Copper Post - Jan 2019

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Printed Every Month 136th Anniversary


HOLIDAY SEASON Brethren! It is that time of year where there are a lot of things going on in our Lodges. I want to wish all of the new officers my congratulations and express my sincere appreciation for taking office and leading the Lodge into the future. I wish you all the very best in the coming year and pledge my support and assistance to you all. There are several things I want to remind you about as the annual Communication will be here before we know it. The Communication will be held on June 7th and 8th, 2019 at the Doubletree Resort in Tucson with the Grand Banquet occurring on Thursday evening June 6th. More information and registration forms will be available in early January, so be sure to check the Grand Lodge website. I hope you will all consider attending at least a part of the Communication, as it is your Grand Lodge. Do not forget that there are a number of awards presented each year: Master Builder/Master Architect, Arizona Mason of the Year, Arizona Lifetime Achievement Award, Trestleboard, Website, and Ritualist awards. All of these need to be submitted by the Lodges no later than April 15th, 2019. They cannot be awarded if you do not submit for them. Info is on the Grand Lodge website. If you need assistance, ask your DDGM! We also have the annual Lodge Leadership Conference scheduled for March 29th and 30th, 2019. Registration info will be out soon so save the date. The Grand Lodge is also hosting a Masonic Photo Contest for all you shutterbugs out there. I hope you will consider sending us your best Masonically related photo. Again, info is available on the website. |I look forward to a great year for Masonry and hope to see all of you sometime soon. If there is anything that I or the Grand Lodge Officers can do for you, please let us know. Sincerely and Fraternally, Craig L. Gross Grand Master Grand Lodge of Arizona

January 12, 2019 White Mountain Lodge No. 3 8:30 Breakfast 10:00 a.m. Instruction begins

January 29, 2018 Arizona Lodge No. 2 7:00 p.m. Instruction begins

March 13, 2019 Prometheus Lodge No. 87 6:30 pm Dinner and Snacks 7:00 p.m. Instruction begins

Arizona Masonry

Arizona Masonry Grand Lodge of Arizona Holiday Party a Success!!

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Arizona Masonry Lodge facilitates Donation Acacia XLII F&AM would like to Thank Procure Physical Therapy in Goodyear, AZ, Mrs. Marsha for assisting in the donation of a Pride Electric Scooter to Mr. David Wall. Mr. Wall is the son of a Mason who recently lost his mobility. We were able to facilitate the procurement and gifting of the scooter this afternoon. A huge thank you to our Worshipful Master, Junior Warden, Senior Deacon & Mr. Matszu for helping us give back to the community!

50 Year Award in Phoenix Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 traveled north to Anthem Arizona to present a 50 year pin and apron to a long time member

ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE IN THE COPPER POST!!! For Information please contact the Grand Editor at

Arizona Masonry Brethren of Arizona In the event that I am honored by being elected Grand Master for the 2019-2020 Masonic year I am planning a very special Masonic Event trip to our Nation’s Capital and I would like to extend an invitation to you to accompany me. Some of the highlights in the Washington DC area will include

- The laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Fourth of July - A tour of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial - Tour of the House of the Temple - Fourth of July in Washington DC If you are interested in attending this trip please sign up on the GL website to receive updates and so we may have a head count for planning purpose We will do our best to secure group discounts for all activities but you will be responsible for all of your own expenses, including meals, admission costs and travel/hotel arrangements to include transportation to and from the airport in Washington DC. I hope that you will consider attending this once in a lifetime trip with me. Sincerely and Fraternally, Greg Vasquez PM (15) (34) Deputy Grand Master Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona

PRELIMINARY AGENDA Wednesday, July 3, 2019 Travel Day Group Dinner for early arrivals Thursday, July 4, 2019 Arlington Cemetery wreath layingTour Arlington Watching Fireworks on National Mall Friday, July 5, 2019 Morning Masonic Group Tour Washington DC House of the Temple - White House George Washington Masonic National Memorial Tour Open Grand Lodge at Memorial - Education presentation on GWMNM Dinner Saturday, July 6, 2019 Tour of Washington DC Washington Memorial - Lincoln Memorial - Smithsonian Institute - National World War II Memorial Sunday, July 7, 2019 Remaining Departures

