Vol. 1 #19 Grand Bend Strip, April 16, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 1, No. 19

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Wed. April 16 to May 13, 2008




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Mom & Dad p. - James Eddington p.  - Technically Speaking p. - Living in Balance p. - To Do List p. 



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Strip Thoughts

2 • GrandBendStrip.com

What to do about China

View from the Strip By Casey Lessard I don’t have a lot of room to write here, but I wanted to briefly discuss the Olympic torch relay and the debate over how best to solve the human rights crises caused by China. While Tibet has been the prime concern for Western activists, we can’t forget that Darfur continues to be an unsolvable problem at the United Nations Security Council because of China’s oil interests in Sudan. So what do we do? Boycott the Olympic Opening Ceremonies or the Games? Avoid the Olympic media machine? Keep working on the diplomatic front? Or do we expect our athletes – who have worked for years to stand on the podium – to represent the concerns of Canadians and boycott the games? Don’t forget Ontario’s trade mission to Beijing this weekend, which forced the Liberals to pass the buck to the federal government, saying it’s not the provincial government’s job to speak up on national issues. It’s everyone’s responsibility to speak up for human rights. For now, I’ll be speaking with my wallet and avoiding anything Made in China. If you have a better solution, drop me a line (contact details below).

Grand Bend Strip owners Casey Lessard and Anjhela Michielsen attended the Ontario Community Newspapers Association awards in Toronto April 5. Lessard was awarded second place for Photographer of the Year among the association’s member newspapers for the second year in a row. Lessard’s coverage of the Parkhill Fall Fair won third place for Photo Essay of the Year. The OCNA and Molson started the ceremony with special recognition to Lynda Hillman-Rapley for her contribution to the Grand Bend community.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 To the Readers of the Grand Bend Strip, With the ever increasing need for fundraising dollars to support community initiatives, those less fortunate and a multitude of other charitable services, now is the time to get involved and make a difference. For as little as a few hours a month, you can donate your time to a local service club. The benefits are endless, as are the rewards of giving back to the community and being part of an organization that is literally worldwide. The West Coast Lions Club is in fact a club that can help you make a difference not only for others but the sense of satisfaction that comes from belonging to a group that prides itself on many aspects of personal development and fellowship. We invite you to attend a membership seminar located at the Pinedale Motor Inn April 16 at 7 p.m. This seminar will give a history of the Association of Lions Clubs, and insight into the work we do both at a community level and through the International

Association of Lions Clubs. Please take the time to join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, and an informative presentation. Yours in Lionism Michael McDougall Membership Chair Committee 519-238-5075 The Rotary Club of Grand Bend is pleased to welcome two new members: Ed Fluter, a retired educator and extensive world traveler; and John Smits, a retired plastics engineer. Both are seeking opportunities to make a contribution.

Interested in joining? Please contact Jim at 519-238-8800 or write Grand Bend Rotary, PO Box 1261, Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0

Running on empty: how biofuels are powering a world food crisis Growing demand for meat-centred North in 2007, four times the increase of the year The dramatic increase in demand for biofuAmerican diets, especially among the rising before. Considering the impact the diverels is, as The Guardian’s John Vidal contends, Alternative “turning the corn belt of America from the middle class in the world’s two largest nations, sion of grains for fuel has on food security, bread basket of the world into an enormous China and India, is exacerbating the problems its efficiency as a fuel is questionable; ethanol View fuel tank.” U.S. President George Bush wants of using food for fuel. Cornell University was “20 per cent of the whole maize crop” in By Anjhela Michielsen Tempers are flaring in Haiti, Egypt and elsewhere around the world as grain prices rise out of reach. Haiti’s prime minister was fired Saturday and the government introduced a rice subsidy aimed at defusing the hungry rage that has triggered violence and looting. A scarcity of supply is one of the main reasons for the price increase, and the move to replace fossil fuels – which contribute to global warming – with “cleaner” biofuels is one of the key factors in making food scarcer. The move to biofuels has increased the demand and price for biofuel sources, including corn, wheat and soybeans, and monopolizes on land used to grow other food products.

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

to see the production of biofuels quintuple by 2017 to supply “24 per cent of the nation’s transport fuel,” according to British environmentalist George Monbiot, also writing in The Guardian, who is calling for a five-year moratorium on biofuel production targets and subsidies. The emphasis on fuel security is coming at the cost of food security “on a scale never seen before,” according to environmental analyst Lester R. Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, who notes the world has consumed more grain than it has produced for “seven of the last eight years.” Brown says the low availability of grains for human food consumption is the direct result of “misguided” U.S. policies intended to decrease reliance on fossil fuels by increasing the production of biofuels.

ecologist David Pimentel suggests it takes on average “nearly 6 kg” of grain to create 1 kg of high-quality animal protein, noting the amount of grain fed to livestock in the United States alone could feed 800 million people. The rise in demand for grain for fuel and livestock feed caused a record price increase in 2007; the price of corn doubled and wheat increased by about 50 per cent (Vidal). While meat production is an important part of the increase, The Economist says “ethanol is the dominant reason” grain prices have increased. Elisabeth Rosenthal of the International Herald Tribune says food costs increased 25 per cent in the neediest countries, while the UN Food and Agriculture Organization saw its food price index increase by 40 per cent

the United States in 2006, but produced only enough fuel to offset “2 per cent of US automobile use” (Vidal). The move to biofuels demonstrates a skewed set of priorities, valuing lifestyle over human life. The World Bank says ethanol is highly inefficient as a fuel, noting “the grain needed to fill up an SUV would feed a person for a year” (The Economist). The curse of the “have” nations is that they – meaning we – will not sacrifice the maintenance and enrichment of material lifestyle, and the people in “have-not” nations pay the price.

Publisher: Casey Lessard Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales & Design: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard

Grand Bend Strip is printed once a month in the winter (middle Wednesday); 4450 copies are delivered free to all homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Port Franks using Canada Post. An additional 1000 copies are available to other residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants.

