Arizona Masonry Vol. 38, No 1
May 2014
Arizona Masonry Features & Articles April 2014 Editor in Chief William Garrard, Jr., Grand Master Managing Editor David H. Luebke, PGM, Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official, in writing, by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (of about 350 to 800 words in length) that broadly relate to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are encouraged. Pieces submitted should be typed, double spaced and sent via e-mail to: arizonamasonry@
Grand Master’s Message .................................. Pg 3 Grand Editor’s Desk ............................................ Pg 5 Degree Progression Robert Bradfield ...................................................... Pg 6 To Know Wisdom & Instruction; To Perceive the Words of Understanding George Weil, PM ...................................................... Pg 7 What Does It Mean? Mike Manning ........................................................ Pg 8 Change In Our Fraternity John Engstrom ........................................................ Pg 9 The Importance of the Investigation Craig Gross .......................................................... Pg 10 We Need Sideliners To Attend Our Lodge Meetings William Wilkinson & Vince Santos ............................ Pg 12 Wisdom, Strength & Beauty Richard D. Marcus ................................................ Pg 14
Articles are subject to editing and become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photographs, or other materials submitted for publication. All photographs must be identified as to who took the photo and the names of all individuals who may appear in the photo. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publications. When reprinted, articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of Arizona Masonry in the jurisdiction of Arizona (month, year).” Please direct all articles and correspondence to: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 Deadline for submission of articles for the next edition is August 5, 2014
GROTTOES ACTIVE IN ARIZONA A.K.A. – Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm Rameses Grotto – Meets 1st Friday each month at 7:00 pm, at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43, 2531 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale. For info call Andrew Zerber (602) 796-2114 Altan Kol Grotto – Meets 2nd Thursday each month at 7:00 pm, at Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, For info call Tom Dingwall at (520) 458-6527. Abbid Grotto – Meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 6:00 pm, at Kingman Odd Fellows Building, 2495 Butler Ave., for info call Dan Cantwell at (928) 681-3166. “A Social Place for Master Masons.”
Grand Master’s Message As this will go into the first publication of Arizona Masonry and we are three quarters into the Masonic Year, I will reflect on all that has gone on these past 8 months. As the old cliché goes: “Time flies when you are having fun”, I find this could not be more appropriate. Those of you who attended our 2013 Annual Communication at Lake Havasu must agree on one thing, if nothing more………it was dadgum hot! Much was accomplished and I believe that, in spite of the heat, we all had fun and enjoyed being together once again as Masonic Brothers. My greatest memory will always be that of being installed as your Grand Master. It was a humbling experience. No matter how much you might think that you have prepared yourself for this occasion, once you realize that you have just been made Grand Master of all Masons in Arizona, you cannot help but be humbled and awed by the moment. Indeed, it is a great honor, but a greater obligation. The weight I felt about my shoulders was not that of the Grand Master’s jewel, but the greater obligation I owe to the Craft. April and I started off with our first official visit as Grand Master to the Annual Communication of the Freemasons in Washington state. We were honored by the hospitality of our Brethren there and the opportunity to meet with good friends once again. But the greatest honor of all that month was that I was given the opportunity to constitute our newest Lodge, Hunters’ Paradise and to install their officers. It is not often that a Grand Master is offered this privilege and honor. The members and officers of our newest Lodge are doing Arizona Masonry proud. They have a great future ahead of them. The Grand Lodge Trustees have had their meetings. We were able to establish several goals, including the adoption of a set of Standard Accounting Procedures for the Grand Lodge. In the interest of openness, I declared that each of our Quarterly Grand Lodge Trustee meetings would be open to any Arizona Master Mason in good standing. We have nothing to hide. August was a different month…….was it ever. On August 5th, just after returning home from a regular apApril 2014
pointment with my cardiologist, I suffered a major heart attack. My Brothers, you do not want to do this, take my word for it. I was most fortunate. God tapped me on the shoulders and said, “Son, you need to take care of yourself!” But God was good to me and with the wonderful support of my wife and son and your unending prayers, I made it through. I cannot begin to thank all of you for the many prayers and cards that I received. I can assure you that the experience made me a better man, thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed on me, the love of my Brothers and the opportunity to go on that I might give something greater back to those who have loved and supported me. We have held our Town Hall meetings. These are particularly important meetings, as you will recall last year, during PGM Jeff Carlton’s year, we determined that the Grand Line would hold several Town Hall meetings throughout the state to meet with our Brothers and give them the opportunity to meet the Grand Line officers on a more personal basis and to ask questions and offer their opinions on just what they wanted and expected from the Grand Line. All of the meetings were warmly attended with a very lively interlocution with our Brethren. Again, it was explained that we legally own a property on West Northern Avenue in Phoenix and that it was entirely within the authority of the Grand Trustees to make that purchase. It is noted that, even though there were several violations of our Grand Lodge bylaws, proper corrective actions have been made to bring those actions into accordance with our established rules. The most significant occurrence in October was the Special Communication that was held at El Zaribah Shrine on Saturday, October 12th. This meeting was in compliance with a motion that was made at the 2013 Annual Communication at Lake Havasu, that a special investigating committee was to be appointed to look into and report on the transactions that led to the purchase of the Grand Lodge property at 2723 and 2800 W. Northern Avenue in Phoenix, to be reported on at a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge. There was a lengthy and detailed report by the Special Investigating Committee, which was chaired by PGM Larry Schafer. A hard copy of that report was made available to all who
