Copper Post - Jun 2020

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Printed Every Month 138th Anniversary


Memorial Day Gila Valley No. 9 F & AM Masonic Lodge joined a number of members American Legion Post 9 to honoring those Veterans we have lost by placing flags on their graves. They honored many past Masters and Members of Gila Valley Lodge 9, including Past Master Clarence Alva Lewis, Master in 1944. His son Delbert Lewis (PM in 1959) married the Daughter of Ernest McFarland (member of Pinal Lodge #30, F&AM) Thank you to all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Ernest W. McFarland and the American Dream Florence AZ Visitor Center Visit Historic Florence, Arizona

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A Special offer from the Grand Lodge of Arizona A very limited number of pad folios were purchased for the participants of the 2020 Grand Lodge of Arizona Leadership Conference. When the folios were not used for that purpose, plans were made to make them available to the Craft at the Annual Communication. However, since the timing and form of the 2020 G/L Communication is still being determined, it has been decided to make the folios available for purchase online. The price is $30.00 (which includes all fees and shipping to anywhere in Arizona). The link to purchase these folios is as follows:… The folios are all black, so it is difficult to capture an image that really does justice to the quality of the item. The Seal of the Grand Lodge of Arizona is displayed on the front.

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Charity For Immediate Release April 8, 2020 Despite No Meetings, Local Freemasons Service to Community Not Interrupted Members of Phoenicia Masonic Lodge #58 in Phoenix donate $2,000 to Campo Bello Elementary School to pay off student lunch debt. Even though the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is prohibiting the Brothers of Phoenicia Lodge #58 F&AM from holding their monthly Stated Meetings and weekly activities, the Lodge is still serving the Phoenix community. The Lodge joined together via phone, email, and video meetings to approve a $2,000 donation towards paying off the lunch debt of students at Campo Bello Elementary School, a Title-1 school located in northeast Phoenix. Campo Bello is proud to have a 53-year tradition as one of the oldest elementary schools in the Paradise Valley School District, with several generations of Campo Bello students and families whose children attend Campo Bello today. Campo Bello is a Title I school that has earned an "A" rating two years in a row from the State of Arizona and was runner up as Title I Distinguished School of the Year for Arizona last year. Phoenicia Lodge #58 F&AM was founded in 1960 in Scottsdale, later moving to northeast Phoenix in the early 2000’s. For over 20 years they have ‘adopted’ the students and teachers at Campo Bello Elementary School as one of their major volunteer and community giving projects. Each Fall and Spring, the “Brothers” (Lodge Members) of Phoenicia donate new bicycles to students who read and give book reports, host appreciation BBQ’s for the teachers on Parent-Teacher Conference Nights, and donate chrome book computers to the school as part of their “Working Tools for Students” Program. “This is but another wonderful example of how Freemasonry demonstrates those three important values we espouse: faith, hope, and charity, and our commitment to the safety and betterment of our community. In these times this donation is particularly meaningful for those who have been thrown into a situation of financial and economic uncertainty. I could not be prouder of our Lodge rising to this moment,” stated Christopher West, 2020 Worshipful Master (President) of Phoenicia Lodge #58. Jerry Withers, Principal at Campo Bello Elementary School shared: “In one of our most historical times of need they have again reached out to support our Campo Bello community. They have made a generous contribution to our students and community to help provide for our most vulnerable students and their families. On behalf of the students, families, staff, and myself I want to thank the Brothers of Phoenicia #58 for your continued support, service, and dedication to improving the lives of our school community.” To learn about Phoenicia #58’s other community service projects and membership information - visit

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Prince Hall Masons Prince Hall Mason in the Public Arena TIM SEAY ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR MAYOR OF PHOENIX 2020 We recently became aware that on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, Brother Tim Seay of Phoenix, President & CEO of several non-profit organizations, and recently re-elected Most Honorable Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of Arizona and one of the top community leaders of Phoenix declared his candidacy for Mayor of Phoenix. Most Honorable Grand Master Seay has turned in all necessary and qualifying documents for candidacy. M.H.G.M. Seay has been an integral part of serving the community’s needs including working with our veterans, homeless, school districts, and granting academic and trade school scholarships all while partnering with other major organizations for the economic development of the great city of Phoenix. Most Honorable Grand Master Seay feels that serving as Grand Master has prepared him for public office. Freemasons have participated in the political arena since the founding fathers established this great country and today Freemasons are still interested in making a difference in this nation’s future. Please watch the news outlets to follow our brother’s progress in this endeavor.