Subscriptions are available. Contact us for information.

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

© Copyright 2008

Locally owned and operated

Contributors: Rita Lessard - my mom Tom Lessard - my dad Anjhela Michielsen Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal James Eddington - Eddingtons of Exeter Tamara Nicola - VisitGrandBend.com Distribution: Casey Lessard, Rita Lessard & Joan McCullough

Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail.

Article adapted from a longer essay. For more information, email anj@grandbendstrip.com.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Strip VIPs

GrandBendStrip.com • 3

Blues take Dashwood teen to Ottawa MusicFest chooses Carly Schroeder as one of the best music students in Canada; three SHDHS bands competing nationally Story and photo by Casey Lessard Grade 12 student Carly Schroeder is representing South Huron District High School and her hometown of Dashwood when she heads to Ottawa next month (May 12-18) to perform in the MusicFest Canada national concert band. But her parents won’t be there to see it. “We’re feeling really bad about that,” says mom Brenda Schroeder. Before they knew Carly was accepted into the band as an alto saxophonist, Brenda and Steve had booked a trip to visit Carly’s brother, an RCMP officer in B.C. “We leave on Thursday and she performs on Friday. The timing’s all bad, so we’re hoping there will be CDs or DVDs that record the event. When it comes to your kids, you like to see them in such situations.” You can’t blame the Schroeders for making plans; her selection to be part of the band was certainly a surprise to Carly. “I didn’t expect to get chosen,” she says. “It was a little overwhelming at first. I was like, Are you sure?” An email mix-up didn’t help. After sending the first confirmation message, something confusing happened. “They sent me a second one that was addressed to Ryan someone. I emailed them back and a couple of weeks later, they sent me another email to say yes, that I was in. It was kind of a long process.” That process began when music teacher Isaac Moore helped her record a CD of work learned during lessons with Ryan Fraser of London. “The pieces I played were not your typical alto saxophone songs,” Carly notes. “The first song I played had this growling part to it, and it was really fun. I wasn’t sure what they’d think about it. Then there was another second movement to it that was more typical.” The judges must have been impressed, says MusicFest Canada executive director Jim Howard. “It’s very difficult to get into the saxophone section because Dr. Jeremy Brown (the head of music at the University of Calgary) is a world-renowned saxophone player,” he told the Strip from Calgary. “She must be very, very good to get in there.” “This is kind of the ultimate honour band,” he adds, noting the band consists of 55-60 students from across the country. “It’s an

amazing experience. We run it like a camp as opposed to running it like a touring band. Yamaha provides clinics to sectionals with them during the week. They get access to the MusicFest Canada master classes, and they get to play music they’re normally not going to get to play. They’re playing such a high level of music, even university bands aren’t tackling the repertoire these kids are going to play.” University scouts will be at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa to hear Carly and the rest of the band play, bringing with them $100,000 in scholarships to attract the best to their schools. The band will practice for nine hours a day for four days, and then perform twice as a group. Howard estimates about 2500 students will jam the hall to see them perform. A big event for a small-town teen who became attracted to the saxophone as a student with Exeter’s Lori Erb. “My parents put me in Music for Young Children when I was six,” Carly says. “That was piano, and I picked up the saxophone in high school. I loved jazz and blues, and I played my first blues song on the piano. That’s when I decided I wanted to play saxophone.” “At about Grade 3 piano, she was wavering and wasn’t enjoying it,” Brenda adds, “and Lori had the insight to let her have a whole year of playing blues and jazz, staying away from the conservatory pieces. That was a real turning point for her.” Besides jazz and blues, Carly loves classic rock, favouring the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin. Classical music can be heard when she’s studying. And there will be many more years of that. She’s planning on becoming a high school m u s i c teacher. “Music has always been a huge part of my life,” she says. “I don’t see my life without it. Seeing this high school music department, it ’s awesome how it brings people together.” Bringing people together is what the music department does best, and three of its ensembles are heading to Ottawa with Carly. The senior concert band, wind ensemble and percussion ensemble excelled at the regional MusicFest in London last month, with the

percussion ensemble earning the coveted gold status. “It’s nice to be recognized for the hard work we do here,” says teacher Isaac Moore. “The national thing is pretty special because it means some of the best bands in the country come from right here in Exeter, Ontario.” The music department’s annual Cabaret will showcase some of the work being performed at the nationals. The Cabaret happens Saturday, April 19 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 20 at 2 p.m. All of the department’s bands will be featured.

4 • GrandBendStrip.com

Walking for dad Twelve-year-old Julianna Zahn is walking from London to Windsor April 24-26 as a tribute to her late father’s long struggle with liver disease. A father to Julianna and Kevin, and husband to Anita, Mike Zahn died August 29, 2007 after three failed liver transplants. He was ill all of Julianna’s life.

As told to Casey Lessard He always joked with us, no matter how sick he was. He always had a good sense of humour, and I really loved that about him. Even when he felt terrible, he always smiled at us and wanted hugs. He loved music so much and whenever he felt bad,

Strip VIPs he picked up a guitar and played. He loved animals, just like I do. My whole life I had to watch my dad suffer. Doing this walk makes me feel that I am helping him because I always had to sit there and watch him suffer, and I couldn’t do anything. We had rough moments when he was really sick and he couldn’t take it. But we’d tell him that we loved him and a big smile would come across his face. I always remember when he went away in the ambulances. You’d hear the sirens and see them coming in and getting him. And I remember him struggling to get up the stairs, because his bedroom was up there and that’s where he wanted to be. I want people to know everything about transplants. The waiting, the stress. It’s not just surgery and pain. You have to go through all of this depression, and transplants are really difficult. Some people do well after transplants, but a lot of people are not so fortunate. The heart, the liver and the lung are the worst. Canada has one of the lowest rates of organ donation among Western countries. There aren’t enough donors. People need to sign their donor cards. While I’m doing the walk, there will be people walking with me who have had transplants. It’s

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 going to feel like he’s walking with me in a way. I know if he were here he would encourage me. I know I’ll always have my mom to turn to because she knows what I’m going through; her dad died when she was my age. When other girls get to turn to their dads, I get to turn to my mom. I really am going to miss having my dad around to talk to and having a dad. That’s really going to be hard for me when I get married because before he died, the doctor asked him what inspired him to have the third transplant, and he said, “Because I have a daughter to walk down the aisle.” Sponsor sheets are available at Westland Greenhouses, Country Corners gas station, Movie Gallery, Sobey’s, Twigs flower shop, New Orleans Pizza, Re/ Max Doug Pedlar, The Fitness Centre, and G rand Bend Heating Plus.