Arizona Masonry Magazine
continued on pg. 4
Grand Master’s Message continued from pg. 7
attended the Special Meeting. The findings of the Special Investigation Committee reported that several violations of the Masonic Constitution and Statutes had occurred. That Committee made the general recommendation that the Grand Lodge Trustees be given a vote of No Confidence and that they be asked to resign. A motion was made that their recommendation be divided into two proposals: A vote of No Confidence and secondly, that they be asked to resign, the reason being that there was no provision in our Masonic Code to require the Grand Trustees to resign. The motion to issue a vote of No Confidence passed. The motion to ask the GL Trustees to resign failed. The Special Committee did set forth several Correctional Recommendations, thirteen in all. I submit to you that almost immediately following the conclusion of this Special Meeting, our Grand Counsel and the Grand Lodge Trustees began to make those corrective actions. I will be sending out a letter outlining the specific actions we have taken to correct those issues in a letter to the general Craft in January.
we launched our updated Grand Lodge website in August. Please make an effort to visit that website at to see what improvements we made there. As stated above, we also have continued our very successful Town Hall meetings in an effort to meet and listen to the members of our Craft. I ask that you all review this Strategic Plan and feel free to share your comments and input with me concerning your desires and hopes for our Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. God bless each and every one of you and may His countenance be shared upon you. Peace and good will to all. I hope to see you again soon. Fraternally,
December began our annual round of installations of our constituent Lodges and the new beginning of our Masonic years. I took great enjoyment in being with my Brothers for the several officer installations I could attend. This time of the year always marks a new beginning and the expression of new hopes for the upcoming year. I have submitted a Strategic Plan for the Grand Lodge for the Masonic Year 2013-14, which should be included in this issue of Arizona Masonry. In that document, I set forth 3 primary areas of focus for the year: Membership, Lodge Finances and Communication. I am anxious to see what our year end membership numbers come out to. Several of our Lodges have put forth very concerted efforts on their part to bring in new members and to boost their participation by existing members. You will be hearing more about these results and the programs these Lodges implemented to increase their membership. As to Lodge Finances, it is my goal to establish a viable and invigorated investment plan for the Grand Lodge which could be used by any of our Lodges to grow their assets. With regard to Communications, 4
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Grand Lodge of Arizona F&AM 132nd Grand Communication June 5-7, 2014 Chaparral Suites 5001 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale AZ 85250
April 2014
Grand Editor’s Desk On the Cover and this issue The cover picture and many of the pictures included within this issue came from from our archives and will remind us of the dedication and great works that Ernest Borgnine had towards our Great Fraternity, and as we get ready for our Annual Communication, we should especially remember the quote alongside the picture. Grand Master’s Message In his message, our Grand Master reminds us of the responsibilities we have as Masons and of the importance of setting goals for the future. Degree Progression In this article, Junior Grand Warden Bob Bradfield reviews the importance of the proficiencies to the Candidate, Lodge and to adhering to the Constitution. What Does it Mean?? In this offering Right Worshipful Mike Manning gives us some insight into his view of our symbols and an ongoing commitment to the teaching of them. To Know Wisdom and Instruction; To Perceive the Words of Understanding. This is the latest thought provoking article from the byline of Worshipful Brother George Weil. The Importance of the Investigation This article presents a slightly different side of Junior Grand Steward Craig Gross, whose previous submissions were his orations. Here you will find his view and some steps you can use for this very important aspect of Freemasonry. Change in our Fraternity Senior Grand Deacon John Engstrom says it so well when he paraphrased this title with “Guiding Reluctant Brethren Through Change We need Sideliners to Attend Our Lodge Meetings. This article was penned by Brothers William Wilkinson and Vince Santos of Tucson Lodge No. 4 and it is hoped that we will see many more submissions from them. Wisdom Strength and Beauty This article was “borrowed” from Brother Bill Gesswein’s weekly email offering. Worshipful Brother Bill offers one of the best weekly education offerings. His articles come from all over Masonry. It is this editor’s view that every Brother should subscribe; Brother Bill may be contacted at
April 2014 Archive Pictures Throughout this issue are “Pictures From Our Archives”. Hopefully these pictures will remind you of the past and the prevalence of important figures who were also Freemasons. It is especially important to wonder why there is but one current picture. And of course a picture to remind us all that Masonry is not just work but should include fun as well Our Mail Bag You will note that there are more articles from our Grand Line Officers than ever before. This is for several reasons. First, it denotes the importance they place on education and the importance they place on communicating with the Craft. Secondly, though this issue is later than we would all have liked, there have been almost no submissions submitted for publication. My Brothers, at this time I know not who will actually be the editor next Masonic Year, but please know that no Editor can produce a magazine without submissions from their subscribers. Our address is: David H. Luebke Grand Editor, Arizona Masonry P.O. Box 370 Chino Valley, AZ 86323-0370 Advertising Following are the Advertising Rates for Arizona Masonry Full Page: $600.00 per issue 1/2 Page: $300.00 per issue 1/4 Page: $140.00 per issue 1/8 Page: $70.00 per issue Business Card: $60.00 per issue The above rates are for occasional advertisers. Discounts are available for those that commit to four (4) or more issues. Invoices will be sent out to current advertisers this month. Thank you Dave
