Prometheus Lodge No. 87 Visits
The George Washington Masonic Memorial
This month, Worshipful Master Jeff Holmes and Prometheus Lodge No. 87 visited the George Washington Masonic Na onal Memorial to perform a second degree. WM Jeff said the following about their experience:
“Leading up to the degree we spent our first two days in DC walking the Mall, visi ng historic Alexandria, touring Mount Vernon, Washington’s Dis llery, dining at Gadsby’s, Old Ebb, The Hamilton and the Mount Vernon restaurant and we capped off each night by convening at the Willard Hotel Round Table Bar for fellowship.
Our 2nd degree itself was an amazing experience. A er a fantas c tour of the memorial we had access to the lodge room early with enough me to prac ce and get a feel for the room. It was important to me that each Prometheus brothers who invested his me and finances to make this journey come away sharing in a sense of accomplishment. I divided all of the lectures and speaking parts amongst the brothers to involve everyone. Because of this I witnessed everyone through the week and before lodge preparing and giving this degree their all. It was very sa sfying to see brothers who in normal lodge haven’t had the opportunity to get this involved really bring their best to the floor. We all commented how surreal it was walking from the prep room where we dawned our Masonic regalia into the north lodge room seeing the portraits on the walls of Washington, Jackson and Truman in their Masonic a re. I think that was one of my favorite memories. While doing the obliga on I almost got lost thinking about the history of the lodge room and the brothers who said the same words before me. This experience is definitely the highlight of my year in the east and the envy of the past masters who are here with us. I hope it spurred the upcoming brothers to seek opportunity to experience masonry outside of regular lodge.
The Jerome Clubhouse
Built in 1917, the United Verde Hospital was designed by the famous Los Angeles Architect Arthur Rolland Kelly who would later go on to design the Playboy Mansion. In 1928, the hospital was transformed into the Jerome Public Library & Clubhouse un l it was closed in 1951.
By 2017, the building was in serious disrepair….“It was trash, there was less than a quarter of the windows le and every me it rained, the building flooded” said DeWayne Woodworth. So he decided to do something about it and purchased the building. DeWayne began a rehabilita on; he replaced the roof and the windows and con nually worked on the structural support. But when COVID hit, he lost his financial backing. In late 2020, he sold the building to Danna Wakefield. Danna was raised in Sedona but used to visit Jerome as a child. Shortly a er selling the building, DeWayne was having lunch with his friend of many years John Clark. DeWayne men oned that he wanted to follow one of his other life long dreams becoming a Mason. “I had wanted to be a Mason since I was a li le boy” said DeWayne “I just didn’t feel like I was ready”. John replied “Well, I’m a Mason” and introduced him to the Master of Central Arizona Lodge No. 14 and DeWayne began his Masonic Journey.
Shortly therea er, another opportunity for DeWayne presented itself. The new owner of the Jerome clubhouse was in need of a Project Manager to complete the building rehab. DeWayne took the job. One day during a mee ng, DeWayne began telling Danna about his Masonic Journey. Danna told DeWayne about her Mentor Glen “Ed” King who had also been a Mason in Pinetop.
View of the remodeled Jerome ClubhouseThe Jerome Clubhouse
“As a young college grad with no experience in construc on, he didn’t try to wow me with his genius!” said Danna “He slowly, methodically, pa ently taught me”. Exhilarated by this new Masonic Connec on to the Jerome Clubhouse, DeWayne reached out to Most Worshipful Earl Wunder with ques ons on how a cornerstone could be dedicated to Ed King.
The Grand Lodge of Arizona Procession to the Cornerstone of the Jerome clubhouse.
“Life gives us few opportuni es to recognize and thank those that have changed our lives” said Danna “This IS that opportunity for me. Glen “Ed” King is that person to me!”.
That long path and all that work led to January 8th, 2022 when the Grand Lodge of Arizona gathered at the Jerome Clubhouse to rededicate the building. “Today on this glorious occasion, we have the privilege and humble honor to dedicate a symbol of evolu on, a symbol of transforma on, to a building with such a dis nct and impeccable history” Antonio Lugo, Grand Orator.
Speakers (L-R): Jane More-Jerome Councilmember, Sco Kula speaking on behalf of Danna Wakefield, Owner of Red Iron Construc on, Jim Baker-Grand Master of Arizona F. & A.M., DeWayne Woodworth Rehab Project Manager, Antonio Lugo Grand Orator.
