Arizona Masonry Spring 2019

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Arizona A Grand Lodge F. & A.M of Arizona Publication Spring 2019 Spring 6019

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Arizona Masonry Editor in Chief

A Grand Lodge F. & A.M of Arizona Publication

Craig L. Gross Grand Master

Managing Editor Roger C. Biede III, Grand Editor Arizona Masonry is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons or Arizona. Unless otherwise noted, articles in this publication express only the private opinion or assertions of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Grand Lodge. The jurisdiction speaks only through the Grand Master and the Grand Lodge Trustees when attested to as official in writing by the Grand Secretary. The Editorial staff invites the contributions in the form of informative articles, reports, news and other timely information (Of about 350 to 800 words in length) that is broadly related to general Masonry. When possible, photographs or graphics that support the submission are appreciated. Pieces submitted become the property of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Arizona. No compensation is permitted for any article, photograph, or other submitted for publication. Permission to reprint articles is automatically granted to recognized Masonic publication with proper credit given.

Grand Master Address MW Craig L. Gross

The Right of Travel WB Dwayne Hoyt

From Grand South RW Randy Jager

Annual Communication Voting

Please direct all articles and correspondence to Roger C. Biede III 988 E. Saddleback Pl. San Tan Valley, Ariz 85143 For submissions for the next issue of Arizona Masonry or The Copper Post please contact

Front Cover: MWGM Craig L Gross and MWGM Ralph Easley of New Mexico at the Inaugural Lost Dutchman Outdoor Degree


My Brothers, It has been a wonderful year representing you as Grand Master of Masons in Arizona. The journey to the East has been an experience that I will never forget. The friends that I have made and the Brothers that I have met make all of the work worthwhile. I started this year with huge expectations and a to-do list that was a mile long. Of course the expectations were far too many and the to-do list way too long. But we did accomplish a lot of good things and I think I will leave the fraternity a little stronger than it was. I want to express my thanks and gratitude to the elected and appointed officers of 2018-2019. They are a great bunch of men and all upright Brothers. They have worked diligently to improve Masonry in Arizona and helped me in all of our endeavors. They will continue to be great officers for Masonry in Arizona and I hope that you will continue to give them the same love and support that you have given me. The road to success will continue to be rough and rocky, but together we will all make a difference. The District Deputy Grand Masters have done an excellent job in our lodges and representing me in all their duties. They are the hardest working bunch of guys that you will find and do it for the love of the Fraternity. The District Deputy Grand Lecturers, led by Worshipful Brother Ron Allen, continue to provide excellent education programs and Lodge Leadership. The numerous leadership conferences they put on around the State have proven extremely valuable to those who attended. I look forward to more and better programs in the future. I want to express a tremendous thanks to the Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, the office staff and especially the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Arizona. They work countless hours keeping the wheels on the bus and moving the Fraternity forward. It is a thankless job they take on and deserve the respect and gratitude of all Masons whither-so-ever dispersed. Without this dedicated group of men, Masonry in Arizona would cease to exist. In closing, I am humbled by being allowed to be the Grand Master of Masons in Arizona. The journey has been many years long and not always easy. I have survived because of the Brothers of Arizona who believed in me, supported me and shared their brotherly love and affection with me. I hope that you will all remember that I did this for you and for our beloved fraternity. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Sincerely and Fraternally, Craig L. Gross Grand Master 2018-2019 Grand Lodge of Arizona F&AM

George Washington Masonic National Memorial OUR National monument dedicated to George Washington, the Man, the Mason, and Father of our Country Visit Soon! Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


TRAVELING AS A FREEMASON The habit of freemasons to travel and to visit other lodges, or even affiliate with them, is one of the oldest and most widely practiced customs of the Craft. In operative times, well before the emergence of the Speculative Craft as we now know it, masons were itinerant workers who were forced to travel to renew their employment as each building project was completed. This fluid nature of the Operative Craft led to the formation of trade societies, known as lodges, to protect the professional integrity of their occupation, and to enhance the moral and social practices of their members. It is surmised, not without some evidence, that the modes of recognition were originated in the operative period as a means of identifying the genuinely skilled mason who came to visit a lodge in search of work. It is therefore reasonable to deduce that the tendency of masons to visit other lodges is very old custom indeed. Many of the oldest extant masonic manuscripts contain charges associated with visiting, and the reception of visitors. Visiting as a Right As has just been outlined, the right to visit and sit in every regular lodge is one of the oldest masonic customs. This custom hinged on the theory that all lodges are only divisions of the 'Universal Brotherhood'. Indeed, in some areas of old, visitors could even vote at lodge meetings. However, the growth and spread of the Craft saw many variations in forms and procedures develop, and the evolution of the Grand Lodge system as we know it today. In turn, this necessitated that the concept of visiting as a right undergo changes. The movement towards qualification of the right to visit appears to have begun in the early eighteenth century. There are records of lodges in this period setting out limitations to visiting, in terms of the number of visits a non-member mason could make to a lodge in a twelve-month period; and limiting the types of meeting a visitor could attend. Certainly, by the end of the eighteenth century, visiting had ceased to be a right, but rather a privilege. Visiting as a Privilege The situation today is that visiting is a privilege-indeed, it is one of the greatest privileges of masonic membership. It must be immediately stated that a mason has no absolute, prescriptive right to visit a lodge wherein he is not a member. However, with that fact clearly stated, it must be observed that visiting as a privilege is most definitely encouraged and welcomed in every regular jurisdiction. A regular freemason in good standing will always encounter masonic hospitality and brotherhood in his travels. From: MASONIC WORLD GUIDE by Kent Henderson. Pages 6-14. Dwayne Hoyt 2019 Master Prometheus Lodge No. 87 Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


NATIONS FIRST K-9 SHRINE CLUB UNIT In July of 2018, Lake Havasu Shrine Club started the Havasu Shrine K-9 Unit. Charles Dowler, who was the Vice President at the time, adopted a 3 ½ year old Boerboel in January from the Western Arizona Humane Society in Lake Havasu City. He renamed her Zoey and put her into training to become a Therapy Dog. With the help of the Potentate JC Reese and some of the other Nobles within the club, they were approved to start the Havasu Shrine K-9 Unit. This unit will use the K-9s to raise money for the AZ Shrine Transportation Fund as well as going into hospitals and schools to visit and educate the public about Shrine Hospitals and give a little comfort to the patients. In February 2019, the Havasu Shrine K-9 Unit had another K-9 named Harley, a 5-month-old Shepard/Lab mix, join the Unit. He has already started his training to become a Therapy Dog. The K-9 Unit is open to any AZ Shriner that has a dog, however, the K-9 must have some training in basic obedience. There are four levels or ranks that a K-9 can show the level of training they have gone through. The ranks are a Sergeant which is a K-9 that is trained by the owner and can pass a standard test in basic obedience. The rank of Master Sergeant is a K-9 that has gone through a class and received a certificate through a certified trainer. The rank of Lieutenant is a K-9 that has a certificate of a higher class through a certified trainer as example in Lake Havasu City is The Good K-9 Citizenship Certificate. The rank of Captain is a K-9 that is trained and certified as a therapy K-9 with the American Kennel Club (AKC) or similar and is recognized with the hospitals throughout the US. The rank of Captain are the only K9s allowed to visit hospitals, the other ranks can participate in fund raisers and parades. Since starting the unit, the K-9s have raised funds at several events and even got invited to the Highland Games that were in Phoenix on March 3rd, 2019, where they greeted children as they entered the Wee Ones area. Approximately 200 kids went through that section on that day and the K-9s enjoyed meeting as many of the kids that they could. The K-9 Unit have since been contacted by some of California Shriners asking if they could help CA Shrine start their own K-9 Unit. The Havasu Shrine K-9 Unit has also been invited to attend some out of state events in which they are looking forward to the trips. They also have a challenge coin with the K-9 logo on one side and the other side has one of the dog’s picture with the dog’s name and year. The picture will change each year with a different dog from the unit. All profits from these coins as well as the donations will go to the El Zaribah Shrine Transportation Fund. For further information visit them at the club’s web site: or call Charles Dowler at 928-231-4440. Thanks, Charles Dowler Havasu Shrine President Havasu Shrine K9 Unit Chairman 928-231-4440

ARIZONA MASONIC LICENSE PLATES You can represent the Fraternity with your very own Masonic License Plate There is a $25 initial application fee/ $25 annual renewal. No special requirements for eligibility as the plates are available to everyone. $17 goes to charities supported by the Grand Lodge. The license plate may be personalized with maximum of 7 characters Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Brethren, I bring you warm Fraternal greetings from the Grand South! I can hardly believe another Masonic year has slipped by. Sometimes we become so entangled in our daily, weekly, or even monthly activities that we lose sight of how much precious time is flying by us. Please be sure to take enough time to focus on the most important points in your life before it is too late. Take time to connect with the Great Creator and thank him for the blessings that you take for granted every day. Take time to be with and express your love and appreciation for those that are most dear to you. And maybe most importantly, take time to care for yourself. Please do not take your health for granted. How many of us have lost someone dear to a health condition that was very curable if it had not been ignored? It is unacceptable, and we owe it to each other to not let it happen...we are

our Brothers’ keeper. During this Masonic year, MW Craig Gross sent out a communication about the “Eight Steps to Excellence.” This program hit home with me, and I began speaking about it during my official visitations to Lodges around the State. I suggested that we expand the program a bit and include the acronym P.R.I.D.E. – Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence. I realize that this acronym has been around for some time in the business world, but it applies to our situation so well. We desperately need to begin delivering excellence in everything we do, but there is not one Brother, group of Brothers, or even Lodge of Brothers able to make this change alone. It will take every single one of us to make a difference. Some Brothers may say they are unable to contribute to the Lodge by learning ritual and participating in Degree work…well, okay. Your P.R.I.D.E. might be to help with the meals, or serve on a committee, or even be present at the Degrees to ensure that there will always be at least one side-liner there. We must all take a personal responsibility in delivering the excellence needed to protect our beloved Fraternity. To not expect something from everyone is unacceptable, and we owe it to each other to not let

it happen…we are our Brothers’ keeper. Finally, Brethren I want to tell you about a great honor that I recently received. I was asked by a dear Brother of my Lodge to serve as his Guardian on an Honor Flight to Washington, DC. Before this trip, I had never heard of the Honor Flight group or the wonderful work they do for our Veterans. However, during the training classes and the trip I witnessed first hand the amazing care and appreciation this organization has for those who have sacrificed for our Freedom. To any Veterans that may be reading this message that have not already enjoyed this experience, check into it: https:// . I promise you will not be disappointed. And to WB Russell Amling, I say thank you for your service to our country and also for providing me with the opportunity to serve you during your Honor Flight. I look forward to seeing you all in Lodge very soon! Fraternally,

