Copper Post April 2023

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The Copper Post

Grand Lodge ofArizona F. &A.M.

Arizona—Del Pacifico-Sonora Friendship Weekend!

In March of 2023, The Grand Lodge of Arizona renewed it’s recognition with Gran Logia Del Pacifico-Sonora in Mexico & celebrated their 100 year anniversary! Nogales Lodge No. 11 hosted a gathering in Arizona w/ brothers from Gran Logia Del-Pacifico Sonora and Alonzo Flores 16. Then later, all the brothers crossed the border into Mexico and visited Alonzo Flores Lodge No. 16. While there may be a border between countries there is never a border between brothers!

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Printed Every Month 140th

Sun City Festive Board

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Arizona opened Grand Lodge to honor our veterans and co-host a charity Dinner raising funds for U.S.Vets, a 501(c)3 organization. After Grand Lodge was closed, Sun City Lodge No. 72 hosted a British Festive Board where we honored the United Kingdom and the United States.

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It’s all about education

Brother Jacob Trayer of Ascension Lodge No. 89 gives an education at the Acacia Lodge No. 42 stated meeting “Plato’s Divided Line Workshop”

Worshipful Brother

Jaime Lamb, Master of Ascension Lodge 89 discusses his paper “Approaching the Craft” with Worshipful Master Chris Chavez at Acacia 42.

Worshipful Brothers

Geoff Cummings and Dwayne Hoyt hold a school of Instruction at Prometheus Lodge No. 87 entitled “Candidates: What can we offer?”

Worshipful Brother Vic Olson, Master of Arizona Lodge No. 2, gives an education on Kings Solomons Temple and uses a Model of the Temple that he hand made as an example!

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National Treasure

Auction of the Hidden Brick

When the movie “National Treasure” was released in 2004, it generated a new interest in Freemasonry. The idea that the Freemasons had hidden clues on the back of the US Constitution, which would lead to a hidden treasure of untold wealth, even emboldened the conspiracy theorists. The movie and it’s sequel have remained popular and Last year, Jerry Bruckheimer even confirmed that a 3rd script has been written!

At one point in National Treasure, the character played by Nicholas Cage is on the hunt for clues at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA. After climbing to the top of the building, he finds a brick stamped with a Masonic Square and Compass. He removes the brick to find a set of “Benjamin Franklin Glasses” that help him decode the location of the treasure.

This secret brick with a hidden compartment was recently auctioned off for $3,000. Results of the auction can be seen here.

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Auctioned by Potter & Potter Auctions in Chicago, IL. Photos & auction information courtesy of

And the Winner is…….

Winner of the one of a kind never to be reproduced—Jim Grier clock at the Annual Masonic Leadership Conference was Worshipful Master Chris Chavez of Acacia Lodge 42. WB Christopher Chavez flanked by MWGM Jim H. Baker on the left and RWSGW Michael A. Dale. $600.00 was raised to help cover the cost of the 2023 Leadership Conference in Prescott.

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2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Brother Jose Ramos wins a Smoker at Yuma Lodge No. 17!!!!! Brother Jim Rolstead wins the Chili Cookoff at Arizona Lodge No. 2. He gets the trophy and can add his own “flair” to it for next year!

Leadership Retreat

The 2023 Leadership Conference was held in Prescott, Arizona by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Arizona. Great job by all the presenters!

Bikes 4 Books

Scottsdale 43 presented 2 bikes to the top readers in their class at Echo Canyon Elementary School.

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On The Level

Where Masons share stories of their masonic journey

***Recorded on March 30th, 2016***

Its really about the people

“I grew up throughout West Europe, I originally from Bosnia, and unfortunately due to the war I was ethnically cleansed and ended up travelling and lived in numerous countries in West Europe and eventually came to the United States. So I had this philosophy in life that it is really the know, it’s not that we divide each other based upon religion but really good people, ya know, that always stood out to me. So I always looked at peoples actions and religion as a universal thing…..I found that hard to find, in the regular objective world, so one day when I was reading that excerpt (from Manly P. Hall) it really blew my mind I was like, what, there’s other people that are like minded like I am? Is this real, is this what Freemasonry is? Before that, ya know, I watched documentaries, you know, and I always thought that freemasonry was this abstract arbitrary thing that perhaps doesn’t even exist. So, after I read the piece, of course, I’m at home very eager, very hungry and I started researching lodges and sure enough, we had lodges here in Arizona.”

