Arizona Masonry Magazine Q2 2022

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Randal Jager Most Worshipful Grandmaster MW Randy Jager

Bo Buchanan Worshipful Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official in writing by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites the contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (Of about 350 to 800 words in length) that is broadly related to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are appreciated. Pieces submitted become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photograph, or other submitted for publication. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publication with proper credit given.

RW Michael Dale

WBro. Leigh Creighton

WBro. Bo Buchanan

WBro. David Sahady

Proposed for 2022 Grand Communication


Please direct all articles and correspondence to: Bo Buchanan 2807 E. Dahlia Dr. Phoenix Arizona 85032 For submissions for the next issue of Arizona Masonry or The Copper Post please contact

The staircase on the front page is from the Mt. Moriah Lodge 19 Masonic Temple in Douglas, Arizona. The staircase was built around the same time as the temple—somewhere around 1922. The staircase was recently moved and reassembled in the Masonic Temple in Bisbee. This is a photo after the stairs were installed at Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 12. Thanks to Worshipful Brother Brian Strecker for the Photo!



The Great Creator has blessed us with so many things, but maybe the most amazing blessing is that of free will. How truly amazing is this gift? We are all free to choose to not follow the path of, or even believe in, the one who created us and blessed us with this wonderful gift!

society) to act in a way we do not ourselves. We must be the example!

And just as the Great Creator respects our free will, we must also respect the free will of others around us. We can offer good and timely counsel, but ultimately, we must allow others (even loved ones) to make the wrong decisions. This is not without limitations…this does not mean that we have no responsibility for anyone else. For example, parents have a very challenging job. They must find a way to guide their children to a good path in life without attempting to create copies of themselves. In my opinion, the first step in successful parenting is to serve as an example of making the right choices. We should not expect our children (or anyone else within our circle of

The simple fact that I can express ideas such as these without concern of being ridiculed or chastised is a blessing in and of itself. The Masonic family in Arizona is filled with so many wonderful Sisters and Brothers. I have come to know so many amazing friends, and I have learned so many valuable lessons! All because of that one choice… that decision to knock on the door of Freemasonry. It was my free will that brought me here, and it is my free will that will keep me always working for the good of the Craft.

This respect for each other’s free Of course, our choices are not without will is also a fundaconsequences. We are free to choose the wrong mental part of our path, but it will undoubtedly lead us to the wrong beloved Fraternity. destination. This is written in many scriptures of The Masonic family is made up of so many differthe Bible. However, the strongest evidence that ent personalities, ideas, and opinions of what the can be seen, heard, or felt of this principle is in “right” way to do something is. It is a delicate balreal life. We have all felt it from time to time…it ancing act, and one that takes a lot of patience. may have been a simple little thing. We intention- We must learn to not dominate or dictate to one ally chose the wrong path. Maybe it was because another, but rather to encourage and effectively what we knew to be the right path seemed too communicate with others. And we must be willing hard, or embarrassing, or not as fun. And then to listen when we are communicating with each when we reached the destination, we found that other, not simply wait for our chance to respond. the path back to righteousness was even more I am so thankful for finding my way into difficult than the right choice would have been. and being accepted by the Masonic Fraternity.

I look forward to seeing you all in Lodge very soon!



As a child, I walked to school every day of my grade school years. It was an ‘arduous’ task. Wind, rain or snow, blistering heat and humidity; it didn’t matter. Up hill both ways (just kidding). This is how my travel began so many years ago. As I got a little older, a bicycle came in to the picture and the travel was a bit quicker, but it was still the same journey. Down the street to the intersection; hang a left; past the ball field and across the parking lot, then into the cafeteria to

Live life with no excuses; Travel with no regret …..Oscar Wilde

wait for the bell. Once in the classroom I began to learn. I remember the names of all of my teachers because each one of them made a long and lasting impression on me. It seemed like a long journey at first, but looking back it was all how I got started in my search for light. The Oxford Language Dictionary tells us that travel can be a noun or a verb. As a noun it is the action of traveling or the range, rate, or mode of travel. As a verb it is to go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length or to move, typically in a constant or predictable way. Our ancient operative brethren were often required to travel. Their travels from town to town were to renew their employment as each building project was completed. A mason’s experience in their craft would determine how often,



how far, and how freely he was able to travel. This travel led to the formation of trade societies, known as Lodges. A means of identifying genuinely skilled craftsman was developed to keep out the cowans and eavesdroppers to protect the integrity of those operative Lodges. Today, to travel Masonically, represents the journey from Darkness to Masonic Light. We ask candidates what they seek during the ceremony of initiation. Does that mean when we are raised to the sublime degree that we have received all the Masonic light we can receive and say that I have enjoyed each and every Lodge I there is no more light? Of course not. There is so have visited. I have gained more light than I ever much more light out there and all we have to do is thought was possible. I have brought back things travel to find it. to my home Lodge and some have been adopted At some point in your Masonic career, it may be and some have not. I can honestly say that the necessary for you to travel or you may feel a brothers in my home Lodge are beginning to evolve and have gained some valuable Masonic yearning to travel. You may travel to only visit knowledge. By knowing that there is more To Travel Masonically, represents knowledge out there to obtain, I have encouraged to travel & visit other Lodges also. My travthe journey from Darkness to them els around Arizona have totaled 7,619 miles to Masonic Light...RW Michael Dale date and a travel time of 208 hours and 6 minutes (and this is only official visits. I am not done. There is more light out there and I am going to find it. other Lodges in your local area; or you get the real So get out there and travel. You never know how travel bug and visit other jurisdictions. To travel much light you may find! Masonically is much more than just to visit. When you visit another Lodge or jurisdiction, you will receive information and understanding and from that comes knowledge, without even knowing it. Fraternally, Visiting other Lodges is a privilege. All of us should want to visit other Lodges. If we stay in our home Lodge and never seek more light other than the light contained in our home Lodge, we become Senior Grand Warden stagnant and narrow minded and help to create 2021-2022 the “we’ve always done it that way” mentality. Masonry is ever evolving and to evolve is what all Masons should be seeking.

Michael Dale

I have been doing some traveling. I can honestly ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


When I was progressing through the line at Tucson Lodge #4 and learning the ritual and responsibilities of officers, questions often came up about the three degrees and about the rules of Masonry. Not wanting to do any more work than necessary I would take the easy way to get an answer which, of course, was to ask someone else whose opinion I respected. I quickly learned not to ask our Lodge secretary or our Lodge ritual advisor because I always got the same answer from both brothers. Here is their response (in capital letters as it was often given in a loud and very audible tone of voice): WHAT DOES THE BOOK SAY? I offer this anecdote as an introduction to my main topic which is the Arizona Masonic Code. The AMC is composed of two parts, the Constitution and Statutes including amendments and the versions supplied by the Grand Lodge also contain the Ceremony for Reception of the Grand Master and other Grand Lodge Officers and Installation of Lodge Officers. Unlike the United

tions are delineated. Article 2 creates the Executive office of President and Vice President and similarly defines the powers, duties and limitations. Article 3 creates the judicial branch and also defines its powers, duties and limitations. Article 4 pertains to the states giving each full faith and credit, defining their privileges and immunities, admission of new states and guarantees. Article 5 describes the amendment process. Article 6 provides for the legal status of the constitution and Article 7 defines the ratification proWhat Does the Book Say? cess. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land but is only the beginning – the thousands and thousands of laws that have been written States Constitution there is no preamble, no de- since then are way beyond my poor ability to defining purpose of the document. The U.S. pream- scribe. ble is, in my humble opinion, an outstanding piece of writing that lays out exactly what the document is attempting to accomplish – please There were only 4 handwritten pagsee the sidebar. There were only 4 handwritten es in the original U.S. constitution— pages in the original constitution including signaincluding signatures. tures, Brother George Washington being the first signatory. The US Constitution contains only 7 articles and there have been only 27 amendments since ratification in 1788. Article 1 grants legislative authority to the Congress consisting of two chambers, House of Representatives and Senate and its powers, composition, duties and limita-

The Arizona Masonic Code, being of two parts, is much more extensive than the US Constitution as it does include both the Masonic Constitution but also the Statutes. The Constitution is 31 typewritten pages and contains 10 articles while the Arizona Masonic Statutes consists of 18



chapters and is 99 typewritten pages long. There powers, requirement for an annual communicais no preamble or foreword of why the Constitu- tion, quorum, and order of business. Article III is tion was written. Executive Powers and describes not only Grand Master authority and duty but also Deputy Grand The first sub-article, §1-1 Establishment Master, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and simply states: “This Grand Lodge shall be entitled Grand Trustees. Article IV is titled Judicial Powers "The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and consisting of only two subsections – judicial powAccepted Masons of Arizona." It goes on to deers of original and appellate jurisdiction, finally clare that it is the “Supreme Masonic Power and powers to discipline individual Masons. Article V Authority in Arizona …. limited only by a strict adis probably the most important for Individual Masons as the title is just that: “Individual Masons” It deals with the duties and responsibilities of each one of us. Article VI - Constituent Lodges – is devoted to the requirements of the Lodges and is quite detailed providing guidance as to how Lodges are to be run, the authority and duty of the Master of the Lodge, as well as the Secretary and Treasurer. Article VII – Revenue of the Grand Lodge is concerned with one of the most contentious of topics – per capita and other fees. Article VIII – Freemasonry and Its Precepts is a wonderful explanation of what Masonry is all about. It discusses basic principles, the Supreme Being, the herence to the Ancient Landmarks of the order”. It is interesting that there are only two other references to the Ancient Landmarks. One refers to clandestine masons and the other to recognition of Grand Lodges in foreign jurisdictions. Nowhere are the Ancient Landmarks listed, described or defined so I presume, therefore, that we must adhere to all of the landmarks, whatever they are. The second sub-article, §1-2 Composition lists what composes the Grand Lodge and identifies the officers along with their titles but does not specify which are elected or appointed. It is traditional for the Deputy Grand Master at the Annual Communication to respond to a question from the Grand Master as to what constitutes the Grand Lodge and then to recite all the elected and appointed officers. Article II is titled Legislative Powers and Assembly in Communication and describes those ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


the Volume of the Sacred Law, the oath of Freemasonry, compared with religion and support of religion, separation of church and state and finally patriotism. Again, this article would be a great Masonic education topic. Article IX is concerned with Trials which I recommend that anyone considering election to a pedestal chair should become very familiar with and hopefully never need. Finally Article X is Amendments.