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy DEGREE PROGRESSION By Robert Bradfield, Junior Grand Warden The Grand Lodge of Arizona, F&AM provides a can- pected to find his way alone through the range of didate educational manual to be given to the candi- topics, ideas and concepts which await when he knocks upon the lodge door. date and discussed with his mentor. The basic requirements for a candidate is contained in the ”Constitution of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Arizona”, Article V, Section 5-1.1.1, page 15. “A minimum proficiency consisting of the steps, the dueguards, the signs, the grips, the words, and the completion of the approved Candidate Education Program is acceptable as the minimum proficiency in Arizona. No lodge shall advance an Entered Apprentice Mason or a Fellow Craft Mason to a higher degree until he has been examined by a committee appointed by the Master of the Lodge in the proficiency of that degree.” It has come to my attention that there is some confusion regarding the required proficiency; do we have to complete the test questions? To my knowledge, these are the questions that a mentor would ask a candidate during his education of the craft. Possibly we need to revise this section to avoid confusion by adding the test questions in the minimum proficiency standards. There are many lodges in this state that do a full proficiency in open lodge between the mentor and the candidate which requires a lot of memory work. This would be the ultimate proficiency test for each candidate; if they were able to do so.
Today the Masonic instructor is known as a mentor and it is his duty to assist the accepted candidate; to encourage his efforts, to provide direction and to provide his Masonic education. Through this process the candidate more fully understands the meaning of his Masonic heritage. Each of us has come to this honorable and ancient Fraternity with the purpose of improving himself in Masonry. Each of us has quickly learned that this improvement is not a passive process. We need to improve both through active study and by doing. Finally, both the magnitude and the challenge presented to Masonic mentors demand that the mentor make use of the best information concerning the learning process in general. One of the great advantages of a commitment to Masonic education is the inevitable growth of the mentor himself both in his knowledge of Freemasonry and in his ability to help a new brother.
It is the opinion of the writer that a candidate should memorize his obligation to the craft in each degree so he can understand what he has obligated himself too. The fraternity has good reason to request from the new mason his whole hearted participation, without such willingness on the part of the candidate the fraternity can contribute little to his Masonic growth. Without guidance and help, a candidate cannot be ex6
Arizona Masonry Magazine
April 2014
Philosophy TO KNOW WISDOM AND INSTRUCTION; TO PERCEIVE THE WORDS OF UNDERTANDING: (PROVERBS 16:2) By George Weil, PM say “So Mote It Be,” we want to understand why we are saying certain words, making certain gestures and how they reAll Masonic organizations, however diverse and complex, late to the entire Masonic landscape in the various Masonic have a common theme that is universal and that we may organizations we belong to. take for granted and don’t immediately recognize. It is the belief that human beings have it in their power to effect in- Each of us may have a different expectation concerning ward change. It can be argued that the motto, “Freemasonry what we hope to experience when we enter our Lodge makes good men better” reflects that very notion or theme. rooms. Among the feelings that come to mind are a sense of having deep roots in the past and comfort and hope for Examination of one’s ways to see if they are commendable, the future. As a part of our Craft, we want to experience or, to survey his own actions and his own conduct is the what it means to belong to this group by viewing ourselves yardstick that we usually use to measure that inward change. as a part of its ongoing history, and we want to know that For Masons, we are given a great and true compass heading there is more to come. In regards to our ritual, procedures, early in Freemasonry in the lecture of “circumscribing our protocol and traditions we sometimes too often concentrate desires.” Through our degrees and activities we cultivate and obsess on some minute detail and miss the overall strucand nurture positive habits that we hungrily pursue carefully ture, not seeing the forest for the trees. and not thoughtlessly. A Masonic student who walks in this world without contemplating whether his path is good or The exoteric and well as the esoteric education has always not is like a blind man who is walking along a riverbank; been crucial pillars in the foundation of a Mason. He should he is in grave danger and more likely to come to harm than not cease to exist intellectually because he has obtained a certain degree or that a form of instruction is a faint echo to to be saved. the mysteries he seeks. Each Mason as well as others in our The noblest tool of the Mason is his mind, but its value is Masonic family should feel a sense of loss and deprivation measured by the use made of it. There comes a time in the of knowledge once initiated into our Craft. He should feel self-development of an individual when he realizes with an imperative need for learning and begin to understand dawning consciousness that he may be a prisoner. It is at how this will repair that loss and in due time bring him this point that man realizes and cries out with greater insis- closer to that which he seeks. tence to be liberated from the binding ties; which will chain him with bonds far more terrible than those of any physical As Masonic travelers and life students, we should recognize prison. This prison has a name and it is called ignorance. that the Masonic story we are part of and contribute to is about how we live as individual beings and recognizing igBut, how does man progress beyond ignorance? How does norance and enlightenment. Each of us will progress he break the bonds he has been unknowingly comfortable through our Masonic journeys at a pace that is comfortable with for so many years? The answer may be that he has to for us if we allow it. seek enlightenment and begin that process, that inward change. For a man to be entitled to this good, it is only ap- Our relationship with the Lodge, Council, Chapter, etc. is propriate that he first labor and make the effort to acquire it. our progression within the organization as well as within ourselves. Review and respect are two further revealing elParticipating in Freemasonry should not be like attending a ements in our tool box that define how our internal progrestheatrical performance. It means being able to be one of the continued on pg. 8 active players. In addition to knowing when to stand and My Honored Brethren,