Help Julianna by attending fundraising barbecue at Twigs Support Julianna’s walk by attending a fundraising barbecue Saturday April 19 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Twigs Floral Co. on Ontario St. S. in Grand Bend. There’s recently been a role reversal at Twigs. Linda Relouw sold the flower shop to her employee Carla Sitter, and Relouw now works at the shop part-time. The store will have a regrand opening Saturday, an event that will also celebrate the store’s 12-year anniversary.

Sitter studied floral design and business at Humber College, and has worked at Twigs for five years, with three years additional work experience at stores in Toronto and London. In addition to flowers, the shop carries gourmet food products from Gourmet Village and Garlic Box; Sugar and Spice Chocolates, Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, and a variety of gifts. The store is open year-round, Monday to Saturday, 9 to 5. http:// www.twigsfloralco.com.

Grand Opening Think Spring Thursday, May 1 5-9 p.m. Drop by and see my new salon!



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Strip Thoughts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 5

April 1968: Centralia’s bar scene Still going: “I don’t feel a day over 65” Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. In April of 1968, Rita and I moved our family from London to Huron Park. There were five of us from 1 RCR who moved at the same time, and we were told that we could choose any house that we wanted. A one-anda-half storey house rented for $58 per month at a time when oil was 17¢ per gallon. We moved in, and we lived there for 35 years. In Centralia, there was a hotel owned and operated by Jim and Marg Cook. It was a going concern. There was only a “Ladies & Escorts” room, which meant that if a man was by himself, he would either have to get someone from the L&E room to sponsor him, or he could sit in the small lunch room on the north side. If he chose the latter, he had to buy something to eat. I had a small plate of cheese and crackers and dill pickle for which I paid 50¢; I never ate it. The cook wrapped it in Saran wrap, put my name on it and kept it in the walk-in. Whenever I came in for a beer, I paid the 50¢ and they put my plate in front of me. In October of ’68, I was hired to work parttime as a waiter in the Ladies & Escorts lounge. Having no experience at waiting tables, the boss assigned me to one group of 15 people who came in every Saturday night. In those days, you were not allowed to serve any more than one glass of beer per person at a time. When the glass was empty – and not before - you would serve another. The matron of this group looked after the money and did the ordering for everyone. I didn’t make any tips but I learned fast. Three cheers, Rita Lessard!!! Maybe your mother and my mother were related in the distant past. That was the kind of thing my mom told me too if I was too whiny... “Cut it out or I’ll give you something to really whine about.” Or, if she thought I was being too snively... “Cut it out or I’ll give you something to really cry about.” I guess it

As Huron Park quickly filled with mostly army families (80 in all) and industries opened, liquor rules relaxed and the bar picked up a lot of business. The boss asked me if I wanted to learn how to pour draft beer. I said I would love to. There were two taps: one ale and one lager. Ale was the largest seller in those days so we’d load 15 ale and five lager per tray unless otherwise asked. Jim put a tray on the counter and showed me how to hold a glass in each hand and open the tap. I filled one and stood there mesmerized unable to figure out what to do next. The draft kept pouring and Jim just told me to put the glass upon the tray. I did so and then with my free hand I shut off the tap. He showed me again and the next time I caught on and soon had 20 on the tray. From then on, it was a piece of cake. Next came the training on how to carry a tray with 20 draft on it. The manager Scott showed me how to spread my hand so that there was some flexibility and spring in it. I always had good balance so it wasn’t long before I could make my way up and down the rows of tables, dropping off drinks and collecting empties and making change. In the following years, bottled beer and liquor came into the area and the Central Hotel and the Shillelagh bar in Lucan, the Dufferin in Centralia, Les Pines in Exeter, and the Dashwood Hotel all worked together, and were all busy watering holes. If we ran out of liquor or beer, all we had to do was phone around to see who had extra and send someone around to collect it. They’d do the same if they were short. The only one remaining today is Les Pines, now called Gar’s in Exeter. Before liquor became popular in bars, we were selling between 20 and 25 kegs of beer per week, and at one point had 23 people working at the Dufferin. worked because I brought my kids up that way too, and they all seem the better for it. So, let’s hear it for all those Moms who care enough about their kids to lay on a little bit of ‘tough love’ when it is needed. Bill Metcalfe Huron Woods

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Advice from mom By Rita Lessard As some of you may know, I celebrated my 67th birthday on April 5, and although I’m aging, it’s really not so bad. As long as I am able to get up in the morning and take nourishment, it all works out; the prunes help a lot, too. My young friends at Tim Horton’s are usually concerned about me because I’m still working, and they are always asking me when I’m going to retire. I smile and my response is, “If I can help it, never.” I really enjoy being occupied, and until I find something better do to with my time, I’ll just stay put, and since I don’t feel a day over 65, my young attitude sees me through the good and the very seldom bad times. I find as of late that I am shrinking; I view that as a good thing. Since I am the oldest and slowly getting to be the shortest at work, this definitely works in my favour because, unlike my younger counterparts, I have no problem retrieving dropped things, whether I’ve dropped them or not. It seems I’m the only one who has the strength and the aerobic ability to do this task. Don’t get me wrong, the young people I work with are super; they just don’t have the experience or stamina to keep up. I’m confident, however, that once they reach my age, they’ll be in shape and perhaps as capable as I am. I would like to take the time to thank my family and friends for all the birthday cards and presents. I especially want to thank my sister Joan (who is always so generous) for the trip to Toronto to see Dirty Dancing, and also to Sid Reaburn, who shared in this gift. We all had a wonderful time, and dinner after the performance (which took place in a train car), was simply delicious. As usual, we ate too much; oh well, back to the gym (or Tim’s) for a week to work it off. Thanks also to Marg Clarke (such a lovely person), who sent me a lovely card and an angel pin for my Tim’s hat.