Arizona Masonry


Arizona Masonry Installation of Officers in Arizona Lodges

Oasis Lodge No. 52

Downtown Lodge No. 86

Montezuma Lodge No. 35

Phoenicia Lodge No. 58

Arizona Lodge No. 2

Prometheus Lodge No. 87

El Quixote Lodge No. 83

Flagstaff Lodge No. 7

Kingman Lodge No. 22

Arizona Masonry Installation of Officers in Arizona Lodges

Pinal Lodge No. 30

Hiram, Daylight Lodge No. 73

Aztlan Lodge No. 1

Peoria Lodge No. 31

Chandler Thunderbird Lodge No. 15

Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56

Tucson Lodge No. 4

San Pedro Lodge No. 55

Camp Stone Lodge No. 77

Arizona Masonry

Printed Every Month 136th Anniversary

Masonry without Borders Alonso Flores Lodge No.16' in Nogales, Sonora, MX. organized a project for the benefit of the forgotten pepenadores* (Pepenador: https:// of that city. It is estimated that approximately 80 to 100 local families live in this environment and could be helped. On December 24, the Lodge, with help and donations from Anahuac Lodge #81 F & A M in Tucson and Gila Valley No. 9 F & AM Masonic Lodge in Florence provided a wonderful dinner and gifts for the young children as well as some basic necessities for all the families.

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

TO THROW OUT OR NOT TO THROW OUT — THAT IS THE QUESTION! Reflection of a Grand Librarian When I was installed as Grand Librarian at the Festival of St Andrew 1996 I was somewhat bemused about my role. In particular my work in promoting our excellent museum and the collection held within it. It became very clear to me that the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum is unique amongst Scottish Museums in that it exists to tell the story of Scottish Freemasonry. The Museum archives contain entries from only a minority of Scottish Lodges. In other words a very large number have no representation in the Museum, not even a jewel or a Mark Token. The earliest known, written, record of a Masonic Lodge is in the possession of Grand Lodge, namely, the Minute Book of Lodge Aitchison's Haven with an entry dated 9th January 1598. We have therefore, a long and illustrious heritage and it is worth sharing within and without the Craft. I would encourage you as a member of the Craft and Scottish Lodges to donate to the Museum and Library. Your Lodge's jewel, diplomas, Lodge histories are all of value and wanted by the Museum. Experience has shown that when particular people move on or pass to the Grand Lodge above items of interest, oral history, jewels, diplomas etc. are thrown in a drawer or simply forgotten about. Why not seriously consider depositing them at Freemasons' Hall? Let me give you a few examples of how intrinsically valuable items might have been lost. The first, Minute Book of Lodge Aitchison's Haven, referred to above was in the possession of an Office-bearer of the Lodge when the Lodge became dormant in 1852, he placed it in the attic of his house, probably believing that it must be of no interest to anyone other than the Lodge members. In 1980 one of his descendants, who was not a Freemason, found the Minute Book and realised its value. He decided to sell this unique Scottish record to the highest bidder. At the auction in London, the Grand Lodge of Scotland was successful in purchasing the Lodge Minute Book. The document could have easily been lost to the Scottish Craft. Several years ago two elderly ladies (both in their eighties) visited Freemasons' Hall to donate two Lodge jewels which belonged to their father. He was a Scotsman, who had travelled to China and had been initiated in a Scottish Lodge there. He later became Master of the Lodge but soon after the Second World War was forced to leave and settle in California. This individual Masonic story is now recorded in the Museum. My final example came out of the June 1997 meeting of the Museum and Library Committee at which an apron and sash were displayed. It may have been thought at first instance that there was nothing special in this regalia. However, the apron and sash in question were hand painted in the colours of St John, No. 57 (Haddington). These items are very rare because all other constitutions have 'standard' regalia for all Freemasons whereas we in Scotland are privileged to have regalia for each of our Lodges. This regalia was again for public sale in London. A vigilant Brother recognised the value of the regalia, purchased and donated them anonymously to the Museum. How many other items both of intrinsic and extrinsic value arc being lost to the Scottish Craft and to Scottish history? I would ask you to consider these examples and use them as a reminder and inspiration to all of us as Scottish Freemasons. Any item of Masonic interest which is lost or destroyed is a loss to the Craft and to Scottish history. In conclusion, I would encourage you not to throw out but to consult with the Museum and Library personnel at Grand Lodge We are extremely fortunate in the work done by Brother Robert Cooper within the Museum and he is always willing to assist in this area. I would like to record my thanks to him for his help with this article. All of us in our Lodges, at auctions, markets, car boot sales, jumble sales, and second hand shops when we see something Masonic do not pass it by, examine the item, it might have an important history, a history which should be preserved Do not throw anything out! Brother J. Morrow. Grand Lodge of Scotland