April 2014
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy continued from pg. 7
sion can be measured. For example; are we comfortable in understanding the rituals, lectures and charges of each of the degrees we see in our Lodges, Councils or Chapters? Does it resonate within us the mysteries and questions that it did when first initiated? Does it continue to provide solace and spiritual development, as well as a laudable system of ethics? Do we respect the ceremonies and what it illustrates or supposed to illustrate through its designs? Freemasonry describes the basic cognitive quality of the mind as luminous and asks, “What do you most desire?” The answer is “light,” because, it illuminates both the external world through perceptions and the inner world of sensation, emotion, reasoning, memory, hope and fear. It is self-evident that our positive association within the Lodge and Freemasonry is dependent on others and interpreting the world around us and its effects on us. Freemasons are men who enjoy fellowship and social interaction and through our conversations and debates we grow in knowledge and awareness in Masonic cognitive thought. As we travel in our journey for further light in Freemasonry, our hope is to ascend to a state of consciousness that is both orderly and lucid in thought. We must be constantly on guard of the turmoil in our minds illustrated by ruffians who are obstacles in our journey to constrain our thoughts and lead us into mental confusion and to ignorance. So…what does mind, consciousness and relationship have to do with our experiences in Freemasonry? How do we make good men better? The answer lies in what we discover for ourselves in the Lodge, our interactions with our brothers and families, as well as in Nature and how we confirm for ourselves their true values. Freemasonry like an iceberg reflects the same basic notion. It is what is underneath the surface that is the most interesting.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? By Mike Manning, DGM Our symbols, what do they mean ? ….. Ask a seasoned Mason and you could get a very detailed and illustrative answer. OR …. You could get “I really don’t know”! That last answer is totally unacceptable. But, the only way to prevent that second answer is to properly educate ourselves and our Brothers. The various lectures we present to the candidates describe some of our symbols but sometimes leave the new Mason yearning for more details. Frankly, we all want to know more about our symbols so that we can better understand just what our Masonic Mission really is. Our ritual does a great job showing how our symbols look and describing how we should use them; but I always hear that little voice in my head saying “there must be more…… there must be a deeper meaning”. In the near future, Arizona Masonry will have at least one program launched to combine the lessons of our symbolism with the history and the true meanings of their beauty. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing this effort become something that will be enlightening, entertaining and most of all beneficial to us all. As you can easily see, this will require participation from all over our state. Right now, we have Research Lodges doing a fantastic job of presenting papers on a variety of Masonic topics. Their efforts can be expanded to educate hundreds of Brothers rather than a few who might be in attendance at one of their meetings. I am excited about this vision for the up-coming education programs ….. I hope you are too.
Worshipful Brother, Weil has had a byline in Arizona Masonry for the past several years. His articles are both innteresting and thought provoking. Our brother is a Past Master Of Scientia Coronati Research Lodge #4
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy CHANGE IN OUR FRATERNITY OR GUIDING RELUCTANT BRETHREN THROUGH CHANGE By John Engstrom, SGD WOW! I bet the title of this article caught everyone’s attention!!! Good, that was my intent. What I am addressing here is not change in our Ritual or Dogma. I am talking about simpler things. I am talking about how our communication skills have changed and, way too many times, ceased to even exist. I have been a Mason for nearly 39 years and have seen communications between Brothers, Lodges, and Grand Lodge go from very open to secrecy. How has this happened? What has caused this illness and more importantly how can WE correct it I don’t have the answers but it is hoped that open discussions can resolve some of this disease. I was given some wise counsel by a Past Master of my Lodge who told me that as Worshipful Master I had received the Lodge in “Trust” from those who came before me and am holding the Lodge in “Trust” for those who come after me and it is hoped that I would leave the Lodge in better shape than it was when given to me. I have taken that to heart and have used it often in talks when I go on official visits. We all need to understand that our world is changing. Much has already changed and may be caused, at least partially, by changes in social communication skills or lack thereof. When I used to speak (face to face) with someone about a problem, I could look into their eyes and understand what they said in return and they understood what I said. Now days, it is very easy to send an email, text or post a comment on Facebook and not have to man up and say it face to face. What’s that about? Is it that we are not willing to listen or not manning up and do it face to face? Remembering civility and speaking to a Brother as we would want them to speak to us. Something to think about!