Think of Grace As a final note, it has been brought to my attention that Grace Hodgins appreciates your thoughts and phone calls. If you know Grace, she would love to have you drop in and visit with her in her home. Until the next time, stay – and think – young, wear your support hose, and invest in a good pair of shoes. You’re going to need them if you want to keep up with me! Send a thought to: mom@grandbendstrip.com or P.O. Box 218, Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0

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Strip Feature

6 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Take a tour GRAND BEND STUDIO & GALLERY TOUR Saturday, May  -  a.m. to  p.m. Sunday, May  -  to  p.m. Various sites around Grand Bend

For a map of all the locations, visit Baillie’s Framing beside the Grand Bend post office, or visit http://www.grandbendstudiotour.com. Here are five of the 25 featured artists. The artists featured here were chosen randomly. Visit the tour website for more images and information. 1 - Anna Landry – 45 Walker St., Grand Bend

The watercolour Bottoms Up recently won Anna Landry the Founder’s award at 2008 Paint Ontario. Prints of the work will be fresh off the presses and available on the tour. 2- Barry Richman – 30 Alberta St., Grand Bend

Barry Richman has recently been designated a master pastelist by Pastel Artists Canada. His pastel of a young dancer at a pow wow, Future Princess is one of 30 that will be shown at his studio. 3- Fran Roelands - Pinedale Inn, Grand Bend

Fran Roelands will be showing her vibrant watercolours, which she has been creating for 20 years on her family farm in West McGillivray. 4- Josy Britton - 9922 Pinetree Ct., Huron Woods

The oil painting Autumn Tango features a theme common in Josy Britton’s paintings: trees seen from below. Britton was recently invited to become a member of the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolours. 5 - Mary Lynn Fluter – Oakwood Pub, Grand Bend

Photographer Mary Lynn Fluter will be showing her landscapes, travel portraits, and nature work. Fiddleheads is just one example of Fluter’s colour work, which will be intermingled with black-andwhite prints.

Strip Thoughts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Saying goodbye (Reader Lee McCutcheon was inspired by the View from the Strip, March 12, and wanted to share some words written for his mother’s funeral in 2005): Saying “Goodbye” never hurts so much as when we know that it is final. Throughout our lives we issue each “Goodbye” comforted in the knowledge and reasonable expectation that each one correspondingly will be followed with a welcome “Hello.” And so it becomes very hurtful when we must face the reality that such expectations for someone we have known and loved, no longer hold true. It’s my understanding that the wishes “Fare thee well,” “Farewell,” and”Fond farewell” were precursors to the expression “Goodbye.” When we wish someone a “Goodbye,” it contains the hope that the one with whom we are parting company will be well until we meet again. And, therefore, the prospect of never

meeting again can be the one that hurts the most. Even with the understanding of the inevitabilities in life, there’s nothing that we can ever say, or do, it seems that truly prepares us for the day when a dearly loved one is no longer a part of our lives. Such were my feelings when in July 2001 my youngest sister, Sylvia Lewis, died at the early age of 48; and in March 2002 when my Dad, Allin Stewart, died at the senior age of 84. Mom, I know that we have to say goodbye for now. And on behalf of all in our family I thank everyone who came to this service today to share in this farewell. But know this too Mom, that we weren’t ready yet to say goodbye to you. The truth be told, we never would be and that we truly wished we would never have to.

To the Editor: The Huron CNIB “Focus on Crocus” Campaign for 2008 was a huge success. The campaign raised funds by selling pots of crocus. Funds raised will help the CNIB provide service to the 273 clients in Huron County who are blind, partially blind or deaf blind. Of course, the campaign could not have succeeded without the help of many businesses, nursing homes, and hospitals where we had displays and sold crocus. The displays were served by many volunteers - especially members of Lions Clubs from Goderich,

W ingham, Auburn, S eafor th, Bl y th, Londesborough, Clinton, Vanastra and Exeter. Lions truly are the “knights of the blind.” I trust that everyone who helped in any way - either selling or buying crocus - recognize that their help is important and is appreciated. Sincerely, Bob Fischer 519-233-1394 P.S. Anyone who missed the “Focus on Crocus” but wants to help would be welcome on our fundraising “Walk Toward Independence” at the Menesetung Trail in Goderich on May 25, 2008.

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1.94 /kg.


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selected varieties 275350g

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regular or salt reduced

249 .79



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pork souvlaki


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8 /pkg.




red peppers

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10 lb. bag

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16x 100g


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16x 99g

The perfect gift for mom!

hot house tomatoes


no name

Gift Certificates

striploin steaks boneless for grilling, cut from canada aa grade beef or higher *sold in a package of 2 for $5.94

no name


A call to former St. Peter’s parishioners Are you a previous parishioner of St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in St. Joseph? Join St. Peter’s 135th Anniversary Celebration! Saturday, July 12th features an evening of local entertainment. An outdoor mass will be celebrated Sunday, July 13th at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch. Enjoy this opportunity to view historical displays, reminisce, and renew old friendships. There will be various activities for the children. In order to accommodate everyone, advance registration is recommended. For more information and to register call Monique 519-236-7817, Dennis 519-2364755 or visit www.bluewater.dionet.ca.