Worshipful Brother Mustafa was initially raised as a Master Mason in Paradise Valley Silver Trowel Lodge No. 29 and is a Past Master of that lodge. You can hear this quote and a lot more conversation by listening to the full interview here:

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Brethren, Friends, and Family,

In 2022, the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 33 grants totaling $73,000 to worthy organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities all over Arizona. Those services include Veteran assistance, domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, adult literacy programs and personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless.

We are able to award these grants from the income of our investment fund, lodge and personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help.

The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support.

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Arizona Masons in the Military

Arizona Masons in the Military highlight and honors Arizona Masons who have served in the Military. Send us a photo of you in Uniform (old or new). If you are currently serving, please tell us your current branch, rank, designation & lodge. If you are a veteran—or if you want to highlight a brother who has passed but served, please send as a photo in uniform along with the branch served, rank at exit, lodge and some notes about time in the military. Thank you for your service!

Send your photos to the Grand Lodge Editor at

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Arizona Masons in the Military

Brother Stanley Reinhold is a member of Peoria Lodge No. 31. He served in the US Navy from June 1969 to June, 1990. He was certified as a US Naval school Underwater swimmer in Key West and went on to serve at the US Naval Submarine Base in Pearl Harbor.

Brother Stanley comes from a long line of Military Men and Masons. His grandfather Frank served in World War 1 as an Aviation Machinist and was a Master Mason. His father Donald served in the US Coast Guard and was also a Master Mason.

Always loving the water, after 3 years on USS John Marshall SSBN611, Stanley re-enlisted for orders to the Bathyscaph Trieste II DSV-

1. Worlds Deepest Diving Manned Submersible.

In 1986, Stanley started as Junior Warden at William Upton Naval & Military Lodge #206 in Bremerton, WA. He served as Worshipful Master in 1990. In the Summer of 1990, he had the privilege of presenting his grandfather Frank W. Reinhold with is 75 year pin as a Master Mason. Pictured Right: WM Stanley & his father.

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Thank you for your Service!

A night for honoring the ladies

On February 12th, Oriental 20 held it’s annual Widows Appreciation Tea. The theme was Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatters Tea Party!

Then on Valentines Day, Oriental 20 held a Sweethearts Dinner!

Arizona No. 2 had a Wives & Widows luncheon featuring authentic Peruvian food, Peruvian music and genuine ladies that were all nothing short of warriors!!!

Scottsdale Lodge hosted “Widows and Ladies of the Lodge Night" They recognized the Widows from departed Brethren, along with the Wives of the Members. The Widows received a very special gift with a Tiara and a bouquet of roses. They then told their favorite story of their beloved Husbands and other memories. The Brothers of the Lodge then introduced their Wives and presented them with a rose. WB Carlos Rausch preformed some of his favorite musical pieces. It was also WB Carlos' 99th Birthday and the lodge sang 'Happy Birthday' with a special dessert

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The Lost Dutchman Degree!

Nothing can compare to watching a third degree played out in front of the Superstition Mountains! The 5th annual Lost Dutchman degree held by the East Valley Lodges was nothing short of a success once again. Congratulations to our newly raised Master Mason!

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This month, we share an excerpt from the March 2023 Trestleboard of Sy Harrison Lodge No. 70

A Castle and a Community

John B. Brooks, PM, Junior Warden Brothers, for those that did not make the fifth Tuesday in January there was an interesting movie on the building of a 13th century Castle, and a group reconstructing one in a 20 plus year project. and you ask me “what might that have to do with Modern speculative Masonry?”

In operative masonry, the mortarmen, quarrymen, stone cutters, and master masons laying the stones were part of a larger community that included carpenters, smelters and metal smiths, as well as a number of skills and professions that support the project. Whether it was a castle or cathedral, the operative mason was an integrated part of society or community .

So, again how does this relate to modern speculative masonry?

Just as the operative mason builders were a cornerstone of their communities, so might the lodge of speculative masons be in our time, yet we need to remind ourselves that our efforts are supported by others both in our masonic family and interaction with our communities, the success or life of a lodge of masons is not insular and if we turn only to ourself we will shrink and diminish and perhaps as a lodge even disappear .