Randy Jager 2019 Grand Junior Warden Grand Lodge of Arizona F&AM Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Resolution 2019-01 AMENDENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (Requires a 5/6 majority to approve) SYNOPSIS: This legislation is a clerical change that makes clear who can present legislation to be considered at an Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. WHEREAS, only pillar officers, Past Masters, and select Grand Lodge Officers can vote at the Annual Communication, and WHEREAS, only pillar officers, Past Masters, and select Grand Lodge Officers can talk on the floor of the Annual Communication, and WHEREAS, the only language giving clue as to who can submit legislation is a line stating that they are a “Proponent”, which is vague and can be found in §10-1.1 Submission of Amendments, and WHEREAS, in addition to the pillar officers, Past Masters, and Grand Lodge Officers, many other Master Masons attend the Annual Communication, meaning it would be helpful if we clear up their roll, and WHEREAS, is has been tradition that only pillar officers and Past Masters may present legislation, which has worked at preventing a nonspeaking/non-voting member from needing to speak on the floor about voting, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following amendment to §10-1 Amendments to this Constitution and Statutes of the Constitution be as follows (Additions in Bold, Deletions in Strikethrough): §10-1 Amendments to this Constitution and Statutes. Any proposed amendment to this Constitution or the Statutes of this Grand Lodge shall be submitted by any member of the Grand Lodge and presented at an Annual Communication in the following manner:

Authored By: Bro. Joshua Hodo, Secretary, Acacia #42 Resolution 2019-02 The Riders of the Third Degree of the Masonic Riders Association (Requires 2/3 to pass) Synopsis: That the Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association be officially recognized by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Arizona for the purpose of furthering Masonic fellowship through the shared interest of motorcycle riding and as an additional channel for furthering the philanthropy of Arizona Masons. Whereas there is already in existence of the body known as The Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association; and Whereas there are already a number of Arizona Masons who belong to this association representing two active Chapters; and Whereas the members of this association join together for the purpose of furthering Masonic fellowship through the shared interest of motorcycle riding and for the purpose of performing charitable works through its existing and future programs in the name of the Organization in particular and Arizona Freemasonry in general; and Whereas this association already projects a positive image of Arizona Freemasonry through its aforementioned philanthropic endeavors and has already contributed donations to the Arizona Grand Lodge for its various charities, and desires to continue to perform these works in the name of the Arizona Grand Lodge in the future; and Whereas a copy of the Association by-laws and a list of charter members has been submitted to the Arizona Grand Lodge Secretary; and Whereas the Association desires to be formally recognized by the Arizona Grand Lodge; BE IT RESOLVED that the Revised Arizona Masonic Statutes be amended by the addition of a new section recognizing the Association as stipulated below: Section 1-122 - The Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association. The Grand Lodge of Arizona recognizes and allows to operate in its jurisdiction the body known as The Riders of the Third Degree Masonic Riders Association for the purpose of furthering Masonic fellow-

ship through the shared interest of motorcycle riding and to promote a favorable impression of the Fraternity through charitable activities. Submitted by: Tony Hernandez PM (58) Resolution 2019-03 Seal, By Laws, Reports (Requires a 5/6 majority to approve) SYNOPSIS: Amends the Constitution of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona. This resolution provides further guidance on Lodge by-laws and adds required elements to reflect the validity and legitimacy of this very important Lodge document. WHEREAS: The by-laws of every Lodge is a document that provides rules, procedures and direction adopted by the Lodge to control the actions of its members, WHEREAS: The by-laws of every Lodge is a document or paper under its authority or in obedience to the requirements of the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Lodge, WHEREAS: Lodge by-laws should include the date of the approval from the Grand Lodge as stated in Section §6-3 of the Constitution, WHEREAS: Lodge by-laws should have the impress of the Lodge seal on its approved by-laws as reflected in the statement “and all documents or papers of every kind whatsoever, emanating from such Lodge, or from its Master or Secretary in his official capacity”, stated in Sections §6-3 and §6-4.5. Be it Therefore Now RESOLVED: That the Constitution and Statutes of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona amend Section §6-3 as follows (added text in bold type, deleted text in strikethrough): §6-3 Seal, By-Laws and Reports. Each chartered Lodge shall, within two months from the date of its charter, provide a suitable seal, bearing such devices as it may deem proper and having inscribed thereon the name and number of the Lodge, the date of its charter, and the place of its location; and all documents or papers of every kind whatsoever, emanating from such Lodge, or from its Master or Secretary in his official capacity, shall bear the impress of such seal or be considered null and of no effect. By-Laws, or amendments thereto, cannot be presented and voted on at the same regular meeting, but must be presented at one meeting and voted upon at the next. Each Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary and Charters and by-laws Committee a copy of its by-laws as soon as adopted; but no such by-laws, nor any subsequent amendments thereunto, shall be deemed valid until approved by the Grand Lodge, though they may be acted under until the next Annual Communication if approved by the Grand Master. A copy of the Lodge by-laws as well as all by-laws change requests shall be submitted to the Charters and Bylaws Committee for review. A cover letter from the Lodge Secretary will accompany the bylaws or by-laws change request certifying the approval of the Lodge on the by-laws or by-laws change being submitted. All Lodge by-laws must contain the following to be valid: The final approval date from the Grand Lodge, The signature of the Master and Secretary of the Lodge and, The Lodge seal impressed on the by-laws by the Lodge Secretary attesting to its validity as the adopted by-laws of the Lodge. Each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February, a full and correct report of its transactions for the twelve months next preceding the first day of January. Each such Lodge shall accompany such report with payment of its contributions, as prescribed in Statute, to the Grand Lodge for

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) period of the report. In addition, each chartered Lodge and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit its lodge financial report to the Grand Secretary, in such form as may be provided, not later than the last day of February. Submitted by: George E. Weil, PM (1) James E. Gier, PM (69, 70) Keith L. Rosewitz, PM (1) Lewis A. Ivy, PM (66, 86) David Sahady, PM (1) Resolution 2019-04 Ritual Clarification (Requires a 5/6 majority to approve) (Additions in Bold deletions in strikethrough) Synopsis: The purpose of this legislation is to resolve the debate whether the answer to the question “What came you here to do?” be separated by commas to create a numerical value of three in consistency with the teachings of Masonry and the EA degree, to read “To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry”. Whereas, when we enter Masonry we begin to learn and through that process it should become apparent to us that if we subdue our passions, we can realize greater self-improvement in Masonry hence a three-step process Therefore, be it resolved: The ritual of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Arizona be amended as follows: Entered Apprentice Degree (page 5) W.M. – What came you here to do? S.W. - To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry. EA Examination (page 45) Question – What came you here to do? Answer – To learn, to subdue my passions, and to improve myself in Masonry. Submitted by: Jim H Baker (9) SGD Roger Biede III (9) PM Ryan Kann (9) DDGM Daniel Genchi (9) PM

Greg Vasquez (15) DGM Boyd Robertson (1) SGW Randy Jager (52) JGW Jim H Baker (9) SGD George Rusk (20) JGD Darrell Mandrell (15, 75) SGS Michael Dale (17) JGS (Resolution 2019-06 Candidate Explanation of Obligation (Required 2/3 majority for approval) Synopsis: This amendment will add to the minimum proficiency requirements as set forth in Statute 5-1.1.1. The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he understands the obligation. Resolved: That statute of the Arizona Masonic Code be amended as follows: (additions in Bold type) §5-1.1.1 Minimum Proficiency for EA, FC or MM. A minimum proficiency consisting of the steps, the due guards, the signs, the grips, the words, an explanation of the obligation in the candidate’s own words to demonstrate that he understands the obligation and the completion of the approved Candidate Education Program is acceptable as the minimum proficiency in Arizona. No Lodge shall advance an Entered Apprentice Mason or a Fellowcraft Mason to a higher degree until he has been examined by a committee appointed by the Master of the Lodge in the proficiency of that degree. Submitted by: Keith J. McCormack DDGM Dist. 1 Clayton Howard DDGM Dist. 4 Williams Carnell DDGM Dist. 10 Michael Gatti DDGM Dist. 12 Roderic Wagoner DDGM Dist. 15 N. Dean Millard DDGM Dist. 21