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Masonic Charities Brethren: I am privileged to be a member of the Arizona Masonic Charities Board of Directors ( The Board of Directors has released the grant application for 2020 allocations. This application can be completed by a local community service non-profit for 2020 funding by the Arizona Masonic Charities. The Board of Directors recently decided to include local Masonic bodies in the identification of local community service non-profit organizations and to include the local Masonic body in the presentation of grant funding allocations. Your assistance is requested in sharing the information about the Arizona Masonic Charities Board grant funding opportunities. As an engaged local Masonic leader, you are probably aware of several locally based non-profit service organizations that could use financial assistance. You are encouraged to share the attached application with the community non-profit service organization and refer them to the Masonic Charities website for further information. Arizona Masonic Charities endeavors to promote and assist local community non-profit service providers that are focused on addressing community concerns. Your assistance in sharing this information with the local nonprofit providers that you are involved with, or have knowledge of, is important and appreciated. Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if you need additional information. THE DEADLINE TO APPLY IS JUNE 19th! SEND YOUR CHARITIES OUR WAY NOW!

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Landmark Century Campaign Friends of the Memorial Pledge By making an ongoing pledge to support the Memorial, you will participate in our Friends of the Memorial program and help us restore the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Our goal is to complete the restoration of the Memorial by the centennial anniversary of the cornerstone ceremony in 2023. Now you can give at your own pace. Simply select an amount and frequency below. As a Friend of the Memorial, your generous donation will support the work of restoring the Memorial and empowering its programs for the Landmark Century!

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Did you Know?

Masonic Temple in Philadelphia - Pennsylvania Academy of Masonic Knowledge Laura Ingalls Wilder is probably best known as the author of the book series "Little House on the Prairie." Her family was also well known in Masonic circles of the day. In fact, the character of "Pa" in her books is based on her own father, Bro. Charles Ingalls (later portrayed by Michael Landon in the famous television series.) Freemasonry was a family activity for the Wilder's, with Laura serving her Eastern Star Chapter as Worthy Matron no less than three times! (Courtesy of

Looking to improve yourself while stuck at home? Change it. Upgrade it. Master it. Look to ASU Continuing and Professional Education, an innovation in education by Arizona State University for some very innovative online classes FOR FREE! Arizona State University

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Pima Lodge No 10 Greetings Friends, I hope each of you and your families are doing well and staying healthy. As my Lodge has had to indefinitely postpone some of our staple fundraisers due to COVID-19, I have put together another small fundraiser, all proceeds going towards supporting the Prince Hall Masons of Tucson charitable programs. I recently designed a Masonic Challenge Coin that will be available for purchase. Each coin is numbered and I ordered 100 to start with. Currently, 18 have been reserved and some paid for, so get them while they last.

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Riders of the 3rd Degree The Riders of the 3rd Degree have been doing their best to stay busy during this National Pandemic period. In an effort to continue to do good for the community while under lockdown, the Brethren of the Riders 3 created a Facebook fundraiser to benefit the Arizona Masonic Foundation for Children. This important foundation is an essential part of the Children at Risk program. The Riders annually donate $357.00 per active Chapter to the Foundation. The Group has donated $714.00 for the past couple of years at the Grand Communication but with the Grand Communication not happening, and the Riders wanting to do even more, the Facebook fundraiser was created via our National 501c status. As of this publication, the fundraiser has raised almost $1200.00 additional dollars that will be added to the $714.00 that will go directly to the Foundation. The Riders are excited to be able to generate as many donation dollars as possible for the Foundation and their important work. If the fundraiser is still going, please donate if you can. Sincerely and Fraternally, The Riders of the 3rd Degree