As our Fraternity attracts younger men we must also understand that they bring with them many new skills and new methods of communication. As I travel around the state, I always seem to go to stated meetings, not that I want to but that is all I can find out about without much researching or calling. I was recently at a very young (in age) Lodge and noted they did not have a Facebook page. Facebook is a new way to communicate to the craft. I mentioned it to several Brothers and before the meeting was over they had created a Facebook page. I am now getting notices (invites) for degree work! How cool is that! Web pages are also a very important way to communicate and need to be maintained, which is usually the problem. With younger Brothers coming into the Lodges, this is something they are ready, willing and able to do. Get them involved and spread the word of your activities via Facebook or web pages. Getting the new, younger Brothers involved keeps them from becoming uninterested and disappearing!
Another aspect of communication change is how we communicate with our Brothers within our own Lodge. April 2014
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INVESTIGATION By Craig Gross, JGS Membership is a critical part of a successful organization, but we must remember that the Masonic Fraternity is not an organization for all men. We hold ourselves, and those who wish to join our Fraternity, to a higher standard. We maintain that standard by virtue of the Investigation and the Ballot Box. We all understand the sanctity of the Ballot Box and the great purpose it serves, but few of us spend much time thinking about the importance of the investigation. Those who are charged with the duty of investigating the character and other qualifications of an applicant for the privileges of Masonry hold positions of distinction and trust. Of all the committees appointed by the Worshipful Master, none is more important to the preservation of this great Fraternal Order Way of Life than this committee, whose duty is to determine the fitness of a candidate prior to balloting on the petition. They are, of necessity, the inspectors to examine the material wherewith to add wisdom, strength, and beauty to the Universal Masonic Temple. Carelessness, indifference or negligence in the discharge of this responsible duty are of the nature of misdemeanors and can do tremendous harm to the Lodge and the Fraternity. Every member of the Lodge is part of the investigating committee, especially the voucher of the petitioner. The member who vouches for a profane should be certain of his fitness for membership before affixing his signature to any document. Also, it is the duty of every Master Mason who is aware of something which would cause a profane to be unfit for membership, to inform the Worshipful Master or the Investigating Committee, so these things can be verified or clarified. For it is the responsibility of every member to exercise scrupulous care in guarding the door of Masonry from those attempting to gain access and introducing unmasonic concepts or Godless ideology. It is our duty as Masons, to jealously examine a profane as to their fitness for membership, for on this examination rests the honor, glory and reputation of our institution.
to constantly bear in mind that membership in the craft is much too precious to be shared without due consideration. So think and act for the good of Masonry at all times. To be appointed to an investigating committee is a true honor and should always be treated as such. Here are some thoughts and guidelines to guide you in the investigation process. 1. When visiting a candidate at his home, the committee should first determine the family’s attitude toward his desire to join the Masonic Order. If there is serious opposition to him joining which cannot be overcome by the committee and there is every likelihood that his membership in the Lodge would cause internal family problems, the petition should be returned or rejected. 2. Ascertain whether the petitioner’s home surroundings are such as to permit him financially to continue his membership without depriving his family of the essentials of life. While a man’s financial circumstances or his educational background ought not to bar him from participating in Masonic privileges or render him unwelcome in the Craft, his standard of living may be so different from those of the other members as to make him uncomfortable in their presence. 3. The applicant should be given the understanding that his character is subjected to the closest scrutiny, and that friendship, personal consideration, or favoritism, must not control or bias Masonic action. He is informed that he must pass the scrutiny of the investigation and the ordeal of the ballot, as all have done who has gone this way before him. If there be a doubt in regard to his fitness to become a Mason, let the lodge have the benefit of the doubt. Remember that the dignity, honor and reputation of the institution are in your hands. 4. The committee should determine how long the petitioner has been acquainted with his proposers. If the acquaintanceship has been but a brief one, it is all the more reason why the committee should make a thorough search of the petitioner’s background. Refer-
