Copper Post - May 2021 Special Edition

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139th Grand Lodge of Arizona Annual Legislation Table of Contents Carry Over Resolution 2019-04 ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Ritual Clarification ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Carry Over Resolution 2019-05 ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Degree Conferral ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Carry Over Resolution 2019-14 ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Changes to Spanish Ritual ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 RESOLUTION 2020-01 ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 Revision to Section 10-403 .................................................................................................................................................... 19 Resolution 2020-05 ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Grand Trustees By-Laws ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Resolution 2020-11 ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Housekeeping – Constitution ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Resolution 2020-14 ............................................................................................................................................................ 32 Housekeeping Statute 18-202 ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Resolution 2020-19 ............................................................................................................................................................ 36 Statute Housecleaning .......................................................................................................................................................... 36 RESOLUTION 2020-20 ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Announcement of Appointed Officers .................................................................................................................................. 37 Resolution 2021-04 ............................................................................................................................................................ 40 Amending Statute Section 9-101 ........................................................................................................................................... 40 Resolution 2020-16 ............................................................................................................................................................ 51 Housekeeping reorganization of Section 10-204 .................................................................................................................. 51


Carry Over Resolution 2019-04 Ritual Clarification (Requires a 5/6 majority to approve) (Additions in Bold deletions in strikethrough)

Synopsis: The purpose of this legislation is to resolve the debate whether the answer to the question “What came you here to do?” be separated by commas to create a numerical value of three in consistency with the teachings of Masonry and the EA degree, to read “To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry”. Whereas, when we enter Masonry we begin to learn and through that process it should become apparent to us that if we subdue our passions, we can realize greater self-improvement in Masonry hence a threestep process.

Therefore, be it resolved: The ritual of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona be amended as follows: Entered Apprentice Degree (page 5) W.M. – What came you here to do? S.W. - To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry. EA Examination (page 45) Question – What came you here to do? Answer – To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry.

Submitted by: Jim H Baker (9) SGD Roger Biede III (9) PM Ryan Kann (9) DDGM Daniel Genchi (9) PM


Carry Over Resolution 2019-05 Degree Conferral (Requires a 2/3 majority to approve) Synopsis: The purpose of this legislation is to clarify and bring to light the Lodge requirement to confer or exemplify each degree once each calendar year and to set forth the requirements. Currently the requirement is only listed under the duties of the Grand Lecturer in Title IV Chapter 14 Section 14-501 (a) of the Statutes.

Therefore, be it resolved: Title III Chapter 10 Section 10-101 of the Statutes be amended to add the following subsections: (f) Every Lodge shall confer or exemplify the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason degrees a minimum of once each calendar year. A Lodge failing to meet the requirements in this statute for three consecutive years may be subject to forfeiture of their Charter. (g) A minimum of 5 officer positions to include the WM, SW, JW and SD must be filled by members of the Lodge and all Lectures must be given by members of the Lodge in each degree to constitute a conferral or exemplification of the degrees. In addition to the requirements of the first section of the MM degree the parts of KS, HKT, 3rd Ruffian and 1st Fellowcraft in second section of the MM degree must be filled by members of the Lodge to constitute a conferral or exemplification of the degree.

Submitted by: Greg Vasquez (15) DGM Boyd Robertson (1) SGW Randy Jager (52) JGW Jim H Baker (9) SGD George Rusk (20) JGD Darrell Mandrell (15, 75) SGS Michael Dale (17) JGS


Carry Over Resolution 2019-14 Changes to Spanish Ritual Carry over to the 2020 Communication

SYNOPSIS: The intent of this legislation is to make technical changes to the current Spanish language ritual, in order to correct typographical errors and to increase consistency and uniformity with the English language ritual. It is the belief of the authors that these changes, while numerous, do not change the content or meaning of the ritual, nor does it attempt to change the beauty of the Spanish language as it exists in the current Spanish ritual. Further, given the nature of the changes, the intent is to request that the Grand Lodge vote to adopt the changes as an AApproved Temporary Change to the Ritual to be Considered for Permanent Adoption at the Next Annual Communication@ pursuant to Article 10-2 of the Constitution, which, if passed by a three-fifths vote in favor, will allow immediate, temporary use of the changes while the resolution is being considered, and then, if approved by a two/thirds vote at the 2020 Grand Communication, will be adopted as permanent changes to the Spanish ritual. BE IT RESOLVED: That the Spanish language ritual be amended and changed in the following particulars (page references are to the page of the Spanish ritual, and line reference is to the line, counting spaces between parts as lines). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this resolution be adopted as anAApproved Temporary Change to the Ritual to be Considered for Permanent Adoption at the Next Annual Communication@ pending its review by the Ritual Review Committee and consideration at the 2020 Grand Communication. Deleted by a vote of Grand Lodge in2019. Submitted by: Juan Valdez PM (81) Emeterio Godoy WM (81), SW (74) Ron Allen GL (4,55,74,81) Spanish Ritual Changes: FIRST DEGREE: Page 1:

Line 3: change Ainvestiros y poneros@ to Ainvestios y poneos@


Line 28 and line 30: (counting spaces between parts as lines) change Aaseguraros@ to Aaseguraos@ Line 30: change Aaproximaros al@ to Aaproximaos a@ Line 37: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Page 2: Line 1: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Line 6: change AY revervaros@ to Ay reservaos@ Line 9: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ Line 22: change Avuestra@ to Aesa@ and delete AHermano@ Line 24: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Line 30: change Acubrir el Templo:@ to Acubrirla@ Page 3: Line 6: add the word Ay@ before the word Aver@ Line 7: change Apase@ to Aentre@ Line 19: add Ayo mismo@ after Aprogresar@ Line 23: change Areconocido@ to Atomado@ Line 35: add APero@ before ACuando@ Page 4:

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Line 29: change Alos mismos@ to Alo mismo@ Line 38: after ARecibir@ change Adel Secretario dodos los dineros de la Logia@ to Atodo el dinero del secretario@ Lines 1 and 12: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 20: change Adebe@ to Adebiera@ Lines 29 and 30: change Asale@ and Ase para@ to Ase levanta@, respectively Line 6: change Aconduciros de acuerdo@ to Aconducios adecuadamente@ Line 23: change Apermitid@ to Apermitidnos@ Lines 1-11: Delete as they are covered in the Ritual Supplement Line 13: change ADeclaro ahora@ to AAhora declaro@ Line 38: change Arealizad@ to Arealizareis@ Line 10: change Apuedas@ to Apodais@ Line 12: change AAdmitirle@ to AAdmitidle@ Line 5: change Aensenarle@ to Arecordarle@ Line 28: add Avos@ before Asois@ Line 1: change Apromesa@ to Aninguna empreza@ Line 2: add Aantes@ between Asin@ and Ahaber@ Lines 3, 20 and 26: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADIOS@ Line 27: change APoneros@ to APoneos@ 5

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Line 3: change Avaraba@ to Aaun la barba@ Line 5: change ASion@ to AZion@ Line 5: change Aahi@ to Aallí@ Line 5: change AJehova@ to AEl Señor@ Line 15: change Aal G.A.D.U.@ to Aa@ and delete the parentheses around ADIOS@ Line 36: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 11: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADIOS@ Lines 19, 24, 38 and 32: change AS.V.@ to AP.V.@ Line 32: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 7: Aal G.A.D.U.@ to Aa@ and delete the parentheses around ADIOS@ Lines 15, 20 and 24: change AS.V.@ to AV.M.@ Line 28: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 24: delete A(G.A.D.U.)@ Line 31: add Aque@ between Apara@ and Aeste@ Line 32: delete Aa@ where it appears after Aprecisa@ Line 37: change Aarrodillaros@ to Aarrodillaos@ Line 14: delete A(G.A.D.U.)@ Line 25: add an accent on the letter Ae@ to Asaludare@ Lines 25 and 26: change Aartes secretas@ to Asecretas, artes,@ Line 29: change Acelestial@ to Aceleste@ and change Aaun@ to Aun@ before Alegitimo@ Line 35: add an accent on the letter Ae@ to Apintare@ Line 36: add an accent on the last letter Ae@ to Acortare@ Aesculpire@ Alabrare@ Atallare@ Atrazare@ Acifrare@ and Agrabare@ Line 37: add a comma following Aletra@ Line 39: change celestial@ to Aceleste@ Line 42: change Aand@ to Ay@ Line 45: change Aa p e p c d t m g s c d o a o@ to Aa p e c d t m g c d o a o@ by deleting the second Lines 1 and 2: change Al l a d s r y s b l b a d m a u d n m q l d c d m g a d l a m t c f r@ to Am l ad y s e l a a d m a l d d m s e l o d r ll m@ Line 2: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADios@ Line 28: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADios@


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Line 3: add Aos@ between Ay@ and Aseran@ Line 5: delete Ase@ before Adebera@ Line 19: change AY este es el@ to Ay esta es la@ Line 20: change Asaludo (hace la senal)@ to Aseñal@ followed by A(la hace)@ Line 20: after Aalude@, change Aa la pena de q v g s e d o a o v l a etc.@ to Aa que a p e c d t m gc Line 23: after Aamistad@ change Aa@ to Ay@ Line 40: change ASaludo@ to ATocamiento@ Lines 1 and 3: Change Asaludo@ to Atocamiento@ Line 5: change Aun@ to Asu@ Line 9: change AReveladmelo@ to ADàmelo@ Line 11: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@ Line 10: add Aun@ before AMason@ Line 21: change Atan puro y@ to Ade pureza y de@ Line 22: add Ayo@ after Acomo@ Line 22: change Aotorgo yo@ to Aconfiero@ Line 25: change Amortales e inhumanos@ to Aterrenales@ Line 25: add Ael@ before Afrio@ Line 28: change Ala pureza y falta de manchas@ to Asu pureza sin mancha@ Line 35: change APodran@ to Puedan@ Line 4: change Aa@ to Aal@, add an accent over the letter Aa@ in ASera@ and delete the question marks in lines 4 and 6 Line 7: change AMaestro@ to ASeñor@ Lines 26 and 26: change AComo a de M. Especulativo, Vos lo portareis Masonicamente igual@ to AEn la Masoneria especulativa, como AM. Vos lo vestireis igualmente.@ Line 36: add an accent to the Ao@ in AMason@ Line 39: delete the accent to the Aa@ in AMas@ Line 4: add Aa@ between Ay@ and Aun@ Line 7: change the beginning of the sentence to AEl mazo or mallete@ Line 9: delete the accent from AMas@ Line 19: change Aintrinscco@ to Aintrínseco@ Line 21: add Aa@ after Ahecho@ and add an accent to the Ao@ in AMason@ Lines 13 and 14: change Aretiraros@ to Aretiraos@ Line 37: add Aque@ before Adesea@ and change Aser admitido entre nosotros@ to Aadmisión@