Finding ways to connect with our masonic family and community may be different from lodge to lodge, yet I do believe if we do not, we may not continue. I have no doubt that the how and in what ways to connect and participate may lead to lengthy discussion and perhaps even debate, and that itself may lead to healthy growth.

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Grand Lodge
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How to use Grandview

Visit Grandview to:

• View a lodge directory

• Change your contact info

• See Grand Lodge notices

How do I login to Grandview?

• Go to the Grand Lodge web page and click “Login to Grandview” on the front page in the upper right (

• Enter your lodge number

• Enter your Member ID (lower left corner of dues card or ask the Secretary)

• Enter your Last Name (case sensitive)

• Click on “Check Membership Status”

• Enter your email address

• Enter a password (at least 8 characters)

• Confirm by entering your password again.

• Click on Submit

You are now ready to login and access your own personal record in Grandview. Please keep your email, mailing address and phone number up to date.

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Poets Corner Officers of a Lodge

I’m in the East governing as the Sun and Moon

My term begins and as is over soon

I serve the Lodge as well as the craft

Fill the officers to ensure they’re staffed

In the West I pay your wage

Assisting the Master is all the rage

In his stead, I’m expected to rule

Please judge not for I’m no fool

Look to the South at meridian time

The beauty of the Lodge is the station of mine

It took some time to reach my chair

More work to do, I’m half-way there

All things to be written and reported

I serve the Master without being discorded

Receive the money from the constituent

Give to the Treasurer and all is content

Take the money and provide receipt

Pay the bills and avoid deceit

The year’s reports we must submit

All above board and continual legit

We are bookend brothers that walk the floor

He carries orders and I watch the door

Introduce a visitor and some more

It’s done today like yester yore

We’re near the Warden in the South

We’ve prepared the food in your mouth

A candidate prepared, is our charge

Circumscribe your passion or you’ll be large

Devine guidance and a prayer

It is what I do, your reverend savior

If religious guidance is what you seek

There is plenty of words for the meek

Propound a question is what I do

To ensure the candidate is just and true

With baton in arm, I’m sworn to duty

To keep all present from acting surly

About the door a knock or two

Keeping cowans out is what I do

Tile the room and control admission

You cannot enter without permission

Brother Enloe is a Past Master of Hunters Paradise No. 85

To submit poetry for consideration, send it to

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Travelling Men

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Grand Lodge
A few brothers from El Quixote 83 Visit Oriental 20 Mohave Valley 68 makes a visit to Kingman 22! Central Arizona 14 makes a visit to Pioneer 82 Glendale 23, Peoria 31 and Scottsdale 43 all visit for a Master Mason degree at Acacia 42. Oasis 52 makes a visit to King Solomon 5 Oriental 20 visits Chandler Thunderbird 15 for an education presentation by Most Worshipful Jim Rowan!

Brothers Around Town

Brothers from Arizona No. 2 attend “Hats and High tea” at the Pioneer Cemetery Association Spring Fundraiser. Pioneer Cemetery is home to many of the founders of Arizona Freemasonry.

Rainbow Girls Visit

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© 2023 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Rainbow Girls Official Visit to Huachuca Lodge No. 53
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Masonic License Plates

Masonic License Plates for the state of Arizona are available from

The initial cost is $25 for the specialty plate and $25 for personalization. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to charities supported by Arizona Masons.

AZMVDNOW is the authorized service website for the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division. You can order online by clicking here

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Click here to buy online
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Arizona Brotherhood

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The Grand Master at work in the Quarry!

Most Worshipful Jim Baker, Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons of Arizona , visited Huachuca Lodge No. 53 to honor our long serving brothers. With the assistance of Worshipful Master Rayna Dustin Stanley, they presented a 50 year Apron to Brother Harry Brown and a 25 year pin to Brother Mike Crista. Thank you for your service to the craft brothers!

Made a Mason on Sight!

Most Worshipful Jim Baker, accompanied by Right Worshipful Michael Dale, Visited Eloy Lodge No. 46 and made Anthony Enos a Mason-on-sight. Welcome to the fraternity brother!

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Grand Lodge

James C. Penney

Founder of the J. C. Penney Co., Inc., the world's largest department store chain, with more than 1700 stores in all 48 states, doing an annual sales of over one billion dollars. Born Sept. 16, 1875 in Hamilton, Mo.