“At his best, man is the noblest of animals; separated from law and justice, he is the worst.” …..Aristotle

years of age, coming under the tongue of good report and well recommended, are contained in §5-2 Petitioners for the Degrees. What is less well known is a belief in …“a future existence; of moral conduct”. Finally, §5-3 Masonic Intercourse (Masonic Communication) prohibits Arizona Masons from Masonic Intercourse with a person who is a member of a jurisdiction not recognized by Arizona Grand Lodge. Then it immediately makes an exception by allowing Arizona Masons to sit in a Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge even if there are persons present who are members of a jurisdiction not recognized by Arizona. This section does not define what “Masonic Intercourse” is but it definitely prohibits it with unrecognized Masons and also with those who have been suspended or expelled or with an illegal Lodge. Certainly this section could be a wonderful beginning for Masonic education.

The Arizona Masonic Statutes can be considered the equivalent of those thousands and thousands of laws written since 1788 in our country. Our statutes only take 99 pages - so in that sense, we Masons have done a very good job in defining what is appropriate in our behaviors when compared to our government’s constant redefinition.

This quick review of our US Constitution and our Masonic Constitution is offered as a starting point for education and discussion. While we are not trying to govern a country, or take over with a New World Order, we are all trying to become better men. An understanding of our principles and foundations is important in enabling us to I highly recommend Article V – Individual make our Masonic journey a beneficial one. Masons as a potential topic for Masonic education. It covers the minimum requirements for Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason proficiency although Lodges can and many do have additional requirements. It also provides for a term of 12 months to attain Master Mason proficiency and a one time extension may be granted Fraternally, by the Lodge. It explains that there is a duty of membership for all Masons – an unaffiliated Mason must apply to a Lodge for membership within six months or be suspended, similar to suspension Senior Grand Deacon for non-payment of dues and will lose all rights, privileges and charities of the Craft. The require2021-2022 ments for membership that we all know, that of being a man, a belief in a Supreme Being, and 18

Leigh Creighton





It has been said that Masons are keepers of the past, and this story is an example of the great lengths that Masons go to in order to preserve our history. In 2021, Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 19 made the difficult decision to close it’s doors. They decided to leave their own Masonic Temple and merge with Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 19 in Bisbee. Mt. Moriah Lodge was formed in 1902 as a Territorial Lodge, but it took another 20 years for them to build a temple. Around 1922, the Masonic Temple in Douglas, Arizona was built. At that same time, it is said that a brother by the name of Breumler built this elaborate staircase for the Lodge as well as the Porticos in the East, West and South of the Lodge room.

The Masonic staircase newly installed at Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 19 in Bisbee. Photo by WBro. Brian Strecker.

The original staircase was located in the West with the stairs pictured above going up in the North, crossing over a bridge above the portico and then coming back down in the South. It was used in the Fellowcraft degree and it had stairs dedicated to the five senses, the five pillars and the 7 liberal arts and sciences. One of the most unique features is the connection of the five senses of man and their relation to the five pillars: Hearing/Tuscan, Seeing/Doric, Feeling/Ionic, Smelling/Corinthian and Tasting/Composite. Roy Peters, Past Master & Secretary of Mt. Moriah 19, remembers receiving his second degree lecture on these stairs, saying that “Every time we had a 2nd degree we used these stairs. Other lodges would come to use the stairs too because they were real stairs in stead of a virtual depiction”.



The Masonic staircase as it originally appeared in 2021 at Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 19 in Douglas, Arizona

When the two lodges decided to merge, many brothers answered the call to save the historic artifacts. A dozen guys got together and figured out how to carefully dismantle all the beautiful woodwork and move it to Bisbee. Chris Linden, Past Master & Secretary of Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 19 called it a difficult task “The most nerve wracking part was...moving the Porticos they all had stained glass in them that was over 100 years old”. One of the reasons the lodges merged was to save the history of the Lodge. WBro. Chris said “we used funds from the sale of the temple to hire an expert woodworker to restore the artifacts and install them at Perfect Ashlar...I think it’s really important that we do our best to preserve Arizona Masonic History. I know that people say lodges are the men, but having the history really enriches the experience of Masonry”.

The staircase with the senses & sciences is now partially installed at the temple in Bisbee. There is apportion of the stairs that lights up and it is being wired. In addition, the Porticos are also being wired for lights. The temple actually has a lot of other work occurring including redoing the ceiling, remodeling their kitchen, creating a new library and rewiring the whole upstairs. WBro. Chris says “’s been a process. Our goal is to setup the Lodge for the next 100 years!”.


Bo Buchanan Grand Editor 2021-2022



Welcome Brothers and thank you for joining us on this fourth installment of the Traveling Man series. In this article, we travel to Virginia, to learn about the oldest Lodge west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, who’s third and final charter ultimately saw them come under the Grand Lodge of Virginia in December, Winchester-Hiram Lodge No. 21, Virginia 1807 as Winchester-Hiram Lodge #21. Winchester In this traveling moment, we are following Lodge #12 was established in 1768 under the Pro- Worshipful Brother Christopher West, a Past Masvincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, after the War ter from Phoenicia Lodge #58. Brother Chris was for Independence, the charter was renewed under raised in 2014 and the week after being raised the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Of the 21 found- traveled to Boston with a friend to attend a New England Patriots football game. While visiting Bosing members, only 5 would return to Winchester after the war, oth- ton, his Masonic travels began with a visit to St. John’s Lodge. The impact of the architecture, peoers having perple, and experience was such that it fueled the deished or moved sire for further travel and study. elsewhere. Winchester-Hiram Lodge #21 has an incredible history, tying together founding fathers with future presidents, moments of Charity and Relief. Come along with us as we travel to WinchesterHiram Lodge #21.

During his second year in the East, WB Chris flew back and forth from Texas every Tuesday to fulfill his year of service to Phoenicia Lodge. Now, having settled in Texas and welcomed their first child, WB Chris has affiliated with Lodge #688 in Texas. “As soon as they said they were grabbing drinks and cigars after the meeting, I knew I had found my new Lodge”, noting his interest in the Lodge further, “they reminded me of Phoenicia and I knew I was home.” WB Chris shared some thoughts and stories on Winchester-Hiram Lodge #21 in Winchester,



Virginia, which happens to be his hometown. Discussing the impact of the Lodge on the community, WB Chris noted the impression the wall of Past Master’s had on him “Walking in and seeing the Past Master Pictures on the wall, so many in the community were PM’s that I knew, but did not know they were Freemasons.” Whilst reflecting on the visit, WB Chris described the impact of history upon the Lodge and the Lodge upon history, noting the age of the Lodge furniture and the potency that comes from age old tools. This impact led directly to one of the personal contributions made to Phoenicia by WB Chris, which was the purchasing of new rods for the stewards and deacons. WB Chris commissioned custom rods to give uniqueness that will stand the test of time to commemorate their importance and use through the years, that their cultivation will be as impactful on others in 100 years, as aged items are significant to us all today. WB Chris notes further that “you get that sense of tradition” from the furniture, stories, and experiences in older Lodges; through such sharing the Lodge continues to grow and live on. When asked the biggest lesson learned from visiting Lodges, WB Chris was quick to respond that “the best part of being a Mason is traveling”. Clarifying further, WB Chris notes that the friendship and moments together and the charity and community works are incredibly impactful in all our lives, yet the opportunity to travel highlights the Fraternity. “As I sit in Lodges, I get to observe the differences”, highlighting that sometimes the differences are minimal, while others are glaring. Although the Universality of Masonry is freely taught in Lodges, the differences that contribute to the cultural development of each individual Lodge is also where Beauty can be found. The development of Masonry in America and the uniqueness between and within jurisdictions continues to fascinate WB Chris and provide opportunities for learning and reflection.

Thank you all for journeying to WinchesterHiram Lodge #21 in Winchester, Virginia, a shining example of the impact Freemasonry has had upon the development of our country. Thank you WB Christopher West for taking the time to share thoughts on his travels. We’ll see you on the road Brothers!