Every member of the Investigating Committee is urged 10
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continued on pg. 11
June 2013
Philosophy continued from pg. 10
ences should be checked carefully, as well as business affiliations. This of course should be handled in a discreet manner, especially if questions are directed to non-Masons who may not be favorably disposed towards the Institution. 5. Ascertain the petitioner’s motive for wanting to become a Mason and what is his conception of the Fraternity. Of course, one who is new to the Order may not be expected to offer a considerable opinion, but he should have at least some idea of the type of organization he is expecting to join. You should also ascertain what the petitioner will bring to the Fraternity for the good of Masonry. 6. Is the petitioner charitable by nature? Does he contribute to needy causes as his finances permit? Also, is he charitable in thought and actions toward his fellowman? Is he bigoted or prejudiced? All these questions, discreetly put, will help bring out the true character of the man. 7. Is he prompt in meeting his financial obligations and honorable in his business dealings with others? Can he afford to be a Mason at this time? The answers to these questions can be obtained by investigating his references, both business and personal. As to whether he can afford to become a Mason, this can be determined by pointing out that no man should join the Masonic Order if he must deprive his family of the necessities of life. Naturally, no Lodge wishes to cause hardship for others, nor handicap itself by adding to its rolls members who are apt to become financial liabilities. 8. Does the petitioner realize that membership in a Lodge calls for payment of dues and these are to be met promptly? Along with this question, the committee might also ascertain what, if any, provisions he has made for his family should something happen to him. 9. Does his occupation permit him to attend meetings regularly? Will he have the time to dedicate himself to the work necessary to complete his degrees? 10. Does the applicant understand that this is no idle hazing process that he is entering upon? Does he unApril 2014
derstand what will be expected of him and the amount of work that is truly involved? The committee should provide to him a general outline of his future and that he will be expected to learn and memorize key Masonic information. Also, that he will be asked to obligate himself to the Fraternity and that he is expected to keep these obligations sacred. 11. Does the petitioner believe in a Supreme Being? Does he attend a Church or other place of worship? While Masonry does not require a man to adhere to any particular creed or religion, he must believe in God and the immortality of the Soul. 12. The Worshipful Master should be kept honestly and fully informed. A complete report of the investigating committee should be presented to him prior to the consideration of any ballot. 13. A fearless discharge of this duty may, for a time, subject the committee to the frowns of the rejected and his friends, but faithfulness and courage will, in the end, command the plaudits of every lover of the Fraternity. 14. Don’t overlook any references, as the last one may be the one needed. Reports on a petitioner may be obtained from courts, police departments, credit bureaus and other places necessary. Remember that you, as a member of the committee, are verifying to the Lodge, and to your Brothers, that this petitioner will bring honor to the Fraternity. 15. The investigation should be concluded that, even if rejected, the applicant gains a higher respect for the Fraternity. These are but some of the issues of the investigation. Remember that the dignity, honor and reputation of the institution are in your hands. Look well to your Masonic teachings, and govern yourselves accordingly. Worshipful Brother Craig Gross is a Past Master Of Tucson Lodge No. 4. The 2012/2013 Grand Orator and the newly installed Junior Grand Steward
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy WE NEED SIDELINERS TO ATTEND OUR LODGE MEETINGS By William Wilkinson, Esq., and Vince Santos, Ph.D., PM, District 7 Deputy Grand Master Tucson Lodge, No. As humans our species needs others to function most effectively. Some things are only possible when a group of men unite to accomplish a common purpose that cannot be done by a solitary ardent soul. We need all of our brothers across Arizona, including our spectators, to attend our lodge meetings and to participate in the scripted performance art of our degrees as well as other ritual works. When we confer degrees we display our performing fine arts using the delivery of the content of our ritual. An assembled, Arizona Masonic audience is required for our community theater thespians to shine their lights brightly.
be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” Coming to lodge on a regular basis is one way we have sought and found how to serve Masonry and future candidates.