A graduate of Hamilton (Mo.) High School, he attended in 1949 the Masonic cornerstone laying of a new high school building at Hamilton, for which he and his sister gave more than half of the $250,000 cost. He holds honorary doctorates from eleven colleges and universities. He founded the J. C. Penney Co. in 1902, and is now honorary chairman of the board. Known as "the Golden Rule merchant," he quit using the word "employee," and called each of his 90,000 workers an "associate," giving each a share in the profits in addition to a salary.

After the 1929 stock market crash, Penney lost his fortune, and wound up beaten and despondent, at 56, in a sanitarium, but proved that his method was sound by borrowing money and staging a comeback in which he recouped his fortune. Penney has influenced great numbers of young people through his business operations, Christian youth movements, and by talks, articles, and letters. His own comeback from the depths of financial and mental depression was made possible by a sudden and dramatic rekindling of Christian faith within him.

He received his degrees in Wasatch Lodge No. 1, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 28, May 19, and June 2, 1911. In 1955 he became a dual member of United Services Lodge No. 1118, New York City. He is a member of Utah Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Utah Council No. 1, R. & S.M., and Utah Commandery No. 1, K.T., all of Salt Lake City. He has contributed generously to the Masonic temple of that city. He received the 32° AASR (SJ) in Utah Consistory No. 1, April 23, 1936, KCCH, Oct. 24, 1941, and 33°, Oct. 16, 1945. He has addressed many Masonic groups. In April, 1958 he was presented the gold distinguished service award by the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, at Kansas City, Missouri.

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From the Facebook Page of Peoria Lodge No. 31

About MSAP

Masonic Foundation for Children

Nearly 4,000 educators trained and 30,000 children's lives affected!

What is the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program(MSAP)?

Teachers are not experts in at-risk behavior which is why we developed the MSAP. Our training includes a highly professional and intensive three-day training workshop for Arizona educators to learn to improve their ability to; identify, intervene with, and create appropriate intervention plans for students at risk.

This workshop trains a core team of four to eight educators from a school in how to intervene early and effectively with students that display patterns of behaviors that threaten their success at school and life. MSAP involves practice sessions designed to simulate real events on subjects such as:

• Chemical dependency

• Depression & Suicide

• Conflict, Anger & Violence

• Family Dynamics & Enabling

• Life Skills Development

• Treatment & Aftercare

• Communication Skills

• Group Process & Intervention

How Can I support the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children?

• Donate to the foundation directly

• Buy Arizona Masonic License Plates

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2022/23 Arizona Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Master

Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Arizona

Jim Baker (9)

Deputy Grand Master: George R. Rusk (20,75)

Senior Grand Warden: Junior Grand Warden:

Michael A. Dale (17) Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Senior Grand Deacon: Junior Grand Deacon: Roger C. Biede III (9) Eric D. Dupree (86)

Senior Grand Steward: Junior Grand Steward: David A. Sahady (1) James Xie (43)

Grand Secretary: Grand Treasurer:

Gregory A. Vasquez (15) Ronald W. Richards (32,41,89)

Deputy Grand Secretary: Deputy Grand Secretary: James R. Leppert (85) James W. Rowan (43)

Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus

Michael N. McGee (50) George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)

Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20)

Grand Lecturer: Grand Chaplain

John W. Welsch (7,14) Michael D. Valecourt (16,43)

Grand Orator: Grand Marshall

Antonio L. Lugo (31) Adam B. Pitman (30)

Grand Editor: Grand Bible Bearer: Robert (Bo) F. Buchanan III (2) John B. Brooks (70)

Grand Sword Bearer: Grand Pursuivant : Michael L. Fluty (5,53) Wayne S. Thatcher (42)

Grand Standard Bearer: Grand Organist: Yosef Acosta (83) Gordon Stevenson (20)

Grand Tyler: Grand Counsel: Eric Smith (9) Richard L. Brooks (85)

Grand Photographer: Allen Nichols (43,85)