GEORGE WASHINGTON MEMORIAL The George Washington Masonic National Memorial stands as the most distinguished monument to Washington ever build by a private organization –THE MASONS Erected in the 1920s and 30s, it soars 333 feet as a beacon of Light and knowledge, educating and inspiring all who visit it. Recognized in 2015 as a National Historic Landmark, the Memorial is one of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the area around our nation’s capital. Our new fundraising endeavor, The Landmark Century Campaign, aims to support a thorough restoration of the Memorial. And we can help! Today, the Memorial is a museum like no other in the world. Everything we do revolves around our vision: “to inspire humanity through education to emulate and promote the virtues, character and vision of George Washington, the Man, the Mason, and Father of our Country.” Open seven days a week, the Memorial offers detailed exhibits and guided tours that teach the general public about George Washington, his life and virtues, and the role that Freemasonry played throughout his life. Further, the Memorial is an important space for the performing arts, social gatherings, public events, and educational seminars. And, of course, it is an active Masonic temple, housing two Craft lodges and regularly hosting visiting lodges from around the country. The Memorial is a central hub connecting Masons to one another, and connecting the Craft to the public, our nation, and our world For the past decade, the Memorial Association has devoted tremendous energy and resources to the renovation of the Memorial. Major exhibits have been added. Interiors have been repaired and repainted. Lighting has been updated. But the most considerable work is the top-to-bottom restoration of the building itself—the first such renovation since the Memorial was completed nearly a century ago. Beginning at the Memorial’s pyramid level, we have begun a multi-year project to perform all needed structural repairs. Stone by stone, are repointing the mortar and protecting the building from water penetration. When completed, the building will be in

better than new condition.

Your generous help is essential in reaching that goal.

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

Past Master Night at Prometheus Lodge No. 87

Fellowcraft Degree at Glendale Lodge No. 23

Tucson Scottish Rite

A new EA is Initiated at Downtown Lodge No. 86

Flagstaff Lodge No. 7 in the Parade of lights

The Squires get more new members

Who knows what is happening at Peoria Lodge No. 31

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 participated in the Christmas on Main Light Parade

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

Wayfarers Lodge No. 50

Joint Installation at Oriental Lodge No. 29

Mason of the Year at Yuma Lodge No. 17

Winner of the Camp Stone Lodge No. 77 Raffle

Past DeMolay is raised at Chandler Thunderbird Lodge No. 15

Sunset over Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 by T. Hernandez

Mason of the Year at Peoria Lodge No. 31

New Entered Apprentice at Glendale Lodge No. 23

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Mason of the Year

Fellowcraft Degree at El Quixote Lodge No. 83

Some Speculative Masons doing Operative work at Prometheus 87

Meal time at El Quixote Lodge No. 83

Glendale Lodge No. 23 Christmas Party

Blue Elephant Party at Phoenicia Lodge No. 58

Founders Award to Noah Canisale, top line signer for five new Demolays!

Movie night at Scottsdale Lodge No. 43

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

El Zaribah Shrine Christmas Party was a blast

Prometheus Lodge No. 87 initiates a new Brother

Masons helping out

Ugly Christmas Sweater contest at Gila Valley Lodge No. 9

Masons of the Year at Gila Valley Lodge No. 9

Holidays with Camp Stone Lodge No. 77

Camp Stone Lodge No. 77 Mason of the Year!

Somerton light Parade

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

A Fellowcraft degree was done at Chandler-Thunderbird Lodge No. 15

Drum and Bugle and Oriental Band Christmas Concert

Christmas Party at Acacia Lodge No. 42

Yavapai DeMolay movie night

David Ragan’s Shriners International Nascar goes on the block at Barret Jackson in January

Holiday Party at Peoria Lodge No. 32

Worshipful Brother George Weil Awarded the Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Arizona Gold Commendation Medal

A Master Mason is Raised at Arizona Lodge No. 2 by Prometheus Lodge No. 87

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

Fellowcraft Degree at Glendale Lodge No. 23

Colonial Degree team is about to make another showing

PGM’s do eat dinner

A black and white Downtown Lodge No. 86

Keeping the Secretary interested at El Quixote Lodge No. 83

Fellowcraft Degree at Glendale Lodge No. 23

Three great years of being Master gift at Acacia Lodge No. 42

Saguaro Chapter DeMolay adds two new members

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Lodges around the Jurisdiction

Mesa Assembly No. 9 official visit

Remembering the 2017 Riders of the Third Degree Toy Drive

Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 volunteering on Xmas Eve

Scottsdale Lodge No. 43 Christmas Party

Bike for Books with Phoenicia Lodge No. 58

Passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft at Glendale Lodge No. 23