Resolution 2019-07 Clarify/Simplify Grand Lodge Voting Procedure (Requires 2/3 majority for approval) Synopsis: In the interest of accuracy the following amendments are proposed to clarify and simplify the voting procedure in Grand Lodge. Consideration of the following questions will show the need for these amendments. Referring to the current Section 15-101 1. Why would Grand Lodge want to take a less accurate voice vote on a Resolution 2019-05 question that has already been voted on, but the results not yet anDegree Conferral nounced? (see first sentence) (Requires a 2/3 majority to approve) 2. How would the totals of a voice vote be counted before being announced? (See second sentence) Synopsis: The purpose of this legislation is to clarify and bring to light 3. How can a voice vote be determined to be a tie? (See third sentence) the Lodge requirement to confer or exemplify each degree once each A show of hands or a voice vote is not accurate as numerous Brothers calendar year and to set forth the requirements. Currently the require- carry more than one vote. ment is only listed under the duties of the Grand Lecturer in Title IV Therefore be it resolved that Section 15-101 and Section 14-102.1(a) be Chapter 14 Section 14-501 (a) of the Statutes. amended as follows (deletions strike through, additions in bold type): Section 15-101 - Voting. All questions in the Grand Lodge except elecTherefore, be it resolved: Title III Chapter 10 Section 10-101 of the tion of officers, shall be decided either viva voce or by a show of hands Statutes be amended to add the following subsections: voting cards.; unless, before the announcement of the result thereof, (f) Every Lodge shall confer or exemplify the Entered Apprentice, Felthree members shall demand that the vote be taken by yeas and nays, in lowcraft, and Master Mason degrees a minimum of once each calendar which case it shall thus be taken. The vote totals for any balloted vote year. A Lodge failing to meet the requirements in this statute for three or yeas and nays vote must be read at the announcement of the results. In all cases of a tie vote, except votes by paper ballot or votes by yeas consecutive years may be subject to forfeiture of their Charter. (g) A minimum of 5 officer positions to include the WM, SW, JW and and nays, the Grand Master, in addition to his proper vote, may have the casting deciding vote. A tie vote cannot be determined by sight, SD must be filled by members of the Lodge and all Lectures must be only by a count. given by members of the Lodge in each degree to constitute a conferral Section 14-102.1 – Election of Officers. The Grand Master, Deputy or exemplification of the degrees. In addition to the requirements of the Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and first section of the MM degree the parts of KS, HKT, 3rd Ruffian and 1st two of the four elective Trustees of this Grand Lodge shall be elected at Fellowcraft in second section of the MM degree must be filled by mem- each Annual Communication thereof. Voting shall be by paper ballot or show of voting cards. , show of hands bers of the Lodge to constitute a conferral or exemplification of the or voice vote. to be determined by a majority vote of the brethren regisdegree. tered and present. Submitted by:

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) Those elected shall be installed before its close and shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall have been elected and installed. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for an election. The Grand Master (or presiding officer conducting the election) must read the vote totals for all candidates receiving ten or more votes, regardless if an election has taken place or not. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Mark Nielsen (9) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Resolution 2019-08 Print name in By Laws Book along with Signature. (Requires 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: Since our Constitution was written many years ago, the quality of penmanship in the general population has seriously deteriorated. This amendment proposes than when a member signs the bylaws there shall be an additional requirement that his name in full must also be legibly printed. This would remove any doubt in later years as to whose signature it is and support the historical records of the Lodge. Therefore be it resolved that Article VI, Section 6-4.5.4 of the Constitution be amended as follows: §6-4.5.4 Book of By-Laws. The Secretary shall keep a book of By-Laws for the signatures of the members in order of their admission, in which he shall see that each member at once signs his name in full which shall a l s o b e l e g i b l y p r i n t e d f o l l o w i n g h i s s i g n a tur e . Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Mark Nielsen, PM (9) Jason Morrett , PM (7) Resolution 2019-09 Reinstatement from Suspension from NPD when lodge no longer exists (Requires 2/3 majority for approval) Synopsis: Whereas there is currently no procedure for reinstatement from suspension for NPD in a lodge which no longer exists. This situation has occurred this year and probably will again and needs to be addressed. Therefore be it resolved that Section 9-204 of the Statutes be amended by adding the following section: (d) When a Lodge from which a member was suspended for NPD no longer exists, the former member is permitted to submit a petition for restoration to membership to any Lodge in this jurisdiction subject to the provisions of this Section. Submitted by: Earl Wunder, PM (13. 14) Robert Weed, PM (22) Mark Nielsen, PM (9) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Resolution 2019-10 Housekeeping Changes (Required 5/6 majority for approval) Synopsis: Article V Section 5-1.1 of the Constitution needs to be amended by changing the word should in the last line to the word shall to conform with Statute 6-4.5.4. Article VI Section 6-4.2of the Constitution needs to be amended by changing the word casting to the word deciding. The word casting as used in this context is archaic. §5-1.1 Master Mason Proficiency. Every Brother raised to the Degree of Master Mason by a Lodge of this jurisdiction after the effective date of this legislation (June 7, 2008) shall be required to pass a satisfactory

proficiency in that degree within 12 months. At the conclusion of the ceremonies of the Third Degree, a member should shall at once sign the Lodge’s By-Laws. §6-4.2 Master Authority, Objections to Decisions and Power to Break a T i e . In all cases of a tie vote, except votes by ballot, the Master, in addition to his proper vote, may have the casting deciding vote. Submitted by Earl Wunder, PM (13, 14) Robert Weed PM (22) Mark Nielsen PM (9) Jason Morrett, PM (7) Resolution 2019-11 Housekeeping Changes (Requires 2/3 majority for approval) Additions if Bold Synopsis: Section 5-104 of the Statutes needs to be amended by adding Form 19, Report of Investigating Committee (Petition for the Degrees), and Form 20, Report of Investigating Committee (Application for Affiliation), and form titles added to Section 14-204, Forms. Section 9-204 of the Statutes needs to be amended by adding Form 4, Petition for Restoration from NPD, and Form 4, Petition for Restoration from Sentence of Suspension title added to Section 14-204, Forms. Section 13-1301 of the Statutes needs to be amended by adding Form 23, Recommendation for Grand Lodge Recognition, and form title added to Section 14-204, Forms Section 5-104 – Investigation Committee Report. When the appointment of a Committee on Investigation is required, the report of the Committee must be received by the Lodge prior to the opening of a ballot. Failure to report to the Lodge will invalidate the ballot. Form 19 and Form 20 Section 9-204 – Restoration after One (1) Year of Suspension for NPD. Should any Mason suspended for non-payment of dues neglect for the period of one year to pay said dues or to have the same remitted by his Lodge, his petition for restoration shall be referred to an investigating committee of three whose duty it shall be to report thereon at the next stated meeting in the same manner as is provided for a Petition for Degrees. Form 4 Section 13-1301 – Annual Recommendations for Recognition by Grand Lodge. Annually in December in each constituent Lodge, the Past Masters, Master, and the Wardens present may select from the Master and Past Masters of that Lodge, one or more whom they deem qualified for Grand Lodge recognition. Selections shall be sent by December 31 to the Deputy Grand Master on the form "Recommendation for Grand Lodge Recognition, Form 23. Section 14-204 – Forms. The following forms are hereby adopted: Notice of Rejections, Suspensions, Expulsions, and Restorations; Lodge Demit; Certificate of Withdrawal (see Statute 9-204(c) (1)) Credentials for a Representative elected by a Lodge; Petition for the Degrees; Application for Affiliation Accompanied by Demit (ABD); Application for Affiliation – Dual or Plural Membership; Application for Affiliation – Demit After Election (DAE); Certificate of Proficiency, Member; Notice of Proposed Automatic Expulsion; Certificate of Service of Notice; Minutes; Notice of Election to Dual Membership; Notice of Withdrawal from Dual or Plural Membership; Notice of Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues, Dual Member; Change of Status Report (Form 14). Report of Investigating Committee (Petition for Degrees – Form 19) Report of Investigating Committee (Petition for Affiliation –

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) Form 20)