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Line 1: add Aque@ before Adesea@ Line 3: change ANoroeste@ to ANoreste@ Line 4: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 7: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 16: Add an accent over the Ao@ in AMason@ Line 19: Add Aa este grado@ after Acorrespondiente@ Line 36: Add an accent over the Ae@ in Afue@ Line 40: Change AJopa y de ahi@ to AJope y de allí@ Line 1: change Agarruchas@ to Amarros@ and change Apreparadas@ to Apreparados@ Line 3: add Abien@ before Aparecia@ Line 7: add Aesto@ before Afue@ Line 9: add Aun@ before AMason@ Line 19: change Adicto@ to Aordenó@ Line 19: change Avuestra@ to Avuestro@ Line 28: change Aante el@ to Alas puertas del@ Lines 29 and 30: change Atenian permiso y estaban designados@ to Aestaban calificados y tenian permiso@ Line 32: change Aarrodillaros en@ to Aarrodillar ante el ara sobre@ Line 6: change Ay al@ to Alibre y@ Line 11: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 17: change Ametal@ to Ametàlica@ Line 20: change Aos fue despojado@ to Ase os desvistió@ Line 21: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 23: change Aposada al@ to Apuesta en la esquina NE@ Line 24: change: Aencumbra@ to Alevante@ Line 32: add Ay@ before Acomo@ and Ason@ after Aquien@ Line 35: change Alegitimando@ to Aautorizando@ Line 38: change Alos ahi mencionados HH.@ to Alos HH allí mencionados@ Line 39: change AAumentar el Salario@ to APasar@ Line 40: change Agenuinos@ to Averdaderos@ and change Aque peticionaron con ese@ to Aquienes puedan aplicar para este@ Line 3: Ay que otorga autoridad@ to Ael cual confiere poder@ Line 4: delete Ade tiempo@ after Alimitado@. Change Aencontrarais@ to Aencontrareis@ Line 5: after Alugar@, change Alejano@ to Aextrano@ with a tilde over the An@ and add Ay@ before


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Adesearais@ Line 6: change Ade retejamiento que os examine@ to Aenviado a examinaros,@ Line 7: change Afaciliten@ to Amuestren@ Line 12: change Aa@ to Aen@ Line 16: change Ay se dice@ to Aasí@ Line 17: add Apara@ after Ay@ Line 18: change AMasonica@ to Ade un Masón@ Line 22: change Aellos son@ to Adenominados@ Line 26: add an accent to the Aa@ in Aesta@ Line 27: change Ala@ to Auna@ Line 1: between Aemblema@ and Apropio@add AMasónico@ Line 1: change Ainvestidura@ to Aoficina@ Lines 6 and 7: delete ABlanco y Negro@ Line 9: change Aadoquinado@ to Aenlozado@ Line 10: add Acon@ after Aalternando@ Line 11: add Ahermoso@ before Aborde@ and delete Ade arabescos@ after Abastilla@ and change adequinado@ to Aenlozado@ Line 13: change Agracias a@ to Apor nuestra fiel de pendencia en@ Line 27 and 28: switch from AOcc., Or.@ to AOr., Occ.@ Line 40: add Amesa de@ before Adiseno@ Lines 4 and 5: delete after Arevelacion,@ and replace with Ael cual es nuestra mesa de diseno (with tilde over An@) Masonico (accent over first Ao@) espiritual y moral.@ Line 12: change Aemancipacion@ to Aliberación@ and add an accent to the Ae@ in Afue@ Line 12: change Aera una replica exacta@ with Afue (with accent over Ae@) un modelo exacto@ Line 20: change Asus tiempos@ to Asu tiempo@ Lines 21, 22 and 25: to Acirculo@ add an accent over the first vowel and in line 25, an accent over the Aa@ in Aesta@ Line 26: Accent over the letter Aa@ in AJuan@ Line 33: change AAyuda@ to ASocorro@ Line 3: change Aauydar@ to Asocorrer@ Line 4: change Amas aun@ to Aparticluarmente@ and after AMasones,@ add Aque estan unidos@ with accents over the Aa@ in Aestan@ and the AI@ in Aunidos@ Lines 7 and 8: change ABajo esta promisa@ to Asobre estas bases@ Line 11: change Ahonestos@ to Averdaderos@ Line 12: change Abajo este argumento@ to Asobre este tema@ and before Amandatos@, change Abajo sus@ to Apor estos@ Lines 7 and 8: change Asecretos que se es han tan solemnemente@ to Asecretos que tan solemnemente se os han@ Line 18: move Afelicidad@ from its current place after Apresente@ to the last word of the sentence, following Afutura@ 9

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Line 5: change Ael@ to Aal@ Line 8: change Aque@ to Ade donde@ Line 14: change Aos felicite@ to Afelicitaros@ Line 32: Change Asi no@ to Asino@ Line 38: add a second Ar@ to make a double Ar@ in Aquerais@ Line 18: change ACaridad@ to ASocorro@ Lines 7 and 9: change Avuestro@ to Avuestra@ and Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Line 24: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Lines 13 and 14: move Ade AA. MM.@ from after ALogia@ to after Aconstituida@ Lines 1 and 12: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 20: change Adebe@ to Adebiera@ Line 29: change Asale@ to Ase levanta@ Line 30: change Apara@ to Alevanta@ Line 31: change Aha@ to Aa su= Line 6: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@

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Line 3: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ Line 28: change Aaseguraros@ to Aaseguraos@ Line 37: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Line 1: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Line 5: change AY revervaros@ to A y reservaos@ Line 8: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ Line 23: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Line 29: change Acubrir el Templo:@ to Acubrirla@ Lines 16 and 18: change Aen@ to Apor@ Line 29: move Ade CC. MM.@ to the end of the sentence Line 4: delete Aa Occidente@ Lines 12 and 23: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 41: change Ase sale@ to Ase laevanta@ Line 1: change Apara@ to Alevanta@ Line 15: change Aconduciros de acuerdo@ to Aconducios adecuadamente@ Line 36: change Aconcluída@ to Aconcluya@ Line 21: move AAhora@ in front of Adeclaro@ Line 29: change Ala@ where it appears before Aescuadra@ to Auna@ Line 18: change Ala@ to Auna@ Line 22: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 18: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ 10

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Line 14: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 29: change Amirando hacia el Or.@ to Ade frente al Oriente@ Line 36: change Adando@ to Ade@ Line 26: add Aque@ after Apara@ and delete second Aeste@ Line 39: after Aderecha@ add Adescansando@

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Line 21: after Aanteriores@ change Aguardar y jamas revelar@ to Aque siempre saludarè, por siempre ocultarè y jamàs revelarè Line 22: delete Aactos@ and add Ao puntos@ after Apartes@ Line 25: change ACelestia@ to Aceleste@ Line 28: add Adebido@ before Aexamen@ Line 29: change Ales encuentre@ to Ahasta encontrarios@ Line 30: change Alo estoy yo@ to Ayo mismo lo estoy@ Line 32: change Aatender@ to Aque responderé a@ Line 33: delete Ay señales los signos@ Lines 35 and 36: move Ade CC.MM.@ from its current location to after Aconstituida@, then add Asi està@ before Adentro@ Line 5: delete Ao con@ Line 11: change Aa p e p c d t m e l il d m p s a@ to Aa p e c d t m c a d m p@ Line 12: change Am c a u a a d a d a y a l f d c@ to Ay d c p a l b d c y l b d a@ Line 22: add Adoble@ before Alazo@ and delete Amucho màs fuerte@ Line 24: change Aentre las@ to Aen una condición de@ Line 17: change v s c a y a a l a@ to Aa p e c d t m c a@ Line 20: change conferire@ to Ainvestirè con@ Line 21: delete Asecreta@ Line 32: delete Aconstituido@ Line 33: move Ade CC.MM.@ from its current location to the end of the sentence Lines 36, 38 and 40: change Asaludo@ to Atocamiento@ Line 1: change Asu@ to Aun@ Line 5: change ARevaladmelo@ to ADàdmelo@ Line 7: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@ Line 9: change AComo lo hareis@ to AQue harèis con el Line 1: change ARevaladmelo@ to ADàdmelo@ Line 3: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@


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Line 15: delete Amasones@ Line 16: change Alos@ to Alas@ Line 17: change Acampos@ to Acanteras@ Line 18: delete Avolteada para abajo@ Line 19: delete from Avos la usareis . . .@ to the end of the sentence on line 21, and replace with Aasí es como la usareis.@ Line 34: delete Aespeculativos@ Line 3: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Line 26: add Apor@ after ADiovinidad,@ Line 1: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Line 7: change ADaniel@ to ADavid@ Lines 11 and 12: change Atodas law naves@ to Atodos los utencilios sagrados@ Line 12: add Afundidos entre@ after Afueron@ Lines 13 and 14: add AEran@ after ANeftali.@ to start the next sentence, then change Acubilos@ to Acodos@ and delete the brackets (and contents) after Aalto@ Line 19: change Aarabescos y@ to Aredes y@ and change Aalcatraz@ to Alirios@ Line 20: after APlenitud;@ change Alos arabescos@ to Alas redes@ Line 21: change Ared@ to Aconección@ Line 22: change Aalcatraz@ to Alirios@ Line 36: chage AG.A.D.U.@ to Aa la Divinidad@ Lines 12 and 14: change ACorintiano@ to ACorintia@ Lines 15 and 25: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Lines 4, 5 and 11: change AJephtha [Jefta}@ to AJeftè@ Line 17: change AS----A to ASi----A Lines AS----A to ASh----A Line 28: change Ainterior@ to Adel medio@ Line 38: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Lines 9, 12 and 20: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Line 26: change Adeleite@ to Agozo@ Line 5: change Arecovecos@ to Aescondidos@ Line 36: delete Adel@ Line 27: change Avuestro@ to Avuestra@ and Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Line 29: change Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Line 3: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Line 10: change Acubrir el Templo@ to Acubrirla@ Lines 14 and 25: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 19: add Aa ello@ after Aacuerdo@ to end the sentence