Junior Grand Deacon Eric Dupree Sr. Consecra ng the building and dedica on plaque.On The Level
Where Masons share stories of their masonic journey
Most Worshipful Rex Hutchens was Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona in 2006. His mother Lodge is Epes Randolph Lodge No. 32 in Tucson. During his interview, MW Rex talked a lot about educa on: It saddens me that we don’t have enough emphasis in Masonic educa on on behavior. When we talk about masonic educa on we tend to think in terms of history, philosophy, symbolism, right...We don’t talk a lot that’s what it’s emphasizing..ya know, you look at what we obligate ourselves to in the obliga on t promise to learn the history of Masonry, we don’t promise to be experts at its symbolism….those aren’t what we talk about. We talk about how to be a really good man. It’s one of those pe y things that bother me. We say that Masonry takes good men and makes them be er men. Well, gramma cally that sounds right because you think of good, be er, best. But, philosophically, Aristotle said that the Good was the highest ideal. And so, I would prefer we change that and say that we take the be er men of society and try to make them truly good men. “
You can hear this quote and a lot more conversa on by listening to the full hour long interview here: h ps:// the level 297954005/on the level 111 rex hutchens behind the curtain?in=on the level 297954005/sets/on the-level
Brothers Antero (Doc) Trujillo and Ira Hearen Jr from Yuma Lodge No. 17 went down to Mexicali to Palingenesia Lodge #46 for a 3rd Degree. Quite a difference between Mexico, Arizona and California 3rd Degree official
© The Copper Post, an Arizona Grand Lodge F. & A.M. publica onGrand Master Jim Baker
Mayor Tara Walter of Florence, AZ Declared Sept. 5th 2022 as Jim Baker Day!
Nelson Bledsoe Lodge No. 74 presented Grand Master Jim Baker with a portrait done by Travis Simpkins. Governor Doug Ducey signed a State of Arizona Commenda on for Jim Bakers service to Arizona and the Cra of Freemasonry.Arizona Grand Lodge Library
George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Masonic Memorial Library & MuseumFrom the Grand Lodge Vault
Auditorium at the Phoenix Masonic Temple circa 1926 shortly a er being built. Photo by the McCulloch Brothers.
April 29th, 1960. Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 on the day it was Cons tuted
George Washington Table Lodge Only 50 seats available.
Sco sdale Mason Lodge #43 presents a George Washington 3rd Degree Table Lodge
Thursday, September 29, 2022.
Enjoy a full 7 course catered dinner and dessert from The Sicilian Butcher with George Washington themed alcoholic wine and peach brandy toasts (non-alcoholic op ons available).
Keynote speaker Worshipful Brother Roger Biede III.
All a endees will receive a hardback copy of George Washington’s “Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour” and two custom cannons.
Cost : $100 / person—RSVP to secretry@sco or Click here to get your ckets online
Special Evenings
Congratula ons the 2022-23 Miss Arizona Jobs
It was a proud night for DeMolay Brother John Ashley of Glendale No. 23 when he had the privilege of raising is son Alex Ashley as a Master Mason. Bro. John is a DeMolay advisor and his son is involved in DeMolay.
Official Visitations
Arizona Sunrise Lodge No. 88 Welcomes the Senior Grand Deacon, WBro. Roger Biede for an official visit.
Havasu Masonic Lodge No. 64 gets a surprise visit from the Senior Grand Warden— WBro. Michael Dale!
Sun City Lodge No. 72 hosts an official visit from the Senior Grand Deacon, WBro. Roger Biede.
A Statement on the Queen
Masonic License Plates
Masonic License Plates for the state of Arizona are available from The ini al cost is $25 for the specialty plate and $25 for personaliza on. Almost 70% ($17) of the fee goes to chari es supported by Arizona Masons.
AZMVDNOW is the authorized service website for the Arizona Department of Transporta on Motor Vehicle Division. You can order online by clicking here
Click here to buy online
Arizona Masons in the Military
Over the next year we want to highlight and honor our Arizona Masons who have served in the Military. Send us a photo of you in Uniform (old or new). If you are currently serving, please tell us your current branch, rank, designa on & lodge. If you are a veteran—or if you want to highlight a brother who has passed but served, please send as a photo in uniform along with the branch served, rank at exit, lodge and some notes about your me in the military. Thank you for your service!