Tours at King Solomon Lodge No. 5

DeMolay with a night out Bowling

If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at

Masonic Trivia Edward N. Fish was an Arizona Mason that made his way to Arizona by sailing around Cape Horn to San Francisco, and then to Arizona in 1865. He established the first reliable freighting system between Yuma and Tucson for his cattle and milling business along with a forming a large general merchandise store in Tucson with a branch store in Historic Florence, AZ where he transacted a very large business. In the early days of California he was a member of the Vigilance Committee. After coming to Arizona he was on the Board of Supervisors of Pima County for eight years, serving as Chairman for most of the time. He was an active member of Tucson Lodge No. 4 and often visited Gila Valley No. 9 while in Florence. Between Warner Baxter in 1929 and John Wayne in 1970, a total of five Masons won the Academy Award for best actor in a motion picture. By far the most active Brother in this hallowed group is the 1955 winner, Ernest Borgnine. While not holding lodge office per se, he has served in a variety of roles as a spokesperson for Masonic charities and also been a tireless advocate for the fraternity. In his screen career, Brother Ernie is neither the legendary figure nor the matinee idol such as Brother Clark Gable, but he has established a solid celluloid persona for some six decades, a rare feat in his own unique manner.

Haskel "Hack" G. Baldwin was a successful businessman and the owner of many service stations in Tucson during the 40's-60's. He was active in City Council, having served Tucson in that capacity for many years. He was also a past president of the Tucson and the Arizona Gasoline Retailers Assn. He became a Mason in 1940 and served as Monarch of the Alton Kol Grotto, First Worthy Patron of the Eastern Star, Associate Guardian of Job's Daughters, member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Tucson, but his biggest pride was that he was the fifth Illustrious Potentate of Sabbar Shrine Center in 1970. The Shrine and it's charity, Shriners Hospitals for Children was his first love and volunteered to support it for his entire life. It not only brought him great joy, it introduced him to a number of great people. At his funeral, honorary pallbearers included JOHN WAYNE and Rex Allen. Masonic services were performed by Marion McDaniel MaIn some older Masonic rituals and texts, a setting maul may have been called a "beadle," or perhaps a "beetle." In 1726, a Masonic book was published in England under the title "The Whole History of the Widow's Son killed by the Blow of a Beetle."

Do you have some Arizona Lodge Masonic Trivia? Please send to us so that we can include it in a future edition!

Masonic Education

ADVERTISING NOW AVAILABLE IN THE COPPER POST For Information contact the Grand Editor at

AZ Stated Meetings Copper Corridor

Northern Arizona

January 3, 2019 Pinal Lodge No. 30

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

January 2, 2019 Williams Grand Canyon No. 38 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 2, 2019 Mohave Valley No. 68

January 8, 2019 Safford No. 16

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

January 3, 2019 Flagstaff No. 7

January 8, 2019 Ray-Winkleman No. 24

7:30 pm

7:30 pm ..Stated Meeting

Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 White River No. 62

January 10, 2019 Yuma No. 17

7:00 pm .Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Sy Harrison No. 70

January 12, 2019 White Mountain No. 3

10:00 am Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 17, 2019 Eloy Lodge No. 46

January 8, 2019 Aztlan No. 1

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

January 21, 2019 Gila Valley Lodge No. 9

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting



7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Havasu No. 64

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Chalcedony No. 6 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 9, 2019 Central Arizona No. 14

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 14, 2019 Winslow No. 13 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 14, 2019 Kingman No. 22 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

AZ Stated Meetings Phoenix Area

East Valley

January 2, 2019 Paradise Valley Silver Trowel No. 29

January 2, 2019 Prometheus Lodge No. 87 @PrometheusAZ

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 3, 2019 Montezuma No. 35 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Oriental Lodge No. 20

January 3, 2019 Scottsdale No. 43

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15

January 8, 2019 Arizona Lodge No. 2

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2018 Wayfarer No. 50


7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 10, 2019 Apache Lodge No. 69 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Phoenicia No. 58 OV from JGW Randy Jager

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

West Valley

January 9, 2019 Sahuaro No. 45

January 3, 2019 Glendale No. 23

7:00 pm

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Stated Meeting

January 9, 2019 El Quixote No. 83


January 3, 2019 Sun City No. 72

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 12, 2019 Hiram Daylight No. 73