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Line 3: change “investiros” to “investios” and change “poneros” to “poneos” Line 37: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Line 1: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Line 9: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Line 24: change “de acuerdo a ello” to “adecuadamente” Line 30: change “cubrir el Templo:” to “cubrirla” Line 18: add “verdadero” before “hermano” Line 32: change “columna” to “estación” Line 4: change “columna” to “estación” Line 12: change “debe” to “debiera” Lines 21 and 22: change “sale” and “se para” to “se levanta”, respectively Line 23: change “ha” to “a su” Line 24: change “con” to “por” Lines 9 and 10: move “Dds. Solamente” to the end of the italicized phrase and delete “Hermanos” in the italicized phrase. Lines 28 and 29: move “DD’s. to the end of the italicized phrase following “los” and delete “Hnos” in the italicized phrase, and change “Son correctos es mi orden y deseo” to “Correctamente. Por lo tanto es mi deseo y placer” Line 38: after the comma after “lugar” change “tomad debida nota de ello y conduciros de acuerdo” to “de esto tomad debida nota y conducios adecuadamente” Line 3: change “Declaro ahora” to “Ahora declaro” Line 20: change “aumentado su salario” to “pasado” Line 5: after “esperaréis” add “un tiempo” Line 16: change “desea” to “busca” Line 17: change “exaltado al Grado sublime “ to “levantado al sublime grado” Line 14: change “Alivio” to “Socorro” Line 8: Delete “sois recibe” and after “puntas” change “de un C. abiertas” to ”extendidas del C.” Lines 12 and 13: add “de” after “dentro” and after “puntas” change “de este C. extendido” to “extendidas de C.” and change “Alivio” to “Socorro” Line 6: change “pocos molinos” to “pocas molineras” Line 27: change “se pone de pie” to “se levanta” Line 30: change “desea” to “busca” Line 31: change “exaltado” to “levantado” Line 31: move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Line 5: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Line 22: change “para” to “levanta”


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Line 25: change “desea” to “busca” Line 26: change “exaltado” to “levantado” and move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Line 1: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Line 13: change “mayor” to “su” Line 20: change “desea” to “busca” Line 21: change “exaltado” to “levantado” and move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Line 36: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Line 14: Add “De” at the beginning of the sentence Line 25: change “dando” to “de” and delete “el” Line 7: change “hacia el” to “a” Lines 26 and 27: switch the order of “forma debida” to “debida forma” and change “como” to “de” Line 28: change “a arrodillandose” to “arrodillarse” Line 29: change “la” to “una” Line 32: change “Arrodillaros” to “Arrodillaos” Line 33: change “formando” to “dentro de” Line 18: change “celestial” to “celeste” Line 19: add the word “o” between “Grado” and “dentro” Line 25: delete “solemne y sinceramente” Line 25: change “atender” to “que responderé a” Line 26: delete “y señales los signos” Line 25: delete “que” and change “revelare” to “daré” Line 26: change “este” to “estè” Lines 28-30: delete the current paragraph which is a duplication of the previous paragraph, and replace with the following: “Ademàs que no darê el sustituto de la Antigua palabra del Maestro de ninguna otra manera más que del modo en que la recibí, siendo ésta bajo los Cinco Puntos de Fraternida en un tono de voz suave, pero no màs alta de mi propio aliento.” Line 35 change “a p e p q m c s c” to “a p e c d t m c c e d” Lines 36 and 37 change “m e ñ a e x y r d u a s y a r l 4 v d a p q n q r o r d m I e % l h y l m y” to “m e e y q e c, y l c a a l c v d c, p q j q r m e l h y l m m.” Line 37: delete “el G.A.D.U.” Line 15: change “a” to “para que vea” Line 21: change “presentado a vos” to “presentados a vuestra vista” Line 23: switch the order of “observareis ahora” to “ahora observareis” Line 24: switch the order of “estais ahora” to “ahora estais” Line 26: delete “del Grado” Line 28: change “hemos aprendido” to “se nos ha enseñado” Line 10: change “v I s, e y r a c. etc” to “a p e c d t m c etc”


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Line 27: change “constituido” to “o” Line 28: move “de MM.MM.” from after “Logia” to the end of the sentence and change the period after “constituida” to a comma. Line 1: change “Reveladmelo” to “dàdmelo” Line 3: change “revelar” to “impartir” Line 10: add “No” at the beginning of the sentence Line 12: change the period after “No” to an exclamation mark, to impart the difference between “no” and “nay” Line 18: change “a nombre” to “la historia” Lines 18 and 19: change “a quienes encontrareis mencionados” to “la encontrareis escrita” Line 38: change “instruya” to “enseñara” and change “portar” to “vestir” and add “un” after “como” Line 1: change “instruyais” to “enseñeis” Line 2: change “usar” to “vestir” and add “un” after “como” Line 7: change “portaban” to “vestian” Line 7: change the period after “mandil” to a comma, then change “el” to “Los” Line 8: change “llevaba” to “vestían” and change “el” to “los” Line 9: change “formando asi” to “en la forma de” Line 11: change “usaban” to “los vestian” Line 15: change “P.M.” to “P.V.” Line 18: Change “Espara mi un placer observaros ataviado como M.M. Y” to “Teniendo el placer de veros vestido como un M.M. ahora” Line 20: change “a excepcion de” to “pero particularmente” Line 21: change “el” to “un” Line 22: change “en” to “es” and after “comun” add a comma and delete “y mas fuerte” Line 23: delete one of the two adjacent “M.”, then delete “especulativos” Line 25: change “del” to “de” and after “Ese” delete “es el” Line 26: change “como una sola familia” to “dentro de un grupo sagrado” Line 27: change “disputa” to “contención” Line 28: change “o” to “pero” Line 30: delete “alguna” Line 35: change “despojados” to “desvestido” Lines 2 and 3: change “a dirigiros” to “y dirijais”, then delete “Podeis retiraros.” Line 14: change “informaros” to “informaos” Line 16: change “viajéis” to “viajeis” Line 17: change “confrado” to “confiados” Line 19: change “traicionero” to “escabroso”, then change sorprendidos” to “sorprendido” Line 20: add “un” between “de” and “M.M.” Line 22: change “es de esperarse” to “se espera”


Lines 24 and 25: change te tal accion dependera solamente de vos. Mi Hermano vuestro futuro y proyectos Masonicos estan en vuestras” to “porque de esta acción mi hermano, dependen todos vuestros futuros proyectas masónicos” Line 27: delete “(# V.M. se levanta con firmeza)” Line 29: change “Podeis retiraros” to “Ahora podeis retiraos” Line 41: change “del” to “en el” Page 27 Line 8: change “ilustro” to “ilustre” Line 11: change “diaria costumbre” to “una costumbre diaria” Line 15: delete “de la construccion” and replace with a semicolon “;” after “ornamentos” Line 20: change “hincaros y haced” to “os arrodillareis para hacer” Line 26: change “verter” to “vertir” Page 29 Lines 21 and 22: place a parenthesis after “occidental” in line 21, then switch “trato entonces” to “Entonces trató” and then delete the parenthesis after “occidental” in line 22. Line 33: delete the comma following “rebaja”, then add “por” Page 30 Line 4: change “occidental” to “oriental”, then at the end of the line, change “P.D.” to “entonces” Line 5: change “lograr su huida” to “escapar” Line 17: change “Malamente. os corresponde la manera” to “Malamente, no os beneficia esa manera tan” Page 33 Line 21: delete “la” Page 34 Line 29: change “encargaros” to “encargaos” Line 31: delete “que” between “ver and “si”, then change “pueda” to “puede” Page 35 Line 10: change “nuestros paises lejanos” to “países extranjeros” then change “y” to “para” Lines 13 and 40: change “pavorosas” to “malvadas” Lines 15 and 41: change “el” to “ese” Page 36 Line 14: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 29: delete “lo” Page 37 Line 8: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 17: change “de acuerdo” to “adecuadamente” Page 38 Line 15: change “Quiza estubiese” to “pudiera estar en” Line 16: change “con” to “entre” then change “alabado” to “honrado” and then add a comma after “respetado” Line 19: change “ponerme de pie” to “levantarme” Line 32: change “escarbada recientemente” to “recientemente removida” Line 37: change “mi” to “m.” then delete the “=” Line 38: change “m. l. a. d. l. r. y. s. e. l. b. a. d. m, a. u. d. n. m. qq, l, d, e, c, d, m, g, a,” to “m. l. a. d. r. y. s. e. l. a. a. d. m, a. l. d. d. m. s,” Line 39: change “l, d, l, m, f, c, f, r.” to “e. l. o. d. r. ll. l. m.” Page 39 Lines 4 and 5: change “l. d. m. p. s. a. y. m. c. a. y. a. a. l. a. d. a. y. a. l. a. d. e. c.” to “a. p. e. c. d. t. m. p. a. m. c. a. y. d. c. p. a. l. b. d. c. y. a. l. b. d. a.” Lines 12 and 13: change “el castigo de tener m. c. s. m. I. e. y. r. a. c. y. l. c. a. a. l. c. v. d. c. p. q. n. q. r. m. d. m. e. l. h y l M.M.” to “e. c. d. t. m. c. c. e. d., m. e. e. y. q. e. c., y. l. c. a. a. l. c. v. d. c., p. q. j. q. r. m. e. l. h. y. l. M.M.” 16

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Line 32: change “al ponionte” to “a occidente” Line 33: after “ascendimos” add “a” Line 38: change “escarbada” to “removida” Line 26: change “llave” to “clave” Line 2: change “llave” to “clave” Line 28: delete “Conducimos” so that the sentence begins with “Una” Line 29: change “fue hecha a los” to “fué hecha en el lugar y sus” Lines 29 and 30: change “el descubrir” to “encontrar”, then change “de la llave” to “la clave” Line 25: change “Lo tengo claro ahora” to “Ahora me mente está despejada” Line 27: change “las tribus” to “la tribu” Line 28: change “la garra fuerte” to “el agarre fuerete de la garra” Line 28: change “garra o la zarpa” to “agarre de la garra” Line 12: change “creadores” to “antepasados” Line 19: change “Tire” to “Tiro” and then change “compartir” to “participar” Line 21: change “Tire” to “Tiro” Line 24: after “Salomon”, change “de I. Mando traerle” to “mandó traer” Line 25: change “Tire” to “Tiro” and then change “las preparaciones iniciales” to “los arreglos preliminares” Line 26: change “termino” to “completaron” Line 28: change “Tire, and” to “Tiro e” Line 30: change “de la obra” to “del trabajo” Line 31: change “Esta noche aqui, mi Hermano, se ha representado una tragedia” to “Tenemos aguí esta noche, mi Hermano, una tragedia representada” Line 32: change “sucedio” to “actualmente toma lugar” Line 35: delete “Masones” Line 37: change “lejanos” to “extranjeros” Line 38: change “arrebatarle” to “quitarle” Line 5: change “la puerta” to “los portones del” Line 7: change “despues de que se” to “cuando se” Line 11: change “Sagrado” to “Santísimo” and then change “al G.A.D.U.” to “a Dios” Line 15: change “devoto” to “piadoso” Line 16: change “la puerta” to “el portón” Line 17: change “pero la” to “el cual” Line 18: delete “el divulgarle” and then change “del” to “de un” Line 19: change “de” to “en” Lines 20 and 21: change “la puerta” to “el portón”, then change “la cual la encontro celosamente” to el cual encontró fuertemente” Line 22: change “tres veces le demando le divulgare” to “tambien demando tres veces” and then change “del” to “de un” before “M.M.” Line 24: before “escuadra”, change “la” to “una” Line 25: change “emprendio su huida y tratar” to “trató” and then change “de la puerta” to “del portón de” 17