to Section 14-101 of the Statutes be as follows (Additions in Bold, Deletions in Strikethrough): Petition for Restoration from Sentence of Suspension – Form Section 14-101 - Qualification of Members. Each officer and member 4 of the Grand Lodge, with the exception those listed below, must be a Recommendation for Grand Lodge Recognition – Form 23 Past Master, Master or Warden of some Lodge within this jurisdiction. Note: These forms are available through the Grand Secretary. With the cessation of such membership shall cease his office and memSubmitted by: bership in the Grand Lodge. James Rowan, PM (43) The Grand Secretary, if he does not meet the above requirements, must Resolution 2019-12 have been elected to and served a total of four years as Secretary of one or more chartered and duly constituted Lodges of this jurisdiction and Change of Age to Submit Petition for Degrees have served one year as Deputy Grand Secretary . (Requires 5/6 Approval) The Grand Organist must be a qualified organist and a member of Synopsis: This Resolution would allow for a young man who seeks the some Lodge of this jurisdiction. light of Masonry to be able to submit his petition at the age of 17 years The Grand Editor and the Grand Chaplain must be a member of some and 6 months. This would allow the petitioner to be known by his inLodge of this jurisdiction. tentions before his 18th birthday and be able to receive his first degree Submitted By: Bro. Joshua Hodo, Secretary, Acacia #42 on or near his 18th birthday. The United States Armed Services will accept our young men's contracts at age 17 1/2. Why should we put off Resolution 2019-14 good men who have a bright future, who desire to learn and have a part of the rights and light of the world's largest and most exclusive learning Changes to Spanish Ritual consortium? I have met Brothers who have expressed that if this was Carry over to the 2020 Communication available when they were first starting out, they would have taken their SYNOPSIS: The intent of this legislation is to make technical degrees earlier. There are many fine, bright, and intelligent young men changes to the current Spanish language ritual, in order to correct typoand we have the responsibility to teach them. graphical errors and to increase consistency and uniformity with the Resolved: That the first paragraph of Article V, Section 5-2 of the Con- English language ritual. It is the belief of the authors that these changes, stitution be amended as follows (additions in bold type, deletions while numerous, do not change the content or meaning of the ritual, nor in strikethrough) does it attempt to change the beauty of the Spanish language as it exists §5-2 Petitioners for the Degrees. The person who desires to be made a in the current Spanish ritual. Further, given the nature of the changes, Mason must be a man, a believer in a Supreme Being and a future exist- the intent is to request that the Grand Lodge vote to adopt the changes ence; of moral conduct, coming under the tongue of good report and as an AApproved Temporary Change to the Ritual to be Considered for well recommended, and, at the time the petition is submitted Permanent Adoption at the Next Annual Communication@ pursuant to be 18 years 17 years and 6 months of age or older regardless of his naArticle 10-2 of the Constitution, which, if passed by a three-fifths vote in tionality. No petitioner shall be initiated prior to the date of his eightfavor, will allow immediate, temporary use of the changes while the eenth birthday. These requirements shall be liberally construed, insofar resolution is being considered, and then, if approved by a two/thirds as the same applies to the physical qualifications of a candidate. The vote at the 2020 Grand Communication, will be adopted as permanent question as to the physical sufficiency of a candidate shall be left to the changes to the Spanish ritual. sound discretion of the Lodge. When the candidate is unable to comBE IT RESOLVED: That the Spanish language ritual be amended and ply with the physical requirements, the Master shall state the nature and changed in the following particulars (page references are to the page of extent of the candidate's disabilities to the Lodge before ballot is taken. the Spanish ritual, and line reference is to the line, counting spaces beSubmitted by, tween parts as lines). Kenneth K. Evans, II, WM (6) JW (13) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this resolution be adopted as anAApproved Temporary Change to the Ritual to be Considered for Resolution 2019-13 Permanent Adoption at the Next Annual Communication@ pending its Removal of Requirement for Grand Secretary review by the Ritual Review Committee and consideration at the 2020 (Requires a 2/3 majority to approve) Grand Communication. SYNOPSIS: This legislation removes the qualifier that all candidates Submitted by: for Grand Secretary experience one year as Deputy Grand Secretary. Juan Valdez PM (81) WHEREAS, the number of people who have been a Deputy Grand Emeterio Godoy WM (81), SW (74) Secretary is very, very small, and Ron Allen GL (4,55,74,81) Ritual Changes: WHEREAS, the candidate pool for Grand Secretary has its growth rate Spanish FIRST DEGREE: restricted to 1 person per year (if there is a new Deputy each year), Page 1: Line 3: change Ainvestiros y poneros@ to Ainvestios y poneos@ Line 28 and line 30: (counting spaces between parts as lines) change Aaseguraros@ to Aaseguraos@ while the number of Secretaries across the state gaining one more year Line 30: change Aaproximaros al@ to Aaproximaos a@ of experience, each year, is around 60, and Line 37: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ 2: Line 1: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ WHEREAS, the candidate pool in 4 years will potentially be cut by 93% Page Line 6: change AY revervaros@ to Ay reservaos@ if the legislation is left unchanged, and Line 9: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ 22: change Avuestra@ to Aesa@ and delete AHermano@ WHEREAS, at the previous Annual Grand Communication, the Grand Line Line 24: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Secretary voiced concern over the small size of the candidate pool of Line 30: change Acubrir el Templo:@ to Acubrirla@ Page 3: Line 6: add the word Ay@ before the word Aver@ potential future replacements, and Line 7: change Apase@ to Aentre@ WHEREAS, resumes are made available prior to the Annual Grand Line 19: add Ayo mismo@ after Aprogresar@ Line 23: change Areconocido@ to Atomado@ Communication, enabling the Brethren to investigate the candidate’s Line 35: add APero@ before ACuando@ qualifications, and Page 4: 29: change Alos mismos@ to Alo mismo@ WHEREAS, there is now legislation requiring 4 years’ experience as the Line Line 38: after ARecibir@ change Adel Secretario dodos los dineros de la Logia@ to Atodo el dinero del secretary of a Masonic Lodge in this jurisdiction prior to consideration, secretario@ Page 5: Lines 1 and 12: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ and Line 20: change Adebe@ to Adebiera@ WHEREAS, in any election for the office of Grand Secretary, the inLines 29 and 30: change Asale@ and Ase para@ to Ase levanta@, respectively 6: cumbent is currently empowered with the ability to influence the make- Page Line 6: change Aconduciros de acuerdo@ to Aconducios adecuadamente@ up of the competition pool, introducing politics, and Line 23: change Apermitid@ to Apermitidnos@ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the following amendment

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) Line 38: change Arealizad@ to Arealizareis@ Page 8: Line 10: change Apuedas@ to Apodais@ Page 9: Line 12: change AAdmitirle@ to AAdmitidle@ Page 13: Line 5: change Aensenarle@ to Arecordarle@ Line 28: add Avos@ before Asois@ Page 14: Line 1: change Apromesa@ to Aninguna empreza@ Line 2: add Aantes@ between Asin@ and Ahaber@ Lines 3, 20 and 26: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADIOS@ Line 27: change APoneros@ to APoneos@ Page 15: Line 3: change Avaraba@ to Aaun la barba@ Line 5: change ASion@ to AZion@ Line 5: change Aahi@ to Aallí@ Line 5: change AJehova@ to AEl Señor@ Line 15: change Aal G.A.D.U.@ to Aa@ and delete the parentheses around ADIOS@ Line 36: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Page 16: Line 11: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADIOS@ Lines 19, 24, 38 and 32: change AS.V.@ to AP.V.@ Line 32: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Page 17: Line 7: Aal G.A.D.U.@ to Aa@ and delete the parentheses around ADIOS@ Lines 15, 20 and 24: change AS.V.@ to AV.M.@ Line 28: add Aotro@ between Aque@ and Aderecho@; change Aser admitido a unal Logia de AA.MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Page 18: Line 24: delete A(G.A.D.U.)@ Line 31: add Aque@ between Apara@ and Aeste@ Line 32: delete Aa@ where it appears after Aprecisa@ Line 37: change Aarrodillaros@ to Aarrodillaos@ Page 19: Line 14: delete A(G.A.D.U.)@ Line 25: add an accent on the letter Ae@ to Asaludare@ Lines 25 and 26: change Aartes secretas@ to Asecretas, artes,@ Line 29: change Acelestial@ to Aceleste@ and change Aaun@ to Aun@ before Alegitimo@ Line 35: add an accent on the letter Ae@ to Apintare@ Line 36: add an accent on the last letter Ae@ to Acortare@ Aesculpire@ Alabrare@ Atallare@ Atrazare@ Acifrare@ and Agrabare@ Line 37: add a comma following Aletra@ Line 39: change celestial@ to Aceleste@ Line 42: change Aand@ to Ay@ Line 45: change Aa p e p c d t m g s c d o a o@ to Aa p e c d t m g c d o a o@ by deleting the second Ap@ Page 20: Lines 1 and 2: change Al l a d s r y s b l b a d m a u d n m q l d c d m g a d l a m t c f r@ to Am l a d r y s e l a a d m a l d d m s e l o d r ll m@ Line 2: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADios@ Line 28: delete AG.A.D.U.@ and the parentheses around ADios@ Page 21: Line 3: add Aos@ between Ay@ and Aseran@ Line 5: delete Ase@ before Adebera@ Line 19: change AY este es el@ to Ay esta es la@ Line 20: change Asaludo (hace la senal)@ to Aseñal@ followed by A(la hace)@ Line 20: after Aalude@, change Aa la pena de q v g s e d o a o v l a etc.@ to Aa que a p e c d t m g c etc.@ Line 23: after Aamistad@ change Aa@ to Ay@ Line 40: change ASaludo@ to ATocamiento@ Page 22: Lines 1 and 3: Change Asaludo@ to Atocamiento@ Line 5: change Aun@ to Asu@ Line 9: change AReveladmelo@ to ADàmelo@ Line 11: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@ Page 24: Line 10: add Aun@ before AMason@ Line 21: change Atan puro y@ to Ade pureza y de@ Line 22: add Ayo@ after Acomo@ to ASeñor@ Line 22: change Aotorgo yo@ to Aconfiero@ Line 25: change Amortales e inhumanos@ to Aterrenales@ Line 25: add Ael@ before Afrio@ Line 28: change Ala pureza y falta de manchas@ to Asu pureza sin mancha@ Line 35: change APodran@ to Puedan@ Page 25: Line 4: change Aa@ to Aal@, add an accent over the letter Aa@ in ASera@ and delete the question marks in lines 4 and 6 Line 7: change AMaestro@ to ASeñor@ Lines 26 and 26: change AComo a de M. Especulativo, Vos lo portareis Masonicamente igual@ to AEn la Masoneria especulativa, como AM. Vos lo vestireis igualmente.@ Line 36: add an accent to the Ao@ in AMason@ Line 39: delete the accent to the Aa@ in AMas@ Page 26: Line 4: add Aa@ between Ay@ and Aun@ Line 7: change the beginning of the sentence to AEl mazo or mallete@ Line 9: delete the accent from AMas@ Line 19: change Aintrinscco@ to Aintrínseco@ Line 21: add Aa@ after Ahecho@ and add an accent to the Ao@ in AMason@ Page 27: Lines 13 and 14: change Aretiraros@ to Aretiraos@ Line 37: add Aque@ before Adesea@ and change Aser admitido entre nosotros@ to Aadmisión@ Page 28: Line 1: add Aque@ before Adesea@ Line 3: change ANoroeste@ to ANoreste@ Line 4: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 7: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 16: Add an accent over the Ao@ in AMason@ Line 19: Add Aa este grado@ after Acorrespondiente@ Line 36: Add an accent over the Ae@ in Afue@ Line 40: Change AJopa y de ahi@ to AJope y de allí@ Page 29: Line 1: change Agarruchas@ to Amarros@ and change Apreparadas@ to Apreparados@ Line 3: add Abien@ before Aparecia@ Line 7: add Aesto@ before Afue@ Line 9: add Aun@ before AMason@ Page 30:

Line 19: change Adicto@ to Aordenó@ Line 19: change Avuestra@ to Avuestro@ Line 28: change Aante el@ to Alas puertas del@ Lines 29 and 30: change Atenian permiso y estaban designados@ to Aestaban calificados y tenian permiso@ Line 32: change Aarrodillaros en@ to Aarrodillar ante el ara sobre@ Page 31: Line 6: change Ay al@ to Alibre y@ Line 11: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 17: change Ametal@ to Ametàlica@ Line 20: change Aos fue despojado@ to Ase os desvistió@ Line 21: change Adel@ to Ade un@ Line 23: change Aposada al@ to Apuesta en la esquina NE@ Line 24: change: Aencumbra@ to Alevante@ Line 32: add Ay@ before Acomo@ and Ason@ after Aquien@ Line 35: change Alegitimando@ to Aautorizando@ Line 38: change Alos ahi mencionados HH.@ to Alos HH allí mencionados@ Line 39: change AAumentar el Salario@ to APasar@ Line 40: change Agenuinos@ to Averdaderos@ and change Aque peticionaron con ese@ to Aquienes puedan aplicar para este@ Page 32: Line 3: Ay que otorga autoridad@ to Ael cual confiere poder@ Line 4: delete Ade tiempo@ after Alimitado@. Change Aencontrarais@ to Aencontrareis@ Line 5: after Alugar@, change Alejano@ to Aextrano@ with a tilde over the An@ and add Ay@ before adesearais@ Line 6: Change Ade retjamiento que os examie@ to Aenviado a Examinaros,@ Line 7: change Afaciliten@ to Amuestren@ Line 12: change Aa@ to Aen@ Line 16: change Ay se dice@ to Aasí@ Line 17: add Apara@ after Ay@ Line 18: change AMasonica@ to Ade un Masón@ Line 22: change Aellos son@ to Adenominados@ Line 26: add an accent to the Aa@ in Aesta@ Line 27: change Ala@ to Auna@ Page 33: Line 1: between Aemblema@ and Apropio@add AMasónico@ Line 1: change Ainvestidura@ to Aoficina@ Lines 6 and 7: delete ABlanco y Negro@ Line 9: change Aadoquinado@ to Aenlozado@ Line 10: add Acon@ after Aalternando@ Line 11: add Ahermoso@ before Aborde@ and delete Ade arabescos@ after Abastilla@ and change adequinado@ to Aenlozado@ Line 13: change Agracias a@ to Apor nuestra fiel de pendencia en@ Line 27 and 28: switch from AOcc., Or.@ to AOr., Occ.@ Line 40: add Amesa de@ before Adiseno@ Page 34: Lines 4 and 5: delete after Arevelacion,@ and replace with Ael cual es nuestra mesa de diseno (with tilde over An@) Masonico (accent over first Ao@) espiritual y moral.@ Line 12: change Aemancipacion@ to Aliberación@ and add an accent to the Ae@ in Afue@ Line 12: change Aera una replica exacta@ with Afue (with accent over Ae@) un modelo exacto@ Line 20: change Asus tiempos@ to Asu tiempo@ Lines 21, 22 and 25: to Acirculo@ add an accent over the first vowel and in line 25, an accent over the Aa@ in Aesta@ Line 26: Accent over the letter Aa@ in AJuan@ Line 33: change AAyuda@ to ASocorro@ Page 35: Line 3: change Aauydar@ to Asocorrer@ Line 4: change Amas aun@ to Aparticluarmente@ and after AMasones,@ add Aque estan unidos@ with accents over the Aa@ in Aestan@ and the AI@ in Aunidos@ Lines 7 and 8: change ABajo esta promisa@ to Asobre estas bases@ Line 11: change Ahonestos@ to Averdaderos@ Line 12: change Abajo este argumento@ to Asobre este tema@ and before Amandatos@, change Abajo sus@ to Apor estos@ Page 36: Lines 7 and 8: change Asecretos que se es han tan solemnemente@ to Asecretos que tan solemnemente se os han@ Line 18: move Afelicidad@ from its current place after Apresente@ to the last word of the sentence, following Afutura@ Page 37: Line 5: change Ael@ to Aal@ Line 8: change Aque@ to Ade donde@ Line 14: Chane Aos felictie@ to Afelicitaros@ Line 32: Change Asi no@ to Asino@ Line 38: add a second Ar@ to make a double Ar@ in Aquerais@ Page 38: Line 18: change ACaridad@ to ASocorro@ Page 39: Lines 7 and 9: change Avuestro@ to Avuestra@ and Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Line 24: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Page 40: Lines 13 and 14: move Ade AA. MM.@ from after ALogia@ to after Aconstituida@ Page 41: Lines 1 and 12: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 20: change Adebe@ to Adebiera@ Line 29: change Asale@ to Ase levanta@ Line 30: change Apara@ to Alevanta@ Line 31: change Aha@ to Aa su= Page 42: Line 6: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Second Degree Page 1: Line 3: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ Line 28: change Aaseguraros@ to Aaseguraos@ Line 37: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Page 2: Line 1: change Ade la columna@ to Adel lado@ Line 5: change AY revervaros@ to A y reservaos@ Line 8: change Aponeros@ to Aponeos@ Line 23: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Line 29: change Acubrir el Templo:@ to Acubrirla@ Page 3: Lines 16 and 18: change Aen@ to Apor@ Line 29: move Ade CC. MM.@ to the end of the sentence Page 4: Line 4: delete Aa Occidente@ Page 5: Lines 12 and 23: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Line 41: change Ase sale@ to Ase laevanta@ Page 6: Line 1: change Apara@ to Alevanta@ Line 15: change Aconduciros de acuerdo@ to Aconducios adecuadamente@ Line 36: change Aconcluída@ to Aconcluya@

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Cont) Page 7: Line 21: move AAhora@ in front of Adeclaro@ Page 10: Line 29: change Ala@ where it appears before Aescuadra@ to Auna@ Page 11: Line 18: change Ala@ to Auna@ Page 13: Line 22: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Page 14: Line 18: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Page 15: Line 14: change Aser admitido a unal Logia de CC. MM.@ to Aobtener este favor@ Line 29: change Amirando hacia el Or.@ to Ade frente al Oriente@ Line 36: change Adando@ to Ade@ Page 16: Line 26: add Aque@ after Apara@ and delete second Aeste@ Line 39: after Aderecha@ add Adescansando@ Page 17: Line 21: after Aanteriores@ change Aguardar y jamas revelar@ to Aque siempre saludarè, por siempre ocultarè y jamàs revelarè Line 22: delete Aactos@ and add Ao puntos@ after Apartes@ Line 25: change ACelestia@ to Aceleste@ Line 28: add Adebido@ before Aexamen@ Line 29: change Ales encuentre@ to Ahasta encontrarios@ Line 30: change Alo estoy yo@ to Ayo mismo lo estoy@ Line 32: change Aatender@ to Aque responderé a@ Line 33: delete Ay señales los signos@ Lines 35 and 36: move Ade CC.MM.@ from its current location to after Aconstituida@, then add Asi està@ before Adentro@ Page 18: Line 5: delete Ao con@ Line 11: change Aa p e p c d t m e l il d m p s a@ to Aa p e c d t m c a d m p@ Line 12: change Am c a u a a d a d a y a l f d c@ to Ay d c p a l b d c y l b d a@ Line 22: add Adoble@ before Alazo@ and delete Amucho màs fuerte@ Line 24: change Aentre las@ to Aen una condición de@ Page 19: Line 17: change v s c a y a a l a@ to Aa p e c d t m c a@ Line 20: change conferire@ to Ainvestirè con@ Line 21: delete Asecreta@ Line 32: delete Aconstituido@ Line 33: move Ade CC.MM.@ from its current location to the end of the sentence Lines 36, 38 and 40: change Asaludo@ to Atocamiento@ Page 20: Line 1: change Asu@ to Aun@ Line 5: change ARevaladmelo@ to ADàdmelo@ Line 7: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@ Line 9: change AComo lo hareis@ to AQue harèis con el Page 21: Line 1: change ARevaladmelo@ to ADàdmelo@ Line 3: change Arevelar@ to Aimpartir@ Page 23: Line 15: delete Amasones@ Line 16: change Alos@ to Alas@ Line 17: change Acampos@ to Acanteras@ Line 18: delete Avolteada para abajo@ Line 19: delete from Avos la usareis . . .@ to the end of the sentence on line 21, and replace with Aasí es como la usareis.@ Line 34: delete Aespeculativos@ Page 25: Line 3: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Page 27: Line 26: add Apor@ after ADiovinidad,@ Page 28: Line 1: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Line 7: change ADaniel@ to ADavid@ Lines 11 and 12: change Atodas law naves@ to Atodos los utencilios sagrados@ Line 12: add Afundidos entre@ after Afueron@ Lines 13 and 14: add AEran@ after ANeftali.@ to start the next sentence, then change Acubilos@ to Acodos@ and delete the brackets (and contents) after Aalto@ Line 19: change Aarabescos y@ to Aredes y@ and change Aalcatraz@ to Alirios@ Line 20: after APlenitud;@ change Alos arabescos@ to Alas redes@ Line 21: change Ared@ to Aconección@ Line 22: change Aalcatraz@ to Alirios@ Line 36: chage AG.A.D.U.@ to Aa la Divinidad@ Page 30: Lines 12 and 14: change ACorintiano@ to ACorintia@ Page 32: Lines 4, 5 and 11: change AJephtha [Jefta}@ to AJeftè@ Line 17: change AS----A to ASi----A Lines AS----A to ASh----A Line 28: change Ainterior@ to Adel medio@ Line 38: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Page 33: Lines 9, 12 and 20: change Amedia@ to Adel medio@ Line 26: change Adeleite@ to Agozo@ Page 34: Line 5: change Arecovecos@ to Aescondidos@ Page 35: Line 36: delete Adel@ Page 36: Line 27: change Avuestro@ to Avuestra@ and Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Line 29: change Aescritorio@ to Amesa@ Page 37: Line 3: change Ade acuerdo a ello@ to Aadecuadamente@ Line 10: change Acubrir el Templo@ to Acubrirla@ Page 38: Lines 14 and 25: change Acolumna@ to Aestación@ Page 39: Line 19: add Aa ello@ after Aacuerdo@ to end the sentence Third Degree Page 1: Line 3: change “investiros” to “investios” and change “poneros” to “poneos” Line 37: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Page 2: Line 1: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Line 9: change “de la columna” to “del lado” Line 24: change “de acuerdo a ello” to “adecuadamente” Line 30: change “cubrir el Templo:” to “cubrirla” Page 3: Line 18: add “verdadero” before “hermano” Line 32: change “columna” to “estación” Page 4: Line 4: change “columna” to “estación” Line 12: change “debe” to “debiera”