98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend

pkg. of 4


cantaloupe prod. of costa rica no. 1 grade


Strip Briefs

8 • GrandBendStrip.com

April 27: A reason to ride - Tyson Breuer’s story

April 22: Help clean up Lambton Shores The second annual Lambton Shores Trash Bash event is Tuesday, April 22 from 10 to 11 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help clean up trash, and anyone interested should meet at one of the following five locations throughout the municipality at 10 a.m.: Arkona Library, Grand Bend Legion, Forest Library, Port Franks Community Centre, and Thedford Village Complex. Bring your own gloves and wear bright colours. The municipality will supply garbage and recycling bags. For more information, contact Grace Dekker (dekfam@execulink.com), Catherine Minielly (minieljc@xcelco.on.ca), or Ruth Illman (illmanru@xcelco.on.ca).

April 26/27: GB Legion hosts national cribbage tournament Cribbage teams from across the country will converge on the village as Grand Bend hosts the Royal Canadian Legion Dominion championships April 26 and 27. Grand Bend was awarded the tournament after bidding to host after a successful run at the championship in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in 2006. In all, 49 players will be visiting Grand Bend, including the team from Kapuskasing that won this year’s Ontario championship. “It is not a spectator sport simply because everyone is kept to a confined area,” says Legion president Ron Crown. The community can support the event by showing hospitality to the visitors, including socializing at some public events, including a dinner and entertainment Friday, opening ceremonies, horse races and music Saturday, and the Sunday evening awards presentation. “It’s about meeting the people, talking to them and showing them a good time,” Crown says. Visitors will be shown the area, including the beach, the Pinery, the Motorplex, and Huron Country Playhouse; some may choose to visit their old haunts in Centralia or Clinton.

May 1 deadline: Sign up for Shore to Shore Relay The 2008 Westover Shore to Shore Relay is signing up teams of walkers and runners for its May 30-31 event, a 322 km journey from Port Stanley to Grand Bend. Participants travel through picturesque parts of Elgin, Chatham-Kent and Lambton counties to end with a spectacular finish at Grand Bend beach. This event brings together individuals of all fitness levels in teams of 8-12 for a unique and rewarding challenge to cover a variety of distances. All proceeds from the event go to benefit the Westover Treatment Centre located in Thamesville. Westover is a treatment centre where individuals can go to find counselling, guidance, support, and friendship in their recovery from tobacco, alcohol and other drug addictions. The centre also aids individuals who have been affected by another person’s addiction. For full event information, visit www.shoretoshorerelay.com.

May 6-8: Draft community improvement plans Residents of Lambton Shores are invited to review the DRAFT Community Improvement Plans for Arkona, Forest, Grand Bend, Thedford and Pt. Franks and provide feedback and input. Meetings will be held at 7 p.m. each night: May 6 - Thomas Hall, Thedford (Thedford, Arkona & Pt. Franks plans), May 7 - The Shores Recreation Centre (Forest plan) and May 8 - Grand Bend Legion (Grand Bend plan)

May 8-10: North Middlesex students get Grease-y

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 a.m. - Pinery Provincial Park Pedal the Pinery Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser. Ride and Stride 1 p.m. Ride 20 km, walk 8 km. Kiddy walk/ride 1.5 km. Pledge forms available from Peggy Smith at 519-2965834 or email endoftheline@execulink. com. Tyson Breuer’s life changed during a short trip to Grand Bend’s Movie Gallery in June 2006. His seatbelt was scratching his neck, and Tyson reached up to discover a sizeable lump on his collarbone. He was misdiagnosed with a terminal form of cancer (a form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma), but then rediagnosed weeks later with a treatable form of classical Hodgkins lymphoma. Treatment started in August. “A lot of people don’t know what radiation and chemotherapy involve,” he says. “Chemo is a drip that you get through an IV, and it’s a long drip. You’re in there for five hours minimum; eight hours was normal for me, but others are there for two days. “You’re taken into a chemo suite that smells like new plastic. You’re sitting in this room with tons of really sick people. It’s not a great spot to be in.” “It messes with your head. Every day after chemo, I would think about out the best way to kill myself so that no one would find my body. That’s the kind of thing I did every day.” Chemotherapy was once every two weeks for six months. Following that, Tyson had a month off before 25 doses of radiation. “Radiation for me was the easiest thing. It depends on the person. The radiation hit my breastbone, my heart, my lungs. I had a raspy cough and a sore throat. Those are all of the side effects I had. Some men who have prostate cancer end up with problems with their GI tract and urinating.” The 20-year-old has now been in remission for a year, but he takes nothing for granted. “You always have to be cautious. Any time you wake up with a night sweat or something unusual with your health, you get concerned. You have to deal with that kind of stuff on a daily basis. It’s not something you can easily forget. “I wish I could say I learned not to be angry or that everything’s precious. I still worry about school, getting a job, relationships and all that crap. I still have those kinds of issues. What I’ve learned is my parents and my sister will always be there for me no matter what.” The family has taken part in the Pinery ride for years, and you can join them April 27. Above: Tyson and his sister.

Register before May 15: Help keep nursery school open Grand Bend Nursery School needs your help to raise the money needed to stay open, and is launching an annual golf tournament fundraiser at St. Joseph’s Bayview Golf Club May 30. The nursery school is housed in the Grand Bend Public School, and lost 2/3 of its government funding, reducing its teaching budget by $7,500 per year. Parents already cover the bulk of the costs through tuition and fundraisers. “With this cutback, we literally will not be able to keep our doors open if we don’t find something big that we can do to help generate some money for us,” says teacher’s assistant Carrie Grainger, who notes the school has been running for about 34 years. “In order to keep young families coming, the town has to offer something. You have to be able to cater to everybody. When you look at the community, there’s nothing for that age group (from 2-5). For the parents, it is important that they have that free time, once or twice a week. And it’s in a learning environment, so they’re learning to play nice and socialize.” The fundraiser is seeking golfers, volunteers and sponsors, with each hole available for sponsorship at $100 per hole. There will be a live and silent auction, so any donations are welcome. All funds go directly to the school. To register as a player or sponsor, contact Julia at ELS and Company, at 519-238-2199.

