Vol. 4 #2 - June 16, 2010 Grand Bend Strip

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Vol. 4, No. 2

Grand Bend W W W




Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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DANCE Sylvia Toth and Colton Kadlecik make the best of the high school year’s end at the South Huron District High School prom. More photos on pages 8 & 9.


A summer of photography Take our survey and save $5 on Casey Lessard’s photo classes. Beginner photography, Photoshop, lighting, portfolio development and other summer classes.

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2 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strip Special: SHDHS at MusicFest Canada


South Huron DHS music director Isaac Moore leads the senior concert band at the national competition, MusicFest Canada. Strip editor Casey Lessard joined Moore, his fellow teachers and 65 students in Ottawa.

South Huron’s sounds of success School bands bring home gold, two silvers, and big awards from MusicFest Canada Story and photos by Casey Lessard They’re the best percussion ensemble in Canada, and they’re right here in our backyard. Led by music director Isaac Moore and coach Dave Robilliard, South Huron District High School’s percussionists won the Zildjian Outstanding Percussion Section Award at this year’s MusicFest Canada national competition in Ottawa May 22; graduating student Jon Gill of Grand Bend, who is attending UWO for music in the fall, won the Zildjian Outstanding Percussionist Award. Judge and seminar leader Wayne Toews called the group the best student percussion ensemble in Canada, and could challenge any group in the world. If that’s the case, says Robilliard, it’s because the students are fully committed to success. “We challenge our students in a way that other percussion ensembles I’ve seen in Canada are not challenged,” says Robilliard. “We give them – and they’ve requested – very difficult material that requires extra time and rehearsal on their time. It’s one of the best things (judge) Wayne Toews has seen in high school percussion ensembles, so in his eyes, it’s world class. It’s a very flattering statement.” The accolades came hours after performing at the nationals; the percussionists performed last and earned a gold standard, while two

Bob Rebagliati guides Mathias Memmel through some piano notation during his jazz band clinic.

other groups led by Moore and fellow teacher Matt Weston – the senior concert band and senior jazz bands – performed earlier the same day, each earning the silver award. “A lot of kids in the music program are goal-oriented students,” says Moore, “and

they respond well to having a goal. Whether we go to nationals or regionals, that goal is one of the things that motivate them to continue to get better. MusicFest Canada is on a different level because you have 10,000 kids from across Canada who are passionate about

music. Something really special gets created when you put them together in the same place.” To compete at nationals, the bands had to earn either gold or high silver with invitation at the regional competition in London. When the nationals are held in Ottawa, South Huron finds it convenient to attend, and a great experience as well. “Ottawa is a great place to play, and the National Arts Centre is one of the best concert halls in the country, as it should be,” Moore says. “The experience of playing in that building and hearing other bands in that building, it’s incredible for them. It’s probably something a lot of them won’t have the opportunity to do again, so it’s important for me that every student experience the nationals if possible.” During the years when the competition is not in Ottawa, Moore and Weston take the music students on non-MusicFest trips, including last year’s trip to Chicago. It’s part of Moore’s mission to give a rounded music education. “A teacher I had while at university asked, are you giving your students a fantastic fouryear band program, or are you giving your students a fantastic band program for four years, as in the same program for four years,” he says. (Continued on page 4)


Strip Special: SHDHS at MusicFest Canada

Percussion powerhouse

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 3

Jon Gill

SHDHS, Jon Gill named best in Canada Jon Gill (right) of Grand Bend is a member I wanted to start playing drums in Grade 4, of the 2010 Zildjian Outstanding Percussion but my parents wouldn’t let me. They got me Ensemble of the year (below), and winner of the started on bass guitar, and then I came here to Zildjian Outstanding Percussionist Award. the high school. Mr. (Bob) Robilliard recognized that I had a sense of rhythm, so he gave As told to Casey Lessard me a pair of drumsticks and stuck me in the Photos by Casey Lessard percussion ensemble. It really caught on and I really enjoyed playing. I bought my own drum When we won in 2008, it was the first time kit and I started playing a lot. in six or seven years that any of our bands had A lot of us take lessons from Dave earned gold at nationals. It wasn’t a tradition Robilliard, and he’s taken that percussion before, but over four years, we’ve earned seven ensemble further than we could have imaggolds at eight festivals. It’s a legacy of excel- ined. lence at South Huron. I don’t think we could do it without the I still can’t believe it (the individual award). help of dedicated professionals. It just gives us I know a couple of guys who have won it the real world experience and the ability to go before, and I look up to them as amazing beyond just playing. I’m hoping to be a high people who I want to be half as good as they school music teacher (attending UWO in the are. To be compared to them on a national fall), and I want to give back to students what level, it’s mind-blowing for me. my teachers have given to me.

The percussion ensemble Top: Jace Dougall Above: Melanie Hern Right: Devon Martene and Pat Armstrong

Top: Mathias Memmel, Pat Armstrong, Jon-Luc Dietrich, and Jeff Penn Left: Jeff Penn Above: coach Dave Robilliard Not shown: Joe Pavkeje

4 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Strip Special: SHDHS at MusicFest Canada

Left: Joe Pavkeje (drums), Jon Gill (bass) and Devon Martene (piano) perform during their jazz band clinic. Below: Taryn Dougall practices a new finger movement technique learned at a morning clinic with Tim Malloch.