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Line 27: change “juro” to “determinó” Line 28: change “intenciones” to “propósitos” Line 29: between “de” and”M.M.” add “un” Line 30: change “una” to “un” Line 40: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 41: change emprendieron el intentar” to “trataron de” Lines 6 and 7: change “a Hermano Rey of Tire” to “al Rey Tiro” Line 10: switch “supo entonces” to “entonces supo” Line 13: change “Informo” to “Informó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 14: delete “de” Line 15: change “ser victima” to “ocurrir” Line 16: change “ordeno que” to “ordenó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 17: change “fuera hecha en todos los” to “se hiciera en los varios” Line 24: change “el” to “él” with an accent over the “e” Line 29: change “lejanos” to “extranjeros” Line 39: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 17: change “trato” to “trató” with an accent over the second “o” Line 18: change “despendio” to “desprendió” Line 19: change “Llamo” to “Llamó” with an accent over the “o” Line 27: change “a la puerta” to “al portón” Line 30: change “puertas” to “portones” Line 34: change “Ordeno entonces el R.S.” to “Entonces el R.S. ordenó” Line 40: change “un” to “una” Lines 1, 2 and 12: change “del” to “de un” Line 9: change “tal” to “lo cual” Line 14: change “resulto” to “resultó” with an accent over the “o” Line 16: change “deberas” to “debereis” Line 17: delete “a” before “revelar” Line 21: change “El R.S. ordeno entonces” to “Entonces el R.S. ordenó” Line 32: change “vosotros” to “vos mismo” Line 17: change “hermoso” to “de mármol” Line 18: delete “de marmol” Line 21: change “detras de ella” to “a su espalda” Line 24: change “el recuerdo” to “las memorias” Line 25: change “quedara” to “quedará” with an accent over the second “a” Line 38: change “dio” to “dió” Line 4: change “Parian” to “Parián” with an accent over the second “a” Line 7: change “capataces” to “mayordomos” Line 11: change “del” to “de” Line 29: change “media” to “del medio” and then after “consistian”, add “en no menos” Line 30: change “tres” to “los otros” Line 31: change “Sagrado” to “Santícimo” 18

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Lines 18 and 21: change “espada” to “pala” Line 26: change “retoño” to “retoñó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 28: change “continuara” to “continuará” with an accent over the “a” Line 32: change “que” to “qué” with an accent over the “e” Line 34: change “el G.A.D.U.” to “a Dios” Line 10: change “une igualmente a serle” to “ata igualmente a ser” Line 21: change “Masoneria” to “fraternidad” Line 22: change “caucionar” to “advertir” Line 35: change “del que ahora sois digno” to “del cual ahora estais” Line 36: change “quebrante” to “violar” Line 37: change “traicione” to “traicionar” Line 37: change “y sequid” to “e imitad” Lines 16 and 17: change “id al escritorio” to “ir a la mesa” Line 35: change “vuestro escritorio” to “vuestra mesa” Line 37: change “escritorio” to “mesa” Line 18: change “cubrir el Templo” to “cubrirla” Line 1: after “constituida” add “de MM. MM.” Lines 9 and 20: change “columna” to “estación” Line 37: change “sale” to “se levanta” Line 38: change “para” to “levanta” Line 17: change “del” to “de un” Lines 23 and 27: move the parentheses from “Hermanos” to “(o los DDs., solamente)” Line 35: change “ha” to “han” and place parentheses around “(o diáconos)” Line 36: change “depositada seguramente” to “debidamente depositada”

RESOLUTION 2020-01 Revision to Section 10-403 (Required a 2/3 majority to approve) SYNOPSIS: If passed, this legislation offers greater flexibility to individual Lodges and Temple management associations to expend their own capital in the event of emergency in order to maintain the integrity of their wholly owned real estate or property. WHEREAS, Lodges that own and maintain their own real estate, including lodge buildings and other structures designed for Masonic meetings and the support of Freemasonry, are required to expend funds to maintain said properties. WHEREAS, Repairs to property are necessary to the continued practice of Freemasonry and its many appendant bodies, and emergency repairs are not addressed in the current constitution and statues. 19

WHEREAS, Significant emergency repair or replacement of structures is limited under Arizona Revised Masonic Statute 10-403 when the amount of repair exceeds $20,000, without regard to the source of the funds or the criticality of the expense. RESOLVED: Amend the Arizona Revised Masonic Statute Section 10-403 as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions): “Section 10-403 – Restriction on Real Property and Building Expenditure. No Lodge and no Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership or Corporation which is, or which represents itself to be, Masonic in character and which is formed or operating for the benefit of an existing or proposed Masonic Lodge shall acquire or accept any real property without the approval of the Grand Trustees or the Grand Lodge, nor, from existing resources or by debt financing, obligate or expend capital for the construction, alteration, or general maintenance of a building when that expenditure will exceed $20,000.00, until plans for construction or alteration or details of the maintenance and methods of financing have been approved by the Grand Lodge or by its Board of Trustees. This provision will not prevent a Lodge, Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership, or Corporation formed for the benefit of an existing or proposed Masonic Lodge from immediately, and without approval of the Grand Trustees or the Grand Lodge, expending funds in excess of $20,000 when all of the following conditions are met: 1. The organization is exclusively spending its own funds and not incurring a debt to a third party for any portion of the expenditure. 2. The expenditure is urgent in nature, and failure to act could reasonably cause the building or property to become condemned or otherwise unusable (e.g. roof replacement after truss failure, significant damage to a load-bearing wall, catastrophic plumbing leak, etc.). 3. The work is agreed upon and contracted consistent with the by-laws, rules, and regulations of the Lodge, Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership, or Corporation expending the funds. When this exception is utilized, the organization is required to report the nature and amount of the expenditure to the Grand Master, Grand Trustees, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary within 14 days of executing any contract associated with the expenditure. Proposed By: John D. Lervold Charles Hammond L. Grant Hays Mario Jones Howard Seibert

PM 53 PM 5, 53 PM 53 PM 77 WM 53


Resolution 2020-02 Grand Master Consolidation Review (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This Resolution proposes to amend only Sub-Section (h) of Statute Section 11-201. The Grand Master must do more than merely review the results of the balloting, he must be satisfied that proper procedure was followed. Therefore be it resolved that Section 11-201(h) be amended as follows: (Additions in bold type, deletions in strike through) Section 11-201 – Proposing Consolidation of Lodges. Two or more Lodges, located near each other, may consolidate into one upon such terms as may be agreed upon by themselves as hereinafter set forth: (a) The members of each Lodge shall be given at least 90 days’ notice before the stated meeting at which such proposition is to be acted upon. (b) The proposition shall require the assent, in writing, of at least two-thirds of the members of each Lodge. (c) The assent of the members shall consist of that assent which is received from those members who complete and return a written ballot to adopt such proposal for consolidation consisting of: (1) (2)

A written ballot whereby the member can declare his consent to or dissent from the proposed action of the Lodge, and A self-addressed stamped envelope for the members use.


A member’s ballot must have been received by the Secretary of the Lodge by the date and hour of the stated meeting at which the consolidation is to be acted upon, and


For the purposes of this Section, a “member” shall be any Master Mason of the Lodge who is neither suspended nor expelled at the time the vote is taken.


The Worshipful Master and Secretary shall count the number of valid written ballots submitted at the stated meeting for which notice was given (or if no quorum present to conduct the stated meeting).


The number of yes and no votes will be certified by the Worshipful Master and Secretary and forwarded to the Grand Secretary together with: (1) (2) (3)

All ballots submitted, and A copy of all notices sent to the members, and A certificate indicating when notice was mailed to the members of the Lodge.



The Grand Master, with the assistance of the Grand Secretary, shall review the results of the balloting and declare the results. the above submitted records then notify the Consolidating Lodges of his decision either in writing or electronic form that must possess the ability to be printed.

Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-03 Consolidation of Lodges (Dues Cards) (Required 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This resolution is proposed to clarify dues card requirements when a consolidation of Lodges occurs. If approved the following new section will be added to the Statutes.

Section 11-203.1 – Consolidation of Lodges (Dues Cards) Consolidating Lodges must issue their own dues cards until the consolidation is approved by Grand Lodge. After consolidation approval existing dues cards are valid for the balance of the year issued. New dues cards for the consolidated Lodge will be issued the following year.

Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)


Resolution 2020-04 Single Lodge Service (Requires 5/6 majority for approval)

SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this legislation is to strengthen the lodge management and administration by requiring the Master, Secretary and Treasurer to only serve in one of these roles in one lodge at a time. WHEREAS: It is becoming more common to see officers serving key roles in multiple lodges at a time – serving as Master in one lodge, Secretary in another and still another role in a third lodge. When brothers assume multiple "controlling" positions in a lodge, they become entangled with multiple budgets, multiple voting positions and, by virtue of their station, also assume other roles such as Trustee, Trial Commissioner, etc. By virtue of these positions, the power of multiple lodges becomes concentrated in the hands of the few. This creates an “appearance” of impropriety and the opportunity for dissension. It also creates a conflict of interest when it comes time to manage the resources of these multiple lodges; it spreads those resources/brothers out so thinly that the various lodge suffer from a lack of focused attention. While the willingness to serve in multiple roles might be born out of a sincere desire to help, the end result actually hurts the Craft. RESOLVED: That Section 6-1 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) §6-1 Masonic Lodges: Officers and Elections; Rights, Powers and Authority. A Lodge shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, and such other officers as its bylaws provide; together with as many members as it may find convenient. The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by ballot at the stated meeting specified in the Lodge by-laws, or at the stated meeting in November, if a specific month is not stated in the by-laws. The office of Master, Treasurer, or Secretary may be held in only one Constituent Lodge during the same Masonic year. At the same meeting, each Lodge shall also elect (5) Master Masons who are members of the Lodge to serve as potential Trial Commissioners for the ensuing Masonic year. The Lodge Secretary is the Secretary for a Trial Commission and therefore should not be elected as a Commissioner. A majority of the votes of the eligible members present shall be necessary to elect. A Lodge of Research shall be a Lodge of research only, and have the rights, powers and authority only as prescribed by Statute. Submitted by: (Bo) Robert F. Buchanan III, WM (2)


Resolution 2020-05 Grand Trustees By-Laws (Requires a 2/3 majority for approval)