We move, think and act too fast these days. Sometimes we need to slow down to ponder, reflect and appreciate the bountiful wonders and beauty the Great Architect of the Universe gifted us with in His unfathomable wisdom. We teach that Geometry “proves the wonderful properties of nature.” We should take time to watch nature; it is worshipWhile at lodge meetings we maintain our own individ- ing its Creator by ual outlook, attitude and personal culture then we simul- doing what it is taneously meld and become a unified mass of Masons designed to do. working together in a necessarily cohesive group of ofth ficers, participants, observers and presenters to, for ex- In 17 Century ample, exemplify a first, second or third degree set of Paris, it was fashritual. All of us are needed to manufacture a Mason. ionable to slow None of us can do this alone. We are at the same time down to take in one and part of many. Our sideliners are important to and enjoy life’s and us! As sidelining listeners we are visible and maintain wonders our own individuality, yet mystically simultaneously be- beauty with the coming invisible individually, while morphing into aid of a pet tortoise on a leash to set the proper,th pensive viewers within an assembled mono-purpose, freema- pace. This phenomenon was as true in the 17 century as it is today in our fast-paced, cable TV, smart phone, sonry-focused, brotherly-helpful mass of Masons. internet-oriented and video games playing world. When The sideliners are vital to our art, architecture, psychol- sitting as a sideliner in the Masonic lodge meetings there ogy and other sciences as a model to view man person- is perfect opportunity to slow down, relax and soak in ally as the individual in the crowd and the group of the iconographic information relayed to all of us about individuals which compose a crowd simultaneously able our historic Masonic art shown as symbols throughout to enjoy the benefits of the motion, education and ca- our lodge room and across the history of freemasonry. maraderie of people observable together. The sideliner By divine design we need to pause and create time for intends to see and be seen. Come to lodge and be the reflection to heal, to grow and to flourish as a man and Mason you joined freemasonry to be in the first place. as a Mason. Of the many years we have been Masons many of them were spent honorably sidelining. Dr. Albert Schweitzer What the non-attendees may fail to realize is that at (1875-1965) wrote, “I don’t know what your destiny will some time in life for some unknown reason, someone continued on pg. 13
Arizona Masonry Magazine
April 2014
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will say or do something that will spark an interest or make a profound difference in our lives. By not being there to experience the moment, or worst yet by not being present we would have missed that moment that experience, or would have deprived someone of our input or advice. Absence does make the heart grow fonder; absence deprives everyone of each other. By not attending lodge we miss a chance to make a friend, enhance ourselves, or enhance others with our opinion and talents. We can’t stop time, but attending lodge we can use our time better.
FROM OUR ARCHIVES In cleaning out our archives, we came upon these pictures. Are you old enough to remember these famous Masons?
Here are our two points for this discourse. First, you and I need for each other to go to lodge meetings so we can manifest our shared goals and purpose to become better men ourselves and to help other men be better men. Secondly, the lodge is a perfect place to take time for you and with others to enjoy God’s gift of friendship and brotherly love. We need all of our brothers to come to lodge meetings. Sideliners are vital to the success of the officers, the candidates and the fraternity in general. Remember the last line of John Milton’s poem On His Blindness (1655). “They also serve who only stand and wait.” We think our lodge sideliners also serve who only sit and watch.
April 2014
Arizona Masonry Magazine
Philosophy WISDOM, STRENGTH & BEAUTY By Bro. Richard D. Marcus Triads are groups of three ideas or objects. Triads appear in nature, politics, and religion. To early man, the cosmos consisted of the sun, the moon, and the stars. He called the natural elements earth, wind, and fire. He could see triads in the threeleaf clover. He knew he lived in a three-dimensional world. In politics, the US Constitution established three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. And in religion, most faiths teach fealty to God, your neighbor, and yourself. All are arranged in intriguing triads of ideas. Let us endeavor to understand some of the power in triads both historically and for us as Masons. Before we become aware of triads, we think in opposites or dual concepts. Developmental learning theorists easily prove that infants learn through simple stimulus and response events. Touch a newborn baby’s cheek, her instinctive reflex will be to turn her head in that direction. She quickly learns to identify her Mother’s voice from all others. As language is acquired, knowledge can be gathered by asking, “why?” After a child asks a question she is rewarded with an answer. The pattern engages a pair of concepts or dyads. Even as we advance in learning, we make decisions using dyads by giving reasons for and against an action. A straightforward method for determining a course of action involves drawing a vertical line on paper and arranging the pro and con arguments on either side.
divine—using dialectical reasoning that swung from thesis to antithesis and back again to a richer synthesis. Two opposing forces resolve into a creature wholly different, like the crossfertilization of two different rose bushes producing a more perfect hybrid. Higher learning tended to use triads. Among the seven liberal arts and sciences are grammar and rhetoric. Grammar uses subject, verb, and object − three things. Adjectives are inflected into good, better, and best − also triads. Grammatical tenses are conjugated into run, ran, and have run. Rhetoric is similarly infused with triads. “A rhetorical comment,” is a phrase meaning tangential or unnecessary words. Yet expert rhetoricians reveal much about the persuasive power of words and ideas in orderly lists. In Latin, word order doesn’t matter. In English, “man bites dog,” demonstrates that word order matters. We remember the three things that abide which are faith, hope, and charity. The order matters. The Bible did not say charity, faith, and hope. We remember from the French Revolution: equality, liberty, and fraternity − a triad. Providing citizens with equality and liberty produces the ideal of fraternity. Rhetoricians argue that the ear wants to hear the most complex at the end of the list as it finishes or completes the first two thoughts.
Furthermore, Socratic teaching methods train students by asking questions. The students must provide the answer or else the teacher must supply it. Catechisms are similarly simple teaching devices for youth. The first question in the Westminster Confession asks, “What is the chief end of man?” The student replies, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The question is neat; the answer is clean. This is an uncomplicated style of learning for the young.