David Sahady Junior Grand Steward 2021-2022



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-01 Master as Trial Commissioner (Required 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Statute Section 18-204(e) allowing the Master of a Lodge to serve as a Trial Commissioner in his own Lodge is a possible conflict of interest. The Master must decide whether or not charges constitute a Masonic offense and is therefore required to form and express his opinion before any resulting trial. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 18-204(e) be amended as follows: (deletions in strikethrough there are no additions). Section 18-204 – Grand Master names Trial Master. (e) The Master of the Lodge in which the trial is to be held shall not serve as the Trial Master. but nothing contained herein shall preclude him from serving as a commissioner if elected as such in the manner provided him. Submitted by: Greg Vasquez, PM(15) Resolution 2022-02 Trial Commmissioner Restrictions (Requires 5/6 Majority for Adoption) Synopsis: A number of Lodges have elected pedestal officers to be possible Trial Commissioners. The Junior Warden is required to prefer charges when un-Masonic conduct is known and no charges are filed for 30 days. The Senior Warden must file if the Junior Warden is accused in such case. The Master accepts or rejects the charges. These situations could result in a conflict of interest. For these reasons it is in the interest of impartial justice that the pedestal officers be excluded as Trial Commissioners. This Resolution is to be considered only if Resolution 2022-01 has been approved. Therefore be is resolved that §6-1 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (deletions in strike through, additions in bold print) §6-1 Masonic Lodges: Officers and Elections; Rights, Powers and Authority. A Lodge shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, and such other officers as its bylaws provide; together with as many members as it may find convenient. The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by ballot at the stated meeting specified in the Lodge by-laws, or at the stated meeting in November, if a specific month is not stated in the by-laws. At the same meeting, each Lodge shall also elect (5) Master Masons who are members of the Lodge to serve as potential Trial Commissioners for the ensuing Masonic year. The Lodge Secretary is the Secretary for a Trial Commission and therefore should must not be elected as a Commissioner. The pedestal officers of the Lodge must not be elected as

Commissioners. A majority of the votes of the eligible members present shall be necessary to elect. A Lodge of Research shall be a Lodge of research only, and have the rights, powers and authority only as prescribed by Statute. Submitted by: Greg Vasquez, PM(15) Resolution 2022-03 Amendment of the Arizona Masonic Code (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The purpose of this legislation is to correct the misuse of the honorific title “Worshipful” Master as used in the AMC, also being used by Masters of some of our constituent Lodges both when introducing themselves and on name tags and badges. The use of Master or Masters when referring to the presiding officer of a Masonic Lodge appears in the AMC 156 times. The honorific title of Worshipful Master is improperly used 25 times. This usage is in error and a breach of Masonic protocol and should be corrected. The correct title of the office is Master of the Lodge. Constitution §6-1 states “A Lodge shall consist of a Master,” etc. The title of the office is Master not Worshipful Master. The honorific “Worshipful” is properly used when addressing or introducing the Master or Past Master of a Lodge, never when the Master or Past Master introduces or refers to himself. Therefore, be it resolved that the Constitution of the Grand Lodge F & AM of Arizona and the Arizona Masonic Statutes be..



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-03 (continued) Amendment of the Arizona Masonic Code (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) ..amended by deleting the honorific “Worshipful” as shown and adding the following definition to Statute Section 1-101. (Deletions in strike through; additions in bold type.) Section 1-101 - Definitions:

Worshipful – An honorific title of respect properly used when addressing, introducing or referring to the Master or Past Master of a Lodge; never properly used in reference to yourself. Constitution: §6-2.2.3 Business. No business of any kind shall be done at any other than a stated meeting, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master, except reports on sickness and distress, collections or appropriations for charity, conferring of degrees, ceremonial observances, or electing a Representative to the Grand Lodge. All business, except the examination of candidates and conferring of the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees, shall be done in a Lodge of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master Masons at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. Five Master Masons who are members of the Lodge shall be required to constitute a quorum at a Stated Meeting and only Master Masons may vote. §6-4.2.3 Master Duties as to Degrees. The Worshipful Master shall: (a) Confer all degrees or insure their conferral in strict accordance with the ritual which has been, or may hereafter be ordained by the Grand Lodge, (b) Give, in full, the lectures appertaining to each degree at the time it is conferred, in accordance with such ritual, or see that the conferral of any degrees or lectures are given by another Master Mason who is proficient in the work, and providing the Worshipful Master or one of the Wardens is present. Statutes: Section 1-118 – Masonic Research Clubs. A club may be formed by Master Masons in good standing for the purpose of studying the written work or history of the fraternity. Only Master Masons in good standing shall be admitted to the club, which may occupy suitable quarters. No Masonic work, nor the practice of the secret work, shall be done by the club, and the use of the word "Masonic" in its name is prohibited. A Masonic Club, as such, cannot confer degrees as such, but its members may be admitted as visitors in the regular way and participate in the work as individuals, if the Worshipful Master desires and is present. A club, although made up of Masons, may not use the Masonic Emblem on their dues or membership cards. Section 2-103 – Opening and Closing. (a) Each degree must be opened and closed in form, and a Worshipful Master cannot lawfully declare a Lodge open or closed without form or ceremony except for public installations. Section 7-101 – Objection to Initiation. If, any time before his initiation, objection be made by any member, the candidate shall not receive the degree until such objection shall have been withdrawn and such objection shall, unless withdrawn within sixty days, have the effect of a rejection by ballot, and shall be so reported to the Grand Secretary. (a) Only a member of the Lodge to which a petitioner for the degrees has been elected is entitled to enter an objection to the candidate's initiation. Where an objection is made by any other Brother or Lodge, it rests entirely with the Worshipful Master as to what he deems best to do in each case. (b) Where an objection is made against a candidate after his election and prior to initiation in accordance with this Statute, and before such objection is withdrawn, an objection is made by another member under the same Section, upon the withdrawal of the objection by the first brother, the second objection must be recognized by the Worshipful Master. (c) A Master is entitled to ignore a statement by a brother of the lodge who is objecting to the initiation of a candidate, prior to initiation, if he reasonably believes, based upon the actual statement of the member, that the objection is based upon racial prejudice and/or bigotry. Such a statement is not an “objection” within the meaning of these statutes. Neither prejudice or bigotry are legitimate bases for rejection of a candidate for Masonic membership since they are contrary to the principles of our Fraternity, and while a brother may be entitled to reject a candidate at the ballot box for any (or no) reason, he is not entitled to reject the candidate if the STATED reason is bigotry and/or racism. Nothing in this section should be interpreted to require a member to state a reason for the objection, if the objection is filed prior to the candidate’s initiation. (d) Where a Lodge has been regularly requested to confer the degrees on behalf of another Lodge, an objection made by a .. ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-03 (continued) Amendment of the Arizona Masonic Code (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) ..member of the Lodge requested to confer the degrees should be in writing, certified to by the Worshipful Master as having been made, and forwarded to the Lodge requesting the degrees. Section 9-102 – Right of Admittance. The Worshipful Master of a Lodge does not have the authority to refuse admittance into a tyled Lodge to a member in good standing of that Lodge. He does have the authority to eject a member for unruly, un-Masonic or disruptive behavior in the Lodge. Section 9-104.1 – Grand Lodge Officer Right to Visit. The Worshipful Master of a Lodge does not have the authority to refuse admittance into a tyled Lodge to a Grand Lodge elected or appointed officer in the lawful performance of his duties. Section 9-202 – Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues (NPD). In case any member shall have refused or neglected to pay his regular dues during the period of six months, he shall be notified by the Secretary of the following: (d) The Senior Warden, in the absence of the Worshipful Master, has the power to suspend the Junior Warden for non-payment of dues in accordance with the law governing such suspension. Section 10-201 – Meetings. No Lodge shall permanently move its regular place of meeting from that named in its dispensation or charter, unless; (e) A Worshipful Master shall not open his Lodge in a place other than its regular meeting place, except as authorized by special dispensation from the Grand Master. Section 10-706 – Conflict of Interest Policy. (o)Each Trustee of a Lodge or Grand Lodge shall annually sign a statement which affirms such person: (1)has received a copy of the Conflict of Interest Policy; (2)has read and understands the policy; (3)understands that the Lodge and/or Grand Lodge is a fraternal organization with charitable purposes and that, in order to maintain its federal tax exemption, it must engage primarily in activities which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes; (4) has agreed to report all known conflicts of interest to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, or, as it relates to the Grand Lodge, to the Grand Master. Section 11-201 – Proposing Consolidation of Lodges. Two or more Lodges, located near each other, may consolidate into one upon such terms as may be agreed upon by themselves as hereinafter set forth: (f) The Worshipful Master and Secretary shall count the number of valid written ballots submitted at the stated meeting for which notice was given (or if no quorum present to conduct the stated meeting). (g) The number of yes and no votes will be certified by the Worshipful Master and Secretary and forwarded to the Grand Secretary together with: (1) All ballots submitted, and (2) A copy of all notices sent to the members, and (3)A certificate indicating when notice was mailed to the members of the Lodge Section 13-102 – Installation by Past Master Only. The installation of the officers of a Lodge can only be performed by a Past Master. (a) A Past Master in good standing in this or any other grand jurisdiction may install the officers of a Lodge upon the invitation of the Worshipful Master or one of the Wardens acting in his stead. (b) A Worshipful Master may, if requested, install his successor in office, he being a Past Master thereof by virtue of his having been elected and installed. Section 13-103 – Honor Guard at Installation.