SYNOPSIS: This legislation requires the Grand Lodge Secretary to make available upon request a copy of the By-Laws of the Grand Trustees. WHEREAS, this legislation brings light to the rules under which the Grand Lodge Board of Trustees operate for the education of the Craft, and WHEREAS, light is what we promise to our candidates and provide to our membership, and WHEREAS, Master Masons are on the level, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Grand Lodge Board of Trustees By-Laws shall be made available by amending Section 14-301(c) of the Arizona Masonic Statutes as follows (Additions in Bold Type, there are no Deletions) Section 14-301 – Grand Trustees (Powers, Duties, Removal). The Grand Trustees shall be elected as prescribed in the Constitution. (a) (Remains the same) (b) (Remains the same) (c) The Board of Trustees shall have power to adopt By-Laws for their own guidance and for the management of the property and business affairs of the Grand Lodge over which they have control, and may amend such By-Laws at any time. They shall also have power to adopt and enforce such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution or Statutes, as they may find needful or proper for the handling and management of the property and business affairs committed to them by the Constitution. A current copy of the Board of Trustees By-Laws shall be held by the Grand Lodge Secretary and made available upon request to any Master Mason who hold a current dues card. (Remainder of this Section is unchanged.) Submitted By: Bro. Joshua Hodo, Senior Warden, Acacia #42


Resolution 2020-06 Housekeeping – Trial Commissioner Elections (Requires 5/6 Majority for approval)

Synopsis: Article VI, Section 6-2.2.3 should be amended to conform with Article VI, Section 6-1 which was adopted last Grand Lodge and directs that potential Trial Commissioners will be elected during the annual election of officers as specified by Lodge By-Laws. This has now occurred for the first time, so the old provision for such elections needs to be repealed. The sentence structure of this paragraph has also been rearranged to make it easier to understand. Therefore be it resolved that Article VI, Section 6-2.2.3 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strike through) Note: Only the provision for balloting for Trial Commissioners has been deleted from this paragraph. §6-2.2.3 Business. No business of any kind except reports on sickness and distress, collections or appropriations for charity, conferring of degrees, ceremonial observances, electing a Representative to the Grand Lodge or balloting for commissioners to try charges of un-Masonic conduct shall be done at any other than a stated meeting, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master, except reports on sickness and distress, collections or appropriations for charity, conferring of degrees, ceremonial observances, or electing a Representative to the Grand Lodge. All business, except the examination of candidates and conferring of the Fellowcraft and Master Mason degrees, shall be done in a Lodge of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master Masons at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. Five Master Masons who are members of the Lodge shall be required to constitute a quorum at a Stated Meeting and only Master Masons may vote. Each Lodge shall have all official communications from the Grand Master or Grand Secretary read in open Lodge at the stated meeting next following their receipt. Submitted by: Ed Fox, PM (69) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14)


Resolution 2020-07 Lodge Building Expenditures (2/3 vote required for approval)

Synopsis: Whereas a Lodge’s duties are to manage the funds of their Lodge, it is unnecessary for Grand Lodge to control the expenditures of a lodge if said expenditures are well within the financial capabilities of said lodge. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 10-403 be amended as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) Section 10-403 – Restriction on Real Property and Building Expenditure. No Lodge and no Temple Association, Committee, Club, Partnership or Corporation which is, or which represents itself to be, Masonic in character and which is formed or operating for the benefit of an existing or proposed Masonic Lodge shall acquire or accept any real property without the approval of the Grand Trustees or the Grand Lodge, nor, from existing resources or by debt financing, obligate or expend capital for the construction, alteration, or general maintenance of a building when that expenditure will exceed $20,000.00, or 10% of liquid assets of the lodge, whichever is greater, until plans for construction or alteration or details of the maintenance and methods of financing have been approved by the Grand Lodge or by its Board of Trustees.

Submitted by: William R. Greenen Sr., WM, PVST#29 (3,29,69.85)


RESOLUTION 2020-08 Proposed Amendment to Trial Commissioner Selection (Required 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Concern has been expressed that it may not be possible to select unbiased Trial Commissioners from Lodges that meet at the same address due to numerous dual memberships and close association among the members of these Lodges. This resolution is proposed to ensure a fair and impartial trial in such Lodges. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 18-205 be amended as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) Note: Subsection (d) is added and original Subsections (d) and {e} become {e} and (f). Section 18-205 – Selection of Trial Commissioners. (a)

The Master shall ascertain before selection if there exists an obvious conflict of interest or bias which would preclude an elected Brother to serve as a Trial Commissioner.


Within ten (10) calendar days of the presentation of charges, the Master shall randomly select from those Brothers who have been found to be free of conflict of interest or bias three (3) of the five (5) elected Trial Commissioners in his Lodge to serve as Trial Commissioners for the Trial.


From the list of the elected Brothers to serve as Trial Commissioners from the four (4) closest Lodges provided by the Grand Secretary, the Trial Commissioners, in the presence of the Master, shall then randomly select one Brother from each Lodge to also serve as Trial Commissioners so that the total number of Commissioners is seven (7).


When more than one Lodge meets at the same address, those Lodges will be considered as one geographical location. All trial Commissioners will then be drawn from the next four closest Lodges with one from the nearest Lodge, and two each from the other three Lodges. Random selections will be made by the Master of the Lodge where charges were filed in the presence of the Lodge Secretary and the appointed Trial Master.

(d)(e) The Master shall then set the date, time and place for the Trial, which shall occur not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days after the date of the disclosure to the Trial Master. (e)(f) Upon the conclusion of this process, the Trial Master shall become fully responsible for all procedural matters incident to the trial until the conclusion thereof and the rendition and transmittal of the Commissioners’ decision to the parties thereto.

Submitted by 27

Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-09 Retrial Commissioner Selection (required 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: In the unlikely necessity for a retrial, only two remaining Commissioners from the Lodge where charges were filed are possibly eligible to serve. In anticipation that a retrial can occur and to avoid having to request a dispensation to elect more Commissioners and yet maintain impartiality the following resolution is proposed. Amendments are also included to correct one Section referenced and several words as indicated to conform to language now used in the Statutes. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 18-221.3 be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough ) Section 18-221.3 – Mistrial if Commission Fails to Reach a Decision. In the event that a minimum of four (4) Commissioners are unable to agree on a decision, the Trial Master shall declare a Mistrial and the following provisions shall govern: (a)

The accuser has 30 days from the date of the declaration of a Mistrial to request a retrial.


The request for a retrial shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Master of the Lodge, who shall not have the authority to refuse to entertain it. All other provisions of Sections 18-201 through 18-301 inclusive shall govern the retrial, except as follows: (1)

The Trial Master shall not have the power to strike out portions of the charges or allow amendments thereto.


Penal jurisdiction for the original trial carries over to the retrial.


The Trial Master for the original trial shall be the Trial Master for the retrial, unless he is unable to serve. In that event, the Grand Master shall appoint a new Trial Master.


No one elected who served as a Commissioner for the original trial shall be elected serve as a Commissioner for the retrial. All Commissioners for a retrial shall be drawn from the four closest Lodges with one from the nearest Lodge and two from each of the other three Lodges. Random selection will be made by the Master of the Lodge where charges were filed, in the presence of the Lodge Secretary and the appointed Trial Master. 28


A deposition taken for the original trial shall be admissible in the retrial if it is the deposition of a non-Mason witness, or if the witness is a Mason who is unable to testify in person at the retrial.


If there is no retrial, the “judgment of the Lodge Commissioners” referred to in Section 18-223.1 18-221.1 and in the records transmitted to the Grand Secretary as required by Sections 18-301 and 18-303 shall be recorded as “Mistrial, no retrial requested.”

Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-10 Authorized Aprons and Jewels (2/3 majority required for approval)

Synopsis: Continued questions again this year about wearing other than Blue Lodge aprons and jewels prompted the Grand Master to issue Edict 2020-02. This resolution is proposed to codify what is appropriate to be worn in a tyled Blue Lodge. Therefore: Be it resolved that new Section 2-205 Authorized Aprons and Jewels be approved and included in the Statutes and Table of Contents. (This Section number 2-205 will be used only if Resolution 2020-19, Statute Housecleaning, is approved.) Section 2-205 Authorized Aprons and Jewels. No Masonic apron or jewel except those issued or authorized by this or another recognized Grand Lodge shall be worn in a tyled Lodge. Concordant or Appendant Body aprons or jewels may only be worn by dispensation from the Grand Master which shall be for a specific meeting. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Jason Morrett, PM (7)


Resolution 2020-11 Housekeeping – Constitution (Requires 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: Article III, Section 3-1.1.1(g) should be amended to conform with Article X, Section 10-1.4.1 which requires all amendments to the AMC proposed by the Grand Master be referred to both the Committees on Jurisprudence and General Policy as shown: §10-1.4.1 Referral of Amendments. Every proposed amendment, including recommendations of the Grand Master to amend the Constitution and/or Statutes, shall be referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and the Committee on General Policy, which shall report before a vote thereon is taken. For like reason, Article X, Section 10-1.4.4 should be amended to conform with Section 10-1.4.1 by including a report by the General Policy Committee before the vote is taken. herefore be it resolved that Section 3-1.1.1(g) and Section 10-1.4.4 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (Additions in bold print, there are no deletions) §3-1.1.1 Grand Master Duties. It shall be the duty of the Grand Master to: Recommend such legislation as he may deem necessary or expedient for the welfare of the Craft, and file a tentative list of his recommended legislation with the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge at least sixty (60) days before the date on which the Annual Communication is to be held. A copy thereof shall be forwarded by the Grand Secretary to the members of the Committee on Jurisprudence, the Committee on General Policy, each Grand Lodge Officer, each Past Grand Elective Officer, and the Secretary of each Lodge at least thirty (30) days before said Annual Communication. The Secretary of each Lodge shall read said recommended legislation, or a summary thereof, at the next stated meeting of his Lodge following receipt thereof. §10-1.4.4 Amendments with Specific Effective Period. Notwithstanding the provisions for permanent amendments, a proposed amendment which specifies that it shall be in effect for a period of one, two, or three years shall be declared adopted for that period if three-fifths (for Constitutional amendments) or more than one-half (for Statutory amendments) of the votes cast shall be in favor and from and after the close of the Communication, it shall become a part of the Constitution or Statutes until the Annual Communication which corresponds with the end of its effective period. It shall be published with the proceedings under the caption of “Approved Temporary Amendment to the Constitution to be Considered for Permanent Adoption at a Subsequent Communication.” With its temporary provisions deleted, it shall be redistributed by the Grand Secretary prior to the annual communication at which it ceases to be effective, in accordance with this Article. Upon the report of the Jurisprudence Committee, and the General Policy Committee, if two-thirds (for Constitutional amendments) or more than onehalf (for Statutory amendments) of the votes cast shall be in favor of such proposed amendment, it shall 30

be declared adopted and, from and after the close of the Communication, it shall become a part of the Constitution or Statutes. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-12 Installation by Past Master (requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis. This Resolution is proposed to consolidate related information into the same Statute and to clarify who may install Lodge Officers. Subsection (b) of Statute 13-192 refers to the degree of Past Master. Such degree does not exist in our Grand Lodge and this reference needs to be deleted. Approval of this Resolution will move Statute Sections 13-1302 and 13-1303 unchanged into Statute 13102 as subsections (b) and (c) respectively, and delete reference to those Statutes in the Table of Contents. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 13-102 be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough) Section 13-102 – Installation by Past Master Only. The installation of the officers of a Lodge can only be performed by a Past Master. (a)

A Past Master in good standing in this or any other recognized grand jurisdiction may install the officers of a Lodge upon the invitation of the Worshipful Master or one of the Wardens acting in his stead.