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Students at Parkhill’s North Middlesex District High School are preparing their annual dramatic performance, this year producing the musical Grease: You’re the One that I Want. The play runs May 8, 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. at the high school. “We thought it was something the students would be excited about performing,” says music director Rod Culham. “It has 50s and 60s rock, and that’s always fun to do and yet fairly simple. And the story line is where they are: teenagers in high school. It has love relationships that involve being bad and good. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think kids have changed that much since the 50s. There are differences, of course, but there has always been the investigation of good and evil, the excitement of sexual tension, and the element of teasing each other, the questioning of adult authority. The same sorts of things that were relevant then are still relevant today.” Sandra Smith directs the play, with technical direction by Rick Pardo, costumes by Lindsay Denning and choreography by Andrea Wegg. The production involves a cast of more than 20 students, six instrumentalists, and many adults assisting. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for seniors and students, and are available by calling the school at 519-294-1128.


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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Strip in the Kitchen

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 9

When I think spring... I think rhubarb!

Save the tears and back up your data

By James Eddington, Eddington’s of Exeter (http://www.eddingtons.ca/) --

Technically Speaking

desserts. Rhubarb is often commonly mistaken to be a fruit, but rhubarb is actually a close relative of garden sorrel, and that makes it a member of the vegetable family. Rhubarb is rich in vitamin C and dietary Really, I do! Rhubarb is a vegetable with a unique taste fibre. Rhubarb is a perennial plant with large that makes it a favorite in many pies and leaves and has long, thick and tasty stalks, and is available from early winter through early summer. Winter rhubarb is commercially produced in forcing houses in Michigan and Ontario. Rhubarb is common ingredient in any chef ’s kitchen during these months. Rhubarb leaves grow from the ground in early spring. The leaves can grow up to a foot or more in width and length and the plant may grow to a height of several feet. The green leaves of the plant are poisonous. They contain high concentrations of oxalic acid crystals, these crystals can cause swelling of throat and tongue and can restrict breathing. The edible stalks are up to 18 inches long, 1 to 2 inches in diameter just like celery. These stalks are cut and used in pies, jams, chutney, jellies, sauces and juice. Ontario’s West Coast rhubarb is always ready for picking just as soon as the strawberries are ready for harvest. It freezes well, as do the berries, so you can enjoy these spring delicacies all year round.

Rhubarb & Strawberry Lemonade 3-1/4 cups 3/4 lb. 3/4 cup 1/4 tsp. 2 cups 1 cup

Makes about six servings water rhubarb, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces (about 2 cups) sugar, or to taste Two 3-inch strips of lemon zest removed with a vegetable peeler, plus additional for garnish vanilla sliced strawberries fresh lemon juice Splash of vodka: optional Sprig of mint: garnish

In a saucepan stir together the water, the rhubarb, the sugar, 2 strips of the zest and the vanilla, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the sugar is dissolved and simmer it, covered, for 8 minutes. Stir in 1 cup of the strawberries and boil the mixture, covered, for 2 minutes. Let the mixture cool and strain it through a coarse sieve set or china cap over a pitcher, pressing hard on the solids. Stir in the remaining cup of strawberries , vodka (optional) and the lemon juice, divide the lemonade among glasses filled with ice cubes and garnish each glass with some of the additional zest and fresh mint.

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By Tamara Nicola After years working as a software executive in a fast paced, high pressure career, I decided to quit my job, sell the house, and buy a Winnebago… to the shock of everyone close to me. Okay they talked me out of the Winnebago, but they couldn’t talk me out of moving to Grand Bend. I have fallen in love with our village and it’s a privilege to share some of my computer knowledge with the Grand Bend Strip readership. Today I spend my time focusing mainly on web design, ecommerce and the marketing of both. For my first article I want start with a very important topic, and that is Backup and Restore.

A healthy sob It’s almost time to put down the TV remote, dust the Doritos off your chest and head outside in the evenings. I have to admit that I have become addicted to reality TV over the winter. Is it just me or have you noticed the contestants crying a lot more this season? From Biggest Loser to Survivor they are all having a healthy sob on national TV. This reminds me of my years working for a Backup & Restore software company. See where I am going here? Everyday I encountered people sobbing over lost data. Even if they managed to hold themselves together initially, they most certainly lost it when they saw the price tag to manually recover a hard drive.Literally thousands of dollars, and often times it was only partially successful.

files to CD/DVD, or lugging around a zip drive, it may be time for a change. Online backups are affordable and some are even free. While not designed for a full system backup, they are a great way to protect your critical documents, pictures, email and music. Security is an important concern. The online service should offer encryption of your data so that any stolen files are unreadable. Restoring should be quick and easy. I recommend that you practice restoring so when a crisis hits, you are calm and ready to go. ✯ Hay Communications in Zurich offers a $9.95 /per month plan and they have a free trial offer. Sign up online at www.hay.net ✯ At Mozy.com, you can sign up for 2 GB of free space. They support both the PC and the MAC. PC Magazine rates Mozy as Editors Choice. www.Mozy.com ✯ Windows Live SkyDrive. 5 GB of free storage is available. SkyDrive only backs up individual files, not directories but it has built in file sharing capabilities. http://www.skydrive.live.com Tamara Nicola is a Grand Bend website designer and Grand Bend Strip’s technology expert. Visit Tamara’s blog at: www.visitgrandbend.com.

Off-site solutions Businesses have long understood the importance of storing backups off-site. A disaster that wipes out one location won’t destroy the backups, too. Online backup services, which automatically move duplicates of your critical data over the Internet to remote servers, are now available to everyone. It’s not just businesses that need to plan for disaster recovery; with digital cameras the new norm, important family memories reside on hard drives that will eventually fail. If you have DSL or a cable modem and are backing up to floppy disk (yikes!), burning

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www. grandbendstrip .com

Strip Outside

10 • GrandBendStrip.com

Get ready for golf!