Arizona Masons in the Military
Thank you for your Service!
Brother Michael Dale is a member of Yuma Lodge No. 17. He served in the US Marines from 1976 to 2004. In this photo from the late 70’s or early 80’s he is working on A4 Skyhawks equipment.
Brother Raymond L. Evans is a member of Arizona Lodge No. 2. He served in the US Navy from 1944 1956 aboard the USS Jicarilla, ATF104, a fleet tug. During his me he worked in the Western and Southwestern Pacific from Guam to Iwo Jima, south to the Solomon Islands and into and out is a member of Arizona Sunrise Lodge No. 88. Gene served in the US Army in Military Intelligence. Part of his training was how to intercept opposing military communica ons and iden fy essen al elements for intelligence. For this duty, he was trained in German ,Czech and Russian.
Brother Mike Moseley is a member of Peoria Lodge No. 31. He served in the US Air Force as and Aircra Electrician from 1966 1970. He served a full tour in England, went to Libya, Turkey, Spain and Germany. At the me of his re rement he was a E4 Sergeant and says “They were the most valuable days of my life”.
Raymond L. Evans Michael Dale Mike MoseleyEach month we will share a Trestleboard ar cle from one of the lodges around the state of Arizona. This month, we share an excerpt from the August, 2022 Trestleboard of Oasis Lodge No. 52
Why Freemasonry Survives
“Ins tu ons do not survive through the ages by accident; they live only through the possession and opera on of everlas ng principles. When an organizaon runs back beyond historic records and relies upon tradi on for the story of its origin, its career during a known period either jus fies or falsifies tradi on. An ancestry of virtue and good works is a liberal educa on. The power of the accumulated wisdom of the past is a resistless impelling force upon the present. The architects, the decorators, the dra smen, the woodcarvers, the workers in precious metals, and the Masons who were building the famous Temple of King Solomon came from every na on in the then known world. Their union of mutual help, protec on, society, and improvement was the marvel of an age when all navies were pirates and all na ons enemies. Masonry, marching under the leadership of God and the banner that bears the mo o, “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself,” with the peasant and the prince, the mechanic and the merchant, the learned and the unlearned, following in equal rank and common step, knows neither race nor na onality, neither caste nor condi on, as it proudly and beneficially moves down theChauncycenturies.M.Depew (1834 1928) was an A orney for Cornelius Vanderbilt, President of the NY Railroad System, United States Senator and a gi ed and sought a er orator. Brother DePew gave the Commemora ve address at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty in 1886.
Masonic Apron belonging to Marquis de Lafaye e Chauncey Mitchell Depew, circa 1908 Photo from the United States Library of CongressDegree Work in Arizona
It was a big night for the newest Entered Appren ce at Acacia Lodge No. 42 Joe DeBaun. There were visitors from Wayfarers No. 50, Glendale No. 23, Peoria No. 31, Yuma No. 17 and from Texas brothers from Fort Worth Masonic Lodge No. 48.
Pioneer Lodge No. 82
Brother Paul is raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason along with a visit from brothers of Flagstaff Lodge No. 7
A visita on from Hunters Paradise No. 85 and a Fellowcra degree for brother Phillip DeLatorre!
Degree Work in
Sun City No. 72 has been busy making Masons! Tucson Lodge No. at Builders Lodge No. for Senior Wardens Night!The Taxil Hoax
From the Gila Valley 9 Facebook page:
The Taxil Hoax was an 1890s hoax of exposure by Léo Taxil intended to mock not only Freemasonry but also the Catholic Church's opposi on to it. Léo Taxil was the pen name of Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand Pagès.
On April 19, 1897, Léo Taxil called a press conference at which he announced that his revela ons about the Freemasons were fic ous. He thanked the Catholic clergy for their assistance in giving publicity to his wild claims.
Past Masters Jewels from Albany, NY
A story told by Worshipful Gary LoebDuring the early 20th Century (and maybe before), Washington #85 F&AM, Albany, NY, presented its out going Masters with Past Master Jewels. Over the years, the Lodge lost track of most of them. However, I have two of the four that are known to s ll exist.
