Copper Post February 2022

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The Copper Post Grand Lodge of Arizona F. & A.M.

Printed Every Month 140th Anniversary

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© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

WANTED: GRAND TREASURER Very Worshipful Mike McGee has announced that he will be retiring at the end of this Masonic year. Thank you for 10 years of Service as Grand Treasurer! As a result, we will be looking for someone new to step in as Grand Treasurer. The Grand Treasurer fulfills an important role at Grand Lodge in providing financial oversight for Grand Lodge finances. The individual filling this role should have a keen understanding of finances in the corporate world (preferably a CPA). You should be comfortable dealing with Cashflow forecasts, Balance sheets, Accounts receivable, Accounts payable, Cash Basis Accounting, Accrual Basis Accounting, ledgers and spreadsheets. In addition, this position requires interaction with many individuals involved in other financial aspects of the Grand Lodge as well as supporting Masonic Treasurers in Lodges around the state. All who are interested in the Grand Treasurer position should submit their resume for consideration to Resumes are requested by March 5th 2021. Election will take place at the 2022 Grand Communication. © 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

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© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Masonic Charity Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 cleans up the town on Florence Makes a difference day!

Riders of the Third degree presents Chromebooks to students at Sunset Canyon Elementary School.

Sahuaro High 12 Club in Tucson presents a check in the amount of $500 to the Wolcott Foundation which awards scholarships to students attending George Washington University.

L to R: Wolcott Foundation Rep. Harry Brown receives a $500 Check for the foundation from Club member & Wolcott Rep. Gene Wickey.

L to R: Mike Clark, CEO of the Wolcott Foundation, Wolcott Trustee Wil Wilkinson, Wolcott Rep. Harry Brown and Jim Blankenship, Hi-12 Club President.

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Grand Lodge Scholarships Deadline April 1st, 2022

Grand Lodge Scholarships have been announced. Applicants must be the son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter of an Arizona Master Mason, or be an Arizona Member (or an Arizona senior/majority member) of DeMolay, Rainbow for Girls or Job’s Daughters. The applicant must use the scholarship monies to attend a school of higher learning within the State of Arizona, unless the major course of discipline of study is not offered within the State of Arizona. Then and only then, can the scholarship monies be used toward attendance of an out-of-state institution of higher learning. Must be a full time student in an undergraduate program (carry and complete a minimum of 12 semester hours).

Applications are available from your lodge Secretary and must be submitted to the Secretary with all the supporting documents by April 1st, 2022.

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Brethren, Friends, and Family, This year, the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 33 grants totaling $70,000 to worthy organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities all over Arizona. Those services include Veteran assistance, Domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, adult literacy programs and personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless. We are able to award these grants from the income of our investment fund, lodge and personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help. We have registered with the Amazon Smile Foundation. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization selected by their customers. For Amazon customers to select the Masonic Charities of Arizona to receive these donations go to http:// to automatically select us. Or you can go to and you will be prompted to select a charity. Now you are ready to shop and support the Masonic Charities of Arizona. The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support. Fraternally, Roger Biede III Secretary, Masonic Charities of Arizona

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Arizona Grand Lodge Library George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum

Baal’s Bridge Square Reprinted from the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster’s website

The old brass square, known as the Baal’s Bridge Square, was recovered from the foundations of Baal’s Bridge in Limerick, Ireland when the bridge was being rebuilt in 1830. it is inscribed “I will Strive to Live with Love and Care Upon the Level By the Square” and bears the date, 1507.

This ancient Square, carefully treasured by Antient Union Lodge 13, is recorded as being presented to Right Worshipful Brother Michael Furnell, Provincial Grand Master, by Worshipful Brother James Pain, (referred to as the Provincial Grand Architect). In the Freemasons' Quarterly Review, 1842, p. 288, Bro. Furnell, under the date of 27th. August, 1842, printed a short note on this relic of antiquity, accompanying which is a facsimile sketch. He says that Bro. Pain, in 1830, had been contractor for re-building Baal's Bridge in Limerick, and on taking down the old structure, he discovered under the foundation stone at the English town side, this old brass square, much eaten away. In the facsimile sketch, Bro, Furnell puts the date as 1517, which is a mistake, as the square bears the date 1507. A heart appears in each angle. Following the passing of Brother Furnell, his widow presented the Square to the members of Lodge 13 in a specially commissioned framed display which now hangs in the North Munster museum along with a painting of the old bridge showing the row of houses on the bridge.