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Arizona Grand Assembly, IORG Nearly two months ago restrictions were placed on group meetings. Arizona Rainbow Girls looked that challenge in the eye and gave it a wink without missing a beat girls made virtual activities a way of life; stated meetings, fun activities such as dance parties, charades, trivia contests, movie days and more! They demonstrated leadership skills by planning and conducting a virtual worship service. They have held virtual "hang out" social hours which have been attended by visitors from seven other jurisdictions to chat and stay connected.

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Bethel 13, Mesa, AZ Had a virtual graduation of daughters internationally, 6 of our daughters were Honored. Christine Hudson received the highest award given by Supreme, the Lily of the Valley award and she, as the Miss Arizona Job’s Daughters, also placed as 2nd runner up at the Miss International pageant. She passed her crown to the new Miss, Emma DeKorte, the following week.

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If you would like to include pictures or info for an edition of The Copper Post, please send to the Arizona Grand Editor at 15

DeMolay Youthful Solutions By Steve Johnston State Officer Director Arizona DeMolay What do you do when you are an organization that gathers together regularly in fellowship during a time when it is not safe to do so? As a Masonic community, we have suddenly found ourselves in this very situation. The question becomes, how do members remain informed and engaged, and how can regular meetings occur when members cannot come together? As our Masonic Youth found themselves facing these questions, they decided to deal with it head on, and have found unique ways for their members to successfully continue to meet during their scheduled meeting times, as well as provide events, activities, and a place to simply hang out and have fun. As soon as the current situation occurred, all Arizona Masonic Youth Groups immediately found teleconferencing solutions such as Zoom and Google Meets in order to hold both meetings for themselves, as well as for the advisory committee. Tucson Bethel #25 conducted a Zoom meeting with their members to practice their proficiency lessons. Bethel 19 PVST, created a virtual tour via zoom where they toured the Musical Instrument Museum. Rainbow Assemblies continue to hold their meetings via teleconferencing. Several Rainbow, and Job’s Daughter members have also found surprise gifts dropped off at their homes to let them know that they are being thought of. As for Arizona DeMolay, as schools began to extend their closures, and self containment became a requirement, The Arizona DeMolay State Association realized that they needed a way to keep their members engaged and active beyond simple meetings. The answer came from the youth themselves as the State Officers, under the direction of State Master Councilor, Chris Weber, decided to utilize Discord.

Discord is a free voice, video and text chat app for teens and adults ages 13 and up. It was created to bring people together through a love of gaming. Once there, they can join a chat they've been invited to or they can create private servers and invite their friends to play and discuss games by voice, text or video. By working together, the State Officers found that they had the ability to create a place within Discord for all Chapters throughout the state to easily log into to hold their meetings as well as inviting other Chapters to visit them. The server is only available to members, so that non-members cannot participate in meetings. All members can log in at any time to play games, chat, work on homework together, and much more. Special gaming events have been created in an attempt to bring as many members together throughout the state at one time to play such things as Dungeons and Dragons and Brawlhalla. Other options that are being explored is the ability to play a movie or television show from Netflix, inviting all members to watch together and comment with one another. For safety, only members are allowed to sign in, and methods are in place to ensure that behavior is kept at a level becoming a DeMolay. On Saturday, April 11th, Discord was also utilized in conjunction with teleconferencing through Google Meets to hold elections for the 2020-2021 State Officers. With over 60 members and advisors present, the Master Councilor was able to utilize Discord to masterfully enhance the experience as well as guide the candidates and delegates through a successful election process online. A one stop, easy to access place for everyone to hold meetings... regularly scheduled events happening weekly... a source for getting help with school work...fellowship, fun, and opportunities ahead that have yet to be explored. And the best part is that it has all been designed and led by DeMolay youth.