“The real measure of success is how we feel about our performances when we’re done.” - Isaac Moore “A lot of what we do is based on routine and tradition, and it called into question for me how you maintain tradition and routine, but also offer the kids a different experience over the four years they are here. It opened my mind to the different options of where kids can go and what they can learn. In the

four years you’ve got, you can do a lot.” This year’s trip to the nationals was the second for Robilliard, whose father Bob was music director at South Huron for many years. After returning to Canada from graduate school in Oklahoma, Dave Robilliard joined Moore and Weston – the three studied

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percussion together at UWO – three years ago to lighten their load. “I am able to focus on techniques and sound concepts that Isaac and Matt can’t focus on in the large classroom or band settings,” says Robilliard, who, unlike education majors Moore and Weston, pursued performance at university. He now works with the Stratford and International Symphonies, serves as a substitute for the Kitchener and Windsor Symphonies, and performs in a percussion group called DuO. His contribution has led to great success for the students. “We received a gold standard in 2008,” he says, “which was my first year working with percussion ensemble. There was still a large number of carryover of students this year – Jon Gill, Joe Pavkeje and Jeff Penn – and we won gold again. But we don’t do it for the awards. We want to see students grow as musicians and see their confidence grow on stage.” While South Huron has a full trophy case – and that’s just from this year – Moore agrees that they’re not looking for pats on the back. “The real measure of success is how we feel about our performances when we’re done. I measure our success as a teacher how we fare when we compete at a higher level (the 2008 bronze winning senior concert band competed in a higher bracket this year and earned silver). If we were not taking the kids to an uncomfortable place, it would be an exercise in self-confidence. It makes more sense to shoot a little beyond where you might be so you can develop.” The success can be attributed to the approach of the teachers, and the commitment of the students. “It’s a lot of practice, a lot of one-on-one with your section and Mr. Moore,” says graduating student Trish Pavkeje, who performed in the concert and jazz bands. “It helps that Mr. Moore and Mr. Weston are easy to talk

to. It’s easy to ask them for help.” “Everyone’s on the same level and enjoys being there with everyone else,” says Joe Pavkeje, a member of all three groups, winner of the national honour award for the jazz band, and SHDHS student of the year. “Our school isn’t segregated into athletic kids and music kids. Everyone is doing everything. It feels cohesive for that reason.” Clarinet player Stephanie Pratt agrees. “Kids from all over the school are in this, so you get a sense of diversity,” Pratt says, noting music is attractive because of the lessons you learn. “Self-discipline is important, you learn a lot of patience and togetherness.” For Stephen Mills, who has experienced bullying at school, the inclusivity makes the music room a refuge. “We have to work together to do anything in the band,” Mills says. “We all have to talk to each other, and when you have to talk to someone, you appreciate them for who they are.” And that’s exactly what Isaac Moore wants to hear. “If a student is willing to commit themselves to the educational experience, we try not to discriminate in any way. Students can find their place in the band based on their strengths and weaknesses. Without your strong players and weaker players, you can’t maintain consistency. Eventually the weak players become strong and take over the leadership roles.” Now that many members of the successful bands are graduating, Moore, Weston and Robilliard look to the future. “We take it year by year,” Robilliard says. “The younger students will now have an opportunity to succeed at a higher level than they’ve had in the past. We’re going to do a lot of different pieces in different styles, and give everyone an opportunity to learn and grow.”


Strip Special: SHDHS at MusicFest Canada

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 5

Festival snapshots

Adjudicator Tim Malloch leads the senior concert band in song during a clinic at MusicFest Canada. The venue is the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.

Stephanie Pratt spends some time resting on Katey Potter before an early morning performance.

Among the activities planned for the trip was a visit to the National War Museum. Here, Michaela Ondrejicka spends some time in a WWI bunker.

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The students finished their trip with a night of glow bowling. Here, Leanna Toornstra aims for a strike.

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Ellison Travel, a major sponsor of MusicFest, hosted a Friday night dinner with music by South Huron students, including singer Eric Robertson.

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Strip on Stage

6 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Canadian icon stars in Paul Ciufo murder-mystery at Blyth A Killing Snow runs June 23 to August 13 and features Patricia Hamilton of Green Gables fame about a decade. But I really am a theatre actress mainly, and I love working in repertory theatre, which is what they do at Blyth. For the last 12 years, I have been at Shaw Festival, and I love doing that. Before that, I used to do a lot of new Canadian plays. There is nothing more wonderful than being the first person to say a writer’s words on stage.

Patricia Hamilton is a Canadian icon best known as Rachel Lynde in Anne of Green Gables and Road to Avonlea. A long-time stage performer at Shaw Festival and other theatres, she makes her Blyth Festival debut in Grand Bend resident Paul Ciufo’s A Killing Snow, which runs June 23 to August 13. Nominated for the Governor-General’s award for drama for his play Reverend Jonah, Ciufo’s follow-up was inspired by the 2007 murders of Bill and Helene Regier, and focuses on the way people react to such events. “The panic people were feeling, and also the feeling of how could something like that happen here,” Ciufo says. “I explored that fear in a different way. My way of exploring that is writing a play.” The play also examines the surprising complexity of small town life. One character is a pig farmer who also models. Patricia Hamilton’s character runs a lunch place in Clinton, but is also a psychic. Big cities aren’t always as dangerous as we think, and small towns aren’t always safe. These ideas are brought to light in a thrilling ensemble piece, and Casey Lessard spoke with star Patricia Hamilton to learn more.

Our most memorable moment from your career is in Road to Avonlea, where Rachel Lynde has a stroke. It’s such a touching concept.

That series was very good to work on, and it was given good production values from the beginning. And it was about an iconic book that every Canadian girl had read as a child. As we went along, the scriptwriter had already seen what I could do, so that script was written for me. When you got an episode where you were featured, like that one, it’s very exciting. Sarah Polley was also in that show. She directed a film called Away From Her (adapted from a story by Alice Munro) about Alzheimer’s. It’s so interesting that you’re able to perform acts of reality for older people, for example strokes. Other Canadian films are also about this reality, for example Juno. Do you think we are different from the Americans in what we’re doing?

Interview by Casey Lessard Photo courtesy Blyth Festival You are performing in Paul Ciufo’s play A Killing Snow. Tell me about the play and your role.