Triads appear in many ancient systems of thought. In numerology, triads are seen as the combination of odd (1) and even (2) that sums to three. Three becomes a symbol of perfection in many ancient cultures and mystic philosophies. Threes also appear very early in geography and in geometry. We can find any location on a plane by reference to three points. Even anthropological artifacts reflect triads. From the union of marriage comes a child. The complication of three elements is needed But as men, we become more complex. Answers tend to in- to provide sufficient complexity to achieve an idealized perclude modifiers such as on the one hand this, but on the other fection. hand that. Dualistic thinking is insufficient for more advanced Triads are also prominently employed in Lodges and Masonic analysis. Socratic methods tend to give way to Hegelian phi- writings. Why triads dominate over dyads or quartets of ideas losophy that was based on threes: thesis, antithesis, and syn- may not conclusively be known, but speculative Masonry perthesis. Inspired by Christian insights and grounded in his mits us ample opportunity to reflect on the reasons. mastery of a fund of knowledge, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel attempted to answer all questions—natural, human, and continued on pg. 15
Arizona Masonry Magazine
April 2014
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the contemplation of the glory of God. We are further taught a message hidden in the compasses to keep our actions within due bounds. Beauty is orderly, balanced, and under control. So too, the Junior Warden talks of the arc of the sun as it rises to Meridian height as being the beauty and glory of the day.
Threes appear prominently in the lecture of the winding stairs as we are shown the first three steps. They remind Fellowcrafts of the three degrees of Masonry and the three principal officers of the Worshipful Master, Senior, and Junior Wardens. We learn that a Lodge is not singular. A Lodge is not dual. It is plural Hence we repeat patterns of wisdom, strength, and beauty in with a minimum of three. the three officers as well as the Greater and Lesser Lights. The Similarly, displaying of the three Greater Lights and the three rhetoric of listing wisdom, strength, and beauty in this order lesser lights are central rituals for the opening and closing of places importance on beauty. Beauty is an odd ideal for a frathe Lodge. As the furniture of the Lodge, they separately are ternity. Yet beauty is seen as the resolution of a life that is brimsymbols with meanings and lessons, but the fact that they are ming with wisdom and strength. Men who exhibit wisdom and strength create harmony. Harmony is itself a characteristic of grouped into threes is not accidental. beauty in social settings as it its in aesthetics. In the Aurora The three lesser lights are named wisdom, strength, and beauty. Lodge (a German-speaking lodge in Whitefish Bay, WisconThey are said to help make Masons better men. Naturally, we sin), the German word for beauty is Schönheit, which involves could have added other virtues to the list: patience, fortitude, balance and symmetry, as in the beauty of a well-built structure. or peace making, but the fact that there is but three draws your Perhaps we can visualize that a Lodge of filled with wise and attention. strong men will produce better men in a manly sense of symThe three Greater Lights parallel the three lesser lights. First metry, strength, and beauty. displayed on the altar is the Holy Bible or scriptures from other religions. The Holy Bible is a collection of writings, histories, and moral teachings that provide guidance in our actions. They are sometimes known as wisdom literature; indeed, one of the books in the Apocrypha during the inter-testamental period is the Book of Wisdom. King Solomon is recalled as a wise king whose wisdom was demonstrated by the story of two women claimants for a baby. Furthermore that wisdom is symbolized atop the Worshipful Master by his hat, the crown of the ruler who is wise. The square is the second Great Light. A right angle is key to forming a strong wall or a proper column—a wall that will withstand the vicissitudes of weather and seasons. Being on the square is commended to all Master Masons. We are charged to follow the rules and regulations of the Craft and of the country in which we live. We see the square as a symbol of right living in our own lives as well as order in society. The Senior Warden represents strength: he is the strong supporter of the Worshipful Master. Yet it is intriguing that the symbol of strength, the square, is worn as the jewel of the Worshipful Master.
The three degrees emphasize three stages of life. Our youth and adolescence are emphasized in our training as Entered Apprentices; our manhood and useful work are keys to the Fellowcraft degree; and contemplating our own mortality is vividly illustrated in the Hiramic story for Master Masons. The posting monitors used by all three degrees today begin with three grand principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Meetings in Lodge are designed to reinforce these three principles as we practice fraternity, charity, and virtue − three moral guides. Triads are used by Lodges to train our minds. As we grow in understanding we will tend to use more and richer triads. Intelligence, force, and harmony provide elegant synonyms uses today for wisdom, strength, and beauty. Likewise, religion, law, and morals are pillars of Masonic teaching. By religious study and contemplation we search out wisdom. By the force and rule of law, we establish a strong and orderly society. And by inculcation of personal morality, we strive for beauty in our private and public lives.
The third symbol placed on the altar is the compasses. We use The lesson for us is that the triads used in our rituals and in our a compass to draw an arc or a perfect circle. There is beauty lectures are purposeful and helpful to us. Let us strive for perand perfection in structures built with arches and celestial win- fection by becoming better men in wisdom, strength, and dows. Cathedrals featured rose windows over the altar, which beauty. were circular stained-glass windows beautifully adorned for April 2014 Arizona Masonry Magazine 15
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