Section 13-104 – Status of Master-Elect Prior to Installation. A Master-elect has no right to perform the duties of Master until he is installed as such. A Senior Warden whose successor has been elected and installed has no status in the lodge except as a member. He has no right to perform any of the duties of the lodge except such as may be permitted by the new, installed Senior Warden, acting in his capacity as Master during the absence of the Worshipful Master. Section 13-201 – Minimum Proficiency for Masters and Wardens. Minimum proficiency in the work and lectures shall consist of the following: (a) For Masters, one principal degree lecture (Entered Apprentice, Staircase or Master Mason), the opening, closing and conferring of all three degrees (b) For the Senior Warden, the opening, closing and conferring of two degrees; (c) For the Junior Warden, the opening, closing and conferring of one degree. (d) It shall be the responsibility of the Lodge to insure that the lectures, as well as other portions of each degree not otherwise specifically assigned, are delivered in accordance with the prescribed ritual of this jurisdiction and it shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to see that ….. ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-03 (continued) Amendment of the Arizona Masonic Code (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) ..his Lodge complies with this requirement. Section 13-404—Master of Constituent and Research Lodge Permitted. A Mason may serve as Worshipful Master of a Research Lodge and a Constituent Lodge simultaneously. Section 15-102 - Votes of a Lodge. Each Lodge represented shall be entitled to three votes. (c) Where the Worshipful Master or either of the Wardens cannot attend communications of the Grand Lodge, a representative of the Lodge, even though elected in accordance with the Constitution, is not entitled to cast the vote of his Lodge unless possessed of proper credentials. (d) The Worshipful Master has no authority to authorize a brother to represent a Lodge. Section 18-304.1 – Order for New Trial Reserved to Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge only has the power to order a new trial of a brother, and this is not delegated to the Lodge or Worshipful Master. Submitted by, Jim Gier, PM (69, 70); John Brooks, PM (70); Lon Thomas, PM; (70) Bruce Halverson, PM (70); William Herzig, PM (70) RESOLUTION 2022-04 Ritual Change (Requires a 5/6 majority to adoption) Synopsis: Pursuant to Resolution 2021-03, the term “regular” meeting has no meaning in the AMC, which recognizes only stated and special or called meetings. However, the Ritual includes reference to election at a regular meeting (Page 10, line 17 in the first degree), and F.C. proficiency examination at a regular meeting (Page 105, line 8 in the third degree). This Resolution deletes “regular” at the two places cited, and replaces the first degree citation with the word “stated”. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ritual of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona be amended as follows: (deletions in strike-through, additions in bold print) 1. Page 10 line 17, delete the word “regular” and replace with the word “stated”, so that the pertinent clause of the sentence reads as follows: “...conferring the first degree of Masonry upon Mr. A.B., who at a regular stated meeting of this Lodge, was duly elected to receive the degrees of Masonry,..” ..and... 2. Page 105 line 8, delete the word “regular”, so that the pertinent part of the sentenced reads as follows: “...who at a regular meeting of this Lodge was examined in the Lecture of the F.C. degree,…" Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Resolution 2022-05 Grand Treasurer & Grand Secretary bonding (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Constitution §3-1.4.2 and §3-1.5.4 are inconsistent because they state the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary respectively shall execute a bond and then state that if he does, the Grand Lodge pays the premium. This resolution is intended to correct this discrepancy. Therefore, be it resolved that Constitution §3-1.4.2 and §31.5.4 be amended as follows: (deletions in strike through, additions in bold print). §3-1.4.2 Grand Treasurer Bonding. The Grand Treasurer shall execute and file in the office of the Grand Master, within fifteen (15) days after his installation, an official bond, in such penal sum as the Board of Trustees may determine and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Master, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office as provided in this Constitution, and, at the end of his term, pay over and transfer to his successor all funds or property of the Grand Lodge which shall come into his keeping. If the Grand Treasurer shall give a corporate surety bond, the The fee or premium ….. ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-05(continued) Grand Treasurer & Grand Secretary bonding (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption) ...therefor for this surety bond shall be paid by the Grand Lodge. §3-1.5.4 Grand Secretary Bonding. The Grand Secretary shall execute and file in the office of the Grand Master, within fifteen (15) days after his installation, an official bond, in such penal sum as the Board of Trustees may determine and with such sureties as shall be approved by the Grand Master, conditioned that he will faithfully discharge the duties of his office as prescribed in this Constitution. If the Grand Secretary shall give a corporate surety bond, the The fee or premium therefor for this surety

bond shall be paid by the Grand Lodge. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-06 Courtesy Degrees (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The question was asked if the EA degree must be conferred in the candidate’s electing or home Lodge. Statute Section 10-102 could be interpreted that the EA degree must be, since no mention is made when this degree has not been conferred. There is no requirement in the AMC that any degree must be conferred by the electing Lodge. Such requirement would be incompatible with the necessity for requesting the courtesy degree. Statute Section 5-206 (below) is clear that all degrees may be conferred by another Lodge. Section 5-206 – Membership in Lodge Where Elected. Where the degrees are conferred upon a petitioner by a Lodge at the request of another Lodge, he is a member of the Lodge that elected him the same as though it had conferred the degrees. This Resolution is proposed to clarify in Statute Section 10-102 that this is permitted. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 10-102 be amended as follows (deletions in strike through, additions in bold print) Section 10-102 – Conferral of Degrees by Courtesy. If When a Mason petitioner shall have been elected to receive the three degrees and shall have not yet received any degree or has received the first degree, or the first and second degrees, in one such Lodge, and shall at the request of such Lodge and on its behalf, receive the remaining degrees or degree in another Lodge, no petition, reference, or ballot shall be necessary in the last named Lodge, as the work will be done for the first, of which he will be deemed a member. (Statute Section 5-206) Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-07 Privilege, Right, and Duty to Ballot (Required 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Statute Section 5-203 as now written is incorrect. There can be no reason for a second ballot on a successful petitioner. Therefore be it resolved that Statute 5-203 be amended as follows: (deletions in strike-through, additions in bold print) Section 5-203 – Privilege, Right and Duty to Ballot. The privilege, right and duty of a Mason to ballot as his conscience dictates is inviolable. Any attempt to void an election to the degrees the rejection of a petitioner for the degrees or affiliation (except as set forth herein in Statute Section 5-201(b) for the possible correction of an error) by a second ballot on the same petition is a violation of a brother's rights and beyond the power of any Mason, Master and Grand Master inclusive. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-08 Demit to be Returned (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Statute Section 6-101 is inconsistent with its own title and with Statute Section 9- 103(d)(5) printed below: (5) The demit so received shall be returned to the applicant with such sum as may have accompanied the application for affiliation. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 6-101 be amended as follows: (deletions in strike through, additions in bold print) Section 6-101 – Demit to be Returned. A demit card may shall be returned to a brother not elected to membership by the Lodge to which he has made application, at his request with such sum as accompanied his application for affiliation. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-09 Vacancy in Elective Office (required 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Statute Section 14-102.3(b) conflicts with Constitution §3-1.2 and §3-1.3 which state the succession order should the office of Grand Master become vacant. The office of Grand Master should be removed from (b) to resolve this conflict. Also the words “succeeds or” in (b) should be deleted as there is no codified succession to the office of Grand Treasurer or Grand Secretary. New (c) is proposed to cover a possible situation when Constitution §3-1.6 would be violated by an election. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 14-102.3 be amended as follows: (deletions in strike-through, additions in bold type.) Section 14-102.3 Vacancy in Elective Office. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any elective office of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall have power to fill the same by appointment, which appointment shall be valid until the succeeding annual election and installation, and the officer so appointed shall be charged with all the duties and responsibilities of one regularly elected. (a) It is mandatory on the Grand Master to fill an office when a vacancy, due to death, deprivation, resignation, removal from the jurisdiction, suspension or expulsion, occurs in an elective office of the Grand Lodge. (b)When the office of Grand Master, Grand Treasurer or Grand Secretary is vacant, for any cause as listed above, and an elected Trustee succeeds or is appointed to one of those offices, there is no vacancy in the Board of Trustees, but such an officer can only have one vote as Trustee.

(c) When Grand Lodge is in session, any vacancy in the office of Grand Trustee created by resignation to accept election to another office must be filled by election whenever a candidate has qualified in accordance with Constitution §3-1.6. When no candidate has qualified, the Grand Master shall fill the office by appointment until the next annual election and installation. Submitted by, Robert Weed, PM (22) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Resolution 2022-10 Ritual Correction (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: There is an error on page 133 of the Ritual. HKT - F.C.s, attend. (F.C.s take three steps and halt) M.E.K.S., the three F.C.s have again been sent out... The number should be twelve F.C.s as stated when first ordered to be sent out, line 9, page 132, and also as stated in the paragraph immediately before the line quoted above...”cause the F.C.s to be again sent out with the same directions as before...” This is verified by the old key Ritual, page 75, lines 24 and 25, the source of the clear text Ritual approved for use at the 115th Annual Communication. (continued on next page) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-10 (continued) Ritual Correction (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption) 24 HKT. F.C.s,at. (F.C.s tak th sts and halt.) MEKS, 25 t t F.C.s h a b s o i a w y d. In this context, th means three (steps) and t means twelve (FCs). Therefore, be it resolved that the Ritual be corrected by replacing the word three with the word twelve as indicated on page 133 of the Ritual. Submitted by Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Resolution 2022-11 Calling to and from Refreshment (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The purpose of this Resolution is to amend the Ritual Supplement by adding sections entitled “Calling to Refreshment” and “Calling from Refreshment”, to be used at the will and pleasure of the Master when open on any degree, as appropriate or necessary. Also proposed is a change in the Ritual itself prior to the 3rd Degree Lecture. Whereas, the Junior Warden’s duty as stated in the opening and closing of every meeting is “to call the craft from labor to refreshment and from refreshment to labor again”. Whereas, there is no work in the Ritual to define how the Junior Warden is to call the craft from refreshment to labor again. Whereas, the ritual work for going from Labor to Refreshment only appears in the 3rd Degree when ending the First Section. (Note: this is not changed by this resolution.) Whereas, the instructions to open the door “with the usual knocks”, effectively un-tyling the Lodge allowing the brethren to leave the Lodge room only exists in the “ALTAR” section of the Ritual Supplement. Whereas, instructions to “re-tyle” the Lodge, prior to calling from Refreshment to Labor do not appear in the Ritual. This Resolution is proposed in two parts, the first to amend the Ritual Supplement and the second to amend the Ritual itself. Therefore, be it resolved: that the Ritual Supplement be amended by adding the following sections. (Additions in bold type, there are no deletions.)