Sure signs of spring; Some good, some bad

Golf Tips By Cameron Rankin Sand Hills Golf Resort

Living in Balance By Jenipher Appleton Robins, cardinals, and red-winged blackbirds are all singing at the tops of their lungs. The high-pitched screech of the killdeer is another sign that spring has sprung. The killdeer, Charadrius vociferous, a member of the plover family, is named for its piercing call. I recently heard the familiar “killdee!” and noted a female killdeer sprinting away from her nest. In an effort to divert my attention, she went into the usual broken wing act, crying in a pitiful voice. Treading carefully, I finally located the nest; a shallow scrape in the gravel, beautifully camouflaged and endowed with four brown speckled eggs. When I glanced away toward the frantic mother, it was very hard to relocate the nest when I looked back, although I had not moved an inch. I took a quick photo and promptly left the mother in peace. The killdeer offspring are among the cutest of baby birds. Fluffy replicas of their parents, they come out of the egg running and with eyes open. These ‘precocial’ babies are much closer to independence than most newborn birds. They are incubated longer and so are further developed at birth. Camouflage aids in their survival rate after hatching. One of the first lessons is to teach the chicks to ‘freeze’ on signal from the parents. The fact that the offspring are so cute is often an attraction for curious onlookers, especially children. Parents need to make their own offspring aware of the importance of leaving things in nature as they found them. A curious human intruder can seriously disturb a family of killdeers or

Jenipher stumbled upon these killdeer eggs in a nest near her house. Treading carefully, she snapped this photo before leaving the nest alone. (No killdeer were harmed during the making of this photograph.)

other birds, sometimes causing the death of the baby birds. The killdeer is very helpful to farmers because of the large numbers of insect pests they consume. Unfortunately, they are quite vulnerable to pesticide poisoning. The use of these chemicals has a very negative impact on the entire food chain. I don’t need to see a “pesticide use” sign to know when the stuff has been sprayed. The odour lingers for a couple of days. Any birds which eat insects or worms are affected, along with countless other species. We must dispense with the use of cosmetic pesticides. It is the least we can to do help repair some of the damage toward nature we have caused. As Tom Hayman (the bird man of the London Free Press) says regarding pesticides, “You can’t pick dew worms off a golf course any more...and now you know why.”

Ontario backroads are not a garbage dump! One cannot help but notice the amount of litter strewn along our roadsides during spring. Not only is it unsightly, but it can cause serious harm to unsuspecting wildlife if

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

they think it is food. Since the recession of the snow, I have been dismayed to see all types of garbage while on my ‘balanced lifestyle’ walks with Fergus the yellow Labrador: glass and plastic bottles, plastic six-pack rings, bleach bottles, liquid detergent bottles, beer bottles, cigarette packages, pop cans, and even a soiled infant diaper. Yecchh! The plastics are unlikely to break down in the next 1000 years. What a dreadful legacy to leave behind for our future generations! The most frequently occurring litter on our road is Tim Horton coffee cups... you know the ones with the big yellow arrow? Just because you rolled up the rim and got ‘zilch’ doesn’t mean you should roll down the window and pitch it to the shoulder! I have to believe that the bulk of this litter is coming from car windows, not from the people enjoying nature while out for a stroll down the road. That means that it is likely the people in the sixteen and older category are the perpetrators. Perhaps children need to teach their parents to show more respect for the environment! Jenipher Appleton: nature@grandbendstrip.com

You’re invited to

The season is upon us after a long snowy winter. The local golf courses seem to have wintered well, with no noticeable winter kill or snow mould to speak of. The spring rain we’ve just had should promote a fast turnaround to course conditions and get the grass nice and green once again. I have three tips for you this week to be properly prepared for the season. 1 - Check those golf clubs and consider replacing your grips. The feel of a new grip makes that club feel like NEW again. If the grips just need cleaning, use Comet or Ajax in the power form to clean them up. Make sure you check the steel shafts for any surface rust, use chrome cleaner to polish up. 2 - Check your shoes. Check those spikes and consider replacing them for better traction. Don’t forget to weatherproof your uppers. 3 - Get your legs into shape. Practice walking; the average golfer walks a minimum of four miles during eighteen holes, so if you want to finish your round strongly remember those legs. Cameron Rankin is a member of the CPGA and British PGA, and the head pro at Sand Hills Golf Resort (www.sandhillsgolf.ca) in Port Franks.

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6 - 1-hour sessions Start Date: Thursday, May 1

6-7 p.m. or 7-8 p.m. (Max. 6 students per session) Topics: fundamentals, full swing, iron & wood play, plus short game Details: 519-243-1800 or headpro@sandhillsgolf.ca

Sand Hills Golf Resort 9767 Port Franks Road off Highway 21 at Northville (519) 243-1800 http://www.sandhillsgolf.ca

To Do List

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To Do: April 16 to May 13

Richter from Parkhill’s “ The Currant Organic General Store” will speak about TUESDAY, APRIL 29 the Versatile Hemp Plant. Guests and new  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion members welcome. Mary: 519-238-5640. Bingo


 to  p.m. - Southcott Pines WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 Clubhouse : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Great Summer Reading. Partners in Exercise Club Learning. See April 16, 10 a.m.  to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Line Dancing

: to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Exercise Club  to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Line Dancing  a.m. to  p.m. - Southcott Pines Clubhouse Socrates Café. Grand Bend Partners in Learning.  to  p.m. - So ut hcot t Pine s Clubhouse Capturing Dream Memories. Partners in Learning. $20 for 1 course or 2 for $30 (Socrates Café and Pot Pourri). For details or registration, telephone 519-238-5335, 519-238-2237 or 519-238-6927.