It’s a murder mystery about a group of people who get stuck in a farmhouse for four days because they can’t get on the road due to whiteouts. Murders ensue. I play a middle-aged woman with a grown-up family who is on the road and ends up at this place. Her old lover owns the house and she hasn’t had anything to do with him for a long, long time. One of the other people stuck is her daughter’s ex-boyfriend. They all know each other, so when people start dying, you wonder who is killing whom. It’s an interesting play by Paul because he doesn’t only write murder mysteries. He’s trying to broaden his writing. If you get a good murder mystery, it will do the circuit and can make the playwright some money. I take it there aren’t very many older women in theatre; it’s really a young people’s game. Does that give you an advantage?

I think it does. There are a lot of plays being written about older people. The baby boomers are interested in people their


Yes. That’s one of the reasons we fight so passionately to have our own culture. We are not like the Americans in so many ways. Our culture should reflect who we are. We have to own age and the problems of those people. I think you will see stand up for our culture, and Blyth is a place that really does a lot of plays about people of that group. They’re going to see that. things that interest them about themselves. The second play I’m doing here at Blyth is called Pearl Gidley, and it’s about What’s special about Canadian theatre in particular? It’s ours. We’re writing about what we know. And the actors two elderly women living together in Blyth in 1969 who take in a boarder who is a deserter from the Vietnam War. It will who live in Canada have a better chance of being able to perform it because we know it. It’s fun to do plays about a place speak to the audiences that come to Blyth. you know. That’s what Anne of Green Gables was about, too. It’s Most people would recognize you from the role of about doing things that are part of your culture. Rachel Lynde, but you’ve been doing much more I’m an actor. I’m a Canadian actor. I love performing on over the years as an actress. What has brought you stage, and I love it in all its forms. There are plays from all to perform for the first time at Blyth? over the world that attract me. I look for plays where there is I like the theatre more than I like television and film, a part for me, where it has something interesting to say, and although the Green Gables stuff was fantastic. I did it for where I can work with congenial comrades, all of which is true seven seasons plus the four movies, so I played that role for at Blyth.

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Strip on Stage


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 7

You’ll fall in love with Sweet Charity If Thursday’s opener is any indication, Sweet Charity is sure to please crowds at the Huron Country Playhouse. Starring Stratford legend Cynthia Dale as hopeless-in-love dancerfor-hire Charity Hope Valentine, the cast is rounded out by a line of women whose talent bursts from their barely-there costumes. Their necessary sex appeal is only effective because they (and the male actors) are a solid crew of triple threats, and director Michael Lichtefeld and associates are to be credited for bring fresh talent to the Huron Country Playhouse stage to complement (and in some instances, overshadowing) Dale’s talent. “Big Spender� sets the tone for the musical, and this solid performance outshines the movie version because the actors are sexier and desperately powerful. Spot on. Sweet Charity is a romantic comedy that breaks away from the expectations of the genre, creating tension in relationships and depth in its characters so often lacking in such plays. Bringing the best of drama, comedy, dance and song, this play is one of the best staged at HCP in recent years, and is well aimed at audiences that like musicals and are familiar with the 1960s era (i.e. HCP’s core supporters). While most of the cast had two weeks to rehearse for the show, Cynthia Dale spent the better of six months learning her part to lead the way. At 49, Dale shows no signs of stopping. That said, this role was a dream she had yet to fulfill in her storied career, including the 10 years she spent as the darling of Stratford Festival artistic director Richard Monette before his retirement in 2007. Casey Lessard stole Dale away from her lunch break to discuss the role and how she ended up in Grand Bend.

Interview and photo by Casey Lessard Cynthia Dale: Sweet Charity had been a dream role of mine for 30 years. It’s been the part I have wanted to do, and I’ve had some fabulous parts. In January, I was out with some girlfriends, and they said, well, why aren’t you doing it? I said I was too old, etc., but they convinced me to do it. You’ll be 50 this year.

and sees the world through rose coloured glasses and dreams of another life. She’s a part of everybody in the world because everyone has those qualities. The show has some of the best music to sing and dance to. It’s just a fabulous show for music. It doesn’t come along that often. It had a revival on Broadway a few years ago and had a brief tour. If I didn’t step into it at this point, I may not get the opportunity again. This is your first time with Drayton. What’s that been like?

It’s great because I know so many people in the cast. I’m doing it because it’s Michael Lichtefeld’s production. I did six shows with Michael at Stratford over the years. He knows me really, really well and knows what my strengths and weaknesses are. I knew I was going to be in really good hands with him. You’ve been performing for a long time; most of your life. Do you find the roles you think you should be doing are changing?

No. I’ve been really lucky in the past two or three years. That hasn’t hit me yet. I played the crème de la crème parts in theatre for 10 years. There weren’t many more that I wanted to play other than this. There are others, but they are older ones. I’ve got some time for those. You’ve also done some production work, including judging Triple Sensation (she spent the last two years co-producing a CBC movie). With your reputation, are you able to write your own ticket?

No, I don’t write my own ticket. I still audition. But your name must carry some cachet.

I guess it does. I got offered a play in Toronto this week I’m probably going to do. I still lose parts I really want to do. Usually they’re TV or film roles. I’ve done pretty much every role I wanted to do in theatre. There are parts that come along and the director just doesn’t think you fit into his vision. That’s what theatre is.

This is your first time being to Grand Bend, but you haven’t been downtown yet.

I’ve been too busy. I started training in January, and Michael and I started rehearsals a month beforehand. I see you also do art, and especially beach scenes. I’m surprised you haven’t been down to the beach.

In August. It’s hard on the old bod. I am a dancer, thank God. I know, that’s what people keep saying. Go paint the beach. I didn’t have to learn how to dance for the part. It’s a full part There’s a mystique about people who are on Part of the plan in July is to paint. television or film that they are different from other for anybody at any age. It’s just a lot of work, but that’s okay. people, but it doesn’t exist.

Looking at where you’ve been and what you’re doing,

No. We go buy groceries. We’re normal people and we have what would you like to do for the next 25 years? It’s who Charity is. She wears her heart on her sleeve and every single joy and hardship that everyone else does. I love I want to raise a good kid. That’s the dream. That’s all. If I is full of moxy and sass. She’s a broad, but she believes in love performing, but it’s not the be all and end all for me. work, that’s lovely, too.