CALLING TO REFRESHMENT W. M.—Bro. J. W. , what is the hour? J. W.—$ High twelve, W. W. M—Being high twelve, it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of (EA, FC or Master) Masons be called from labor to refreshment for the purpose of refreshment (or) setting up for the second section of this degree, to be called to labor again at the sound of the gavel in the East. J. W.— # # # Brethren, it is the order of the W. M. that this Lodge of (EA, FC or Master) Masons be called from labor to refreshment for the purpose of (repeat purpose), to be called to labor again at the sound of the gavel in the East. (Deacons disarrange G.L.s, Ext. L.L. without instruction) J. W.—# (The door is opened with the usual knocks and the brethren are then allowed to leave the Lodge room) (The officer columns are to be raised/lowered in the usual manner) CALLING FROM REFRESHMENT (When calling to labor from refreshment, the Lodge is to be resumed on the same degree it was laboring on prior to refreshment. If a Brother was not present in the Lodge when it was called to refreshment, he will enter in the usual manner, after the Lodge is tyled and called to labor again.) J. W.—# # # Brethren, it is the order of the W. M. that this Lodge of (EA, FC or Master)……. ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-11 (continued) Calling to and from Refreshment (Requires 5/6 majority for adoption)

(continued from previous page) Masons be called from refreshment to labor. (Deacons arrange G.L.s, light L.L. and return to places without instruction) W. M. - Brother SD you will see that the Lodge is tyled. (Done without verbal response.) W.M.—# Further be it resolved: that the Ritual instructions “(S.D. properly arranges Greater and Lesser Lights.)” be deleted and the Ritual part of the Supplement Section “Calling from Refreshment” (see above) be added before the start of the Third Degree Lecture, in place of the current (W.M. returns to the East and seats Lodge by “#”; the candidate is seated for the Lecture.) Submitted by: Robert R Beffel, PM (43, 85) Roger C Biede III, PM (9) W Carl Melton, PM (23) Resolution 2022-12 Innovation of the Ritual (Requires 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: During the installation of the Master of a Lodge, he gives his assent to a number of “ancient charges and regulations which point out the duties of the Master of a Lodge and which, on no account, are ever to be neglected or departed from.” Number 11 on this list states “You admit that it is not in the power of any man or body of men to make innovations in the body of Masonry, except as duly authorized by Grand Lodge.” We have in recent years witnessed an innovation which is a degradation of the adopted Ritual of this Grand Lodge. Refer to the bottom half of page 121 of the Ritual where it states (W.M. rises). The interpretation is that he rises from his station in the East. There are no instructions that allow the Master to vacate the East. At this point in the Ritual it is appropriate for the Master to become stern. It is not appropriate for the Master to leave his station, get in the candidate’s face, poke him with the gavel and become offensive. We are the Masonic Fraternity. Brothers, you may not agree that the admonition on page S-22 of the Ritual Supplement is or should be necessary. However, it is there for good reason. It is the duty of every Master to see that the Ritual is properly delivered in his Lodge. Grand Lodge should make clear what is appropriate on page 121 of the Ritual. Therefore, be it resolved that the instructions on page 121 of the Ritual be amended as follows: (additions in bold print, there are no deletions) (W.M. rises and remains in the East) Submitted by, Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) James W. Rowan, PM (43) Resolution 2022-13 Proposed Amendment of the E.A. Lecture (Required 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: The second sentence of the E.A. lecture states “a recapitulation of the ceremonies” will be omitted. The second section then proceeds to discuss “the various forms and ceremonies” the candidate was just told would be omitted. This confusion may be removed by amending the ritual as follows: The lecture of the E.A. degree is divided into three sections. The first being a recapitulation of the ceremonies through which you have just passed will be omitted. The second rationally explains … (balance of paragraph unchanged.) Also amend on page 33 This, my Brother, concludes the second first section of the lecture of this degree. In the third second section, we receive instruction ... (balance of paragraph unchanged)……(next page) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-13 (continued) Proposed Amendment of the E.A. Lecture (Required 5/6 majority for approval) (continued from previous page) In what is now called the third section, more than 40 percent of the text is dedicated to the explanation of the three principal tenets and the four cardinal virtues, which are not even mentioned in the introductory paragraph. This amendment also proposes to separate this information into a new third section with a short introductory paragraph added as below inserted on page 36, just above the paragraph which begins “The three principal tenets...”

This concludes the second section of the lecture of this degree. In the third section, we receive instruction relative to the three principal tenets of Masonry and the four cardinal virtues or chief moral attributes. Therefore, be it resolved that the Ritual be amended as noted above (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type) Submitted by, Earl Wunder, PM (13,14)

Resolution 2022-14 Waiver of Foreign Jurisdiction (Required 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts are not members of any Lodge in this jurisdiction. Refer to Constitution §5-1(a) - Membership in a Lodge. While their status in a foreign jurisdiction may be unknown to us, this Resolution proposes language which would be correct for any foreign jurisdiction and cover all possibilities. A Certificate of Withdrawal is not issued to an EA or FC (non-members) in this jurisdiction. Deleted (b) is covered by the sentence ending “...may petition any Arizona Lodge for the remaining degrees.” Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 7-102.2 be corrected and amended as follows: (deletion in strike through, additions in bold type) Section 7-102.2 – Waiver of Foreign Jurisdiction. An Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft who holds membership received degree

(s) in a foreign jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of Arizona and who has permanently removed his place of residence to Arizona, may petition any Arizona Lodge for the remaining degree(s). Verification of the degree or degree(s) already received shall be by means of a Certificate of Withdrawal or a Waiver of Jurisdiction, (or Demit) or a Demit from the Lodge of which he was a member; where the degree(s) were conferred. The Grand Lodge of Arizona recognizes Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Demits issued under authority of sister Grand Jurisdictions and will issue such Demits or a Waiver of Jurisdiction when required by sister Grand Jurisdictions. The use of such Demits between Arizona Lodges is not approved. [Statute Section 9-301(c)] The petition for the remaining degree(s) shall take the usual course, and the fees to accompany the petition shall be prorated on the basis of the degree(s) to be received. In addition, the fees required by the Constitution AMC should shall be added. (Statute Section 15-301) (a)The Grand Lodge of Arizona recognizes Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Demits issued under authority of sister Grand Jurisdictions and will issue such Demits when required by sister Grand Jurisdictions. The use of such Demits between Arizona Lodges is not approved. Note: moved to above paragraph. (b) A brother having received the Entered Apprentice degree as well as the Fellowcraft degree in a sister Grand Jurisdiction, should petition only for the remaining degree of Master Mason. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) James Rowan, PM (43) Robert Weed, PM (22)



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-15 Reorganization of Statute Section 9–103 – Right of Affiliation (Requires 2/3 Majority for adoption) Synopsis: Section 9-103 discusses two different cases for affiliation. 1. A non-affiliated (demitted) Mason seeking membership in a lodge. 2. A member in good standing who seeks to join a second lodge and then demit from the first. The text of Section 9-103 mixes these two cases and is confusing. Also, while there is a requirement for paying dues in the case of a demit after election, there is none mentioned for signing by- laws. This prompted the Grand Secretary’s office to request a review of this section which revealed other problems. This Resolution proposes to separate the two cases for affiliation in Section 9-103 into newly titled Sections and renumber and move unchanged two other Sections. The title only of Section 9-105 – Plural Membership will be amended. This will then list consecutively the three sections concerned with the right to attend a lodge and three sections concerned with affiliation. Approval of this Resolution will also authorize amendment of the Statute Table of Contents as shown below. Section 9-102 – Right of Admittance (unchanged, shown for context). Section 9-102.1 - Right to Visit (formerly 9-104 moved unchanged). Section 9-102.2 - Grand Lodge Officer Right to Visit (formerly 9-104.1 moved unchanged) Section 9-103 – Right of Affiliation – Non-affiliated Mason (former title Right of Affiliation) Section 9-104 – Right of Affiliation – Demit after Election (new section) Section 9-105 – Right of Affiliation – Plural Membership (former title Plural Membership) Therefore, be it resolved that the following amendments and reorganizations be adopted as indicated. (deletions in strike-through additions in bold type) Section 9-103 – Right of Affiliation - Non-affiliated Mason. Any Lodge in this jurisdiction may receive an application from a non -affiliated (demitted) Mason, residing in Arizona or any other recognized Grand Jurisdiction without a waiver by the Lodge nearest his domicile. No period of residence is required before a Lodge may receive an application for affiliation. (Note: formerly Statute Section 4-103(a) see Resolution 2022-16) (b)(a) No Lodge shall receive an such application for affiliation unless it be accompanied by a certificate of good standing or a proper demit from the Lodge of which the applicant was last a member, or a satisfactory explanation in writing, of his inability to furnish such demit. [Statute 9-301(d)] (b)

(1) When an application for affiliation is accompanied by "a satisfactory explanation in writing of his inability to furnish

such demit" as provided in Statute, it Such explanation need not be confined to a certificate one under the seal of the Lodge of which the applicant was last a member, as the Lodge receiving the application is competent to judge the sufficiency of such "satisfactory explanation" and to pass upon the eligibility of the applicant. (e)

(2) A Brother suspended under suspension for non-payment of dues in another jurisdiction cannot apply for affiliation. His status is not "a satisfactory explanation in writing of his inability to furnish such demit.” (b)(1) (3) A demit issued by a regular Lodge is sufficient to accompany an application for affiliation regardless of its date.