Each of the 14k gold Jewels is a rather large (2.5 x 2.5 inch) compass and protractor, with a blazing ‘face’ sun in the middle, and a moun ng piece at the top with the name Washington Lodge F. & A. M. around the edge, and an ‘85’ in the middle.
While I was Master of the Lodge in 1982, I learned that the Lodge had one of the Jewels in its safety deposit box, but with the s pula on from the original owner’s family that it NEVER be worn. Upon comple on of my 2nd year as Master in 1983, my father presented me with another Jewel, worn by the 1923 Master of the Lodge. My dad had the original engraving removed and re engraved with my name, year, etc.
Near the end of my 1982 term as Master, one of the senior members of the Lodge, the RW Robert C. Poskanzer, passed away. RWB Bob was Master of Washington #85 in 1922, and he willed his Past Master’s Jewel to my father, which he wore with pride. When my father passed away, my mother gave me RWB Bob’s Jewel. The engraving reads “Presented by Washington Lodge No. 85 F. & A. M. to Robert C. Poskanzer, Master 1922”. In the mid 1980’s the father of several women in Connec cut passed away. In his belongings, they found a gold Masonic Jewel. Not having a use for it, they donated it to a local Lodge. The members of the Lodge were baffled, as the Jewel was marked “Washington Lodge 85” at the top and there is no Washington #85 Lodge in Connec cut. A er some research, they discovered that it might have previously belonged to a Past Master of Washington #85 in Albany, NY. They called the Secretary of Washington #85 (my father, by the way). Several weeks later, a delega on (van full) of Brothers from that Connec cut Lodge travelled to Albany and returned the ‘lost’ Jewel to Washington Lodge. That Jewel subsequently worn by each of the succeeding ‘Junior’ Past Masters. So, that is the story of the four Jewels that I know to s ll exist.
My Fathers Jewel
A story told by Worshipful Gary Loeb
My father, the RWB David G. Loeb, was born in 1929 and was Raised by my grandfather, Bro. Mar n Loeb, on 8 Mar 1951 in Washington #85 F&AM, Albany, NY. David served as Master of Washington #85 in 1961, and was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of Mason in the State of New York in 1973. He served as secretary Washington #85 from 1970 to 2000, when he passed to the Lodge on High. He also served as Master of Wadsworth #417 in Albany in the 1990’s. (Washington #85 is now Bethlehem #85 in Delmar, NY, a suburb of Albany.)
At the end of his term (Dec 1961) Mar n presented him with the Past Master’s Jewel that you saw will see me wearing from me to me. The Jewel is 14k gold with 7 sapphires, and hand engraved with the Lodge name and his name. It is also engraved Master 1961 on the back.
When he received it, he did what all good people in the 1960’s did with keepsakes; he cast it in a Lucite block. There it remained, displayed in the living room un l my mother gave it to me in 2016. I figured out a way to remove it from the Lucite in Sept 2019, a ached an iron strip on the top back, and wear it proudly with a magne c fastener.
The photos show the Jewel in the Lucite block, the cut down Lucite piece holding the Jewel, the jar of acetone containing the dissolving block, and the ‘freed’ piece! The close up shows the fine details of the Compasses, Protractor, Sun, Temple Columns, Checkered Floor, Altar and Bible.
What is the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program(MSAP)?
Teachers are not experts in at risk behavior which is why we developed the MSAP. Our training includes a highly professional and intensive three day training workshop for Arizona educators to learn to improve their ability to; iden fy, intervene with, and create appropriate interven on plans for students at risk.