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Arizona Grand Lodge Library George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum

In the book by H. F. Berry, Assistant Keeper of the Irish Records, “The Mariencourt Cup and Ancient Square.” dated 1905, Bro. Berry records that “Ball's (or Baal's) Bridge is a beautiful structure, of a single arch, built in 1831, to replace an ancient bridge of the same name, which consisted of four arches, with a range of houses on its west side. Old Baal’s Bridge, Limerick Ireland (now taken down)

James Pain, a distinguished architect, was born at Isleworth in 1779. He and his brother, George R, Pain, entered into partnership, subsequently settling in Ireland, where James resided in Limerick and George in Cork. They designed and built a number of churches and glebe houses. Mitchelstown Castle, the magnificent seat of the Earls of Kingston, was the largest and best of their designs. They were also architects of Cork Court-house and the County Gaol, both very striking erections, and of Dromoland Castle, the seat of Lord Inchiquin. James Pain died in Limerick 13th. December, 1877, in his 98th year, and was buried in the cathedral church of St. Mary in that city.” A limited edition of 500 replicas in “distressed” silver, hall marked and numbered, has been struck from a mould taken from the original and they come in a presentation box accompanied by a certificate of provenance together with a history of the artefact. The replicas have been made to commemorate the 160th Anniversary of the founding of the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster in 1842. One of these replicas now resides in the Grand Lodge Library , stop by for a visit sometime and check it out!

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Each month we will share a Trestleboard article from one of the lodges around the state of Arizona. This month, we share an article from the February, 2022 Trestleboard of Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56

Wisdom A Reflection on Life (Author unknown) however it could have been created by many. I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In some others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success. However, aside from work. I have little joy. In the end, my wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on my bed and recalling my life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of my death. You can employ someone to drive the car for you or make money for you but you cannot have someone bear your sickness for you. Material things lost can be found or replaced. But there is one thing that can never be found when it’s lost – Life. Whichever stage in life you are in right now, with time, you will face the day when the curtain comes down. Treasure love for your family, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat yourself well and cherish others. As we grow older, and hopefully wiser, we realize that a $300 or a $30 watch both tell the same time. You will realize that your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Whether you fly first class or economy, if the plane goes down – you go down with it. Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven and earth, that is true happiness! Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things and not the price. Eat your food as your medicine, otherwise you have to eat medicine as your food. The One who loves you will never leave you for another because, even if there are 100 reasons to give up, he or she will find a reason to hold on. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, you have to manage! Truth at times is very hard to swallow !!!!!!

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Grand Communication

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Masonic License Plates

Masonic License Plates for the state of Arizona are available from The initial cost is $25. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to charities supported by Arizona Masons.

ServiceArizona is the authorized service website for the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division. You can order online by clicking here Printed Order Form(.pdf) Frequently Asked Questions(.pdf)

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Arizona Brotherhood

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

OUR CHILDREN ARE HURTING MORE THAN EVER as clearly demonstrated in the small four article sample of caring people trying to get our attention about the harm that been done to our children the past two years and the very real lingering problem we face going forward. Harvard professor: More school closures could exacerbate 'full-on child mental health crisis' The negative impact of at-home learning on kids 'could last for decades,' Joseph G. Allen argues. A Harvard health professor warned that renewed school closures will have adverse effects on kids' education, physical wellbeing and mental health in a guest essay for the New York Times. A return to virtual learning in the midst of the spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19, would simply be repeating past mistakes, Joseph G. Allen, an associate professor and director of the Healthy Buildings program at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, argued. "The harms to kids from being out of school, on the other hand, are severe," Allen wrote. "They are accumulating. And they could last for decades." https:// 7 Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Kids Are the kids all right? Here’s a look at how the pandemic is affecting kids and how children’s hospitals are helping them emerge stronger. COVID-19 and the pandemic response have had considerable effects on an entire generation of children—and recovery could take years. Here are areas where the pandemic has left its mark on the nation’s children and how children’s hospitals can help our youngest generations now and into the future. California students suffered academically during COVID-19, new report reveals - A surprising 41% of students in all grade levels did not meet math standards "Our road ahead is clear — we must continue to focus our energy and resources in supporting our students, families, and educators so they not only recover from the impacts of COVID-19 but thrive in days ahead," State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond said in a Friday statement. "This must remain our top priority." Goldie Hawn says America has 'failed' children during COVID-19 pandemic. Goldie Hawn emphasized the effect the COVID-19 pandemic is having on America's children in an op-ed published Wednesday. Hawn likened the "existential dread" felt by children amid the coronavirus pandemic to the "dread" felt by children following the Cold War, the Challenger crash and 9/11 in an op-ed for USA Today. "Today, we are in the midst of a national trauma that could very well surpass 9/11 and approach the heightened terror of the Cold War years," Hawn wrote. "The COVID era has changed our children’s lives in far more real, tangible ways — social distancing, school closures, daily mask use." https://

We at the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children are on the move. We are currently scheduling 4 – 5 of our Zoom based MSAP (Children at Risk) 3-day workshops available across Arizona to address this surge in At Risk Children in our State. Watch for the announcements and remember “A child at risk will remain at risk until someone intervenes” – JOIN US!!