What attracted you to this role?

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Your last chance to Strip Show what you love about Grand Bend. Be part of the July 14 Strip swimsuit edition. Call 519-614-3614 to sign up.


Strip at the Prom

8 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 9

Mathias Memmel and Kelsey Haberer Kory Maxfield and Lindsay Geberdt Shauna Glazier and Robert Foster

Where dreams are made of South Huron District High School promgoers were in a New York State of Mind June 4. As is tradition, many hit the beach at Grand Bend before heading to the high school for dancing and year end awards.

Photos by Casey Lessard

Sheldon Clausius

Mandy Eveland

Beth Coulter and Chloe Schwartz

Kalvin Thornton and Kristen Jeffrey

2010 Students of the Year Katey Potter and Joe Pavkeje

Strip Thoughts

10 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010


all to blame for this The end is near We’reAlternative Last issue of the Strip comes to you July 14 View from the Strip By Casey Lessard The headline above may come to a surprise to some of you, but to others, you have heard the rumours already. Here’s the truth: Anjhela and I are moving to England, where she will pursue a master’s degree at the University of Oxford. How could we turn that down? Of course, the inevitable questions include: what about the paper? It will be no more. Despite some hints of interest from other people, the fact is, the paper is too much work for even me to do for the compensation received. It’s always been a labour of love, and it would be like asking a stranger to adopt your child. We are moving early September, and Anjhela starts classes in early October. I had originally planned to keep putting out papers until mid-August, but it doesn’t make much sense. Anyone who has ever made such a major move knows you need time to prepare. For me, as someone who earns most of his money from freelance and part-time work, I need time to get my act together. I need time to make a portfolio, which I haven’t done since I started the Strip. I need time to create a plan for the type of work I want to do, and time to create that work before I arrive in England. I also have many commitments to my Grand Bend photo students, who are calling for classes that have been delayed due to the newspaper. It’s one of the many loose ends I need to tie. My commitment of delivering a newspaper to you, the reader, ends with my next issue. I will always be committed to sharing my work with you, but you will no longer get this on a piece of newsprint after July 14. I humbly apologize. For most of you, your paid subscription of 16 issues runs out that issue,

and the rest of you (who signed up after July 2009) will be hearing from me personally soon. From a professional standpoint, I have achieved almost everything I desired when I started imagining the paper. I wanted it to be one of the best in Canada, but I’ll settle for one of the best in Ontario. I wanted a place to show my work and share stories, and that was a success. I wanted to be part of my home community again, and you welcomed me more than I ever dreamed. From a personal standpoint, living and working here have afforded me many great opportunities. Humber College has been wonderful to me, as have my photo students here. I live with the love of my life, and share a great apartment with two sweet little dogs. My parents are close, as are many members of Anjhela’s family. We will miss it so much here. This is not the final word from me, and you can keep up to date on everything Casey by visiting my new website: caseylessard.me . I will also add some further comments in the next issue. I hope you will add your thoughts on the end of the Grand Bend Strip and our future pursuits; if you send me a letter before July 7, I will make every effort to include it in the next issue. I have but one unfulfilled desire for the Grand Bend Strip. I want to do a swimsuit edition. Seriously. You bring the swimsuit, I’ll bring the camera. We’ll show a location or activity you love about Grand Bend. You can trust me, right? If it sounds fun to you or someone you know, drop me a note now to schedule a shoot. Even if you don’t want to bare your skin, I need to work on building a portrait portfolio. If you join my facebook page (Casey Lessard Photography) or I have your email address for the paper, you will hear from me soon about a special portrait deal for the summer. I’ll make it worth your while. In the meantime, enjoy this issue, and look for the final Grand Bend Strip mid-July. Talk to you then.

View By Lance Crossley Last month, I took a mid-year review of how I was faring with my 2010 prediction that states would face serious insolvency issues. We found evidence that this is indeed happening in the form of the Greek debt crisis as well as a number of other Euro nations that are dancing with precarious balance sheets. I said the theme of insolvency would also play out on the institutional level (with banks) and the individual level. Since I didn’t have space to address the latter two items last time, I’ll give it a go for this column. The thing with debt is that you can’t separate government debt from bank debt or from individual debt; it’s all part of the same story. For example, last issue I mentioned one of the reasons for the bailout of Greece was to keep German and French banks, who were heavily invested in Greek bonds, solvent. French and German leaders feared a Greek default would render those banks’ assets worthless, and thus engender a run on their countries’ banks. How much of a threat is the sovereign debt crisis for banks? A June 11 Bloomberg article reported that in a worst-case scenario – where Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain would all restructure their debt because of their inability to pay – banks globally would lose $900 billion dollars. In the past I have mentioned how the banking system is extremely over-leveraged. That means it would never have to reach a worst-case

scenario to create another banking crisis. It would probably only take one or two countries to default to start the domino effect. The debt crisis is also unfolding on the individual level. At the end of May, the Organization for Economic Co-operation (OECD) said in its semi-annual economic outlook that the debt levels among Canadian families threatens our economy. The report was overall quite positive on the Canadian economic recovery, but was quick to point out that “the high rate of household indebtedness is a source of risk to the outlook.” The OECD report follows a similar warning from the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada, which said household debt in Canada is 2.5 times what it was in 1989 – that’s $41,740 per person! People just don’t have any rainy day funds anymore. When something goes wrong, they are really in the mud. The main asset Canadians hold is their homes. If housing prices begin to decline – as I believe they will – a lot of people will be without a financial lifeline. The whole debt problem will eventually cause deflation. There’s no other way around it. What goes up, must come down. In that sense, my 2010 prediction wasn’t really a prediction at all. I was only observing a story that was already written during the many years of easy credit and loose monetary policy. What we are witnessing now is the story unfolding.