Lines 21 and 22: change “sale” and “se para” to “se levanta”, respectively Line 23: change “ha” to “a su” Line 24: change “con” to “por” Page 5: Lines 9 and 10: move “Dds. Solamente” to the end of the italicized phrase and delete “ Hermanos” in the italicized phrase. Lines 28 and 29: move “DD’s. to the end of the italicized phrase following “ los” and delete “Hnos” in the italicized phrase, and change “Son correctos es mi orden y deseo” to “Correctamente. Por lo tanto es mi deseo y placer” Line 38: after the comma after “lugar” change “tomad debida nota de ello y conduciros de acuerdo” to “de esto tomad debida nota y conducios adecuadamente” Page 7 Line 3: change “Declaro ahora” to “Ahora declaro” Page 8 Line 20: change “aumentado su salario” to “pasado” Page 9 Line 5: after “esperaréis” add “un tiempo” Line 16: change “desea” to “busca” Line 17: change “exaltado al Grado sublime “ to “levantado al sublime grado” Page 10 Line 14: change “Alivio” to “Socorro” Page 11 Line 8: Delete “sois recibe” and after “puntas” change “de un C. abiertas” to ”extendidas del C.” Lines 12 and 13: add “de” after “dentro” and after “puntas” change “de este C. extendido” to “extendidas de C.” and change “Alivio” to “Socorro” Page 13 Line 6: change “pocos molinos” to “pocas molineras” Line 27: change “se pone de pie” to “se levanta” Line 30: change “desea” to “busca” Line 31: change “exaltado” to “levantado” Line 31: move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Page 14 Line 5: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Line 22: change “para” to “levanta” Line 25: change “desea” to “busca” Line 26: change “exaltado” to “levantado” and move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Page 15 Line 1: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Line 13: change “mayor” to “su” Line 20: change “desea” to “busca” Line 21: change “exaltado” to “levantado” and move “Grado” from before “sublime” to after “sublime” Line 36: change “ser admitido a una Logia de MM.MM.” to “obtener este favor” Page 16 Line 14: Add “De” at the beginning of the sentence Line 25: change “dando” to “de” and delete “el” Page 17 Line 7: change “hacia el” to “a” Lines 26 and 27: switch the order of “forma debida” to “debida forma” and change “como” to “de” Line 28: change “a arrodillandose” to “arrodillarse” Line 29: change “la” to “una” Line 32: change “Arrodillaros” to “Arrodillaos” Line 33: change “formando” to “dentro de” Page 18 Line 18: change “celestial” to “celeste” Line 19: add the word “o” between “Grado” and “dentro” Line 25: delete “solemne y sinceramente” Line 25: change “atender” to “que responderé a” Line 26: delete “y señales los signos” Page 19 Line 25: delete “que” and change “revelare” to “daré” Line 26: change “este” to “estè” Lines 28-30: delete the current paragraph which is a duplication of the previous paragraph, and replace with the following: “Ademàs que no darê el sustituto de la Antigua palabra del Maestro de ninguna otra manera más que del modo en que la recibí, siendo ésta bajo los Cinco Puntos de Fraternida en un tono de voz suave, pero no màs alta de mi propio aliento.” Line 35 change “a p e p q m c s c” to “a p e c d t m c c e d” Lines 36 and 37 change “m e ñ a e x y r d u a s y a r l 4 v d a p q n q r o r d m I e % l h y l m y” to “m e e y q e c, y l c a a l c v d c, p q j q r m e l h y l m m.” Line 37: delete “el G.A.D.U.” Page 20 Line 15: change “a” to “para que vea” Line 21: change “presentado a vos” to “presentados a vuestra vista” Line 23: switch the order of “observareis ahora” to “ahora observareis” Line 24: switch the order of “estais ahora” to “ahora estais” Line 26: delete “del Grado” Line 28: change “hemos aprendido” to “se nos ha enseñado” Page 21 Line 10: change “v I s, e y r a c. etc” to “a p e c d t m c etc” Line 27: change “constituido” to “o” Line 28: move “de MM.MM.” from after “Logia” to the end of the sentence and change the period after “constituida” to a comma. Page 22 Line 1: change “Reveladmelo” to “dàdmelo” Line 3: change “revelar” to “impartir” Line 10: add “No” at the beginning of the sentence Line 12: change the period after “No” to an exclamation mark, to impart the difference between “no” and “nay” Line 18: change “a nombre” to “la historia” Lines 18 and 19: change “a quienes encontrareis mencionados” to “la encontrareis escrita” Line 38: change “instruya” to “enseñara” and change “portar” to “vestir” and add “un” after “como” Page 23 Line 1: change “instruyais” to “enseñeis” Line 2: change “usar” to “vestir” and add “un” after “como” Line 7: change “portaban” to “vestian” Line 7: change the period after “mandil” to a comma, then change “el” to “Los” Line 8: change “llevaba” to “vestían” and change “el” to “los” Line 9: change “formando asi” to “en la forma de” Line 11: change “usaban” to “los vestian” Line 15: change “P.M.” to “P.V.” Line 18: Change “Espara mi un placer observaros ataviado como M.M. Y” to “Teniendo el placer de veros vestido como un M.M. ahora” Line 20: change “a excepcion de” to “pero particularmente” Line 21: change “el” to “un” Line 22: change “en” to “es” and after “comun” add a comma and delete “y mas fuerte”

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Cont) Line 23: delete one of the two adjacent “M.”, then delete “especulativos” Line 25: change “del” to “de” and after “Ese” delete “es el” Line 26: change “como una sola familia” to “dentro de un grupo sagrado” Line 27: change “disputa” to “contención” Line 28: change “o” to “pero” Line 30: delete “alguna” Line 35: change “despojados” to “desvestido” Page 25 Lines 2 and 3: change “a dirigiros” to “y dirijais”, then delete “Podeis retiraros.” Line 14: change “informaros” to “informaos” Line 16: change “viajéis” to “viajeis” Line 17: change “confrado” to “confiados” Line 19: change “traicionero” to “escabroso”, then change sorprendidos” to “sorprendido” Line 20: add “un” between “de” and “M.M.” Line 22: change “es de esperarse” to “se espera” Lines 24 and 25: change te tal accion dependera solamente de vos. Mi Hermano vuestro futuro y proyectos Masonicos estan en vuestras” to “porque de esta acción mi hermano, dependen todos vuestros futuros proyectas masónicos” Line 27: delete “(# V.M. se levanta con firmeza)” Line 29: change “Podeis retiraros” to “Ahora podeis retiraos” Line 41: change “del” to “en el” Page 27 Line 8: change “ilustro” to “ilustre” Line 11: change “diaria costumbre” to “una costumbre diaria” Line 15: delete “de la construccion” and replace with a semicolon “;” after “ornamentos” Line 20: change “hincaros y haced” to “os arrodillareis para hacer” Line 26: change “verter” to “vertir” Page 29 Lines 21 and 22: place a parenthesis after “occidental” in line 21, then switch “trato entonces” to “Entonces trató” and then delete the parenthesis after “occidental” in line 22. Line 33: delete the comma following “rebaja”, then add “por” Page 30 Line 4: change “occidental” to “oriental”, then at the end of the line, change “P.D.” to “entonces” Line 5: change “lograr su huida” to “escapar” Line 17: change “Malamente. os corresponde la manera” to “Malamente, no os beneficia esa manera tan” Page 33 Line 21: delete “la” Page 34 Line 29: change “encargaros” to “encargaos” Line 31: delete “que” between “ver and “si”, then change “pueda” to “puede” Page 35 Line 10: change “nuestros paises lejanos” to “países extranjeros” then change “y” to “para” Lines 13 and 40: change “pavorosas” to “malvadas” Lines 15 and 41: change “el” to “ese” Page 36 Line 14: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 29: delete “lo” Page 37 Line 8: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 17: change “de acuerdo” to “adecuadamente” Page 38 Line 15: change “Quiza estubiese” to “pudiera estar en” Line 16: change “con” to “entre” then change “alabado” to “honrado” and then add a comma after “respetado Line 19: change “ponerme de pie” to “levantarme” Line 32: change “escarbada recientemente” to “recientemente removida” Line 37: change “mi” to “m.” then delete the “=” Line 38: change “m. l. a. d. l. r. y. s. e. l. b. a. d. m, a. u. d. n. m. qq, l, d, e, c, d, m, g, a,” to “m. l. a. d. r. y. s. e. l. a. a. d. m, a. l. d. d. m. s,” Line 39: change “l, d, l, m, f, c, f, r.” to “e. l. o. d. r. ll. l. m.” Page 39 Lines 4 and 5: change “l. d. m. p. s. a. y. m. c. a. y. a. a. l. a. d. a. y. a. l. a. d. e. c.” to “a. p. e. c. d. t. m. p. a. m. c. a. y. d. c. p. a. l. b. d. c. y. a. l. b. d. a.” Lines 12 and 13: change “el castigo de tener m. c. s. m. I. e. y. r. a. c. y. l. c. a. a. l. c. v. d. c. p. q. n. q. r. m. d. m. e. l. h y l M.M.” to “e. c. d. t. m. c. c. e. d., m. e. e. y. q. e. c., y. l. c. a. a. l. c. v. d. c., p. q. j. q. r. m. e. l. h. y. l. M.M.” Line 32: change “al ponionte” to “a occidente” Line 33: after “ascendimos” add “a” Line 38: change “escarbada” to “removida” Page 41: Line 26: change “llave” to “clave” Page 42: Line 2: change “llave” to “clave” Line 28: delete “Conducimos” so that the sentence begins with “Una” Line 29: change “fue hecha a los” to “fué hecha en el lugar y sus” Lines 29 and 30: change “el descubrir” to “encontrar”, then change “de la llave” to “la clave” Page 44 Line 25: change “Lo tengo claro ahora” to “Ahora me mente está despejada” Line 27: change “las tribus” to “la tribu” Line 28: change “la garra fuerte” to “el agarre fuerete de la garra” Page 45 Line 28: change “garra o la zarpa” to “agarre de la garra” Page 46 Line 12: change “creadores” to “antepasados” Line 19: change “Tire” to “Tiro” and then change “compartir” to “participar” Line 21: change “Tire” to “Tiro” Line 24: after “Salomon”, change “de I. Mando traerle” to “mandó traer” Line 25: change “Tire” to “Tiro” and then change “las preparaciones iniciales” to “los arreglos preliminares” Line 26: change “termino” to “completaron” Line 28: change “Tire, and” to “Tiro e” Line 30: change “de la obra” to “del trabajo” Line 31: change “Esta noche aqui, mi Hermano, se ha representado una tragedia” to “Tenemos aguí esta noche, mi Hermano, una tragedia representada” Line 32: change “sucedio” to “actualmente toma lugar” Line 35: delete “Masones” Line 37: change “lejanos” to “extranjeros” Line 38: change “arrebatarle” to “quitarle” Page 47: Line 5: change “la puerta” to “los portones del” Line 7: change “despues de que se” to “cuando se” Line 11: change “Sagrado” to “Santísimo” and then change “al G.A.D.U.” to “a Dios” Line 15: change “devoto” to “piadoso” Line 16: change “la puerta” to “el portón” Line 17: change “pero la” to “el cual” Line 18: delete “el divulgarle” and then change “del” to “de un” Line 19: change “de” to “en” Lines 20 and 21: change “la puerta” to “el portón”, then change “la cual la encontro celosamente” to el cual encontró fuertemente” Line 22: change “tres veces le demando le divulgare” to “tambien demando tres veces” and then change “del” to “de un” before “M.M.” Line 24: before “escuadra”, change “la” to “una” Line 25: change “emprendio su huida y tratar” to “trató” and then change “de la puerta” to “del portón de”

