr’s lovely prayer and ask that “God give me the grace to accept with serenity those things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

MY BRETHREN AND FRIENDS, WE MAY NOT HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER, BUT TOGETHER WE DO HAVE IT ALL! ALL WE NEED TO DO IS HAVE THE COURAGE AND WISDOM TO WORK TOGETHER AS BROTHERS TO CHANGE WHAT SHOULD BE CHANGED! And today Yet, some of my brethren tell me that, if a carefully worded is a great first step. neutral approach to a prospect is used regularly or a one-day class is supported, we will have every bum in the State in Thank you Most Worshipful Grand Master for the opportunity our lodges. Well, I certainly can’t speak for their lodges, but to speak today on this auspicious I hardly think them much different from mine. We do have occasion. investigating committees who do their jobs and ballot boxes which in sure the quality of the applicant. One can always Worshipful Brother Craig Gross is a Past find excuses not to change by taking counsel of his fears and Master Of Tucson Lodge No. 4. The 2012/2013 Grand Orator and the newly inerecting the most speculative web of objections. stalled Junior Grand Steward June 2013

Arizona Masonry Magazine


Arizona Masonry

Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323

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