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Degree Work in Arizona

Pinal Lodge No. 30

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Peoria Lodge No. 31

Sun City Lodge No. 72

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Degree Work in Arizona

Glendale Lodge No. 23

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43

Arizona Lodge No. 2

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

The Lost Dutchman Degree

March 5th, 2022

To view the Lost Dutchman details on Facebook visit

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Visit to buy a ticket!

Arizona Lodge No. 2 has coins for sale! Coins are $15.00 shipped to you – just click on the link below and purchase a coin to have it directly mailed to you! Coins are heavy duty enamel filled –1 ¾” wide! All proceeds will go into our lodge general fund.

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Arizona DeMolay Chandler DeMolay Chapter Installs their new Officers

Region 7 DeMolay Conference at the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C.

Arizona DeMolay Chapter welcomes a new brother who was inducted at the Glendale Chapter.

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Arizona Masons in the Military Over the next year we want to highlight and honor our Arizona Masons who have served in the Military. Send us a photo of you in Uniform (old or new). If you are currently serving, please tell us your current branch, rank, designation & lodge. If you are a veteran—or if you want to highlight a brother who has passed but served, please send as a photo in uniform along with the branch served, rank at exit, lodge and some notes about your time in the military. Thank you for your service!

Send your photos to the Grand Lodge Editor at

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

Masonic Foundation for Children Nearly 4,000 educators trained About MSAP

and 30,000 children's lives affected!

What is the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program(MSAP)? Teachers are not experts in at-risk behavior which is why we developed the MSAP. Our training includes a highly professional and intensive three-day training workshop for Arizona educators to learn to improve their ability to: identify, intervene with, and create appropriate intervention plans for students at risk. This workshop trains a core team of four to eight educators from a school in how to intervene early and effectively with students that display patterns of behaviors that threaten their success at school and life. MSAP involves practice sessions designed to simulate real events on subjects such as: •

Chemical dependency

Depression & Suicide

Conflict, Anger & Violence

Family Dynamics & Enabling

Life Skills Development

Treatment & Aftercare

Communication Skills

Group Process & Intervention

How Can I support the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children? •

Donate to the foundation directly

Shop Amazon Smile with the Foundation

Buy Arizona Masonic License Plates

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


2021/22 Arizona Grand Lodge Officers Grand Master Grand Lodge F. & A.M Arizona Randal Jager (52) Deputy Grand Master: Jim Baker (9) Senior Grand Warden: George R. Rusk (20) Senior Grand Deacon: Leigh J. Creighton (4) Senior Grand Steward: Eric D. Dupree (86) Grand Secretary: George S. Mather (85)

Junior Grand Warden: Michael A. Dale (17) Junior Grand Deacon: Roger C. Biede III (9) Junior Grand Steward: David A. Sahady (1) Grand Treasurer: Michael N. McGee (50)

Deputy Grand Secretary: Deputy Grand Treasurer: James R. Leppert (85) Ronald W. Richards (41,32,89)

Deputy Grand Secretary James W. Rowan (43)

Grand Secretary Emeritus George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)

Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20) Grand Lecturer: John W. Welsch (7, 14)

Grand Chaplain Perry E. Casazza (50)

Grand Orator: William “Carl” Melton (23)

Grand Marshall Patrick S. Zech (56,86)

Grand Editor: Robert F. Buchanan III (2)

Grand Bible Bearer: Timothy P. Yaiser (52)

Grand Sword Bearer: Charles A. Kennedy (66)

Grand Pursuivant : Donald Lowery (49)

Grand Standard Bearer: James A. Boles (60)

Grand Organist: Gordon Stevenson (20)

Grand Tyler: James T. Atha (6,13)

Grand Counsel: Richard L. Brooks (85)

Grand Photographer: Allen Nichols (43,85)