Line 27: change “juro” to “determinó” Line 28: change “intenciones” to “propósitos” Line 29: between “de” and”M.M.” add “un” Line 30: change “una” to “un” Line 40: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Line 41: change emprendieron el intentar” to “trataron de” Page 48: Lines 6 and 7: change “a Hermano Rey of Tire” to “al Rey Tiro” Line 10: switch “supo entonces” to “entonces supo” Line 13: change “Informo” to “Informó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 14: delete “de” Line 15: change “ser victima” to “ocurrir” Line 16: change “ordeno que” to “ordenó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 17: change “fuera hecha en todos los” to “se hiciera en los varios” Line 24: change “el” to “él” with an accent over the “e” Line 29: change “lejanos” to “extranjeros” Line 39: change “Jopa” to “Jope” Page 49 Line 17: change “trato” to “trató” with an accent over the second “o” Line 18: change “despendio” to “desprendió” Line 19: change “Llamo” to “Llamó” with an accent over the “o” Line 27: change “a la puerta” to “al portón” Line 30: change “puertas” to “portones” Line 34: change “Ordeno entonces el R.S.” to “Entonces el R.S. ordenó” Line 40: change “un” to “una” Page 50: Lines 1, 2 and 12: change “del” to “de un” Line 9: change “tal” to “lo cual” Line 14: change “resulto” to “resultó” with an accent over the “o” Line 16: change “deberas” to “debereis” Line 17: delete “a” before “revelar” Line 21: change “El R.S. ordeno entonces” to “Entonces el R.S. ordenó” Line 32: change “vosotros” to “vos mismo” Page 51: Line 17: change “hermoso” to “de mármol” Line 18: delete “de marmol” Line 21: change “detras de ella” to “a su espalda” Line 24: change “el recuerdo” to “las memorias” Line 25: change “quedara” to “quedará” with an accent over the second “a” Line 38: change “dio” to “dió” Page 52: Line 4: change “Parian” to “Parián” with an accent over the second “a” Line 7: change “capataces” to “mayordomos” Line 11: change “del” to “de” Line 29: change “media” to “del medio” and then after “consistian”, add “en no menos” Line 30: change “tres” to “los otros” Line 31: change “Sagrado” to “Santícimo” Page 53: Lines 18 and 21: change “espada” to “pala” Line 26: change “retoño” to “retoñó” with an accent over the second “o” Line 28: change “continuara” to “continuará” with an accent over the “a” Line 32: change “que” to “qué” with an accent over the “e” Line 34: change “el G.A.D.U.” to “a Dios” Page 54: Line 10: change “une igualmente a serle” to “ata igualmente a ser” Line 21: change “Masoneria” to “fraternidad” Line 22: change “caucionar” to “advertir” Line 35: change “del que ahora sois digno” to “del cual ahora estais” Line 36: change “quebrante” to “violar” Line 37: change “traicione” to “traicionar” Line 37: change “y sequid” to “e imitad” Page 55: Lines 16 and 17: change “id al escritorio” to “ir a la mesa” Line 35: change “vuestro escritorio” to “vuestra mesa” Line 37: change “escritorio” to “mesa” Page 56 Line 18: change “cubrir el Templo” to “cubrirla” Page 57 Line 1: after “constituida” add “de MM. MM.” Lines 9 and 20: change “columna” to “estación” Line 37: change “sale” to “se levanta” Line 38: change “para” to “levanta” Page 58 Line 17: change “del” to “de un” Lines 23 and 27: move the parentheses from “Hermanos” to “(o los DDs., solamente)” Line 35: change “ha” to “han” and place parentheses around “( o diáconos)” Line 36: change “depositada seguramente” to “debidamente depositada”

Carryover Recommendation 2019 Deputy Grand Master Automatically Elected Grand Master Grand Master Recommendation 2018-03 (Requires a 2/3 majority to approve) SYNOPSIS: Amends Statute 14-102.1 to eliminate the annual election of the Grand Master by automatically advancing the Deputy Grand Master at the next Annual Communication. NOW BE IT RESOLVED: That Statutes 14-102.1and 14-102.3 be amended as follows (additions in bold type, deleted text in strikethrough): Section 14-102.1 – Election of Officers. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and two of the four elective Trustees of this Grand Lodge shall be elected at each Annual Communication thereof. (a) Voting shall be by paper ballot, show of hands or voice vote, to be determined by a majority vote of the brethren registered and present. (b) Those elected shall be installed before its close, and shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall have been

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) elected and installed. (c) A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for an election. (d) The Grand Master (or presiding officer conducting the election) must read the vote totals for all candidates receiving ten or more votes, regardless if an election has taken place or not. (e) The Deputy Grand Master, following his election and installation, shall be considered the Grand Master-elect and shall automatically be installed as Grand Master at the next Annual Communication. Section 14-102.3 Vacancy in Elective Office. Whenever a vacancy due to death, deprivation, resignation, removal from the jurisdiction, suspension or expulsion shall occur in any elective office of the Grand Lodge other than that of Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Master shall have power to fill the same by appointment, which appointment shall be valid until the succeeding annual election and installation, and the officer so appointed shall be charged with all the duties and responsibilities of one regularly elected. (a) Should the office of Deputy Grand Master become vacant for any reason, the Grand Master shall not appoint a replacement, but shall assign the duties of that office to the Senior Grand Warden, and an election and installation of a Grand Master and a Deputy Grand Master shall occur at the succeeding Annual Communication. It is mandatory on the Grand Master to fill an office when a vacancy, due to death, deprivation, resignation, removal from the jurisdiction, suspension or expulsion, occurs in an elective office of the Grand Lodge. (b) When the office of Grand Master, Grand Treasurer or Grand Secretary is vacant, for any cause as listed above, and an elected Trustee succeeds or is appointed to one of those offices, there is no vacancy in the Board of Trustees but such an officer can only have one vote as Trustee. Recommended by Scott A. Thomas, Grand Master Carry Over Resolution Resolution 2018-03 Election of Trial Commissioners (Requires 2/3 majority for approval) SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this legislation is to change the time when Trial Commissioners are elected. This legislation would also establish a “pool” of Commissioners from which to “draw” for a Masonic trial. Three of the seven Commissioners would be from the home Lodge of the accused. The remaining four would be pulled from the Commissioners “pool” from neighboring Lodges. This should support an impartial panel of Trial Commissioners. It will also streamline the trial process and avoid the time and expense involved with special meetings t o e l e c t T r i a l C o m m i s s i o n e r s . WHEREAS: Impartial justice must be the concern of every Masonic trial and is absolutely essential if we are to remain true to our Masonic principles. Recall the explanation of justice contained in our ritual. The annual election of Trial Commissioners for any possible trial will distance the election process from any actual trial and further ensure the impartiality of those later randomly selected. Therefore, be it RESOLVED: That Section 13-101 and Sections 18-203 through 18-209 of the Statutes and Article 6-1 and Article 6-4.5 of the Constitution be amended as follows (added text in bold type, deleted text in strike t h r o u g h ) : Section 13-101 – Lodge Officers. The election and installation of Lodge Officers, and the election of Trial Commissioners, shall take place in accordance with the Constitution. [Note: The balance of Section 13-101 remains unchanged.] Section 18-203 – Notice to Lodge Members. Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the Master shall call a special meeting of his Lodge within thirty (30) days after presentation of charges. Notice of the call of the meeting shall be sent to each Master Mason in good standing in the Lodge by letter, which shall be delivered by United States Postal Service First Class Mail; such mailing shall occur not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the meeting and shall state