The big question: Who is responsible for the PVB volleyball controversy? SURVEY RESULTS (ONLINE VOTES): 49% – Lambton Shores council (18 votes) 27% – Lambton Shores administration (10 votes) 14% – Area residents (5 votes) 11% – PVB and Mark Reilly (4 votes)

What should Casey and Anjhela miss most about being here? Tell us at grandbendstrip.com


Grand Bend




Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard


Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 211 Parkhill, Ontario N0M 2K0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Rita Lessard – my mom Tom Lessard – my dad Anjhela Michielsen – social justice Jenipher Appleton – nature/birding Lance Crossley – national affairs James Eddington – fine dining Yvonne Passmore – pet training

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Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer and monthly in the winter. For this edition, 1000 were printed with more than 600 sent directly to subscribers in the Grand Bend area, and across North America. Alert the Grand Bend Strip of any address changes, and to let us know if you should be but are not receiving your copy of the paper.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2010

2nd place Feature Series 3rd place Rural Reporting Business Writing Arts Coverage In House Ad Campaign

1st place Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)

Strip Thoughts


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 11

How it all began How to start a new life Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. It was early November 1953 when my fellow apprentice soldiers and I arrived in Montreal by train. It seemed to us a huge city. We were staying at the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps on Hochelaga Street, and after debarking from the bus, we were taken to the administration building to be documented. My name was listed as Thomas John Lessard, and not the way it should, John Thomas Lessard. I tried to explain the error and was told by the clerk that it was on all my paperwork and would take too much time to rectify. He said, “This is the army. Live with it.” As a result, I have been correcting it all my life. Carrying on, we paraded to the quartermaster stores to be kitted out with uniforms, bedding, schoolbooks, rifles, etc. Our medical was set for the next day. We made our way to the barracks, which was a two storey, typical military structure. Ours had classrooms upstairs and downstairs, along with a laundry room, dormitory style bedrooms, our own administration offices and NCO quarters. It wasn’t until the next day that we discovered the worst thing about our camp. After we were rudely awakened in the morning, we were told that we had 10 minutes to get cleaned up, dressed and get outside to parade to the mess hall. When we stepped out the door and into the crisp November To the editor, I cannot believe all the fuss about the proposed beach volleyball. In 2001, the Canada Games committee held their beach volleyball tournaments here in Grand Bend. Everyone enjoyed these games and they were a huge success, with great results and participation by many volunteers and spectators. We believe that beach volleyball can be held here again and will give not only children and young people something constructive to play, but something for everyone with open minds to watch and get involved with while bringing more visitors to our resort town. Since arriving here back in 1976, I’ve sup-

air of Quebec, we were greeted with one of the most God-awful smells any of us were to meet the rest of our lives. Situated a couple of blocks away was an Imperial Oil refinery neatly on the west side of the fences. A couple of the weaker stomached youngsters turned around and went back into the building, only to be quickly escorted out again. The mess hall was a couple of streets west of where we were, which made the oily stench worse -- as if that were possible. Anyway, we struggled through the smell. That was the first of my experiences with army mess halls, and the food was actually very good. Being 16 years old we had pretty good appetites, and were even allotted extra rations. Last Monday, my wife (her name is Rita, and she’s cute) and I took at drive to Londesborough to try to find the hall at which we would be going for a wedding reception the next Saturday. Since there were no restaurants in town we carried on to Bayfield to DJs. Everyone I know is aware of this establishment. I remembered my sister telling me that an old school chum lived in this town. We looked him up and, sure enough, after 60 years we met again. Being older now, we each have minor medical problems, but still are pretty chipper. As he had to visit his doctor, we had a short but wonderful meeting. Like mine, his wife is in pretty good shape. We both chose our life partners very well.

Advice from Mom

The grey whale is actually black. The Caspian Sea and the Dead Sea are both actually lakes. The Douglas fir is a pine tree.

Found in the classified ads

By Rita Lessard The most popular month for people to get married is June. I suppose people figure if April showers bring May flowers, then June will bring good weather that is neither too hot nor too cold. This is a good time to start a new life with someone you love. It has been said that white is a colour that symbolizes happiness and good luck. Black on the other hand, would symbolize bad luck and unhappiness. I can understand why so many brides choose to wear white, so why do the grooms wear black? You’d wonder, wouldn’t you? Wearing earrings will bring the bride good luck provided they are not pearl earrings. Maybe the groom can get on this bandwagon and change his luck with a nice pair of earrings. Apparently, for every pearl a bride wears, her husband will give her a reason to cry. Great! After 47 years of marriage I find this out. Most animals that you see on the way to church are good luck, including lambs, doves or toads. Even birds that fly directly over your car are good luck. It’s bad luck, though, if a pig crosses your path or bats fly into the church. Your old bat of an Aunt Gretchen doesn’t count.

Beautiful 6-month-old kitten. Playful, friendly, very affectionate. Or handsome 32 year old husband. Personable, funny, good job, but hates cats; says he goes or the cat goes. Come see both and decide which one you’d like. (Rita: I guess that honeymoon is over.) Amana washer – owned by bachelor who seldom washed. For sale: Cows, calves, never bred; also, a gay bull. Georgia peaches – Californian grown, 89¢/lb

Quotables Golfer Elaine Johnson once drove a ball that hit a tree, bounced back and landed in her bra. “I’ll take two stroke penalty,” she said, “but I’ll be damned if I’m going to play the ball where it lays.” Rita Rudner: My grandmother was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands, and two of them were just napping.