GrandBendStrip.com • 11 Studio Tour. See May 3. : to  p.m. - McNaughton Trail, Exeter 5th Annual Hike for Hospice for the VON Palliative Care Volunteer Program. Hike Registration 12:30 to 2 p.m. Exeter Community Band. Barbecue by donation. Children’s activities, fun for the whole family. Rain or shine. Pledge Sheets available at Scotiabank Exeter, or the VON office at 519-235-2510 or pcvp.vonph@hay.net.

 a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC  to : p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Men Can Cook. Learn how to make deliYour Passpor t to Healthy Living, Community Health Fair. More than 20 cious nutritious meals. MONDAY, MAY 5 booths featuring community agencies and : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion services on site for you to check out! Have  a.m. to  p.m. - Southcott Pines Exercise Club your passport stamped for your chance on Clubhouse some great prizes. Fun and refreshments Socrates Café. See April 16. : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre await you! Don’t miss it!  to  p.m. - Southcott Pines Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supClubhouse plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. African-Canadian Quilting Traditions. FRIDAY, APRIL 25 Partners in Learning. See April 16, 10 a.m. : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TUESDAY, MAY 6 Exercise Club  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion  p.m. - Thomas Hall, Thedford Arena Bingo MAY - ONGOING Annual Community Group meeting  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Mid-May and early June - Forest Meat draw Canada Day Idol Contest applications. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 : p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Three age categories: 10-14, 15-18 and 19 : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Membership Elections and over. Top contestants from each categoExercise Club  p.m. - Pt. Franks Community Centre  to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Port Franks Seniors Spaghetti Supper. ry will sing at Esli Dodge Conservation Area Line Dancing Adults $10, children under 12 $6. For more on July 1. Application forms are available at FRIDAY, APRIL 18 information call Bev Bowden 519-243-2297. Woods Pearson & Associates, 40 King St. : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion W., Forest or at www.lambtonshores.ca.  a.m. to  p.m. - Southcott Pines Exercise Club Clubhouse  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Socrates Café. See April 16. Live Music with Bob Finlay  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion FRIDAY, MAY 2  to  p.m. - Southcott Pines Meat draw : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Clubhouse Exercise Club SATURDAY, APRIL 26 An Introduction to Painting Styles. SATURDAY, APRIL 19  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Partners in Learning. See April 16, 10 a.m. Horse Races  p.m. - Grog’s Restaurant, Pt. Franks  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Port Franks Optimist Meat Raffle Meat draw Live Music with Cactus Jam FRIDAY, MAY 9 MONDAY, APRIL 21  to  p.m. - Pine Dale Motor Inn : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Weekend Scrapbooking Retreat to Exercise Club : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Celebrate National Scrapbooking Day! Exercise Club  a.m. - Pinery Provincial Park Pedal the Pinery for the Canadian Cancer Door prizes and special registration gifts.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Society. Ride and Stride 1 p.m. Lunch avail- Friday 6-10, Saturday 9-9, Sunday 9-3. Meat draw : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own sup- able for purchase, minimum of $10 in pledg- Registration – Weekend $55 until April es required. Ride 20 km, walk 8 km. Kiddy 15th/$65 after April 15th. One day only $25. SATURDAY, MAY 10 plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. walk/ride 1.5 km. Pledge forms available Continental breakfast and lunches provided.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion from Peggy Smith at 519-296-5834 or email Contact Lynn Wilbur at 238-2847 or ewilLive Music with Don Harvey TUESDAY, APRIL 22 bur@uwo.ca. Contact Pine Dale for rooms. endoftheline@execulink.com.  a.m. sharp - Pt. Franks Comm. Ctr. Port Fanks Senior Euchre-A-Rama. $6 MONDAY, MAY 12 : p.m. - Grand Bend United Church SATURDAY, MAY 3 including lunch. Call 519-243-3844 or 243: to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion The London Dixie 5. Tickets $10/person 1126 for more details. Exercise Club  a.m. to  p.m. - Pine Dale Motor Inn or $20/family, available from Sobey’s, Tender Scrapbooking Retreat. See May 2. Spot, or Marian Ogilvie 519-238-8912.  a.m. - Lambton Shores  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Trash Bash. Community wide cleanup. P lant Sale. Grand Bend and Area  a.m. to  p.m. - various locations For more information, call 1-866-943-1400. MONDAY, APRIL 28 2nd Annual Grand Bend & Area Art Horticultural Society. Receive potted and Studio Tour. For more information, contact labeled plants. : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Glen Baillie at 519-238-1472 or visit Exercise Club Bingo www.grandbendstudiotour.com.  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion P lant Sale. Grand Bend and Area : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Horticultural Society. Silent Auction.  p.m. - Grog’s Restaurant Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supWEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 Following the pattern of last year’s sale, Hillbillies Meat Raffle plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. : to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion there will be food and fellowship as well as Exercise Club excellent plants.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion  to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with The Persuaders Line Dancing Grand Bend and Area Horticultural : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Society. Garden makeover with Adam Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supFoulon, Eden Garden Works.  a.m. to  p.m. - Southcott Pines SUNDAY, MAY 4 plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. Clubhouse  a.m. to  p.m. - Pine Dale Motor Inn Socrates Café. See April 16.  to : p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Scrapbooking Retreat. See May 2. Healthy Measures. Dietitian Miranda TUESDAY, MAY 13 Burgess shows you how to be active, eat well, : p.m. - Colonial Hotel  to  p.m. - various locations  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Huron Country Playhouse Guild. Angie and be yourself! Call 238-1556 ext. 222. 2nd Annual Grand Bend & Area Art Bingo

12 • GrandBendStrip.com

Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bringing spring on their wings The annual Tundra Swan visit to the Thedford Bog lasted just over two weeks, signalling a later spring arrival than in recent years. Hensall photographer Sid Reaburn ventured out with Grand Bend Strip publisher Casey Lessard for a photography lesson, and these are some of the photos Reaburn brought home. The last of the swans left the area April 11.

Photos by Sid Reaburn

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.