the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. The notice so sent shall be limited to the specific issue of electing Commissioners for a Masonic Trial and shall not disclose the name of the accused or the accuser or the charge/specifications. The only business to be conducted at such a meeting shall be the election of Commissioners and such other as relates to the pending Masonic T r i a l . Section 18-204 18-203 Notice to Grand Master. Concurrently with the mailing of the notification of the meeting, Within three (3) working days after presentation, the Master shall cause to be mailed to the Grand Master or his designee a true copy of the notice of special meeting to elect Commissioners, and a copy of the charges and specifications, and a copy of the accuser’s list of witnesses. Section 18-205 18-204 Grand Master Names Trial Master. Prior to the date set for the Special Meeting to elect Commissioners, the Grand Master or his designee shall inform the Master of the name of the Mason he has selected to serve as Trial Master for the proceedings. (a) Upon receipt of a copy of the charges by the Grand Master, the Grand Master, or the Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden or Junior Grand Warden, if designated by the Grand Master so to do, shall appoint any Master or Past Mater of a Lodge in this Jurisdiction, who is in good standing and skilled in Masonic Law, to preside at the trial. (b)(a) The person so appointed shall be known as the Trial Master, and shall have all the powers and duties of the Master of the Lodge as respects the trial of the accused Brother, commencing when the Master of the Lodge completes the duties specified in Section 18207 206 and continuing until the conclusion of the Trial and the transmittal of the Commissioners’ decision to both accuser and accused. (b) Within ten (10) days after the Grand Master’s receipt of the charges and specifications: (1) The Grand Master or his designee shall inform the Master of the lodge where charges were presented of the name of the Mason he has selected to serve as Trial Master for the proceedings; and (2) The Grand Secretary shall notify the Master of the Lodge of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the five (5) elected Trial Commissioners from each of the four geographically closest Lodges, determined by driving distance. [Note: The balance of old Section 18-205 (c), (d), (e) remains unchanged and becomes new Section 18-204 (c), (d), (e).] Section 18-206 – Special Meeting to Elect Trial Commissioners. At the special meeting to elect Commissioners, no one shall be present except members of the Lodge where the charges were presented. The Lodge shall be duly opened on the third degree of Masonry and the Master shall state that the purpose of the meeting is to elect by written ballot and by a majority of those present seven (7) of its members to serve as Commissioners to hear and determine upon Masonic charges properly presented to the Master of the Lodge against a Mason who is subject to trial within the Lodge. The Master will then read the names of the accused, the accuser, the accuser’s known witnesses who will be called and the charges and specifications for which the Commissioners are to be elected. The Master shall ascertain if there exists with any Brother present so obvious a conflict of interest which would preclude his serving as a Trial Commissioner.[Note: Retained as (a) in new Section 18-205.] The Lodge Secretary is the Secretary for the Trial Commission and therefore should not be elected as a Commissioner. [Note: Retained in amended Article 6-1 of the Constitution.] The balloting for Commissioners shall continue through as many ballots as are required to elect seven (7) Commissioners by a majority vote of those present. Immediately following the election of the Commissioners, the Master shall disclose the name of the Trial Master selected to preside at the trial. The Master shall then set a date, time and place for the trial, which shall occur not less than thirty (30) nor more than fortyfive (45) days subsequent to the date of the special meeting to

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


(cont) elect Commissioners. The Master shall further read an appropriate statement of secrecy pertaining to the fact that Masonic charges have been filed against a Brother. Repealed 2013. Section 18-205 Selection of Trial Commissioners. (a) The Master shall ascertain before selection if there exists an obvious conflict of interest or bias which would preclude an elected Brother to serve as a Trial Commissioner. (b) Within ten (10) calendar days of the presentation of charges, the Master shall randomly select from those Brothers who have been found to be free of conflict of interest or bias three (3) of the five (5) elected Trial Commissioners in his Lodge to serve as Trial Commissioners for the Trial. (c) From the list of the elected Brothers to serve as Trial Commissioners from the four (4) closest Lodges provided by the Grand Secretary, the Trial Commissioners, in the presence of the Master, shall then randomly select one Brother from each Lodge to also serve as Trial Commissioners so that the total number of Commissioners is seven (7). (d) The Master shall then set the date, time and place for the Trial, which shall occur not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days after the date of the disclosure to the Trial Master. (e) Upon the conclusion of this process, the Trial Master shall become fully responsible for all procedural matters incident to the trial until the conclusion thereof and the rendition and transmittal of the Commissioners’ decision to the parties thereto. Section 18-207 Section 18-206 Final Duties of Master of Lodge. Within five (5) days following subsequent to the date of the Special Meeting to elect selection of Commissioners, the Master shall notify transmit to the Trial Master of the date, time and place set for trial, the names, and addresses and telephone numbers of the seven (7) Commissioners elected selected to try the Mason on the charges, and the name and address of the accused. (a) The Master shall transmit to the Trial Master a true copy of all documents pertaining to the charges, specifications, notice of Special Meeting and the minutes of Special Meeting to elect Commissioners. and a list of the known witnesses against the accused in order that the Trial Master might be fully informed to proceed to perform his duties. (b) The Master shall also cause the seven (7) Commissioners to be notified of their election selection, and of the date, time and place set for trial. Section 18-208 Service on Accused. Service of a copy of the charges and specifications, the list of known witnesses provided by the accuser and all other notices required to be served shall be served upon the accused Mason in the manner provided by Statute

by the Master of the Lodge of the date, time and place set for trial and receives the other data required to be sent to him pursuant to Statute; the Trial Master shall cause to be transmitted to the accused in the manner provided by this Code a copy of:

[Note: Covered by new Section 18-207.]

Submitted by Jason D. Morrett, PM (7) Lance Brown, PM (7) John Graham, PM (7)

Section 18-209 18-207 Transmission of Documents to Accused. Within five (5) days after the Trial Master is informed

The charges and specifications, (b) Notice of special meeting to elect Commissioners, (c) Minutes of special meeting where Commissioners are elected, (d)(b) A list of the known witnesses against the accused, (e)(c) Evidence of his appointment as Trial Master, and (d) The list of Trial Commissioners selected. (f)(e) Notice of the date, time and place where the trial will be conducted. (f) All other notices required to be served, and (g) He shall also furnish a copy of Chapters 17 and 18 of these Statutes, and a copy of Article IX of the Constitution. Sections 18-210 through 18-224.3 of the Statutes will be renumbered as Sections 18-208 through 18-222.3 with no changes to the wording. §6-1 Masonic Lodges: Officers and Elections; Rights, Powers and Authority. A Lodge shall consist of a Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, and such other officers as its bylaws provide; together with as many members as it may find convenient. The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary shall be elected annually by ballot at the stated meeting specified in the Lodge by-laws, or at the stated meeting in November, if a specific month is not stated in the by-laws. At the same meeting, each Lodge shall also elect five (5) Master Masons who are members of the Lodge to serve as potential Trial Commissioners for the ensuing Masonic year. The Lodge Secretary is the Secretary for a Trial Commission and therefore should not be elected as a Commissioner. A majority of the votes of the eligible members present shall be necessary to elect. A Lodge of Research shall be a Lodge of research only, and have the rights, powers and authority only as prescribed by Statute.


Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

(a) Keep the seal of the Lodge and to affix the same, with his attestation, to all papers issued under its authority or in obedience to the requirements of the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Lodge: (b)Transmit to the Grand Secretary, immediately after each election and installation of a Lodge, a certificate thereof in the form prescribed;, which shall include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the five (5) members who have been elected Trial Commissioners for the ensuing Masonic year. (c) Transmit to the Grand Secretary the annual report required in such form as shall be provided; (d) Report to the Grand Secretary, immediately after their occurrence, all rejections, expulsions, suspensions, and restoration, in the forms provided: (e)Keep, and of the Lodge to provide the following records of the Lodge, in such form as may be provided.

Arizona Masonry—A Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Arizona Publication


Remember our History Preserving this History of your Lodge is crucial to the heritage and history of Masonry in Arizona, as it keeps our integrity as a Fraternity. How much do you know about this history of your Lodge? Do you know what year it was founded or who the Charter Master was? Is it one of the Grand Lodge Territorial Lodges? What part has your Lodge played in the history of your city? Do you have a Lodge Historian? Finding out about the members that have come before you and the stories they have to tell should be a vital part of the operations of a Lodge. Many Lodges around the State are starting to realize the value of preserving our history with a History Committee or Lodge Historian to not only research the History, but to save and preserve any papers or other artifacts. In years past, it sometimes has been the practice of many lodges to throw items in boxes or into storage when they were no longer needed, or even worse.. thrown out with the trash. Is your Lodge doing it’s best to preserve its past? Are artifacts being saved? Here are a few tips on how to preserve the heritage of your lodge. When in doubt, let common sense be your guide. Never eat, drink, or smoke in the vicinity of your historical collection. Always wash your hands before handling any artifact. When moving documents, do so carefully and more no more than one at a time. Slide an acid-free piece of card stock or mat board under the item and use it as a support mechanism. Lift paper items from the middle of the sheet and not its edges. Metal clips and adhesives will harm old papers – and “young” ones as well! (A temporary solution is to muse sheets of acid-free paper as bookmarks or page separators. Pencils should be used in order to avoid the risk of permanent ink marks on important documents.

If you have a question, problem, or specific concern regarding the care and handling of historic items, please contact the George Roskruge & S. Barry Casey Library and Museum. They are a wealth of information! It is up to us to save Masonic History! Fraternally, Roger C. Biede 2019 Grand Editor Grand Lodge F. & A.M of Arizona

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