Happy Father’s Day to Tom and all my sons who are fathers. To Casey – an honourable menHappy birthday Donald Dinney, Christopher, Things we think we know! The red coral of the Mediterranean is tion for looking after his two dogs. Will, Connie, and Olivia Lessard. Congratulations to Liette Clarke and Jeff actually blue. Burton, who have a new baby girl. ported most activities, volunteered for lots of Order your Mt. Carmel them, and always enjoyed our public beach- 150th dinner tickets now front. Bravo to Mark Reilly for bringing back Our Lady of Mount Carmel church cela participation sport for everyone to dive into. ebrates 150 years as a parish July 18 with a Give volleyball your support, mass, music, games, and a barbecue chicken Lynne Desjardine-Herrington dinner. Anyone interested in attending the Grand Bend 5 p.m. dinner must buy their tickets before July 4, the caterer’s deadline for attendance Re: PVB The whole thing is a tempest in a tea- numbers. You can do so by contacting Judy pot, and if you place any credence in Mr. Steeper (519-294-6639), Fran Roelands (519Crossley’s musings, it will be the least of our worries. Don Kobe Grand Bend




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294-6710), or Cecile Muller (519-238-8536). Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 10. Free activities require no tickets, and include refreshments and cake after the 2 p.m. mass. Souvenir pens will be given to each family after the mass, and live Christian music, face painting, and old-fashioned games will include sack races, wheelbarrow races, three-legged races, bean bag toss, relay races, etc.

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12 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strip VIPs


Tony! Tony! Tony! Grand Bend soccer families thank long-serving association president as he hits a milestone

After more than thirty years of service to the Grand Bend Soccer Association, volunteers and parents thought it was important to recognize the work of long-serving president Tony Mennen, who has been involved in the association for more than 30 years. They also hope to convince him to stay active in the organization by showing him he is one of the keys to the success of soccer programming in the area. Volunteers hosted a surprise party Saturday, and Casey Lessard was asked to distract Mennen at his Klondyke Road home while the party was set up. It seemed like a good time to f ind out what’s kept Mennen involved through the years, and f ind out his ambitions for the Grand Bend soccer program.

As told to Casey Lessard Photo by Casey Lessard [Soccer in the area started when] a bunch of Dutchmen from around here got together (in 1953) and played other centres. Then their kids got into it, and we’re that group. We went to St. Damian’s school (now the Alhambra hall, just down the road from the current soccer field). Soccer was what we did for entertainment. I used to play inter-county for London and District, which is the highest you could play around here, and we used to have to find places to play. We played in Huron Park, then West Williams. We grew up and gave it up, and a bunch of us went and played in Goderich and then Ausable league. When we started, each team would have to find sponsors, get their own soccer balls, whatever. Now the organization takes care of that. All the kids have to do is come out and play. It’s all about fundraising and making it cheaper for the kids. We have Tim Horton’s, Home Hardware, Libro, and many other sponsors. Now we have soccer fields and lots of kids. In the 1970s, there was a group of five or six people that got the association going, and I was a committee member. My uncle retired as president and I got the job. We started playing at the soccer field in the back of the Klondyke trailer park. We moved to a field in Grand Bend, and then Port Franks. It was always a struggle finding places to play. It took me over 20 years to get that property at Klondyke. It was a development property, and they had to donate some property to recreation,

so that’s how we got it. The property belongs to Lambton Shores and they’ve been good to us. It’s been fields for about fifteen years. Now we have five fields and a pavilion, and it’s still not big enough. We have about 260 kids. We almost disbanded when the Blue Jays were doing really well because all the kids went to baseball. We were down to about 50 kids. Then it went the other way. I’m sure the World Cup won’t hurt soccer here. When it’s on TV every day, the kids see that and you want to tell them to watch. Look and see how practice makes people better. And for sure you’re going to get more interest. With Toronto FC and Vancouver and Montreal, you’re getting more Canadian players, including Andy Hemming’s son, who plays for Montreal. It’s nice to see kids with talent use it. If you don’t develop that talent, what have you got? You need to have that program there and take what they can from it. It’s the same with the NHL. Someday it will come. We went from 60 kids to 250. Exeter has 400-500 kids, and then there’s London. I’d like to see minor soccer up to senior soccer. There should be more people playing there. We would need a set of lights so people can go there after work and play. You want it to keep going, and right now we don’t have any senior soccer in Grand Bend, women or men. Once our kids are 18 or 19 years

http://CaseyLessard.me The easiest way to follow Casey Lessard’s photographic life. Facebook users follow Casey Lessard Photography

old, they seem to quit. Or else they find other places to play. I would like to see them play here, but they’re not doing that. You need people to step up and organize themselves. You need facilities to get it there. The fields need to be better, with water and drainage. Lights would be nice, and you need older people to play so you have better coaches. Our kids take off and some come back but not enough. If you don’t have decent coaches, you can’t teach kids that much. So you need decent jobs in the area. We run Monday to Thursday, and some Fridays. We belong to West Middlesex, so there’s less travel. We go to Strathroy and Exeter from 11-up. Under 11, they just travel to Exeter and Nairn. All the younger ones stay here. The kids need exercise, and it provides a lot. Plus there’s camaraderie and fun, and that’s why we provide it. We try not to push the competition aspect. We’re not aggressive with that. If we had enough volunteers to do it, we would (run a competitive league). It takes time and money to do that. I have fun doing it. I like to see it progress. I seem to do a lot, but there are a lot of other people involved. We have 30 coaches and volunteers. I’m building the stands now, and I make it work when I find time. I’ve worked at it for 40 years already, and I want to see it get better. It’s part of your legacy. We want to leave something we’re proud of.


Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 13

Photo by Casey Lessard

Carnival for a Cure

South Huron District High School held its seventh annual Relay for Life for the Canadian Next year’s relay runs June 10-11 with the theme of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. Cancer Society June 11. The overnight walking relay raised $40,000 this year, bringing the Above: prostate cancer survivor Harry Dougall of Exeter gets help releasing his balloon after total raised by walkers and their sponsors to $250,000 over the years. the survivors’ lap.