January 8, 2019 Peoria No. 31

OV from SGW Boyd Robertson

10:00 am Stated Meeting NEW LOCATION 340 E. Carol PHX, AZ

January 19, 2019 Arizona Sunrise No. 88 10:00 am

Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Camelback Daylight No. 75

10:00 am Stated Meeting

January 21, 2019 Ascension No. 89

January 8, 2019 Acacia No. 42

OV from SGW Boyd Robertson 6:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 21, 2019 Pioneer No. 82

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 28, 2019 Hunters Paradise No. 85

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

AZ Stated Meetings Tucson Area


January 2, 2019 Aaron No. 49

January 2, 2019 Huachuca Lodge No.53

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 2, 2019 Tucson No. 4

January 3, 2018 Perfect Ashlar No. 12

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 7, 2019 Marion McDaniel No. 56

January 7, 2019 King Solomon No. 5

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm


7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2018 Adobe No. 41

January 8, 2018 Mount Moriah No. 19

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 9, 2018 Nogales No. 11

January 8, 2019 Oasis No. 52


7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 8, 2019 Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 9, 2019 Epes Randolph No. 32

OV from JGD George Rusk 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 12, 2019 Camp Stone No. 77 OV from SGD Jim Baker

9:30 am Stated Meeting

January 14, 2019 Wilcox No. 10

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 9, 2019 Builders No. 60

January 15, 2019 Green Valley No. 71

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

January 12, 2019 Jerusalem Daylight No. 66

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

10:00 am Stated Meeting

January 21, 2019 San Pedro No. 55

January 21, 2019 Anahuac No. 81

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

January 28, 2019 Downtown No. 86 OV from SGD Jim Baker

7:30 pm Stated Meeting NEW LOCATION 450 S. Tucson BLVD , TUC, AZ

ARIZONA MASONIC CHARITIES BEING HELPED BY OUR PURCHASES AT AMAZON.COM Brethren, Friends, and Family, This year the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 18 grants totaling $30,000 to organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities. Those services include assistance to our Veterans at the three VA Hospitals in Arizona, Domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, Adult literacy programs and Personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless. We are able to award these Grants from the income of our investment fund, Lodge and Personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our Grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help. We have registered with the Amazon Smile Foundation. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization selected by their customers. For Amazon customers to select the Masonic Charities of Arizona to receive these donations go to to automatically select us. Or you can go to and you will be prompted to select a charity. Now you are ready to shop and support the Masonic Charities of Arizona. The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support. Fraternally, Craig Hutchison Secretary, Masonic Charities of Arizona

Grand Master; Grand Lodge F. & A.M Arizona Craig L. Gross (4) Deputy Grand Master: . Greg Vasquez (15)

Senior Grand Warden: Boyd Robertson (1)

Junior Grand Warden:… Randy Jager (52)

.Senior Grand Deacon: Jim Baker (9)

Junior Grand Deacon: Senior Grand Steward: George Rusk (20) Darrel “Po-Po Mandrell (15,75)

MWGM Craig Gross 2018-19 Grand Master F. & A.M of Arizona

Junior Grand Steward: Michael Dale (17) Very Worshipful Grand Secretary: James Rowan (43) Very Worshipful Grand Treasurer: Michael McGee (50) Grand Lecturer: Ron N. Allen (4) Grand Chaplin: Bill Enloe (73,85) Grand Orator: Brian Hanne (24) Grand Marshall: Brian Pilz (32) Grand Editor: Roger Biede III (9) Grand Bible Bearer: Jim Wild (56) Grand Sword Bearer: Ron Hill (4) Grand Pursuivant: Mark Neilsen (9) Grand Standard Bearer: Trevor Gillespie (7,13) Grand Organist: Peter Johnson (6) Grand Tyler: Carlos Tolsa (81)

District 1: Keith McCormack District 2: David Sahady District 3: John Welsh District 4: Clayton J. Howard District 5: Lon Thomas District 6: Mikel White District 7: Vince Santos District 8: Robin Settlemeyer District 9: James Xie District 10: Bill Carnell District 11: Duane Brown District 12: Michael Gatti District 13: Eric Dupree District 14: Tony Hernandez District 15: Roderic Wagoner District 16: Gerry Massey District 17: Robert L. Hill District 18: Lyle Adams District 19: Patrick Zech District 20: Brian Hanne District 21: Dean Millard District 22: Matt Morrales District 23: Jim Watson District 24: Manuel Ayala District 25: Ryan Kann

District 1: Cal Magness (7) District 2: Robert Beffel (43) District 3: Manuel Ramirez (7) District 4: Leigh J. Creighton (4)

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