A Worshipful Master has the right to install his successor in office, he being a Past Master thereof by virtue of his having been elected and installed. The degree of Past Master is not an essential preliminary to installation.


The Grand Lodge of Arizona does not recognize the degree of Virtual Past Master.

Section 13-1302 – Master is a “Past Master” by Virtue of Installation. A Worshipful Master has the right to install his successor in office, he being a Past Master thereof by virtue of his having been elected and installed. Section 13-1303 – Virtual Past Master Degree Not Recognized. The Grand Lodge of Arizona does not recognize the degree of Virtual Past Master. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) 31

Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-13 Housekeeping - Spanish Ritual – Reference (requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: If the new corrected Spanish Language Ritual is approved at this Grand Lodge, the Statute must be updated. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 2-102 be amended as follows: (additions in bold print, deletions in strikethrough) Section 2-102 – Spanish Language Ritual. The Spanish-language translation of the Ritual of the Grand Lodge of Arizona, as revised by the Spanish-speaking Lodges Anahuac No. 81 and El Quixote No. 83, and approved by the Grand Lodge in 2016 2020, is adopted and approved for use by Lodges. The phrase “…the ritual heretofore and now recognized and adopted by this Grand Lodge” which appears in the Constitution, includes both the English-language and Spanish-language versions of said Ritual. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-14 Housekeeping Statute 18-202 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Statute Section 18-202 directs that charges of un-Masonic conduct be delivered to either the Master or Secretary of the Lodge. This conflicts with Section 9-4 of the Constitution which directs that Charges shall be presented to the Master. This conflict should be resolved by deleting reference to the Secretary as indicated. Approval of this Resolution will also reverse the numbering and sequence of Statute Sections 18-201 and 18-202 to reflect the correct order these actions happen. The added sentence in bold type in Section 18-202 is proposed to document the actions of the Master should he decline the charges.


Therefore, be it resolved that the indicated amendment be approved as shown below. (additions in bold print, deletions in strikethrough) Section 18-202 201– Presentation of Charges Defined. Presentation occurs when a copy of the written charges and accuser’s list of known witnesses are delivered to either the Master or the Secretary of the Lodge. Section 18-201 202– Procedure upon Receipt of Charges. Upon the presentation of charges the Master shall carefully examine the charge(s) and specifications, and, if they are obviously frivolous, or if the act or acts with which the accused is charged is or are clearly such in the opinion of the Master as do not constitute a Masonic offense, he may refuse to entertain them. Should any doubt appear to the contrary and the Master has verified that the accuser is a Master Mason in good standing, he shall proceed as provided in the following sections. The prudent Master should place in the trial file a memorialization of the factual basis for his decision to refuse to entertain the charge(s). Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-15 Housekeeping Corrections and Information Additions (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)


That the Statute Sections referred to in Section 18-221 be corrected as shown. There are no Statutes with the deleted numbers. Section 18-221 – Deliberation by Commissioners. After all the testimony shall have been received, the Commissioners shall proceed to deliberate upon their verdict and sentence, with none present save themselves, the Trial Master, and the Secretary, which last two shall have no vote in the proceedings. If the verdict be guilty, a sentence of reprimand, suspension or expulsion, as defined in Sections 18-224.1 222.1 and 18-224.2 222.2 of these Statutes, must be imposed.


That the following be added to Statute Section 14-204 - Forms. Charge of Un-Masonic Conduct (format to be followed) Form T-1 Notice of Appeal (by accused or accuser following Masonic Trial) Form T-14



Confusion exists about the meaning of the acronym AMC. Some mistakenly believe it means Arizona Masonic Constitution. This addition to Page 1 of the Constitution and Statues is proposed to clarify what composes the Arizona Masonic Code or AMC. (Addition in bold print, remainder of this title page is updated annually.)

ARIZONA MASONIC CODE (AMC) composed of the Constitution and Statutes of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-17 Timely Reimbursement to Grand Lodge (Requires 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This Resolution is intended to encourage timely reimbursement to Grand Lodge for Directors and Officers Insurance as required by Statute Section 10-204 and for any items ordered from Grand Lodge. Therefore be is resolved that Article VI, Section §6-2.3.2 of the Constitution be amended as follows (additions in bold type, there are no deletions) §6-2.3.2 Reporting and Reimbursements Required for Representation. All lodge annual reports shall be considered timely if either postmarked by the United States Postal Service (or equivalent governmental postal authority) or received in the Grand Secretary’s office on or before the due date. For all annual reports that are either hand delivered or arrive without a postmark, the Grand Secretary shall stamp the date thereof. The Grand Secretary shall report all delinquents at the next Annual Communication. No chartered Lodge which shall have failed to make and transmit its annual returns, with payment of its contributions, including its financial report to the Grand Secretary, as provided in


this Article, and reimburse Grand Lodge for any outstanding obligations, shall be entitled to representation at the next Annual Communication, except by unanimous vote of the brethren. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-18 Penalty for Failure to Reply to a Summons (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Statute Section 18-222.1(b) conflicts with the requirements of a summons defined in Statute Section 1-101 as shown. Summons - A Summons is an imperative order, issued by the Master or by other competent authority, as hereinbefore provided, to appear at such time and place as may therein be designated. The obligation to obey it is absolute and the penalty for disobedience shall be expulsion, unless it shall be shown that such disobedience was unavoidable or was occasioned by some pressing necessity. A summons for any purpose other than a trial may be served by mail. A Brother receiving a summons has no right to question its legality or to refuse to obey it. The expulsion can only be ordered by the Grand Master, with the final decision being made by Grand Lodge. This resolution is proposed to resolve this conflict. Therefore be it resolved that Statute 18-222.1 be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough) Section 18-222.1 – Penalties, Reprimand. If the sentence be reprimand, the Master shall Masonically summon the adjudged to appear at the next stated meeting after the result of the trial shall have been announced, when it shall be carried into effect in the presence of members of the Lodge only, except where an appeal to the Grand Lodge has been taken before said meeting, the sentence shall not be carried into effect unless or until the same is affirmed by the Grand Lodge. (a)

A sentence of reprimand cannot be given in any Lodge other than the one where the trial was had.


A Lodge cannot compel the attendance of a brother for the purpose of receiving a sentence or of reprimand imposed at a trial. If When he is summoned to appear and fails to show a valid excuse for not appearing charges may be preferred for such disobedience, and the brother tried thereon the penalty shall be expulsion. 35


Where a Brother has been tried and convicted of an offense, a demit cannot be issued to him prior to the passing of a sentence of reprimand.

Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

Resolution 2020-19 Statute Housecleaning (Required 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: No purpose is served by continuing to print references to Statutes and Subsections of Statutes which have been repealed. This Resolution proposes to delete all such references from the Statute text and Table of Contents. Some Statutes and Subsections are reassigned as noted to close any resulting gaps. DTC = Delete from Table of Contents Therefore be resolved that the following deletions be made in the Statutes and Table of Contents.

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Delete Section 1-120 Repealed 2011 DTC Delete Section 2-202 Repealed 2011 DTC Note: Sections 2-203, 2-204 and 2-205 become Sections 2-202, 2-203, and 2-204 respectively. Delete Section 2-402 Repealed 2011 DTC Delete Subsections (a) through (e) from Section 9-108 Repealed 2011 Delete Section 9-401 Repealed 2015 DTC Note: Section 9-402 becomes 9-401 Delete Section 9-403 Repealed 2015 DTC Delete Sections 12-201 through 12-205 Repealed 2012 DTC Delete Subsection {e} Section 14-501.1 Repealed 2011 Delete Section 15-602 Repealed 2015 DTC Note Section 15-603 becomes 15-602 Delete Subsection {e} Section 17-101 Repealed 2013 Delete Subsection (b) Section 17-701 Repealed 2013 Note: Subsections {c), (d) and {e} become Subsections (b), {c} and (d) respectively

Submitted by 36

Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)

RESOLUTION 2020-20 Announcement of Appointed Officers (Required 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: It has been the practice of this Grand Lodge from at least the mid 1970’s for the Grand Master-elect to announce his appointed officers at the conclusion of the elections. The wording of this current section is identical to that adopted in March of 1882 as part of the original Constitution of the Grand Lodge. This is not a practical or convenient time as now written. This Resolution proposes to amend the Constitution to conform with the current practice established many years ago. Therefore, be it resolved that Article II, §2-4 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strike through.) §2-4 Order of Business at Annual Communication. The election of Grand Officers shall be the first order of business in the afternoon of the first day of the Annual Communication. No other business shall be considered until after the election has been concluded. The proclamation of the installation of the Grand Officers shall be the last order of business of the Grand Lodge and no other business shall be transacted thereafter. All other Grand Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master-elect immediately after his installation and announced at the conclusion of elections at each Annual Communication; shall be properly invested before the close thereof, if present, and otherwise pursuant to the direction of the Grand Master; and shall hold the respective offices during his will and pleasure. All appointments to office by the Grand Master shall be considered complimentary and shall not be regarded as creating any obligation of any kind on any succeeding Grand Master. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)


Resolution 2021-01 Grand Master Recommendation 2020-01 (Requires 5/6 Majority for approval)