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Modern Freemasonry traces it’s roots back to the first organized Grand Lodge which occurred at the Goose and Gridiron Tavern in London, England on June 24th, 1717. Since that time, Masons and non-masons have speculated at the true origins of freemasonry; it’s organization, its rituals, it’s symbolism and it’s meanings. A part of Freemasonry is dedicated to “Seeking further light” which, for us, equates to wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The readings included in this brochure have been selected for those at different stages in their search. Something for candidates interested in learning more, something for the newly initiated mason and something for the more experienced Mason. All of these books have been carefully selected with the input of many men of the craft and it is our hope that you will find them indispensable guides in your further understanding of Freemasonry.

1. The Origins of Freemasonry Margaret C. Jacob Myths persist and abound about the freemasons, but what are their origins? How has an early modern organization of bricklayers and stonemasons aroused so much public interest? 2. Is it True what they say about Freemasonry? Art de Hoyas Mason's response to the misinformation about their brotherhood that exists today. 3. The Great Teachings of Masonry H.L. Haywood Freemasonry has grown to be such a factor in public life that it is being increasing asked "what is it?" and "What does it stand for?"

For the Curious. If you are interested in joining Freemasonry or you just want to learn more about it, these 3 books are suggested as a good place to start in your understanding of the world’s oldest Fraternal organization

This reading list is sponsored by the George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & Museum Foundation

1. The Freemasons Guide and Compendium Bernard E. Jones Authentic, detailed information on a wide variety of subjects related to masons and masonry. 2. The Masonic Myth Jay Kinney A nonfiction look at the mysterious and wrongly maligned ancient society. Attempts to debunks the myths as it reveals the truth about the Freemasons, their history, and their secret symbols and rituals 3. A Pilgrims Path John J. Robertson American Masonry and its impact on our country 4. Observing The Craft Andrew Hammer A manifesto of sorts for the observant Mason, who seeks quality over quantity in every aspect of Freemasonry.

For the Initiated. Once you enter Freemasonry, the journey has just begun. You will learn about the various degrees, our ritual, the history and the symbolism. As you walk through the rituals, make friends and travel to different lodges, you will begin to see how the lessons we teach can affect your day to day life. Learning, Living and Growing.


1. More about Masonry H.L. Haywood For the one who wishes to advance in Masonic information and become adept and take an active part in lodge work. 2. The Lost Keys of Freemasonry Manly P. Hall Classic work on Freemasonry’s secretive brotherhood. 3. Esoterika Albert Pike Edited by Arturo de Hoyos Publication Date Symbolism of the Blue Degrees 4. Freemasonry: It’s Hidden Meaning George H. Steinmetz Early Freemasonry based on craft labor is known as Operative Freemasonry. Master Masons. Learning is a lifelong journey and that goes for Freemasonry as well. As Masons, we are on a constant journey seeking further light. Perhaps Socrates said it best: The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

The George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Library and Museum, the Grand Lodge of Arizona Library is rising from the ashes in Downtown Phoenix and will soon be ready for Research and to visit! What did you do on Saturday? A great group of Arizona Masons were working on the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona Library and Museum! Getting ready for the Grand Re-opening Be on the look out for more information or watch our Facebook page at For more information please contact the Librarian



MASONRY IN ACTION FOR ALL MANKIND The purpose of the charity is to primarily assist those organizations throughout the State, engaged in relieving human suffering of any kind, which are dependent upon contributions from the public to accomplish their mission.


Copper Corridor

Northern Arizona Mohave Valley No. 68 - First Wednesday

Safford No. 16 - First Tuesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm .Stated Meeting

Winslow No. 13 - Second Monday

Pinal Lodge No. 30 - First Thursday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Ray-Winkelman No. 24 - Second Tuesday

Kingman No. 22 - Second Monday

7:30 pm ..Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

Yuma No. 17 - Second Thursday

White River No. 62 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Sy Harrison No. 70 - Second Tuesday

White Mountain No. 3 - Second Saturday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