You should put a saddle on that thing Fido... Come... Sit By Yvonne Passmore http://www.FidoComeSit.com Yes, I have a Great Dane and you don’t know how often I’ve heard that line. Great Danes can stop traffic quicker than a beautiful woman. Officially, he’s the height of a miniature horse. I could put a saddle on that thing. When I walk Zuma, I hear the usual references about horses and ponies. I don’t mind. Truth be told, I like the attention he gets. It impresses me when I see someone walking a brute of dog that is in control and I know that Zuma is impressive when we are walking through town. I adore my Dane and I don’t mind at all showing him off for other people that are amazed by his size (36” at the shoulder) and his wonderful personality. You need to be an attention hound yourself to like having an extra large dog. I really didn’t realize how much attention he would get before I brought him home. Right now there is a lot of construction going on in my hometown. The main park

is getting revamped, trees are being trimmed, gardens are getting beautified, roofs are being replaced, fences are being installed and all that stops when I take my Dane for a walk. A 15- minute stroll can easily turn into a 45-minute outing. Everyone wants to touch him. Everyone wants to know what he eats. Everyone wants to know if I have to refinance my house to feed him. Everyone wants to know how much he weighs. Everyone remembers someone who used to have one, or does have one, or is getting one but I rarely see Great Danes out and about. There is a huge misconception about having such a large dog. There are many that say they’d love to have one but they don’t have a big enough yard or house. This is true for people’s opinions about most extra large breed dogs. If I lived in an apartment, I’d get a Great Dane. I’d even consider a Newfoundland Dog, a Leonberger or St. Bernard. I personally have a harder time relating to toy breed dogs, which is the number one choice for most people that think they want a low maintenance dog, especially for smaller living quarters. Extra large breeds are typically quiet. They don’t bark at every thing they

hear. They love to lie around on something soft and spend time with their owners. In the case of my Great Dane, he loves his daily walks and romps through the bush but he doesn’t demand exercise like my Retriever girls do. He’ll walk for as long as I want him to or for as little and be satisfied with whatever I choose. Obviously a large breed dog needs training to walk nicely, and needs to be well socialized to put up with all the attention it gets from strangers. Of course there are some other things to consider if you want a large dog. In my home, coffee tables are banned. Knick-knacks become projectiles. Unless you place your television up a little higher you’ll miss half of your shows. Dog pillows are larger than the chair I sit in. He can keep me warm in bed, but the snoring can keep me up. Men that visit my household need to protect their ‘stuff ’ from the wagging tail. Absolutely no one is walking into my house if I’m not home. I get the biggest, fattest, wettest kisses ever, but not from my husband. Alas, my husband’s dream of a ‘mid-life crisis mobile’ won’t be happening anytime soon and he wishes they made beds bigger than king size. Sadly, most extra large dogs have extra small

life spans, but it’s a pleasure to able to share those few good years with such a wonderful creature. You can contact Yvonne through her website at www.fidocomesit.com.

Your pet is in good hands This summer, you can leave for a day, week or longer knowing they’re with friends

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To Do List

14 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010


TUESDAY, JUNE 29 Grand Bend Legion departure Grand Bend Horticultural Society Bus Trip Royal Botanical Gardens, Aviary in Hamilton and Canning Perennials in Paris. A few seats are still available. Cost $45. Contact Rosie Heipel at 519-238-5225.

Grand Bend Nurser y School is now offering five sessions a week of the Early Learning Program, a FREE high quality program designed to help prepare young children for school. If you have children 2.5 to 4 years old and reside in Lambton County, call Grand Bend Nursery School at T HURSDAY, JULY 1 Grand Bend 519-238-8514 Canada Day celebrations, plus official TUESDAYS opening of the Grand Bend Main Street. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Port Franks Street opens 4 p.m., entertainment at 5 p.m. Community Centre and fireworks at 10 p.m. Kids Matter every Tuesday. Join us as we crochet sleeping mats out of milk bags to FRIDAY, JULY 9 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. - Klondyke Sport Park, send to the children in Africa and South Grand Bend America. Bring your lunch, scissors and a #7 Grand Bend Relay for Life fundraiser for crochet hook. Call Peggy Smith at 519-296Canadian Cancer Society. Please join us for 5834 for details. an inspiring but fun evening. Entertainment produced by Ken Dinel. Food and more. 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Come out and support our teams! Info at Bingo www.cancer.ca/relayforlife or call Carole WEDNESDAYS 519-238-2297. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Colonial Parking Lot SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Grand Bend Farmers’ Market 5 p.m. - Huron Country Playhouse FRIDAYS Autumn Indulgence. The gala fundraiser 5 to 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion supports our community and showcases the Meat Draw exceptional talents of local artists. The ticket price is $90 for the whole eveFRIDAY, JUNE 18 TO SUNDAY, JUNE 20 ning, and $25 without dinner. Please note Friday 7pm-11pm, Saturday 10am-1am, that the dinner tickets are now on sale. Sunday 10am-5pm - Grand Bend Beach All proceeds support The Rotary Club of Grand Bend Optimist Burgerfest. Three Grand Bend’s projects. days of beach fun, food and entertainment. Buy your tickets now - this event sells out! For more information call 519-238-6859, or visit www.grandbendtourism.com

Arts & Entertainment

SATURDAY, JUNE 19 2 p.m. - Trivitt Memorial Anglican MONDAYS 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Grand Bend Legion Church, Exeter Golden Agers shuffleboard Strawberries and Champagne silent auction. Fundraiser for AIDS mission in 7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Africa. Featuring the Sweet Adelines and Dunes Duplicate Bridge other entertainment. Tickets: $20 by calling 519-235-2565 or online at trivitt.ca

TUESDAYS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 Grand Bend CHC Huron Country Playhouse Guild Lunch.

1 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Bridge


7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. 7 p.m. - Grandpa Jimmy’s Scottish Dunes Duplicate Bridge Bakery, Grand Bend Relay for Life meeting. Team Captains T HURSDAYS 9 to 11 a.m. – Grand Bend Legion meet at 6.30 p.m. General Meeting at 7 p.m. Golden Agers shuffleboard Everyone welcome!



519-238-6786 - 135 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend

THURSDAYS 1 to 4 p.m. - Pt. Franks Comm. Ctr. Shuffleboard

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com TGIF Exercise classes with Elinor Clarke. $3/week - all proceeds to charity.

MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS 7:30 p.m. - Pt. Franks Comm. Ctr. Cards

FRIDAYS 10 a.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Badminton

6 to 7 p.m. - Precious Blood Catholic School gym Workout for your Life. To learn more, call Shelley Van Osch at 519-234-6253.


9 a.m. – Port Franks Community Centre Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. Program includes warm up, low impact aerobic workout, strength work and stretch1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - Grand Bend Youth ing. Sponsored in part by Healthy Living Centre Grand Bend Drum Circle. Contact Anita Lambton. Cost: Free!! Everyone welcome. Contact Cindy Maxfield, Health Promoter at the Youth Centre or call 519-238-8759. at the GBACHC, 519-238-1556 ext 6 to register. 7 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Dunes Duplicate Bridge 9 a.m. – Catholic Church parking lot SATURDAY, JUNE 19 Grand Bend CHC Walking Program. 3 to 6 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Warm up stretching, walking and strength Live Music by Mike Fagan work. Call for details 519-238-1556 ext 231. Everyone welcome! Program runs until July. 1 p.m. - Port Franks Comm. Ctr. Bridge

FRIDAY, JUNE 25 4-9 p.m. - Sunset Arts and River Road 9 a.m. - Port Franks Community Galleries, River Road, Grand Bend Centre Sunset Ar ts and River Road Gala Walking program in Port Franks Openings. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments, and enter to win a $300 Sunset Arts WEDNESDAYS 9:30 a.m. – Lambton Heritage Museum gift certificate. parking lot SATURDAY, JUNE 26 Savannah Strollers Pinery Park Walking 3 to 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Group. Meet at 9:30 so we can coordi(upstairs) nate rides into the park for 10 a.m. walk. Live Music by Brian Dale Different Trail each week. Everyone welcome!

SATURDAY, JULY 3 3 to 6 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music by Bob Finlay

SATURDAY, JULY 10 3 to 6 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music by Mid Life Crisis

Health & Fitness

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Mental Health Support Group. Contact Social Worker Lise Callahan at 519-2381556 ext 230. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a tasty healthy lunch for $5. Contact Miranda at 519-238-1556 ext 222.

MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 8 to 9 a.m. - Southcott Pines THURSDAY, JUNE 24 2 to 4 p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Clubhouse Blood Pressure Clinic. Come out and Workout for your Life. To learn more, call have our blood pressure checked at this free Beth Sweeney at 519-238-5555 clinic! Prevention and early detection can MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS save a life. 8:45 to 10 a.m. (Mon/Fri), (to 9 a.m. Wed.) – Grand Bend Legion

It’s your last chance to Strip, Grand Bend. Advertise in our final issue of the Strip. Call 519-614-3614 or visit www.grandbendstrip.com/advertising by July 9.

Strip Events


Wednesday, June 16, 2010 • 15

Sunset Arts and River Road gala opening June 25 Here’s your chance to mingle with local artists and enjoy an evening out: artists at the Sunset Arts and River Road Galleries, located west of Purdy’s on River Road, invite you to their 2010 gala opening June 25 from 4 to 9 p.m. Grand Bend Strip publisher Casey Lessard is among the artists selling art at Sunset Arts this summer. His photo of tundra swans mid-flight is one of the works featured in his Casey365.com project from 2009.

Network Classifieds: AUCTIONS National Online Horse & Tack Auction: Reg. & Grade Horses, All Ages, Mini's, QH's, Paint's, Appy's, Morgan's Already Consigned, For details go to www.hodginsauctioneers.com or Call 1-800-667-2075, PL 915407. AUTOMOTIVE SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Good driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-4739207 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. Open Weekends. (Ontario only). MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. AUTOS FOR SALE 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your circumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gabies.ca. GABIES AUTO SALES, 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, Toll-Free 1-888-474-8815 / 519472-8815. BUSINESS OPPS. $$$ MAKE FAST CASH - Start Your Own Business - Driveway Sealing Systems, Possible payback in 2 weeks. Part-time, Full-time. CALL Today Toll-Free 1-800-465-0024. Visit: www.protectasphalt.com. NEED ADDITIONAL INCOME? Looking for Serious, Motivated Individuals Work from home. High Speed Internet And Telephone required. Free Training, flexible hours. Great income. www.wecare4 wellness.com. Energy Drinks = LIQUID PROFITS! Distribute our hot selling, allCanadian, pro endorsed energy drinks. Exclusive retail/vending opportunity, limited areas. Investment required. Free samples/information package. 1-800-267-2321. Peak distributors.com.

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For more information contact Your local(519) newspaper Casey Lessard: 614-3614





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16 • Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Strip in the Kitchen


A sure winner for a burger weekend As we head into the fourth annual Grand Bend Burgerfest weekend, James shows you how to make his signature burger. Warning: it packs some heat! Eddington’s Burger Ingredients

2 lbs 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 3 tbsp 3/4 cup 1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp

medium ground beef bread crumbs butter small red onion, diced minced garlic plain yogurt sea salt black pepper Dijon mustard horseradish chopped fresh parsley Worcestershire sauce soy sauce hot sauce


Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add red onion and garlic. Cook and stir until the onion softens and begins to turn brown, or about seven minutes. Transfer into a large bowl. Add yogurt, salt, pepper, Dijon mustard, horseradish, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and hot sauce. Whisk together until smooth. Mix in the ground beef and bread crumbs until evenly blended with the yogurt mixture. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Preheat barbecue (medium heat). Shape mixture into six patties, each 1/2” thick and 6” across. Grill burgers until no longer pink in the center, or about five minutes per side. Only flip once. The less movement the burger has, the better it will maintain its integrity. For those who want to be creative try making a unique chutney or relish for your burger. You can find a chutney recipe we featured here previously under In The Kitchen at www.grandbendstrip.com. Although the original recipe called for rhubarb, you could try substituting peaches, bell peppers or even hot peppers for a unique burger topping. Have fun and enjoy. Cheers James Eddington

Photo by Casey Lessard For more, look for Lifestyle > In The Kitchen at: http://www.grandbendstrip.com

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