(c) (4) Where When the Grand Lodge of Arizona has withdrawn recognition of another Masonic Grand Body, but no edict of non-intercourse with the latter's members has been issued, a Lodge may receive an application for affiliation from a brother that who has demitted therefrom. (See Section 9-102.1(c) - Right to Visit) (a) (b) An application for affiliation, properly filled in and accompanied by the requisite fees, must be received by a Lodge and its reception cannot be objected to. After its presentation in the customary manner then objection may be made as provided. (e) A Brother suspended for non-payment of dues in another jurisdiction cannot apply for affiliation. His status is not "a satisfactory explanation in writing of his inability to furnish such demit.” (moved to (2) above)

Section 9-104 Right of Affiliation – Demit after Election. Any member of a Lodge who is in good standing and whose dues are paid, who desires to affiliate ….(next page) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-15 (continued) Reorganization of Statute Section 9–103 – Right of Affiliation (Requires 2/3 Majority for adoption) (continued from previous page) with another Lodge, and then demit from the first Lodge, may apply for and receive from the Secretary of his Lodge a duly attested certificate of his standing in the Lodge. In this jurisdiction, a current dues card is

defined as a Certificate of Good Standing. Some jurisdictions require both certificates to affiliate. (1) By presenting such certificate with his application, a member may apply for affiliation with another Lodge. (2) If such applicant be elected to affiliate with a Lodge he can become a member thereof only by filing with the Secretary a demit from the Lodge of which he was last a member. except in cases where plural membership is retained as provided in Statute. (3)The Secretary shall be required to report the receipt of the Demit to the Lodge at the stated meeting immediately following its receipt. (4) Such applicant so elected to membership by affiliation shall sign the by-laws and pay his dues within 90 days subsequent to the receipt by the Secretary of the Demit from applicant's former Lodge. Failure to pay dues as herein provided do

so shall void such election and terminate his membership therein. (5) Should applicant fail to comply with (4), the Demit so received shall be returned to the applicant with such sum as may have accompanied the application for affiliation. Section 9-105 – Right of Affiliation - Plural Membership. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) James Rowan, PM (43) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-16 Reorganization of Chapter 4 – Candidates for Degrees (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: This Resolution proposes to reorganize and amend the first three Sections of Chapter 4 of the Statutes. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Sections 4-101, 4-102 and 4-103 be amended as shown. Sections 4-104 and 4-105 remain unchanged, and are not printed here. (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type) Section 4-101 – Petitioning for Degrees. Petition for the degrees may be made by those conforming to the requirements set forth in the Constitution §5-2. A petitioner for the degrees may insert in the petition for degrees the name of the man who acted as his father. All petitioners for the degrees must be able to read and write the English language. (b) A petitioner Holding Canadian other than United States citizenship does not render him

a petitioner ineligible to petition a Lodge. for membership. (Constitution §5-2) (c) A petitioner should shall use on his petition the name on his naturalization papers, rather than the American translation of his name, until unless he had has legally changed his name. legally. Section 4-102 – Lodge Jurisdiction over Candidates and Waivers of Jurisdiction. A Lodge has jurisdiction over a candidate upon his submission of the Petition for Degrees.

(a) A Lodge cannot issue a qualified or conditional waiver of jurisdiction. A waiver is absolute and binding on the Lodge. (b) A Lodge cannot claim any of the fees that are required of a petitioner over whom it has waived jurisdiction in favor of another Lodge.

(c) In the case of a petition received by a Lodge, where a waiver of jurisdiction is required, the proper procedure is to cause the petitioner to write to the Lodge having jurisdiction over him, for a waiver. It should then be attached to the petition, and the petition then takes the usual course of investigation and vote. Note: Amended & moved to Section 4-103. (d) (c) A Lodge may waive jurisdiction over a man in favor of a foreign Lodge provided favorable action on the proposal was taken in the same way that a ballot on candidates for the degrees are cast and no black cube appeared in the ballot box. (e) (d) A waiver over a resident of Arizona in favor of a foreign jurisdiction not recognized by this Grand Lodge should must not be issued.



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-16 (continued) Reorganization of Chapter 4 – Candidates for Degrees (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) (f)(e) A waiver over a resident of Arizona, rejected by an Arizona Lodge, in favor of a foreign jurisdiction, should must not be issued. (g)(f) The Grand Lodge of Arizona does not claim or recognize perpetual jurisdiction over rejected material. (h)(g) Repeated and unlimited requests by a member for a waiver, where such a request has been denied, should need not be permitted considered. (i) (h) As far as this jurisdiction is concerned a man elected to receive the degrees in a foreign jurisdiction remains the material of that jurisdiction, regardless of the lapse of any period of time. They may waive jurisdiction or request a Lodge in this jurisdiction to confer the degrees on their behalf. Section 4-103 – Petition of Candidate, non-Arizona Resident. A petition for membership the degrees may be received in an Arizona Lodge when the petitioner resides within a recognized foreign jurisdiction and resides at a point closer to the petitioned Arizona Lodge than to the foreign Lodge holding jurisdiction; and but only if proper permission a waiver of jurisdiction from that foreign Lodge accompanies the petition. for membership. In the case of a petition received by a Lodge, where a waiver of jurisdiction is required. The proper procedure is to cause the petitioner to write to the Lodge having jurisdiction over him for a waiver, which . It should then be attached to the petition, and the petition then takes the usual course of investigation and vote. (a) No period of residence is required before a Lodge may receive an application for affiliation. Note: Moved to Statute Section 9-103 first paragraph. See Resolution 2022-15. (b) A petitioner holding Canadian citizenship does not render him ineligible to petition a Lodge for membership. Note: amended & moved to Section 4-101. (c) A petitioner should use on his petition, the name on his naturalization papers, rather than the American translation of his name, until he had changed his name legally. Note: amended & moved to Section 4-101. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-17 Dispensation for Special Election (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Statute Section 13-401 is confusing because no dispensation is required to remove an elected officer, and none can be requested to elect before an office is considered vacant, that procedure being outlined in Statute Section 13-301. This Resolution is offered to match the language of this Statute with that of Statute Section 13-105 (a dispensation will be granted) and to allow electronic notice to members of the special election. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 13-401 be amended as follows. (deletions in strike- through additions in bold type) Section 13-401 – Special Election for Lodge Master or Warden. Upon good cause being shown therefore, the Grand Master may issue will grant a dispensation to a Lodge to hold an election at a stated meeting other than that held for the removal of a elected officer during which the elected officer was removed or to fill a vacancy which may occur exists, and any which may

be created by such election, in the office of Master or Warden. in any Lodge. (Statute Section 13-105) (a) But, in either of these cases, Such dispensation shall be issued granted only upon the application of the Lodge, setting forth the reasons therefore, to be approved by two thirds of those present at a stated meeting, and to be properly certified by the Secretary. (b) The members shall have due notice in writing, or electronic notice that must possess the ability to be print-

ed, of the election(s) which may will thus be ordered. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 RESOLUTION 2022-18 Masonic License Plate Program Revenue Distribution. (Requires 2/3 majority for approval) SYNOPSIS: The following legislation is proposed to clarify the disbursement of funds from the program known as the Masonic License Plate whose original successful implementation was inspired and supported by The Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children and The Masonic Charities of Arizona. This legislation proposes to distribute the funds from the program between The Masonic Charities of Arizona, The Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children (Children at Risk Program), and the Arizona Grand Lodge Library, and WHEREAS: The program known as the Masonic License Plate has enabled members of the Craft a way of proudly and publicly showing their membership in our institution and, WHEREAS: All monies owed to the Grand Lodge for its original financing of the program was fully reimbursed by 2015 and, WHEREAS: since 2015 this program has been highly successful in financially providing The Masonic Charities of Arizona and The Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children with an annual stipend, each year except for one, thereby representing Grand Lodge support of these charities and, WHEREAS: The targeted charities represent a direct correlation to the perceived benevolence of the Grand Lodge of Arizona and the Masonic Family within the community, and the Grand Library functions as the steward of our benevolent legacy. Already to date in Arizona, because of using these distributed funds The Masonic Charities of Arizona has distributed over $34,000 to various Charities and The Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children’s Children at Risk Program has changed the lives of approximately 1750 At-Risk-Children and, WHEREAS: Currently, Statute Section 15-602 as written leaves room for ambiguity and interpretation and, Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 15-602 be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough) Section 15-602 – Masonic License Plate. That the Grand Lodge Board of Trustees will authorize the payment of the $32,000.00 license plate implementation fee required under State law for the Arizona Masonic license plate and that the first $32,000.00 of profits will repay the Grand Lodge for this fee as provided under State law. Further, that Hereafter, all plate profits from sales and renewals thereafter in perpetuity shall flow through the Grand Lodge, in equal distribution to the various the following three 501(c)(3) charities, the Masonic Charities of Arizona, the Arizona Masonic Foundation for