10:00 am Stated Meeting Gila Valley Lodge No. 9 - Monday on or before full moon

Aztlan No. 1 - Second Tuesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

Havasu No. 64 - Second Tuesday

Eloy Lodge No. 46 - Third Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting Williams - Grand Canyon No. 38 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm ..Stated Meeting

Central Arizona No. 14 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Chalcedony No. 6 - Second Thursday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting Flagstaff No. 7 - First Thursday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting


Phoenix Area

East Valley

Arizona Lodge No. 2 - First Tuesday

Oriental Lodge No. 20 - First Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

PVST No. 29 - First Wednesday Camelback Daylight No. 75 - First Tuesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

10:00 am Stated Meeting Scottsdale No. 43 - First Thursday

Prometheus Lodge No. 87 - First Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00pm Stated Meeting

Montezuma No. 35 - First Thursday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Apache Lodge No. 69 - Second Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Wayfarer No. 50 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Chandler-Thunderbird No. 15 - Second Tuesday

Phoenicia No. 58 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

West Valley

Sahuaro No. 45 - Second Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Peoria No. 31 - First Tuesday

El Quixote No. 83 - Second Wednesday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Hiram Daylight No. 73 - Second Saturday 10:00 am Stated Meeting

Acacia No. 42 - First Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Arizona Sunrise No. 88 - Third Saturday 10:00 am Stated Meeting

Sun City No. 72 - Second Tuesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

Ascension No. 89 - Third Monday 6:30 pm Stated Meeting Pioneer No. 82 - Third Monday

Glendale No. 23 - First Thursday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Hunters Paradise No. 85 - Fourth Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting


Tucson Area


Marion McDaniel No. 56 - First Monday

King Solomon No. 5 - First Monday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Jerusalem Daylight No. 66 - Second Saturday 10:00 am Stated Meeting

Huachuca Lodge No.53 - First Wednesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Adobe No. 41 - First Tuesday

Mount Moriah No. 19 - Second Tuesday

6:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Aaron No. 49 - First Wednesday

Nogales No. 11 - Second Wednesday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

Tucson No. 4 - First Wednesday

Wilcox No. 10 - Second Tuesday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Oasis No. 52 - Second Tuesday

Perfect Ashlar No. 12 - First Thursday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Nelson C Bledsoe No. 74 - Second Tuesday

Camp Stone No. 77 - Second Saturday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

9:30 am Stated Meeting

Epes Randolph No. 32 - Second Wednesday

Green Valley No. 71 - Third Thursday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Builders No. 60 - Second Wednesday 7:30 pm Stated Meeting

San Pedro No. 55 - Fourth Monday

7:00 pm Stated Meeting

Anahuac No. 81 - Third Monday 7:00 pm Stated Meeting Downtown No. 86 - Fourth Monday

7:30 pm Stated Meeting


Brethren, Friends, and Family, This year the Masonic Charities of Arizona approved 20 grants totaling $36,000 to organizations throughout Arizona. These 501c3 charitable organizations provide much needed services to their communities. Those services include assistance to our Veterans at the three VA Hospitals in Arizona, Domestic abuse shelters, child learning disabilities, training and assistance for people with special needs, support for soldiers abroad, Adult literacy programs and Personal hygiene kits for the working poor and homeless. We are able to award these Grants from the income of our investment fund, Lodge and Personal donations and support from Grand Lodge. In order to keep up with the desire to expand our Grant distribution to more organizations and communities around the State we ask for your help. We have registered with the Amazon Smile Foundation. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization selected by their customers. For Amazon customers to select the Masonic Charities of Arizona to receive these donations go to http:// to automatically select us. Or you can go to and you will be prompted to select a charity. Now you are ready to shop and support the Masonic Charities of Arizona. The Board of Directors of the Masonic Charities of Arizona extends our appreciation to all of you for your support. Fraternally, Roger Biede III Secretary, Masonic Charities of Arizona