2021-22 Arizona DDGM’s District 1: Robert E. Weed (22) - 22,64, 68 District 2: Steve L. Bracety (1) - 1, 14, 82 District 3: Lance R Brown (7) - 7, 13, 38 District 4: Paul A. Diaz (62) - 6, 62 District 5: Lon Thomas (70) – 3, 70 District 6: Tim W. Williams (17) - 17 District 7: Emertio R. Godoy (74.81) - 74, 81 District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer (60) - 41, 86 District 9: James Xie (43) - 20, 69, 75 District 10: Brian R Hanne (24) - 9, 30, 46 District 11: Gregory M. Covel (5,53) - 5,53,77 District 12: Bryon P. Howe (58) - 15, 43 District 13: Jon M. Schmidt (4) - 52, 60 District 14: Thomas A Murray (89) - 29, 50, 89 District 15: Thomas E. Schaff (16) - 10, 16, 55 District 16: Lyle L. Adams (23) - 31, 72, 88 District 17: Harold L. Lindamood (71) - 11, 71 District 18: Gary J. Horn (23) - 23, 42, 85 District 19: Ahmet S. Erdemir (32,41) - 49, 66 District 20: None District 21: William B. Carnell (46) - 4, 32, 56 District 22: Mark J. Simington (45) - 2, 58, 83 District 23: Dwayne Hoyt (87) - 35, 45, 87 District 24: Jason B. Stryker (56,86) - 12, 19

2021-22 Arizona DDGL’s District 1: John D. Graham (7) - (North) District 2: Geoffery R. Cummings (20,87) -(E. Phx) District 3: William J. Enloe (85)- (W. Phx) District 4: Ronald N. Allen (4,55,74,81) - (South) District 5: Richard W. Dunbar (12,19) - (Southeast)

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Corridor

Northern Arizona

Safford No. 16 - First Tuesday

White River No. 62 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm .Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Pinal Lodge No. 30 - First Thursday

Sy Harrison No. 70 - Second Tuesday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Yuma No. 17 - Second Thursday

Aztlan No. 1 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

White Mountain No. 3 - Second Saturday

Havasu No. 64 - Second Tuesday

10:00 am Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 - Monday on or before full moon

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Williams - Grand Canyon No. 38 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Eloy Lodge No. 46 - Third Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Northern Arizona Mohave Valley No. 68 - First Wednesday

Central Arizona No. 14 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

Chalcedony No. 6 - Second Thursday

Winslow No. 13 - Second Monday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Kingman No. 22 - Second Monday

Flagstaff No. 7 - First Thursday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Phoenix Metro

Phoenix Metro

Arizona Lodge No. 2 - First Tuesday

Sahuaro No. 45 - Second Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

PVST No. 29 - First Wednesday

El Quixote No. 83 - Second Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Scottsdale No. 43 - First Thursday

Arizona Sunrise No. 88 - Third Saturday

10:00 am Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Montezuma No. 35 - First Thursday

Ascension No. 89 - Third Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

Wayfarer No. 50 - Second Tuesday

Pioneer No. 82 - Third Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Phoenicia No. 58 - Second Tuesday

Hunters Paradise No. 85 - Fourth Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


East Valley (Phx)

West Valley (Phx)

Oriental Lodge No. 20 - First Tuesday

Peoria No. 31 - First Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:30pm Stated Meeting

Camelback Daylight No. 75 - First Tuesday

Acacia No. 42 - First Tuesday

10:00 am Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Prometheus Lodge No. 87 - First Wednesday

7:00pm Stated Meeting Apache Lodge No. 69 - Second Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 Second Tuesday

Sun City No. 72 - Second Tuesday 7:30 pm Stated Meeting Glendale No. 23 - First Thursday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Tucson Area

Tucson Area

Marion McDaniel No. 56 - First Monday

Oasis No. 52 - Second Tuesday 7:30 pm Stated Meeting 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 - Second Saturday

Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 - Second Tuesday

10:00 am Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Adobe No. 41 - First Tuesday

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

Epes Randolph No. 32 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Aaron No. 49 - First Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Tucson No. 4 - First Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Builders No. 60 - Second Wednesday 20Masonic%20Lodge/111283838906398

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Anahuac No. 81 - Third Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Downtown No. 86 - Fourth Monday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Southern AZ

Southern AZ

King Solomon No. 5 - First Monday 20Masonic%20Lodge%205/852903704763254/

Perfect Ashlar No. 12 - First Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Camp Stone No. 77 - Second Saturday

Huachuca Lodge No.53 - First Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Nogales No. 11 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Wilcox No. 10 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

9:30 am Stated Meeting Green Valley No. 71 - Third Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting San Pedro No. 55 - Fourth Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


Copper Post, February 2022

© 2022 The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publication


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