Children, and the Arizona Grand Lodge Library (George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum), supported by us and required under State law, as our membership and administered by the Grand Lodge Board of Trustees. Resulting in Section 15-602 reading as follows: Section 15-602 – Masonic License Plate. Hereafter, all plate profits from sales and renewals in perpetuity shall flow through the Grand Lodge, in equal distribution to the following these three 501(c)(3) charities, the Masonic Charities of Arizona, the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children, and the Arizona Grand Lodge Library (George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum), supported by our membership and administered by the Grand Lodge Board of Trustees. Submitted by: Gerald Lankin PM (43.41), Jerry Badinger PM (52), Bruce McLaughlin PM (52), Bill Jeffers PM (6), Paul Dore PM (2,3), Tony Hernandez PM (58), Dave Luebke PM (1), David Sahady PM (1), Rex Hutchens PM (41), James May PM (20), Gary Carnicle PM (87), Donn Bernhardt PM (45), W. Thomas Brooker, PM (31,65), Sid Leluan PM (56,41),Paul Weathers PM (52), Craig Gross PM (4,74), Henry L. Spomer, PM (56), David E. Morganflash PM (66, 86), Al Metcalf PM (32) Jean-Claude Malterre PM (4, 41, 84), Bill Garrard PM (2,3), Roger Cousineau PM (52), Tim Yaiser PM (52) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-19 Definition of Dispensation Request (Requires 2/3 vote for adoption) Synopsis: This definition is offered as general information and to codify the procedure in situations when a Lodge vote is not possible. Therefore be it resolved that the following definition be adopted as printed. (Addition in bold type, there are no deletions) Section 1-101 – Definitions: Dispensation Request – A written request sent to the Grand Master following the vote of

a Lodge to allow a named activity, normally prohibited, if approved, to be undertaken at a stated date, time, and place (Constitution §3-1.1.2). When a Lodge vote is not possible, the request for dispensation shall note that it is made without the vote of the Lodge and explain the circumstances. (See Statute Section 13-401 for procedure for special elections.) The dispensation is a written approval of such a request signed by the Grand Master. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22)

Resolution 2022-20 Proficiency Returned (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Constitution §5-1.1.1 is incomplete as a proficiency may also be returned in an open Lodge. This amendment proposes to correct this omission in agreement with the Ritual. Therefore be it resolved that the following amendment be adopted. (Additions in bold type; there are no deletions) §5-1.1.1 Minimum Proficiency for EA, FC or MM. A minimum proficiency consisting of the steps, the dueguards, the signs, the grips, the words, and the completion of the approved Candidate Education Program is acceptable as the minimum proficiency in Arizona. No Lodge shall advance an Entered Apprentice Mason or a Fellowcraft Mason to a higher degree until he has been examined by a committee appointed by the Master of the Lodge in the proficiency of that degree or has returned his

proficiency in an open Lodge. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22)

Resolution 2022-21 Termination of Membership (requires 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: Constitution §5-1.3 is incomplete as membership in a Lodge may be terminated by a demit. Therefore, be is resolved that the following amendment be adopted. (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) §5-1.3 Termination of Membership. Membership in a Lodge can only be terminated: (a) By the dissolution of the Lodge; (b) By the consolidation of the Lodge with another Lodge or other Lodges; (c) By voluntary withdrawal therefrom, after proper notice given; (d) By voluntary demit therefrom, after proper notice given;

(e) By death, suspension, or expulsion. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13.14) Robert Weed, PM (22)



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-22 Constitution Cross References (Required 5/6 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The following references and cross references are offered to facilitate the use of the AMC. Some subsections and paragraphs not amended are not printed here. Therefore be it resolved that the following amendments be adopted: (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type) §3-1.1.2 Grand Master Powers of Dispensation. By virtue of his executive power, the Grand Master is hereby given authority, among other things, to grant dispensations for: (a) Formation of new Lodges as statute may prescribe; (Statute Section 11- 101) (b)_Receive and act upon the petitions of rejected applicants for the degrees, within a less period than the twelve months as prescribed in statute; (Statute Section 5-207); (c) Receive and act upon the petitions for degrees by persons in the armed forces of the Unites States Armed Forces, who may not possess the qualifications of residence prescribed in statute; provided, however, that no such dispensation shall be granted to any such person who may possess the Qqualifications of residence in another recognized Grand Jurisdiction; §3-1.5.2 Grand Secretary Duties: Report and Attend. It shall also be the duty of the Grand Secretary to: (b) Report at each Annual Communication all Lodges which shall be in arrears to the Grand Lodge, or which shall have neglected or refused to comply with any provisions of the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Lodge; (Constitution §6-2.3.2) §5-2.1 Petition Requirements. All petitions for the degrees, as well as all applications for affiliation, shall be signed by the applicant, and recommended by at least one member of the Lodge and one other member of any Lodge working under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge or of any other Masonic jurisdiction recognized by this Grand Lodge, in the form prescribed by Statute. When a member of a Lodge other than the Lodge to which a petition or application is to be submitted signs a petition, he shall certify that he is a member in good standing and that his dues are current. No Lodge in this jurisdiction shall receive a petition for the degrees of Masonry unless the petitioner shall have been a resident of Arizona during the six months next preceding the date of his petition, except: In the case of a full-time member of the United States Armed Forces, whose petition, if he has not the qualifications of residence, may be received by dispensation from the Grand Master as specified in Statute Section 4-104. No Lodge shall receive a petition for the degrees from any person who, within twelve months next preceding, shall have been rejected by any Lodge, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master as specified in Statute Section 5-207. §10-1.3 Amendments Recommended by the Grand Master. Recommendations of the M:.W:. Grand Master involving amendments to the Constitution and/or the Statutes shall not be subject to the foregoing requirements as to notice, his recommendations being governed by the provisions of this Constitution §3-1.1.1(g). Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-23 Statute Cross References (Required 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The following cross references are offered to facilitate the use of the AMC. Therefore, be it resolved that the following amendments be adopted (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type) Section 4-101 – Petitioning for Degrees. Petition for the degrees may be made by those conforming to the requirements set forth in the Constitution §5-2. A petitioner for the degrees may insert in the petition for degrees the name of the man who acted as his father. All petitioners for the degrees must be able to read and write the English language. Section 4-104 – Members of Armed Forces Lacking Residence. No dispensation shall be issued to a Lodge to receive and act upon the petition for degrees of a full time active duty member of the United States Armed Forces, who has not the qualification of residence prescribed by Statute Constitution §8-2.1, unless the application therefore be made by the Lodge by a unanimous vote, by ballot; and should such dispensation be issued, the petition shall take the usual course of reference and ballot in the Lodge. (continued on next page) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2022-23 (continued) Statute Cross References (Required 2/3 majority for adoption) (continued from previous page) Section 5-104 – Investigation Committee Report. When the appointment of a Committee on Investigation is required, the report of the Committee must be received by the Lodge prior to the opening of a ballot. Failure to report to the Lodge will invalidate the ballot. Form 19 and Form 20, Statute Section 14-204. Section 14-401 – Trial of the Grand Master. Upon the presentation of charges against the Grand Master as prescribed in the Constitution §9-1, it shall be the duty of the presiding Commissioner to transmit a copy thereof to the accused, within ten (10) days following his receipt of the same. Section 17-501 – Trial of the Master of a Lodge. Upon the presentation of charges against the Master of a Lodge, (Constitution

§9-2) the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, as the case may be, shall within ten (10) days following presentation appoint and summon five disinterested Brethren, who shall be either Masters or Past Masters of Lodges in this jurisdiction, to assemble as Commissioners to hear and determine thereon. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13.14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Resolution 2022-24 Definition Clarification (Requires 2/3 majority for adoption) Synopsis: The purpose of this Resolution is to clarify the voting status of an affiliated Past Master. Therefore, be it resolved that the following definition be amended. (deletions in strikethrough, addition in bold print) Section 1-101 – Definitions; Past Master - This title applies only to one who has been regularly elected or named in a charter and installed, and has served a term as Master of a chartered Lodge within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and who remains a member, in good standing, of one of its Lodges. provided that Past Masters of other jurisdictions who shall affiliate with a Lodge in this jurisdiction shall be carried on the roll of Past Masters, but shall not be entitled to vote as such in Grand Lodge. The word “Term” here does not mean any specific number of days or weeks. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) RESOLUTION 2020-01 Revision to Section 10-403 (Required a 2/3 majority to approve)

WHEREAS, Lodges that own and maintain their own real estate, including lodge buildings and other structures designed for Masonic meetings and the support of Freemasonry, are required to expend funds to maintain said properties. WHEREAS, Repairs to property are necessary to the continued practice of Freemasonry and its many appendant bodies, and emergency repairs are not addressed in the current constitution and statues. WHEREAS, significant emergency repair or replacement of structures is limited under Arizona Revised Masonic Statute 10-403 when the amount of repair exceeds $20,000, without regard to the source of the funds or the criticality of the expense. RESOLVED: Amend the Arizona Revised Masonic Statute Section 10-403 as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions): “Section 10-403 – Restriction on Real Property and Building Expenditure. No Lodge and no Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership or Corporation which is, or which represents itself to be, Masonic in character and which is formed or operating for the benefit of an existing or proposed Masonic Lodge shall acquire or accept any real property without the approval of the Grand Trustees or the Grand Lodge, nor, from existing resources or by debt financing, obligate …(next page) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 RESOLUTION 2020-01 (continued) Revision to Section 10-403 (Required a 2/3 majority to approve) (continued from previous page) or expend capital for the construction, alteration, or general maintenance of a building when that expenditure will exceed $20,000.00, until plans for construction or alteration or details of the maintenance and methods of financing have been approved by the Grand Lodge or by its Board of Trustees. This provision will not prevent a Lodge,

Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership, or Corporation formed for the benefit of an existing or proposed Masonic Lodge from immediately, and without approval of the Grand Trustees or the Grand Lodge, expending funds in excess of $20,000 when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The organization is exclusively spending its own funds and not incurring a debt to a third party for any portion of the expenditure. 2. The expenditure is urgent in nature and failure to act could reasonably cause the building or property to become condemned or otherwise unusable (e.g. roof replacement after truss failure, significant damage to a load-bearing wall, catastrophic plumbing leak, etc.). 3. The work is agreed upon and contracted consistent with the by-laws, rules, and regulations of the Lodge, Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership, or Corporation expending the funds. When this exception is utilized, the organization is required to report the nature and amount of the expenditure to the Grand Master, Grand Trustees, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary within 14 days of executing any contract associated with the expenditure. Proposed By: John D. Lervold PM (53), Charles Hammond, PM (5, 53), L. Grant Hays PM (53), Mario Jones PM (77), Howard Seibert WM (53) RESOLUTION 2020-08 Proposed Amendment to Trial Commissioner Selection (Required 2/3 majority for approval) Synopsis: Concern has been expressed that it may not be possible to select unbiased Trial Commissioners from Lodges that meet at the same address due to numerous dual memberships and close association among the members of these Lodges. This resolution is proposed to ensure a fair and impartial trial in such Lodges. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 18-205 be amended as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) Note: Subsection (d) is added and original Subsections (d) and {e} become {e} and (f). Section 18-205 – Selection of Trial Commissioners. (a) The Master shall ascertain before selection if there exists an obvious conflict of interest or bias which would preclude an elected Brother to serve as a Trial Commissioner. (b) Within ten (10) calendar days of the presentation of charges, the Master shall randomly select from those Brothers who have been found to be free of conflict of interest or bias three (3) of the five (5) elected Trial Commissioners in his Lodge to serve as Trial Commissioners for the Trial. (c) From the list of the elected Brothers to serve as Trial Commissioners from the four (4) closest Lodges provided by the Grand Secretary, the Trial Commissioners, in the presence of the Master, shall then randomly select one Brother from each Lodge to also serve as Trial Commissioners so that the total number of Commissioners is seven (7).

(d) When more than one Lodge meets at the same address, those Lodges will be considered as one geographical location. All trial Commissioners will then be drawn from the next four closest Lodges with one from the nearest Lodge, and two each from the other three Lodges. Random selections will be made by the Master of the Lodge where charges were filed in the presence of the Lodge Secretary and the appointed Trial Master. (d) (e) The Master shall then set the date, time, and place for the Trial, which shall occur not less than thirty (30)…. ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022

RESOLUTION 2020-08 ( continued) Proposed Amendment to Trial Commissioner Selection (Required 2/3 majority for approval) (continued)...nor more than sixty(60) days after the date of the disclosure to the Trial Master (e) (f) Upon the conclusion of this process, the Trial Master shall become fully responsible for all procedural matters incident to the trial until the conclusion thereof and the rendition and transmittal of the Commissioners’ decision to the parties thereto. Submitted by: Earl L. Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7), Eric Dupree, PM (86) Resolution 2020-09 Retrial Commissioner Selection (Required 2/3 majority for approval) Synopsis: In the unlikely necessity for a retrial, only two remaining Commissioners from the Lodge where charges were filed are possibly eligible to serve. In anticipation that a retrial can occur and to avoid having to request a dispensation to elect more Commissioners and yet maintain impartiality the following resolution is proposed. Amendments are also included to correct one Section referenced and several words as indicated to conform to language now used in the Statutes. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 18-221.3 be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough) Section 18-221.3 – Mistrial if Commission Fails to Reach a Decision. In the event that a minimum of four (4) Commissioners are unable to agree on a decision, the Trial Master shall declare a Mistrial and the following provisions shall govern: (a) The accuser has 30 days from the date of the declaration of a Mistrial to request a retrial. (b) The request for a retrial shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Master of the Lodge, who shall not have the authority to refuse to entertain it. All other provisions of Sections 18-201 through 18-301 inclusive shall govern the retrial, except as follows: (1) The Trial Master shall not have the power to strike out portions of the charges or allow amendments thereto. (2) Penal jurisdiction for the original trial carries over to the retrial. (3) The Trial Master for the original trial shall be the Trial Master for the retrial, unless he is unable to serve. In that event, the Grand Master shall appoint a new Trial Master. (4) No one elected who served as a Commissioner for the original trial shall be elected serve as a Commissioner for the retrial.

All Commissioners for a retrial shall be drawn from the four closest Lodges with one from the nearest Lodge and two from each of the other three Lodges. Random selection will be made by the Master of the Lodge where charges were filed, in the presence of the Lodge Secretary and the appointed Trial Master. (5) A deposition taken for the original trial shall be admissible in the retrial if it is the deposition of a non-Mason witness, or if the witness is a Mason who is unable to testify in person at the retrial. (c) If there is no retrial, the “judgment of the Lodge Commissioners” referred to in Section 18-223.1 18-221.1 and in the records transmitted to the Grand Secretary as required by Sections 18-301 and 18-303 shall be recorded as “Mistrial, no retrial requested.” Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)



Resolutions for review at the Annual Communication 6/4/2022 Resolution 2020-10 Authorized Aprons and Jewels (2/3 majority required for approval) Synopsis: Continued questions again this year about wearing other than Blue Lodge aprons and jewels prompted the Grand Master to issue Edict 2020-02. This resolution is proposed to codify what is appropriate to be worn in a tyled Blue Lodge. Therefore: Be it resolved that new Section 2-205 Authorized Aprons and Jewels be approved and included in the Statutes and Table of Contents. (This Section number 2-205 will be used only if Resolution 2020-19, Statute Housecleaning, is approved.)

Section 2-205 Authorized Aprons and Jewels. No Masonic apron or jewel except those issued or authorized by this or another recognized Grand Lodge shall be worn in a tyled Lodge. Concordant or Appendant Body aprons or jewels may only be worn by dispensation from the Grand Master which shall be for a specific meeting. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (66, 86) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Resolution 2021-03 Housekeeping Constitution (Requires 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: The term “regular” meeting has no meaning in the AMC which recognizes only stated and special or called meetings. Constitution Article VI, §6-2.2.3 is clear that by-laws amendments must be presented at a stated meeting. (See Resolution 202006 for text.) Constitution Article VI, §6-3 contains the only mention of a “regular” meeting when referring to a lodge meeting found in the Constitution and should be amended. Therefore be is resolved that Constitution Article VI, §6-3 be amended by changing the second paragraph as shown by strikethrough and bold print. §6-3 Seal, By-Laws and Reports. Each chartered Lodge shall, within two months from the date of its charter, provide a suitable seal, bearing such devices as it may deem proper and having inscribed thereon the name and number of the Lodge, the date of its charter, and the place of its location; and all documents or papers of every kind whatsoever, emanating from such Lodge, or from its Master or Secretary in his official capacity, shall bear the impress of such seal or be considered null and of no effect. By-Laws, or amendments thereto, cannot be presented and voted on at the same regular meeting, but must be presented at one stated meeting and voted upon at the next stated meeting. Each Lodge shall transmit, to the Grand Secretary, a copy of its by-laws as soon as adopted; but no such by-laws, nor any subsequent amendments thereunto, shall be deemed valid until approved by the Grand Lodge, though they may be acted under until the next Annual Communication if approved by the Grand Master. Each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February, a full and correct report of its transactions for the twelve months next preceding the first day of January. Each such Lodge shall accompany such report with payment of its contributions, as prescribed in Statute, to the Grand Lodge for the period of the report. In addition, each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit its lodge financial report to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2) Resolution 2021-06 Housekeeping – Grand Secretary Duties (Required 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: Constitution §3-1.5.3(f) is no longer correct and should be updated. The Grand Secretary is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the “Grand Lodge Library” and does not act as librarian. Therefore, be it resolved that subsection (f) of Constitution §3-1.5.3 be amended as follows: (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type.) §3-1.5.3 Grand Secretary Duties: Other. (f) Act as Grand Librarian and take charge of the library of the Grand Lodge under such regulations as it may prescribe; Serve as an ex-officio member on the Board of Directors of the George Roskruge and S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library and Museum Foundation, Inc. in accordance with the Foundation By-Laws. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


Most Worshipful Grand Master Randal Jager (52) Deputy Grand Master Jim Baker (9) Senior Grand Warden George R. Rusk (20)

Junior Grand Warden Michael A. Dale (17)

Senior Grand Deacon Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Junior Grand Deacon Roger C. Biede III (9)

Senior Grand Steward Eric D. Dupree (86)

Junior Grand Steward David A. Sahady (1)

Grand Secretary George S. Mather (85)

Grand Treasurer Michael N. McGee (50)

Deputy Grand Secretary James R. Leppert (85)

Deputy Grand Treasurer Ronald W. Richards (41,32,89)

Deputy Grand Secretary James W. Rowan (43)

Grand Secretary Emeritus George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)

Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20)

Grand Lecturer John W. Welsch (7, 14)

Grand Chaplain Perry E. Casazza (50)

Grand Orator W. Melton (23)

Grand Marshall Patrick S. Zech (56, 86)

Grand Editor Robert(Bo) F. Buchanan III (2)

Grand Bible Bearer Charles A. Kennedy (66)

Grand Pursuivant Donald E. Lowery (49)

Grand Standard Bearer James A. Boles (60)

Grand Organist Gordon Stevenson (20)

Grand Tyler James T. Atha (6, 13)

Grand Counsel Ricard L. Brooks (85)

Grand Photographer G. Allen Nichols (43,85) ARIZONA MASONRY—A GRAND LODGE OF ARIZONA F&AM PUBLICATION Q2 2022


The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons In Arizona

Celebrating 140 Years Grand Lodge of Arizona 2723 W. Northern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021

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