2022-23 Arizona DDGM’s

District 1: Robert E. Weed (22) - 22,64, 68

District 2: Steve L. Bracety (1) - 1, 14, 82

District 3: Ralph Doudna (7,38) - 7, 13, 38

District 4: Paul A. Diaz (62) - 6, 62

District 5: John B. Brooks (70) – 3, 70

District 6: Tim W. Williams (17) - 17

District 7: Emertio R. Godoy (74.81) - 74, 81

District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer (60) - 41, 86

District 9: David Fierro (42) - 20, 69, 75

District 10: Adam Pitman (30) - 9, 30, 46

District 11: Gregory M. Covel (5,53) - 5,53,77

District 12: Bryon P. Howe (58) - 15, 43

District 13: Carl Erdman(4) - 52, 60

District 14: Thomas A Murray (89) - 29, 50, 89

District 15: Thomas E. Schaff (16) - 10, 16, 55

District 16: Matthew Link (72) - 31, 72, 88

District 17: Harold L. Lindamood (71) - 11, 71

District 18: Wayne Thatcher (42) - 23, 42, 85

District 19: David Morgnflash (66,86) - 49, 66

District 21: Bruce McLaughlin (52) - 4, 32, 56

District 22: Mark J. Simington (45) - 2, 58, 83

District 23: Dwayne Hoyt (87) - 35, 45, 87

District 24: Kenn Barrett (5) - 12, 19

2022-23 Arizona DDGL’s

District 1: John D. Graham (7) - (North)

District 2: William J. Enloe (85) -(W. Phx)

District 3: Geoffrey R. Cummings (87)- (E. Phx)

District 4: Ronald N. Allen (4,55,74,81) - (South)

District 5: Daniel Kilpatrick (5) - (Southeast)

District 6: Michael Kofta (17)

District 7: Carl Melton (23)

District 8: Carl Erdman (4)

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Grand Lodge

Copper Corridor

Safford No. 16 - First Tuesday -Arizona-364043271063618/


Pinal Lodge No. 30 - First Thursday


Yuma No. 17 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

White Mountain No. 3 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 - Monday on or before full moon

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Eloy Lodge No. 46 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

Mohave Valley No. 68 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Winslow No. 13 - Second Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Kingman No. 22 - Second Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Northern Arizona

White River No. 62 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sy Harrison No. 70 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Aztlan No. 1 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Havasu No. 64 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Williams - Grand Canyon No. 38 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Central Arizona No. 14 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Chalcedony No. 6 - Second Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Flagstaff No. 7 - First Thursday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

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Phoenix Metro

Arizona Lodge No. 2 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

PVST No. 29 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Scottsdale No. 43 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Montezuma No. 35 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Wayfarer No. 50 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenicia No. 58 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Phoenix Metro

Sahuaro No. 45 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

El Quixote No. 83 - Second Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Sunrise No. 88 - Third Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Ascension No. 89 - Third Monday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Pioneer No. 82 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Hunters Paradise No. 85 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

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East Valley (Phx)

Oriental Lodge No. 20 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camelback Daylight No. 75 - First Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Prometheus Lodge No. 87 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Apache Lodge No. 69 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

West Valley (Phx)

Peoria No. 31 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Acacia No. 42 - First Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Sun City No. 72 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Glendale No. 23 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

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Tucson Area

Marion McDaniel No. 56 - First Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 - Second Saturday

10:00am StatedMeeting

Adobe No. 41 - First Tuesday

6:30pm StatedMeeting

Aaron No. 49 - First Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Tucson No. 4 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Tucson Area

Oasis No. 52 - Second Tuesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 - Second Tuesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Epes Randolph No. 32 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Builders No. 60 - Second Wednesday 20Masonic%20Lodge/111283838906398

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Anahuac No. 81 - Third Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Downtown No. 86 - Fourth Monday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

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Southern AZ

King Solomon No. 5 - First Monday 20Masonic%20Lodge%205/852903704763254/

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Huachuca Lodge No.53 - First Wednesday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Nogales No. 11 - Second Wednesday

7:30pm StatedMeeting

Willcox No. 10 - Second Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Southern AZ

Perfect Ashlar No. 12 - First Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Camp Stone No. 77 - Second Saturday

9:30am StatedMeeting

Green Valley No. 71 - Third Thursday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

San Pedro No. 55 - Fourth Monday

7:00pm StatedMeeting

Arizona Lodge No. 2 has coins for sale! Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide!

All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

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Grand Lodge

This Months Masonic Temple: Builders 60 & Oasis 52, Tucson, Arizona

Photo by Bro. Shawn Jones

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