Synopsis: Our Constitution does not grant the Grand Master the power to permit any Lodge to meet less than 10 times during a calendar year except during reorganization. Approval of this Recommendation will grant the Grand Master such power in emergency situations. Therefore be it resolved that Constitution §6-2.2.1 be amended as follows (Additions in bold type, there are no deletions) §6-2.2.1 Meetings. Each Lodge shall have not more than one stated meeting in each calendar month, but may hold such other meetings as it may determine or the Master shall direct. When the By-laws of the Lodge refer specifically to the Lunar Month, they shall schedule their Stated Meetings consistent with their approved By-laws. Each Lodge shall have not less than ten stated meetings in each calendar year and the month or months in which the Lodge is to be “dark” are to be specifically stated in the by-laws. In case of a city, county, state or national emergency where the impact limits meetings the Grand Master shall have the power to grant relief from the 10 stated meetings in a calendar year requirement. However, the Grand Master may issue a dispensation to a Lodge to hold two (2) stated meetings in any Grand Lodge Year at a time and/or on a date different from that specified in the Lodge bylaws, provided that all members of the Lodge are given 60 days written notice via first class mail of the changed time(s) and/or date(s). Recommended by Greg Vasquez, Grand Master, 2020

Resolution 2021-02 Grand Master Recommendation 2020-02 (Requires 5/6 Majority for Approval)

Synopsis: A number of Lodges have elected pedestal officers to be possible Trial Commissioners. The Junior Warden is required to prefer charges when un-Masonic conduct is known and no charges are filed for 30 days. The Senior Warden must file if the Junior Warden is accused in such case. The Master accepts or rejects the charges. These situations could result in a conflict of interest. For these reasons it is in the interest of impartial justice that the pedestal officers be excluded as Trial Commissioners. Therefore be is resolved that §6-1 of the Constitution be amended as follows: (additions in bold print, there are no deletions)


§6-1 Masonic Lodges: Officers and Elections; Rights, Powers and Authority. A Lodge shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, and such other officers as its bylaws provide; together with as many members as it may find convenient. The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by ballot at the stated meeting specified in the Lodge by-laws, or at the stated meeting in November, if a specific month is not stated in the by-laws. At the same meeting, each Lodge shall also elect (5) Master Masons who are members of the Lodge to serve as potential Trial Commissioners for the ensuing Masonic year. The Lodge Secretary is the Secretary for a Trial Commission and therefore should not be elected as a Commissioner. The pedestal officers of the Lodge must not be elected as Commissioners. A majority of the votes of the eligible members present shall be necessary to elect. A Lodge of Research shall be a Lodge of research only, and have the rights, powers and authority only as prescribed by Statute. Recommended by Greg Vasquez, Grand Master, 2020

Resolution 2021-03 Housekeeping Constitution (requires 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: The term “regular” meeting has no meaning in the AMC which recognizes only stated and special or called meetings. Constitution Article VI, §6-2.2.3 is clear that by-laws amendments must be presented at a stated meeting. (See Resolution 2020-06 for text.) Constitution Article VI, §6-3 contains the only mention of a “regular” meeting when referring to a lodge meeting found in the Constitution and should be amended. Therefore be is resolved that Constitution Article VI, §6-3 be amended by changing the second paragraph as shown by strikethrough and bold print. §6-3 Seal, By-Laws and Reports. Each chartered Lodge shall, within two months from the date of its charter, provide a suitable seal, bearing such devices as it may deem proper and having inscribed thereon the name and number of the Lodge, the date of its charter, and the place of its location; and all documents or papers of every kind whatsoever, emanating from such Lodge, or from its Master or Secretary in his official capacity, shall bear the impress of such seal or be considered null and of no effect. By-Laws, or amendments thereto, cannot be presented and voted on at the same regular meeting, but must be presented at one stated meeting and voted upon at the next stated meeting. Each Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a copy of its by-laws as soon as adopted; but no such by-laws, nor any subsequent amendments thereunto, shall be deemed valid until approved by the Grand Lodge, though they may be acted under until the next Annual Communication if approved by the Grand Master.


Each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February, a full and correct report of its transactions for the twelve months next preceding the first day of January. Each such Lodge shall accompany such report with payment of its contributions, as prescribed in Statute, to the Grand Lodge for the period of the report. In addition, each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit its lodge financial report to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February.

Submitted by Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-04 Amending Statute Section 9-101 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: The purpose of this Resolution is to delete reference to “Contributing Member” from Statute Section 9-101. There could be legal entanglements as this Statute is now written which the Lodge and Grand Lodge can avoid with this amendment. To the best of our knowledge at this time, there are no “Contributing Members” in any of our Lodges. A Lodge which has rejected an applicant for affiliation should not have to allow him to become a “contributing member”. The six months dues is an arbitrary figure and may be more or less than covers the balance of the year. Dues can be accurately pro-rated and paid after election to membership as stated in Statute Section 9-103 (d)(4) Note: Deleted subsection (c) is amended and moved to Statute Section 1-201 as proposed in Resolution 2021-11 to update and consolidate related information to make the AMC easier to use. The bold type has been extracted from (b) except for the references to the AMC. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 9-101 be amended as shown (additions in bold type, deletions in strike through). Section 9-101 – Duty of Membership. Any Mason not fulfilling his duty to be a member of some Lodge (Constitution §5-1.2) may restore himself to good standing by affiliation (Statute Section 9-103) in the regular manner. Provided that his application for affiliation is accompanied by a fee equivalent to 6 month’s dues of the Lodge to which he shall apply. The rejection of his application does not affect his standing as a demitted Mason, and he may apply for affiliation to the same Lodge or another Lodge every 6 months or oftener. 40

(a) Should his petition for affiliation be rejected, he may become a contributing member of the Lodge by continuing to pay such Lodge the regular dues thereof, unless excused by the Lodge for sickness or inability to pay; but no such Contributing Member shall have the right to vote or hold office. (b) The rejection of his application does not affect his standing as a demitted Mason or Contributing Member and he may apply for affiliation to the same Lodge or another Lodge every six months, or oftener, and maintain the same status which entitles him to Masonic recognition or burial. (c) No Lodge shall recognize as a Mason any person who, being at the time a resident of Arizona, has received, or claims to have received, the degrees of Masonry from any source beyond the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, without the proper permission, until the Lodge nearest his place of residence shall have received him as a member. The proper permission, above mentioned, may only be given by the Lodge nearest his place of residence, and in the manner necessary for an election to receive the degrees. Submitted by: James Rowan, PM (43) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-05 Background Checking Service (Requires 2/3 Majority for approval)

Synopsis: Recent developments have confirmed that our Lodges must do a more complete investigation of men who apply for membership. Some Lodges currently employ a background checking service to assist them. All Lodges in this jurisdiction should be using such a service. This Resolution proposes that such service be employed by Grand Lodge for the benefit of all Lodges. Approval of this Resolution will require a statement on petition and affiliation forms that a background check will be performed. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 5-102.1 be amended by adding the following in bold type. There are no deletions. Section 5-102.1 – Grand Secretary Certification Required. No Lodge shall act upon any petition for the degrees or application for affiliation, except the appointment of an investigating committee, until the same shall have been referred to the Grand Secretary and returned by him with his certification, as provided in this section. The Grand Lodge shall employ a background checking service to be contracted by the Grand Trustees. Annual service cost shall be divided equally among the Lodges. This service is a 41

tool for verifying the information on a petition or application and is not a replacement for the investigating committee. The Grand Secretary shall have the affirmative report of such service before his certification is returned to the Lodge. The Grand Secretary’s certification shall be read to the Lodge prior to any ballot being taken. Submitted by: James Rowan, PM (43) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-06 Housekeeping – Grand Secretary Duties (Required 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Constitution §3-1.5.3(f) is no longer correct and should be updated. The Grand Secretary is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the “Grand Lodge Library” and does not act as librarian. Therefore, be it resolved that subsection (f) of Constitution §3-1.5.3 be amended as follows: (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type.)

§3-1.5.3 Grand Secretary Duties: Other. (f) Act as Grand Librarian and take charge of the library of the Grand Lodge under such regulations as it may prescribe; Serve as an ex-officio member on the Board of Directors of the George Roskruge and S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library and Museum Foundation, Inc. In accordance with the Foundation By-Laws. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)


Resolution 2021-07 Minor Statute Corrections/Housekeeping (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This Resolution proposes to correct several minor errors in the Statutes. Therefore be it resolved that the following corrections (bold type) and deletions be approved. 1. Section 1-101-Definitions: Clandestine – a person or a group of persons who have assumed the character of Masons or profess membership in Masonry by but who actually do not conform to the ancient Landmarks of the Fraternity as recognized by the Grand Lodge of Arizona. 2. Section 1-122 – The riders Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association. The Grand Lodge of Arizona recognizes and allows to operate in its jurisdiction the body known as The Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association for the purpose of furthering Masonic Fellowship through the shared interest of motorcycle riding and to promote a favorable impression of the Fraternity through charitable activities. 3. Section 4-104 Members of the Armed Forces lacking residence. No dispensation shall be issued to a Lodge to receive and act upon the petition for degrees of a fulltime active duty member of the United States Armed Forces, who has not the qualification of residence prescribed by Statute, unless the application therefor be made by the Lodge by an a unanimous vote, by ballot; and should such dispensation be issued, the petition shall take the usual course of reference and ballot in the Lodge. 4. Section 5-201 – Unanimous Ballot Required. If the report be favorable, or if the application be one for which no committee was required, a ballot shall be had; and it shall require an a unanimous ballot to elect. 5. Delete [This Page Intentionally Left Blank] from the last page of the Statutes because it is not a blank page. 6. Delete subsection (c) which was repealed in 2011 from the Statute Section 16-103. Subsection (d) then becomes (c). Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)


Resolution 2021-08 Reorganization and Amendment of Statute Section 5-205 (Requires vote 2/3 majority for approval)

Section 5-205 – Collective Ballot. A ballot may be held for multiple candidates. Should the collective ballot be black; the Master, without declaring the results, shall proceed to ballot on each petition individually, following the balloting procedure provided in Statute. (a) In the event a collective ballot results in one or more black cubes, the Master shall hold a separate ballot on each petition or application, in accordance with Statute. (b) If the first individual ballot on any application or petition results in a single black cube, the Master, without declaring the result, shall at once order a second ballot for the purpose of correcting a possible mistake, which ballot shall be the last on that ballot or application. (c) Where a collective ballot is black, a maximum of three ballots (one on the collective ballot and a maximum of two individual ballots) may be required. (d) A petition for the degrees and an application for affiliation are treated the same in a collective ballot. There is no requirement that a separate ballot be taken for petitions and applications.

Synopsis: The current Statute Section 5-205 is printed above for reference. Subsection (a) duplicates information in the opening paragraph and can be deleted. The duplicate information in the opening paragraph is then moved to become the new subsection (a). The information in subsection (d) is better placed in the opening paragraph than at the end of the Statute. For clarity subsection (c) is better placed before current subsection (b) the re-ballot on individual petititons/applications. Therefore, be it resolved that Statute Section 5-205 be reorganized and amended as follows. (Additions in bold type, deletions in strike-through.) Section 5-205 – Collective Ballot. A ballot may be held for multiple candidates. Should the collective ballot be black; the Master, without declaring the results, shall proceed to ballot on each petition individually, following the balloting procedure provided in Statute. In a collective ballot, a petition for the degrees and an application for affiliation are treated the same. There is no requirement that a separate ballot be taken for petitions and applications. (a) In the event a collective ballot results in one or more black cubes, the Master shall hold a separate ballot on each petition or application, in accordance with Statute. Should the collective ballot be black, the Master, without declaring the results, shall proceed to ballot on each petition or application individually, following the balloting procedure provided in Statute.