This workshop trains a core team of four to eight educators from a school in how to intervene early and effec vely with students that display pa erns of behaviors that threaten their success at school and life. MSAP involves prac ce sessions designed to simulate real events on subjects such as: Chemical
Masonic Founda on for Children Can Masonic Founda-
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Grand Master Grand Lodge F. & A.M. Arizona
Jim Baker (9)
Deputy Grand Master: George R. Rusk (20,75)
Senior Grand Warden: Junior Grand Warden: Michael A. Dale (17) Leigh J. Creighton (4)
Senior Grand Deacon: Junior Grand Deacon: Roger C. Biede III (9) Eric D. Dupree (86)
Senior Grand Steward: Junior Grand Steward: David A. Sahady (1) James Xie (43)
Grand Secretary: Grand Treasurer: Greg Vasquez (15) Ronald W. Richards (32,41,89)
Deputy Grand Secretary: Deputy Grand Secretary: James R. Leppert (85) James W. Rowan (48)
Grand Treasurer Emeritus Grand Secretary Emeritus Michael N. McGee (50) George H. Stabelin Sr. (15)
Grand Secretary Emeritus Wilbur E. Robertson (20)
Grand Lecturer: Grand Chaplain John W. Welsch (7,14) Michael Valecourt (16,43)
Grand Orator: Grand Marshall Antonio Lugo (31) Adam Pitman (30)
Grand Editor: Grand Bible Bearer: Robert (Bo) F. Buchanan III (2) John Brooks (70)
Grand Sword Bearer: Grand Pursuivant : Michael Fluty (5,53) Wayne Thatcher (42)
Grand Standard Bearer: Grand Organist: Yosef Acosta (83) Gordon Stevenson (20)
Grand Tyler: Grand Counsel: Bryan Sawyer (22) Richard L. Brooks (85)
Grand Photographer: Allen Nichols (43,85)
District 1: Robert E. Weed (22) 22,64, 68 District 2: Steve L. Bracety (1) 1, 14, 82
District 3: Ralph Doudna (7,38) 7, 13, 38 District 4: Paul A. Diaz (62) 6, 62 District 5: Lon Thomas (70) 3, 70 District 6: Tim W. Williams (17) 17 District 7: Emertio R. Godoy (74.81) 74, 81 District 8: Robin E Settlemeyer (60) 41, 86 District 9: David Fierro (42) 20, 69, 75 District 10: Brian R Hanne (3,69) 9, 30, 46
District 11: Gregory M. Covel (5,53) 5,53,77 District 12: Bryon P. Howe (58) 15, 43 District 13: Jon M. Schmidt (4) 52, 60 District 14: Thomas A Murray (89) 29, 50, 89 District 15: Thomas E. Schaff (16) 10, 16, 55 District 16: Matthew Link (72) 31, 72, 88 District 17: Harold L. Lindamood (71) 11, 71 District 18: Gary J. Horn (23) 23, 42, 85 District 19: David Morgnflash (66,86) 49, 66 District 21: Bruce McLaughlin (52) 4, 32, 56 District 22: Mark J. Simington (45) 2, 58, 83 District 23: Dwayne Hoyt (87) 35, 45, 87 District 24: Kenn Barrett (5) 12, 19
District 1: John D. Graham (7) (North) District 2: William J. Enloe (85) (W. Phx)
District 3: Geoffrey R. Cummings (87) (E. Phx) District 4: Ronald N. Allen (4,55,74,81) (South) District 5: Daniel Kilpatrick (5) (Southeast)
District 6: Michael Kofta (17)
District 7: Carl Melton (23) District 8: Carl Erdman (4) Arizona Grand Lodge Officers
Copper Corridor
Safford No. 16 First Lodge 16 Freemasons of Arizona
Northern Arizona
White River No. 62 - Second
Yuma No. 17 Second
Northern Arizona
Mohave Valley No. 68 First Wednesday
Masonic Lodge FAM 13 7:00263422877119888/pmStatedMeetingKingmanNo.22Second
Phoenix Metro
Arizona Lodge No. 2 First 7:30pm
Phoenix Metro
Sahuaro No. 45 Second 45 7:00107142687586605pmStatedMeetingElQuixoteNo.83Second
7:00pm StatedMeeting
Arizona Sunrise No. 88 Third Saturday 10:00am StatedMeeting
Ascension No. 89 Third
East Valley (Phx)
West Valley (Phx)
Oriental Lodge No. 20 First
10:00am StatedMeeting
Prometheus Lodge No. 87 First
Peoria No. 31 First
7:00pm StatedMeeting
Sun City No. 72 Second
Tucson Area
Tucson Area
Marion McDaniel No. 56 First
10:00am StatedMeeting
Adobe No. 41 First
Oasis No. 52 Second
7:00pm StatedMeeting
Epes Randolph No. 32 Second
7:30pm StatedMeeting
Anahuac No. 81 Third Lodge 81
7:00101624338741117pmStatedMeetingDowntownNo.86Fourth 86 FAM
Southern AZ
Southern AZ
King Solomon No. 5 First
Perfect Ashlar No. 12 First
7:00 9:30am StatedMeeting
Green Valley No. 71 Third
7:00pm StatedMeeting