stands as the most distinguished monument to Washington ever build by a private organization –THE MASONS Erected in the 1920s and 30s, it soars 333 feet as a beacon of Light and knowledge, educating and inspiring all who visit it. Recognized in 2015 as a National Historic Landmark, the Memorial is one of the most impressive and iconic buildings in the area around our nation’s capital. Our new fundraising endeavor, The Landmark Century Campaign, aims to support a thorough restoration of the Memorial. And we can help! Today, the Memorial is a museum like no other in the world. Everything we do revolves around our vision: “to inspire humanity through education to emulate and promote the virtues, character and vision of George Washington, the Man, the Mason, and Father of our Country.” Open seven days a week, the Memorial offers detailed exhibits and guided tours that teach the general public about George Washington, his life and virtues, and the role that Freemasonry played throughout his life. Further, the Memorial is an important space for the performing arts, social gatherings, public events, and educational seminars. And, of course, it is an active Masonic temple, housing two Craft lodges and regularly hosting visiting lodges from around the country. The Memorial is a central hub connecting Masons to one another, and connecting the Craft to the public, our nation, and our world.

For the past decade, the Memorial Association has devoted tremendous energy and resources to the renovation of the Memorial. Major exhibits have been added. Interiors have been repaired and repainted. Lighting has been updated. But the most considerable work is the top-to-bottom restoration of the building itself—the first such renovation since the Memorial was completed nearly a century ago. Beginning at the Memorial’s pyramid level, we have begun a multi-year project to perform all needed structural repairs. Stone by stone, are repointing the mortar and protecting the building from water penetration. When completed, the building will be in better than new condition.


2019/20 Arizona Grand Lodge Officers Grand Master Grand Lodge F. & A.M Arizona Gregory A. Vasquez (15) Deputy Grand Master: Boyd Robertson (1) Senior Grand Warden: Randy Jager (52) Senior Grand Deacon: George Rusk (20) Senior Grand Steward: Leigh J. Creighton (4)

Junior Grand Warden: Jim Baker (9) Junior Grand Deacon: Michael A. Dale (17)

2019-20 Arizona DDGM’s

Junior Grand Steward: Roger Biede III (9)

District 1: Robert E Weed - 22,64, 68 District 2: John W Welsch - 1, 14, 82 District 3: Lance R Brown - 7, 13, 38 District 4: Clayton J Howard - 6, 62 District 5: Lon Thomas – 3, 70 District 6: Mikel K White - 17 District 7: Vincent M Santos - 74, 81 District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer - 41, 86 District 9: James Xie - 20, 69, 75 District 10: William B Carnell - 9, 30, 46 District 11: Duane L Brown - 5,63,77 District 12: Nicholas Lindquist - 15, 43 District 13: Eric Dupree - 52, 60 District 14: Tony Hernandez - 29, 50, 89 District 15: Robert C Richards - 10, 16, 55 District 16: Lyle L Adams - 31, 72, 73 District 17: Harold L Lindamood - 11, 71 District 18: Gary J Horn - 23, 42, 85 District 19: Ahmet S Erdemir - 49, 66 District 20: Brian Hanne District 21: Jean-Claude Malterre - 4, 32, 56 District 22: Matthew L.G. Morales - 2, 58, 83 District 23: Dwayne Hoyt - 35, 45, 87

Very Worshipful Grand Secretary: George Mather (85) Very Worshipful Grand Treasurer: Michael McGee (50) Grand Lecturer: Calvin D. Magness (7, 38) Grand Chaplin: Lowell Ed Fox (69, 75) Grand Orator: Robert Bo Buchanan III (2) Grand Marshall: Ed Baney (30) Grand Editor: Bryon P Howe (58) Grand Bible Bearer: Adal O. Castellanos (81, 83) Grand Sword Bearer: Michael A. Kofta (17) Grand Pursuivant: Patrick R. Szajna (15) Grand Standard Bearer: Ralph F. Doudna (7, 38) Grand Organist: Gordon Stevenson (20) Grand Tyler: Darren C. Turner (41)

District 24: Jason B Stryker - 12, 19

2019-20 Arizona DDGL’s District 1: John D Graham District 2: Robert R Beffel District 3: Open District 4: Ronald N Allen District 5: Jason B Stryker



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