(c)(b) Where When a collective ballot is black, a maximum of three ballots (one on the collective ballot and a maximum of two individual ballots) may be required for each petition or application. 44

(b)(c) If the first individual ballot on any application or petition petition or application results in a single black cube, the Master, without declaring the result, shall at once order a second ballot for the purpose of correcting a possible mistake, which ballot shall be the last on that ballot petition or application. (d) A petition for the degrees and an application for affiliation are treated the same in a collective ballot. There is no requirement that a separate ballot be taken for petitions and applications. Note: moved to opening paragraph, the first sentence here is rearranged. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)


Resolution 2021-09 Housekeeping Statute Section 2-101(d) (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Statute Section 2-101(d) should be updated as the Ritual is no longer printed in code. The plain text Ritual was authorized at the 115th Annual Communication in 1997. Therefore be it resolved that the word “coded” be deleted from Statute Section 2-101(d).

Section 2-101 – Ritual (a) The use of any codified or uncodified ritual of our secret work either written, printed, or reproduced in any other way, other than the ones in the custody of the Grand Lecturer or the ritual keys and printed rituals furnished by this Grand Lodge, is prohibited. (b) Violation of this Statute will constitute a Masonic offense, as will the use by anyone of our ritual keys or printed rituals in a Lodge while it is in session, other than by one prompter designated by the presiding officer. (c) The word "affirm" may be substituted for the word "swear" in the obligations. (d) Membership to cease and desist from printing out sections and/or complete copies of coded Ritual in violation of this Section and Masonic Obligation. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-10 Amendment Statute Section 5-207 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Statute Section 5-207(d) is in conflict with Constitution §6-2.2.3 (see Resolution 2020-06) and also conflicts this same Statute subsection (c). Petitions for the degrees may be acted upon only at a Stated Meeting unless by a Dispensation from the Grand Master. 46

Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 5-207 be amended by deleting subsection (d). Subsection (e) then becomes (d). (Deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold type)

Section 5-207 – Dispensation to Re-Ballot on Rejected Petition. No dispensation shall be issued to a any Lodge to receive and act upon the petition of a rejected petitioner for the degrees within less than 12 months after the date of such rejection, except as follows:

(a) The application therefore must be made by the rejecting Lodge, by unanimous vote, by ballot; and (b) The application must give a good and sufficient reason for such application (as mistaken identity of petitioner on part of member voting to reject) and a certified copy of minutes relative to the application must be furnished the Grand Master under the seal of the Lodge and signature of its Secretary. (c) Should such dispensation be issued, the petition shall take the usual course of reference and ballot in the Lodge. (d) The re-ballot may be had at a regular or special meeting, providing the members of the Lodge shall have due notice thereof. Such notice should not state the name of the petitioner. (e)(d) When a Lodge complies with this Section regarding re-balloting within one year upon a rejected petitioner, the Grand Master has no discretion, but must issue the Dispensation. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-11 Amendment of Statute Section 1-201 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This Resolution is intended to clarify any question that we are referring to a Grand Lodge previously recognized by another Grand Lodge within the same jurisdiction, such as Prince Hall. "Authority" in this case is recognition by that Grand Lodge, which for clarity should be so stated. The added paragraph (see Resolution 2021-04, Statute Section 9-101(c) for text of original subsection) now 47

states that “proper permission” is a waiver of jurisdiction and also updates the existing concurrent jurisdiction of Ariona Lodges. Therefore be it resolved that Statute Section 1-201 be amended as shown. (Additions in bold type, deletions in strikethrough) Section 1-201 – Unrecognized Lodges or Members. No Lodge shall recognize any Body purporting to be a Masonic Lodge, which shall be holden within the jurisdiction of any Grand Lodge recognized by this Grand Lodge, without authority from that Body being recognized by such Grand Lodge; nor shall any Lodge, or any member thereof, admit or hold Masonic intercourse with a member of any such Body except as provided in Statute. For the purpose of this Section, the term “recognize” is the acceptance of another Masonic Body or person for the purposes of holding Masonic intercourse. No Lodge shall recognize as a Mason any man who, being at the time a legal resident of Arizona, petitioned and received the degrees of Masonry from any other recognized jurisdiction without a waiver of jurisdiction, until an Arizona Lodge shall have received him as a member by affiliation. Submitted by: James Rowan, PM (43) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-12 Housekeeping Statute Section 9-106 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Statute Section 9-106(e) should be moved to become Subsection (a) as it states the qualifications referred to in the first sentence of the Statute. Subsections (a) (b) (c) and (d) are reassigned as (b) (c) (d) and (e) respectively. Subsections (f) (g) and (h) remain unchanged and are not printed here. Therefore, be is resolved that the Subsections of Statute Section 9-106 be reassigned as described above and that the language be amended as shown by deletions in strikethrough and corrections bold print. Section 9-106 –Release from Obligation to Pay Dues (Regulation No. 19.): Any Master Mason possessed of the qualifications prescribed in this section may, at his option, apply to his lodge for release from the obligations obligation to pay further dues.


(c)(a) To qualify a member to make such application: (1) He must be a member in good standing of the Lodge to which his application is made; and (2) Upon a reasonable showing of inability to pay owing to depleted financial conditions, or that by reason of physical disability he is permanently disabled to pursue any gainful occupation or pursuit. (a)(b) The application must be signed by the applicant and show: (1) The applicant’s name, his age, the name and number of all Lodge(s) and other Masonic organizations of which he is or has been a member in this and any other jurisdiction and the time during which he has been a member of each such Lodge and organization: and (2) that the applicant is possessed of all the qualifications set forth in this section. (b)(c) The application must be presented in duplicate and read at a stated meeting of the Lodge, whereupon it must lie over until the next stated meeting. (c)(d) In the meantime, one copy thereof must be transmitted to the Grand Secretary, who will promptly check the same with his records and report back to the Secretary of the Lodge any objection he may find to the granting of the application. (1) If any objection be reported by the Grand Secretary, the Lodge must take no action on the application unless and until such objection is withdrawn. (2) If no objection be reported by the Grand Secretary, then, at the next stated meeting, the application and the Grand Secretary’s report must be read in open Lodge, whereupon the question on the application must be submmitted to the Lodge in the form: “Shall ________________________, a member of this Lodge, be released from the further payment of dues?” (d)(e) The vote thereon must be by written or secret ballot and the result entered on the minutes of the Lodge. (1) If the ballots of three-fourths of the members present be “Yes,” the application shall be declared granted. (2) Otherwise it shall be declared denied. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2) 49

Resolution 2021-13 Quorum in Communication (requires 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Constitution Article II, §2-3 is vague regarding requirements for a quorum because it does not name what officers shall be present. Constitution Article VI, §6-5.2(f) states “For purposes of this subsection, a lodge will be considered as represented at an Annual Communication if any of its voting delegates are present and registered, …". This should be clearly stated in this section. Therefore be it resolved that Constitution Article II, §2-3 be amended as follows: (deletions in strikethrough, additions in bold print) §2-3 Quorum in Communication. The officers or representatives The Master or a Warden or the Elected Representative of at least 50% of the chartered Lodges shall be present in order to transact any business in the Grand Lodge either at an Annual or Special Communication; but upon occasions of ceremony only, the Grand Master, or his duly authorized representative, with a sufficient number of brethren to fill the stations and places, may at any time open the Grand Lodge and perform the ceremonies for which it was convened. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2021-14 Constitution Housekeeping (Requires 5/6 majority for approval)

Synopsis: This Resolution is to be considered only if Resolution 2021-04 has been approved. It will delete the only remaining reference to “contributing member” from the AMC. Therefore be it resolved that Constitution §7-1.1.1 be amended as shown by strikethrough. §7-1.1.1 Contribution Based on Master Mason Membership (Per Capita). Effective with the close of the 2011 Annual Communication, for each Master Mason borne on its roll at the date of its annual report as either a regular member or as a contributing member, an amount to be stated in the most recently adopted budget, rounded up to the nearest whole dollar, payable on January 1 of the following year. 50

There shall be an additional one dollar per member to be collected as a donation to the George Washington Memorial. The budget shall have been approved by a three-fifths (3/5) majority at the most recent Annual Communication. This subsection shall not apply to Lodges under dispensation. Submitted by: James Rowan, PM (43) Earl Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Eric Dupree, PM (86) Ray Brigandi, PM (58) Larry Schafer, PM (2)

Resolution 2020-16 Housekeeping reorganization of Section 10-204 (Requires 2/3 majority for approval)

Synopsis: Some Lodges are neglecting to timely reimburse Grand Lodge for their share of the required Directors and Officers Insurance. The reorganization of the Section is intended to emphasize the requirements of this Section and consolidate related information.

Therefore be it resolved that Section 10-204 of the Statutes be amended as follows: (additions in bold type, deletions in strike through.) Note: all information in deleted text is included in the reorganized Statute.

Section 10-204 – Insurance Requirements. All Constituent Lodges within this jurisdiction are required to pay for a policy of insurance to cover: (a) Building Buildings and other real property if any is owned; Personal property and building contents; (a) Constituent Lodges will obtain Liability insurance (with liability limits at a minimum of 1 million dollars per occurrence and 2 million dollars in the aggregate) obtained by the Lodge with and Certificate of Insurance naming the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona as additionally insured. Such certificate shall be received in the office of the Grand Secretary no later than 10 working days following the annual renewal of a Lodge’s insurance policy. (b) Directors and Officers (D&O Insurance) procured and monitored by the Grand Lodge in an amount determined by the Grand Trustees to cover all Lodges duly Constituted or under Dispensation or in a suspended status, to include the Grand Lodge.


Lodges owning no real property are exempt from requirement (a) above (Building and other real property). Note: moved to (a) above. The Certificate of Insurance, naming the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona as additionally insured, shall be received in the Office of the Grand Secretary no later than 10 working days following the annual renewal of a Lodge’s insurance policy. Note: moved to (c) above. The Grand Lodge shall procure and monitor a policy of Directors and Officers (D&O) Insurance in an amount as determined by the Grand trustees, to cover all Lodges duly constituted or under Dispensation or in a suspended status, to include the Grand Lodge. Note: moved to (d) above. Submitted by Earl L. Wunder, PM (13,14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Eric Dupree, PM (86)


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